Metallurgical Evaluation of Austenitic Stainless Surfacing Welding On SAE 4130 Steel PDF

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Welding International

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Metallurgical evaluation of austenitic stainless

surfacing welding on SAE 4130 steel

Márcio de Souza Elias & Ronaldo Paranhos

To cite this article: Márcio de Souza Elias & Ronaldo Paranhos (2016) Metallurgical evaluation
of austenitic stainless surfacing welding on SAE 4130 steel, Welding International, 30:8, 581-589,
DOI: 10.1080/09507116.2015.1096559

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Welding International, 2016
VOL. 30, NO. 8, 581–589

Metallurgical evaluation of austenitic stainless surfacing welding on SAE 4130

Márcio de Souza Eliasa and Ronaldo Paranhosb
IFF-Instituto Federal Fluminense, Macaé, Brazil; bUENF-CCT-LAMAV, Campos dos Goytacazes, Brazil

The objective of this study was to make a metallurgical evaluation of the austenitic stainless Surfacing welding;
surfacing welding on the sealing area of the riser tubes made of SAE 4130 steel. The study microstructure; delta ferrite;
Schaeffler diagram
was divided into two steps. The first step aims to determine the dilution rate and deposition
rate for the minimum and maximum levels of heat input according to the welding procedure
specification (WPS) for TIG and SMAW processes, followed by analysis and study on the Schaeffler
diagram in order to identify the welding consumable best-suited to attend the established
quality criteria. This study identified the electrode 312 as the filler material for the first layer, and
the electrodes 309 and 308 for the second layer, both using the maximum heat input of the WPS
and the SMAW process, with benefits to productivity. The second step has as its objective the
validation of the empirical results found in the 1st step, with the execution of surfacing welds
with two layers each, and the metallurgical characterization of the welded joints by mechanical
testing and microstructural analysis by optical and electronic microscopy. The results of
mechanical testing and microstructure were considered satisfactory, filling the adopted quality
criteria. An austenitic-ferritic microstructure with delta ferrite content between 10 and 15% was
observed for both layers of the surfacing. The electrode 312 assumed a prominent position in the
application of the first layer of the surfacing weld on the SAE 4130 steel, according to its higher
content of delta ferrite and chromium, avoiding hot cracks formation. For the second layer, both
the 309 and 308 may be used. All welds were made with high heat input, ensuring increased
productivity, without significant change in the physical and mechanical characteristics.

1. Introduction metallurgical nature are reported on applying the first

layer of weld metal [5]. The authors undertook an appli-
Owing to their high corrosion resistance, coatings of
cation that used the 309 electrode for the first layer
stainless steel on carbon steel are widely used in various
and the 316 electrode for the second, commonly with
industrial equipments. In many cases these materials,
appearance of cracks in the first surfacing layer. These are
when subjected to harsh service conditions in aggressive
reported during solidification of the weld metal and for
environments, suffer wear, often necessitating repair and
the final microstructure obtained. Thus, correct specifi-
maintenance with corrosion-proof weld metal [1–3].
cation of consumables and understanding of these met-
Surfacing of areas of interest on risers made of steel
allurgical phenomena are important in the application
SAE 4130 with stainless steel is very common in the oil
of stainless steel surfacing.
industry. The risers are joined to one another by means
The objective of this work is to conduct metallurgical
of a socket and spigot located at their ends. This coupling
investigations, in order to define, among the consuma-
or connection must be efficient and safe, and must pre-
bles 308, 309 and 312, which are the best to employ for
vent the possibility of corrosion. Therefore, this region of
depositing the first and second surfacing layer on risers
the riser is given stainless steel surfacing, thus ensuring
made of steel SAE 4130; firstly, by empirical assessment
nonoccurrence of possible leaks in use due to the effects
with the aid of the Schaeffler diagram for selecting the
of corrosion. The purpose is to coat with weld metal the
consumables, and, after welding, characterizing the
inside surface of the completing riser pipe, more specifi-
physical properties and microstructure of the coating.
cally its sealing area. This type of stainless steel surfacing
is characterized in that it displays chemical, physical and
mechanical properties that increase the useful life of the 2.  Materials and methods
riser in service [4, 5]. Steel SAE 4130 with thickness of 16 mm and diameter of
Owing to the considerable dissimilarity between 305 mm was used, obtained from a riser pipe used in the
the base metal and the added metal, problems of a completion of oil wells. The added metals to be assessed

Selected from Soldagem & Inspeção 2014 19(4) 343–352

© 2016 Informa UK Limited, trading as Taylor & Francis Group
582    M. de Souza Elias and R. Paranhos

Table 1. Specification of the chemical composition of the base metal and added metals.
Material C Cr Ni Mo Mn Si P S Cu Nb Ta
308 0.08 18.0–21.5 9.0–11.0 0.75 1.0 0.9 0.03 0.04 0.75 N/A N/A
309 0.14 22.0–25.0 12.0–14.0 0.75 1.0 0.9 0.03 0.04 0.75 N/A N/A
312 0.15 28.0–32.0 8.0–10.5 0.75 1.0 0.9 0.03 0.04 0.75 N/A N/A
SAE 4130 0.30 0.80–1.10 – 0.20 0.5 0.25 0.03 0.04 – – –

Table 2. Welding parameters and energy levels for stainless steel surfacing.
Welding processes
Covered electrode (CE) TIG
E1 (Minimum welding E2 (Maximum welding T1 (Minimum welding T2 (Maximum welding
Parameters energy) energy) energy) energy)
Nominal welding energy 667 1249 641 870
Welding energy (J/mm) 534 999 417 566
Type of current DC- DC- DC- DC-
Current (A) 115 175 101 137
Voltage (V) 26 32 18 28
Welding speed (mm/min) 269 269 170 170
Thermal efficiency of the 0.7–0.9 0.7–0.9 0.5–0.8 0.5–0.8
welding process (r)
Flow rate of shielding gas – – 13 17
Preheating of 250 °C.

are, according to standard AWS 5.4 [6], the 308, 309 for both processes. After welding, two macrographs were
and 312 electrodes. The chemical composition of these prepared for each of the welding conditions, and then:
consumables and of the base metal is shown in Table 1.
• Calculation of the dilution rate: using the macro-
The sequence of the steps for preparing and obtaining
graphs, calculating the ratio of areas of the deposit
samples began with the preparation of the base metal by
obtained for the welding parameters (maximum
machining to remove the old coating. Then the surface
and minimum) of each process.
was submitted to penetrant inspection. Welding was car-
• Calculation of the deposition rate (DR): the plates
ried out with the aid of a turning roller, which moves the
were weighed before and after welding. The weight
pipe, allowing the weld metal deposition to be carried
difference, divided by the welding time, which was
out in the downhand position (1G), which makes the
determined with a chronometer, allowed the DR to
operation easier. The preheating temperature and tem-
be calculated.
perature between passes was 250  °C, with the aim of
• Investigation and interpretation in the Schaeffler
avoiding formation of brittle phases and hardening of
diagram: the purpose is to determine, among the
the base metal, steel SAE 4130.
consumables proposed (308, 309 and 312), which
The welds were of the ‘bead under pipe circumfer-
are the best to apply in relation to the microstruc-
ence’ type, consisting of depositing one or two layers
ture of the final substrate of each of the two coating
with several adjacent weld beads in each layer under
layers. The following criteria were adopted:
the internal circumference of the riser pipe, more spe-
• The chemical composition of the fusion zone (FZ)
cifically on its sealing area. A 30% overlap was adopted
of the first and second layer must:
for the weld beads subsequent to the first.
(a) not be in the field of 100% austenitic microstruc-
Two welding energy levels were used, according to the
ture, to avoid formation of hot cracks;
minimum and maximum values of the welding param-
(b) not be in the austenite plus martensite field
eters established in the welding procedure specifica-
(to avoid the presence of hard phases and cold
tion (WPS) of the surfacing process, using the covered
electrode and TIG processes, according to Table 2. The
(c) contain a minimum of 5% of δ ferrite, to avoid
welding current and voltage were measured with volt–
formation of solidification cracks; however, 20%
ampere meter pliers. The welding time was measured
of δ ferrite must not be exceeded, to avoid brit-
with a digital chronometer.
tleness through excess of δ ferrite.
In the first step, the objective was to determine the
• Reach the highest DR, so as to obtain maximum
added metals and welding procedures. A weld bead was
deposited with the parameters and welding processes
• The final chemical composition of the second layer
(TIG and CE) in Table 2, using the type 309 electrode
of the FZ must contain a minimum of 8.0% Ni and
Welding International   583

(a) Sample CE2 (b) Sample CE3 (c) Sample TIG1 (d) Sample TIG4

Figure 1. Macrographs of the bead on the plate, for calculating the dilution. Etched with 10% Nital.

Table 3. Results for the dilution rate in the macrographs of the stainless steel surfacing samples.
Covered electrode – Maximum energy level TIG – Maximum energy level
1st Weld bead 1st Weld bead
CE1 30.0% Mean 31.5% TIG1 36.0% Mean 35.5%
CE2 33.0% TIG2 35.0%
Covered electrode – Minimum energy level TIG – Minimum energy level
1st Weld bead 1st Weld bead
CE3 17.0% Mean 16.0% TIG3 15.0% Mean 14.5%
CE4 15.0% TIG4 14.0%

Notes: (a) Mean of means for maximum energy level, CE and TIG: 33.5%; (b) mean of means for minimum energy level, CE and TIG: 15.2%.

16.0% Cr; and a maximum of 0.18% C, so as to • For the maximum energy level in the two welding
comply with standard API-6A [7]. processes, CE (999  J/mm) and TIG (566  J/mm),
the dilution rate was relatively constant. In fact, the
The second step had the aim of validating the empir-
dilution rate for samples CE1 (30%) and CE2 (33%)
ical results found in the first step. The electrodes and
is close to TIG1 (36%) and TIG2 (35%).
procedures selected were used for metallurgical char-
• For the minimum energy level in the two welding
acterization. After welding, the following tests were
processes, CE (534 J/mm) and TIG (417 J/mm), the
dilution rate also was relatively constant. In fact, the
• profile of Vickers hardness with a load of 200 g in dilution rate for samples CE3 (17%) and CE4 (15%)
intervals of 0.5 mm from the surface of the coat- is close to TIG3 (15%) and TIG4 (14%).
ing towards the base metal, with 20 measurement
These results show that when the process is changed
(CE or TIG) even with different welding energy levels,
• folding test with test specimen of 200 × 25 mm,
the dilution rates remained similar in their respective
of the three-points type with spacing of 100 mm
maximum and minimum levels of welding energy.
and punch with a diameter of 10 mm. The angle
This fact confirms that there is consistency in the
of folding was 90°;
definition of the welding parameters established in
• quantification of δ ferrite using the Fischer ferri-
the WPS of Table 3. Thus, a change in the welding
toscope model MP30, with four measurements in
process made little difference to the results for the
each surfacing layer for each welded test specimen;
dilution rate.
• metallographic preparation, including cutting, wet
The change in welding energy (maximum and mini-
sanding with sandpapers from 100 to 800 mesh,
mum) resulted mainly from the increase in current and
polishing with alumina and chemical etching with
voltage, as can be seen from Table 2. In fact, the angular
Marble’s reagent.
welding speed, imposed by means of rotating rollers, was
• light microscopy (LM) and scanning electron
held constant for the CE process (269 mm/min) and for
microscopy (SEM), with the aim of analysing the
TIG (170 mm/min).
phases present in the base metal, HAZ and FZ. EDS
To facilitate investigation by the Schaeffler diagram,
was used to obtain the chemical composition of
the mean of means of the dilution rate will be used, see
the dendritic and interdendritic region of the FZ.
Table 3. For maximum energy, point A, dilution of 33.5%
and for minimum energy, point C, dilution of 15.2%. The
investigation will be conducted for deposition of the first
3.  Results and discussion
surfacing layer on steel SAE 4130 and for deposition of
The first step: Figure 1 shows examples of the macro- the second surfacing layer on the weld metal.
graphs obtained and Table 3 shows the results obtained Calculation of the DR is shown in Table 4. It can be
for the dilution rate. seen that the DR is greater for the higher energy level,
Table 3 makes it possible to compare the dilution and that the CE process gives higher values than the TIG
rate for the two welding processes and the two energy process. Therefore, we should choose, when possible, to
levels (maximum and minimum), with the following use the CE process at the maximum energy level, which
observations: will give greater productivity in surfacing.
584    M. de Souza Elias and R. Paranhos

Table 4. Calculation of DR.

Welding process CE TIG
Electrode diameter 4 mm 3.2 mm
Welding energy Max Min Max Min
Current (A) 175 115 137 101
Voltage (V) 32 26 28 18
Weight before welding (g) 1110 1145 1190 1170
Weight after welding (g) 1160 1185 1220 1200
Welding time (s) 94 107 116 151
Deposition rate (kg/h) 1.91 1.35 0.93 0.72

dilution rates. The following observations may be made

on the basis of Figure 2:
(1) The 308 electrode with minimum dilution level
(point C) falls in the field A + F with value less
than 5% of δ ferrite, which is liable to have
solidification cracks [8]. In the entire range
between points A and C there is the possibility
of the weld metal being in the completely aus-
tenitic field. The maximum dilution level (point
A) falls in the austenite plus martensite field
Figure 2. Schaeffler diagram for deposition of the first surfacing (A + M), where the weld bead may have high
layer on BM (base metal) 4130. Added metal 308, 309 and 312. hardness values [9]. It can be concluded that the
308 electrode, in the range of dilution analysed,
does not satisfy the criteria established in this
(2) The 309 electrode with minimum dilution level
(point C’) falls in the field A + F between 5 and
10% of δ ferrite, without restriction as to its use.
The maximum dilution level (point A’) already
falls in the completely austenitic field, liable to
solidification cracks due to the absence of δ
ferrite [9]. Therefore, although it is feasible to
use the 309 electrode in the first surfacing layer,
the dilution must be less than about 18%, to
Figure 3.  Schaeffler diagram for deposition of the second avoid a completely austenitic weld metal, liable
surfacing layer on WM (weld metal) 312. Added metal 308, 309 to solidification cracks.
and 312. (3) The 312 electrode both with minimum and max-
imum level of dilution (points A’’ and C’’) falls
Table 5. Welding specification.
in the field A + F between about 10 and 20% of
Process: covered electrode δ ferrite, which allows the use of any value in
Test specimen: the range of welding energy investigated, sat-
Ts-1 (1st layer – 312)
Ts-2 (1st layer – 312 and 2nd isfying the established requirements. The 312
layer – 308) electrode proves to be a good alternative for the
Ts-3 (1st layer – 312 and 2nd
layer – 309) first surfacing layer on steel SAE 4130. It solid-
Parameters ifies with an austenitic-ferritic structure, with
Type of current DC-
Current (A) 175
a higher content of δ ferrite in the weld metal
Voltage (V) 32 [10], due to the higher content of Ni and Cr,
Welding speed (mm/min) 269 preventing the weld metal becoming sensitive
Thermal efficiency of the welding 0.8
process (r) to the appearance of hot cracks during solidi-
Preheating (°C) 250 fication [11–13].
Nominal welding energy (J/mm) 1249
Welding energy (J/mm) 999
Based on the above discussion, electrode 312 was
selected at the maximum welding energy (point A’’,
Deposition of the 1st surfacing layer on SAE 4130:
Figure 2) to be assessed by the Schaeffler diagram in
the Schaeffler diagram, Figure 2, shows the point of
deposition of the second surfacing layer.
the base metal (SAE 4130) that was joined by a straight
Deposition of the 2nd surfacing layer on weld metal
line to each of the 308, 309 and 312 electrodes. Also on
312: the Schaeffler diagram, Figure 3, shows the point
the straight line are the points A and C relating to the
Welding International   585

Figure 4. Macrographs of the weldments: (a) Ts-1; (b) Ts-2 and (c) Ts-3.

Figure 5. Graphs of the hardness profile (HV0.2). (a) Ts-1; (b) Ts-2 and (c) Ts-3. Notes: Perfil de dureza = Hardness profile; CP1 CP2
CP3 = TS1 TS2 TS3; Dureza Vickers (HV) = Vickers hardness (HV); Dureza Vickers (HV0.2) = Vickers hardness (HV0.2); 1ª Camada = 1st
layer; 2ª Camada = 2nd layer; ZTA = HAZ; MB = BM; Profundidad de amostra (mm) = Specimen depth (mm); Profundidad (mm) =
Depth (mm).

Figure 6. Specimens for folding test, after testing. (a) Ts-2 and (b) Ts-3.

Table 6. Measurement of δ ferrite with the ferritoscope and envisaged by the Schaeffler diagram.
Ferritoscope Schaeffler
Test specimen Layer 1st Point 2nd Point 3rd Point 4th Point Mean Empirical value
Ts-1 1st Layer 12.60 15.60 16.50 14.50 14.80 10.50
Ts-2 1st Layer 11.30 11.60 – – 11.45 10.50
2nd Layer – – 11.90 11.40 11.65 8.00
Ts-3 1st Layer 10.80 12.90 – – 11.85 10.50
2nd Layer – – 9.40 10.40 9.90 11.00

selected above, now identified as WM, which was again concluded that both the 308 electrode and the
joined by a straight line to each of the 308, 309 and 312 309 electrode are suitable alternatives for dep-
electrodes. Also on the straight line are the points A and osition of the second layer on the first layer of
C relating to the dilution rates. The following observa- 312, regardless of the energy level (maximum or
tions may be made based on Figure 3: minimum) to be used.
• The 312 electrode in the 2nd layer: the minimum
The 308 and 309 electrodes in the 2nd layer pres-
•  and maximum dilution points fall in field A + F in
ent similar results. They both have the minimum the range from 20 to 40% of δ ferrite, not satisfying
and maximum dilution points in field A + F in the established criterion of max. Twenty per cent
the range from 5 to 10% of δ ferrite, satisfying of δ ferrite. Thus, electrode 312 is not a good alter-
all the established criteria. Therefore, it can be native for the second surfacing layer.
586    M. de Souza Elias and R. Paranhos

As conclusions in this 1st step, analysis with the

Schaeffler diagram shows that: the CE process can be
used in all cases in the condition of maximum weld-
ing energy; the first surfacing layer must be made with
electrode 312; the second layer may be made with both
electrode 308 and 309.
The second step has the aim of validating the empir-
ical results obtained in the first step. Table 5 presents
details of the WPS, all using the CE process at the max-
imum welding energy. Four weld beads were applied in
each surfacing layer, with 30% overlap. The following test
specimens were welded for metallurgical characteriza-
tion: Ts-1: deposition only of the first layer with the 312
electrode; Ts-2: the 312 electrode in the first layer and the
Figure 7.  Ts-1. Microstructure of the base metal (right), HAZ,
joint zone and FZ 1st layer (left). SEM. 300×. 308 electrode in the second layer; Ts-3: the 312 electrode
in the first layer and the 309 in the second layer.

Figure 8. FZ of the 1st layer with 312. Marble’s reagent. (a) Ts-1, SEM, 500× and (b) Ts-2, LM, 500×.

Figure 9. Ts-2: Microstructure of the FZ obtained using LM. Marble’s reagent. (a) Joint zone of the 1st layer of 312 (left) and 2nd layer
of 308 (right). 300× and (b) 2nd layer of 308. 500×.

Figure 10. Ts-3: Microstructure of the FZ obtained by LM. (a) Joint zone of the 1st layer of 312 (left) and 2nd layer of 309 (right), 300×;
(b) 1st layer of 312. 500× and (c) 2nd layer of 309, 500×.
Welding International   587

Element wt% Element wt%

Si 1.06 Si 1.11
Cr 27.80 Cr 23.79
Fe 61.32 Fe 63.06
Ni 7.20 Ni 10.61

(a) (b) (c)

Figure 11. Ts-2: image and graphs obtained in SEM and EDS. (a) Microstructure of the FZ of the 2nd layer of 308, 1000×; (b) chemical
composition of the ferritic region and (c) chemical composition of the austenitic region.

Element wt% Element wt%

Si 0.91 Si 1.17
Cr 27.76 Cr 20.42
Fe 59.38 Fe 66.57
Ni 6.19 Ni 8.86
Al 2.68 Mn 1.12
Mo 3.05 Mo 1.82

(a) (b) (c)

Figure 12. Ts-3: image and graphs obtained in SEM and EDS. (a) Microstructure of the FZ of the 2nd layer of 309, 2000×; (b) EDS
showing chemical composition of the ferritic region and (c) EDS showing chemical composition of the austenitic region.

The macrographs are shown in Figure 4, where the criterion established, as they are between 5 and 20%,
base metal and the weld beads of the 1st and 2nd surfac- the maximum value permitted by Norsok [14]. With a
ing layer of each test specimen can be seen. No discon- content of δ ferrite between 5 and 10%, the weld metal
tinuities were found. The total thickness of the coating displays good resistance to solidification cracking, being
with two layers was 6 mm for Ts-2 and 7.5 mm for Ts-3. considered the most suitable for general applications of
Both had coating thickness above 5 mm after deposition these materials [17].
of the second layer, thus satisfying the criterion envis- Characterization of the microstructure by LM, SEM
aged in the work. and EDS was carried out in the base metal, in the HAZ
The results of the Vickers hardness test are shown and in the FZ of the 1st layer with 312 and in the FZ of
in Figure 5. The highest individual value of hardness the 2nd layer for Ts-2 and Ts-3.
obtained was 285 HV in the 1st layer of TS3, below the Figure 7 shows the microstructure of the base metal,
maximum value of 350 HV stipulated by the Norsok HAZ and joint zone. The base metal, steel SAE 4130, has
standard [14]. The same occurred in the HAZ and base a microstructure typical of hypoeutectoid steel, com-
metal, indicating that preheating was effective in avoid- posed of ferrite and pearlite. The HAZ and the joint zone,
ing hard regions in steel SAE 4130. The results for hard- which are affected by the welding thermal cycles, dis-
ness were considered satisfactory. play increase in grain size. Degradation of the pearlite is
The folding tests were carried out up to an angle of 90° observed in the joint zone. The decrease in the hardness
and showed good ductility, as can be seen in Figure 6. values in the HAZ (Figure 5) was attributed to the larger
No discontinuities were observed in the surface of the grain size. The preheating used promoted a reduction in
weld beads. Test specimens Ts-2 and Ts-3 had discon- the cooling rate, preventing formation of hard phases in
tinuities of about 1.5 mm in the side of the specimen. the HAZ [18–20].
However, these are localized in the joint between the Figure 8 shows the microstructure of the FZ of the 1st
added metal and the base metal, and were attributed to layer with 312, for Ts-1 (a) and Ts-2 (b); this consists of
the dissimilarity of the metals and to the differences in austenite and δ ferrite. The δ ferrite displays vermicular
their properties [15]. Standard API 1104 [16] accepts and laminar morphology, and is compatible with the
discontinuities of up to 3 mm. Accordingly, the results content measured with the ferritoscope in Table 6, of
for folding were regarded as satisfactory. 14.80% for Ts-1 and 11.45% for Ts-2.
Table 6 shows the results for δ ferrite in the FZ, and Figure 9 shows the microstructure of the coating on
includes a column with the results envisaged by the Ts-2. Figure 9(a) shows the joint zone of the 1st layer
Schaeffler diagram in the first step. These are consist- of 312 (left) with the 2nd layer of 308 (right), where it
ent with the values measured with the ferritoscope. is observed that the dendrites grow with similar ori-
The results for δ ferrite obtained satisfy the acceptance entation in the two layers. As each bead was deposited
588    M. de Souza Elias and R. Paranhos

in the same direction, the crystallographic orientation tends to cost less than the 309 due to the lower Cr and
of the dendrites tended to remain unchanged between Ni contents of the 308 electrode [6].
the various beads [21]. Figure 9(b) shows that the FZ of Accordingly, the work concludes that welding of
the 2nd layer of 308 consists of austenite and δ ferrite. the 1st layer with the 312 electrode and the 2nd layer
Qualitatively, the fraction of δ ferrite is consistent with with the 308 gives better productivity and lower cost,
the content of 11.65% measured with the ferritoscope, satisfying the established quality criteria, including the
Table 6. Examination of Figure 9(a) and (b) shows that requirements of standard API-6A [7].
there is similarity in the content of δ ferrite on compar-
ing the qualitative and quantitative analyses. In fact, the 4. Conclusions
content of δ ferrite in the FZ of all the test specimens
remained close to about 10 to 15%, reducing the prob- Based on metallurgical assessment of the surfacing of
ability of the FZs being susceptible to hot cracking due austenitic stainless steel on steel SAE 4130 used in risers,
to the presence of δ ferrite [8]. it can be concluded that:
Figure 10 shows the microstructure of the coating of • The WPSs for the TIG and CE processes produce
Ts-3. Figure 10(a) shows the joint zone of the 1st layer similar dilution rates for the maximum energy level
of 312 (left) and the 2nd layer of 309 (right), where it is (33.5%) and for the minimum energy level (15.2%).
also observed that the dendrites grow with similar ori- However, the CE process has a higher DR.
entation in the two layers [21]. Figure 10(b) shows the • The 312 electrode can be used in the 1st surfacing
FZ of the 1st layer of 312, consisting of austenite and δ layer with maximum energy level, whereas the 309
ferrite, similar to that obtained in Figure 8 for Ts-1 and electrode can only be used safely at the minimum
Ts-2. The fraction of δ ferrite is consistent with the con- energy level.
tent of 11.85% measured with the ferritoscope, Table 6. • Both the electrodes, 308 and 309, can be used for
Figure 10(c) shows the FZ of the 2nd layer of 309, also applying the 2nd layer on the 1st layer deposited
consisting of austenite and δ ferrite, whose concentration with the 312 electrode, using the maximum energy
is compatible with the content of 9.90% measured with level.
the ferritoscope, Table 6. • Welding of the 1st layer with the 312 electrode and
Figures 11 and 12 show the microstructure obtained the 2nd layer with the 308 electrode gives better
by SEM and microanalysis by EDS for mapping the var- productivity and lower cost, satisfying the estab-
iation in chemical composition of the ferritic and aus- lished quality criteria.
tenitic regions of the coating. Note the 2nd layer with
electrode 308 (Ts-2, Figure 11) and the 2nd layer with
electrode 309 (Ts-3, Figure 12). It is observed that in Disclosure statement
both there is a decrease in the Cr content and an increase
No potential conflict of interest was reported by the authors.
in the Ni content between the ferritic and austenitic
regions. This difference in concentration from the centre
of the dendrites (austenite) to the interdendritic region References
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