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Instructions for completing the survey:
Please respond by filling in the appropriate oval using a Please mark like this
No. 2 pencil, a dark blue or black pen. Do NOT use red. Not like this

Note: You will receive a separate survey for each child you have enrolled in a charter school.
Please complete one survey for each child.

1. What overall grade would you give to your child's Charter School? A+ A B C D F Don't know
Use the same grading scale that's used for students: A+, A, B, C, D and F (Fail) ................

A. Importance B. Quality Grade

One response per item here AND One response per item here too
Below, items 2 - 22 represent characteristics or
qualities about your child's Charter School. Very Important Don't know / can't judge

Don’t know / can’t judge

Somewhat Important Not Applicable

Very Important
Please rate your child's Charter School for both...

Not Applicable
Somewhat Important
Not Important
Column A. Importance

Not Important
in your child's education.
Column B. Quality Grade
at the Charter School your child now attends.

A+ A B C D F
2. The overall education your child is receiving at this school ............... .........
3. The overall education your child received at the school he / she
attended before enrolling here ................................................................ .........
4. The amount your child has learned / is learning at this school ........... .........
5. The school's mission ............................................................................................. ..........
6. The quality of the school's reading instruction ...................................................... ..........
7. The quality of the school's writing instruction ........................................................ ..........
8. The quality of the school's math instruction .......................................................... ..........
9. The qualifications and performance of the teachers ............................................. ..........
10. Teaching methods / philosophy ............................................................................ ..........
11. The individualized attention your child gets .......................................................... ..........
12. The building in which the school is located ........................................................... ..........
13. The equipment / technology available .................................................................. ..........
14. How well the school communicates with you and keeps you informed
about your child's progress and what is going on at school ................................. ..........
15. How the school handles parents' complaints ........................................................ ..........
16. The opportunities for parents to participate .......................................................... ..........
17. Extracurricular activities ........................................................................................ ..........
18. Class size ............................................................................................................. ..........
19. School size ........................................................................................................... ..........
20. How the school handles discipline / safety issues ................................................ ..........
21. The demographic make-up of the student body (gender, racial, ethnic,
economic mix) ....................................................................................................... ..........
22. The supervision and quality control provided by state agencies / boards ............ ..........

Please Turn Over

23. What grade do you think other parents at your 30. Do you feel that your child's academic performance
school would give to the school? in school has improved since enrolling at this
charter school in comparison to his / her
A+ A B C D F Don't know
previous school?
Yes No, declined
24. Please indicate the distance from your home to
school (one-way) in miles. No, stayed the same Not Applicable-only school
Less than 1 mile 5.1 - 10 miles
1 - 2 miles 10.1 - 20 miles 31. At what grade level is your child currently enrolled?
2.1 - 5 miles More than 20 miles
K 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12

25. How long has your child been enrolled at this school?
32. What is you child's average grade this year?
Note: Please mark one answer for BOTH year(s) and month(s).
If less than one year, please show year = "0" A D
and then show months as called for. B F
Year(s): 0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 C Don't Know
AND also mark month(s)...
33. Please indicate the income category which
Month(s): 0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 best represents your family's annual
26. Please indicate all the important reasons for household income.
choosing this school for your child. (Mark all that apply) $15,000 or less $45,001 - $60,000
Child was doing poorly in prior school $15,001 - $30,000 $60,001 - $75,000
Location is more convenient $30,001 - $45,000 over $75,000
Child has special needs previous school was not meeting
Better teachers at this school
34. Please indicate the highest level of education
People told me this is a better school
attained by: (Mark one each for Mother and Father)
My child wanted to come here Mother of Father of
I was unhappy with the curriculum or teaching at prior school student student
Greater opportunities for parent involvement at this school Some high school or less
This school offers before/after school programs High school graduate
I have another child attending this school Some college
Other (please specify) 2 yr degree
4 yr degree
27. Please indicate which type of school your child Post graduate study
attended immediately prior to enrolling in current
charter school. (Mark one)
35. What is the primary language spoken in your
Has not attended another school
Another charter school
home? (Mark one)
Traditional public school English An American Indian language
Independent school Spanish Other (please specify)
Parochial school
Home school
28. Do you plan to enroll your child at this school
again next year?
Yes (Skip to question 30) Please place the questionnaire in the
No (Go on to question 29)
Uncertain (Go on to question 29)
enclosed postage-paid envelope and
29. If no or uncertain, which are you considering?
return it to:
Another charter school
Arizona Charter School Parent Survey
Traditional public school
c/o California Survey Research Services, Inc.
Independent school
15350 Sherman Way, Suite 480
Parochial school
Home school
Van Nuys, CA 91406
Will Graduate


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