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Template of Developing a 3-Part Lesson

Lesson Plan/ Rancangan Mengajar

Subject: B.INGGERIS Theme: WORLD OF Class: 5 TABLIGH Date: 8 MAY 2018

Topic : THE KING’S Time: 9.00 – 10.00 AM
Learning Standard Code: Moral Value: RESPONSIBLE Cross Curricular Links:
Kod Standard Pembelajaran: Nilai Murni: Pautan Merentas Kurikulum:
2.2.1, 2.3.1
Student Aspirations/ Aspirasi Murid
Knowledge / Thinking / Leadership / Bilingual Ethics & National /
Pengetahuan Skills Skills Proficiency Spirituality Identity

Learning Objectives: Success Criteria:

Objektif Pembelajaran: Kriteria Kejayaan:
By the end of the lesson pupils 1. match the pictures to the words 5 out of 7 correctly.
will be able to read and 2. fill in the blanks 5 out of 7 correctly.
understand the story. 3. sequence the sentences to form correct story.

Key Concepts/ Key Vocabulary: Resources: pop-up book, story cards

Konsep / Perbendahaaan Kata Utama: Textbook
King, queen, castle, throne, cloak, portrait, mirror

Impact/ Reflection
Lesson Outline/ Rangka Pengajaran
Impak/ Refleksi
Starter/ Set Induksi
• Starter activity to engage students / aktiviti untuk 1. Teacher shows a pop-up book.
menarik minat murid (Set Induksi) 2. Pupils guess the topic of the
• inform students of the learning objective/ story.
memaklumkan kepada murid tentang objektif 3. Teacher introduces vocabulary
pembelajaran in the pop-up book.
• stimulate recall of prior learning/ merangsang 4. Pupils drill the words.
ingatan terhadap pembelajaran terdahulu

Main Activities/ Aktiviti Utama 1. Teacher distributes story cards  Collaborative learning
• explanation of the content/ penerangan to each groups.  3 stray 1 stay
kandungan pembelajaran 2. Pupils read the story silently.
• modelling and demonstrating/ contoh dan tunjuk 3. Pupils take turns to read the
cara story in groups.
• practise opportunities/ peluang membuat latihan
4. Teacher explains the story
• guidance and feedback/ bimbingan dan maklum
lines. Ask and answer session.’
balas berterusan
• cater for different learning styles/ bagi pelbagai 5. Pupils are divided into small
gaya pembelajaran groups and every groups are
• appropriate challenge for all learners/ cabaran given a picture and word cards.
bersesuaian untuk semua murid 6. Pupils have to find the pictures
and words and match them
• opportunities to learn collaboratively
correctly. Paste on the
• on-going guidance and feedback (Assessment for
whiteboard. Drilling the
7. Each groups are given different
8. Group 1 and 2 – Blank filling
with pictures as a guidance
9. Group 3 and 4 – Blank filling
10. Group 5 and 6 – sequencing the
sentences to form a story.
11. Discussion- 3 stray 1 stay

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Template of Developing a 3-Part Lesson

Plenary/ Penutup
Looking Back: review and assessment of learning  Answer comprehension
Looking Forward: identify next steps for learning question orally.
An activity to provide closure
Refleksi: kajian dan penilaian pembelajaran
Akan datang: kenal pasti langkah-langkah seterusnya
Aktiviti penutup

Students to follow-up Remedial Reinforcement Enrichment

Tindakan susulan murid Pemulihan Pengukuhan Pengayaan

© Copyright LeapEd™ Services 2016  Duplication or Infringement is Prohibited

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