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Name : M Fajri Darmawan

Nim : 2013451085

I have taken the personal test, from the test I can conclude as follows;
I am 85% an extrovert and I agree because I am a person who is quite
adaptable and socialize with new people as well as a new environment,
very comfortable in groups, I do not like being alone, I tend to talk to
other people, discuss problems and open up easily with others.
I am 30% an observant. because they prefer to jump in and experience
the 'now'. Unlike the intuitive type, this person tends to focus on the
potential and development that can be made. Intuitive people are
usually very imaginative, open-minded, and have a lot of curiosity.
I am 54% a Thinking person. I agree because I am a person who
Appreciates sensible things, uses more thoughts, solves problems
logically, rarely asks questions when time is not possible, and is very
confident on behalf of myself.
I am 57% of a JUDGING person because I am a person who tends to
always consider all actions, think sequentially, like order and always
seek conclusions.
I am 57% assertive. Feel free to express feelings, thoughts and desires.
Being able to control anger.
1. Sensitive : Peka
2. Warm : Hangat
3. Very loyal : Sangat Setia
4. Curious : Ingin Tahu
5. Observant : Ta’at
6. Energetic : Energik
7. Enthusiastic : Antusias
8. very popular : Sangat Terkenal
9. friendly : Ramah
10.overthink things : Terlalu Banyak Berfikir
11.highly emotional : Sangat Emosional
12.Relax : Santai
13.Strong : Kuat
14.Focus : Fokus
15.Independent : Independen

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