Dubai Municipality Drainage Standards - 185 Draft Drainage Design Criteria

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Document No. TN-DS185-05


Dubai Municipality
DS185 Sewerage, Drainage & Irrigation Master Plan
Draft Drainage Design Criteria

Sewerage, Drainage & Irrigation Master Plan
Draft Drainage Design Criteria

Main Contributors Aspect/Section Notes

Babak Bozorgy
Paul Nixon

Project No. Document No. TN-DS185-05 Controlled Copy

(in COLOUR – not black)
Issue Authorized
Date Description / Amendment Checked Reviewed
No. for Issue
Draft Drainage Design
02 21-Jul-2013 BB SM GA



Document Number: TN-DS185-05

DM DS-185 Draft Drainage Design Criteria_R1 July 2013

Dubai Municipality
DS185 Sewerage, Drainage & Irrigation Master Plan
Draft Drainage Design Criteria


1.1 General 2
1.2 Project background 2
1.3 Drivers of the Drainage Master Plan 3
1.3.1 Vision and strategies 3
1.3.2 UAE Vision 2021 3
1.3.3 Dubai Strategic Plan (2015) 4
1.3.4 Sector Plans 4
1.3.5 Drivers relevant to the Drainage Master Plan 5
1.3.6 Application of drivers to Drainage Master Plan Strategy 6


3.1 Proposed approach 15
3.2 SUDS Management Train 17
3.3 Maintenance, operation and management aspects of SUDS 24


5.1 Intensity-Duration-Frequency 29
5.2 Design Storm Profile (Design Hyetograph) 31


6.1 Rational Method 36
6.1.1 Peak flow 36
6.1.2 Runoff coefficient (C) 37
6.1.3 Time of concentration (tc) 39
6.2 NRCS Dimensionless Unit Hydrograph Method 44
6.3 NRCS Triangular Unit Hydrograph Method 49
6.4 Clearing time 50

7.1 Conduit capacity and headloss 52

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Dubai Municipality
DS185 Sewerage, Drainage & Irrigation Master Plan
Draft Drainage Design Criteria

7.1.1 Darcy-Weisbach formula 52

7.1.2 Hazen-Williams formula 54
7.1.3 Manning’s formula 55
7.2 Flow velocity 56
7.3 Free-surface flow 57
7.4 Pressurised flow 58
7.5 Tailwater 59
7.5.1 Tailwater levels for tidal outfalls 59
7.5.2 Tailwater levels for non-tidal outfalls 61
7.5.3 Tailwater levels in existing pipe networks 62
7.5.4 Tailwater levels in future pipe networks 62
7.6 Hydraulic Modelling of the Drainage System 63


8.1 General 70
8.2 Drainage pipes 70
8.2.1 Pipe depths and covers 70
8.2.2 Pipe materials and sizes 70
8.2.3 Pipe corridors 72
8.2.4 Pipe clearance 72
8.2.5 Air valves and washouts 73
8.3 Drainage Manholes and Inlet Gullies 73
8.3.1 Manholes 73
8.3.2 Inlet Gullies 74
8.4 Infiltration systems 76
8.5 Pumping and Lifting Stations 86
8.5.1 General design considerations 86
8.5.2 Sizing of pumping stations 87
8.5.3 Screens 87
8.5.4 Wet well configuration and sizing 87
8.5.5 Pump selection criteria 89
8.5.6 Pumping station structures 90
8.5.7 Corrosion and erosion considerations 90
8.5.8 Electrical and instrumentation system requirements 91
8.5.9 Safety aspects of pumping stations 92
8.6 Detention and Retention Ponds 93

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DS185 Sewerage, Drainage & Irrigation Master Plan
Draft Drainage Design Criteria

8.7 Outfalls 93



10.1 Introduction 97
10.2 Water quality control 97
10.2.1 Pre-treatment 97
10.2.2 Treatment 98
10.3 Water quality modelling 99



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DS185 Sewerage, Drainage & Irrigation Master Plan
Draft Drainage Design Criteria

Table 1: Drainage Master Plan drivers and proposed strategies to address those drivers 7
Table 2: Key urban drainage management parameters and desired outcomes 13
Table 3: SUDS components and their benefits (CIRIA, 2010) 18
Table 4: Level of Service (Design ARIs) for different types of land use and minor and
major drainage systems (to be finalised) 28
Table 5: IDF values including expected and higher limit values 30
Table 6: Parameters of the IDF equation for Dubai 31
Table 7: Standard shape of the 50-percentile summer storm profile, FEH Method (CEH,
1999) 32
Table 8: Rational method runoff coefficients for urban watersheds (FHWA, 2001) 37
Table 9: Rational method runoff coefficient adjustment factors (TxDOT, 2011) 39
Table 10: Manning’s roughness coefficient (n) for sheet flow (FHWA, 2001) 40
Table 11: Intercept coefficients for velocity vs. slope relationship (FHWA, 2001) 41
Table 12: Manning’s roughness coefficient (n) for channels and pipes 42
Table 13: Coordinates of NRCS Dimensionless Unit Hydrograph (NRCS, 2007) 44
Table 14: Hydrologic soil groups (TxDOT, 2011) (NRCS, 2007) 47
Table 15: Runoff curve numbers (CN) for urban areas (NRCS, 2007) 48
Table 16: Recommended clearing times for the drainage system 50
Table 17: Hazen-Williams roughness coefficient (Hammer, 1988) 55
Table 18: Flow velocity limits in the drainage system 56
Table 19: Suggested tailwater levels for discharge to tidal waterways 61
Table 20: Preferred drainage pipe material 71
Table 21: Minimum cover for pipes 72
Table 22: Maximum spacing between manholes 74
Table 23: Design criteria for sizing of detention/retention ponds 93
Table 24: Typical soil permeability values 95
Table 25: Slotted pipe minimum infiltration rates 95

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Draft Drainage Design Criteria

Figure 1: Hierarchy of National Drivers 3
Figure 2: SUDS Management Train ( 18
Figure 3: SUDS design and planning issues for consideration 26
Figure 4: IDF curves for Dubai (Expected Values) 30
Figure 5: Standard shape of the 50-percentile summer storm profile, FEH Method
(CEH, 1999) 33
Figure 6: Example of synthetic storm profiles for Dubai based on the FEH method (5-
year 90-minute storm intensity) 34
Figure 7: Example of synthetic storm profiles for Dubai based on the FEH method (5-
year 90-minute storm depth) 34
Figure 8: NRCS Dimensionless Unit Hydrograph (Innovyze, 2011) 44
Figure 9: NRCS Dimensionless Unit Hydrograph 50
Figure 10: Moody diagram for estimation of Darcy-Weisbach friction factor 53
Figure 11: Decrease in roughness with increase in SS concentration 57
Figure 12: Hydraulic conditions of outfalls, from left to right, (a) Tailwater above obvert,
(b) Tailwater below obvert, (c) Tailwater below invert 62
Figure 13: Stages in numerical hydraulic model conceptualisation and development
(EA, 2012) 64
Figure 14: Perspective sketches of different types of gullies (ADM, 1998) 75
Figure 15: Soakaway in a residential sub-division and infiltration trenches in parkland
settings 78
Figure 16: Infiltration chambers under construction in commercial developments 78
Figure 17: Schematic of a dry-well soakaway 78
Figure 18: Screenshot of Infiltration Systems design spreadsheet by HR Wallingford 80
Figure 19: Typical detail of Roundabout island soakaway (TRCA, 2011) 84
Figure 20: Typical plan of an infiltration trench below a laneway (TRCA, 2011) 85
Figure 21: Typical cross section of an infiltration trench system below a laneway (TRCA,
2011) 85
Figure 22: Schematic of an infiltration chamber system below a parking lot 86
Figure 23: Corrosion on pump impeller 91
Figure 24: Erosion on pump impeller 91

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Draft Drainage Design Criteria


AMC Antecedent Moisture Content

ANSI-HI American National Standards Institute - Hydraulic Institute
AOS Apparent Opening Size
ARI Average Recurrence Interval
ASCE American Society of Civil Engineers
BMP Best Management Practice
CAPEX Capital Expenditure
CIRIA Construction Industry Research and Information Association of the UK
DEFRA Department of Environment, Food and Rural Affairs of the UK
DEWA Dubai Electricity and Water Authority
DI Ductile Iron
DM Dubai Municipality
DM DID Dubai Municipality Drainage & Irrigation Department
DUSUP Dubai Supply Authority
DXB Dubai International Airport
FRC Fibre-Reinforced Concrete
GPT Gross Pollutant Trap
GRP Glass-Reinforced Plastic
HAT Highest Astronomical Tide
HDPE High Density Poly-Ethylene
HGL Hydraulic Grade Line
HSE Health and Safety Executive of the UK
IDF Intensity-Duration-Frequency
IPCC Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change
IUD Integrated Urban Drainage
IWRM Integrated Water Resources Management
KAME Khatib & Alami and Metcalf & Eddy International
MUSIC Model for Urban Stormwater Improvement Conceptualisation
MWL Mean Water Level
NPSH Net Positive Suction Head
NRCS Natural Resources Conservation Service of the US
O&M Operation and Maintenance

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Draft Drainage Design Criteria

OL Obvert Level
OPEX Operational Expenditure
PE Polyethylene
POA Percent Open Area
QA/QC Quality Assurance and Quality Control
RCP Reinforced Concrete Pipe
RoW Right-of-Way
RTA Roads and Transport Authority of Dubai
SS Suspended Sediment
SUDS Sustainable Drainage Systems
TWL Tailwater Level
UNEP United Nations Environment Programme
UPS Uninterruptible Power Supply
uPVC Unplasticised Poly-Vinyl Chloride
WSUD Water Sensitive Urban Design

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Dubai Municipality
DS185 Sewerage, Drainage & Irrigation Master Plan
Draft Drainage Design Criteria

The current Dubai Municipality (DM) Drainage Design Criteria was produced back in
1999, in a time when conditions were substantially different from today, in terms of the
development that has taken place in Dubai, improvements in technology and the need
to move towards sustainable drainage systems.

With this in mind, as a part of the Dubai Sewerage, Drainage and Irrigation Master Plan,
a Draft Drainage Design Criteria Technical Note was submitted to DM Drainage &
Irrigation Department (DM DID) in July 2012, outlining the proposed updates to the
current Drainage Design Criteria.

The present document contains the updated Draft Drainage Design Criteria taking into
account the current conditions, technology and aspects of sustainability, and
incorporating DM DID comments and requirements. It contains the minimum
requirements to be considered in the design, operation and maintenance of drainage
systems in Dubai, but the designer should also refer to international standards, best
practice and guidelines for more detailed guidance.

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Dubai Municipality
DS185 Sewerage, Drainage & Irrigation Master Plan
Draft Drainage Design Criteria


1.1 General

On 10th June 2012, MWH were commissioned by DM under project DS 185 to prepare
the Sewerage, Drainage and Irrigation Master Plan for the Emirate of Dubai to the year
2025. The previous Sewerage and Drainage Master Plan was prepared by Khatib &
Alami and Metcalf & Eddy International (KAME) in 1999 under Project DS 96. The
previous Master Plan covered planned development until 2020.

However, the effects of global economic crisis of 2008 were felt in Dubai leading to
significant changes to the planned development of Dubai. With the relative stabilisation
of economic conditions, DM has decided to revise the long term plans for Sewerage,
Drainage and Irrigation infrastructure to account for the changes in the planned
development. A part of the Drainage Master Plan is the Drainage Design Criteria
required for current and future design of the drainage systems across Dubai. KAME
prepared a Drainage Design Criteria in 1999 which includes most of the important
aspects of drainage system design, but it needed to be updated taking into account the
current conditions, technology and aspects of sustainability, and incorporating DM DID
comments and requirements.

A background of the Drainage Master Plan project and its drivers is given below to
provide the designers with a sound understanding of the intent and requirements of the
Drainage Master Plan and future stormwater drainage projects across Dubai.

1.2 Project background

Last decade, before the 2008 economic crisis, Dubai has experienced an
unprecedented boom. The industrial, commercial and residential real estate sectors
have expanded at a rapid pace. Due to the speed and scale of this development, DM
did not take direct control of the entire associated infrastructure. Rather, Dubai
expanded through a combination of development projects that remained under the
responsibility of DM as well as private developers.

Private developers constructed their own sewerage, drainage and irrigation networks.
Many private developments included temporary sewage treatment plants and retention
ponds for surface water drainage. Treated sewage generated within the private
development has been used for landscaping and irrigating the area within the

The economic crisis of 2008 led to a slowdown in the development of Dubai. Many
developments grounded to a complete halt. Post crisis, development has resumed
although at a slower pace. In order to reflect the changing scenarios in the Master Plan,
DM have decided that it is an appropriate time to produce a new Master Plan for Dubai
to the year 2025. The Drainage Design Criteria forms part of the Master Plan

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Dubai Municipality
DS185 Sewerage, Drainage & Irrigation Master Plan
Draft Drainage Design Criteria

documentation. Once approved and published by DM, the new Drainage Design Criteria
should be used by the designers as the first point of reference for drainage system
design across Dubai.

1.3 Drivers of the Drainage Master Plan

1.3.1 Vision and strategies

The Drainage Master Plan needs to be developed in full alignment with the strategic
intent and vision of the UAE and the emirate of Dubai. Within the UAE, there are a
number of hierarchical documents that set this strategic intent and, by inference, shape
and form the direction of the Drainage Master Plan.

Figure 1 provides a graphical representation of the hierarchy and interaction of the core
strategic documents in the UAE.

Figure 1: Hierarchy of National Drivers

The following sections provide an overview of these core documents and highlight their
relevance in the development of the Drainage Master Plan and future drainage projects
across Dubai.

1.3.2 UAE Vision 2021

UAE Vision 2021 was launched in early February 2010 by the UAE Vice President and
Prime Minister, H.H. Sheikh Mohammed Bin Rashid Al Maktoum. This vision charts the
next stage of the development of the UAE, leading up to the golden jubilee of its
foundation, in 2021. The Vision is expressed in the context of four united themes,

• United in Ambition and Responsibility

• United in Destiny

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Dubai Municipality
DS185 Sewerage, Drainage & Irrigation Master Plan
Draft Drainage Design Criteria

• United in Knowledge

• United in Prosperity

The latter theme or pillar is the most relevant to the development of the Drainage
Master Plan as it promotes the need for 'well-rounded lifestyles guaranteed by excellent
public services and recreational activities, within a safe and rich natural and social

1.3.3 Dubai Strategic Plan (2015)

The aim of the Dubai Strategic Plan is to:

• establish a universal understanding of Dubai’s vision among the various

government entities

• ensure a common framework for the operations of these entities

The Plan identifies specific actions and outcomes to overcome challenges and
advance the vision set by the UAE and Dubai leadership. It provides for the
development of five sector plans, namely:

• Economic Development

• Social Development

• Infrastructure. Land and Environment

• Security, Justice and Safety

• Government Excellence

1.3.4 Sector Plans

The five Sector Plans have been developed from the overall Strategic Plan and provide
specific aims and thrusts. The intent of these detailed plans is to guide and direct the
development of agency-based programmes and plans such as the Master Plan. In the
context of the Master Plan, the aim is to ensure alignment between delivery plans and
the overall vision.

Each of the Sector Plans has a bearing on the Drainage Master Plan, but principally,
the Infrastructure, Land and Environment and Government Excellence Sector Plans.
There are a number of strategic thrusts detailed in these plans which have a direct
bearing on the Drainage Master Plan, namely:

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Draft Drainage Design Criteria

Infrastructure, Land and Environment Sector Plan

• Optimise land use through integrated urban planning

• Alignment of environmental regulation with best practices

• Adopt a sustainable development approach by integrating environmental


• Raise Environmental Awareness

Government Excellence Sector Plan

• Develop mechanisms for risk identification and management

• Introduction of latest interactive technologies to enhance efficiencies and better

serve customers

• Develop strategies that are aligned across government entities

1.3.5 Drivers relevant to the Drainage Master Plan

The UAE National Vision and Dubai Strategic Plan set a clear direction for the
Drainage Master Plan in that the intent and concepts developed under the Master Plan
need to take into consideration and satisfy the below criteria:

• Socio-economic and environmental impact and risks of the overall drainage
strategy and the entire life cycle of the proposed assets, both in terms of
construction and operation, should be considered, in order to reduce the
pollution and sedimentation load and stress on the downstream receiving water

• Creation of aesthetic and amenity values such as wetlands should be given a

high priority.

• Reduce the amount of pumping and hence the carbon footprint of the strategy.

• Safety in Design should be considered.

• Stormwater/flooding risks to the society and environment should be minimised.

Adaptability and Resilience

• Strategies/solutions should be adaptable to changes in development needs
and, as far as practical, be flexible to accommodate changes in policies, e.g.

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DS185 Sewerage, Drainage & Irrigation Master Plan
Draft Drainage Design Criteria

change from a runoff and groundwater disposal to runoff and groundwater

reuse strategy, etc.

• Strategies/solutions should be adaptable and resilient to global trends and

scenarios, e.g. economic growth, urbanisation, climate change, etc.

• The effective planning, design, construction and operation of drainage systems
requires ‘Good Governance’ and involvement of a wide range of stakeholders,
e.g. DM, Dubai Electricity and Water Authority (DEWA), Roads and Transport
Authority (RTA) and private developers. Formulation, establishment and
implementation of policies and legislation and identification of stakeholders and
responsible authorities should be addressed through Good Governance.

To compliment these core drivers from the strategic documents, the Master Plan also
needs to take account of the engineering perspective, namely:

• Strategies/solutions should be technically feasible, i.e. in terms of fit-for-
purpose and optimised design, constructability, etc.

• Strategies/solutions should be economically feasible and follow DM’s short and

long term strategy and budget, i.e. in terms of Capital Expenditure (CAPEX),
Operational Expenditure (OPEX), cash flow and value-for-money.

• Strategies/solutions should have the ability to provide flexibility and resilience at
times of emergency and contingency operation.

• Strategies/solutions should provide rationalisation and optimisation of assets in

terms of operation.

• Strategies/solutions should satisfy safety regulations in operation.

1.3.6 Application of drivers to Drainage Master Plan Strategy

The manner in which the above core drivers have been applied to the Drainage Master
Plan Strategy and the Drainage Design Criteria is described below in Table 1.

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Dubai Municipality
DS185 Sewerage, Drainage & Irrigation Master Plan
Draft Drainage Design Criteria

Table 1: Drainage Master Plan drivers and proposed strategies to address those

Driver Criteria Strategy

Sustainability Socio-economic and Application of Sustainable

environmental impact and risks Drainage Systems (SUDS)
of the overall drainage strategy philosophy, especially to new
and the entire life cycle of the developments and retrofit to
proposed assets, both in terms existing system where feasible.
of construction and operation,
Pollution and sedimentation
should be considered, in order
control at source, especially in
to reduce the pollution and
new developments.
sedimentation load and stress
on the downstream receiving Recognise potential impact of
water bodies. climate change.
Meet land and aquatic discharge
quantity and quality limits.
Maximise use of low-impact
construction in regards to
material, etc.
Minimise carbon footprint and
greenhouse gas emissions
during construction and

Creation of aesthetic and Improve land-based biodiversity,

amenity values such as e.g. use of ponds and wetlands
wetlands should be given a high within the solutions to enhance
priority. aesthetic and amenity values

Reduce the amount of pumping Maximise use of gravity

and hence the carbon footprint systems.
of the strategy.
Rationalise existing pumping
systems to enhance efficiency.

Safety in Design should be Maximise safety of design by

considered holding ‘Safety in Design’ and
‘Construction Hazard
Assessment’ workshops in the
design phase

Stormwater/flooding risks to the Undertake risk-based

society and environment should assessment and design
be minimised.

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Dubai Municipality
DS185 Sewerage, Drainage & Irrigation Master Plan
Draft Drainage Design Criteria

Driver Criteria Strategy

Adaptability Strategies/solutions should be Adopt strategies adaptable to

and adaptable to changes in varying population and/or
Resilience development needs and, as far population distribution.
as practical, be flexible to
Adopt strategies with the
accommodate changes in
capability/potential to change
policies, e.g. change from a
from disposal to reuse approach
runoff and groundwater disposal
to runoff and groundwater reuse
strategy, etc.

Strategies/solutions should be Adopt strategies adaptable and

adaptable and resilient to global resilient to natural disasters,
trends and scenarios, e.g. climate change, etc.
economic growth, urbanisation,
climate change, etc.

Governance The effective planning, design, Include sustainable drainage

construction and operation of policy within the national (UAE),
drainage systems requires local (Dubai), and sectorial (DM,
‘Good Governance’ and RTA, etc.) planning and strategy
involvement of a wide range of documents. This should be
stakeholders, e.g. DM, DEWA, implemented in collaboration
RTA and private developers. with DM and other stakeholders
Formulation, establishment and (DEWA, private developers,
implementation of policies and etc.).
legislation and identification of
Successful decision making with
stakeholders and responsible
respect to SUDS design and
authorities should be addressed
maintenance requires
through Good Governance.
consultation between
developers, planners, drainage
engineers and regulatory
authorities from the Concept
Design stage onwards and,
ideally, before land purchase.
This strategy maximises the
opportunities for developing the
most appropriate solution to the
implementation of SUDS and will
help to ensure that the systems
are designed correctly and are
well understood by those

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DS185 Sewerage, Drainage & Irrigation Master Plan
Draft Drainage Design Criteria

Driver Criteria Strategy

Feasibility Strategies/solutions should be Ensure technical excellence

technically feasible, i.e. in terms through established Quality
of fit-for-purpose and optimised Assurance and Quality Control
design, constructability, etc. (QA/QC) procedures.
Assess constructability issues by
holding ‘Constructability’
workshops in the design phase.

Strategies/solutions should be Minimise CAPEX and OPEX.

economically feasible and follow Defer expenditure by maximising
DM’s short and long term the use of existing assets, where
strategy and budget, i.e. in possible.
terms of CAPEX, OPEX, cash
Optimise design and assess
flow and value-for-money.
value-for-money by holding
‘Value Engineering’ workshops
in the design phase.

Operability Strategies/solutions should have Flexible and resilient design of

the ability to provide flexibility the systems to cater for
and resilience at times of emergency or contingency
emergency and contingency operation

Strategies/solutions should Optimisation and rationalisation

provide rationalisation and of assets to reduce both cost
optimisation of assets in terms and failure risk.
of operation.
Optimal integration of solutions
between needs of developers
and DM and other stakeholders.
Optimisation and rationalisation
of assets to reduce both cost
and risk of failure

Strategies/solutions should Assess safety of operation by

satisfy safety regulations in holding ‘Safety in Operation’
operation. workshops in the design phase

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Draft Drainage Design Criteria


The primary aim of an urban drainage management system is to ensure stormwater
generated from developed catchments causes minimal nuisance, danger and damage
to people, property and the environment. This requires the adoption of a multiple
objective approach, broadly considering issues such as (NRW, 2007):

• Flooding and drainage control

• Ecosystem health, both aquatic and terrestrial

• Public health and safety

• Economic considerations

• Recreational opportunities

• Social considerations

• Aesthetic values

Hence, the principles and objectives of urban drainage management can be listed as
below. All of the objectives presented below may not be relevant in all circumstances
and individual objectives may be expanded to highlight site-specific issues. The
objectives are (NRW, 2007):

• Protect and/or enhance downstream environments, including recognised social,

environmental and economic values, by appropriately managing the quality and
quantity of stormwater runoff

o Minimise changes to the quality and quantity of the natural urban

drainage regime

o Identify and control the primary sources of stormwater pollution

o Develop drainage systems based on a preferred management hierarchy.

The preferred hierarchy is:

 Retain and restore valuable elements of the natural drainage


 Implement source control measures using non-structural


 Implement source control measures using structural techniques

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DS185 Sewerage, Drainage & Irrigation Master Plan
Draft Drainage Design Criteria

 Install in-system constructed management techniques within the

drainage system to manage stormwater quality and quantity prior
to discharging to receiving waters. To achieve the best results,
stormwater quality treatment systems should be part of a
comprehensive approach to controlling stormwater pollution.
Such an approach would include regulations and enhanced
community awareness, as well as structural controls.

o Develop robust stormwater treatment systems that do not rely on a

single treatment system of focus on a single target pollutant

• Limit flooding of public and private property to acceptable or designated levels.

The alignment and capacity of major drainage corridors such as waterways and
major overland flow paths should be preserved. Drainage corridors must be
recognised as a legitimate land use and during the planning of new urban
developments and re-development of existing areas.

• Ensure stormwater and its associated drainage systems are planned, designed
and managed with appropriate consideration and protection of community health
and safety standards, including potential impacts on pedestrian and vehicular
traffic. A safe, affordable and socially equitable and acceptable level of urban
drainage and flood control should be established and maintained.

• Adopt and promote sustainable drainage principles, including appropriately

managing stormwater as an integral part of the total water cycle, protecting
natural features and ecological processes within urban waterways, and
optimising opportunities to use rainwater/stormwater as a resource

o Minimise the quantity of directly connected impervious surface area. This

will help to reduce changes to the natural water cycle, pollutant runoff
rates and the cost of providing stormwater management systems.

o Identify and optimise opportunities for stormwater to be valued and used

as a resource. Where circumstances allow, urban stormwater can be
used to recharge aquifers provided groundwater quality is protected. This
requires very careful management as potential issues include rising
water tables, salinity problems and disputes over groundwater extraction

o Maintain and protect natural drainage systems and their ecological

health. It is noted that the control of building/construction site soil erosion
and sediment runoff is essential for the sustainable management of most
natural drainage systems. Sediment runoff from building and
construction sites must be actively controlled.

• Appropriately integrate stormwater systems into the natural and built

environments while optimising the potential uses of drainage corridors

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DS185 Sewerage, Drainage & Irrigation Master Plan
Draft Drainage Design Criteria

o Ensure adopted stormwater management systems are appropriate for

the site constraints, land use and catchment conditions. Stormwater
management practices should reflect proposed land use practices,
climatic conditions, soil properties, site constraints, identified
environmental values, and the type of receiving waters. Certain
land uses produce concentrations of specific stormwater pollutants, thus
requiring the adaptation of specialist stormwater treatment systems that
may not be as effective in other areas of the catchment. Certain
receiving waters may also be sensitive to certain pollutant inflows, thus
requiring a further refinement to the list of preferred stormwater
management systems. As a general guide, large receiving water bodies,
such as lakes, rivers and bays, benefit from any and all measures that
reduce total pollutant loads, independent of when the pollutant runoff

o Appropriately integrate both wildlife and community land use activities

within urban waterway and drainage corridors

• Ensure stormwater is managed at a social, environmental and economic cost

that is acceptable to the community as a whole and that the levels of service and
the contributions to costs are equitable

o Assess the economics of stormwater management systems on the basis

of their full lifecycle costs, i.e. capital and operational costs. Stormwater
management systems should be based on solutions that are
economically sustainable. Developers of new urban communities must
give appropriate consideration to the anticipated on-going maintenance
(operational) costs of stormwater management systems even if they are
not required to furnish such maintenance costs.

o Ensure adopted stormwater management systems are sustainable.

Stormwater designers have a responsibility, within reason, to ensure that
their design can function effectively throughout their specified design life
based on the financial and technical abilities of the proposed asset

o Ensure appropriate protection of stormwater treatment measures during

the construction phase. Stormwater treatment measures, especially
filtration and infiltration systems, need to be isolated or otherwise
protected during the construction phase of urban development so that
their ultimate function is not compromised by sediment or construction

• Enhance community awareness of, and participation in, the appropriate

management of stormwater.

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Draft Drainage Design Criteria

o Engage the community in the development and evaluation of urban

drainage management strategies/solutions. Community participation
helps to:

 Identify strategies which are responsive to community concerns

 Explore problems, issues, community values and alternative


 Increase public ownership and acceptance of proposed solutions

 Generate broader decision making perspectives not limited to

past practices or interests

 Reflect the community’s life style values and priorities

Urban drainage management plans should consider several key parameters in order to
achieve the objectives as outlined in Table 2 (NRW, 2007).

Table 2: Key urban drainage management parameters and desired outcomes

Parameter Desired outcomes

Drainage Public health

Pedestrian and vehicular safety
Minimisation of storm-related nuisance to public

Infiltration Runoff volume control

Delivery of high quality, dry weather inflows to urban drainage
system through maintenance of groundwater levels

Runoff volume Control of bed and bank erosion in waterways

Reduction of annual pollutant load to water bodies
Optimum use of stormwater as a resources
Protection of aquatic ecosystems within receiving water bodies

Peak Flood control

Minimisation of legal disputes between neighbouring land owners
and communities
Control of bed and bank erosion in waterways

Flow velocity Pedestrian and vehicular safety

Control of bed and bank erosion in waterways
Protection of aquatic ecosystems within receiving water bodies

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Parameter Desired outcomes

Flow depth Flood control

Pedestrian and vehicular safety
Minimisation of storm-related nuisance to public

Water quality Protection of aquatic ecosystems and public health

Optimum use of stormwater as a resources
Integrity of urban waterways/water bodies through control of
sediment inflow

Aesthetics Appropriate integration of stormwater systems into the natural

and built environments, including retention of natural drainage
Protection/restoration of environmental values

Infrastructure & Acceptable financial cost

Sustainable operational and maintenance requirements

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3.1 Proposed approach

Conventional urban drainage systems were designed to collect stormwater as quickly

as possible and dispose of it from the built environment. These systems are now
struggling to cope with further urbanisation and are unlikely to cope with greater
extremes in rainfall because of climate change. Hence, conventional urban drainage
systems are considered unsustainable in the long term.

There is a growing acceptance that we need to have a more sustainable approach to

managing stormwater, in line with the concept of Sustainable Development which is
provoking a profound rethinking in our approach to urban water management.
Sustainable Development is defined as meeting the needs and aspirations of the
present generation without compromising the ability of future generations to meet their
own needs. An alternative definition by UNEP asserts that Sustainable Development is
that which improves the quality of life while living within the carrying capacity of
supporting ecosystems.

Sustainable services must be environmentally friendly, socially acceptable and

financially viable. The sustainability concept calls for overall rethinking and this implies
paying attention to particular situation in the local area (Nouh, 2001).

The growing trend towards a sustainable approach to managing stormwater has

resulted in the concept of Sustainable Drainage Systems (SUDS) which is a component
of Sustainable Development and Integrated Water Resources Management (IWRM)
and mimic natural drainage processes to reduce the effect on the quality and quantity of
runoff from developments and provide amenity and biodiversity benefits. This is in line
with the objectives of urban drainage management described in Section 2.

SUDS mimic natural drainage patterns by:

• Storing runoff and releasing it slowly (attenuation)

• Allowing water to soak into the ground (infiltration)

• Filtering out pollutants

• Allowing sediments to settle out by controlling the flow

• Creating attractive environment for people and wildlife

Sustainable drainage requires a new approach to surface water management, moving

away from traditional piped drainage systems and promoting wider environmental

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objectives and meeting the requirements of new legislation. Sustainable drainage is

different to traditional drainage because it:

• delivers a higher environmental performance expected by the society

• is often visible above ground, enabling easier inspection and management

• is often easier to manage

• is often multi-purpose, e.g. providing drainage and public open space, car
parking, etc.

• reduces the rate and volume of runoff from development with more natural

• can remove pollutants from runoff

• is easier to adapt to climate change and developmental pressures

Therefore, any measures, solutions and designs of urban drainage schemes in Dubai
shall be consistent with the principles of SUDS and Integrated Urban Drainage (IUD)
and in accordance with the below references published by the Construction Industry
Research and Information Association of the UK (CIRIA) and the Department of
Environment, Food and Rural Affairs of the UK (DEFRA):

• CIRIA C697, The SUDS Manual, 2007 (CIRIA, 2007)

• CIRIA C687, Planning for SUDS – Making it Happen, 2010 (CIRIA, 2010)

• CIRIA C698, Site Handbook for the Construction of SUDS, 2007 (CIRIA, 2007)

• CIRIA C522, Sustainable Urban Drainage Systems, 2000 (CIRIA, 2000)

• DEFRA, Integrated Urban Drainage Pilots, 2006 (produced by MWH) (DEFRA,


• DEFRA, Surface Water Management Plan Technical Guidance, 2010 (DEFRA,


While referring to the above documents, the design of drainage systems should take
into consideration that SUDS and IUD principles and solutions are introduced and
mostly applied in the UK, and some of the solutions cannot be directly applied in a flat
and arid region such as Dubai; however the concepts and principles could be used
globally. Therefore, applied solutions should be tailor-made for any particular
application based on the concepts and principles. Descriptions provided below are as
much as possible focused on the aspects of arid and semi-arid temperate climate

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3.2 SUDS Management Train

For SUDS to best mimic the natural drainage, a Management Train approach should be
adopted. This is fundamental in achieving a successful SUDS scheme, as it uses
drainage components in sequence to incrementally manage pollution, flow rates and

The SUDS Management Train and hierarchy of techniques that should be considered
are as follows:

• Prevention: The use of good site design and site housekeeping to reduce and
manage runoff and pollution, e.g. sweeping to remove surface dust and detritus
from car parks, rainwater reuse/harvesting, land-use planning and reduction of
paved surfaces. Prevention policies should generally be included within the site
management plan

• Source control: Control of runoff at or very near its source, e.g. soakaways,
other infiltration methods, green roofs, pervious pavements and filter strips.

• Site control: Management of water in a local area or site, e.g. routing water from
building roofs and car parks to a large soakaway, infiltration or detention basin.

• Regional control: Downstream management of runoff for a whole or several

sites/catchments, typically in a retention pond or wetland

Hence, wherever possible, stormwater should be managed in small, cost-effective

landscape features located within small sub-catchments rather than being conveyed to
and managed in large systems at the bottom of drainage areas.

The techniques that are higher in the hierarchy are preferred to those further down so
that prevention and control of water at source should always be considered before site
or regional controls.

However, where upstream control opportunities are restricted, a number of lower

hierarchy options should be used in series. Water should be conveyed elsewhere only if
it cannot be dealt with on site.

The passage of water between individual parts of the management train should be
considered through the use of natural conveyance systems, e.g. swales, filter trenches,
etc. wherever possible; although pipework may also be required, especially where
space is limited. Pre-treatment (removal of gross pollutants and/or sediments) is vital to
ensure the long-term effectiveness of SUDS components. In general, the greater the
number of components used in series, the better the performance is likely to be, and the
lower the risk of overall system failure.

Figure 2 provides a schematic representation of the SUDS Management Train.

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Figure 2: SUDS Management Train (

Examples of SUDS components and their benefits are listed in Table 3.

Table 3: SUDS components and their benefits (CIRIA, 2010)


Resources & Flood Risk

Managing Water Quality

Amenity & biodiversity

Managing Water
SUDS Component What Why Where

Building roofs Control runoff Private in   

Green Roofs

partially or as close to curtilage   

completely sources  
covered with
Store water
vegetation or
and filter out
another growing

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Resources & Flood Risk

Managing Water Quality

Amenity & biodiversity

Managing Water
SUDS Component What Why Where

Excavation or Store runoff Private in   

trench that can curtilage  
Filter out  
be filled with
pollutants Also next
filter material
to roads
Can be made of
groundwater Can be
concrete or

rings, perforated
structures that
are then
backfilled with
Allows water to
infiltrate into the

System to Reduce the Private in   

Rainwater Harvesting

collect water amount of curtilage  

from potable water 
impermeable use
surfaces for use
as non-potable

Surfaces that Water is Private in   

allow water to stored in the curtilage  
Permeable Pavements

soak into the base and  

Car parks
ground or a released
and some
gravel-filled gradually
Can also treat
Porous surface runoff and
replaces remove
traditional hard pollutants

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Resources & Flood Risk

Managing Water Quality

Amenity & biodiversity

Managing Water
SUDS Component What Why Where
Geocellular/Modular Systems

Modular plastic Can store and Driveways   

systems that allow 
Car parks 
can be used to infiltration
create below Next to
ground roads
systems that
infiltration or
can be used
on most sites

Open Convey water Private in   

landscaped curtilage   
Can provide
Channels & Rills

channels which  
some storage In open
can be
Used to convey
water from one
component to

Depressions Store water Private in   

backfilled with a and release it curtilage   
sand/soil gradually   
In open
mixture and
Water quality space
planted with
vegetation Next to
provided by a
Water enters filter layer

through In car
vegetated parks
surface and
then trickles via
a filter layer
entering a
perforated pipe
at the bottom
before being

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Resources & Flood Risk

Managing Water Quality

Amenity & biodiversity

Managing Water
SUDS Component What Why Where

Stone filled Control the Open   

trenches that amount of space next   
Infiltration Trench

allow water to runoff and to roads (if  

soak into the provide preceded
ground as close storage by filter
to sources as strips)
permeable Car parks

Vegetated area Filter out Open   

of gently sloping pollutants, space next   
ground especially roads 
Filter Strips

designed to sediment,
Car parks
drain water before runoff
evenly off entering
impermeable another SUDS
areas and filter component or
out silt and other watercourse

Vegetated area Store runoff Next to   

into which runoff roads in   
Filter out   
is drained, residential
Rain Garden

attenuated and developme
stored Recharge nts and
groundwater throughout
Water infiltrates
into the ground
or is taken up by

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Resources & Flood Risk

Managing Water Quality

Amenity & biodiversity

Managing Water
SUDS Component What Why Where

Gravel filled The gravel In open   

trenches with a slows the flow space,  
pipe with small by storing next to 
holes installed in water and roads and
the bottom releasing it car parks
Can be used
Filter Drain

in permeable
May need
to prevent

Shallow Treat and In open   

vegetated attenuate space,   
swales that can runoff next to  
run parallel to roads and
Can be used
hard surfaces, car parks
in permeable
allowing runoff
to trickle down
the side slopes

and into the

conditions (if
Water is then
transported in a
manner to
another SUDS
component or to
a stream or river

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Resources & Flood Risk

Managing Water Quality

Amenity & biodiversity

Managing Water
SUDS Component What Why Where

Open Convey water In open   

landscaped space   
Provides some
Trench Troughs

channels which   
storage and
can be
Used to convey,
attenuate and
improve water

Shallow Store water In open   

vegetated during large space   
Detention Basin

depressions to storms and 

control the release it
amount and rate gradually
of runoff and
some water

Artificial ponds Store water In open   

with an open and release it space   
water area and slowly,   
marginal allowing
wetland around sediment to
the edge settle in the
Retention Pond

pond in a
Should also
incorporate a
basin at the
inlet, while the
t area at the
inlet to allow for
some treatment
and calming of
storm flows to
prevent shock
loading of the
main water body

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Resources & Flood Risk

Managing Water Quality

Amenity & biodiversity

Managing Water
SUDS Component What Why Where

Retention ponds Store water In open   

with more and release it space,   
emergent slowly next to   
aquatic roads and
vegetation and a car parks
removal also

smaller open
takes place
water area
settlement and
occurs due to

3.3 Maintenance, operation and management aspects of SUDS

Like all drainage systems, SUDS components should be inspected and maintained.
This ensures efficient operation and prevents failure. Usually SUDS components are on
or near the surface and most can be managed using landscape maintenance
techniques. For below-ground SUDS components such as permeable paving and
soakaways, the manufacturer or designer should provide maintenance advice. This
should include routine and long-term actions that can be incorporated into a
maintenance plan.

The design process should consider the maintenance of the components including
access, waste management and any corrective maintenance to repair defects or
improve performance, etc.

Generally, maintenance is required from time to time to protect the integrity of drainage
facilities. The maintenance intends to resolve problems mainly generated by erosion,
sedimentation, and accumulation of leaves and trash in a drainage system. Due to the
distinguished climate characteristics in arid areas, maintenance in arid catchments
should be made more frequent than that in similar catchments in non-arid areas.
Normally, maintenance in non-arid catchments is made once a year or after a major
rainstorm. In arid catchments, the maintenance should be made after each rainstorm,
e.g. 3 to 4 times yearly (Nouh, 2001) in addition to annual routine maintenance.

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Extreme fluctuations in temperature, high nocturnal and low diurnal humidity and violent
solar action that normally exist in arid areas, cause chemical changes in certain soil
elements frequently resulting in the breakdown of rocks and disintegration of soils.
Broken rocks and disintegrated soils furnish the flash intense rainfall with large amounts
of solids to be carried downstream. These solids size varies from very fine sediment to
large boulders (Nouh, 2001).

In addition, because hyetographs as well as resulting hydrographs are characterised by

sharp rise, slide of embankments normally occurs with large amount of sediment
transport to the drainage facilities. Rainfall has normally significant impact on the
movement of slide materials, through surface erosion and mass washing events,
sediment slumping and sliding. In these cases, two types of solids can be produced and
transported to the drainage facilities, the suspended fraction of silt, and the coarser
materials that are rolled down along the slope. The removal of fine-grained soils from
the slopes allows the rainwater to enter tissues and fractures, while the movement of
huge boulders on the slopes increases the voids in the soils. The water filling of the
generated tissues and fractures in addition to the rise in groundwater levels during the
heavy rainfalls result in high pore pressure that reduce the soil shear strength and its
slope stability, leading to serious landslides (Nouh, 2001).

In addition to the above, arid climate is normally characterised by existence of dust

storms, which cause considerable amount of solids to be suspended in atmosphere and
to settle on land surfaces. As rainfall moves through the atmosphere, it washes out the
suspended solids and carries them to the land surface. Upon reaching the ground, it will
dislodge some particles (mostly soil on pervious surfaces, and wide variety of settled
solids and debris on impervious surfaces) and dissolve other materials. The produced
stormwater runoff carries the particles dislodged by initial precipitation impact, other
particles dislodged by the movement of the runoff itself, and a variety of dislodged
materials to the drainage system. The result is the transport of considerable amounts of
sediments to the drainage system. The long dry period between two successive
rainstorms assist in accumulating large quantity of sediments settled from atmosphere,
leaves and trash and miscellaneous rubbish on the land surface to be washed by the
flash floods to the drainage facilities, causing serious operation management problems
(Nouh, 2001).

Normal practice in arid climates includes (Nouh, 2001):

• Embankment and slope protection against sliding by placing granular materials

and/or planting grass cover on the slopes

• Retardation of sheet erosion by using grass cover plantation and/or riprap

placement on the surface

• Instalment of concrete sediment racks in the detention basin to avoid the

transport of debris and boulders. The area of the rack should be large enough to
hold up quite a large mass of material without impeding the flow of water.

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• Instalment of trash racks to hold rubbish, papers, leaves, etc.

Routine maintenance in such climates should be carried out after each rainstorm
checking the embankments and repair the damage, checking the concrete and metal
components of the drainage system and make necessary restoration, clean both the
concrete sediment racks and trash racks, and clean the settled sediments and the
rubbish materials from the streets.

Figure 3 highlights the broad range of issues that need to be considered and evaluated
for appropriate SUDS planning and design, further confirming the importance of early
consultation and conceptual design work.

Figure 3: SUDS design and planning issues for consideration

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As described in Section 2, economics of urban drainage management systems should
be assessed on the basis of their full lifecycle costs, i.e. capital and operational costs.

Stormwater management systems should be based on solutions that are economically

sustainable. A wide range of stormwater management practices is available. The capital
and on-going operations and maintenance costs of these practices are highly variable.
It is important for stormwater managers to adopt solutions that are economically
sustainable. This is particularly relevant when choosing structural water quality controls.
The annual operating and maintenance costs of these devices may represent a large
percentage of, or exceed, their initial capital cost. Management authorities may find this
cost difficult to afford on an on-going basis. This may then compromise the
effectiveness of the device in meeting its treatment objectives.

Developers of new urban communities must give appropriate consideration to the

anticipated on-going maintenance (operational) costs of stormwater management
systems even if they are not required to furnish such maintenance costs.

An economic analysis of alternative drainage designs, where a choice is available,

should always be made. However, non-engineering constraints may severely limit the
design alternatives available to the drainage design for a specific project or location.

Economics of urban drainage ties in with the Level of Service or Design Average
Recurrence Interval (ARI) as described below.

Location and condition-specific Level of Service or Design ARI can be achieved through
Hydro-Economic Analysis. The greater the capacity of a drainage system, the larger its
CAPEX and OPEX would be. On the other hand, the greater the capacity, the less
frequently the drainage system will overflow. Each overflow will result in some damage
to properties and infrastructure with resulting costs to the property owners and
infrastructure operators.

The economic objective in urban drainage design is to optimise CAPEX and OPEX of
the drainage system versus the average annual damage caused by the system
overflow, based on the acceptable level of risk. There is a trade-off between these
parameters and a point where they are balanced which is the optimal point. A detailed
description of Hydro-Economic Analysis can be found in (Linsely & Franzini, 1987).

Hydro-Economic Analysis required detailed information on annual damage as a result of

the drainage system overflows. Unfortunately, this type of information is not readily
available for most parts of the world, especially the arid and semi-arid regions where
storm happen only a few times in a year and drainage system overflows are not
frequent; and Dubai is not an exception in this case. Hence, a general determination of
Design ARIs is a common practice in cases where the required information for detailed
Hydro-economic Analysis is not readily available.

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Providing a completely risk-free drainage system would be prohibitively expensive,

therefore a minimum Design ARI is usually selected to cater for the acceptable level of
risk. Minimum acceptable Design ARIs for different types of land use and minor and
major drainage systems in Dubai are proposed in Table 4. The designer may choose a
larger Design ARI (reduced level of risk) due to requirements of a specific project,
subject to DM DID approval.

Minor systems comprise of gullies, pipes, culverts smaller than 600 mm, overland flow
paths and bio-retention swales. Major systems comprise of culverts larger than
600 mm, trunk mains, rising mains, pumping stations, detention ponds, retention ponds
and sedimentation basins.

Table 4: Level of Service (Design ARIs) for different types of land use and minor
and major drainage systems (to be finalised)

Design ARI (years)

Type of land use
Minor systems Major systems

Business & commercial 10 50

Industrial 5 50

Residential 5 50

Parks, playgrounds, natural areas

2 50
and minor roads

Main streets, arterial roads &

10 50

High prestige or ceremonial

25 50

Main roads and highways with

major sag vertical curves, such as 50 100
interchange tunnels

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5.1 Intensity-Duration-Frequency

For the purpose of design of urban drainage facilities, a rainfall event should be
identified and then used in generating design hyetographs and hydrographs. The
rainfall event is either an actual rainfall event or a synthetic one. Generally, the former is
used when runoff volume is of interest while the latter is used when the peak flow is of
prime consideration.

The synthetic rainfall event is commonly termed as “Design Storm” and is determined
based on Intensity-Duration-Frequency (IDF) analyses of historical data. It is used in the
design of the majority of urban drainage facilities. IDF curves are developed for different
regions and used to identify the intensity of a design storm for a given duration and a
selected return period/ARI. The storm intensity is then used together with an assumed
temporal distribution of rainfall (storm profile/hyetograph) to estimate the flow

The main datasets used for updating the IDF parameters were the short-duration rainfall
recordings, i.e. the Half-Hourly (30-min) and One-Minute (1-min) rainfall data from
Dubai International Airport (DXB). The 30-min rainfall dataset was available for the
period of 1994 to 2012, whilst the 1-min rainfall dataset was available for the period of
2004 to 2012.

The 1-min rainfall dataset has been used as the main data source for the analysis due
to its higher level of accuracy and higher frequency of recordings. However, the short
period of this dataset (9 years) will impose some limitations and uncertainty upon the
analyses which have been considered in generating the IDF parameters.

Rainfall intensities have been calculated based on the 1-min rainfall dataset, for one-
minute time intervals and different storm durations of 1, 5, 10, 15, 20, 30, 45, 60 and 90
minutes and 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 12 and 24 hours for each individual event.

Table 5 below presents the IDF values calculated for the revised design storm, showing
two values of intensity for each duration and return period:

• Lower value which is the Expected Value resulted from the frequency analysis.
This value shall normally be used in the stormwater drainage projects across

• Higher Limit value which is the value of the upper range of the 95% confidence
limit resulted from the frequency analysis. This value shall be used in the
stormwater drainage projects of high importance and sensitive areas and
developments, subject to DM DID approval.

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Over the years and as the 1-min rainfall data is collected and analysed, the range
between these values will reduce, to the point when a single intensity value can be used
in the design of drainage systems.

Table 5: IDF values including expected and higher limit values

Return Intensity (mm/h) in different durations

(years) 1min 5min 10min 15min 20min 30min 45min 60min 90min 2h 3h 4h 5h 6h 12h 24h

2 84.32 59.60 41.74 32.09 25.71 18.62 13.77 11.27 8.19 6.63 5.12 4.12 3.43 3.00 1.89 1.04
118.14 85.63 60.34 46.48 37.58 27.41 20.46 16.39 11.79 9.48 7.21 5.80 4.86 4.29 2.82 1.60

5 126.78 92.28 65.10 50.16 40.61 29.66 22.17 17.70 12.72 10.21 7.74 6.23 5.22 4.61 3.05 1.75
178.72 132.25 93.67 72.25 58.84 43.17 32.45 25.55 18.25 14.59 10.95 8.80 7.41 6.59 4.47 2.61

10 154.90 113.92 80.57 62.12 50.48 36.98 27.73 21.95 15.71 12.58 9.48 7.62 6.40 5.68 3.82 2.22
221.54 165.20 117.22 90.47 73.87 54.30 40.92 32.03 22.80 18.20 13.59 10.92 9.21 8.21 5.64 3.33

20 181.87 134.68 95.40 73.59 59.95 43.99 33.07 26.03 18.58 14.86 11.14 8.96 7.54 6.70 4.56 2.67
263.40 197.42 140.25 108.28 88.57 65.19 49.21 38.36 27.26 21.73 16.18 13.00 10.97 9.80 6.79 4.02

25 190.43 141.26 100.11 77.23 62.95 46.21 34.76 27.32 19.49 15.58 11.67 9.38 7.90 7.03 4.79 2.81
276.78 207.71 147.61 113.97 93.27 68.67 51.85 40.39 28.69 22.86 17.00 13.66 11.53 10.31 7.15 4.25

50 216.78 161.54 114.61 88.45 72.21 53.07 39.98 31.31 22.30 17.80 13.30 10.69 9.01 8.03 5.51 3.25
318.19 239.57 170.39 131.59 107.80 79.44 60.05 46.65 33.10 26.35 19.56 15.71 13.27 11.88 8.28 4.94

100 242.94 181.67 129.00 99.58 81.39 59.87 45.16 35.27 25.08 20.01 14.91 11.98 10.11 9.02 6.23 3.68
359.49 271.35 193.11 149.16 122.30 90.18 68.22 52.90 37.49 29.84 22.11 17.76 15.01 13.45 9.41 5.62

Figure 4 shows the graphical representation of the lower values (Expected Values) in
the above table.

Intensity (mm/hr)






0 20 40 60 80 100 120 140 160 180 200 220 240
Duration (min)

Figure 4: IDF curves for Dubai (Expected Values)

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IDF relationships can be expressed in equation form as well. Technical references

recommend a few empirical IDF equations, out of which, the below equation is one of
the most commonly used and has previously been used in DM Sewerage and Drainage
Design Criteria.

  (Equation 1)


iT = rainfall intensity (mm/h) for a given return period

T = Return period

C, e = constants

Table 6 provides the parameters of the IDF equation for Dubai.

Table 6: Parameters of the IDF equation for Dubai

Return period Correlation parameters

(years) C e R2

2 0.00656 0.655 0.976

5 0.00429 0.650 0.974

10 0.00349 0.648 0.973

20 0.00296 0.647 0.973

25 0.00283 0.647 0.973

50 0.00248 0.646 0.972

100 0.00221 0.645 0.972

5.2 Design Storm Profile (Design Hyetograph)

A design storm is a precipitation pattern defined for use in the design of a hydrologic
system. Usually the design storm serves as the system input, and the resulting rates of
flow through the system are calculated using rainfall-runoff and flow routing procedures.
A design storm can be defined by a value for precipitation depth at a point, by a design
hyetograph specifying the time distribution of precipitation during a storm, or by an
isohyetal map specifying the spatial pattern of the precipitation (Chow, 1988).

Design storms can be based upon historical precipitation data at a site or can be
constructed using the general characteristics of precipitation in the surrounding region.
Their application ranges from the use of point precipitation values in the rational method

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for determining peak flow rates in storm sewers and highway culverts, to the use of
storm hyetographs as inputs for rainfall-runoff analysis of urban detention basins or for
spillway design in large reservoir projects. This chapter covers the development of point
precipitation data, IDF relationships, design hyetographs, and estimated limiting storms
based on probable maximum precipitation (Chow, 1988).

Synthetic storm profiles (hyetographs) for stormwater drainage design in Dubai can be
prepared based different methods, some of which are:

• 50-percentile Summer Storm Profile of the UK Flood Estimation Handbook


• Triangular Hyetograph Method

• Natural Resources Conservation Service (NRCS; formerly SCS) Method

Out of the available methods, the FEH method seems more suitable for stormwater
drainage design in Dubai and is also being used for similar applications in other GCC
countries such as Qatar. However, it should be noted that the FEH method has been
developed based on the actual storm characteristics in the UK which could be very
different from Dubai, but finding the actual temporal pattern of storms requires very
detailed and large number of short-duration rainfall data which is not available in Dubai,
mainly due to scarcity of storm events and the short duration of rainfall recordings.
Triangular Hydetograph Method can also be used, but since it usually results in smaller
values compared to the FEH method, the use of the FEH method is recommended over
the next few years until sufficient short-duration rainfall recordings are available for
analysing the actual storm characteristics in and around Dubai.

Table 7 provides the standard shape of the 50-percentile summer storm profile of the
FEH method. Synthetic storm profiles for different return periods and durations can be
generated based on this standard shape and the IDF values. Figure 5 also shows the
graphical representation of this standard shape. The profile is symmetrical around its
mid-point (50% duration).

Table 7: Standard shape of the 50-percentile summer storm profile, FEH Method
(CEH, 1999)

% % of mean % of % % of mean % of
duration intensity cumulative duration intensity cumulative
depth depth
1 32 0.32 26 54 10.52
2 33 0.65 27 56 11.08
3 33 0.98 28 58 11.66
4 34 1.32 29 61 12.27
5 34 1.66 30 64 12.91
6 35 2.01 31 68 13.59
7 35 2.36 32 72 14.31

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% % of mean % of % % of mean % of
duration intensity cumulative duration intensity cumulative
depth depth
8 36 2.72 33 78 15.09
9 36 3.08 34 84 15.93
10 37 3.45 35 91 16.84
11 37 3.82 36 99 17.83
12 38 4.20 37 110 18.93
13 38 4.58 38 123 20.16
14 39 4.97 39 136 21.52
15 40 5.37 40 152 23.04
16 41 5.78 41 170 24.74
17 42 6.20 42 188 26.62
18 43 6.63 43 208 28.70
19 44 7.07 44 228 30.98
20 45 7.52 45 250 33.48
21 46 7.98 46 274 36.22
22 48 8.46 47 300 39.22
23 49 8.95 48 328 42.50
24 50 9.46 49 358 46.08
25 52 9.98 50 392 50.00

Figure 5: Standard shape of the 50-percentile summer storm profile, FEH Method
(CEH, 1999)

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Figure 6 and Figure 7 show an example of the generated synthetic storm profiles for
Dubai based on the FEH method.

Intensity (mm/hr)






0.00 10.00 20.00 30.00 40.00 50.00 60.00 70.00 80.00 90.00 100.00

Figure 6: Example of synthetic storm profiles for Dubai based on the FEH method
(5-year 90-minute storm intensity)

Depth (mm)







0.00 10.00 20.00 30.00 40.00 50.00 60.00 70.00 80.00 90.00 100.00

Figure 7: Example of synthetic storm profiles for Dubai based on the FEH method
(5-year 90-minute storm depth)

Similar storm profiles can be generated for other return periods and storm durations.

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Understanding the hydrologic processes of a catchment is essential for the estimation
of design flows. Estimation of peak flows is generally adequate for design and analysis
of conveyance systems such as storm drains or open channels. However, if the design
or analysis must include flood routing (e.g., storage basins or complex conveyance
networks), a flood hydrograph is required.

Estimation of peak flows and flood hydrographs can be achieved through two main
groups of methods, i.e. statistical/stochastic methods and rainfall-runoff modelling

Stochastic methods, or frequency analysis, can be used to evaluate peak flows where
adequate gauged streamflow data exist, which is usually not the case in urban overland
flow (pluvial) conditions, but more common in river and floodplain (fluvial) hydrology.

Rainfall-runoff modelling is the common practice in urban hydrology (pluvial flooding)

and for the estimation of peak flows and flow hydrographs in different location of an
urban stormwater drainage system.

The rate of runoff resulting from any constant rainfall intensity is maximum when the
duration of rainfall equals the Time of Concentration (tc). That means if the rainfall
intensity is constant, the entire drainage area contributes to the peak discharge when
the time of concentration has elapsed. This assumption becomes less valid as the
drainage area increases. For large drainage areas, the time of concentration can be so
large that the assumption of constant rainfall intensities for such long periods is not
valid, and shorter more intense rainfalls can produce larger peak flows. Additionally,
rainfall intensities usually vary during a storm. In semi-arid and arid regions, storm cells
are relatively small with extreme intensity variations. These characteristics shall be
considered by applying storm profiles and more advanced rainfall-runoff modelling

The choice of rainfall-runoff modelling method must be appropriate to the type of

catchment and the required degree of accuracy. Simplified hydrologic methods such as
the Rational Method should not be used whenever a full design hydrograph is required,
i.e. in design of complex networks and volume-dependent system components such as
storage (detention and retention) basins.

Different rainfall-runoff modelling methods are described below.

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6.1 Rational Method

6.1.1 Peak flow

The use of Rational Method as a rainfall-runoff model should be limited to initial sizing
of small and simple drainage systems with catchments smaller than 80 hectares.

This method has significant limitations, and it is the task of the designer to be familiar
with these limitations and to know when an alternative methodology is required.

Use of the rational method includes the following assumptions and limitations:

• Peak flow occurs when the entire watershed is contributing to the flow. Hence,
the method is applicable if the selected duration of rainfall is equal to or greater
than tc for the drainage area.

• Rainfall intensity is uniform throughout the duration of the storm.

• Rainfall is distributed uniformly over the drainage area.

• The frequency of occurrence for the peak discharge is the same as the
frequency of the rainfall producing that event.

• The minimum duration to be used for computation of rainfall intensity is 10

minutes. If the time of concentration computed for the drainage area is less than
10 minutes, then 10 minutes should be adopted for rainfall intensity

• The rational method does not account for storage in the drainage area. Available
storage is assumed to be filled.

• Runoff coefficient is the same for all storms of all recurrence probabilities.

The rational method represents a steady inflow-outflow condition of the watershed

during the peak intensity of the design storm. Any storage features having sufficient
volume that they do not completely fill and reach a steady inflow-outflow condition
during the duration of the design storm cannot be properly represented with the rational
method. Such features include detention ponds, channels with significant volume, and
floodplain storage. When these features are present, an alternate rainfall-runoff method
is required that accounts for the time-varying nature of the design storm and/or
filling/emptying of floodplain storage. In these cases, the hydrograph method is
recommended (TxDOT, 2011).

Rational Method estimates the peak rate of runoff at any location in a catchment as a
function of the drainage area, runoff coefficient, and mean rainfall intensity for a
duration equal to the time of concentration (the time required for water to flow from the

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most remote point of the basin to the location being analysed). The rational method
formula is expressed below:

 (Equation 2)


Q = maximum rate of runoff (m³/s)

C = runoff coefficient (refer to Table 8)

I = rainfall intensity with a duration equal to the time of concentration (mm/hr)

A = drainage area (ha)

CT = Correction factor to allow for Clearing Time as per Section 6.4, where CT is:



D = rainfall duration (hr)

T = Clearing Time (hr) (refer to Section 6.4)

The discharge period parameter is specific to regions with low rainfall, and its
application in the Rational Method formula decreases the flow rate at the discharge to
economise on the size of pipes, pumps and rising mains, allowing the roads to flood for
the duration of the discharge period. This is related to Clearing Time which is further
discussed in Section 6.4 below.

6.1.2 Runoff coefficient (C)

In selecting the runoff coefficient, the future characteristics of the catchment should be
considered. If land-use varies within a catchment, segments should be considered
individually and a weighted runoff coefficient value should be calculated. Table 8
suggests ranges of C values for various categories of ground cover.

Table 8: Rational method runoff coefficients for urban watersheds (FHWA, 2001)

Type of drainage area Runoff coefficient (C)*

Downtown areas 0.70 - 0.95
Neighbourhood areas 0.50 - 0.70

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Type of drainage area Runoff coefficient (C)*

Single-family areas 0.30 - 0.50
Multi-units, detached 0.40 - 0.60
Multi-units, attached 0.60 - 0.75
Suburban 0.25 - 0.40
Apartment dwelling areas 0.50 - 0.70

Light areas 0.50 - 0.80
Heavy areas 0.60 - 0.90
Parks, cemeteries 0.10 - 0.25

Playgrounds 0.20 - 0.40

Railroad yards 0.20 - 0.40

Unimproved areas 0.10 - 0.30

Sandy soil, flat, 2% 0.05 - 0.10
Sandy soil, average, 2-7% 0.10 - 0.15
Sandy soil, steep, 7% 0.15 - 0.20
Heavy soil, flat, 2% 0.13 - 0.17
Heavy soil, average, 2-7% 0.18 - 0.22
Heavy soil, steep, 7% 0.25 - 0.35
Asphaltic 0.70 - 0.95
Concrete 0.80 - 0.95
Brick 0.70 - 0.85

Drives and walks 0.75 - 0.85

Roofs 0.75 - 0.95

* Higher values are usually appropriate for steeply sloped areas and
longer return periods because infiltration and other losses have a
proportionally smaller effect on runoff in these cases.

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Runoff coefficients listed in Table 8 apply to storms with ARIs of up to 10 years. Storms
with higher return periods require modifying the runoff coefficient because in storms
with higher return periods, infiltration and other abstractions have a proportionally
smaller effect on runoff. In such cases, the runoff coefficient (C) should be multiplied by
the factor Cf as indicated in Table 9. The product of C and Cf should not exceed 1.0.

Table 9: Rational method runoff coefficient adjustment factors (TxDOT, 2011)

Design storm ARI

25 1.10
50 1.20
100 1.25

6.1.3 Time of concentration (tc)

The time of concentration (tc) is the time at which the entire watershed begins to
contribute to runoff. This is calculated as the time taken for runoff to flow from the most
hydrologically remote point of the drainage area to the point under investigation. Use of
Rational Method requires the time of concentration for each design point within the
drainage basin. The duration of rainfall is then set equal to the time of concentration and
is used to estimate the design average rainfall intensity.

To estimate tc, the flow path along which the longest travel time is likely to occur should
be identified. Generally, it is reasonable to consider three following components of flow
that can characterise the progression of runoff along a travel path. These three
components are sheet flow (overland flow), shallow concentrated flow, and open
channel and pipe flow (concentrated channel flow).

Sheet flow travel time

Sheet flow is the shallow mass of runoff on a planar surface with a uniform depth across
the sloping surface. This usually occurs over relatively short distances, rarely more than
about 130 m. Sheet flow is commonly estimated with a version of the Kinematic Wave
equation, a derivative of Manning’s equation, as follows (FHWA, 2001):

.   .
  (Equation 3)


Tti = sheet flow travel time (h)

n = Manning’s roughness coefficient for overland flow (see Table 10)

L = flow length (m)

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I = rainfall intensity (mm/h)

S = surface slope (m/m)

Since rainfall intensity (I) depends on tc which is not initially known, computation of tc is
an iterative process.

Table 10: Manning’s roughness coefficient (n) for sheet flow (FHWA, 2001)

Surface Description n
Smooth asphalt 0.011
Smooth concrete 0.012
Ordinary concrete lining 0.013
Wood 0.014
Brick with cement mortar 0.014
Cast iron 0.015
Vitrified clay 0.015
Corrugated metal pipe 0.024
Cement rubble 0.024
Fallow (no residue) 0.050
Cultivated soils
Residue cover ≤ 20% 0.06
Residue cover > 20% 0.17
Range (natural) 0.13
Short grass prairie 0.15
Dense grass 0.24
Bermuda grass 0.41

Shallow concentrated flow velocity

After a short distance of at most 130 m, sheet flow tends to concentrate in rills. Such
flow is usually referred to as shallow concentrated flow. The velocity of such flow can be
estimated using a relationship between velocity and slope as follows (FHWA, 2001):

 ! " .# (Equation 4)


V = velocity (m/s)

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k = intercept coefficient (see Table 11)

Sp = slope (%)

Table 11: Intercept coefficients for velocity vs. slope relationship (FHWA, 2001)

Land Cover/Flow Regime k

Short grass pasture 0.213
Nearly bare and untilled 0.305
Grassed waterway 0.457
Unpaved 0.491
Paved 0.619

Open channel and pipe flow velocity

Open channel and pipe flow velocity can be estimated from the hydraulic properties of
the pipe or channel using Manning’s equation.

 $ % (Equation 5)


n = Manning’s roughness coefficient (see Table 12)

V = velocity (m/s)

R = hydraulic radius (m)

S = slope (m/m)

The time of concentration (tc) is then calculated by adding the flow travel times in
different segments which are calculated as:

  (Equation 6)


Tti = flow travel time for segment i (min)

L = length of the segment i (m)

V = flow velocity in segment i (m/s)

It is recommended to use a minimum tc of 10 minutes where the estimated tc is less

than 10 minutes.

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Table 12: Manning’s roughness coefficient (n) for channels and pipes
(FHWA, 2001)

Conduit material n
Closed conduits
Asbestos-cement pipe 0.011 - 0.015
Cast Iron pipe (cement-lined) 0.011 - 0.015
Concrete pipe 0.011 - 0.015
Corrugated metal pipe
Plain 0.022 - 0.026
Paved invert 0.018 - 0.022
Spun asphalt lined 0.011 - 0.015
Plastic pipe (uPVC, GRP, PE) 0.011 - 0.015
Open channels
Lined channels
Asphalt 0.013 - 0.017
Brick 0.012 - 0.018
Concrete 0.011 - 0.020
Rubble or riprap 0.020 - 0.035
Vegetal 0.030 - 0.400
Excavated or dredged
Earth, straight and uniform 0.020 - 0.030
Earth, winding, fairly uniform 0.025 - 0.040
Rock 0.030 - 0.045
Unmaintained 0.050 - 0.140
Natural channels (minor streams, top width at flood stage
< 30 m)
Fairly regular section 0.030 - 0.070
Irregular section with pools 0.040 - 0.100

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For design of the stormwater drainage systems, more advanced rainfall-runoff models
should be employed. Some examples of the applicable rainfall-runoff models are:

• Non-linear Reservoir

• Colorado Urban Hydrograph Procedure (CUHP) (for catchments smaller than

1,300 hectares)

• NRCS Dimensionless Unit Hydrograph Method

• NRCS Triangular Unit Hydrograph Method

• Snyder Unit Hydrograph Method

• Clark Unit Hydrograph Method

• Delmarve Unit Hydrograph

• Epsey Unit Hydrograph

• Santa Barbara Urban Hydrograph Method

• San Diego Modified Rational Hydrograph

The use of NRCS Dimensionless Unit Hydrograph and NRCS Triangular Unit
Hydrograph (which is an approximation to the NRCS Dimensionless Unit Hydrograph)
are recommended as these methods are generally widely used in practice and have
also been applied to arid regions with acceptable results. Details of other methods can
be found in technical references such as InfoSWMM PDM Users Guide by Innovyze
(Innovyze, 2011).

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6.2 NRCS Dimensionless Unit Hydrograph Method

NRCS Dimensionless Unit Hydrograph is shown in Figure 8 below and the coordinates
of this unit hydrograph are presented in Table 13.

Figure 8: NRCS Dimensionless Unit Hydrograph (Innovyze, 2011)

Table 13: Coordinates of NRCS Dimensionless Unit Hydrograph (NRCS, 2007)

Time ratio Discharge ratio Time ratio Discharge ratio
(t/tp) (Q/Qp) (t/tp) (Q/Qp)
0.0 0.000 1.7 0.460
0.1 0.030 1.8 0.390
0.2 0.100 1.9 0.330
0.3 0.190 2.0 0.250
0.4 0.310 2.2 0.207
0.5 0.470 2.4 0.147
0.6 0.660 2.6 0.107
0.7 0.820 2.8 0.077
0.8 0.930 3.0 0.055
0.9 0.990 3.2 0.040
1.0 1.000 3.4 0.029
1.1 0.990 3.6 0.021
1.2 0.930 3.8 0.015
1.3 0.860 4.0 0.011
1.4 0.780 4.5 0.005
1.5 0.680 5.0 0.000
1.6 0.560

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To generate a tr-hour hydrograph for a catchment, time to peak (Tp) and the peak flow
rate (Qp) are determined using catchment characteristics as below:

 .  ' (Equation 7)


tr = duration of effective rainfall

tl = lag time of the catchment

Lag time represents the time from the centre of mass of effective rainfall to the time-to-
peak of the hydrograph. In other words, lag time is a delay in time, after a rain over a
catchment, before the runoff reaches its peak. Lag time can be calculated using the
following equation (NRCS, 2007):

* .+ , ./ .0
()  -
 1 .#
(Equation 8)


tl = lag time of the catchment (hr)

L = hydraulic length of the catchment (ft) which refers to travel distance of water from
the most upstream location of the catchment to the point where the unit hydrograph is

CN = NRCS Curve Number which is a measure of runoff generating capacity of a

watershed and depends on the soil, the antecedent moisture condition, the cover and
the hydrologic conditions of the watershed. Recommended CN values are presented in
Table 15 provides a list of suggested runoff curve numbers. These values assume
medium Antecedent Moisture Conditions (AMC II). If necessary, CN should be adjusted
for wet or dry antecedent moisture conditions. A five-day period should be used as the
minimum for estimating antecedent moisture conditions. Antecedent soil moisture
conditions also vary during a storm; heavy rain falling on a dry soil can change the soil
moisture condition from dry to average to wet during the storm period. Average AMCs
(AMC II) are recommended for most hydrologic analysis, however in areas with high
water table conditions, AMC III conditions may be used. When a drainage area has
more than one land use, a composite CN may be used.

The below equations adjust values for expected dry soil conditions (AMC I) and wet soil
conditions (AMC III):

. 2,
3 /
2 ,
3 /  (Equation 10)
 . . #+ 2,
3 /

3 /
2 ,
3 /   4 . 2,
3 / (Equation 11)

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Table 15. NRCS suggests the CN values to be within the range of 50 to 95.

s = average slope of the catchment

And the peak flow rate is calculated as:


"  (Equation 9)


Qp = peak flow rate (cfs)

A = are of the catchment (mi²)

Tp = time to peak of the unit hydrograph (hr)

Once Tp and Qp are known, actual time and flow rate coordinates of the tr-hour unit
hydrograph are determined by multiplying the dimensionless time (T/Tp) and the
dimensionless flow rate (Q/Qp) from Table 13 by Tp and Qp, respectively.

It should be noted that equations 8 and 9 are empirical equations, so they should be
used in imperial units (as presented) and the final results be converted to the metric

NRCS Curve Number (CN)

As described before, Curve Number (CN) is one of the parameters of the NRCS
Dimensionless Unit Hydrograph method which needs to be estimated.

Rainfall infiltration losses depend primarily on soil characteristics and land use (surface
cover). The NRCS method uses a combination of soil conditions and land use to assign
runoff factors known as Runoff Curve Numbers. These represent the runoff potential of
an area. The higher the CN, the higher the runoff potential would be.

Soil properties influence the relationship between rainfall and runoff by affecting the rate
of infiltration. NRCS divides soils into 4 hydrologic soil groups based on infiltration rates
as shown in Table 14. The effects of urbanisation on the natural hydrologic soil groups

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should be considered as well. If heavy equipment can be expected to compact the soil
during construction or if grading will mix the surface and subsurface soils, appropriate
changes should be made in the soil group selected.

Table 14: Hydrologic soil groups (TxDOT, 2011) (NRCS, 2007)

Soil Infiltration rate

Description Soil type
group (mm/hr)

Low runoff potential due to Less than 10% clay and 7.6 – 11.4
high infiltration rates even more than 90% sand or
when saturated gravel
A Deep sand, deep loess,
well-aggregated loamy
sand, sandy loam, loam and
silty loam

Moderately low runoff 10%-20% clay and 50%- 3.8 – 7.6

potential due to moderate 90% sand
infiltration rates when
Shallow loess, sandy loam
B and loamy sand, well-
aggregated silty loam, silt
and sandy clay loam

Moderately high runoff 20%-40% clay and less 1.3 – 3.8

potential due to slow than 50% sand
infiltration rates
Clay loam, shallow sandy
C loam, loam, silt loam, sandy
clay loam, clay loam, silty
clay loam, well-aggregated
silty clay and sandy clay

High runoff potential due to Greater than 40% clay and 1.3
very slow infiltration rates less than 50% sand
D Soils that swell significantly
when wet, heavy plastic
clays, certain saline soils

Table 15 provides a list of suggested runoff curve numbers. These values assume
medium Antecedent Moisture Conditions (AMC II). If necessary, CN should be adjusted
for wet or dry antecedent moisture conditions. A five-day period should be used as the
minimum for estimating antecedent moisture conditions. Antecedent soil moisture
conditions also vary during a storm; heavy rain falling on a dry soil can change the soil

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moisture condition from dry to average to wet during the storm period. Average AMCs
(AMC II) are recommended for most hydrologic analysis, however in areas with high
water table conditions, AMC III conditions may be used. When a drainage area has
more than one land use, a composite CN may be used.

The below equations adjust values for expected dry soil conditions (AMC I) and wet soil
conditions (AMC III):

. 2,
3 /
2 ,
3 /  (Equation 10)
 . . #+ 2,
3 /

3 /
2 ,
3 /  (Equation 11)
 4 . 2,
3 /

Table 15: Runoff curve numbers (CN) for urban areas (NRCS, 2007)

Average Hydrologic soil group

percent of
Cover type

Open space (lawns, parks, golf courses,

cemeteries, etc.)

Poor condition (grass cover < 50%) 68 79 86 89

Fair condition (grass cover 50% to 75%) 49 69 79 84
Good condition (grass cover > 75%) 39 61 74 80

Paved parking lots, roofs, driveways, etc. 98 98 98 98

excluding Right-of-Way (RoW)

Streets and roads

Paved, curbs and storm drains 98 98 98 98

(excluding RoW)
Paved, open ditches (including RoW) 83 89 92 93

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Average Hydrologic soil group

percent of
Cover type

Gravel (including RoW) 76 85 89 91

Dirt (including Row) 72 82 87 89

Desert urban areas

Natural desert landscaping (pervious 63 77 85 88

areas only)
Artificial desert landscaping (impervious 96 96 96 96
weed barrier, desert shrub with 2-5 cm
sand or gravel mulch and basin borders)

Urban districts

Commercial and business 85 89 92 94 95

Industrial 72 81 88 91 93

Residential districts by average lot size

500 m2 or less 65 77 85 90 92
1000 m2 38 61 75 83 87
1350 m2 30 57 72 81 86
2000 m 25 54 70 80 85
4000 m 20 51 68 79 84
8000 m2 12 46 65 77 82

Developing urban areas, newly graded 77 86 91 94

(pervious areas only, no vegetation)

*- The average percent impervious area is used to develop the composite CNs.

6.3 NRCS Triangular Unit Hydrograph Method

NRCS Triangular Unit Hydrograph is an approximation to NRCS Dimensionless Unit

Hydrograph described above. This hydrograph (Figure 9) is defined in terms of three
points, Qp, Tp and Tb. The lag time, time to peak and peak flow rate are calculated using
the same equations as for the Dimensionless Unit Hydrograph.

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Figure 9: NRCS Dimensionless Unit Hydrograph

6.4 Clearing time

As described in Section 4, location and condition-specific Level of Service can be

achieved through Hydro-Economic Analysis and depends on the acceptable level of

Since storm events are rare in Dubai and significant events resulting in urban flooding
only occur once in every few years, DM has accepted a certain level of risk in regards to
the capacity of the drainage system. This accepted risk is interpreted and applied as a
design parameter called ‘Clearing Time’. Clearing time refers to the amount of time after
a storm event required for the stormwater to recede and flooded service areas to be dry
again. Clearing time has been set to minimise commercial impacts and to protect the
public. Table 16 provides the recommended clearing times for different area
classifications in Dubai.

Table 16: Recommended clearing times for the drainage system

Maximum acceptable clearing time

Area classification

Residential 6

Commercial 4

Industrial 4


Local (single-lane) 6
Collector (2-lane) 6

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Maximum acceptable clearing time

Area classification

Arterial (2-lane) 4
Arterial (3 or more lanes) 2
Underpasses and tunnels 0

Note for DM: In a literature review of the common and best practice both internationally
and across the GCC states, no indication of the application of a definition similar to
Clearing Time was found. Using this definition together with the Level of Service/Design
Storm ARI will create some complexity and unclarity. For example, the capacity of a
drainage system designed for a 5-year ARI storm but allowed to flood a certain area for
6 hours, may be equal to the capacity required to cope with a 2-year ARI storm with no
flooding, but there is no clear indication of the resultant capacity of the system in terms
of return period. Therefore, MWH recommends that the definition of Clearing Time be
abandoned and that the required capacity of the drainage systems be identified by only
the Level of Service/Design Storm ARI parameter. If the capital investment resulted by
adopting larger design storm events is a concern, then design storms with return
periods lower than those suggested in Table 4 can be applied, depending on the level
of risks acceptable by DM. Level of Service and Clearing Time sections of this Draft
Design Guideline will be finalised after receiving DM DID’s comments on this note.

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Hydraulic design of the Dubai drainage system shall be based on the internationally
accepted best practice and hydraulic design references.

7.1 Conduit capacity and headloss

Darcy-Weisbach friction formula is recommended to be used for hydraulic design of the

drainage system components, especially for pipes, but Manning’s formula can also be
used for other free-surface flow conditions, such as open drains, swales and ditches.

7.1.1 Darcy-Weisbach formula

The Darcy-Weisbach formula was developed for use in the analysis of pressure pipe
systems. However, the formula is sufficiently general so that it can be applied readily to
open channel flow systems. In fact, the American Society of Civil Engineers (ASCE)
Task Force on Friction Factors in Open Channels (1963) supported the use of the
Darcy-Weisbach formula for free-surface flows.

Headloss due to friction can be calculated by Darcy-Weisbach equation as below:

56  6 7 8 (Equation 12)


hf = headloss due to friction (m)

f = Darcy-Weisbach friction factor

L = length of the conduit (m)

Dh = hydraulic diameter of the conduit (m), For a full circular pipe, this equals to pipe
diameter and for a free surface flow this equals to 4xR in which R is the hydraulic radius

V = average velocity of the flow (m/s)

g = gravity acceleration (m/s²)

Hence, for free surface flow applications, Darcy-Weisbach formula can be written as
below, where R is the hydraulic radius (m) and S is the channel slope:

9 $ % (Equation 13)

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Darcy-Weisbach friction factor for turbulent flows depends on two parameters, i.e.
Reynolds Number (Re) and Relative Roughness (ε/D) and can be determined by the
Moody diagram (Figure 10) or calculated by the Colebrook-White formula.

Figure 10: Moody diagram for estimation of Darcy-Weisbach friction factor

The Colebrook-White formula for full flow in pipes is as below:

 > .#
 < '=8   .0 7  ?  (Equation 14)
√6  √6


 > .#
 < '=8     (Equation 15)
√6 .+ ? ? √6


f = Darcy-Weisbach friction factor

ε = roughness height (m)

D = pipe diameter (m)

Re = Reynolds Number

R = hydraulic radius (m)

As it is clear, using Moody Diagram or Colebrook-White formula is an implicit procedure

which requires an iterative solution. Hence, some approximations of Colebrook-White

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formula have been developed which explicitly calculate the Darcy-Weisbach friction
factor. One of these formulas which calculates the Darcy-Weisbach friction factor in a
full flowing circular pipe with acceptable accuracy is the Swamee-Jain equation, as
presented below:

6  (Equation 16)
> #.0
@'=8A 4 B C
.0 7 ? .


f = Darcy-Weisbach friction factor

D = pipe diameter (m)

Re = Reynolds Number

7.1.2 Hazen-Williams formula

The Hazen-Williams formula is an empirical equation which has been used as a

practical equation for water flow in pressure conduits; however it can also be used for
open channel calculations, although such use is rare. Due to its empirical nature, the
use of this formula is not recommended in updated design guidelines anymore, but if
necessary, it can be used with caution and sufficient justification for initial sizing of
conduits. The Hazen-Williams formula is written as below:

 .0  .+#
56  (Equation 17)
.+# 7.+0


hf = headloss due to friction (m)

L = length of the conduit (m)

Q = flow discharge (m³/s)

C = Hazen-Williams roughness coefficient

D = pipe radius (m)

Table 17 presents the Hazen-Williams roughness coefficient (C) for different materials.

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Table 17: Hazen-Williams roughness coefficient (Hammer, 1988)

roughness coefficient (C)

Asbestos cement 140

Ductile iron

Cement lined 130-150

New, unlined 130
5 years old, unlined 120
20 years old, unlined 100

Concrete 130

Copper 130-140

Plastic 140-150


New, welded 120

New, riveted 110

7.1.3 Manning’s formula

Manning’s formula is widely used in open channel flow and is written as below:

   D $ % (Equation 18)


Q = Discharge (m3/s)

n = Manning’s roughness coefficient (see Error! Reference source not found.)

A = Flow area (m2)

R = hydraulic radius (m)

S = slope (m/m)

Manning’s roughness coefficients for different material are presented in Table 12.

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If the Manning and Darcy-Weisbach equations are combined, Manning’s roughness

coefficient can be calculated based on the Darcy-Weisbach roughness coefficient as

  $ 9  .  $ E; (Equation 19)
+ :


n = Manning’s roughness coefficient

R = hydraulic radius (m)

f = Darcy-Weisbach roughness coefficient

7.2 Flow velocity

Design flow velocities should be within the limits provided in Table 18. Minimum
velocities are based on providing self-cleansing velocities and prevent sedimentation in
the drainage pipes and channels. Maximum velocities are set to minimise the negative
effect of abrasion on the pipes and manholes and erosion in open channels, ponds and
other water bodies.

Table 18: Flow velocity limits in the drainage system

Drainage system
Minimum velocity (m/s) Maximum velocity (m/s)


Gravity line 0.75 2.5

Pressure line 1.0 3.0

Open channels

Un-lined 0.75 2.0

Lined 0.75 4.0

Bio-retention swales 0.75 1.5

Filter drains 0.75 1.0

Detention/retention ponds N/A 1.0

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In rising mains, for cases where initial flows are significantly lower than future/ultimate
flows, two or more rising mains may be considered. This could be the case with regional
pumping facilities where some portion of the catchment will not be developed for
several years.

It should be noted that the velocity range should be met on a daily basis, not
necessarily each time the pumping station operates. Velocities should be checked for
each pumping scenario, especially in the case of dry weather season groundwater

Stormwater flows in arid climates are normally accompanied by transport of large

amount of suspended sediments. The flow properties in these situations are different
from the properties of clear water. It has been found that an increase in suspended load
tends to decrease conduit resistance (friction/roughness) and thus causes an increase
in flow velocity (Vanoni, 1941). It is also shown that the decrease in roughness can be
as much as 20% of its clear water value if the concentration of Suspended Sediment
(SS) in the flow is as high as 4.0 g/l (Nouh, 2001). Figure 11 shows the variation of
roughness with increase in suspended sediment concentration. Hence, the decrease in
roughness should be considered if high concentration of suspended sediment is

Figure 11: Decrease in roughness with increase in SS concentration

7.3 Free-surface flow

Hydraulic conditions of free-surface flows in open channels and gravity pipes and mains
can be classified as sub-critical and super critical based on the Froude Number,
calculated as:
FG  (Equation 20)

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v = flow velocity (m/s)

g = gravity acceleration (m/s²)

D = hydraulic depth (m)

In hydraulic design of drainage systems, it is preferred to keep the flow conditions sub-
critical, i.e. Fr<1.0. There is a theoretical threshold between sub-critical and super
critical flows (Fr=1.0); therefore for practical reasons as well as safety factor, Fr should
be kept below 0.85 for sub-critical condition.

In super critical conditions (Fr>1.0), flow velocity and turbulence are higher than the
equivalent sub-critical conditions and if the geometric and topographic conditions of the
drainage system changes, e.g. a steep invert slope changes to a milder slope, at the
location of this change, a hydraulic jump may occur which is a zone of high turbulence
which can cause erosion and scouring. Hence, if occurrence of super critical condition
is unavoidable, appropriate control measures such as erosion control and scour
protection should be provided at the outlet point of a super critical flow to another
drainage system component or at the location where hydraulic conditions change from
super critical to sub-critical.

7.4 Pressurised flow

Pressurised flow conditions in pressure mains and rising mains shall be investigated in
detail and Hydraulic Grade Line (HGL) and system curves should be prepared to clearly
demonstrate the performance of the system. Considering the pump duty points and
system curves, effort should be made to design an optimum system taking into account
the CAPEX and OPEX of the system.

For rising mains, detailed surge analysis should be undertaken using a suitable surge
modelling software package and surge mitigation measures proposed for the systems
under surge effects. The choice of the modelling software package should be approved
by DM DID prior to commencement of the modelling task.

Hydraulic surges could have the potential to create a catastrophic failure at the pump
station or within the pipeline. This aspect of surge analysis represents a substantial risk
to the client, the designer and the operators. Design of surge mitigating measures shall
be undertaken under the direct supervision of a Senior Hydraulic Specialist. No one
solution applies to all pump stations.

During construction, a separate surge analysis will be required of the Contractor based
on the actual supplied materials and installed equipment. Modifications to the surge
mitigation measures and devices may be required at that time.

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7.5 Tailwater

In order to carry out an HGL backwater analysis a stormwater system, it is necessary to

determine a starting/downstream Tailwater Level (TWL) for the calculations.

The designer should in all cases give careful consideration to the adopted starting HGL
and if necessary, liaise with DM DID to establish an agreement.

7.5.1 Tailwater levels for tidal outfalls

The starting water level used in the hydraulic analysis of stormwater drainage systems
discharging to tidal water bodies may be influenced by the following factors:

Tidal variations
The UK Hydrographic Office publishes Admiralty Charts which predict tide levels
throughout the year and define the average levels of the tidal planes at different
locations globally. These charts can be used to identify tidal levels along the coastline of
Dubai. Care must be taken when referencing the above tide tables to correctly translate
the quoted levels to the survey datum used for the drainage design. It should be noted
that tide tables do not predict actual sea levels. Actual sea levels are the result of a
combination of the different factors as described in this section. Therefore, Highest
Astronomical Tide (HAT) only does not represent the likely highest possible sea.

Storm surge
A storm surge (or meteorological tide) is an atmospherically driven ocean response
caused by extreme surface winds and low surface pressure associated with severe
weather conditions, usually cyclones. Strong offshore winds can generate significant
ocean currents. When these currents approach a barrier such as a shoreline, sea levels
increase (wind setup) as the water is forced up against the land. The low atmospheric
pressures associated with cyclones can also raise sea levels well above predicted tide

Storm induced wave action can produce both a wave setup (a rise in mean sea level as
waves approach a shoreline) and wave run-up. Wave run-up is generally not
considered in the selection of tailwater level

When storm surge and wave setups are combined with the normal astronomical tide,
the resulting Mean Water Level (MWL) reached is called the storm tide level.

Designers should note the following issues:

• Predicted storm surge elevations may vary significantly along the coastline.

• A storm surge is more likely to be associated with a long duration storm event
such as a cyclone.

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• The existence of a storm surge is highly probable during peak flooding events.

• A storm surge will likely be coincident with the peak outflow from storm events.

It is recommended that designers confer with DM DID in order to determine an

appropriate tailwater level for piped and open channel outfalls to tidal waterways.

Wave setup
Wave setup is defined as the super-elevation of water levels due to the on-shore
movement of water by wave action alone. Wave setup is the change in MWL due to
wave action. It is not the actual wave height. It may occur during, or in the absence of, a
storm event.

Wave setup is likely to occur during severe storms and should be incorporated into the
storm surge prediction for coastal waters. Wave setup can also occur on large water
bodies such as the Dubai Creek. Consideration should be given to the likely water level
increase caused by wave setup when nominating the starting water level in the sea or
the Creek. For example, a conservative estimate for Dubai Creek is a wave setup of up
to 0.7 m for a 1 in 100 year storm. Guidelines for the determination of wave setup may
be obtained from the Shore Protection Manual by U.S. Army Corps of Engineers
(USACE, 1984)

Climate change
Designers should consider the impact of climate change on tailwater levels. Predictions
of the possible effect on sea level and other effects are given in the Intergovernmental
Panel on Climate Change (IPCC) 4th Assessment Report IPCC-2007.

The global risk guidance future scenarios for average sea level increases under low and
high global warming scenarios should be considered.

Designers should ensure they are familiar with the latest design/research information
and should liaise with DM EPSS in this regard.

As mentioned, designers should confer with DM DID to establish an appropriate

tailwater level for the design of stormwater outfalls to the sea or the Creek.
Consideration should be given to the joint probability of occurrence of the design storm,
tide level and storm surge together with allowance for climate change.

Whilst it is not possible here to provide specific recommendations, some suggested

levels are provided in Table 19. These suggestions should in no way replace the need
to confer with DM DID and for the application of sound engineering judgement.

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Table 19: Suggested tailwater levels for discharge to tidal waterways

Design condition Design tailwater level*

Minor storm (5 to 10 year ARI) MHWN to MHWS

Major storm (50 to 100 year ARI) MHWS to HAT

Climate change Additional 0.3 m

*- MHWN (Mean High Water Neaps), MHWS (Mean High Water Springs), HAT (Highest
Astronomical Tide). For more information on these terms, refer to (CIRIA, 1996).

7.5.2 Tailwater levels for non-tidal outfalls

The design of a drainage system which discharges to a non-tidal outfall, e.g. an open
channel, a lake or a pond needs to take into account the expected tailwater level in the
receiving water body.

In cases where the tailwater level is not affected by stormwater runoff from an external
catchment, e.g. in a detention basin or an open channel which receives water from only
the subject drainage system, the tailwater level should be determined in accordance
with the following:

Outlet to lakes
Design tailwater levels for outfalls discharging into lakes need to consider the potential
seasonal variation in water level. As a design storm event is likely to occur following a
period of a significant storm event, it is practical to assume that the lake will be at or
approaching full capacity at the time the design storm occurs. The starting HGL for the
design storm should therefore be set at the overflow level of the lake.

Note that under certain circumstances, the starting HGL may be lower than that
discussed above. For example, where the ARI of design storm for the catchment is low
(e.g. 2 years) and the lake is large, the lake may or may not be full. In such cases the
starting HGL should be determined in consultation with DM DID.

Outlets to detention/retention basins

It is usual for a detention basin to be designed and checked for a number of ARIs. The
starting HGL level for the design ARI of the pipe system should be determined by
analysing the detention basin for the same ARI as the pipeline being designed. If other
pipe systems contribute and have catchment characteristics vastly different to those for
the system being designed, then the designer must consider the behaviour of the
system as a whole.

In subcritical outflow conditions, the position of the starting HGL will depend upon the
relationship between the calculated tailwater in the receiving waters, the critical depth

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(dc) of the particular flow under consideration in the outfall pipe and the obvert level
(OL) of the pipe. The following general rules should apply (Figure 12):

a) If TWL > OL, then start HGL = TWL

b) If TWL ≤ OL and TWL ≥ dc, then start HGL = OL

c) If TWL < dc (i.e. free outfall), then start HGL = the normal flow depth (dn) in the
outfall pipe for the given flow rate

Note: The startling HGL conditions presented in (b) and (c) do not necessarily apply to the analysis of
outflow from short pipes such as most culverts.

Figure 12: Hydraulic conditions of outfalls, from left to right, (a) Tailwater above
obvert, (b) Tailwater below obvert, (c) Tailwater below invert

7.5.3 Tailwater levels in existing pipe networks

The designer should determine the HGL of the existing system for the design ARI. Full
account of structure losses should be made in the existing system.

If this is considered impractical due to the complexity of the existing pipe network and
lack of required information, then an appropriate estimation of the HGL in the existing
network must be made.

7.5.4 Tailwater levels in future pipe networks

Where design of a piped system is being undertaken in the upstream section of a

catchment prior to the design of the downstream system, the designer should undertake
sufficient preliminary planning of the downstream system to permit design of the
upstream system. This planning should incorporate preliminary road layouts and levels
along with preliminary drainage line locations and levels. To allow for possible
inaccuracies associated with such a preliminary design, a factor of safety may need to
be allowed. For example:

• allow a nominal height above the assessed HGL at the proposed connection to
the downstream system

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• adopt the HGL equal to the natural surface at the location of the next
downstream structure in the proposed future pipe network

• adopt a starting HGL as approved by DM DID

7.6 Hydraulic Modelling of the Drainage System

All drainage system designs shall be modelled using internationally recognised

numerical software such as InfoSWMM (on which the Dubai Drainage Master Plan
model is developed), InfoWorks CS or compatible.

There are some broad fundamental aspects of hydraulic modelling which should be
considered by the modeller/designer:

• All models are coarse simplifications of very complex processes. No model can
therefore be perfect, and no model can represent all of the important processes
accurately, therefore the results require interpretation by an experienced

• Model accuracy and reliability will always be limited by the accuracy of the input

• Model accuracy and reliability will always be limited by the reliability/uncertainty

of the inflow data.

• A poorly constructed model can usually be calibrated to the observed data but
will perform poorly in events larger and smaller than the calibration data set.

• A model developed for a specific purpose is probably unsuitable for another

purpose without modification, adjustment, and re-calibration. The responsibility
must always remain with the modeller/designer to determine whether the model
is suitable for a given problem.

• New software packages should first be validated on simple problems based on

fundamental hydraulic principles with known solutions, before they are used on
complex real world problems.

Figure 13 presents stages in numerical hydraulic model conceptualisation and


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1. Physical System 2. Mathematical Model 3. Generic Numerical Model 4. Site-Specific Model

Define the geometry and A set of equations used to Modelling software to solve the Software application with
topology of the drainage describe the physical system equations, with capacity to site-specific inputs,
system to be modelled adequately describe the physical boundary conditions and
system results

Simplifying Numerical Site-Specific &

Assumptions Approximations Boundary

Figure 13: Stages in numerical hydraulic model conceptualisation and

development (EA, 2012)

Important aspects of hydraulic modelling, which need to be considered by the

modeller/designer are described below.

Review of the physical system

As a minimum, a broad understanding of the hydraulic behaviour of the physical system
in question is essential to make an informed choice on the modelling approach and
parameters. Whilst it is common that detailed hydraulic behaviour of the system is
unknown, a good working knowledge of the study area and catchment is needed.
Aspects such as study area shape, elevation and slope are important. The number and
size of hydraulic structures and drainage dimensions should be understood. Land-use is
also an extremely important element of the physical system to consider.

Selection of the numerical model

Selection of the appropriate type of model is a critical decision. In this step, considering
the physical system and its hydraulic characteristics, assumptions have to be made as
to whether the flow can be considered as being one-dimensional (1D), two-dimensional
(2D), or a combination of both, and whether the flow can be described as being steady
(i.e. constant with time), or unsteady (time-varying). In all rural or urban stormwater
modelling, vertical accelerations in the flow field are considered to be negligible and a
hydrostatic pressure distribution is assumed, with computations and results based
around a depth-averaged velocity.

It is important to understand the distinction between models that are typically referred to
as “full 2D” numerical models and those that are of a lesser standard or capability. A full
2D scheme for the purposes of urban and rural stormwater modelling is accepted to be
any model that numerically represents the complete depth-averaged or shallow water
free-surface wave equations. Simplified numerical representations of the 2D free
surface wave equations can be appropriate in many situations; however the modeller
should be aware of the limitations of such schemes. Further, the modeller should also

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be confident that any limiting assumptions will remain valid over the entire scope of the
modelling project of interest, in terms of the range of potential geometries and flows that
will be investigated.

It should be noted that for the time being and until a combined 1D-2D model of the
drainage system and overland flow across Dubai is available, 1D models of the
drainage system are acceptable.

Development of the Site-Specific Model

The site-specific model is developed using the generic numerical hydraulic model
(software package) through the selection of:

• a modelling domain

• spacing/resolution and time step

• the input of site-specific data including topographic data, network geometry,

structures, etc.

• the application of flow and/or water level boundary conditions

The site-specific model must then be calibrated and verified (if possible depending on
the available information) to ensure it is capable of reproducing flow behaviour at the
subject site. If for a particular reason, the model cannot be calibrated and verified,
justifications should be provided to DM DID and approval sought.

Boundary conditions
Boundary conditions are required at the model boundaries.

The upstream boundary conditions are generally provided by a discharge hydrograph.

The downstream boundary conditions are generally specified in terms of water surface
elevations (tailwater, as described in Section 7.5). These may be specified as a
constant, a times series, or computed internally using a rating curve. The joint
probability of an inland flooding and that of the sea level may need to be considered. As
in most instances the most severe flooding at coastal regions occurs when the flood
from the inland faces high water level in the sea (high tide and/or storm surge).
Therefore, for major outfalls, a joint probability analysis should be undertaken to find out
the probability of such flooding in coastal regions and identify accurate downstream
boundary conditions.

Modelling log and naming conventions

Establishment of a modelling log is essential. The log could be in Microsoft Excel or
Word and should contain sufficient information to record model versions during
development and calibration, file naming conventions and observations from

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Model file naming conventions and locations are important in ensuring that simulations
can be undertaken efficiently, with high traceability, and that old simulations can be
reproduced as required. They also assist in minimising human errors. Successful model
file naming conventions have the following characteristics:

• Files are named using a logical and appropriate system that allows easy
interpretation of file purpose and content

• A model version naming and numbering system (designed prior to modelling)

should be included in input data filenames

• A logical and appropriate system of folders is used that manages the files

• Documentation of the above in the Project Quality Control Document and/or

Modelling Log

Historical flood data

Historical flood information is particularly important as it can often provide a significant
improvement in the quality and reliability of the study outcomes. While data on historical
floods may be difficult to obtain at times, efforts expended in finding and analysing
these data are extremely valuable.

Typically, information on the historical flood behaviour is collected at the

commencement of the study. It is recommended that the data collection process involve
significant stakeholder consultation. In undertaking the data collection, there are many
types of data that may be found.

Drainage pumping station working hours are usually available from DM DID which can
help in understanding the behaviour of the system during storm events.

Anecdotal information is another source of information for model calibration which is

usually qualitative in nature but can be very valuable in determining the system
behaviour and subsequently verifying that the model behaves in a similar manner.

Photograph and video evidence can also be beneficial in this regard. However, it should
be noted that memories can sometimes fade or be skewed by other events that have
occurred between. In addition, information providers may not be able to provide
unbiased information. Detailed discussions with residents and stakeholders can provide
the modeller/designer with a general feel for the reliability of all anecdotal evidence.

Calibration, verification and sensitivity analysis

Calibration of a hydraulic model is a critical and important stage of the model
development. Calibration demonstrates that the hydraulic model is capable of
reproducing system behaviour within acceptable parameter bounds. In the absence of
historical flooding information, attempt should be made to cross-check the model
against other modelling or desktop analyses, if possible.

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Model verification shall also be undertaken with additional model simulations or

analyses after the model calibration to “independently” proof or verify the model, if
available information allows.

Before commencing calibration, the criteria for achieving an acceptable calibration shall
be clearly defined in agreement with DM DID. For example, the criteria could simply be
that the timing of the flood (pumping stations working hours) is to be “consistent” with
the observations or similar criteria depending on the specific project conditions and

Calibration and sensitivity analysis are essential as they provide an indication of the
uncertainty associated with the model results. Poor calibration results can highlight
deficiencies in the schematisation of key features, or limitations of the historical data.
Sensitivity analysis can provide direction during the calibration process, by indicating
the model parameters or inputs on which the calibration results are most dependent, so
the modeller can focus on reducing the uncertainty of those inputs. The primary
consideration is that the calibration process should reflect the purpose for which the
model is intended.

However, the sources of uncertainty in hydraulic modelling should be understood and

appreciated and the impacts of these uncertainties on the modellers’ ability to calibrate
the model should be considered. There can be significant uncertainties associated with
the input data, recorded information, hydrological modelling, model schematisation and
modelling software capability. During calibration, it is important that DM DID technical
staff are engaged in constructive dialogs about these inaccuracies and their impacts. It
is far more important to understand why a model may not be calibrating well at a
particular location than to use unrealistic parameter values to ‘force’ the model to

It is worth repeating that the goal of a calibration is to produce a model that is capable
of adequately representing the physical system and, in doing so, producing reliable
results. Community members and other stakeholders may have first-hand experience of
observations during a storm event.

For the calibration and verification process, the following aspects should be considered:

• Which historical events are likely to be used for calibration/verification?

• How much data exists for each event?

• What is the reliability and relevance of these data?

• Were the events recent enough for present members of the community to

• Is the spread in magnitude of the historical events similar to the spread in

magnitude of the proposed design events?

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• Could the model be calibrated, and therefore considered reliable, for both small
and large historical events, or through relatively wet and dry periods?

• What model parameters will be adjusted for calibration of the model?

• Are the available geometry, topography and control structure data consistent
with the state of the catchment during the calibration events, or have there been
major changes due to development, upgrades or some other cause?

• Based on the available data, how much confidence will there be in the
calibration? Will it be sufficient to achieve the desired objectives?

Sensitivity testing of model parameters, uncertainties in input data and the model
schematisation will be a part of the modelling task. It also plays a useful role for
establishing the uncertainty of un-calibrated models.

For models that are well-calibrated to a range of storm events and later verified,
considerable confidence can be had in the model ability to reproduce relatively accurate
results. This in turn means that factors of safety such as the design freeboard applied to
detention ponds can be kept to a minimum. However, for un-calibrated or poorly
calibrated models, less confidence can be had in the model accuracy, and greater
factors of safety (e.g. larger freeboards) should be applied to reflect the greater
uncertainty. To quantify these uncertainties, sensitivity testing should be carried out
where a model calibration is non-existent or poor.

Examples of sensitivity testing to help quantify a model uncertainty are:

• Adjust hydraulic roughness parameters up and down by a certain level, e.g. 20%

• Increase inflows by a certain level, e.g. 20%

• For downstream boundaries, not at a receiving water body such as the ocean,
vary the stage discharge or water level upwards to check that the water levels in
the area of interest are not greatly affected

• Apply blockages and greater losses to hydraulic structures and inlets

• Vary the time step and other computational parameters

Processing and analysis of results

The following aspects shall be considered in processing and analysis of modelling

• Required modelling scenarios and events

• Key assumptions against which the sensitivity of the results will need to be

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• Required outputs

• Acceptable level of accuracy of the results

• Collating, analysis and presentation of the model outputs

Checking of results
The first step to be applied during the calibration/verification phase is basic checking of
the results for obvious errors and model numerical “health.” Every new option or model
run would have some level of sanity checking to ensure that the results are consistent
with what was expected.

A process should be developed for checking that model results are sensible and
consistent. As a minimum, the following checks shall be undertaken when interpreting

• Mass balance - errors greater than 1% to 2% should generally be investigated,

and the cause of the errors identified and rectified where possible.

• Continuity - discharge hydrographs should be obtained at several locations

along the drainage lines, and at locations upstream and downstream of major
intersections, to check that the continuity and attenuation of flows is reasonable.

• Stability - the results should be checked for signs of instability, such as

unrealistic jumps or discontinuities in flow behaviour, oscillations (particularly
around structures or boundaries), excessive reductions in time step or iterations
required to achieve convergence.

• Froude numbers - Froude numbers should be checked to identify areas of trans-

critical and super-critical flow, and the implications of this flow behaviour on the
model results considered. In general, model results in areas of trans-critical flow
should be used with extreme caution. Flow at hydraulic control structures should
be roughly checked with suitable hand calculations, such as the weir and/or
orifice equations.

• Structure head losses - head losses through structures such as gullies, culverts,
manholes, etc. shall be checked against suitable hand calculations.

The model developed for the system under design shall be incorporated in the overall
Dubai Drainage InfoSWMM model in order to confirm compatibility with and connection
to the existing system, and assess the impact that the new development/ drainage
system will have on DM drainage system.

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8.1 General

In this section, drainage components which contribute to attenuation and conveyance of

stormwater runoff will be described. Some other components which contribute to
stormwater runoff treatment will be described in Section 10.

The following general items should be considered and applied in all future drainage

• Drainage System Concept: as defined in the Drainage Master Plan shall be

referred to and followed.

• General Planning: any future drainage project shall be set up with the following
design stages:

o Preliminary Investigations and Optioneering

o Detailed Survey

o Preliminary Design

o Detailed Design

o Construction Support and Supervision

8.2 Drainage pipes

8.2.1 Pipe depths and covers

A minimum cover of 1.2 m above the crown of the drainage pipes should be maintained.
This is to provide protection from external loads. Pipes with a cover of less than 1.2 m
should be protected with concrete.

Maximum depths to invert should be determined on the basis of maintaining a cost-

effective and safe design. The recommended maximum cover for drainage system
components such as pipes and manholes is 10 m. If depths greater than this cannot be
avoided for a particular reason, sufficient justification should be provided and additional
provisions be considered to protect the pipe, manholes, etc. from soil loads.

8.2.2 Pipe materials and sizes

Normally, all possible pipe materials with regards to the local environment of the site
should be considered. The durability of a drainage facility depends on the
characteristics of soil and water. These characteristics may vary from site to site. It is

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not cost-effective to declare a rule of thumb that the storm drainage system should be of
one material exclusive of all others.

Hence, the choice of material should be based on careful consideration of durability,

hydraulic operation, structural requirements, and availability.

To follow the SUDS principles, according to BS EN 752:2008 Drain and Sewer Systems
Outside Buildings (BS, 2008), such materials should be used that minimise the
depletion of finite resources, can be operated with the minimum practicable use of
energy and can be constructed, operated, and at the end of their life, decommissioned
with the minimum practicable impact on the environment.

Table 20 presents the preferred drainage pipe material, taking into account the
environmental and economic aspects. Alternative pipe materials, e.g. Ductile Iron (DI)
for pumping mains may be used subject to prior approval by DM DID.

Table 20: Preferred drainage pipe material

Pipe Type Diameter Material

< 315 mm uPVC, HDPE

Gravity (including slotted pipes)
≥ 315 mm GRP, RCP (for culverts)

Pumping mains All GRP, HDPE

Within chambers All DI

The minimum permissible pipe size for stormwater drainage gravity lines is 250 mm.
Minimum size of land drainage pipes is 160 mm, however slotted carrier pipes, serving
both as land drain and carrier drain must meet the 250 mm minimum requirement. The
minimum permissible size for rising mains is 200 mm.

Below are some other design considerations for gravity pipes:

• The minimum pipe class shall be Class 2.

• Saltwater cover pipes or Fibre-Reinforced Concrete (FRC) pipes shall be used

in tidal areas, i.e. where the invert is below the design TWL.

• Pipes shall generally be flush jointed, bandaged in an approved manner, in

accordance with the pipe manufacture’s specifications.

• In unstable ground where pipe movement is possible, the pipes shall be rubber
ringed spigot and socket jointed or be laid in and backfilled with cement
stabilised material.

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8.2.3 Pipe corridors

Pipe corridors shall be determined in accordance to latest RTA RoWs and in

consultation with all utility providers, e.g. DEWA, Etisalat, Du, etc.

8.2.4 Pipe clearance

The minimum depth for pipes shall be 1.2 m to the crown of the pipe. This is required to
provide pipe protection from external loads and to avoid interference with other utilities.
If circumstances require installation of a pipe with depth less than 1.2 m above the
crown, then concrete protection is required.

The required minimum covers from the finished ground level to the top of pipe shall be
in accordance with Table 21 below:

Table 21: Minimum cover and vertical clearance for pipes

Type of crossing Minimum cover/Vertical

clearance (m)

Without protection 1.2

With protection 0.5

Road crossing by non-destructive methods 2.5

Under exiting utilities (Vertical clearance)

Water Pipeline 0.5 (for open cut)

Electricity, Telecommunication etc. 0.3

Oil and Gas As per Dubai Supply

Authority (DUSUP)

A proper design check is required for the pipe at shallow depth beneath the major roads
or highways.

Minimum horizontal clearance of 3 m is required. If utilities are in the same trench, the
other utility should be placed on a separate bench on un-disturbed soil.

These are minimum requirements. However the exact required clearance shall be
discussed in detail and confirmed with all utility providers.

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8.2.5 Air valves and washouts

Air valves and washouts should be included on all rising mains as necessary to improve
performance and enhance access for maintenance. In general, such devices should be
considered at the following locations:

• Air valves: high points and as necessary based on surge analysis

• Washouts: low points and as necessary for access and dewatering

• Access chambers: when the length of rising main is greater than 500 m between
the air valves and/or washouts.

Air valves installed on rising mains shall be double orifice type (unless surge control
considerations dictate otherwise). Air valve size shall be determined as per
manufacturer’s data sheets in reference to the pipe diameter.

The following considerations shall also be taken into account when designing and
locating air valves:

• Air valves can fail to function correctly if there is a lack of seating pressure. This
can occur when the valve location closely approaches the hydraulic gradient,
their location shall therefore be checked against these criteria.

• All air valves shall be located so as to permit ease of access and maintenance.

• Regular inspection is required to verify the correct functioning of air valves.

Each device should be located within a special chamber to ensure easy access.
Connections to the pipes should be included for flushing the lines and/or for dewatering.

Air valves and washouts shall be provided with a separate isolation gate valve, with
bevel gearing, to enable removal of the valve without shutting off the main.

Note for DM: MWH proposes that a “Double Isolation” requirement be added to this
section for safety, maintenance and inspection purposes. This can apply to pipes, wet
wells and ponds. This section will be finalised after receiving DM DID’s comments on
this note.

8.3 Drainage Manholes and Inlet Gullies

8.3.1 Manholes

Manholes should be placed wherever necessary for clean-out and inspection purposes.
It is good engineering practice to place manholes at changes in direction, junctions of

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pipe runs, and intervals in long pipe runs where the size or direction may not have
changed. It shall be aligned with the gully locations. All connections shall be made to
manholes. No intermediate or in-line connections are permitted.

The recommended maximum spacing between manholes is presented in Table 22 .

Table 22: Maximum spacing between manholes

Pipe diameter (mm) Maximum spacing (m)

D ≤ 600 100

600 < D ≤ 1000 120

D > 1000 150 or more upon approval by DM DID

Manhole shall be of sufficient size to permit access for maintenance activities. In

addition, their design and material selection shall be such that to guarantee maximum
performance for an extended service life.

Benching and channels in manholes shall be formed to permit safe access and to
maximise hydraulic efficiency through the manhole.

8.3.2 Inlet Gullies

Two types of gullies can be used in the drainage system, i.e. Curb Inlet Gully and Gutter
Gully. Curb Inlet gullies are openings in the curb face which are generally placed in a
depressed gutter section. Gutter gullies consist of a metal grate placed over an opening
in the gutter. A combination of these two types of gullies may also be used.

The advantages of Curb Inlet gullies are that they are less susceptible to clogging and
less hazardous to pedestrians, motorcycles and bicycles that the grated Gutter gullies.

Perspective sketches of these types of gullies are presented in Figure 14.

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Figure 14: Perspective sketches of different types of gullies (ADM, 1998)

Design of gullies and their spacing should be in accordance with BS EN 752:2008 Drain
and Sewer Systems Outside Buildings and HA102/00 Spacing of Road Gullies (HA,

Gully locations should be generally in accordance with the following:

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• Location of gullies shall be determined to minimise flooding of roadways and

sidewalks. Additional gullies shall be placed at sag/low points and entrances to
underpasses, hospitals and other strategic locations.

• Maximum length from gully to manhole shall be 25 m, unless approved

otherwise by DM DID.

Generally, the maximum flow width on the roadways shall not exceed 2 m, but the
following criteria shall also be considered in regards to the maximum flow width:

• 0.5 m at pedestrian crossings or bus stops

• 1.0 m on major roads, where parking lane/right lane may become an

acceleration/deceleration lane or turn lane

• 1.0 m on major roads where road falls towards median

• 1.0 m on major and minor roads at intersection kerb returns, including entrances
to shopping malls and other major developments

8.4 Infiltration systems

According to the SUDS principles, where possible, local site drainage should be
preferred to centralised regional drainage. Hence, wherever possible, stormwater
should be managed in small, cost-effective landscape features located within small sub-
catchments rather than being conveyed to and managed in large systems at the
downstream of the drainage areas. Infiltration systems are one of the methods for local
site drainage as per the SUDS principles.

Experiences in the UAE show that the performance of soakaway infiltration systems
mostly depends on groundwater levels. They normally work fine where there is no high
groundwater level. But the main issue on fast developing areas is that groundwater
levels increase once developments have been populated, mainly due to excessive

In the UAE, soakaways are usually used in remote areas and road drainage or
developments where it would take time for the positive drainage systems to be
constructed. But in the new Master Plan, soakaway infiltration is proposed in
combination with retention ponds for areas identified as self-retained, where there will
not be any stormwater discharge to the DM systems or water bodies.

However, it should be noted that stormwater infiltration is a not a suitable option for
areas with high groundwater levels. If infiltration systems are deemed feasible for an
area with high groundwater levels, these systems should be combined with
groundwater drainage systems.

The underground infiltration practice options and their definitions are described below:

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• Soakaways: Rectangular or circular excavations lined with geotextile fabric and

filled with clean granular stone or other void forming material that receive runoff
from a perforated pipe inlet and allow it to infiltrate into the native soil (Figure 15
and Figure 17). They typically service individual lots and receive only roof and
walkway runoff but can also be designed to receive overflows from rainwater
harvesting systems. They can also be used for road drainage. Soakaways can
also be referred to as infiltration galleries, dry wells or soakaway pits.

• Infiltration trenches: Rectangular trenches lined with geotextile fabric and filled
with clean granular stone or other void forming material. Like soakaways, they
typically service an individual lot and receive only roof and walkway runoff. This
design variation on soakaways is well suited to sites where available space for
infiltration is limited to narrow strips of land between buildings or properties, or
along road RoW (Figure 15). They can also be used for road drainage.
Infiltration trenches are the most suitable soakaway option in areas of lower
permeability. Infiltration trenches are also referred to as infiltration galleries or
linear soakaways. Advantages of these systems are that with suitable design
consideration they have reasonable probability of intersecting vertical fractures
and thus achieving reasonable disposal rates, and they can be located under
other features such as RoWs, roads and communal landscaped areas
minimising the use of valuable space. Infiltration trenches have traditionally been
stone filled, however there are now a number of proprietary products available
that allow for higher void ratios and hence more storage per unit of surface area
as well as better access for maintenance such as cleaning out sediment. These
should be considered for any particular design.

• Infiltration chambers: As another design variation on soakaways, they include a

range of proprietary manufactured modular structures installed underground,
typically under parking or landscaped areas that create large void spaces for
temporary storage of stormwater runoff and allow it to infiltrate into the
underlying native soil (Figure 16). Structures typically have open bottoms,
perforated side walls and optional underlying granular stone reservoirs. They
can be installed individually or in series in trench or bed configurations. They
can infiltrate roof, walkway, parking lot and road runoff with adequate pre-
treatment. Due to the large volume of underground void space they create in
comparison to a soakaway of the same dimensions, and the modular nature of
their design, they are well suited to sites where available space for other types
of Best Management Practices (BMPs) is limited, or where it is desirable for the
facility to have little or no surface footprint (e.g., high density development
contexts). They can also be referred to as infiltration tanks.

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Figure 15: Soakaway in a residential sub-division and infiltration trenches in

parkland settings

Figure 16: Infiltration chambers under construction in commercial developments

Figure 17: Schematic of a dry-well soakaway

Soakaways shall be designed in accordance with BRE Digest 365: Soakaway Design
(BRE, 1991). This document describes design and construction procedures for
soakaways, explains how to calculate rainfall design values and soil infiltration rates
and gives design examples.

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BRE have also developed the BRESOAK soakaway design software which helps
designers to design soakaways in line with the advice in BRE Digest 365. The software
will save time in designing soakaways, and provides confidence that the results will be
fully in line with BRE Digest 365.

The main design and construction matters covered by BRE Digest 365 are listed below:

• Shape and size

• Soil infiltration characteristics

• Design procedure

o Inflow (design rainfall)

o Outflow

o Required storage volume

• Soil infiltration rate

• Time of emptying

• Construction details

• General considerations

Another reference that can be used for the design of infiltration systems is the CIRIA
Report 156 Infiltration drainage - Manual of Good Practice (CIRIA, 1996). This report
references guidance from BRE Digest 365 regarding infiltration testing but also provides
other guidance on best practice in the area of stormwater infiltration. The report
provides a guide to good practice for those involved in the approval, funding, design,
construction and maintenance of stormwater infiltration systems who wish to use
infiltration systems as an on-site method to control and dispose of stormwater. It also
discusses the advantages and disadvantages of such systems and provides the
information to enable practitioners to decide whether, in given circumstances, infiltration
techniques are appropriate.

HR Wallingford in conjunction with The Environment Agency UK have prepared a

spreadsheet for design of infiltration systems based on the CIRIA Report 156 (CIRIA,
1996). This spreadhsheet can be used for the design of infiltration systems in Dubai.
Figure 18 shows a screenshot of this spreadsheet. Designers may wish to use their own
spreadsheets for design of infiltration systems. In this case, the calculations and
references shall be provided to DM DID and approvals be sought.

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Figure 18: Screenshot of Infiltration Systems design spreadsheet by HR


Infiltration systems should be designed based on site-specific investigations.

The following aspects should be considered for design and construction of infiltration

• Risk of groundwater contamination: Most pollutants in urban runoff are well

retained by infiltration practices and soils and therefore, have a low to moderate
potential for groundwater contamination. To minimise risk of groundwater
contamination, the following management approaches are recommended:

o Stormwater infiltration practices should not receive runoff from pollution

hot spots (e.g. source areas where land uses or activities have the
potential to generate highly contaminated runoff such as vehicle fuelling,
servicing or demolition areas, outdoor storage or handling areas for
hazardous materials and some heavy industry sites).

o Prioritise infiltration of runoff from source areas that are comparatively

less contaminated such as roofs, low traffic roads and parking areas.

o Apply sedimentation pre-treatment practices (e.g. oil and grit separators)

before infiltration of road or parking area runoff.

• Risk of soil contamination: Available evidence from monitoring studies indicates

that small distributed stormwater infiltration practices do not contaminate
underlying soils, even after 10 years of operation.

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• On private property: If soakaways, infiltration trenches or infiltration chambers

are installed on private lots, property owners or managers will need to be
educated on their routine maintenance needs, understand the long-term
maintenance plan, and be subject to a legally binding maintenance agreement.
An incentive program such as a storm sewer user fee based on the area of
impervious cover on a property that is directly connected to a storm sewer could
be used to encourage property owners or managers to maintain existing
practices. Alternatively, infiltration practices could be located in an expanded
road RoW or stormwater easement so that municipal staff can access the facility
in the event it fails to function properly.

• Standing water and mosquitoes: The detention of water in a soakaway,

infiltration trench or chamber should be solely underground to prevent attracting
mosquitoes, flies, etc.

• Foundations and seepage: Soakaways, infiltration trenches and chambers

should be set back at least four (4) metres from building foundations. Overflow
pipes should discharge to pervious areas that are located at least 2 metres from
building foundations and slope away from the building.

• Site topography: Facilities cannot be located on natural slopes greater than


• Water table: The bottom of the facility should be vertically separated by one (1)
metre from the seasonally high water table or top of bedrock elevation.
Therefore, stormwater infiltration is a not a suitable option for areas with high
groundwater levels. If infiltration systems are deemed feasible for an area with
high groundwater levels, these systems should then be combined with
groundwater drainage systems.

• Soils: Soakaways, infiltration trenches and chambers can be constructed over

any soil type, but hydrologic soil groups A or B are best for achieving water
balance objectives. If possible, facilities should be located in portions of the site
with the highest native soil infiltration rates. Designer should verify the soil
infiltration rate at the proposed location and depth through field measurement of
hydraulic conductivity under field saturated conditions.

• Drainage area: Soakaways and infiltration trenches typically service individual

lots and receive roof and walkway runoff only. Infiltration chambers can treat
roof, walkway and low to medium traffic road or parking lot runoff with adequate
sedimentation pre-treatment. They can be designed with an impervious drainage
area to treatment facility area ratio of between 5:1 and 20:1. A maximum ratio of
10:1 is recommended for facilities receiving road or parking lot runoff.

• Pollution hotspot runoff: To protect groundwater from possible contamination,

source areas where land uses or human activities have the potential to generate

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highly contaminated runoff (e.g. vehicle fuelling, servicing and demolition areas,
outdoor storage and handling areas for hazardous materials and some heavy
industry sites) should not be treated by soakaways, infiltration trenches or

• Proximity to underground utilities: The horizontal and vertical offset requirements

for underground utilities passing near the practice are no different than for
utilities in other pervious areas. However, the designer should consider the need
for long-term maintenance when locating infiltration facilities near other
underground utilities.

• Geometry and site layout: Soakaways and infiltration chambers can be designed
in a variety of shapes, while infiltration trenches are typically rectangular
excavations with a bottom width generally between 600 and 2400 mm. Facilities
should have level or nearly level bed bottoms.

• Pre-treatment: It is important to prevent sediment and debris from entering

infiltration facilities because they could contribute to clogging and failure of the
system. Pre-treatment options are:

o Leaf Screens: Leaf screens are mesh screens installed either on the
building eavestroughs or roof downspouts and are used to remove
leaves and other large debris from roof runoff. Leaf screens must be
provided if required and regularly cleaned to be effective. If not
maintained, they can become clogged and prevent rainwater from
flowing into the facility.

o In-ground filters: Filters placed between a conveyance pipe and the

facility (e.g. oil and grit separators, sedimentation chamber or sump), that
can be designed to remove both large and fine particulate from runoff. A
number of proprietary stormwater filter designs are available. Like leaf
screens, they require regular cleaning to ensure they do not become

o Vegetated filter strips or grass swales: Road and parking lot runoff can
be pre-treated with vegetated filter strips or grass swales prior to entering
the infiltration practice.

• Monitoring wells: Capped vertical non-perforated pipes connected to the inlet

and outlet pipes are recommended to provide a means of inspecting and
flushing them out as part of routine maintenance. A capped vertical standpipe
consisting of an anchored 100 to 150 mm perforated pipe with a lockable cap
installed to the bottom of the facility is also recommended for monitoring the
length of time required to fully drain the facility between storms. Manholes and
inspection chambers should be installed in infiltration chambers to provide
access for monitoring and maintenance activities.

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• Filter Media:

o Stone reservoir: Soakaways and infiltration trenches should be filled with

uniformly-graded, washed stone that provides 30% to 40% void space.
Granular material should be 50 mm clear stone.

o Geotextile: A non-woven needle punched, or woven monofilament

geotextile fabric should be installed around the stone reservoir of
soakaways and infiltration trenches with a minimum overlap at the top of
300 mm. Woven slit film and nonwoven heat bonded fabrics should not
be used as they are prone to clogging. The primary function of the
geotextile is separation between two dissimilar soils. When a finer
grained soil overlies a coarser grained soil or aggregate layer (e.g. stone
reservoir), the geotextile prevents clogging of the void spaces from
downward migration of soil particles. When a coarser grained aggregate
layer (e.g. stone reservoir) overlies a finer grained native soil, the
geotextile prevents slumping from downward migration of the aggregate
into the underlying soil. Geotextile may also enhance the capacity of the
facility to reduce petroleum hydrocarbons in runoff, as microbial
communities responsible for their decomposition tend to concentrate in
geotextile fabrics. Specification of geotextile fabrics in soakaways and
infiltration trenches should consider the Apparent Opening Size (AOS)
for non-woven fabrics, or Percent Open Area (POA) for woven fabrics,
which affect the long term ability to maintain water flow. Other factors
that need consideration include maximum forces to be exerted on the
fabric, and the load bearing ratio, texture (i.e. grain size distribution) and
permeability of the native soil in which they will be installed.

• Construction Considerations: Erosion and sediment control and compaction are

the main construction concerns.

o Soil Disturbance and Compaction: Before site work begins, locations of

facilities should be clearly marked. Only vehicular traffic used for
construction of the infiltration facility should be allowed close to the
facility location.

o Erosion and Sediment Control: Infiltration practices should never serve

as a sediment control device during construction. Construction runoff
should be directed away from the proposed facility location. After the site
is vegetated, erosion and sediment control structures can be removed.

o Construction Sequence: If the construction sequence is not followed

correctly, construction sediment can clog the pit. Facilities should be kept
offline until construction is complete. They should never serve as a
sediment control device during site construction. Sediment should be
prevented from entering the infiltration facility using silt fences, diversion
berms or other means.

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o Compaction during Construction: Heavy construction can result in

compaction of the soil, which can then reduce the soil infiltration rate.
Therefore, heavy equipment and traffic should avoid traveling over the
proposed location of the facility to minimise compaction of the soil.

o Upstream drainage areas need to be properly stabilised with vegetation

or other means, particularly immediately following construction, to reduce
sediment loads.

o The facility should be excavated to design dimensions from the side

using a backhoe or excavator. The base of the facility should be level or
nearly level.

o The bottom of the facility should be scarified to improve infiltration. An

optional 150 mm of sand could be spread for the bottom filter layer. The
monitoring well should be anchored and stone should be added to the
facility in 0.3 m lifts.

o Geotextile fabric should be correctly installed in the soakaway or

infiltration trench excavation. Large tree roots should be trimmed flush
with the sides of the facility to prevent puncturing or tearing of the fabric
during subsequent installation procedures. When laying out the
geotextile, the width should include sufficient material to compensate for
perimeter irregularities in the facility and for a 150 mm minimum top
overlap. Voids may occur between the fabric and the excavated sides of
the facility. Natural soils should be placed in any voids to ensure fabric
conformity to the excavation sides.

Typical details of soakaways, infiltration trenches and chambers are presented in Figure
19 to Figure 22.

Figure 19: Typical detail of Roundabout island soakaway (TRCA, 2011)

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Figure 20: Typical plan of an infiltration trench below a laneway (TRCA, 2011)

Figure 21: Typical cross section of an infiltration trench system below a laneway
(TRCA, 2011)

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Figure 22: Schematic of an infiltration chamber system below a parking lot

Given the soil permeability, depth of groundwater in and around Dubai and considering
the performance of surface water infiltration options and limitation in space due to
existing and future developments in Dubai, infiltration trenches seem to be the best
option for stormwater infiltration. These systems could be located in the RoWs of the
roads or under the roads to avoid space limitations.

Stormwater infiltration systems need to be able to perform as part of the overall

integrated and sustainable drainage system for Dubai. These systems need to be
installed at shallow enough depths not to interfere with the groundwater levels and have
combined soakage and storage performances that allow for the efficient disposal of the
storm flows. A key constraint to the successful operation of the system is the depth to
groundwater level. This means that for the soakaway system to function as intended, in
some areas it will need to be installed after the local groundwater control system has
been commissioned.

8.5 Pumping and Lifting Stations

8.5.1 General design considerations

The design philosophy for the Dubai Drainage Master Plan includes minimisation of the
total number of the drainage pumping stations. Where pumping is required, the number
of times a given flow is pumped should also be minimised. This philosophy has been
adopted to reduce operation and maintenance associated with pumping stations.

The following sections provide design guidelines for drainage pumping stations.

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8.5.2 Sizing of pumping stations

Drainage pumping stations must be designed to handle runoff flows based on the
appropriate design storms.

All drainage pumping stations should be designed to handle the estimated runoff from
their respective catchments. In some cases, a pumping station may need additional
capacity to ensure that clearing times for upstream detention ponds are met. This
should be investigated using the hydraulic model of the system.

8.5.3 Screens

Consideration to screening facility shall be given depending on the size of PS and in the
case of presence of debris and large solids.

8.5.4 Wet well configuration and sizing

Wet wells are usually a below-grade structure (above grade is possible, but not typical)
of a pumping station. It is the structure into which the liquid flows from, and where the
pumps draw water. Wet wells serve the following purposes:

• Create a hydraulic break minimising the effects of the upstream system. The
free water surface is allowed to rise and fall buffering the system from any
fluctuations in flow and pressure.

• Provide storage volume to allow constant speed pumps to start and stop without
exceeding the number of starts required for a certain size motor.

• Provide adequate submergence above the suction bell of pump to prevent

formation of vortices and adequate Net Positive Suction Head (NPSH).

• Provide free-board to allow the water level to rise during upset or emergency
operation without overflowing.

The wet well design shall meet the flow distribution based on the accepted criteria
recommended by the American National Standards Institute - Hydraulic Institute (ANSI-
HI) in the Pump Intake Design standard. These recommendations mitigate adverse
hydraulic phenomenon that may occur in the pump station wet well. In summary, the
geometry of the wet well, operation of the pumps, and the depth of water in the sump
influence the approach flow hydrodynamics and can result in adverse hydraulic

The wet well volume should be designed with adequate storage to prevent frequent
starting and stopping (cycling) of the pump. The maximum number of allowable starts is
typically dependent on the characteristics of the electric motors and typically ranges
between 6 for large motors and 15 for small motors. The design engineer is responsible
for contacting the pump/motor manufacturer to obtain the minimum cycle time.

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Furthermore, the wet well should be sized to allow for the pump starting sequence. The
starting sequence usually takes between one to three minutes, depending on the
required opening and closing time of the pump control valves. The opening and closing
delays may be field adjusted to prevent extended operation of the pumps between shut
off and operating duty point. The starting and stopping times for pumping units
equipped with check valves, is usually less than a minute. The wet well should be sized
to provide adequate storage during this time period.

Initial sizing of wet wells for a single pump or a single-speed control step can be
undertaken using the following equation:

( K
J  Equation 21


V = required capacity (m3)

t = minimum time in minutes of one pumping cycle (time between starts

q = pump capacity (m3/min)

For multiple-speed pumps, the available storage volume in the wet well does not need
to be as conservative. As flow rate is controlled by the speed of the pump, the pump
does not need to start against a closed valve. The pumps can start, and increase speed
to immediately contribute flow into the system.

One design criteria often overlooked is the storage volume required in the event of a
power outage. With a constant flow rate entering the pump station wet well, a disruption
in power supply will immediately be reflected with a rise in the water surface elevation.
In this case, it is impossible to provide storage for an extended power outage.
Therefore, the SCADA system shall be configured such that in the event of power
failure in a downstream pump station, the upstream pump station shall be signalled to
stop. In collection system applications, the flow can be allowed to back-up into the
system, otherwise the wet well should be designed with adequate storage volume or
overflow potential during a power outage. The design engineer shall liaise with DEWA
and DM regarding the design power outage duration.

If adequate volume cannot be provided to prevent short-cycling of the pump, multiple

pumps or variable-speed pumps should be considered to reduce the required volume.

For more details on wet well sizing, refer to the ANSI-HI Pump Intake Design and Flygt
Design Guidelines.

When designing a wet well, the following items shall be considered:

• Provide an opening in the deck with adequate clearance to allow removal of any
pump components or piping from the wet well.

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• The wet well shall be provided with an air vent sized to release or admit outside
air due to the rise and fall in water levels. Area of vent is typically equal to at
least half of the inlet pipes area.

• Provide a grate (hatchway) for access to the wet well. Grate size to be at least
1.2 m by 1.2 m with appropriately sized safety net or equivalent safety system.

• Permanent ladders shall not be included in the wet well due to corrosion and the
potential safety concerns.

8.5.5 Pump selection criteria

Typically, stormwater drainage pumping stations are not considered to go through the
multiple start-stop cycles experienced in sewage pumping stations. However, when the
drainage pumping station is also used for dewatering, the multiple start-stop cycle may
become an issue.

Pump selection should be made in conjunction with the pipe size (system curve)
determination in order to optimise conditions over the anticipated range of flows and
should consider both stormwater runoff and groundwater flows. Pump selection should
consider minimising the holding times in the wet well, maximising pumping efficiency
and meeting the clearing time requirements.

Actual pump selection can only be made once a system curve is developed. The
following items should be considered:

• Required range of head and flows

• Number of pumps ( 1 duty and 1 standby as a minimum requirement)

• Operation and control philosophy

• Efficiency

• Potential for upgrading capacity; to accept runoff from adjacent catchments on a

long or short-term basis

• Flexibility in the system; in case design criteria such as design storm or clearing
times become more restrictive in the future

Where possible, the selected pumps should be in the mid-range of the available
impeller sizes so that simple changes/rehabilitation can be made to improve pumping
station capacity.

Multiple size pumps may be appropriate to meet groundwater pumping requirements.

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8.5.6 Pumping station structures

Pumping station structures should be designed to ensure a safe environment for

operation and maintenance staff as well as maximising performance and minimising
costs. The following items should be considered:

• Wet wells shall be isolated from dry wells and/or superstructures by

impermeable walls.

• Wet wells should include provisions for appropriate ventilation prior to entry by
trained personnel.

• Provisions should be made to facilitate removing pumps, motors and other

mechanical and electrical equipment.

• Suitable and safe means of access must be provided to dry and wet wells.

• Due consideration should be given to the selection of materials because of the

presence of aggressive groundwater flows, greases, oils and other constituents
frequently present in the drainage system.

• Wet wells should be configured to minimise turbulence, especially near the

intake of the pumps.

• Wet well controls are typically of the encapsulated float-type; however more
sophisticated control may be considered. In all cases, control sensors should be
located away from the turbulence of incoming flow and pump suction.

8.5.7 Corrosion and erosion considerations

Corrosion and erosion are a fluid characteristic with no effect on the hydraulics, but if
not considered may be detrimental to the life of pumps, valves and piping. The effects
of corrosion and erosion should always be considered when dealing with fluids other
than potable water.

Corrosion is an undesirable degradation of material resulting from a chemical or

physical reaction with the environment. Erosion is the deterioration of metals buffeted
by the entrained solids in a corrosive medium. The corrosive or erosive potential of a
service would dictate the materials of construction, hardness and ductility of material
and special liners such as rubber are required.

Figure 23 and Figure 24 show examples of corrosion and erosion on pump impellers.

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Figure 23: Corrosion on pump impeller

Figure 24: Erosion on pump impeller

When designing a pump station with a fluid containing corrosive constituents, water
known to be corrosive, or fluids other than water, a sample must be taken and tested.
Results should be reviewed by the Corrosion Engineer and the pump manufacturer for
proper material selection of pump components.

8.5.8 Electrical and instrumentation system requirements

To enhance the operability of the pumping stations, the following provisions should be
included in the design:

• Supply and control circuits should allow for disconnection from outside of the
wet well.

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• Terminals and connectors should be protected from corrosion through proper

location and/or the use of water-tight seals. Separate strain relief is required.

• Motor control panels should be properly sealed.

• Power cords should be designed for flexibility and serviceability under conditions
of extra hard usage. Field connections should also be facilitated.

• Ground fault interruption protection should be used.

Regulations DEWA, Dubai Civil Defence and Etisalat/Du shall be considered in the
design of electrical and instrumentations systems.

As mentioned in Section 8.5.3, a SCADA system is required to control the water levels
in the wet well. The SCADA system should include flow metering, flow controls and
pressure controls as well.

Uninterruptible Power Supply (UPS) shall be considered to support the SCADA system
and maintain its operation. UPSs require special provisions in location, ventilation,
maintenance, and interconnection to building and other electrical power and equipment
systems. The sizes and locations must be provided in the design.

The electrical system and equipment shall be designed to permit inspection and
maintenance of individual items.

A single manufacturer should be specified whenever possible, this is to overcome the

issue of compatibility of diverse components of instrument and control system and other
factors such as cost, required operator skill level, and owner preference.

8.5.9 Safety aspects of pumping stations

A list of minimum safety requirements is provided below.

• Address the Confined Space and safety requirements as per international best
practice, e.g. the UK Health and Safety Executive (HSE) guidelines.

• The pump station structure shall be designed incorporating the Dubai Civil
Defence requirements for fire fighting, lighting, access and exit.

• Safety Guards around rotating equipment shall be provided.

• Ventilation shall be provided.

• Requirement for protective clothing, gloves, boots and goggles for the operation
and maintenance staff shall be specified in the Operation and Maintenance
(O&M) manuals.

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• Other safety equipment should be specified and shown on the drawings where
required. DM and ministry of Labour requirements should be considered.

8.6 Detention and Retention Ponds

The following criteria shall be considered for sizing of detention/retention ponds (Table

Table 23: Design criteria for sizing of detention/retention ponds

Parameter Design Criteria

Design ARI 50-year

Control ARI 100-year

Pond emptying time at low level 5 days

Pond emptying time at high level 2-3 weeks

It should be noted that the emptying time for the upper level is approximate. Actual
emptying time may vary depending on the outlet sizing based on the lower level
emptying time. All ponds must meet this criteria for a given storm event, therefore
upstream ponds must be cleared more quickly.

8.7 Outfalls

The design of outfalls is specialised and site-specific, so this section only provides
some general aspects of outfall design.

Outfalls may discharge stormwater runoff to the Creek, the sea or a detention/retention
pond. Outfall locations near public beaches or hotels should be avoided. Outfalls should
also not be located in areas with environmental values, such as wildlife areas.

The invert level of the outfall should be above the peak design water level of the
receiving water body so as to provide free discharge conditions. Where periodic back-
flooding cannot be avoided, a non-return valve should be considered.

Outfalls shall be formed so as to avoid, or provide protection against, local erosion. It

may be necessary to provide additional protection to the outfall opening to prevent
damage, interference or entry. The visual impact of the outfall shall also be taken into

Tailwater considerations of the outfalls should be in accordance with the details

described in Section 7.5.

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Drainage systems are to be designed to also control groundwater in areas where
groundwater levels are within 2 m of the ground surface. However, the stormwater
drainage system is not to be sized on the basis of the groundwater flows.

Groundwater contributions in Dubai vary from catchment to catchment since it is a

function of the local groundwater table elevation and ground permeability.

Groundwater flow rates can be predicted based on guidelines presented in CIRIA

Report 113 – Control of Groundwater for Temporary Works. Groundwater flows can be
calculated using the following relationships (CIRIA, 1986):

L   . 0  . 0    QM < N R (Equation 22)
M $

?   5 S .# (Equation 23)


Q = total discharge from drain (m3/s)

H = height of static water table (m)

h0 = height of water level at drain inlet (m)

h = H – h0 (m)

K = soil permeability (m/s)

X = length of drain (m)

R0 = distance to drain/radius of influence (m)

C = constant factor ranging from 1500 to 2000 for line flow to collection points or 3000
for radial flow to pumped wells

Equation 22 refers to equidistant parallel slotted drainage pipes in an unconfined

aquifer. For more information on other arrangements and conditions, refer to CIRIA
Report 113.

Table 24 presents typical soil permeability values. A value of 10-5 can be used for most
areas of Dubai to obtain preliminary estimates of flow. The actual value to be used in
design should be based on actual field investigation results.

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Table 24: Typical soil permeability values

Permeability (m/s) Soil type Drainage


10-1 Clean gravel Good drainage


10-3 Clean sand, clean sand and

gravel mixture


10-6 Very fine sand, organic and

inorganic silt, clay, subkha,
10-7 stratified clay deposits Poor drainage


10-9 Practically impervious

Homogeneous clay below

weathering zone

Groundwater flows are collected using slotted pipes. The opening size ranges from
3 mm to 4 mm. Total percentage of opening should be identified by individual pipe
manufacturers to allow infiltration of volumes as specified in Table 25.

Table 25: Slotted pipe minimum infiltration rates

Diameter (mm) Infiltration rate (l/min/m)

150 100

225 150

300 200

> 300 250

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Should the Engineer decide to use deep well points to lower groundwater elevations in
lieu of land drains, then a separate relationship applies (CIRIA, 1986):

M . NU
L  T S $ (Equation 24)

?   5 S .# (Equation 25)


Q = total discharge from well (m3/s)

R0 = radius of influence (m)

H = height of static water table (m)

hw = height of water in well (m)

K = soil permeability (m/s)

rw = radius of the well (m)

C = constant factor, 3000 for radial flow to pumped wells

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10.1 Introduction

Based on the discussions in sections 2 and 3, water quality management is one of the
important aspects of urban drainage and SUDS to prevent the transfer of pollutants to
receiving water bodies.

Design criteria for stormwater quality are intended to provide treatment of the first flush,
i.e. the first 10 mm of runoff depth.

The design of the stormwater quality management measures should follow The SUDS
Manual (CIRIA, 2007); however, the particular climatic and geographic conditions of
Dubai should be considered in the design of such systems.

10.2 Water quality control

In SUDS, the aim is to utilise the natural water quality treatment processes. The range
of water quality control measures are described below.

10.2.1 Pre-treatment

As mentioned in Section 3, pre-treatment (removal of oil, gross pollutants and sediment

loads) is vital to ensure the long-term effectiveness of the SUDS components. Pre-
treatment measures are described below. Pre-treatment components should be used in
the drainage system as appropriate.

Pre-treatment components that should be considered in the design of stormwater

drainage systems are described below.

Gross Pollutant Traps (GPTs):

GPTs are devices for the removal of solids conveyed by runoff that are typically greater
than 5 millimetres. There is a variety of GPTs currently suitable for use in urban
catchments including gully baskets, in-ground GPTs, trash racks and pipe nets. For
more information on the design of GPTs, the designer can refer to the Water Sensitive
Urban Design (WSUD) guidelines published by different Australian authorities.

Oil separators:
Oil separators should be specified for treating runoff from areas where hydrocarbon
products are handled, e.g. petrol stations, storage areas, bus and truck parking areas,
airports, etc. or where small oil spills may occur. They should be installed close to the
potential pollution source to minimise risks.

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Oil separators are available as pre-fabricated proprietary systems from different

vendors, but can also be built in-situ. These components should be designed in
accordance with BS EN 858-1, Separator Systems for Light Liquids (BSI, 2002).

Sedimentation manholes/Catch basins:

Sedimentation manholes may be located above or below ground, should remove
sediment from the stormwater runoff, must be easily maintainable and must be safe to

A sedimentation manhole is a manhole with an enlarged sediment sump which

maintains a permanent water pool to promote settling of solids and to store settled
sediments. It can also include a baffle to retain oils and floating debris. Due to a high
potential for re-suspension of sediments, water quality treatment performance of
sedimentation manholes is limited; however, they may be appropriate as a cost-
effective and simple solution to protection of downstream SUDS components where
there is a high proportion of sands and other coarse sediments in the catchment.
Suitability of these components should be considered in the design.

Vortex separators:
Vortex separators are structures with a gravity settling or separation unit to remove
sediments and other gross pollutants from stormwater. Water moves in a centrifugal
manner and the centrifugal forces created by the circular motion make suspended
particles to move to the centre of the device where they settle at the bottom. They can
either be designed to accommodate the full flow or can be installed downstream of a
bypass structure, so that high flows are routed around the device. Suitability of these
components should be considered in the design.

Proprietary filtration systems:

Filtration systems are offered by a variety of manufacturers and can be obtained as pre-
fabricated standard units of custom-made to suit site conditions. Some manufacturers
combine vortex separation and online filtration in one system. Suitability of these
components should be considered in the design.

10.2.2 Treatment

SUDS components contributing to stormwater runoff treatment are described below.

Treatment components should be used in the drainage system as appropriate.

Filter strips:
Filter strips are vegetated strips of land which accept runoff as overland sheet flow from
the upstream catchment. They treat runoff by vegetative filtering and promote
settlement of particulate pollutants and infiltration. They are particularly applicable at the
edges of car parks.

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Infiltration trenches:
Infiltration trenches have been described in Section 8.4.

Bioretention swales:
Bioretention swales are linear vegetated drainage components in which runoff can be
stored, conveyed and treated. They should promote low flow velocities to allow much of
the suspended particles to settle out.

Bioretention basins:
Bioretention basins are shallow landscaped depressions which are typically under-
drained and rely on vegetation and infiltration to remove pollution and reduce runoff.

10.3 Water quality modelling

The performance of the water quality management measures shall be checked and
justified by modelling the drainage water treatment train. This can be undertaken by
Model for Urban Stormwater Improvement Conceptualisation (MUSIC) developed by
eWater initiative in Australia or similar tools.

The MUSIC software serves as a planning and decision support system, and packages
the current knowledge of the performance of a range of stormwater treatment measures
into a modelling tool. MUSIC is designed to operate at a range of temporal and spatial
scales, suitable for modelling stormwater quality treatment systems for individual plots
up to regional scales. It provides the ability to simulate both quantity and quality of
runoff from catchments and the effect of treatment facilities on these components.
MUSIC is an aid to decision making. It enables designers and/or stakeholders to
evaluate conceptual designs of stormwater management systems to ensure they are
appropriate for their catchments. By simulating the performance of stormwater quality
improvement measures, MUSIC determines if the proposed systems can meet specified
water quality objectives.

It should be noted that the MUSIC model should be customised for the particular
location and application with the relevant input data.

By using water quality modelling software such as MUSIC, the performance of these
systems should be checked against the current environmental legislations and in
particular the water quality limits of discharge to the environment and water bodies in
the UAE and Dubai.

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A Drainage Management Plan for new developments should be prepared by the
designer/developer and submitted to DM DID for approval.

The main aim of the Drainage Master Plan is to confirm to DM DID that the proposed
drainage system has been developed according to the Drainage Design Criteria and
international best practice, and that it follows the concept of the Drainage Master Plan.

The Drainage Management Plan shall include but not be limited to:

• The overall concept of the proposed drainage system and how it follows the
Drainage Master Plan and SUDS principles

• Hydrologic and hydraulic model of the drainage system, confirming that the
proposed drainage system for the new development is compatible with the
existing DM drainage system, the Drainage Master Plan and the Drainage
Design Criteria, and the impacts of the proposed system on the DM drainage
system. This model shall also confirm that the post-development peak outflows
from the development site are not greater that the pre-development peak
outflows, i.e. Drainage Impact Zero as required by the Drainage Master Plan.

• Water quality model, confirming that the outflows from the site meet the
environmental regulations and discharge quality limits

• The lawful point of discharge shall be nominated and approvals sought from DM

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1. Abu Dhabi City Municipality, 1998. Abu Dhabi Roadway Design Manual
2. BRE, 1991. BRE Digest 365
3. BSI, 2008. BS EN 752:2008 Drain and Sewer Systems Outside Buildings
4. BSI, 2002. BS EN 858-1, Separator Systems for Light Liquids
5. CEH, 1999. Flood Estimation Handbook
6. Chow, V. T., 1988. Applied Hydrology
7. CIRIA, 1986. Control of Groundwater for Temporary Works, Report 113
8. CIRIA, 1996. Beach Management Manual, Report 153
9. CIRIA, 1996. Infiltration Drainage - Manual of Good Practice, Report 156
10. CIRIA, 1998. Management of Gully Pots for Improved Runoff Quality, Report 183
11. CIRIA, 2000. Sustainable Urban Drainage Systems, C522
12. CIRIA, 2007. Site Handbook for the Construction of SUDS, C698
13. CIRIA, 2007. The SUDS Manual, C697
14. CIRIA, 2010. Planning for SUDS - Making it Happen, C687
15. DEFRA, 2006. Integrated Urban Drainage Pilots
16. DEFRA, 2010. Surface Water Management Plan Technical Guidance
17. Engineers Australia, 2012. Australian Rainfall & Runoff, Project 15 - Two
Dimensional Modelling in Urban and Rural Floodplains
18. FHWA, 2001. Urban Drainage Design Manual, Hydraulic Engineering Circular No.
22 (HEC 22)
19. Hammer, 1988. Water and Wastewater Technology
20. Highway Agency UK, 2000. Design Manual for Roads and Bridges, Spacing of
Road Gullies
21. Innovyze, 2011. InfoSWMM PDM Users Guide
22. Linsely & Franzini, 1987. Water Resources Engineeering, 3rd edition
23. Nouh, 2001. Urban Drainage in Specific Climates Vol. III, Urban Drainage in Arid
and Semi-Arid Climates, UNESCO-IHP.
24. NRCS, 2007. Natonal Engineering Handbook Hydrology
25. NRW, 2007. Queensland Urban Drainage Manual
26. TRCA, 2011. Low Impact Development Stormwater Management Planning and
Design Giude
27. TxDOT, 2011. Hydraulic Design Manual. [Online] Available at:
28. USACE, 1984. Shore Protection Manual, 4th Edition
29. Vanoni, 1941. Some experiments on the transportation of suspended load.
American Geophysical Union Pt. 3, pp. 608-620.
30.,[Online] Available at:

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