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Name-: Arushi Singh


QUE. 1.What is the erstwhile form of collecting data and what is the current form
mainly used in the organization?
ANS.1 erstwhile form of collecting data-:
▪️Data collection is the process of gathering and measuring information on targeted
variables in an established system, which then enables one to answer relevant
questions and evaluate outcomes. Data collection is a component of research in all
fields of study including physical and social sciences, humanities and business.
current form mainly used in the organization-:
▪️️Management Information System (MIS) provides information for the managerial
activities in an organization. The main purpose of this research is, MIS provides
accurate and timely information necessary to facilitate the decision-making process
and enable the organizations planning, control, and operational functions to be
carried out effectively.

Que. 2 If I want to launch a product what all information do I need for the
Ans.2 ▪️Reasearch our target consumers
▪️️Develop our product Messaging
▪️️Plane our product launch promotion strategy
▪️️Plane our post-launch strategy
These all information we get through “MIS”

Que. 3 Being a Manager, if I am analyzing data of North and I get the data of South
from my subordinate, what characteristic of information is not right?
Ans. 3 Accurate data i not given by subordinate.

Que. 4 If I am a shopkeeper and is running a small shop and I decide to go for

computer and software (IT systems) which is costly, what characteristic of
information is not followed by me? _________
Ans. 4 Economical information.

Que5. Is MIS department of a company affects the revenue of a company? Give the
reason for your answer?
Ans. 5 Yes, MIS department of a company affected the revenue of a company
because financial management information system of “MIS” provides us
financial information to all financial managers within an organization including the
chief financial officer. The chief financial officer analyzes historical and current
financial activity, projects future financial needs, and monitors and controls the use of
funds over time using the information developed by the MIS department. So All that
information and other important information also given by MIS affected company

Que. 6 What components of Information System is very important if I want to connect

all branches of a global company and how?
Ans. 6 Telecommunications (Hardware and software), People and procedures
are very important components if i want to connect all branches of a global
Firstly i use telecommunications components for fast transmission and reception of
information than People who operate and use all components of information than
follow proper connection procedures i am connected all branches of a global

Que. 7 What component of IT systems or technology is important if I have to

incorporate business logic ________ and what component will help me doing that
Ans. 7 ____Hardware____ and what component will help me doing that

Que. 8 If I have to run campaign what type of MIS will help me achieve that

Que. 9 Which type of MIS is important for the top level of the company _______ and
how? Explain in your own words
Ans. 9 Financial Management information system Is important for the top level of
company because FMIS system provides all financial information to all financial
managers and chief financial officer and they all managers and officers are work in
top level in company's and FMIS system providing all information which was use only
by top level.

Que10. What level in the organization generally is responsible for the collection of
data and what form of data and information is needed at the top level?
Ans. 10 Middle level organisation is generally responsible for collecting of data.
And all of that data and information are needed at the top level because all of that
data and information are related with business problem's, business opportunities
and many more so that top level taking right decisions for organisation. And also
some data and information was use by top level managers and cfo of that
organisation for taking some financial decisions.

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