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“The Institution for Better Life”

Laoag City

Social Science 4 (Politics, Governance, and Philippine Constitution)
Second Semester, S.Y. 2019-2020

Name (Surname first) : __________________________________________________ Score: ___________

Directions: Read the instructions carefully and answer silently on your yellow paper. No erasures.
Wrong spelling means wrong answer. Cheating is TABOO.

I. Identification: Identify what is being asked/described/defined for every item.

1. In the concept of the Origin of the State, This theory asserts that State is a product of human development.
2. This methods employs the drawing up of specific conclusion from premises presumed to be infaliable.
3. One in which the governmental powers are distributed between the central and local government each being
supreme within its own sphere.
4. This is a kind of sovereignty that the people through the process of initiative and referendum may also exercise
this function.
5. In the case of the Philippines, the power to make law or amend them is vested in the what branch of
6. The acquisitions of territory through artificial or natural way.
7. Bilateral agreement whereby one state transfers over another State a define portion of its teritory.
8. The acquisition of a territory by the use of force, which reduces the vanquished territory into submission to the
conquering State.
9. This focuses upon the methods and techniques used in the actual management of state affairs by the three
branches of the Government.
10. Community of people who share a common language, culture, history, ethnicity and/or heritage.
11. What kind of sovereignty that refer to which the freedom or independence of the state from foreign or external
12. where people govern themeselves directly and not through representatives directly and not through
13. One which the real excutive, the cabinet is leagally responsible to the legislature or one branch of it, while the
titular or nominal head occupies a position of irresponsibility.
14. Marcos issued __________ which placed the entire archipelago under Martial Law.
15. During American Occupation this type of government that has a transition period of ten years.

II. Enumeration.
1. The Two(2) chambers of Congress.
2. What are the four(4) Elements of State?
3. The Three(3) Inherent Power of the State.
4. What are the Five(5) modes of acquiring territory?
5. To be valid and effective, discovery must be accompanied by the Three(3) elements.
6. Two(2) types of democracy
7. The two(2) types of government based to its legality or constitutionality.
8. Enumerate the following presidents under Fifth Republic.
9. Provisions under Article V, X, and XIV.

III. Explanation/Relation of Concepts/Essay: Choose a total of 25 points to answer from the items listed below. Read
and analyze the following questions carefully. Write legibly. Do not write at the back of your yellow paper. No erasures.
Answer quietly.

1. What is the distinction between Sovereignty and Independence? (5 points)

2. Why are the people considered as the most important element in a State? (5 points)
3. Can other countries enforce police power over the Philippine Sovereignty? (5 points)
4. May a State exist without government? And conversely, may a government exist without state? (5 points)
5. In police checkpoint, is it against to your right that the officer wants to check all you property inside your
vehicle? Why? Justify your answer. (5 points)
6. Can the Philippines impose tax to the other State? Why? Justify your answer. (5 points)
7. If the police officer asked your personal infromation e.g. Address, do you have the right to give it? Justify your
answer based on your readings. (5 points)
8. What makes the Philippines a Republic? Explain. (5 points)
9. Why is a constitution considered as “the highest expression of the law”. Explain (5 point)
10. The Bill of Rights is a major article throughout the different constitutions of the country. Why is it necessary? (5


Prepared by: Noted by:

Christian Paul S. Manalo Prof. Joyce C. Castillo I

Instructor Dean, CASSW

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