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Relative clauses

Name: Ana Lucia Achicanoy Botina

Date: 1/05/2020

A. Grammar Activity
1. Complete the sentences below with who or which.

1 . I don’t like stories that have unhappy endings.

2 . What was the name of the man who lent you the money?
3 . The girl who was injured in the accident is now in hospital.
4 . Gerry works for a company that makes computers.
5 . The window which was broken has now been repaired.

6 . We spent our last holiday in Rome that is really an interesting city.

2. Complete the conversation. Put in who, which or that.

Emma: shall we have something to eat?

Matthew: yes, but not here. I don’t like cafes that don’t have chairs. I’m
not one of those people how can cat standing up.

Emma: There's another restaurant over there.

Matthew: It looks expensive, one of those places. • (I) that charge very high
prices. The only customers (2) that can afford to eat there are business
executives (3) which get their

expenses paid. Anyway, I can't see a menu. I'm not going into a restaurant (4)
which. doesn’t

display menu.

Emma: We just passed a cafe (5) that does snacks.

Matthew: Oh, didn't like the look of that.

Emma: You're one of those people (6) that are never satisfied, aren't you?
3. Combine the information to make new sentences. Make the sentences in brackets
into a relative pronoun clause with who or which.

1. a bomb caused a lot of damage. (it went off this morning.)

- this morning it went off a bomb that caused a lot of damage

2. a scientist has won the Nobel Prize. (He discovered a new planet)
- a scientist who he discovered a new planet has won the Nobel prize

3. a footballer has been banned from playing again. (he took drugs)
- a footballer that he took drugs has been banned from playing again.

4. a little girl has bee found safe and well. (she had been missing since Tuesday)
- a little girl who has bee she had been missing since Tuesday found safe and well

5. a company has laid off thousands of workers. (it owns Green way supermarkets) - a
company which it owns Greenway supermarkets has laid off thousands of workers

6. an old lady now wants to swim the English Channel. (she did a parachute jump.) -
an lady old who she did a parachute jump now wants to swim the English Channel

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