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iWater Toolsheets / Assessment

Costs and benefits of SuDS POINT 1

The following study has been made to help assess the cost-benefit ratio of
different storm water solutions. Accurate cost calculations have not been made
and the study reveals that many of the benefits are still difficult to assess in
monetary terms. However, it is clear that some solutions, such as bioswales and
wetlands, have a high potential of providing multible benefits with low costs.

Why Cost-Benefit Analysis?

Well designed, constructed and maintained

stormwater management structures can deliver a wide
range of benefits to local communities and places,
as well as underpin sustainable economic growth. Contents of the study
Apart from managing stormwater, green infrastructure
structures have the potential to provide a full range of This study summarises information that will help tentatively analyse the
other ecosystem services, such as energy savings; air benefits of a stormwater management solution. Table 1 and Table 2
quality improvement; mitigation of climate change by give additional background knowledge; the TABLE 1 lists ecosystem
reducing greenhouse gases; and provision of habitats services that are related especially to SUDS, and the TABLE 2
and biodiversity. They can also have an impact on indicates which solution delivers which ecosystem service.
urban liveability including aesthetics, recreation and
environmental health. In the following table the solutions are listed in a table that summarises
the main benefits, values and considerations related to design,
It is not an easy task to identify the key benefits construction and maintenance from the cost point of view.
associated with a stormwater management solution,
to demonstrate the ways it can add value to a broader Descriptions and a short summary of the cost-benefit ratio of each
developmental project, or to choose between different stormwater management solution can be found on the toolsheet
solutions. A cost-benefit analysis will illuminate the “Descriptions of sustainable stormwater management solutions”.
monetary values of different solutions as well as the
value of other economic, societal or environmental
benefits, where the scientific basis for quantification
and/or monetisation is not yet sufficiently robust.
iWater Toolsheets / Assessment / Costs and benefits

Definition of cost-benefit analysis

and related terms

Cost analysis as well as environmental, social, and public health

outcomes of alternative management approaches. The
Cost comparison is a method for assessing the result is more complete information on the benefits
economic impacts of a stormwater management associated with different stormwater solutions.
solution. The cost of a sustainable urban drainage
system (SUDS) can be considered to be a combination Life cycle analysis
of two components: 1) the capital expenditure to build
the solution including potential land take costs, and 2) A life cycle analysis is a method of assessment that
the on-going operational costs to maintain the solution considers all costs arising from planning, designing,
to ensure continued performance. constructing, operating, and finally dissembling of
a solution. This approach to valuation is particularly
Both approaches ignore the value of delivered benefits suitable for the evaluation of stormwater and combined
in the performance of the solution. As a result, they sewer system design alternatives that have different
provide an incomplete basis for decision-making. initial costs, operations and maintenance costs, as well
Since SUDS can potentially offer more benefits than as life spans. The life cycle cost approach is critical in
conventional stormwater management systems, a mere estimating SUDS costs, because often their operations
cost analysis fails to offer decision-makers adequate and maintenance costs can be significantly lower than
information for evaluating the alternatives. conventional approaches.

Cost-benefit analysis A life cycle analysis allows a range of SUDS options to

be appropriately compared. Through encouraging a
A cost-benefit analysis (CBA) is more complicated combined monitoring and maintenance, the approach
than a cost analysis, but also provides a more promotes the explicit assessment and management of
complete basis for decision-making. It considers costs both short-term and long-term risk.
iWater Toolsheets / Assessment / Costs and benefits

How is CBA executed?

The usefulness and effectiveness of assessing costs contrasted, or a SUDS solution is being compared with be used with caution, because both cost and benefits
and benefits is greatest when it forms part of an early a below-ground piped drainage system. For example, are always related to specific design solutions.
stage of the design process. Once the main planning either the water quantity and water quality performance
and design decisions have been determined for a of each option has to be identical or the benefits Furthermore, CBA can be implemented with the help
site, the type of options that can be assessed and that can be attributed to that performance (such as of computer programmes. There are stormwater
compared become more limited. improved water quality or reduced flood risk) need to management modelling tools used by researchers and
be estimated separately for each option. professionals in order to understand various aspects
Both costs and benefits are highly context-specific and related to stormwater management, such as run-off
will vary significantly (in monetary terms) depending volume, run-off rate, and pollutant-loading reduction,
on the site characteristics, the use(s) of the site and Existing guidance and tools due to the implementation of different GI practices.
the specific composition of the SUDS solution. It is Usually these modelling tools work with GIS or other
important for any assessment to be robust, transparent A large amount of cost-benefit analysis cases, related
cartographical applications, and include modules for
and open to scrutiny. This will lead to an increased guidance and scientific papers are available online.
the analysis of whole life cycle costs of a stormwater
acceptance from stakeholders as well as more For example, EPA, the United States Environmental
solution. There are also a number of simple spread
opportunities for shared funding. Protection Agency, has listed a green infrastructure
sheet tools available for an economic analysis of these
(GI) cost analysis, cost-benefit analysis and tools
When the costs and benefits are assessed together, that help to execute the analysis (https://www.epa.
this enables the SUDS design to be optimised (i.e. to gov/green-infrastructure/green-infrastructure-cost-
manage, treat and optimise the use of surface water in benefit-resources); Susdrain, the British community
order to maximise benefits at a reasonable cost) and of sustainable drainage, has listed guidance that is
should form part of the option-budgeting process. available to assess benefits and costs (http://www.
It is important to ensure that like is being compared and-benefits-of-suds/guidance-on-cost-benefit-
with like when alternative SUDS options are being analysis.html). In addition, separate publications exist
that provide unit costs and benefits, but these should
iWater Toolsheets / Assessment / Costs and benefits

The challenge of valuing the benefits

The challenge is that the benefits created by most related to CBA, it is likely that the available information
common solutions, such as green roofs, rain gardens, and approaches to a cost-benefit evaluation of green
infiltration and detention are well identified, but the infrastructure solutions will rapidly develop in the
values of more tailored or complex systems are future.
harder to evaluate. In addition, some of the benefits
are unrecognised or underestimated, because all
the positive impacts are not included in the analysis.
Direct environmental and economical impacts are
typically easy to recognise, whereas social benefits are
disregarded, such as improving aesthetics, habitats,
community liveability, human health, and increased
land value.

Moreover, the scale of analysis can affect the end

result. On the district scale, several SUDS can be
combined. In such a case, costs can be reduced
because of potential scale benefits, for example, by
the labour force or materials. Ecosystem service-
related benefits can be simultaneously increased.
As the amount of required biological structures, such
as swales or ponds, increase and are combined,
they tend to deliver multiple-associated ecosystem
services, such as habitat provision and stormwater
purification. Due to the several existing challenges
iWater Toolsheets / Assessment / Costs and benefits



Green roofs Water retention Avoided costs of flood prevention € From moderate to high. Depend highly on the The cost of investing on green roofs
Climate regulation Avoided costs of flood damages € Some special design type of green roof. are relatively lower on areas where
Habitats and pollination Avoided costs of heating/cooling € expertise needed for Green roof can also the value of land is high.
Aesthetics and inspiration Health and social value of favorable climate custom solutions. extend the lifetime of a
Education and science Value of natural pollination € Construction costs of a roof. Both the potential benefits and costs
Value of local gene pool for future use green roof in average 50- increase when a thicker soil layer is
Increased property values € 60e/m2 (in addition to installed.
Marketing value of an aesthetic landscape / views
the cost of roof).
Identity value
Social and cultural values of environment
Value of educational environments and learning

Green Water retention Avoided costs of flood prevention € High design and High operation and Green facade of vines that grow from
Climate regulation Avoided costs of flood damages € construction costs. maintenance costs. ground is much cheaper solution to
facades/walls Habitats and pollination Avoided costs of heating/cooling € Maintenance might implement.
(above ground Aesthetics and inspiration Health and social value of favorable climate need special skills and
growing Education and science Value of natural pollination € equipment. If new solutions are tested there
Tourism and nature Value of local gene pool for future use might be a risk of a short lifetime for
medium) experiences Increased property values € the solution.
Marketing value of an aesthetic landscape / views
Identity value
Social and cultural values of environment
Value of educational environments and learning

Street trees Water retention Avoided costs of flood prevention € Construction costs are From moderate to high. Several studies indicate that
Water filtration Avoided costs of flood damages € relatively high for one Especially young trees investments on street trees have in
Mediation of waste and Property values and the value of land € street tree. require regular general high revenue value.
toxins Value of clean groundwater € For example an average maintenance which
Erosion prevention Avoided costs of extensive water cleansing € investment cost on a demands for special Lifetime of a street tree might be very
Soil fertility and formation High quality surface water street tree in Helsinki is expertise. The cost of long in good conditions. The value of
Nutrient retention Avoided maintenance cost € about 2500 € (HKR 2014). maintenance of a young a tree increases when it matures.
iWater Toolsheets / Assessment / Costs and benefits

Climate regulation Health benefits tree might be multiple

Air quality regulation Avoided costs of heating/cooling € times the investment
Aesthetics and source of Health and social value of favorable climate costs (HKR 2014).
inspiration Market value of arts and other cultural products
Education and science inspired by nature €
Marketing value of aesthetic landscape
Identity value
Social and cultural values of environment

Stormwater Water retention Avoided costs of flood prevention € Moderate. Requires some Moderate. Requires Little experience of the functionality
Water filtration Avoided costs of flood damages € expertise to design and regular maintenance to of the systems in winter conditions.
planter Mediation of waste and Property values € construct. keep the system
toxins Value of clean groundwater and surface water € Requires some space in functioning.
Habitats and pollination Avoided costs of extensive water cleansing € densely built areas.
Aesthetics and source of Avoided health risks
inspiration Value of natural pollination €
Education and science Value of gene pool for future use
Marketing value of aesthetic landscape
Identity value
Social and cultural values of environment
Value of educational environments and learning

Rainwater Water retention Avoided costs of flood prevention € Specific design solutions Moderate. Regular Above ground tanks can be
Avoided costs of flood damages € are needed in order to simple maintenance unsightly.
cistern Property values and the value of land € integrate the system with tasks needed. Electricity Below ground tanks might take
buildings or other might be required for space from trees and vegetation.
structures. pumping and for
preventing freeze-up.

Infiltration pit Water retention Avoided costs of flood prevention € Simple and low cost Easy to maintain.
Avoided costs of flood damages € solution.
Property values and the value of land €

Pervious Water retention Avoided costs of flood prevention € Moderate, similar to Moderate. Regular The ability of the paved area to retain
Water filtration Avoided costs of flood damages € normal pavement. Though maintenance is needed and infiltrate water depends on the
surfaces Property values and the value of land € stone pavements cost to prevent long-term permeability and the quality of the
(porous and Value of clean groundwater and surface water € more than asfalt to build. clogging and weed below soil layers.
permeable) growth.
Multifunctional areas don’t require
additional space

No need for deep excavations for

drainage, which can have significant
cost benefits.
iWater Toolsheets / Assessment / Costs and benefits

Canals and rills Some potential for water Visual value Easy to construct but Routine maintenance Vegetation can be added to the
retention, erosion prevention Identity value some special design of urban areas, structure to deliver additional
and water purification solutions might be removal of ecosystem services.
(depending on the solution
needed. Costs highly litter/debris.
and maintenance)
dependent on the



(Bio)swale Water retention Avoided costs of flood prevention € Low cost investment. In addition to general Requires some space.
Mediation of waste and Avoided costs of flood damages € landscape management
toxins Property values and the value of land € costs litter/debris removal
Air quality regulation Value of clean groundwater and surface water €
Habitats and pollination Avoided costs of extensive water cleansing €
Aesthetics and source of Health and social value of clean air .
inspiration Value of natural pollination € Pollution and blockages
Education and science Marketing value of aesthetic landscape are visible and easy to
Identity value dealt with.
Social and cultural values of environment
Market value of innovations € Costs depend on the
Value of educational environments and learning quality of water and the
Social, economic, intrinsic and health value of
type of vegetation.
innovations and knowledge

Ditch (oja) Habitats, genetic diversity Intrinsic value of species reproducing in their Low cost investment. General landscape Risk of erosion.
and pollination natural nursery habitats management costs. Ditches might in some cases
Some potential for water Value of natural pollination € function as small-scale
retention, filtration and Value of gene pool for future use
ecological corridors.
mediation of waste and toxins
(depending f.e. on the
gradient, maintenance and
the type of soil)
iWater Toolsheets / Assessment / Costs and benefits

Raingarden Water retention Avoided costs of flood prevention € Typical garden Typical garden type Design solutions such as
Water filtration Avoided costs of flood damages € construction cost. vegetation management selection of vegetation affect
Erosion prevention Avoided costs of extensive water cleansing € Special vegetation and cost. Requires regular operating and maintenance
Soil fertility and formation Avoided cost of fertilizer use €
biotope design management. costs considerably.
Nutrient retention / Nitrogen Avoided damage on infrastructure €
fixation Avoided cost of soil improvement € requires expertise.
Habitats, genetic diversity Avoided maintenance cost €
and pollination Avoided cost of fertilizer use €
Recreation and mental and Water protection €
physical health Value of natural pollination €
Aesthetics and source of High quality surface water
inspiration Improved growth
Education and science Health
Recreational value of watching nature
Value of gene pool for future use
Avoided costs of health care €
Increased property values €
Outdoor activities €
Employment €
Quality of life
Health and social value
Increased property values €
Market value of arts and other cultural products
inspired by nature €
Marketing value of aesthetic landscape
Identity value
Social and cultural values of environment
Value of educational environments and learning
Social, economic, intrinsic and health value of
innovations and knowledge

Detention basin Water retention Avoided costs of flood prevention € Low cost solution. Typical landscape and
Habitats, genetic diversity Avoided costs of flood damages € Simple to design and vegetation management.
and pollination Avoided health risks construct. Occasional sediment
Feeling of safety
monitoring and removal
Value of natural pollination €
might be needed.

Infiltration basin Water filtration Value of clean groundwater and surface water € Low construction Requires regular Infiltration typically requires
Mediation of waste and Avoided costs of extensive water cleansing € costs. Comprehensive maintenance to keep up larger areas of land than
toxins Avoided health risks geotechnical the filtration process mere storage of water in
Fresh water Value of groundwater resources €
preinvestigations detention structures.
iWater Toolsheets / Assessment / Costs and benefits

Rainwater pond Water retention Avoided costs of flood prevention € Relatively low cost Typical landscape and Requires some space.
Habitats, genetic diversity Avoided costs of flood damages € solutions. vegetation management.
and pollination Property values and the value of land € Occasional sediment
Recreation and mental and Recreational value of fishing and bird watching
monitoring and removal
physical health Value of gene pool for future use
Aesthetics and source of Avoided costs of health care € might be needed.
inspiration Increased property values €
Tourism and nature Outdoor activities €
experiences Quality of life
Education and science Health and social value
Increased property values €
Market value of arts and other cultural products
inspired by nature €
Marketing value of aesthetic landscape
Identity value
Social and cultural values of environment
Tourism incomes €
Employment €
Value of educational environments and learning

Wetland Water retention Avoided costs of flood prevention € Relatively low cost Typical landscape Requires large areas of land.
Water filtration Avoided costs of flood damages € solutions depending maintenance. Vegetation
Mediation of waste and Existence of intact natural areas (though flooding on the design; management possibly In order to create proper
toxins might have also positive effect on ecosystems)
wetlands can be requires specialist circumstances for water
Erosion prevention Value of clean groundwater and surface water €
Soil fertility and formation Avoided costs of extensive water cleansing € constructed on a equipment. quality management the
Nutrient retention High quality surface water variety of scales and wetland must receive enough
Climate regulation Existence of intact natural areas types varying from water. However, well
Air quality regulation Water protection € large natural wetlands designed wetlands can be
Carbon sequestration and Potential for producing biomass based products to urban wetland very effective in pollutant
storage Avoided medical costs € parks. removal.
Biological control Health and social value of clean air
Habitats, genetic diversity Avoided cost of negative climate impacts €
and pollination Possibility for compensation of carbon emission in
Aesthetics and source of the built environment €
inspiration Recreational value of fishing and bird watching
Education and science Value of gene pool for future use
Tourism and nature Market value of arts and other cultural products
experiences inspired by nature €
Marketing value of aesthetic landscape
Identity value
Social and cultural values of environment
Tourism incomes €
iWater Toolsheets / Assessment / Costs and benefits

Employment €
Value of educational environments and learning
Social, economic, intrinsic and health value of
innovations and knowledge

Filter strip Water filtration Value of clean groundwater and surface water € Low construction General landscape Requires space so solution is
Mediation of waste and Avoided costs of extensive water cleansing € costs. management costs. not commonly used in dense
toxins Avoided health risks urban areas.
Habitats, genetic diversity Value of clean groundwater and surface water €
and pollination Avoided costs of extensive water cleansing €
Avoided health risks
Recreational value of fishing and bird watching
Value of gene pool for future use

* See the toolsheet “Sustainable stormwater management solutions” for definitions of each technique.
** Only the benefits that are relatively certain in each case have been listed here. See more on TABLE 2: Ecosystem service potentials of
sustainable stormwater management techniques.
*** The produced values depend strongly on the design, location and other qualities of the solution. See more on TABLE 1: Ecosystem
services values of sustainable urban drainage solutions.
iWater Toolsheets / Assessment / Costs and benefits


Ecosystem services and values:

CICES version 4.3. The Common International Classification of Ecosystem Services. Retrieved 7.3.2017.

Finnish ecosystem services indicators. Retrieved 15.6.2017.

Moore, T., and W. F. Hunt. 2012. Ecosystem service provision by Stormwater Wetlands and Ponds - a means for evaluation? Water Research 46(20):6811-

Millennium Ecosystem Assessment (MEA). 2005. Ecosystems and human well-being : synthesis (PDF). Washington, DC: Island Press. ISBN 1-59726-040-1.
Retrieved 15.6.2017.

Ruokolainen, L., Fyhrquist, N. and Haahtela, T. 2016. The rich and the poor: environmental biodiversity protecting from allergy.
Current Opinion in Allergy & Clinical Immunology. 16:5, 421–426.

Other qualities and cost estimations:

Susdrain, The community for sustainable drainage:

Helsingin kaupungin rakennusviraston julkaisuja 2014:4. Rakennusviraston kaupunkipuuselvitys. Taustaselvitys ja nykytilan kuvaus.

An extensive literature review of costs and benefits of SUDS:

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