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Optimizer - A component of the SQL system that estimates the optimum (i.e.

, fastest) method to access

the database data requested is by particular SQL SELECT, UPDATE, or DELETE statement.

Outer Join - A join formed between two tables that in addition to including the rows from the two tables
with matching join column values will also include the values from one table that do not have matching
rows in the other.

Page Size - The size in bytes of a database page.

Page - The basic unit of database file input/output. Database files may be organized into a set of fixed-
sized pages containing data associated with one or more record occurrences (table rows).

Party - A party to an Agreement (between Raima and Customer)

PLC - Programmable Logic Controller.

Port - A network portal through which two computing processes can communicate. Where one IP
Address typically identifies a device, a Port on that device identifies one of multiple potential
communication channels.

Portable - Software that has been developed to be able to run on many different computer hardware
and operating systems with little or no change.

Positioned Update/Delete - An SQL UPDATE or DELETE statement that modifies the current row of a

Primary Key - A column or group of columns in a given table that uniquely identifies each row of the
table. The primary key is used in conjunction with a foreign key in another (or even the same) table to
relate the two tables together. For example, the primary key in an author table would match the foreign
key in a book table in order to relate a particular author to that author's books.

Process - An instance of the execution of a program on a single computer. A process can consist of one
or more threads executing, more or less, concurrently. The private memory used by a process cannot be
accessed by any other process.

Product - The Raima software product(s) licensed to Licensee under an Agreement, including all bug
fixes, upgrades, updates, and releases. Product(s) does not include any Third Party Software or any OSS
that may be included and distributed with the Product(s).

Protocol - A specific method in which messages are formulated, formatted, and passed between
computers in a network. Internet messages are passed between computers using the TCP/IP protocol.

Query - A complete SELECT statement that specifies 1) the columns and tables from which data is to be
retrieved; 2) optionally, conditions that the data must satisfy; 3) optionally, computations that are to be
performed on the retrieved column values; and 4) optionally, a desired ordering of the result set.

RDM - Raima Database Manager.

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