Global Consumer Kpi Stats July 2018 PDF

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JULY 2018

KPI Stats
Top-line global segment
performance by market
Table of Contents
& Glossary
About this report | 3 Limited-service restaurants (LSR)
Establishments whose patrons generally
Limited-service restaurants | 4 order or select items and pay before eating.
Key LSR takeaways Food and drink may be consumed on-
Visit factor importance: global average premise, taken out or delivered to
Visit factor importance: by country customers’ locations. This segment includes
Asia quick-service and fast-casual restaurants
Europe Full-service restaurants (FSR)
Middle East Establishments with a relatively broad menu
North America along with table and/or booth service and a
South America waitstaff. Patrons typically eat on-premise,
ordering from waitstaff and paying after
Full-service restaurants | 34 their meal. Some establishments may also
Key FSR takeaways offer takeout service. This segment is
Visit factor importance composed of midscale, casual-dining and
Global averages fine-dining restaurants
Australia On-premise
Europe Refers to orders consumed at the
Middle East establishment
North America
South America Off-premise
Collectively refers to takeout, drive-thru and
delivery orders
Contacts | 64

© 2018 Technomic Inc. 2

About This Report REGION

North America


Canada 300

Mexico 300

In February 2018, Technomic conducted a This report looks at the drivers for limited- U.S. 400
15-minute online, mobile-enabled survey on service (LSR) and full-service restaurant South America 1,000
foodservice usage, attitudes and purchasing (FSR) visits, and how they differ by market.
Brazil 500
decisions among a sample of 7,000 Data is based on the following question:
consumers ages 18+ from 20 countries. To How important or unimportant are the Colombia 500
qualify, consumers must purchase food or following attributes to you when choosing an Europe 1,500
beverage away from home. The survey was (LSR or FSR) to visit? Data shows top two
France 300
translated from English into Arabic, box of a five-point scale (i.e., somewhat and
Chinese, French, German, Hindi, Japanese, very important). Country slides show the 10 Germany 300
Korean, Malay, Portuguese, Russian, Latin most important attributes at LSRs or FSRs Russia 300
American Spanish, Spanish (Spain) and in that country. Due to changes in
Filipino. Consumers were asked to select methodology, not all data is comparable the Spain 300
their preferred language for the survey. previous version of this report. U.K. 300

Asia 2,000

China 400

India 400

Japan 300

Malaysia 300

Philippines 300

South Korea 300

Australia 500

The Middle East 1,000

Kuwait 225

Saudi Arabia 400

UAE 375

TOTAL 7,000

© 2018 Technomic Inc. 3

Key takeaways
Global averages
By country
● Asia
● Australia
● Europe
● Middle East
● North America
● South America

© 2018 Technomic Inc. 4

Key LSR Takeaways

Taste is the most important LSR delivery is especially common Economic status generally impacts
attribute overall ● Ambiance is one of Japanese attribute importance
● Taste and the use of fresh ingredients consumers’ top considerations, relating ● Low prices are especially important in
rank in each country’s top 10 LSR to their high tendency of dining in Spain, relating to the country’s high
attributes ● Compared to the global average, fast unemployment rate
● Convenient location also ranks in each service is less important in France as ● Premium ingredients are highly
country’s top 10 attributes consumers often relax at mealtime important in China as rising incomes
are allowing consumers to seek out
higher-quality options
Consumers seek a balance between Patronage frequency often influences
convenience and quality at LSRs attitudes
● Filipinos visit LSRs more often than Healthy items are prioritized in
● Globally, 85% of consumers say the use countries that order healthy fare
of fresh ingredients is important at those in all other countries tracked and
consider a wide variety of attributes to often, including China and India
LSRs and 82% say the same for fast
service be very important ● Healthy options are also important in
● Compared to the global average, a countries that have a high rate of
convenient location is less important in restrictive diets, such as the Middle
Order format often impacts the Germany; This could be due to lower East and Malaysia
relative importance of attributes LSR patronage as consumers are more
willing to travel when they do dine out
● Convenient location is prioritized in
Canada and Australia, where takeout is
particularly common
● Location tends to be less important in
Kuwait and Saudi Arabia, where

© 2018 Technomic Inc. 5

Factor Importance
LSR Menu Attributes

Taste is the most important LSR attribute Attribute Highest in… Lowest in…
overall. Likewise, the use of fresh
ingredients is highly important as this 1
Taste and flavor: 87% rated 94% Philippines;
74% South Korea
enhances taste perceptions. And despite somewhat or very important Russia
usual demands for affordability at LSRs, 2 Use of fresh ingredients: 85% 94% Russia 70% Kuwait
premium ingredients are as important as
low prices globally. This demonstrates a 3 Wide menu variety: 80% 91% Colombia 62% South Korea
need to convey quality within appropriate 4 Use of premium ingredients: 74% 93% Colombia 34% Japan
price ranges, especially as consumers
become more concerned with quality. In 5 Availability of healthy options: 74% 89% Philippines 48% Japan
fact, 55% of consumers globally say they are 6 Offers combo meals: 70% 87% Philippines 47% U.K.
seeking out higher-quality menu options
away from home now than two years ago. 7 Able to customize meal: 68% 79% Colombia 32% Japan

Able to change portions relative to

8 77% India; Philippines 48% Canada
price: 66%

9 Large portions: 57% 82% Philippines 26% Japan

10 Name-brand items/ingredients: 57% 79% India 29% Japan
11 Availability of limited-time offers: 52% 66% Malaysia 31% South Korea
12 On-trend menu options: 51% 73% India 30% Japan
13 Small/mini portions: 47% 69% China 30% U.K.

Base: 3,500 global foodservice consumers 18+

Q: How important or unimportant are the following attributes to you when choosing an LSR to visit?

© 2018 Technomic Inc. 6

Factor Importance
LSR Concept Attributes

Convenience, in terms of location and Attribute Highest in… Lowest in…

service, is vital for LSRs as many visits are
for quick and easy meals. 1
Convenient location: 83% rated
93% Philippines 70% Kuwait
somewhat or very important
Still, friendly service and atmosphere are
important to most consumers, showing that 2 Overall value: 83% 82% Philippines 71% South Korea
consumers don’t want to sacrifice a 3 Fast service: 82% 95% Philippines 76% U.K.
welcoming environment for quick service.
Friendly, knowledgeable service:
The prioritization of value over low prices 4
94% Philippines 45% Kuwait
shows that consumers are considering other
factors such as quality and portion sizes in 5 Restaurant image/reputation: 77% 89% Philippines 60% Japan
their value considerations. This also suggests
6 Quiet, relaxing atmosphere: 76% 90% Philippines 57% South Korea
that consumers may be willing to pay more
for certain factors such as high-quality 89% Colombia;
ingredients. 7 Restaurant atmosphere: 76% 62% Australia
Philippines; Russia

8 Low prices: 74% 88% Philippines 63% Kuwait

9 Coupons or special offers: 54% 65% Brazil; India; UAE 35% Germany

26% Japan; South

10 Kid-friendly: 53% 79% Philippines

11 Use of technology: 48% 69% Philippines 23% U.K.

12 A lively atmosphere: 47% 83% India 26% France

Base: 3,500 global foodservice consumers 18+

Q: How important or unimportant are the following attributes to you when choosing an LSR to visit?

© 2018 Technomic Inc. 7

South Korea

© 2018 Technomic Inc. 8

China LSR Visit Factor Importance
(Somewhat important & very important)

Taste & flavor 88%

Fast service 86%

Use of fresh ingredients 86%

Use of premium ingredients 86%

Chinese consumers primarily seek flavorful
items and quick, friendly service from LSRs.
Fresh and premium ingredients resonate for Friendly, knowledgeable service 85%
their perceived quality and healthfulness,
especially as incomes rise and consumers
seek higher-quality fare. In fact, 78% of
Chinese consumers say they’re seeking out Wide variety of options 85%
higher-quality options away from home now
than two years ago, compared to 55% of
consumers globally. Convenient location 84%
Compared to the global average, the
availability of healthy options at LSRs is more
important in China. Likewise, Chinese Low prices 83%
consumers consider 6.2 of their last 10
restaurant meals to be healthy, more than
any other country tracked. Availability of healthy options 83%

Base: 241 Chinese foodservice consumers Overall value 82%

Q: How important or unimportant are the following attributes to
you when choosing an LSR to visit?

© 2018 Technomic Inc. 9

India LSR Visit Factor Importance
(Somewhat important & very important)
Taste & flavor 93%

Fast service 90%

Use of fresh ingredients 90%

Convenient location 87%

Flavor, fast service and fresh ingredients are

A quiet, relaxing atmosphere 87%
key for LSRs in India. And despite a high rate
of delivery orders in India, a relaxing
ambiance is still important, showing that
Indian consumers have high expectations for
Availability of healthy options 87%
when they do choose to dine in at LSRs.
Compared to the global average, the Overall value 86%
availability of healthy options at LSRs is more
important in India. Likewise, Indian
consumers consider 5.9 of their last 10 Wide variety of options 86%
restaurant meals to be healthy, compared to
5.1 globally.
Restaurant atmosphere 85%

A lively atmosphere 83%

Base: 195 Indian foodservice consumers

Restaurant image/reputation 83%
Q: How important or unimportant are the following attributes to
you when choosing an LSR to visit?

© 2018 Technomic Inc. 10

Japan LSR Visit Factor Importance
(Somewhat important & very important)

Overall value 83%

Use of fresh ingredients 80%

Taste & flavor 79%

Japanese consumers prioritize overall value Convenient location 75%

when choosing an LSR to visit. While food
and beverage are key to the value equation—
with freshness and flavor ranking as top Restaurant atmosphere 72%
three LSR attributes—Japanese consumers
are especially likely to emphasize cost. In fact,
cost accounts for 27% of Japanese
Low prices 70%
consumers’ total value equation, more than
any other country tracked except Australia
and Canada. Price could be key as Japanese
consumers have a variety of affordable Fast service 70%
options available across the foodservice
landscape, including street foods, LSRs and
popular convenience stores. Wide variety of options 67%
The importance of ambiance versus other
attributes relates to Japanese consumers’
tendency to dine in; 67% of Japanese
Offers combo meals 64%
consumers’ foodservice occasions are for
dine in, compared to 48% globally.
A quiet, relaxing atmosphere 63%
Base: 149 Japanese foodservice consumers
Q: How important or unimportant are the following attributes to
you when choosing an LSR to visit?

© 2018 Technomic Inc. 11

Malaysia LSR Visit Factor Importance
(Somewhat important & very important)

Use of fresh ingredients 92%

Taste & flavor 91%

Convenient location 88%

Freshness and taste are the most important

factors for Malaysians when deciding which Friendly, knowledgeable service 87%
LSRs to visit.
The much higher importance of flavor and Overall value 85%
freshness than premium ingredients (68%
versus 74% globally) suggests that LSRs
should aim to convey quality in a holistic way, Fast service 85%
including using fresh ingredients or
authentic preparation styles. Further,
consumers may worry about the price tag of Availability of healthy options 84%
premium ingredients as Malaysians are
especially likely to say low prices are
important for LSRs (80% versus 74% Wide variety of options 83%
The high importance of convenient locations
is likely driven by the prevalence of takeout
Restaurant atmosphere 82%
as well as the continued urbanization of
Malaysia. This suggests Malaysians may be
choosing LSRs because of their proximity to Restaurant image/reputation 82%
home, work or school.
Offers combo meals 82%
Base: 143 Malaysian foodservice consumers
Q: How important or unimportant are the following attributes to
you when choosing an LSR to visit?

© 2018 Technomic Inc. 12

Philippines LSR Visit Factor Importance
(Somewhat important & very important)
Fast service 95%

Friendly, knowledgeable service 94%

Taste & flavor 94%

Convenient location 93%

Quick, high-quality service is key for LSRs in

Use of fresh ingredients 93%
the Philippines.
Consumers demand fast service as they often
visit LSRs for quick occasions. LSRs may be Overall value 92%
able to highlight service and ambiance as a
way to differentiate from street food vendors.
A quiet, relaxing atmosphere 90%
Filipinos have high expectations for LSRs, as
they are more likely than the average global
consumer to say a variety of attributes are
Wide variety of options 90%
important. This could be due to their
patronage. In fact, Filipinos are more likely
than those in all other countries tracked to
Restaurant atmosphere 89%
visit LSRs at least once a month.

Restaurant image/reputation 89%

Base: 131 Filipino foodservice consumers

Availability of healthy options 89%
Q: How important or unimportant are the following attributes to
you when choosing an LSR to visit?

© 2018 Technomic Inc. 13

South LSR Visit Factor Importance
(Somewhat important & very important)
Convenient location 76%

Use of fresh ingredients 74%

Taste & flavor 74%

Overall value 71%

Koreans primarily seek a convenient
location, flavorful options and fresh
ingredients when visiting LSRs.
Fast service 70%
Aligning with Korean consumers’ reliance on
LSRs for quick and easy meal solutions, both
fast service and low prices are key. However,
Low prices 69%
it’s worth noting that compared to the global
average Koreans place less of an emphasis on
price as a component of value. Instead,
service and atmosphere make up a relatively Restaurant image/reputation 68%
large share of consumers’ value equations
compared to the global averages.
Restaurant atmosphere 65%

Wide variety of options 62%

Base: 156 Korean foodservice consumers Able to customize the meal 58%
Q: How important or unimportant are the following attributes to
you when choosing an LSR to visit?

© 2018 Technomic Inc. 14


© 2018 Technomic Inc. 15

Australia LSR Visit Factor Importance
(Somewhat important & very important)

Overall value 83%

Taste & flavor 83%

Convenient location 79%

Use of fresh ingredients 79%

Australians mainly seek value, flavor,

freshness and convenience from LSRs. The Friendly, knowledgeable service 77%
importance of a convenient location is likely
driven by the prevalence of takeout; 39% of
Australians’ orders are placed for takeout, Fast service 76%
which is a higher share than in any other
country tracked.
A quiet, relaxing atmosphere 71%
Despite the high rate of takeout orders,
consumers still value the ambiance and
friendly service, underscoring the Wide variety of options 71%
importance of a welcoming environment.
The importance of healthy options is driven Use of premium ingredients 70%
by a relatively large cohort of health-driven
consumers. In fact, 51% of Australians,
compared to 45% of consumers globally, say Low prices 69%
at least 6 of their last 10 restaurant meals
were healthy.
Availability of healthy options 69%
Base: 248 Australian foodservice consumers
Q: How important or unimportant are the following attributes to
you when choosing an LSR to visit?

© 2018 Technomic Inc. 16


© 2018 Technomic Inc. 17

France LSR Visit Factor Importance
(Somewhat important & very important)

Overall value 86%

Use of premium ingredients 86%

Use of fresh ingredients 84%

Convenient location 82%

French consumers look for high-quality
ingredients and a good overall value from
Friendly, knowledgeable service 82%
While a convenient location is important,
speed of service is less important in France
compared to the global average (72% versus Taste & flavor 82%
82% globally). This relates to French
consumers’ tendency to relax and gather over
meals. It also aligns with their prioritization Restaurant image/reputation 79%
of quality and freshness over convenience
when dining.
The importance of healthy options relates to Offers combo meals 78%
French consumers’ relatively high likelihood
of ordering healthy fare. On average, six of
French consumers’ last 10 orders were Availability of healthy options 75%
healthy, compared to a global average of 5.1.

A quiet, relaxing atmosphere 73%

Base: 152 French foodservice consumers
Q: How important or unimportant are the following attributes to
you when choosing an LSR to visit?

© 2018 Technomic Inc. 18

Germany LSR Visit Factor Importance
(Somewhat important & very important)

Taste & flavor 86%

Use of fresh ingredients 85%

Overall value 83%

Friendly, knowledgeable service 81%

Germans prioritize flavor and freshness
when visiting LSRs. High-quality and
efficient service is also important, as LSRs Fast service 79%
often cater to quick, informal occasions.
Still, premium ingredients are as important Use of premium ingredients 78%
as fast service, suggesting that Germans don’t
want to sacrifice quality for convenience.
A quiet, relaxing atmosphere 77%
Compared to the global average, a convenient
location is less important in Germany. This
could suggest that Germans are more willing Convenient location 76%
to go out of their way when visiting LSRs,
perhaps because weekly LSR patronage in
Germany trails the global average. Can change portions relative to price 72%

Restaurant image/reputation 71%

Base: 144 German foodservice consumers Wide variety of options 71%

Q: How important or unimportant are the following attributes to
you when choosing an LSR to visit?

© 2018 Technomic Inc. 19

Russia LSR Visit Factor Importance
(Somewhat important & very important)

Use of fresh ingredients 94%

Taste & flavor 94%

Convenient location 92%

Fast service 92%

Freshness and taste are the most important

factors for Russians when visiting LSRs. Friendly, knowledgeable service 92%
The higher importance of low prices
compared to the global average suggests Restaurant atmosphere 89%
affordability is key for Russians when
choosing an LSR. This could be related to
Russia’s economic contraction in 2015-2016. Wide variety of options 89%
The much higher importance of taste and
freshness than premium ingredients (57%
Restaurant image/reputation 87%
versus 74% globally) suggests that operators
should focus on holistic quality
improvements, such as preparing items Low prices 85%
fresh, more so than ingredients with specific
quality claims. This may be due to consumers
equating claims like “premium” with higher Overall value 82%

Availability of healthy options 82%

Base: 159 Russian foodservice consumers
Q: How important or unimportant are the following attributes to
you when choosing an LSR to visit?

© 2018 Technomic Inc. 20

Spain LSR Visit Factor Importance
(Somewhat important & very important)

Overall value 91%

Wide variety of options 89%

Fast service 88%

Compared to global averages, value, variety, Use of premium ingredients 88%

service speed and premium ingredients are
more important for LSRs in Spain.
The importance of fast service is due to Taste & flavor 87%
Spanish consumers often visiting LSRs for
quick meals and meals while working.
However, LSRs may also be able to highlight Use of fresh ingredients 86%
menu variety and the use of premium
ingredients to help drive visits.
Friendly, knowledgeable
Compared to global averages, Spaniards are 83%
also more likely to say low prices and combo
meals are important. Value and affordability
may be particularly key in Spain as the Convenient location 82%
country’s unemployment rate remains
relatively high.
Low prices 80%

Restaurant image/reputation 80%

Base: 141 Spanish foodservice consumers
Q: How important or unimportant are the following attributes to
you when choosing an LSR to visit?

© 2018 Technomic Inc. 21

U.K. LSR Visit Factor Importance
(Somewhat important & very important)

Taste & flavor 89%

Convenient location 85%

Use of fresh ingredients 82%

Overall value 79%

British consumers seek flavorful and fresh
fare from conveniently located LSRs. Variety
is also key. Wide variety of options 77%
In terms of service, British consumers desire
a balance of friendliness and speed. A
relaxing ambiance also ranks as a top 10 LSR Friendly, knowledgeable service 71%
attribute. British consumers report 50% of
their foodservice occasions are for dine-in
service, compared to 48% for consumers
Fast service 67%

A quiet, relaxing atmosphere 67%

Restaurant image/reputation 65%

Base: 159 British foodservice consumers Able to customize the meal 65%
Q: How important or unimportant are the following attributes to
you when choosing an LSR to visit?

© 2018 Technomic Inc. 22

Middle East
Saudi Arabia

© 2018 Technomic Inc. 23

Kuwait LSR Visit Factor Importance
(Somewhat important & very important)

Fast service 75%

Taste & flavor 75%

Availability of healthy options 73%

Use of premium ingredients 73%

No single attribute stands out for Kuwaitis
when choosing an LSR to visit. This indicates
that Kuwaiti consumers consider the
Overall value 72%
experience in a holistic fashion and consider
a wide variety of attributes to be important
when choosing LSRs.
Restaurant atmosphere 72%
The importance of fast service and the
relatively low importance of a convenient
location may be due to Kuwaiti consumers’ Restaurant image/reputation 72%
frequent use of delivery.
The relatively low importance of fresh
ingredients compared to the global average Offers combo meals 71%
relates to Kuwait’s high reliance on imported
Convenient location 70%

Use of fresh ingredients 70%

Base: 99 Kuwaiti foodservice consumers
Q: How important or unimportant are the following attributes to
you when choosing an LSR to visit?

© 2018 Technomic Inc. 24

Saudi LSR Visit Factor Importance
(Somewhat important & very important)
Arabia Taste & flavor 84%

Fast service 80%

Use of fresh ingredients 80%

Availability of healthy options 80%

Taste and flavor are top of mind, though
Saudis also demand quick service from LSRs.
This relates to the relatively quick pace of life Wide variety of options 80%
for many consumers in the Middle East.
Compared to the global average, a convenient
location is less important for LSRs in Saudi Restaurant image/reputation 79%
Arabia. This aligns with consumers’ tendency
to order delivery; 31% of Saudis’ orders are
placed for delivery, compared to 24% for Overall value 78%
consumers globally.

A quiet, relaxing atmosphere 78%

Use of premium ingredients 78%

Convenient location 76%

Base: 194 Saudi foodservice consumers
Q: How important or unimportant are the following attributes to
you when choosing an LSR to visit?

© 2018 Technomic Inc. 25

UAE LSR Visit Factor Importance
(Somewhat important & very important)

Overall value 83%

Fast service 83%

Use of fresh ingredients 82%

Taste & flavor 82%

Value, fast service, freshness and taste are all
about equally important among consumers
in the UAE. This shows that no single Convenient location 80%
attribute truly stands out for consumers
when visiting LSRs, but consumers instead
are seeking to balance quality and Friendly, knowledgeable service 78%
Compared to the global average, the ability to
customize meals is more important in the Restaurant atmosphere 77%
UAE. This, as well as the importance of
healthy options, relates to the relatively high
rate of restrictive diets in the UAE. Restaurant image/reputation 76%

Availability of healthy options 76%

Able to customize the meal 76%

Base: 199 foodservice consumers in the UAE
Q: How important or unimportant are the following attributes to
you when choosing an LSR to visit?

© 2018 Technomic Inc. 26

North America

© 2018 Technomic Inc. 27

Canada LSR Visit Factor Importance
(Somewhat important & very important)

Taste & flavor 86%

Use of fresh ingredients 83%

Convenient location 81%

Overall value 81%

Canadians prioritize taste and flavor when
visiting LSRs, relating to the craveable items
at leading chains. Low prices 76%
A convenient location is also highly valued,
relating to the relatively high percentage of
orders that are placed for takeout. Friendly, knowledgeable service 76%

Friendly service is slightly more important

than fast service among Canadians, despite Use of premium ingredients 74%
the hurried nature of many LSR visits. This
highlights the importance of a well-trained
staff that can interact with guests in a
pleasant and efficient manner. Fast service 73%

Restaurant image/reputation 73%

Wide variety of options 72%

Base: 155 Canadian foodservice consumers
Q: How important or unimportant are the following attributes to
you when choosing an LSR to visit?

© 2018 Technomic Inc. 28

Mexico LSR Visit Factor Importance
(Somewhat important & very important)

Taste & flavor 93%

Fast service 91%

Use of premium ingredients 90%

Convenient location 88%

Mexican consumers demand a balance of
flavor and convenience from LSRs.
Specifically, Mexicans demand fast service, Overall value 88%
premium ingredients and friendly service
more so than the average global consumer.
Notably, low prices does not rank as a top 10 Use of fresh ingredients 88%
LSR attribute. This could be due to street
foods serving as consumers’ main source for
affordable meals and snacks. Wide variety of options 87%

Friendly, knowledgeable service 86%

A quiet, relaxing atmosphere 86%

Base: 153 Mexican foodservice consumers

Restaurant atmosphere 85%
Q: How important or unimportant are the following attributes to
you when choosing an LSR to visit?

© 2018 Technomic Inc. 29

U.S. LSR Visit Factor Importance
(Somewhat important & very important)

Taste & flavor 86%

Overall value 82%

Convenient location 81%

Wide variety of options 81%

Taste is paramount among Americans, with
value, convenience and variety also being
highly important. Fast service 80%
Despite LSRs serving as American
consumers’ primary spot for affordable
meals, premium ingredients are slightly Use of fresh ingredients 80%
more important than low prices. This could
be a reflection of the growing fast-casual
market, which has raised consumer Friendly, knowledgeable service 77%
expectations for quality food at reasonable
price points.
The ability to customize meals is slightly Use of premium ingredients 77%
more important among Americans than the
average global consumer, aligning with the
growth of build-your-own concepts and Low prices 75%
menu items.

Able to customize the meal 74%

Base: 204 American foodservice consumers
Q: How important or unimportant are the following attributes to
you when choosing an LSR to visit?

© 2018 Technomic Inc. 30

South America

© 2018 Technomic Inc. 31

Brazil LSR Visit Factor Importance
(Somewhat important & very important)

Fast service 92%

Taste & flavor 92%

Use of fresh ingredients 91%

Wide variety of options 90%

Brazilians mainly seek LSRs that can serve
flavorful meals quickly. Brazilians are highly Friendly, knowledgeable service 89%
reliant on foodservice for snacks and quick
meals, and having a balance of fast service
and fresh, flavorful food may help LSRs Convenient location 87%
stand out from street vendors and cafes for
these competitive occasions.
Compared to the global average, friendly and Overall value 86%
knowledgeable service is more important in
Brazil, suggesting that Brazilians seek next-
level hospitality, even when at LSRs. Restaurant image/reputation 86%

Availability of healthy options 85%

Restaurant atmosphere 82%

Base: 251 Brazilian foodservice consumers A quiet, relaxing atmosphere 82%

Q: How important or unimportant are the following attributes to
you when choosing an LSR to visit?

© 2018 Technomic Inc. 32

Colombia LSR Visit Factor Importance
(Somewhat important & very important)

Fast service 93%

Use of premium ingredients 93%

Use of fresh ingredients 91%

Taste & flavor 91%

Colombians have high expectations for both
service speed and food quality at LSRs. In
fact, compared to the global averages, fast Wide variety of options 91%
service, premium ingredients and fresh
ingredients are more important in Colombia.
Menu variety is also particularly important to Friendly, knowledgeable service 90%
Colombians. This could relate to their
interest in trying new flavors as well as their
preference for a variety of Latin American, Restaurant atmosphere 89%
European and Asian cuisines.

A quiet, relaxing atmosphere 89%

Restaurant image/reputation 87%

Base: 254 Colombian foodservice consumers

Convenient location 85%
Q: How important or unimportant are the following attributes to
you when choosing an LSR to visit?

© 2018 Technomic Inc. 33

Key takeaways
Global averages
By country
● Asia
● Australia
● Europe
● Middle East
● North America
● South America

© 2018 Technomic Inc. 34

Key FSR Takeaways

In general, consumers prioritize Like at LSRs, order format and Technology amenities remain
flavor and freshness at FSRs; economics influence attitudes secondary across channels
ambiance is also key toward FSRs
● Just 48% of consumers globally say the
● Across markets, FSRs serve as ● In general, a relaxing atmosphere is use of technology is very important
consumers’ go-to location for away- more important at FSRs than LSRs, as when deciding which FSR to visit
from-home special occasions, making full-service occasions tend to be slower ● Further, this attribute doesn’t rank in
quality, service and ambiance vital and more relaxed meals any country’s top 10 FSR (or LSR)
● Low prices, as well as coupons and attributes, demonstrating that, while
special offers, are especially appealing technology is trendy and can pique
Fast service is typically secondary at in Brazil, due to the country’s recent interest, consumers still focus mostly
FSRs but can be key in appealing for economic weakness on the menu, customer service and
everyday meals ambiance when deciding where to go
● Overall, 76% of consumers globally say
fast service is important for FSRs, Healthy options are key in countries
compared to 82% at LSRs more likely to order healthy options
● However, fast service is particularly ● The availability of healthy options is the
important in markets such as Malaysia, most important FSR attribute in India
Spain and Brazil, where consumers are ● The availability of healthy options is a
more likely to visit FSRs for everyday top 10 attribute in countries with
meals significant Muslim populations, likely
due to restrictive diets
● In countries less likely to order healthy
fare, consumers often value the ability
to choose healthy fare, even if they
ultimately order something else

© 2018 Technomic Inc. 35

Factor Importance
FSR Menu Attributes

Flavor and fresh ingredients stand out as the Attribute Highest in… Lowest in…
most important FSR menu attributes
globally. Menu variety is also important, 1
Taste and flavor: 88% rated somewhat
96% Philippines 79% Kuwait
especially with consumers often visiting or very important
FSRs for social occasions and gatherings.
76% Kuwait; South
FSRs may consider offering a mix of 2 Use of fresh ingredients: 87% 95% Russia
offerings to appeal to a wide set of
preferences for larger dining parties. 3 Wide variety of options: 81% 93% Colombia 65% South Korea
4 Use of premium ingredients: 77% 93% Colombia; Mexico 37% Japan
5 Availability of healthy options: 76% 93% India 48% Japan
6 Able to customize meal: 67% 83% India 35% Japan
7 Offers combo meals: 67% 86% Mexico 40% Germany

Able to change portions relative to

8 80% India 36% France
price: 64%

9 Large portions: 58% 79% Philippines 23% Japan

10 Name-brand items/ingredients: 57% 76% India 27% Japan
11 On-trend menu options: 53% 79% India 26% Japan

65% China; Mexico; 29% Australia; South

12 Availability of limited-time offers: 49%
Russia Korea

13 Small/mini portions: 46% 68% China 26% France

Base: 3,500 global consumers 18+

Q: How important or unimportant are the following attributes to you when choosing an FSR to visit?

© 2018 Technomic Inc. 36

Factor Importance
FSR Concept Attributes

Beyond overall value, which is key across

Attribute Highest in… Lowest in…
markets, consumers seek a welcoming
ambiance and high-quality service from Overall value: 83% rated somewhat or
FSRs. And while a convenient location is 1
very important
95% Philippines 72% Kuwait
important, fast service is less important than
ambiance and friendly service. This is due to 2 Quiet, relaxing atmosphere: 82% 95% Philippines 69% South Korea
consumers being more likely to relax when
visiting FSRs. FSRs looking to position 3 Friendly, knowledgeable service: 81% 96% Philippines 44% Japan
themselves for quick, everyday meals should 4 Restaurant atmosphere: 81% 93% Philippines 68% South Korea
ensure consumers that that meals can
transpire at a relatively quick pace if needed. 5 Convenient location: 81% 95% Philippines 71% France

6 Restaurant image/reputation: 77% 91% Philippines 67% Kuwait

7 Fast service: 76% 94% Philippines 57% South Korea

8 Low prices: 71% 76% Philippines 55% France

9 Kid-friendly: 54% 76% Colombia 20% Japan

10 Coupons or special offers: 51% 67% Brazil 35% Australia

11 A lively atmosphere: 50% 85% Philippines 23% France

12 Use of technology: 48% 71% Philippines 17% Japan

Base: 3,500 global consumers 18+

Q: How important or unimportant are the following attributes to you when choosing an FSR to visit?

© 2018 Technomic Inc. 37

South Korea

© 2018 Technomic Inc. 38

China FSR Visit Factor Importance
(Somewhat important & very important)

Use of fresh ingredients 84%

Use of premium ingredients 83%

A quiet, relaxing atmosphere 82%

Taste & flavor 82%

Ingredient quality, taste and ambiance are
key factors for Chinese consumers when
deciding which FSR to visit. The Friendly, knowledgeable service 80%
prioritization of fresh and premium
ingredients aligns with Chinese consumers’
growing interest in higher-quality fare. Availability of healthy options 79%
Compared to the global average, the
availability of healthy options at FSRs is more
important in China, relating to Chinese Wide variety of options 79%
consumers’ higher likelihood of ordering
healthy fare.
Overall value 78%

Fast service 78%

Restaurant image/reputation 78%

Base: 186 Chinese foodservice consumers
Q: How important or unimportant are the following attributes to
you when choosing an FSR to visit?

© 2018 Technomic Inc. 39

India FSR Visit Factor Importance
(Somewhat important & very important)

Availability of healthy options 93%

A quiet, relaxing atmosphere 92%

Use of fresh ingredients 92%

Taste & flavor 92%

The availability of healthy options is essential
for FSRs in India, aligning with Indian
consumers’ frequent consumption of healthy Restaurant atmosphere 91%
fare at restaurants. This could also be due to
the high rate of special diets in India. When
wanting to order healthy, Indian consumers Friendly, knowledgeable service 90%
are especially likely to order items described
as healthy or consider nutritional content,
suggesting that detailed menu descriptors
Wide variety of options 89%
might resonate among health-conscious
diners in this market.
A quiet and relaxing ambiance is also key, as Convenient location 87%
Indian consumers often visit FSRs for social
occasions to connect with family and friends.
Overall value 87%

Base: 205 Indian foodservice consumers

Fast service 87%
Q: How important or unimportant are the following attributes to
you when choosing an FSR to visit?

© 2018 Technomic Inc. 40

Japan FSR Visit Factor Importance
(Somewhat important & very important)

Overall value 89%

Use of fresh ingredients 83%

Taste & flavor 83%

Restaurant atmosphere 80%

As is the case at LSRs, Japanese consumers
prioritize overall value above all else when
visiting FSRs. A quiet, relaxing atmosphere 77%
Beyond freshness and flavor, Japanese
consumers tend to focus in on concept
attributes when deciding where to go, such as Convenient location 75%
ambiance, convenience, restaurant image
and low prices. This suggests that consumers
think about the experience holistically, as Fast service 70%
FSRs often cater to occasions for which
consumers want an overall memorable
Restaurant image/reputation 68%

Wide variety of options 67%

Base: 151 Japanese foodservice consumers Low prices 63%

Q: How important or unimportant are the following attributes to
you when choosing an FSR to visit?

© 2018 Technomic Inc. 41

Malaysia FSR Visit Factor Importance
(Somewhat important & very important)

Taste & flavor 91%

Use of fresh ingredients 90%

Fast service 87%

Friendly, knowledgeable service 87%

Like at LSRs, Malaysians value freshness and
taste more so than all other factors when
choosing an FSR. Availability of healthy options 86%
This suggests operators should focus on
conveying taste by offering fresh, high-
quality ingredients. Overall value 85%
The high importance of fast service
compared to the global average (76%) is due
to the relatively high proportion of everyday
Restaurant atmosphere 85%
regular meals sourced from FSRs in
Wide variety of options 85%

Convenient location 84%

Restaurant image/reputation 84%

Base: 157 Malaysian foodservice consumers
Q: How important or unimportant are the following attributes to
you when choosing an FSR to visit?

© 2018 Technomic Inc. 42

Philippines FSR Visit Factor Importance
(Somewhat important & very important)

Friendly, knowledgeable service 96%

Taste & flavor 96%

Convenient location 95%

Filipinos seek a tasty meal at a convenient Overall value 95%

location with a nice ambiance and great
Friendly service and ambiance help FSRs A quiet, relaxing atmosphere 95%
maximize appeal for special occasions.
However, it’s still important that meals at
FSRs can transpire at a relatively quick pace, Fast service 94%
as fast service is about equally important at
LSRs and FSRs in the Philippines.
As is the case at LSRs, Filipinos are more Restaurant atmosphere 93%
likely than the average global consumer to
say a variety of attributes are important at
FSRs. This relates to more frequent Use of fresh ingredients 93%
patronage; 80% of Filipinos visit FSRs at
least once a month, compared to 72% of
consumers globally.
Restaurant image/reputation 91%

Wide variety of options 90%

Base: 169 Filipino foodservice consumers
Q: How important or unimportant are the following attributes to
you when choosing an FSR to visit?

© 2018 Technomic Inc. 43

South FSR Visit Factor Importance
(Somewhat important & very important)

Korea Taste & flavor 82%

Overall value 76%

Use of fresh ingredients 76%

Convenient location 74%

Koreans are most concerned with taste and
flavor when deciding which FSR to visit.
Likewise, fresh ingredients are key as they Restaurant image/reputation 73%
help convey quality and taste.
Branding is key for FSRs in South Korea, as a A quiet, relaxing atmosphere 69%
restaurant’s image or reputation is a top
consideration among Koreans.
Restaurant atmosphere 68%

Can change portions relative to


Wide variety of options 65%

Use of premium ingredients 63%

Base: 144 Korean foodservice consumers
Q: How important or unimportant are the following attributes to
you when choosing an FSR to visit?

© 2018 Technomic Inc. 44


© 2018 Technomic Inc. 45

Australia FSR Visit Factor Importance
(Somewhat important & very important)

Taste & flavor 89%

Use of fresh ingredients 85%

Overall value 84%

Wide variety of options 81%

Taste and freshness are key for Australian

FSRs. As Australians tend to visit FSRs less Convenient location 77%
so than those in most other countries, they
may have heightened expectations for a high-
quality experience when they do visit. They Restaurant atmosphere 76%
also may be willing to pay more for these
occasions. Compared to the global average,
low prices at FSRs are slightly less important Friendly, knowledgeable service 76%
in Australia.

A quiet, relaxing atmosphere 76%

Use of premium ingredients 74%

Fast service 69%

Base: 252 Australian foodservice consumers Availability of healthy options 69%

Q: How important or unimportant are the following attributes to
you when choosing an FSR to visit?

© 2018 Technomic Inc. 46


© 2018 Technomic Inc. 47

France FSR Visit Factor Importance
(Somewhat important & very important)

Use of fresh ingredients 88%

Use of premium ingredients 87%

Taste & flavor 86%

Overall value 84%

The importance of freshness, premium

ingredients and taste shows how French Friendly, knowledgeable service 84%
consumers expect high-quality and flavorful
meals at FSRs.
Friendly service and a relaxing atmosphere A quiet, relaxing atmosphere 82%
are also key for FSRs in France, relating to
consumers’ tendency to dine in. In fact, 61%
of French consumers’ foodservice occasions Restaurant image/reputation 76%
are for dine in, compared to a global average
of 48%.

Availability of healthy options 76%

Restaurant atmosphere 75%

Offers combo meals 72%

Base: 148 French foodservice consumers
Q: How important or unimportant are the following attributes to
you when choosing an FSR to visit?

© 2018 Technomic Inc. 48

Germany FSR Visit Factor Importance
(Somewhat important & very important)

Friendly, knowledgeable service 90%

Taste & flavor 88%

Use of fresh ingredients 87%

A quiet, relaxing atmosphere 86%

Germans prioritize service, flavor and
ambiance at FSRs. In fact, compared to the
global averages, friendly service and a Overall value 85%
relaxing atmosphere are more important in
Germany. This is likely due to consumers
relying on FSRs for slower, more relaxed Use of premium ingredients 82%
meals to connect with others.
Compared to the global average, premium
ingredients are more important in Germany, Convenient location 81%
demonstrating German consumers’
preference for quality options.
Restaurant atmosphere 81%

Restaurant image/reputation 73%

Wide variety of options 73%

Base: 156 German foodservice consumers
Q: How important or unimportant are the following attributes to
you when choosing an FSR to visit?

© 2018 Technomic Inc. 49

Russia FSR Visit Factor Importance
(Somewhat important & very important)

Use of fresh ingredients 95%

Taste & flavor 93%

Friendly, knowledgeable service 91%

Convenient location 89%

As with LSRs, Russians place greater
importance on freshness and taste than other
factors when choosing FSRs. Availability of healthy options 89%
FSR operators can focus on improving their
taste and flavor through fresh, high-quality
ingredients, as these boost overall value
Restaurant atmosphere 88%
The high importance of location suggests A quiet, relaxing atmosphere 87%
Russians tend to select FSRs close to home or
on the way to work or school. Operators
looking to boost sales could consider
highlighting delivery and takeout programs Wide variety of options 86%
to broaden their reach among consumers
who live further away.
Restaurant image/reputation 85%

Fast service 83%

Base: 141 Russian foodservice consumers
Q: How important or unimportant are the following attributes to
you when choosing an FSR to visit?

© 2018 Technomic Inc. 50

Spain FSR Visit Factor Importance
(Somewhat important & very important)

Overall value 94%

Friendly, knowledgeable service 91%

Taste & flavor 91%

Use of premium ingredients 91%

High-quality service and flavor are more
important for FSR than LSR visits in Spain,
due to Spaniards often visiting FSRs for Use of fresh ingredients 88%
special occasions.
Compared to the global averages, Spanish
A quiet, relaxing atmosphere 87%
consumers are more likely to say premium
ingredients, friendly and knowledgeable
service and low prices are all important,
showing that Spaniards carry higher Wide variety of options 84%
expectations for FSRs.
Demands for high-quality service and a
relaxing atmosphere are due to Spaniards’ Convenient location 82%
higher likelihood of dining in.
The greater importance of fast service for Fast service 82%
Spaniards compared to the global average
aligns with the high visitation of FSRs for
everyday regular meals.
Restaurant atmosphere 81%
Base: 159 Spanish foodservice consumers
Q: How important or unimportant are the following attributes to
you when choosing an FSR to visit?

© 2018 Technomic Inc. 51

U.K. FSR Visit Factor Importance
(Somewhat important & very important)

Taste & flavor 89%

Use of fresh ingredients 83%

Overall value 82%

Convenient location 80%

British consumers prioritize flavor when
deciding which FSR to visit. Likewise, fresh
ingredients are key, as freshness helps speak A quiet, relaxing atmosphere 79%
to quality and taste.
A quiet and relaxing atmosphere is
significantly more important at FSRs than Wide variety of options 79%
LSRs in the U.K., as FSRs tend to be go-to
locations for away-from-home special
occasions and celebrations across markets. Friendly, knowledgeable service 77%

Restaurant atmosphere 75%

Restaurant image/reputation 73%

Use of premium ingredients 69%

Base: 141 British foodservice consumers
Q: How important or unimportant are the following attributes to
you when choosing an FSR to visit?

© 2018 Technomic Inc. 52

Middle East
Saudi Arabia

© 2018 Technomic Inc. 53

Kuwait FSR Visit Factor Importance
(Somewhat important & very important)

Taste & flavor 79%

Use of fresh ingredients 76%

A quiet, relaxing atmosphere 75%

Overall value 72%

Flavor and freshness are most important to
Kuwaiti consumers when deciding which
Availability of healthy options 70%
FSR to visit.
A quiet, relaxing ambiance is more important
for FSRs than LSRs, suggesting Kuwaitis look Use of premium ingredients 70%
to FSRs to unwind, while LSRs are more
appropriate for quick, on-the-go meals.
Contrary to LSRs, fresh ingredients are more Convenient location 69%
important to Kuwaitis than premium
ingredients when choosing FSRs. This is
likely due to the greater prevalence of Restaurant atmosphere 69%
housemade fare at FSRs, as such items are
often perceived as fresh.

Wide variety of options 69%

Restaurant image/reputation 67%

Base: 126 Kuwaiti foodservice consumers
Q: How important or unimportant are the following attributes to
you when choosing an FSR to visit?

© 2018 Technomic Inc. 54

Saudi FSR Visit Factor Importance
(Somewhat important & very important)

Arabia Use of fresh ingredients 83%

Taste & flavor 82%

Use of premium ingredients 82%

A quiet, relaxing atmosphere 80%

Quality and freshness are key for FSRs in
Saudi Arabia. Saudis also prioritize a quiet
and relaxing atmosphere, as FSRs tend to be Restaurant image/reputation 80%
top of mind for special occasions.
Notably, neither low prices nor overall value
rank among the top 10 FSR attributes. This Wide variety of options 78%
suggests that consumers are focusing more
so on the food quality and dining experience
rather than the price. Restaurant atmosphere 76%

Availability of healthy options 76%

Fast service 75%

Offers combo meals 75%

Base: 206 Saudi foodservice consumers
Q: How important or unimportant are the following attributes to
you when choosing an FSR to visit?

© 2018 Technomic Inc. 55

UAE FSR Visit Factor Importance
(Somewhat important & very important)

Convenient location 81%

A quiet, relaxing atmosphere 81%

Use of fresh ingredients 81%

Taste & flavor 80%

Consumers in the UAE want to visit FSRs
that are conveniently located and offer a
relaxing ambiance. Freshness, flavor and
Availability of healthy options 80%
health also play key roles, noting demands
for appealing menus. However, consumers in
the UAE aren’t particularly likely to order Friendly, knowledgeable service 78%
healthy options; just 5.2 of their last 10 orders
were healthy, compared to a global average of
5.1. Demands could be driven by special Wide variety of options 78%
diets, as well as consumers preferring to have
the option to eat well, even if they ultimately
decide to other something else.
Restaurant atmosphere 77%

Overall value 76%

Use of premium ingredients 74%

Base: 176 foodservice consumers in the UAE
Q: How important or unimportant are the following attributes to
you when choosing an FSR to visit?

© 2018 Technomic Inc. 56

North America

© 2018 Technomic Inc. 57

Canada FSR Visit Factor Importance
(Somewhat important & very important)

Taste & flavor 91%

Overall value 88%

Friendly, knowledgeable service 87%

Use of fresh ingredients 87%

Flavor, value and service are key factors for
Canadians when visiting FSRs. Friendly
service is also prioritized, as many FSR visits Wide variety of options 84%
are for special occasions. Likewise,
Canadians are less likely than the global
average to say fast service is important. Convenient location 82%
Compared to the global average, overall value
is more important among Canadians. While
value is centered around food and beverages, Restaurant atmosphere 80%
cost represents a relatively high percentage of
Canadian consumers’ value equation (29%
versus 25% globally). A quiet, relaxing atmosphere 79%

Use of premium ingredients 79%

Able to customize the meal 77%

Base: 145 Canadian foodservice consumers
Q: How important or unimportant are the following attributes to
you when choosing an FSR to visit?

© 2018 Technomic Inc. 58

Mexico FSR Visit Factor Importance
(Somewhat important & very important)

Taste & flavor 95%

Use of premium ingredients 93%

Friendly, knowledgeable service 91%

Use of fresh ingredients 91%

Taste and premium ingredients are most

Wide variety of options 90%
important to Mexicans when choosing an
FSR to visit. Friendly service is also key, as
many look to FSRs for specials occasions and
Convenient location 89%
more relaxing meals. Likewise, the
importance of atmosphere and ambiance is
relatively high when compared to the global
Restaurant atmosphere 89%

A quiet, relaxing atmosphere 88%

Fast service 87%

Overall value 86%

Offers combo meals 86%

Base: 147 Mexican foodservice consumers
Q: How important or unimportant are the following attributes to
you when choosing an FSR to visit?

© 2018 Technomic Inc. 59

U.S. FSR Visit Factor Importance
(Somewhat important & very important)

Taste & flavor 88%

Overall value 85%

Use of fresh ingredients 85%

Friendly, knowledgeable service 82%

Taste, value and freshness are most

important for FSRs in the U.S. Further, the Convenient location 79%
importance of friendly service and
convenient location likely relates to
Americans’ tendency to dine in when visiting Restaurant atmosphere 78%
FSRs, though chains are making a concerted
effort to drive off-premise orders.
A quiet, relaxing atmosphere 77%
As is the case at LSRs, the ability to customize
ranks as a leading attribute for FSRs.
Following the growth of trendy fast casuals Use of premium ingredients 77%
featuring assembly-line, build-your-own
ordering systems, customizable options have
proliferated at FSRs. Wide variety of options 77%

Restaurant image/reputation 71%

Base: 196 American foodservice consumers Able to customize the meal 71%
Q: How important or unimportant are the following attributes to
you when choosing an FSR to visit?

© 2018 Technomic Inc. 60

South America

© 2018 Technomic Inc. 61

Brazil FSR Visit Factor Importance
(Somewhat important & very important)

Taste & flavor 90%

Friendly, knowledgeable service 89%

Use of fresh ingredients 89%

Restaurant atmosphere 88%

Brazilians seek fresh and flavorful meals
from FSRs boasting friendly service and a
nice atmosphere. Availability of healthy options 87%
However, compared to the global averages, a
convenient location and fast service are more
important for FSRs in Brazil. This could be Wide variety of options 87%
due to Brazilian consumers’ relatively high
likelihood of visiting FSRs for meals other
than special occasions. In fact, Brazilians are Convenient location 86%
more likely than those in every other country
tracked to select FSRs as a leading
destination for quick meals and everyday
Fast service 85%

Restaurant image/reputation 85%

Overall value 84%

Base: 249 Brazilian foodservice consumers
Q: How important or unimportant are the following attributes to
you when choosing an FSR to visit?

© 2018 Technomic Inc. 62

Colombia FSR Visit Factor Importance
(Somewhat important & very important)

Use of fresh ingredients 93%

Taste & flavor 93%

Use of premium ingredients 93%

Wide variety of options 93%

Freshness, flavor, premium ingredients and
menu variety are all equally important for
FSRs in Colombia. This demonstrates that A quiet, relaxing atmosphere 90%
Colombians think closely about the menu
when deciding which FSRs to visit.
However, ambiance and service quality are
Friendly, knowledgeable service 89%
still important for FSRs in Colombia,
especially when compared to the global
averages. Restaurant atmosphere 87%

Fast service 87%

Availability of healthy options 87%

Restaurant image/reputation 85%

Base: 246 Colombian foodservice consumers
Q: How important or unimportant are the following attributes to
you when choosing an FSR to visit?

© 2018 Technomic Inc. 63


Kelly Weikel Anne Mills Charles Winship

Director, Consumer Insights Senior Manager, Consumer Insights Senior Research Analyst
312.506.3830 312.506.3867 312.506.4091

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© 2018 Technomic Inc. 64

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