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Quiz Questions 2019

150 Quiz Questions Answers

Is it that there is not even a single word or dot that
was added or left out of the message that the Prophet
1 Yes
(pbuh) received from Allah in the form of the
In which month was the Qur’an first revealed to Nabi
2 Ramadhaan
Muhammad (pbuh)?
How many chapters or surahs does the Qur’an
3 114

4 How many Ambiyaa are mentioned in the Qur’aan? 25

5 Over what period was the complete Qur’an revealed? 23 years

Each chapter or surah of the Qur’an contains a

6 Aayaat
number of verses. What are they called in Arabic?

7 Give the name of the longest surah of the Qur’aan. Al Baqarah

8 Give the name of the shortest surah of the Qur’aan. Al Kauthar

Give the name of the surah which was completely

revealed for the first time to the Prophet (pbuh),
9 Al Faatihah
through Angel Jibrail, in one sitting, and which is the
opening surah of the Qur’aan?
What are the names of the other three Sacred Books
10 a) The Taurah, b) The Zabur, c) The Injeel
besides the Qur’aan?
What is the Arabic term used for the ‘interpretation of
11 Tafseer
the Qur’an’?

12 What is the meaning of the Arabic word Qur’an? To read aloud

What was the first word of the Qur’an that was

13 Iqra
revealed to Prophet Muhammad (pbuh)?
Which Surah of the Qur’an contains orders for the
14 Al Baqarah
change of Qiblah (direction to face while praying)?
Which Surah of the Qur’aan describes the
15 extraordinary event that happened in the year of the Al-Feel
16 Which surah of the Qur’aan is named after a woman? Maryam

Which two Surah’s of the Qur’an are named after

17 1) Al-Naml (the Ant), 2) Al-Nahl (the Honey Bee)
Who was the master reader of the Qur’an among the
18 Ubayy Ibn Ka'b
companions of the prophet Muhammad (pbuh)?

19 Aayatul Kursi comes in which Surah? Al-Baqarah

20 How many verses are in the Qur'an? 6236

21 How many words in Qur'aan 79000

22 How many letters in Qur'aan 323 670

23 No of Makki Surahs in Qur'an 93

24 No of Madani Surahs in Qur'an 21

Surah of the Qur'aan that started with the name of a At-teen, and
fruit Zaitoon
Which Khalifah initiated the idea of compiling the
26 Umar ibn khattaab RA
Qur'aan into one book?

27 Names of Qur'an Al-Kitab, Az-Zikr, Al-Furqaan

28 What are the Huruf / letters of Qalqalah? ‫ ط‬,‫ ق‬,‫ د‬,‫ ج‬,‫ب‬

29 Mention the Huruf / letters of Al-Izhaar ‫ هـ‬, ‫ غ‬, ‫ خ‬, ‫ ح‬, ‫ ع‬, ‫أ‬

Which Arab country's name is mentioned in the

30 Misr (Egypt)
What is the number of Ambiyaa whose names are
31 25
mentioned in the Qur'aan?

32 Shortest Surah in Qur'an. Al-Kauthr

33 Longest Surah in Qur'an. AL-Baqarah

34 Which animal spoke in Qur'an? An-naml (the Ant)

Some young believers are mentioned in the Qur’an,
whom Allah saved from evil, by sending them to sleep
35 As-Haabul Kahf (The people of the cave)
for several years in a protected cave with their dog.
Who are they?
Almighty Allah has praised and used the Iman of two
36 ladies as a model for other believers. Who are these Wife of Firawn and Maryam R.A
two ladies

Islamic History

37 Which Nabi was also a carpenter? Zakariyyah Alaihis Salaam

38 Who is the first Caller of Azan in Islam? Bilal ibn Rabah

Two women, in spite of being the wives of prophet 1) Wife of prophet Nuh,
will go to hell. Who are they? 2) Lut A.S

40 Bilal RA died in which country? Damascus

41 On which day was Adam A.S created? Day of Jumuah

42 Who freed Bilal RA from slavery? Abu Bakr RA

Name of the lady who was given the title top lady of
43 Safiyyatu Bint Huyayy
the world

44 What was the previous name of Madinah Shareef? Yathreeb

45 In which year the Islamic calendar began? 622 AD

46 What was the name of the camel of Rasulullah (pbuh) Al- Qaswa

What is the Arabic word used for the biography of the

47 Seerah
What were the names of the Nabi Muhammad (pbuh) Father – Abdullah,
father and mother? Mother – Aaminah
Which Prophet was given the title of Kaleemullah (the
49 Moosa
one who spoke to Allah SWT)?
Who are the sons and daughters of Nabi Muhammad Sons: 1) Al-Qasim, 2) Abdullah, 3) Ibrahim; Daughters:
(pbuh)? 1) Fatimah, 2) Zainab, 3) Ruqaiyyah, 4) Umm Kulthum
First: Adam (pbuh) and
51 Who were the first and last of the Prophets?
Last: Muhammad (pbuh)
To which clan of Quraysh did Prophet Muhammad
52 Banu Haashim
(pbuh) belong?
53 What is the name of the tribe of Nabi SAW? Quraysh

What is the word used for Madinite converts to Islam

54 Ansaar
who helped Muhajireen from Makkah?
What was the cause of disagreement between
different clans of Quraysh at the time of the
55 Putting the black stone in its place
rebuilding of the Ka`bah and was peacefully settled by
Muhammad (pbuh)?

56 Name the Nabi who had a mother but no father? Isa AS

Name the wife of Nabi Muhammad (pbuh) who bore

57 Khadijah
his children.

58 On which day was Nabi Muhammad (pbuh) born? On Monday

Mention the names of the liars, who claimed to be a 1) Musailamah Kazzab, 2) Aswad Anasi,
Nabi, in history 3)Tulaiha, 4) Sajjaa
What was the age of Nabi Muhammad ‫صلى هللاُ عليه و‬
60 40 years
‫ سلم‬when Allah appointed him as His messenger?

61 When was Prophet Mohammed (pbuh) born? 571 C.E.

When were the orders for the change of Qiblah

62 2 A.H.

63 Who placed the Hajr-e-Aswad on the Ka'bah? Nabi Muhammad (PBUH)

1) Nuh, 2) Ibrahim, 3) Musa,

64 Give the names of the five most important Ambiyaa
4) Isa, 5) Muhammad (pbut)

65 How many Ambiyaah were sent by Allah to mankind? Approximately 124 000

How old was Nabi Muhammad (pbuh) when his

66 6 years old
mother died?
How did Allah Ta'ala save Nabi Isa (A.S)? Allah Ta'ala saved him by taking him up to the
Was he killed on the cross? heavens and he was not killed on the cross
Which important event occurred before Hijrah,
68 Al Mi’raj
mentioned in Surah Bani Israel in the Qur’an?

69 Who introduced the Islamic calendar? Umar Ibn Al-Khattab

What was the first Islamic capital in the Islamic

70 Madinah
What was the most important battle in the 2nd year
71 Battle of Badr
after Hijrah, which the Muslims won?
72 What were the names of the Khulafaa Rashidun 1) Abu Bakr RA, 2) Umar RA, 3) Uthman RA, 4) Ali RA

73 Who built the first Islamic navy? `Uthman Ibn `Affan RA

Who first gave the idea for the call for prayer, known
74 `Umar Ibn Al-Khattab RA
as Adhan, in the first year of Hijrah?
Who is the third Khalifa of Islam who prepared one
75 `Uthman ibn `Affan RA
unified version of the Qur’an?
Who was the Christian ruler of Abyssinia who showed
76 kindness to the Muslim immigrants from Makkah at Negus (Najjashi)
the time of the Prophet?

77 Who was the first child who embraced Islam? `Ali RA

78 Who was the first man who embraced Islam? Abu Bakr RA

79 Who was the first Mu-azzin or caller of Adhan? Bilal Ibn Rabah RA

80 Who was the first woman who embraced Islam? Khadijah RA

Who was the only person who accompanied the Nabi

81 Abu Bakr Siddeeq RA
Muhammad (pbuh) during the migration?

82 Who were the first builders of Ka`bah? Nabi Ibrahim and his son Ismail (pbut)

What was the most important event on the 13th year Hijrah (migration), from Makkah to Madinah took
of Nabuwat? place
What was the name of Madinah before Nabi
84 Yathrib
Muhammad migrated from Makkah to Madinah?

85 When did the battle of Uhud take place? Third year after Hijrah

What are the names of the four famous Scholars of 1)Imaam As-Shafee, 2) Imaam Abu Haneefah,
Fiqh? 3)Imaam Malik, 4) Imaam Ahmad bin Hambal
What is the name of the cave in which Prophet
87 Muhammad (pbuh) used to meditate and in which he Hira
was chosen as a Prophet of Allah?
In which city of Arabia was Nabi Muhammad (pbuh)
88 Makkah
Which single Arabic word describes the ways of the
89 pre-Islamic Arabians? Which means ‘the Age of Jaahiliyah
Ignorance’ or the ‘Age of Darkness’?
What was the first qibla and the third holiest Masjid of
90 Baitul Maqdis (in Jerusalem)
Give the name of a historically important well near the
91 Zamzam

92 Who was the guardian of Maryam Alaihas Salaam? Zakariyyah Alaihis Salaam

Islamic Beliefs
Taqdeer is that all good and bad is ordained and
93 What is Taqdeer?
recorded by Allah

94 Who first gave us the name ‘Muslims’? Nabi Ibrahim (pbuh)

What is the name of the angel in charge of:

95 a) Jibra`eel, b) Izra`eel, c) Maalik
a) revelations b) death c) hell?

96 Give one Arabic word for the Unity of Allah. Tawheed

1) Kalimah Tayyibah, 2) 5 Daily Salah, 3) Annual Zakat

97 Name the five pillars of Islam.
4) Fasting the month of Ramadhan, 5) Performing Hajj
Belief in: 1) Oneness of Allah, 2) Angels,
3) Holy books (Divine Revelation), 4) All the prophets,
98 What are the seven articles of faith in Islam?
5) Day of judgement, 6) Qadr (Destiny),
7) Resurrection after death
1) To utter the Shahadah with the tongue,
99 What are the three components of Imaan?
2) to believe in it by heart, 3) to act upon its rules
Nabi Muhammad (pbuh) said: “I leave with you two
The Holy Qur’an, and the Sunnah of the Prophet
100 things. As long as you hold them tightly you will never
Muhammad (pbuh)
go astray.” What are these two things?
4) Al-Rahman (The Merciful), 2) Al-`Aleem (The All-
101 Mention 3 attributes of Allah SWT. Knowing), 3) Al-Razzaq (The Sustainer)
[or any of the other 99 attributes of Allah]
Muslims believe in the three sacred books as it was
Do Muslims believe in the sacred books besides the
102 revealed to their Messengers not the copies which
have been changed
What was the message to which all messengers called
103 Oneness of Allah
the people?
No, Nabi Muhammad was the last and final Nabi of
Allah and there will be no other Nabi after him. If a
104 Can a person claim to be a Nabi in this day and age?
person claims to be a Nabi he will be out of the fold of
Nobody besides Allah knows. However Allah Ta'ala
105 When will Qiyamah take place?
has mentioned some signs of Qiyamah

Give another word for Ka`bah, which means “Sacred
106 Sanctuary” whose priests and custodians were Haram
Quraysh in the pre-Islamic days.

107 Is being obedient to the parents obligatory in Islam? Yes

What are the two common conditions for a deed to be 1) Purity of intention, 2) Following the Tradition of the
accepted by Allah? prophet Muhammad (pbuh)
(1) Feeling sorrow, 2) Immediate stopping of doing
109 What are the conditions of repentance? that sin, 3) Firm intention not to repeat it,
4) Returning other's right if any
What are the only two occasions, considered as
110 1)Eid-ul-Fitr, 2) Eid-ul-Adha
festivals, in Islam?
What is the alternative to ablution, when either water
111 Tayammum
is not available or there is a serious danger to health?
What is the Arabic term for the collection of recorded
112 words, actions, and tacit approvals of the Prophet Hadeeth
Muhammad (pbuh)?

113 What will be the spoken language in paradise? Arabic

114 What is the meaning of Da’wah? To invite people towards worshipping Allah alone

What is the most crucial quality in the success of the

115 Good character
spread of Islam?
What is the name of the voluntary prayer done only
116 Taraweeh
during the nights of the month of Ramadhaan?

117 What is the term for the breaking of the Fast? Iftaar

What is the term for the pre-dawn meal taken before

118 Sahoor
What was the first thing the prophet (pbuh) did when
119 Brush his teeth
he woke up?
What will be the first question, to be asked on the day
120 About prayer
of judgment?
In which hand will the pious people receive their book
121 Right hand
of deeds on the day of Qiyaamah?
From the date of Hijrah (Migration from Makkah to
122 When does the Islamic calendar begin?

123 What are the four sacred months in Islam? 1) Thul Qa'dah, 2) Thul Hijjah, 3) Muharram, 4) Rajab

Gregorian calendar months are “Solar months”.

124 Lunar months
What are Islamic calendar months?
What are the first and last months of the Islamic
125 Muharram and Zul Hijjah respectively
The letters A.D. in the Christian Era stand for Anno
126 Domini, meaning year of the Lord (Christ). Anno Hijrah
What do the letter A.H. stands for in the Islamic Era?

127 Which is the Takbeer ut Tahreemah in Salaah? The first Takbeer of Salaah when starting your Salaah

He will appear before Qiyaamah and will claim to have

128 Who is Dajjal? the power of Allah Ta'ala. Many ignorant people will
follow him
What will be the Task of Nabi Isa A.S when he
129 descends to the earth from the heavens before To kill Dajjal
Every human being has two angels accompanying him 1)Kiraaman,
all the time. What are their names? 2)Kaatibeen

131 Value of Salah in Masjidul Aqsa 500 times

132 Value of Salah in Masjidun Nabawi 1000 times

What are the names of the angels who will question a 1) Munkar,
person in the grave? 2) Nakeer
Bad and offensive smells
134 What causes inconvenience to the angels?
e.g. Cigarettes, raw onions etc.
The bridge of Siraat spans across Jahannam and is
135 What is the bridge of Siraat?
sharper than a sword and thinner than a hair

136 What is the most blessed month? Ramadhan

Darul Bawaar - the place of everlasting pain, sadness

137 What is another name for Jahannam?
and punishment

138 From which tree the miswak is made generally? Al-Araak tree

139 Which Muslim names are very dear to Allah? Hamd (praise) and `Abd (servant)

An animal of Jannah which travels at the speed of

140 What is the Buraaq?
lightning and it was used by nabi SAW for Mi'raaj

141 Which fasting is loved by Allah? Dawood AS, Fasting every second day

142 How many letters are in Arabic Language? 29

143 How many letters have dots around them? 15

144 How many letters do not have dots around them? 13

145 How many letters have 2 dots around them? Three: ‫ت‬ ‫ق‬ ‫ي‬

146 How many letters have 3 dots around them? Two: ‫ش‬ ‫ث‬

What a Muslims is allowed to do or consume is Halal

147 What do you understand by the word "Halal"?
which means "Permissible"
What a Muslims is not allowed to do or consume is
148 What do you understand by the word "Haraam"?
Haraam which means "forbidden"

149 What do you understand by the word "Mashbooh"? Doubtful

What are the things a person cannot do without 1) Perform Salaah, 2) Touch the Noble Quraan or any
performing Wudhu? Aayah, 3) Make Sajdah Tilaawah, 4) Tawaaf of Ka`bah

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