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What is the importance of studying Philippine History? Elaborate your answer. 20 pts.

Philippines, our country, had been through a lot. Many came to own and change us. We study
our own history to be able to deeply understand our country's past, some may say past is past but we
will not where we are right now without our past that shaped us.

It is our responsibility to know our country’s history. Every event in our history leaves a learning
or a lesson. It would help us to understand better why we are experiencing our current situation and
how to prevent or prepare it for the future.

Philippine history will make us appreciate different cultures. How they live then and how we live
now. Example, how they dress then and now, how much the value of 20 pesos then and now, and how
cars look like then and now. It can be fun and educational at the same time, a look back in the past.

Also, we can educate others by learning our history. Loving and knowing our country will make
us a good educator and citizen of the Philippines.

2. Why does man study history since the beginning of his existence up to present? 20pts

The beginning is very essential in every story. Learning it will give us better understanding of
what really happen, what is happening and what will happen. It will make us see the bigger picture and
the value of it.

History establishes connections between facts, learning every detail down to its core. History
repeats itself but, I think, we can make it better.

Origins will, also, be tackled. Our origins, where we came from and why are we here. I think it’s
amazing how we will be able to take a look at our origins, it’s like getting to know them.

Studying the beginning up to present will make us aware of our existence. Will make us value
more our lives. We cannot undo everything, we can’t change our past or recreate them but there are
lessons that may keep us from making the same mistakes that have been made before and be better.

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