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Eur J Anaesthesiol 2020; 37:14–24


Incidence and risk factors of postoperative delirium

in patients admitted to the ICU after elective
intracranial surgery
A prospective cohort study
Chun-Mei Wang, Hua-Wei Huang, Yu-Mei Wang, Xuan He, Xiu-Mei Sun, Yi-Min Zhou,
Guo-Bin Zhang, Hong-Qiu Gu and Jian-Xin Zhou
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BACKGROUND Postoperative delirium (POD) has been RESULTS A total of 800 patients were included. POD was
confirmed as an important complication after major surgery. diagnosed in 157 patients (19.6%, 95% confidence interval
However, neurosurgical patients have usually been excluded 16.9 to 22.4%). Independent risk factors for POD included
in previous studies. To date, data on POD and risk factors in age, nature of intracranial lesion, frontal approach craniotomy,
patients after intracranial surgery are scarce. duration of surgery, presence of an episode of low pulse
oxygenation at ICU admission, presence of inadequate
OBJECTIVES To determine the incidence and risk factors of
emergence and emergence delirium, postoperative pain
POD in patients after intracranial surgery.
and presence of immobilising events. POD was associated
DESIGN Prospective cohort study. with adverse outcomes and high costs.
SETTING A neurosurgical ICU of a university-affiliated hos- CONCLUSION POD is prevalent in patients after elective
pital, Beijing, China. intracranial surgery. The identified risk factors for and the
potential association of POD with adverse outcomes sug-
INTERVENTIONS Adult patients admitted to the ICU after
gest that a comprehensive strategy involving screening for
elective intracranial surgery under general anaesthesia were
predisposing factors and early prevention of modifiable
consecutively enrolled between 1 March 2017 and 2 February
factors should be established in this population.
2018. Delirium was assessed using the Confusion Assess-
ment Method for the ICU. POD was diagnosed as Confusion TRIAL REGISTRATION ClinicalTrials.gov NCT03087838.
Assessment Method for the ICU positive on either postopera- Published online 28 August 2019
tive day 1 or day 3. Patients were classified into groups with or
without POD. Data were collected for univariate and multivari-
ate analyses to determine the risk factors for POD.

Delirium is an important postoperative complication healthcare costs and worsened quality of life.3–5 In an
which occurs in 11 to 51% of patients after major surgery.1 observational multicentre study, van den Boogaard et al.6
Recently, the Nomenclature Consensus Working Group found that the admission category of neurosurgery was an
recommended that postoperative delirium (POD) is independent risk factor for the development of ICU
included in peri-operative neurocognitive disorders.2 delirium. However, in the majority of clinical trials
Investigations have shown that POD is associated with investigating POD, neurosurgical patients were usually
greater lengths of ICU and hospital stays, mortality, excluded.3,7–11 To date, only a small number of POD

From the Department of Critical Care Medicine (C-MW, H-WH, Y-MW, XH, X-MS, Y-MZ, J-XZ), Department of Neurosurgery (G-BZ) and Clinical Trial and Research Center,
Beijing Tiantan Hospital, Capital Medical University, Beijing, China (H-QG)
Correspondence to Jian-Xin Zhou, Department of Critical Care Medicine, Beijing Tiantan Hospital, Capital Medical University, No 6, Tiantan Xili, Dongcheng District,
Beijing 100050, China
Tel: +86 10 67098019; fax: +86 10 67098019; e-mail: zhoujx.cn@icloud.com

0265-0215 Copyright ß 2019 European Society of Anaesthesiology. All rights reserved. DOI:10.1097/EJA.0000000000001074

Copyright © European Society of Anaesthesiology. Unauthorized reproduction of this article is prohibited.

Postoperative delirium in patients after intracranial surgery 15

studies have included patients who have undergone care were followed, and no attempts were made to change or
intracranial surgery and these studies have been hindered influence the routine clinical management.22–24
by the methodological limitations of retrospective design
In our institute, all intracranial operations are performed
and small sample size.12–17 In brain injured patients,
under general balanced anaesthesia or total intravenous
although the attribution of altered consciousness entirely
anaesthesia. Bispectral index (BIS) is monitored and
to delirium might be erroneous without thoroughly con-
anaesthesia is routinely titrated to main the BIS value
sidering the primary brain injury, the delirium in this
between 30 and 50. In our practice, we do not use awake
patient population might be a manifestation of secondary
neurosurgery. Nevertheless, regarding intra-operative
brain injury superimposed on the major neurological
neurofunctional brain assessment, multimodal neuro-
deficits of the primary injury.18
physiological monitoring is performed following recent
The causes of delirium are multifactorial. Several inde- international recommendations.25 Anaesthesia is typi-
pendent risk factors for POD have been identified, cally induced with intravenous propofol and sufentanil
mainly including advanced age, comorbidities, the dura- or remifentanil. Tracheal intubation is facilitated by
tion of surgery, intra-operative bleeding, postoperative intravenous rocuronium or cisatracurium. Anaesthesia
pain and delayed extubation.19 These factors also exist in is maintained with propofol and/or sevoflurane or isoflur-
neurosurgical patients. In addition, a large proportion of ane. Sufentanil, remifentanil or fentanyl are administered
patients after craniotomy are admitted to the ICU for intermittently or continuously, as needed. Muscle relax-
postoperative care.20 Therefore, risk factors for ICU ants are administered according to train-of-four monitor-
delirium, such as mechanical ventilation, sedation, anal- ing. The choice of agents is at the discretion of
gesia and ICU environment,21 may further increase the the anaesthesiologist.
risk of POD in neurosurgical patients admitted to the
Neurosurgeons decide the administration of osmotherapy
ICU. Moreover, the underlying brain lesions and intra-
based on the patient’s brain tissue relaxation. The
cranial manipulations are assumed to influence postoper-
patients receive either 20% mannitol or 3% NaCl in
ative cognition.22 In light of the potential adverse
5 ml kg1 doses over 15 min. Brain tissue relaxation is
consequences of delirium in neurosurgical patients, fur-
assessed using a four-point scale reported previously.26
ther study is needed to explore the incidence and risk
Intra-operative hypotension is defined as SBP below
factors of POD in this population.
95 mmHg, or in the case of a baseline SBP below
In this prospective cohort study, delirium was assessed in 119 mmHg, a decrease of SBP by more than 20% of
adult patients admitted to the ICU after elective intra- baseline value. If hypotension is considered to be due
cranial surgery under general anaesthesia. We aimed to to hypovolaemia, 250 ml of 0.9% NaCl is infused intra-
determine the incidence and risk factors of POD in this venously over 15 min as a fluid challenge. If hypotension
population. In accordance with our previous finding that persists for more than 10 min, a continuous infusion of
a high incidence of emergence agitation occurred in noradrenaline is initiated at a dose of 0.05 mg kg1 min1.
patients after elective intracranial surgery,22 we Then the dose of noradrenaline is adjusted to maintain
hypothesised that these patients were at a high risk of blood pressure (BP) within the target range.
developing POD. In addition, identifying disease-spe-
For adult patients scheduled for elective surgery, the
cific and modifiable risk factors could help to facilitate
anaesthesiologist and the neurosurgeon discuss postop-
the early detection and prevention of POD after
erative ICU admission using criteria including, but not
intracranial surgery.
limited to, an age over 65 years, an American Society of
Anesthesiologists’ physical status of at least three, the
Patients and methods presence of a large tumour or a lesion located in the brain
The study was approved by the Institutional Review stem, a pre-operative midline shift, pre-operative con-
Board of Beijing Tiantan Hospital, Capital Medical sciousness impairments, an anticipated prolonged proce-
University, Beijing, China (KY2017-018-02). The study dure and an anticipated delayed extubation. At the end of
was registered at ClinicalTrials.gov (NCT03087838). surgery, the anaesthesiologist and the neurosurgeon also
Written informed consent was obtained from the patients discuss whether the patient may have reasons for
or their predefined healthcare decision makers. The study unplanned ICU admission, mainly including unantici-
protocol is shown in Supplemental Digital Content 1, pated delayed extubation, major intra-operative haemor-
http://links.lww.com/EJA/A217. rhage or brain swelling, injury to cranial nerve IX, X or
XII, or severe cardiorespiratory instability during the
This prospective cohort study was conducted in a 30-bed
attempt of emergence.
neurosurgical ICU in Beijing Tiantan Hospital, Capital
Medical University, Beijing, China. The ICU is managed Patients admitted to the ICU are transferred directly to
by full-time ICU physicians with a 24-h/7-day on-duty rota, the ICU. Although it is routine practice for many hospi-
and the nurse-to-bed ratio is 3 : 1. During the study, the tals to admit all patients after elective intracranial opera-
routine clinical practices of anaesthesia and postoperative tions to the ICU, some researchers have recommended

Eur J Anaesthesiol 2020; 37:14–24

Copyright © European Society of Anaesthesiology. Unauthorized reproduction of this article is prohibited.
16 Wang et al.

that only high-risk patients should receive ICU-specific Participants

monitoring and treatment.27 We adopt this selective ICU Adult patients who underwent elective intracranial sur-
admission strategy in our institution. Approximately one- gery under general anaesthesia were consecutively
third of the patients who have undergone elective crani- screened at ICU admission. Their hospital records were
otomy are admitted to the ICU for postoperative care. evaluated, and the exclusion criteria were as follows: age
younger than 18 years; non-Chinese speaker; transsphe-
In the ICU, cardiorespiratory monitoring includes con- noidal surgery, cerebrospinal fluid shunt and drainage
tinuous electrocardiography, pulse oximetry and nonin- surgery, and deep brain stimulation surgery; pre-opera-
vasive BP. An arterial blood sample is obtained to tive coma (GCS  8); pre-operative mental retardation
perform blood gas assessment and to measure serum due to Parkinson’s disease or dementia; history of psy-
concentrations of sodium, potassium, creatinine and albu- chosis; pregnant or lactating; moribund condition with a
min, as well as blood glucose and haematocrit. Neurolog- low likelihood of survival for more than 24 h; and ICU
ical examinations including the use of the Glasgow Coma admission after 20:00 h.
Score (GCS), pupillary examinations and evaluation of
focal signs are performed by nurses, hourly or as needed. Delirium assessments were initiated after written
The Richmond Agitation-Sedation Scale (RASS) is eval- informed consent had been obtained. All patient enrol-
uated by nurses every 4 h or as needed. ments were fulfilled within 2 h after ICU admission.
Most patients receive patient-controlled intravenous Delirium was evaluated by the Confusion Assessment
analgesia (PCIA), which is composed of sufentanil Method for the ICU (CAM-ICU).28 The Chinese version
100 mg and tropisetron 10 mg in 100 ml of 0.9% NaCl of the CAM-ICU has been validated in an ICU setting in
solution. A basal PCIA infusion (2 ml h1) is started after mainland China.29 The delirium assessment was per-
the confirmation of the patient’s cardiorespiratory stabil- formed in two steps. The arousal level was first assessed
ity and recovery of consciousness. When patients com- by RASS.30 If the patient was not responsive to verbal
plain of pain, an intravenous bolus of fentanyl (25 mg) is stimuli (i.e. RASS score 4), the remaining delirium
administered. In patients with agitation (RASS scores of assessment was aborted, and the patient was recorded as
þ2 to þ4), both the nurse and the physician carefully comatose. When the RASS score was greater than or
evaluate and exclude possible organic causes of agitation, equal to 3, delirium was evaluated using the CAM-
including pain, acute deterioration of cardiorespiratory ICU. The CAM-ICU consists of four key features: acute
function, a new neurological event or hypoglycaemia. If onset of a change in mental status or a fluctuating level of
necessary, propofol or midazolam is used, and the level of consciousness, inattention, disorganised thinking and an
sedation is titrated until a RASS score from 2 to þ1 is altered level of consciousness. The patient was diagnosed
achieved. Physical restraint is often required in patients as delirious if both the first and second features were
with an intracranial drainage tube and/or agitation. present, and either the third or fourth was present.

All extubated patients receive standard oxygen by a Delirious patients were classified into three motor sub-
simple face mask at a flow rate of 3 to 6 l min1. In types: hyperactive delirium, which was defined as con-
patients with delayed extubation, oxygen is delivered sistently positive RASS scores (þ1 to þ4); hypoactive
via a T-tube. Mechanical ventilation is initiated when the delirium, which was defined as consistently neutral or
patient cannot maintain adequate spontaneous breathing negative RASS scores (3 to 0); or mixed delirium, which
and/or the oxygen saturation (SpO2) is less than 90%. In was defined as altered RASS scores between positive and
patients with delayed extubation, the ICU physician neutral or negative at different time points.31
evaluates the patient’s readiness for extubation by a Before the initiation of the study, four researchers (Y-
screening checklist after recovery from anaesthesia, MW, XH, X-MS and Y-MZ) were trained to perform the
including assessments of consciousness, cardiorespiratory delirium assessment. They were clinical research fellows
status, muscle strength recovery, gag reflex and cough and not involved in the clinical care of the patients. An
function.22 When each item in the checklist is satisfied, expert from the Department of Psychiatry was invited to
tracheal extubation is performed by registered ICU provide the training. The training course consists of four
nurses. A computed tomography scan is performed within phases: group training: information about delirium, RASS
6 h after surgery. scores and the CAM-ICU were provided, and a video
Before the initiation of the current study, we did not demonstrating the detailed conduction of the CAM-ICU
incorporate a delirium assessment in our routine postop- assessment was presented; one-on-one instruction at the
erative care. No standard operating procedures for delir- bedside; practice: trainees evaluated patients on their
ium prevention were used in our ICU. own every day for 1 week, during which time the trainees
were able to contact the expert regarding any issues that
Patients are discharged from the ICU the morning after occurred with the evaluations; examination: each trainee
they achieve a normal neurological, haemodynamic and evaluated five patients who had been preassessed by the
respiratory status. expert. Different results in the delirium assessments

Eur J Anaesthesiol 2020; 37:14–24

Copyright © European Society of Anaesthesiology. Unauthorized reproduction of this article is prohibited.
Postoperative delirium in patients after intracranial surgery 17

between the trainee and the expert were discussed until Statistical analysis
agreement was reached. According to standard recommendations, for a reliable fit,
10 cases of interest (POD) would be required for each
degree of freedom in the multivariate model.35 Given
Screening, enrolment and patient grouping
that no study has been performed to investigate the
Patients were screened at ICU admission by one of two
prevalence and risk factors of POD in patients after
investigators (C-MW or H-WH). After confirming their
intracranial surgery, we selected the low incidence of
enrolment, one of the four trained researchers performed
POD (13%) reported in noncardiac postoperative
the delirium assessment. During the study, delirium was
patients.19 With 10% compensation for possible missing
assessed in each patient at three time points: immediately
data, 800 cases would be sufficient to identify 10 risk
after enrolment; between 08:00 and 10:00 on postopera-
factors for POD in our cohort of patients.
tive day 1 in the ICU; and between 08:00 and 10:00 on
postoperative day 3 in the ICU or in the neurosurgical Categorical variables are expressed as number (%). Con-
ward. Delirium assessments on postoperative day 2 were tinuous data were checked for normal distribution by the
omitted because of the research workload. Kolmogorov–Smirnov test and are reported as the
mean  SD or median [IQR]. The incidence of POD
Patients who remained comatose (i.e. RASS score 4)
and 95% confidence interval (CI) were calculated. Uni-
during the assessments on both postoperative day 1 and
variate analyses between the POD and the non POD
day 3 were excluded. Patients who were unable to
group were performed. Categorical variables were ana-
communicate due to blindness, hearing loss or sensory
lysed by the Pearson x2 test or Fisher’s exact test for
and mixed aphasia were also excluded.
variables with small numbers. A comparison of continu-
The assessment performed immediately after enrolment ous data was performed by the unpaired t test for nor-
was used to diagnose emergence delirium, and the assess- mally distributed variables and the Mann–Whitney U
ments on postoperative day 1 and day 3 were used to test for nonnormally distributed variables.
diagnose POD.32 The patients were assigned to the POD
The presence of an endotracheal tube, a central venous
group if delirium was diagnosed on postoperative day 1
catheter and intracranial drainage at ICU admission, and
and/or day 3, otherwise they were assigned to the non
the use of physical restraint or sedatives for controlling
POD group.
agitation during the POD assessments were defined as
Immediately after POD assessment in each patient, the immobility-related events, which are often interrelated
level of pain and sleep quality were evaluated by and sometimes causal in the analysis of risk factors for
numerical rating scales (NRSs).33,34 Levels of environ- POD.36 Therefore, we established a score that included
mental noise and light were measured by a sound meter the above events and named it the immobilising factor
(model GM1352, BENETECH, Shenzhen, China) and score. Each item represented 1 point. Specifically, a score
a light detector (model GM1020, BENETECH, Shenz- of 0 indicates the existence of none, and a score of 5
hen, China) that were positioned at the head of the indicates the existence of all five items.
patient’s bed. The need for physical restraint was also
Interactions between a history of diabetes mellitus and
blood glucose concentration at ICU admission and
Patients were followed up until hospital discharge, death, between the hourly amount of haemorrhage and blood
or 90 days after enrolment, whichever occurred first. Data transfusion during surgery were analysed and classified as
were collected using standard Case Report Forms. categorical variables.
Demographics and pre-operative data, anaesthesia-
Factors with P values less than 0.05 in the univariate
related data, surgery-related data, data at the time of
analyses and categorical analyses were entered into the
ICU admission, data during the ICU stay before the POD
multivariate analysis with a stepwise backward logistic
assessment on postoperative day 1, and follow-up data
regression to identify independent risk factors for POD.
were collected from the hospital records, anaesthesia
Odds ratios (ORs) and their 95% CIs were used to assess
records, surgical records, ICU nursing records and hospi-
the independent contributions of significant factors. The
tal bills (details are shown in the Supplemental Digital
Hosmer–Lemeshow test was used to determine the
Content 1, http://links.lww.com/EJA/A217).
appropriateness of the model.
After completion of the study, we consulted the attend-
Statistical analyses were performed using SPSS 20.0
ing neurosurgeons and found that pre-operative cognition
(SPSS Inc., Chicago, Illinois, USA). A P value of less
assessment was performed only in patients with sus-
than 0.05 was considered statistically significant.
pected glioma using Mini-Mental State Examination or
Montreal Cognitive Assessment scales. We retrospec-
tively reviewed the hospital administration records of Results
enrolled patients and collected pre-operative cognition Between 1 March and 1 November 2017, 1382 patients
assessments data. who were admitted to the ICU after elective intracranial

Eur J Anaesthesiol 2020; 37:14–24

Copyright © European Society of Anaesthesiology. Unauthorized reproduction of this article is prohibited.
18 Wang et al.

Fig. 1

1382 patients admitted to the neurosurgical ICU

after elective craniotomy and screened
567 patients excluded
224 aged younger than 18 years
15 non-Chinese speaker
186 transsphenoidal surgery
25 CSF shunt and/or drainage surgery
56 DBS surgery
15 preoperative coma
13 preoperative mental retardation
5 history of psychosis
10 pregnant and lactating
18 ICU a dmission after 20:00
Delirium assessment attempted in 815 patients

Delirium assessment fulfilled in 788 patients on postoperative day one

Delirium assessment fulfilled in 795 patients on postoperative day three

15 patients excluded after assessments

on both postoperative day 1 and day 3
4 remained comatose
9 sensory and mixed aphasia
2 hearing loss

800 patients included for analysis

157 patients with 643 patients without

postoperative delirium postoperative delirium

800 patients followed-up until

hospital discharge, death, or 90 days after enrolment

Patient flow chart. CSF, cerebrospinal fluid; DBS, deep brain stimulation.

surgery were screened, and 567 patients were excluded According to the retrospective data analysis, 115
(Fig. 1). A delirium assessment was attempted in 815 patients with glioma (14% of all enrolled patients)
patients, of whom 15 were excluded after enrolment underwent pre-operative cognition assessment, 67 of
because they remained comatose (n ¼ 4), had hearing whom (58%) presented with pre-operative cognition
loss (n ¼ 2) or had sensory and mixed aphasia (n ¼ 9)
during the POD assessment on both postoperative day
Fig. 2
1 and day 3. Thus, 800 patients were included in the final
analysis, and the study was completed on 2 February 2018 20 Coma
with a 90-day follow-up. Hypoactive delirium
Hyperactive delirium
POD was diagnosed in 157 patients (19.6%, 95% CI 15
Incidence (%)

16.9 to 22.4), of whom 97 (61.8%), 33 (21.0%) and

27 (17.2%) were classified as hypoactive, hyperactive
or mixed subtypes, respectively. Incidences of
delirium at the three assessment time points are shown
in Fig. 2. 5

Results of univariate analyses between potential risk

factors are shown in Tables 1–4. The immobilising factor 0
Immediately On postoperative On postoperative
scores in the POD group were significantly higher than after enrolment day one day three
those in the non POD group (3 [2 to 3] vs. 1 [0 to 2],
P < 0.001). As the immobilising factor score increased, Incidence of coma, hypoactive delirium and hyperactive delirium during
the proportion of POD cases increased significantly assessments at different time points.
(P < 0.001, Fig. 3).

Eur J Anaesthesiol 2020; 37:14–24

Copyright © European Society of Anaesthesiology. Unauthorized reproduction of this article is prohibited.
Postoperative delirium in patients after intracranial surgery 19

Table 1 Univariate analyses for demographics and pre-operative data

All patients, Postoperative delirium Postoperative nondelirium

Variables n U 800 group, n U 157 group, n U 643 P
Male sex 328 (41%) 77 (49%) 251 (39%) 0.022
Age (years) 48 [35 to 58] 56 [46 to 64] 45 [34 to 55] <0.001
Weight (kg) 65 [57 to 75] 66 [58 to 75] 65 [56 to 75] 0.25
Height (cm) 165 [160 to 172] 165 [159 to 172] 165 [160 to 172] 0.84
BMI (kg m2) 24.3  3.8 24.6  3.7 24.2  3.9 0.24
Education level <0.001
8 years 391 (49%) 110 (70%) 281 (44%)
>8 years 409 (51%) 47 (30%) 362 (56%)
History of smoking 189 (24%) 41 (26%) 148 (23%) 0.41
History of alcohol abuse 162 (20%) 36 (23%) 126 (20%) 0.35
History of hypertension 191 (24%) 51 (33%) 140 (22%) 0.005
History of coronary artery disease 33 (4.1%) 9 (5.7%) 24 (3.7%) 0.26
History of diabetes mellitus 50 (6.2%) 18 (12%) 32 (5.0%) 0.003
History of ischaemic stroke 40 (5.0%) 13 (8.3%) 27 (4.2%) 0.035
History of hydrocephalus 42 (5.2%) 9 (5.7%) 33 (5.1%) 0.69
History of ADDs and/or benzodiazepine 8 (1.0%) 3 (1.9%) 5 (0.8%) 0.19
History of antiepileptic 19 (2.4%) 3 (1.9%) 16 (2.5%) >0.99
History of intracranial surgery 49 (6.1%) 12 (7.6%) 37 (5.8%) 0.48
ASA physical status <0.001
1 128 (16%) 12 (7.6%) 116 (18%)
2 642 (80%) 129 (82%) 513 (80%)
3 28 (3.5%) 15 (9.6%) 13 (2.0%)
4 2 (0.2%) 1 (0.6%) 1 (0.2%)

Data are shown as n (%), median [IQR] or mean  SD. ADDs, antidepressant drugs.

abnormality. The incidence of POD in the patients with collection, we did not add this variable to the multivari-
pre-operative cognitive abnormalities was significantly ate risk factors analysis.
higher than in the patients without (71 vs. 42%,
P < 0.001). Due to missing data for the majority of The variables with P values less than 0.05 in the univariate
enrolled patients and the retrospective nature of data analyses (Tables 1–4) were used to build the multivariate
Table 2 Univariate analyses for anaesthesia-related and intra-operative data

All patients, Postoperative delirium Postoperative nondelirium

Variables n U 800 group, n U 157 group, n U 643 P
Use of midazolam as premedicationa 793 (99.1%) 155 (98.7%) 638 (99.2%) 0.63
TIVA 186 (23%) 33 (21%) 153 (24%) 0.46
Duration of surgery (min) 261 [196 to 332] 295 [236 to 373] 253 [190 to 323] <0.001
Use of dexmedetomidine 110 (14%) 20 (13%) 90 (14%) 0.68
Use of only fentanyl for analgesia 47 (5.8%) 7 (4.5%) 40 (6.2%) 0.46
Use of anticholinergic 652 (82%) 122 (78%) 530 (82%) 0.17
Amount of bleeding per hour (ml) 62 [43 to 100] 79 [56 to 130] 59 [40 to 94] <0.001
Blood transfusion during operation 196 (25%) 57 (36%) 139 (22%) 0.001
Intra-operative bleeding and blood transfusion <0.001
Minor bleeding 396 (50%) 53 (34%) 343 (53%)
Major bleeding without transfusion 216 (27%) 50 (32%) 166 (26%)
Major bleeding with transfusion 188 (23%) 54 (34%) 134 (21%)
Fluid balance per hour (ml) 296 [191 to 418] 296 [204 to 423] 297 [190 to 415] 0.75
Episode of hypotension 128 (16%) 47 (30%) 81 (13%) <0.001
Surgical position <0.001
Supine 445 (56%) 109 (69%) 336 (52%)
Lateral 355 (44%) 48 (31%) 307 (48%)
Nature of the intracranial lesion <0.001
Benign tumour 500 (63%) 62 (40%) 438 (68%)
Malignant tumourb 180 (22%) 63 (40%) 117 (18%)
Cerebrovascular diseases 120 (15%) 32 (20%) 88 (14%)
Frontal approach craniotomy 271 (34%) 87 (55%) 184 (29%) <0.001
Location of the lesion <0.001
Frontal 154 (19%) 48 (31%) 106 (17%)
Limbic system 22 (2.8%) 13 (8.3%) 9 (1.4%)
Dominant hemisphere 174 (22%) 57 (36%) 117 (18%)
Multifocal 118 (15%) 39 (25%) 79 (12%)
Any of above 279 (35%) 88 (56%) 191 (30%)

Data are shown as n (%) or median [IQR]. TIVA, total intravenous anaesthesia. a Data were collected retrospectively. b In 180 patients with maligant tumours, there were
115 gliomas, 23 anaplastic meningiomas, 5 lymphomas, 8 chordomas, 5 medatloblastomas, 3 central neurocytomas, 14 brain metastatic tumours and 7 ependymomas.

Eur J Anaesthesiol 2020; 37:14–24

Copyright © European Society of Anaesthesiology. Unauthorized reproduction of this article is prohibited.
20 Wang et al.

Table 3 Univariate analyses for data collected at ICU admission

All patients, Postoperative delirium Postoperative non delirium

Variables n U 800 group, n U 157 group, n U 643 P
GCS score 14 [6 to 14] 6 [3 to 14] 14 [10 to 14] <0.001
Temperature (8C) 36.4 [36 to 36.7] 36.5 [36 to 36.8] 36.4 [36 to 36.6] 0.66
Episode of SpO2 < 90% 10 (1.2%) 5 (3.2%) 5 (0.8%) 0.015
Blood glucose (mmol l1) 7.6 [6.2 to 9.3] 7.5 [6.1 to 8.9] 7.6 [6.3 to 9.3] 0.30
Episode of hyperglycaemia 140 (18%) 50 (32%) 90 (14%) <0.001
History of DM and BG at ICU admission <0.001
BG < 10 mmol l1 660 (82%) 107 (68%) 553 (86%)
BG  10 mmol l1 with DM history 30 (3.8%) 14 (8.9%) 16 (2.5%)
BG  10 mmol l1 without DM history 110 (14%) 36 (23%) 74 (11%)
Haematocrit (%) 37  5 37  5 37  5 0.61
Inadequate emergence and emergence delirium <0.001
None 591 (74%) 34 (22%) 557 (87%)
Inadequate emergence 47 (5.9%) 29 (18%) 18 (2.8%)
Hyperactive delirium 29 (3.6%) 17 (11%) 12 (1.9%)
Hypoactive delirium 133 (16%) 77 (49%) 56 (8.7%)

Data are shown as n (%), median [IQR] or mean  SD. BG, blood glucose; DM, diabetes mellitus; GCS, Glasgow Coma Scale; SpO2, pulse oxygen saturation

logistic regression model. The results of the multivariate ters and unplanned re-operation within 72 h, longer post-
analysis are shown in Table 5. Independent risk factors operative length of stay in the hospital, higher hospital
included the following: age, nature of the intracranial mortality and higher costs were found in patients with
lesion, frontal approach craniotomy, duration of surgery, POD (Table 6).
an episode of SpO2 below 90% at ICU admission, inade-
quate emergence and the presence of emergence delirium,
pain NRS and the immobilising factor score. The results of
In the current study, our main finding was that POD
the Hosmer–Lemeshow test showed that the model fitted
occurred in approximately one fifth of adult patients
the data adequately well (P ¼ 0.843).
admitted to the ICU after elective intracranial surgery.
Compared with the non POD group, a lower incidence of A number of risk factors previously reported in postoper-
being discharged from the ICU on postoperative day 1, ative patients were confirmed in our cohort, including
higher incidence of accidental removal of tubes or cathe- age, duration of surgery, an episode of hypoxaemia,

Table 4 Univariate analyses for data collected before and during postoperative delirium assessment

All patients, Postoperative delirium Postoperative nondelirium

Variables n U 800 group, n U 157 group, n U 643 P
Need for mechanical ventilation 18 (2.2%) 8 (5.1%) 10 (1.6%) 0.007
Use of PCIA 329 (41%) 45 (29%) 284 (44%) <0.001
Use of mannitol 652 (82%) 121 (77%) 531 (83%) 0.136
Use of nimodipine 186 (23%) 52 (33%) 134 (21%) 0.002
Use of steroid 583 (73%) 104 (66%) 479 (75%) 0.037
Prophylactic use of antiepileptic 490 (61%) 116 (74%) 374 (58%) <0.001
Presence of epilepsy 7 (0.9%) 3 (1.9%) 4 (0.6%) 0.14
Use of analgesics beside PCIA 29 (3.6%) 5 (3.2%) 24 (3.7%) >0.99
Fentanyl 14 (1.8%) 5 (3.2%) 9 (1.4%)
Flurbiprofen axetil 16 (2.0%) 0 16 (2.5%)
Serum sodium (mmol l1) 139 [137 to 141] 140 [138 to 142] 139 [137 to 141] 0.061
Serum potassium (mmol l1) 3.9 [3.6 to 4.1] 3.8 [3.5 to 4.1] 3.9 [3.6 to 4.1] 0.23
Serum creatinine (mmol l1) 57.8 [49.9 to 67.8] 61.2 [49.2 to 70.4] 57.3 [50.2 to 66.7] 0.063
Serum albumin (g l1) 35.9 [33.7 to 38.4] 35.9 [32 to 37.4] 35.9 [33.9 to 38.7] <0.001
Fluid balance (ml) 42  469 19  534 48  452 0.54
First postoperative CT scan <0.001
Haematoma 20 (2.5%) 10 (6.4%) 10 (1.6%)
Ischaemia 37 (4.6%) 18 (12%) 19 (3.0%)
Midline shift 96 (12%) 41 (26%) 55 (8.6%)
Bi-frontal pneumocephalus 277 (35%) 75 (48%) 202 (31%)
Any of above abnormalities 358 (45%) 105 (67%) 253 (40%)
Light (lux) 319 [266 to 381] 320 [279 to 378] 318 [262 to 383] 0.51
Noise (dB) 57  3 57  3 57  3 0.21
NRS for pain assessment 2 [1 to 3] 3 [2 to 4] 2 [1 to 3] <0.001
NRS for sleep quality assessment 2 [1 to 3] 1 [0 to 4] 2 [1 to 3] 0.53

Data are shown as n (%), median [IQR] or mean  SD. CT, computed tomography; NRS, numerical rating scale; PCIA, patient-controlled intravenous analgesia.

Eur J Anaesthesiol 2020; 37:14–24

Copyright © European Society of Anaesthesiology. Unauthorized reproduction of this article is prohibited.
Postoperative delirium in patients after intracranial surgery 21

Fig. 3 lesion and a frontal approach craniotomy. The high inci-

dence of, the identified risk factors for and the potential
association of POD with adverse outcomes suggest that a
comprehensive strategy involving screening for predis-
100 posing factors and early prevention of modifiable factors
Incidence of postoperative

should be established in this population to minimise the

80 incidence of delirium.
delirium (%)

60 The previously reported incidence of POD after major

surgery varies widely (11 to 51%).1 The incidence of
40 POD in our cohort (19.6%) was comparable with the
results reported in an observational study (16%) and in
20 the control group of a randomised controlled trial (23%) of
postoperative patients admitted to the ICU, in which
neurosurgical patients were excluded.3,9 To date, only six
0 1 2 3 4 5 observational studies have investigated the occurrence of
Immobilising factor score POD in patients after intracranial surgery, with a total
Number of patients 227 178 180 166 43 6 sample size of 1240.12–17 The mean (95% CI) incidence
Postoperative delirium 6 29 40 53 23 6
of POD in these studies was 15.5 (13.5 to 17.5) % with a
range from 6.8 to 42.6%. These data, along with our
Incidence of postoperative delirium at different immobilising factor
scores. Values are mean. Bars indicate 95% confidence intervals. results, suggest that although intracranial surgery may
be a predisposing factor for delirium that cannot be
avoided, the impact of this on predictive models of
POD after intracranial surgery is an important issue.
postoperative pain, the presence of immobilising factors,
and the presence of inadequate emergence and emer- We selected postoperative days 1 and 3 as the POD
gence delirium. We also identified two intracranial sur- assessment time points to avoid the influence of inade-
gery-related risk factors: the nature of the intracranial quate recovery from general anaesthesia and emergence

Table 5 Independent risk factors for postoperative delirium

Variables Crude odds ratio (95% CI) Odds ratio (95% CI) P
Age (years) 1.05 (1.03 to 1.06) 1.04 (1.02 to 1.06) <0.001
Nature of the intracranial lesion
Benign tumour 1 (reference) 1 (reference) <0.001
Malignant tumour 3.80 (2.54 to 5.71) 2.82 (1.52 to 4.88) <0.001
Cerebrovascular diseases 2.57 (1.58 to 4.17) 3.20 (1.57 to 6.53) 0.001
Frontal approach craniotomy 3.10 (2.17 to 4.44) 3.01 (1.79 to 5.05) <0.001
Duration of surgery (min) 1.00 (1.00 to 1.01) 1.00 (1.00 to 1.01) 0.016
Episode of SpO2 < 90% at ICU admission 4.20 (1.20 to 14.68) 8.22 (1.38 to 48.92) 0.021
Inadequate emergence and emergence delirium
None 1 (reference) 1 (reference) <0.001
Inadequate emergence 26.39 (13.34 to 52.23) 11.15 (4.80 to 25.88) <0.001
Hyperactive delirium 23.21 (10.26 to 52.49) 14.60 (5.40 to 39.45) <0.001
Hypoactive delirium 22.53 (13.83 to 36.70) 11.64 (6.75 to 20.10) <0.001
NRS for pain assessment 1.36 (1.23 to 1.51) 1.19 (1.02 to 1.38) 0.028
Immobilising factor score 2.12 (1.81 to 2.48) 1.64 (1.30 to 2.08) <0.001

NRS, numerical rating scale; SpO2, pulse oxygenation saturation.

Table 6 Outcome data

All patients, Postoperative delirium Postoperative nondelirium

Variables n U 800 group, n U 157 group, n U 643 P
ICU discharge on postoperative day 1 728 (91%) 121 (77%) 607 (94%) <0.001
Accidental removal of tubes and catheters 10 (1.2%) 7 (4.5%) 3 (0.5%) <0.001
Tracheal tube 7 (0.9%) 5 (3.2%) 2 (0.3%) 0.004
Central venous catheter 3 (0.4%) 2 (1.3%) 1 (0.2%) 0.10
Unplanned re-operation within 72 h 3 (0.4%) 3 (1.9%) 0 0.007
Unplanned ICU readmission within 7 days 6 (0.8%) 3 (1.9%) 3 (0.5%) 0.094
Hospital mortality 11 (1.4%) 7 (4.5%) 4 (0.6%) 0.002
Postoperative length of hospital stay (days) 10 [8 to 14] 14 [11 to 20] 9 [8 to 13] <0.001
Hospital costs, Chinese Yuan/10 000 4.9 [4.1 to 6.7] 7.1 [5.4 to 10.4] 4.6 [4.0 to 5.9] <0.001

Data are shown as n (%) or median [IQR].

Eur J Anaesthesiol 2020; 37:14–24

Copyright © European Society of Anaesthesiology. Unauthorized reproduction of this article is prohibited.
22 Wang et al.

delirium.32 In accordance with previous studies,9,37 we emergence and emergence delirium occurred in 5.9
also found that although the prevalence of POD and 20% of patients, respectively, which were within
decreased over time, there was a substantial number of the previously reported range.41 Of the 157 patients with
patients (10.4%) who exhibited delirium on postoperative POD, 94 (60%) patients had preceding emergence delir-
day 3 (Fig. 2). Our data suggest that comprehensive ium. Compared with adequate recovery from anaesthesia,
management of delirium, including screening vulnerable inadequate emergence and emergence delirium
patients, avoiding modifiable precipitating risk factors increased the OR for POD by approximately 11-fold to
and initiating prevention should be conducted early 15-fold (Table 5). Our data suggest that recognising
and sustained until at least postoperative day 3. inadequate emergence and emergence delirium may
be important for identifying patients at high risk of
Although the CAM-ICU has been recommended as a developing POD in the very early stage after surgery.
delirium monitoring tool in adult postoperative patients For these patients, the standard of care may need to
and ICU patients,19,21 to date there has been no study incorporate a reliable delirium screening and prevention
specifically verifying its use in patients after intracranial strategy. An ongoing retrospective study42 may provide
surgery. However, studies have shown that the CAM- more information about emergence delirium and POD.
ICU is assessable in brain-injured patients, mainly in
those with stroke and traumatic brain injury.38–40 Taken Two intracranial surgery-related risk factors were identi-
together, the strong and reproducible data on the validity fied in our cohort: the nature of the intracranial lesion and a
and reliability of the CAM-ICU in critically ill patients frontal approach craniotomy. Compared with patients with
and brain-injured patients lend support to the practice of benign tumours, the ORs for POD were increased by
POD screening in patients admitted to the ICU after approximately three-fold in patients with malignant brain
intracranial surgery. tumours or cerebrovascular disease (Table 5). The concept
of ‘lesion momentum’ of neurocognitive function43 may
In the current study, we confirmed several independent explain the high risk of POD in patients with malignant
risk factors previously reported in nonneurosurgical brain tumours. Malignant brain tumours usually grow
patients, including age, the duration of surgery, pain faster than benign tumours and may allow less neuroplas-
and episodes of hypoxaemia.1,19 Meanwhile, in the uni- ticity for nearby brain structures to reorganise, in other
variate analysis, we essentially found that the presence of words, these tumours have a higher ‘lesion momentum’.
immobility-related events was significantly higher in the Recent studies have shown that, compared with patients
POD group than in the non-POD group. It has been with lower grade tumours, patients with higher grade
considered that physical and chemical restraint predis- gliomas exhibit more severely impaired neurocognitive
pose patients to a greater risk of delirium.36 Obviously, function.44 However, an unambiguous conclusion in terms
there were complex interactions among these events in of the effects of the nature of the tumour on POD needs
terms of the risk of POD. Therefore, we combined the further investigation. Cognitive function may also be
occurrence of these events into an immobilising factor affected by disruption of the blood–brain barrier which
score for POD risk stratification. Unsurprisingly, our data may partly explain the increased risk of POD in patients
showed that the higher the score, the higher the risk of with cerebrovascular disease in the current study.45 Like-
occurrence of POD (Fig. 3). The immobilising factor wise, further investigation is needed to evaluate this.
score was also an independent risk factor for POD in the
multivariate analysis, with a 64% increase in the OR for In accordance with our previous study on risk factors for
POD with each one unit increase in the score (Table 5). emergence agitation after craniotomy,22 we also found that a
Our results suggest that further investigation aimed at frontal approach craniotomy was an independent risk factor
establishing a comprehensive POD prevention strategy, for POD. Because the executive function of the frontal
including pharmacological and nonpharmacological pro- lobes involves cognitive and emotional behaviours, damage
tocols, is necessary in immobilised patients. during a frontal approach for intracranial surgery may result
in abnormal behaviours.46 In addition, previous studies have
Emergence delirium, which occurred immediately after shown an association of neurotransmitter pathway targeting
general anaesthesia and usually resolved within several the basal forebrain with altered states of consciousness.47
hours, predicted POD in patients after major surgery.41 Furthermore, it has been demonstrated that there is a
We confirmed this result in our cohort of patients who relationship between the volume of grey matter at the
underwent elective intracranial surgery. In our institu- prefrontal area and the susceptibility of patients to hypnotic
tion, patients who were admitted to the ICU were trans- agents.48 Our results suggest that patients undergoing intra-
ferred directly from the operating room after intracranial cranial surgery via a frontal approach should be given more
surgery. All the included patients were enrolled within attention in screening and prevention for POD.
2 h after ICU admission. Thus, the first delirium assess-
ment in each patient was conducted within several hours Limitations
after surgery, which was defined as the time window for First, we only enrolled patients admitted to the ICU,
the diagnosis of emergence delirium. Inadequate
which may represent a population at high risk of POD.

Eur J Anaesthesiol 2020; 37:14–24

Copyright © European Society of Anaesthesiology. Unauthorized reproduction of this article is prohibited.
Postoperative delirium in patients after intracranial surgery 23

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