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Good morning Group Leaders,

Unit Tasks for Weeks 10 and 11 are the following:

1.Study the Modules for Week 10 and 11. Worksheets for Lec and Lab will be revised as follows:
(In the interest of time, Unit Tasks for Weeks 10 and 11 will be fused.)

Review the case patient assigned to you found in the Laboratory for Week 10.

Group 1: Diabetes Type 1 Group 2: Diabetes Type 2

2. Leaders from each sub-group will meet and decide what would be the Goal of Care (state the goal)
and the best nutritional intervention for the Case Patient. Fill up the Diet Plan. Once this is decided,
have a breakaway session, where each subgroup will work on the following:

Tasking for the Subgroups:

1-A / 2-A: Select 4 Research Studies that will serve as the basis for the planned nutritional
intervention. Identify which classification of the evidences does
these Studies belong using GRADE (refer to the ppt) ; state which category will you place
these in the Classification of evidences and why. (Discuss with Group 2) Attach the
articles upon submission.

1-B /2-A: On the basis of the above analysis , which level of the GRADE recommendations is the most
appropriate and why. ( the Group must also read the Studies selected by Group 1).

1-C /2-C: Develop the Teaching Plan using the format given. Example statement of the specific
Objectives can be found in the objectives for each module. (Other concepts related to these
are from your Health Education course.) Please note the readiness
and the developmental stage of the learner (which may include the family/significant
others). The session must have a Title.

3. Video Excerpts on the Teaching- Learning Session (Implementation of the Plan; Focus on the Nurse
– how s/he will conduct the session):

1 A /2 A: Video: (5 mins): Beginning the Teaching Learning Session .

1A/2 A: Video (5 mins): Discussion of the most significant point /concept in the Diet
Modification .
1 A/ 2A: Video (5 mins): Ending the Teaching Learning Session.

Deadline: Saturday at 12 noon. Thank you.


Over All Lead: Asanza, J.

1-A: Ane, B., Asanza, J. Atienza,T.,

Briones, R., Camacho, E.

1-B: Lastimosa, A., Gumolon,A.,

Dellova,A., Amaro, E., Gonzaga, J.

1-C: Pagador, J., Soco,C., Quinonez, G.

Amojedo, M., Taotao, T.


Over All Lead: Domingo, A.

2-A: Domingo, A., Evangelista, D., Ranola,R.,

Ricafrente,D., Velasco, A.

2-B: Apuado,K., Catalan, N., Magwili, M.C.

Salvilla, M.C., Natividad, J.

2-C: Ermita, S., Ocampo,M., Kaur, K.G.,

Divinagracia,M., Feliciano, J.

Output to submit:
(Over All Leaders: Ensures that the Group Output is going in one direction)

1. Diet Plan for the Case Patient

2. Evidences supporting the Nutrition Plan
3. Recommendations for the Nutrtition Plan
4. Video excerpts showing the Teachin-Learning Process

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