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Antonio, Trixia Mae M.


BE STEM 11-16 March 15, 2020

UCSPOL ESSAY Ms. Raphaella Navarrosa

What I’ve learned in our topic which is persons with disabilities is that the word ' disabled, ' people
usually came to our mind is people who are unable to walk or speak, or do anything people take
for granted. Now, I don't take anything as granted. But I think the biggest challenge for being
persons with disabilities is that when they judged them even though they do nothing wrong
Dalimot, Glenn B. UCSPOL

BE STEM 11-16 March 15, 2020

UCSPOL ESSAY Ms. Raphaella Navarrosa

I didn't just learn things about our topic But It's strengthen my knowledge of respecting the
people with disabilities. Open our mind about their situation, On how difficult their life is.
Imagine, when we put ourself on their situation. What would be the kind of life that we can
experience if the people in our surroundings did not respect us.

I apply to myself what I've been learned in our topic in my daily life and as I know they
experiences, I will encourage other people to have a knowledge about this, to stop shaming other
people of what they don't have. Because respect is one of the best way for them to feel normal
people. One of the best ways that you can serve those around you with disabilities is to be aware
of disabilities that are common and make the necessary accommodations. This includes
elevators, wheelchair access ramps, and wide doorways where possible.

Pimentel, Karyll Amm UCSPOL

BE STEM 11-16 March 15, 2020

UCSPOL ESSAY Ms. Raphaella Navarrosa

We all have own experiences and perspective on the world and these views can provide
knowledge and insight. In particular, we can learn a lot from people living with a disability.
Disabled people often view the world through a different lens which is often far more healthy
than “norms”. No matter the type of person, there are lessons to be learned from them. People
with disabilities are especially influential, as our hardships in life aren't easily forgotten. We go
through every day with determination and strength, which many people are bowled over by, with
many secretly wondering if they could do the same thing.

The new thing that I learn about is the true happiness is really possible in a "broken" body.
That's because most able-bodied people can't imagine being happy if their body was ever
permanently broken. But the truth is that the human brain is very adept at transitioning into
someone with a disability, if you let it, that is. I think we could make the society in relation to
PWD is to view the Disability Community as a Valuable Consumer. It's still progressive to see
the disability community as a targeted audience and consumer.

We're the biggest minority population in the world, yet the most under represented when it
comes to marketing products, as we're the last to be thought of. While part of this stems from the
fact that there is a great deal of diversity within the disability community, those consumer
segments still have significant purchasing power. We're slowly seeing models with disabilities
incorporated in fashion and marketing commercials, but this needs to become the norm, and not
seen as future-forward thinking.
Manjares, Joshua UCSPOL

BE STEM 11-16 March 15, 2020

UCSPOL ESSAY Ms. Raphaella Navarrosa

I have learned that when dealing with Disabilities you have to have a lot of patience for even the
smallest things. I now have a lot more patience and understanding of things after working with
special needs. You don’t get as stressed out as easily have you might of have before.

Persons with disabilities are especially influential, because they make us look at our hardships in
life with a different perspective. we strongly believe that persons with disabilities can not only
achieve a lot in life, but also teach us a lot; things we, more often than not, might take for

The best way to do it accept who they are because t is not their fault that they have disabilities
and they don't like to happen to them that. the best way is to help them when they needed to be
help even when they are not asking you to do that.
Dioquino, Mikhaella UCSPOL

BE STEM 11-16 March 15, 2020

UCSPOL ESSAY Ms. Raphaella Navarrosa

No matter the type of person, there are lessons to be learned from them. We go through every
day with determination and strength, if they could do the same thing. People with a disabilities i
learn so much throughout their lives; life lessons Having a disability is definitely difficult, While
these learning experiences are more profound experienced directly.

The Persons with disabilities are especially influential, because they make us look at our
hardships in life with a different perspective, with disabilities can not only achieve a lot in life,
but also teach us a lot; things we, more often than not, might take for granted. Adjusting to life
with a disability is never easy, but there are ways to help yourself cope with limitations,
overcome challenges.

If you look physically healthy, you may not have any awareness of the painful discrimination in
all areas of life that people with disabilities live with on a daily basis People with intellectual
disabilities also suffer similar types of discrimination on a daily basis. Their challenges are
different, but they too are treated in ways that are very shaming.
Jumantoc, Roniel UCSPOL

BE STEM 11-16 March 15, 2020

UCSPOL ESSAY Ms. Raphaella Navarrosa

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