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Is having a goal in life effective in becoming successful?

I think that having a goal in life is effective in becoming successful because if you
have a future plans, an objectives, you will work for achieve. Obviously, you will
have to work a lot, maybe you will fall because in particular becoming successful is
so difficult nevertheless if you love your goals, your work for comply those goals
will be easy. Unlike, if you hate your goals, maybe you won't achieve those. In
addition to this you will feel that the way is too complicated, and maybe you will
quit. Even so, if you have a goals and if you love those goals, you will live easy and
you feel your duties are many simples and therefore you will be becoming

Following to this idea, the next question is:

Is having a goal helpful in motivating a person?

I'm not sure but maybe having a goal helpful in motivating a person especially if
you be a friendly person and if you have a leader soul, without a doubt each
person have a different personality for these reason is complicated to motivate to
others. Not only the personality but also the emotions is another topic to consider
because the all people are emotional the different environments like a job, weather,
personal relationships can be changing the mood. Despite above, it’s possible to
motivating a person with goals, because the vast majority of people want to grow
as people, and goals help achieve this. Finally, if you be a motivational person you
will motivating a person to be becoming successful with the help of goals.

Now, the third and final question is:

Do you think it's a good idea to write your goals down and tick them off as
you achieve them?

Absolutely, I think that is a good idea to write our goals down and tick them off as
you achieve them, it's so possible you will forget the things that you think, for this
reason, you should do the actions that I did mention, moreover, you will probably
get an organized life and you will achieved your goals, in addition to this, if you
have an organized life, you will do your different works more easy, apart from this,
to write is a good idea to relaxing when you are stressed. on the other hand, if you
can see the goals that you have achieve, maybe, you will motivate yourself and
continues fighting for your goals.

Ok, Johanna, thank you for your time and your questions. It was an interesting

I think that you will definitely achieve your goals.

I hope you have a nice day.

See you the next time.


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