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SECRETS to get your

First 10,000+
followers on INSTAGRAM



Hashtags (keywords preceded by #) might seem like something

only annoying teenagers use, but trust us, that’s not the case.
They are a way for viewers to navigate easily to topics they’re
interested in. Attaching #hashtags to your image, therefore,
enables your content to be found more easily by those who don’t
already follow you.

First, research the most popular Instagram hashtags in your

niche, and then compile them. For us, this involved building a
huge list of keywords that we found were relevant to what we do
and what our images generally are about (#name, #facts, #like,
for example).
Instagram Hashtag-Finding Tips
• Check out what the top-trending hashtags Use hashtag
finder applications to find hashtags relevant to your niche.

• Copy the hashtags that the top influencers in your niche are
using. Use this as a way to not only generate more
exposure and gain more Instagram followers, but as a way
to get on the radars of other influencers.

• Round up about 30 that include a mix of high-performing

and low-performing hashtags. Use around 10 hashtags that
have over a million posts, then another 10 hashtags that
only have 10k to 50k posts, with another 10 anywhere in
between. This way you make sure your posts get as much
exposure as possible.

• Create multiple sets of hashtags to maximize exposure.

Don’t just settle for one set of hashtags, create around
three different sets of 30 hashtags each. Regularly rotate
them so that your posts reach a variety of people relevant
to your niche.


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