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FS 3

Field study
Technology in the Learning
Episode 1


Name of FS Student: Mary Joy C. Pallar

Course/ Year: BEED-3
Cooperating Teacher: Mrs. Maripaz C. Tonido
Cooperating School: Abuyog South Central, Elementary School

Your Target
At the end of this activity, you will be competent in identifying and classifying
resources that facilitate teaching and learning processes.

Your Map
It will be an interesting journey to the world of educational technology. A chance
to visit and observe a learning resource center of a school will start you off.
For this process, explore the world through these steps:

4. Write down a brief reflection of your


1. Visit a school’s Learning

Resource Center. Look
around and see what
resources and facilities are

3. Make an inventory
of its available
resources and classify
them according to their 2. Ask the Learning Resource Center in-
characteristics and charge about how some equipment or
facilities are used.

Your Tools

As you visit and observe the Learning Resource Center, use activity forms
provided for you to document your observations. Ask the assistance of the one manning
the center courteously.

An Observation Guide for a


Read the following statements carefully before you observe.

1. Go around the Learning Resource Center.

2. See what learning resources are present.
3. Examine and describe how the materials are arranged and how they are
classified. Are they free from dust and moisture? Are they arranged for easy
4. Read the guidelines/procedures for borrowing of materials. Are these
guidelines/procedures posted or available for the users to refer to?
5. Familiarize yourself with the guidelines and procedures. You may choose to
take photos of the center (if allowed).

Abuyog South Central School has the library as their major learning resource
center. Stored in it are the different learning resources such as books, television,
computers, magazines and others. These resources are properly taken care of. They are
free from moisture and dust because the librarian assigned some students to clean and
polish the learning center. The books can be borrowed directly provided that they must
be handled well and returned properly after use. There are rules and regulations posted
near the door that everyone may directly notice.
After you have observed, classify the resources available in the learning resource
center. Please use the activity form provided for you.

Name of Center Observed: Abuyog South Central School

Date of Observation:
Name of Observer: Mary Joy C. Pallar
Course / Year / School: BEED-3

List of Available Learning Resources

Teaching Approaches
Available Learning Resources Characteristics and
where the Resource is
(Enumerate in bullet form) Unique Capabilities
Most Useful
Lecture approach- source
1. Print Resources These are the major of information for the
source of information for teacher’s lessons.
 Books
the teacher lessons. These Linguistic approach- help
 Encyclopedia
can also help the learners to develop ones
 Dictionaries reading skills and vocabulary and reading
vocabulary development. skills.

2. Audio Resources These are commonly used

Metacognitive approach-
 Televisions to develop the learners
let children to think
 Radio listening skills. It can also
deeply with these learning
 Speaker make learning more
3. Non-electronic Visual
 Charts These are to represent the Lecture approach- use in
 Chalkboard lessons visually. representing the lessons.
 Bulletin board

4. ICT Resources Integrated learning

 Computers They will keep you approach- the different
 Printer abreast in any current senses of the learners will
trends and information. be involved through the
use of these materials.
Impression: Their learning resource center has many learning resources that will greatly
contribute to the faster learning of the students.

Your Analysis

1. Were the learning resources/materials arranged properly according to their
functions and characteristics?

Yes. The learning resources of South Central School were arranged

properly according to their functions and characteristics. The books,
magazines and other printed materials are arranged properly in the shelves
and the ICT and other electronic resources are placed in the safe area.

2. Do the guidelines and procedures facilitate easy access to the materials by the
teachers? Why? Why not?

Yes. The guidelines and procedure facilitate easy access to the materials
by teacher because the instruction was very clear and was posted on the
door before entering the center. The selection of words in the guidelines
was very clear.

3. What are the strengths of this Learning Resource Center?

The learning resource center was dean, the resource/materials and

conductive for learning for the learners who are wanted to study inside the

4. What are its weaknesses?

There were some parts of shelves that have been destroyed. There are
some specific areas in the library that was not cleaned well.

5. What are it suggestions can you make?

We will suggest that the cleanliness of the center should be maintained.

The learning resources/materials should be always safe and good
condition should always be maintained so that it still useful to the
succeeding generation of the learners. In addition, the center must be
placed in the safe area so that children will not be going upstairs to avoid
farther accident.
Your Reflection

1. Which of the materials in the Learning Resources Center caught your interest the
most why?

Their computers caught my interest because I can see that it is new and
clean, and also it is easy to use because it is working fast.

2. Which gadgets/materials are you already confident to use/operate?

I am confident in using computer because I am familiar in its parts and its

functions, and I can use it when making presentations or projects in

3. Which ones do you feel you need to learn more about?

I think that the materials that I need to learn more about is operating the
projector because I am not familiar o how to operate it.

FS 3
Field study
Technology in the Learning
Episode 2


Name of FS Student Mary Joy C. Pallar

Course/Year: BEED-3
Resource Teacher: Mrs. Maripaz C. Tonido
Cooperating School: Abuyog South Central School

Your Target

At the end of this activity, you will be competent in appraising the effectiveness
of display boards as learning resources.

Your Map

Display board, or what we are more commonly refer to as bulletin board, is one of
the most readily available and versatile learning resources.
To reach your target, follow the boards below:

Look around a Pick one and Propose

school for evaluate the enhancements
bulletin board displays. to make the
displays. display more

Your Tools
As you look around and examine board displays, use the activity forms provided
for you to document your observations.

An Observation Guide for BOARD DISPLAYS

Read the following statements carefully before you observe.

1. Go around the school and examine the board displays. How many board
displays do you see?
2. Where the display boards found? Are they in places where target viewers
can see them?
3. What are the displays about? What images and colors do you see? How are
the pieces of information arranged?
4. What materials were used in making the displays? Are borders used?
5. Do you notice some errors? (misspelled words, grammar inconsistencies and
the like)
6. Are the messages clear and easily understood?
7. You may choose to take a photo of the display board (if allowed).

Name of the School Observed: Abuyog South Central School
Location of the School: Nalibunan, Abuyog Leyte
Date of Visit:

As I look around and examine the board displays, I have found out that
every classroom has its own board display. Some classrooms have a bulletin board
for birthdays of students, classroom cleaners, classroom officers, classroom
activities and announcement and the most common was the board display that
contains the topics to be discussed in a certain grading period. I have seen 3 board
displays outside the classroom but it was more than that if I will examine the whole
campus. Board displays were located in front of the canteen, near the faculty room
and also near the entrance gate. Most of it was announcements, activities or events
in school and etc… the announcements were written in a formal way that everyone
can quickly and clearly understand.

From among the board displays that you saw, pick the one that you got most
interested in. Evaluate it using the evaluation form below.


Topic of the Board Display; Peace and Justice

Location the Board Display in School; Inside the classroom

Check the column that indicates your rating. Write comments to back-up your ratings.

4- Outstanding 3-Very Satisfactory 2-Satisfactory 1-Needs Improvement

1 2 3 4
Effective Communication
Conveys the message quickly
and clearly.

Colors and arrangements can
catch and hold interest.

Objects are arranged so
stability is perceived.

Repeated shapes or colors or
use of borders holds displays

The style and approach entice
learners to be involved.

Letters and illustrations can be
seen from a good distance.

Free from grammar errors,
misspelled words, ambiguity.

Well-constructed, items are
securely attached.
An Evaluation Report of a Bulletin Board
(Option 2)

Bulletin Board Evaluated by: Mary Joy C. Pallar

Location: Abuyog South Central School

Brief Description of the Bulletin Board:

The bulletin board was all about peace and justice. The
bulletin board is big and the illustrations are attractive to the target audience.


Strengths Weaknesses

Description of the Bulletin The bulletin board displays The bulletin board is not
Board lay-out were durable, and effective. very attractive. There some
missing designs of the
o It was beautiful and board.
the information was
clear but it was not
very attractive.

Evaluation of educational The information is useful I don’t see the weakness in

content and other aspects. and relevant to the learners the information in the
need. The information was board.
o The display conveys clear.
the message of peace
and justice.

Recommendations or suggestions for improvements:

In making a bulletin board, aside
from being updated. You should make it very attractive. We should add pictures related to
the topic and arranged it properly.

Your Analysis
1. Did the board display design reflect the likes/interests of its target audience?
The bulletin board designs reflect to the interest of the learners because it
gives information clearly by putting several pictures related to the topic.
The whole bulletin board is attractive where all students may amaze while
reading its content.

2. Was the language used clear and simple for the target audience to understand?
Why? Why not?

Yes. The language used in the bulletin board was clear and simple that the
target audience could understand immediately. It uses information which
was clear to the learners and the font size was also clear that can be seen
few meters away.

3. What do you think was the purpose of the board display? Was it effective? Why?
Why not?

The purpose of the board display is motivational and decorative. This is

motivational because the message can motivate the learners to perform
better and have greater confidence to promote peace and order in their
early age. It is decorative because it will add beauty in the atmosphere of
the school if it was creatively made.

4. What suggestions can you make?

I suggest that in making bulletin board we should consider the neatness

and the proper arrangement of the pictures. The purpose of the bulletin
board should deal three purposes- the decorative, motivational and
instructional purposes, so that it makes learner to get better learning from

Your Portfolio
Based on your suggestions, make your own display lay-out. You may present
output through any of these:
 A hand drawing or layout
 An electronic(computer) drawing/illustration or layout
 A collage

My Board Display Lay-out

Your Reflections

1. Name at least 5 skills that a teacher should have to be able to come up with
effective board displays. Elaborate on why each skill is needed.

Teachers should have this skills in making a board display:

a. Creative
Instructional content can be dry and boring I the classroom setting.
Creative teachers try to present concepts and content in an interesting way.
b. Visual Skills
Teachers are somewhat like interior designers; they must be able to
visualize the presentation and impact they want to create, and then apply
those to the display.
c. Organizational Skills
It includes comparing and contrasting, grouping and arranging content in a
meaningful way.
d. Communication
Teachers know that words combined with visual content can often
communicate more than words alone. As well the teacher must be a good
e. Minimalistic views
Good teachers know they must minimize content to the basic building
blocks they want to teach. Rather than a display aimed at students who
understand the most, the best, or the easiest, the display would be geared
to include students who understand the least, the poorest, and the hardest.

2. Which of the skills you named in # 1 do you already have? Recall your past
experiences in making board displays. How do you practice these skills?

The skills that I have are the visual skills, organizational skill and the skill
of minimalistic views. I do practice these skills everyday by improving it
and helping others to gain such skills.

3. Which skills do you still need to develop? What concrete steps will you take on
how you can improve on or acquire these skills?

The skills that I still to developed are the creativity and communication
skills. I think still need to improve my creativity skills because based on
my output I observed that my work that was not very colorful and
FS 3
Field study
Technology in the Learning
Episode 3

SEE AND SAY (Utilization of Teaching Aids)

Name of FS Student Mary Joy C. Pallar

Course/Year: BEED-3
Resource Teacher: Mrs. Maripaz C. Tonido
Cooperating School: Abuyog South Central School

Your Target
At the end of this activity, you will gain competence in determining the
appropriateness of teaching aids to learning tasks.

Your Map
To reach your target, follow the steps below:

Step 1: Observe a class on its regular schedule.

Step 2: Note down the various teaching aids

that were utilized in the teaching process.

Step 3: comment on the appropriateness of the

teaching aids to the learning asks.

Step 4: Reflect on your learning’s.

Your Tools

As you observe the class, use the activity forms provided for you to document your

Class Observation Guide

Read the following statements carefully before you observe.

1. What is the lesson about?

2. What visual aids/materials/learning resources is the teacher
3. Observe and take notes on how the teacher presents/uses the
learning resources.
4. Closely observe the learners’ response to the teacher’s use of the
learning resources. Listen to their verbal responses. What do
their responses indicate? Do their responses show attentiveness,
eagerness and understanding?
5. Focus on their non-verbal responses. Are they leaning forward
showing their interest on the lesson and the materials? Are they
looking towards the direction of the teacher and the materials?
Do their actions show attentiveness, eagerness and

Observation Report
School: Abuyog South Central, Elementary School Grade-5

During our observation in elementary South Central School, the teacher reviews
first the class about their topic last meeting. After that, she introduces the new lesson. She
uses tablet for delivering the instruction and white board for taking notes the important
details. She also give some jokes which make the class become livelier.
Your Analysis


Grade or Year Level of Class Observed: Grade-5

Date of Observation: September 10,2 017

Brief Description of teaching Approach Used by the Teacher:

The teacher used deductive method of teaching. From general to specific. She first asks
the students regarding about their topic.

Teaching Aids used Strengths Weaknesses Comments on

(Enumerate in bullet form) Appropriateness of
the Teaching Aids
It contains It is costly. Using tablet in the
Tablet information class especially in the
about the discussion/
topic. It is presentation of the
easy to lesson was very
manipulate effective, because
and transfer student can
data to the participate actively
students’ with lessons.

1. What do you think prompted the teacher to choose the materials/learning

resources that she/he used?

I think the teacher prompted to use the material because she already know
the subject matter that she will be going to discuss and she already knows
if what the learning materials/resources she will used. Another reason is
the teacher has already the stock of instructional materials in her bank so
she can easily get these in its bank by the times that she needs to use these.

2. What difficulties, if any, did the teacher experience? How can this be managed?

I the only problem was encountered by the teacher was the behavior of the
students the teacher manages the behavior of the students through
disciplining the students. He gives some punishment to them such as
decrease of scores in daily quiz.

3. Over-all, were the learning resources/materials used effectively? Why? Why


The learning materials are used effectively in the class. Even though he
has no visual aids, the teacher still got the positive response from the class
by letting his students do some activities through their smartphones as the
source of information. The student pay their attention to the learning
material because using of this instructional material is the only way of
getting more learning.

Your Reflection

1. Put yourself in the place of the teacher. What would you do similarly and what
would you do differently if you would teach the same lesson to the same group of
students? Why?

If I were the place of the teacher, I’ll find ways to get the learners attention
in using learning materials. Similarly o his strategy, I will use the
instructional materials in relevance to the lesson that I will be going to
discuss in the class so that the learners can acquire better learning.
Differently, I will make instructional materials which are more attractive
to the learners. I will improve his style in teaching with the used of
instructional materials, instructional materials should be very attractive
that could catch the learners attention.
FS 3
Field study
Technology in the Learning

Episode 4

TOOLS OF THE TRADE (Teaching Aids Bank)

Name of FS Student Mary Joy C. Pallar

Course/Year: BEED-3
Resource Teacher: Mrs. Maripaz C. Tonido
Cooperating School: Abuyog South Central School

Your Target
At the end of this activity, you will gain competence in preparing instructional
materials that are appropriate to the learning content.

Your Map

To reach your target, follow the steps below:

Step 1. Decide on a specific content area

Step 2. Find out the learning resources

relevant to your topic that are available from
your school/university’s learning resource

Step 3. Develop a pile of teaching aids

(flash cards, pictures, cut-outs
Step 4. Organize them in a box.

Your Tools

As you observe the class, use the activity forms provided for you to document
your observations.

An Observation / Survey Guide

1. Are these learning resources useful for your topic in the resource center you
2. Are the available materials appropriate for your target grade/year level?
3. List down those that can be useful for you topic.
4. What other materials can you make? (Like flash cards, posters, cut-outs,
transparencies, etc)?


Name of the School Observed: Abuyog South Central, Elementary School

School Address: Nalibunan, Abuyog, Leyte
Date of Visit: September 10, 2017

When we visited Abuyog South Central, Elementary School, we saw

different kinds of printed materials like books, modules and magazines aside
from the printed materials the learning center has also computer, television and
radio. These learning materials are very useful in delivering instruction. The
available materials that we saw in the learning resource center are appropriate in
our target grade level. The materials that are useful in our topic are the books
and modules. The materials that we can make are the flip charts, flash cards,
picture cards, word cards and pocket cards.

Your Analysis
Give at least three benefits of doing a survey of available materials before making
your own materials? Explain each.

1. LESS EXPENCES; Surveying of available materials before making your own

materials is important because it will help us lessen our expenses. By doing a
survey it will help me determine the materials that are available and materials that
are not available. It will help me know what materials that are needed to be made
and bought. Through this I can exactly buy the materials that are enough in
making my own instructional materials. In this I can be sure that the materials I
bought will all be used exactly. So, buy doing a survey we will lessen our
expenses because we already know what materials are needed to bought.

2. LESS EFFORT AND TIME; conducting a survey can lessen our effort and
time. Again, by conducting a survey we will learn what materials are available
and not available. If we will make instructional materials directly without
knowing that there are also available materials on what you have just made, then,
you are just wasting your time and effort. It is very important to conduct a survey
so that we will know what materials are available that will be appropriate for topic
so that we will no longer make another one, but instead we will reuse or improve
the existing materials. In this way we can lessen our time and effort.

3. By conducting a survey we can GATHER INFORMATION on how to improve

and beautify our own instructional materials. If we conduct a survey, we will
know the things on how the instructional materials were made. We can also know
the weaknesses and strength of the materials. In connection to this, the
information that we have gathered will be used to apply for the future making of
better, durable and more beautiful instructional materials.

Your Reflection

1. Which of the materials did you like to make the most? Why?

Among the materials that I had made, I like making the most was the flip
chart. I love making the flip chart because I enjoyed cutting and pasting
the pictures of my flip chart. I also enjoyed watching and deciding on what
color I will use in my flip chart as a background. Aside from it, I also
enjoy writing even though my penmanship is not good.

2. What difficulties, if any, did you encounter in making the materials? How did
you overcome them?

The difficulties that encountered in making my instructional materials

were the color combinations and the lack of exact budget. In the color
combinations, it gave me a hard time to decide what color to used, but
with the help of the color wheel and the suggestions of my friends I still
overcome those difficulties and I came-up to a nice color combinations. In
the budget, though we are all suffering from financial difficulties, God still
provide the budget to buy my materials in making my instructional

3. What tips can you give teachers regarding preparation of teaching materials?

The tips that I can give to teachers regarding in the preparation of teaching
materials is first they must plan and decide of what instructional materials
they will be making after conducting a survey. Plan and decide the
materials and color combinations needed to be bought so that the exact
materials can be bought exactly and lessen expenses. Second, be sure that
the materials you made are durable so that after using you can keep the
materials and may use it by the time you have a relevant topic, in this way
you can reduce effort and time. Lastly, we must prepare the materials
ahead of time so that we could come up to a materials that is not done in a
rush way.

FS 3
Field study
Technology in the Learning
Episode 5
PAPER WORKS! (Preparing Hand-outs)

Name of FS Student Mary Joy C. Pallar

Course/Year: BEED-3
Resource Teacher: Mrs.Learning
Maripaz Resources
C. Tonido on a Specific Content Area
Cooperating School: Abuyog South Central School

Use this graphic organizer to present the learning resources relevant to the topic chosen. On the
line inside this box, indicate if the resource is already AVAILABLE, MAY BE, PURCHASED, OR
Target(by you, of course!)
At the end of this activity, you will gain competence in preparing instructional
materials (hand-outs) that are appropriate to the learning
TOPIC: Tools and Equipment in Drafting (TLE)
Grade/year level: Grade-5

Your Portfolio

Will be made: Picture cards-

This will help me in
presenting my topic
because this is one way of 21
showing the students the
concrete illustration of the
real object.
Will be made: Pocket chart-
Will be made: Flash card- This can be very helpful in
Use to develop the fast presenting my topic
mental abilities of the because I can use this
children in answering the pocket of putting all my
questions in math. picture cards and word
cards after presenting my
topic. At the same time it
can also be used as a
decorative in the classroom
Available: Book-
This is the most valuable Math, English, Sibika, Will be made: Flip chart -
source of my topic because Filipino This can be used by
in t are not only the presenting different subject
encoded information but matters for an easy access
also pictures that are very Specific Content Area of information and the topic
useful in presenting my can be built quickly that will
topic. I will lt my student clarify the lesson discussed
open the page where my by the teacher.
topic is located.

Available: Computers- Will be made: Word cards-

One common technology Used to identify the
that will help me present meaning of the words and
my topic. I will let my Available: Chalk board- the different action words.
student show pictures of It is very important because
living things and non- living the teacher can use this in
things that start from vowel writing the important
and consonant letters. The details about the topic.
computers contain video,
audio and printed

Your Analysis

After working with your handout, answer the following questions:

1. What are the good features of a hand-out?

The good features of hand-out are :

a. Strong Title- this will convince the presenter to explore or encourage

reading the subject matter due to its interesting title.
b. Easy to follow- a hand-out should be on a progressive order so that
pupils/student can easily follow the discussion.
c. Keyword in a bold type- use to emphasize or identify the important ideas
to be presented in the class.
d. No more than two fonts in a document- to have text uniformly and
cleanliness of the hand-out.
e. Clear-undeterred hand-out-the hand-out should be neat, clear and
f. Subtitles make easier to read- to give value or importance to the word,
so that it will easy to read.

2. Which of these features are present in the hand-out I made?

The features that are present to my handout are:

a. Strong title- the title of my handout is strong and interesting.

b. Easy to follow- my handout is easy to follow because it is on the format of a
progressive order of ideas.
c. Keyword in a bold type- I emphasize the important words of my handout by
bolding it.
d. Subtitles make easier to read- I made my subtitle bold, in large font size and
use a bullet form so that it will be visible to read.

3. Which of these features are not presented in the hand-out I made?

The feature that are not presented in my handout are:

1. No more than two font in the document- in my handout I used three

different font styles.
2. Clear-undeterred handout- this is not present in my handout because
my handout is not very neat.

Your Reflection

1. What difficulties, if any, did you encounter in making the handouts? How did
you overcome them?

The difficulties that I have been encountered in making my handout are-

first, I really don’t have the idea on how to make a good successful
handout. It takes me to two to three hours suffering the net looking for the
criteria of a good handout. I collect the ideas that I had searched in the
internet and ask my classmates if the information was correct. In this way
I overcome this difficulty.

2. What tips can you give teachers regarding preparation of teaching handouts?

The tips that I can give to teachers in making a handout are; first, the
teacher consider the different good features of a handout that includes
strong title, easy to follow, keywords should be in bold type, no more than
two fonts in the document, clear- uncluttered handout and subtitles should
easy to read. Second the handout that the teacher must make is simple but
elegant; the topic should be easily recognized and clearly made. The
specific ideas and lessons must be related to the topic and clear
information and explanation should be given. Third, make sure that he
objectives of your topic must fit to the level of learners you are targeting.

FS 3
Field study
Technology in the Learning
Episode 6

SLIDESHOW BIZ (Slide Presentation)

Name of FS Student Mary Joy C. Pallar

Course/Year: BEED-3
Resource Teacher: Mrs. Maripaz C. Tonido
Cooperating School: Abuyog South Central School
Your Target

At the end of this activity, you will gain competence in developing and utilizing
materials (slide presentations) which involve students in meaningful learning.

Your Map

An effective teacher makes it her/his business to create slide presentations that

really enhance instruction.

To reach your target, do the following tasks:

Develop a slide
Select a topic or presentation to Try out your
subject matter. support a presentation to a
learning activity group of
on the topic. learners.

Write a
Let the learners narrative
evaluate your pointing out the
presentation. strengths and
weaknesses of
Your Tools
As prepare your slide, use the activity form below.

Title of my Presentation:
Subject Matter/Topic
Enhancements (check appropriate box):

Graphics Music Hyperlink

Animation Voice Animation Others, please


Graphics Music ________________

Description of Appropriate Use:

Presentation Storyboard:
Slide 1 Slide 2 Slide 3 Slide 4

Slide 5 Slide 6 Slide 7 Slide 8

Slide 9 Slide 10 Slide 11 Slide 12

Your Analysis
After working on your slide presentation, answer the following questions:

1. What are the good features of a slide presentation?

2. Which of these features are present in the slide presentation you made?

3. Which of these features are not present in the presentation you made?

Your Reflection

1. What difficulties, if any, did you encounter in making the slide presentation?
How did you overcome them?

My Portfolio

Attached a CD containing of your presentation here.

1. An electronic copy of your presentation here

2. A collection of downloaded slide presentations, slide templates, clip arts, fonts
that may be useful for you in the future. (Be sure to paste a listing of the contents
of the CD on this page, too.)

FS 3
Field study
Technology in the Learning
Episode 7

MY E- WORLD (Websites)

Name of FS Student Mary Joy C. Pallar

Course/Year: BEED-3
Resource Teacher: Mrs. Maripaz C. Tonido
Cooperating School: Abuyog South Central School

Your Target
At the end of this activity, I will be competent in evaluating electronic resources
for appropriate instructional use.

Your Map
For this process, explore the world through these steps:

5. Reflect on your
FS experience.
1. Observe a class
Read the following statements carefully before you observe. and take note of
the topic being
1. What is the lesson about? What are the teacher’s objectives? presented.
4. Evaluate the__________________________________________________________________
materials or __________________________________________________________________
programs __________________________________________________________________
2. Surf the net to
find sites that
provide support
materials and/or
3. List and describe at
least 5
programs (web
sites/interactive quests/games) on
2. Note the important concepts that the teacher is emphasizing.the topic.
Please use the Class Observation Guide provided for you.
Class Observation Guide

3. Note the skills that the teacher is developing in the learners.

My Analysis

Using the information you got from observing the class, surf the internet for
electronic resources that will be useful in teaching the same lesson. Choose the most
appropriate ones. Recall the guidelines you learned in Educational Technology about
evaluating electronic resources. These guidelines will help you fill out the matrix below.

Grade/Year Level
of the Class

Topic (of the class

you observed)

Objectives of the

Name of Description of the How it can be used in

Electronic Resource Electronic Resource the class you observed




Games (on-line)




Your Reflections
After working on your slide presentation, answer the following questions:

1. Describe your experience in surfing the internet for appropriate electronic

resources for the class? Did you find it easy or difficult?

2. How did you choose which electronic resources to include here? What did you
consider? Explain?

3. Reflect on you technology skills. What skills do you already have and what skills
would you continue to work on to be better at utilizing electronic resources?

My Portfolio

Visit www.technology.com or other teacher resource websites. Print useful

instructional materials (worksheets, visual aids, flash cards, rubrics, etc.) and include
them here. Indicate how they might be useful considering your major or area of
FS 4
Field study
Exploring the Curriculum

Episode 1



Name of FS Student Mary Joy C. Pallar

Course/Year: BEED-3
Resource Teacher: Mrs. Maripaz C. Tonido
Cooperating School: Abuyog South Central School

Your Target

At the end of this activity, you should be able to explain the concepts, nature and
purposes of the curriculum and how these are translated into the school community.

Your Map

To reach your target of getting the different concepts, nature and purposes of the
curriculum, do the following tasks:

4. Request for a
sample of their

3. Inquire on the 4.1 Scope/

type of Sequence
curriculum Chart
used in their
school. 4.2 Teaching
2. Interview a Guide
community and 4.3 Sample
ask views about Lesson Plan

1. Visit the the traditional/

school. progressive

Your Tools

1. Accomplish the H Chart. Interview an administrator or a faculty member. Get

their ideas/ views of the curriculum. Write the difference on both sides and the
similarities at the center and then write your personal insights.

Traditional Progressive
Curriculum Curriculum
_________________________ _________________________
_________________________ _________________________
_________________________ _________________________
_________________________ _________________________
_________________________ _________________________
_________________________ _________________________
_________________________ _________________________
_________________________ _________________________
_________________________ _________________________
_________________________ _________________________
_________________________ _________________________
_________________________ Similarities _________________________
_________________________ _________________________
_________________________ _________________________
_________________________ _________________________
_________________________ _________________________
_________________________ _________________________
_________________________ _________________________
_________________________ _________________________
_________________________ _________________________
_________________________ _________________________
_________________________ _________________________
_________________________ _________________________
_________________________ _________________________
_________________________ _________________________
_________________________ _________________________

My Personal Insights:
2. Find out what ________________________________________________________
curriculum is being used in the schools / colleges / universities near
your place. Check the corresponding column.

Types of Curricula
Name of School / Recommended Written Taught Assessed Learned Hidden
College / University Curricula Curricula Curricula
Curricula Curricula Curricula






My Personal Insights:
Your Enriching Activities

If you are to design a curriculum for your own school, what are the things you
need to consider? Accomplish the graphic organizer below.

Things I Need
to Do to
Consider in
Preparing My
Your Analysis

1. Why do we need to consider the traditional and progressive points of view of


2. How do the different educational philosophies relate to the curriculum in the

schools you visited? Cite an examples / situations?

3. Why is there a need to revise the curriculum from time to time?


Your Reflections / Your Insights

Your Portfolio

Picture of a Traditional School

Picture of a Progressive School

FS 4
Field study
Exploring the Curriculum

Episode 2


Name of FS Student Mary Joy C. Pallar

Course/Year: BEED-3
Resource Teacher: Mrs. Maripaz C. Tonido
Cooperating School: Abuyog South Central School

Your Target
At the end of this activity, you should be able to identify the components of the
curriculum and curricular approaches.

Your Map

For this concept, go through the following steps:

1. Visit a school and
find out how they 2. Interview a school
attain the aims of administrator / faculty
elementary and about how they
secondary and concretize their school’s
tertiary education vision and goals into the
4. Interview one or more 3. Record the different
two students and ask methods / strategies that
them their school’s they employed to attain
vision / mission their school’s objectives.

Your Tools

For this Episode, visit a school / university or get a copy of the school brochure.
Copy the school / university’s vision, mission and goals on this page.




Your Analysis

1. How important is the school’s vision, mission and goals in designing the


2. What methods and strategies were employed by the schools community to realize
these goals?


3. How did the students manifest that they have internalized their vision, mission
and goals?


Your Reflections / Your Insights

Your Portfolio

Paste the school’s brochure on this page.

Proof / Activities / Ways to help the students internalize their school’s
vision, mission and goals.

Put a sample of any of the following on this page.

 Academic budget

 Scope and sequence chart

 Teaching guide

 Course guide
FS 4
Field study
Exploring the Curriculum

Episode 3


Name of FS Student Mary Joy C. Pallar

Course/Year: BEED-3
Resource Teacher: Mrs. Maripaz C. Tonido
Cooperating School: Abuyog South Central School

Your Target

At the end of this activity, you should be able to discuss the teaching and learning
process in curriculum.

Your Map

In order to reach your target you should do the following steps using the given

3. Write your
insights on
teaching and

2. Observe a class.

1. Write your ideas on teaching and learning.

Your Tools

For this episode, you will use the activity form given below.

Interview a teacher. Ask if they perform these series of actions in the

teaching process.

PLAN __________________________________________________
IMPLEMENT __________________________________________________

EVALUATE __________________________________________________

Observe a class, record the situations where these behavioral learning theories are
applied in a real classroom work.

Behavioral Learning Theories – emphasize observable

behavior such as new skills, knowledge or attitudes which
can be demonstrated.

Behavioral Learning Theories – unobservable mental
process are used to learn and remember new information or
acquire skills.

Discovery Learning – individual learns from his discovery

of the environment.
Reception Learning – learners are actively involved in
their own learning

Your Analysis

1. Explain why teaching and learning give life and meaning to the curriculum.

2. Discuss why the deluge of information poses a great challenge to both teaching
and learning.


Your Reflections / Your Insights

Your Portfolio

Make a collage of pictures of the teaching process.

Make a collage of pictures of the learning process.

FS 4
Field study
Exploring the Curriculum

Episode 4


Name of FS Student Mary Joy C. Pallar

Course/Year: BEED-3
Resource Teacher: Mrs. Maripaz C. Tonido
Cooperating School: Abuyog South Central School

Your Target
At the end of this activity, you should be able to differentiate the different
curriculum design models.

Your Map
To reach your target, you should do these steps.

1 Observe a class.

2 Identify the curriculum design used

by schools.

3 Reflect and write my

insights/learning gained
from the activities.

Your Tools

A curriculum can be organized either horizontally or vertically. Write samples of

them on the illustrations.



Your Analysis

1. Examine the Basic Education Curriculum. What aspects do you want to modify.


2. What curriculum models do you prefer? Why?


Your Reflections / Your Insights

Subject-Centered Problem-Centered
Design Model What do I like best in these Design Model
curriculum designs?

Design Model

Your Portfolio

Make an illustration of any of the three curriculum design models. Be sure to

incorporate the salient features of the design.
FS 4
Field study
Exploring the Curriculum

Episode 5


Name of FS Student Mary Joy C. Pallar

Course/Year: BEED-3
Resource Teacher: Mrs. Maripaz C. Tonido
Cooperating School: Abuyog South Central School

Your Target

At the end of this Episode, you should be able to cite the dimensions of
curriculum design.

Your Map

To hit your target, you must do the following task.

Give some
Examine a Identify the situation
curriculum dimensions of samples of each
the curriculum dimension

Your Tools

Borrow a curriculum from the school near in your place. Accomplish the samples
to show the dimensions of curriculum design.

Equitable assignment of content, time, experiences and other elements.

Write the contents in one (1) subject are for the first grading period.
ARTICULATION Curriculum is arranged vertically or


Write a sample content of one (1) topic in a subject area from level to level or
grade to grade.


Association happens among or between elements that happens at the same time.


The content, topics, learning experience and
SCOPE organizing of an educational plan.

Write sample topics in a subject area.

SEQUENCE Content and experiences are arranged in a

hierarchical order.

Write a topic arranged from simple to complex.

INTEGRATION Everything is integrated and interconnected.

Vertical repetition and recurring approaches of the

CONTINUITY content provide continuity.

Examples of the topics in a subject area where content is organized in a spiral

fashion increasing in breadth and depth.

Your Analysis

1. Why is there a need to articulate the lessons from grade school to high school?


Your Reflections / Your Insights

As a teacher, I need to understand fully well the dimensions of curriculum design



Your Portfolio

Make a curricular web to illustrate that the content in the curriculum has no

FS 4
Field study
Exploring the Curriculum

Episode 6


Name of FS Student Mary Joy C. Pallar

Course/Year: BEED-3
Resource Teacher: Mrs. Maripaz C. Tonido
Cooperating School: Abuyog South Central School

Your Target
At the end of this episode, you should be able to enumerate the six (6) features of
a curriculum.

Your Map


do teachers teach?

do teachers teach?

do teachers teach?

much of the teachers’

lessons were learned?

do we teach?

Your Tools

Interview a teacher in the school you visited and inquire how they have utilized
their parents as school partners in education.

Your Analysis

1. As a future teacher, I need to know the six (6) features of the curriculum

Your Reflections / Your Insights

Your Portfolio

Make two (2) posters / placards on the features / approaches of the curriculum.

FS 4
Field study
Exploring the Curriculum

Episode 7


Name of FS Student Mary Joy C. Pallar
Course/Year: BEED-3
Resource Teacher: Mrs. Maripaz C. Tonido
Cooperating School: Abuyog South Central School

Your Target
At the end of this activity, you should be able to identify the contribution of
students in enhancing and assessing the curriculum.

Your Map

To attain your target, you should do the following:

1. Identify the
of the
curriculum 2. State the role
of technology
in delivering
the curriculum. 3. Explain the
different ways
of assessing
the curriculum

Your Tools

1. Explain ways on how to effectively implement the State the roles of the
curriculum. Interview the school administrator / following in
principal. curriculum

1. Learner
2. Parents

3. Faculty Members

4. Administrator

5. Community Members

6. Other Stakeholders

2. Visit the Learning Resource Center of a school. Interview the media /

learning resource staff. How does technology help in delivery the curriculum?



3. Interview a faculty member or an administrator. Ask what criteria they use in

evaluating their school curriculum.


Your Enriching Activities

Complete the graffiti wall and ask students to write what tools they learned in
assessing the curriculum.
Your Portfolio

Write an acronym for curriculum assessment.


FS 4
Field study
Exploring the Curriculum

Episode 8


Name of FS Student Mary Joy C. Pallar
Course/Year: BEED-3
Resource Teacher: Mrs. Maripaz C. Tonido
Cooperating School: Abuyog South Central School

Your Target
At the end of this activity, you should be able to discuss different curricular issues
and models.

Your Map

3. Write insights / reflections on these


2. Interview faculty on the merits and

demerits of these innovations

1. Visit DepEd or interview school administrators on

various curricular issues and concerns.

Your Tools

Interview school officials, faculty members or read education journals and

magazines to complete the matrix.

Curricular Advantages (Merits) Disadvantages My Insights

Innovations (Demerits)




Your Enriching Activities

Select one innovation and complete the discussion web below. Interview
Education students to get their ideas on curricular innovations.

Do we really
need to

My Conclusions

Your Reflections / Your Insights

State your commitment as a student regarding curricular innovations.

I _________________________________ an
Education student of _______________________
__________________________ fully commit
myself to implement the curricular innovation on
(University / College / School)

to the best of my ability.

I fully realize that I need to do this for the

betterment of my learners and that of my society.

Name and Signature

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