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By Sir E. A. WALLIS BUDGE, Knt., F.S.A.,

M.A. and Litt.D., Cambridge; M.A. and D.Litt., Oxford; D.Lit., Durham;



General Collection*

fj \m0T




W.C. 2.
S [ 593 ] S

sur Ig'V2 , M. 588, ||gO’ T- 345, S-ush Heriu

JgG, U- 191, to drink; Copt. CG. ^ title of the high-priest of the 10th Nome
of Upper Egypt.
• —H [) JD —H f) WAAAA jn
sura (sua) ( ga , (I /WWV' Q& , susli
nn .
v—M. to break (?)
(1 gL to drink, drinker, toper,
^ WWV\ ’ drunkard. sush-t , tie, fetter, cord.
o o
surau , P. 692,^
o SUt , var. , White Crown.
P. 94, drinkers.
sutut —h—, IV’ 52°’ t0 walk’
V n to travel.
SUl’-t 0, T. 71, 0, U. 191,
S-Utekh ("£3 , to treat a body with
^^,M. 225,^=*^^, N. 603,
drugs, to embalm; caus. of O ) var.
drink; ^=5 q , IV, 1115, water supply.
1 o ^N, ® C3. A title of Anubis is ^ ,
sur-t , bead, oval ball; var.
“the embalmer.”
"j n ^ ^^^ ^ mother-of-pearl
<=> l o J <z>^<rz> ooo’ beads. s-uthet m ^ 5=> f|, -M- ^
suru-t (?) %\ <=> a bird. ^ , to cook, to roast, to bake.

S-ursh. to make to be green s-uthet Q , to fatten birds.

or fertile ; caus. of ursh.
^ a
s-utekh , to embalm;
suli ra ra
var. 03-
1, to utter words as the

result of some great or sudden emotion, to s-utcha , to streng-

speak in an ecstasy, to prophesy.
then, to heal, to save; caus. of | 3 .
suh £ ^2,
izn air, wind.
s-utcha J J\ , , to
suh-t , Pap. 3024, 79,
a go, to go forward; caus. of | j\ .
Metternich Stele 62, egg; Copt.
VI;. coot^g.
Seb —*— N. 692, 1148, jackal;
suh , balls of incense.
Suhit (?) J), Denderah I1T> 12> a
v / ^ goddess of Denderah. seb U. 460.

s-ukha Peasant
282, to stupefy, to make silly; caus. of ukha.
seb J (](] l see asi

~rr , an interrogative particle.

s-user , to strengthen; caus.
-1 L=J
J\ , to walk
~nr> —h— JJ , Peasant 322,
to lead, to conduct, to guide, to traverse, to pass
with long strides ; caus. of usekli.
through, to march in front; ~7V.A
worship, to adore; caus. of uash.
e PT t0 praise’ t0 guide of the words of the gods.

2 p
s [ 594 ] S

111111; 11
sebbi -rrjj, TJ -f

st)a di« ,

, doors; Copt. cfte.

O X l l I r
V\ , to lead, etc.; 75 *ww\ U w,I, 50,
Sba-Ra ^ Edffi I, 81, a title of the
'“T" ■o°o I ’ Nile-god.
a dead man; ]\ a , decay of the body;
(E X
sbau —* X 1, star-gods.
_—— n A r^nnn mu , , • \\ X
lrJy',-1 I nn Mil’ ved 59 years,
sebseb —n jr- /v, —pr Jj a ~rr \,
correction; Copt. C&CO.
© S_n , punishment,

to lead, to guide.
sebakh (sebkh) to shut in,
sebi-t J\~ ^ , —h—^ , conductor, v ' ft ® U to preserve,

s-baq (sebq) ^ j®*- , to make to

guide; —i^ J ^ ’ traverser °f eternity SJ A

—a title of Ra and of Osiris; q www —ft— shine; caus. of a Q 3 .

j| O , this book of traversing eternity. sebaq (sebq) ^ A%> le8* thigh; see

sebbi JJ —
> W ’
V, 11 i 2, a general envoy. S-baq (Sebq) ^ ^ to make preg¬

sebi-t, sebiu-t -75" J^3 , Shipwreck nant; caus. of J_|

161, —Jj ^ 3 1, freight, cargo of a boat or

s-bagi , to make weak or
ship, load of a camel or ass; —nr AAAAAA
J\ cm
, a loader of ships.
helpless; caus. of J ffi ((
t 1 1
sebb *— J J ^ n, Berl. 6910, to load.
a mythological serpent-fiend.
sebu tt sebath
Jf) 3-5 Canopus Stele 10,
111’ provisions.
n o
{•'&*, evil,
sebit - Rec. 4,21, — J
wickedness; J (2 , decay, waste.
(( *j ( ( a plant, flag, rush.

sebit Sebu 5 % f) !, Rec- 3b 21, a

fish offal, a poor kind of fish. J J! s£l l’ group of gods.

seb ~rr seben —h—J p.

j\ /wwv\
, Ship¬ J AAAAAA
U. 304, 532, 551,

L=fl, Rec. 30, 187, to retreat,

wreck 56, an offering by fire.

seb-t ~7rjb, louse; plur. —ft-JJ !, to wriggle away (of a serpent); —•*— J AAAAAA

X, to roll away the hours.

O oX
~X~ } A j C°Pt- Clfi <?> AAAAAA tt /-

seb-t —-J'nj,, seben-t

J a ’
U. 61 r, retreat,

tress, lock of hair, hair clippings. sebnen Rec. 31, 168,


Sebi ]y~ ^ O, a Per*°d of time, anniversary, to retreat; see seben.

annual festival (?)
sebenben —J AAAAAA ^JJ AAAAAA ? M. 280,
j#--j to play
’ a flute. J aaaaaa jj www Rec. 31, 168, to re-

Sba —h— flute; Copt. ChE.6.

J n

v\, p. 180.
s [ 595 ] S



_P 0 » P- 23°> crowns.
0 U. 540, T. 296, Amen. 15, 18, moreover, another case;

□ © fe’IVi IO?8’ l,appiness; D ®
o O
sebeh—Jf— IV, 944, calamity, disaster; AAAAAA

-J5 \> ^ !, to cry, cry.

□ ©
on every occasion, q ©'wwv'

time of trouble; § & I] 1, A.Z.

Dekans; Gr. 2ovxa's-
J *, one of the 36 II
D © X /www U U I
D © D © www
, 1J M © *—\\
Sebesh.seD. —M—I \\ I 1 /wwv*, Annales I, a bold act; 11, , twice, repetition; ,
□ © II 1 □ ©O
I I -H- n AAAAAA /rs -H-
84, one of the 36 Dekans; Gr.
duplicity; y ,wwv' v\ , second
O □ © A O Jl □ ©’
sebeq (?) —J a m : , Israel Stele 22, ©
time; , never again;
□ ©
jjf happy, fortunate
, T. 283,
□ © □ © __ a ©>

sebq-t Ja | , bone chamber.

at once, forthwith; Copt. rtcOTC;
000 ||
sebt-t —h— Ji: crown of flowers,
gold twice refined;
'www s
gold thrice

refined; plur. , U. 88, , N. mo,

sebt *^0 , wall, fort; Copt. CofiX. 1 © □ © ’
*— ©
sebti —m— 11
JJ \\
1 :
i_L /WWV\
, a royal title. □ © □ •!• □*,* IV' □ <2 m

sebth Q, p. 349, 1065,

^ "I!
n ©
, frequently ;

, llll, Rec. 16, tro [say] four

—J” N.766,P.7o8, □
—M— fV © illllliii
times (a rubrical direction); v\ ®
Rec. 30, 186, to inhale, to smell. v 7 □ Jr m AAAAAA

, good times, Rec. 20, 40; ^ ! w/w\

Sep ^ a sign of multiplication; ^ jj & I 1 □ ©
millions of times; 1 'www
□ © l
□ © Re°-2' ii,< to muitip,y; n ik
r®- <©> © ©
righteousness; 1 * , unique m
n n = 10 x 10. I ©
□ ?
abilities; ^3^ ( [j * , A.Z. 1903,
□ ©’ □ © ’ □ ’ □ 26, unmatched for abilities;
© ©
©, ©, time, season, fate, luck, occasion, AAAAAA AAAAAA I ©

IV, 410, 1082.

opportunity, hap, accident, condition, case, situa¬
tion, kind, sort, mode, means, manner, habit, sep flQ the case in
way,behaviour,action, characteristic, aim, object, □ © □ V
purpose, subject, case at law, trial, affair, act, court, a legal decision; ^ (j , a cnmi-

like, equal, expedient; Copt. CTI; ^

nal offence; ^ ^ www ^o , it is

,, ill-luck, calamity, fault, failure; 1 ©,

□ © JZ*' : _o c
a case for ■ i
punishment; *
III «wm aawawa j\
□ © o
one at a time, one by one; \_y, every par-
□ © J IV, 732, cases of trespass; 1 ww/ww
ticular; I [ L.D. Ill, 140B,
’ /0 ’ □ © 1 M'
’ HS □ © 0 < just cases; iwww ^ 1, the
J □ ©
another good example; : , Israel
□ © case of evil-doers; jA "v\ ,
Jra ©mi HHa ©
Stele 8, every one on his land; \\
□ © IV, 1109, their case comes on again.
2 p 2
S [ 596 ] S

sep i, Rev. = , sep 12,21= ceene.

□ □ © □ Rev. , Copt,
Rev. 13, 23, time of judgement.
sep , Rev. 13, 37, Nomes; see
sep tepi □
□ © 1 ’ □ © □ w’ □ © □ ’ n
, primeval time; © lands of
□ ©
sep-ti (?) □ (SR, 1 ^it.
primeval time.
□ P |], two plumes.
sepi □ , Rev. 13, 23, to supplicate.

sepsep , Stele of Ptolemy 1, SeP n^T Rec' 3’ 49, a god'

□ □
18 > Rec. 15,18,
Sepit ^j, Berg. I, 19, ^
□ □ &1' *" ' □ □_
wailing-goddess, a form of Hathor (?)
Rec. 13, 22, to ask for, to supplicate, petition;
Copt, cencum. sepa 3 to benefit, to thrive,
to prosper.
sepi , Peasant iqq,
□ © yy’ □ © ’ □ © Sepa O////1V/Q T T r“ m
wmg j u. 537,
□ □
(]( , to remain over; | f) fk
1 ■ m/ww d © - /i p* r W=*, U. 538, CWWWW)


Shipwreck 38, not one was left; [ 1=1 1

OlU'XLO ,,
T- 305, —**— wwwvO rs/ [ >
, L.D. Ill, 140c, there remains no trace; □
□ ©
© n° R.D. *7, 87,
see t n; Copt, ceene. W™’ '* h □
□ □
i~+~l > Rec. 30, 187, B.D. 69, 7: (1) a
sepp to remain over; Copt.
□ DL-fl’ ceene. reptile-god (?); (2) the chief of the seven spirits
who guarded Osiris.
S6Pit ^“-U-549>T.3o3,^^
Sepa-nr CLLU1LLO

Rechnungen 49, -h- (j(J ^ , P.S.B. 19, T. 304, a god (?)

263,^ar m,-^Ar
□ ©iiiii’ ^
□ dii’ □ ©!’ Sepa-Heru

tmwo U.
(] A © " [ fj ^ remainder, remains,
□ 11 III □ 11 o’ gleanings. 329’ T ^
Sepa of Horus.
T. 300, the

sep-t ), pots for storing corn.

Sepa-her , P. 270,
SepRa J Palermo Stele, the name □
© of a sun-temple. §- , M. 4-83)
O ^ I ^ □
sep □ © TMt), worm, serpent.
> r N. 1251, CMium ^ r> „„
□ (.WWWWJ | rs/j > Kec.
Sep-her " ^ f)
□ © I Li Li
, Sallier IV, 13, 9,
a god (?)
30, 199, the god with a [hideous] face like Sepa.

Sepa-sha-t —
Sep „ □ , Rec- to dip; Copt.
^=4’ cen, con. ^ j, Tuat III, a god of slaughter.
seP □ q » Rec. 26, 64, tackle of a boat,
Sepi fl () 1-1, Rec- 3> 56, trough,
□ II basin.
sep d hes. 1124, couch, diwan.
sepi 0==:Dj Rec. 3, 50, crusts of
□ 111’ bread.
sep-t „ Lj, stairs, steps.
□ S1*] >
LI c—
sepi [KKlr, Rec' 3’ '43> ra§> shred,
□ II ^ strip of cloth.
sep □ °f > o 0 \ ■t0 cut>*° sl»y. Rev. 11, 167, thread;
to destroy, to smite.
□ Copt, cenni
[ 597 ] S

Sepio JH1 , Rec. 3, 44, a god. sept □ a Plant> hyoscya-

sepin r?) □ w
mus (?); Copt. C<L<$Tf\
' Iv> 67°> a kind of
v 7 © wood.
sept □ J leg, thigh, foreleg.
Sepen (?) Ombos I, 186-188,

one of the 14 kau of Ra. Sept - masti - ent - Ruruti □ |^

Sper ^ , Rec. 26, 229, □ J\ ,

BD- *
□ to come forth, to set out. part of the hunting net of the Akeru-gods.

Cm sept j], |J, to be ready,

s-per[r] , to make to come
|_| j\
forth; caus. of <—j\ . prepared ; □ } _, his soul is pre¬

^ provided with a watchful,

pared; ^ )
sper , to ask, to pray, to entreat. I ’ intelligent face.

sepeh r - . IV, 1075,

Sept-metu 7T ^ the
□ E_n D □
name of the 6th Gate in the Tuat.
x c® Amen. 7, 19, ri, 17, to
lasso, to take captive.
s-pet □ ., to make to stretch, to
• ef
sephu Ri, order, command (?) □
□ extend; caus. of

s-pekhar , <=1 4—^ , to write, sef "

w’ N-429> ^
to inscribe, to register.
":\L *S,, Shipwreck 144, , to cut, to
Sepkli-kenmem '"7 :, the slay, to kill.
name of one of the 36 Dekans.
sef ^ , knife ; plur.
seps T /§, Hl>- 564. to shake down o"
. if the hair (?)
^ j > Copt. CHCje, Arab. J.-'w:) Eth.

Sepsu 7$ Jf i, Rec. 31, 14, 1*1.04:: * syr- Gr. ^'0o c.

Mission 13, 117 gods with dis-
hevelled’hair. sef f^, Mar. Karn. 55, 67,
M Rec. 16, 141, to melt by fire, to boil, to
seps □ to overthrow, to slay. (£ 0’ cook, to steep, to macerate.

to melt by fire, to
seps jl , A.Z. 1906, 107, 109, to sefsef liquefy.
□ It
skip, to jump, to dance; var. 1 PT-

sefsef tv
seps □ 1 I™*! , to build. to pour out, to overflow.

a kind of sacred
sept-ti , the two oil.
□ □
lips; see 1 °. sef £>04, Peasant 316, Pap. 3024,

sept heri Q F=a, upper lip. !°7, n L=fl, to be gracious, mild,

• □ ©' w CJ v N
gentle, pitiful, compassionate; | 04, Rec.
sept kheri p lower lip.
□ ©v V 13, 12, a soft answer.

sept , IV, 655* bank, shore; Sef ^f), babe, child, boy; varr. \\
□ Q \> I
Pap. 3024, 67, the bank
□ /VWVAA of the stream. $>■ —
2 p 3
s [ 598 ] S

sem , to collect, to heap together.

Sef"tt^?F* the two
children, /.£., Shu and Tefnut.
sem to bless; Copt. CJULOT.
Sefi-peri-em-Hesher, etc.
D.5 semsem
§ I 1
to bless, to pray.
BJ). 164, 8, a title of the Sun-god.
to strain, to purify; sem (?) - OOO, a kind of
sfa A/WVV\ .

see sefi. metal; see tcham.

annoyance, pitiful, clement. or, 1 (3

Sfa (, Tuat I, a serpent-god.

4r I <C !• — ^

AAAAAA - , 1 I Tjj ]> ^ ^5’ herbs^ vegetables;

sfi AAAAAA ?
II 0 , Rec. 5, 9j, Copt. CIJUl.
f\ f\ AAAAAA
(I \\ (I /wwv\5 Rec. 5, 96,
^AO sem, semati r^S,
Rec 5> 93) u ) to m'x, to mingle, to | > = 'Y* : (1) a priestly official; (2)
strain, to clarify, to purify. title of the high-priest of Coptos and Panopolis.

sfen & 5 IV, 971, £> Q3i, Peasant semi-t ^ , u. k<7, rv^A a^a
/wwv\ 2d ^ ^ (W)’
15°, to be patient, long-suffering, mild, gentle. — (X/VQ
(see khaskh-t), a/x/i, —
A^XA’ I ’
Sfenu t exile (?) orphan (?); plur.
(X/\/) , desert, hill country, hill cemetery;

AAAAAA ° iy. 'v6- - n^v^i

Cs24, P. 82, M. 112, N. 86, hills;
o A^VA
sfenti A.Z. 1900, 30, a kind —H AAAAAA
AAAAAA 111 of plant. ^7r|) IV, 1015, hill of truth, *>., the
o (3 u
sefrit ( ( ^ a ) Hh- 452 grave; <=> 0 , IV, 430,
— '■KS?
s-fekh ^
Rec- 29) hill of the spirit-bodies;
(vvi ^ tJ0*3*
!55) ^ , to loose, to hill of the east: Q ! , hill of the west.
.A Vu A-^VA

open; caus. of ; see Set Amentt (Semi-t Amentt)

7 A^A
((j 5 unwrapped. 0 B-IVG. 85, the mountain necropolis on
^ f la ^ xxr/^cf Koralr r\f fkn
the west bank of the Nile.
s-fekhfekh ^ n, to put off clothes, Set (Semit) Tuat I ; B.D.G. 81,
rv^A 83, a god.
to undress, to loose; see
Semti |w!,
Sefekh =— ® , Wort. 1212. ...
sefek * W \\
to cut, to slay, to cleave.

, the nesu bati name of Kin

sefkek to pour w
out, to be poured out, exhausted. sem-t, Rec. 28, 170.

Sefth , to slay, to kill.

semsem •
sem —h— ^ jj, form, image, kind, manner. horse; plur. crz.
^ !•
[ 599 ] S

IM^ IM*J sma vx <c===tS5, phallus.

O o
sma-ti $ kb' ,es,icles-

i"kM v _>!• u- 4i8> t- smaiu l> male relatives, kins¬

238, 339> p- 61 C N- 627,
men, cousins, connections.

■ 1^. I smai hru nefer ^(j( 3 ro ^ J ©,

a man who assists at a festival, addicted to

to someone or something, to copulate ; smai ^ ^ ,,,,

, joining heaven to earth. spouse, consort, wife, concubine.
t=5 l k
0 female relatives, con-
sma Y cemetery(?); smait
ill’ nections, cousins.

var. T ■' .
9? I s smaiut ^ !, iv, 1081,
sma en ta Jp l]!) 0 ^ ^ |> ‘ Peasant 191, ^ ()[) o ^ !,
the transport of a dead body over the river to
the tomb.

imi <- J¥S
s L=J’ vP h vy 1 s
, Rec. 31, 19 179)
TVr'R££ ;»££,£T1i, W1
Rec. 34, 177,

<® Um
H ■IM-mi-TM*'
I \8 3X
L=vii’ q? mu
»• > JTT’ Hh-«8> 11

5> ^^ .^'1 ? 0 j:? , Amherst I,

^ I
to bury, burial, “union with the earth”; Copt.
Rec. 16, no,

pany, band, troop, evil allies, associates, con¬

sma ta ^
federates, fiends, devils; ^=j=^

, Peasant 44, side of a field or road, border

(j (V K& IM~I LJ III o UlllD

allies of Set.
S £^1 , rj
border of a field; ^ <f_LZ 1, A.Z. 1900,
\\ 1
smait f , Rec.

-II s, ’ 6 w
?-%-?■ t ° ^ ^ ^ ^, the two sides of a road. .>* !¥’ IM“’ ReC' 1 royal’title!

sma-t ^ ^ ^jo?, gut, intestine, rec-

smai (?) , IV, 200, part of the

double crown
turn, bowel; J\l' Jr\Jh ^

II Rec' 26' 8°; Plur' III’ U- 5'8’ sma ta

nI <e=a
.-|, Methen, a title, governor (?);


2 p 4
S [ 600 ] S

smai taui , Palermo Stele, Smai-taui

m ’ ’ un'ter
i.e.y of Upper and Lower Egypt—a royal title or
the Two Lands, B.D.G. 348, a title of Harpokrates son of

name. smait ^ assembly, reunion,

SHiait taui (?) throne room (?)
Smai-t ^ 1 ^[[ o, enclosure,
smaiui(?) J^“, Rec. 27, 84, iwin
a shut-in place; plur.
mountains (Gebelen ?) 1 i

Smai Smai-t IV, 1121, bolt (?) fastening,

Rec. 31, 12, the title of a god.
sma ‘J’Rec. 16,
Smai Jo, J*=qi)&. J
C~— ^ ^ ’ a llame ^et-
■ I
to mix; ^ Roller 1, 7,
Smait f]f] Q $ the title of a
’ /J
W l 1 L=d £lJ ’ god or devil. a mixture of six parts.
1 tks- Sma kh-t ^ ^® ^i, Metternich

A* B-D- Stele 20, ^ ?-w ,, to eat.

*45i t46, VI, 23, the doorkeeper of the 6th
sma[i]u keku
@ I

^ j> thick darkness, utter darkness,

IM' !,
outer darkness, gloom, obseurity; varr. ^ ^
B.I). 17, 138, 1 8a, 2, H. 1, 19,

5, Nesi-Amsu 22, n, fiends.

^ j» Rec- 3L 168,
* I^> I kVh* Ik^-
a group or company of gods; Y Q
smai Tk^TMKTk
P.S.B. .3, 569. ° Rev.6, 147, temple,

lock, tress, hair; Copt. CJUL^/*.

Smaiti J^ljijo^^, b.d.64,i4,

the two goddesses Isis and Nephthys. sma , tree with thick foliage.
Smati-uati b.d.
15, a divine title.
sma I^^’ a plant; plur. J J fj J,

Smatt-Bast Y0^'??0, B*D- I25,

u? \J ©’ see Basti.

___ ^
T000, T000^, Mission
M/ ^ 'J W -J AA/WVV IlN^TA IkkNlleaves-
.3, so, J $) 3^1,
Edffi I, 79, a title of the
foliage, twigs, branches, vegetables.

Smai-ta Tomb of smait

Seti I, one of the 75 forms of Ra (No. 70).

Smai-taui , D.R.G. 60,

Y ° " , IV, 82 : (1) a serpent-god; (2) >Rec-8’i7i!
W f—W -1 «= couch, bed, bier, mat, platform, part of a boat.
a moon-god; (3) a Horus-god of (“~~3 j]
& sma to render clear or
(4) a title of Set.
— S [ 601 ]

8-ma £Ss^Jp > 10 make to see; caus. of s-mau Mission 13,

58.; caus. of
sma Metternich Stele 41, 3 V smam
to slay,
ibid. 157,_^ v- -/I; to cut up, to slay.
s_fl’ 3 L_=/]’ to kill.

sma "T^-5. iv» 6r4’ a beast slain as smamu ^ slaughterer

_Z7 ' an offering.

Smaur-Bekha smam
Ombos IT. 139, the bull-gods Smamur
and Bachis. L-dtfJp 3^
B.D. 62, 5, a bull-god
Tuat III, a ram-god.
\ O I I I
Smamit , Ombos II,
O. O
233, a cow-goddess of offerings.
smasma , to pray, to
Smamur ^ | j^, Denderah
recite; var.
IV, 79, a bull-god or goddess.
smaa A?. smam ^ V ^ , IV, 809, to crush ;
to feed; Copt. TTJULOt?). ?^r\
1, to crush foreign lands.

s-maar Q IV> ll99,

smam (s-am) to
—h— > to make miserable, to op¬
kindle, to set fire to; caus. of
press ; caus. of_^ ^ .

smam-t (s-am-t) I_£

S-maa —*— 22^, to make true, to justify, ft-
Pap. 3024, 13, blaze, a kindling.
to prove true or innocent, to correct, to pay
what is due or obligatory, to discharge a duty

or debt, to dedicate; caus. of ^3^ j .

kkMii' dense

(of darkness
s-maa kheru ^ f ^ |jj*> smasu T 1JZ Rec. 27, 84, eldest, first-
=f ’ born ; see smesu.
Rec. 29,147, J -=^7 J ,
smasu-t (smesu-t) (e““)
is sii’ iifliv 2, sma Q ( herald, reporter, an-
, to make true
nouncer; Copt. CJULJUL6.
the word, i.e., to prove innocent, to procure the
acquittal of someone. sman wvw\ AAAAAA ? U. 14,

a kind of incense.
TM- M. 785, to equip

a boat, to rig a boat. sma (?) , to kill, to slay.

© \\
s-mau , to s - mar , Rec. 32, 79, to
repair, to renew, to rebuild; caus. of please, to make happy, to adorn, to decorate ;
caus. of
^ " ,•
n 1—w
s [ 602 ] S

s-mar-t —h- s-menkh A, A


adornment, decoration, rich or festal to set in good order, to adorn, to beautify, to

^ ^' apparel.
endow richly; caus. of ^
smi-t shadow, protection.
s-menkh-t , adornment.
smiu — !, devourers,
Smenkhit Pec- 3) 54, a god¬
avenging gods and fiends. 0 0 dess.

Smen-ti (?) \ a lioness-goddess.

smu —— U. 5o6> -* AAAAAA

T. 321, flesh, members. smen l]0°, 1
smun (or s-m-un) (MD, emery; var. [ 1

Peasant 44, —«- assuredly, really and

truly, verily. S-mell-t —m— yb\ H3, Rec. 26, 79, to make
smep slaughter, death. to forget; caus. of

s-meli V
Smell P. 124, M. 93, N. 100, incense. WWW (

AAWW o<=v
to flood, to submerge, to fill
s-men » P- 635, M. 510, N. 1092, ~=sl ^
AAAAAA full.
|i 111
Is p- 636, 637, M. 512, 514, N. 1095,
I "
smehit CXZX^

i°97, Rec. 30, 187, itb^i , to

Smell . a kind of boat or ship.
stablish, to fix firmly in position, to establish one¬
smeh -c to pray, to
self ; caus. of ; Copt. cAJune, ceAAm. beseech.
smen-smen T. 398, M. 400,
smell | ^ | r», Rec.
15, 152, garlands.
to establish, be established.
smehi —
^_fl, the
smen , order, foundation.
/rm left hand, the left side ; Gr. ’Aafinx; see Hero¬
dotus II, 30.
smen , bronze.
s-mes 1, to deliver a woman ; caus.
smen 1."1 Metternich Stele 62,
of p 1^); Copt. eAJLecio
;, a kind of goose; Copt. CAJLO'ifne.
1 ra
smesmes = negesges z;
Smen crra B.D. 17, 37, to overflow.

Mar. Aby.
a goose-god, a dweller in 8 aaaaa^
A ^ I, 44.
smenn image, figure.
‘== tfi’ ^ettern^ Stele 222,

Smennu m 11111
o , T. 24, a god.
1 l wwv\

, eldest, firstborn.
smenu o Rec. 15, r 79, to
WWW rage, to shake.
smesit Mission 13, 51, first¬
^ IV, nn, born (fern.).
s-menmen —«

to make to move; caus. of

J\ ’ to unsettle.
-LU_LLU, smesu n ■TH* title of the

AAAAAA AAAAAA high-priest of Metelis.

s [ 603 ] S

smesun / ^—< > p0t, vessel. senn-ti ww/w y worshipper, adorer.

smeseru (?) sennit II j|( o, B.D. i68a,
kP-=-M- T T AAAAAA 1
Rev. 11, 90. 22, acclamations.

Smet ; see Mesta, one of sen, sena/w^,,wvw D ^ ,

a a U en ’/wwwHc=^’
the four sons of Horus. to smell, to kiss, to do homage, adoration.

Smet —h- Berg. I, 17, a croco¬ Senu a, IV, 1220, homage.

—*— > —1♦— (*=73) www a, kiss, embrace.
smet, smetsmet AAAAAA (P

B.D. 125, Neg. Con. 15 senta^™ ^ , iv, 1028, ,

-a , Famine Stele 17. 0 •==’ 0 Jr 1 1 s
smet.... IV, qio, 'WWVA )
s’ va 3X

y fl I
s-met (=u) 'j'): AAAAAA AAAAAA IV 9Qg
(e=U)' v a 1 s 0 £> ? ' Is


0 ©^ ^ 1

s’Q W \\A
, to smell the earth,

to kiss the earth, to do homage by bowing with

Smet[r]-aqa VI 11 the face to the ground.
B.D. 58, 5, the rudder in the magical boat.
senn ta
—*— a 1 ••••' , Mar. Aby. II, 36,
smeti 2E=E Rec- 5- 95- to paint the AAAAAA I I S

o \\ ’ eyes. to kiss the ground, i.e., pay homage.

Smetti f==Ui
^ \\
" ) j[ , B.D. 144, the sennti ta a Jx , Amen. 14,
Watcher of the ist Arit. 16, payer of homage.

sena ta ( <9 , adorer, worshipper.

s-metr Rec. 17, 44; caus.
lc=U) •lit
sen t AAAAAA
1=3 Rec. 16, 56, to smell (i.e.,
• a kiss) the hand.
to praise, to acclaim ;
semthek , part of the name sensen
AAAAAA AAAAAA ’ Copt. ceXcueX.
of Psammetichus; with fem. art. o
sensen a, 41’
A.Z. 1881, 68. 1— —w- , iu- ■ --H
" ■■ -M- AAAAAA -W-H-

Smet — one °f 36 Dekans; Gr.
* <—>* 'Eflfl T. ( £>, a/ww\ £), to breathe, to snuff the air.

smet , eye paint (?) sensen-ti £) , a breathin


smet c- i, servants, subordinates, sen

\- 4V
underlings; see to cut, to cut off, to split.
1 1 l ^_a

sen aaaaaa , Rec. 4, 30, they, sen-t /WWW a slit, a cutting, wound.
them, their; see sena 0 V , slayer; fem. (] -
1 1 1 | \ AAAAAA 1

sen-nu senn
„ , second, fellow.
On 0 0 JF VT- 3s}’To^'ir\
0 0
to bow, to pay homage, to
sen u1 71%’ “ ;3’
to slit, to cut open, to overthrow; /wvw\ (1(1 vV
Senu suppliant.
those who cut.
s [ 604 ] S

sen r=ZD £) o , ploughshare; Copt. cme. P. iii6p», 38, 54, in a state of flux and ruin,
sen-t <= u. 431.; var.
AAAAAA sen-t » p- 365,
, T. 247. N. 1078, lie, false statement.

sensen-t 247 senna aaaaaa , aaaaaa |1 t aaaaaa


var. U. 431. , sufferer, sorrower; plur. AAAAAA .


Sensen-t '(( N. 706, a mytho¬

sen-t AAAAAA , decay, a passing away.
g —- d logical locality.

Sen (not sensll) /WWVA nuimi , to open; see

sen Rev. 14, 34, clay.

71 •
wwv', t—). Thes. 1207,
r=D w _ y/’ \\ 71 ’
to copy, to make a likeness or transcript of any¬
X A ’ t=)

MAMA 71 A ’ \\ .71 ’
V - V
senit p. 424, M. 607, N. 1212,
00 <1
vti 71 ’ V -* 71 ’ V 44 - Thes. 1286, fj^, Rev. 14, 68,
Roller Pap. 5, 1, ,wwv' y\, Metternich Stele 240,
>• \\W model, copy, likeness, archetype (of a book);
<2. J* 71, to open, to expand, to throw- \j£\ AAAAAA
—>, IV, X150, in likeness of.
open a door, to pass over or away from, to pass
senn AAAAAA , Rev. 6, 29, AAAAAA |
on in front; late forms are: ( ^ ^ ) [ [ AAAAAA I AAAAAA " '


71 , Rev. XI, 174; Copt. cme. •-j- Ct==aA> Rec. 19, 93, AAAAAA

Thes. 1122, copy, duplicate, transcript,J

senn, senni 'wvw' ? ^wv\ 1a, AAAAAA I Ul’ list, notes of a case, report.

, *AA*AA \\ ftAAAAA \\ (j (j \T _/\ , A.Z. Sen-t-Ra ^ Q ^, B.D. ,15,7>

-A »MMA 71 /WWV\ 11”“

1907, 125, Rec. 36, 201, to pass over, to go the “similitude of Ra.”

beyond, to pass in front, to pass away from, to senn - aaaaaa, IV> ro32, to make a
’ copy or likeness.
flutter away (of a bird); - 1 \\ j 71 , way,

road; Copt. CH^eiH, CItKini sennu ^ -v

• —*— \\ 0
senni AAAAAA Y T—• , ’»»»•*' , »VVV V V > AAAAAA


likeness, image, copy, figure, statue.

officer, leader, chief, fighter
in the van of an army; plur. /wwv\ \\ 1, Senen aaaaaa ^ X, Denderah II, n,
waaa , one ^6 Dekans.
Anastasi I, 23, 6, Mar. Karn. 53, 38,


» ar !’ Rev- IZ» I44> 173? sen-t, senat j]

a (WWW I o
71 71 71, p. 41, M. 62, ~1 [ 71 71 71, N. 29. AAAAAA >_„ AAAAAA
O o1 71 o ’ o mun III ’
seni /w^a •<^=£> wwm a/ww\ 9999
, draughtboard and
4^’ w ^’ w O l=H i ;
sufferer, a wretched, needy, or miserable man.
draughts; | J-0 'j 'j -—> to play
seni mem Tutankh. at draughts.
V 71 q X 1 1 15
—M— '> 5 ,1111111. y —H— S'-, .ntuu,
g( AAAAAA - '- 1 ^

\\ 71
sen-t /WW'A, case, box.
\\ 71 \\ x ^ n
s [ 605 ] S

a counter in a Tuat VII, a company

senni(?) &&& mmi, Semi !>
v ' w J\ game. o .of gods who fed Ra.

sen-t (?) , Peasant 23, a kind of senu Q , 0Q, N. 62, Q Q, T. 268,

v 7 a nnm ill
pot, vase, vessel, jar.
stone; compare P [j. ™ > ruby (?)
Senu >_ b 3> 4> wine of Pelusium ;
0 0 Gr. Srdi/.
sen-t "WWN tzz> ; see'wwv'S^).
a o
senu —* > Methen, assessor of taxes.
senn AAAAAA see ,W'/'A'' foundation.
V Q \\
senu /WWW 'V|/ physician (?); Copt. C<*XItt.

senn o, Rec.
T 0 T o’
senu ,wwv' to see, to weep(?)
4, 22, a precious stone, ruby (?) 0 (0 1 v ’

sena (?) (] @ -, winds, breaths. senu (?) 0 % s, B'IX 645 I4i d!A
v 7 a—. Jf trict (?)

sena, senna ? AAAAAA senu ,vvwv' v\ ; see 'wvw' j\ .

aaaaaa o Jr w —
AA/WAA \\ .A, to pass; see sennu \f^r 1 ^ D . pnvi-
IWW/W 0 Jr /ww^e'Lvi v
lege, right.
Nastasen Stele
!’ 65.••
senana [ waaa ( (0 '■( J\, Amen. 7, 1,
A/» .... w
pass quickly. senui 'waaa , Nastasen Stele 68,
OH na/w/w f) [) / O —h-
Senan (?) a"wa c , Berg. I, 13, a god, /WWW WWAA y\
0 AA/W/W

a defender of the dead.

s-nukh L'D- 111 , 140c, to
l l
senah , B.l). 145, burn up, to scorch, to shrivel.

IX, 34, injury, damage ^ 0 Y **

senut (senupet?) AAAAAA VvT AA/WVN

senas [J 1|^, A.Z. 1906, 103; see , a plant.

/w 1/ "■ I I I AAAAAA 7/ I I I

-~w&. —h— n m —m— r

senb H » R 453, wall,

Sena ,'AAAAA, to turn back, to repulse. fortification

senb-t (U,u. 438, j
s-naa __a , with ^ ^ n, to reduce AAAAAA

—H— n o . .
T. 250, , wall, fortification; plur.
to the consistence of paste (of drugs used in VMM *2?) I
medicine), to knead; caus. of jlcF] o, p. 306,^" JUfSJ, p. 352,

S 5 , B.D. 125, III, 20. N. 1067,

j I,
N. 741,
AAAAAA -ssd)
|)j| 0 www caSe chamber, _ > d-b
1c 3 II, N- 742,

cabin, box; Copt. ceitH.

n. 164, AAAAAA -tfd) _71
!> Re°-27> 59> — I AAAAAA

senu /WW'A n^=n, 00’ l Rec- 3°) I94-

• 0 s 0
£> (F=D
Senb H 11 ^-7 a cool, wholesome wind
0 0 Q’ 0 I I I ’ \\ £ M I ’ vwwi -J T ’ or breeze.
£) III ~^=S=i “M—

0 © 0==^’ 0 © I I 1’ 0 senb-t I! oSj, P. 392, N. 1166, A.Z.


° °, Rev. 12, 99, bread, bread cakes; VC™ 1880,, 49, beaker, jar, libation vessel; plur.
111 0
, IV, 768, AnnalesIII, no.
s [ 606 ] S

senb t/ J Rec- 5, 96> 0 <a°, (5>

6 , to feed, to
Rec. 5, 92, 95, to bind, to tie, to tear into strips, supply with food, to enjoy food, to eat raven¬
strip of cloth or linen, bandage. ously ; caus. of unem.

s-nebi Hymn Darius 23, to

make to swim. s-nemm (s-unem)

JV _JV’Rec Rec. 36, 81, to feed, to satisfy with food, to
devour; caus. of unem.

i6j 57, 31) l8, -Q, Peasant 115, to be

snem Qp, Peasant 282,
overthrown (?) to be evilly entreated (?) AAAAAA

, greediness, voracity.
senba-t Q ^ (| > jar, vase, vessel, pot. AAAAAA

snem abundance,
senp \\ , to cut, to slay. plenty.

slaughterers, slaugh- l-)

senpu snem , IV, 1x84,
□ n 1’ terings. A/WW\

\> °

senf aaaaaa
*** \\ WWW I I I
, food.
& Till
blood; Copt, crtoq.
snem-t , IV, 1054, 1055,
-H- itfim AAAAAA
SenfU wwv\ Vs\ j- rvAvwVj a flux of blood.

— _JI ] M/IAM
) IV, 753)
, bloody-eyed. IV, 1158, food supply, provisions, offerings
in abundance.
Senfiu , gods of blood,
1 1 snem, snemm
or gods of blood colour. AAAAAA i WW\A i

, A.Z. 1873, 151,

senf |, knife (?) I I

f“ ~1 *i spawn of j).
senf aaaaaa 11 , garment, raiment, dress.
senf O, last year; var.
; Copt, crtcrrq.
cr~ o
to grieve, to mourn, grief, sorrow.
S-nef Peasant 279, to unload

a boat, to give relief to. snem ab (bat) AAAAAA

grief of
heart, sorrow.
S-nefi 2±3 to produce air, to
\\ fan.
snemm 'lb’ lb’
^ AAAAAA —M— c.
’ <
A.Z. 1906, 113,

to tear out the hair in grief;

to loosen, to untie, to undo mummy bandages; AAAAAA

caus. of Mission 13, 229.


s-nem (s-unem) s-nem IV, 9II, " (

-I cfA. AAAAAA 1

iv, 352, 1, A.Z. 1880, ) , Rec. 30, 193, (II


49> , to pray, to supplicate, to beg; see


Love Songs 8, 5, AAAAAA LAJ\

5 __ fv] r J
AAAAAA V7 IIP caus-ofJk$
s [ 607

snem HI 1, to muster soldiers,

IV, 386, to place soldiers in their positions for fighting,

54J’ to marshal forces, to register, to make an
Tombos 8, ( t\

inventory; ^
—\\ IV, 1006, to register
III V\ I \> a district.
flood, storm, tempest, thunder rain
Sneh Ra & ®, the name of a festival.
Snem, Snemmti S-=J, ora£h 1

Hh. 441, a s-nehas wwvv jj £s5>~, A.Z. 1900, 20,

title of Set. ra
to make watchful or vigilant,
;ilant, to keep awake ;
B.D. 99, 14, a
Snemti /WWVA Wfl n iv I /WW\A

/VWM w god. caus. of j-j-j

or ra “*■
s-nema — j ^, to step, to walk;
/WWV Y ,
Snehaqarha (?)
v ra m i ra
caus. of o

aaaaaa^, B.D. 162, 2, a mythological locality;


Snemf ,wwvv see y ^ j* AAAAAA
/— o *gT; ra a
*aaa/w ra Rec. ^ g2, the god of the pre¬
O ceding year. snehu H B-D- (Saite) 75, 3,

part of a building (?)

s - nemeh
I f
^ ww ^ to humble oneself, to s-nehep AAAAAA AAAAAA 'K_/] AAAAAA

raa ’ raa ’ raa

abase oneself, to beg, to pray, to supplicate; , to marshal troops, to set in motion (of
o ra j\ AAAAAA

caus. of /ww\a the stars * (] (j ^ *) ; caus. of J\.

ra □

s-nemmeh ~J?, Rec- s-nehemhem HI HI gAj Sphinx

AAAAAA / . ■■ ■ ■■■ r_..i

(2 , to humble 14, 206, to make a noise; caus. of HI! Iu

35, I25» /C '

oneself, to beg, to pray; caus. of -wwva| ^ x

sneli ft t_n.
— L=fl’ AAAAAA

x (B \\ —
snemehu <© m,
<@ -D,
AAAAAA /X // dLr

(3 I, A.Z. 1905, 28, prayer, X X 31


petition, entreaty, supplication, begging. “G“ to tie, to bind, to fetter; Copt. CUOIt,?,.

Snemkhef ■yvrn, TuatXII,

snehneh (2. to tie, to
a serpent-god in the Tuat.
bind, to fetter; Copt. emit,?,.
s-nems 1 to feed, to
sneh-t ft , band, fillet, tie.
WA X (G)
nourish, to fill, to provide with.
binding;, bandage, tie,
S-neh Sf, Rev- 3, 38, fetter.

to enslave, to reduce to subjection, to regulate ;

snehu R wings (?) feathers (?)
see s-nehi. AA/WW /n JT ^ ^ ^

s-nehi aaaaaa \\^|>, IV, 130,1006, ^7 w, s-neha , to destroy, to


make a ruin of; caus. of /www vO

Rec. 4, 131, 7^^#’ ora HI
s [ 608 ] S

s-nehem £ -/l, to rescue, to s-neshen ,—^—, r to pierce, to

AAAAAA open ; caus.
deliver; caus. of ^ 'Cxji—l\: Copt. rtO^,€JUL.
S-neshni AAAAAA \\ X' Y AAAAAA

ZEZldzi^1 on \\
snehem , M. 328, N. 159, a AAAAAA AAAAAA
storm, bad weather,
I 1 (WWVl \\ III the storm-fiend.
860, , Rec. *— nn
o ^ senshen , B.D. 38A, 8, i.e.,
15, 161, grasshopper, locust; plur. •— rrr-i
lily, lotus; Heb.

; Copt, c^-nrte^, Heb. D^D, .£? 7 *

Syr. )£x jqs , Aram. Arab.
droppings from the Gr. aouaov.
snekha-t f*.
AAAAAA p Senshen aaaaaa fl I, B.D.
s-nekht ^, iv, 657, AAAAAA

® ^ 1 M’ 38a, 8, lily of feldspar (associated with

IV, 1154, to strengthen; caus. of £_f\.

% o

s-nekhtu s ^-=0, Ebers p.ap- 8°>

Q Jf 1 1 1 1, rigor (?) s-neq o jv, 020, a/vw'a
41 4l ^ V 41
sens waa/\ £> to smell; see ,wwv\ AAAAAA VX VV .

sens 1 ^ , iv,

1063, n
su ’

^7»t0 suckle i
} IV, 920; caus. (?)
*» I

n 1, A.Z. 1906, 108, *wwv\ ^ , /www

compare Heb. p^, Copt. ctJUrtK.

Senq 'wwv' title of the AAAAAA

to praise, to acclaim, to adore. high-priestess of Apis, and of the high-priestess
of Libya Mareotis.
sens n n j /WW\A

, Gol. 14, 131, greediness.
, A.Z. 35, 16, praises, hymns.

senki Amen. 7, 14, 18, 8,

t J°- V
Sens-aab-t Tuat XII, a greedy man (?)
singing-god of Sinaitic origin (?) O B.D. 174, 19,
•iniHiir I ’ strong-willed.
sensh (?) AAAAAA \y
SZD £ —/)’ [.".VCJ ^ A’ |...Vv_I
senk ,^vw' • -i) wwv\ £ ir-g-xq? a.z.

49, ,7’m_yL=J’
■tv nmmr 77^77 X ! ■9°°>
AAAAAA V\ aaaaaa | to 0pen to unbolt
na Jr ^_/l rg=] r^-, I
senk » sight.
a door ; see sesh. czo.
senk, senk-ti o
senshn ,wwvv vh C=D, B.D. 7 s;, x [r3, o,
□oJl in rvm III
Rec. 16, 130, chambers.
II- stu-t
:\\ 1
, rays of light,

Senshit ^ |, Tuat I, the

Senk w o = l68> a
Do’ god, a title of Ra.
serpent-goddesses who open the gates to Afu-Ra.
Senki ( ( O, Tomb of Seti I, one of

Sphinx 14, 209, to sharpen, to file; caus. of

\\ I
V the 75 forms of Ra (No. 9).

10 Tuat VIII, a goddess in

V Senkit
O ’ the Circle Hapseshmus.
s [ 609 ] S

Senk-her ^O Tomb of Seti I, sent, senti _ ^p>, ^5- =

D ^ ^ \\
-> /W\/W>
0<f^,a light-god, one of the 75 forms and I n^, fear; Copt. C rc<*vr.
of Ra (No. 62); read Sti-her ^
sentu (stut) ^ |,
fire, flames.

senk, senk-ti fj> ^" (| = senti (sti) ,v^ie!=ffl=

o W qD\\
<=©, to
-ra , to light a fire. beget.

AAAAAA “ /"*• _ sti

sentit AAAAAA
- ^ui’Rec . 6,147, matter of the

body, bodily members; var. 1 c—( ( “ |.

, Rec. 16, 57, A

T q
, IJ
n fi
ft, ic=£D, to emit
Senti (w'wv
^ w
(vX>i j = Stiu, desert dwellers.

seed, to beget. AAAAAA M®-- 10
cry, to grieve.
Senktiu = Stiu
w1 1 1
s-neter -
t:^i f^A Asiatic and Nubian desert
111’ dwellers.
to smoke; see s-nether and nether.
, to cense, to purify,

._A, *3
Hh. 339 ; see cq —h— o
Senktett senter j °, the substance used in
1’ Sektett.
Rec. 13, 58, custom, use, censing or smoking, incense.
wont; Copt. CCOm-.
Senthes 1, Tuat X, a light-goddess.
) Jour. As. 1908, 289,

creatures, created things; Copt. C(J0m~.

sentegsi /wwv'
^ a ^!)( Rec. 13, 53 = Gr.

senti ,ww'A , IV, 1085, "ww' \ , Rec. senth aa/vw' 3 , to found, to establish.
^ w y w j 3=
3, 46, statue, figure, likeness; ^ establishment, provision,
rm senth-t
Sphinx Stele 2, 7. —w ■ endowment.

Senti ,wwvs 5*0, to found, to establish; senth-t /wwv'°=eP*’ ° »fear.

a \\
see Senthit
S=> = W mH’ Rec'
6, 148 : (1) the bodily members ; (2) the name
sent ,wwvs something founded or
of a goddess; var. 1 ^[ [ ° .
established, ground, the solid earth.

senti ,wwv' ) aaaaaa sent ,WWVA gA, ft/ww' l_/]. Rec. 30, 187, to
, foundation; Copt. cftTC
o W fear; see

senti C O the bottom of

\\ !->•*- anything. sent-t , fear;
44 AA

sennti AAAAAA
Q 3 ? AAAAAA ;
( , founda- Copt. CHA-T.
tion ; Copt. Cm~e. sentu —H— (2, timid man.
senti ta
^ w 3S ^ Sent \fl] , foundation ; Copt. CltXG.
to lay a foundation, the earth’s foundation;

\ww\ ^ , Rec. 21, 90. Sent /wwvv i, Tuat VI, a warder-god.

s [ 610 ] s

s-netchem , to make happy ser , Shipwreck 31, to predict;

or pleasant; caus. of | to Proc^a'm> t0 announce,

to publish, to pronounce, to order, to direct

s-netchem —*- to rest, to sit,
troops; Copt. CdDp.
to be at ease, to seat someone. Nastasen Stele 52, advice,
Ser -2£at>
’ order.
s-netchem sti —*- to pro-
Q serser gj, Nastasen Stele 10,
duce a sweet smell.
Herusatef Stele 72, 109, to comfort, to console;
s - netchemnetchem Copt. CoXcA.

, to be at rest, at ease. sermetut , to arrange

words in order, to compose a work.

men who can be kept quiet, or bribed to be
H&l- Ser-kheru Jf, B.D.

silent. , one of the 42

125, III,

s-netcher & f to restrain, to assessors of Osiris.

seriu () [ |, giraffes.
grip; caus. of

ser, serr ^ i-j?, <=> , to write,
ser , prince, noble;
i I to engrave, to trace, to draw.
C=G V& |} IV, 1158, nobles of the courtiers,
o S±1 serr c
1 g-g-j, A.Z. 1873, 60

ser er neheh 0
everlasting prince, a title of Osiris.

Ser aa <= , Tomb Seti I, one of

a kind of goose; fern. (1 ©

Rev. 14, 34'(glossed by XHNATPIOY) ;

the 75 forms of Ra (No. 27).
plur. 1.
ser ^ , M. 726, N. 1329, 1^,
ser wool; Copt. COpT.
Rec. 11, 180, ^ , ram ; fern. <
•wm ser O, ^ , drum, tambourine.

r(R; varr. Q ser


£3 , skin, a kind of disease.

compare 2=3,
—**— CZSZ]
N. 719. ser < m, arrow.

Ser-t, Sera-t Ser-t 1 q —, B.D. 58,

* ’ *’
1 1 1
1 f) CZ OOO

I (1 , 4- , Tombs Seti I, 5, a part of the boat of the deceased.

^ iOck. *
Ram. II, Ram. IV, Denderah II, 10, Zodiac ser-t IV, 998, fan; see ([
Dend., one of the 36 Dekans ; Gr. '

ser, sera 3L [pj] [pjj, M. 726,

ser o, u. 28A, 255A>
o ¥l>”-
cheese (?) butter (?); ^ °0°> butter of the

ser <=>, Rec. 30, 192, to arrange, to order. South; “f v, butter of the North.
[ 611 ] S

ser S-rut-ta ^ ^ ( , planted;


barley; see |1 ^ <zr> (| \|X, compare Pleb. see

serser serpet <—> \\ C*? , nettle (?) mustard;

compare Heb. “fEHp, Isaiah lv, 13.

>— □
serpet mustard.
O © , a fiery region in

theTuat; 'ww © i the lake of

seref , Sphinx Stele 6,
n I _
boiling water in the same place. rest, repose, leisure, refreshment;
T Copt, cpqe, cpoqT.
- jj o
sera W- V:I, ,8™“.
> H i ’ i i i barley. seref ^ , to be hot, warm, warmth,

heat, flame, fire, the vigour produced by heat;

sera , a kind
<==^>n (1 | , Wi'd Cattle scarab ;
of goose; plur. ^ ^=-_ {7 1 compare Heb. *n$.
aaaaaa —

seref AAAAAA <d

, water
sera (] ^ , ram; varr. AAAAAA ^ £ O'
flood, inundation.

Rec- 3, 56, Seref <-_Z> AAAAAA

Edffi I, 80, a title of
AAAAAA , the Nile-god.

s-rem -6r3-, to make to weep;

Serat-beqt °, b.d.
caus. of <r—-> ; Copt. piJLfie.
177, 6, a cow-goddess.
s-rerem -613-, to make to weep.
Seri ( ( , Tuat XII, a god in the Tuat.

serem AAAAAA
, water flood, torrent.
sen iv,
Serem H B.D. 39, 9, a foe of
998, IV> 998, fan. Aapep.

serif: ^ (jl) ~l](] Serem - taui \>

, Nesi-

Amsu 32, 27, a form of Aapep.

, fjfj ^1, sickness , nausea.

serem -1 0,
seru '1^1 , scorpion; Copt. cXk.
£ o ©
G ,
Is] & Berg. I, 17, a bird-god G ’ G ’
Seru © 1
I m ’ (goose-god ?) , yeast, barm, sedi-
G !’
s-rukh (?) , Mission 13, ment, dregs, lees; see (d1 G ; Copt.
copejUL (?)

seremre[m?] ‘ Q fermented
s-rut — *=" ^ , Rev. 15, 162; see in’ liquor.

s-renp to rejuven-

0 ate; caus. of

s-rut ^ see

serhu to fetter, to over¬

2 Q 2
s [ 612 ] S

s-rekh , to make to know serqu , food, pro-

’ 41
visions, sustenance, nourishment.
“=^, Nastasen Stele 14; caus. of
1 1 1
_ /WWW _ .
serqu zr>(a ww', stream, flood.
serekhi dT^T’ ^easant 255>t^ie
A 2^1

accused, the defendant. serk ; , scorpion.

Serekhi 3SQ0 (§, Q (V, B.D.

serk , to breathe, to snuff the

serekh <=> y , Mission 13,131, throne;

wind; see n 41

varr. Sertiu 125. II, one

i w J
of the 42 assessors of Osiris.
s - rekhsha , Nastasen
seh-t (?) Rec. 31, 2 2,.portion^of
Stele 61, fighter (?); caus. (?) the body.

s-res s-hai rara

ZV, to turn aside,
to turn down, to make to descend ; caus. of
to wake up, to keep awake, to be vigi¬
Seres - her
seha |-j-j L=/], |-j-j , to
147, 4, the warder of the 3rd Arit.
crush, to beat (of the winds), opposition.
Seres-tepu —* ^ ® | <J1. ‘he
warder of the 4th Arit. seha ra
, destruction, overthrow.

□sz,""""1 n nnn
P P P. sehi j-jj {( o , a kind of seed or grain.
Denderah IV, 67, a funerary coffer at Denderah.
sehi Rec> 36, 173, to flee,
serq to ra 11 Jm' to escape, to hasten.
open [the windpipe], to breathe; see (i
s-hebi |-j-j j t0 Put t0 s^ame> to
disgrace; see H ra 1 shame, disgrace,
Serqit , Tuat VII, <=>o A ignominy.
4] A l’a
f ° shame, disgrace,
goddess who strangled Neha-her. seheb-t ^
A ’ ignominy.

Serq[it] <=>3$? Tuat X, the scorpion- sehem ^ , to heat, to melt.

’ goddess of the Tuat.

Serqit U. 599, N. 964, fV seher, seherr ra , Rec. 4, 21, ra

Q Berg. I, 19, Cairo Pap. o
, pg , a precious stone, carnelian (?)
Ill, 4, the scorpion-goddess; n A
/WWW Q , Mar. Aby. I, 44.
s-heri hat f[] p ^ > t° content to

the heart, to pacify; caus. of HU ^ O’-

Serq , Tuat X, a serpent-god.
seherri ra
1, Peasant 249, one
' \Ty Nastasen Stele 43, an edible
serq <
1 1 1 plant (?) he who keeps
who quiets; nil
U4... , , ===’ Egypt quiet.
Serqi Tomb Seti I, one of
sehra < [\ ® Rev. 13, 43, bark,
the 75 forms of Ra (No. 36). l boat.
s [ 613 ] S

s-herp X
ro □
2=1, Rec. 27, 86, to sehseh ~ , to rub away, to

plunge into water; caus. of <s»


; Copt.
pound; see
&opn. mi t_/)'

sehseh U. 493, N.
s-hett v—A, Rec. 17, 44, sub¬ ’ 945, a bird.

jugation ; see HU
— ? ^ to array, to deck out, to
5 ’ dress.

seh , to discuss, to talk over a seha (?) —j( g , to mummify,

thing, to take counsel;

s-haa , to make to rejoice ;
Dream Stele 27, took counsel with his heart;
caus. of ^
«& , Thes. 1295.
1 (0
sehu — Israel Stele 19,
sehu \\

wise man, sage, skilled, trained. —- aa ”3’2’

L_ _l to collect, to gather together; Copt. CCUOV^.
, Rec.
seh —ini’ -

C~3, , hall, cham¬

s-hur 3 to revile, to
29> I52> 3D 3°> X Jt
curse; caus. ; Copt. C^O^ep, C^cnfp.
ber, council hall or chamber; plur.

s-hebi DAP2
seh menu u ~u
to celebrate a festival, to rejoice, to make glad ;
605, hall of the shrine.
O Z)
seh-t en unem a P. 685, a


mm A Sehpu
dining room. god (?)
seh en utcha maa sehem & ^ T1 , to destroy,

SP , court of justice. to break up, to pound, to chop; varr.

seh en menkhut mL=z)’
Cm I
clothes chamber, wardrobe
s-hemi A-, to turn back, to drive
the name of a tool or
seh neter ^ j
instrument. A-
away ; caus. of ^
seh neter ^ J^, ^ , the holy
chamber in which Anubis mummified Osiris;

plur. fj] (^|, U. .5, fj) l . N. 238. &

Copt. c^uuLe,
= s-t hem-t
SSI- roman;

Sehu If 111 ' Jft , a title of Osiris.

mm Rev. 12, 34, command :
Copt. CA.£,fte.
seh >— | f 1’ u. 193. N- 605, —

cm, T. 72, M. 226, ^ , to draw sehenti 1, those who

AAAA/VA \\ 21
in a net, to pull the cord of a net, to strain, to give orders, ofificers, commanders.
stretch, to unyoke.
m s-heri Rec. 16, 109, (
seh 8 A,,. Bubastis 51, a kind of
X [T ’ vessel.

seh 1— , to rub, to pound, to crush. to drive away ; caus. of ^ T-gzl-.

2 Q 3
s [ 614 ] S

§ I i
Sekh4 # <3b Rec- 35,
, Tuat VIII, a Circle in the Tuat. 126, blow, stripe, beating; punishment.

sekh t0 reaPi Copt-

Z'T D-E-2o'
Thes. 28, £53 ^, Berg. II, 8, «- -N- -H- -S-T

sekh-t ® ^ , field; y
1 \> W^ \>
, Denderah III, 24, IV, 84, □ Rev. 6, 7, garden lands; Copt. CttXlje.
A- f| Ik X the goddess of the 3rd
;z> 1 Jl L_J] ’ hour of the night. Sekhti Ullllft
[ [ , Tuat I,afield-
s-hes , to turn back (?), to god in the Tuat.

advance against; caus. of Berg. I, 18, a

J\ * Sekh-t-her ^
J 41 ^, to make to rule ;
sekh ^ 3 , event,

caus. of j* a incident.
A sekh , to run ; SekhS
to keep hungry, to let hunger, to starve; caus. sekhsekh
of A ; Copt. £,oKep.
sekh ^, A.Z. 1900, 128, Peasant 188,
s-hetep , to
□ ' □ to be deaf; varr. U fl
% 4>'
make to be at peace, to pacify, to appease, to
Copt. C(J02>.
propitiate, to unite with ; caus. of 3|
^ □ skhi ( ( ^, deaf man.
Sehetepit [nether] ^ ^ , a god-
1 *~i O CL6SS.
skhu *0, deaf.
sehetepi QQ , censer; for the

four-fold censer see Bubastis, 51. sekhekh A.Z. 70, 171,

Q Q propitiatory offer ; , to weigh, to

sehetput U y
jJ ’
□ I I I ings.
balance, a measure of length ; —m— /jj\ ^ }
s-hetep hem (?)-t-s | 1, the title
Thes. 102, balance of the earth ; AAAAAA
of the prophet of Hathor of Denderah.
Rev. 3, 12; Copt. CLJHOJ.
S.hetch^|^, —^1. to
skha —h—T T. —*_*
illumine, to light up ; caus. of | \•
to remember, to think out, to commemorate.

sekh & , U. 437, N. 760, ^0^, Rec.

skhau 1, memorial, memo¬

30,69, M. 340, to hold, to grasp; randum, remembrance.

(( , T. 308 ; Copt, coxy, ojuxy. skha CTT], hall.


sekh £ —/I, to strike, . Skhait-Heru —^

x' 0 x
to beat, to strike (the lyre), to play a harp; Ch \
o . beating, bastinado ; Copt. o.
X ’ CA.CL}. a cow-goddess, a form of Isis or Hathor.
s [ 615 ] S

skhai , A.Z. 1866, 103, skhar ^7, L-Zl, ^ tw—fl,

\\ A -«• j/.//.!!,1
n W
V --
^, IV, 1079, ^ , to be deaf; , to milk ; (j

A, IV, 1180, to pay no heed to, to turn J » IV, 743, to milk.

away from advice ; /> IV, 1033, to skhar , a kind of tree, log.

turn a deaf ear to ; >, A.Z. 1912, skharu , planks.

1 1 1
55, to ignore ; Copt. COJ^.
skharu , IV, 742, 1148,
skhai-t , IV, 409, deafness. garments made of a kind of linen.
^ a kind of plant used in s-khart gc^^(), "IpJf),
skha-t Sphinx
o • -’
in funerary offerings.
. :=>
□ ^ 4, 64, to rejuvenate ; caus. of <c=> 3|
Skha-t D6t 1-1. , the name of a star
or part of the sky near Orion. skhas , to hasten, to run.
skha - t.-JJ- s-khaker <xo, to orna-
Rec. 30, 185.
ment, to decorate ; caus. of
skhaa &-=> to cut, sword, knife.
skhakeru , decorations.
skhai (](j Amen. 14, 8, to
Rev. 11, 168, plaited thing;
wound; var. n (3 O
, cut, stroke, blow. V

Copt. CHj£.

Skhaut A , B.D. 169,19,

s-khai GO , to make
to rise up or appear, to celebrate a festival, to
a cow-goddess
crown a king ; caus. of ^ •
skhai-t IV’ 2°9> rising, appear-
o’ ance, coronation.
A.Z. 1905, 37, ^ J I -H—
J- Skhait-baiu-s 1 a name of
to lick up, to swallow, to chew up. 0 ’ Hathor.
skhabiu l, devourers.
s-khar , Rec. x6,108, to inflame,
to stir up to wrath ; caus. of
J] r—w—
skhab — J\ , to travel.
Skhi AA Tuat I, Rec. 3, 116, a god
SV in the Tuat.
Skhabes 1 ^ , Zod. Dend., one of
^ Tuat I, a gatekeeper-
the 36 Dekans ; Or. 2oirya>9. £> ’ goddess.

Skhabsenfunen pp J skhu Rec. 30, 192,


Tuat III, a warder-god. u ft n ^

, width, breadth.

skhap •*—

, a kind of land.
skhu‘t © \ A - \
n V7
, hall,
skham [ A* AZ- l879> 62,
skhun _ s, to curse,
to revile, to ill-wish, wrathful, angry, furious,
-A , passionate, irascibility.
skhamu Peasant 211,
skhunnu n X angry
to reject, one rejected. U _zl man.
2 Q 4
s [ 616 ] S

Skhuni /]/] B,D- I25; see Skhemi[t] [)[) 8 Rec- I2> x3»
^ /wwv\
. MH ^T’ Serekhi. 1 1 kl’ a goddess.
s-khus , A.Z. 1908, 129, to sekhmekh o, IV, 918, to
form, to fashion, to build; caus. of f^j 1 £ J\. amuse oneself, to rejoice, pleasure.

skheb J, to swallow, skhen "ST[~J,P. 176, N. 212,~S"" ( ),

aaaaaa aaaaaa 101

to drink ; var. 1 ^ P.702, s~ ()%, N. 1204, — C=3,

JJ £

U. Si, 0,
s-khep = □, to make to become; 0 \D
, to fold in the arms, to embrace, to
caus. of

contain, to hold;
Skhep - kenmem AAAAAA one to fold the wings.
□ £- * ’
of the 36 Dekans.
o __^ one of the skhenn " ^, N. 960.
□ \\ o> *’ 36 Dekans.
skhen-t embrace, she who
s-khepi A , to make to run, to bring, ’ embraces, i.e., nurse.

suckling, babe, any
to lead; caus. of A >0 child in arms.
□ a’ □
successful advance. 00 ,
skhenu T. 196, P. 459,
skhep-[t] , a kind of grain.
□ I “It
0 > 1, embraces.

s-kheper —*■ r>, Peasant 199, 289,

skhen e. AAAAAA
® n?°,
—«— ^, to make to be or exist, to fashion, to AAAAAA

form, to create, to produce ; caus. of

v AA
' v\
& (J 0 1
U. 51A, N. 282A,
breast offering.

s-kheperu skhen ^7 . q 0, the name of a festival.

-HW 1, those who make or create.

□ » P- 7io

s-khemi , to be unmindful
skhenui (?)
wwv\ C 3

of, to forget; caus. of P- 177) 392, P.S.B. 17, 260, the two horizons.

Skhenit 1 ^ Berg. I, 24, a form of

skhem VAAA O’ Sekhmit.
Skhena TT Q J, Bers- T> I7> ibis-
. oCi: ®Q 1 cl god.

0 d ci
, shrine, holy of Skheni My. Ti|i),
cr 1)1) O Litanie 38, 94, “Embracer”—a title
holies ; plur.
I I I I tin of Ra.

Skhenu ~3T Q , HT %, Tuat XI and

Cl ill
Rec. 29, 166. XII: (1) a singing-god; (2) a bearer of the
serpent Mehen ; each god was reborn daily.
skhem y sistrum.
Skhen-ur (} CZD u. 281,
skhem jj Canopus Stele,
J I’ statue, figure. ) N. 719, 0
skhem see , A.Z. 1910, 128, n , B.D.
s [ 617 S

146, X, 43, | | V\<rz>, the god who s-khenn ® ,t0 stnke a. blow» to
V 0 AAAAAA _V/ AAAAAA ^- -A smite; caus.
acted as guardian of the 10th Pylon. ♦f— /Wwvt

s-khenn AAAAAA
, to
* J AA/
Skhen - ba ^ )j| ^ , Tomb of 1; caus.
overthrow, to dig down a wall;

Seti I, one of the 75 forms of Ra (No. 38). *— nv1

s-khensh w to make to stink;
Skhen-Nefer “ Beautiful em-
AAAAAA <£3=«

o caus. of '^=cj ; Copt. CLJItOCLJ

bracer ”—a name of Shu.

Skhen - rekhtt skher ; plur.

o ! iwi1
Berg. IT, 13, a name of the Other World. For the various meanings of the word see P
^ 1
Skhen -khaibut 1, Tuat skher reth , mankind,
I ! P
VIII, one of the nine gods of the bodyguard of the ways of men.
skher kha-t , Peasant 209,
AA/WV\ what is planned in the inmost mind.
Tuat XI, the gate of the nth Division of the
Tuat. skherui p (j(j , the two jaws.

skhen skberu , chambers.

o o tor i tor tor cr~D
to happen, a happening, event, occurrence;
one of the 42
<rr> ^ ^ ^ fo'}’ at baPPen'n& °f the assessors of Osiris.

event; Rosetta Stone, Rec. 6, 11, Skheriu

with good fortune;

Copt. cyA.OjrU, cycne, no 1zr~3

0^ 1, B.D. 125 ; see Serekhi,

skhen Rec. 6, 10, journey,
0 transit. 00
Skher-shetau-ur-a L
skhen C3, ^ (£>, abscess, skin disease.

^ ^5,’ Tuat n’ a title of ^fu-Ra-

- V
s-kheni A , 1

J\ , to alight, to
W 0 MMM 0 (5. ", to overthrow;
stand still, to come to rest; caus. of AAAAAA

AAAAAA caus. of ®
• AAAAAA V 0 v
skhen-t , pillar,
0 @ Skheru © yfi j, B.M. 32, 34, the
support; plur. overthrown, the damned, the defeated.
/wwv* I I I
skhenut IV ^ o _ , Hh. 365, Skher-ant-f *
AAAAAA o II J 0 -mm
1 l77. xzx Ttyyui T, . ^
, B.D. 149, \ I, the
-.rT ,

', Thes. 1218, the

four pillars which support the sky. serpent-god of the 6th Aat; Saite var. < §f^7
OYY|| Rec. 3, 48, the four <0< <
0(3 legs of a vessel.

skhen-t ®oV’@oa^’ the double

Skher-reremu © ^a<
crown of Upper and Lower Egypt; with , B.D. (Saite) 149, the god of the 6th Aat

the article = Gr. y^xQVT-

skheru 1 , Shipwreck 64,
| fl O ?
skhenu (?) , IV, 1142, cakes (?)
plated (?) scale-work (?)
s [ 618 ] S

s-khert , to rejuvenate; caus. ses (?) , trouble, want.

ses ^ , door bolt; plur. [
skhes , u. 157, T. 14, 0 V\, P.708,
111 ^ 1 111’ —h— i o 1 1 1 ’ (2 Will
M. 251,378, 1 J\, Metternich Stele 59, to
ses , horse ; Heb.
run, to hasten ; var. s*—=> y\.

Ses f^, Shipwreck 72, hot ashes;

skhesu 0 Israel Stele 5, swift
runners, hasty fugitives
^ ^ see ^
skhes ® A.Z. 1908, 129, to provide, —H—

to supply, to make. ses II , a garment of some kind.

s-khesef to make to go ses *— p, Canopus Stele 21

back, to repulse ; caus. of l 71

ses-ti (?) =£= f ^ , the two ankles.
skhet L=fl, Peasant
Sesa 5 Berg. I, 13, a god who
2°7, , to snare birds in a net.
told his fellows the name of the deceased.

M5-net- sesi PPZ^ = ^_'5'~^’p-293>
' 1 Pap’ 3°24, I39, ■’T'239’~V'Yorai™:
fowler, hunter, snarer,
Sesi Tuat IX, an enchanted
S-khet ^ ^ to be turned up¬ serpent.

side down, to stand on the head; caus. of ^ sesu , Rec. 30, 72

1 1 1

skhetiu IT (j(j ^, IT ^ j, IT ()( sesun /WWW
to destroy.
-A men and women immersed in fire head
111’ downwards.
sesunt , Hymn to Ra
skhetiu ® [)(] (a fiends, the
damned. (Ani 20, 10) .

Skhetui ^ , the two ape-gods of s-suteni ^j. <3 ( ( , to make to reign;

the 7th day of the month o
caus. of
s-khetkhet — L=d, Rec. 29,

Sesba 7 Denderah IV,

151, to overturn, to be thrown down ; see ® j\ j [ ’ 59, a ram-god.
and _
prepare, to sharpen weapons.
p ^t\ , Peasant 286, to

ses , U. 247, 249,

sesef — (1 Z£Z v\ fl fire, hot ashes,
Rec. 31, 30, , to strengthen, to raise up. '5’ tinder (?)

ses •, IV, 1141, treasure, stuff. sesef-t —0 1, disgust, indignation.


ses 3 a £> sesem-1

= s-sen
/VWW\ t~ w i

, to breathe, to smell; caus. of horse, mare (?); plur. j-4*— j^i j; Heb. C^D^ID-
sesen-t —•* ^ IV, 918, breathing,
AAAAAA 3 ’ breath, smell.
s [ 619 ] S

s-sen csd, P. 457, Rec. seshit (]( a ) L.D. Ill, 140B, Rec.

Rec. 31, 174, to make to 19, 19, wall-paintings, mural designs with de-
3i, i75» open. ; scriptive texts.
fWN /p

s-sens to acclaim, to con- sesh Uinen g flfl 00 ivX/1, the

gratulate; caus. of writings of the Greeks, i.e., the Greek language

and letters.
s-sent — /wwv\ __ ♦♦
, to terrify, sesh metut neter ' ^ / ;

to make afraid; caus. of Rosetta Stone, sacred writing, hieroglyphs

sesh shaa , the writing

of books, i.e., demotic.
, a lioness-goddess in the Tuat.
1 1n h
seshu en asut ' ft 3 | /\a/vw\ =’
y 1 1 li
sesha x >- a kind of weapon , 1
m— a 1m —
^ ! 1, IV, 1120, old registers.
or neck-stick for prisoners or slaves (?)
seshu nu per ankh i ^ I=jr1; hiero¬
seshen (?) I , to destroy,
glyphic writing; ^ Rev.
s-setchem —h— 0 (S!C) , B.D. 169, i°i 1 1 1
112, copyists of hieroglyphic texts
2i, to make to hear; caus. of ^)
seshu en ra * iol (2 /WWVN

si III --o I I I I

sesh A, p- 169, 287, 1*1) Amherst Pap. 20, books of practical

00 111’ magic.
Diim. Hist. In. II, 18, 00 ' Rech-
CoLj sesh en Ha-nebu (nebu Meht)
nungen 4, 70, *1
’ l0" 2 M I ’
Greek writing.
Methen 8, to write, to draw, to make a design;
sesh nu hetch nub cso ‘ O O O’
<2>- , to do into writing;
a ^ , register of silver and gold.
<---^> /WWW o 1 A II o o o
, Tombos 8, , IV, 692, chased
I 111 OO demotic
sesh en shatt |0| AA/WW

work in metal, figured (bronze); Copt. c,P,A-I, 0 ing.

qq 111' writing.
C<6<LI. seshu hebsu
1110, closed books
3 1 0 n n

sesh F|=£=> p- 695j A 3

in @ e
, writing, inscription, written roll of
papyrus, book, copy of a document, hand¬ writer, designer, scribe; plur. !>
writing ; plur.
I I I r !> TiA®) !; , Rec. 31, 10,
(3 <3 | n1 © I
t>, ,g5j,
1 1 1 a divine scribe 3 > \ W, p- 185,
<=30 !. iv,
on I I 0. 111 00 , M. 300, , N. 399, the
337, writings, letters, books, documents, archives,
two divine scribes Thoth and Sesheta.
decrees, handwriting, the columns of a book,
a female
papers, title-deeds, registers, literature;
n tans
I /\A/VW\
sesh-t shem-t ,!^j 1 ^
) l, established in writing ; sesh ah-t n , scribe or registrar
on II
aaaaaa | Rec. 21, 91, fine papyrus rolls; ! ^ | iv,
of fields or estates ; plur.
t=~=. 1 ’ Copt. C&A.I. o^> l’ 1120.
s [ 620 ] S

sesh aa A, IV, 1026, -fl» sesh sehu^p|®^|, scribe of the

chief scribe. collectings.
.mm, r\\ 1 1
sesh menfit /WWV\ Ch
sesh shait * a j, Rec. 21, 96, letter

scribe of the militia. scribe, secretary, clerk

sesh metut neter
, Rec. 31, 174, scribe of the words of the
sesh sha-t en Aa-perti
scribe of the rolls of Pharaoh, a
1 1 1
n n royal secretary.
god, i.e., a scribe who copied hieroglyphic texts.
sesh . scribe to the
sesh metcha-t ±1 !> magistrate.
writer of books, a copyist of hieratic texts. sesh qetut ft | T f |. ft [
sesh metcha-t en Hern ka nekht, <r
^ | /WWW \ e ui’ Rec' 34’ 48- ft 0 o;
L—/], scribe of the
IV, 1056,
book of Horus, the mighty Bull. I \ 0 I ,
1 o
drawer of pictures, limner; ftl fWl
sesh metcha-t neter W

1 Ldn° 111’
Rec. 33> 3) scribe of books of the limner of the house of gold; ^ D|
I I I god, i.e., theological scribe.
sesh en neter he-t limner of the temple of Ptah i ' 6| \ /WWW

ft — IQ AAWW

scribe of the temple. limner of Amen.


sesh en setem , “ scribe of hear¬ Sesh

I ^ \> p- i85, M. 300,
ing/’ a scribe who wrote from dictation ;
, N. 899, ^j, B.D. (Sai'te) 70, 1,
wam great deputy scribe.
divine scribe, i.e., Thoth; dual, Thoth and
sesh heri tchatcha
C , chief scribe. Sesheta (?)

sesh hesb heq-t C3

» IV, 1045, Seshit L-vvj ^jlj, B.D.G. 1125, a consort of
0 111r—w.

scribe of the reckoning of the grain. Thoth; var. ^.

sesh hetep neter ^ ^ , scribe - YP\

Sesh netch(?) , the god of the
of the offerings made to the god, i.e., registrar of 12th day of the month
ecclesiastical revenues AA I I I (d Y
□ I I III’ seshu [31 o' . , IV, 731, ink,
scribe of the revenues of all the gods.

materials for ink; O -_fl

l 0, IV,
sesh khau-t 000 o __B
scribe of the altar.
706, coloured ochres used by scribes; T&,

sesh kheri khetem-t /I\8 to rub down colour for ink.

Decrets 23, scribe of the things under seal. seshu , Rec. 30, 183 =
sesh kheri tchatcha deputy , dribblings.
i®’ scribe. no
to sprinkle, to spread; Copt.
sesh khetem-t (?) neter Doi 8 sesh do,
t—w i I o ’ XA ’ cyuxy.
IV, 1165, scribe of the sealing of the god.
iimiHi —h— n —m— —h—
sesh do, , , DO ) , DO DO
seshu sunu Wl % scribe of the nmnir' do V._f\ X X XA ’
°U _zf O wages list. X
DO, DO, DO x
sesh spekhar per en Pteh fOi cS=, DO _2f L=/J A _fl X DO X

□ "-1 scribe and designer of the house V eV' to draw the

I ’ of Ptah. bolts of a door, to open, to pass through, to
s [ 621 ] S

make a passage, passage, opening, to spread out (2

is: tm in'
mo ^
a skin (IV 1104); 1—^—
' xy\ ? § sit’ “ \> I
swamp, home of waterfowl, nest;
inaugurate an altar ; ™ 'WVWV , M. I 70, tO
plur. 1, Pap. 3024, 95, 'PX) q
—«—cmnnr I 1
cut or pare the nails. is a mistake for
L YO L=/) the young
—"-nTmm -mTTTTTr innim k* 1+ mo
_ , iust as "'/wvv is for ,WW'A
mLJ t=D L=J‘ J2a232a/ , IV, 564;
i , ,i' !U
sesh-t * passage, open way.
n\\\, the two great
IS I J1 \\
sesh l .v\—1 1 courses, openings (?); nests, B.D. 17; m AAA/VVN n • f\# o
XJ\ 1 w mo
1, free, unfettered. the two pools of sport.

Rev. 10, 136, ances¬

Sesh -f) ^ie name °f a g°d and of a
seshu S© EJ ’ city.

sesh oo^j] csz.. „ £—A, to

sesh ^, hair, tress, lock.
x ’ <2 x H
beat out, to spread out. Q IV, 391, to shine, to give
□o f!V out light.
sesh r~£~i B.M. 569, product, material,
X ’ substance. sesh ngo1, night, evening, dark-
seshut CXO 1 divisions (?)
ness ; see rf] G •
X o l nn a-c
sesh mo, —h— [\° , room, chamber.
sesh 5| !, able,
xn rev1 nn dd* mo
seshsh m £_n - mo. skilful, knowledge, learned man.
mo i—0
Seshit-m’k-t-neb-s vx
seshsh SS/.-O.
i v\~—1 / \_' U- 492’ N' 94water.

Z7 * S\ Tuat I and II, one of the pilot-
|_q £j] ’ goddesses of Af.
sesh-t mSf=u), U. 551, A.Z. 49, 58,
o urine.
i G=VD a kind of cake or bread
(s 111’ used for offerings.
sesll-t 1 \Q
aa/vw outflow, overflow.
sesh-t m !, a kind, of «Yain «
q 1 00 1 used in offerings.
seshsesh V), a kind of drink.
mo mo
seshsh mo J a kind of grain or fruit,
sesh |(?), P. 242, to decay; var. mo III

sesh P- 241, 242, sistrum.

|(?)^ ,P.24I. mo
seshshit mo^® mo
sesh mo , to scorn, to despise, scorn, mo I mo

n @ i VO f) fl o, sistrum ; plur. HQ Q I, 1=30

contempt; , Rev. 13, 13; nn HS mo A 1 mo
mo 1
Copt, ctocy. Rec. 15, 47, °, IV> io59,
L jA—I o

C30 mo
TSiSm, devil, a fl ] 1 u
1 1 1T 1
!. “sinevetosistra” ; mo
devilish man. , IV, 917, ^ 1, statues with sistra; ^ ^ ^,
a man with devilish Canopus Stele 6, 29, 31, 34-
sesh-ta qualities.
seshsh mo O W l_n, to rattle a sistrum.
sesh pX, N. 404, , iv, 157, mo I
1-J I w I
ics =so A.Z. 1908, 16, a kind
, Hymn Darius 29, _ X] seshshit of amulet.
mo o
mo U3* y n I v
s [ 622 ] S

seshsesh U. 392, lotus (?); seshu

□a rm ppp.
writings, documents,

(ZSZI s-shu (J ^ ^=£>, free from, vacant,
seshesh ao empty; caus. of (]
C30 o□ ^ r- w
lotus flower, lily.
Seshu Nebqed 12, 19, a form
n\ 1 ’ of Set.
seshsh L-^—1 /(\, to weigh, to balance ;
see ft to
00 praise, to honour.

sesha , to be wise, skilled, s-shebt to exhaust,

trained 1, Rec. 29, 164, 4_j to render helpless ; caus. of r-vr~i J c—3 ^

Shipwreck, 139, to make to know,

nn to inform. seshep m = X. L=d, Rec. 27,222,
□ u
34, 176, 182, to receive. For words beginning
s-shai flfl IV, 943; see
with the sign see also under shesep.

seshep m ^, p. 624, M. 607, N. 12r 1,

© I
seshau 1, riches, 1 " -1, to polish.
□ o v
what is advantageous ; em sesha seshep
Shipwreck 129, with luck or □
good fortune. '□"o' □ "©$’ n
Seshsha 1
D, Tuat X, a god who ^ light, radiance, day, daytime,
pq r & ^ O’ □ O’ the solar disk.
announced to the stars the birth of Ra daily.
Seshpi ^ | * □ (](]
sesha ^ (| s f a - ^ (| e 5 a,
□ A, the Light-god.
to pass ; Copt. Cine.
seshep white apparel, bandlet.
seshau sau Q<
skilled, able, wise. seshef c is:
w jh' Rev' I4’ 22’ t0
abominate, to despise.
s-shat , to destroy;
caus. of ____a r/^~— ^; Copt. cycuT' 3^ j\ ’
—W— y\ —»
—ss. to guide,
seshi flfl> N- *339 .
w 1 fl. 1
C30 to lead, to direct, to administer, to govern.

seshit —«— [j w ^ seshem-t

’ JP* J\ ’

A.Z. 1900, 23, night, evening, darkness. guidance, administration

seshu iv, 722, EsS seshmi-t guide (fern.)

rva Jr x yj
E=s5, IV> 935? r'ng, seshmu
i- .vi—1 Jl O \\ L. W_1 Jz III ring-money. .iifl !,
Seshu % ^, 1■ 377, to be loose, gllides’ leaciers-
L..W.J Jt I ’ untied.
seshem , image or
Seshu _m_R (rea<I sekher) A.Z. 1900, ’ ^
r 129, concern, business. statue of a god.
s [ 623 ] S

w X X
Seshmi ^ (j(j, Tuat X’ a 1 r n > L -1 A > I- ^==(1 ,

Seshmi - uat - heh O
330 30 £-/l, o , to open, to
Guide of the path of eternity—a title of Ra make a way through ; var. of 1130 and AAAAAA ,

J\ XJ\
Seshmi-pet ^ f=3 , Guide of
seshen, seshni X
15=3 t
tw-r/J 00
V-/ I

heaven—a title of Ra. w 0

CZO , 30 Id
1\ V-
Seshmi-en-uat-teser-t AAAAAA K .— AAAAAA AAAAAA (2

'S’* o
to weave.
, Tuat IV, a god of Restau. L-J]'

o Seshen-ur 30 J , Rec. 30,

Seshem-en-Tem ^ j -www AAAAAA <T O V I

187, a god ; see Sekhnur.

Tuat VIII and XI, a form of Tem which sprang
from the serpent Ankhfemkhaibit, a form of seshen-t tzo?,web in a hand loom>
AAAAAA 0 cloth.
Tem in the Circle Sesheta.
a kind of head
Seshem-neteru 1 W. -J cloth, fillet.
111 I, leader

of the gods. seshen r~o ”, U. 501, r-o , Metter-
Sesliem-netlierit i nich Stele 63, to grieve.
najm U l<o>o’
Tomb Seti I, one of the 75 forms of Ra (No. 37). s-shen nn 330 33
Seshmit-heri-ab-t uaa-t-s ^ , (( , to alight, to hover over; caus.

o ®c^£ c ^ > n\< * ^-0 ®


the goddess of the 5th hour of the night.

seshen 333 I, CO 30 °
Seshemseshem (?) Tuat XI,
330 \\ 301 ,, Rev. ix,
one of the 12 bearers of Mehen into the eastern AAAAAA o \\ T ’ o
sky. 185, lotus, lily; plur. i o(g . =33
Seshmu-Tuat I M 0
'S’* 111 n’ Rec. 29, 148, i"'\n 0 1,30 :
® , the guides of the Other World,
in 1—r
10 0
coQ Ni, Pap. 3024, 135, 30 w__ ^5,

■ fa , one
30 * * ’ 330 ^1, CO O ^-5 !, IV, 918, 1165;

of the 36 Dekans; varr. 30 (1 CZSZD

rvr~i AAAAAA .
, IV, 1165, summer lily; Heb.

jtthttJ, syr. Arab. Copt,

s - shem to make warm or cyuxyen, Gr.
hot, to heat; caus. of lao f seshshen “■* ^, U. 395,
<1- 30 , 33

s-shemm A.Z. 45, 135, lily, lotus ; see 333

330 !xl^’Peasant245’
to warm, to heat; caus. of 1 \v_j seshshen CEEED, an offering.
) -M- IV, 629, cup in the
s-shemsi. - [ , to make to follow; seshen 333
* J\ AAAAAA AAAAAA form of a lily.
caus. of £j (j( J\ seshen-t 330 [o], Rec. 36, 210, a place
-H- /X3
1 \r~i
I—a-1 _ 4 330
seshem shen(?) where the deceased purified himself; var AAAAAA

33 iVWWN 1T1
:, Rev. 14, 33, mighty formula, strong spell.
s [ 624 ] S

Seshnit e
LAY J 'l , Rec. 32, 84, the seshsa (shesa) $
is: w
name of a water-goddess.

Seshnnit OP
" >vv v v V \ ^
Precepts of Amenemhat 1, 12,
is: &
C , oxtiq
0 I 1
MAMA \\ ' WWVN b Amen. 27, 26,
-M =1 T ,, r~s 1 t-t 1
C35Z3 ^
AAAAAA Mi 00 0.
Lib. Fun. II, 89, the
Anastasi IV, 2, 7, dp
mm ^
\ 3
name of a funerary goddess and of a city.
© V
Seshen-uab I

OO &
t, “Holy
81 a, “ Holy lily”—a
lily title of Ra. 1 r_^_, tn3
ft oo $
I (HSU ^ \> 1
© V
Seshenu en Nefer-Temu mm , to be skilled, able, clever,
/wwv\ C
B.U. 8ib, the lily of IV, 1152, skilful.
kM Nefer-Temu.
Tutankhamen 9, seshsa-t (shesa-t) 1^]
seshnai mm OO
AAAAAA to pray.
skill, ability.
seshnu 00 <5*, Rec. 28, 169, a fish;
seshsa ^ \ Rec. 2 r, 84, to
plur. 00 0 ff*
m & 7\ ’ go.

seshsa (sesha) ^ ^
s-sher 1 <_ Rec. 16,
night, evening, darkness.
108, to fall down, to overthrow; caus. of 1=2=1
seshsait (seshait) “ ^ (j^ °,
, a seed used in medicine.
oo *
'Lr \ 11
sesher □: □ mtn, J°ur- As- T9o8> 263,
<o> devil.
seshsau (seshau)
s-sherr , Peasant 251, to make
□a ^ Anastasi IV, 2, 6, [A] ft? ^ , Roller 2, 4,
mm r~vc 1 "-J 1 1 1
less, to belittle ; caus. of A--A
antelope, deer, goat, roe.

sesher cno Mission 223, a garment

or stuff. Seshesp-taui
0 I, 108, a lioness fire-goddess.
sesheru 00 : !>
m• ©

n , plans, etc. ; see

sesht LS—1 (@ ^__/], to weave; var. |1' ^ s

sesht Rev. 12, 71, a strip

sesher-t , iv, h;q, OP of blue linen.
00 o O mm o
OP), bread cake, food. Rec. 13, 30, figure,
is: form.
sesher-t 00 , dung, excrement.
s-sheta oo 3 , IV, 671, l=SO
Seshruiurui oo^g, .X. Ombos I. D ^ D
to hide, to keep secret, to conceal; caus. of
143, the two sacred arrows of Ombos. oo -n
; Copt, cytrnjx.
sesher t=s5 ( i ■ | ( , L.D. Ill, 140D,

blocked up, stopped. seshetat rtn ^ , oo , 00 3

X ===== X o
S-sheS 1—\\—1 J\ , to open, to unbolt; caus.
—-H- oo ) ? Rev‘ l86. A"’ secret’
om X
mystery; plur. i s "i , OO 3 I OO
=== III o £} 1 I -D
Lfl a kind of wood or
seshes (?) or
000’ precious stone.
ESOd - I ~vr 1, 00
D D 1 ^ n x
s [ 625 ] S

©, it is a very Seq uarf £ , Ombos I, 61,

a hunting-god.
real mystery: 31! f^l
oou Uiq v \\£U cr~D
seq ^[, a kind of
mysteries of the god of the horizon. * ^ „
Tuat VIII, a circle in the pulse (?) leaf; plur. ^ |, Rec. 4, 27; (]
Seshta □a 3
1WVNAA (| , Annales IX, 156.
Seshtai aoljy, CZSZ3
- D
“ He who is secret ”—a divine title.
A kll ^ 1 t0 exak’
Jm n U A '

Seshtai □□ (]() Jl A Tomb of Seti I, one to prolong life; caus. of A

of the 75 forms of Ra (No. 44). Sqaiu

Seshtait f3 , Thes. 31, ~vr the gods who exalt men and prolong their
s=) u 0 O’
lives; compare the following name :—
the goddess of the 4th hour of the day.
Seqa-nu-baiu-peter-heh 1^0
Seshtait aru i-S-i (| ^, goddess
□ * Thes. 31, the goddess of the
of the 10th hour of the day. O’ 3rd hour of the day.

Seshtauaru □□ x.‘! sqa — ^ IV» 8o9 ; see

-D A
jj 3 !, beings with invisible forms.
seqra ankh n j
[j B.D. 168, VII, 1,
Seshta Asar nc s-qebb
^ ’ a bull-god. Z1 | | , Rec. 30, 189,

Seshta baiii crs=3

of the nine guards of Ra.
, Tuat VIII, one
TiJSITJJilS’ toc°o1’to
refresh ; caus. of j^-
Seshta ren ntn 3 ^3, “Hidden
Seqbeb JjJj'-5^ the doorkeeper
name ”—a title of God.
of the 3rd Pylon ; compare the following:—
seshta ^ , bandlet, tiara. B.D. 142, 5, 25, a
Ml goddess.
seshtu r~ \v~i crocodiles, secret powers
o (3 1 1 1’ of evil. seqer
Zl t> L=J1’ A P
sesht \Jg» _M <c:::> to strike, to beat (a drum), to break
A 111111111 ’ open a door.
bandlet, cord of a book, girdle, etc.; see
~|rm seqra ankh a IV, 6X2, a com¬
batant captured alive ; compare the following :-
sesht ^, lock of hair.
Seqra - tchatchau n !>
Tuat VII, a star-god.
sesht-t **=><> , window, bal-
CD’ c*=’\lTI]
s - qeti ^ , Metternich Stele 224,
cony (?); plur. tzszi , Rec.
27, 222 ; Copt, cycnrcyx. \ ^, —h— \ to travel, to sail;

seshter(?) , Rec. II, 64, a caus. of ^

light-shooting star, 1 c ^Jj [1 s-qett —« ^ cSj <£ , to travel, to sail.

seq i , _,
Seqt-t —* \ 0oy^»B-D.(Saite)I,i8,
, to gather together, to collect. a boat of Orion, % ^ .

2 R
s [ 626 ] S

Vr, to be old and grey-

seqetiu —»— \ , wandering stars; com- skam z=OT haired.
’ 'I XXX
pare the two following names :—
skami flO'ttL
Seqet-hati , etc., Ombos II,
■ ■ A ^
J\ ' \\
<=> V old man, grey-headed man ; plur.
134, a mythological being.
, the aged ; Copt. CKIJL*..

watcher of the 2nd Arit.
s-kamkam —«— 3^==] z=3

1199; caus. of
x—IZV1 X
x , Thes.

sek = 00
S-kep t=t, to flood, to inundate;

seki , U. 426, =k:, T. 244,

caus. of ®

j<c, to dig out a lake.
skep □ , to strike,
h vto constrain, to contend □ ©
seki to overthrow, to roll away.
X L=d’ against, to fight.
t) fl H X to destroy, to skem
seki Rec- 5) 9°
a 11 L=/]’ bring to an end.

Seki [ [ , Tuat XII, one of the gods Skemu nen-t XT--Si

| *"\ *"\ /WWW
~\ AAAA/W -H-
who towed the boat of Af through Ankh-neteru ;
he was reborn daily.
'tax I

B.D. 78, 44, a group of gods

seksek , u. 530, -W— to eat or drink in a glut¬
sken ^ tonous manner.
IV, 812, to crush, to destroy WWW
-M- -M-
1 I) & habitual glutton or
Seksek mw, B.D. 35, 3, a sken-ta ^ 0 q ’ drunkard.

—h— /www
serpent-god who attacked the dead; var. ^J. oil, unguent, salve,
'ZZZ O ’ pomatum.

Skenu 0 , Tuat X, a light-god.

Seksekit Q fj), B-D- 75) 4,

2. to put to
s-ker ^ _ T’ silence.
a goddess ; var.
a place shut in, the
seker * ir^i, coffin.
sek = 'WVAAA ^^7


s-kek to make dark, to Seker, Sekri 3 , u. 326, 556, 557)

darken, to cover over ; cans, of _ ~¥ , T. 270,^ , N.953,^*

K _ 1V origin¬
skek 1 \\
'tiX> IV) IOS7

, —^ "^31 to plough ; Copt. ally the god of the Tuat of Memphis, later the
ckL. Death-god par excellence.
a form of Seker in the
ska ~ ^ == 3. 53, with Sekri 1 \\ Tuat.

s-kami —— i=1 (][]£=‘ II, Seker sf] ©^,Seker-

/ ,_-w_, /-
*— , to bring to an end, to make com¬ personification of his domain.

plete, to finish ; caus. of Seker ^ Jj, Denderah IV, 84, 1 ^

perfect of tongue, i.e., skilled in speech, warder of the
, Berg. II, 8, j<,
P | V ' eloquent. 6th Pylon.
[ 627 ]

Seker Berg. I, 16, a god who filled

S-gemh Peasant
the deceased with Truth.

Seker em shetait 2 I 3, to make to see ; caus. of ^ -RJ2- .

a form of Osiris.
s-geiin s , to make weak or
@ r~rr~i
Sekri lieri sha-f w
\> III helpless ; caus. of &
Tuat IV, a form of Seker.

Seker khenti Petchu s-genn ^ L=J], 1 ®

O, '

□ , p. 607. anoint ; caus. of ®
£—/I; COCT"tt.

Seker V the seger s , to strike, to fight;

festival of Seker. see <4 L=d.

Seksen 1 *05 1 WWVA \5 P. 65O, 1

S'ger ffl c^» Rec. 26,65, ^
^ /wwva n n

I ^ , P. 726, I I M. 751, a
A TO, to make silent, to still,
n P 2.1 _ _ . -
messenger, (] □ \J %\ Jl jk, of Ra.
silence, rest; caus. of ®

Sekt , Denderah II, 48, 49, a Sgergu <{_ j, parts of a ship.
o =-X
name given to several of the sacred boats at
Denderah. Set , absolute pron. 3rd sing., common.

Sekti, Sekt-t set , later form of

v o III
jk(j ^, the boat of the setting sun which bore
Set (Setesh = Sutekh
o o
Afu-Ra through the Tuat; see 1 <LU£.
s~\ mull 1 1 mini mini a
the god of the Sekt-t
Sekt-t the god of evil.
get ^ 1—| B.D. 42, protector of the
Sekktiaks Leemans num backbone of Osiris.
Mon. 3, 210-213 = Gr. Tuat V, a bull-god who de¬
0 stroyed the dead.
Seg , a mythological animal; see Sega.
Set 'j, F.dffi I. 9 fgh, a god of Rl

seg- Z5 S’ Pap- 3°24,26

a mythological animal with
Sega /wwva
a hawk’s head. Set nelisi 1, Tuat X, a Set-
r\ ra
r n Rev. 11, 124, to covet,
sega s headed sceptre which was revivified at dawn
’ to seize (?)
1, Israel Stele 24,
seSab zs Ik J set ft3> Jour- As- i9°8, 277 =
] n Tk 11 A.Z. 34, 8, to shout, to
^ k) Ji ’ raise a cry. , earth, ground ; Copt. CHT.
— s
s-gaa , Rec. 27, 88, to set , Jour.
o in’
destroy, to let perish; caus. (?)
As. 1908, 290, ground, earth, soil; see
i, Tuat I, a singing-god.
SeSi "ffl" ()!) £
Sti 03, smell, scent,
Q U o \\IW ^ CJ
seceb Metternich Stele 7, to
cry out. or odour; Copt. cf.
2 R 2
s [ 628 ] S

sti-heb ^ uofj^ o0QD^ sta „ * , to pull, to

o -Tf J\ J\

festival scent or perfume. -e-

haul, to drag, to draw, to tow; see
Sti-her Tomb- Ram- serpent-god.
IX’ J°’ a
• | ’ staiu
O ^ D -^-2r jMh’

set (sti) E_/l, Nav. Lit. 71, those who bring along, towers of a boat.

p-qqfj. Rec. 12, 48,

~Q to light a fire,
'{H to burn.
, Mar. Aby. I, 45, a god of

x I
set-t AAAAAA dA

(I- _ 4 ’ r"“ I’ Hyran

1, divine fire;
Stan -1 ti^ii, draughtboard (?); var.
Darius 15, fire, flame;
Copt. c^.xe. -3s .hiiih.
- 1_ 1

^—D Rev. 14, 46, to reject, to

Stu heb the name of the stah o X ’ cast aside.
25th day of the month. = Rev. 14, 46, refuse,
stah-t o o ’ waste.
Set em ar-t-f ci 1, Tuat
III and IV, a fiery serpent-god of the 5th Gate.
s-tahen AA/vw\ [ML, to make bright

or shining, to clarify; caus. of ^
Set em her-f TT
Tuat , V Y Y Y-,
AAAAAA 1 | | | p
III, a serpent-god in the boat Herer.

Set hell , Tuat XI, “Everlasting sta 1( , P. 265, |( j^,M. 476,

fire,” a fiery serpent that destroyed all who

N. 1244,15 the White Cr0Wn‘
tried to escape from the pits of fire.
— n <e=< Thes. 818, Rec. 16,
set, Sti ^ V, Rec. 32, 67, to
i 4 a/wwv I’ 106, a goose-god.
d=u) od 1
eject seed, to beget, to sow seed. r d) ^ j Amen. 10, 8
^ \\

sti *,U. 157, ^ to sow

o ^ o Stu , Tuat X, a light-god.
seed; Copt. Clf.
s-tut , to collect, to gather to¬
Sti 0 V, title of the priest of Elephantine.
s M/M.
-v \\\W

gether; caus. of
set ^, thread, string, cord.
s-tut , IV, 973) —0
set hairy tail; varr. ^ T&-
, Hymn Darius 43, to observe

sti ° W, the festival of the tail; see n some custom, to do something that is usually
done, to make a copy or image, to fashion, to

a® typify, to symbolize;
¥tt “ '
_/ / "W" L—l
Thes. 1483, to compare in words; caus. of
, to quake, to tremble; see

Copt. CTUOT. steb ^ ) J T.’ o * -to enioy’to

U. 491, N. 915, trembling, relish ; var
sett quaking. -’ll
—*•— [1 to select, to choose;
setti n° 1 flfl a AZ- I9°5> i9> the
4 1 J ’ leaping of fish.
step Q ^ t—A u Copt, currn.
s [ 629 ] S

step , to cut, to cut off. stekniu (j q . o

a □ 111 II Vm1
porters, those who bring in offerings, invaders.
step ft.
□ steg , to hide
c* JA ■ aH ^ IA
stef f*, Rec. 27, 83, ^ ^ oneself, to take refuge.

o 7=1, foam, froth (of beer). seth " ~ f*,

o fma ’
- 0
stef a
~*e\’ o°?\ => 1
y for sacrifice.
cut, to slay i, to asperge, to pour out a libation ;

a to hear; Copt. CCJDTJUL;

stem see
o see setchem.

Stennu * 0 (2 Edffi I, 77, a title of seth-t [mm, 0 , libation

^ 0 t=t* the Nile-god.
basin ; plur.
s-ten ~^T
\I i], IV, 350, "o"

to distinguish, to make a difference between, to seth f£j, smell, odour, scent

/ww/w , making the smell of flesh ; Copt. c+.

a difference between the languages of all seth hair, tail.

countries; caus. of -<D-

1 setha
J\ ’ VT
to tow, to drag, to pull, to lead.
Sten taui A D
/WWW l1
>\> I
sethaiut^-^ those who tow
A.Z. 1872, 109, B.D. (Saite) 125, 62, a title of (2 1 ’ the boat of Ra.
sethau C-D,
sten to slay, to kill.
~Q~ [ corridors or passages through which
o o
j\j\ 1’ boats are towed.
Stenu ^ the White Crown.
s-th am —h-
s-tenem r - to dress, to clothe, dress, apparel,
ilk- RD- o1511 X3-
a. a ^===^’ garment; caus.
to lead astray, to mislead ; caus. of
L- Rec. 27, 86, to
’ fecundate.
steh 8tk e
o IV
A JH o jllu’ O sthar - ,, Rec. 5, 96 =
, to split, to open.
irS'H. to lie down.
s-tehen ■*— ^ 'WWW , to sparkle,

to twinkle (of stars), to scintillate, to make light;

Sethasin , Tuat X, a
(2 V
class of beings on the waters of the Tuat
CaUS. °f ^ wwm or ^ AA/V'AA

Sethu , Tuat VIII, a serpent-god.

Setekh o
a—= i=£ni = \\m$ sethuit ^ ( (j ^ ^ , cords, strings.
= Set, the god of evil.

Setesh ^^ sethep , to slay, to kill.

“2T J ; var. of and ^ □ (2
□ ] the slain in the
, the later 1, the god of evil. sethepu __ (o |5 Tuat.

o s-them g, to wrap up in cloth,

s-teken —. , J\, to make to approach,

to bring near; caus. of v_^ -A. to bandage; var. 1 t\ 5.


2 R 3
[ 630 ] S

sethen draughtboard (?); var. , setlieSU &——1 1, s——- ! >:


Cl those who raise songs of praise

I ..._ ..1 il or recite words of power.
conspicuous, prominent;
sethen varr. sethes
what is supported or exalted, the
s-then AAAAAA , Ebers Pap.
AAAAAA O (? llll’ • sky, heaven.

94 9,0 = 1^, to dis¬
sethes Shu
, what

tinguish, to make a difference; caus. of

vK •
supports Shu O j.
of distinguished
sethen her I 1 appearance. sethesu Shu
sethenu s=
distinctions, distinguishing qualities or attributes.
il I I I MVriWA
il till
Sethenn s==> ^ £ n^. Denderah IV, 67,
B.D. no • >3. gf3)]
a sacred coffer at Denderah.
I I I i
I (? tk ^ B.D.
. VVW-
v vw, I 18, 9, the four
I r _ZI Vi ’ supports of Shu.
Sethenu & Edfu I, an ape-
/wwv\ (2 ^ Rev. xi, 119, a carrying
sethes §=
„ ’ pole, staff.
god—an associate of Thoth : var. [j H
B 1 I O ©

Sethenit -4^-., Tuat XI, a group of s-thes „ ^ , to unravel, to untie, to

L=J] ixjxj


four goddesses—servants of Maat. solve a difficulty ; caus. of

_Tuat IV, a god of
Sethen-hat the South.
s-theken s= , to penetrate;
1, to copulate ; caus.
Sethen-hath s, Tuat IV,

the name of a god in the Tuat sethta __” (], P. 265, __

N. 1244, the White Crown of Upper Egypt.

Sethenu-tep(?) ! Tuat XI,
X (1 to burn; Copt.
a group of southern god-kings. sethetch
>: C i.T6.
s-thenem s= to turn
AAAAAA set stone, flint (?)
mrm —H— EUD
back, to turn aside or away, to lead astray ;
«vx v x
r ° ‘ ZV set ', Pap. 3024, 79,
caus. of
V X Edict 28, to break, to smash, to break
sether q to be shaken, disturbed. il ./l’ open, to cut, to pierce.

a 1 Set-t £ —/13 breach, break.

sether-t ^ j, Rec. 30, 72, eyelids, X

eyelashes (?); § o, Hh. 209. Set-qesu I ^ j, B.D. 125, II,

a god of Hensu, one of the 42 assessors of

s-thehen , to sparkle, to scintil-
Osiris; varr. n x 3 1
00 j_n cl 1,
X ^ N 111
late, to coruscate; caus. of AAAAAA

=11 — tk 1
§=□ U N ill’
s-thes !=Eiil3V B'D' -H- -H-

Set tail, rump ; _. V

ho, 13, s==>)[ |> i° exait> i°iift up; ps ' ii 1
A.Z. 35, 17, 11, the tail in the mouth; Copt.
to raise a song of praise; caus. of CA.T.
s [ 631 ] S
hair, fur, foliage of trees,
to chew food, to eat, to drink.


set-t j, flame, fire; see

Steb 1 , misery, trouble, disaster;


set c=^3, to sow seed: see J\ r=u).

f=xa ol!\\
set O, a strong smell, odour, scent,
s-tebeh = to provide, to

equip, to supply ; caus. of jj 3

perfume; see G.

set ^ p , ^ -0, to dress, to

Stef to cut, to slay.

array in fine apparel.

Stefit Tuat X, a mythological
•• _ J\ 7, ^ , Thes. axe, from which proceed Netheth and Kenat.

1204, to quake, to tremble; Copt. CT(JLTT.

Stefiu jj(j j, Tuat X, a group of gods

sta of slaughter who fetter Aapep.

fetters, ropes
;, Rec. 34, 177, stefu
of torture.
IV, 614, to tremble, to quake.
Stef 3 , tojpurify, to clarify.
stata ^=<
Edfu I, 81, a title of the
; Copt. C'XUO'T. 5 Nile-god.

j B.D. 99, 11, edicts

stau stemu
i’ for slaughter (?)
1 1 1
, palsy, quaking paralysis.
1 1 1 steni[t] ( ( 3 !, property, wealth.

Sta-ta 55=3 Tuat IV, god of

s’ earthquakes. A.Z. 35, 17, to clear a
ster WA way.
S-ta , to lay, to place ; caus. of ^_q .
steh , A.Z. 45, 130, IV, 968,
set ah , Temp. Inschr. 79, Tw T lSo 8 & Pap. 3024, 18, to humble,
4 ’ c—=^3 X £* r ’ to abase, to push aside.
28 = , a parcel of land.
to push open a
steh door.
stit aa
[ [ , bandlet,

headcloth, kafiyyah, pagari. s-tehen , to lighten, light-

stu to chew. r v

ning, storm ; caus. ot <= qyyp

-p rV VY.^L,


Stu i B-D. 64, 35 (Nebseni), ^ to treat with drugs, to mum-

1 Jr l’ oars (?) stekh ^’ mify.
to make bad, to defame,
Hu to decry, to vilify ; caus. s-teka , to hide; caus. of

stukh V “ a,t0 emba,m-t0 mT-

3 Jr ^ mify.

steb ^Jj " j'P, Amherst

s-tega JJ, Metternich Stele 169,

Pap. x, Peasant 50, B.D. 71, 3, bandlet, belt,

girdle, hangings of a shrine, part of a square • jv ® 1 Ji' a

cloth, fringe. IV, 84, to hide, to hide oneself.

2 R 4
s [ 632 ] S

Stega-khatt setcher ^ 229,

"I ° Rec. 26,
c o Berg4 U) II) a form of Ament, as B.D. 89, 3, 166, 1, to pass the
i i i fV^V hider of the dead. ft night, to lie down, to sleep.

Setti Tuat XI, the name of a god

setchru B ^ ! B.D. 99 22 ,
w in the Tuat. J? » the .
the dead.

s-teti - uu, to make permanent or Setcheri-ur

a son of Nut.
durable; caus. of uw \\.
setcher -44- £—f\, Famine Stele 32,
setch. ^ jp), A.Z. 1906, 112, child, babe. strong one, creator.

setcher — B 'CFT1 to support, to bear

Setchti J3) , Nav. Lit. 61, —44- Jl ’ up.

Rev. 11, 91, the two children, i.e., Shu setcher B IV> 259j dwelling,
and Tefnut. czr> ’ strong building.

setchetch —h— > f°rns image.

s-tcha » to go,
to depart, to die j caus. of |

setchai-t —J iv, 1161, a Setcheh WiSiSt, U. 542, T. 297,

laughing matter, jest, joke. P. 236, a serpent-fiend.

setchai-t ^ Q> Book of s-tcheser — w7, iv,

Gates 128 .. .
21 7, to beautify, to sanctify; caus. of W7.
setcham-t —. ° , hoe, hatchet.
Setchet-t —n— au=,| , fire, flame.
setchahui the two shin
bones of Osiris. Setch-ti ^ ^ ^ , Tomb of Seti I,

setchit B.D. 99, 21, a kind of Tuat II, one of the 75 forms of Ra
seed. ^\\T (No. 71).

setcheb —j Rec. s-tchet-t — something pub¬

32, 80, 81, disaster, misfortune, calamity.
lished; see n , published;

Setchef —«— t0 kill, to slay; see , Israel Stele 1, things proclaimed abroad;
1, Israel Stele 9, 10, to

s-tchefa make a proverb of someone ; Copt. £,JOUIcy.

Vj"^t, to feed, to provision, to supply, to pro¬

setchet-t —M—, Rec. 2, hi, tales,
vide for; caus. of <=l-=!!| stories, sayings, speeches, addresses ; Copt.
setchefa -44-
S-tchetef —*4— ^ (g to wound, to
", food, provisions, supplies.
snare; caus. of <
(9 o
Setchflt , Ombos I, 47, a
s-tchetem & PaP- 3024,
[ 633 ]

n s n
1 = Heb. tt? and fe?. Sa ^, back, hinder parts (later Q ,
1 M
s 1 a causative prefix; var. Copt. COI;

s 1=P J |, health, in the formula J IV, 968, A ^ pQ3, high-backed, haughty,

s 1 III, 142, absolute pron.

proud; ^ with or J prefixed, after, in

3rd sing. masc.; compare Heb. the following of P ^ f ^ >

s, si 1, FI \\, pers. and absolute pron. 3rd Amen. 9,10); ^ •o1, at the back of; <r—-> ^ to3,
I 1 I 1
fern.; varr. ; compare Heb. NY7.
\\ as the result of; <rz> ^, towards, to the back of.

P- n !=
1 III sa tp?, back,
■ o
T’ (3 ■
- ^ A_a 1
s[a] >, a man, person, body.
^^ •y1, to turn the back in flight, to flee;

s[a]neb H | v , everybody.

S, St (?) = Ast, or As-t

Sa [q|, A.Z. 1906, 130, a shrine or sanctuary

fol, Isis; Copt HCe' in which a god or goddess was housed.

s, sa Pa, K)a, ^ , to go, to go sa, saut Rec. 33, 69, ^ C7Z1,

? ^ n p /> , tk ^ 0
away, to depart; 1 (j -A F= to go up; "l(j
^wli’ ^wU’
^ , to go down.
P^O- P^^O’ P^U
sa-t n a kind of goose; plur. , p'o10, iv, 840, p$ vrn, iv>

I. 684,
M> 379’ ^
sa-ta , homage, praise. , n. 656;piur. ; ;
I r w .
: V I
sa-t N. 288A, a kind of bird. q^Oi- P^ : 1 1 1
! ^ , iO] , Rec, 30, 186, a wall,
sa-t n o
1 $ ^ attack,
j\ ’ overthrow,
1 1 11 1 1 11

walled building, fort, castle, fortified gateway.

sa X
ItQ] %\, u. 6x5, N. 162, <c?
S—/T sa, saa
~| V ^ A.Z. 1900, 20, to break,
A.Z. 1899, 45,
’ to destroy, to constrain. n
sasa P $ (1 $ ^■ e

^ .A , Rec. 9, 38, Jour. E. A. varr. 1 (] ^, to know;

1 1 L=Z1 1 1 pq-
III, 104, to run against, to attack, to charge, to (2 unknown, unheeded, dis¬
1 ^
overthrow. regarded.
n s [ 634 ] S n
SaU 'Q1 Iv> 969, Rev. 8, 73, 1 ^ (j() to be full, filled full, satisfied;

sage, wise man^ one who is educated.

OOO , T. 328, full, glutted; 1
487, N'938, 1 s=5 | ( O } Rec- 32, 79 ; Copt.
the wise, wise ones.

sa-t b N. ri35, sai ^ IqJ I Q H Jour- As. 1908, 274,

, wisdom, knowledge, learning. I ( ( [q] 0=^, Rev. 13, 7, satiety; Copt. CGI.

Sa, Saa 1^] , N. 657, sau p $ ^ |§>, Peasant 242, j~l t^p
M. 387, \\\g,Amen. 23, 15, 1 ^cp ^
1 V
Rec. 31, 29, s ^ , IV, 498, Nfi. ^ ^ Rec- 31, 147,

satiety, fullness, drunkenness; 1 q^p

-a.-M-P! V ^, Amen. 25, 8, drunken men.
j, wisdom or knowledge deified. Hilll

Sa-t 1 [q] a , IV, 1182, satiety.

Sau , the god

of the 3rd hour of the day. 0=0

sa-t •£? q ^ , offerings of food.
I Bill
Sa-ur , U. 396, 1 ^

\^S>’ 174,
16, a god in the Tuat.
1 p "ft o I
tP t^L j, evil, scorn (of a god), moral
Sa 1 U. 562, the magical strength of
weakness or evil; var.
the god ^ ^j.
Sait ] q^p , weakness.

sa neter n , the god’s protection;

sau 1 ^ ©
., corruption, decay.
U. 562, “Governor of the god’s pro¬
a _0
tection.” sai-a 1 $ P. 11 f6b, 54,

sa-Heru ^ '<2_fl Amen. 21, 4, to be

weak or helpless.
dawn, morning; compare Heb.
sai-a ^ ^ ^ 5J, IV, 1078,
sa Her-t an
UV*. A-Z- r9°8, i7
RR ^ firm
amulet. X -a
1 ^ ^ QC 1 £
sa T- 338, P to1 x _a
, weak-armed, a useless man.
^—51 „-
|7~" T)’ iN- 025
Sa (?) ^ a mythological crocodile.
sa, sai ^ ^ Rec- 27» 57, 1^]
sa 1 ^ Rec- l6> I3I, tress, hair;
( ( | Rec. 15, 39, P &
plur. 1 [q] , P. 111 6b, 42.
^ f1^

V £l p tk © sa 1 [q] xjlv .-^pesi V27, ?

a?> tp >, 1©)
V57, the name of the 14th and 17 th days
of the moon.
[ 635 ]

i-t (?) 1 ^ ... , Sphinx 6 saabu ^ fl (2<^1', Go1, 6> ”» 1(?af>
o 1 iir cake.

sa n B.D. (Saite), 17, 37, to burn. Saar ^

a^ 1, Harns 76,9,

Sa-ba rr w
the name of a
name of a tribe or people ; compare Heb.

saar ^
Sa-t n 0 one of the 36
Vc 5
Gr. 2/w.
Anastasi III, 6, 9, vegetable growth, underwood,
sa-t, saa & ■JUS, a kind of plant (?)

(2 (2 hair of an animal, goat’s hair; Copt. COpT ;
12 <5> © 5.
111 Heb. JTtXfa.
Xlj bandlet, tunic, garment, cloth,
& in’ mummy swathings, apparel.
saarisa ^ (j (j ^ , Rec. 11,
sait 1 a ii,n^ 180, soldier’s pike; Gr. adpiaa, hat, sarisa(-issa).

a plant or seed used in medicine. Rec. 4, 26, a kind

sai ( of crown.
saut 1 & ° o> N-813 nnn . . ^ (2
sail sixty; see the pun ^ G 'j
A 7r\ A U. 381, the name of a nnn
Saa in A.Z. 1905, 27; Copt, ce
^ >ws 4 ’ god made by Geb.

saa-t [gi (j ^ , [q] ( dirt, filth. s-au Peasant 272,

IV, 618, caus. of , to extend, to make

Saapa (] (2 □ ( (2 ^fj, Rev> ri’ 181
wide or broad, to rejoice.

saar 1 [q3 something bad

S-au ab (bat) 1 ^ ^, to make

or evil; 1 $ t AAAA/VN /WWVA (

glad the heart, to rejoice.

Peasant 136, lack of water. s-au 1 to3 ' R 465> P &

saaru ^ & "V1 "xD, N. 1107, to masturbate.

extortioner, op¬ Thes. 1296, to watch,

1 >q3 ( sau 453-,
to guard.
On 1 1 1 pressor.

s-aakhu , M. 101, n sau 1 [q] ^ , beam of wood,

p. .76, 1 , to glorify, to make pillar, post, pole; see

bright or shining, to praise, to recite formulae

sau, sau-t ^ Treaty 17, G 3 , ^
of praise, to do good to, to perform rites; I w
o JQ I
n , P. 66, M. 195, N. 34, 1 a®/ (2 , 1 |f!, A.Z. .905,26,27, .9,3,

good things or qualities. 14, absolute pron. 3rd sing.

jl £ w 0 p @ 0°, tn]
p tk
s-aakkut fl bn gold.
sau [A] _ °, [Ai
Tr rt^T) o’ lDJ \\ o’ \\ o o o

glorifications, songs of praise, formulae recited

@ « Rechnungen 67, vessel, a
for the benefit of the spirit-souls of the dead. sau I \\ G ’ moist substance (?)

saat 1 , to make weak, to

sauababa to1 ^T| "^L n>
reduce; var.
M L=/f Anastasi I, 23, 4, to withdraw, to shrink back,
to return ; compare Heb. Syr. Arab.
saasi ^ an speech (?)
speaker (? <_>13-
s [ 636 ] S

saut to quake, to fear, to □

-A ' be afraid.
sap-t H ^
T-T ^ | | |
Rec. 30, 68, a plant.
^ sabPfJ^.p?J^P?> Sapt-khenti ^ D ^ ^ nf ^
“W PIJ P fJ j "Av jackal; plur. ; ^ 0 I AAAAAA

I 2. \> (sic), Tombs Seti I, Ram. II, one of

var- Pf I /WWW

the 3b Dekans; Gr.


; n° • | *,
Sabu amiu she en ankh 1 ? j ^ □ ^
-i fl tk
m - r p- l
T ^ ’ Tuat IV, the jackal-
««*■[>( A/WWA

CZ cs \\
'O ©
Li -jLL /wwv\ 1 ^

gods of the Lake of life.- Saparar & 1 L.D.

III, 146, 14, a Hittite king; in cuneiform
sab It ] Uw, Rec. 29, 157, to melt away,
I AAA/WA J 7 Shu-ub-bi-lu-li-u-ma.
to drip away (of the body in the earth).
Sapathar ^ |
pys-Hh-. ''l fk Mar. Aby. II, Text 5,
I 2r ’ 1 o, a Hittite chief.
sab-t Rev. 12, 117, hill,
EEC mountain. □
sapa 1 $ , Khnemuhetep 206;
saba fl enemy, wicked
man. read
^ & ___ , P.S.B. 12, 88.
u J]
$v 12 ~T fj Sapertargessu ^ | □ u °^ u
( tl, Anastasi III, 12, 2, Harris
11 p } Gol. 4i 9> ioj a Hittite
L 37A> 7> bush, thicket, vine, berries : compare I t I ’ country.
Heb. the supposed singular of safit Rev. 14, 21,
V s^ o sword.
sabar o , Anastasi u
s-am f\^ S_n.
T3> L P.S.B. 13, 412, a liquid made from V
the same (?) to seize, to grasp; caus. of L_a.
m fl3 00 sam £5, wild bull; fern.
(£ht>) Rev- r3> 3) t0 smile, to laugh; Copt.
21 (’ CtJofll. nix 1
sabiu PUM1& i> PfkJ Sam-ur j^,T. 273,

!, foes, enemies.
, T. 359 ; see Smaur.
-==7— o
sabi-t ()()' , Rev. 13, 23,
s-am [^, Hh. 521, to kindle,
reed; plur.
\ Y?I; Copt. ch&i.
to burn; caus. of

W Pf Sam-ba “ Fiery
Amen. 27, 17, friend, companion ; Copt. OJ&ep,
soul ”—the name of a fiend or devil.
cij<£>Hp. A mistake for smer |1 ^ |^^-
o> 1
Sabs 1 "L B.D. 144, the herald of ^!’
hair, locks, tresses.
the 2nd Arit; varr. ^ |1 J ^ ^
samana O, ^ |

J^VlkP J^lT^PJ^il <E

C3, a disease.
s [ 637 ] [i

Samartasa to1 J|\^ o saru

"'‘o’Pk ^ , a perverse

, L.D. Ill, 165 (read & J|^ ^ man ; plur. 1 ( (j @ 1 $

^ 'j Alt. K. 782), a rebel chief or king. oppressors or oppressed,
I’ perverse men, sinners.

samakta & f\^ jj ( , Rech- Sariu 1 lQ> J j’

nungen 59, A.Z. 1909, 86, P.S.B. 19, 263, B.D. 64, 17, a group of gods.
lA f\
-0 ~
w .

prop, support, balk
oftimber. sar-t n CZZ), N. 612, cake, loaf (?);

PV see sems. varr. q^p <
D, U. 205, 1 q^p

inis [oI AAA/VW (9 aaaaaa [I (I (3
T. 80, n t=3
D (?)'
> M. 233.

A.Z. 51, 70, kinsman; Gr.
P AA/WW <--
P^:k lift*
water plant; Copt. CoX (?), Gr. trapi,
sanre 0 |(| | \V[, Harris 37A, 2,
? wwv\ <-> y sar-t ^ ^ ~ J® * IV> 543, grain.
^ Hearst Pap. 11, 9, a plant. I A Vi Vj Vi

I 111 \\ 111
aaaaaa sarsar qp <^> qj , Love Songs
sanraa ^ w 1 1
1 I I I 2, 5, twigs, branches

sanrua & fl Kollet sar $ <2^ , a kind of drink.

4, 5
sarpata & ft Love
sar to3 <=>, to go(?) Songs 2, 8, a plant; compare Heb. “FSID,
1 j\
■ ^ thorn plant, Isaiah lv, 13.
sar-t 1 [q] : 3i, wall (?); see
a : O sediment, dregs,
sarem ^ ^
111’ lees.
„ <C_> (\A P C--> /V\ A/W\AA
sarem qj ___ il )- (j J AAAAAA ^

sar 1 , Rec. 26, 231, 1 q^p P <T-~^> ^sT A


T? waaaa 3 torrent, water flood.

, to act wisely or honourably, honour, 1 i AAAAAA

good disposition (?) right-mindedness (?); plur. Sarem q^ c—- 1 & <= var.

1 n> ,2s;
n ‘o' 1, Edfu I, 78, a title of the Nile-god.

9eruemteb 3, irrational. sarkh x , ^ec- 32, i8r, to

1 1 \\ V—<\ destroy, to waste.

sar-t 1 q^ <^>cg\ 2 , iv, 1183, fl q^p Sarqit 1 ^ P Tomb Seti I,

a star-goddess in the northern sky.
o , IV, 67, q^p
sarqu & II , Alt. K. 801,
IV, 160, Thes. 1282, fl j> I O 7

snow; Heb. Uvu?, Syr. re^A^^'Vrab. li.
IV, 481, 1 [q] ^ 'jjv ^ i> honour, e_
understanding (?); 1 ^0^ a ^ j, Heru-
o Rev. 6, 26, to cut and gather
emheb n, a reasoning intelligence.
l—Jl’ wheat; Copt. CpHT.

sar ^ IqI > PaP- 3°24j 28, sart 1 ^ 3 5 see 1 IqI

1 [A v\ t0 do wr0Qg>t0 act with Per*
O' ^ * versity. o
s [ 638 ] S n
sartiuts £ ^ (] (] ^ © ; sahu-ta(?) [] ^ ^8
Copt. Cat. = Gr. arpmuim/s, commander-in-chief,
general. Love Songs 2, 10, P^ \ % \ Jj I.
1 1T'
Peasant 20, a
plant. P^PkK^I-P^I
neighbours, the people on a farm
s-ahh n ra
to disgust, to s HI L1' or homestead.

cause loathing; caus. of ra sah j I qj ^ ^ a wooden object,

’ paddle (?) pole (?)

sah Sah «*,U. 221, 516, p|^ >kr , T. 349,

^ ^ 14 I 14’ toe, finger (?) ; plur. 1 q^p P. 77, 648, P >lc , M. 704, 1 ^

^ ^ Rec. 29,150, P & ^ | 1 \ 1. 328, 1 | N. 20, 1 q*] ^

$ VUi- P $Pkf M. 746,14.917,1156, 1^,

V!- U!-! ?
feet, legs (?) P* 7I9> P & ]4 I ^ ^ Rec> ’ 26> 229, 27,

sah 221, 32, 84, |4>^ P ^ 4k $ * J * »


N. 902, Rec. 31, 170, p q*] ^ ^ , Pap.

3024, 152, 14^’ P &

1*l**i. H* J, I'm j.
Thes. 82, Orion, one of the 36
I_4 : ’ ShiPwreck 34, 1 IqI ^ | 1 ^ ) *******5 Dekans.

ibid. 178, ^ ^L=H, 1_4’ ^ 11^’ t0 aPProack’ Sahitp^ W»j{*.T. 3.8,1^*^,

to draw near to, to succeed in acquiring, to
reach land, to land from a boat, to acquire, to
possess. B.D. ,3l 5, p 6

sahsah to approach.
^f)> Rec- 31 174, the goddess of Orion.

sahtatl^.p^l^ Sahit I 9 , fuat IIR a goddess in the Tuat

•Ms’ with her face turned behind her.
Peasant 326, to reach the shore, to land.

sah ■t Sa]?u P ^4114* IP u*

I Anastasi I, 24, x, % ^
1 ^ S?|j> P 'o' , Nesi-Amsu
\ I* 27, 21, the star-gods in the constellation of
4 ^, I ^^^ ^ 14 ’ holding’ Orion.

possession, landed property, estate, allotment, Sahu XII H ^ n

site of a temple, homestead, vicinity, environs,
\> B.D. 64, 22, the 12 stars of Orion.
neighbourhood; plur. 1 q^p
\> -n Sah 1 [q] H ^ the doat Osiris.
T. 18, ^ P- 573-
Sah-t-ni (?) ^ *
sahu p ^ , Rec. 20, 42, 1
(j ( ^ , Rec.
31 171.

]W» property.
sah 1| , title deeds (?) 0 ^ B.D. 125, III, 30, the door
I I I fastening of the Hall of Maati.
n S [ 639 ] S

s-akhakh saq hat ^ to collect the

v?.p^ in I ’ wits or senses.
P. 427, M. 611, N. 1216, to blow (of zi ' 1
Saq baiu p ^
flowers), to burst into flower; caus. of
B.D. 58, 4, 122, 2, a title of the
% divine ferryman Herfhaf.

sakhit 03 a, Rev. 14, 16, Saq ha <»=£=. “ Gatherer of mem-

impudence, arrogance; Copt. CCJUCtJ. bers ”—a title of Osiris.

saq 1 ^ J, 1 2 , 1 qj
1 IM \\ a e n , n rw Ik ^
^ isim, B.D. 64, 8. ... ’ 1 A U’ 1 tp £ /!>
to act with severity or violence, to be strict, to
s-akhefkhef Rec. be severe, to behave haughtily.

31, 14, to burn up, to consume; caus. of saqi 1 & ( ( t „ 1 a violent man.
^ SI
a- saqaiqa-t & a 00 A , Love
Sakhmit-urr-peh(?) 1 ^ Songs 4, 3, claw-sheath.
Rec. 19, 92, to burn,
C3 j^, a wind-goddess. saqu
to scorch.

sakhniu ^ ® @ j J, supports, saquti 1 ^ f 7

Vn> sculptor; plur.
legs of a chair or throne, the four pillars of n^tk /10
heaven. £ V

sasna £7] ( S 0 , to anoint. Saqnaqait & ^ _ ~ — B.D.

/WWW I /www rrv> _rr\^ \J
164, 5, a fire-goddess, a Sudani form of Sekhmit-
saskut 1 ^ ^ ^ 0 , Peasant 21, Bast-Ra.
a seed used in medicine (?)
s-aqeh p & j[, P. 707, p
s-ash , IV, 420, to praise; caus. to produce, to hew, to carve; caus. of aqeh
sash-t (shas-t) 1 ^ , Rec.
31, 27 = CSZI 1 <^(?). sakaa ^
0©3 a man given
nn to quarrelling.
sasher-t fllh\ ^ *0 ~0,
O c
sak-t fight,
U. 205, 1 & ^ , U. 185, 1 $ I1 ~ 1 ^ 1 ^ I tel
nn o strife, a fighting man.
CZE - N. 624, a fire offering of meat and
a ’ bread. saki
saq 1 $ |T1> T- 37°j 377) P- 683, warrior, soldier; plur. 1 $
T* 28?’ ^ ^ N‘ I26, I258,
n (j (j c=k ^ j > P ® <=k
1 Iq] zQ,M. 447, "1 [q] Z, N. 885, 1 [§
i ; see also p | ( (j jjL C A .

1 & A , Rec- 3ri l8> ^ P & ^A

sakaa & fl O ', an official.

to collect, to gather to¬

sakama(?) ^
gether, to assemble. a kind of bird.

saq-t 1 ^
^ 0
^ P. 204, assembly,
sakut ^
V? young asses; Copt.
o \ T gathering. ^ Mi’ CHX.
n s [ 640 ] S n
saker & ^3 D
T © ^’
soldier (?) warrior,
satem rn ' JA Rev' I5, “ 19
to grow.
sag & S ||, Rec. I, 46, $ ffi

foolish man (?); Copt. CO(T7 saterta & ^ | (j c-zi, Alt-K. 827,

saga ^ Z5 _f .A, Anastasi I, 23, 2, colonnade, storey of a house (?); compare Heb.
rmip, I Kings vi, 9.
to march, to walk, to wander.

saga ^ Z5 Anastasi I, 25, 6, s-atch T. 331, U. 624, 1 qj

hair-cloth; Copt. COK, CCUK. T. 337, P. 818, to make to be green =

sagabin (?) & , M. 244, , N. 622, ,M. 245;


, Anastasi III, 3, 7, pool (?) lake (?) caus

sagartha & ffi satch

wooden weapons, spears (?)
1 1
monthly festival; plur.
sat n * A to weaken, to be weak;
■s (cap’ caus. (?)
sa 1 ( = 1= 1\\, pers. pron. 3rd sing. fem.
Sata 1 IqI (]> u- 534, T. 298,
1 rA 'Zk 1 A a P- 23r, a serpent-fiend in
sa PQ, man, person
= H
^ 0 S ’ the Tuat. Metternich Stele 18, everyone.

Satarna & 1 J), A.Z. 1880,

Sa B.D. 142, III, 36, a
I U l /wvw\ _rr^ i_1
town of Osiris.
82, a king of Mitanni and a father-in-law of
Amen-hetep III; Tell al-Amarna, Shut-[tar-na], sa P(U to go; var. A.
Bed. V.A. Th. 271, obv. 18.
3 \\
satekhta (?) A . ■, Alt-K. sai 1 ( " , III, 143, to come.
v 7 ^ o 1 1 1
823, an article of furniture.
sasa 1 ( 1 ( A, Rec. 29, 150, R ( 1 ( | ^,
sath n -e-
to bring, to
carry. A.Z. 1900, 36, to hasten.

sath sai 1 (| ^ a , to diminish, to decay.

barge for stone, lighter.

sA-t 1 ( J * 1 ( ^ (var- <=^> *), the
Sathta 0VT'§.^]fl-P-“4 + * “ Ram”—one of the 36 Dekans.

] N> 85;’ sa-t nQ^°=n^(]“; var.

1 I III <=>1 o’
s=s^|[ , P. 80, 1 q^ 109, beads.

1 [q! s=*| [j , N. 23, the god of Sebut, saa PQ ], P. 82, M. 112, Pi]
the “jackal of the South.”
n/i yh, to know.
sat ■^1 "1 ^ t0 tremble,
saa-t 1 (j N. 803, wisdom, know-
to quake, to be terrified, terror.
ledge; var. 1 q^p
satt 1 £ , Rec. 34, 177,

to quiver, to be weak; Copt. CTU)T. saa hat iv, 971, Thes. 1481,
sat 1 ^ ^7
, the name of a monthly knowing of heart, i.e., wise.

festival; var. Saa sa3L ^ , a form of Thoth.

s [ 641 ] s
@ w _, ,
Saa PH- u. 439) T- 250, StXfll / 1x1
, r\ 4 QH
M. 12, 1 (j P. 9, Pfl to know by sight, to recog¬
( > 5
N. 114, Nesi-Amsu 32, 1, B.D. saa 11 ret \ J\, Heru-

17, 63, 116, 6, 136B, 12, 169, 19, the god of satef Stele 115, a class of infantry.
knowledge and intelligence.

Ombos I, 186-188, one of

saab p^Jljlj
the 14 Ivau of Ra.
f 1)^1 ^ ’ P f j ^ mistakes for
Saa-abu (?)-tchar-khatut
= compare Heb. INI .
^ ^ 1 1 J\ , B.D. 125, III 36, the
21 I 1 o l ^ III ° Saabau the Jackal-
doorkeeper of the hall of Maati. ntJQ god.

Saa-Amenti PH U. Saab 7jt , a castrated animal for
sacrifice; plur. j~l ^ [[ o , B.D. 69,
Saa-Amenti-Ra PH qO»
13 ; Copt. CJS&e.
U. 396, 1 ( , B.D.
w saab reec^s’ marsh plants.
174, 15) a g°d; var. S
\\ Saamiu n. HHb. (f! i’a class
of hairy fiends.
Saa-Heru-_m \, Ombos I,
143, a form of Horus. s-aaklm M ; caus. of

saa,t na , serpent.
For other examples see p. 635, A.

saaa ^55*-, Amen. 3, 2, 23, 2

saati jl (
w PH w
^jjx, ^ 1 cheater, de¬
= , to know.
ceiver. trickster, swindler, impostor.
Saat-t (?) 1 [J Ebers Pap.
38, 1, to be oblique-eyed, to squint (?)
[, B.D. 90, 3, 9, a group of gods.
saa , weakness, badness, evil; var.
Saater(?) <r~>, Ombos I, 73, a god
& of agricultural produce.

saa-t dina, Pfl^, ,N • 954, Rcc. 31, 175, to

PH destroy.
, cloth, stuff, loincloth; var. 1

s-aat PHI L=J]’ PH "5^
, to

saa-t , B.D. no, 36, a garment ofRa. paralyse, to cripple.

satti ] ( C~^J3 [ [ ^, destroyer, waster.

saa , a seed
or fruit used in medicine;
Saatt ta PH iO JIA I H
, Nesi-

O Amsu 32, 23, “ EarLh-destroyer a form of

, saa of the South : Aapep.
saa of the North. s-aa 11] , U. 2x3, p (] ^ , U. 565,
B.D. 99, 19, the city
Saa R£ © ’ and city-god of Siut. PH j], P. 60x, 1H /n\. R 6«. P(
Saait 1 (? [J ^ , the form of Hathor , P• 3Sl, 1 ( „_j], to make to enter, to

worshipped at Lycopolis. store up, to advance on a road.

2 s
s [ 642 ]

s-aa __p/^, T. 268, to introduce; sab-t p (j J P'|J strife, enmity (?)

var nn , M. 427. s-abki

46, to make to weep, to grieve.
s-aar-t PQ o
Hh- 3^5) a sailing,
’ an advance by boat.
s-ap 1 (] D j®-, Rec. 21, 14, P (

, w —,

sau M\\, P- 42, N. 29, to □ □

' w
=3 1
lead; var. [ 1 M- 62. to revise, to inspect, to check accounts, to
examine or enquire into, to make a scrutiny,
S-au 1^, I9I,N. 1288, to audit, to test, to visit in order to inspect, to

p^ I, 78, P Rec. 27, 219, commit to the care of; caus. of [ ^ •

1 1 ^ ^ t0 proclaim, to cry sapi l(j □ ( ( : , 1 inspector.

out, to complain, to curse, to vilify, to calumniate ;
sapi kebenti 1 [ D j
^ W
var. P. 676. inspector of the fleet.

Sau , Rec. 27, 219, a sapti p (] D (i ° “ i, inspector.

o \\
□ .n □
group of gods in the Tuat. sap-t n fli-
□ ^
sau p(]k>dh PQ® = db Pf
I J± 1 | AAAAAA r i I —
1 (j U\\Cl, inspection, revision, investigation,

wm« ws, to drink; see

visitation (of a temple), enquiry, list, copy.

Sap-t ur-t 1 (] the §reat

sau 1 A tk ?• 613, P00l> lake» drink'
4 JT ing trough. examination, i.e., the Last Judgement.

sau p^.M^ncoo?: Sap ptjn^> Berg' 49, Exa"

Sau 1 (j T. 315, Metter-
miner, Inspector—a name of Osiris ;
□ o
nich Stele, a mythological serpent.
sap-t p (] ^ t= —^ J PQ w

his judgment hall.

saunu 1 0 k-=^, wages, hire, price; I fit I
1-8 ^ sapu I Jr I> the
Copt, ccnrerrr, conrit; see I.
divine examiners, inspectors or judges.
s-aur 1 M. 587 (var. Sapit p (] ° B.D.G. 1323, consort of

P. 410). fl&»® JJ. t0make Ra of Sais, —**-
pregnant; caus. of ; Copt. CO, COCO.
sapip(|oj],pi]°0' pt)°il’

nQ^ /w/ww
Q to build, to set in order.
3^ to pollute; Copt. COOCJ,
Amen. 12, n, to drink. saf H [
A ~u) ’ CCDCUCJ.

s-auh 1 | AAAAAA

L*=fl’ safi (1 [ <? ^ *3?, Iv27, the

L=Z1’ A-u)
Edict 26, to submerge, to plunge.
name of the moon on its ioth day.

s-ab HQ O
I I ^ J! AAAAAA £_1
Rec- 26’28510 safu PO , sword; Syr. ,
G z'
thirst; caus. of [j Jj Copt. ei&e. Arab. k_:

sab 1 [| J , fiend, enemy. sam 1 [ /-qjff1 j darkness (?) rain-storm.

n s [ 643 ]
san ab "| f| qO to anoint the heart,
s-am P (] J? I) fl> IV, 345, P (] 0 _ _
AAAAAA I t.6to flatter (?)
1 Q, to make oneself pleasant, to ingratiate, to
san 1 (1 IV, 1207, p f] <^°
* oint¬
show oneself gracious, to heal; caus. of f ments, unguents.

samai If (( Rev. 13, 30,
Pd a
san-t s, Rec. 31, 29,
4 O Lmi’
demand, protest, objection, opposition.
ng<s»\ ng-e.0, ng
sams 1 pf 1 club, cudgel.

ng<soa Pd'T^,
a 11


s-an , T. 512, P. 204, 700, R ( used in sealing, clay

A, U. 371, M. 213, N. 684 PQ □
P. 688, sana 1 A flfl 5U I Z±1
WWV\ X* 1
| f A? Rec* 29, 145, P () a , ibid., 30, Jour. As. 1908 passim, knowledge; Copt.
194 1 A ^ p A Sphinx Stele II,

0 \

Qv the name of a

(1«“°S^[U)<&°S^[1(|°, «o serpent on the

tl royal crown.

advance quickly, to run, to hasten ; 1f AAAAAA

A sanu n*


Tl r-w-,’

0 P .-~-V

, to hasten the steps.
I p^-oV^.
pnce; see /WWW _ll I—W -I

s-ann R f\ AAAAAA | A, Rec. 15, 179, P

san - nn

PUoV 4S°’ M-

^ A, P
to run, to hasten.

Q <2 Q. <? n [) AA^AAA

ofl = VP- 2<57’ Pio^,N- I24S-

sanu Methen, l( ^
s-anti I wwv\ k_71. Rec. 24, 164, to fetter.
A ^ \\
AAA, N. 29, 659, 788,
A A Pd , P. 700,
sar ab 1 f <0 O’, U. 172, to sadden (?)
1 f I WWW
Q %\ ^/T I I t
, runners, bearers, porters.

4 n sarit If fjfj o, fan, umbrella.

san-t I I AAAAAA < n\5, a light swift boat;
1 o ' —-1

plur. Pd^lJ^.Rec. 4,27.

sahem n n ra A to block the way, to

san en Uatch-ur sah 1 ( | , nobleman.

Salt Pap. 825, the dolphin or sea-
sakhi fl T ^ Rhind Pap. 58, proof,
^ww’ bull of the Mediterranean. 4 i , w test, trial.

sail If
" n, Thes. 1206,
v —'I
flflo1 AAAAAA
sas(?), su(?) p fj p, |||, six; III 0,

o ^4.nd^ ndfj,p(j * I III^AWW^?

= = & , sixth; ww , 2_1. '"
^ , festival
ill V557 n o
of the 6th day ; plur.
dS o in' m cm
. Pd U_fl’
Pd^5^, Pd o
E E, house of the greatest of six ; Copt. COOT,
£ -/I 1 f °’^C| O, to rub, to rub in an unguent
sas , Rec. 27, 226,
or medicament, to apply an unguent, to smear,
to anoint, to salve, to rub down, to crush grain. six-threaded stuff

sansan Pd

Pd o », p. 777 ; s-ast IjJ, P- 67, N. 35, to occupy a seat.

var. of n o
0 n o
WAAA, P. 66l, M. 772. sash "I d C~T'P N- 754, offering (?)

2 s 2
s [ 644 ]

sash -1 (1 ( , N. 646 = s-atti n0^00^-torebukeSw:
M. 124, offering (?)
S-aten 1 ( to transfer; caus.
Sashesa 1 ( Od 1 [q] *^=r_ N. 975,
of aten (
a god who made the ladder that reached from AAAAAA A

earth to heaven. satchti no ,w

, A.Z. 1900, 20, child.

saq 1 (| 4 1 (] a

; , to carve, to model.
s-aai 00 , IV, 612,

L_/)’ , A.Z. 1900, 20,

saqti 1 (j ^ L=J, sculptor.
, Rec. 11, 165, to magnify; caus.
s-aq 1 ( , Peasant 295, to destroy;
of 1 1 fl, Rec. 20, 40, large;
caus. of or 0
1 Love Songs 7, 7, H _0 3

s-aqer no no A

L.D. Ill, 140B, 1( , Rev. 6, 23, saauia 11

, a man

to make perfect; caus. of ( of years and dignity, a notable; plur.

saka H [ B.D. 17, 34 (Ani) fl MO

saken no to destroy, to ruin. saau
1 1 1
•, Rec. 30, 66, planks or beams of a ship.
, Hh. 783,

S-ageb 1 ( ^ i=r, to flood, to deluge;

caus • of Q


saabut 00
O ’
P. 297, a set of four jars for libations or puri¬
sat 1 ( q , something foul (?) fications.

sati saam
n:s- \\U’
/V j Love Songs 7, 7, Rechnungen 78, a plant
1 (| ^ ^» P f] ^ ^ ^» slaughterer, exe¬ If 1 ’ which has grown on a tree.

cutioner; plur.
no^«nno^ sai
fatigue, evil, misery.
^jjx. ^ | > §ods who slay-

noi , to prove, to show; caus.

s-ab (for

1 ^ ji p-

1_0 j

1—Qj^v N- 8o>
P. 297,

s-ath 1 (j } caus. of athi s=^=3

J’ N- 343, n-"?C P-
sat 1 A c=^-::1 A e^3 running of the
1 O’ ‘H ^ ear (?)
373’ P?C0^’u-5661 PfE p fizz’
sat 1 [j "f'jh a kind of bread offering (?);
prm- nn^nriEvn^

no , a kind of bread-offering (?) to purify, to cleanse; caus. of uab f





P () ^ P (| L==yj- no s-ab (1
to beautify, to decorate ;
, to make weak, to reduce.
sabu 1__qJ 'y' 3 j, Festschrift 117, 11,
") A ^_j| headsman, execu-
H \\ Jl ’ tioner. beauties, decorations, ornaments, jewellery.
1 s [ 645 ] S n
sab (1 a kind of fancy
fl Sankhiu |1 1, Rev. 14, 59, the
gods who sustain life.
sab j 11-oj , to castrate; Copt. Cfx&e.
s-ankh Pf 2£.nf.pfT‘,nf
sab 1 _oD J *>r^’ 0JG ce&!- AA/WW


,_w _ n
, to carve a life-like image or statue,

sabi fl.
1 _nn fl /I /I A.Z. 17, 57, to be ready to commemorate the dead by making a statue.
^J) Hi* or prepared (to fight).
sankhi fl sculPtor> engraver, por-
s-ap n- | 1 trait painter.
caus. of or US?. Sankhi-khaibitu jl Berg. 23>
□ 7\ □
a bird-god who revivified dead human shadows.
s-am 1 ^, to make to eat, to feed; caus.
S-ant 1 ’>C::x:' 3 , to make strong; caus. of
of. to swallow. XZX

s-am n n. s-antu n -0-A

AAAAAA y\) -£J- ,

to swallow, to absorb, a swallowing or bolting of 269, to destroy ; caus.

_ . n_o
s-ari I
samiu n. MI n. 2^2, IV, 753? Rec. 34, 182,

Sphinx Stele 3, 1 J\, Rec. 32,80, IV, 897,

, swallowers, devourers.
n^ j\
Rev. 12, 62 (var.
1 H \ n.—a V
$3>)’ P
sam ^La plant or flower.
111 IV, 966, fl^^fepE, fl

sam _a, IV, 7x1, inlaid:

bring, to bring up;
n J\
, Thes.

Cj l with lapis lazuli; 1479, to present petitions.

—H ° O O JPOS-

with gold; t\ ® JSsc* 1^1, with leather (?)

sari-t "1 <=£ /fr^\, approach.

s-ama n , to make to swallow; caus.

P- Q fl ^ °
11 Will
, bringers,
porters, carriers.
of. ) .
Sarit maat , IV,
J\ o
s-an 1 wvw, to turn back; caus. of aWa. 423, the name of a building.
J] :£n>= -fl A I) £±7*) IV, 270, the name
s-an , to beautify; caus. of
Sarit IV
of a goddess.

AAAA/W , Sar-neb-s 1 ° (/r\j Y37 1, the name

of the 2nd hour of the night.

sann 1 /wJ (®, to bind, to tie, to twist.
/WWW "j-0 2=1=5: to make a fire to burn,
.A 'tV to make an offering.
s-ankh Hymn Darius 42, 1__fl-^-
AAAAAA p\ AAAAAA p| Q AAAAA sar Rev. 12, 91, a plant; Gr.

® ’I T ® ’I T ®
Stele 40, to feed, to nourish, to support, to bring
trapi, Lat. sari (Pliny, N.H. 13, 23, 45).

up, to nurture ; Copt. C<Y<YItcy, CLJ<Lrtecy. sar }~^J1 A.Z. 1899, 15.

1_onrj IV, 635, a pitcher and
s - ankh ab I r y, to vivify the sari
1 1 ’ stand ; compare Arab.^jj .
heart, to inspire courage.
p| p\ /wwv\ q s-arq ~l , Dream Stele 36, 1
sankhu | i -p ^ gj, Peasant 221, A 41
Rec. 10, 6x, to make an end of, to
sustainer, vivifier. finish.
2 s 3
s [ 646 ] s

sah i U. 644, to pay honour to,

to receive honour.
ni 1 w , to set up the Tet,

i.e., to reconstitute the backbone of Osiris ; Copt

A_ C/f royal rank and
sah coo^e.
9r7j W ’ dignity.

sah 1-o | g , M. 634, to be s-aha IS" to stablish time or life;

<a O
noble, to play the king or nobleman; 1-a ^ [j, n j]
I 2=F*
, u. 430, IQ n
_d Tk 1
1, T. 246.

p- 331-
saha-t nic= , climbing pole.
sah n Ks. saha 1, Jour. As. 1908, 249,
freeman, nobleman, gentleman; plur. '

' □ an aged noble ; Copt.

nH—'1 !>
n j\ 111 4 J\
-D 4±>
Rev. 13, 42, to curse; Copt. CO^G.

sah-t ^ a kind of garment worn s-akh n-r11. h—0, q, to raise up, to

by a nobleman.
lift up on high; caus. of
sah 1_0 U. 298, the form of a man
n n
that exists in heaven, the spirit-body; plur. sash-t I 1 w 1 G>, a kind of disease.

n n 1-0 §, T. 143, 1
s-asha 1 , 1 > t° multiply ; caus.
1 1 1
g g g , N. 113, 539, n , U. 516,
of ^
1 1 1
n T. 327, o, P. 6,
~| ° Coronation Stele (relief
o o’ at top), to multiply.
M. 8. Later forms are
s-asha , to utter many cries.
l 1 I k
sashata H , manifold, numerous.
© 8 8 4rj; piur. 111

sashat 1 ^ l«j], n ^ ii 14, n

a o

1; ■1a 1 L==d, to ward off, to restrain, to

8 1
I X obstruct, to remove; Copt. CUXyT.
sah with his soul; I ,wwv\

^ ; 1, perfect spirit-bodies. sashat

Sah Q % Tuat VII, the divine spirit-body, chief officer, inspector; plur. 1 W^
• the god of all spirit-bodies.
o hi sir
Sah 1_a Thes. 82, the spirit-

body of Orion
s-aq n—", 1
7\’ n—
A J\
A, T. 386, M. 402, to make to enter, to
Sah-ab ^ 8 1 O, Tuat III, a god. 41
introduce; caus. of

Sah-heq J a j Rec. 4, 28, a god.

saqi n n A
QH -A,

s-aha IS, Palermo Stele, _fl, P.387, w

, introducer.

n j], to erect, to set up
saq neter ^ , Annales III, 109,
J] *= J\
straight; late form HH (a the festival of'the introduction of the god.
(1 [ 647 ] S n
saq-t 1 , Rec. 31, 20, I sif [I Thes. 1198, 11 \\

IV, 658, n * ^ Peasant 198, IV 1145, , child, son, boy, babe.

^ entrance, introduction. \\

n V7
I Rev. 11, 167, sack, bag; Heb.
sif n \\
=0=, Rev. 2, 77, pitch, bitumen
1 zd
pfe?, Syr. ndoja, Chald. Assyr. shakku, n^
Eth. UJ^:, Copt. CAK.

s-aq n —0 Rec. 27, 127, to cut, to

simu P^t«P%f«
A £_/T destroy. f, Rev. 13, 15,
s-aqa *^1^, 'll l> KoIler h 8> A-z- field or garden produce, herbs, vegetables ; Copt.

19°°) 35> Mar. Aby- h 6, 37, |1 ~ } CIJUL, CUUUAJUL.

J\ (sic), to make right, sira, siri
to test a bow, to set in strict order. (j (2 J,, A.Z. 1880, 96, umbrella, parasol.
sag n 'Vzyg, to capsize, to overthrow.
flfl tbe babge °f a regiment,
HH l flag, fan, umbrella.
V7 f|f| I ^ Rev. 14, 67, arrow;
sati-t I
ci w Hi * ’ Copt, curre. siriu !» p-HQ
s-atcha 1_q | ^b\ Amen. 16, 4, o £—1 fan-bearers, um-
tJJi _rr\s-
—W- m L=J\ ’ brella-bearers
17, 18, L.D. Ill, 140c V
tan sir-pata [JIJ
] d
.ilk e , to do wrong, to commit a
Harris 500, 2, 8, fan, fly-whisk.
crime, to falsify weights, to rob.
sir-puta 1 <cy> ° ]) ( Q^> Rec. 21, 92,
s-atcha metut
1— \\ a kind of fan or umbrella made of leather (?)
^ 1, Amen. 14, 2, 20, 9, to deceive by speech.
sir-hatta 1<=>-S>|(|^, Rec. .6,
si I III, 142, Nastasen Stele 39, 1 \\( [
99, palm-leaf mat; nA = Gr. ffei/jd (?)
J\, Anastasi I, 28, 5 = 1 ( ^, to come, to go. I

Si 1M.A.Z, 1878,48, p (]|): , fullness,

Sirsa (?) n \\
LqJ Tfc, 1 hes. 129, a

satiety; Copt. Cl. star-god; var.

O \\
si-t ci 2), infant, child (fem.) = , sir-tima
Amen. 6, 3 . . .
V -H

si fl
, L.D. Ill, 194, 12, waterfowl.
sill pijij 5^ to come, to arrive.

sih n (]( (2
. n1
— ___
6 ? pqilK
, Rec.
1 (j() 1 ()() ^ star; Plur- [1 (](
3, 39, pavilion, port, landing-stage.
(2 *
Rev. 14, 7; Copt, cicnr; * * do^
1 1 1 Sih 1 (( ; j^j\, Rev., to mummify.
'■ wwv
siu siti
11 9c 11 V
(10e P0()“ V sih 1 (( Rec. 21 > 94>t0 be hypn°-
Rev. 14, 20, a shooting star
tized, to be in a state of religious ecstasy, to be
Siu uati *
I ^ W a a,
)(),* (2
mad; compare Copt. CiQe.
the planet Venus as a morning star.
sihu 1(( Pap- Mag- iyo’
siu-t POO <2 » ReC' 33’ II9, d°°r' spell, charm, bewitchment, hypnotism (in the
2 s 4
s [ 648 ] n
phrase 1
SU-t ) tjS’ N- 379. ) c

^ L=/). var.
'^53- l i l 3
mi -^55~- u. 100, p ^ 5^, P. 225, a joint of meat,

Amherst Pap. 20) meat offering; ^ ^ gg, P. 7°5-

sihsih (i 1)1) j[ p qq j{ , to punish ;

SU-t (nesu-t ?) ^ ^ Kahun 3, 2, ^

==^; Copt ce&ccu&- ^51 A-z- 49) 2°’ \ -\fp AZ* l9°%> 12 V 13.

sih-t 1 Rev- 13, 26, Hh 1 A-Z- 49, i9) the plant of the
0 Tin’ South, the byssus plant.
punishment; Copt. CO^e.
SU-t 1 ^ Rechnungen 70, plant used in
T £=? making boats.

lamentation, grief, punishment. SUt (?) ^j, B.D. 64, 14, hair(?)

0 o 1—-W-
sikh PAA AA , Rev. 12, SUt (?)
+ N ill I III
, iv,
28, cry, signal. 5°6.
n g
sikh-t 1 ( ( Rec- 33> [2 2, mastery. SU (for sesu) ' Q) a period of time, day,

with the number of the day of the month ; Copt.

sikh-t 1 ( ( 0 ®^ loss, injury.
sikha-t paaha our. As. 1908, susu lap © o, Rev. 14, 13, a period of
time; Copt. COYCOY.
249, folly, madness; Copt. CI^G.
SU (?) 1 © Jj^Wj) Rev. 14, 12, evening.
sish ah-ti
H«S1 'V', Rev.
14, 65, a yoke of oxen. SU 1 [1 a measure of length =

Rev. 14, 15, de¬ ygth of a schoinios, or 625 square cubits; in

PAH struction. superficial measure su = a-th of a square schoinios.

sit PAAH 2, smell, odour; see H SU © £ -41- guard,

w CQ-
Copt. C'f’. protector.

sit n AA)’ Rev. 11, 180

, be- SU 1 ^,
Rev. 13, 22 =


drink, drink ; Copt. CCO.
sit , to set on fire. to saw; Copt.
SU |l ^ Il\^,
siti PAA ,, the shooting of

a star; see
suu (?) i, to cut =
paa*- suu (?)
| ^ ^ , Shipwreck
sitchetu (?) n \\ , storytellers,
55, to cut down trees.

talkers, chatterers ; see ft caus. of SU-t n ) , wind, breeze.


T JT ’
?ers' Pron- 3r(I sing- masc.; also
used as a particle. ■ P<CH PH~. ne*
(a ^
, Rev. 30, 217,
1© „.n * n©
sut , U. 180, 227, a particle.
111 ^
1| Rev. 14, 46, corn, grain, wheat; Copt.
su , IV, 1076, captive, prisoner. COYO, COY.
649 ]
SU-t kind of disease. suar ft 1, Anastasi IV,
P¥> i'dik
17, 1, Alt. K. 769, garments, tunics (?); compare
SUU (?) X > X® ^ region, territory,
’ (a | ’ province. Heb. in Isaiah vi, i, etc.

B.D. 163, 18, evil,

SUU (?) X s*uarekh 1 ^Tj <^> to make green

SUU (?) ^^,T.265)283)P.5r,M.3i, or fertile; var. n 7t'


N. 64, to pray(?); late form 1 ^ )) (?) s-uah n , L.D. Ill, 140c, n

to establish, to make to con¬
sua P fl ^ , Herusatef Stele 88, sheep,

ovis platyura; Heb. HE?, Arab. Copt, tinue, to develop; caus. of ^ ^ ) .

ec^nr, ecoov, ecuoov.

s-ua |lf] 24., Pf) £*£

suah flfl^r^i, Pf)^l?>
, T. 348, f]f)1^i=>, N. 96s,
egg; Copt. COOT^e.

fllkS-p- *•=■ I'ft'Sk'**- s-uash II ^Tj 00 j/ fl

N* m°- I1 fi %i- P fl 3k 3- J|, ^ rm
Pfl'k4«- MK- Pft x
fl-PflM to praise, to

adore; caus. of i w ) Copt. uxy.

r\ o x x
suashu 'f] [i ^ | > praises.

if l £5^’ y^’ 2^2’ to Pass’to Pass away>

to continue on a journey ; caus.
suag if)® foolish, lewd.

Suau suaga
f)^» U. 418. (If) *5*
P^Pk® a

I, T. 238, a group of gods (?) C3 3 , to curse, to ban.

sua PM ce of safe storage SUata 1 1 [] jJJ, carriage, transport,

s-uaa s-uatch [1 |, u. 624, pn>

3 , to adore; caus. of ^T| czs:
n- o,’Pf]^f\fl- Piv P f M fl*
SUa |1 i^=^, night, evening, dark¬ , to make to flourish;
ness ; see ^ ; Copt. eTCLjH. , the transmittal of property; caus.

of var.
suasua-t [1 -^Tj [1 ^Tj Q f^, Rec. 16,131, ^!^"lf,T,337’ -
flame, fire, heat. Suatchi 1 7 “ maker to flourish ”—a title
(J ’ of the god Shu.
rv /S. AAA/WA

suan (sun) I j , to know,

S-uatch ar-ti p J Rec.
to recognize ; Copt. COOT It.
3T> 3°> “green-eyed.”

suanPf]0e#Pf]oM„i’ atebiu pet la J^\ Tuat

Rec. 33, 119, price; Copt. COTCrt. XII, a fire-goddess who guided Ra.
p S [ 650 ] S

sua-t ip
o ’ 1® Q O’ Pil1’ brlobule>
^ o

P+ H C

1 w ■ I

pastille, bead; plur. ; varr <=$=* , Festschrift 3, I fwT| 1, Rev,

III o' “'O' T * C l
14, 41, price, hire, wages, salary ; Copt. COTItT.
snuan .... A trade, business, buying
111 r.~~i’ and selling.
Mar. Karn. 52, 17
_ n WAAA
sunu , wages; ur sunu
S-uab I / 1 /ww\a, Rec. 20, 40, Annales 1 1 1
III, 109, to plate, to cover with metal; IYj
sun-t n I AAAAAA f
U. 429,
n I <=|=>
/wvv'A t 246
, ' ^

(k V to cover a floor with plates
AAAAAA of silver.
sun ] A§k> <~~m t° suffer pain, distress,
SU1 1 ^ H , to adore. aaaaaa suffering, destruction.

sunit 1 n fl 0 sickness,
Sui fit B.D. 31, 2, AAAAAA
^ ^ -- .I .I .I ’ malady.
W ////'.

, a crocodile-god ; var. dll sun fl


, to straighten.

S-uba ! I J | n sun 1 %\
C 0 C

to open up a way, to force an entrance, to v—-P53--

1 ^ (3 , Rev. 11,148, I
AAAAAA (2. 0 1 o ’
pierce, to penetrate ; caus. of ^ ^ ^ J|

^ IV 422 = ^^^ opening the

Rev. 14, 15, 1
0 C
Q, Rev. 12, 31,
’ ’ J
n ® 1 f
• 7 ' 1
I face. AAA/WA
, Rev. 13, 90, to know; 1 O, Rev.
-€23- <3 C
s-ubak 1 ^ ' * , to make to conceive;
12, 53, wise or learned men; Copt. COOYIt.

caus. of JuAq) sunu n 0


, Mar. Aby. I, 8, 86,
suma , Rev., obstinate, head¬ I aaaaaa 5 pool, lake, tank, canal, aqueduct.

strong ; Copt. fTooJtxe (?)

sunu T. 345, ^
s - umet ]tk'e=®vlv| IV, 890, to
’ strengthen; caus
, P. 282; varr. |1 Q ^, M. 525,
s-un 1 Dream Stele 38, 1 ^ AAAAAA

1 0 fRpR N- IIo6> I -=J=* Q jj (z~z], wall,

to make to be; caus. of AAAAAA *
fortress, seat, throne.

s-un make an Alsu tk

I AAAAAA V —/] I ILlllim Sunu ^
AAAAAA a god and a town.
nmmr 0
opening, to force open; caus. of

. n nmmr 1 to reveal ; Copt. sunun


wa™ 1 1 cnram. to flatter, to wheedle, to cajole, to use blandish¬

ments, to persuade, to talk someone over.
sun, sunnu R ° *~m, Anastasi I,
I WWW C c±j=,
25> 6, n , to sell; Copt. cOYrt. sununu 1
& \,
A 1 |
Anastasi I,

23, 8, flattery, cajolery, entreaty.

sun-t n , P.87,

', N. 46,
sunsun "1
VS ^ |
) ^= *

0 Cl \AAAA AAAAAA C£ C I Amen. 14, 15, to entreat, to petition,

A.Z. 1906, 28, "I ^ o «-«* , Rec. 33, 3, „ to supplicate, to converse.

fl 1

I .

1 ’ 0
w —



hm C
0 Rev., resin, balsam ;
Copt. coitTe.
s [ 651 ] s P
Sunth , P- 352> suh ra | >, iv, 751, n <5
, N. 1068, —P.467, A.Z. 1905, 38, '$$, Thes. 1318, 1 ®
ra ra
1, Leyd. Pap. 7, 13, L.D. Ill, 140B,

P. 265, 1 % fl] 3~=J IV, 973, Thes. 1483, Pi® ra

A 1 Anastasi I, 27, 8, to brag, to boast,

j^’ to exaggerate.

suhaiu 1 ^ ^, boaster.

s-ur 1 , to increase, to magnify ; caus. suli HD Aft, Rouge I.H. II, 126,

of P.S.B. 23, 252,

s-ur It ; caus. of ^3* /|, to be

pregnant. L.D. Ill, 65A, 6,

n <a
^ , Leyd. Pap.


sur AAAAAA . drink; Copt. C(JU. 2, xi, to overthrow, to be terrified, to be con¬

/W\/W\ I \>
fused, dazed.
sura (sua) i -r^ ( X
AAAAAA fl x 0 s-uhen , IV, 780,
AAAAAA 1J^(| 1 * =0=, to drink ; Mar. Karn. 17A, to overthrow; caus. of ra

Copt, co); n AAAAAA

/O |

1, drinkers. % x

sura H ( www 0 Mb toper, tippler,

suh nt 3±I
Y’ 4411 (9 Q -
1 <2 1^3 j, wind, air, breath.
drunkard, svviller; plur. /aaaaaa Vui j j

n e 8 <4

n suh-t , N- 757> 758,

1, drink¬
ing companions. 1 P l [ Rev. 14, 1, egg; plur.

sura heq-t (I (] 0 ? ^ ^ , 1 8 , IV, 949, 1 (2 ^ Q) j, Jour. As. 1908,

' <zr> d/vwwv X^ni
^ | AAAAAA ^
beerhouse, tavern.

sura I M ga wma , a kind of fish.

292 ;
n'-01 . I „_0 'o

<2 . I

1 i AAAAAA I I I eggs; m “ 1, fish spawn;


sura-t ( | “C^|, w^’te bead. V

1 , Rec. 32, 80, created

S-Urkh p <qp> J^, to make to be green or

germ nt Hymn Darius 23>

hidden germ ; Copt. COOY,P,e.

fertile; varr. |1 ~JT^| 1 caus.
suhit , A.Z. 1878, 48, testicle;

s-urt qo n
L_a dual fd ^e
' ; Copt. C(JUO'¥'(P,I.
V o'

suh n ® | 5, Rev. 13, 37, 1 | 5> Rev-

n , to make to grow; caus. of
5, 93, to cover over, to wrap up, to envelop,

s-urt n , Shipwreck 20, 21, to suh p ^ | C Jf3, T. 25, Rec. 30, 192,

make motionless; caus. of

n s [ 652 ] S

5> Amen. 18, io,

] TV R ^
> N- I75>

, a kind of cloth, garment, vest¬

Rec. 20, 40, spacious.
ment, a short coat, loin-cloth; plur. 1 ^ Susek ; see

f2T3) (2=3) (H=3), P. 635 1=5) s -ush n s 3C

, to micturate; caus. of

O!- M. 509, (1 fgj, N. ,o,2.

suh-t fit ^ ^ A.Z. 45,
37 ’
135, bowl,
sush -1 n —y\—) www

j wvvvt

www ,

Ebers 74, 17, urine.

suh n <2 , Rev., 1 (2 |
1 @ 3S
sush , to measure.
Jour. As. 1908, 307, CVy-J £ J\
■) fv ms: n _ nrn
curse; Copt. CA^OY ; var. 1 sush (@ ’ ' ^ (§> ’
(Copt. C^OYp). chain, cord, measuring cord.
SUhikh 1(9 ^(3 Rev. 12, 61, sush-t 1 (£ _ , drought, dryness.
^ Q
1, l [[ ^0\,Rev. 14, 32, reunion of s - usha 11no to
spirits; Copt. COOY^ 1^).
praise, to worship, to adore; caus.
sukha e 1, remembrance; see
suq 1 ® 1, Rev. 12, 73, bailiff (?)

suqa an incense- burner.

sukha p ^ ^ BD- 9°, 1 ,etc,

PVM- censer.
Rev. 14, 13, to play the
evil remembrance, bad dream (?) suk
fool; Copt. cOtfA
sukha ") T^ ^ ** IV, 848, ruin, de- (3
’ struction. sug ((*, a piece of flesh, an offering.

sukhu (?) 1 %\ 0 t^\ to darken, (2

nffl#’P^ffi#>’babe’ "til"!
to obscure; 1 Q O, Amen. 16, 9.

sukhet 11
o , B.D. 190, 4, to
sug 1ffl 0 n‘a£ o , A.Z.
1907,123, fit S
embalm; caus. of
, Anastasi I, 9, 6, Rec-
Sukhtu J j
^ jfj , Ree. 27, 220
21, 88, to be helpless, foolish, half-witted,
the gods who preside over embalmment. wretched, miserable.

S-US-t 1 (s 1 , ruin, destruction; caus Jour. As. 1908, 294, silly,

SUg 1 ®
ffi foolish; Copt. COfTT
s-usekh ib
*37 n V®~ ’Rec 3 s- uga p^ffl n
17» 94. in w Hymn to Nile 2, 15, to make to vomit; caus.
nt n^n
&PS- P^PSfl
to make wide or broad, to enlarge, to extend
sugait fi
buke (?) correction (?)
qn 1

caus. of%1^;P^ n ° n ^
C7 C7 QQ , B.D.

.A ^ . (Saite) 16
iS ^ III P»-*
Rev. 12, 70, strip of linen,
1 ^ W t0 RnSt^en the stride, to walk
Y7 ’ with long strides.
sut P 4 ’ rag ; Copt. CA/f, CHT6.
s [ 653 ] S

sut 1^^> j, ties, bonds. sutenit j iv, 572) j, |]|] “,

suM l\Yc ^ cake, ball.

l«4-(PHi4.1C4 o
a O
1 - $ (fi or Sutesh
0)'), I I I

^}^,Berg. 1,6,2 Set, the god

, IV,
of evil.
£ l
suti , fire, flame. 575) ^ , the state
4 ° M
of being king, kingdom, kingship, sovereignty,

w royalty, rule ; ^J. (j (j , royal, kingship.

B.D. 9, 4, 17, 115, 28, 8, 42, 8, 99, 19,
a suten (shes nesu) ^ r, iv, 742,
108, 7, , Set, the god of evil.

sutiu (?) [ 1 ) (](] ^ n“dy

l Q s, 1 as, Is, 1 “ S|,
2^5 ’tT, 1 5)1 ^ 0 % 5. r°yaI
n< J\
, Sphinx

linen, i.e., byssus ; Copt CtjeUC.

VI _J±

ee 1 Q £ <? \\
Stele 5,
C O ^ V\’ sutenu(?) ] ^aaaaa [ I crown of the South.
n ® -e-. Love Songs V, 7,
d <0

,-IV, II93>
^ t0 g° f°r a
walk, to walk about a place, to pass, to journey,
o @
n°0 V to kill.

to march, to travel; varr. 11 IV, 1064, suteniu

iul 0 MMi4
1, butchers, slaughterers.


1 ^ ^ A, Rev. 12, 44. SUten Ii—,t, lake, flood, inundation.

sutut 0 Sphinx Stele 8, jour-

J\ ’ ney.
sutenu AAAAAA

i A, for n AAAAAA

sutut IO \\ J\ , n. * “ % J\, to walk with long steps.

"I (2 ^
h s-uter ^ n, to purify, to cleanse;
A, (1
caus. of ^
, traveller.
J\ £
Suter n x O
== X, ”//>> the

“ Saviour-god
to take a walk, to travel
s-utekh , to treat a body with
1 , king. The equation pro¬
drugs, to embalm ; caus.
vided by P. 92, M. 112, N. 700, 1 ° — 1° =
, shows that in the Early Empire 1 14
, the

Hittite form of the Egyptian name of the god Set.

the reading of ° was nesu; compare also
sutek(?) j, 0 “□(?) Rhind Math.
the equation ^ ^ = \ ° ^ > Rea
Pap. 203.
26, 235, and see A.Z. 49, 22. See nesu.
s-ut fit J\ ’
to detain, to make tarry;
suteni }$?|)||, P.
to make straight; caus.;
s-uten iv
1 ,1
J , to be king, to rule.
L ft/ww Copt. cooTxrt.
n s [ 654 ] S

s-utekh n • O’
C3 , to seb P J Rec- 17, 145,
embalm; caus. f] . Copt.
ox, castrated beast; see
J £_/r ce&i.
s-utch 1], IV, 1032, PI J, IV, 103s,
Seb , Thes. 65, the planet Mercury.
n , to be-

queath, to settle one in an inheritance; caus. of Sebit fl U Rec' 3’ Il6)the name of a

I ’ goddess.

M seb-t fl \| ° , U- 588> M- 819> a kind of


, Koller 5, 4, R (a |, H <a I , to make strong,

JPj ^ girdle, bandlet.
to refresh, to protect, to make healthy, to heal,

to save; caus. of
Sebseba-Menu PJPJ -=aoc=-

(Sa'ite) 49, 60 ; see Besu-Menu.

sutcha-ab nt O
1 ’
“O’ j Peasant 36, “ Make glad the heart! ”— sba p ini’p-74> 47o> p j*
I l’ a greeting at the beginning of a letter.
pq], M. 104, 711, P N. 16, pJ
s-utcha [1 |
Pi J\, to

Leyd. Pap.
tP 1j *

go, to go forward; 1 (® i
kVa i ’ 16, 1, to die. 1* Jn, pj*^, p*j Ijjn, *
s - utcha iv i, to pass a

decree of judgement; caus. 5c o> 5k

seb ~1 fl [1 fl c=n block, brick (of iron),

fl P*J 5c ’
i limn"

b’ an offering.
u J fl P JN-
pj*m n
flute; Copt,
seb, seba 1j, 1j [
cnfie. > ’ PJ 'ITT’ n’ 1
flute; Copt, cnfie.
PJ4 Ub , reed, tube, Rec. 33, 119;

1 ^ ( JJ Rev- r3) 3°, P

I Rev- r4» 40,

seb <L , reed, marsh flower ; plur. J1 ^Jj Rev. 13, 34, door; plur. PJ*nnn.
P. 296, >k J, Rec. 31, 17, p 5k j ^ 1 1 1
sweet reed. 1 5k
P* I I I
, 5c

pj^r, pj_, PJ0_

_Ms- 111 111

seb ,seb-t n
1 1 1
** k 3
_Ms- 1
1 1
n dm

PJ^vPJ“^’ PJ , cedar; plur. o

cm PJK” PJ
5k crm
O I I |! 0 JT I

PJH 0 ) (}> u- 565; Copt 5k

5c 5k 5< :
nnn 1
1 * 'Rx \n\ , __* [|J j,
H P !! cm
seb 1 j /^,N. 95o = s-uben l^j q. l*jg, pJ* ^ 111 • *J 111
□ ^
seb (sebesh?) 1 j r—i, u. 567, N. 750, pj*fl z , great door

to endow (?) to give (?) of heaven; p 5< ^ cm ^ 1 I I

i y\ ’
5c I
Love Songs 5, 9, outer door; 1 . ^
sebPJ^>PJT=JPT’.hroupghs cm 1 U im
s [ 655 ] S
Ml Q a
U3 I JJ £T3
, palace gates; *
f- PJ
— w. * Amen. 27, 8,

!, hell’s gates; * !
\\ £=>
n*j: n i*
o O (9
gates of the horizon; 1J * ^ ^ (
C^l’ J*MeJ-P*Jt L-=jO’
£ folding doors ; Copt, cfie. iv, io9o, p Qd Q i$, pJ*
a form of Ament.
PJ:>P*jr^B— dd l=/ii’,*dd
~Q)!’IV?9685 teaching’
instruction, training, education, learning, wisdom,
* lore of books, doctrine, punishment, correction,
Sba-t ^ cr"D , part of a chariot.
^ I (2. o o-=> dd n I

Sbai, Sbi *( ( , * (( tsuw, 1 j (( *,

tax, impost;
PJ 1 1 1
, great death penalty; Copt. C.&IO.
Litanie 14, 1J (( “bMfi, Tuat X, a serpent-
sbati |l J * ^ £_Q, L.D. ill, 194,
warder of the nth Gate.

Sba en sethesu Shu *

_ -* rw
cr^2 o ■■ s
PJ *
Amen. 27, 15, instruction.

j 7m P ^ ^ ’ B'D‘i7,565 *•*•’ sba-tcheser-

sbai l*j(( 1, Rec. 2, hi,
Sbau shetau neteru *
PJ * Ml ® wise man,

^n ^ i ^ | *RD- I4I>57, the gods of teacher, instructor.

the mystic doors in the Tuat. sbait (jij fe, teacher,

Sbau Tuatiu * % cr_Z] * 0 o

instructor; [1 JJ X dd —j 1

I, B.D. 141, 54, the doors of the Tuat;

, assistant teacher.
D Tnmnr 1 *

Sbatcheser * , B.D. 17,

sbau 1j
* WM 111’ PJMV
X ^ j learning, instruction, teachers.
56, the door of sunrise, the last door in the Tuat.
sbau(?) 1J x x
sba 1J * £—/l. Rec. 2, 109, |1 JJ *
o _a l n place of instruction,
, Anastasi I, 28, 1, 1 c □ n PJ x tr:i ’ schoolroom.

* * Sba ur X an instrument used

PJ*> P*J- L—/]’ L—/I
in performing the ceremony of “ opening the
I C7 Rev- II> I24> to teacb> to bring mouth.”
up, to educate, to instruct, to train, to learn, to Sba I^J Shipwreck 129, X,

levy a tax; IJ *0 ^, Peasant 260, instructed;

X, star; plur. XXX, U. 496, Jl JJ XXX, T. 319,

J* , U. 213; Copt, cfiuo.

P. 308, N. 94,
1 J*A R694’*^'> *\*\.
* x x X
sba-t , Ikhernefer 6, 1 l *,
V , pupil, teaching, training, in¬ Copt. CIOT.

struction, education; plur. 1 *J

1 1 1
PJ X n x J], a star-god;

J*Pfe w
, Amenem-
"1 j X ^ ^ |, Rec. 20, 41.
hat I, 1,
J *%Jd W—
[ 656 ] S

Pi n*. Pi Sba shema * A> , Thes. 65-67, the

Thes. 9 1, Tuat I,
o *
PJ! planet Jupiter;
„ ,
called also

1J * |
-Pi O
, the Star- “travellingstar, and

□□ c=?s
goddess Sothis, regent of the nth hour of the
P * _ ' ~
^ * star-goddesses in Sba-tua jl j *, n. 948, the
Sbaiut pJIJIJg*. general.
morning star.

Sba aabti tclia pet i

* m J | Thes. 67, the planet Mars, the
v y ,-
* ft
Pi *

A ^ j-j ^, Thes. 65-67, the planet

planet that moved onwards and retreated; he is

also called the Red Horus

Venus; other names are *,

V nn-
°1*¥1- •
Sba amenti tcha pet *
Nastasen Stele 38, cut, cas¬
□ Q Thes. 65, the planet Saturn; called also
sba trated ; Copt. C&&6.
u F
Horus, bull of heaven
H. Sba
Pi , a name of Aapep;


Sba uati * <g ■ytoflJi TftWUi, the Enemy Aapep.

I O \\ ^ jjw h*’

, Thes. 13.
^ \\ \\ u I Sba-ent-Sba
Pi o
Thes. 73, 76, 1 J *
u- ^
Pi* Pi%*
Nesi-Amsu 32, 32, a form
of Aapep.

J3 \\
ibid. 30, 67, Heru-beht as a
, Rec. 32, 79,
sbai to laugh
;h; see 1j [
Pi *. J () V morning and evening star.
Copt, cto&e.

Sbaiu mehu * * , Tomb Ram.

Ill (3 III o o o
sbah 1 | 8 ^, Jour- As- x9o8) 172,
IV, one of the 36 Dekans.
propitiation (?) = Copt. CGC.&0.P, (?)
Sbaiu en Asar * I AAAAAA
the star-gods of Osiris. sbakh P g (), t0 keeP' t0 *££
i< 1 rs stars of the Rec. 4, 28,
sbaiu nu mu 1 y AAAAAA ,

AAAAAA water. Sbakh senu 1 0III ;i«

I* a god.

Sba en khau | , A.Z. 1899, 15,

Sbasit 1 ^ , T.S.B.A. Til, 424,
star of thousands.
a goddess of ^ | ^ and J J (1 b
Sbait neb-t uaa
Tuat XI, the star-goddess of the boat sbashi 1 't si=so Q(] L=7], Rev. 11, 140,
’ ofAf.
12, 17 1 ^ (](] Rev. 12, 25, n
Sbaiu Ra * (( ^ j ® ^ , B.D. 168, the
, Rev. 12, 34 = Copt, dcye (?)
warders of the gates of Ra.

sbaiu shepsu *** $) 1, *** s-baq 1

1, Thes. 133, the Dekans. to make pregnant; caus. of J (_j
1 s [ 657 ] S

s-baq (sebq) I |, U. 566, [1 j sba J ( 'j A-Z. 1905, 29, violent

wind, an unfavourable or head wind.

A (), Rec. 31, 14, » to

anoint; sbau
-^§3-, the shining eye of the Moon; 448'Paarboat'

caus. of j ^ ^ sba

Rev. 11, 141, little,

’ small; Copt. cfiOK.
\> w Amen. 24, 9,
Sbak, Sebakau 1

[J *, the planet Mercury. 1 j Rec. 3b

sba pjf sword, scimitar,

PM Rev. 12, 108, 13, 39, to
laugh; Copt. C(JU.&€.

seba p j 'l Rec. 27,218, [I j (j[

X laugh, jest, mockery, jibe.

AZ' I9°5,
the Crocodile-god; Gr. So^x'?.
37, to be inimical, hostile, unfriendly, to act as
an enemy. sbi-t pjfll) Nastasen Stele 50,

pj^n enemy, foe, demon,
hostile country; plur. iy^i, ibid. 63.
devil, wicked man; plur.
pj sbit shadows.

pm;. pjh&pp sbith (£3

o vyv V O
pji Jour. As. 1908, 255, scoffing, jest, mockery.

in' SbU P J U> I23’ ^ J 1 N- 4^2>

seba-t 11 J (J o 'j Rec. 31,IO, p J (j a kind of offering.

,■ I1
ya n
hostility, rebellion, hateful things.
n*rk <2 ^
SbUt PJ"1^,P-80’ PJl^^0,
M. 109, p Jj 5 N. 23, a city of the god

p\ n wwvs n n aaaaaa
Sben jIJ Peasant 126, ' J ^>
serpent-god of evil, arch-enemy of Ra; plur. o n /vwwn n n aaaaaa

I ibid. 221, jIJ I ■ J f , Peasant 163,

mi I
the associates of Sba.
WM&l'l JPk—, pj~
-A, n JV <£3=3

D. Ill, 140c, Rec. 16, 57, w

Seba, Sebau pj PJIj]^,

the “Enemy”
“ En
par excellence, i.e., the Devil,
^\, j^Xl > to run aground (of a ship),

to turn back, to retreat, to yaw about (of a

P-Y] Sebau, worker of boat).

PJ1VI -o>-
s--benben (1 J J
^7, Rec. 35,127,

s“t>] pjft ^ . p Q of Sba. to be overthrown, to collapse; caus.

s [ 658 ] S 1

\r y, y,
sben-t J
n ,wwv'
0 T. 843, plur- "I j |
© w
i !j
jimp pj
@ \\ A I
PjD^-fcafcafca' ‘fors^ J\ 21
pji f—to [ (j, wail of

Sben-hesq-khaibiut j i J AAAAAA jl a tom-cat; n j*- C3S

& /DA’ cryof

T , Tuat II, a warrior-god. a whole nest of young birds.

L=fl I 111 ’ 6


I j

g , cord, fillet.
sebhit 1 ^ ( (| a ^, cry, supplication ;

sben 1J /WWW j U. 517, p jj /WWSA /j^ , PJI\ Y7
= I, cry of woe.

T. 328, a part of a crown (?) sebhut !, Love Songs

sbeil-t IJ Peasant B2, 120,

a pregnant woman.
cry, cry of goose, wail.
sben 1 J AAAAAA ^1, hay, grass.

s-bner i j AAAAAA 53, to make

PJIT-PIJT- 1 1 1
Sebhuf , Tuat XII, one of 12
pleasant, to please, to treat affectionately.
gods who towed the boat of Af through the
sbaner (sebner) ^"w^, 1 j
serpent Ankh-neteru, and who were re-born daily.

v * •
sbekh P^Jj^> R I7fl> P- 521, m. 160,

Sbenqa PJ Pk 4 fl I ’ P>P,N.65,pj^.pj^,to
B.D. 146, the doorkeeper of
the 3rd Pylon. protect, to act as a wall to someone.

1 j llj
s-beha 1 j b135» >r J37
sbekhbekh B-D. 17 (Am),

, to chase, to put to flight; caus.

of jra PJ!frPJ^PJ*fr

PJ! = P. 611, N. 760, pj!i^- pj: J!B
Ij M. 396, pJ N. 949, PJ eg.

Jjf gate, gate-tower; plur. 1 ® |

"I J'—, M. 826, p B. 204, I I I

^ j I ’ ^ j 1^’ ReC' l6, II0> P J «2-J d dill «==-) d I_I I I I I_I C"D

pji^-mpjik#- pji P.CTti'JMtPJ IO

M U!«T?
IV, 174,
JPfl I; var.
cm 1

1, Amen. 4, 18,

1908, 31, to cry out, to call, cry, outcry, lamen¬

, Jour. As.
Sbekh-t p ^j, the pylon deified;

tation ; Copt. C(JO&,P,.

plur-PJ^i &[
sbeh 1J

in 'fcecflO£, =
\> ^, Rev. 21, 208 = c£ o&

J 1 J | \>
PJ ^ \\
Tuat XI, a door-

sbekh-t aakhu-t ^ ljj1 c§3, “gate

prayer, entreaty,
'JIJiP PJIM’ cry-
wail, petition, imprecation;
of the horizon ”—a temple in the Heroopolite
[ 659 ] s
Sbeshes mer j IJ x Den-
Sbekh -1 Ager -1 j |j ffi .!■
Tuat XI, the nth Pylon. derail II, 10, one of the 36 Dekans
00 X
sbekh-t ur-t
“ the Great Sbeshta 1 \ oxp x, 1j
W Gate.”
3 n OO Thes. 113, one of the seven stars of
nn X J . Orion.
sbekbut shetaut I 11 ® fj C=SJ x,
Ji o cr-3 <=> D in
the “ hidden doors” of the Tuat.
sbekh-t ta pen
, “gate of this ,b*« P J JL- P1^E<8 ass
land ”—a title of the king. «?hen-t fl 11 ^ JI IV> 887? something ad-
^ J| 0 U’ vantageous or profitable.
Sbekhut Tuat n Jii| cm o
U3 sbeq 1j A J, a complete body (?)
I, B.D. 141, 55, the Pylons of the Tuat.
sbeq 1J a j ^ j 212 > to collect, to
sbekh-t "j f © IV, 629, a stand for some
Ji a ’ object. gather together.

sbekh-t Sbeq her j1 j ^ ^ , Tuat VIII, a croco-

^ 3 ^X> a kind P^ant-
dile-god in the Circle Hetemit-khemiu.
sbekh--t ! J ^ "fY, a kind of measure.
Sbeq p^J, Berg. II, 2,

113, Zodiac Dend. : (1) one of the 36 Dekans ;
pjr *•Thes- a protector of the dead.

Sbeqit p ^ j ^ $f)> |' ^A JJi <=>

Champ. \
(2) one of the seven stars of Orion ; var. Mon. 139, Berg. II, 1 : (1) a lioness-goddess;
n n no (2) a goddess in mummy-form.
l x ; or. (jovxwv.
, fl n o to be short or contracted :
Sbekhekhth nJ x
, Thes. 113, SbeqpjHt, compare Copt. TCfiKO.

one of the seven stars of Orion. Sbeq pj^|, p*|. pj^i, Pj

Sbesanka j 1 (1 11 ^ ’"SJr c U A
I, to travel, to journey.
see Besu-Menu.
sbeqau !J zi 5 [ U. 487, P. 640,
s-besh lJan.lJ.567, lj 1 1

1 J A J M. 671, N. 938, traveller (?)

n 00 to eject from the body, to vomit;
f sbeq 1 j xi 5,U.622, N. 755, I
sbeshu 1 Jm^>, U. 5.9, pj OO
1j leg, thigh; dual 1 j A 55> p- 57?,
329, what is ejected from the body,
V-°’' vomit.
1J ^ “ 1 ^ Heb- P7®> Arab-
J , gate, door, pylon ; plur.
Sbeq en Shesmu 1j f r

n CO
tk J5) B.D. 153A, 8, a part of the hunting
}f £{]’ net of the Akeru-gods.

sbeshi |1 J ^ (|(j Q, Rec. 30, 95, Sbeq en Tem 1 1] a f ^ Jj,

AAAAAA 'yCl \—1

shield ; Copt, chcye. B.D. 153B, 5, a part of the hunting net of the
Sbeshes < 1 j x, T hes. 113 = p
(1) the 9th Dekan; (2) one of the
seven stars of Orion. a name of the left eye of Horus, i.e., the moon.
2 t 2
n s [ 860 ] S

pj PJ Zl Sbek
J * ’ * ’

god was 1 ° .
Thes. 65-67, the planet Mercury. Its

j) to anoint, to possess pleasing qualities or nnm

attributes, graceful; caus. of J zl (|; S-beqa

PJ" to cut, to carve, to destroy.

■^J^Pkbk il , to anoint; caus. of J 4] . sbek n JJ11: i A.Z. 1878, 48, little, small;
’ Copt, coftk.
Sbeqit flj^y. an oiled or scented
Sbeg [1 J ffl, p J S, p J ffl
Thes. 65-67, D.E. 20, the planet Mercury in
s-beq to make pregnant; the form of a bull-headed hawk.
caus. of
J A =Jul Sbeg, Sbega ^ J ffl
B.D. 136A, a god, son of
Geb and Nut.
PJ N. 965,1359, ,U.
PJ ^jfj.IV,S74, [J a- ]J JJ P%» kJi’Rev-i2’34*

PJ j, Rec. 26, 65, 1J , Rev. n, 122, wall, citadel, gate;

** cr~D, Rec. 36, 211 =

P JJ c \ e~3 ;
PJ , the Crocodile-god; Gr.
Copt, cofkr.
2ovxos?- Other forms are :—■
’J sebti 1j
w pj:o- pj
s>-^C^, U. 565, pj
i n f
n _
J Ill' [1 JJ1

^ Jl ^ ^ AAAAAA
tk ^^
, IV, 832; varr. n
N. 1360, jl j < B.D.
Cl \\ Mi’ O-PJ w
, Copt, coikr.
171, the Crocodile-god par excellence. See
Herod. II, 68, 69; Ammianus Marcellinus XXII,
15 ; Diodorus I, 35 ; Aelian, de Nat. An. X, 21;
wreck 149, to laugh, to smile, laughter;
Leyd. Pap. 3, 13, Ship¬

Plutarch, De Iside 75, etc.
. ° ^ ^ R iii6b> 4b the
Sbek Ombos I, 185, Tuat XI, a god
laughter of pain ; Copt. CCJoKe.
in the boat of Ra who destroyed Aapep.

Sbek - neb - pehu 1 j

PJM 2 ) b kev. 13, 43,

B.D. (Sai'te) 113, 3, Sebek,

equipment; var. n £ 3 >; Copt.
—^ )—< I ’ god of the swamp.

Sbek - neb-meht-geb (?) J

sebti p^SQU L=fl, Rev. 11, 131, 145,
a ' ] \ 1 [)[) Rev. 13, 63, preparation, pre-
7-t fl Ombos I, 42, a crocodile-god of J c± 1 1 £lT ’ paredness; Copt. cofkf.
Al n c ’ Ombos.
PJ: b to laugh; Copt. COU&e.
Sbek shet-ti
PJ hi
^ \\
Cl \\
nJ J ’
IV, 219, to inhale, to

Hymnen 22, |1 J ^zz* ||| ^ , a form of

Rec. 36, 211;

the Crocodile-god worshipped in Middle Egypt. var. * * ( i^zd , ** ct^d, fort, citadel.
s [ 661 ] S P
sebt )□ q 3HHE v ^s-
sep-t I , , s, , r. , nome,
am ^ i ci i ’ T™’
country; plur. 1° 3BE, T. 146,
^^’PJ^^^toprcrP"colq5: i’ Mi’ H i l~fc

seb» PJTO- P. 188, 668, M. 778, , N. 904, I !|

13, 63, wall; plur. jp |J <=^J , Heru- , P. 696, 1 □

o °

satef Stele 130; Copt. CofvT-.

P. 304, the two divine nomes; 1_ =?««■

Seb* PJTOS □’
a name of
Rec. 33, 3, wooded land.

s-betesh PJ^^, to make weak or

Sep-t en tchet-tt 1 j Berg.
O CW9 6
II, 12, a name of the necropolis
feeble; caus. of
"J □ \>
sep-t _, Rec. 16, 72, estate.
/-x I_ -J
sep 1□=□ the rest, remainder; Copt.
©’ ceene. sep n , to pass the time (?)
sep "| □ = n n □
, W s t W
Spa 1 □ ***£$ ^fj, a god.
sep-t n □ _ Rec. 30, 4, list, writing,
document, ordinance. s-pa n ’ U’ s68, ^ D /^bV N' 751’
sep P> 4l8’ M‘ 599, N> I2°4’ 759,
□ m , N. 758, to
n□ n□
Rec. 26, 64, to equip a
make to fly; caus. of
boat with tackle, to work the tackle.

sep-t ~l ^ £3, ) ° , (1 H © , Rec. 26, 64,
Sepi nD^ \\
, a worm-like fish (?)
,0 ^ I u
sepu (?) 11 □ ^>0, Peasant 155
Decrets 29, 107, tackle of a boat;

~J □ q x__ \ SS equipment of a keben-t boat O

sepu , a dose of medicine.
o J| r~~a>c, (z'.z., a boat of Byblos). □
\ □ ___
sep Ip, flax; Copt, cenni. s-pena I /vww 'atzjv.1, to overturn, to cap-

sep-t fl°^),T. 376, linen (?) size; caus. of /www .
Sep I□ to fight, to slay. s-perr
Rec. 34, i77,
IV, 968, Thes. 1480, to make to come forth,
sep-t p ° 2 , a kind of instrument. CZ Z3
to act with strength; caus. of A ; Copt.

Sep , B.D.G. 41, 693, 1064, Berg. nppe.

□ sper 1 P. 400, jl □n.
49, Metternich Stele 129, jl^, !
n □ ] □ n □
Heliopolitan form of Osiris;
o. £3=£
n 1179,
• A A

^ , Piankhi Stele 101, the road of Sep; <zz>, Amen. 20, 16,
©A A

i A
n ° •==
A © ~j □ © V to arrive at a place,
□ CQ jfj [’ Hymn of Darius 32, the ^ ’ tn
to mme
gods of the company of Osiris.
Sper-t neter-s ^ p, Tuat XII:
Sepit X , a goddess. (1) a wind-goddess of dawn; (2) one of the

the festival of 12 goddesses who towed the boat of Af into

Sepi heb f|1 j i 0 Sepi. the eastern sky.
2 t 3
P s [ 662 ] S n

sper n ° s-pekhar

M Qe A ^<=>i , dfe, <#>, c4k

(sM to ask, to beseech, to implore, to make a to write, to engrave, to draw designs, to enroll,
A’ complaint.
to register . a ^ (——j ^ designer of the temple
of Ptah.
sper-t <rr>, IV, 970,

n ° ^
o a 1 a £LL l s-pekhar n D J\
, Rec. 31, 31, n
Qf, prayer, petition, request.
3 (2 n D (3
, to make to
j\ > j\ ’
speru go round, to surround, to brandish [weapons
^ \p 1 ^ ^ ^ | j; iv, 97 r, petitions, Qn
J? C caus. of j\.
@ i prayers. <2 111 ];

□ spes □ 0 £—to overthrow, to slay.

speru ^
spes ] □ fl AZ\ I9°6, 107, 109 to
^ ^ petitioner, plaintiff.
’ skip, to jump, to da

sper-ti « IV, mi, plaintiff, peti¬ spes Ho fl to build.

^ w tioner.

sper fl a n 0 U. 123, rib;

Spes MA, B-D- 13 7 ? 50, 179, 3. the
I * is name of a god.
□ □ ^
plur. 1 ,
1 1 1
I “ Rec. 30, 67 ; Copt, crilp. sept , see n°□
sper JJ, a metal vessel or object. septi
e ’
;, t. 61, na
sper-t • ca °, a mineral substance.
N. 594, 1a /p, M. 2x9, 1D , Peasant 167,
Ci oil
I 111
nD^ □ ^
spell jl □ <©, N. 424, 509, t. 263, 323, o \\ "

1 (] ® f, Rev. 13, 27, the two lips ; no.

°jM M , Rec. 26, 233; n0 —Q
(c) AA/W/W

to lasso, to fetter, to bind. CZD /WWW

= "ifovr netV, Gen. xli, 3; ^ ® o V&

speh-t n □ 1} , lasso, tie, fetter.
; J I I o
on my lip ; Copt. CIIOTOT, Heb. DVlDtp,
I K21’

Spell n□ <® J),Rec> 3I’ 3r> the name

Mi’ of a god.

Speh-[t]-ur-t p □ | <§> j^., n. 976,

sept 1□ , rim of a vessel, edge,

a goddess who tied the legs of animals for margin of a lake;



the water’s edge;
'^TTTr^ 'l=f\ s^ore the
speh-t |la|o^, u. 312, [!o$“ Mediterranean.
'^WTTr^' qjjqj
I 0 | Parts °1 the body, a joint from the sept , plinths, bases (?)
^ l 111
lower part of the back of some animal.

Sept n the name of a god =
s-peh fl □ ^ .A, Rec. 26, 13, to make to

arrive; caus. of .. n«’>

Sept-ti (?) flDB(5, Litanie 22>two plumes
s-pekha ' or r ’ of Ra.

to divide, to separate, to open the bowels; caus. Septi-khenu n □

5^ no ®
^ /WWW

of M-
51 *, m*’ p°sM*- n° O WWW
p [ 663 ] S n
^ ° 9 Q ^ Denderah II, io, one of Septu /\ , Berg. I, 14, a crocodile-god.

the 36 Dekans ; Gr. l,vr\ye.

Sentu A % Ombos I, x86-188, one of

Septi - tenb n ^ \\ J \J>
‘ Li ill ’ the 14 kau of Ra.

B.D. 36, 2, a title of Apshait.

Sept-ab A ® BerS- r> l6> an ibis-god, a
Li I ’ protector of the dead.

Sept p°|\ |to be ready, pre-
Sept-abehu U.
pared ; see H ^
it 282,N. 719+ 10, 1 ^ N. 719,

sept |i ^ preparation, arrangement,

l A.Z. 19x0, 128, \
a god.
sept 1^ ^ rea(jy for the road; 1 ° ^3
Sept-abui ^3 —0 B.D.

11 °,4°,|\\V7IV,6i6,^|-\\,
strong sharp horns ready to attack; 1 |\ ,
f\'J ^ W> PJL, \\> Rev- IT> 72, a title
provided with a mouth, i.e., able to speak skil¬
of several bull-gods.
fully and boldly.
a form of Sept -1 - uauau 1 ]»
wPfO-PlBv Hathor.
Tuat II, the 2nd Gate of the Tuat.

Pii- Pii- Pi- i Septu -metut 1 ^ |\^ ^

j\l j], ^ I, p^|, IV, 975, to be 111
the 6th Gate of the Tuat.
prepared, ready; |~l^ D "|(j, T. 271, ready;
Septu-hennu-ti A 3 ? ^1 0 %
O , ready for an opportunity; Li U A AAAAAA Jl w
b.d. 78,42. ft 1 sf) f ^ I-
U. 94, IV, 372, with ready eye;
Rec. 28, 166, a title of Ra and of Amen.

Afl^IV’io8«>PJU^l , with ready, Septu-her Berg. I, 16, n
skilful tongue; , with ready mouth; A ^ ■ (*) a bon fire-god; (2) an ibis-god, the
Li | ' god of the 18th day of the month.


Septu-kheri-nehait j\ | H (j(
IV, 1014, ready with watchful intelligent face;

Pin 111 , IV, 1152, provided with

a mystic title of the deceased.
B.D. 125, III, 2it

skilled fingers; Copt. CfiTG.

□ Septu-kesu, etc. j>

n □
M-PAH-Pto be ready, prepared;
etc., B.D.
145A, the doorkeeper of the 16th
A.Z. 45, 124, jl^Q
Copt. cEtcut.
Septu 701,^^, N. 719,
septit HA ±, u- 2f>°. T. *77. auw0“fJn
l LI a or goddess with child.
u- 2S,> P A* PALL-0-219,
aeptu ^$58!. people p.200,669, M.779,
who are provided with goods, i.e., the well-to-do,
the wealthy. Rec'z7,222,i\1 sH’ L*sll’
a god of the Eastern Delta.
septi[t] |\
Septu , Tuat XI, the zodiacal light (?)
rations, provisions, daily food, stores of food.
2 t 4
n [ 664 ] S n
□ ^
Septit , U. 221, P. 309, 603, Septu ^ ^, triangle.

643, N. 52, l/\ ° ^jk,N. 1056,

Ci * s-petetch , N. 806, to collect,
to gather together; caus.
Hh- 393,
septch 1 ^ ^ , triangle.
'iK-iv A.VIK4- a- .0
RD' I01’ I3, IIO) 33, I49, lr’ o
Thes. 86ff., the Dog-star; 1 D (\(\[\> N. U. 180, Hh. 88, yesterday, day before yesterday;
Copt. C<Lq.
168; q A , the rising of Sothis which marked
Qy\ (J* Sef (1^^ B.D. 17> 15, a lion-god, symbol
the beginning of the Egyptian year; Gr. O’ of “ yesterday.”
Septit A ° Seti 3>Sothis, the queen
Sef-maa-heli-en-renput H
Li*’ of the 36 Dekans. O <s>-

Septiu □ ^ B.D. 42, 13, a title of

1 ^(|(| ^ |,B.D. (Saite)i7,
III’ Osiris.
57, 32, 5, 130, 7, the Sothic deities. 1 Q Rec- no, flame, fire,
v’ heat, blaze.
Septu 11 D
1 1 sefsef , to smelt, to liquefy, to
, Rec. 19, 18 : (1) the followers of Sept in
the Eastern Delta ; (2) allies of the Libyans.
cook ; 1 n-nwiwij.
Septu A' , — titles of:
# I o
cFd J] et~.
Sefsef n Tchesef.
a god ;. see

/VWW\ , Goshen 2. sef [} ', L=fl, to rub down, to

^ \\
cut up, punishment.
Septu-Heru-aab-t j
the god Sept + the Eastern Horus. sef knife; see 11 ; plur.
Septu-Shu ^ (S 1900,21,p^n|jp® P^^|,
Goshen 2, Sept-Shu son of Ra. to knap flint knives.

Septu-Gemhes , U. 219, P. 200, sefa I £

v. £ ’
to suffer or endure vexation, to feel
669, M. 779, 936, ^ JV,, j\SY, v^“, a form
disgusted or annoyed.
of Horus worshipped in the Eastern Delta.
sef her 1 to be long-suffering.
n □
Sept Tftmi, a mythological worm.

sept p U. 94. 372, PL^L

sef-t 1
£ a }■ annoyance.

U. 401, to cut, to slay.

sefu n- !> a

sept n D B.D. 145, VI, 24, a

kind of wood.
mild or patient man, gracious; plur.
the meek.
a 1,

sept -1 n □ A
, a triangular plot of ground.
sefa i. _fl, to kill, to slay.

sefi ID
l Id JT" I W’ l1^ I'10 be

sept Am* A hie Am’ A..I>akEndofstone’

(9 A o

young, babe, child, a title of the rising sun.

stone scrapers (?)

seflt (?) n Aft x? Rec. 21, 82,
patience (?)
Septat-ankh 11 ^ , Tuat
s-fi ”) LA (2. Rev. 14, 4, to make to
VIII, the name of a goddess in the Tuat. V 11 a)’ rise; caus.
s [ 665 ] S

sefi n w flfl o, unguent, sefekh

- Mil
scented oil, an anointed person.
•. n ’ III’

0§.Hh- 4.6,
sefsef to pour out, to over¬ seven; varr. =4 + 3 =54-2: fern.
\\ \\
111 II
flow; see Mil 1111 111
, U. 630, n , U. 631, n
sell T ,0, ,07 (1 V "" T- 306 ’ C°pt' CAS3'I.
*•305,307,1 ® n|, Heb. yatr.
Rev. 12, 46 n: ij( jjj (j -A Rev. 12, 25,
sefekh uu 11 Q,1111 0, seventh.
D I) A n Rev. 12, 26, sword, knife;
\\ HHiH ^ Copt. CHqe. sefkhu nnnn
n: seventy; Copt.
sefi n Rev., sword, knife;
Copt. CHqe. Sefkhit JP Rec. 3, 116, a goddess.

sefu ^ IV, 501, to kill, 1 to


sefsef n X n w
1 , to sharpen. *: , A.Z. 1905, 75.
\\ III

s-fen n: n: £>, Rec. 16, 56,

, Rev. 11, 153, a goddess of letters,

writing, numbers and painting and consort of

1 /p to be gracious, to suffer patiently, Thoth.
/WWW ^

to endure, weary, annoyed, vexed; caus. s-fekh [T ", U. 448, P. 125, M. 94,
1| Israel Stele, j 5,
sefni /WV/W\ <£f
N- 100, 1 <® , Rec. 31, 25, 1
w gracious.

sefnu n
(2’ e
0 \a’
n <vvvv>
^0© ReC‘ 29’ I55, t0 loosen>
to untie, to unbind, to relax, to set free; caus.
IV, 970, Thes. 1481, a kindly man, indolent,
patient. of ; 1 J\, Rec. 31, 26, 1
y\ ’
sefna n -^15-, to slumber.
undone, set free, unbolted (of a door);

sefen 1 wjw. , to split, to cleave. 'j g n, to break or remove a seal;


sfent 1 /WWW L=J], to slay, to stab, ^ to cut °^’t0 cut away-

knife, sword, dagger; jl ^ ^ ( Q. , a

s-fekhekh , U. 3, T. 233, 281,

reed-cutter’s knife. 1 ^j\,, N. 218, to unloose, to untie;

sfent ah i /www butcher, sacri¬ flfl. P- 237, 1 N. 707; caus. of

ficing official.

s-fent n1 WWW
£> j Hymn to Nile 1, 8, 9, to

loathe, to be troubled or disgusted at something, s-fekhu

to suffer, to endure; caus.
M. 468,
Sefer, Sefert n ., U. 648,
27,223,31,171, n
.057, P VT’ Rec-
, to put off

Rev‘l*I58,2’I9, Mon'Civ’33’5’ one’s garments, to undress.

a fabulous animal with the head of a hawk and
sefkhu B.M. 448, of \J
a pair of wings. ® (2 1 1 1 ^ III
s [ 666 ] S

sefkhi[t] (](| Rec. 17, 149, seft to slay, to kill

undressing chamber (?)
sefti '^jf£ ^.slaughterer.
Sefekh[it] neb-s H
, a goddess. seft n P-'vn, A.Z. 1880,

95, sword, dagger.

sefekh 162

sefekh en nemtt 1(5

Hh- •

• •

'&>• 'M’PM-Rec-
sandals (?) 27. 23°. P^'pb.^^.akind

s-fekk to pour out, of priest, director; t overseer of the

sem priests.
to be poured out, exhausted; caus.
sem * , E.T. 1, 53, confidant.
sef kek-t (12SL^ V—* destruction, exhaus-
tion. n
semu , the deified
1' I 1
sefeg H 55 > p- 2l6, Rec- 30, 197 priests of Ptah and Apis at Memphis.
4 I) <2>- •/ yy-/ ' y

' a p- 2i6>p'b~!)*= Sem MMi> Palermo Stele, a god.

Rec. 31, 175. C(si«
sem .... M. 693
seft fl IV> I022> to slay, to offer
^ L=£] ’ up sacrifice. Rec. 31, 169
semut(?) 1 f=0)
seft [1*- \ D, Roller Pap. 1,5, H

Ch \

IV, 666, knife, sword; plur.

Semu taui n PC=U) , Rec.

27, 222, “ guide of the Two Lands”—a title of

I JJ /wvws ^ /] (5 (f”\ L J\ a god.
o O 1 0 h

Anastasi I, 25, 7, belt knife, dagger; 1

sem, semi

,wwv' I ^ Kill, a sword five cubits long; Copt.

CRqe, Syr. nc'Lx.a, Arab. . ., Eth. ,*|£<£ ; 1 > t0 ^less > Copt CJULOT.
Gr. f/009.

seft !, Thes. 1284, 11 sem P^j b Rev.,

O © I I I* blessing; Copt. CJULOT.
imals to be
animals ie slaughtered.

butcher, slaugh¬ sem p p, 'fb , Rev. 14, 10, to resemble.

o L=f] terer.
sem '(b,^ ,
Cs =0= ! CS^ l’
1 n Cs ^0 !’
Rec. 3, 48, picture.

o ^ ! ’ P^tc^’ a kind °I holy oil; var.


n: n? , B.D., Rec. 4, 1 bp- S’ L'D’In’i94> 3°’
t-Ifl form, image, kind, manner, prac¬
87, 20, a kind of bird. tice, custom.

seft V , a kind of ground or earth. sem-t (?) b Rev. ix, 147,


seftseft j , Rev. 12, 87, form, likeness; Copt. CJULOT.

IP ^ » t0 stride.
o o J

sefth 1 ^ 6 . U. 58, P u. 38, N.

sem n , action, custom (?)

n sem , Sphinx Stele 5, 1

3‘°> .am n

a kind of sacred oil. ^ ^eed, undertaking.

s L 667 P
sem , U. 625, n s-ma TO, Rev. 11, 173, to in¬

u. 493. 578. N. 860, 1326. "1 M- 71S, form, to report news or intelligence; Copt.
n\m()(j, n. 945,
sma Yk-/i
^•P =>PkM!k’Pk to unite, to join oneself to someone or some¬

lull PM If. PkY^’ thing.

smai ta
herb, grass, pasture, field, crop, herbage ; plur 1 T , > Rec- 31, 19.

p^kkkkkpiik union [with] earth,

i.e., burial.

1_''Hk T. 11, P. 191, M. 193,

» Pk*& Piilkf !•
Thes. 12S8, R), IV, 749,
tr, N. 702, Rec. 31, 28, jl J? E> , T. 332, [1
Rec. 26, 78,
Rec. 31, 175; Copt. CIJUl.

516,114 Pk^pT-89, Pkf ’M-241 ’ temple ; H

4 ^ , the two temples ;

V. v. w r. 423, M. 340, N. 760, hair, hairy


1\ 000 <=>, N. 620, herbs, vegetables, Ul III III’ temples.

semit 1k ^ j» herbs, field pro- smai , dresser of the body of the

duce; W|\ Love Songs 1, 10,

g°d (-Ikk)'
^ _zT 1 1 1 ’ flowers of speech.

sem 1 Y Vj, 4=^0 to pile offerings upon sma P->kTIkL^Roe.

I ^ M ’ an altar.
1, 48, a bundle of cloth.
sem j1 Rec. 6, 136, temple (of the an amulet (?) a tri¬
sma 1 IT ”^h\ . I angular object.
head); see [1 ^
sma n 4
1 ->
^ A. Rev-i3> 3> to
^ ’ resemble.
sem n ; var
mk 000 >
sma p P.183, I
see tcham.
, M. 289, 1 J? \ , P Rec
sem-ui ' Ik » U- 368. two bulls. L=/)’

sem-t 1
F7I a kind of animal,
8,124, 20,42, P_> L-fl’
. varr.

\T’ lizard (?)

, to slay, to kill.
semsem Rec. 22, 2,
sma-t ] L ^ Rec- 27, 57,
-J? j\ ’ slaughter.
p ^^7 P^P
smau slaughterer.
'kl'^ , horse, a pair of horses (?); plur. L=V1

1 I ^ ; compare Heb. D^D^lD

sma I ^>5, U. 275, knife, sword.

sem-t n c
, a night garment, apparel.
Sma P^ CO
P. 568, the god of the
vertebrae of Osiris.

o sma j! ^^5^’ ‘ _>^»u-589.

Sem-t, Semtt |l I q D

C^£), Rec. 28, 169, (i° (\/\£)'
n O
P Jp \ . M- 8z3. P J £=3 . p J
the Theban necropolis. \a. p j a bull or cow slain

semu 1 N. 936, lands,

as a sacrifice; fern. P Q ; plur. [1 c\
s [ 668 ] S

£&m» R 669’ s-maa

a n ,c—I

^ _
jpjj) HI) 141) t° ascribe righteousness or blessing
to someone; Copt. CAJLA.JULAA.T", CJULOhf.
^^j.pV^PP , P.S.B.
S-maa 11 to appeal for justice, to
J 5 , 156.

pray to have a wrong righted.

Smati jl _> u. 596,
s-maa-t (1 an appeal, petition;
1 ^ o— n ( .- : J-., P. 682, a bull-god. n
J J j , righteous edicts.
Smait [1
> U. 493) n a
s-maa kheru <2
B.D. 177, 7, a
-N. 945, P , to make true the word, i.e.,
to prove innocent, to justify a person.
Sma-ur ^_i 7 0=====, U. 280,
s-maa kheru 1, Thes.
J^) T. 273, P. 25, M. 35,
1482, justifier.
N. 124, a bull-god; fern, jl cr
S-maa P j\ , to make straight or level
n /wvw\
T. 359) I 23 <rr=>, N. 177.
the path of someone;
1 A I I I
Smait urit (1 ' », P. 613, Z5 0 we make straight for thee the roads
000 0 [yyi’ of Agert.
23 > P. 712, N. 802, 1363, s-maa
^ Sj fl ^ t0 cut> to dig>
) N. 945,
smaaiu ^ ^ ^ | ’ slaughterers-
, T. 359, a cow-goddess.
smaam n (2
b to make a noise,
Sma .... ta n to terrify with noise.
Rec. 31, 12, a goddess.
smaah n I _Jp ? (2 ^,t0 entreat)t0 SUP-
-—-fl X J\ plicate.
Sma n “ Bull ”—name of
a boat of Aahmes I. Smai (?) I RD*. (Saite) no, a
lake in Sekhet-Aaru.
s-maar Jr fl <=> V ) see
s-maui fl, IV, 863, |1 _J,
; caus. of
" .n ^fl’ p-^lkcL’
s-maa n Hh. 453,
0 #•
-w .

1 ReC- 2°) 42, 1 1 , to renew, to repair, to rebuild;

Rec. 33, 36, w

p4, 1, Amen. caus. of_^
10, 12, to make or prove true, to prove innocent,
to justify, to correct, to discharge a duty or debt, Smam 0 , M. 772, jl J?
to pay what is due or obligatory, to pay vows,

to dedicate; 1_&
caus. of ) ;
3 r-^~
applied to the wind, a direct or favourable wind.
V=d, !_A7

Smaa-huti n Tomb
£ n
n (2
of Seti I, one of the 75 forms of Ra (No. 74). V=/]’
n Us
• Ji t,—f\ ’
to slay, to kill,
to slaughter.
n [ 669 ] S

smam-t , slaughter. smatchit 1 , Rec.

smamu n 30, 67, a part of a ship.

, victim, sacrifice, the slain. sma

smamiu !,! MX m\
J butchers, slaughterers,
M 1 U=4!’ the avenging gods.
Rev. 13, 30, to report, to inform, to make an
smam n >^ buii> announcement; Copt. CJUL&JL6.

wild bull; plur 1 -j’ 1 1 1 semmai nix oja fp, Rev. II, 145,
^ i, Peasant 207.

n *5° n AA , to report, to inform

Smamit $3- a cow-goddess.
against, to accuse; Copt. CJUUUL6.

Smam[it] I_4 , B.D. no,

Sllia ! 0 0 $1, herald, reporter.
43, a goddess of Sekhet-Aaru

Smam-ur n sma, smi

B.D. 17, 114, a bull-god who was the soul i f f (a ^-8 1 Q ( f -W ..
I, report, story, narra¬
of the Earth-god Geb.
tive, proclamation, declaration ; Copt. C6JUU.
Smamit urit n utterance, speech, word,
, Rec. 30,186, I_4 order.

a cow-goddess. semmai Rev. 12, 22,

smam ta Ml report, accusation.

Peasant 309, burial.

Sma R ^ 1^, B.D. 169, 23, whip; plur.
1 ^ ^ J Peasant 186; ( "J
i45, VI, 25, the porter of the 6th Pylon.
10 B.D. 149, II, 8.
s-mam 1 n I I I

to please, to gratify; caus. of [_J? a sacred

Sma ]0CnL B>D- i69> 23
§ A.’ animal (?) in Abydos.

Smami n AQ^,
a name
of Set. sma no a °,nQAAo,unguent' salve,
#1111 I §11 cream, butter.
smamu n , foliage.
smai nu neh-t n

111 1 miQ

Smamu n
cloud-gods (?)
1a ? 1 m J’ paste made from the fruit of the sycomore-fig tree.

sman IjJ l Q AA/WSA | fl Q WWW C

Smant-urt J?
— o
3<=>,N. 177;
ZW/W/W |
l 75 I &
a kind of incense or
see Sma-ur. ,p I
W 0 III O 0 I perfume.
S-mar I 4 ; varr.
n Sman

I y (I
f\ AA/W/W

Aj, the Incense-god.

■A ?
^—=3. ^ 5” 1)
Smatit 10 fl 1 0 \ Rec- l6> r°9, a
IV, 1089, to make miserable; caus. § 1 fl O u’ goddess.

0 I] <=* V Mar. Aby. I, 6, 37,

smati weigher (?)
© 1 L—fl
s [ 670 ] s
sma n , Rec. 29, 146, 30, 188, smen
, order, foundation.
pole used in working a boat; plur. n a
Smen user b A.Z. 1906,
Rec. 30, 68; 1
11V'39°&6: 133, the title of a priest.

s-[a]mm’ fl , to burn up, to smenti H ^ Iv, 344, porter,

consume; caus. of
smenti ] ^ a Pair of members of
^ Will’ the body.
s-mar n Rec. 33, 3,
Smenu I 0 ^ , P. 742, a god.
_/] . AAAAAA

> 'bid. 32, 79, H 5,

n to please, to make
| /WVWN , I . 355, I -WWVX JU} N. 175,.

happy, to dress a god or a man in festal attire ;

V, N. 811, a goddess.

var. fl o1
Rec. 16, 56; caus. of Smen maat em Uast VAAAA
/- 1
/ I ©’
a title of Amen-Ra.
^, festal raiment.
Smi Qa n flQ
1 “ (1 A, Stunden 44
cLi Jj

“ Slayer ”—a name of Set; plur.
smenu g j|fl.

Nesi-Amsu 14, 15, ^>j/, image, form, statue; plur.

, the asso- AAAAAA (J
■fcA I
ciates of Set. ne
/WWW 0

smi-t ( L b===^) fight, combat, battle.

smenut Rec. 32, 64, monu-
^ ill’ ments.
smun (1 fl 1, A.Z.
1=11 I
smenu AAAAAA II |
IV, 428, objects made
1896, 39, Heruemheb 11, 1 1 0 vH/ 1 of bronze.

smenu ]D00
0 ; N. 976, parts of
I j > Metternich Stele 188, assuredly,
e; AAAAAA 0 ■5 a ladder, rungs (?)
really and truly, verily, to acclaim.
smen , U. 571, T. 387, P. 699,
smuh 1 8 'Hj Rec- 36) 78, petition,
a yy supplication. M. 665, N. i28r, AAAAAA

o (2

smut (?) to report. a kind of goose ; Copt. CJULOTIte.

s-men "| n 1 fl n ^
smen-t AAAAAA , goose.


, to stablish, to be established;
AAAAAA vYi Smen fl » N- 953, a goose-god;
caus. of ; Copt. cjuLiue, cejutni.

smen-ta n AAAAAA
I f] N. 1230, stablisher,
0 1’ stablished. s-menmen
|l 11111 l| JJULUIXJL

n a] _] ^
n ^

smenn • AAAAAA , P. 672, M. 662, I AAAAAA

Rec. 31, 15, to make to move, to remove ; caus.
pi ,1 HI M.1,

, established; fl AAAAAA
) smen-t I AAAAAA A , withdrawal, departure.
0 ..^
R J , IV, 204, done into writing effectively.
smen-t I a/aaaa p. 61 r, incense, perfume.

smen-t ns 'wwv'> u. 559, IV, 655, II AAAAAA

s-menkh 1 A 3 > 1 ^

Coronation Stele, a stablish-

m IV, 1184, to complete, to make perfect, to set
ing, stability, a standing still, halt. in good order, to beautify, to endow richly, to
s [ 671 ]
embellish; 1 /w/wv\ [j, perfected, established; smer-t , B.D. 172, 15, eyelids.
caus. of <—> Rec. 6, 6, to dress, to
smer j!
5 ’ ’ array.

smenkh-t AAAAM £ , adornment. smer 1 v !, ornamental raiment.

£§) O -
6 l

smer smer I /$, Rev. 11, 167.

S#-Pf«lS'P7k~ s-meh n ra 1 ra Rec.

{^’ P ^ a title of nobility ; 26, 79, to make to forget; caus.

’em. jl ^ ; plur. j I ^ smell

to beseech, to pray.

STMPPtSrMtfl-"' s-meh
n <=><=::\
n 0 /wwna n
i°73> IV> 898» io94>
Rev. 11, 125, to flood, to submerge, to fill full,

¥¥¥$!■Thes- i28s> P¥ C^j$ 1 s-meli-ab 1 f\ O, to satisfy.

P^<=>^, M. 391, N. 658;

smeh n "“S 8 aSS, P. 421, M. 603,
P¥ j4v $ P', the chief smer; ji 'p-
N. 1208, | o<=5^ jj , a boat. In the Pyramid
I the smeru of <5<s<2 nnnn
11 1 □ An’ the Court Texts its length is 770 cubits,
$ nnn
smer uati | i ^ , 0^ smeh I ^ s| 0 , a kind of wine or

■Pt^APf beer (?); Copt. CJLR-A.^, (?)

smehi n w
, Anastasi I, 23, 4,
, a title of nobility higher than -U
<=> w
smer, perhaps unique smer; plur. j1 ^ 1 __fl, Rouge I.H. II, 125, the left

P ^ ^ V^~~ q , smer, only hand, left side; Gr. o«r/««x; see Herodotus

one of love, a title of nobility. II, 30, and n <? •

smeriu p ^ ((| ^ !, p ^ s-mekh (s-khem) _fi_, Pap.

1 M\ , a guild of priests; p ^ |h.... .r| 3024, 68, IV, 943, 1 ® , IV, 965, 1161,

leaders of the caravan (?) to forget; n , Hymn to Nile 16, 9;

Smer nesert Jf ^ ^ “ *, the god- caus. of €

dess of the 8th hour of the night. smekh (skhem) n , Thes.

s-mer , to make to suffer, 1207, image.

inflict pain; caus. of ^
s-mekht (?) n T—j b. D. 169, 5)

smer n ^ , Rev. 12, 65, the left
Ip I, P. 243, to deliver a woman;

n pp, A.Z. 1873, 131; Copt. OJUteciO.

hand; Heb. ^T’N'biP, Assyr. £] J§JJ, Arab.
V smesu Ip I |, Mar. Aby. I,
ju-i , Syr. rels&A . The Egypt. P f\ $
. /CT—

the itff/uix of
)f Herodotus
Herodo II, 30, is probably a 8, 86, goslings just hatched.

mistake for
Pk¥ smesit 1 p (( o, IV, 225, midwife.
s [ 672 ]
sems , to burn, to consume. semsu A.Z. 1906, 112, a priest’s

semsu n <=|=- 0 , pot, vessel.

stake, club, mallet, mace.
Semseru , Rec. 36,
sems 1 fx jl , to look; Copt. COJULC. 202, a god.

sems aa-t j 1 f\ (1 ^ , T. 374, A, Palermo

n. 695, n n q 3: M. 125, covering,

’ a kind of garment.
, U. 220, M. 263,

, P. 177, the boat of the

semsu , U. 440, (1
evening sun; var. 'X 1 , M. 263,
T. 251, P. 697, , N. 968,
657 ;'see Sektt.

Smet n , U. 219, n ,M. 496;

Ill, B' see Mesta, one of the four sons of Horus.

Pkn smet
Rev. 14, 37, eye-paint;
nix nt 1, Metternich
smeti [1Q u the Parts °f the eyelids to
’ which kohl was applied.
Stele 245, eldest, firstborn; plur. 1 p 1

, P- 215, n m.
Smeti n w
*, n * PT*’ Denderah
T- 255, fl
II, 10, one of the 36 Dekans ; Gr. CJULA/T.
T. 326, I, Rec. 32, 81, nix n smet 1 t\ ^ ^ > P- 402, M. 574,
in. n n C-Li) C-U)

n n U. 516, older than

the eldest.
N. 1180,
Amen. 21, 12, to hear, to
listen, to eavesdrop (?)
Semsu h[ai]-t jj) ^
Smeti , Rec. 21, 78,
ra ((
C ~2 J, eldest of a priest’s college.
enquirer, investigator.

Semsu qet-t en Ptah n mn

Smet, Smeta
\ , P. 6x8,
□ f=Bi l
, T. 87, ^ \ M. 240, , N. 1299,
Os Os
N. 618, the eldest-born of the workshop of Ptah, N. 873, a god.
a title of the high-priest of Ptah.
smett 1 /c=xD
sems utut 11 |Rhind
Pap. 24, a title of Thoth.
Rec. 26, 75; var. ^ »Rec-
26, 75, a god (?) .
Sems neb aakhu
derah II, 11, one of the 36 Dekans. Smetu
B.D. 144, the watcher of the 1st Arit.
Semsit set nekhenkhen-t (sic)

f=u) 0 (-u) 0
nix n Q WII
, a kind of grain

AAAAAA AAAAAA or seed used in medicine

Q 1 J |§X Rec. 34, 191, one
Rev. 12, 62, form;
of the 12 Thoueris goddesses. H 21 ’ Copt. CJULOT.
s [ 673 ] S
t-u) cx=>^
s-meter Smet meh-t , Annales
M • •

r=u) w I, 88, Mercury.


Smet res-t Annales I,

88, Jupiter.
\\ Hi OlA Smet ser-t n Annales
"\ o
m- I, 85, one of the 36 Dekans

Smetsmet , B.M. 1075,

'j'j to enquire into a matter, to make a hippopotamus-goddess.
an investigation, to verify, to inspect, to examine ; rows of inlaid stones,
(l1"'* P7T:, IV, ,076; caus.
Oi I I I I I I
c f—u) \ smet-t ’, U. 65, N. 320, 1
of .o
If o n '-J o
o 1 •
0. c-^-3 -aj>^
O I o -CH>: C\ III 75
iw \>
i, to make to speak, to
n O
Vs, 00000 -
GL c> 0
°, eye paint,
declare; caus. of ^ ^< tohl, antimony; Copt. CTHJUL.

smet n n smet-t n1 ^7-^, Thes. 1207,

kind, manner, copy, likeness, form, , weapons, tools, implements.

<1 <E
similitude; Copt. CJULOT*. c 1111
^ i
n servant, serf, sub¬ %^¥u-'

ordinate, slave born on an estate, underling;

plur. ntv ^x
J\ v&!. n £LL i
sen 1

pronom. suffix 3rd pers. plur., they, them, their;
IV, 97,
fl 'S A n AAAAAA

dual I wwvi (I, N. 1238 = I , M. 675 ;


, M. 677, N. 1239 = n aaaaaa , p, 642 =
Smet 1 a crocodile-god, the god AAAAAA -S AAAAAA

, Hh. 342; I » P- 549, Rec. 30, 69.

of the 23rd day of the month. I I f
senui II, masc. two; fern, senti ^ ; Copt.
smet n o L~J}' crtAnr.
Thes. 1323, to walk, to move, to carry.
sen-mi 1 | O , U. I5I, 1 0 , T. 122,

* ,’ Q0’, * * AAAAAA

PIo^,R 267^Io’
, u. 317, 575,
the half-monthly festival; plur. ^,
l 0
N. 1248,

1 0 ’ ^
T. 12, M. 763;

, n*

* Mill
,vww' ^jE7 the festival of the 15th day of the
v oi’" &’i
0 sec°nd;
nrj -

Q O month. M w i V. o Peasant 215,

i O w’ I
W’lo’ o
Smet n T n a man who says one thing and means another;
—♦4- fl AAAAAA -M-
0 — II J AAAAAA U. second

*, Tomb Seti I, one of the 36 Dekans; 11 □ ©’ 0 □ ©’ & O Jr □ ©

Q A.Z. 45, 125, second of
var. ® 0 , Tomb Ram. IV; Gr. S/mr. time; ^ o
^ aaaaaa
11 ’ two.
2 u
s [ 674 J n
n /www yrs q
sen-nu sen-
| Q Pap- 30245 Io6’
■* I ^ ^ ’T' 26°’N- s87> j11 ^»
Shipwreck 42, | ^ | 0 P.488)|_]^.M.488,|7>|'7|,
l=M454b 0 ’ 0 S'!’ 4 n “
A.Z. 45, 126, fellow, counterpart, com¬
Iflo’ifl sister; l?’ sister-
panion, neighbour, colleague. wife; |JQ $fj> royal sister; dual || q,

sen T. 172, N. 763, || Q , M. 140, N. 647,

I , U. 549, T. 304, J aaaaaa Jk, N. 33,

A/WW 1

Ifcs N. 740, |Q IV, 6,8,

1 AA/W/W

n /WWW

’1’ 1* ’ I brother 1 |l<

|-1-y Rec. 29, I57,||“jj}j?|,

ra , kinsman; ^ ^
Philadelphus; fem. 1
, -Adelphoi; milt-IEHrMI:!
1 b M. 169, AAAAAA

6ss'io^##’ 1 — n AAAAAA
AAAAAA vr\ v \
.s\\^ n
|1 a

> Rec. 33, 30 Sen-ta ^ aaaaaa ^ (j, p. 273, ^ AA/WW

o S’l o 1
M. 488, N. 1 254, a goddess (?)
0 > Rec- 33, 3°, 1 0
txw sensen
n. 107, £ i, p. 76, Pi p 1, n. i9,
| ^ , tw0 brothers, two brother-gods, a^., Horus AAAAAA AAAAAA AAAAAA AAAAAA

II, T. 283, If, M. 30, ,i Treaty7,

and Set, or Set and Thoth; P. 466, M. 529, AAAAAA

^■3^, N. 1108, Shu and Tefnut; plur. II— fl- ilft& I°l- i°M
■U'2-!>13 U-557,|||.U.299,
I it:, i 11. ?—1—ji,

, 11 0 %>, Rec.
0 _P> T- T37> ^ j, Rec. 29, 153, AAAAAA

20, 41, to meet, to join, to associate with, to be

friends, to unite, friendship.

Rec • 29, 76, | 0 !, 0 senseni ||\\V^, friend; plur. |- (1

© ©
|J | 0 (3 tJ( i, brethren;

I sensen Rec. ,, 38,

I 0 !’Shipwreck

126, brothers and sisters; ^ | ^ |, Coronation Thes. 52 2 , fgg <37, Berg. I, 33, the

Stele 18. the king’s brothers ; Copt. COIt. festival of the two bulls, z.£., of the conjunction
of the sun and moon in the month of Epiphi.
Sena | (j, brother; fem. |(jo.
sensenti || ^ Amen, u, i3.

Sena 1 AAAAAA j P. 2 y ^ j ^ AAAAA

Sen-nefer ^, p,p)- 78, 28, a title of
M. 487, N. 1254, a god.
sen |^b thief; Copt. COHI.
sen en at ^ aaaaaa [ o , p. 434, M. 621, /WWW

sen needy, sufferer, sick (?) a

N. T225, father’s brother, uncle.
failure (?)
s [ 675 ] S

senn (1^^ Metternich Stele 55, to be

sen n AAAAAA (g) (j.T.316. P| .AAAAAA l| «■
wretched, needy or miserable.

senn n /VWWN
, to make a mistake in
P. 274, to bind (?)
sen, sena-t | ( I ^—3) box, case,
speaking, blunder, a false statement, lie (?); cz~□
chamber, room.
compare 3«5, N..078,
senti , P. 48, Rec. 31, 163,
n .vAAAAA rj ww Cl

senu ^era- I 1 , Palermo Stele,
satef Stele 28, helpless, infirm ; Copt. CLj(JL?ne.
0Q't- 173, P. 119, M. 153, N. 107,
sen | , Leyd. Pap. 98.. AAAAAA AAAAAA j

sen l 3 ,u. 181,1,53, l P.164,

QQlm.™* ^ 1, Rec.
Cl I I
O WWVN AAAAAA 27, 225, the two halves of Egypt, i.e., Upper
and Lower Egypt, a double shrine of Ra which
M. 328, I a (1 , N. 859, ! p , A.Z. [9I0,
AAAAAA O was symbolic of all Egypt.
125, | 3, to smell, to kiss; n £> sen -1 | , pole, mast, flagstaff"; plur
Shipwreck 134, to kiss a wife; 1 £>
- i AAAAAA ^ |

|o|H Rec- 2°’ 4°’ 42; HTm’ Je

I) 53, he kissed his foot; | he ^ IV, 1105, the north pole of

kissed the earth, i.e., did homage. ill _ I ^^’ the palace.
. see sen- senit , masts, flagstaff’s.
sena er ta | 1 1 1

sen ta 11

, Rec.


sen- i-t (?) fl| AAAAAA

ground, bcisis, founds.-
v f \

3 I s n AAAAAA rv n AAAAAA n 7T

AAAAAA === sen-t | , iv, 1174, If ^ , y mm

a^umn a mnD a©
„ , , Hh- 3°7, > t0 sme11
__ I Tt ill 2 I H Anastasi I, 15, 4, plinth, pedestal of an obelisk.
the earth, to kiss the ground in homage; | 1 AAAAAA n n AAAAAA
3 sen 1 3 IV , 3 to copy, to make
P- 8, , U. 179. 4HD a'tzz) U
w a likeness or transcript.
sennut sen I II ill. to follow in the track of.
N. 1070, acclamations, homage.
nil IV, 412, to make a copy or
sensen fl 1 I 3, T. 376, 1 ww* I AAAAAA


copy, duplicate, tran¬

| M. 333, || A, A.Z. 1908, 119, |^ |, script.

n n w n aaaaaa n aaaaaa a aaaaaa n aaaaaa a i
sennn L4 ra, IV, 1034,
I1T4 „ 1 w
to breathe.
\\ T ' I «P w
IV, 1036,


ii O , to have a bad smell;
! igii.m

‘0 (2

Ilo , smell, odour

r|J-lli0D T III Ck
W , likeness, image,

sen-t 343> copy, figure, statue ; plur. j1

a o 111 Q ’ I I I VE7
^P, P- 222> a festival of the 6th day (?)

pir^.pii —pw=. pw??,. pw"
n AAAAAA t-t j
, Rec. 27, 225,
; o==d
!> IV, 414, a kind of precious stone, ruby (?)

f L)u 1, Rec. 26, 224, an offering. sna(P) fi\^|^.towalk,Sw.

2 o ( 50 |
2 U 2
s [ 676 ] S

sna i, fiends, foes, enemies. senb-t

/V ^ , Shipwreck 158, I Q
/WWW v

s-naa J , health.
FI j to reduce to the consis¬

tence of paste (drugs used in medicine), to

senb-t n. v j > p- mbs, 34
knead; caus. of JJ

J|, Metternich Stele 65, 66, 69,


JIJI’ P‘ 429’ M‘ 6i4’

w IV, 559, to say “good

health; see nI /w/ww nI

) .
JJ health ” to anyone.

Senbu ] WWW J,M. 1182, AAAAAA

snif (?) n AAAAAA ^

, blood; see ^
:f •
N. 1182, the Health-god.

0 uu

snin 0 Senbit-ab fl Ombos II, 132,

, to pass; var. J a goddess.
n 0 0 af> Rev- ”, 141; Copt. cine. Senb-Kheperu
the nth
© 1'
hour of the day.
snu o V&V-& Methen, a class of

™ -J ^ ^ ^AAWV' «J ^ ^ ’
y\ 21’ men on an estate.
1^64 w 0> P ’seT’vLt
^ jar’ vase> vessel, pot, libation vessel;
snu plur.
^ ^ 0 ’ wine Pelus^um (?) AAAAAA no, n
|, A.Z. 1880,
111 j®
drink; compare ^ -, I, 3, 4 = Gr. 'S.aiv.
49; 1 -WWW (] ^ 1 ^ 0 ;ilver-
vessel of silver
o hi’ gold.

snu > d AAAAAA

o , Herusatef s-neb f P| to kindle, to light a
Stele 135, vineyard, J) v ’ fire ; caus. of neb,
S-nebb 1^ , to kindle, to light
L==d, to bind, to tie.
0 a fire ; caus. of nebb for nebneb.
s-nukh s-nebneb , to kindle, to light a
to warm, to heat, to cook, to burn fire ; caus. of nebneb.
0 @ o 4’up, to boil; caus.; Copt. ceXg,0.
senb to bind, to tie, girdle,

yfy Ebers 41, 15, a plant
used in medicine.


B-D. 64, 35,
: z\,
AAAAAA J J J\ ' I J ^ ’ to build
snutchem (?) [1 ^ | ^, Hh. a wall, to surround with walls, to hem in or
369, to bear (?) to carry (?) surround (the enemy).

J >P—Jfl.p „ j.p senb-t
J \j n www
"JDJL’ P^J j-r p, -wa-wa j-r

J(a|, II, to be sound or healthy? AAAAAA

P J 0’
J nP Ol’Pj
6 0’ awa"’
o n1 n^
health, strength ; p aawvw J(], p—, j " , a girdle wall; plur.
Cl , , ,>
P.S.B. 27, no.
enjoying good health; (1 in Q I P = health.
-r. u .? . I dii
Perhaps = senb-t l AAAAAA j] ° , H £> \ all-
1-- -J «3J o
embracing heaven.
senb P/wwv' , to protect.
senb 1 n fi n °
senbi i Rev. 13, 80, V\ ’ J J /V’
’ vigour, health. throw, to drive back, to repel.
n s [ 677 ] S n
senb n s-nemeh, s-nemmeh 1
evil person or thing, a beast of a man.
^ I ® *jj; var* ^A
senb !'—JSvchaplet t ’ t0 pra^’ t0 beS> t0 bumbk °neseH I caus.
or crown made of plants or flowers. n /www |\ r\
> IV, 385, con-
senb n ^ [| \Ty a wall of shrubs, i.e.,
Js i m ’ green hedge, avenue (?)
/£2r\ lR
quest, conqueror; from *=^j.

senb SA , a kind of tree; plur. AAAAAA

s-nehi ra
IV’ II74’
to muster soldiers, to place soldiers in their
positions for fighting, to marshal forces ; caus.
Rec. 30, 67, parts
\\ ’ of a ship or boat. s-nehep n I |-ga a, IV, 966, Thes. 1479,
~j aaaaaa blood; Copt.
snef to muster levies of soldiers, to call up troops;
f ’ cnoq. caus.


Rev. 14, 19, sacri¬ s-nehet I HD , U. 444, I HD , T.

ficial priest (?)
253, to subdue; caus.
n - O, the year that is
snehi [1 AAAAAA | (j(j L=ZJ, Rev. n, 165 =
past, last year ; Copt. CltOTCf.
to command; Coptc^en&e;
pi ^25- ,
snehi 0 ww ((j (©, Decrets 107, copy (?)
A.Z. 1905, 25, |1 J |, to beautify, to please,

to make happy, to decorate a tomb with texts s-nekh I , U. 573, ' Q ^ b N. 967,

and drawings; caus. of ^ 3 ; |1 J » I 757> t0 bring UP> t0 rear a


I, 52, to please the heart, to gratify. child; caus. of L=fl.

s-nefekbfekh 1 N. 656, Hh.


s-nekhekh 1 QQ f^, [l#( , to pro-

i95> n (@, Rec. 31,17, n AAAAAA ‘

A, long one’s life, to become old ; caus.


Sphinx 14, 204, to untie, to
5, sennekh-t ^ AAAAAA ^ ^ AAAAAA Ini
; axe.

s-nem > n"Hi,

snekha (V B.D. 35, 2, to unload (?)
to disembark (?)
to grieve, to mourn, grief,
pain, sorrow. s-nekliakha [1 ^ ^ "V ^ ’
a r\ aaaaaa n ^ Sphinx 14, 208, to slay.
snem 1, to make
s-nekhebkheb 1 aaaaa^ AAAAAA ^ l6l,
an offering of propitiation.
N. 688, Sphinx 14, 208, n AAAAAA

»’ Hh.
to satisfy with food.
PV to feed,
148, A.Z. 1910, 129, to unbolt a door.

s-nekhen '}"SA $) IV> 579, to reju-

JT ’ venate ; caus.
Pi <wwv\
n /I AA/vwv
, N. 637,
JD 0 s-nekht ™ I, 145, P. 447, N. 1121,
1^ ’ to strengthen ; caus.
°, t. 335, I ij §r ° ’R 8°9, food
to praise, to adore, to
food in abundance, sensu fl acclaim.
snem plenty.

snem n. , Peasant 153,

sensu l AAAAAA p IV, 936, J1 P^
I r ^ 1, praises
a kind of weed or plant.
2 u 3
f1 s [ 678 ] S

sensen ngn , A.Z. 1906, 107, to praise, sentit ^ VI ^ i’ Litanie r4> sight,
to acclaim ; Copt. ceXcooX.

n n
I /wwv\ I £), to smell: see ^
n /wwva

n /WW\A
o o, IV,
( (__| M. 214, 728, N. 685, 978,


sensh ^ 1, to open, to make a way into ; zx n q n ° c3 n */ww\


1 w
M; late forms

s-neq U, U. 48, n U, U.
1! ^ 1111
, incense; Copt. COItTe.

zl zl Sneterba Berg. I, 23, a bird-

369, P. 606, N. 143, , P. 602,
A <Cb O AAAAAA j q

A senth I _ ML to cut down timber.

N. 803, I ^ , Rec. 26, 224, 1



^ a—0, Rec. 26, 233, to suckle; caus. (?)

senth n , T. 282, N. 132, to found,
to establish, custom, habit.
Copt. COmK, TCnKO; compare Heb.
n /w/w/w n senthi n P. 407, M. 583, N.
1189, founder.
S-neqeb I , Metternich Stele 5,
to suffer pain ; caus. Senthi-ur G) ^ Drear? Stele I2- the
66 <z^>’ title of a priest,

s - neqmi
A Zl senthi 0 '(MW, Ikhernefert 14,
b to feed, to nourish; caus. cabin, shrine of a sacred boat, canopy,
_ n /wwv\ TT
senk-ab 1 U- 399> strong- s-nether (1 ^ ^ |1 §=>, U. 9, \] ^
J ’ willed.

senk-t n ^ cm
«=[] | , Rec. 36, 214 =
T. , 1dlH> !lMPI-™e,
to purify with natron.
0 darkness, evening.
AAAAAA UPS'llsP/llif
agitate, to shake ; caus.
, Sphinx 14, 210, to
Pi" ip-, ips, js,


JMPS1-» o, incense; <2>-
11, 174, fear, timidity; Copt. crCLT".
<=> \\ , zx Ml- Rev.
'ST* o, to offer incense;
vr o
§7 T 1 , fresh incense.
o o o y o

sent! n m b crier.
, Rec. 27, 228,

sent 8 “ , evil, e£^.

\\ zx enmity.
q q /www go

n aaaaaa ZA /n ZX AAAAAA

iu IIM mi ’enemies- n AAAAAA
0~P, to fear; ^ timid of heart; ^ AAAAAA

sent, sent-t ! ^ «£5(5, gar-

tS-S”5 IV, 658, faces of fear, terror-stricken
ment, bandlet.
faces ; Copt. Clt^/T.
senti n AAAAAA


Q \\
to found, to
establish. sent-t [1 n
zx e
senti[t] jl [j[ , cabin, canopy. Amen. 23, 7,

ini Ci (g
[ 679 ] S n
jQ „ O AAAAAA r> AAAAAA l\ /A, n ,

- [ those who are at

eP'^ ^fW’ snetchemu |
1 ’ ease.
n aaaaaa a AAAAAA r\

4_0(| (3 I a—(2^5k, lour.

s-netchem ab
As. 1908, 299, fear; Copt. CIt<LT~.
to make glad the heart.

sentu '» IV> 972, s-netches , to belittle, to

1 ^ 1
^ !, timid man. make little; caus

Sent Berg. I, II, Rec.

ser 11 n. MM-
4, 28, a lion-god; B.D. ib, 8,
© n.
prince, chief, nobleman, elder; plur.
17, 46, a name of the heart of Osiris. p
Sent - nef - Amentiu
.n ! >

Tuat V, a god who burned the dead.

sent i1 ii —
11,T- 2%2< tsails
of a boat. 111
Herusatef Stele 28,
sent-t |
^ I d acacia wood. P I. n «:■ p«Mi‘ (2

Sentit I Rec. 24, 161, a Canopic

(2 gl 1, chief nobles;
<5= =“
(2^1 I, chief inspectors.
jar-goddess ; var. (2 (2k-/J2i I
sneter incense; see snether. ser-t IT (I1
n oaaaaa Pi jJl.
sentch , P. 684, u. 270, Ser-pu-aa, etc. T □
^ia s prpr
T, »
N. 719 + 6, P. 20, 543, 'up □ e, B.D. 153B,
.& \\
11, the fowler who worked the net of the Akeru-
fff>. M. 71, [I Hh. 5SI>

(i-p^.pp^4-p,t0fcaynC“p': Ser-tchatcha-t |1 <= , M. 700,

di O

sentch-t |l^ ^

^p*,, fear,
n 0|, N. 1321, a title of Anpu.

ser n 1, p.
s-netchem IV, 219, [11

k^PAPH'Ptkflf #>■ 1116, B 26,

1 <■—s. ^, 1 ^
Rec. 31, 170,

, Metternich Stele 78,

rest, to sit down, to seat oneself; 1 | ^ (|, 1 -Ssa ^, Rev. 11,147, 1 { J\,

L.D. Ill, 140B, seated ; caus.

1 _2^> f ^ Jour. As. 1908, 309, to
s-netchem netchem 11 | JJ | | announce, to dispose, to arrange, to order, to

^, to seat oneself, to be at ease; caus. direct, to decree, to challenge;

Rev. 13, 42, to struggle; Copt. CUOp.
s-netchem 1, u. 61, |1 | ^
~| > ^ precept, speech, pro-
N.• 315, p |
rsk , Pap. 3024, (9 21 ’ phecy.

Ptk W to make pleasant, to heal, to
make happy ; caus.
ser-t n^.n :==> ci 21’ ’
order> dis¬
2 U 4
s [ 680 ] S

serut > L j IV, 5°°, praises,

-zf J\ Jr \' glorifications. sera-t(?) [1 a kind of
Ser-t-nehepu-em-aha-s, etc. [1 Serat 1 ~j| J\ , Jour. As. 1908,

21 ran O , etc., B.D. 145, 146, 301, prosperity, prosperous condition.

the 19th Pylon. f) */WVAA
seraa• fl
p /www} water-pot; var. I
ser ^ © * drum, tambourine.

seru V& I V& ! Rev. 14, 12, tam- Serau fl , T. 309, a serpent-
0 0 £j]p | | ’ bourine players.
fiend in the Tuat.
ser fl' , L.D. III,
J\ » Rec- 33> 27, o>
seri-t 0-c=> , kindness, gentleness.
J94j I^ , 1 cz> ( ^ j\ , to arrange,
to order, to exalt. seri-t (1 <-
Westcar Pap. 7, 19, disease,
Ser jj|, Tuat XII, one of the 12 gods
sickness, nausea.
who towed the boat of Af through the serpent
Ankh-neteru ; he was reborn daily.
Ser fl , Mar. Aby. I, 45, a god
<f> °, fan; var. p ()<=>()(] ^ “.

s-ru fl'
^ ...
- -
> Decrets 18, 107, to divert, to turn away;
Seru o, Berg. I, 13, a serpent-god.
caus. of
s-rer to make to go round, to re- (2
volve; caus. s-rua n. v\, to make to cease,
to divert; caus.
ser W||,fire, flame; P^/^l)
the warm breath of life
e w s-rukh n. 0 5 Hh. 433.;
L=Z)’ caus.
ser ^ , wool; Copt, copra. s-rukhet ° , a mistake
• 1
11 w
ser for w a , to embalm.
, P. 441, M. 544, N. 1125,

U- J33» a kind of goose; plur. [] s-rut , Rev. 13, 10 =

to flourish,
1, Rec. 29, 148.

ser n<=_
s-rut n
^ ^ > faint-hearted.
I, to make to grow or to flourish, to make
ser(?) 5 »to be fettered, restraint. strong or firm or hard, to make solid ; caus.

seru 1<CZ> % /wwvv leg-bands, ank- s-rutu fl^

, M ’ Hh' 448’
e,\\l ’ lets. evil growth.
ser-t s-rut mau |1 3
a pointed tool or instrument; Copt. COYpi. Gol. Hamm, n, 58, recruits (?)
ser-t ^^ B.D. 58, 4, the name
s-rutch P —'^ T. a 60, p .=»
of a part of a boat.
serr > W, , to p. 692, P^l^, M. 663,

write, to engrave.
serser Rev. ,2, 30) to to make to grow, to make strong or firm or hard,
decorate to ornament; Copt. ceXctoX. to make solid; caus. of
s [ 681 S


Rev, ii, 185, flower
of the lily.
serekh n , IV, 160, 896, Thes.

seref ir^.n a n- :a 1283, i g, iA- Piehl III, 16.19, p '=-[jlj.

Hymn Darius 6, blazon, cognizance, throne.

Amen. 23, 3, to rest, to refresh
w oneself, repose, leisure. serekh-t ] © 0, n<~>c=—□, n—,

seref throne, throne chamber.

P. 204, M. 338, N. 864, to be hot, to be angry,

warm, warmth, heat, flame, fire; compare Heb.
seres 1<^> Jl = sas P {j P , a six-ply stuff.

-s/fpto- s-res
V -^53- , Hh. 426,

serfu p^nw
V&, B.M. 828,
to arouse, to wake up, to keep
awake, to be vigilant; caus.
Sphinx 11, 135, Rev. 8, 73, Jour. As. 1908, 299,
serq n<=>(}—, P. 361, PV
an angry man; n: A A
1, IV, 970, a man who blows hot and cold.
N. 1074,
n ^3 V
seref-ab n o , warm-hearted.
-W -
A -4 m

P „ P'7 Oeagp,
seref-t o heat, warmth.
to open [the windpipe], to breathe, to in-
’ hale, to expand the lungs, to be refreshed.
seref 1 0 > hot drink.
Rec. 27, 86, men and
Cj\ ^ inflamed sores, car- >1 I ’ women, people.
o t7 111* buncles, boils. a goddess of the royal
Serqit 1 A cS crown.
Serref 1 M , Rev. 11, 180 =
Serqit U. 599, P. 216,
1 (?) a mythological creature
P. 508, N. 1140, 1241,
to submerge, to be sub¬
seref fl /WWW

/WWW merged, water flood. n<=>nA

[ [ ^ ^ 1 the Seorpion-
serfi , to pay heed to; goddess; , , the double
J7P w
, heed it not.
Serqit hetu I
A ^
s-rem (1 -^13-, to make to weep;
T- 3°9> nA o , T. 207,
caus. of <z
, N. 1140, (1 ft O
<— A oA o
s - rekhi n Rec. 30, 192, (V , Metternich
A \\
n- 1, to make to know, to give informa¬ Stele 23, the Scorpion-goddess.
1 <^> to glean in a cornfield ; Copt.
tion against; n- , IV, 1004;
PT7- sert CpHT, CpiX.
U. 491, P. 192, M. 363, N. 914. •j <=> tfb n
s-rut dfl
srekh-t , Peasant 42, Pap. U

3024, 125, information.

n. , to plant.

the accused, the s-erta (?) I :^>, to make to give; caus. of

a title of Set.
PTM sertebu
AJ (2 , injury.
[ 682 ] S [i

sertcha to polish. Sehrat fl HD 1 0 J) Ombos I, 46, a

I <r=> 1 H’ moon-goddess.
seh-t ] HD o Rec. 3 b 2 2. a portion of
^ ’ the body. sehrift] ji ^ (j(j yjg, [1 ra
boat, houseboat, dahabiyyah.
s'ha 11 M. 261, [1 Amen.
seh ^ '—i Rev. 14, 66 = ce^,, C(JO^ (?)
ra ^ A , IV,
14, 10, 15, 20, 17, 13, 20, 21, 1 —
658, to make to go down.

seha-t jl n]'^£, P- 117, n J\

seh n-raisi-
seh jj f|l > ball, chamber; var. —«—
Rec. 31, 170, I fD , descent.

s-ha (?) p fD X to turn aside, to seh , counsel.


s-ha 1

iii6b, 19, 40,

fo ‘
1 fO
'ra^^j Peas.

Leyd. Pap.
* w m- psjl. p*
trained, skilled, clever, cunning, instructed, wise

2,11, pra^j, p ra^t-a, p ra^j, Sehatup|I^ iv, 945.

Gol. Hamm. 13, 106, to rout, to overturn, to
throw into confusion, to repulse, to rebel, to Sehseh fl 2 fl 8. m fl | p $, P, I?8,
Ora M. 269, N. 888, the Lake of Sehseh;
ora n
cause tumult; , Rec. 16, 109.

If, P- 3°3, f'V, U. 493,

sehau ra (£
fl ra
Rev. 13, 36, a quarrelsome or contentious man. N. 945, the Mountain of Sehseh; fl 5 H 8 l^7
(W), Rec. 31, 171. I XI X
seha n ra 3-=j,
confusion, rebellion,
riot. sehsehi[t] 1 j| 1 wk*
(j (j |||, Theban Os-

selli (?) I fO ( ( > booth, pavilion. traka C. 1, a kind of disease.

sehu-t fl ra
n ra fl ra 0
seha n , to sit.
s-hebi raj to put to shame, to
s-ha fl

disgrace; caus. of fO |
J\ J\
Pf IV> 484,
fl] c=^ maker of laws, lawgiver ; Rec- 34, 177, to strip, to undress;
□ ra=/)’ caus. caus.

s-heri 1 HI , to give or cause content, *ap Pf^T' P? §. Pf

to satisfy, to pacify ; caus. of heri. 5, to hide, to clothe, to conceal; caus.

s-herr s-ha
ra , IV, 926, 1030, ra
Ml- , to make to re¬
Rec. 31, 170, to quiet, to pacify ; caus.
joice, to gladden; var. pi=:i ; caus.
sehrit p^ ^ , IV, 971, p m
Seha ~~n, Orion; varr. I _a ^ X,
If!] jf M ° Peas. 1116, B, 65, satisfaction,
^ 1 11=^=1 ’

pleasure, satisfac¬
seherrit ra O A A aaaaaa

tion. Sehi 1 ^ to rise (of a flood).

seher j HU ° a kind of precious stone,

<czt>III’ carnelian (?)
PM a kind of in¬
sect or bird.
s [ 683 ] n
Sehith 1^ ( s=, Tuat VI, a goddess, keep holiday; 1 ^ KJLS |(, Rec. 20, 40,

arrayed in festal attire.

sehu P$, Rec. 22, 2,

Rec. 33, 34, 1 | ^ ^ , IV, 767, Annales

shouts of joy, festival cries.
jj J^PyX
■ pump
«-lWM )
iw sehbu
Sallier II, 6, 9, wind, air.

to collect, to gather together, to assemble, to sehbenben (?) 11 j AAAAAA A U.

sum up, to add up a total; Copt. CCJUCnr^,. 113, N. 422.

Seheptt ^ >casc. B.I). 104, 5, the

name of a boat or of a boat-god.

Hi-1#’!-ll>-1,1 , 219E, 14, summary,
abridgment, collection, edition, list (of troops), sehef 1 , IV, 935

inventory, catalogue; 1 | ^ 3 ^ s-hemi XJ V\ , U. 86, n VC N. 363,

<rz> T IV, 945, gathered into the store. /V

I /v, to turn back, to drive

sehutut collections,
away n& to avert ill luck ;
/V □ © caus.
groups of things.
s-hem IcC, ] l4, pee?—J,
sehu p|^ni, 139.

Herusatef Stele 6, 12, crown, tiara, diadem.

W\’ pVkl- P^
] f r to pound, to crush, to break up, to
11 ^ ^T2, wind’ air’ gale(?) | grind.

sehu-t 0 see Hr
£ <y 9 ^ egg.
l@ £ s-hen Oft 18A ^ Lft:
, to provide.

s-hui s-heni fl 8 L=f], P R8
1 1 111’ o *
1 ^ ^ -^Pj Q, to stink, filth; caus. of ^ ^Pj P®. pf^oV-^M-PIM'

to 1 8 w«a [ [ > Rev. 12, 18, PI 0|M,

s-hua(?) pf^, toc^~caus. All A AAAAAA ll y JJ

S' •hur p|
\ n Rec. 2i, 85, p| ^ 0 jj§) !

to command, to be in command of something,

p| ^

Pf^ (j^ Amen. to order, to direct, to rule, to administer, to

'entrust with a commission; Copt. CA^rie.
25, 17, 20, to curse; caus. ; Copt. CA-^Olf,
C.P.OTODp. sehen-t

18 ^ Q
sehurau Pi § [] 3 &!, abuse> revi~ 1 8 PPl L==/], L.D. Ill, 219, 18, authority, com-
X <~—~> 4 N 21 I hngs, curses. A AAAAAA

the ac- mand, administration, list, summary; Copt.

sehuru c^rte.
5 cursed.

Sehur , I ^ MMM Love Songs 2, 3, sehenu

p 141, p| V p )
the name of a district. Rechnungen 37, order, decree, delivery.

s-hebi i|^j,IV, 943, p| j

sehenu p|^ 0 18 vs

lv'-p®,pjT'PI®J#' 0
v&. noe n A§ ^AAAAAA
0 v

, to make glad, to keep the feast, to n8 AAAAAA

thief (?)
n s [ 684 ] S

Sehenti - requ 11 ^ \\<c=> ^ s-hetep n o

, Rec. 31, 21,

n? J., B.D. TAfi the door-
146, n=^
a □ U
, to make to be at peace, to pacify, to
keeper of the 5th Pylon. appease, to propitiate, to unite with; 1

s-hen ] 8 ^ to make to go back; ^ j, pacifiers; 1 ° ^ to pacify the heart;
X AAAA/v\ caus.

sehenti I 8 Z[ /v , repulser. □ Nj » to pacify the ka; caus.


s - henhen f jj a., to turn

sehetput 0’ 1, Amen.

away; caus 8, 11, propitiatory offerings.

sehnu , crown. Sehetep neterui 1 c=^=1 the

0 ^ □ '■-y-
/vw\ title of the priest of the 10th Nome (Uatchet)
sehentu A-z- 17> 57, a piece
of Upper Egypt.
V of armour.
Sehetep Sekhmit fl
1 f Zbf’T-287, Hh- 37°’ IA tDr\ A ^ , Rev- J5> l6, pro-
'f-JL***' M. 50, fl$<==,w\ P. 170,
pitiatory addresses to Sekhmit.
z m- i28> Sehetep taui , B.D. 124, 7,
^ □ xm
PZ^ 9
^ t
2*2, a god of offerings;
=5= □
‘ CZ c=

I ^ (Saite).
* He n^ u n^ ] ^
sehetpi ll1^(|0 . 0=5=111), 0

4- PfJL^' PU^Z- , Mar. Aby. I, 6, 28,

^ [)fl y , y to drive away, to repulse ; caus.
’ Copt. CA-^p. censer; plur.
o □ 1 l l
seher )|^. Rec, 8, 139, fighter. s-hetem ns X >=n
18 ^
, iv,
Sehrit-tu H ^ the 3rd hour
<n> O * ’ of the night. 969. p||
Pi ]
seher (?) (1 & N-
1 ’
293, a kind of
club. pni^
PJL" ni*j« ^ X ,
1 1 1 1 n
£3=* r--
^ r, to destroy,; caus
, to bear up, to exalt; caus.
j\ J\

to make to advance, to
sehetemu 1 $bn-TT
J\ ’ attack ; caus. Peasant 222, destroyer.
s-heqa [1j f , j i j zi to make to
rule; caus. Sehetem-t, etc. 11 j-
s-heq ^ ^_/] to cut, to hack in
’ pieces; caus. l f\
.- cr^D » B-D- 99, 2g, the

banks of the stream sailed on by the magical

s-heqer I 8 ^ to keep hungry, boat.
to let hunger, starve; caus. ; Copt. £,OKep.
sehetu , U. 618, M. 327,
seheqer-t n ^
rr> ’
Rec. 26, 78,
hunger. I P- 798, N. 857, p | u.

Sehtt 1 j| ^ , a city of Osiris 469, n ==^, p-169, 11

s [ 685 ] S P
I, T. 220, 356, 1, U. 560, s-hetchen hat(?)
to distract the mind.
P. 468, ^ N. 983, the sky of the

Tuat, the nether heaven; plur. n sehetcher-t n a

, bleached cloth.

sekh P □ to make to
P. 789, 1| —N. 801, PD P be.
v-j, M. 778. sekh
PS-*PS-P , V

sphpt n $ % Rec- z6»22§’the g°d width, breadth.

sekh-t ® ° , n«
• • X * Sir of the sky of the Tuat. \\
1 ,n .3
@ i xj
s-hetch jl|, U. 37, T. 266, p I,.

l|o, Pfoh to ilIumine’

MP XJ hall, chamber

Rec. 37, 69, slaugh¬

to light up, to throw light on, to clear up, to
P^ ter-house.
explain; caus. ; Copt. C<L,P,T"e. 1 ® r7 -j-av a broad boat, barge,
o ’ lighter.
sehetchut Pf -
light, rays, radiance.
sekh PTT to stretch out the sky.

s-hetch ta |11 ^ > *, dawn.

sekh P » IV, 1153, to tarry (?)

sehetch 111 tr-^, the name of a

sekh P 1 J]) to cut, to cut off,

to reap ; Copt. (JOC^>.

chamber in a temple.
sekhi 1® U. 537,
Sehetch. 1 ? * , a heaven of stars. Pc=j]’ Rec>
Aye *

Sehetch ur |11 11
27, 86, p , Rev. II, 163, P Ebers

Pap. 109, 12, PeM=/], P £ L=vi,

PM$il5l’B-D-53’2- B-M- 1® , to strike, to break, to defeat, to over-
32, 280, “Great illuminer”—a name of the CZ V-rU

su„-g°d; p | —° sf) i«Rec' i°7: throw, to beat (a drum), to mark cattle, to knap

flints, to strike a lyre (Leyd. Pap. 59);

Sehetch renpu
o I
, to play a zither; n. L=4^ I

PM ^^P^Rec-33’36’atitleR°f to aim blows with a stick;

Sehetch khatut p|0^m’ Rec. 17, 144, to bastinado; n®x n

Tomb Seti I, one of the 75 forms of Ra (No. 10).
to strike a light, kindle a fire; Copt. C<Lcy.

S-hetch jl | Hh. 494, to be

sekhsekh Pa P,®., B'P' ,6f’ r.7, to
l J\ beat to pieces.
troubled; caus. of | ^ n®
4) 1®

sehetch 1 , inspector, overseer,

"** s_ o’ L-fl’

officer of a boat;
1? [71 inspector of servants
Leyd. Pap. II, IV, 1076,
1 mxiPP CZ \
1 K ’ of the Ka. n* , beating,

sehetch-t , a case at law. punishment, blow, stripe, stroke; P xf,

sehetch per to transfer a

Edict 28, -wwa nx 100 strokes with a

sehetch-t , box, case.

Stick; n e
£_/l Mar. Karn. 53, 35, the
mi’ wounded; Copt. CHcye.
1 S [ 686 ] S

sekh-ti | ® Rec. 14, 42, a man who

^ \\LJ’ has been bastinadoed. 01 imv, oooc (n
V ^ P \\ ® ^Ulu. IV1' 1
(® \\

sekh-ti 1^ bitter (?); Copt. cicye. III 'VTr

Jr @
© ’ .An 1 in, | t-m
? plur. q 1 cm
sekh-t 1 ^ deafness. ( V, “Field of Reeds”; ,

£^\>\\\ 1 \>
V 1 ca
sekhi P®AIU& Anastasi IV, 2, 7, isurn ni ni n a I 11 d
see also U. 475, 483, T. 263, 396, P. 171, 198
Roller 2, 4, deaf man.
200, 326, 327, 462, 603, 631, M. no, 370, 502,
sekh-t 630, N. 605, 765, 871, 895, 903, 930, 942, 964,
]®Mi.T- 333,0 v,
1089 ff., 1337. Later forms are :—
P.8»S, P»M=, ^.49,0? JIM l—. 1 Sekh-t aanru j[| [) * (

V, ODDI ° “turn the re¬

/&\ n n n
| |
1 1 1
Rec‘ 31' 3r« MH4’ A field, meadow; gion in the Tuat where the souls of the blessed
dead lived and served Osiris.
A A•u- 419. p' ME. Sekh-t aarru
1; Copt, cuooje. I -fee.
u- ^4. Ml;i. a 1 Vo , B.D. 149, the 2nd Aat.
1 1 1
w Sekh-t aakhu
L=/] n£, field labourer, peasant,
ni n l n
w N. 167, the field of the spirit-souls in the
Other World.
countryman; plur.
HJJL MMO Sekhut amiut Aasu ||| ||| J||0
N. 628, n
sekh-t — ta sekh-t 0»
“ field bread.”
1V-"3o, M+- i| fn > T. 340,
a mythological locality
H \ I
MlM' ,afield'god; plur- ME “
6 Sekh-t aa-t [ |, B.D.

T79’ 9> “ the Great Field ”—a region in the Tuat.
Mi Ml

\\ Sekh-t ankh PG fl.dJ) ft @ , p. 393,

ddMi , Tuat I and IX, a god. M. 560, N. 1167, “ the Field of Life ”—a mytho¬
logical locality.
Sekhti-t ijj]^ ^ ^, the Field-goddess.
Sekh-t uatchu M| fj ^ } % p-
Sekh-t aaru p® odd n ?TT ’
204, N. 853, “green field”—a region in the

T. 73,
Ml Ml Ml (1 '25a, T.227,
Tuat; var. . qoq ooo OOO fi O
fllai IU| n 111 ni | jtin ni| () ( f

\\ V p. 608.
_ JL JL JL _ s , T. 244,
Sekhut uatch-t I J .alni.ftV
(][][] nlni
(111IIat ni()(](
ni ni

P®Mldl P. IOO, SI Q T- 334, N. 704, P. 608, M. 249,

m. 628, p ° M| [ JBas, iVf ^ ^ , M. 280,

( I o o o’ “ Emerald Fields,”/.<?., the sky.

Sekh-t uatchit nefer-t

p®M!Md dddd
_ nini in, ni ni ni. ni ni in. k Ombos I, 175, the goddess of fertile cultivated
Cl land.
N- ‘337, Ml d \TT ® ■ IV. 499, |M
Sekh-t Paat r11 1
■_2as P. 396, M. 565, N. 1172, a mythological locality.
s [ 687 ] S n
Sekh-t mefkat fi'
Uoto* mala 'Or-p, u.427, (1
P. 180, M. 280, n®o

“ turquoise field,” i.e., the sky.

u , N. 892, , T. 244, “field of offerings,” the region of

offerings of the Kingdom of Osiris in the Tuat;

Sekh-t nebt heteput .mm m. ^ I Plur- ®IIIf. N- '7°. P®

a district in the Tuat where offerings |H^(1.U.S78.
^ o were abundant.

Sekh-t Nenta n
Sekhut hetep-t 1® 000 ODD 000
_ ,111111 nt nini in. .miM in
© ?—1 _ n,
(j, P. 603, field of the day and night sky. »T. 333,
o □ a q n^-o-
Sekh-t neheh
P. 824, n ^ □’
N. 703, the god of the
fields of offerings.
B.D. 78, 30, field of eternity, i.e., the Other
Sekhit hetep 1, Ombos I, 175 :
film n
World, or the necropolis. \>
(1) a goddess of life, health, and joy; (2) the
Sekh-t en Serser-t n.
field of offerings personified,
n. . ^® 1 , AdA
000 , Rec.
n WWW —

26, 226, a district in the Tuat containing the

boiling lake Serser (or, Neserser-t). Sekhut Khakha A A
Sekh-t neteru n 111 -p-
© , N. 1159 ....

M. hi, N. 25, B.D. 177, 8, 9, field of the gods. Sekh-t Kheprer 00[
Sekh-t Ra ,null a S I
B.D. 180, P. 174, n JUJU.

, N. 942, the field
32, field of Ra.
of the Beetle-god.
Sekh-t Ra Q (j[| j] /~~\ , Palermo Stele:
Sekh-t khet-f Rec.
ni nig VS
(1) a sun-temple near Memphis; (2) 30, 190, a region in the Tuat
__ <3kA O /WWW

a district of Memphis; (3) [ [ [ Sekh-t sanhemu jla W I

vs I
B.D. 180, 32, the part of heaven in which Ra
w I
lived; plur. n JLLQ. o P. 68, (1 B.D. 125, III, 19, Respirazione 5, “field of the
grasshoppers a region in the Tuat.

Sekh-t Sasa 0 0 0 ^ pqpq Q ©.

AdA 5S I
Sekh-t Ruruti []j]j] ~T“, “field of the
B.D. 98, 7, a field of fire in the Tuat.
two Lion-gods ”—the name of the place in the
sky occupied by Ra at the 3rd hour of the day. Sekh-t ka Uis>. T. 92,
the region of a royal ka in the Tuat.
Sekh-t Heru 000 “!Leld °,{
.nhd-A Horus.
Sekhti-ka jlU b-d- iic’
Sekh-t heteput ,U* 193, 33, a section of the fields of offerings.
422, n 396, i"; Ml Sekh-t Tchatcha
S tlij t£3
T. 73, DD(] P. 252, Rec. 26, 226, “field of the Chief,” i.e.,
o (a) ’ Q AAA ^ □ 0 ®sf)- of Osiris.
n a1
,m al n I, 0 Ola m.
i_ ^ nUUJ.
^ Sekh-t Tcher n JUJUfl
& , P- 572

com VS
. m VS

o □
000 0
A^A ^ |
o —A— 0=0
Sekh-t Tcheser-t w7 <r:>,
^ (S>; dual (?), 000 ©, Metter-nich Stele 167, the “holy field.”
oDo 'i' AAA w □ III
1 S [ 688 ]
sekh-t (?) ]i ^ J Rec. 30, 67, parts
skhaut ^hes. I285> niemorial.
^ ^ 1’ of a ship.

sekhsekh n«n« A P®M

j\ Skhait Heru P.
Amen. 22, 17, to flee, to betake oneself to flight. 615, M. 782, N. 1149,
sekhu-t n. j\
, a hastening.
B.D. 169, 19, 1 |

n , a cow-goddess,
1, courier, envoy. a form of Isis or Hathor.
&LL 1

s-khekh n to weigh, to balance ;

caus. ; Copt. OJHCLJ.
skha »p- 35r» n
sekhsekh P#fUo-fU^#<> (( , N. 1067, to enter among (?);

to have pleasure caus. (?) of ^ ^


1^0, U. 220,
R l86> R 697»

Rec- 3G l8»
n ^ Jour. E.A. 3, 105, to

pass the night.

skhai (1 IV, 1079, to be

Pap. 3024, 56,

i,' ), to remem¬
J ^ ^, Anastasi I, 36, 3, L.D.

Ill, 140c, to turn a deaf ear to; Copt. C(JU£,.

ber, to call to mind, to commemorate some
q wound, sore, bruise;
person or thing, to think, to think out; var. skha-t
Copt. CA.OJ.

skha-t n n 000 n
^ 3
nw^M I ^ , 1 c^3), a kind of fruit (?)
Ch 111 o v 7
IT ®, record, decree.
& ^ 1 to form, to fashion,
’ something cast.
skhai , Rec. 6, 13, letters,

skhaa-t n Ox
n, A.Z. 1868, 107, hare.
Greek letters; Copt. C^A.!, c£)\.
s-kha N. 1005, 1007;

skhai PI ^ L°Ve S°ngS 2’ 6’ ^

( l recorder, , to row, stroke of an oar; caus.

record, remembrancer, writer. skhabu <2 ^ j, devourers.

skhait n 1 ^ Peasant 189, s-khap fl’

□ □ □
something which ought to be remembered.
aa/va ] , to swallow, to devour.
/\/\/W I 7

S-khap /iJ t0 form> t0 fashion;
plM4 M skham , Jour. As. 1908, 275,
, memorandum, remembrance, memory,
to pluck out; Copt. COy^eJUL.
memorial, memorial service; n skham n HzP7, Jour. As. 9, 10,
commemorative formulas; 1
506 .... ; Copt. CA.j£>eJUl.

an unpleasant recollection; s-khamm to make

everlasting remembrance. hot; caus.
s [ 689 ] S

slthan IT <3
k J\
to hasten: f\ IT
k J\
s-khai 1 s m, n “ pi, n Q Q
, to
suddenly. make to rise up or appear, to celebrate a festival,
to crown a king ; caus.
skhan • | <3 ^ ° Rev. = c^.p.rte.
Q coronation, one who is
skhai-t (i J],
S-khann |R *r
, to breach a wall,
to overthrow; caus.
skhaiu R R 1, celestial

bodies that rise like the sun, selected things.

skhanit rums,
overthrow. s-khar 1 ^ ., Pap. 3024, no, to

s-khank n >LJ’
X infuriate, to make angry ; caus.

^ Leyd. Pap. io, i, to strain through a s-khi

sieve ; caus.
W'lV w
to ascend, to scale walls; caus. of 0 ( ( f =1.
skhank-t 1 q , a vessel, a sieve.
s-khi nw A
Rec. 12, 72, to re-
s-khar Rec. 26, 235,
move, to thrust away.

n '

I <rr>L=d, to smear, to overlay skhi, skhu 1 f <?, P®^?, (If ^ ?>
with a metal, to plate, to wash over, to milk, to
!©([?> Rev. 12, 66, gall; 1® (( ^
provide or supply; caus.; Copt. CVJ^p, C^-p^,.
□ tk j Love Songs 5, 2, gall of geese ;
l V
skhar-t I <cz> 55 Harris I, 30, 5, covering. 1’ Copt, cicye.

skhar-t :>~=> ^
Rechnungen 70, deck
of a boat.
Skhui nw tR B.D. 114, 18, a serpen t-
Jr’ god.

skhar-t 1 I, a kind of fruit or seed.

Skhui 1 © tkym> b.d. 64,18, R'J
° I
w Jr iftnnn \\
msin , a pair of gods in the Tuat.
skharaa M 1, Rouge tPJIM
X "'j 0 AAAAAA ^ ^ ^

skhinasha , to stimu¬
I.H. II, 114; varr. w l_n
late, to stir up, to incite, to exasperate.
V.—fl, to
X skhu 1 draftsman; Copt. CQ&L
abuse, to curse, to ill-wish ; Copt. C^OHfep,
C£>°**P- skhua 1, deaf.

s-khakh © x
M \\U’ skhun, skhunn I '
to hurry, to hasten, to accel- AA/VWN I AAAAAA

PI \\ E J] ’ erate, to scatter (?)

HH ($*> 1 0 to curse, to revile, to ill-
r J AAAAAA r ]

n \>><<
s . . . khakha >\p
o,1, 130 wish, wrathful, angry, furious, passionate, irasci¬

P M°1 (?), to be glad, to rejoice.


skhunnu R 0 &&& L=fl, R O &&& 0©

JJ -rf U AAAAAA //
, to strain
through a cloth, to squeeze.
x angry man.

(3 n
s-khaker 1 A, i skhun , slaughter house.
_ 5’ AAAAAA !

Ikhernefert 15, to ornament, to decorate : caus. ® ©

s-khus ^ ... 1\\, Leyd. Pap. 13, 12,
of (1 , decorated.
to form, to fashion, to build.
2 x
1 s [ 690 ] S

skhut IV, 60, (1

n tAWfKUfx
Thes. 1284,

strengthen, to fortify, to fill;

, to provide, to
IV, 1x61.
IV, 413, provision, ^ ^ ^1—0. t0 be str°"g.
& o 1 filling. to strengthen oneself, to prevail over, to gain
s-kheb R to draw back the bolts the mastery, strong, strength, might, power;
£ -/!’ of a door.

s-khebkheb ^ j j
0 ® » M- 175, to
p- ,6* pt^i"®.
Litanie 88 ; Copt. CtJXOJUL.
draw back the bolts of a door, to enter -

l AAAAAA J, T. 161, N. 688; varr. [1® J skhem —— ,_a_^ 'y’ L=Z1, uncon-

, Thes. 1204, quered ; P ^ U. 524,
m j Thes. 1289,
<') P®J LZI l ’ prisons (?)

s-khepi 1 J, U. 482, 1^' j\, N. 976, skhemu ^, [1 ^ power,

Rec. 31, x6i, to make to come, to bring, to man of power, chief, ruler; plur. ^ !, IV,
lead, to set in motion, to make to run, to pro¬

mulgate (of a decree); caus. of

0 V 973

skhep-t "j 0 0 Decrets 25, event, occur-
1 1 1
□ 7\ ’ rence.
1 ® q \\ the “runner”—a ^^ ^ I’ c^'e^s-
□ J\ name of a god.
skhemit 1 ^ ® P. 63, |1 ^ ^
skhep-t H 0 0, u. 143, R® !,
M. 84, N. 91, strong woman or goddess.
a kind of grain, a sacrificial drink.
skhemtiu 'yr —-X mighty ones
s-kheper Peasant 289, fl1
skhemit ? • I) () ^
n s
, A.Z. 1905,
Amenemhat 3, 6, a kind of priest.
I □
101, n b Jour. As. 1908, 275, to make skhem ab 1 ^
to be or exist, to fashion, to form, to create, to
produce, to bring up children ; caus. Thes. 1480, ^
oI p bold-hearted, courageous, violer
Skheper khaut t—=£1 I

Tomb Seti I, one of the 75 forms of Ra (No. 5 1) fern 1 ^ ^ .° ^ : olur. \\

i; plun
skhef n , seven; Copt. CA.CLJCJ. o
1 ■ I _&T
skhef n • .n , to write. o

skhef ^ 5^’ Rec- 36> T35> impurity. Skhem arif

to rebel (?) ; Copt. Mar. Aby. II, 23, 9, 11, 19, he who doeth
skhefa ’ mighty deeds, a potentate. Used as a title.
cyqio (?)
skhem ^ 1 skhem em re ? M 1^. W,
P?k'U' 235’
, P. 2, M. 2, N. 112, n 13, strong in the mouth, i.e., of bold or insolent
s [ 691 ] P
skhem her 1 t\ 3 ^ bold-faced, Skhemit fl^ J, U. 39°, fl ^ ,

of threatening aspect.
Rec. 30, 68, ^°, ^Jl] o |> Rct- -5. '6.
Skhem [1 'y' ^ ,, M. 252, N. 34,
^ ^ RCC‘ 3I) TI’ ^ £==

t_A, y jj, 'p | n, “Power," the life power

fSe ?KS\’Rec-26’,s2’tfl’
’y''^, ^ ^ Tuat X, a lioness-headed
of a god or man personified, the name of a god ;
goddess, the consort of Ptah, sister of Bast, and
with P. 13, with U and , P. 112 ; mother of Nefer-Temu. For a list of her titles
^ ’
divine power; see Rev.
Crit. Nov. 26, 1900.
see P.S.B. 25, 218.

Skhemit , in various localities, e.g.,

Skhem . 446,

T. 255, ^|, U. 514, Power, Divine Power,

,. , p ^
W“’k'is®'krs ffi j Igs, Mar. Aby. i, 44, 45.
a Power of Nature; 1 ’y’ ® 1 'y'’ ®
D # j ?) a fire-goddess
T I (uV (late forms).
’ T 327’ Power °f Powersi

P'ur- WU-S.5,^!,, ^l|l. f it A 0 the goddess of the 4th

I ’ month ; Copt. 2£OI<LK.

Skhem ami Abetch 'y7 -jj- J|, P. 7,

B.D. passim. M. 10, N. X14, a title of Osiris.

Skhemu U. 643, 645, Skhemarif^|^|,p^®^^

<2>- Rec. 34, 177, “Potentate,” the name
wu-5i5’ p^iL^-v*-v of a god.

T. 327, [I p©ppp, N. 828. P p Skhem aa ^ | , title of Osiris.

ppp, P. 553. 6i°. Pp $ j. Rec- 3i Skhem-a-kheftiu ^

ibid. 26, 226, 1 ’y’ , Tuat II, a god in the Tuat.

Skhemit Uast 'y7 0 o, Tuat II, a

| 1—1 I
^ I -LL I
j> tpe divine Powers, the lioness-goddess.

j • r! . j it_? 1 „r „
deified “ powers ” of men. Skhemit Uatchit 'y7 ® J ((j a ,
B.I). 23, a wind-goddess.
Skhemui 1 0 ^^^ P. 73, M.
Skhem-ur I'y7®^^ Jjg^, U. 393,
103. i^ « n. 14, n n
\\ ^>P-577.^^,U.5.4,
M. 700, pp|, p w the

two divine Power 5l67 1?®^^^’T'326’P?®I^

Berg. I, 13, a god who U. 516, the “Great
’ befriended the dead.
Power ” of heaven.
Skhem p ^ Berg- *■ I2> a ofSionsd Skhemit-Bast-Ra ^ u ^ ^Jj
Skhemiu p.^^M , B.D. 164, I, a Nubian goddess (?)

Tuat IX, a company of gods who towed the

boat of Ra. SkhemefpPp®|^^^,Ng907dV)
s [ 692 ] S

Skhemit em aakhu-s ^ ^ skhem |1 0 ^ [=>=, p. 4o9, m. 586,

m XTTT . /-V M
, Tuat XII, a fire-goddess.
N. 1191, , sceptre, wooden symbol

Skhem em ab-f fl n
of power;
'O 1 $ B.D. 153A, 2, a god of the net of the
vi’ Akeru-gods. skhemti 1 , P. 617, [
Skhemit em kheftiu-s ^
/L7 y . P. 81,
1 1 1 Tuat I, a gatekeeper- ^ \W ■ w
goddess. IV, 887,
o \V
Skhemit em tesu-sen
Tombos Stele 2, 'y7 ^ \ ^ ^
. B.D. 144, the doorkeeper
q/' the crowns of the South and North united ;
_ZT 1 1 11 1 1 ’ of the 7th Arit.
^ Gr. i/'X0"7*
Skhemit metu ^ a ’ Tuat IX,
a singing-goddess. Skhemti )A@\\"sM’ P m6«, 60,
the goddesses Nekhebit and Uatchit.
Skhem en pet khenti utchat ^

□ <0 ^
Denderah IV, 61, a ram-
Skhem 'y7, A.Z. 1906, 123, ^ |, Westcar
e J
^ ■i rzi C □ tii)
god. 10, 3, an instrument of music, sistrum (?); dual
Skhem nefer, etc. !, B.D. Ill, 194, 37 ; plur. ^
, B.D. 141, 24AAAAAA

O skhemi , to play a sistrum.

and 148, the name of the Rudder of the northern
sky. skhem 'y7 y\, Peasant 58 = R
Skhem neteru L=v)1!, the door of J\ .
1 ,
5th hour.
I mi

Skhemit ren-s em hemu-t ^

s-khemi ru o
, to be

unmindful of, to forget, to ignore; caus. of

^=Z) [AlsC^
1 1 1 f , B.D. 141 and
148, one of the seven divine Cows.
skhem ^ Rev. 13, 27, little;
III* Copt. CtJHiLSL.

Skhem her v n *?•

skhem n e

t\L-sT^’Tuat I, Nesi-Amsu 32, 28 "| Ox V

n £ ~T
to recite, to
(1) a crocodile-god who praised Ra; (2) a form
of Aapep.
skhemu n , Rec. O2 o“ 5
Skhem her 'y' Tomb of Seti I,
183; var. ( ^ 1 N !, decrees,
one of the 75 forms of Ra (No. 26).
edicts, addresses.
^ I
skhem shu-t ^ (5 ^ “Strong

pinioned”—a title of the Winged Disk

s-khemm n , to make hot;

caus. •
Skhem taui
Cl—I xs
Hh. 487, a title of Anubis. skhemekh O, P. 401, M. 573,

Skhemit tesu, etc. 1 ^ ^

N. 1180, n o
I . IV.345.

etc., B.D. 145 and 146, the 4th Pylon
1’ in Sekhet-Aaru. n® to amuse oneself, to rejoice,
s [ 693 ] S

to feel pleasure, 1 0 1nP ^ ^ !, Love Songs skhen e , share, portion.

4, L n I I I
delight, pleasure, recreation,
skhen "| © v bandlet, tiara (?), a special
WWW kind of cord.
holiday, joke, sport, laughing-stock; caus. (?)

"] 0 sklien-t 1 ' ^ L Rev. 13, 119,

skhen-t /wwv\ 1 ~ , pillar, support;
1 www Rev. 13, 92, crown; Or. y/^cVr,
plur. AAAAAA
q 1 1 r
Rec. 27, 226,

I5 n o

yvvv skhen 1 © O, abscess, skin disease.

fl ® L.D. Ill, 194, 16, legs of a chair
or bed.
skhenn n\5* , to rot away, to decay.
skhenut nJLY I /w/ww
, IV, 612 n AAAAAA
b 03

, A.Z. 1900, 30, n ^
dyers (?)
B.D. 172, 42, the four pillars of the sky.
s-khenn —=J],

skhen, skhenn > Rec- 33- 4, I j \J)1 Iwww to make to fall, to overthrow, to
0 I C O C3 ’ breach a wall; caus.
• o,n
^ S O’
0 0
skhennu fl

nJL ? n ©
. OeLj /WWW0V4 /WWW
terrify or frighten.
Ce wr7T’thingsthat

to fold in the arms, to em¬ table, bank,


AAAAAA brace, to contain, to hold.

skhena-t • 0 0 q 1 support.

skhen as-t n • ()r

/w/w/w ( 1 d c~d
, B.D. 153B, skhena •
H e, Rev. = n
1 -A I

17, to embrace one’s throne. fortune, hap, event; Copt. CLj<LCLjni.

skkenu spells, incanta¬

/ vvV V V\

o 0 tions. skheni 1 ® flfl Rev. 13, 75, event,


Skhen ur •tune; plur. 1 [ [j Canopus Stele.

B.D. 146, the doorkeeper of the 10th Pylon.
skhenu fl
/ww 0
% 0 1 , n1 o
1 the name of a
Skhen maat events, conditions, circumstances.
’ sacred boat.

s-khen,s-khenn I © l^?7 s-khensh n ^

AAAAAA J\, Rec. 26, 65, fl AAAAAA

I w Jp wvwa <03, to make to stink; caus.
1 © rl 0 Y ©
n r—p. AAAAAA
s-khenti I , P. 176, M. 316,
0 -A, n« AAAAAA n AAAAAA 7\, to AAAAAA

hover over, to come to rest, to* stand still, to


N- 9w, Prflh. Prflh o VC-31

alight; fl~£»
II 1
***, L D. HI, 140B to halt
Q r on the way. 'i (Hh^- p rflh P'TST’ Rec-27, 222> AAAAAA H m AAAAAA ^

skheniu[t] 1 A, Rec. pdfli

Prflh rflh O CT] AAAAAA

8, 9, place of alighting. Prflh _n’ 1' 1(Hi)hi-. IV, ■“•>*> rfTh 0

-°3I: |' inn
Hh. 393, to promote, to put in front, to make
skhennu ^ , P. 430, M. 615,
to advance, to make to sail to the south, or up-
n jEw V."
mw. stream; caus. of (j [ f) ^ £> .
those who alight.
skhent-t (?) Vtft, Maxims
skhenu 1 ° p .A, repose, alight- AAAAAA £2* I I

AAAAAA V5l ' of Ani.

inK.&.o*.n °
ww/w o O iwaaw0 oT'
ot leisure.
of lei
skher n to inform.

s [ 694 ] S n
skher I — [
, to plan, to design, plan, skher (1 /h ^_a, Rec. 33,5, H R I
design, destiny, arrangement, intention, advice, to present offerings (?)
opinion, character, affair, condition, dispensa¬
s-kheri(?) 1 /h A 1 /n
tion, scheme, business, plot, kind, species,
behaviour, manner, habit, wont, use, custom, to belittle, to underrate.

device, mark, trace; plur. i,n ©3 I, s-kherp 1 , Sphinx Stele 3, to set

at the head, to establis i : caus.

® ®. n< |, Sphinx

Stele ii, condition, existence; -<s>- 1 ® ;

s-khert n. to rejuvenate (?); cca us.

skhes f]
to direct, to lead; n @ 3 IqI
i cm ^
-A , t a i n®n a,
Leyd. Pap. 8,13, Mar. Karn. 53, 37, A
P. 11i6b, 67, useful plans; ^ 1
l <§> Love Songs 3, 4, 1 H fl A,
., under his directions; 1 A
T [1 O /wwna to run, to hasten = ~1 1 P a•
, celestial existence;
F=q 1 It®-
manner of life; WWV\
skhesu nI ^
^ fin
I (£ a , runners.
1 1 1

plan; 1 ® mamier of s-khesef p^P^fL, Rec. 27,219,

the innocent. ^ -0, to make to go back, to give

skhri n fly

Peasant 191, 235,
captain of a boat.
evidence against; caus. of ^ E /l.

skheshen(?) H , Rec. 26, 65 ;

skhrit o • Id var.
r~rc~i J\

^ ( ( Q report, writing, document,
s-kheti P , T. 171, P , P. 118,
plan ; var. 1 0 (j ( a

to turn back, to repulse; caus. of w ^ [ [ .

skher n |<&«, B.I ).
30B (Ani), to offend (?)
s-khetkhet 1 A. , Love Songs

s-kher 4, s, p ^ n A , to repulse, to
U' 321’

p Pi p 0
drive back; caus. of
'^ W^

/|» P-S-B- io. 48, n .t—a*
n s-khet
!! J\ = PJLJ>- tobeuPside
(?, to overthrow. down, head downwards; caus. of ®

skher-t '<=y>y<l, defeat, overthrow. s-khet \\ ., Rev. 14, 2, to fall; caus.

skheru Skhetiu P 0 (](| $ i, fiends, devils; fern.

O *
S' I^
I I > bowls overfull.

Skher.B.D. ,49,
150, a god of the 6th Aat.

o r£j - rfl 5 - P f <? -N- 9sp>
Skher-remu x, ] €
c L_V1, jJLL C V-!}
C1 Cl
, B.D. 149, the god of the Aat Amhet. X
1 1 1
■ L_0
, to cut, to pierce.
1 o® P i# Rec-27-2d2- rfj
n s [ 695 ] S ft

to twist, to tie, to peg out a s-khetkhet n ® 1 __ _ >• p.

n ^

snare, to lay a net, to erect a shelter made of

N. ,039. Rec.
leaves and branches, to build a booth, to weave ;
ii ©^ J£ l cs X2 Amen. 12, 9, to weave 30, 193, to overthrow, to upset; 1 ® ^
Sitt X 2 1 W 21’ words; Copt. CUO&G.
^-7 ^-7 N. 1155, a woman with pen-

, Israel Stele 20, n m:
wvvva ( ’ dent breasts; caus.

o skheti jl (( Rec. 32, 85, a person

(1 , to
L-J’ Mlj; iM!!’ mu who is head downwards; plur. 1 ^ 1 > men
snare, to catch birds in a net.
hung from a barge head downwards.
s-khetkhet ft' to snare in a net. fiends, the
skhetiu n © y
skheti =
M. 772, JC=P \ , skhet ;c B.D. 189, I
P.661, O'
skhetu n a class of stars.
^ - ® ( (j ^>, hunter, fowler, snarer; plur.
Skhet her ash-aru n\r
S/Si I til

a B.D. 144, the doorkeeper of

(iqvrf.c?^ s-khet 0^^, Rec' ,9’ ,9’to n“ke

the 1 st Arit.

skhet [1® u. T93, p1

ses 1 ] jl |1 , to roast, to

ses-t ] = 1 tlie
Skhet ® i==r, Edfu I, 77,
a fire, a bright fire.
\LL a name of the Nile-god and of
=1 /\\MI
ww , o
the Inundation. ses nnfl=
£> = s-sen I

, to smell, to

Skhetiut l|l|‘ , B.D. 112, 2, breathe; caus.

w n n/wvwv
the goddesses of the chase. I =11 £), to smell.
3 V

skhet jMu’IV',i53’MiVv’ ses(?) II /wvw\, to drink.


!,75’lM'^“ tomouldbricks- ses pp J^. (lp^fc) , horse; ses-t

skhet ^ ® 1-1, IV, 367, division; ] 1 o 1^, filly, mare; Heb. D^lD-
/u. ^-1 ,_, without division (of an obe-
AAAAAA f I Ic ’ lisk), i.e., monolithic.
&es ^
f nndH L-D-ni»2°8e’aname
1 ' ^1 J’ or title of Rameses III.
Skhet |1 ® ^jfX, plants, bushes.
ses ] J\, Rec. 29, 144, 1 1 J\ ,

s-khetkhet 1, enquiry, investi¬ 1 p ^ J\, Mar. Karn. 53, 34, to walk, to flee;

gation; Copt. ^JOT^CT, varr.

skhet 1 ^ injury, harm.
ses'-t(?) ankle-joint (?); dual

s-khet n \r 459. n nn
l ; plur.
^ v, 1 ^ to be turned upside down;
ses-t 1 ]g, Rec. 15, 152, a garment of
placed head downwards ;
mjU’ caus.
some kind, bandlet; Heb. tTtt?,

s [ 696 ] S 1

sesut nn JJ IV, 692, inlayings of

in’ copper (?)
sesun-t 1 1 aaaaaa , a withering, a scorching.

ses-heb en ses nn AAAAAA

, festival of s-sun ab tobe sick, to
the 6th day of the month.
feel nausea, mental or physical.
PPT’ PPo> PPV P.1 O.
s-sur to give to drink ;
. caus.
11 1^, o, day; plur. 1 1 1 ®, IV, 390,

1 n n%S° seasons, periods of time; Copt.

s-sutut nn Cl
, Rec. 4, 136, to
_ZL III’ COY, CHY, COYCOY. walk, to walk about; caus.

sesu nnn® °nn0oo,l.d.m,65A, s-seb ~| f) r to cut, to destroy ; caus.

inn® J1 /T Copt. cfifte, ce&e.
I I I , Rec. 19, 15, time, seasons.

s-sa n , P. 409, M. 585,

s-sebi (?)
npj “ b Pap- 3°24, hi,
to make to smile or laugh ; caus.; Copt. CCO^lC,
N. 1191, to strip off clothes, to undress; caus. CUL&I.

s-sa n n^L - nt-tkA , to make s-sebeq 1 1 j 1 1j ^ , to choose,

.a1 r
to depart, to drive away, to expel; caus. to elect, to indicate by a sign; caus.

s-sa I, >31, p P 1^3 s-sept P , IV, 653, p [1 ;

Decrets 29, Shipwreck 53, 1 p [q3

iv, 707, p p 0 1 □ J\, Mar. Karn, 36,
IV, 160, L.D. Ill, 140c, 1 1 [g] 1 1 28, to prepare, to s narpen weapons; caus.

^ 1 11 Cq] ^b t0 to fill with food, sesef n 1, Suppl. 1118.


to sate, to satisfy ; caus.; Copt. "TCIO.

sesfi nn
sesa P P^Pkgl- Decrets 30, suffi¬
, Thes. 1201, A.Z. 1905,

1 1Israel Stele 7, to smelt, to melt,

ciency, provision, ration.

sesaa nn C3 repletion (?)

to cook, fire, hot ashes, tinder; -o>- /-

sesim (?) nn V 1^, horses = Heb.

1 1Dl , to make a blaze of something.

D^D^ID (?) D^D(?) sesem , a pair of horses; varr.

Sesostris, i.e.. PP'lk.% Heb- a’^D(?)
Usertsen III; Gr. 2e<row<n9.
sesem-t p |1 1^
, horse, mare(?); plur. fl |1
Anastasi I, 12, 3, 18, 8, 27, 3, 5 = Rameses II.

s-suash B.M. 448, 111 ■ IV’ 6» PPiC^fcjli- IV- 6«>

to praise ; caus. (?) 1 Vf b , Love Songs 1, 8, fl a -? ;
s-sun (1 -+,N . 446, (1 —J] Heb.

np + —pp + —nn^o^,
sesmi nn^u
b a kind of disease.

n^ o q-- nn AAAAM
(3 s-sen 1
, M. 81; var. /)
, N- 88

^fl, nn^^,Rev.ii,66 nn n AAAAAA n n n /W\AAA


L.D. Ill, 140B, to destroy by fire, to scorch, to

n n fi,wwvs
s65'PPl a-T-3L
blast; caus. Py, Hh. 346, I I , Rec. 29,
s [ 697 S
n~\ WWAA

.56, pp o, pp*74^ I
£>, seska PPu , B.D. 70, 3, A.Z. 49,

nn°?.r £), to smell, to breathe; caus.

56, a part of the body (?)

seska n 1k 1 ° a kind of grain or

sesen-t nn , breathing, breath, smell. '—' mill’ seed.

s-seni WWAA
1 , to make open.
, for nc SI

sesen-t /www c, P. 169, an opening.

L=/], n, to unbolt, to
l-'~J II1111 III

open; see sen

sesenu 11

Rec. 17, 94, nn D L=V1‘

see khemenu.
0 (2 0
o n r~w~i c

Sesenu nno
e 0 (2
nn AA/W/VN
1 “ opener of the body ”—a kind of medicine,
aperient (?)
the eight primeval gods; see Khemenu. "| dsm
■a n ww/w n n ww/w
sesh ^ ^, to pour out, to flow.
s-senb 111 J , iv, 914 , 11> J
seshti 1' V? II, the two breasts.
1 i'v37, A.Z. 1900, 128, to make sound or c

healthy, to heal; caus. of J jj. sesh 1 r~w~~i A , to be white.

s-sentch 1 1 ^ Wort. sesh I g , byssus.


■»—I seshu
, IV, 666, ring money, rings.
flC30 nml , • , ■
sesentcliem sesh-t c

pnt ■1 1,139. I , I 1, a kind of gram (?)

O o |

nn , Leyd. Pap. 3, 4, fl 1 | ,
used in making offerings;
3 csa
» u- 155>

IV, 718, nn l-PPIk-fr-PPIk! white sesh-t;

, U. 156, green sesh-t.

Ikhernefert 15, llw|

o O
n00 ne™. n o’
drought, dryness.
, Harris I, 71 a, 7, nn YW M),a
Sesh-t irscj , and
sweet-smelling, costly kind of wood.
P.S.B. 17, 253.
Seser 1 0 , Rec. 31, 169; for
sesha n , a bird.

n. n
s-sha ft, nnHlf-ft.GoL
s-sert pp^$ , IV, 749, to plant, to
Ham. 14, 143,
Gol. Pap.
cultivate; caus. of P X\. (2 ^ Roller Pap. 4, 5, to ordain,
9> 3°>

s-sehu nn destroy, destruction (?);

to decree, to authorize, lo instruct, to commis-

sion b.d. 64 (Rubric’

s-sekh (s-usekh) 11®, U. 425,T. 244, ’ Nu 5).
IV, 271, order,
333, P. 456, to enlarge, to make broad ; caus. sesha-t
11 ’ decree (?)

S-Skhem I 1 ^ t0 make strong or sesha (?) [1 1 W I ',T. 339,N. 627,

powerful; caus. of 1 0 ^ j . Verbum 387, guide (?) leader (?)

S - sha 11 r-K-i , M. 692, fl, s=i

s-sqebh(?) 1 Izi j Rec. 4, 136, to

refresh, to make cool; caus.

/,N. 552
n [ 698 ] S

Sesha-t (Seshait) H oo s-shebsheb C30 , to

T.^68, M. 426, f f
seshp 1 _
f0^. ^ec- 3°> 194, 3i, 28, A.Z. 1906, 124, 1 ^ □ /1» Rec. 16, 133, to receive.

IV, 1074, B.D. 57, 6, 152, 31, 169, 18, the 35:
seshp-t U. 488, P. 172, N. 939,
goddess of learning, wisdom, architecture, □
a female who has conceived.
olio (H etc.

Seshaa c-yy-i ^ ^ U. 381, the learned

PTM) 558,
one. N. 1165, the two pillars of Ra.

seshua ^ C=B==I ^ ( > able> wise, a seshp (shesp) Hh. 38r, Rec.
wise man, skilful, cunning. finn n __ □
3C 19. ’□ 0> 53c0> to shine.
□ O’
seshaut , N. 984

rm f Tuat X, the name of a

seshp-t (shesp-t) n l’N-
Seshsha light, rays.
mv\- .1 god in the Tuat.
"jCZE A.Z. 1908, 19, a kind of seshp-t (shesp-t) 1 , ^
sesha-t iT-
V7«o’ amulet.
m. 125,n.694,
s-shi T. 264; var. Itzsz)^. fXAH I t|

Seshu Stele of Palermo, U. 539,

□ □ □ ’ □ (2
a white garment or fillet or bandlet, white
T. 295, a god of learning, writing, apparel; Copt. OJCJOH.
and literature.

s-shu OO U. 415, P. 274, 1 p seshpu [1 % [1 X □

P®°^ , dried grapes (?)
rvr~i inn
M. 489, loszi P. 334, 335, to

lift up into heaven (?) ; caus. of r~w~ seshpen (?) ] LAl_J /wvwv ulcer, boil,
□ O ’ blain (?)

s-shui fl1 czsm a Q-. seshepsut 1 1^ ^ j, noble words.

n o (a x
5 to dry up, to make empty; caus.
seshem n .f.
S-shu p , Rev., to repulse,
1 1 1

seshuit |1 p a , Jour. As. 1908, 273, \\

-w .

1 (S ()l) ? PP ^ f)(j Rev. 12, 114,

JL’form’ similitude, likeness, copy,

^ ] ( (j <(* P P (j 1] ^ j, wound, stripe, manner, behaviour, procedure,

condition, action, conduct, design.
service, state,

blow, calamity, disaster, misfortune, weakness,

emptiness; Copt. CA.OJ.

s-shua fl ~w
seshem reth
P 1
t J) |} A.Z. 1908, 16, the name of an
fl rm
1 amulet.
ff) ®^ to despoil, to impoverish :
0 I me
‘<2 Mm i’ cans. Seshem Jj, fa ’ ^
s-shui ^ J [[ L=J], Rev. = 1 ^ to be

seshumi 1 ■ p J\^ (( , Jour. As. 1908, , Rec. 4) 28, "C=P:£)

304, to be weak ; Copt. CtmjJUL. ^ picture or statue of a god; plur.

s [ 699 ]

5HP1l*k!kem-P'^kIV’ J\ Peasant 191, l"2k o U. 504,

386, Rec. 3, 2, serpent image.

, uraeus guide; n
Seshmit a title of the
1^ 0 O moon. , N. 951.

Seshmit ^ goddess of
seshem heb A.Z.
the 2nd hour of the day.
1906, 131, director of ceremonies of the festival.
Seshmit ^ *,
O’ seshmu kh-t
Zod. Dend., Thes. 31, one of the 36 Dekans.
director of the universe.
Seshem Af (?) ^, the rejected body
of the Night Sun-god Af.
seshmu taui 1 2ik cr^i,

director of the royal palace.

s-shem l^.U.48..^^
seshem ^tkk 1 jk
j\ ’ ^'2?*
HI p Q a sacred boat, a
’ portable shrine.
2k z\,
7, j\, to guide, to Seshmit
lead, to direct, to administer, to govern ; caus. ( ( a , divine guide, title of a goddess.

^ ^ to direct
s-shem ab p^ Seshem Afli '2?* fl (1 ( <©d, Tuat
JS I ’ the mind.
VIII, a fish-god.
seshem , iv, 1113,
Seshem aranbfi jj'
, administration. f w_,
Tuat VIII, a dog-god.

seshem-t Seshem Ast ,'2k! r|, duat VIII) of

w , 1 JP Isis.

p^ o 3 Seshem Asar 2k Tuat VIII,

Thes. 1289, guide, guidance, direction; (K
2k the form of Osiris in the Circle As-neteru.
— ijorronn o
, Rec. 36, 155, the con-
1 1 1 1 ^3^7 1111 Seshem ankh 2tk ^, Tuat III,
ducting of the festal service in the temple.
“ Living Form ”—a god.
seshmi t cq a a
Seshem ba neteru 2tk
1 2jtk f\ [ [ y\, guide, leader, director; plur. Tuat VIII, a ram-god in the Circle Aakebi

J\ J\
11 r P^kMV2 P'^ 1 1 _J± 111
Seshem Nut 2k 1 ^ , Tuat VIII,
I F=3
I the form of Nut in the Circle Tuat.
I > 1
l P^kK-P^k
Seshem Neb-t-he-t 2tk|J, Tuat x,
Rec. 19, 19; leader of
a form of darkness at the 2nd door of the dark
peace, peacemaker; 2s i
k sf| ’ guides'; road to Sai's.

seshmu ’°°-P'2’>kk
Seshem nes-f '2k — H, Tua
VII, a star-god.
P- 3°9> 1 t\ % -A, Peasant 54, I jja
Seshem neter
P^TU- Cairo

^P^k^’ n^=. Pap. IV, 2, a god.

n s [ 700 ] s n
Sesbem remu neteru 2d^r1i’ seshen 1WWW , a mistake for

X J\
! uat \ III, a ram-god in the Circle Aakebi. to open, to make a way through.

Seshem Heru ^ G , Tuat x, a god s-shen, s-shenn 11 P 3o6

Who destroyed the dead. im17 ' ~
~ -- -
0A/WlA 11

: ^ xaaaaa ’ to overthrow, to
Seshem Heru ^ | ^, Tuat vm,
breach or pull down a wall; caus. of FF =
lorm of Horus in the Circle As-neteru. AAAAAA

Seshmu Heh
AAAAAA % 1 oo
seshen l P. 420, M. 60r,
B.D. 17, 47, a title of Uatch-ura. AAAAAA storm, hurricane.
h D3D
Seshem Khatri AA Tuat seshen n1 n1 n , a field of lilies.

A III, an ichneumon-god. C ~ <~Z::>

Seshen 1 fVn 0 , lily knosps.

Seshem Khepera i
r w j g^ s ’
A Tuat
seshen ] '(Tj G s % water, extract
VIII, the form of Khepera in the Circle Sesheta. AAAAAA 1 1 1 of lotus.
Seshem shet (?) Tuat x, seshen-t /wwv\ , Rec. 36, 210,
a serpent form of Horus. garden-house, booth.

SeshemShu [J, Tuat XII, the form seshen -tchet (?)


of the Sun-god at sunrise. kind of reed basket.

Seshem Shu \ r^r Tuat

seshshen fl F0
rm b> Z.D.M.G. 46,

VIII, the form of Shu in the Circle Sesheta. 117) Rove Songs 2, 8, lily, iris, lotus; see

and compare Heb. ; Gr. aouaov.

Seshem ka Amenti ^ [J Tuat
"V III, a bull-god in the Circle Aakebi. Z3T 1 to plan, to ar¬
Seshem Geb
sesheru ~i m 0 1*
j J, Ti
p «1 On
mat VIII,
the form of Geb in the Circle Tuat. (2 ' 1 e => u
^ ; j j plans, etc.
Seshmu taui p ^ ^ ^ ^
31 sesher "1 <0^, U. 553, to draw out, to
<ji/j , B.D. 148, 8, a solar-god.
31 , c)
clean out, to sweep out, to milk ; Copt. C^^p,
Seshem Tathenn c^p&.
_ I S=
| aaaaaa
, Tuat
VIII • see Tathenn.
sesher 1 I, 149, dung, excrement.
Seshem Tefnut
the form of Tefnut in the Circle Tuat.
sesher n msm ., U. 276,

N- 7r9> 11=2 Rec. 31, 171, to

seshemu iv, 373, the
make to shine, to emit light, to bleach (?)
Syrian hills where cedars were felied.

s-shemm 1 f , to warm,
sesher-t o <=
rvm ^
\ U. 68, n r~vr~i

N. 328, 1 0 I > Rec. 3D 172, bleached

heat; caus. of r~w~i
r~w~i n tczz .1 r^111 ‘i

s-shen "| m
, B.D. 64, 50, to
linen; plur. r r r > U. 394,
aaaaaa "j r~w~i f dvn
rvn 1yi > B.D. 174, 13,
alight, to protect (?); caus. of

1 ’ fl
s [ 701 ] s
s-shes n ^, to open, to unbolt; see
, bandage, bandleq string, cord of a book,

n ,wWVA imiim

t-3 £-f\'
irdle, belt, turban, diadem, tiara; n a>

s-shesp C3E3 » Rec. 30, 196, to a bandlet crown; \ , a crown with

make to receive; caus.
plumes; n1 1 1
^ 1 A/'/WVA, IV, 105?,
s-shesern s see 8 garlands on their heads.
I l 1 1 1

sesheser n s n s seshet "] Kubban Stele 8,

111 V--'M crown, diadem.
corn, grain. □xu

-j nn
, Rec. 27, 224 (var.
'BP :, Palermo Stele,

festival of the bandlet or crown

), to cover over, to protect (?) Rev. 6, 22, list, docu¬
Or—=> seshet
ment, inventory.
s-sheker caus. of
seshet ] y\, whip

n c*=*e o n
seshet-t I ' , Rec. 2i, 82, 1 \
s - sheta 1 r^r~1 Ijk nm U3
I \
tZ“D, Thes. 1202, Mar. Karn. 54, 48, 1
, to hide, to make secret, to make a
mystery of something, to make confidential; c-□
, Roller Pap. 5, 1, ©
CTTD ^ cm n y,
caus.; Copt. cyuxyX. verandah, window, opening in a wall, balcony (?)
porch (?); Copt. OjOTCyx.
1 rxzi
sesheta mystery, secret;
-D seshet A-Z- l8?0’ 17c niche
1 ^ a secret of th.e royal ’ c-^3 U m a wall.
,WWVN l , /
-D T LA harim.
s-sheper H <*=4^ r—w—-■ , Rev. 14,
□ '111
seshet 1 A.Z. 1906, 130, to mount,

21, n^=n
to ascend, to roll up, to revolve.

seshet j! c>^ 3 , Mar. Karn. 35, 63, to seq n A

n a
n A , Rec.

make a horse prance about, to perform feats of 27, 227, to gather together, to collect.
horsemanship, to circuit like a star.
seq ljP. 95. P- 2g5.
seshet the orbit 0,-
331, 608, 1 A ^, P. 645, to smite, to strike;

seshet i IV, 615, 1 a* see 1 ^

A.Z. 1905, 23, a planet (?) comet, or
Rev. ir, 170, to destroy;
w]’ shooting star. seq Copt. CUOK.
~vr to decorate, to put
seshet on a garland. seq her % , Rev. = Copt. C6K £/).

seshet nm u. ,55. n ~w
^ P. seq 1 Zl ^, sacking, haircloth ; Heb. ptT;

162, 685, N. 1040, n 1 SJ

', N. 520, Gr. nut™?; Copt. COK, COOK.

:, to tie, to bind, to tie round, to gird on. seq , Sphinx Stele 12 ; see s-arq.

3 r\o
, P. 346, 413, T. 43, s-qai
5 ’
1*^5, 1 hi
s [ 702 ]
zi T.Rec. 31, r75 ; n° 1 s-qebh n p- 394,
Rhind Pap. note 112, M. 561, to cool, to refresh; caus.

sqef to leave, what is left; Copt.

Ani V, to exalt, fl ^ HI
1 G» A.Z. coxu.
I9°5) 28, to prolong life; caus.
sqem n ^ , var. X , to des¬
S-qai-nu-baiu, etc. 1^q □ troy, to annihilate.

• * the name of the 3rd hour of s-qema H , Rec- 36> *33. to consoli-
II o? the day. I — ’ date; caus.

s-qen fl ^ ]. x o n x x
tk to sail; Copt.
sqar n^i (E /WWW
WWW K.. —/)

ILj’ c(Th p. to make bold, to encourage ; caus.

| X s-qen, s-qenn n x
1I ^
/WWW =0=, Rev.
, to plaster, to smear. 1 r, 93, to anoint oneself, to put on fat.

s-qa 1 ^ jW* to vomit, to pour out; sqer p^^ A^-l, to sail; Copt. ecTap.
-Q f ’ caus.
sqaankhiu |1 ^ IV, n47,
\ ’, Palermo Stele, n
LH , P. 77, u. 403, n P. 68, n A

sqan (?) fl x ^
t0 be laid waste>
destroyed. ^■P " fc n
' J . Rec. 26, 229, 1 ^ ),—/],
squ p A ^ , [' g X . fuel (?) fire.(?)
ibid. 31,172, n" v ,P
sqeb |C J|>, p zl j^, Mar.

Karn. 54, 57, captive, prisoner of war.

11 <c. [M © n ^, n ^ nfl
sqeb \\a}$:= [1 Jx L_fl’
n 41
to beat, to strike, to fight,
"I X ■mmnr
to capture prisoners; 1^ ^ r, to break open
sqeb [\ a 11 to see> t0 Iook at> the
-A eye. a door ; Copt. CIKC.

S-qeb H f t=t, P a 1 k,t0 c°o1, t0 re~ sqer-t fl fight,

O J T fresh.
s-qebb lx j ^ (s!c)} MJ'MJ sqera pxjj>, P^-.j
5 to cool, to refresh; caus. 1 ^ ( fhi, prisoner, captive.

sqebbup^JJ^g bath-house, sqern ^ prisoner, captive,

Sqeb p xj B.D. 142, V, 1 j' 1x fettered; plur. fl<^>

1 1 1
JJlxQn J~JL^)-agod'
sqera ankh 4 ji Palermo Stele,
Sqeb [CJ— = PJ^ = PJ
a god. ■M
Ar fl J5* f TT'IV’ I0°4'

seqbit p^JJ“|AD' f ^-iv.«i7.p^ fl ^

S-qeb I xj |^, Metternich Stele 7,

a combatant captured alive; plur. n- fM
to cry out, to wail; caus.
n s [ 703 ] S

nI ^ o^ ^ x _ ,.
fighter, conqueror. Sqeti-her 1 ^ ^ the warder of the
2nd Arit.
41 Ombos II, 130, a
Sqerit sek

Sqer tchatchau 1 * i, Tuat sek >, to cover, to dress.

Adi, the name of a star-god in the Tuat.

sek re n , U. 253, n
sqeh flzi ?, R zj §
| T. 273, [l __, P. 26, 1 g? , M. 36,
to hew, to cut.
1 v_^ 1 | ’t0 Purify the mouth.
seqes (?) $| fd ^jj, Anastasi I, 10, 9,
1’uat I, a serpent-
some hard substance. Sek re
cod in the Tuat.

s-qet (?) |1 \
On o
n n Sek re n X
L , the god
P.S.B. 16, 238, disposition, inclination, relation¬ of the 6th hour of the night.
ship, a mathematical term ; caus.

Sek her n B.U. 136B, 3, a god
^ 1 ill ’ of the lake of Fire.
n1 O
’, Hh. 472; caus. of

via’ Pi Xu
n , to pull,
s-qeti p^’U'I92'N^X to draw, to draw away, to carry off, to make an
U. 473, P. 382, end of, to destroy.
P' M
seki (( Peasant 205,
<ns>. 5
0 : Pi Pi

O A \ A
to sail, to travel about in a
boat; caus. iP-Pl =1. n
s-qett 1 \ 954,,.n \\
n ^ , P. 64, N. 498, to perish, to

come to an end, to make cease, to diminish, to

o^>y^,N. 138, (1 [h 0
A’ be destroyed; 1 v_<> ( , N. 938.

n A
n ■0 n o (sic),
sek ■btfwn, the end, death,

Gol. Hamm. 14, 134, n 0

, to sail, the finish of a matter.

to travel about in a boat seki-t , pain, anguish, despair;

sqetut n O
, Pap. 3024, 71,
failure of courage.

, IV, 697,
O A Sekk I^ to bring to an end (years

a journey by boat, a sailing, a boat procession,
a course on the river.

sqetu | i \ , Shipwreck 27, Peasant 317, 11 ^ , IV, 685,

© II
1 sailor, paddler; plur. I ^ Mar. Karn. 53, 27, II , IV, 716,

^ 1 1 1 P1T1® $! ’ Pap- 30241 b2'

P1 n n n*
a fit l 1 ^ to crush» to destroy, to subdue,
I ill l ^ _ 1. X ’ to cut down, to overthrow.

Sqeti 1 A ^ , Hh, 371, a god. seksek-t n L=/)’

S [ 704 ] S n
seka f)(M
PM L-4 ska n T. 342, P. 221, then, at
that time.
n © (S ska 1 U R 62 C Rec- 31* 173>
□ n
L^’ PM L=J]’ 1 }_j kj, n. 119,824, n lj * i
ll k £ —^1- fighter, warrior, athlete; plur.
pu^. Pu^^s-J,
PMUSiPPlM D pu^ x
Amen. 8, 17,
PM4 E nI to plough; Copt. CK<U, C^I.

■PI !, Peasant 303,

skaiu 1 [_J ^ ! > ploughmen.
n W_J
£ III’
skaut nu \>
IV, 653, 659, (](] ^7=^, Thes. 1203,
\f/ , IV, 499, ploughed land, tillage,
warriors, athletes, fighters, guards, soldiers,armed
servants, strong men, rebels, murderers.

seki-t (1hX Q
skau fK jtk
* - *—•1 n - ^
11 ^» struggle, oxen for ploughing
fight, battle, slaughter. 1 k 1 "V\ JTl 1 an animal for the
1 U X 1’ plough (?)
seki-t kec. 17, 116,
ska 1 {_| , Nastasen Stele 31, throne.
slaughter-house (?)

Sek fl , the name of a god

s-kami n 3 , Amen. 4,14, n*
, Mar. Karn. 52,19, 1 ^, "1
* . P- 2I9)- o

seku see
Decrets 108, n ’, to make to endure

for a long lime, to bring life to a close, to finish,

1 1 1 to complete; caus.

sek ahakb* O
skami n n k,,

1872,41, rv rv “Time divider”—a to be grey-haired, white-haired, greyness;

o title of Thoth.
seki n lu
, to grind =0= oil for §re>’hair’

grain, to pound grain into flour. Copt. CKIJUL, C^IJUL ; 1 r—\

sekit n ^ (E=D
I Rec. 27, 219, the grey-haired god.

n O ‘ill
, meal, flour.
s-kamm I ^—1 ^, to blacken,

to defile ; caus.
sek r~r\.
^^ XT* £-[\ 1 , , Copt.plough;
CK<LJ. s-kamkam
, to destroy,

sek n "—to transport by boat, to

&EL-I ’ ferry over.
to overthrow, to annihilate

skar Ifl LJ<c=

1 I
, Herusatef Stele 44, a kind
sekut , IV, 707, ships
of sacrificial vessel; 0U^r4n °,!h«s?me
o 1 1 1
1 | A III in silver.
of a certain kind.

sek n /WWW

A/WW. j
T. 275» l AAMM CZZZDj
ska 1 [ , an object like a short javelin,

P. 28, M. 39, lake, sea (?)
s [ 705 ] S n
ska-t, ski-t n^.1]
t, M. 125, N. 695, sga
^ ® 4s ^==^’to attacii (?)
^ A,Z'i9°5,3i>
sku n U. 427, T. 245, then, at
that time.
^ ^j), Rev., to be struck dumb with astonish-

skep n , Rev.
ment, dumb; ns ® \\

Anastasi I,
□ □
w_. | I.

i2, 41, a cry (?) sgai S [(](]] Rev- M, 12,

Skem n "tCi f/J • Rcc- 3°. 199; quack of a goose.

var. n*= ibid. 27, 219, the

grey-haired god.
to utter cries, to call out.
sken , to cleave, to split.
s-gab 1 s b, Rec. 10, 6, to
sken n Peasant 178, 1 make to bow, to force.
a beast of a man, glutton, drunkard oe
s-gap 1, Rec. 21, 86, to
sken -tt: 1^0, unguent, oil;
G cry out, cry, lamentation; see 1 ^
Copt. cofTrt.
sker 1 \s^, to cut, to smite.
1 i
n a

sker -A, Rev. 11, 131, 12, 52, , Anastasi V, 19, 7, fort, fortress, castle,
, Rev. 11, 134, to sail.
sga (?) to carry (?)
sekhem £J, Roller 1, 5, a
metal weapon. Sgi 1 ffi (j [ L==/l, to remove.
Sekkes I " ^ 1 Jfj, Rec. 31, 31, a god.
s-geb (?) P s j> p S j ^ ^ }> Rec-
n n aaaaaa

Seksen I I , P. 650, I 1, Metternich Stele 44, 47,

14, 97) [Iffij
II r-
1 Sj
| V_^0 I AAAAAA ;
gs .
Heruemheb 21, Rubban Stele
god, a messenger of Ra.
25, to utter a cry; Copt. cyK<CU, OJfT^Ln.
Sektit , Rec. 30, 187, n
sgeb P JP
& , captive, prisoner.

fl A 5 ^s/J)
$ L,D-theHI> 2o6’ a Sod of
torture chamber.
iJSZJi, w
^j, Rev. 13, 2, the boat of the setting sun. Sgeb-am, etc. 1 Z5 j - - *= Q

The old form is n ; see U.


1 11 <£

, B.D. 145A, the

470, T. 221, 222, etc. door-keeper of the 14th Pylon.

Sektit ^ C , the sacred boat

S-gebgeb 1 ffi J Z5 j to constrain,
A CiiQ
of the Nome Prosopites.
to compel submission.
seg 1 55 2 , deaf; and see 1 n a □ ^a
s-gep ,, Rev. 13, 30,

seg 1 ^ , opposition. wailing, lamentation.

1 tt o the foal of an ass; Copt.

Q perfume(?); Copt.
seg-t segmu (?) Os AAAAAA

in’ cofTn (?)

r- w o’ CKfT. AAAAAA

2 Y
n s [ 706 ] S

to make to Rev., to be at peace, to quiet, to pacify, to

s-gemh K®-,
see ; caus. subdue; caus. ; Copt. C(5~"pZ-.P/T.

s-genn n AAAAAA
=0=, Rev. 6, 26, n a o

Sgerhit P f i) i) ^ , P.S.B. 25,
to anoint, perfumed oil, A.Z. 1884, 88, to pre¬
221, “Tranquilliser”—a title of Skhemit.
pare anointing oil; caus.; Copt. CO(fIt.
sgergu a 1 1
fl a
sgen 1 ffi Rev. H S =0=, Rev,
, parts of a ship.
1 1 1
11, 132, perfume, anointing oil; Copt. CO(f it.

Seges fl- M. 826, , N.
1318, a town and a town-god.
2, 1, 1 aa^aa ^ , 1 ® 0 oil, ointment,
AAAAAA I I I AAAAAA Segt , Rev. 14, 40 = (1
balsam from Sinai; Copt. CO<PTIt.
s-genn ^ AAAAAA ^ AAAAAA t0
AAAAAA all' AAAAAA £LL set 1 q, absolute pron. 3rd com.
make weak or helpless ; caus.
^ U. 197, P. 100, absolute pron.
sgenmu n a

, the inert, 3rd fern. she.

helpless ones. set , later form of IU

sger 1 S L=Z1, a drum); see
set , , they, them.
n^ Ill ^ III

set 'l throne, seat; plur.

sger n a “□, fort, fortress, a

M-I74, p-6°7-
strong enclosed place.
set P X, to break = ^ X.
s-ger 1 a la Rec. 26,65, e. S_J)

1 a [ IV, 967, fl a e a set lx, px

\> \>
LJ, 10 break> toucut>
to bite.

, to make silent, to still, to hush, to set 1 , tail; z , tail in

silence; caus. of ® J ^ I 55 ( 0, the mouth, i.e., encircled.

the tomb; 1 ® ^ !, the dead.

set ne. n
^, I 0 , tail of an animal

an animal that carries

sgeru 1 S ^ <A+i l, the silent ones. Pn?- its tail high.
set babe; var. 1 jj§).
sger-t 1 S Vi, silence, stillness. \>

set 1 °, a stone; varr.

0 the city of silence, quid mnD ^ mnD
Sger-t n 55
©’ i.e., the grave.
Set (Setesh) >5^,11.5,72,351, nvr~zd
Sger 1 a & J), Berg. 33,i.e., 7^
N. 333, Hh. 333 1a
sgen 1 a (( f-wri, Rec. 3, 35,drachm.

s-gerh 1 a | pL|^j, Rec. 27, 228, i c=j, M. 63, P. 174,

a na m. na . =1 \
the god of evil; ^ q/A

1 \ mnD
Rec. 13, 48, ijy 2^3, [ijj )1 y
A~ 7
■ 3-J B.M. 46631; the
n s [ 707 ]

children of Set, i.e., fiends and devils, 1

nlD^ i n~ 'd
-e- n0
A ’ ‘d
N' 951’ thC Set' ( [ 0 to bring, to conduct, to
gods, heavenly and earthly; > IV, 808. lead, to tow, to draw or drag along, to withdraw,
to unbolt a door, to place alongside, to compare ;
seta-t "P ° '[ T-192,P-677, 1
1 —1 Copt. TAcee.
N. 1289, appertaining to Set. 3
stas (stasta?) fl P"^", Pap.
Set na slienu 'Vi *1^* ^ 0 D A r
/wwv\ Q m- 3024, i2, to lead.
he acacias.
Rec. 16, 119, Set of the ~1to press, to urge
stasta Dg
Set n 1—~i
0 the star of Set, i.e., Mercury.
A ’ on, to drive.

Sta (Sthi) v , IV, 966, leader, guide;

Set (Setekh?) (1 g^j, Edfu I, 91, god c A
-e- Rev. 14, 49, dealer in vege¬
of 3 A tables.
© '
1 —<3-
Set-. |1 o , the god of staiu -e-
!’ A
a —<3- 1
the 5th day of the month.

set 1 a /J/jjj , tq sow seed; Copt. Clf.

V !’ PS !, 1'd

-e- ] -e-
1 1 1 D
I "I
set , N. 796. haulers, towers of a boat, bringers, leaders.
set 1 V B.D. 179, Staiu Ra (1 [ , Tuat VIII,
those who tow the boat of Ra.
set-t(?) H °, Love Songs, V’
v ' [tj summer-house (?)
Staiu (Sthiu) , Tuat II,
set-t n 3

- • s
Q - - s
", wall.
the blasphemers of Ra who were condemned to
sta-t (Sthit) VC, Palermo Stele,
v F-H rebels, oppo¬
<®-w A A nents.
II, 7’ 3 3 . ’ ^ s ’ | o’
~^r o+q 0 ^ B.D. 168, IV, a bull-god—
-^r , a measure of land, the arura; plur. -<j>-, D A ’ a form of Osiris.
y—> -^r
g gg * Stait Tuat XII, a wind-goddess who
o ’ was reborn daily.

stai-t (sthit) -e- Sta en Asar, etc. 1 ^ -c-

6, -e- (®:
'D A
thread, cord, string, measuring cord. l] , etc., B.D. 145, 146, the 13th Pylon.
Sta (Sthiu?)

Rev. 14, 46.

repurchase; plur. ^ ^ ^
n cm3' ]
0 —(3-
, receptacle,

an object in which to carry things.

stai (sthi) (JO, to measure land
sta ] Q /www, water-course, canal;
sta n Dc _mx(~ , Rec. 2i, 15, nD

I A/vWVN /WWW ? IV, 944

, Amen. 22, 3, to hold a possession legally, I I I

set, sta [J qVT’ IV, 1102, 1 (3 -A, 0

sta n^lD
, Anastasi I, 14, 8, ramp;
(3 —<0— ~) c ^s inclined way up to walls of a be-
(1 D Vn D
, Amen. d a r
—(0— —(D— 3
sieged city-
n <=> ~^r t Statt (sthitt)
20, 1, n0 A
'd A * Z
'd .A’ A’ J0ur-
-<*- x 3 3 Ji ^ o —(3— I I I
, the funeral moun-
As. 1908, 269, ^ n, fl,
2 y 2
] s [ 708 ] S n
—(0— c c
tain, cemetery, the grave
ave;! AAAAAA
cut a libation, to make water, to drip, to over¬
, ^ , .A [W| c
the Iheban necropolis.s. flow, a flowing out, effusion; ? -^ AAAAAA ?

dRi ^ l AAAAAA _//

sta (stha) n-o-'M

-%T , Hh. 544, sprinkled, watered, poured out.

O’ cO’ Oil’ D
—(c>—• | j c
O stit ^ []^
i ^ ’tx.® —— n ° —^2— n ° -e- o AAAAAA


/wwv\? seed, moisture, outpouring.

d m ao1 d ^: d m a in’ V ^ AAAAAA

filth, offal, anything beastly or abominable

stiu ([j vases, water vessels.
sta n'd~ 03 I, fiends, devils, a

term of abuse applied to the enemy.

sta-t (sthi-t) -e- =>> IV, 53, 426, a

plate or sheet of metal; A \ U

1 AA- 1 1 1 IV> 6i5> Rec- 2°> 40,

c , made of a single sheet.

] -a

sta, sti
D , Rec. 16, 132, nD I ’ TM>rays> ,light’ sPiend°ur>
@a n ^ tI ^
1PSM4I1 D 1 “ radiance; ^ ^ [ AAAAAA O, sunshine;

n'd~ 1 P, light -emitter.

'd^ , Amen. 6, 6,

to light a fire, to make to burn, to make fire;

Sti reh pet <=© ^ ^=j ^_fl , , one
n« e
_235>& \\
cz <rz

to cast
of the 36 Dekans.

utchats; Copt. CA-TC.

sti - hebsti ^P,
PSM« , fire.
the name of the nth day of the month.
~i ^ tkS forge, furnace, oven,
'd kiln. stiT , Palermo Stele, T. 206,

sta n'd° (5
Rec. 3, 4, light, radiance.
■V wvw

T" I lj’ Anastasi ’•23,3-11 “X’ X

c U-fl’
staib n0
, to stop, to

shut up, to close; Copt. CIJXA.JUL, OjTeJUL.

^'T:x^x-'T 7\ ’

x:^x^xc- n. X
star <=> ( <2. Jj\, Rev. n, 182, splen-

dour; Copt. CThX, C'feXXl.

L=f]’ c c ^_Dl’
*v TO
f. to shoot

sti PT^’ P°TV- hX^ arrows, to eject something from a case, to throw,

to harpoon; ^ [j G> jeter ja

X^’ XM s_a’ A'z-19°5,I9> r=u)
Hymn Darius 27, to eject seed, to beget, to
vendange; IV, .203 ; [1^
sow seed; Copt. CPTe.
, Peasant 228, to spear
Sti \AAAAA ^_ Rec. 3,49,
T?PP.? /in TV
l AAAAAA v nU’
tl *-<* c c o IVj 1062, to shoot
AAAAAA , o I ’ game in the desert.
^ O ft<

cm™5 I
<-« / <?


,W'AAA /
c_n ’ ?

sti X , to shoot a glance of the eye;

in the sight of, oppo¬
^aaaaa Xr Rec, 3j 48, to pour out water, to pour em sti
AAAAAA I cv\\ - site to.
s [ 709 ] s

sti X'i’ T T*i- Sti [U(|(] TMTJi, n. (( 1W, Tuat III,

-e- a fire-spitting serpent-god, the protector of the
i, Peasant 239, bow¬
A holy gods.
man, archer, shooter; plur. *^1* ^ 1,
Set (Sti) em ar-t-f n
f MC/isfi'Israel stele s;
n / o “ Fire in his eye ”—the god
of the 6th Pylon.
a lascivious man.
Set (Sti) her 1 ^ QTuat VIII, a

sti X—’XX’ BD- <Sai*>•* serpent-warder of the 7 th Gate.

4, 46 f., 149, 14, a title of Set.

i=-7-i < <m <=> < <m <=> Sti-t
v 111
Stlt Jk-O’o wo'o \\0*’TA ^ X

Bv B-D-I25> ''™Xi’ taI’TM

T p boil, blain, ulcer, car¬
buncle, swelling.

^ T ^ o I ’a §°ddess °f the First

Cataract, consort of Khnemu.
1 q n-
l"a, [1"^,
V I W1 u I V 111 fePS’
ftAAAAA j bad smell, scent
V X O 111 f

StUruT IP o O. or odour; Copt. cf.

Thes. 31, LI ° O, Denderah III, 24,

the goddess of the 10th hour of the day.

sti neter
the scent of the god.
"SUIT , IV, 219,

Sti tesui (?) mui sti heb
X O ’
B.D. 149, Denderah IV, 80, a serpent-god,
\\1 u X J o m
1^, n°^, p“fb8
w 0 1 1 1
u 111 X JJ
70 cubits long, who lived in the 4th Aat.
V5V, incense burnt at a festival.
-j- V 0 o
I- sti akh-t (?)
O i
Mil-4. w III
, Harris I, 40, 9

Sti =0= drink offering, measure

\\4>’ ^ \\ 5 of wine.
1 1, Asiatics and Nubians.
Sti (?) jl ^ $ <? , leg, knee (?)
, an Asiatic woman; plur.
Sti 1 (j(j, Tomb Ram. VI, 50, a god.
, Rec. 31, 13.
o ^ vi 1
sti 1 a ( ( C _/l. to weave; Copt. COTTC.
sti-t °S Leyd. PaP- I4i 4) ground,
0 q 1 ’ grave (?) 1 q l]f| Rev. 13, 15, 28, smell,
sti-t ° > ^ ^Rec. 36, 216, the Q 1 T ’ odour; Copt. cf.

name of a chamber in a temple. stia (?) Hh. 433

U^4’T^’TW',’ : stim j1 ^ ^ ^5 |» fodder» vese-
TMM , to light a fire, to kindle, flame,
tables, garden stuff; see
fire; |1 T. 206, 1 Copt. CIAJL.

to kindle sacred or
ceremonial fire.
sti-t n do “ , Rev. 15, 17 = n° w

1! > n1 ^ ^ ^,ass> verdu^e•

CM' I TFnTrift

27, 229, 1 ci ^ , fire, flame. stu (?) 1 0% , to provide (?)

2 v 3
s [ 710 ] s
4^0 jP-, O
s-tua 1 o £) H t0 Sive ^anks, to N. 680,
0 ( A’ glorify ; caus. □ o ’
I1 - v - SM Rec. 20,
stur 1 ^, to work, to prepare.
□ *!• ? ero oin’
^I ^ □ ^v’ 43-

s-tur 1 , to cleanse, to purify; caus. step r n° n°

□ □ □ □
/V to turn aside, to set to select, to choose; Copt. CCJUTIT.
stuha Hot ra
free, to disturb.
stepu " J 5
0 O
n o,
n □ 0.
a chosen person or thing;
o □
□ ^
, picked
0 to treat with drugs, to em¬
0 X n:5* balm a dead body. words; selections from a book; ^ ,
111 0=0
s-tut 0' o > in , Peasant 249, choice bread; " (8 crm, the pick of the

fj, to observe some custom, stable; X AAAAAA 5, a bag of

□ u
to do something usually done, to make a copy
or image, to fashion, to typify, to symbolize,
fine linen garments; n ~□
counterpart, image; , Shipwreck 94, the choicest of Egypt;
, Rec. 20, 40.

s-tut n c, v\ ^ , to collect, to □ ^
IV, 390, selected in olden time.

gather together; caus. of

□ □
, P. 204, n□ o

,, M. 203,

N. 683 =
steb-t Mission 13, 50, decree, □
JT- edict.
steppu ^, a chosen person.
steb (?) = Rev. 14, 46, farming □ □ r w 1

step sa , P. 184, 193, M. 292,
□ -SSM
J , Rev- n, I45>
, P. 631, 730, M. 733, w
1 H8^ n ibid. 11, 150, a tool or weapon ; mss-’ ^ 16 □ -ms-’ □
^Jx ’ Copt. COT&eq (?)
, to perform magical ceremonies with the
stebu AAAAAA . (3 AAAAAA ? tO
view of obtaining life and the protection of the

drink with enjoyment; var. AAAAAA ,

s-tebh [1 _ Q j 8 j j, to provide with p-S93’^5?fiP-lv’ iois- ■
food, to provision; caus. of q 1 8 3 ; see step sa protected by an amu-
nrrm let.

-JH step sa
^ •>’ -MS-’ J>—-
□ -MS- S>—s
n i’ □
Step 1 .A, L.D. Ill, 194, 35, to advance.
^ ^ , a chamber in

step n□ M T. 287, P. 39, M. 49, n o

the sanctuary wherein the transfer of the divine

n n ^ n t0 cut> t0 cut off, to slay.

power from

the god to the king took place ;

step-t "
, M. 203, n gave him life, strength, health, and joy of heart
"jo o in the step sa chamber,” IV, 1013. Step sa is
N. 683 C/V1, I a piece of
□ also used as a title for the palace and the king
meat specially selected and cut off for an offer¬ himself, e.g., IV, 194.
o Step ^ the name °f the 20th day
ing; plur. P. 540, 1
□ □ ’ of the month.
n s [ 711 ] S n
Step “ g ', “ g, “ ' yP, a garment made stennu 1 /WWW 'l j a noble or dis-
o o I l ’ tinguished man.
of a special kind of stuff.
stenit nI /w/ww
^ , B.D. 125,
step 1 ^ , a kind of plant. O
II, 39, (var. in Nu), distinctions.
Stef I “ \\ . t0 cut,t0 hack,
s-tenn ^ AAAAAA jjL to swell (of a boil).
to slay for sacrifice; varr. 0' n
Ul’ X-
stefu 1 ^ X^f»Rec-
PXT’R— XM-678-
I9’92> N. 1240, P. 642, a kind of garment.
stef n A., to turn aside or away. sten 1 ^ , to slay, to kill.

stef n

/www, to be pure, to be refined;

— AAAAAA Stenit 1 ^ f) I AAAAAA /
the name of a serpent

AAAAAA ^ \ (iA on the royal crown.

WWW ? clear, pure, refined (of copper,


, iv, 7o8).
^_<X| Sv Po4’ P O^'
stef-t n n^ 0
Rev. 13, 120,
a 111’ o nation Stele, 8, 9, the White Crown.
a disease of the belly, purge (?)

Stef n 2
Edffi I, 8r, a title of the s-tenem, s-tenemm n o

/wwv\ Nile-god. X O ^ @s. X

, Osiris 34, to lead astray, to
stef(?) n X. mislead, to lose the way; caus. of
s-tem n “ X’p-i8?’ P

stenemu H 0 (I fx % .a he
to make an end of; caus. of v 3 The AAAAAA Jj —/I r J

who leads astray, he who makes a mistake.

variant passages M. 357 and N. 908 give

ster I
, worked, chased (of metal).

s-tem n -A _ 1 o (TA.
/wwv\ nXy
to turn
back. ster *
B.D. 169, 2 5, wooden
tablet (?)
stem 1 ^ > fodder, field or gar-
den produce; see 1 ; Copt.
nX , a kind of plant.

1 1 1 ster-t n<^ O, purification, pure thing.

stem 1 n (2 n ^
sterit , P. 111 6b, 21,
, an assistant priest; see
to make prayer or supplication.

PXlXP fl’ steh n ^ „ a\
1 ra in grinding.
1 ^ 3 ■ PXl1^' PXVl
AAAAAA steh X3-=J, [1

PX /j, to mark out, to distinguish, 60, revolt.

to make a difference between, to exalt; caus. of o Rev. 14, 46, rubbish,
steh H waste.
n 0 ^ mo
cm s-tehen

O to distinguish between winter
I 7
Rec- ,5’I78’PII
A I "I 0 'www
nI ° h 1, to sparkle; caus. of Jj J =
and summer; AAAAAA /W/WAA

o w
De Hymnis 47, [thou] distinguisher who
hast distinguished.
2 Y 4
n s [ 712 ] S

Stekh |1 “ "], p “ J, iv, 1085 = seth (sthi) Rec. 30,

187, to light a fire.
sthu-t O light, radiance, splen-
stekhi 1 1 1’ dour.
, malign magic.

seth (sthi) ^, to spear fish

stekhu fl , to treat a body, living

or dead, with drugs, to mummify; see Sthiu ^\'l|j.IV. 66., ?=%

var. jl I 1 1 1
, Asiatics and Nubians.

setkhekh i ^ to treat a body seth (sthi-t) ,7^ ^ Stele of

with drugs; see n a

of Ptolemy I, 14, land, estate, pasture land.

seth-t (sthi-t)
Setesh n^ r~w~i
1 mnn
ffnrrrft cHu~3 Tfnrrrft ^nfilm, I1
5, Rec.
Set; varr. (1°
32, 79, garment, apparel, festal raiment;
12, 93 ... .
n is:0 ^ ^ in 111
, Gol. Hamm. , Rec. 27, 219, n0■ 7^
, Rec. 31, 174.

s-teka seth-t [1 XJ. "1 0, libation vessel.

U*A , to light a lamp; caus. (?)

s-teken H^0* j\ t0 make t0 approach,

seth-t n“ n o
Rec. 36, 216,
AAAAAA ’ to bring near ; caus.

stekniu H
/WVW\ 111
An 0
Stlli-t ^r,TTr" ^ ^fj, a tiring woman.

fjA porters, those who bring offerings in Sthit, Sthait I ^=5 (I ?=$ p. 207
1 1 wo.
a , Anc. Eg. Ill, 239, a goddess of
steg 1 rr LPb# , to hide oneself, to take
a the First Cataract, consort of Khnemu.
refuge; see m.
a Seth (Sthi)-her % Litanie 62, a
v ' ■ Sti ’ form of Ra.
s-tega n1 s
^ -^5-,
Hymn Darius 32,
to see; caus. Sthit-s-mm-Nu 555, Rec.
/—i NJ L- AAAAAA _ (4 /- NAAAAA *

"|o nI £A O
steter , Rev. 14, 34> T9°) one of the 12 Thoueris goddesses, she
^’ o
68, stater; Gr. oTarr/p; Copt. CA/T'eepe presided over the month o

seth lo! behold! seth-t I?—% Rec. 27• } 223,7 n

o s o'
/^\ r
P. 338, M. 640, to reach out L=/J, to frighten, to terrify.
(a hand).
seth (sti) [1 “ u. 9, P. 293, P
s-th (s-thes) fl: , to bear up; see
n“>.nI q, smell, odour, scent, perfume; plur.

1 ° ) T- 282, 332, P- 294; CAP

seth (sthi) p^5, seed; Copt. cif.
^^^ T. 347, foul stink; Copt. C'fb

seth (sthi) p?=$, u. 422, P”;#ssr, seth heb P

is , U. 56,

T- *4*. fl^.
"j . to eject seed, to frj J| —(O— nax, P®^TTl,oint.
beget, to sow seed. ment used on festal occasions.
s [ 713 ] S

stha n -<&-
, u. 331, 553, T. 317, sthena n AAAAAA y , Anastasi I, 28, 2,

P. 226, _(o_, Rec. 31, 27, (] J\, P. iii6b, 43, to compare.


-7k y\ ~| §=> A o a thing compared

v\, , Rec. 27, 225, to tow, sthena-t
-e- /wwv, ^ _a ’ with something else.
to drag, to puli, to lead; see |\/V
D s-thenem le( AAAAAA n

ZiZ N. 971, towings of

sthaut 1 V- J boats,
to turn back, to turn aside or away, to lead
o —<5—
astray; caus. of •
sthaiu those who tow boats; AAAAAA

-r- Sther-t 1 <=> P , eyelid, eyelashes.

—to— ===> , unseen haulers of boats.
-40- c \\

stha n^o, ns a jar, a

sther n: senther ^000

s-tliam s-thes
to clothe, to wrap up in cloth, to bandage t J\. to exalt, to

Seth-ab , Tuat VII, a goddess. lift up, to exalt oneself, to be exalted; caus.
Copt. xice.
Sthethi 1 (] (] vf) , Hh. 343, a god.
sthesu j'Z^liVTf’
Sthu n: =5 Tuat IX, a monster serpent-
0 ’ warder of the 9th Gate. those who lift up or exult; (V

Stliep 1

3==i, U. 548, T. 303, n □
those who lift up praises or who raise the song
of praise.

n □
y a to cut in pieces, to
sthesu Shu
M_ ii
js=> P. 681, to select, C\ --S 1 the four supports of

□ 7^’ to choose. TTTT5 P O Shu.

Stheput I§ ^, portions of meat selected s-thes iv, 659,

I cattle chosen
for offerings;
□ I ’ for offerings. ] __to lie at full length, laid out,
stretched out, to lie prone, dead body, H
sthepu 1 n:
□ n □ the
Rec. 36, 216 . . .
TOi-=4s-(W- dead.

sthep Is S T. 185, P. 183, 196, 674,

Set Palermo Stele = 1 °
N. 1282, M. 291, u- 49V P- 579,
Set—the god of evil.
Hh. 425, to remove, to carry away, to
□ set n
, to cut, to pierce.

s-then caus. of ]
t J], Israel Stele 4,
X X n t
sthena Tombos Stele 11, Rec. 30, 220, ^ ^==7],

tinguished person or statue, eminent, prominent,

\> L=4)’
to break, to smash, to cleave,
j\ , to journey, to retreat. to breach a wall.
sthen 1

set-t L-J, ^ J\, breach,

sthensthen 18=3 H
VN , to travel, to o x x
break, opening.
journey, to conduct a party.
s [ 714 ] S
n ,—v. aaaaaa rq
set vx® lc=f waam s a kind setu nu mama (?)
x £_/li==i’
of canal, a branch of the Nile. a plant or herb used in medicine.

Set SU fl 1 Xlr, a kind of plant.

c „ ) “ Breaker of bones,” one

L=3niii ’ set sheps-t (?) 0 A.Z.
of the 42 assessors of Osiris. \>
1880, 95, a part of a chariot.
set £—/I, to loathe, to be disgusted.
set-t (stit) ^2^ Rev. I2> 66>
set n impurity, dross. llfl fl , Rev. 14, 20, fire; Copt. CA-Te.

nTT^ sta . T. 27, n
^ to dress, to clothe, to N. 198, P. 611, 707, Rec. 27, 217, 34, 177,
^ ’ array in fine apparel.
fl. , U. 215, (1
stiu 1 , dressers.
1 1 1
, to quake, to tremble.
stit p^ljijs.p^y, n

those who shake,

stetiu I !>
bandlet, headcloth, garment; varr. old men.

stata (sett) 1 c—

to quake, to tremble; Copt. CTCJUT.

set 3N\,T.38,3io, P. 564,
stau 1 , palsy, quaking
Amen. 13, 4, n 1^1, (£ , tail, rump;
paralysis, the shaking sickness.
plur. p p\, Shipwreck 163; ^
sta 1 — a kind of marsh bird,
bittern (?)
P.S.B. 13, 412, tail in the air; Copt.

Sta ur n U. 187,

Set px^QEJIlp,
T. 66, n
Palermo Stele, H [d 1 M, 221, 1 N. 598, n
\> V ’
“festival of the tail”; plur. :HQm , Rec- 29> *53, n
fjTTl IV, 569, 1095. A festival which the
“ Great quaker,” god of the thunder and
king celebrated every 30 years, or after great
events, however frequent, or whenever he wished Sta metsu I n
to obtain a renewal of his life from the gods.
U. 419, n
setentpetggG^.gg T. 240, the ancient storm-gods.
the name of the 27th or 28th day of the month.
Sta - La 1 , p. 304,
set-t I r Anastasi I, 6, 1, section
^ I k=/l “ Earth-shaker ”—the name of a god.
of a book, page, column of a papjrus.
sta-t a kind of prickly shrub
T3X 1 1 1 r J
\> I ; seer.m . \> 1 used as a protection for encampments, “thorn

set pennu
n □ scrub ” or “ thorn bush.”
••www MI, rat’s-tail, a
\> D (2 1 1 1
_D ,_( Rev. 12, 62, pure;
staf (stef)
herb used in medicine. ’ Copt. ccrrq.
[ 715 ] S n
s-tu n stem 1 , U. 65, N. 320, n
to defame, to run down, to decry, to vilify ; caus.
, N. 323, n. ), N. 324, p ^D>--

stu "| _^ to run aground (of a

ship). U. 421, n. ^2^ T. 241, to paint the
’ eyelids with stibium.
s-tua >*c ;©, to pass the morning; oI
stem-t eye-paint.
o 0 I
caus. of tua
stem-t §1 c^3 l , stibium, antimony,
o 1
stukh fl^x
(3 0 U ’ (3 ^
eye-paint; Copt. 6C0H.&A, Gr. mv/i/av.
Hh. 336, Rec. 27, 58, to
to treat a body with drugs, to em- stem 0'
<2 0 _ L n’ balm a dead body. ’ hear; Copt. C(JOT”JUG
Rec. 2, 30, assistant
Steb 1 cf=> j 5, P c^J ' 11 *, Peasant 50, priest.

bandlet, belt, girdle, hangings of a shrine, a part Q to bring to an

s-tem (?)
j\ ’ end.
of a square cloth.

steb n. ^Jl’P^Jl^P^j S-tema I |, T. 264, M. 417, to join,

to unite; caus.; Copt. 'T'COJL*.!.

, stake, instrument of torture, misery,
sten 1 5 Coronation
disaster, calamity; plur. /WWVN

Stele 22, crown.

stenu | AAAAAA d , wearer of a crown, prince.

steba a wretched man. ^ rule, dominion,

stenit _W- sovereignty.

stebu ^<=>j @ u, Rev. 12, 22,

stena fl1 ^ , to dam a river.
a tool or weapon.
stenu 1 /V^NA \i j\ , swift courier.
3 , to chew, to ruminate; Copt. C<LTSe. s-tenem ; see

s-tebh P Ji P^Jf®
n- a kind of plant.

arrange, to provide, to equip, to supply; caus.
, to stekh 1 e^p3, P. 61, M. 82, N. 89, 1

, N. 72, to defend, to protect.

stebhut Ic^j | ^ j ,
stekh P e^3, Hh. 5.
provision, equipment, tools, implements,
J \
furniture; plur n. JI^PP-Jf Israel Stele 14, to overthrow, to defeat; see
(a | c
, Tanis Pap. 19.
\> 1 11
—' portions of an animal
steput 0
□ hi’ selected for sacrifice. s-tesher T. 28,,

P^! , L.D. Ill, 140c, N. 131, , to redden ; caus.

to make ready, to prepare.

steshru id red things,
stef 1 , to cut in pieces, to slay.
bloody wounds.
s [ 716 ] S

s-teku i, to Setchti H^Tuatll, a fire-god in the

hide ; caus. I ^WC Tuat.

s-tega V'x., (1 n Setchit-usrit x n\ -t> n

Nesi-Amsu 27, 16, a title of Sekhmit.
, Metternich Stele 49, O'
zs 1A,
Rec. 30, t88, tail, hair,
IV, 385, to hide, to run away and hide; caus. setch
{ LUj’ bristles.
Steg H J\ , B.D. 168, a bull-god.
□l I I I
7 XX
Steg n
S proper name (?); n E
festival of the tail; see set.

^17 aaaaaa IV 1071. setch A,z-19°6> 112, child,

cm ’ '

s-tega VIB-, Hymn Darius, 7, babe, infant; fern. P=U=5|^)^,

to look, to examine ; caus.

stegaut , B.D. 108,

zs I I I
6, watchers (?) setchti |V'j V IV, 1072, young.

sett-t n o
trembling, quaking,
shaking. setch n form,
s -tet L.D. Ill, 140B, to stablish;
caus. setchetch H jj, form, image,

setcll P S, M- T94> to sprinkle, to

( ’ scatter, to sow. setch 1 , pot, vessel.
setch 397’ M> S66> N. 1173,
I seed. setch (?) M- 8l6’ a kind of
11\ ’ wood.
setch (1 Rec. 27, 58, [1 , to
break, to break open. s'tcha p h p-636’ 1
n nU, "id, r

setch (1 I3- i85, t0 str>ke a balance, 163, to go, to depart = 1 ^J 1

O (’ to make a reckoning. N2
to depart in peace, /.<?., to die.
Setch (?) jl CU='| ^ Mar. Karn. 52, ^ □

8, to lay waste, to be wasted. o

setcha-t "1 | "In , departure.
cBfl -PENS' J\
setchu abu (?) [1 ^ ^ ^ ^p,
Setcha I I , Ros. Mon. 23, Champ. Mon.
Stele Usertsen III, “broken hearts” (used to fciij
describe the timid broken-spirited peoples of 378, a fabulous animal with the head of a ser¬
the Northern Svtdan). pent and the legs and tail of a lion.

setchu , P. 424, M. setcha 1 i

Jour- As> 9> ser. 10, 506

607, N. 1212, archers.

s-tchai , U. 642,
pj^.PSx, n cSs
Pi- (£2
, Rec. 32, 79, archers (?)
to be well, happy, amused, to enjoy
setch-t u- i84> 322, 513, T.
^ i ^ ^ ^ I () ’ Love SonSs 7, 9-
88, N. 6r9, p 2D P|’ Rec 3°> r98» 3T> I7©»
setchasetcha , Rev.,
X H\ flame, fire; Copt. pi mu
x(l*M yJA’ c^Te. mockery, jest; Copt. COX.
1 s [ 717 ] S

s-tchai her
Pi ca,
A.Z. 1908, setchahui
Pi Pi
7°’ P i A.Z. 1905, 28,
Pi HI,!,’ Pi Hm’ shin bones; var'
Qfl q 9 n DO ^
Anastasi 1,8, 7,
X <£>
, Amen. setchakhmu A.Z.

»• 8> Pi MU 1 1 lunx
f, Sphi 1864, 107, bat; Copt. (TertfTeXo.

Stele 5, * , Jour. As. 1908, 282, to laugh, s-tcham , to plate with gold

to joke, to jest, to have pleasure in something. or silver, plating metal; caus

s-tchai PUN \> fa, A.Z. 1878, 48, setcheb a measure of land = 100

1 HH i-PIflfl®#, pjOlltJ setcheb 1 j , U. 240, P. 102, M.

Rev. 12, 16, PH , Rev. it, 123,

90, N. 97, to subsist, to exist, a synonym of

^ , to live.
12, 66, 14, 36, fl J A( Rev. 11, 139, to

say, to recite, to narrate; Copt. cyA-Xe, CA.XI. setchbu (?) 'L—Tl , Wort. 763, 1389,
. . k r
men, mankind m general.v
setchait PIM C7
Rec. 27, 8,
jO setcheb jl ^ J j, U. 4, 376, 45c M.
word, speech; plur. j I I | ( ( fa , Rev.
1 1
13, 11 ; Copt. OJA.X6, CA.XI. 396, P ^ J ||’ Rec- 32, 80, 81, |

setchain n £0
I Rev., counsel;
1’ Copt. co(Thi.
disaster, calamity, misfortune; plur. [ 1 ^

, U. 448, |
1 1 1 J 1 1
s-tchefa j 1 ^ ^) , p ^
Jour. As. 1908, 267,
Rev. 12, 47, (I J (](

Rev. 14, 16, rejoicing, jest, joke, amusement.

, Amen. 21, 11,
Pi‘=PH’seal- to provide for, to supply; caus.
1, to feed, to provision,

Pi , to wrap up, to en-
setchef I n=o, Annales III, no,
velop; var. s. n a?. bread, food in general.

to beget, to act the

Pi tJi, f=u)’ part of a male.
setchef 1 t0 10 slay-
PA 00M Pi taa
X setchem 1^ , U. 40, P. 187, n
MO protector. P- 401, 835, M. 573, N. 1180, 1 H d1,
5 4
127, virtues, virility (?)
, Rec. 4,
4 , III, 143, ^ AA 3 b to

setchamut npi-i, hear,

to hear a case,
to hearken, to obey;
t0 obey the dictates of the
A.Z. 1872, 37, hoe, hatchet. —<= ,’ belly.
s [ 718 ]

setchemsetcliem ^ 4 ^ 4 n setchem kheri /n


4 P^IL. P^IL P^ B.D. 125, I, 21, the lower leaf of the door of
the hall of Osiris.
Rec. 33) 35> to listen carefully.
setchem ^ ;£S5=, to paint the
setchem-t 1 !j) fjfO U. 631, >£,
eyelids with stibium; see
4 ^4 , 4 G\ s=>, a hearing.
n^ix ^

setchemu ^ 3 ) 4 setchen ;_n Rec. 3, 3, to

hearer, listener; plur. > 4 x
setcher L=fl, , in, 141,
to be strong, to make strong.

setchemu ^ a kind of
(2 tradesman. setcher Pit®, 1 ft jj 1, fort,

setchem judge of the mab-t strong place; plur. p b n. . . . :©

setcher n , T. 338, P. 820, N.

setchemiu ^ 4) 702, Hh. 453,

H- [1 iv,
^ ^ IV, 1109, 4) !, Edict 659) n;
22, officers or judges who hear cases. 1 B
lp=i 5,111,143,7=1 V’
I o ^
setchem ash 4
C3SZ) II m o ’ ’—=th 1 Fe
to pass the night,
attendant in the Place of truth ; to lie down to sleep or in death, to sleep, the
inszi^! ’
IV, 619, 1, Rec. 8, 134, sub¬ opposite of /i\ , to pass the day ; ~JU' fl B
3x: ^ I ■ AAAAAA <1

"xUl A.Z. 1900, 27, the sleepless One,

ordinate officers, chief servants (?)
^ God.

Setchemi b.d.G. 776, Anc. Eg. seteheri p g, /) ® P 1

Ill, 226, a bull-god, the god of hearing; ^jf) -jj-,
5^, Hu
B.D.G. 699, a form of Isis of Mendes.
l a ij(jy^ , he who is lying down asleep or
Setchem ansi ^ t\ (] <°:£I 1 \\ trfij
B.D. 115, 7, a kind of garment (?)
dead; plur. 1|, |, 1 B

Setchem (?) em snef ^

~| AA/W'
Ombos II, 134, a mytho¬ setcheriu 1 B ^ P.
logical being.
204, N. 847, sleepers, i.e., the blessed dead.
1 1 1
setchem metu - f ^ setcherit ^ , sexual

I *ill
^ -B-B-B
of the 19th day of the month
, the name

setcherit 1 B <y=^j * a night camp-

ing ground.
setchem heri ^ setcherit 1 B o ^=4 J- 333>p- 824,
<z> 1 3 ’ N. 703.
B.D. 125, I, 21, the upper leaf of the door of
the hall of Osiris. setcher (?) B.D. ib, 19, bier(?)
1 s [ 719 ]

setcherit sickness, pros- setcheseru 1 ^ 1, splendid or

magnificent things.
tration; ^
Oil , II, s.
1 w7 n x
s-tcheser s-tcheser
Setcherit 1 Bs , 1 to complete, to beautify.

'p1^ , the rest festival.

s-tchet n n v
1, Amen.
setcherit I^^o. n & 11, 14, i, to tell, to narrate, to
o 1 & a ^ sleeping draught
i i i <■—-* * ? O ’ drugged beer. describe, to speak; caus.; Copt. CLj<LXe.

Setchriu j 1 B* [[ narrator, story

i, A.Z. setcheti
1900, 21, the sleeping gods.
setchetu !>
n 1, Anastasi I, 26, 3, speech, stories,
setcheh n $ , the narratives, tales, descriptions, precepts, sayings.

shinbone; dual
setchet-t n <=> , V

setcheh 0 ^ !», U. 542, T. 297, Amen. 14, 14, narrative, story.

P. 226, a mythological serpent. setchet n , hall, chamber.

s-tcheser ]W' f|W^

"1 setchetha
IV, 834, A_cg^> to beautify, to make grand or

splendid, to promote to high rank ; caus.

to jest; see n I.

sll C30= Heb. tLb Copt. cy. 13 AAAAAA

Sha Ageb aj
/H . B. D. WWW

I n
sha, site A.Z. 45, 129, estate, field. 189, 11, the lake of Ageb, i.e., the celestial sea.

r~w~i r~~i r\n r~vr~i i~w~i rwm

sha Sha Aaru
I ’
’ 1 V | s’ t=t’ tf=t f | ’ 1
I W I f 31
\\ l=r±
I *a/w\a

~ww\ , lake, pool,

AAAAAA , p- 637, U=J l N.
Q ! Q I /WVW\ /WWW I V
cistern, tank, ornamental water in a garden,
T379» > M. 515,
1 • •) —1 | r \v~i | 333 |
trough, layer; plur. 1-1
c-1. 1 ^1 l. l. the lake of Reeds in the Other World.
<=3 c=n 1’ | si’ 3;
c=a T, P. 830, N. 773; Copt. OJHS. 333 3
□ Sha aqer B.D. 172, 40,
1—~i IV, 1047, a large water
sha aa lake of Perfection, a lake wherein the righteous
I 3 [ garden. bathed.
-1 I-nr-1 AAAAAA _ZXX>-
Sha-t Asar Sha ur B.D. 117, 3, XT" AAAAAA
Ci I Q \\ I 3S <=> aaaaaa

lake of Osiris, a name of the Fayyfim. I-^-1 AAAAAA 'y'

a large lake in the Tuat * AAAAAA
I——I I WWM <_

Sha en Asar , B.D. 122, 6, Rhind Pap. note 42, the


lake of Osiris (the Fayyum).

AAAAAA neat lake of Khensu.

Sha Maati ™

Sha uab LAiJ t=i 7 1 /WAA/W f

/vvvvv\ II_YA_I
\\ I /
i 1I
(5(1 ©, b.d.
! /WWV\ 1

AAAAAA 17, 51, lake of Truth, a lake in the Tuat.

AAAAAA : (1) basin of purification; (2) 1 u 'i C 1

AAAAAA Sha em mafk-t f\ |

/www} a name of the lake of the temple of Den- H 111
B.D. 39, 19, the lakes of Turquoise in the Tuat.
, , oa'^y^o'^^w a name of Lake
derah; (3) /www/ aaaaaa ?
f Moeris <33 I AAAAAA l AAAAAA
Sha en Amu LA^J
Sha-t ur-t
4- 4- 1 W- -J aaaaaa
aaaaaa ,
o nort of
UI u e
tll6 I I
I 3

33 I <-_^ h ayyum. , B.D. 98, 6, lake of Fire in the Tuat.

□ i wci j □ ^ a kind of
sha-t pet C3 Sha en ankh /WA/WA N. 762,
1—o [ i ’ incense.
3H 1 uat IV, lake of Life, a lake
33 □ ^
Shatt pet
o F=q
, T. 175, 279, M. I V Vf in the Tuat.

28, 65, 156, ^ P. 60, N. 86, no, Sha en maat aaaaaa a : , Peasant
o F H
33 □ 54, “ lake of Truth.
a title of Nut.
r~\ d 1/ 'J

Sha en maatiu 1=31

sha qah
• 1 s 1 _
<2 ^ fl, P. iii6b,
I W~~l I
3; I ^ \\
B.D. 168, lake of the Speakers of the truth.

30, tanks in which fish were kept ready for
eating. Sha en maat LA^J www __a } Berg. II,
3 33'
m ■>*5^ TF^T 31
Sha tesui (?) , a lake in
, B.D. 17, 46,
H I H .33
the Oasis of Khargah (?) a lake in the Tuat.
m 3~
Sha Asbiu Sha en Heru , the
1 n mM\’ IS
B.D. 63B, 2, the lake of Fire in the Tuat. lake of Horus in the Tuat.
nm SH [ 721 ] SH 3d

od q n r~33i
Sha en hesmen AAAAAA V | AAAAAA
Sha Hi WWN } T. 378,
I \> A o |l|
mm jllllll lj
the lake of Natron in , N. 625, a lake in the Tuat.
<ZJ n
O the Tuat.
3dD <£>
3d Sha heru the lake of
Slia ent hetche-t d III
n I o 1 S’ B D- the Celestial beings.
145, 36, lake of Light in the Tuat.
j B.D. 131, 10, the lake
I-1 Sha hehc
Sha en Kha AAA/WN ’ I is 2i 1 I ’ of a million years.
I s
)—(, Rec. 27, 223, the name Sha Hetep ^^Jj, B.D. no, 6,

the lake of the god Hetep.

of a lake in the Tuat; see
r~~i a r331.
Sha kharu
N. 966, AAA/WN
a u- 576. I d V-Vi-
■ B.D. 149, II, 6, the lake where the kharu geese
Sha en khebentiu AAA/WN lived in the Tuat.
I S J- nn
X V/ , B.D. 130, 10, lake of the Wicked. Sha Sharu (?)
a lake in the Tuat.
Sha en Sab c I AAA/WN
^fj > hec.
Sha Tat-ta O , U. 481,
26, 233, the lake of the Jackal in the Tuat.
1—~i ^
144, a lake in the Tuat.
Sha sab ™ ^ ^ > Rec- 26’ 233j
Sha Tcheser-t 05=31
r~33 fl the lake of the Jackal
’ in the Tuat. lakes of the goddess Tchesert in the Tuat.

Sha en s-hetep
n □
, B.D. Sha (?) ‘ "J. phallus (?)

96-97, 7, lake of Propitiation.

sha (?) 00^, B.D. 98, 8, lacuna (?)
dd) x
Sha en setchet AAAAAA , B.D. I \\ J I AdJ
sha-t ! = ? !,
(Nebseni) 17, 41, a lake of Fire in the Tuat. o I III
I, things.
Sha en qebh 01 AAAAAA __/]

N. 762, the lake of Cold Water in the Tuat. sha-t (?) , hundred; usually

c, ,T r3d3 000 33 AAAAAA

written (2; Copt. CXJG, cyo**. The reading

| NX 1/ ■ ' ^ AAAAAA I AAAAAA c=q shent has been proposed (A.Z. 1898, 138);
(3 (3
3|, the Celestial ocean.
(a (2 , two hundred; Copt. cyHT" ; ^ U.
nn 516, T. 327, hundreds.
Sha Nesasa (Sha en Sasa?)
sha-t (?) , 100-thread stuff.
(i (] pi) (|©,
p()p(](| =

sha idddi , P. 44o,im, M. 656,
, a lake of Fire in the Tuat;
T d
, garden, meadow, estate, plain.

SC M4-T^fi4- |-rr-1 AAAAAA

slia (?)
Sha Neserser ^
d 1 l “4’
B.D. 71, 18, a lake of Fire in the Tuat; varr. sha, shaut \[l, IM ^ ^X, fclfl
T44§- 44®-

Sha neter ^ B.D. 172, 42, the

pool of the God in the Tuat. P.S.B. 13, 411, flowering shrub, flower, a vine
2 z
□a SH [ 722 ] SH r \\"~i

in blossom ; plur. !, IV, 1167, sha-t CZSZ) , U. 582, body;
, , Anastasi I, 25,3, IV, 772; ^ N. 70 = »— o ^ T- 4^’

^ !, flowers in general, the p-, M. 59. (] \ \ P. 89-

plants in a garden, garden; Copt. CLJOJHOY.
sha-t ^ ?• 477, N. 1265,
’ emissions of the body.
shau T»TtT?A, Rec- 3’ I2> IIO> melon
2 plant. □ U. 609, storm,
sha pet 00
Slia T^T Hh. 437, reeds.
sha 3C = OE to
sha-t 0,
read, to proclaim ; Copt. (JUCy.
wine, drink.

Sha lYM, a fabulous animal like a grey¬ shaa 1 ^ ’t0 steer’t0 sa'ia b°at-
hound with a straight tail in the form of an axe. sha, shai , Thes. 1285,

Sha-t <^7, Metternich Stele 86, a mytho¬ , to fix, to appoint,

logical animal, parent of Menu. to decide, to determine, to destine, to pre¬
destinate, to allot, to design, to decree, to
sha jjjjj , a kind ordain, to commission, to authorize.

of dog; plur. fittl *5r7?. sha-t

0 1
sha-t JffiJ bitch. Amherst Pap. 26, l
-^-1 1
sha, shaa , <3, A.Z. 45, 125, something
— W—
decreed or ordained by God, what is ordained
by man or fixed by custom, what is seemly or
fitting, dues, revenue, taxes, impost.
TtTtl f| @ pig; plur.
shau , A.Z. 1874, 87,
(| <2 |; Copt, ecyco.
, IV, 1116, , what is de¬
shau h\ v'c=® >VM,C *I > Peasant B 2,
-CESS' _/l
creed or ordered or ordained, fate, destiny.
^ jn ? ^ Metternich Stele 86,
I38> pig; c Cl I
\. I O’ white sow. sha-t w

Shaa B.D.36, profit, benefit.

B.D. 112, 5, the black pig Rev., use, utility, worth ;

shai TiM M
’ of Set speared by Horus. Copt. CyA-T-.

sha-t JL: JL ■ claw shait ] , Rec. 3, 44,

of a bird, talon, a measure; (( ^ : | > A.Z. 1905,28, 39. ()(
tax, impost, produce
great span = 3-|- palms (14 fingers); , IV, 530, j»
1 1 1 of a country.
JL little span = 3 palms (12 fingers).
shaiu 1, P.S.B. 10, 42,
sha-ti II ^ = , Sphinx I, 257. dues, revenues, treasures.
^ w ==== I
c—^ a kind of bread, loaves,
sha-t ^, part of the body of an sha
111’ feod in general.

animal; ]II skin (?)

V. ’ of a dog.
shaa cLJ-_
T»ttT (1 Jl ) Rev* I3) io7’
J h ^
ho0}' writin
SH [ 723 ] SH r~w~i

sliaa UBt ( S, Westcar Pap. 12, 17, shaai
estate, garden, orchard, grove.

shaau Tf?)T ”^h\ ( 0, wine, drink.

shaait (shaiti) fl.
tYtJt ( ( \\ , blow, stroke, ill luck (?)
A.Z. 1900, 37,
K beads (?) shaa -fl ^ Mar. Karn. 55,
= 21’ 75, beggar.
shaas 0 n^, m () Rev. 11, 149, some¬
shaai XJ
thing written.
Q fl ?—a. to go, to
Shaai -flflfl-ww, BBI^
travel, to journey.
n n \\1 mw ^/j, Rev. 11, 183; see Shai.
shaasiu (J II, goings, goers,
Rev. 13, 20,
shaaim Mtt xj l}[
shaas tYfYt (1 P , wicket-gate (?)
shaaikh XJ ° Rev. 14,
shaa (sha) XJ, Rev. 11, 125,
17, dust; Copt, cyoeicy.
, Rec. 2i, 77, -fl,
shaaber (?) V7 Rev. 11, 133,
up to, as far as, until;
outside; Copt. tyA-iioX.
IV, 647, <= , as far as; Copt. cyA..
VSAAA shaam ]YtVt XJ , Rev. 11, 182, to de-
^ Jour. As. 1908, 979,
shaa-t XJ sire; var. ii Copt. cyeJULei.
(2s until; Copt. cyAAT.
(?) e I
shaaut (sha-t) I, until; shaamtuf ^7 Rev. 12,
1 ©
Copt. cyAvre. 14, 13, 21 = Copt. cyA.rtTe<y.

shaa T)T)T XJ, Rev. 13, 8 = OJA., of use shaar tooth; Copt. cyA.X (?)
and wont, e.g., cyAjycuyTAA.
shaar , Jour. As. 1908, 255,
shaa, shaaa (sha)
to bargain, to haggle ; Copt. €pcyA.A.p.
1 1 1 shaar t$Bt <EE> Mar. Karn. 54,

], to begin; ~=> V
42,***^ X
Rev. 15, 38, the source of life. I
XJ 1 ^ t0 vow’t0
Shaait , the goddess of pri¬ .I
promise, to boast.
meval matter—a form of Hathor.
shaar , Amherst Pap.
shaaa-mes lYfot xj [ @ & S, Rev.
\\ door, gate, prison;
28, ' Heb. -OT.
14, 7, firstborn; Copt. cyA-JUUCe. 11 w-1

shaa, shaa-t , Supp. 1223, shaarki 3, Rev.
Rec. 33, 32, warehouse, store¬ 12, 118, drought; compare Arab. •;
,cr house, granary.
J] O
shaas '(3, Shipwreck 163, a
shaa (sha)
turn] product of the enchanted island.
, Rev. 12, 79, sand; Copt. cyu).
shaasha tYfYt V7 tYTYf jP Rev. 12, 17, rail,

shaa , to smite, to conquer. railing; Copt. CtJCOCLJ,

cirm SH [ 724 ] SH 3X1

shaasha , Rec. 33, 120, Shai ()(j W(M,a benevolent S“P“|-

reverence, respect
Shai (j[J fj, Lanzone 129, a croco-
shaashaa dile-god who ate the hearts of the dead.

XJ ^ XJ Rec. 12, 98, a

^,Rec. 33, i2o, 138, shai tVTVt Mw
kind of seed.
I ,2
1 §!’
Rev. 13, 29, boast, glory, fame, renown ;
Copt. ojcmyoT. shaii ((j ^ ((2 J\, well, fountain,

tank, cistern; Copt. OJHI.

shaashaa v liH xj • 1 MA, Rev.,

to winnow; Copt, cyu)cy e fioX. shau c=i P. 38, M. 48 =

cr^1 ,T. 286, to injure (?)

shaashaa ji jj

j 11141 —D A, Rec- 3, 38> terrace, walk with shau is: , in the name
(2. o Y ’ trees planted by the side. rsv~i 1~vn
is: , P. 498
shai □ □
[ [ Israel Stele 8,
crs~i , P. 510.

QQ dd Rec- 2I> 95>

shau Ik (2
, to be hot, to burn, fire.
a man’s fate, his fortune and allotted span of life.

shai ban IVfVf ^ (](| j) J ( shau PTtTg fjf[ o. Rev. 1.3,2i, TtTtC
Israel Stele 8, ill luck. Rev. 12, 118, dry, parched; Copt. CtjOOTe

shaut ^ Rev. 14, 12, dry-

shainefer £&[(]() ^ J o
good luck. ill’ ness.

shait Shau ©, B.D. 141-142,

<=> , Treaty 10,

121, ® fi] 142, III, 15, a city with

99d \\ , ill luck ’ the special cult of Osiris.
evil destiny, a blow of fate. shau (2 , Rev. i3; 6,

Shai DO , Amen. 21, 16, A.Z.

Rec. 16, 69, tVAT (2 (j( ; j Jour. As. 1908,
1873,138, Todt. (Leps.), pi. 50, |tlj! ( ( 3 !
283, to glorify oneself, to boast oneself over
someone or something; Copt. OJOY, CLjOTOJOhf.

shau , Amen. 12, 4,
Pap. Ani 3, \\
B.M. 32, 411, Jour. As. Ser. X, 9, 434, 460,
473> 49b 5°8) 552, Berg. 73, the god Luck (2
o, C3, to be of
or Fate or Destiny who reckons the days
value, property, stuff, possessions, goods, some¬
(TfPJJL PPPo)ofme"- thing which is of worth or value, something use¬

Shait flT<t [I | ^|) Amen. 9, 11, ful, advantage, benefit; ^aTaI ® ^ , Theban

1W 0 ^fj, Hh. 330, the goddess Fate. Ostraka No. 2; , most

valuable of all.
Shau tYhT k<\ X\ AN, Rec. 36, 53,
Litanie 37, a dog-god. ^4
, P.S.B. 15, 3s, ^ ^j, ^ =
Shai <£? /fi, Tomb of Seti I, O
f f the god of prosperity and of
one of the 75 forms of Ra (No. 37). 1H Sxi ’ good luck and good fortune.
130 SH [ 725 ] SH [30

shau (?) ^ y abode, dwelling. Shab(?) ^ j Herusatef Stele 15,

<=> L tribe; compare Eth. iVflft :
shau-t , P. 414, M. 593,

N. 1198, garden, park. shab-t Milj °,M?>P*373,N. 1149,

shau r‘t*t ^ ^ , excrement. B.D. ed. Nav. 172, 28, Mil _J ^X’ Rec-
3b 25, £^2 j water melon (?); plur.
sha -ۤ3^, a disease of the eye.
J-f f f,p. 367, Mi ^ j
shauti (shuti) (2 HI, Rey-
11, 174, the two plumes of a crown

, Rec. 30, 66,
IV, 1194, 2^2 J Copt, cyuj^e.

parts of the magical boat. ^ dried melon plants,

shauaa ^ f] (] 2 leather ^
shabarth , stream, flow
<2. slab of stone for of water ; Heb. nSiUtt?.
shauaa (] —1’ a statue.

shauabu JxJjJ J (c) shabu JiM ^ j ^ IV> 48 r>

MJ j ^ OO ^ j C3D, food.
Rec-I5, ;8>
the melon plant; plur. 'jf] J ^ shabu T$t«T jt^ooo 000000
tT’ nr “tT*
altars laden with food offerings.
!, Love Songs 3, 13, 'f]

jm- II o 1
; Copt. cyooiie. shabu
sail, to furl a sail.
J* > (j) ), to shorten

shauab -1
melons (?) the figs of the persea tree (?)
£14J I
O I shabu T»T»T j ^ ^ to strike, to

smite, to hew stones.

shauabti KM ^ f} ^ J " j» shabu Mi^J^X

, a

Mfl J“| , a figure made of stone, wood, worked stone, masonry.


faience, etc., which was placed in the tomb to

perform the work of a slave on behalf of the
shabu Mi^JsJ’ BM J^
deceased ; var. Tf?$T \ a funereal figure; varr. TltYt ^>~j j ^’
shauabti Jx^ ^Tj j ~ Q > IV, 733, A-z- j^s-
34, 166, J “ 0, pot, vessel, vase, jar. Shabu I , a fire-god;
see Ashbu.
shauar ^
v , Rec.
1 1 1 1 shabn 2iM j 0 C Rev- I2> 87» BBI j
19, 96, part of a shrine.
j)A „
~ /*£. inn
junction, union, accord, unison^
shaua :, writing, Copt, cytortfh

document, letter, book ; see _ n shabt m\ , Jour. As- ^o8, 255>

staff, stick; see t$TlT JJ •

shaubu Bill ^ ^ j ^ > flame’
fire; compare Heb.
• T 5
Job xviii, 5. shabti Jtffl J“, IM
Shab-t flftf flo,A-Z- I9°5. 5. daily ser-
±=y=y= J\ ’ vice, obligation.
J“|. see^—J“f.
SH [ 726 ] SH nr~i

shabt-t J~. Rec- i, 48, shamit avw\a , fulling,

Love Songs 2, 3, J cleansing; var. iflQo.

j (g pP staff, stick, rod, baton, walking-stick; nto 1
shamu Peasant

piur- km 279, dirty clothes to be washed.

@ Ws
aalki shamu
1203, to traverse
J\, Thes.

, , , , Amen. 15, 1, ^ ^j ^ |>

Sallier I, 6, 5, 6; Heb. tSltti, Copt. cy&urr,
shamu & 5 a kind of drink.

Syr. t.-
shames-t i^r. an ear of
shapu 0 iK Anastasi IV, 12, 3,
ST ’ to dance. corn; plur.

Shapu-neter-ar-t-ka □
ffiptrj. m o
% RD- i68’ 11 name of one of
£LJ I £Lj ’ the two
two Utchats of Ra. i^i; var- ; Copt. &JL8..C,

shapsh Mif □ TiTit (? , Rev. IT, 171, fore¬

arm; Copt, cytjoncy.
shamsh ^p, Rev. 13, 30

shaf burn up ;ac^pt;

= [ nI, to serve.

shanash , Rec. 3, 33 =
shafl , to be angry, to
V , to stink.
C30 Pi
act as an enemy, to swell (of a boil), swelling; AAAAAA [ 1 ^ 1

Cojpt. cyA.qe. shansh


shafit , Jour. As. 1908, 294,

30 -
_www foul or stinking
w ^ I- \V—I «ww 11 i
matter; Copt, cyrtocy.
, wickedness,

sin, want; Copt. cyA.qT ; Amhar. ^y. shanu Oe


shanr /WWVA-=^1 to rub off, to

sham WT ^,B.D. 130,
1 1 1 £ 71 ’ rub away.
10, to be foul or dirty.
shanr A Z. 1871,
111 1
sham’ J to wash out
£ J\' clothes (?) 133, bristle, wool (?)

sham’ shanrefi
111 1 \\
Anastasi IV, n, 8, V, 6, i, Sallier I, 9, to Anastasi I, 24, 1, the bristling of the hair
desire (?) through fright.

sham’-t a wooden sharr , Rev. 13, 30,

bar or tool.
, Jour. As. 1908, 250,
sbamait (?) Dll-,
(Aft, to
kind of seed used in medicine ;
pray, prayer; Copt. ojXhX.
(j ( £5 , an infusion of the same.
sharram Mi]
J _|

, Rev. 14, 10, in-

<2 'j Anastasi III, Rev. 6, 7, a proper name;
I 2l’ according to Alt K. 850 = flammation of the eyes.
CSZ] SH [ 727 ] SH m

sharsh ; 7\, to be swift,

sharri M ^ () I] 'f %' lamentation.

to hasten; varr. fTYC3 \\ J\ ,

w □ ,
° " Anastasi I, 23, 3, 24, 3, lu-
\\ I s | gulf, precipice, chasm.
sharsha Mit >, Rev. 12, 48,
_Sa5> Q
sharrur ,, Rev
to dispute, to contend ; Copt, cyepcyi
14, 15, joy; Copt. ttjXcnrXA.1.
Sharshar(?) Mil
sharef**’^'* >, Rev.
© Jj\, B.D. 163, 8, the name of an Utchat.
11, 134, 140, to injure; Copt. CLjXoq.

w Sharsharkhet
sharfl (?)
•1 w Anas-

B.D. 163, 11, a name of one of the

tasi I, 10, 3, ruffled, dishevelled. two Utchats of Ra.

sharm TiM <z=> t\ L-J, ni, 8, Sharshatakata -2* Mil

, to be unused (of weapons). name of
i s-D
,65,9,a Amen.
sharm’ , Harris
Shartana, Shartenu /wwv\
i, 78,11, IjM
IkGrt0 be peace- l, Mar. Karn. 52,1,
ful, to be unoccupied, idle, to be free to do
what one pleases.
1 w
Zl ’
Thes. 1204, w
• I /WWW

Hi! , Roug£ I.H. II, 125,


Harris I, 42, 7,
Shartina \\
VTM-iaa Mediterranean people, Sardinians (?)

to Shartshaq Rec. 35, 57,


greet, to salute, to offer salutations, to salaam, the name of a fiend.

to sue for mercy; compare the meanings of the
Shahab 1^2 ™ 3^3, Berg. I, 35, god of
Heb. Jnbti-
the south wind. He has a lion’s head, hoi ns,
sharma and two pairs of wings.
, Israel Stele 26, peace, content; Heb. w
DiStp, Arab. c^uL- Anastasi I, io, 3, a term of abuse.
sharm’ta 0 t),
1 shakha m4^.ReV’Vde°At
Anastasi I, 17, 5, 0 • ~o,
shakhent (?) X’1}' a
a meal of recon¬
\\ shas P to cut>t0 kill,
tribute; Heb. shasi p w, U. 554, T. 303,
sharhuM^jA- J\ , U. 459, Rec. 36 210, 1^2%, P A

2 Z 4
□n SH [ 728 ] SH rsvn

shasha-t Rec. 14, 15, things

J\ ’ sown, seed.
B.D. 180,32, Metternich Stele 38,
shashait (] J>IV> II27>
B.D. 63b, 4; Hl’ , Lw 1 1 -A , U. 223,
,y\ 0 O. II23> necklace.
R 515> lYf$T—1*— (( -A, Rev. 11, 186, to go, to
shashaut 5 , ornaments
travel, to advance, to travel about in general. for the neck or head.

shasiu frfrT X\ B.D. 152, 6,

J\ 1 travellers.
shass MoTO0v\,N. 172,

T. 348, to go, to travel, to advance.

nn^. Mt-PVP? throat; see

Shashaqa A'
Shasu 21, 13 = Shishak.
iO s^>-

SHIES') ^ *, the country of shashata-t

\\ Q
the nomad Semites. a
1 Rev. 14, 40,

Shasu Vf j) , Rev. 2, 43, -, Jour.

As. 1908, 312, window; Copt. cycnfOJT.

nomad Semites; shashat-t > Rec- 33,
[X/) Copt, cycoc. ^ I ^

shasu Mi|^ ^=Mil

ears of corn.
P p tr,
137, window; Copt. OJOhfCyx.

shaqa A
P.S.B. 24, 45

Shasi fl fl A Rec- 6, 156, a god of the shaqar (E \\

'LLLLU 11 dead.
wooden tool or instrument.
shaqarqabi 1^2 ^1 ^
I^O, to build.
‘^^,i,’KolIer 4, 21, a kind of Sudani fruit (?)
shasha 1^.
shaqiu UTfrTzi f(| °, rings, earrings,
\ to tread down, to trample
-A’ under foot.
shaqiq 4l A( A&, to delight in; var.
shasha-t tjM Mt! 0 a tread-
J\’ ing down. ffi AA ffi
shaqu D, Rechnungen 49, a
>13. X „ . . . . <2
, Rec. 1, 46, ignominious, vile, 41 °
weight = 22 teben and 5 qet; plur.
shasha TMT TrtYT @ 0, Jour. As.
shaqu A 2

1908, 275, vase; Copt, cy<LcyoY.

a wooden decoration in circular form of a pillar,
shasha TiTtTpL TtTtT^ \Tt. TiTtt
shaqu a^I^. ,
MM. m titit a leather object;

fyftT A % n. !, IV> 692, leather bands, quivers

-A ^ I ’ or cases made of leather.

IM ! 1 JVfVflYfYl' °. a plant, the

shak ce 5, P. 369, to bandage =
o | .■ ; o III
seed from the same, beads. 5, N. 1145.
oo SH [ 729 ] SH □a


Skaka- Amen-Sliakanasa tyfyt skagnen ® O e Q e j\ ’t0 <*uarrel»

to fight; Copt. cycrkHIt.
B.D. 163, 11, a Nubian god(?) skager T»T»T ffi ||(, rings, ring money (?)
tax; Copt. cycTcnrp.
a part of a
Rev. 13, 26, passion (?)

Skakanasa shatab

^ ^ , B.D. 163, 11, a form of Amen (?) 1 fl fl x t0 SaS> t0 muzzle, to shut up;
1)NJjtL-V]’ Copt. cyxoA (?)
skakaraa (?) skatabuta MJ ^ | (] J (g | ^,
Inscr. Hier. 28, some strong-smelling leather gags (?)
, ’ object (?)
skatirta-t T»T»T ^ ^ f] ^, gulf,
Skakarskau precipice

|,L.D. Ill, 211,4, M Shatbaka M jU, «<

vX 111 a Mediterranean
5>1 people.
skat L-=fl, L.D. Ill, 140B,
, IV, 814,
skakiki L-fl
Rev., to delight in Rec. 31, 24, IV, 387, Siut 15,

skaknen j\ , Rev. 11, 152, to

00 M- AZ■
fight, to contend; var. 1905,8, to di§»t0 quarry-
o w
Rev. 14, 15 ; Copt. cyCTkHrt.
skat T*Trt!c<?,S,whipj compare Heb-
• ^1 >< x uftv, Eth. Ad)/?:
skaker , Rev. 13, 49, 14,
a to steal, to
skata E_/l* pillage.
64, Rec. 30, 115, money, tax, hire, wages ; Copt.
tytf-Hp. Skatl l&l [j (] o |, paeyVment^:Rev. 14, 60,
shaker TtTtT ^ o , IV, 715,
skatirta-t ,,,,, ...
o # \X
IV, 775, ) <p^ , a kind of O
Anastasi I, 23,1,
\\ S I
precious stone, rings, ring money (?); Copt
cycTcnrp, ^TcyoTp (?) ibid. 24, 3, gulf, precipice.

skatki (j(j 0, Rev. n, i-

Skakerskau ^| to pour out a libation.
Mar. Karn. 52, 14, a Mediterranean people.
ska (?) (| Rev. 14, 35, nose,
^ AA/VWV ^ ~f

skagar E /VWWS J

skau oa() u- 553> p- 282>sha(
Gol. 1, 10, ditch, conduit, grave (?)
shadow; see 1 w J Q p.
v Mar.
skagar TiM S
Aby. Ill, 54, 4, cage, wicker hamper; compare
skas (| —, to run.

Heb. -hap.
Skaku i-w-i fj U. 29, a kind of ca
s o o o
_ _ , ... rvn
skagig Rev- I2> ”3, symbolic of the teats of Isis (?); var. ^

to delight in, to desire. N. 257A.

PO SH [ 730 ] SH PO

op 00
sha, shai , U. 136, T. 107, N. 444, Shau 1, Thes. 1296, sand-men,
C30 oo
D CZ5I _fl i.e., dwellers in the desert.
n3=, P- 599. . v,. H’
PP sha-t, shai-t Ooq, u. 136,
X 00
Rev. 12, 40, to cut, to slay, to cut down !V, 057,
trees, to hollow out a boat. TTT 00_ PO PO
IV, 1137,-QQEEED, flflo,
Annales X, 192, to cut, to d ^ —--U _0 <^3)‘
shaa 5Z3 czeu n n o
V cut off, to slay.
q , bread, bread-cake, sacrificial bread,
pp [) [) pp
shai-t Qa^. 0=0
\’ _a 440 ^ a mess of boiled grain, food; plur. ^( (
IV, 761, (|(| a, a cutting up, section, ^onn © mnny “(jj] 0 , Rec.
111' U 'Ho' _a liOOi
carnage, massacre, slaughter; see pop ., ., pp 0 po y o j pp
3,44,-- a ,
ibid., 0 0,
-Do a ©i’
fl* ^ , IV, 501 ; see the following :
shaiut l~^JJ [ A.z. 1900, 38, Lo^(
. PO 0 f=U) PP 0
sha-t_a o u_, bull cakes;
(j 7T7 ’ Mission *3. 117. Pieces o O O o
I' \P o ft
of meat cooked or uncooked. , goose cakes; -^_n ° j, obelisk cakes;

I ^~lr—^ po
sha-t (shat?) U' 38°’ -zr11'
^1^.1V,956, white cake.
SI po
U. 272, __ji: , N. 315, 719, 874,
shai-t LA^ [ [ ° , cake, loaf; 1=2=1 (][) °
O)’ _c 4 1 III
T. 50, P. 667, 684, N. 995,
’ 11 (] ° , a kind of cake; (](j ? I
r \m, w , J 4 O) _Q 44 III J o
V v o
, Love Songs V, 1, sweet cakes, date cakes.
. knife, butcher’s knife, wound,
oo sha-t, shai-t tiAo o , U. 585, !Z3,
gash; plur, Rec. 31, 17, 31, PP rj, " OP
r. 309, —a=^£=, t. 351, , Roller
PO \l 1 \\ 1 -3->■
^ !•
i- n TTt * rL=d
1 see 3, 5.
rzv~i na
j] ■

I ' I /] a,
X !.
(Id PO
o po

sha -Zn, to seek, to ask, to beg.

, letter, writing; plur.
D jil III’
00 s: po pp 40 yxo
sha-t , Rec. 29, 146,_a , Anastasi I,
15* o I I I <g 111 a 1 1 1
kind of scented wood. ^ pp
13. 4, ,-a , Rec. 21, 83,
III o 111
sha 53 , to form, to fashion, to build.
letters, literature; for f see metcha -1;
oa pp
, _ 00 n barren ground, sandy
sha _a, ' B.D. 141, 1.
\> ’ ’ soil (?)
_a I
n - 00=3 OO OO OO p:
, N. 707,_a, __a,_a,
O O o’ o III’ =j’
Shai-t en sensen f}fj‘
°. -a 1, ... _/] 1, __0 o,_a, _a 1, /WWW

V7 o ci 0 \> I ’ PP o’ \\ ’ \\ o | WWW AAAAAA

PP A * ' 1=2 | PP
sand; _a, a sand offering;
I pp~^— ~1 NWWl X I
Rec. 4,29, the bed of Osiris; ^ n AAAAAA
I XZH 15 “ Book of breath-
1 1 1 1’ AAAAAA V I V T I
those who are on their sand, i.e., dwellers in the ings”—the title of a funerary work greatly
desert; Copt. cy(JD. esteemed in the Graeco-Roman Period.
SH [ 731 ] SH

Shai-t ent Tehuti

m qq
|~ \\ | AAAAAA
«5\ 1 1 1
^ I I , Book of Thoth. qq >5^ 1 w 1 1 qq
a _o
qq /Q | slaughter, carnage, wounds (?) slaugh¬
shaaut ^ j, Sphinx III, X
-_a terers.
132, human sacrifices.
Shatu '-3 ^ , Mar. Karn. 52, 20,
nn <x=
sha .... q, Amen. 9, 1 slayers, slaughterers.
__ 0 r— >(?)
qq qq
; plur. , Amen. 8, 6. Shat 33 m % BD- 95, 2>the g°ds
-0 r-w-■■(?) I I I * cSi 1 1 1 q ’ of slaughter.
qq r [) ^ Rec. 35, 204, sane-
shai-t shat 33^^, canal; Copt. cyeT.
-_a ^ 1 q’ tuary.
d \\ j r_n to gnaw, shi qq(](j^) , infant, child.
shai ft, m()(j
—a \> ^IT’_oSi to nibble.

qq r
slaughter; see
Shi qq [j ( "Kim , nn (j ( O, nn ((j O
__a ^ ^ % X’
TSmn, Rec. 27, 88, fiend, demon, Shai (?)
L-fl‘ • [ SS I f) AAAAAA Rev. 11, 146, basin, lake;

shauta c=s: XJ , vase, lr=rl Copt, cym.

pot, vessel.
ship oa (j (j □ ^,Rev'’ sha“optd'line.’
qq @ „ 0
shafu ^3 _d. Rec. 8,
shim-t m (| [ , qq
134, —
Verbum I, 196, to attack, to MT3
fight, to surround. place, house, shrine, building.
nn r B.D. 162, 12,
shamu n
Shu (shemm ?) ] fj, fire, heat.
a ’ decorated (?)
mm <=> 1 o d
shamrekh-t (?)
O O' -fl J!)
.hu pg, pi1, p^g.
jj , Nastasen Stele 67

Shar-ur LA3 Denderah III, 9, 28,

[5 ^ ^ ^ , light, the sun, daylight.
a serpent-god.

shash _X _ n to split, be opened, Shuti p , Rec. 27, 84, light.


shash-t 33 o, u. 62 =33 Shu p qq, U. 241, qq p U. 185,

N. 316, knife. qqP^j^-, U. 415, T. 243, N. 1067, 1381,

shash-t S “ , Rev' 'i- I37' dust;

1 w 1000 Copt, cyoeicy. PM
shaq LA3 Q , P. 643, M. 680 —oa- Rec. 30, «9.p¥>’PMsfi’0aPM’
to shave; var. T-fl ; Copt. £/J0U0J<e. PM PlMPMPMM
shati 33, P.S.B. 13, 438, a measure (?) PM PWIP QQ-Rec-27-871
<0 \\
]( ® , Rev. 13, 5, the Air-god, the Sun-god;
, qq , mm M
Shat __a , Methen 17, ___a n e\ o /vw^va <wwv\
r u 1 j ^ ^ ^ , P. 606, Shu and
Anastasi, IV 2, ir,
Tefnut; Gr.
nn r~v n
-(A_Q, -a Shu qq , Mar. Aby. I, 44, 45,
1-s-^ to cut, to cut off, to slay; Copt
n!i L-J’ cyuourr
□□ SH [ 732 ] SH
(3 o
Sbu-t (5 , the shuit p<3 ^ Anastasi I, 26, 2, parched
o o s’ soil.
consort of Shu.

Shu fi. Tuat VI, a spirit who destroyed
s shuu Pel ° , grains of dry incense.

Shu J A.Z. 1865, 28, a desert tribe.

V’ the dead.
Shut(?)p;^||,iv, 945,p^
Shu P <2 , Denderah III, 78, a child-god.
j ^ 1, a class of servants (?)
Shu (1 % Tuat VI, a jackal-headed
r Jr shu ,11.558, P. 282, C30^^,
’ standard. IZSZl
Shu , Tomb of Seti I, one of
P. 615, 683, M. 525, 783, N. 1142
the 75 forms of Ra (No. 13). •PKP o
Sphinx Stele 8, shade, shadow; plur. 1 u
Shu fi%vi % Berg. I, 18, a god who
r jJ ’ assisted the dead.
\W, P. 683; ^>n__P^Q, IV, 655, the
Shutt(?) B.D 112, 2, a
shadow had turned ; var.
group of goddesses of Mendes.
shui cixn ? T- 367, P- 201, 658,713,
Shu em herit urit (?)
Berg. I, 14, a form of Shu. M- 765,788, n. 182,3^^, p^ ^

:o be lacking, wanting,
Shu neb maat p (2 ^ ^ , the god
of the 1 st hour of the day. empty; j ( > A-z- I9°2, 93> P^
Shu enti em Aten p Q \\ ( IVWW
I [ , empty; 00 ] ^ P. 694, he of the
a title of Ra-Harmakhis.
empty hand; plur. j - - V , helpless, indigent.
Shu oo^, U. i8r, Rec. C-J. I

shu-t bo P , T. 199, 200, P. 311,

3C I2j P <2 , Rec. 27, 84, air, wind;
N-747,^, U. 477,P^^,P^,^,
P ^>0 wind of the body, flatulence.
empty, needy; 3^?^=, without; p^
shui p^(](]o,
^ Id Metternich Stele 57, faultless ;
O [? e 0 to be dry, arid, hot; Copt. cyocfife,
m r (2 fir cyoTuooT, Tcyonno. ^ ^ ^ ’ Suileless> Peking

shuiu pe (]|J ^7, dry, arid: oo(l^ evil; plur. p ^ P 1, IV, 620,

wants, needs.
__a rj i T 9—r', U. 461, parched fields.

shuu P ^ ^ , a man lacking sense,

shuu , dry, hot; Copt, cycme.
needy man; plur. oo P ^ (j N. 937,
Shua J [ Q®, drought, heat.

shu-t a heartless or stupid man.

(2 \> o
(0 | ’
shui-t aa(l^(](|~, P. 7.3,
(](] !]<=, M. 788,
[X/\£)’ o
vain or empty thing; j". ■ “ [J (|(]
3^>^> v i’ B-D'ii2> 2> waste or
desert land, untilled or unfruitful ground, a dry empty years, i.e., years of famine ; Copt.
place ; Copt. OJOOY6. cycnreiT-.
30 SH [ 733 ] SH 3a

shu p^><=^, 1V. "32. shuti □a T-359,™PP,M.2.4,

P g ft, blank papyrus; p ^7 Tm’ p ®

i i i
N. 685, 1363,
q'PPq> N-759. pp,p“,
<5 a
Anastasi 1,1, 6, ^ ^ , A.Z. 1900, Rec. 27, 222, J J[], P
i i rnji i i \\
, uninscribed rolls of papyri.
hk h\Am
shu, shui onp^\(j(|, P. 565, mp
f ;*• k%- % »k* tti
(), P- 4S3, csziP Ij, P. 464, pP (jt) PM \\ j ^ ) a crown ornament con-

ft Y ft [} I) q Jour. As. 1908, 259, 300, to

r ’ r 1 H ’ rise up, to lift up; Copt. ctjCJUI.
sisting of a pair of feathers; p (j ( , p ^
, pinions, feathers.
shuau oap^,M. S4i,aap^(j^,

shut ent aptu ] ^
P. 463, U. 486, na P those who lift up.
, goose feathers.

shushu aap^aa P to exalt, to

extol. shut ent bak p^ftj *7 J(
shu-t p , heaven, sky. , hawk’s feathers.

, Rec. 21, 85, to unload a ship.

Shut-ent-bak p^-^| QJ(]^
shu PI
B.D. 153B, 9, part of the hunting net of
Rec. 2i, 89, to haggle, to the Akeru-gods.
shu p
7 trade as a merchant.
shu-tresti “south feather”
shui-t p ^ |)|] business, com¬ r | ♦sp Will* —a kir
kind of plant.
L=Z1’ merce.
tiuti p
shu-t Tehuti ^5, “Thoth’s
shuit, shuiti p @ (( ^ n, Rechnung- i i i
feather”—a kind of plant.
en 61
Shui-t pg^. fb^’PM’ Pe
1)1] merchant; plur. P ^> ()(] ^ ^ |,
% Ko„er
Mar. Aby. I, 8, 84, p^ljlj^^j, p^ reeds, herbage in general,

to do
.. *L_aaf l; a
shu P^^} , she-ass.
business, to “ make bazaar.

^ \\ ft ^ W merchant, traf- Shu oop}, fp, U. 3 offering,2 whey (?)

shuti P^C’ P L=/)’ ficker.
Shu i v\11 v\

, well, lake, cistern, tank.

Shu-t ™p, T. 44, P- 89, M. 52, N. 37,
shua iO f) , U. 583, N. 1233,
P“, U. 621, C^=]p I, P. 712, P^, Dream
Stele 9, p, P©, P“, 0'QX , P^’ p^,

P ^, feather, hair, foliage, wing; plur. oa M’Mar-Karn-

*\W , P. 173, 710, N. 1353, aa PS* 37B, 7, nn ^Tj , to be weak, miser¬

able, wretched, poor, helpless, to beg.

P p p, N. 940.
shuau na ^, mo ^Tj
shuti p p®, P ^ P P"e> the two
1, m~i 1, rna
feathers or temples of Osiris.
no SH [ 734 ] SH esc

shub :, Rev. 12, 107, course.

Ah, poor man, beggar, one destitute; plur. shubu, shubi-t (qubu, qubi-t,?)

^,P..i,6b)56, ™£)
(2 KM KMt

P «J ^ °H ^es- 12°6> P JJ o > shade, shadow.
^,Rec.:6, 59; Copt, cyooxe (?) shubti (] \]^T, A*Z- I9°8’ 117, shade,
r \\ 1 shadow.
shuaut csc^Tj u. 431, nv-i^T|
Shubbi P JJ JJ ^ shade, shadow.
, T. 246, vile ones.
1 1 1 Jour. As. 1908, 277,
little; Copt. OJHJUL.
shuab ceo J Q, Rec. 2, 107, IV, 73,

shum kharshere p 1 ,
a kind of tree, persea; Copt, cy&e, cyoxe.
Rev. 12, hi, little child; Copt. OJHJUL (Sha) P XJ, to begin. &P&Hpe.

Shua (Sha) ^ XJ Jour. As. 1908, 275 Shur p jBse, Rev., to gather the grape
^-J], to kill. harvest; Copt. XCOCoXe.

shurp } Rev., first; Copt. QjCJopu,

shuam (sham)

little; Copt. OJHJUL. PT"#"

shursh ., Jour. As. 1908,
shuar (shar) pj^^, P <^> jk P
248, to contend, to struggle; Copt, cyepcyi.
_ Q U ^ to smite, to strike, to be
<0 ’ smitten; Copt. cytOp. shushu PP^ = ^^a,‘°'-p^
shuart (sharut) p blows,
sheb oojj(X), □□ J^(X),
collar, necklace, pectoral.
shui to illumine.
shebi esc J (j( »Q}, iv, 893, esc J
Shui-t Peasant 223, ^

Pe^ o’ Pe^ o’ P^t ^>shade’shadowi sheb, shebu esc J Q, u. 429, N. 376,

plur. P
CSC J , T. 245, cec j ^ 0 ’ u- 98a,

CSC J U. 98, m J ^ 0 p. 7g,

shuib-t p(](j J Q Kubban Stele 2, shade, CSC

705, N. 21, no j Rec. 26, 224,

shuim-t (shim-t) p(( ^ , place,
□D J0>
house, building, shrine. 0——p ’

shuih p()(]| y\ , Sphinx Stele n =

Rec. 33, 29, rsc JJ j, Metternich Stele 239,
CSC 1045, me
A, to travel, to journey. J l’IV’
CSC , cen 0 " 0, <tf
Shub pejea, p@jg, pej:,
cake, loaves, bread, food. I I I
,ooJ , food offerings, food.
C30 SH [ 735 ] SH

shebb-t qq J J TT’ Anastasi I} 265 2>
sheb-t m jx & , qq „
nx <=> nc

£> l
exchange; qx: l, IV, 685, changes,
food, provisions. rebellions; Copt. cye&ItV.

sheb-t m 1 Q
JJ o=c 1
!, 00
JJ X 1 ' '
shebsheb qqjqqj * , IV, 1074,

qq JK- A.Z. 1864, 107, food-offering; to calculate times and seasons.

ria JJ > N. 46, a joint of meat; 00 j sheb-t (?) qqj ■, czxzq Jj o,

o clepsydra.
M. 184, a bundle of vegetables (?)
shebb-t ent gerh qq J J
X I l l a
sheb-t ffi tF^=q > change of the night (?)
a kind of incense ; Copt. cyoOT (?)
Shebut qq JJ ^x~&,Ame\
21 speech, 20) I0’
sheb r-Tc-i Jj, throat; Copt, cycnrtv&e. answer.

shebb-t qq J J ^ oq j j |, oo
shebti on]“f; see^onJ“|.
Jj J^, throat; Copt, cyfiiofie. Shebtiu qq J J Jji 1, the gods who

assisted in building temples.

Shebb-en-Mesti na J J^ '
sheb qq 11^ , to cut, to slay.
1 Jj(j B.D. 99, 17, a post in the magical
sheb on](]e^,A-z- '9°o. -.J
sheb qq J, Jx, on]

shebsheb qq qp, fighting.

!—^—1 11 ^ ^ £_/}, to mix, to prepare drink,
11 X

to brew; var. 0 j|^ J]-

shebut qq J o ^ IV, 685,

shebb onjjx^, °n]]£J, rebellious, rebels; see Jj ^ | •

sheb j
°° J Ji 00 J qq
qq Rec. 16, 141, q

j | 11^, a tree or plant.

051=1 J JuLr to brewbeer’to mix drink‘ shebb-t onJJ|^^,onJJ
shebsheb 00 JqqJx, Mythe 1, 5,
^X, qq J J o Jl, a kind of reed.
cjpqpx, qqjoqj^,

to mix, to prepare drink, to brew beer; nn J sheb-t qq j ^ (® , P. 660, 772, M. 769,

qq J a, U. 98, N. 377.
the tie of the Green crown, J 0

sheb-t on J 0, on] “ 0, on] “ 5,

Sheb-t qqjj o -f'j-, a measure for dates.
a kind of drink. sheba qq J > U. 295, qqj

shebb-t on°nJJ °
in i

qq J| Jj J q - akind °f drink. qq J N- 672> 732, 1348, a meat

sheb qq Jx^.onJ^x^, IV, offering; plur. J j -, pieces of meat.

J ft r „ to change, to exchange;
Copt, aji&e.
, , ,
shebu cnj^,
\\ tbs <£=^ to shorten sail, to
furu sail.
r~s~i SH [ 736 ] SH r~s~i

I s I
J n
n /wwv\
X ' J X
J shep

»X, Rev. 11, 183, light.

!□ 0 oojoei , Anastasi I, 3, 3, is: O light, radiance, splen-



, /WAAA, ,wvwv , to mix together,


lll’ dour.

X shep-t , a bright object.

□ ^
to be mixed, to alloy; Copt, cyonfi, CLJOItdf.
shep-t blindness, glaucoma.
shebenu wwm 1

q X I
IV, 66 c,
r v\~" 1
JJo e shep c
□ o
rvn , Rev. 6, 26, various, U. 319, 608,
□ ^ y’ ’ □
divers, mixed, miscellaneous; ^ 1 g 1 no P. 498, 510, Rec- 26, 67, 31, 27,
l □
J. 0 0.
, disordered apparel.
J AAAAAA _ ‘11 r
Metternich Stele 43, ^
□o no
A.Z. 1900, 27,

(E=D. sacrificial cakes of

-€55~, , to be blind, to make
111' various kinds. □ X □
WWW p \\ "j □a
sheben no Jj ^ ft3> an aroma¬ blind; -€2^- , I have
□ 1
tic substance. blinded his eyes.

shebnu r vn^J o o, a kind of berry shepu 2 blind, the unseeing.

or seed; Copt, cyfilrt. is:

Shep-her Q ^ ^ . Rec. 3b 3°>
shep CZC3 = -=1 — a measure,
the palm of the hand = four fingers ; see shesp -^23- * , a crocodile-god.

r\nx 3S
□ 1 Shepit Ci, a form of the goddess

□ ^
Shep ' 2 *, to become; Copt. CLjCUnG. Apit
1 \\ I pwp 1 1 to flow, to ss
run out.
shep-t Khensu
1908, 19, the name of an amulet
V A.Z.
sheput AAAAAA | j
shepa r~vcp O, U. 171; var. o
the flow of the poison. □
no o OC
shepi-t [ [ p , wound with
□ ?’ □ o shepash SS
Rev. 2, 4 =
a discharge, fistula (?)
. no no ^ <^D, forearm, thigh.
is: ST
□ O’ □ □
3S no no Shepi ™(j( Tuat VI, a warder of
i, Rev. 11, 135, the 5 th Gate.
□ □ □
(a nr~i A shepen-1 □ O, □ a scabby
, to be ashamed; □
Israel Stele 8, AAAAAA AAAAAA Kj
w—, a (9 r w-

eruption of the skin; Copt. cy4>uoitI.

ashamed ; Copt. cyme.
50 ^
shepen-t □
T-r T Q
shep, shepa , Rev. 13, 48, ^, IV, 821, C30
AAAAAA ; ^ p \\ j Q

™ @ , Rec. 12, 109, =^=l() e r^) , n = , a beer measure.

C\\U =0=
Rev. 13, 41, gift, present, dowry.
shepen “'(ft, a plant used
Shepp , Thes. 943, rich, wealthy. .
• • v\A *
[-x\—j n o
I1 I1 •*

in medicine; □ □ mm’ □ O . V,
v > 3»
shep ^ , basket, a prize of victory.

the seed of the same

shen-t c=s:=l ° 1=2=31 ^ev’’ reward Copt. no'

□ ill’ □ ^ !’
shepen-t , P. 610, a tree.
P" cy<Ln. □
oo SH [ 737 ] SH i u i

□ Hqj. j^r

.. w
n shepsi ~1 \\ |, a holy vessel; ^ ^ ,

l| , ' □ ' IV, 1,g2, A.Z. 1868, 86,

Jri 1 ‘ ‘QQ-
□ 3{ 1, to be noble, venerable, sheps ^
fl’ Til
holy, honoured; ^ ^ ( , august shepses Jb fl n, Verbum T> 407, to work
JH ’ in stone.
shepses Jl 1 1 to be honourable or splen-
Ti ’ did, to make splendid. SheDS Jl n
JH ’
^mbos I, 186-188, one of
the 14 kau of Ra.
sheps ^ 1 : , | 1, noble, honourable,
Shepsi Jn„,Rec.>7,H9f a ram-headed
venerable, magnificent, glorious, stately, splen¬ form of Thoth.
did, grand, admirable, august, majestic, sump¬
tuous, gorgeous.
Shepsu Jn
0mbos t 85. gods of

shepsu ^ R b3°> n°bihty,majesty. Shem 1 v>—1 Tuat VII, a god with a

_2—’ boomerang.
shepsu, shepsesu n n V,
shepesh r 1 , forearm = ® Q C3V>:
in i, P. iii6b, io, nobleman, gentle¬
, nn

„ _
plur. □ Copt, cyumcy.
man, man of wealth and position; plur.

shepesh □ scimitar: see ^^

U‘50I’^J^J^’T’ 32°’ □ R 94’ mm mm
Mil D (|( ^ ( .a
!’ !’ Rec> 3I’ l64’ □ D ’
Rev. 12, 49, the scimitar shepesh.

nn n Shepesh ld~j , the name of a god.

^ ( ^j, Rec. 13, 30; mo
□ mi
IV, 1014, the august one in Khemenu (Hermo- Shepsh-t □ , A.Z. 1906, 12 s, □
mm O y J mm
polis). 0 <2 .
O’ □ ^ O’ □ KM f|f] Rev- I4>
shepsit O, M. 272, N. 889,
□ 22, a goddess.
u J PS-jrtl 1
0 Sliept (?) 1 ^
, a kind of fish.

, mm
□ ^
mm 0*3 mm
0 o J\ 0
w ^
mm 0*3
shame, disgrace, ignominy B.D.
’ □ ^ J\ 1 ’
^ | I ^ j^, honourable lady, gentlewoman,
14, 10, 183, 12, shame, ill-w ill, ill- temper, a
woman of wealth and position, goddess ; plur. %L 1
O A IV, 37°;
dlsease; 1 u^ !’
jOTMi'MiJM It-
j-j C2 , words of shame.
I. mm
“•»* U ^ n-Tra
(j, P-
I I U ^ □ ^
( ( , M. 649, the twro gods who eat(?)
A.Z. 45, r24, honours, high positions, wealth,

treasures; nn I, men of wealth; shepti(?) ™(|(]v\,

□ j\

KT,- 1 f|
Leyd. Pap. 3, 2, dainty
go, to depart (?)

shent shame, disgrace; Copt.

shepsu(?) 1 _g=5L-c=£--c=2-, N. 817, onojjL cynix.

mo P. 178, a noble
august thrones; jj shef 00 Rec. 20, 42, ram.
□ throne.
3 a
: vo SH [ 738 ] SH

, v mm ^
© r.vofy.
mm- ^ 1 ~\n
shef G>, to swell;
shef, shefat ^~1 [ a, l.d. Ill, 65A,

m rm—1 1 vo n I 1 \\ 1 fl I .1 Copt, cy<*jqe,

_ , k±I, f£. 1, i
!, Strength, i mm
a Cl , „ 4. noth n mo
might, power, valour, vigour, energy, force. shefu-t ^0
11 1
mrn rno O go
shefshef-t p. 267,
3,-, 0 Jriii’*^Jr in’e
111 ’ c ^iii’oC35
^ 111 ’ ^o’ ^ ^
,, „ mo mm __ men rw 1 33
Q, swelling, pustule, tumour.
, M. 480, IV> 7°i a; „
__ ::□□□ 1 c=sz:c3a~-^ Shef-her L~5a<*l>, Tuat VI, a god; fern.
, 2L1, - 1, power,
* , B.D. (Saite) 145, 38.
might; ^ | SEE, whose power is beneficent. * CS
\\ mm mo foam,
mm oc (g in <p I ’ froth.
sheflt k±k, o 31, iv, 967,
w o ^
qq I
I nn
! > „
I \\ J
I , m
Shefu k^E
§ 111
, a herb.

Shefshef-t ° 1
2L I !» „
w I
dd !’ ^
dds I
Shef[t] bet-t

1 \m n o mm
IV, 44,

*Lca , the god of the

dd$, J \\
n, 180, strength, might. month Tybi (Copt. ITcofil).

, j. , j, mm mo 1 mm , „, 1 wt mm ,. .
shefshefiu !, * Shei-t n , district; varr.
00 31 3 o s; \> c
w\ \ w\ \ _ u 1 \\
S\ © A.Z. 46, 130, valiant men, coura-
ci ' {

id 11’ geous. \> s ^

mm mo
Shefi ~g> , Tuat III, a form of Osiris. shefa Rev. 11, 138, awe.

mm 33 shefen (?) -h_/I, Rec. 29, 150
Shefiti dd d^J.

\\ (?)

shefen Alex. Stele i, 5, a small
^°^’Rec-32'176 T\^ AA/WV\

( ( ^ ^ , he of divine strength. bird; plur. ^
mm f
Shefut , 2L Y>, Tuat I, a sheft 1 ci 1 = before.
a a
warder of the gates of the Earth. 33
shefti kfEE ., Rev. 14,
mm mm [30
Shefshefit a, P. 267,
21 , , Rev. 14, 10, 21, enemy; var.
a w
kEEE M. 480, N. 1247, a god. Copt. ojA.qxe.

Sheflt-ha-t 2E3—®\ the !°“r;headed 33 mm

o III ci ram-god Rhnemu. sheft w1 ;, writing, docu-

, . . mm
shef, shefa ® ^ , [=xa tb, SE3 ts , ment, book, list; plur.
’ x— v /] _a 1 1 1
moi rotVj © D , mm
shefti enemy = ; Copt.
^ lj’ Rev'IT’68, O
to seize; var. *JL tb ; Copt. KUXJOqe (?)
mo (3 x mm
sheft , Rec.
shefa kkk 1 J\ , to attack.
25, 195, to seize, to grasp.
30 no Sheft bet-t the god of the
shefshef a
to bring in. month Tybi (Copt. TAJO fie).
30 SH [ 739 ] SH no

Shefti-t ^3^0, Rev. ii, 132, <=> A A

going; plur. pp u- 390, PP V
no D [) o 1 w 1 o 1 w 1 a 1
HQ H' 1 1
Leyd. Pap.
7, 2, bier, funeral bed. shemm-t pp PP
no .*-£**-£*' P‘ 4°2’
sheftu :, Peasant 305, w3 M. 574, N. 1180, ways, journeys.
, L.D. Ill, 65A, 15, shem ra pp ^ 1-77-1 ^ ^ to

30 set the mouth in motion against someone, to

_^ fT Amen. 27, 9, book, writing, roll,
speak evil, to slander.
volume, list, magistrate’s charge sheet (IV, 1109);
, no noc^^ 1 shem ra pp vj IV, 971, Thes.
plur. 1, Rec. 26, 13.
1 1 1 1482, slanderer, backbiter.
shorn m 1, relative, kin, shem her mu pp J ^
, Thes.
father-in-law ; Copt. CLJOJUL. 1251, to be a confederate or ally of someone,
to owe allegiance to someone.
Shemi-t nnf\^ (( @ic=0), fem. of pre¬
A = to act as pilot
shem ta pf
ceding ; Copt. cyUDJULG. or guide.

shemu Rev. 13, 1, little shem-t aanra pf

A 1 1 1
\\ mm) Gol. 6, 14, Alt K. 848, a kind of
ones; => 1 0=0 ’ bread, cake.

shem ra khet 1 E. ./I a kind of

shem-1(?) fl|f $ Rev- A o 0 ° 0 incense.
14, 13, boon companions.
Shem Ra (He-t Shem-Ra) J\
shem no|\
33 Rouge I.H. II, 117 = Palermo Stele, a building. o

a wise man, a skilled tradesman, 1

shem reth pf
@ j Leyd. Pap. 6, 6, , the name of a serpent amulet.
shemu <=jp I I I
*1 | ’ spells, incantations. pa AAAAAA

shemu p^ ] V\ AAAAAA V\ P. 204, PP

no no^ 1' ~vr~i ^ AAAAAA vT "*

shem , /-, Rec. 27, 88, WWW

A ’ A A ’ A AAAAAA } N. 1160, 1161

, 1 J A, to go, to march, to travel;
A shemut(?) C5F !> IV> 839
PP v gpl^Jlp Tp fl> ^ a wooden ob-
shemi-t ppj\.^(
ject, tool(?)
Herusatef Stele 81, 1Jp ( A , Amen. 13, 1,
1 \uu\J Tuat III, a god
going, goer ; Copt, eye, cyGI. Shemshem ’ in the Tuat.

shemm , to go, to travel. Shemti pp ^ A , Tomb of Seti I,

one of the 75 forms of Ra (No. 72).

shemuTi^^. Tkl’
© Shemti —
traveller; plur. pp i, pp
Tuat IX, a serpent with four heads at each end
A 1= , advancing hosts; PP of his body and eight pairs of legs.
ill A
shem — A.Z.
ill Pi-’V l 1 1 1 1 1
,906, 29, oa ^ ^ . to be hot; varr.
shem-t T A A ’ ^ “ ’ N- 659,
p- 6o6> j°urne>'- a
3 A 2
na SH [ 740 ] SH □c

OO id
shemm mm 1 1, Rechnungen 74,
(!■ gQ. 20,7 I 7
2 I 7)
» 7

OXZ) . l \1-J AQ-

Amen. 4, 17, 5, 15, 6, 1, r\ r\ r\
^ ^ ^
>// )
n 0 C , Pap. 3024, 69,

hi EZ) I I . \\_J
TI> 13, (5(5(5 (^ , to be or become hot, hot; AAAAAA
r. ^
' /-

AAAAAA AAAAAA ^ ^ M £- &&& • I I


Copt. &JUIOJUL, Heb> SOT» Syr- Arab> IV, 499, P. iii6b, 19, 1 \n /\AA/W\ ^
A/VWSA ^ ^ ^

A4 Amen. 6, 9, 1 u 1 V\ AAAAAA v , Amen.


shemm-t 19, 4, amf\ Rev. 14, 5 b t=s

(^, A.Z. 1906, 122, heat, fire, flame, fever; plur. A (2
( , Rev. 14, 46, the harvest; Copt. OJCJOJUL.

□a mvn I \V"I
shem-t .vo,
,n on ^
sliemm-t mm house, shrine.
C3, mm

1 some hot, strong¬ shemm-t nn c-m, Rev. 13, 20,

^ 1 J^Sj. | ’ smelling substance. o
mm stable, stud farm; plur.
> riyv mm
shemshem-t mm
» i_ ZJ
3H mm
1 1 1 7
er. 640, mm mm am □m
Rev. 6, 26, chief of the stud farm.
^ nn mm q <a
sesame seed; Copt. shemshem mm mm

C6JULCHJUL, Arab. Amherst Pap. 48, room (?) chamber (?)

M. 216, N. 586, to pray,
shemshem nn 7^7
'y ’ 7>( ’ to make a vow.

hot wind, sirocco. shma V 77, T. 55, to go.

shem nn , demon, foe. mm
shma 77 ,
5 _Jt>
shemm m r==T, to inundate, mm TV 77
foreigner, stranger; plur. shmau
.11 1
the summer inundation.
used in a bad sense, devils, demons; Copt.
shem,7 shemu AAAAAA «
O 7 'L.D. III,
, cyjuuuLO.
m: [ [ (£> /v?v enemy, demon,
3D ^ 30 -p q t=SO shmai ^ K.x u, ^
- > -^•eC- 3°) l!53) , M , _* Pm 4 4 JPi destroyer.
OO l ■ \\._1 Q
, A.Z. 1906, 128, nn
n (£ shma mm 3x:
TFn’ S0: 1 o’
Jour. As. 1908, 290, the season of summer ; mm
, demon, evil spirit;
1 1 1
j I
O, Pap. 3024, 86, days of
pi“r- df 7 , Rec. 31, 30.
summer; Copt. CtJUDJUL. It began soon after
July 19 and ended about November 15 ; its Shma (shmai) fi§hter ”f
of Horus.
four months were :
rm the god of the 25th day of
i \a ~7T~1 Shma_^
1 . AAAA © = Pachons. 3. /WA O = Epiphi. the month.
on Shmait-aakhu I, Tuat IX,
2. *AAAO
= Payni.
4. O = Mesore.
I I a singing-goddess.
r \ \—-l AAAAAA

Shemu Ombos I, 90, the god Shmaau-mer ^ 5

/ o
of Summer ; Copt. CtJCUJUL. Ombos II, 134, a mythological being.
mm (?) -
shemu AAAAAA II .7 Israel Stele 25, Rev. 6, ?
shmau , Rec. 30, 67
na SH [ 741 ] SH rvr

shmam Shma-t -=>^J ^ 5 > bandlet made of a special

to be hot. kind of linen; ^ A.Z. 1907, 20,

r~w~i □o
shmamu -W
shma-t ^ a plant,
^CC’ 2> stranSer> foreigner,
nn I C3EZT
demon; plur. I shmait ^ (j(j | Rev. 14, 9, ^
CSZT , Rev. 15, 17, books of the South.
5j !, IV, 39, II
I Rec. 15, 178, nomad ruffians, barbarians; shma-s —°[7

3C 7 Sphinx Stele 10, ^ (J —»—, Q |7

shmam Ebers
m-- -S^1 A n A f] Sphinx Stele 10, the crown
92, 3, to vow, to offer up, to pray. © V ’ V l» ’ of the South.

shmam “If, “ shmai ^ |g>, ^ ^

[ to sing, to play a musical instrument,

&,*$■ 3kkV®-3’ sipger, player; I, musician
, a plant.
slima y\ , to go, to travel = nn J\ ,
shmai-t ^ Rec. 16,70, ^
Copt. JULoocye.

shma IL' n = i=so , A.Z. 1907,

’4^1’ 4T*411 o
1 •=^d) , singing woman; plur. ^ !>
9, Champollion, Notices I, 649),

4 i’ h \ i’
i?i’ ^Mll’ ^ | ’ ^ ©’ !>
Rec. 29, 166, singers male and female,
^ 0 ’ ^

^ ^ 1 s the
.41 It
Jour. As. 1908, 263, 266,
South, the country of the South, i.e., Upper u
Rev. 14, 15, to destroy, to ruin, to overthrow,
Egypt; she ©, ^
to undo, corrupt, perverse; Copt. (TboJULC.

f’S’ and Shmentheth m _[1 , Tuat

North, i.e., Upper and Lower Egypt.
IV, a goddess in the Tuat.
Shmait Ani 20, 10, one of
shemer [^^<C=:>, Rev. = oj.uuulo (?)
the uraei on the brow of Ra.
stranger, foreigner.
Shmait the ^ddess to!. nr nE=D<=>
shemer-t Rouge,

Shmau ^—q^^,a.Z. 1910,128, nn

I.H. II, 115, bow; plur. !,
1 1
gods of the South. 1 \\—\<^>z=i
, “ bow of heaven ” (Tuat X) on
o o
Shma ^ /j“, B.D. 169, 9, ^ .O, grain
which Set and Horus stand ; Copt. XG&eX (?)
of the South.
Shemer-t l-*4x_J
o v-y
, Ombos I, 143, the
shma -4-° , Stone of the South, emerald.
T III divine bow which destroyed the king’s foes.
3 A 3-
rwr~i SH [ 742 ] SH ~W~I

3: \\ I
Shemer-thi , TuatX,abow-
W fjP“^W ReC 2°’ 42>JP^m’ ^ A !’
god and bow-goddess. Rec. 36, 216, train, retinue,
\Zi\’ bodyguard.
shems r~vrn | 1, T. 270, 00 1;, M. 433,
shems-t aa-t nA , a lady of
"1 A, Rec. 14, 21, £j 1A , rm [1A,
high birth, a descendant of an old family.

RM' 49343, Rea shems nesu q1 ^ ^3^, IV, 1001

\\ ann".
« a A,
. rm
—n^,T.209, ip 1 ^ 1I
A A IV, 1026, a royal envoy
P. 160, [j , Rec. 15, 47, to follow in the train ‘q II to foreign lands.

of some one, to be a member of a bodyguard, Shemsu [ Rec. 2, 126, (j c=.

an adherent, an associate, a follower; Copt.
cyjULcye, Heb. ] M, Hymn Darius 31, follower of the god, a

shems , service, following. member of the divine bodyguard; plur. m~

^ ,P. 6, M. 8, cs
shems-t rm 1 [ o , U. 313 (bis), service (?)

shemsi ab 1 A ^, to follow one’s de- ^ ^ ^ ^ ^ ’Rea 3o> 19X5 00

• 1• . • ^ O the name of a room ibid. 33, 35, ^ ^ |, ^
sire or inclination; □ w , . . , 1 1 1
* ■-■
cm in the palace.

shemsi anti l n A /WWW

^ w
J, perform¬
Tuat XII, a god in
ance of a ceremony in which myrrh was offered. Shemsu
the Tuat.

shemsi utcha £ n A A, to Shemsu [ 1 !, Thes. 131, a group of

follow regularly and systematically.
stars in the Thigh (Great Bear).
shemsi menkh-t
^ d - 333”
n A >==1 I X I
A/WWA 10 1

Shemsi Asar t jj° Methen 34,

a festival in which a bandlet played a prominent
part. follower of Osiris; plur. r w ~\ (j |1 N.

shemsi Heru 1 <Cm Jf, Palermo 487, 698, c=m [1 ^ ^ ° jK M. 408,

i—- 1
Stele, celebration of a festival of Horus.

shemsi khenu-t -OP"-

a , chief followers of Osiris.
6, 1 r, to celebrate the cult of a statue.

shemsi sekh-t [ 't? [JJ]^ \>, Rev. 14,

Shemsa en Mehi J ()7^C<=>S § M,
\ I /VWA/W All

B.D., a follower of Mehi.

65, to perform field service.

Shemsu en Neberteher [j I ((^ 337

Shems Seker £j (1
B ^j, B.D., the followers of Neberteher.
© a festival of Seker in which the god went
Coy’ round the walls. V
Shemsi en Tehuti
v) V A
shemsn is: c, M. 394, [ ft A,
B.D. 183, 4, follower of Thoth.

Shemsu neteru ( 1^
servant, attendant, ministrant, follower; plur.
B.D., the followers of the gods.
rm ia A
, an"
A A Shemsu neter aa ^
I i f| @ i <2 \ o 1 1 1
j. IV, 992,
» 5 A I followers of the Great God.
30 SH [ 743 ] SH ro

Shemsu Ra O* T- 236j shenu ^ , U. 213, 00 5 ,oav|r^,


^oj, P- 699. O, u. 495. p- 453,“9 p. 689. 2 C_a, 2 @>


M. 253, 2 mV 8^8® go

r-vri Q, 9. O, to go round, to encircle, to
5& surround, to enclose, to shut up in the hand, to
UP beleaguer a city, to obstruct a road.
A III I (H ii , followers shenu 5 <3, ^ 0,9,Q, § cz>,
of Ra in the train of Osiris.
a ° e
7\ 0 k AAAAAA 9 O %Q, 5 C>\>
Shemsu Hap | I a Nesi- AAAAAA


Amsu 12, 6, the followers of the Nile-god. LQ*MQ-2

AAAAAA V_ °'2^>

Shemsu Heru t P.
^ ^, Q fj, circuit, circle,

periphery, circumference, orbit, revolution; Q Q,

166, n , M. 319, 00 n5
the two circuits, !? 5, Thes. 16^.
pm shenn g

, T. 82,3o4> JL
Q 73

Q, A.z.

1908, 117, circle, circuit.

, N. 1099 (see
shenn-t Q L=Z1, circle.

also P. 175, N. 947),; nv^*x j.anA 111

111 shen-t ^ T- 275, t=s=i 9

an J\ ^j, the followers, i.e., suc¬
U. 234, ^


$ 0 L=/], Tom bos Stele 2,

AAAAAA T>.- -7] C^>\
cessors of Horus (the kings of the Predynastic
0 /v^va L-^\\_i a circuiting, a going round, revo¬
lt S,_/l’ Ua ’ lution.
Shemsut He-1- Her £j |1 ^
111 shen aten 8 (—> Q AAAAAA ^
0 ^ o
, B.D., C30 ^ AWW\ r\ Q MMM

pmhh£& wvw,
o,xo Hoi’
n mmm I /saaaa/, IV, 808, T
’ ’ lo @
Rec. 27, 223, the followers of Hathor.
rn n ^ 9 9
shemsi (j (( ^, Rec- 11, 170 = • 4 O in AAAAAA (5
“ 1=3 ^ nZCZ ^ (] “ the circuit of
shemes rm 3d
IP no vmm £ir x a Si_/I 4 © ’ the solar disk.

Shen ur ^ ,T. 275, P. 28, Tombos

1 00 ^ ear of corn; plur.

Stele 16, 9
x c m
4, N. 67, 9 __
□nl\ see 1 f|; Copt. AAAAAA <L AAAAAA
AAAAAA 3X . ry
gjJULC, ^)GJULC. M. 33. J ^ ! , A.Z. 1905, 15, '
1 w 1 r u 1 o 0 /wwv' 'wwv' X

shemt _ O, _ ~ = <e~3a "ww Q i-~~t , the Great Circle; \j ,wwv'

( U) ( (i) O /WWV\ \\ O

IV, 617, the circuit of the Great Circle;
Shemtt , a goddess.
, the islands of Shen-ur.
3d to hover over,

shen Q MAMA
AAAAAA to alight.
shenu ent pet T Q f=5, the
rvv~i ^ JlO © o
Shen-t-amm (?)
(1 circuit of heaven.

Tuat IX, a fiery, blood-drinking serpent- shenu en ta ^ ^ Q the circuh

god. e the earth.
3 A 4
C3Q SH [ 744 ] SH

sheni-t ^ ( , circle, circuit. shenu Q , archetype of a manuscript,

/wwv\ 11 O

Shenu Q, endless time, eternity; £ £ £ = shen 0, U. 555, wam , Hh. 328, to

10,000,000 years.
rage, to wrangle, to fight, to dispute; Copt.
sheni-t 2 M “ 2 MV cyme.
Q ^ rvn rrn
, a chamber in a temple. shenau N. 1000,
U. 602, N. 995, 999, wrangler, striven
Sheniut § ()() n, B.D. 17, 32, Q AAAAAA
/WVW\ 7/

the chamber of punishment of Osiris. shenn J qq ^ , Rev. 12, 119, to dispute;

, Amen. 14, 3, litigious man.
Shenu-t | °^, Leyd. Pap. TO, 13, | 1
rvvvv v\

courtyard, court (?) shenn-t $ f dispute.

shenu 0 Q [)[)
AAAAAA (5 ’ o HH sheni ab 9 'O’, Peasant 270, to
w/w (2 73 I
, court official, court nobleman; plur. shenut be wroth, to be angry, to quarrel.

^ Rec-3°’i8?>3i> 185 ^
O shen % 0 Peasant 130, 5

I 0 „ tx* L £ S\ I
> x 0 j, ibid. 26, 234, 31, ^3^, Pap. 3024, 74, 5 ® 9 0, dis-

quietude, enmity (?) danger (?)

I7°, ^ O ^ !, Peasant 140, ^ Q

! 2 0 f)! 9 01 2 ■> Itl hateful'
!’_a!> I AAAAAA - !> | AAAAAA
hostile, inimical.

c © shennu I, Amen. 9, 8, 16,14,

the court of a king or god.
fighters, enmity, strife.
shenit 2 $ A[ shnu 3


I, 5

2 MM-2 Mi.fiiiir > 9 0 2 0

^ ^ ^ ^ AAAAAA ^

9 soldiers, warriors, fighters.

the nobles at Court; ^ ® [ [ sheni 2 2

^ j, the four sons of Horus.
Nastasen Stele 10, I£ (rU) > to s*c^> to

Shenit 9 A(] ^ ^ 1 B.D. 30 B, 4, helpless, depressed, cast down ; Copt, cyume.


the divine court of Osiris. shenn ™ Rec- 32, 84, to be ill,

AAAAAA sick,
Shenu g J j, 2 (JO the honourable
shenn * aaaaaa q Rev. 14, 12, x aaaaaa
1 1 in’
or beatified dead.
Rev. 13, 3, mental sickness, disgust.
Shennu 9 0 Tuat III, the gods

^ oppression, weariness
AAAAAA (2. l’ who avenged Ra.

Shen-ur Ombos I, 319, a god AAAAAA


of offerings.
shen-t 3 . 9

’ 1^’
Denderah II, 54, sickness, illness; Copt cyume.
Shenit-urit J)
cl ’ a form of Hathor.
shnu J !. evils» evil beings
Shenu 2"^, Q , Q e lake, the Nile I’ or things.
I TrEFT T=T flood.
Shnu 2 f ™ a
Shenu ^ Roller 4, 3, vases, vessels, AAAAAA Jl A (2

sick man.
X] SH [ 745 ] SH czso

shfirm L=E=I Q © C3 trouble, shnu g Q ^(®, Pap. 3024,
00 “ 00 L-J’ nausea.

shen, shnu 9 \\ 5 (9 & 5


2 , *
\> Q|§>, 1
H in’ Love Songs 4,
8; 3 °
5 0
o Rec. 16, no, fishing net; Copt, cyite.
XJ XL o £ AAAAA \\ .

to speak, to proclaim, to tell, to relate, to shen m ,P. 28i,nn Q^., M. 525,


ask, to enquire into, to cast a spell, to recite 1 w 1 m

N. 1106,
incantations, to adjure, to conjure, to curse, to AAAAAA

blaspheme, to work magic; Copt. cyme.

JL'k’- JL e e ’ JL 0 V^ ’
•ISM invoker, pleader, en-
treater. 5 )ft>L <.)&■
shni-t 9 || 9 q ^ 9 hair, foliage

9 IV, 694, £ of a plant or tree; 9 , 5 \\ ^ ° , berries

of a tree, fruit.
1 ^ adjuration, incantation, spell, ban,
shennu 9 wig-
curse, order for allotment; Copt. cyme. AAAAAA 0 (§.

magical formulae, spells, shen-ti hairy.

0 incantations.
shen, shenn 9 0 %-A, Q ^
Shnu 9 0 'v IV, 1114, litigant, Jr Y x 0 @

disputant, party in a .law case, the plaintiff (?) 2@'4'5_f-Rev-14’ 234°^f’

,wwv' Rev. 14, 14, to demand ;
shenn 9
AAAAAA Copt. cyme.
/WVAAA r \\ I n ft A
AAAAAA S~) X a tree; plur. ww« x Q v\|
to cry out, to invoke,
shenn £ o (2 1 1 1’ ^ JT T
AAAAAA r J to entreat.
1 1 1’ JL0^f!’leQi’A-z- I9°5'19’
shenn-t J b 9 'wwvv Q, appeal, a

^ \
seeking, enquiry, petition.

shen-t 3^,1, 13, IV> Io8l>

1115, a case at law, a judicial inquiry ; shen-t


khe-t 0 , to have a case at law. gardens; Copt. cyHIt.

x o o’
shen benra 9 \\ J (j ft
shenit 9 , Rec. 17, 47, 5 flQ www 8 <- -> 1 /

Rev. 14, 74, a legal interrogation, a case

for trial by law.
AAAAAA V. « -.-.t I

shen ta 0 UX W 1, Peasant 33,

shenit J , a seeking out, quest. x \\ 1 1 1 I n VL ,

1 1 1 tl,
shnu 9 views, opinions, specula¬ III Rec. 27,87, )ft=ni',,jL>7 = !•
te l' tions (?) I
2 Yb 1 x Yr\ 2 0 ■<&
WWW \\ UJ* I HI AAAAAA \\ I H /www ($
shen, shni x T y to

tie up, to tie together, to load. I H ’ ^ 0 H I graSS’ herbage;

AAAAAA a kind of tree : Copt. cycyHit (?)
shen-t 2 , 2
y “ ®
““, a tie, binding.
'J #
Shen 9 ^, B.D. 17, 70 ff., a storm

shna-t ^ (j c ^, cord, tie, rope.

cloud that covered the right eye of Ra.
rm SH [ 746 ] SH rxr-i

_ f—V\—I , Q I wwv\ Q |
Shenit(?) 9 Q| p. 815, m. 244, ^ shnau www vtp 1 Thes. 12 c 1, Q -—~a ' !>
-—a £_r 1 x a. ,
j^, Denderah I, 6 o J) Berg- !» i9» a ser‘ A.Z. 35, 17, men who kept the road clear for
, O Cl ’ pent-goddess. processions.

shen-t 0 B.D. 137, 16, flesh, mem-

aaaaaa ?’ ber, limb.
Shna-t 9 IV, 1193, repulse;

0 --0 0 rv IV*AAAn , .
shen-ti 3 , sw , a kind x A III’ >2 ’ rePulsings, Stoppages;
\\ AAAAAA | | I _/M/ I | I

of bird, heron (?)

$ -fl (( , hesitating, timid (of fish).
wwv\ I 1 I I I

shenshen 5 9 =, a kind of bird,

shna repulsive (a man’s character).
heron (?) (Perhaps a verb.)
- -if
snna ,www
j\ vra, warder, guard, guardian.
shna £ (j ^6, fish spawn,
\/\ 77 •
stinking fish. shna ab 9 V t0 resist, to oppose,
_fl I ’ to be obstinate.
shnau m (j = 00 (j , - r'vr i QO QO
small, little.
jW. , 9
° O Rec. 30, 67, the cir-
cuit of heaven
, storm, tempest, hurricane; variants
'•11 9

shna-t ‘ , N.1066
AAAAAA 2] 0, --fl vyyy^
| shnar 9
fl ^ ) 9 [ o -fl (2 A I
Amen. 13, 1, 14, 7, storm, tempest.
storm, hurricane, tempest; plur. 5 n q
shna wwa } the side of a road.
j U. 470-
, _ <^s
shni-t § (](, I, rainstorm, tempest. shna _n n ’ Rec- 24’ 96’ Rl

shna-t n [) ^ 8, U> 6o9> t- 223j hail-
AAA 1 O’ stones. AAAAAA yr\ Q AAAAAA

granary, barn; plur. 9 9

Shnat | () | ^ , a goddess of Busiris.
, Decrets 29.

Shna-t-pet-uthes-t-neter 9 (] ^ shnau nnu tR

AAAAAA 123 , P. 422, ww/w
, B.D. 141 and
M. 60 c Peasant 64, cabin of a
148, one of the seven divine Cows. ’ -fl \\ J\ ’ boat, shrine.

Shnat-neteru (?) J (j shna-ti —

AW A fl
„ -,£jT -

nfaj fL, one of the seven divine Cows. shna, shnar J ^ f g ^


shna wwm A.Z. 47 112 Q - - fl Q -_0

-_fl ZV ’ X J\ 1
J] -fl
iv, 498, (j _d L_a, 8 5 -—0 ^ 0 ra a PIant used in medi-
A AAAAAA *■ m’ R in’ cine.
-fl O J] 0
V// 7^ JJ
Rec- 34> 179) ^
shna, shnar 9 “ 9 o.
AAAW\ (2 I WWAA _2i=£i O

AAAAAA (2 A Q \ XiJ AZ www
, O-
1 1 1
a seed or fruit used in
_ Q AAAAAA t »

3°’ I27’ _J1 2 UJ’ .a ’ 2 T^~’ Shna, J_0 h*. lion.

2 J-0 (](] to repulse, /*\ AAAAAA ^74- — j

shna-t, shenra-t n—a, q _

to drive back, to turn away; Copt, cyujH, „ x e _0p
cyoort &. 9> breast.
SH [ 747 ] SH rm

shnar 5 9 9. a,
'vvvvvi V\
^ — n y\
■ ■
■A j i ....
wwi / —-

A A i lliiiim 7\ ^7 J2L

I ° f .A, 5 ^° to turn back, Rec. 4, 22. q- ^ ££, -§-*= £v., I 0

AAAAAA (2 _Si£l -/J- j

to drive back, to keep off.

shnariu 2 (IQ I ["!], Rouge I.H. skin, hide; Copt. OJttdfe.

MAMA 11 ““ LI J

256, a class of officials.

shnebi-t 9 \ [[ p , skin, hide.
Shnar 9. ~ °O,0 0 C3, a disease, AAAAAA 1 I \


stoppage of bowels (?) shnep ™ £,t0 sniff the air> t0 sme111'

□ nostrils.
Shnar Q 0 B.D.G. 785, a god of
, ran
Shnar in the Delta. Shnep AAAAAA a fine cloth.
□ 2-
Shnar ^ mm, ~ %um, a r~m 1 w 1 yTv I W..J
shnep 0 Q 35, ^ AAAAAA AAAAAA

sacred serpent. □ Hi □
-f'f*, IV, 1104, a reed mat (?); var.
Shnarfit] b.d.g. 263, a aaaaaa 1

goddess of u-°-si shnep 2sa r x ,t0 seize’ t0 car?' off. *°
0 □ £ -/l

® d ^ draw off.

shni f 0 (]() y\,l=S=](l(] 7\, Rev. n, 162 Shnep AAAAAA J1 AAAAAA ?

= Copt, cyme, to seek after. j=ri, a title of the Nile-flood.

Shnit | (j|] <=>, Tuat I, a light-goddess. 3C

shneptiu AAAAAA
^ aClaSS °f
shnu workmen or labourers.
AAAAAA , musician.
0 £
rm q rano p .
B.D. 142, III, 12, a snnei-t AAAAAA o aaaaaa | o a SUO-
Shnu 5 0 III ° Jl o III’
/WWSA city of Osiris.
, ran jo stance used in medicine; kk1 =0=, a ma<^e
Slinu AAAAAA food, produce. ,
of the same.
D (2 Q)’ ^
shnem Q P. IIO, I I 2, Q
shnu $ 9 AAAAAA

1(2^ I I l’ AMAM@ 1 1 1I0 Jf ° o o’ rxo

M- 75, Q , N. 77 , A.Z.
fruit, grain. AAAAAA PnW AAAAAA

shnu 2 0 B D- I25. r 16 • • • 1908, 115, Ik , Metternich Stele 249,


^ 'aaaaaa' ^ to join to, to unite with, to attain to,

shnu-t g £ yjPL,p- 395. M. 563. N. 1170,
to be protected; see ^
; Q ]•
2 U. 558.
eQfln. gtOa- cOfl- shnem-t , nurse.

^■7, granary; plur. kQ/i £ ”,.,CPl ” 3X1

o Shnemit urit , P. 112,
“Great Protectress”—a name of the Sky-god¬
W era ’
dess; varr. f) o M. 78, f) N. 80.
u o u o
c£L ” ^ i’IV> 1026; Copt- a6™6-
, 1 \n „ to smell ; Copt.
shneb 1 VV N^, a horn weapon or tool- shnem ^ a fo,

s: shnem |o A, smell, odour

Jbk’ u-i69>p- 204
[" ~ \\' ) n AA AAAAAA 1 \n 0
1 o, Ikhernefert i$,D I] , IV, 612, shnem AAAAAA 0 = khnem AAAAAA O .

SH [ 748 ] SH i~k~i

shenra 2 Sheni-t 9 ^,p- 8i5, M. 244, a cow-

AAAAAA _ -—a j\ * _ _a_ji /v Jl AAAAAA goddess.
XL A -S^ — to turn back, to repulse,
/V ’ll /Y to keep away. Shentit 2JHO-
shenra J fYY,
pjy; see shenar Berg. I, 10, 9"! Rec. 3, 44, 2 ^ ]
1 ‘bid. 3, 47, 2 V ) 1)1) $
I© ^ ®’ ibid‘

Shenher LAX^ a god.

2 -Q- fj a form of the god-
wwv\ I 3, 49
AAAAAA dess Isis.
shens 5 H Q, u. no, $> 1
( , n. 377A,
a title of Isis and
Shent-ti AAAAAA
E3STJ ^ w Nephthys.
—21 U
2 Jo, § n /WWW AAAAAA

C30 Shentit 9 ° ° , B.D. ( 131, the

5 0. 2 0 0 fl,
2 (JVI, s v_ Y7 \T3
sanctuary of the goddess Shentit.
(EE3), 5
X ~ , a kind of cake or bread.
AAAAAA I I I Shent ^ ° ^ to revile, to abuse, to
CT“Z] — . _n’ curse; Copt. CLjCJDIte.
shens peri her khaut 5 0A AAAAAA

^ ''''TT^ , shewbread. shent-t 9 9 “ , revilings,

curses, abominable persons and things.

shens 9 fl skin, animal (?)
shenti 9 b 9w 9 ~ x\
shensu ^ 1^5, Rev. 13, 32, "^1 ^rf1,
ci >2

> accursed-
Rev. 13, 32 = shes nesu, apparel of the king, 1
i.e., byssus ; Copt. CLJItC.
shenti 9 ^ dk , 9 ^ ^, 9
shensetch-t 2 (1 "u'| 0 Yi, tunic
9 u enemy>foe> grief> dis
tress, sickness, trouble; plur. 9 j a.Z. iqoo

shensh * Hh. 472, to open.

I28’JLIMjIs i;Copt' 3™T(?)
shentiu 9 7=Z1 ^ !, IV, 968,

^ V 2 7 Rev’ I4, 34, ^ 0 ^ Rev. men of violence.

I2> 63> ^ Q \ ® , Rev. 12, 64, Rech-

I 02 U O \\ ^ shenti |]
nungen 77, tunic, cloth; Copt. CtjertTO). a title of Set.

court nobles,
shent 9^0, Rec. 33, 120, seal, sealer. shentiu 9) ()() $
AAAAAA \ ministers.

shent, shenn-t 9 shentiu j,

>, 9 IV, 613, companies,

2]—-2 Q


h 5 o
assemblies (of rebels <C^jj ^ ^ jj.

, acacia, Spina acacia Shentait 9 ^ f] f) a cow-goddess—
M2 o \ o Y AATV1AA H (U\’ a form of Hathor.
Nilotica; ^,Rec. 15, 141, black
Shentthit , Mission 13, 127; see
acacia; Copt, ojorrre, Heb. HtStp, Arab,

shenti (?) Q x\ a hairy Plant^

v 7 0 Copt. cyonT- AAAAAA r\ AAAAAA
to revile,
shenth m3 _J
(3 ’ to abuse.
shent 9 , Metternich Stele 244,
r w1 3C
brushwood, “ bush,” thicket, thorny growth; Shenth 9 9 ,9

Copt, cyoirf. U. 555, T. 303, a serpent-fiend in the Tuat.

mm SH [ 749 ] SH

3: r3~)
Shenthet g W?, P. 662, sher 13?^ .a, Rec. 16, 109, to fall

1, M. 773, a proper name (?) down; see ®

£33/2 nn: nn
shentheth , U. 602, sher, sherr , N. 156, Rec. 30,

rw1 nn
M. 303, N. 1000, hostility. na
72, , U. 495, T. 236, , to

if-t. i AAAAAA £2^

be small, to become small, to be diminished ;

acacia; dual ^
Copt, cyipe.
w 31

P.S.B. 25, 220; plur. 9


1, 5
sher nv^, a little.

3; na. na
IV, 387; Heb. ntpip, Arab, kx^, Copt. sher-t
cyorrre. IV, 691, Amen. 25, 20,
shentit (] (], 2 '(] () 5, 9 small, insignificant, a small thing, a thing of
<—rT~ZJ 1 I ^ I I AAAAAA

little value.

shera ab 1 [ to lack courage,

sCM-O IHMJJfK to be unwilling, to have no mind to do a thing.

£<= ^ s>tunic; p|ur- g^i]i)

sherr <~>|, Metternich Stele 40
IV, 1071. Late forms $ ,WW'A v , 9 MMM

cz \ 0 ^ \
mm mm mm
IIT» x42,
5; Copt, cyemrco.
nn [<r^j Metternich Stele 56, little
Shenti Q , a name of Set. ’ boy, child; Copt. OJHpe.
1 vm r 1 sher T, a young god.
shentesh (?) AAAAAA

cS 1 V '
1 1 Vi 1 3: 3
\\ 1
see AAAAAA sher, shera , IV, 691,
1 vm n fV _ 1 v\ 1
mm ffl 1

Shentch 1=3=3
A , an acacia

mm I U "I | (g |
shentch £ “t" >0^,
III, 143, boy, son; plur. ^ ^ (j j; Copt,
^“1 0
V ¥
’ 00
> acacia J see 9
shera en shera LA3J (
shentchetch-t J herbs’tavb^; mm
( (3 S), son’s son, grandson.

shentchu-t ==a ^ > A, U. 478, sherr ™,

AAAAAA \ —71

boy, youth, little man; plur. <—-> 1,

tunic, short drawers; jj ^^ , inspector of

U. 5.2, P. 86, U. 171, S§,
all tunics ; Copt. CLjenTtA).
shentch-ti 9 ^, 9 ,
AAAAAA (O \ r J AAAAAA ^ \\\ C—L mm
keeper of the tunics or robes. () ^ f\ j J Copt, cynpr.
□o m = 3a
sher shera-t ==x=3 n ^ , Israel Stele 12,

sher m’ , compound preposition. { ^ ^Jj, (j ^(j
qq SH [ 750 ] SH

j?}» |
^ j?j, Westcar 5, 19, 6, 3, Roller 2, 8, ^ " J (j ( , <rY ^5, Rec. 26,78,
a q i(,a qq ^ qq
little girl, daughter, maiden; plur. '( I.
0 > — \tj, grain, flour.
111 o ’ Yr*
n^ „ • L V\ J 0 TT o rw 1 AA
Snerriu <r—o, u. 512, <rl —
sheri-t QA
qq\> s

HH l’ <=> 1 ill ’
qq \>
, a kind of land, salty land (?)


small canal.
sherit “Dll a dwelling place.

sher, shera m sherp-t S S o°, S^ S

-fl’ X <3=> on ^ □ <2 o o o □ 0’ p=q o’ □ 0

qq qq , seed for early crops.

U), IV, 385, ° . qq □ o
A ^ 3~: to stop up, to block, to wall up, to close, Snerp incense =
□ @ III O F=}
; li’ to obstruct the passage,
qq pi o x sherp-t ^44 2, cord> Part of the tackle
shera-t ( r , obstruction, bar. □ o ’ of a ship.
qq B.D. 168, a god who
qq Sherm
sher-t O, Rec. 31, 13, obstacle. helped the dead.
nn qq
8, bond, tie, fetter.
sherh >—t, water channel;
^ Win'
Copt. aj\e& (?)
sher-t , U. 393, T. 341, M. 214, N. 685,
^ £> sherh a kind of myrrh, or myrrh-
P (? , Rec. 30, 190, 00 (] o , Amen, i 7, 7, producing tree.

© shersek 1=2
<rr> ’ '
(J ^ ( 3C
3W J\
qq A <2. shersh - ^ . _ IV, 697,
Q £ (W’
(J o, nose; Copt. cyA.1. qq qq 111
. mm £> qq rnq £>
to hasten, to flee.
sherti, sherati
^ \\ £>’ £>£>' o £>’ shersh ^ t0 plunder, to carry
rm l nn o I 1 rqq a (]f| fl 1 qq ^—1\ ’ off.
r <z=>\\ e!’ <=>w ‘bp? .!’ sheheb 1 , to be hot, burnt up,
qq n tk £> w\ o £) L.A-J A o
£>, the
\\ <q= \\ parched ; Copt. cyu>&e&.
two nostrils.

sher-t i- 1 n.

P. 169, 786, the bow of a
J "r"
ra J V w’w- ro
s^ 2 qq
J3 ±2,
ii (P T v\
^ JJ, TlTlt ^ 2^3 j, the hot south wind.
ntJ Ombos II, 132, a god-
Sherit ^ ^1 ’ ' j—
dess. i w i n 2 ^ a. ra I
Shehbi L^JJvr iTn
r w "ii w 1 —A. qqqqq^ 1 w V’ ^ Y !’
the god of the south wind.
„ qq qq 1 ^ , •
Gersher Pap. I, 21, <=> <zp> ±^-1 1, Sphinx shes qq 1, U. no = 5 1 0, cake,

I, i,i 1, air, wind, sniffings of air; see loaf, bread.


shest qq 1 ^ Rec. 27,57 = ashest

44 ^
sher-t ' u ® °, Rec. 3, 53, earth taken
fl 5 P ^ , an interrogative particle.

XI ;
from a holy place and used as an amulet. shes 5 , 8 ; see A P 3= |S1-
H k==±3 N
sher-t <~>(o) , a kind of cake, loaf,
shes qq [1 5, p. 592, ^
o a.
sher-t, shera-t [ q.,"'0, |, 5 (j ' "|T') ^ 5 ' "j i"', a band or gar¬

2 ■*5
[ ’"^"Y (J 4L, Anastasi IV, 2, 10, ment made of linen ; qq I 5 P. 592, festal
SH [ 751 ] SH
no 538, P. 229, vase,
band; Rev. n, 167 = ^ g (j | cm (?); shes U-
Heb. Gen. xli, 42.
] f] U. 182, a kind
shesshes no
shes akeb g ( 0^6 J , apparel
’ of drink (?)

of mourning. Shesshes :s: 1 1 w "i 1, Tuat IX, a

shes nesu 1 «,r0>'al linen’ byssus; CoPJ'

crocodile-god with a tail terminating in a serpent.

shesa no qj U. 188, on 1 q£
shes tepi (j ® \,
linen of the finest

shes 5 n (mm , 5 mm], 5

, 5, white
^,T. 67,00

Decrets 108, IV, 1017, 00

599,00 IiqI^,

1 Zn, Rec
stone, alabaster; plur. 6 “VM ™; Heb.
3D 17°) , IV, 1073, g!
Ill 0 OOO


shes <5 ,',Q, iv, 743, g g 5g, white

iv, 749,00 n ^ , Pap. 3024, 84,
^^^ ^^^
grain, winnowed grain. 00 , to be cunning,



O . wise, skilled, learned, able; see

k, <s, 5
Ml 1 00 <□»
Rec. 22, 103, ashes, white dust or powder.

shes is: lg,A.Z. 1864, 107, no 5 shesa her za : IV, x 152, skilful.

antelope = 1 vn
shesa-t l=s=J { knowledge, skill,
\ if f?\
shes 8 D 13 g, no 1 5, cord, string,
shesa-t 00 1 ^ , Rec. 30,

rope; plur. nr ^555, 556- 191, wise woman.

shes maa (maat) 6 } 5 “cord
shesau i, B.D.

o [88, 2, 5^0 IV, 1184, intellectual abilities.

of rule,” in the phrase s 1 p , to per¬ ’ I 111

form ceremonies in regular and fitting continuity shesau 00 q^ oo qj

for ever, <cz> ^ I (or /WWVN ©, millions of 00 00 1

times); Demot. g I p=Gr . 6TTl Tr\eov. '—'S Litanie 71, the “wise”
5 n l’ member, /.<?., the tongue.
shes 5 Ebers Pap. 99, 18, 5 o,
shesa 00 1 ^ P. 589, 00 1 qj
R T) 160 2 5 S Wow> striPe> injury’
N. 1038, to plough.
D U- I0°’ 2’ L=/]’ wound,

shesshes-t 9 evil, misfortune. fl „ m ,W'AAA r w \ o

Shesa or nlh ^
shesshes 6 5? Ebers Pap. 41, 12, gg, P. 589, a skilled ploughing-god of Shna.
A.Z. 1900, 128, to hide (?) shesa-t 00 1 ^ T. iox,

shesshes 85 Roller 5,2,^ 6 \\ 00 1 q*] ^ P. 815, 00 1 $

1, B.D. (Nu) 64, 19, to see. ^ o <^>, N. 141, ^ no n
shesshes-t 5 6 , Rec. 29, 159 u. 645, night, darkness.

shesu (gersheru ?) Bid , soldier; plur. Shesa-t mak-t neb-s

<5^! Thes. .25i,^||,S,

I I I ti’ ^P^ W
SH [ 752 ] SH

Shesp Amen uthes t nefer-f

O J) HI A ’ □
Rec. 20, 40, a
Tuat II, a goddess in the Tuat.
^ U . ’ shrine of Amen.
shesau 3CD <=> I _ □
shesp-t atru D [ =>1,
=r 1 _0
^ - 1 [q] anteloPei 1—(
JScs NC7
Copt, ojocy, fflocyonr (■) festival of receiving water,
Shesa-t a plant or herb. the name of a
<^sL i 11 shesp aa-t
shesait 8 £□>(( “ Koller 4, 2, 8
shesp hetch ^ | , Rec- 2c
<c? o, 5 & ° , white earth, powder (?) 101, the earliest dawn of day.
shesait IV> 8?5. a kind ofpre- Shespi (Shepi) ® (( ^, Tomb of
ooo cious stone?
Seti I, one of the 75 forms of Ra (No. 42).
Shesau L.D. m, 55a, iy Shespiu ^ ^ l, B.D. 168, 9, a group

I94 = Shasu^^^|.—r°tf of gods who assisted the dead.

Shespiu Tuat XI, the gods who

-. ^* □
carried Methen into the eastern sky
a goddess.
. nn .□ □ X
) *□.
Shespit 9c, Thes. 112, *-k ,
o kick
□ □ X □ X one of the seven stars of Orion. Its god was
y 0 k k
k ,
k k
Rec. 6, 156, a god¬
dess of the dead.

<5^3 Shespit enth khemiu hepu

□ , Rhind Pap. 32, ° 3
^ k k
□ \\ , Berg. II, 13, lodge
□ (J, P. 251, (VflT
n, to take, to acquire, to MID *
of the never-moving (?) stars—a title of Nut
accept, to receive, to receive seed, i.e., to con-

ceive shesp (shep) |, * □ |,


ceptable ; Copt. CLJCOTT. M: □ ^> P XD1 ^ ’ Peasant 43) * □

□ .Slas, statue, image, figure, the
shespep D, P. 603, 604 = shesp. tV

Sphinx; plur. ^ ^ |,
to con¬
shesp aur ®
ceive. -®xsS, Rec. 36, 202, sphinxes; heua-na
□ ill’
shesp ab
heart’s desire. shesp | ^ 2£ 0 |.sohelpG“dei

shesp a , to greet.
shesput □ Jj |, fis ures of women
ith tambourines.
shesp aha ^ Q£l, to fight;
^ —-fl D ^ I shesp (shep) ^.d s , IV, 84,^3,
to set out on a journey.
^=»s, a measure = a handbreadth, width of the
shesp tep 2£ ®,t0 make a palm, span = 0^075 m. ; Copt. OJOTI, Heb. P)3,
Assyr. I<T^jJ
shespiu *o(]l]^>j, *o()()^j, □
shespit (shepit) <£, Love Songs
Rec. 6, 7, those who receive, those who are
3. lb , hand.
taken, i.e., prisoners.
□□ SH 753 ] SH no

□ q □ 3T
shesp-t M.n. De Hymnis Shesmit
27, chamber, hut, shed, lodge, arbour, booth in m o
J, Rec. 29, 151,
a garden, summer house.
Hh. 414, the name of a goddess.
shesp (shep) Jour. As. 1908,
Shesma (?) no . T- 3°5> a
282, moment; Copt. XW.
mythological serpent.
□ wwv\
shesp °|.3S£^. D-0-. shesmu 5
light, radiance, splendour.


nr Rev. 13, 37, judge, as¬

shesp (shep) 2S& = ^, to $4- sessor.

vomit, to cast up. m

Shesmu frTf, U. 511,541

shesp-t (shep-t) O, something nr-1 @
T.41, » T. 324,
round or polished, a berry, a fruit; Copt, cyon,
Berg. 56, B.D. 17, 27, 153, 8, 170, 6, the
cyume, cyoofte.
executioner of Osiris who dwelt in
sheSD-t IffiX ^ ° Shipwreck 50, an edible
plant or root. Mar. Aby. I, 44. He is identified with aa/ww

shesp (shep) ® xTr, ®, a seed used , B.D. 17, 27.


in medicine.
S Berg. I, 1 x, a lion-
Shesmu SH. ! CNI I > A
shesp ^ ^, Rec. 30, 66, parts of a god. nr,

□ na £> „ Shesmu ami nut-f L O

ship; ® III o
, Rec. 30, 66.
Rec. 37, 67, a god.
shesem 5 5 ,5 'lx ^ in
Shesmu , T. 41, a star-god ;
to be weary, exhausted (?) aaaaaa

var. 8 AAAAAA
® Q dimness of sight,
shesm-t 5 c ’ an eye disease (?)

Shesmu wf *, no
shesm 5 ami], A.Z. 1877, 32, 1880, AA/WVA 00 AA/WVA

AAAAAA ■)!< 5 3E

13, earth used in making faience. AAAAAA00

Tombs Seti I, Ram. II, Ram. IV, one of the
shesm 8 IV, iio4> P-S.B. 13, 36 Dekans; Gr. 'S.ea/xe.
147, skin of an animal, a leather roll. 3T (!)
shesmuti ^^1 ! >

Shesm no 1 5 > the “ bull of the Rec. 31, 13, a class of women.

gods ” with seven necks and uraei. sheser (5 t0 wahb to march against,
I, a ’ to attack.
shesm-t £\ , P. 814,
OOO sheser 5 ) , to measure with a cord.
M- 243> MU OOO , T. 99. ,IV,
o sheser $ . (®, a cord for measuring.
s =.
1099, s o
o 5
sheser , 8 > Rec- l6» 56»
5 , IV, 694, a mineral substance.
□ to propose, to purpose, to design, to govern.
01 <3
5 U. 390, B.D. shesru 5 5 5 !>

Heruemheb 8, designs, purposes, decisions,

,u’8’ .k:a$’Hh-4i3’414'
22=3 nWTl Hh. 178, a lioness-headed sheser-t X <s>, canon, ordinance.
1’ goddess. W r. W--,

3 B
[TO SH [ 754 ] SH mo

sheser ^ _JL , -JL Shest-ta, Shestt , U. 39°.

, utterance, speech, decree; 5 B.D. 174, 8, 225)

Q 1 fl N. 1081, a goddess who is mentioned

IV, 1109, A.Z. 1906, 124, song; ^a t-> 0 1* with Sekhmit; see Shesmtt.
proving, testing, examining.
Shest-sett (sti) mo pyr-
sheser mo flI cr£F
—P. 0 704, crsu
—h— <-«#. 2209B, a goddess (?)

5 < «■, to shoot. shesta nr , Rec. 26, 231;

mo , Rec, 26, 230
sheser-t mo H , U. 514, C3E 1 D m Jr U
o ? T. 326, a shooting. shesti 6 ^ ,a bull-god (?)
^ 0 *1
sheser nn P. 704, nn n shesteb 13X13 0
-H— u7
ov °> lapis lazuli;

N. 661, Rec. 26, 235, s 5 see


Hymn Darius 11, 5 5 00o vessd> ?oti Coi)t- yxcycnf,

© snesn gocgoi.
A.Z. 1905, 16, & , arrow, spear, dart;

is: *—m X <2 I . 7
<—m 1, A.Z. 1900, 20,
mo £^“3

Rec. 31, 21, nest,

1 1 1 shesh 1 ’ home.
1 1 1 1 1 r w "~i # . , mo
1 vo T
4 £), s.istrum; plur.
mo I]
sheseru (?)-Ra 15 Tuat VIII, three
.IV, 98-
arrows or shuttles (?)
, , 1wjmo
sheser $ "feS, an animal for sacrifice.
shesh mo, j\ , to move rapidly,
j\ mo
30 fx mo f
to hasten; ^ P. 414, M. 593,
shesru 8 V “8 , IV>. ”43. bags of
<^> Jf o o o spices or unguent.
N. 1198, very rapidly, quickly,

Shesra ( , Tuat X, a light-god. mo

shesh 1^1 , antelope; see lap jl t^]
shesesh (shesh) nesu ^ 5 Copt' cyo^.

IV, 821 ; var. ^ ft; Copt, OjettC, Heb.

shesh LAX~J , white hair.

Shest (Shesmt) j^j^], u. 561,

shesh-t m !,a Precious stone °Cwe
^ o I colour.

sheshti mo
^ \\ king-

M. 499, M. 122, N. 646, 962,

mo mo
, P. 632,
(MSI’ N> I7°’
mo sheq 33
A oX
A , razor (?); see
, Hh. 128, a place sacred to Horus.
to shave; Copt. £/AXA3K6.

sheku mm! , N. 257A, a kind of cake; var.

; see Heru-Shesta,.
m: fl^.u. 29.

Shest (Shesm-t)-tcha (?)

sheku AA’a fune"
, I, 119, a title.
V£3 j-ary offering.
□□ SH [ 755 ] SH oo

sheku ab y,A.z. 1900,128 = shta OO \>

30 \> , .
, arable land, the
, , .

* AX ■- * |
O cxa \\
1, rebels. land covered by the Nile; var.
1 1 15
50 f A.Z. 1908, 18, an amu-
’ let.
30 30 o X 3

00 33 o X 3V (2 30 x 30
sheker , M. 517, N. 1098, 1242,

00 33 (2.
|j, to decorate, be decorated = oXa , to be difficult, hard to pass over or

Copt. £/m?Ke, through, to be hidden or secret, hard to under¬

3=] stand, mysterious.
1 !>

Shta , a god incomprehensible.

ir. Karn.
Mar. Ka: 52, 1, a Mediterranean people.
30 33 ^ 30 o I W I
shet , Love Songs 2, 3, to divide. shta-t J 5
mystery, difficult thing, something hidden, some-
Shet YJ Rec> 3> 49, 5,. 92, .to take
o ’ out, to withdraw. , . . or 30
thing rare, curious; plur.
Shet L^X 1 wor^s *n a quarry, hewings of ^D ’-D
3: X 3 I 30
-a 1 ’ stone.
1 1 1 !’
, , , , 130(30 _ Q D D
shetshet s,—-0, Rev. 12, 22, to (2 X 30
, IV, 345; 9°°) mysteries,
rend, to tear; Copt. CIJ€’TcytJOrT. 1^0 30
difficulties; [ MM ., Rec. 15,
30 Vis 00 Vrs A-Z- I9°6, H3, o 111 o n
shet 30
U>'> ’ <=== ^ ’ grief, sorrow'. 179, impassable valleys; , U. 207,
Sh[ta]-t , Gol. Ham. 10, 48, office,
o rn 1 I Io, N. 1042;
3~ writings, documents,
shetut (?) 1 1 1 mysteries of the two horizons;
QQ I I I books. I o WOO’ 1 ’
I 'VV'~I I \\ I
see Teshtesh.

30 35
<1 1, hidden of forms ;

3E 30

o X
no 3=
1^, T-289-rX!kX!ilcA,si !■ Rec-31’25'
IX .Tk- (2 -D
, turtle, tortoise (?) those whose seats are hidden;
3: 300
Shet ,, Nesi-Amsu 32, 26, 1, , those whose arms are hidden ;'
a form of Aapep, a foe of Ra (B.D. 83, 4, 161).
1, the god of the hidden soul;
o-u j. I W I I W I 30 1
Sheta x, 3Z
x 9 , Rec. 26, 231,
30 1 1 1 the constellation of the Tortoise, -D 1
o (S'

shet-t, shta
X ’ one of the 36 Dekans; Gr. S<t.
30 oov 000
Litanie 37

30 X O
u T ^9 ’a title of Ra

-D 1 ’ \>'\> 111 9 9 ’ o n
<{£> I 1 . ... „ ; 30 '
[=sg, x. \~i> Rec- 3,5°, 5, i 1, a title of Amen;
D 5 1 I l ^ D I
covering, shroud, garment, bandlet. 30 -w I
of invisible body; ; 1 ) 1, secret
33 X v oD I cz
shta-t Heru
kind of garment. o X Ci x w e ill’
30 invisible form.
shta Q, forest, plantation, or-
3 30
D Shtai 00
Rec. 2 r, 14; I tU'
Chardip,Ur-“’k!l!l^i’Coept. OJTA.. hidden one, mysterious being, secret one.
3 b 2
ISE SH 756 ] SH r~vn

i w i o vc~) ^ I ^\.jq X r \vmi o

Shta-t besu
the name of the 10th Gate.
J 1 1 l
, TuatX,

C3SZ3 X •j'Y^ r^=J 0 £=£Z]

, Of,
-ft <=o 30
O I \\ I rrso r-^~i Shta Mesutt , Berg.
1 r^i
f cr^’ ^0 II, 11, a form of the goddess of Ament.

“HJBLS't s , hidden place,

shrine, sanctuary, secret chamber, coffin, sarco-

Shtait em Tuat
~w~ *
, Cairo

Pap. I, 3, a being whose head was a pot of fire.

phagus, grave, tomb, cemetery; ^ ^ W I9o6>9 3T

Shta her S’
^ D 1 $■ Mar. Aby. I, 45,

shtai-t 1=5=3 (j( IV„ 992, == B.D. 136A, 18, a god of c=^n s
^ D
o r 'vr~i □O
(Wfl. -D
Shtau heru saiu uatu
shrine, coffin, sarcophagus; var. 91T-DIItk!2*2 D. 141, 59, the
1 1

n shta-t
rszi nn
, vulture.
unseen gods who guard the ways.

-, Rev. 11,149:
to proclaim.
g^a i \\-J B.D. i68, a god in mummied
Jb Pap. 3024, 3, 11,
, w ,’ form. shtau
ill* wooden objects.
^ D
Shtat a title of Aapep. 77777

shta aa ur ip (©, Rec. 30, 68,

Shtait Metternich part of a ship’s tackle.

1 \\~j1V S X _ © the number 200 ;
, the shta
Stele 199, (®’ Copt. CLJHT.
O o J&T ^ O VI’ o
vulture-goddess—a title of the goddess Nekhebit. e o
shtamuti ==5= the name
Shtait °a “ .aa°C’,Berg. II, .3, of a bandlet.
===== -i ' I--4
; B.D. 168, a form of Nut. shtar , a betrothed virgin, bride.

«, +_ - ^ B.D.G. 699, a Bubastite form of

oma , isis. shti 0=1 he who
I U I is hidden, i.e., one who is in his coffin, i.e.,
00 , B.D.
Shta-t 3C

D =^’^D dead; plur. °a h h $ ! I, the

^ 11 Pil 1
147, the name of the 4th Aat.
pa a kind
Shta-ti Tomb of Seti I, one shti-t flflgl, A,z' I9°6,3°’of cloth.
of the 75 forms of Ra (No. 31).
shti (shetti) ((j cm, Rev. 13, 36,
, . +. miwi Litanie 31, the two
snia-Il ..-u hidden countries. pit, hole, excavation.
qq.T uat IV, a sailor of the
boat of Ra.
to demand, to take away.
, Jour. As. 1908, 275,

Shta ab O , Tuat V, o
1 o D Shtut 1=5=1 ° !, Hearst Pap. XI, 15....
o -Jl V I
Tomb Ram. VI, 50, a warder-god.
shteb J &, iv, 648, =s=l J &,
Shtau asut ^iii“-T-289’
^ D iv, 10
M. 66, N. 128, gods whose abodes are invisible.
, _ rvzj fv 1-0 C30 o-a revolt, to tread in grain.
Shtau au j , , ,
shteb ^ to kill = j
B.D. 168, the gods of hidden arms.
3SZI SH [ 757 ] SH 3SZ3

shteb 01=3
Jl , cage, basket.
Love Songs 7, 8, ___ IV, 1108, , Rech-
shtem CT=] = Copt. ojeejuLpa), w. ,
Rev., to be silent nungen 52, to take, to seize, to snatch, to carry
or drag away, to withdraw, to transport, to drag
~vr nn a.
shtem out, to disembowel a beast, to save, to deliver,
to remove, to dig out a well, to work out, to
Ptah-hetep XI, 13, <=> 1, Gol.
levy taxes. On the derivatives of <n=ni, see Rec.
Ham. 14, 147, to fight, to revile, to curse, to
xx, 117 ff.; Copt. OJITe.
swear; compare Heb. DtOU?, Arab, v*
Shtiu deliverers.
shtem-t C3a !, Amen. 22, 20, 1 1 1
^n=ir 1
Rec. 16, 72, title of an
revilings, abuse (?) shti
CZSZ] JV Rev. 14, 14, bolt (?);
Copt. cyTeJUL. shti t0 g° deeply
sheth 1 ££, p. 256, 690, g==5, M. 780, into a subject, to study profoundly, to search
x magical books, to penetrate mysteries.
to be covered, dressed, arrayed
nn shet to tread out corn.
sheth ; |T, p. 539> Rec- 30, 192,
Rec. 19, 16, to
□L shett c*=^
j | , P. 614, M. 780, N. 1136, garment, ’ dig, to excavate.

.raiment; ™ 0 =j=jt=], P. 7oS. shet-ti ***%“ , digger, excavator.


sheth-t ' -p, Rec. 27, 218, 1 shet 1 U , slaughter, a killing.

, coffin, sarcophagus.
shetshet c*=’<He*=3V\ , Rev. 13, 4, to

shethi-t “ (j (| ™ (] (] ^, coffin, kill, to overthrow; Copt. cyeTCytOT.

sarcophagus. ^ -3L a Berg. I, 18, a
Shet-ba m
Shethu 1 ’ Thes. 112 :
(1) a crocodile-headed lion; (2) one of the
Shtit (| [j , mast of a ship (?); plur.

. „ . crazi _ 1 ,
seven stars of Orion ; var. JA, 1 x. c*=*!n /X w j)^crets 2q ^ , Leyd. Pap.
<=* (3 | ill’ §111

1 tV W i Rec. 30, 193, a

shethu 4, 10, Copt. cyxe.
^j. kind of fish.
00 no
• e*°V
AZ• i873> i7, a weight =
five teben.
shetshet - ta
Songs V, 9, the working of oars.
VI , Love

shet Rec- 5. 93. t0 Pound drugs>

• mnn * e.g.} myrrh.
shet 1, 51, ^
shet-t ^anm, ^ ° , o
^ V7 ’
<*=’V / \ / c=) V7 mortar> grinder,
0 \0 ’ c-^na ’ rubbing-stone. c*=*\<=>, IV, 920, ^to suckle, to nurse,

shet, shti c^, U. 154, 284, 432, 470, to rear a child, to train, to educate; ^

510, T. 22, P. 670, SSj3, P. 93, -Q, ^'l *1 ^ j, stickler of the gods; 0

*n?_J,an(l(l,N. r 146, Smi. T. 247, guardian, tutor, trustee.

shet unem -|J- 1, to fatten.

"02^2121 3 » 3
r~vr~i SH [ 758 ] SH □a

shett git to read, to

shet-t —^ ^ > Kubban
Stele ii, 5 Israel Stele 7, c*=>\ 3 ,IV,
W1 shett-t qW, recitation.

1104, water skin; plur. Oi-

shet to tie up in linen, to swathe
a mummy.
2^,?,,b-d’ "’i8- C30
shet ^^5, cord, band
shet-t ™ ()(]£,
vulva, vagina. let, bandage; plur, ‘±±yf^ |, B.M. 448.

shetshet ^ 2 2 ’ T' 3I’ 32’ shet-t mummy.

N. 201, 204, P. 75> M. 105,

Shet"^"^,, IV, 756, a kind of bird.
/D Cl
N. 17, the vulva of the sky
sliet ft3 > IV) 745. fat (of geese).
Shet Pap. *024, 67, IV, 499,
tzszi dSZ)
shet <S3>, Litanie 78, _
farm, plot of ground, estate, ditch, dyke, X
Q Q I Mission I, 229, crocodile, large reptile; plur.
an earthwork, pool, fish-pond; plur. , c*=*^ X
\ 1, Hh. 438.
IV, 1 in,
Shetu _^ ^ , Tuat XII: (1) the eight
;, A.Z. i905,9.^^^ ( ( (
morning stars; (2) the constellation of the

shti-t s’ 2^ V IV’ 66°’ Tortoise; (3) A.Z. 49, 125, a “greatgod.”

irrigated land; plur. ^^(j( ^ |, Rec‘ ^

shet-t ^ , p.s.b. iq, 263,'*^ e ,

Shti-t ° , Ebers Pap. 65, 15, Rechnungen 43, a bread offering, ferment, yeast.
[)l C± Cl
l I ^

) ~^

^ AAAAAA shta (shetta) f!, Rev. 14,16,
s >
1 «=->-. S
V \ -7
, rVNS- U i
cultivated lands.
f m
shta, shta-t
tank, lake, canal, water-course, cistern, A>
shti 2^ 0 , vase, vessel, pot.

Sli.tau “ Tuat X, a warder of the

Shtit-shema-t c*=^(]() °
cz^i iisi
1e, B.D. 1 10th Gate.
125, III, 18, a lake in Sekhet-Aaru. A cs:
shtaqit mrm,
shet 2®# y # A l ^ ^ , prison ; Copt. CLJTeKO.
o I

to read, to recite, to pray, to mutter an incanta¬

tion, to pronounce letters, to declaim poetry, to
strike up a tune.
Shta ^(] (a | j\, Rev* 6> 26> Ir> I29

shet-t ^ 0 ,iv,966,S.^^^. . I U I «£ Rev., rejected, cast down ;

if’ Copt. OjXHO'if'T.
A.Z. 1908, 70, reading, recitation, incantation,

spell, liturgy; plur. “(Ml. shti-t ([ n, A.Z. 1878, 49, c*=^

f](] cfL). pit; Copt, cyurre, cy^f-

Sheti re cV==V } IV, 1114, a deposition.
reward, remuneration ;
Shet-kheru shti ^Qflc
b B.D. 125, Copt. ojn~e.
III: (1) one of the 42 assessors of Osiris;
(2) the god of the 13th day of the month. s-» ”v r, XI, a god, one of
2 bearers of Mehen.
SH [ 759 ] SH C30

2x9, 21, Anastasi IV, 12, 1, a kind of drink,

Shtu ^ a god, a form of Horus.
new wine, must; Gr. £Y>0os.
B.D. 151, 6, a cham¬
shtep(?) c^-
1 ber in a temple. shethu ^ Rec. 31, 27, a kind

shtefi(?) v, 1083, of land, dyke, bank.

W #

sheth-t X canal,
shten (?) . B.D. 26, 5, bound,

tied up; perhaps to be read shet nett, shetch-t cva £—/l, a digging; oa

shethu 0, Rec. 2, 127, 3H 01 rm

_fl, c~va 000,

3, Love Songs 5, 2, O’^21 festival of strewing sand.

o nn 30 O
q, Rec. 5, 95, 0 , L.D. Ill, shetch-t 1, a kind of offering.
11 (OOO
[ 760 ]

a Q, Q, zi

q A = Heb. p ; Copt. K and £T7 qa sa zl ^ ^ IV, 968, high-backed,

• 'TL "TL i.e., stiff-necked, obstinate.

qa, qai z T, zi , zi jT, zi
If fl, *a, ft , A 1)1, qa qa <qaui>
B.D. 149,
H in
1, two very high
^ftjj. -Mft ^’ mountains.

to be high, to be exalted, to be long (opposed

Qa a ^ : ^j, exalted one, a god.

^ 3 ^j, to exalt, to be. exalted; zi U. 298, Qa4

B.D. 150, a god.
N. 1233, long (of nails or claws); l°ng‘
Qa-ab - nti - menau z ^ ^
bearded zf^ Jj ^ ’j P-2-7]
P. 609. fl 'l Ombos II, 134, a mythologi
1 _ZT I ,^0 n ’ cal being
qaa zi'^^ (j, P. 158, exalted one.
of the
«** ^ A’ K„g>' arm.
qa ab z ^ *?’ hau§ht^ arrogant.
Qa-t-a a , Tuat I,
qaqa ab z ^^Z^^ Inscription of one of the 12 goddesses who opened the Gates
Henu 6, haughty, arrogant. of the Earth to Ra.

qa aha z ^ ^ ^ n, Metternich Stele 88, Qa-aau Zl ^ ^ Denderah IV,

© 62, a bull-god with a loud voice.

a long life; | ^ Z
m o
z , a very, very long life. Qa-ba "’’k'f *V
UH Tomb Seti I, one of the 75 forms of Ra (No. 59).
□ ^ tk£

□ o
qa pet z
□ ^
1 Qa-t-em-aakhu-s zi ^
, Zl —«—, Tuat I, one of the 12 goddesses of the
□ ^
, IV, 1077, the height of heaven.
Gates of the Earth; var. ^ ^° ^ |1.

qaremen Y iv, 1031, high

JJ /wwv\ Qa-[t]-em-sepu-s , Tuat
of shoulder, i.e., stiff-necked. XII, a fire-goddess.

Qa kha z^|^ Q, A.Z., 1897, 9S, “high

crown,” a title of Tirhakah.

Qa - t-em - sekliem - s
Tuat I, a goddess in the Tuat.
^ o z=
qa kheru z^ J IV, 98S, a Qa-meri-mut-f ^ 0 , Thes.
120, one of the 36 Dekans.

t S^ ^oucI'vo^ce(I > fem- A

Qa-mertu-neb ^ ^ ^7, Den¬

1 $•11 IVB«. derah II, 10, a god.

Q, [ 761 ] Q. A


Qa-neb-m’ka-ba-f J j || qa-t , height (in the sense of length).

, Berg. I. 23, a bird-god.
qai-t zi M A.
Qa-ha-hetep zi^ ^
, B.D. 149, the god of the 8th Aat
□ IV, 364, zl qq* , Love
^ I
Songs 2, 4, zl
Qa-her-aat-f Y^ ( Hymn Darius 23, the land high above the sur¬
, B.D. 125, III, 15, a title of Osiris. face of the Nile ; Copt. K<LI6, KOI.

Qa-her-f ^ fl ^ ^ B.D. 182,

’ 25, a god. qai-t zi Zl mq n, a
Qa-t-kheru, etc. /i "A || ^ ^ > high place; and see zl ^

etc., B.D. 145 and 146, the 10th Pylon.

qai en ankh zi (j (j

-□ ^ ® ’
Qaserpit a ^ , Ombos II, “ hill of life ”—a name of the territory of the
133, a goddess. temple of Denderah.

. Qa-shuti ^ | [J , [jl, Qa a y^ , N. 767, a title of Temu.

Hymn Darius, 37, the god of the high plumes
35=) asu god of Creation.
Qa-shefshef ^ , Tuat XII,
3 !, a sailor-god
Qa, Qait zi
who attacked Aapep with his paddle ^ a [[ ^ ^ , B.D. 1, the high place on

Qa-tem-t z)”v , Tuat IX, which the god of creation stood.

a chamber in Ament. Qaqa zi ^ S,
qaa/i^, B.D. 17, 9, a hill in Khemenu on which the
heavens rested.
/j, N. 663. z , Rec. 30, 189,
^ - night, dark¬
qaqa ^ ^
^’k’kl'ibid 3I’ 28,4 M"' ness, obscurity.
T, Ik A
Pap. 3024, 59, A Zl>
qa ^Ik \ 3 ’ ^orm’ manner! var- ^ (j J-
, hill, high ground, high place.

qaa ^
qaqa zi^^zil^ H, B.D. 17, 9, zi
(j j, a^(| ^|, @ state>con-
Zl Yk ^A], hill, high place.
dition, form, image, manner, aspect, phase,
qa-t zl u. 229, zl IV, 974, style; varr. zl , zl
-Sit P !>&■ » - qa unemi zi
M. 440, N. 941 = P- x74, N- 94D food; Copt, (rtrto'ruojUL; qa sura zi

U. 494, T. 235 = (](| ^ , high land, J2 drink ; Copt.

d$flp n^(ir:0 §1’ cTmcu).
1 J1 U I ftww
i.e., the Nile banks above the river; plur.
o |
1 I, Zl
33 I H I I
; Copt. K^.eie. qaa en ret zi ^ ( j

I, Rev.

qa-t ^ high, fine building. I3> 1*9
■ i | 'wvw ^ f» tfAnpurr.
A Q [ 762 ] Q A

qaa henuti a qaqa a S5^, 41

v J\ I) the condition of working men. 4]

boat, barge; see A ; A 41
qai en menmen a Ml aaaaaa ( [J ^, state barge; Arab.
A.vwv\ j^ey I:[) 141} condition of «>* /•

•yauiti* quaking (of the earth).

qai en qenqen a qaqa 4]^^ 41*^ BD- (SaVte) 64>
£ -J]. Rev. 11, 141, combat 25, to peep, to look at, to pry into.

qa-t a -Cl. <=>, Rev., food, qaa 4l^(|e|^,

Amen. 23, 17, plate, Rec. 21, 14, 79, 92, A.Z. 1899, 145, by, near.
qai a flfl 0. vessel of food.
A A qaas a L«fl,
qaqa a A = or X
= unem to eat. to bind, to fetter; see a

qa, qaa a ^ O, a , Metter-

nich Stele 215, Hymn Darius 22,

B.D. 64 (Nebseni), 40, B.D. 64

qaa 4]
r , to vomit; see

(Nu), 15, to be putrid, foul, corruption, to f* ; Heb. (?); Arab. ; Eth. :

vomit; compare Heb. •
spittings, vomitings,
qaau a
qaut(?) 41 'j Jjjj j, IV, 876, foes, JT U. 333-5-

enemies, filthy folk. Qai 41 , B.D. 145, 45 : (1) a

qa ^ 1^1, goat; Copt. (Tie.

fire-god; (2) a god of ® , Mar. Aby. I, 45.
[55, pergola,
"shrubbery. Qaiqashau 41
qait ^ >
Harris I, 77, 3, name of a tribe or

in’ ^ M-m 111’24 in’ ^ qau a/\^, p. 184, 41^

a seed or fruit used in medicine.
T. 221, N. 897, , Rec. 26, 65,
qaqa 41 4] , a seed or fruit.

qaqa ^ G, Hearst Pap- 1, 17, II’ ReC 26’ 65‘
a medicinal decoction made from A A

41 j, IV, 424,
g S c==co=s3
, U. 469; 4]
qa-t, qaa-t a _n_^, T. 200, N. 791,

o height of the ridges of the land above the river ;

41 , 4]^ ^ 0 bolt; plur.
see A
>, T. 162, M. 176, , N. 688, a
qauath -f] A.Z. 1899, 36,
1 1 1
, Rec. 27, 55, 31, 174, 41 \ ill a title of a craftsman.
Hh. 148, A ; a
JL’ u- qaur (qar) 41 ^ e 41
494, T. 235 ) A AAAAAA 0 , U. 269; (5 \\
, boat, barge; plur. 43
41 <=>1 1 1 1
see •; Copt. KXXe.
Mar. Aby. I, 8, 85.
Q [ 763 ] Q 4

=> \J2
i L-fl Si ’ z
Qab-t-ent-Slm, etc. 4
J <? o
i, transport man, carrier; plur. j|, B.D. .25,
L-fl E A_0
III, 31, the doorkeeper of the hall of Maati.
I, L.D. Ill, 140B,
V >,—-fl i
carriers by boat, gold-carriers. qab 4~^^ ^Jj pot, vessel.

qaus 41 , to bind, to fetter; qafi 4 ir dr> A-z-19°8, i32’
fl v
Anastasi I, n, 4, to be choked, suffocated.
see 41
qamai 4
^ ^ ) (j , Roller 1, 5,
[ [ A | ( ( 0 , an unguent.
weapon (?), part of the
equipment of a chariot.
Qambasutnt (?) ^jp

qab 4 Ik J 2 ^ !k J ^t0
double, to multiply, to be bowed (of the legs);
m} Stele of Nastasen, Cambyses; Pers.

^ 6=1 <7T ‘tT t<S Kabujiya, Gr. KappMi/*,

Copt. K(J0ft.
Bab. | -yy^ ^yy. Recently
doubts have been cast upon this identification.
crushed, overwhelmed, doubled over oneself. qamtet (?) 4 5-^J, to weep,

w to mourn, to lament.
qab 41
B.D. 146, XV, 39, the middle of anything;
qamtet 4 j, A.Z. 96,

em qab k^kJ within; com- 4i, A 1, mourners.

pare Heb.
qan-t 4 j-j , Rechnungen XVII,
J T5’
qab 41 2, 3, 4 ^ , bolt; plur. 4 'wwvs o A <=>,
111 & O 1 ^
intestines, interior of the body; Heb. IHj?.
U. 269, A.Z. 1910, 129; see 4

qabu di^J^ P- 345> <d 4 <dz=> vs-**-; Copt. pXXe, KeXXs.

J ^ mi ism1 isim, M. 646, 4^j^ J ^ AAAAAA

qanr, qanr-t 4
I I I 1 ’ ^
5 the folds of a serpent,
, Rec. 26, 79, wO>s AAAAAA ~YX

ill’ 111 windings, coils. , Leyd. Pap. 44, 4

MIS I 111 I 1 ’
Qab N. 961, the windings ^ . 1) A
1 ' 1 >, ground,
I I ' l l I
of the lake of Kha | ^ i—-r. earth, dust, dirt; Copt. XHtlpI (?)
AAAAAA 2/ _lX\y

qanrai (?) 4 QQ 111

1 1 1
Qabi bolts; Copt. KAXe.
a mythological serpent.
qar 4 , hole, hollow.
qab en Amentt 4 J /-) /wwv\

qar-t 4 , B.D. 180, 11, a pit

^ f\^n ’ t^ie innermost part °f the Other World. rrX O
in the Tuat wherein souls lived.

qab4 kJk 5 breast, qarr 4 A.Z. 1874,

breasts of a woman, nipple; Copt. eKI&e, KICJI. 65, cellar, chamber.

Q [ 704 ] Q.

qar a . boat, barge. ad

V m
, Rouge I.H. 143, 37,

qarr a ^ a foreskins; § ( ^ A
X 1 1 1 J® m
boat, barge, flat for transport compare Heb. r£ny.
qarhuta ad
fv . <2 ... metal pot; Heb. nn?p, Copt. (TX.Xa.&T.
<d> ^ p ^ carriers, metal carriers ; plur.
qars-t ^ 1g = J* ^ 10 , burial.
i, L.D. Ill, 140c,
i \\
qarret a
xTl ’ grOUnd’
\\ ^
Kubban Stele 10. earth, street (?); var. ad
=> 1 h r
qar T.84, ad w A f| city, town; com-
qart& ad
~~r 5 f] ’ pare Heb. mp.
N. 615, zl%\ <=,7?, Rec- 3°,
. ^vriq^vriq;-
185 basket
PrvN ^ bundle.

qar ^ L w-j < , Anastasi I, 7, 5, ring, seal ring.

the last word of a book. qarrta ad^\ (] °, nng’ seal

I I (Mo nng.

qar-t a cx , P.S.B. 13, 4x2, bolt; qartchan J A Z•

\\ I A/WW\
plur. a 1905, 103, ad
O I | 1’ ^ sj=^ | ' =>,i
D, a
Rec. T5> 67» frog; D> FV> 669, ad
qarr ad^^ ui
\\ V ^
_a&> iv> °°9’
Copt. Kpohfp.
'WW'A £7 axe;
axe ; Heb.
ncu. HT)^
jt u, u
Deut. xix, 5,
Qarr zi^<==> i <=> i “Frog JSsv 1 ’ ‘ Isaiah x, 15.

man”—a proper name; Copt. KpOTp. Qahaqu zilL ITl ^ ad 'j ^ |, Harris
I, 76, 6, 78, 10, Anastasi I, 17, 4, name of a
qarr A <=> <~> j, burnt offer¬
tribe or people.
ings; Copt. (TXlX. EED
qah ^ mn, ad > <d
qarr , collar; Copt. KXA.X.
cut stones, masonry; var. A ^ amn .

qarr 4 ^ | a, to be light,

swift, weak ; compare Heb. \/ bbi).

qarau .
q* A, 4]
break, to tame lions, to fetter; see ad
(| (f A ^, light, weak, delicate; -A ad x „
m a; Copt'Ka)&-
qera ^f^(j a; qerr \\ A.
qal>a ^ l^TTrfetters’shackles’
Karn. 55, 62, foreskins.
I ) q If, Alar.
instruments of imprisonment.


qarnata a^ u
■vm Mar. ® M, light, fire(?); Copt. KtUg/f.

Karn. 54, 54, a qaha ad ^ !, parched, dried.

ibid. 54, 55, a ^, ibid. 54, qa**u-t , win-
50, 51, P.S.B. 10, 150, Rec. 22, 70, Thes. 1201, dows (?) openings for light or heat.
A Q [ 765 ] Q

qahaq ^<§> , to break, to qatlire -1 a , village,
break in, to fetter.
small town ; Heb. rP")p,
R (](] ° B.D. 146, 50, fire ;
qahi-t a
X 1H O ’ Copt. KU)£,T. 2*^ T- 35> N. 133,

Qahu a 8 % B.D. 149, a god in

X Jr Sir the 10th Aat. f ’ M' II6,

qas a n? - ^ f*. to stubble; plur. Zl"^_

; Arab.

heave up, to vomit; see z) [ 1 ^ ■ Qat a J5) Litanie 80, a form of

Sj] * the Sun-god.

qas a n (®, U. 510, P. 204, N. 761, qat a , heat, fire.

n , T. 179, a
qatit a [71 a kind of
animal (?).
\\ UJT qatcha a
A (© ) ^ (© j zl
L^’ Amherst i, zl "Z _ I '%.■ * zi, Anastasi I, 24, 3,
_rr~v> (ii) rr^ I I I
fl L=Z1 to fetter. thorns, scrub, stubble, “ bush ”; Heb. VP-
qass-t a (©, 2 11°, fetter, qatcha
(® 1 1 l
A.Z. 1905, 103, mud, rubble.
bond, tie; plur. A
qatchatcha zi
£2 K2
qasu zi^^ P <®<©<®, T. 310, P. 550, a kind of cake, loaf.

609, N. 806, A^ ^ (® (S (®, T. 234, P. 61 o, X

qatchatcha a
Rec. 30,66,31,15, zl to hew; Heb. V?5-

, bonds, qatchauar a
U2 fl
fetters, ties, bindings. ^ , oil, unguent.

qas a [1^. qatchamar (?) a


qas a 1 § i, a rope ladder (?) 5, 2 \\. 5> 2

qas a n* Zl
n and A Hi bone.
5, a kind of stuff for clothing.

Qatcharti z nm
qasau a $ C ~ the planks of a •1 w
1 ’ boat (?) 1, Anastasi Pap. I, 23, 6, a chief of Asher.

Qaq zl'^\^zl, N. 767, a proper name (a

qatchah zi

, Rouge I.H.
£2 L—fl
ptm on II, 125, to smash, to break, to scatter.

Qata zi^

M. 525, N. 1106, a god.

| (j, p. 282, zj' qMMU-MMf
Pap. 3024, 50, Peasant 41, zl (j (2 j 2 , form,

qatarta incense; I
manner, state, condition; plur. zl (j J ^ j, A.Z.
Heb. nibp, Assyr. ku-ta-ru ^JTT.
1905, 24, divine forms ; Copt.

qathaur 'f]f> qa zi (j 13] ' ', Jour. E.A. Ill, 103, with
^ Piehl, Sphinx 2, 7, the whole,
, all at once.
J\ <—-J altogether; Gr. KaO’ o\ov.
Q. [ 766 ] Q A

qa n semt 41 ( ^ Kubban qah /*■*— fl ,

Stele 12, the manner of the country. @ <? 4l

qau a --, to wake up (?)

! , __q ^ (£, arm, shoulder; dual

qah z) (j | to stretch out the hands

in prayer.
1 r. a
; plur.
1 1 1
■A 4]
! 1, Herusatef
qas A [ 1 X /1, to tie, to bind, to fetter; I I I J\ 1
fl r n . fi n x under the Stele 132, n ^ fl, e.; Copt.
see A !L=^; <=a{] l1^, Kon
ban. 1 1 1
Ke& in KeXenKe^,, KeXev Ke£,.
qas 41 [ 1 A [ 1 to vomit, to
qah ^ r{\ U. 577, the tip [of a horn].
overflow, efflux.

Qatmus a 1 V&, Rec.

Qah-aabti ^ f J V\, B.D.

r, 21, the left shoulder of Osiris.

6, 6, the name Cadmus.
A 8 tk —A the margin of a
A A qahu
qa A.Z. 1900, 30, book.

41 V
to vomit. qah , IV, 659,
A.Z. 35, 18, L.D. Ill, 229c,
qa ^ (a 1, vomit, sickness.
elbow, bend of a river, 'angle, corner, coign;
qa , B.D. 145, 84 A
11, Herusatef Stele 13, ^
_0/ J\ II’ ‘ -—0
qa tmffl, , Pn ~B,
iiH o o o
a kind of fcpE ^ 1, Nastasen Stele 17, the four quarters of

the country or of the world ; Copt. KOO£,.

precious stone; see 41 (j(j 0 and ^ °.
qahu , Kubban Stele 30,
qa-hat n Rec. 23, 201, well-pleased, w
J\ 1 P. iii6b, 30, applied to tanks in which fish
content, agreeable (?); Copt. i.K^TH. are kept.

qaf -^-n ^_0, side. 41X7 Rec. 13, 19, 14, 14, earth,
^ in’ ground; Copt. K<L,P,.
05n 41
^ n Tuat VII, a god fettered by Rev. 12, 49, to cry out,
^ /wwsa
\A/W id’ the Hour-gods. qaq axj A cry ; Copt. K<LK.
qar driver(?); qi ^ ^ 1’ ReV> 1 1, 139, with /wwa, state,
plur. ^ n ’ >__Dt_La^!’ condition, mode, manner; Copt. (TX, (Tilt.
Rev. 6, 81; see <^> ^ L=J , a title or name of a god.

qar (3 Agk, Rev. 14, 20, a fiend (?) qi en ari menkh-t a [[ ^ A

A 5
qah II- P. 173, A n |fl, N. 940, Y* CanoPus Stele = 70 V (J7o\ia^iOV.

1312, p. 646,
r*-fl j
qi en Ast a[[ ^ jj Rev. 2,351,

^ 8- , Ebers Pap. 38, 5, to thrust with ceremony in honour of Isis.

a horn, to stretch out the hand and arm; qi en ankh a[[ j AAA/WN XU ®, Rev.,
, 1,124. living; Copt. (TlncOIt^.
* Q, [ 7.67 ] Q A

qi en bera a [ (j ^ | J ! >

Rev. 2, 351, “la mise en livre.”


’ ^J J Y , R ih6b, 36, Israel Stele

qitekhzjflflf) e 0. celebration of the

1 1 J ® 1 1 1’ drink festival. 23, to be cool, to refresh oneself, the opposite

qi JJb kind of mineral unguent or °f t=S=l 5^ ^1’ I ^ j I a c°o1 Place 1

11 o’ incense.
Copt, KH&.

qeb hat 41 Jfi O, coflo1 of^ heaurt’ n?

n o o
JllA I inflamed with wrath.

qeb seref^j[|p^;(| , IV, 970,

qi 41 (( (2 ©, 4l ((j Rev. 12, 91,
Thes. 1481, a man who blows hot and cold
vTy Rec. 27, 190, field,
A (|(| * ^ alternately.
^^^ 111’ estate ; Copt. K<Lie.

qebb-t 41 J Jo 16^,41 fl J Vi? AAAAAA ?

qii A [ [ (2 to be high, exalted. A AAAAAA 7/ 1A AAAAAA

Rec. 29, 147, something cool, quiet speech.


1 T>\ AX 'vwwx ^ C=——1

Qitaui• A a 0=0 a mythological J v\ Y ^ Love Songs 7, cool water.

\\ £) 1 1 1 QQ
mm, V AAAAAA 8,

1 1 serpent, A AAAAAA

yi A. IV, 1130, a kind of bread,
loaf’ qebb j fl fls, a tank of
Jj Jj 11 1

ququ A A , Rec. 15, 102, a kind qebbu JJ

m5 dykes'
of fruit, palm nuts (?); Gr. KovKiofyopov.
qeb, qebb ^ J , 41 j j X^Z, cool

qu-t A1^^, farm, grange. breeze, a refreshing, a cooling.

qU ^ V A , Thes. 1481, to attack (?)

qeb meh , the cool
north wind.
au /i ^ B-D- I^I> 5’ Parts °f the body
^ Jr 111’ of the infernal Tortoise. qebui a X^n j, Rec. 18, 165,
41 fl Gardiner, Theban
quaa . fl -\ A-y @ A -vA r [ the north wind, icy
<2 1 Ostraka 70, a fish.
A1 T\\’ H Y !’ winds.

qui ^
e «!■
Rev. 11, 184, little one; Copt.
KOTI. Qeb ^ IY2 j, BerS- T, 35, J ® X^Z,
ququp-t ELf, Rev' I2> P’ the 4l^j , the god of the North Wind.
(3(a hoopoe.
41 O
qeb 41J |, 41J <2 ^X, 4IJ | °(, a tree
qunek a | ’ (3 o o o ’ (3 (
bread, food. or plant from which oil is extracted; plur.
/I \\ | 41 j Q j, Rec. 2, 107.
qur r , 1, boats, barges.
(2 <=> 1 W4J 1
qeb aa ^j j “g-t cooier^kind
, porters, boatmen.
quru ^ ^

qur-t 41 _ 8, 41 ^ 8, a fruit. qeb aJ|* ^ , IV, 1162, oil, jars of oil.

qeb a Jfl 0.2) ifle 0. The<ban °straka B'
qus-t 41 ■£) & f & , Rec. 14, 46, 6, pot, jar, vase.
0 l i 0 I (2
a measure; Gr. x°"9> Copt. XHC. qeb the
qeb, qebb 41 J, 41 |J, 17. n, 33, 79,
innermost part; Heb. 3")[9 .


|U AAAAAA , qeb-t 4] J 1 1 1
Sphinx 2, 80, intestines,
bowels, the viscera.
A Q. [ 768 ] Q

qebu ^ \ c=~> the ^nterna^ coils °f a


, A.Z. 1908, 8, AJ

«JJ i ii ’ serpent.

Qeb 4 the name of a many-coiled “^Sr , a ship of By bios.

Js iluu ’ mythological serpent. -r
qeb a j ^7i, A j G Amen. 6> 9> Qebr /) flcs.l, Rev-
•A I the Great One.
to double, to increase; Copt. KCufi. n 0 riX ty ?y /wwv\
qebh A \ 0 y > V> y > 1:0 co°l> to be
qeb A \ circuit, company, group,
cool, to refresh oneself.

order, series; A = AAAAAA •==== -^©.iv » 39.

qebh A Jj ^ @ ® O, coolness, refreshing.
the circuit of the Delta; ^=~> IV,
926, the circle of the smeru; zl^jj (2 ^, Rec. 31, 32, place of coolness, bath, sanctuary;
cm , .
the great assembly. , bath-master.

qebll A \ ' 1, group of people, com- qebhu AAAAAA 1, libationer.

JS r—1 /WWW

pany , multitude; A J 5 ^ !, Coronation qebh-ta ^ ( . T. 292> libationer (?)

Stele 3, companies of soldiers.
aebhit K
Qeb-Amentt a J c==" B.D.

ib, 8, 17, 46, the abode of the heart of Osiris. Qebhit , the goddess on

I the royal crown who brought cooling.

qeb renput , Rec.
1 1 1
32, 179, doubler or multiplier of years, a divine
title. libation vase.
qeb-t A ^j ((•, Metternich Stele 144, A ^ , 1 AAAAAA


1 X /'MM.a Z_J
^ 1’ b Jie AJXKSS- *
arm, shoulder, breast, teat, nipple, throat, gullet, AAAAAA AAAAAA AAAAAA
qeb-t A i]° ^ , Z1 1 ~o , a mineral earth.
Jo O O Joo Rec. 27, 222, cool water, libation, the watery

qeba a Rev. 12,50, a mass of heaven, the celestial abyss; zi^Jj


, Rev. 12, 46, to take vengeance. AAAAAA

AAAAAA I ^ XWhan[in°ef
Q,ebak Thes. 818, Rec. 16, 106,
v. a> l’ a goose-god. qebhu
qeba-t aJ (j 5, aJ ^ 8, garment,


shirt; Copt. KO&I. no rff III

JCM z: ^M’the Cataract reg,on’
qebi ^ J (jl). f)(] 0, 'copt. KeSi the lands flooded by the Nile, the great deep
of heaven.
qebiE^\’^J Amen. 8, 2,
qebh jJ$j AAAAAA ©, pond or lake
Jour. As. 1908, 256, to vex,
with waterfowl.
'M to tease ; Copt. KCOtO^e.

qebqebi-t zi^Jj zi^Jj Amen. 24, 10, qebhu ^ "^5* !’ Rec' 29,

<=>, to over¬ 148, A.Z. 1910, 133, J -IMi-i'-JJ

throw, to defeat, to massacre; Copt. . , waterfowl.

Q [ 769 ] Q zi

qebeh-ti qebes ziJ[IQ, O J p Q , o

fowler, marsh-man. a tree.

Qebhu ^ , U. 483, M. 393,

qebta /] 1] D Rec. 2, 109, to be stopped
up, choked.

N. 147. §■=*,?• ‘54,/iJff, qebti z3 (1^, IV, 1126= ^ Jlp, the


ee qenbet.
title of an official; see
N. 784, ii69. ^ J|%I5 Hh. 325,
n o rv/x/i -*1 ^
A J 8 ^ , A.Z. 1906, 130, the sky, heaven. qepag A s Y , to dance, dance.

aaaaaa to uncover,
qef/ _£>,/
F=J —^ ’ to reveal.

, the Sky-goddess. qef-t , an unveiling.

Qebhut zlJ Yf, P- 392, qefqef _^ |, Rec. 24, 163

|y qef, qefau A A J1
A —
N- 1163, M. 795, 825, N. 1317, Rec. 35, 58, zl Metternich Stele 122,
I Zl
a goddess, the daughter of Anubis. " 1 I, 3L )
I *
A ^ Berg. II, 13, a zl I
Qebhit-urit I, A IV. 3S5.
1-j ’ form of Nut.
power, strength, confidence, magical power.
Qebh - neteru - He -1 cr c c=
Palermo Stele, the name of a II

temple. /hr qefa-t ^ -^j, Love Songs 2,

Qebh-senu-f 1219, T. 60, 12, wooden bolts or bars (?)

Zi I) (3
593.^ Jl qefa ^ (j

rob, to assault; Copt. KUDCOCje.

^ Jour. As. 1908, 256, to

.P-^JjXL0 ^.M.483,
qefen *iL, U. 569, *iL A, P. 426,
■» T- 197)
™'\A M. 610, N. 1214, to clasp, to enclose.
I I l
N. 1294, AAAAAA H AAAAAA to build a house, to set up
AAAAAA Q AAAAAA 1 qefen fo
a wall.
^ fV n , I I
. y /wnaaa U p J, a son of Horus, god of
\_7 A AAAAAA Q \ J l qefen-t «£. II , R 2°4’ M- 342> N. 869,
^ ^ vulva, vagina.
the western heaven and earth and protector of
A 0
the liver and gall-bladder.
qefen * A , 0

Qebh-senui-f ||c ^ ' (1) the god .A £=* , Rechnungen 37, to be hot, to bake.
1 1 1 u0“~ L=fl
of the 4th hour of the night; (2) A A Zl D (O
qefen _0 0, ,
y^V the god of the 7th day of the month. AAAAAA <]■ ,WSAAA W'li

Rec. 3, 56, n=o, sacred cake or bread.

B.D. 142, II, 10,
B.D. 99, 22, a bolt-peg in the magical boat. Qefnu a city of Osiris.

Zl O rn an ape-god, sacred
Qebh the Qeftenu ’ monkey.
I A. ^ 0
name of the pyramid tomb of Shepseskaf.
qeften h’ *!_ ^ R.’
qebes aJ\\/\, Rouge I.H. II, 126, Zl a
A fl 1 to subdue, to tie, to fetter, to con-
J t _zT ’ quer; Heb. ^13 sacred monkey; plur. AAAAAA

0 (2 ^i-
3 c
A Q 770 Q

o O v7
qemau 3- ) ^- 3 k ^ 'i j’
B.D. 42, 28, 153B, 9, an ape-god who worked woodcutters (?) miners (?)
the net of the Akeru-gods.
qema 3 \ u- 382, ^ |, IV> 967,

qem a , to bring to an
3]| 3|l- 3S»t 14.Sk>
end, to complete. A

qem Ik’ Ikl 1=’ .3Km3iV=T»

A>g to find; Copt. (Tme.
: ’t0 ma-ke>to fashion, to form,
Qem-baiu-s ^37 ^ , the name to create, to beget;
of a festival.
B.D. 113, 2, created by a word.
Qem-baiu set "| a title or
qema-t V^'|, 3^ ^ ^ ^
name of Hathor ; var. A^5 n-
Rev. 13, 9, to behave or
qem a product, natural product, natural disposition.
act in a seemly manner.

qemaiu 3kM fl i ’created

qem lk^k^kf’ I, Rev.
beings or things, creation.

i3, i5,1T reed; plur> 1T 1% qemau 3^^. — ^

A.Z. 1908, 121, 'j Rec. 3, 50; var.
Qemau ur 3 3s sf) ’Grea’
o papyrus nilotica; Heb-
* 1 jks- ’ Eth. ; Creator; plur. 3> ^ S ! ^ ^fr II!,
Rec. 31, 27.
qema 3% 1 Rev‘I3,94, qemai-t "| (j(j °j, corn, grain.
reed, coarse grass; plur. ^Jp ^1, Rec.
1 1 1 qema. qemam 3 ] |> 3 ] ^3
3, 49 ; Heb. Nttk
B.D. 142, VI, 18, Metternich Stele 2, 3kl-
qemama ^5, reed.
3 .3'kkl
qema ^Jp ||, Nastasen Stele 35, meadow,

garden ; Copt. (TtJUJUL, (3'(J0JULe, OjOOJUL (?)


, 3
TO ^kkkl1
qema b 'j, u. 361, 3 } > AZ- x9IO>

*33, ^ } fl> 3 )> 3 ) B-D- (Todt->N-)

1 1’ Statue’ ^orm> image-
2> 325’ 3 k 1 ^ L-“’ 1 k k ’10 qema-ti ^Jp J|, statue, image, form.
throw, to hurl, to cast away, to throw a boome¬
rang ; var. A qemam 3l

qemau 3
I Jf
vk, U- 461, boomerang,
1W 3Sk3SklV 3
^ L=/], to form, to fashion, to create.
Qema I f\ t0 overturn) to over-
I ^v’ throw. qemamu(?) ^ !
kSl1 >

qema 3 \ to work in metal.
3 ^Ans 1 , Love Songs 4, 2,
Q [ 771 ] Q

3 . 3
qema -Xfl to sinS or Play an inst™‘
F 21’ ment; see shema.
e ! created things and
™ 11 beings. qema 'j —IV> 6l> )

qemam-t zi Rec. 16, 'j B.U. (Saite) 163, 8, empty, helpless (?);
57, mother, parent. ,ar ^
"*• 1 h
B.I). 179, 2, the Creator. qemi 1 id “ ^ E dd in’a kind of
unguent, gum.
qemamu ^ , something
Q,emi a (( C^i, Rev. 14, 16, the
wrought, worked (of metal)
land of the South—Upper Egypt.
qemamu ^4 ^ 3? I’
Rec. 33, 7, workers in wood or
I’ metal. A.Z. 1908, 121, to see, to look, to perceive.

qemam ^ ^ A.Z.
1907, 123, to move; Copt. KIJUL. leaves, leaf-work.
qemamtiu , wail¬ qemhu ^ T- 57> M. 217,
ings, wailers, those who lament; see qemtiu

1 ^ ^ 1 zl | 'j, A |n=^-n>
bread made
C \
qemat to lament, to moan, to of fine flour; compare Heb. nftp, Arab.
groan; varr. 3^ Syr. itf.MLWfl Eth. •

f Rec. 31, 167, fine

qemhi-t a
qema zi | , IV, 63. III’ wheaten flour.

qemhu , crown of the head.

qemait ziO°, ^1 Q Q °, Q Qfl °,
%m h H in’ h in
Roller 4, 2, zl 0 ()(] °. A.Z. 1905, 15, 41 0 Qemhes'l'I'fpJ^' lT^SV.'
“ He who sees ”—a title of Horus and Ra.
I, Love Songs 1, 7, zi V @
V l
an Arabian gum or resin ; Copt. KOJULH, Gr. qemqemut a a Rev.

k-6fi/xt(gummi), Herodotus II, 86,96; z] l 14, 11, tambourines; Copt. KGJULKeJUL.

® ^ 1 c
_ 1, the finest qemai. qemt ^ ^ 1, image, statue; var. Aj? 'j J.
□ =0= 1’ H

qemai ^Q((o,^lQ[(oj,a liquid qemtiu 'j ^ ^ !, wailings, wailers,

preparation of qemai; var. z! lido. those who lament or groan; var. 3'

qemai-t ent anti a 0 (1( ° 1


qemtu (?) ] ^ (j§) inert, help.
o, IV, 329, the gum of the myrrh tree. 1 1 1
less, weak or feeble men; var.
qemait khentiu a | ((j ^ |°( ss ^ 0,
Rec. 22, 103, a drug. qemt a , Rec. 34, 178, A

qema-t zi ^ cut, wound, hole, slit, 1, A.Z. 1870, 171, c b A

qema-ti zl ^ statue, image, form. I, to weep, to wail, to lament.

3 c 2
Q 772 ] Q

qemtch J ^,t0 lament>to weei;'a‘° ^ U-U, ^ ^ ft* I, Roller 2, 4.


X X X * XXX X X 0 Love Songs 2, 3,

qen, qenu X _ AAAA
0 0 L=f)’ X 71 AAAAAA AAAAAA
o X
X X Q X to beat, to strike, to fight, beat-
X | | ftAAAAA ftAAAAA | f AAAAAA .-
_t_=/T iog> fight> battle’
| O I III O l_/I I ’ O © I I i
zl I1 A X X qenqenu (?) ^ ^ * IV, 668, broken
AAAAAA ; | ftAftAftA AAAAAA fwX|; much,
o (? U i o i i i o
pieces, fragments.
X , very great many.
O (£ I I I £3 X X , Heru-
qenqennu 0 7 •


qen, qem WWW AAAAAA <

satef Stele 78, 82, fight, battle.
AAAAAA L-JJ’ & X *-°
AAAAAA X / £> /] _
4 X X , a wooden
Rec- 33,6, fl, qenqeni-t

to be strong, to make strong, to fortify, to tool used for beating.

have power over, to overcome, to conquer, to be X X
qenqeniu [](]%\X, tools or
master of, to possess, to lord it over someone, ftAAAAA AAAAAA JT I I I

to vanquish, to beat, to strike, to thresh. instruments used in beating, mallets.

qena-t d ^ , P. 662, 780, M. 773, qenqen-[t] 'u ZJ n, Hh. 559, a

wounded, stricken, beaten. place of beating, torture ground.

X tk X
V\ \ _ , AAAAAA
A/WWN Qenqentiu J ^ \ J j > Hh- 366,
k—j\ o Jr L-J o e AAAAAA AAAAAA / IW 1—1 I

X A 0 X XI r . XI a group of gods.
AAAAAA 1 J , AAAAAA strong,
Ul’ AAAAAA L=/)’ O ® ’ O (E X
qen iZ , Nastasen Stele 33.
bold, brave, mighty, fight, battle, victory, the AAAAAA

prize of victory. X '

qen-t ^ /l, might, power,
x O , to
strength, valour. AAAAAA X AAAAAA

suffer injury or calamity.

XI r
qen L—flft } AAAAAA
AAAAAA injury,
21 d 1A xd l£ 21 0 X! t=“ ^ AAAAAA O
5 rt>->1/1 WI
5 /wwv' 1 /I
AAAAAA K-rrll Ci wrong, misfortune.

warrior, soldier, man of war; plur. aaaaaa^n, ^ j, qenu ^ ^ IV, no9,

IV, 975, III, cavalry. X X X o X
ftAft/w, ,, defeat,

o © 0
qeni aa^aUxj,3- strong man’ something weakness, misfortune, injury, damage, famine,
^ \\ strong.
calamity, offence, violence, murder (?)
qeni-t j nr ’, troops, braves, forces. ftft^Aft 1 IV, 968, violent men,
ftftAAAA ' * ' qenu wrongdoers.
A O I B.D. 39, is, a storm-
Qen-ab-i aaaaaa _ , fTod
Z! qen, qeni 4 u, " £3, to be fat;

^ the name of a
Qen-Amen AAAAAA Copt. Keru.
S-fl /vwwd horse of Seti I.
XU L.D. Ill, i94, 35> to be fat;
- >J ,
AAAAAA , Peasant 46, qenn AAAAAA ^-3 9
Copt. Kerme, Ki\rte.

X X . x X A A. A A 0
AAAAAA — —/I } AAAAAA ^ n J SG0 r* qenqen ‘ yr, p

x x x Rhind Pap. 34, to eat, to feed.

qenqen “ “ X , Rec. 21, 97,

qen aaaaaa waterflood.

X X X X X v
Nastasen Stele 46, , X ww/w
X X B.D. no, 38, a god-
, Amen. 12,5, ^ ^ Amen. 14, 16, Qenqentt dess in Sekhet-Aaru.
Q 773 ] Q A


Qenqen-t (?) AAAAAA



^ B.D. no, qena ^ fl, u. 645, ^ (1 f), Ship-

a lake in Sekhet-Aaru.
wreck 133, ^ fl ( j, IV, 1163, ^ (] ^ ,
qen AAAAAA ^ Rec. 8, 134, Leyd. Pap. 14, 11,

Festschrift 117, 9, ^ ( (?. fl) 1 _/l. Anastasi

AAAAAA 1 ^ 0
■ , to make
v—fl D (2 11 0 ©
25> 5> ^ fl % A L=fl, Love Songs 3, 13,
perfect, to finish, to make an end of, to com¬ AAAAAA // 0 7

plete, refined (of metal); Copt. KHtt. (Y Rec. 3i, 17°, /J fl 9, A


• |~i T? r
-Hi Hi
qen-t = , estate, landed property. ( \ ; , P. rn6B, 13, embrace, hug, breast-

bone, bosom, breast, body, belly; Copt. KO'tflt.

qen-tiu , Pap. 3024, 97,
jm. I ’ I I /fl
qena •,iv, 705. ^ (
ends of the earth, boundaries. AAAAAA AAAAAA

^ 1 1 IV, 655, remote IV, 666,
Qenti (?)
AAAAAA Jm. land (?) AAAAAA
£ J
fl ® ft.
zfl A I) Q
^ t r , Amherst 26,
qenti Iv> 383 = semti> tvv0
^ ^ \\ tv/vo’
QA]' hill
I lands or deserts.
1_1_1 -f\ a r\ O , Ikhernefert 11
4 fl^-^-
qennui 0 % fl , twisters of
AAAAAA __Z1 1 , Rec. 1, 49,
^ flVfl-, “ fl
yarn (?) weavers (?) AAAAAA 7/ AAAAAA

qen -fl-, Leyd. Pap. 10, 5, ^ fl ^ ^ fl<2"~" Rec. 19, 96, bearing-
WA/WV\ 1 1 1

pole, litter, palanquin, chair, portable shrine or

IV. 1104, ^ °, Rev. 11, 169, mat, carpet,
WWW naos ;
. A & A 1 v lflM)^ L-D- ln> '94.
rug, sack; "( | ,WW'A Q ® J ’ *',ec’ 5> 9°> a
qena - (j
An.| j, N.
n. 954, In.
palm-leaf mat; Copt. (Coo'tflte.
A r~s A A (—1 A /fl f) o a. garment, cape (?) coarse cloth ;
qen, qenu f}, f}, * 1 ’ Copt. (Toorne.

^ seat, chair of state, A fin Rec. 31, 20, a leather

fl -c=&, throne, couch, litter.
qena j^l,
a/AAVNA WWW 1 v garment.
A D ^ P. 204 + 11, garment,
qennuiu qena-t
AAAAAA I 0 o’ cape (?)
throne bearers (?) ADA
qen-ti A
AAAAAA ^ ^ , body, belly.
AAAAAA fl- JL fl ^ =3X1' Thes-
^ V 1201, ^ ( Y sheaf, bundle of grain.

qen-ti (?) ^ x. c ° a plant or A ^ 0 A D ^' zl

qena-t n (j fl^i, “ lie
seed used in medicine, reed (?)
a kind of ochre (?) coloured earth
A =1
qenn, qenna AAAAAA ^ , IV, 1146, reed;
^ a 0 a
AAAAAA qena, qenna AAAAAA (I j
fl i °- AAAAAA 1 I I I

varr. aaaaaa £ \flj,

fl 1 n> www ( £ AAAAAA Heb. HI,/. kind of drink.

Z! A
qena U IV, 1024, to bewail, to
qenau see f AAAAAA

zi zi x
lament; compare Heb. ni^p and

qena t—fl, Shipwreck 44, qenau

“ (j " (j 1 1 1
(j (0 Q A 1) ^ fl, Treaty 36, well-fed, fattened.
A nn I X I B.L). 149, 1, a kind of
Zl qem fljfl __cloth, sacking (?)
fl ° , to embrace, to hug (a shadow, AAAAAA

AAAAAA I tw=il
zfl O
qenu , breast; Copt. KOTfl.
M3- /W^VNA ®
3 c 3
Q [ 774 ] Q

zi crm
qenu a Strong bu.., a powerful qenhit shrine, chapel;

qenu ^ ^ ^ , a fine strong

plur. ^ |, Rev. 13, 23, PL(|( cm

Rev. 13, 8; Gr. ko^x*!* *°7X09» Copt. Klt^e.

horse, stallion (?)
qenuhi (qenhit?) AAAAAA

qenu £ (| , heat, fire, burn.

shrine, chapel.

qenu PL ° , incense (?) ochre (?) qenh ^ ^ ^ ^ P0 y^ AAAAAA PP, the

^ O Sill
name of the 24th day of the moon.
qenb PJ^/oJ^'^’Rec-
5, 86, corner of a building, angle, nook; dual qenekht d~2 L_a, strons “ *en +
m & nekht.
a n\ c=n opposite corners. qens (?) PL, iv, 160, given (?)
qens , IV, 1x97 =
A decay, corruption ;
qenb-t ^ 11°, rectangular chamber. qens Copt. KltOOC.
,.oflnCPn @ violence, wrong; Copt.
qenb-t ^ \1 C=D A.z. 45, 125, qenns O /cn rr <-*
wwv\ -*£~j c__l o
[fa F'o°§al^a ?

|, a court official; plur. P] ^ I, IV, 966, to be angry; Copt.

qent „ w
I A (1 ^ O tflnrtT.
qent AAAAAA IV, 1082, ftAAWA

, A A3 A
IV, 269, wwvi r /,) Qpj
1, the upper classes; Rec. l ~ 3 V *• ->) /W>AAA \ V* 1

to be wroth, to rage, to be furious; Copt.

75, tribunals.

qenebtiu nu u LP^11 9 'tp* IV-

I I 20,
qent-t www\
Zl ^ S
^ ^
^4» 44) ,wwv

wrath, rage, anger,


AAAAAA - JiW« CS> L=fl CZ^> | c-~-=i'
peoples on the land. ffury; waaaaa
zi ° 1^ jj (n , PLa ^
/ww^ ^^ , Love Songs
qenb-t [p Rec. 33, 121, p] 3
2, 12, 13, angry; ^ , Rec. 21, 99,

document; plur. p] ^ 1, p] (| S [J ( S ^ C=>P

the raging of the sea.

*IV, 1075, to tie, to qentchau J JJ, some

qenb fl
t_l\* bind. AAAAAA Cw3

object given as a dowry

qenb J S fY f^T1, part of a dowry.
qer ~ inhabitant, dweller.
„ , 0 AAAAAA to knead
L=/l <c • qer ~ L=il, Rec. 31, 31, to be master of.
dough, to prepare bread.

rtnrvn qerr I V\, light, weak, delicate;

aenr-t+ ^ °
awmDublin Pap.
o r 4, B.D. 15j
<=>m .
var (j ; compare Heb. 99p-
qenh ^ 8 r8 A.Z. 1878, 49, to tie,
qer-t hollow, cavern, cave, source of
to fetter; Copt. CTuon^. £2, n ^ ^ ^ ^
the Nile, circle; plur. <c=> , <rr> P , the
^ III o III u
aenh ^ 8 ^ to be move(I or incited by
^ * O A a’ ill-feeling or envy. 12 circles in the Tuat.
A Q. [ 775 ] Q A

qerut - she taut crT3 3 |, the A A an offering by fire ; compare

§>'A’ Copt. CTXlX.
hidden circles.
A Q to bake pottery; compare
qeri-t ^ [If] 0
cave> cavern, natural qerr
<m> 1 1 cm’ hole in the ground. > v7 Copt. CTXlX.

qerr-t U< 52 2» T. 320, fire,

qerr-t flame.
A a
p p Rec. 3, 46, hole, cavern, grotto, circle qerr Q, Annales V, 112, oven, furnace.

in the Tuat, hole in a vessel, spout; Heb. -ftp;

aerr sPhinx I4> i67> (r°g; Copt.
Ac* O ^ Kpcnrp.
plur. <rr> , Rec. 31, 172.
1 1 1
qerr <~> o > drinking pot, water pot; Copt.
qer-ti-t <~> Of) ° , Hymn Darius 1=5,
Q w iin 3 0
KeXcoX, Arab. 4J;;.
k ', Rev. 13, 13, cavern, hole, cave, den.
Qerr, Qerra 1133,
Qer-ti, Qerr-ti <4> “ <=>® 0VN-
C > W d \\ C/ T^ytWl, P. 445, M. 552, a serpent-fiend in the
AO o A I I
:m> cm cm ’ o \\ o w cm cm r q w
0 0 A O O A mm a Rev. 12, 10,
crm' 1o \\ m □ ^ \\ c □ Os c □ qerai‘t

^ Q victory, conquest; Copt. fCpO.

, Berg. I, 15, the
'-^ Q l_i i_I -i JJ QQ
qer, qera A
“ ( *srae^ Stele l6> to
two caverns in the First Cataract out of which — M return.

the Nile was believed to rise; <m>z^,the 4!

1 1 1 o w O qera (j ^ J\, Heruemheb 3, weak ; see
bodies of the Qerti; ° § _Q
□ A a wO 140B. U-
41 Rec. 25, 192, abode,
Qerr-t ^ °
the 5^ division of the qera 0
<|=>cm’ Tuat. habitation.

A 4!
Qerti o o J,--J
A' ^ Qera ^ J
\\ Hi

^ ^ ® B.D. 125, II, the god of the Qerti, one :5-=J, B.D. 17, 142, (1) a storm-god; (2) the
crm rJ ’ of the 42 assessors of Osiris. name of the block on which the enemies of
A o u Osiris were slain daily.
Qerr-ti :—> crm , Tomb Seti I, one
:m> mm
of the 75 fori
forms of Ra (No. 28).
qera ^jj, Shipwreck 57, (

Qertiu !»
Ch \\ t
^ dm --
41 ccrm the gods of the $-=J /WWW ,

mm ’ Nile caverns. /wvw\

Qerr-t Sar <4» % 0 , Tua5 v”; the
<—-> O c—Circle of Osins.
3-j. ^ fj X] 5
rainstorm, tempest, hurricane, thunderstorm.
A A o A
qer-t, qera-t w5 41 n tk a
° , door bolt; dual <~> , Dream Stele 22 ;
\\ L--1 door bolt; plur. ^ ^ ^ (| ^ ^(| f) D
plur. <=m> ^ ^; Copt. KrXXj.

qer, qerr ^ U. 388, U. 420,

<m> XyT, wind, sky.

qerr , to make an offering by fire;

compare Copt. fTXlX, cyXlX.

3 c 4
A Q 776 Q A

body in linen and prepare it for burial, winding 41

qerf . (V=n, a mass of dough (?) bread.
sheet, sepulture; see ^ 1 u-^si; ^ ^ 1 5
/I ^ Ebers Pap. 87, 6, a swel-
zfXP* 0 ’ ling of the glands, ulcer (?)
^ <rz^> czm , a happy burial; Copt. KA.ICG.
Qerastt ( I , the place of burial
qerf ,, Rev. 13, 15,

in the hills, cemetery. guile, deceit; Copt. KpOCJ.

41 £h Rev. 14, 45, plea
Qerastt ^ (| 1^ Berg. II, 12,
’ sure (?) delight (?)

a form of the goddess Ament. 4l @ Rec. 13, 126,

festal attire (?)
A _ /9s Jour. As. 1908, 251, lie ;
qera “ \j
y’ Copt. fToX. qernata ? , Mar. Karn.

qera <=~ Q, f ^ , Rev. 12, 45, \\

54, 54, ^
VWIWni- ibii
shield, buckler; plur. i, Mar. Karn. 54, 46, prepuces; according to some leather
53, 27 1 Copt. 6"A. coverings for the tips of phalli, jj ( [
1 1 1
qeri-a(?) 4^, >, Rec.
Nesi-Amsu 32, 19,
lLo i’ a form of Aapep.
4] 4]
15, 87, t J1 , porter (?); var. -0
qerh-t | 0, | Q , Metternich
>; plur. Jli (][) i^J] I.
Stele 119, Rec. 3, 45, 53, 4, 21, <1>!“QV
A (? Hymn Darius 18 vase, vessel, the mould from which the model
qeru _ ^
of Osiris was made; Heb. plur. ^ ^
A t
qeru “ £—/], Rec. 8, 137, leader ;
^ !, IV, 1150, Annales III, 109, Heruemheb 24;
plur. ^ L=D] !.
41 0 Q 9 O O Harris Pap. I, 19B;
to make drunk; O,lo Ciam’ Copt.
qeruh ^ @ fi i
• -gas i’ Copt. (T^Xa.^,. 41
qerh ^ 7mu , a kind of serpent.

qerbaiu ^ flfl 0 , Re'; I2\ "3- 41

Jriiin pots of drink.
Qerhit 184 ,.^rBv

(]() p o >Rec- 33, 3, a Greek month

'WMt-M 41

Leyd. Pap. 7, 5, 56, a divine

qerps “ □ fo1 , to beat, to strike.
i JzA Qerhit | ^ j^, BDG- 859, a god-
qerf <dz=> © ± U, <A x dess of (Succoth).
: u
41 A f 41 (7) night, darkness ;
!, B.D.
^lL,b,1)' 26,6, qerhu
* ’ Copt. ZU)p£,.
169, 3, to be wrapped up, swathed, tied, fastened
S* Ombos I, 1, 8, a
together. Qerhep
( JT »’ god of Ombos.
«> . A <=* A A 41
qerf-t <=>^5. \ 4! n x
qeres _n,
L-Z)’« L=V]’
a headdress, headcloth, tiara, bandlet, head A c2=4 A 41 "j „ A
decoration, garment, shawl, a kind of garment; L=f]’ ^ L=4]’
41 3r 41 ,
Copt, (fo,^ &I (?) r _j\, tO wraP
1PT L=f!,
a dead body in cloth and make it ready for
qerl <d=> (2. ’ 11 ’, <==> S |, a kind
burial p ^ 1 | ^ (](], T> T5, two who
of cloth, sail.
Z Q, [ 777 ] Q Z

are buried, a double burial;

n qerqer P. 174. N. 941, 4

A buried; Copt. A AA A A
IV, 965> L=J _ pp A, ^ J\, to move, to roll;
n\ I , Hh. 548,

Pap. 3024, 54, ^ nap^.u. 582, ^ n Qerqer

A , P. 267, A A
A M. 479, N.1246;
» N. 963, L=/J, Rec. 30, 70,
/WWW j^j, Rec. 31, 11, the god
1 3 ff9fl
Imh, Rec.
Rec- x 1,
who was the scribe or secretary of Osiris.
u Z A
Pap. 3024, 43, <—> <3 , c6=3,
qerqer-t A A “= ^ ^ 0 ,
^ ^ coffin, mummy equipment, bier, burial, <==><=> X AAAAAA AA/VWS V--r-^1

sepulture. beating.

A z o z n Qertnetchenau (?) 4 ^
qeres-t [j I /WVWVA l(

I' ~~7r~> dSZ3=A ’ c-:

iv, 78i, ha, <=> i“ ‘’■q
k —/I. Shipwreck 169, ^ Ml, Peasant 1 1 1 O J I AAAAAAA l I I I
IV, 781, iic, name of a country.
o z i^>j z r
308, <-^ o ^ fli
O Z ^7
-H -H
qeheb pg to butt with the horns;

^ an 0 i-^n’ var. raj \ s_fl.
1 g, funeral, burial, sepulture, funeral
Qeheq p^j z 'j ^ j, Harris Pap. 76, 6,
Z f a happy burial; Copt.
060 K^-eice. 78, 10, a people alien and hostile to Egypt.

qersu qell Z | , naos, shrine.

z A n qeh ^^ wooden cramp, peg, bolt.

coffin, sarcophagus; plur z

111 aeh f1^,. ^ ^—fl, a n

qeres A 1 x , the sarcophagus Rev' r3> 95, angle, corner; Copt. KOO&.
L-J] □mu
chamber, the mummy chamber. qeh Z X nnm , a kind of stone, flint; z
A A 1 1 1
A.Z. 1879, 53.
Qersu 268, M. 427, a

name of the Sky-god Nu.

qehqeh z | z | z |z |^
to cut stone, to hammer out, to carve, to en¬
Qersu-t IJppq.T. 268, ^ (1
grave ; Copt. K&.gJK£>J.

^ ^ N. 719 + 26, a name of the goddess

qehqehu ^ ^ ^ M?'
Nut; var. j^~J. M. 426. (sic)

qehh-ut ^ ^ ^ ^ j« B-D-
Z rxo
qersh ., Rev. 13, 6, fraud, (Nebseni) 172, 20, castrated cattle, oxen.
guile, deceit; Copt. KCUpcy.
qehait(?) / () e (] J\ o, Rev.

qerq-t U. 530, seed-land (?) 14, 18, spreading (?)

A ^ ° qehes z ||1 ^ , gazelle; fern, z | [q]

qerq-ut <=>^ seed;
Copt. (Tpocr; xpox. <=>; var. Cop1-
Q [ 778 ] Q X

qehsher X00, s,"!e c ,0° <L°uv,r3e* qesqes 1, to grumble, to
• X<=> =Copt.KA.CyOYAl(?)
complain; Copt. KACKCC.
qeheq, qehqeh x|x^,x|x|,
qesqesu 5$ , Rec. 5, 86, reeds.
to be old, weak, broken ; Copt. KGgjKGQ, 6
xe^xz,. A c£e==5
qesau 5 ^
5 ’
qes x If*. to spit out, to spew, to vomit; burial; Copt. KAICG.

see x 1 f* and /I (] (] f"*\ qesas ^ q ns, ^ n®q pts. ^ n

-H I -H I I O H

qes a 1 , to build, to found. (2 [j P a mummified body, burial; ^ ( 1^

qes a 03 , a walled enclosure. a

, happy burial.

qesu ^ 13.1). 125, I, 15, preserves of qesen x n ^ /wwv\ f T. 217, A ^ n

birds, goose-pens. 3d p\ AAAAAA 3d A/VWW 3H p\ /WWW
A u-6°7,
qes ,,-Jour. As. 1908, 262 =
3d /W/WW x?\

A ^ n’ 10 ^a<^’ ev^’ unP^easant> detest¬

/www ,, violence; Copt. (Toi\c.
able, baleful, injurious, grievous, grief.
j 0 W Famine Stele 14, curse,
qes-ti a 3d /vww\
misery. qesnu c , evil beings or things.
x 1 1 1
qes ^ ) , Rec. 33, 6, lack, want; ^
qesen-t a n o ’ ’evil> calamity >
Rec. 33, 6, troubles (?) AAAAAA

plur. ^ P. 111 6b, 32, xl c ^

o a 111
qes ^ |O, ^ , time, period; Z3 -WWVA 3d /WWW "A r
a Pap. 3024, 10, ^ ^ ^ ^ J (j, in¬
[ &1 n times of the an-
every time, always; ^
Mil’ cestors. jurious, violent; X , lean years;

qes a n , N. 1234, X I, U. 320, ^ |,




^ **

6AAAM ? Kubban Stele 9, lacking

N jEzr^ U I I AAA/WV

=1 <? =1 1 =\ (? =1
^ ^ © &, Rev., water • ® el i ,XX Anastasi I, 21, 2, the height
li-1?- 11- 1 1-iJ ’ I N of misery.
bone, body, skeleton; plur. ^ ^ ^ , U. 290 xi
qest-t 'j, Rechnungen 69, a
T. 158, N. 688, n , M. 175, A n ’ market (?) = (?)

u. 448, T. .78, 756, | m, | I | I A =1
qesh ^ H, reed; Copt. KAcy.
Copt. K<LC.
, XI A ci „ ,
qeq-t .-^cac, , a small boat.
qes a 133 P- 435; M- 6°8, N. 1213, X XI
N n’ shaft of a spear, spear. xi x
qeq (unem) ), to eat; see
A . A x A ™ A X
qes V—-d? L==fl’ ^>
(5, ^ cs=c , Rec. 5,92, $ , 71 c
—*f— dzz=& —«— —m— N x
Qeq-ha (Unem-ha) C3
— Rev. n, 186, to wrap x f1
6 1 ^ § £] CS Berg- T- 34, a turtle-god ;
a body in linen and prepare it for burial; see I £lr x a 0 ( in’ see Unemha.
<^=> L=d, etc.; Copt. KUXJOC. Qeq-snef (Unem-snef)

| • see Unem-snef.
, to tie, to fetter, to bind.
qes W £4 a
qeq-t x , darkness, night; var
qes ankh (jj" -j- o, Rec. o
^ ^ >^jH; Copt. K^KG.
4, 22, a kind of stone.
A Q [ 779 ] A

. A I) (2
qeqa [ = Copt. k<lkg. qet, qet-t ^ q » T- x72> p- XI9, N. 107,
A \ °» M- T52, \ <=3, IV, 434) | 5 , T. 249,
qek l—0, to strike, to beat(?)

qet 5 l, Leyd. Pap. 4, 9, fine linen. ir o N. 7«9, \ J, \

0 e 1
A / AAAAAA' AAAAAA i) t \ i 1
Israel Stele 13, ^0g, g i | g 1
Optnckt ^ ^
B.D. no, a lake ' .

AAAAAA AAAAAA in Sekhet-Aaru. c*

, form, image, likeness, simili¬
\ Oq 0
Qettbu(?) ^ J^^.b.d. no, 13, tude, like, manner, kind, similarity, circle;
a god of Sekhet-Aaru. \ o | unanimously; \ [[ <2 like;
Copt. KOT.
qet 10’1 O^3’ i
tP\ 5 , hi, 141,
, 0 Q qeti r [ [ Rosetta Stone, with =

e x x K^e^nep.
L-H’ L=J’ 0 ©■
qeti \| (](] || with = JUL IIKUOXe.
, IV, 161, Thes. 1283,
qet -— ma qet 0 ( , M. 166,
Rev. 13, 2, to build, to fashion, to form, to I ^ v

mould, to construct; | L=J\ ^ , self-

IIS’ Ui o <H
!> , W '
altogether, in a body, collectively, in entirety,
whole, totality.
builder; L==H ^ TTn-^, constructor of
qet, qett \| Q 3 ) IV, 350,
his own body; Copt. KCOTT.
Rec. 32, 79, ^ q , ibid.
qetu \ : I I I

Amen. 21, 19, 24, 14, builder, mason; plur.

«■ 78’ITi’ l^i- IT®I , Gol.

\ 0
1, Pap. 3024, 60
; 10 ;
Hamm. 1 3. I24> \
j, IV, 1083,

Decrets 9, S L-fl j, IV, 1082,

L=vi £ o 1 1 1 I o
3 \£ 3 0 ® , characters, dispositions, qualities,
t-fl l°_ ..
abilities, virtues; ^ ^ ^ S ] > Pec- 3^» 210,

j, £-60.32,78,33,28;^^)
qetu 397. ^ 0
J a good character; w
, N. XX73, \ ^ » P- 407
IV, 971, A.Z. 39,47, thoughts; \ ^ 1,
, N. 617, IV, 223,
a man of great ability or character; ^ ^
L—fl , modeller, moulder, potter,
— \ 0 U-'l’
, a man of virtues or ability; ^
the divine potter; plur. I ^ (jj j, B.D. o □
(Saite) 124, 7. his character was unique.

Qet-t ten-t : o aa/vws Tuat V, a qet | , design, drawing, plan, the draughts
o 111 •
goddess in the Tuat. man’s craft; plur. ^
qet ^ (- 7°4-
T. 334,
® L^l’ 1 0 L-ZT 1\ O e
to design, to make a picture or likeness of any
qetut , outline drawing.
thing, to copy, to outline something.
A Q L 780 J Q. A

qetu \ designers, draughts¬

i» Qetu | ^ )
0 <2 L—a i men.
a IV, 649, \
qet-t ^ T. 87, \ , a draughtsman’s 0
IV, 613, Asien 240 ff., the natives of Qeti,
office, a sculptor’s workshop.

CTDI Rev. 13, 62, town; \ tlie “Circle,” /.if., the North Syrian
qet-t d ^ ^ V
' /WWW Jj o ’ Copt. mrr. coast about the Gulf of Issus and the deserts

u , =^3 J { circle, between the Euphrates and the Mediterranean.

qet \ , \ 3 , „ 3
O o 0 I’ orbit.
Rec. 6, 152, a god
Qeti ^ ’ of the abyss.
qetl ^ ^ p \| ^ | A , Anastasi

1,26,4, QeM o *’ 1* ***’ i lT’Tomb

Seti I, Zod. Dend., Annales I, 86, one of the
36 Dekans.
3 OeA’ 1 0s^ 1a’
W’ '^1 Oo
o A. Qetqet ^ O, I, 85> one^.he
1Ta-1 \ ^ Q J I , l’ ' o \\^’

, Rev. 14, 8, to Qetkha one of the 36 Dekans;

• 1 \\ a Gr. K.aTA.-01/a-r.
go round, to turn round; Copt. K(J0Te.
AA/WW Qet-ka, Qett-ka \ ^ Rec. 4,28,
y\ " *■ ilth'
1( ( , IV, 85, that stream is turned round, I^V i’the godofthe
10th hour of the day.
and one goes down stream in sailing to the
south, i.e., that river flows southwards instead Qett-ka \ CJ Berg. I, 3, one

of northwards like the Nile; J\ of the watchers of the body of Osiris.

qet-t ^ Rec. 5, 96, circuit.
\| C^3^-, Amen. 23, 5, \ 22, Metternich
'J \\ \ -*5^-
qeti 1 ( [ y\ , revolution; Copt. KUTTe.
' 0,
SieIe W 1 1s£’' l

qeti ^7. 17$’ o

Rev. 14, 35) \ q
q ) \
sailor, oarsman; plur. \ , P. 649, \ Rev. 12, 32, to sleep.

P- 723) \ 0 ^ ®» M- 749
!) qet-t \ sleep, slumber.
TmErT o
1, Thes. 1296,
n £*i 1 \ m 111
qetti \ , u. 387, 689, ^ o
o (2
in o d ^ 0
I CS \ !’ > T. 346, \ 1 S3 S
, T. 340, -css- ^ gj to sleep; Copt. KOX in
Vgv .
3 w' V A.nKOX (?) or UKOT.
M. 167, -<2>- \ N. 654;
qetu, qettu \j ^ ^ j o
WWW sailors in general, ordinary crews; 1 1 1
am 111
0 , Rec. 32, 80, \
oi’ ny i’ v.
1, divine Vi:
sailors; ^
I WWW @, Egyptian 1 1 1
', ibid. 32, 86, \ ^ j, sleepers.
1 I
I s
sailors; ^
I 1
00 I © ’
qett-t \ q \ ^ 1 0|
Rec. 21, 84, Syrian sailors. Rev., to turn, to return.
A Q [ 781 Q A

qet-t , \ qet, qett \| Q \ o, craft,

• iso-Rec-
cunning, astuteness.
/> 1 I 2 I, Mar. Karn. 42, 11,
0 © ©
Nesi-Amsu 22, 4, 29, 21,
, Rev. 13, 41, cassia; var. \ 0
32, 18, a mythological serpent of evil, devil;
A TXT I : AAAAAA \ 1, Rec.
O ^ I O I 0 plur. ^ C
4, 21, cassia bark; Gr. amic, Heb. Hip,

qet-t \ e:^1 ,0 a kind of grain. qetbit

ci nmn
qet-t \ IV, 666,
qetem n| t=, i ^ nssn, \'
onnni ^ nmn ’ ^ o o o /
o o
, a weight = T\yth of an uten, N. 759, fine gold; Heb.

drachma, didrachma, the half of a stater, obolus ;

, j mno : 0 J mmi
plur. \ , Amen. 17, 18, \ , Qetsliu \
r Win 1 Go 111 * 1 I U I M ISBvthe
Amen. 18, 4 ; Copt. KITG, KI"f“. “ nude ” or Syrian goddess.
782 ]

k Heb. j, Copt, k and sometimes (f. p, contracted, tight, narrow; Copt
k ^zzzt = pronoun, xst pers. sing.; 2nd pers.
sing, masc., thou, thee, thy. kai
another, also.
(( , moreover; = ^z
AQfr [ [ P. iii6b, 62, to think, to think out, to

devise, to meditate, to speak, to repeat, to say,

ka ^zzz& U. 438, T. 169, 237, P. 717, cry out, call out, tell out, to sing; varr. *zzz

M. 745, thou, thee; 'zzz* zzzx, P. 431,

Rev. 14, 165 (dual),
M. 6i7, N. 1221; B.D. 144, 3, A.Z. [906, 125.
ye two.

ka ^, a particle
ka-t b IV, 365,
meaning something like O then ! verily, certainly,
now behold!

ka-t ^zzz*~cVT, A.Z. 46, 140, a particle, thought, meditation ; J_j 0 O A.Z.
,_, ^ o
verily, assuredly ; and see ^zz Ad 19°!, 45, ** u cy
ka ^zzz=6 , Rev. II, 151, 12, 24, another. <0* , thought of the heart.

Kaa 'zzz* Jjj , B.D. 98, 8, a god,

kai, ki
bringer of offerings.
-MU 1, another; fern.
ka LJ,JLJ^, vjj!, vl^L, P.607, N. 619,
@ I
kaiu, kiu A.Z. 1884, 89,
T. 88, ^j, image, genius, person,
$ |> Rec- 33, 6, Israel Stele 24,
double, character, disposition, the vital strength
rcw. e 1 e.A1
Leyd. Pap. 4,1, of the Ba-soul B.D. 4,
w ■ \\ V I U -Hhvs- a I
1, the ka residing in the body):
l; plur.
. LIU u
„j , v-^5-
w Ad 1

!> Mar. U..T. 258l3o7,Uj,LJ^!. The

Aby. I, 6, 45, word has some of the meanings of the Coptic
K(JL3, the Greek ei&wXou, and the Latin genius.

Will’ Amea Sometimes LJ seems to mean “name,”

11, 1, 13,20,20, 13; kaut, kauit
V& WWW u J, Rhind Pap. 24. Late forms,
O< ui and ^ Rev.
w $$li-^1k!AA fV;plur-of
ka and ki (another), strangers, foreigners, aliens, kau Vi kJLJUf
men of foreign speech. ^ j, Hymn Darius 24, the kau of the living in

-mi !’b-d- *«•
group of gods who destroyed souls.
the Other World, living human beings in this
K [ 783 K

ka Ul, associated with the Ba-soul and the preparedness; j|, stability; -<2>-, sight; ^),

Sekhem or vital strength, „_^^ hearing; feeling, perception; *=, taste.

The Ombos list (I, 186-188) is as follows:—

(0 US) Ui (2) ^j1; (3) |u; (4) Ui

, P. I I 2.
(5) | U i (6) ^ U; (7) U i (8) ^ U i
ka L-J-hem ka , minister of the
(9) (10) Ui (Ir) jju; (I2)^Ui
ka, the priest of the ka; he-t ka Q L-l, Q
(13) ^ Ui (!4) pj-
^-•u’Q. hi, .39, QnH1®' BM-
Ka-em-ankh-neteru LJ JjL
138, r, the house or chapel of the ka; plur.
Tuat XII, a serpent-god; see Ankh-neteru.
lo 1 1 1 1
Kaherka u ^ U. IV. 44, LJ u,
ka '—k phantom (?) ^ 1—1,
A.Z. 1901, 129, the goddess of the 4th month:
Shipwreck 114, A.Z. 1908, 65, “this ghost (or Copt. X01^-
phantom) island.”
Kaherka 1—1 ^U Uf U^7
111 O 1 1 1 ’
xKa J—, T. 39, a proper name (?) u
r /WWW

X L J l_j “ the blossom proceeding from t the ^C0,,!'&K festival;

1 <=>J^VT'' Ka.” plur. U?U^.
Ka u ^ , Mission 13, 123, “the father of
kaherka Uf Uq U?LlK07
the fathers of the gods,” /.<?., and see 1 1 1. 1 1 1 O u
a pot or vessel used at the Khoiak festival.
Kahetep |_j o Q. t. .76, u s
Kait , Mission 13, 123, consort
M. 158, N. 65, LJ ^ ^
g N. 112, U =^=
off_j ^j, and one of the four elemental god¬
-0. ■ ^ D
desses = vUs j she was the grandmother, , T. 284, U ^ ’ R 54, M. 32, B.D.

128, 6, a god of offerings, a form of Osiris.

^“^’ofthegods- Kahetep ® =*= ^27, the name of a
I_1 a_m festival.
kau JJ_ U-JLJ., T. 88, UUU.
Ka Shu |_j p Tuat I, a pilot of the boat
N. 618, the kau of |J UU jf} > RD-
(Saite) r 10, 3.
kau U U U> U. 220, P. 404, M. 577,
N. o
1183, M
1—1, 1—1 G=0,
M V a 0=0, II1—1i —^
Kaau R«=- 3-, 111 I 111 1 1 1 I mi'

169, a group of gods.(?) U1

u ’
(3 III’
Ui I| ’ u| u/]
| ^
Ka l—l % Ombos I, 85, a god of offer- 0=0 '[ j © CF==( ch c I
U , food, provisions,
1 1 1 SIT ings. ill’ IWiii 1 \ 1 1 1
iron LJ & Ombos I, 186, one of the 14 sustenance, supplies; [ [ ,u
I I I _
. . . rJP kau rtf
Van of Pa
Ra. o
U i O AWW/W y“y ^37, my daily food (or bread)
1.- ,, LJ I CJ),L.D.III, 194,
| I I I I I /WWW Hi Ombos II, 131,
Kau-urit Ms ^
III oO a goddess.
the 14 kau of Ra = US), word of power; j^,
light; LJ, strength; “J, power; vigour; ^lk=/11kl't0behigh-
, abundance; , majesty ; ^, burial; ka-t 1—1 , place (?) district (?)
K [ 784 ] K


ka-t l—I M. 202, N. 681, ^ ! Ka nekht

^ L-fl^, “ mighty bull a title of kings.
o % U %
o fl’
U 4
X°^’ V
r U J
Pap. 3024, 62, work, labour, toil; plur. kareq LJ <~j> a “cut ” bull;
Copt. KA-XonfKI.
lj, e , u u ,UQ()
I I I l’ O G, Ka 5^, Diim. Temp. Inschr. 25, a god
u ® !> U v '
^ I ^
of letters and learning, one of the seven sons of

^ = LJ; see Suppl. 1231 ;

> U Mehurit.
II o V* U U. 635, the bull with a light
Ji-a )YH» in his eye.
, in process of building.

<=> \\ Ka Berg.J’ l8’ a calf-g°d-

kau-ti LJ 3 U , A.Z.
^ w o bLJ M>V_/1!

I, A.Z. 1902, 114, Kauarsh LJ 'f] Cyrus^eb'^

1899, 37,

eu,A.Z. ,899,37.
V Kai (?) ^ 0 w f\ ^ , Rec. 16, 106,

one of the watchers of Osiris.

Kaui LJ U. 538, T. 317,

v_X, ^, workman, labourer, artisan,
tk tk-QLr flVgJ LJ ® , the double Bull-god.
craftsman ; plur. |_J _^ \\ ^0 1’ f=v) \\

L.D. Ill, 140B, A.Z. 1899, 37, y % L~J1^ J• Kaui u

fc=0) \\
, Tuat III, the two

bull-gods who form the ends of the boat of the

ka-t Tehuti LJ - , “works of
Thoth,” i.e., writing, sculpture, painting. Kau LJ jj i, Rec. 27, 218, 31, 14,
[c=a ill 1
ka-t shu-t ^ % (i ® 0 U
J) 1, Rec. 26, 226, bull-gods.
C-U) Jx^ ill 1
U ] ft ® U | Re , a herb used in medi-
1! Y in’ o 11 r 1 111’ cine- Ka aakhu ^ | ® J, Mythe 4,

ka L^.Ui^,^, P-77.646,
u |1 -Denderah 1 v-841V ^ ® I ’
Berg. II, 8, a bull-god, warder of the ist Pylon.
^ L-^. 1^=0) -hi £3 , N. 1039,
U , Rev. 12, II, (j <5 1^, Rev. Ka Amentt LJ jh ^ 5^ } ZZ'
Tuat X, the bull of the Tuat, i.e., Osiris.
13, 5, bull; plur. ^ j, f=S> ^ j, Rec- 29,
Ka Anu | Denderah III, 19,
148, ^ ^ T. 389, SSS, M. 4o4,
the Bull-god of Denderah.
T- 334,
_ yt_. I M 1 (C=S) '£7-1 !
Ka aru LJ ,_, , Tuat III, a god.
fc=S) I 1 1
n. 704, ^5^!’^!,,,’ ^ ^ *
B.D.G. 102, a form
Ka Asar ^ of Osiris.
Thes. 1288; (*VDft) aaaaaa bul1 for

sacrifice; \_J i , Palermo Stele, white bull; Ka ankh 'E^1 Lanzone 1212, a bull-
.-. ._. ' /<=7fi WVAW
god of Q
^ gg red bUl'; ’SfB ' IV’ o
195, 695, bull of the herd.
Ka ashemu LJ —a
ic=iI) czszi
ka atcher LJ f] youn§ N. 165, Bull of the gods—a title of the “Great

bull, calf; Copt. KYHp. God.”

K [1785 ] K

Ka ur , B.D. 178, 7, ka shesp-t ^
u Rec. 30, 67.
“ Great Bull ”—a title of the God of heaven. the name of a part of the tackle of a boat.

Ka ur hu Kens L-l Ka Kam ur LJ U. 306,

('^rD /1/] <r—->

, U. 178, the Bull-god of Nubia. the Bull-god of Kamur.

Ka pest neteru ^ j> Ka taui u^Ii1 , Denderah IV, 84,

“ Bull of the nine gods.”

, Berg.
55* M>,the 3. V
Kamut-f ^^*3^ II, 8, the god of the 2nd hour of the night

. Rec- 29> Ka that Kauit t-J

° , Hymn Darius 27, Metter-

4 1 o I /T7t 1 | (c=tJ) £4 I | p—u)
nich Stele 154, \_J
u 5j ^ ^ (](] ^l|> B-D- HD 23, the

, A.Z. 1905, 30, “bull of Bull of the seven divine Cows.

5*3 0
his mother,” the name of several self-begotten Ka Tuat t-J k 0 f Tuat I, a singing-god.
' f==Tb' 1
gods ; Gr. Ka/iT/cpi^.
Ka ter LJ tfeaSE», Hh. 101, one of
Ka meshru LJ L3a r=U) 77:71 s-a
N. 165 . seven spirits who guarded the body of Osiris.

Ka Nut ^ w , U. 452, a title'of Geb. ka-t ^

P, Ebers Pap. 94, 17, LJ
^ Rec. 27,88, vulva,vagina,
Ka n-erta-nef neba-f ^
concubines, women :n
mother; general.
J<K O \\
, one of the guardians of the body of Osiris. ka-ti , the gravid uterus.

Ka Nekhen ^ toao.
u. 416. LJ Kat Tefnut U , N. 970,
ic=£D ’ ^ <<=r
0 ^
© the vagina of Tefnut.
, T. 237, a title of Horus,

Ka neteru U Tuat I, a singing- kai-t [j[

f=u) I I I god.
cz I

*■■»*•» u,<ainmni' AAAAAA °Rec. 27, 58.

T. 307, a title of y\ 7MW. I o

ka-t , A.Z. 1905, 36, , Rec. 33, 5,

Ka Ra o, U. 577 a four-horned a I ^
cow, a female animal; plur. 1, B.D. T42,
mythological bull; var. ^ £5 O > N. 966. D I I

Ka renp AAAAAA j" ^§), bull that re- m,c5,

two cows Isis and Nephthys.
neweth his youth—a title of the Sun-god.

Ka hemhem-t LJ 1 ra ra q, Tuat
Kauit VII
(t=a) c.
VI, a roaring lion-god.
BD' ,48’ th6SeVen
Ka henti ^ ^ BD- divine Cows and their Bull.
53, 1, a bull-god.
ka-t (?) ^ ^ |x5, a plant
Ka khepreri
kau (?) , a fruit or seed.
B.D. 163, 9, a title of Amen.
3 d
K [ 786 ] K

Ik tk 0 Shipwreck 48, kabi-t j (j( ^ ^ j. BD- l8>

kau Jl III’ radishes (?)
D, 4, mourning, lamentation.

kaa JCA IV- io96>

kabu LJ j (2 0, ^ j S =0=, ^ 0*
brown stone objects.
a measure for liquids.
kaa [j boat, cattle boat,
kabusa LJ J ^ ^ -f|-, l-J j @ •c? f},
kaari (j[j , goat; plur. footstool; Heb. 2 Chron. ix, 18.

MV?,' kaP \ , P. 79, M. 109,

A reading suggested for -<5>- (j(j N. 22, v—rGtfOi S^J], Rec. 27,
was “kamali,” i.e., camel.
222, 30, 194, ^ 3|| ^ » Leyd- PaP- ”> b
Kaarik j, B.D.
0<==1\> Q
165, 3, a Nubian (?) name of Amen. □ (2 *4’ □ (2 Q. T <1-? M'
U Amen.
kai dD (% Dream Stele %—0'
24, 7, though, even though, assuredly. |<^3, to perfume, to cense.

kai u()( °> IV> 695j gum(?) oil-seed (?) kap U . M. 706 , censings.
^ l
kai-t U^JIU’U^f □
o !’ kap-t jO»D,°
v t Jl 1 J ^ □ (2 ill
dung, filth, excrement; var. “3 j. □ CE=D, incense; Gr. icuifii.
kait xzz* ((j o B.D (Saite)
kapu n%\
U n
(j , Rec- 22’ I03, vase for
64, 18, ape; plur. vzz* ( (| j, Ship-
kap DfT, Shipwreck 43,
wreck 165; var. ® ■
□ ^ <^=] P.S.B. 14, 205 shelter, place of
P-^ > □ n ’ concealment.
ka Lj Ifcsf !, a.z. 1900, 37.
i 0 ^ N «-» U. 513,
kap-t (Oft’
(2< (2
, IV, 901, *5 JL,. furnace,
(2 an
7—Vfl oven, bakery; plur.

jc^lj<n=l jc^
^ ^p, to be high.
T. 325-
<=> ^ a kind of bread
kauati U £_/l. A.Z. kapkaput □ Dim’ or cake.

1899, 36, workman (?) workman’s title (?); var.

kap, kapu □,
u ? ’
hollow of the hand, sole of the foot; plur.

Mar- Kar.n-54’s5; □ «iV
compare Heb. ?]3, Arab. ^ ?(, Syr. Copt.
kaushana V,
l l l
Anastasi I, 24, 5, part of the harness of a horse.
Van t fC5- A.Z. 1908, 17, a kind of
Kab |_J J ^Jj, the name of a god = Jj Kap-L ^ ! > amulet

(?) kap □ O, u. 258, N. 718,

■eep, to lament,
kabi □
to mourn. •VZ'HW'
K [ 787 ] K
c?=^ O'-*\>
kam ^—1 , Peasant 182, IV, 895,
□ □□ (2 * □ . □
<7C==,T) □ ©
, to end, to bring
□ □ □ W

□ to an end, to finish, to complete; f 1 3

i, Rec. 2, 116, to hide, to
L-fl’ *5 (3
conceal, to cover with clothes, to dress ; Copt. Thes. 1483; ” , endless; ^ 1
to end years; /wwvs O, A.Z.
Kap ^ 8 Berg. II, 13, a title of the \
□ (3f=^’ goddess Nut. 1905, 25, the end of a moment; <

Kapu S3E7’ ^ the name *^n, a-z. 190°, 130; (u o

of the 9th day of the month. A.Z. 1900, 132, for ever.

kapu Q VS, Rechnungen 35, kam-t —1 , Shipwreck 118, the

hunter, snarer, lier-in-wait; plur. end, end of a period, completion, a finish ;

□ -A—1 q | ’ Amen. 6, 3> X — 1 q >

l L
© ’ □
Amen. 9, 3, 20, 2.
._ _ f) f) 0~ "T)
kami[t] ^—1 ( ( , finished products.
1 1 1
□ □f
kapu <2
©, kam Pap. 3024, 9,8
Nile 5, 1-4
^—1 rr~\ x
□ kamkam , Thes. 1199, to
Kap 1-1 , the crocodile of Set. U
vanish, to pass away, to disappear, to decay.
cf==^ AH nj
□ □ kam, kami
□ to be dirty, dark,
kap “mi.
© foul.
to be black ; Copt. KA-M-G.
Kapu ., a title of Set as fiend,

enemy, lier-in wait, lurker.

kamm ?—1 , £=3

Kapur 'j Rouge I.H. 125, 26, , Rev. 13, 15, 14, 10, to

LJ n A 98. a Libyan foe of Rameses be black ; Copt. JOULOAJL, KXXGAX.

1 u jr I ar in. kam-t £~=1, T. 26, N. 208, sru ^
kapus *, to oppress, to
e 1 'Dx , ^—1 , £=1 v\^l>,
1 1 1
suppress; Heb. tTH3.
-——-A /WWW
^ black thing, black; •, strong
kapnut | Q q A.Z. 1908, 8,
o 0 o
black, i.e., jet black; a
0Jn^7* iv’ ™ and white ; Copt. KA.AXG.
A/WWA ^r?Jy Cc) AWWW

jj} a ^ boats of Byblos in Syria. Kammau with

1 1 1
--, /WWW 1 Q
Jour. As. 1908, 285, Egyptians.
Kapni f | ^’ a man ^y^los.
kami-t ^—l Mo C=*^, books of the
kaf ^3; to
black land, i.e., Egyptian literature.
drive off, to chase away, to dispel, to disperse,
kami-t ^—1 WQ'fe}’Rev-,4> 6s’
kafr ', village, hamlet; Heb.

1D3, Arab. Syr. Assyr.

black cow; $3 !•
^ ^ black cattle.
(Rawl. C.I. II, 32, 3, 10).
3 D 2
K [ 788 ] K

Kam-ur T=T Rec- 27> 19°. kam U % , > U urn,

’ the Red Sea.

Kamamut (j M. 772 (bis) = U^0S’ u

, Rev. 4, 76, u
, P. 661,"
AAAA/NA ”6>a cm >U
black animal-goddess (?) twi,
U ^ U
Kam -a „_Dw)’ ^enderah ^7 61, garden; plur.
B.D.G. 720, a hawk-god of /wv^ ^ J <=z|>. © cm
KM 0!• Rec- ”> I5'LJ 1 1 1

Kam-ur ?—1 P. 605, a bull-

Anastasi I, 25, 4, u
D*!5. Copt. (Tujjul.
god; 1«^>^ $ |* Roug6 V V 1

I.H. 158, the divine Kamur bulls.

Kam - ur , N. 648,
U 77 ! > l—1° ^ , wheat, grain;
, T. 274, a fort or town (?) fv o=m „o
Heb. m?,? (?);
AAA/WN o _2I 1 11 ^ 1 1 1
Kam-ur r—1 ^ <wwv\ ? Ombos I, 3r9»
<ZI> A/WWV , wheaten bread.
1 1 1
the god of the lake of Kamur.
kam v*ne> Copt. cTjuie.
a lake in the Tuat. e JV
kamu en arp jj
Kamit-urit > T. 274, P. 27,
I) ^ 0 > vineyard.
M. 38, “ N. 67, f, M. 141,

a goddess.
kami U^l)() U
([ L=/)^, gardener; plur. LJ |\^ 3
Kam-neb-mesen-t (?) ^==1 J
S 1 ^ 1
MWAA ^ , Denderah I, 30, a lion-god. , A.Z. 1900, 36; LJ
^ I L=m !’

Kam-her s—i f\ ^ _Jj,

Rec. 31, 29, u (( ° £_fl ^ !; Copt. cTjulp.
“ Black face”—a title of the crocodile Rerek.
‘kama (?) Anastasi

kam I, 23, 5, A.Z. XV, 36, Alt-K. 32; compare

Heb. as, like.
kam black wood,

kam’aar, kamal (j
kam-t nmD, ^ 1 ,u \\
black stone or t
000 -u 000 ’ black powder.
-<2>- 1^1, A.Z. 1906, 21,

kam-ti °
/—~ w camel; plur.

kamt-t ^ (var. l==r ), grain P.S.B. 12, 83; Heb. Syr. Arab.

Eth. Copt. (Ta-Jl*.o'ifX,

plant; plur.|E^%
XA. JULOyX. The word (j []
kamu aVH’aK»i’seeds O has also been regarded as a plural of
or fruit of the kam plant. 1 11 ’ kam’aar, and read kamaliu.
K [ 789 ] K

Kam’itha \_j , j|\g ([ , L.D. karr LJ , Herusatef Stele 55,

III, 160, 165, a Hittite proper name. .235,
u<=>iVu ,
Nastasen Stele

kam’r jj , _2as 1 GoL 3, r3> 35, a vessel or measure for incense; Copt.

to skip, to dance, dancer.

KeXcoX (?)
•, object, thing,
kam’raa ^3 w Q
instrument, tool, utensil, apparatus, furniture,
Alt-K. 983, tooth.
Ji o
kam’liu-t z karkar LJ <cz> U <=> iv, 667,
ji _a a=o 1 1 1 1 ’ '
anything round, staff, stick, roll, cylinder; Heb.
1 1 1
Anastasi I, 17, 6, IV, 14, 2, 17, 6, bread 133.
T .

V Tk V
made of fine wheaten flour; var. Xs\ karkar mnn,
Pro- o
(S); Heb. rTO|5, Arab. , Eth. <p<^rh : v V nnm
, A.Z. 1880,
111 ^ 111
kam’s lj & * . Dum. H.I. I, 95, stone boulders ; compare Heb. L^ and btbz
— r : •
Ji 1 k -/l
and H33.
24, 25, 39. 40 • •

kamen zz;
A.Z. 1873, 17,
kar, kara , N. 160,

Rec' 27,227, 3I’17
Amen. 24, 9, , dark,

cloudy, misty, gloomy, lowering, black, blind;

compare Heb. jft3, Arab. Syr. . LJ (s ^ ^, Rec. 19, 96, shrine, sanctuary,

kamtcharna LJ |||,— l <=> W chapel; plur.

" "
J—^ [ ill
x nj
1 1
U Q ! U gods of the same
Mar‘ Kam' 55, 61, armour.
fD\ $] j ’ sanctuary.
kani (kami) LJ [ (j
Karaut [j ^ J J j, B.D. 84, 4,
Peasant 263, gardener.
the gods of a shrine.
kanu(kamu) LJ kar,kari LL^^fjfj LJ<JI->&^)
^AAAAAA here = mu), vineyard, garden; Heb.
1—1 i^ 1 Amen. 10, 11, boat,
kanu 'zz^'x. § | 0’reed; Heb- n^*
fishing boat, skiff; plur. LJ <L> [ ( Koller
kanhi LJ0| (j( , shrine; plur. LJ I «== Pap. 3, 7 ; Heb. As » Isaiah xviii,
[ ( I; Copt. Ktt&e, Gr. ko'w
kari ^ > Thes- I254,
kanka ■, Rec. 16,
[( , gardener; plur. J-J^ (| (| =0
152, Auswahl 12, 34, a log of wood, beam,

kanektu ■, iv, kara-t 0 <2 s I .235

672, a log of wood, beam, balk. place of restraint, prison ; Heb. N*?3.

kar , frog; Copt. Kpcnrp. Cl

Karamemti (?) JJ, I) 4 V

yV Herusatef Stele 48, a
kare LJ Nesi-Amsu 32, 30, a form of Aapep.
1 1 U ’ sanctuary vessel.
K [ 790 ] K

Karastt LJ B.D.G. 1079, a karkartabuaa t-J <~> LJ | [

goddess of Panopolis with the attributes of J co D TK 'bj Roller 4, 5, objects made of
" S min’ leather (?)
Rait and Tefnut.

kartha LJ <cz:> g, U "

kari[t] ( Q, B.D. 64, 7, shrine,
cord, lace, thong of a whip.
sanctuary; and see kar.
kartha ^ , Love
kari U QQ L=d, Rec. 30, 217
Songs 2, 1, a kind of goose.

kari ® Rec. 19, 92.

kaha Rec.

karistates ^ fl [1 f? ^ <=> [A] = xo; 64; see ^

I li 1 __a ^
ev\o^l<TT)j'}) A.Z. 51, 93.
Kaharsa, etc. ^ ra
karuai — ^ u
^ d%\ ^ <=r> 1 LJ , B.I).
a call, outcry; Heb. \/frOp
1 Jr 1 l— 11 _ _
t't* 164, 4, a title (or name) of Sekhmit-Bast-Ra.

kahi[t] , terror, awe.

Bibl. Eg. V, 211,

a proper name; compare
kaheb ID J\ L=/], Rubban

zl ^= Stele 5, to smite, to strike; var-^JM-

karf t-J ., Rev. =
guile, fraud ; Copt. KpOCJ.
kaheb-hetch-t t-J 11 ? ^ ^5[, aincense.
ro J iOooo
kind of

karm U 1 |\ rsSn, Rev‘I3,I02\cr0wn i

T Cont. kXoJML.
Kubban 4, to smite, to strike.
rakly Ufl,

karm LJ ,Ht>J (2 3 kahes m Ip Ik L-fl, sorrow.

Rev. - Copt.,(T(JOpjUL.
kahes Peasant 213,
quid to cry out.
U 111 kas U a. Nastasen Stele 37, a sanctuary
Roller 4, 6, a kind of stone used in inlaying _.._ D1 ’ not
pot or vessel.
bracelets, etc.
kasab <-J $ i|ef> l,Rec- '5. Hi.reed-
karehta I i J] 11 work, mat (?)
I f) %
\\ Kasika
B.D. 165, 3, a name of Amen.
1 ( C3(?), a measure (?) pannier, basket.
kash ^zz^”^C=SZ]^-^, IV, 335, a pro¬
karsa ^ ^ J ft, LJ 8 cordage,
duct of Punt, the pearl oyster (?); compare
sacking, rope-work. Copt. KA.OJ- in KA.OjA.flHX.

karslia LJ MtT Jour. As. 1908, Kashi Nubian> a

310, fraud, deceit, guile ; Copt. KUipty. Sftdani man ; Copt. e£Tuicy, COOIOJ.
karshata ^ NX 1) Kashit ( ( <=>, Nubian
, cake, loaf, bread; Gr. icvWdfft<?. woman; Copt. e^Toooje, 6O0OJI
karkarta , lamb; kak - 1 in
Heb. “fa. Hh. 20X.
K [ 791 ] K

katha L n an instrument or tool

kaka U&U^.U&U l vSz£$ ^ ’ of bronze.
Leyd. Pap. 13, 2, L U ^ ^ Rec. 10, 62,
katha L
^ f .A > charioteer, driver,
plant with a bitter taste; compare Gr. k/ki
(Herodotus II, 94), kikivov. The Heb. TTP. kathab L | , pot, vessel, vase.

has also been compared with kaka. AAAAAA

ggj \ ReC‘ I7, I45,

kaka-t ulu U 0 J AAAAAA (Q
O’ u
L.D. Ill, 219E, 14, C-J j A gj,
@q boil, blain, pustule, carbuncle; Copt,
o ’ KCOK. |_j LJ %Z. driver, charioteer,
I (K? .m’ I caravan leader.
kaka j—j ^ j, Nastasen Stele 40.
kathata V V &'IL’
kaka j--j darkness, night; Copt.
i—i "1 f $
, a cloth made of linen or wool
1 0 i III
KA.K6 ; var. lr=£=q
or hair, covering, garment; Heb. JTIDS.

Kaka L ^ Berg. I, 17, a god. kateh U ^ j ^, U ^; see LJ

kakai (kaki) (j u , Jour. As.

1908, 289, darkness. katcha n 1 A. Nastasen Stele f’ a
1—1 ^ ^ vessel, pot.
kaka ^L “ISim, worm, serpent. AAAAAA

katchai LI I ()(]; see Li A

I tH) I
kakmen-t LI i 1^0,Rec- 2 9V and U
/www ^ <2. a vessel. MMAAA \

kata ^ ) (] 1 ^ katchen L ^ |) U ^ ^ a, LI

katu (?)
<=> caldron, boiling pot, kettle; f j\ , charioteer, leader of the baggage waggons
W^’ Copt. KA.XI (?)
of an army or of a caravan; Li *t“**'| ^ j\ | \7,
o U I WtMM \ VO
katem, katem-t L chief overseer of waggons,
U] °u ka ^yS,Hh. 385 =
m’ V) k r i I) lll’o
U o, fine gold; var.r U
I ka^(|,U. 69-^fl^,N- ^
o , Amen. 18, 12; Heb. DJ13.
111 ka s = 'Ot [|(|, another (masc.).

kath ^ IV, 973 = ka-t )v\ o 3

111 211* ka-t ^ (] <=> = (j() ^ Jour.

kath Li 0 j pot, vessel, a kind of As. 1908, 249, another (fern.)

dye (?); plur. LJ ^ ®. kaa ^6 (j P. 439 M- 655‘

katha kaa (] boat.

"^1, Tutankh- kau ^3^6 [j ^>, u. 211, U. 273,

^ “let”,
to acclaim, greet (?)
amen 7, a plant from which a dye was made;
Copt. XOTfX, Lat. carthamus tinc- kau ^ (| P. 109 = ^ M. 75,
torius (?)
etc., to move (?)
I o
katha Rev., another;
kau ua <s=^» (j ^ ' ’ Copt. Ke o*ja..
the seed of the above plant.
3 D 4
K [ 792 ] K

kari (j(j A.Z. 1906, 21, P.S.B. Ki < (1 A , Thes. 818, a hawk-headed
<2>- bull-god.
13,32, goat (?) mule (Rec. 8,85); (j ( ®
ki-t * ( (j ^ 1111, Rec. 32, 82 ; var.
Wort. Suppl. 1277; var. V ^ ( (j a

ka o, a precious stone used in inlaying;

A? ° kiariu !,
var. l=/] 1
L.D. Ill, 140c, carriers of gold.

ka kev. 12, 116, to leave. !, Shipwreck 165, apes.

kaf -A ^ n, Rev. 11, 88, to overthrow.

kimi ^ III| e [1(1 e%v, hen;

kama d , Rev. 12, 119, Copt. £T^iJULe.

injury, violence. 1 • - e_x> 'WWVA AAAWi bundle; Heb.
kinanu nra
\\ -0| o’ T J ,
kami Rev. 12, 117,
xj to injure. kirshu-t ^
w m ^, cakes, loaves;
<2 1 11
karti-t (j Rev- :3> 26» v_m
XJ var.
butcher’s knife, goad. ■ 1 <=> Q

ki ^=» (]() <6, B.D. 163, 6, Thes. 1204, a Kirgipa , A.Z. 1880, 82,
w a w
particle of asseveration, also, moreover. a princess of Mitani. Tall al-‘Amarnah Tablets
Gi-lu-khi-pa £- M ^ Sa¬
ki ([j, ll \\, masc.
[) [) r \\" 1 AAAAAA to smelt (?); Copt.
ltish [j ^ AAAAAA

other, another; ^__ [ [ ^ (j(j O AAAAAA (Tuxy.

onetoanother; I ° jf D 0^^ (]() (](],

kith , to perish, be destroyed.

one embraces the other; v_-t I I_^ u "J ku e: , U. 96, 291, 534, T. 179, P. 93,
ll -_0 |
Nastasen Stele 61, another place; v._a [ [ 647, M. 129, Rec. 14, 165, 34, 178, pers. pron.

2nd sing. masc.; with nouns in dual ^^

another chapter; another person;

, once again, another time; ku others.

□ ©
, another, i.e., a variant, reading;
ku P. 104, M. 71; var. S
~M— Amen. 17, 3, once again ;
l^7 N. 73, to move.
□ ©’ Copt. KG.
keti , B.D. 153,11, ku-t (?) , Rec. 32, 82; var.
W . -

[ , fern., another, the other; ° llll

o O

B.D. 153, 11, one .... the fig tree; Copt.

other; w i, other matters; others.
^ c=^=> l ^ 111’ kua
kiu, kui
(2 e (2 1' IT
w IV’ w 1, pers. pron. 1st sing.
iv, 85, tk\\ ,<Z I TkW
w w \\ kufi (kef) ^ Rev. 13, 4,
(2 \\
, others;
!’ e w 26, ape (?) = ^; compare Heb. D',D’i£,
^ ^ ^ S I' ’ 0ther kill§S > C0Pt KOOnf 6- 1 Kings x, 22, 2 Chron. ix, 21.
[ 793 ] K
3^6 <—> on l n q=d m. Rev. 12, 37, cloud ; Copt.
kureshta -1 kepi
e l o O 4 o ’ □ - ’ (Thug.
nn' A.Z. i86g, 147, bread, r1 t-taxJ *i
(2 ^ ^ ° ’ cake; Gr. icvWdaTis, kep 3], hiding place, refuge.

kuqauf Zl ^, Rev. 12, 66, fir-cones; Kep-her ^ ^j, b.D. i5i,agod.

Copt. KOTKOTHA-pI^.. Rev. 13, 56, to seize ; Copt.

Q=£> a kind of □ (Turn.
kuth (?) 30
\\ mi’ bread.
kepu, keput
□ © ’ □ Q
keb a, arm, shoulder; '—Jj
t-ayf 1 , hunters, snarers.
, the two shoulders.
\\ kepri (( n, Rev. 14, 40 =’


kebb s (1 11 U. 325, 534, to coil up

( ( C33) = Copt. KHUG, chamber, furnace.
«J| Js ’ (of a serpent).
51-'i the arch of the sky, vault kef ^
keb-t Rec. 31, 20, knife.
<3> ’ of heaven.

Kebit Kef - pesesh □ rm

* f)f) ^ ’ Rev- I4’ 7>
goddess of heaven. N. 252A, an instrument used

in perfor
performing the ceremony of opening the

D n, — □
Kebatchaa 33 * ^ | ^ I) © ^ ®>
A.Z. 1849, 78, Cambyses; Pers. ft Cif ^*yy mouth; var.
33 C33
T<-, Bab. HRPS
Gr. Kan/3vff?]?.
kefa f*, 'f*. to spit out,
to pour out, to flow.
=1 to pour out, to vomit, to
sandals. keff ^ > escape
escaj: (of a fluid).
B.D. (Saite) 36,
kebu kefau vomit.
1, to
.0 (open.

WW/W J-F ^
Cl J O
kefa ^
wreck 60, Peasant 56,
11 1 U. 568, Rec. 31, 163, Ship¬

, A.Z. 1908, 8, 30 Jj
r „"i
. a large sea-going boat, a ship of Ebers Pap. 94, 11, ' 11 £—71,
d W
Byblos;* plur.
J ^r2J>^
j, A.Z.

o -Si
1908, 8, !>
-J I I I -J

Rec. 6, 8, , Rec. 22, 2.

-J y\ ^—o
-J J ^[- cypress.
bare, to denude, to unclothe, to divest, to strip,
—S), to lay

v_■'O V_-<>
kep £33, hollow to deprive, to spoil, to dismantle, to unveil, to

of the hand or foot ; Heb. pp? Copt. (Ton. uncover, to unfold, to pull off (wigs);

>?-Si , none at all.

keput ??? Thes. 1201, _
□ III □ ©
P.S.B. 10, 15, Mar. Karn. 54, 46, hands cut off kefa ab -Si
0 [)[) o A^ywv nr
from slain enemies; |\ www ( ( ^ (, f loyal, devoted; plur. ^ o I,
n mid enio m • AAAAAA

1 I II
^ IV, 1116;
o I
, Leyd.

Mar. Karn. 54, 54. Pap. 2, 9.

K [ 794 ] K

kefa (2
Keftenu , Berg. I, 20, an ape-
e * ^ o

Jib), hinder god; var.

^ <C 0 (2
part, backside, rump, tail] plur. -_££>, kem ^ , Rev., total = fafo.

i» Hearst PaP- 5) i3, kem ^ Rev. 13, 9, to behave

PT’ correctly.
8, 16; backs (of the leaves
kemu !’,Z19E,9
of a tree); Copt. .XA^J (?)
kefai, kefi
kem-t , Rev. 12, 49, lamentation.
to be naked,
Kem Ombos I, 186, one of
uncovered, despoiled. the 14 kau of Ra.

Kefaiu , B.D. Kemkem , B.D.

75) 4, a god.
1 45j 79) a group of gods
kemkem ^_71. Rev.
keft. . . . S , Peasant 321
13, 26, to be strong, to prevail ; Copt.
kefa —Israel Stele 2, fTJUL(TbjUL.

kema-t J>i i <=>, a weeping woman.

(2 Kembathet jS^ J (j ”, A.Z.

1849, 78, Cambyses.
to drive away, to put an end to (a storm
v v v v v, \ Kemnu Annales 1,85, one
m o
of the 36 Dekans ; Gr. KONIME.
kef-t iv, 1139, Rec.
kemh — = gemh
1, 50, a seizure; Ar" “Pap • 3024,
to see-
\\ ° kernes - [If,
ear of corn.
kefa wC_fl, iv, 663, 893,
ji L=/]:
e ken
1V’ 7I1’ r n > Edict 22, to seize, to grasp, AAAAAA 0 AAA/VSA

to capture, to collect taxes, to plunder; see 0 % ( H, to be angry, to feel

AAAAAA 1 -7/ ^ J AAAAAA 1 7 >
£_f\‘ indignation, to revile, to curse; V * ( 3 <~>

H to blaspheme the name of God ; com-

Kefau IV)35> “capturer”— AAAAAA r tx 1

I pare Heb.
t't *

a title; plur

54, 45, troops, soldiers.

lL sk i ’ Mar- Kam- kena-t v * (]
0 ,
^ (]
, wrath,

anger, reviling, curse, abuse; compare Heb.

Kefi ^ , Tuat X, a warder-god.

kenau ^ , ^ -ur- cursings,

keftu ^ a ship of Keft, 111 ^ 1 1 1 hatred.

Phoenicia; plur. | ^ aSSS, IV, 707, Kenit ww B.M. 191, a Syrian god¬

dess, a form of Qetshit, who appears as a naked

111' woman.
K [ 795 ] K
^ ^ (VWVAn

kenn awwa mama, moisture, liquid. Kenemm-ti 'C ., Nesi-

Amsu 32, 25, a form of Aapep.
kenn AAAAAA . ^ , reed; Heb. rDj/
Kenem, Kenmem X, T X,

kenken 33* z~~ 33* , *** j") ,


czrr X CZ7 *** 33 I a

P.S.B. 12, 83, to sing to a beaten drum, to clap
derah II, 10, Zod. Dend., ^ ** 1\ %X,
the hands rhythmically. AAAAAA AVxV _/)

rov A-Z. 1905, 25, to X, Tomb Seti I, Ram. II, one of

AAAAAA AAAAAA —lash with the tail. the 36 Dekans; Gr. KONIME, XN0YMI2.
1 1 1
kennarut AAAAAA q , musical Kenemtiu , IV, 896,
instruments, harps; Heb. 1 Kings x, 21. the people of the Great Oasis (Khargah).

A H Tuat X, a goddess, con- kenem to break forth.

Kenat ^ (sic)
AAAAAA H° r sort of Setfit (?)
kenanaur AAAAAA

00 0 AAAAAA V\
a kind of precious
harp; Heb. ""1133, Syr. , Gr. ki^vv/jo, AAAAAA II ^ Jth) c earth or stone.

Copt. ^TirtHp^, Arab. t[^<. kenenni I5- 408, M.

Rev. 12, 39, ear of corn ; 584, N. 1189, a sacred skin (?)
0 1 Copt. Ktt<L<LY.
kenmut P- 443) M. 547)
a bird.
kennu AAAAAA ., fatted bird.
o @ kenmut P. 776, N. 1128,
Knufi (j(j, L.D. V, 39, a late
, P. 66 r, AAAAAA

form of ^ ^ yf);Gr-X^e'0, Ki/of^ts, P.S.B.A. r6, 136, ape, monkey.

Copt. xncnfJUUC> Xno1f^c> Kenmut

Kenbuteha one of
o VX-
, Cambyses; Heb. ''D3.33 • the 36 Dekans; Gr. XN0YMI2.
13* 3
kenfa ^ kenh fi ^ J
/wwvv_q V,_/I
to nip, to squeeze,
to crush.
o ' AAAAAA &
B.D. 172, 25, night,gloom, obscurity, dark¬
Kenmet AAAAAA jj|, Berg. I, 20, an ape-
ness; var. 8
god, the associate of Thoth

Edfu I, 21, one of kenh. AAAAAA a name of the 24th day

Kenem-ti AAAAAA

l£==] V three holy apes.

of the month; var. ^ ^ Vox.
kenem-t v—* f\ 10 5
kens (?) dlo, force’ ™lenc^°?;
B.D. 125, II, 29, t\ A.Z.
KX * m>
kens 1 O, Hearst Pap. VII, io,
1900, 20, darkness. AAAA

^ f| lacenta, the
Pap. 3027, 4, 7, the placenta, th
Kenem-ti ^ o j ... (C’ after-birth.

^ JS B.D. 125, II, one of the 42 assessors kensa “ ^ , pennaeum.

W^Or of Osiris. AAAAAA I

kens waam , bow; Arab, s (?)

an ape-god, the associate of Thoth. Kensu 1, Nubians.
K [ 796 ] K

kenku-t rm G=FF0
kerreshtta ^ , A.Z.
I I I u I I I
Stat. Tab. 34, IV, 707, logs of a special kind of 1868, 146 = KvWncTTl9.
Rev. 14, 8, wrath; Kerrshra " ^ >, Kalasirian;
kent V is:
AAAAAA Copt. (Tumx.
see Herodotus IV, 116; var. Pwn
Ker__>5Jj.B.D. 39,13 =
J<?> kerk ^ jj , Rev. II, 173, 12, 11, to
an earth-god.

r) Denderah I, 51, a goddess be equipped, equipment; Copt. 6"bp(T7

Kf\' of Punt.
kerek ° Hearst Pap. IV, II, a seed
ker-ti , the two horns. ^—* III’ or fruit used in medicine.
v X
burnt offering; Copt. kerker ^ £ n
kerr -2S& L-/T
.2^ (TXlX. to circle, to mark out a circle with a stick.
(9 q
kerker °, R
14, 43) talent; Heb. 133, Copt. fTiruTcop.
nnrn ^ ^ S1 ^ ^ I-shnne’
chapel, coffer, coffin, chest; plur. V ^° |. keh
Thes. 1206, to smite, to strike, to throw.
Keraslier ify, Kalasirian; see
l vy.j
<rr> rJ$
Herodotus IV, 116. keha rebeiii°n-

keri-t , habitation, abode. Kehai ra "ra'Clkl3^ V

, a title of Set.
keriu [ [ ^ , mules (?) goats.

□ kehau
kerp b Rev. n, 188, to de¬ ra u-6°6.

clare, to make clear; Copt. fTtoXn. keheb, kehab L=d, A.Z. 1907,

kerf ^
pluck away; Copt. fTcJUpcJ.
, to seize, to carry off, to
lij I5> "ra* J In J ^
Ke[r]ent [<=>] 1 Denderah IV, 79, a ra J3^ }
AAAAAA 0 ’ god. Q L==/], to smite, to strike, to
kerh S F^’ ^ ° ’ A Z• I9°6, attack, to pillage, to overthrow.

147, FW=3, Rec. 18, 182, 33*^ | Kehab & jSJkf, a title of Set.
Rev. 14, 11, night; Copt. fTtopg,
kehes 1 § ^ dis-
ra ra
kerli ur ^ ^7^^, the great night
festival. gust, chagrin.

kerh netches | ^ the kehet Rec. 2, 147, a kind of tree

I Uci
little night festival.
keh , to act gently or slowly.
keresh-t LAl~J
<=> 1 c (2 r-ti keha , 8 Zl N. 506, a cake ofifer-
<=), Roller I, 3, ^ os X X-* ’ ing.

^ (3 3* on
-* L ^ I ((->> 3^-O Kehau , U. 509, |
" n , c3o
3> ^ C I I I I <=>
Cl 33* Q] f) 0=t) _ , T. 323, in the proper name W
3n](] , <=>. jj (J ( | (5 Rec. 16, 72,
CF=d’ r~vn (a
cake, bread, loaf; Gr. kvWuotis.
K [ 797 ] K

Kehau fk ^ Litanie 60 "] f| U. 442, T. 29, to bow, to

kess 3:
Vn- do homage.

kehu ^ |e P. 605, to do
336 33* Ebers keskes =.
Pap. 39, 4.
jtf A.Z. 1906, 123, to
kehen 3361 AA/WV\ 0° , cup, vessel. dance, dancing.
to rub down un¬
keskes L«/],
kehna(?) 33*|\\ A.Z. 1905, guent.

108, night, darkness. 3 y\

keskesu , A.Z. 1905, 1 o 1,
kehsi 33* ^ 1 (j (j, Demot. Cat. 18.
to take short flights, to flap the wings.
Rec. 4, 134, to be
kehek Kes I, Tomb Ram. Ill, 58, a god;
I n ’ old, aged, senility.
Cairo Pap.
varr. >c;A
kehkeh , Mar. Aby. II, J\ ’ 4, 2.
36, Rec. 16, 57, Anastasi I, 2, 1, to be old. 1 A. Rec. 36, 162, to lie, to
’ deceive.
kehkehi 33
I M ft- keskes 1®, Rev. 14, 13,
Kehkeh 33 , the “ aged
to chatter foolishly, to jest; Copt. KA.CK6C.
one ”—a title of Thoth.
ksantha 33* ^ ^ Rev. n, 180,
kehkeh-t 33
• •
0 West car 7, yellow; Gr. gavOa.
19, age, aged.
kesb-t IT
Kehkehit 3= ^J), B.D. 75, 4,

a goddess ; see Seksekit. rj*4»

& [ a star in the Tuat,
K-khert (?)
o* ’ Tuat VII.
plur. 336 P J Q 0 0 0’ P- 2°°> N- 936,

kes j\, P. 204, (?) Rec. J.^000'p-66^PJ , M.

27, 59,
779, * rj (3 (j(j Q j, Anastasi IV, 2, 11, a
kind of fruit tree, sycamore-fig tree (?)
the fruit of the above
kesb-t 11 o ° ,
—H-JJ III tree.

kesfen o, a mineral.
Rev. 11, 137, to bow, to do homage; nrnn Q. 0 o
to force a woman. kesem
kesu , bowings. ~—Q 33
a, , to turn

kesau () p- 9, 7°3, M aside, to lose the way, wandering, error.

o, p. 341, bowings, homage. kesem ^ IY2 ° Rev-14> IO>

kesu 3^ 1 ^ N. 136] stormy; Copt. (TTocjUL.

j, Rec. 27, 217; var. !, Kesmiu nen-t ^ l|l) $j

homage. 1 I ”3 ^fx % % ] 1 1 "3 bd
TTUl’-^mj Ill 1 TTLJ
kes, kesa N- 328, 648,33 78, 44, a group of gods in the Tuat.
( M. 143, =*|1(|, U. 68,<ct[1 Kesem heh Amentt
T. 2CH 33* (1 M* 4°7, to bow, to do f| I 0 Q Vft Ombos II, 134, a mythological
393, jy* ' fy homage, to submit. 4 r r^vn Jr being.
K [ 798 ] K

kesh , to sprinkle, to moisten. kek vgH )—a, the dark water.

rwn f

fruit used in medicine.
SV © , a seed or Kek F^n=3 ) —( Hp- ^ www, Edfh
I, 80, a title of the Nile-god

Keshtt r\n jJvyj, Ombos I, 84, a deity

kek ^ I, Thes. 1201, a plant; plur.
who presided over the products of Cush.

Kesh-t_ 5a /WWVj 5 Ombos <2^111

II, 246, a god (?) kek nelies

k©slll3 1 vx 1 Rev- r3> 26, 14; T9» to t)® 4, 2r, Nubian bark; Copt. KO'fKe.
* □ 0’ hot, dry (?)

kek ^ 1, to praise, to applaud.

kek-t ^ ^ o, a gnawing animal or
V insect, weevil (?) shrewmouse (?); compare Copt.
• x A
kek K6K.

kek 1, Thes. 120X keki ^OAq XV Rev. >4, i°,agloomy-

I/yX 1
s s
faced mon

kek " , heat, flame, fire. kekit Rev. 14, 22,

a class of
Kektiu stars. B.D. 39, 13, a god who
o \\ Kekr
judged Aapep.
kek, keka U. 50, 533,
kekrer (?) , A.Z.
ir- p Z) J3£&.‘
X O'
is > 1872, 107.
fVW © ® F=ttF] O
w \\^ 1 ’ kekes ^
~ A.Z. 1873, 15,
t—II si
to dance; see
(] (a Q} A
W Jl
HP !»

Rev. 11, 183, darkness, gloom,

ket Vta to be small
DD^ o, o o 2L1
obscurity; Copt. K<LK6.
or little, tiny, helpless, abject; >
keku reruti n, small; Copt. KO*VI.
the outside darkness.
‘vf’Q III KGllt o O
keku smau ^ ^ /]>
babe, child, girl, boy,
L 1 1

^ 1 1 1 small, little ; plur. kettiu ^ ^ [] ( Leyd.

rxw ', deepest
1 1 1
IIP 1 1 1 Pap. 4, 2, (j[ J§) !, Heruemheb 3,
gloom or darkness, absolute blackness.
I, not small ones.
Keki ^ I I I /WWW
L ; darkness personified, one of the four ele- ketab } Rec. 3, 3, IV, 390, 932,
° ’ mental gods ; see Khemenu. o I
modesty, timidity, thought, design.
Keku , Tuat VIII, a god in
ket ' * | [ , another;
the Circle Sehert-baiu-s.
], another; , another (fern.).
Kokit *=£=*,
darkness personified—one of the four j Nastasen Stele 60, other things,
o elemental goddesses. ,Qw , | ’ property of others.
K [ 799 ] K

ket-akh (kh-t) \\ Ketui-ti

1 w c M^I’Tomb of
X Seti I, one of the 75 forms of Ra (No. 65).
X 3 w
!’ o !’ ^ —w

, IV, 1089, !>

X I'
other things, other
people’s things.
Ketuitt tent ba
o <E
, Tuat II, a lioness-goddess
ket-kha-t , Rev. 13, 59, other;
0 0
® l ketfi tfifijtn = ser-
plur. ?! I! ^ \\
ill 1 a w
X pent, reptile.
(2 3 1, Rec. 2i, 78, the
© M ketn Rev. 11, 168, tunic; Gr.
other chiefs; Copt. Ke^OJUO'ifrtl, with II 5, Xnivv.
and rtl.
keteslita o ( ff=D, bread, loaf.
ket kha-t , shaft of a pillar; var. czsm
q !
ketket i, to stammer, to stutter.
0 0

ket tCl’ _ ^ baldness. ketket "" *. to beat, to shake;

c c ci k=J]
keta-t (j ^, cooking pot; plur. Copt. (Tex(TCOX.

ketket ^, A.z. 1900,31,1905,
Nastasen Stele 4, 6, 25, 37, to walk with short quick steps, to quake.
also; Copt. K€.
ketket I\ J v, Nastasen
o c T 11 1
ketu-t cooking pot; plur.
Stele 49, ^ 43, pCC'
torals, neckbands.
ketu-t V , B.D. 17, 33»
c 2
_ f V} 11 1 c
ketket v * \Ty a kind of herb or
tk 0 Jft j ibid. 31, weapons of slaughter, C Q III plant.
_Jf £/] | ’ gods of the divine cooking pots.
ket Amen. 25, 2 =

ketui-tlTM kTM “"O' ’

c l ketchaketcha
B.D. 167, 26, cooking pot; plur.
Litanie 65. to kill, to throw down ; Copt. (TexCToX.
[ 800 ]

s G G

g Z5 = Heb. P and J and Copt- <T. a

gai S (j x ( > Z5 (f
g[a] S , IV, 767, Annales III, 109, b()( , needy one.

S £, IV, 613, Metternich Stele 58, X I Q B.D. 142, 4, 14,

a title of Osiris.
& 1^4^’ A'Z' I9°°’ 28’ S B.D. 102, 2, strain (?) con¬
ga & traction (?)
Rec. 29, 155, ffi S > S
(a o _ M
ga-t _, > S , Rec.
C3 > to be in distress, to suffer want, to lack m!e=i TET
V f
4, 3°» S 0 4] > 0
air, to be choked, suffocated; S
O I i—l

n n t=^=j (3 Cs (3^0
5 ffi ffi > 0
o (2
stricted windpipe; Z5 i=3tfc=i A , a narrow > 0 a
^ I e

way or path; ® ^ ^. exhausted (?) coffer, chest, coffin, shrine, receptacle,

basket, cradle; B
g[a] Z5 Metternich Stele

170, 171, a suffocated child. Ga nu sa Ast 0 ^orlJ,11 cradle

C^D I til X3 lil

ga, gau s T. 277, © ^ of the son of Isis ”—a name of Apollinopolis


T-181- p- 9°3’ ga 0 ^ > unguent or unguent pot.

ffi S
ga 0 throw-stick, boomerang.
s]feV’ P' ,ii6b’ 26’ gaa s |qn>,T. 293, 0
O O e

(j P| )•
& > S > s
(2 x
to overturn (pun on the name (S
& s ^ t—0,
, to be in sore straits, to
be in great need, to suffer want, to be obstructed, a kind of bull; .WWW ... Z5 , Roller
/wwv\ III
shut in, blockaded, deprived of something, to
3, 6, young ga bulls.
be empty of; Copt. (CtOOT, (CRT, 2£HCnf.
^ B.D. 164, 13, claw
ga-t 0 0 %’ (of a lion).
gau-en gau AA/VVW

Pap. 3024, 64, without. ga Z5 s t0 sing, to sing to

(9 O <2 s 0
> Z5 > Z5 a musical instrument.
ga-t B
e a 1 gaga s
> s !> & ^ want-
need, poverty. to cry (of a bird), to cackle; var. ffi ^
gau-t s £—/), Greene II, 24,
Gagaur B-D-
S Thes. 1209, want, need. 56, 2, 59, 2, “Great Cackler”—a title of Geb.
ffi G [ 801 ] G ZS

Rev. 13, 22 = Copt.

gaut ZS !. ZS
* gai S nil¬ HHT ’ (rt in orejuLCrt.
B.D. 28, 4, 99, 23, thoughts (?)
kind, manner, style
gai Z5^n (](j
ga ZS zs •
<3^ , Thes. of.

1202, ZS , Annales IX, 155, to see, to Gaisers ( g\()H P P)j» K°(Caesar.

look; van. §®35=, | gau-t ZS , Anastasi 23) 7>
-fi (a
gaga ZS ZS , Love Songs ® a I Q£V], defile, a mountain pass.

5, 11, to ogle, to “make eyes at.”

gaua ZS ^ f), N. 628, ZS ^ -fj
Gagait (?) B^B^®^
Amen, si, 4, B ^
Ombos II, 130, a goddess.

gaa-t ZS , shrine, chapel. blockade, to besiege; see ZS ~jf") '%^s’ 34°»


Gaaubekh.... ZS
Canopus Stele 32 = t« KucnWm. gaua ZS fii to sing, to praise;

Ga.a.... B £ $. Ombos var. ZS

II, 132, a goddess.
Gai ZS ((j 1 Tuat VI, a god.
^, a kind of horse, stallion (?)
1 1
gai[t] ZS ^jj^(j(j O, Rechnungen 66, AAAAAA 6c)

gauana ZS
bottle, wine-pot; ZS ( ( 0, P.S.B.
f] ^ \ Ml’ Israel
Stele 6, sacks, bags to hold clothes; Copt.
13, 411, to work the bottle, i.e., to get drunk.
(To crime.
gai a uj, ® % gauasha ZS
, Rec. 14,11,
T\ ^h\ flf] J] ^ Amen. 17, 6, to smear, to x
^ m II n ’ bedaub. > ZS fIV
gai-t ZS a
((jO, Love
(|(| q» A>Z- 19°6, 30,

Songs 2, 9, a strong-smelling
unguent made from the cyperus (?); varr.
Thes. 1200, ZS
break, to smash.
gauasha a ^ f] ^ M
o r=i
(1(1 w®^ o- o
AA/VW Mission I, 607, ZS ^ ^>
gai-t S^()(j^r, nn
ft e
/V, to turn away, to

Annales IX, IS6. expel,

exp to) pll
pluck out, to cut down (of trees);
<2 ^ j. -A A.Z. 1880,
ZS fl 1 11
© 95-
®m ’ B ^ w m ’ cyperus; var' a gauaten B f) m 0 1

ffi fi fi 0 the seed or berries of the

Anastasi I, 24, 6, IV, 3, 1, S Cl
mi’ Ill’ same; Copt. KICUOT.
^ Roller 3, 2, to tie, to bind, to tie
D (5 E -/I together, to repair.

DAtk^r B.D. 263, a lake full of *2 ^ [ a. seed used in

gauf-t ZS ;— o |’ medicine (?)
11 _ZL in’ scented flowers in the Tuat.
3 E
s G [ 802 ] G a

gaum(?) Berg. I, 30, to be gab-t b^J^, ®U^%

weak, fatigue, weakness, helplessness.
B^Je^'A-z'I9°7’125’ BlkJ^
S ^ j 2 A'Z- ,9°5’ '9’ K
JJ o, , leaf, leaves, foliage; Copt. (TuO-fte.
^ , Love Songs 1, n, 5, 3, arm; dual
®Sj^"'®^J^r^'Thes- B.D. 172, 15, hair, tress, foliage.
n WvW
1201, a j| £ ? ’ Festschrift 117> S
gabun a tired’ wearied-
Copt. (T&lOI, x$oi.
B J=Cv gabesbes a J P J P ’ Sallier PaP-
n, 13, 15.
gab a JJ <2. J J, place of rest.
gabgu J
gab ®j
B.D. 149, 7, 4, to look with evil design, malign
a kind of

glance. gap a ^ ro z n’ Anastasi 4, 2,. 10,
Koller 2, 1, 8, to catch (?) to seize (?)
gab 1^ L'D-
III, 229c, B^ gafi a^^-, IV, 949. s \\

a j| to Fe weak, to be sick, Ejl, Koller 4, 3, S ffi

feeble, to fail in health, defective (in quality), , , a long-tailed monkey,

short (in weight), exhausted, tired, adversity,
the pratas monkey, ape (cercopithecus); plur.
misery; Copt. (TLfi€, Xe&I, fToofi, (S'Jufi,

xoj^, xe& iwo-t ; a ^ J ^L, ( T’ Z5

Shipwreck 165, a

!. B.D. i36a, 5, S
Sphinx 14, 221, a bad year;
Love Songs 4, 5. Litanie 64; see S t| , aB

□'’pp, x Kings x, 22 =
«abu ®\l^’Rec-z\rn:^i compare Heb. plur.
2 Chron. ix, 21, Gr. d//3o?, ^Vo?, Keiiro^.
Gafffi^^|,the Ape-god-* form
to be wretched, miserable, weak, helpless. of Ra.

gabgab B^J^S^J^I] gaf bIL 'T?—fl.

„ B
w ^ fl,
_ £ \\
to knead dough, to force, to compel; a

*0 | Amen. 12, 17.

\\ Q\\ I I
ue*__ g=P
be broken or overthrown, to be dashed in pieces ; gafgaf W III’
see J ^s. and © J] ® jj > CoPt- kind of bread or cake.
gamai a , an oily plant
gabga[b]iuffi^J|^[J](j() hen (?); Copt.
^ j, Rev. 6, hi, the slain, those
gami-t B^|^, (Tx.iJtxe (?)
overthrown in battle = ^ <=^3 Jj (j (j o j gamh a | to see, to look

upon, to perceive; see

ffi G [ 803 ] G

gan s^°^l’weak’ garp-t ffi \ ^ ^ dove, a

helpless, soft, fluid (of unguent). kind of pigeon; Copt. CTpOJULTie.
*-ch /ws/w\ q *-cn /wv/w\ o

gann @ ffarh c=^F=q n'§ht, darkness; Copt.

x 8 • X(JUp£,.
^» Anastasi I, 23, 5, Koller 5, 3, to faint,

to drop with fatigue, to be helpless, weak; see garsetep (?)

kind of medicinal unguent.
WAM r± ^ ^«°-
gann 55 tongue (?) gcirtcl <v\
rr\^ 0.00 Hvvs 000 5

gann &
w w
> B.M. 5639A> ® rH- ® Zk'Ti a medi-
16, lamp-stand (?) cinal plant and the unguent made from it; Copt.
0 ^TApATe.
ganu & ^X, s T=FT
-2^ 1 tk "XT' £}
, reed, marsh flower; see ® ^ '; Heb. Hip.
gartchana ^

a pronged instrument; Heb. pU)7p, 1 Sam.

ganuiu s 0 [( ^X, A.Z. 1900,
xiii, 21.
1 1 1
33, water plants.
gah ZS
ganraga & MJ, Z5
, to rest, to be weary.
Melanges 3, 2, 153, but read gantga Z5

ffi Z5 to gahes ffi ^ ^ ffi

transfer, to translate, to render; compare Heb.
gazelle, antelope; fem. Z5
plur. ZS | TW |, Koller 3, 6, Z5
gansa u ^ X Amen. 8, 20,

13, ”, 18, 17. | p |; Copt. (TgjOC.

gangar ^ , S to
gas © 1 ^—fl, s^p^,. S
sing; Copt. tf'TtcTrt, xertxen.

gar =£>, purse, bag, wallet

,j Z5 n e^S, ffi
1 ®

_S£se> I Rev. 12, 9, lie, false- , to smear, to anoint; Copt. OfTC.

gar Z5 \
, w >, 1I ’ hood; Copt. (TbX.
rrv^ r- ii'
n1 q
©11, anointings.
\\ gasu ZS
gar a (?) Z5 , Anastasi IV,

14, 3, fire, furnace (?) gas a 1 cttd, Berg. I, 56, embalming

garagantesi ffi ^ 3 ^ chamber; var. ^

° ((j o, Rev. 12, 67, gourd, pumpkin; Gr.
Gasut S ^ N- 975. the
ko\6kvv6o<}. Glossed by Copt. KA.XA.KA.rtOI.
Bull-god of heaven.
garbu, garpu Z5
gas Z5^^> Z5^p()f|^^,
Koller 2, 1, ZS
J ^ kZ/l’ S
\\ □
Love Songs 7, 6, grief, mourning, stiff, stiff¬
j](2k—J], Alt-K. 1059, ZS necked ; var. Z5 P ^ (?)
IJJ-- w I (2

Anastasi I, 26, 5, Z5 ^^ >

gas ZS'^Kp(§ Peasant 162, to go out
to hammer, to rework, to bolt together; com¬
pare Heb. *h?- of repair, to fall away; \ar. Z5 P tgl '

3 e 2
G [ 804 ] G

gasar Z5 & " Q, ring, signet; ga, gai ® mmi, S [[ mu, a. kind of

^ 0 ^
„ tk r£i -2^ ° precious stone.
plur. S ° > s
Jour. As. 1908, 255, to
Copt. Kccnrp. cycTb'vp. ga wait; Copt. CTtO.
XJ 11 1

gasf-t s n , a seed or fruit gaa Z5 <>^ , censer; Copt. XH.

used in medicine.
gai en ankh S (j( | ~*aaa ^7 ® ,
gash s i1 a\~~i , A.Z. 1868, 9,
Rec. 13, 36, the act of living ; Copt.
□O r~^~1 \>
ffi > 55 to spill, to pour
garab S O, Rev. 12, 68, the
out, to sprinkle, to bedew, a pouring out, inun¬ u u
sea cray-fish or spiny lobster, the Palinurus (?),
perhaps also the stag-beetle ; Gr. tcapafio'}, glossed
gash & ^ 00 , to flatter, to by icapafi.

wheedle; Copt. KOOpCLJ. ffah 55 to reach out, to stretch out,

XJ A ’ to extend.
gash gah 55 ^ , chapel, shrine.

55 fj ^ reed; plur. Z5 ^^00

Gasantra 55 ^ o xj , Rev.

A.Z. 1900, 30, S \ ro c ^X, 11, 180, Cassandra; Gr. Kaoavrpa.

n 111

S no nitr ; var. ^ &5 ^ (| ^; Copt. K<Lcy. gaga (gaga) S ffi , Rev. 12, 39 =

no Rec. 21, 96, a
gashu s
<2 bird. gi Z5 (Rev. 13,58 =* TO 7rpOGy]KOV.
zi <=>
Gaqit (?) & ^fj, Ombos II,
o gi ffi (|( *2^) form, like, manner, character.
132, a goddess.

gata-t s ^ | (] giunema S M 1 k "k #'

0=01 Rev., the act of eating; Copt. (TArtOTfCOJUl.
a kind of cake or bread.

gata () o. s ^k] (| *. alve,

gi en au & (](| J AAAAW .A, the act of

coming; Copt. (Tlltei.

ointment, unguent; var. §1
gi en ankh S (](]| AAAAAA XJ 0, Jour.
gatha 55 Amen. 13, 5, to As. 1908, 271, the act of living; Copt.

smite, to strike, to be violent (?) <Tmum£,.

gi enuben s (j(j j AAAAAA ^ ^ >

Gata 55 ^f), B.D. (Saite)
Rev. 13, 40, rising.
78, 19, a god.

rr A ^ D6crets 29, a kind of
of bread.
gi en reg ffi ()(] J Rev.,
running away.
! cyperus; Copt.
Kiuxrr. gi en sef & 1*^ , Rev. 12,

© 108, the manner of yesterday.

gau s (j , a sculptor’s wallet
gi en tchara & ((| \ wws* |
ape, monkey; plur. in Heb.
gaf ffi (] = □"’Dp or QiQIp. Rev. 13, 103 . . . . ; Copt. CTirUTA-Xo ( ?)

«*Wt] MiS5k”d of plant

55 G [ 805 ] G S

gi segerh ZS (](j| P^f2^2 jj, Rev., gU<l Z5 ® > Hh. 487, tightness or
condition of peace.
twisting of the chest, a disease.
gj Af throne, steps, high place,
i l c!—-‘ ’ terrace. gua-t ffi £1 box> a place'
0 ( Pra straint.
gi ffiflOo , to be corrupt, to perish.
g^i S^(](jf|,altar.
gui , honour, praise.
Rec. 4, 21, a plant or herb; ffi ()(] ^ ^ ^ ^
gUg ffi ® 1, to abuse (?); 55 ^
■k ® > B ft
IV, 1104, each cursed the
gi s(j( (® ^, mason, artisan. other.

geb 0 j A.Z. 1906,147, j ^

, Love Songs 4, 6, a kind of goose.

giti ® OH *“ 12Copt (Thox

Geb J, U. 210,
gitcha (?) S (j(j hand (?);
Copt. (T\x (?) M. 936,VJIJLoTII’

j ^7 ^ > Rec- 32i 87, an Earth-god, the

gu 55 ^ ® » a kincl of cattle-
son of Shu and Tefnut, the husband of Nut,
gu Z5^‘ ffi ffi , sack,
and the father of Osiris, Isis, Set, Nephthys,
Horus. As the creator of the Cosmic Egg he
bag, basket; plur. 55^^,, L.D. Ill, i6a,

baskets [of tribute]. is called the “ Great Cackler,” 55 ® ;

gui-t Z5 (j (j , coffer, chest. Gr. K^y3. Later forms are: ® JJ > Rec-

gu-t (?) ^ ’ a kind wor^man j plur- ■7,94. oj], vj®

S ^ ^ ^fj j, Gol. Hamm. 11, 76.

sll’ 0
gU ffi ® ^5, cyperus A.Z. 1906, 147-1497 Q j ^7 ^ j t ^7 Q J,
of various kinds : of $ 0 ^ , of ^ | > °f ^JJ
□ Gebb ffi JJ|,U.382,-gJJC])A.Z.
, of , of_£ ^X, and of the
xs 00 mi

oasis tk a \ &. Z50 cyperus berries i 1906, 148, S jj JJ > the Earth-god.
’ Jr0 | £*4™ ’ (0 in* Copt. KIUJOY.

gu ? Rev' I74’ ^
Geb 7 V Rec- 27» 87 =
or or ; see note in
Rev>I2’49’tm^ ^ D \> I
Jour. As. 1908, 248, to be choked, to be blocked Rec. 17, 94.
up, to be restrained or constrained; Copt.
(TCOOT, (ThO**.
Geb , Tuat X, a god who came out

of the chain that fetters Set, and who fettered

gua ®fluLi' Uamemti.
p i 1] fit Tomb of Seti I, one of the
® f] ® f] to besiege’to JJ ’ 75 forms of Ra (No. 15).
shut up, to shut in, to blockade, to put under
Tuat VI, a jackal-headed
restraint; var. S -jjjTj ® ®
Geb¥JI’- stake of torture.
3 e 3
& G [ 806 ] G ffi

Geb O J"],DenderahIV,8o, O gebiu

Quelques Pap. 93, an ithyphallic god akin to
gebgeb J, T. 310, & J ffi J,
i.e., Menu of 192,
Gebai ^ J M. 126, ffij fflj Rec. 30, ffij

Geb h'lA '1m ^ ^ ’ 'n

, in zjzM, §§
—/-J 1

L ~J, Mar. Aby. I, 44.

1 /WVWV ,

SJ ffi J Rec. 8, 136, & J J ffi

Tuat XII, a form of Stat. Tab. 39, to overthrow, to slay; S jj ffi |1

Geb ur j
Horus of the East.
3X cj\ the overthrown, slain; Copt.
Geb khenti khat pest-t
0 [ Hh. 242, Geb, chief of gebgebi S J S J 1)1] IV, 658,
rflh ^ | 5_J 1 ’ the nine gods.
® ®J ^ a ^e^eatec^ anc* overti‘rown
Geb qenbti
A/WAAA Ji \\
Tuat II, a god with a knife-shaped phallus. gebgebit ZS J ffi j > dead bodies.
Geb 7A (I $ RD- 99> 7, god of the
^ J SXi ’ celestial ocean. gebgeb deformed,
lame (?) a disease of the leg.
aaaaaa } J v\ aaaaaa (for 55
AA/VWA ^ —21 VWWV -LEAa'
A/WW\ \

,wwv\ 15 the celestial ocean or Nile. gebgebi

/WWW /

Gebit Berg. II, .3,^1°^, geba

tt 0 0 the goddess whose bowed
hJd ^ > body forms the sky. geba 149, vii,
geb, geba ffl J 4, to cast evil or threatening glances.

, arm; geba sj b.d. r44, 12,

tree, foliage, booth (?)
a piece of ground; dual ® Z5 j
Copt. (T&OI, X$OI. gebir ffl J (j(j Rev. 12, 57, great

man ; compare Arab.^joo.

gebb “8Jim’ ‘sJJm’ ^
149, earth, ground. gebir ffl J ()|)_b»5, Rct- "> l68;.”fb-
geb -a, T. 388, ^ , M- 404, aQbundle
gebga 55 j Hh- 472, Rec.
geb ‘XPe'X IV> 367> 372, sacks of
26, 225, ffl J ffl ibid. 26, 228 ;
o o o ‘ III ’ grain.

geb-t varr.ffiJfflj^S^Jffi

leaf, leaves, buds ; Copt. (Tuofie. a kind of goose.

geb ® J, ojsf**;, to gebt S , throne, throne chamber,

fail, to collapse, to be helpless; Copt. 6”&&G.

gebt 25 ^ °n > two arms ; see S
gebi & ^)emot• Cat., to be

weak, to collapse; var. X J (j( Jour.

J“°, SJ
U. 496, P. 164, M. 328,
gep S
As. 1908, 300; Copt. Kiouo&e, (T&fie. □ N. 859, to rain, to flood.
s G [ 807 ] G B

j-1- WMA

, ® ’fffr*’ fl“d. gemgem ^ 1, Verbum
D /ww/w
_ aaaaaa aaaaaa flnnH
storm, inundation j /WWW /WW/W A/WWA 5
I, 336, 2, to search out, to investigate, to
D /WAA/W AAAAAA 01 WcltCl*. reckon up.
gep B nausea, sickness, a fit of
□ vomiting. gem usher Ag^, Ebers Pap. 18, I,
89, 1, “found illegible or destroyed,”—a scribe’s
gepaut Rev' l8l-3e':
□ N ? in Copt. (Ton. note indicating a lacuna in the text.
gepu E Sphinx Stele 12, an evil
□ _zi ’ glance (?)
Gemii a/^1 $ BerS- X’ I3> a g°d who
I ’ found places for the dead.
gepes So Suppl. 1297
gef S Rev- T3> 84, vengeance, avenger; Rec. 29, 147, a group of gods (?)
^=»—’ Copt. fciLi./
& A, 1120,, ^ Gem husu /'fikl^l _
J2. S° U. 423, ape, monkey; B.D. 177, 3; seeAg^|^^.

p|uf. T- j> Gemu heru ^ ^ f I ^, b.d.

Litanie 64 ; compare Heb. plur. 58. 3. a grouP of gods.

□'Dp, D'Dip.
Gem hesu u- 363,
Gefut , U. 423, B

^ ° , T. 242, the ape-gods of heaven. ^kfM^’B-D'i”’3’',«k

|1® A.Z. 1900, 27,
eefen *5L iv> ij39> a-z- i9o8> j32»
/www ’ to revile (?) to abuse (?)

gem, gemi jj. ^

lpit. ^'zZ^l.
.^S^k^-lk) w name or title of Ra.

/^g(](], u. 515, Ag /= (]( , to find, to dis¬ , to be sorrowful, in despair.
cover; A^g U. 200, T. 78, M. 231, gemgem /*g , to pant,

N. to breathe with difficulty.

to find a mouth, /.<?., to speak; Copt.

1 ’ 6"m, (Tine, xeju., xsjuu. gemut ^k!^?^' AS

gemi-t ^ 1 1 . AS l l l
mourning, grief, mourners (?)
jh, [ ( o, Pap. 3024, 155, something found;

gem ® k^' ^k^’ Rev-

12, 11, strength, power, might; Copt. (TbJL*..

gemm ^kk^’^kk’ gemgem N. 877, ffi

P. 360, N. 1073, to find; Ag
E X, Rec. 26, 227, 228, Ag t\ Ag
to find a way or means, i.e., to effect something.

gemgem Ag /-Ag /-, Mar. Karn. P. 342, Ag Ag Shipwreck 59,

52' & !, Anastasi I, Leyd. Pap. 3, 4,

, B.D. 113, 2.
28' w ^k^k^’ A-z- ,9°5’371 ^
3 E 4
ffi G [ 808 ] G ffi

, Love Songs i, 2, 7, 12,

X A.Z. 1867, 107, to weep, to mourn.

to break, to smash, to crush, to seize, to touch, gomD-t

to handle, to try by the taste or touch.

gem-t 1\, a bird; plur. ^®

, weeping woman, wailing woman, widow.

gemh-t A-g
gemi ^M^’^^f"'’aherb’
garden plants. IV, 200, the hair over the temples or by the

gemi A>g(](], Hh. 9. sides of the head; ^ f \ 'fo, BD-

0 Koller Pap. 3, 8, a ,46, 15, 1, hair, foliage; 1 fl'tO,, thread

* kind of precious stone.

gemah ter weigh, to grasp, to gemh^||l,A-Z.

enclose, to bind.

Gematcha f a^ ^ i V >1 gemhu & RSB- I3. 3r7)

Demot. Cat. Ill, 247, 4,
I, 99, part of a shrine; S MW- two
stones for doors of a tomb.
gema ® ? » Rev- r4> loo, garden.
gemsh ^S ^ ? hair, lock, tress,
Rev. 13, 64, evil;
gema S \7
Copt, erbojme.
gen ffi S i,p. 562, S U. 491,

gemuh A-g AM/WV /VV V V V» .1 .

bull; var.t-t £5 I, N. 915 ; plur. ^

^ WW
to see, to perceive, to scrutinize ;
, see gemh.
B.D. 69, 13.

gemnen a>^ ', Rev. 15, gen-t ® £, N. 979, ^ > /v^\a 5, )

/vwwv N ^4 N ^ N
-71 w wIII
102, cumin; Heb. Gr. Kvfuvov, Arab. P. 364, N. TO78, A/WWV J, , WWW1 ZS »
/WWW X 9

"ii ^ 0 § N 0 <2
ffi ', L.D. Ill, 194, 27, memorial,

gemr ® £1 , Rev. 11, 169, record, archive, memorandum; plur. A/WW\ $] I

0 Q N I
Rev. 11, 174, camel; Copt. Rec. 31, 25, ^ !, A.Z. 1880, 49, ^ <jj
IV, 500, A^A ^ - TT3 ;
ffl 7
7 S >
gemh W /->>

<L , Tombos Stele is, £

^^ ^ IJL-I JL’ 1T N I I I

® $.)]!, IV, 1183, /JSL. $.

3 N D (2 l 1 I

Mar. Karn.
a'L §*-,*> vwvtNUl o <2 N 1 M

2, 20, ^ , Thes. 1285, annals,

see, to look, to perceive; var. X

sight, glance, gengenu S & !, Rouge I.H.

gemh-t A-g o .<§3-,

256, records, archives, annals.

gen Q ^ ° , QQ $ reed, plant; plur.
^ j| , wick of a lamp; plur. A^* ^
Leyd. Pap. 4, 14, ^ ^5, water

plants; var. ^ ^ Heb. HJI?.

ffi G [ 809 ] G S

^ o
gengen-t S S ”, Peasant 32, genu S 0 ^ a kind

of bird, crane (?)

ZS S °'^T a see<^ or P^ant use(^ m?di-

genbut S S J o^
Genur S c N. q7q. ® AAAAAA I /< AAAAAA

a man with woolly hair (?); plur. ® \ o

, B.D. 14, 4, a god who presided over offer- 1 AAAAAA

ings; varr. B ^'Mi’lv'6^±J-3k ^ j a people of

Gengenur S ®
b.d. 54,2, JL J ° Punt.

S ZS , the Goose-god who laid e-pnf ® A,Z- 45. I32> to revile,

gem ww 4. r» to abuse.
to abuse.

the Cosmic Egg; var. (Saite) ^ ^ ^•

genma S d ® ? , Jour. As.
aa/waa 1 u v
Gen urit ffi ^ ])„, a soddess of
AA/WAA VV \ Alloa# 1908,293, S ^ (j ©WV =

Genhesu S , ?• 204; see friend, fosterer.

aa/waa A I __Z1

genmu JLI u-4981JLI

W W A , T. 319, servants, vassals.
gen B JJ, AZ- i899, 95, a copper
AA/W/W J *
genkha ffl — Pap. 7 3, “
genu © ^, metal pots or vases.

, IV, 86, to be subject to,
gen ® ^, ffi 0 ^, to cry out, to beg, g6nkha JL *• »W under orders (?)
AA/WAA ^ 1 AAA/WA *5. rT-1

genkha ® Tombos Stele 16, ®

*—.£»**'•“"•*85: AAAAAA X *"wv'
7T **-=>• l 7^
, star, luminary; plur. ^ l, ^
genn S Jour. As- I9o8» 259, to
Rec- 27> 225» A-z> I9o8» I3I>
be gentle or gracious ; Copt. (T"rtOit. xxx’ 29, 52, 53.
□ O
gen S ® to be weak, genkha pe-t ® , dove,

helpless, limp. pigeon ; Copt. (J^pOU-Ite.

genn JsL (§>• /^AA/WA A- AAA/WA

gensh wing; see
o AA . a (J(|^^,
gent s
aaSa B.D. 38A, 6, slit, wound,
be weak or helpless, to be paralysed or spell¬
bound ; Copt. tort, (Tkrt, xhh, 6Tho.
gent q ’to be wroth’ angry;

genn ^s**-Rec- var. Copt. (TtJUItX.

33, 6, weaknesses, defects, troubles.
ger Z5 , ffi ^ ® • , Rec. 21, 86,
genu K 0 , IV, 502, helpless
AA/W/W P.S.B. 31, 13, also, further, moreover, but;
weak beings or tt . 1 C f\\ e.g., Nasta-
man, weak; plur. ^ ^ ^, is often written wrongly for se *gtele 3<5

gen-t ® ran, Jour. As. 1908, 276,

ger-t <=>, Rec. 31, 173> 33» 29,

heap, abundance; Copt. (TltCOO'C. B.D. 64, 22, but ; Copt. (Te.

a a kind of rat, mole (?); Heb.

gennu S 0 L’D‘ IH’ 65A’
gert (?) <=>, -,L,h) Gr. aXXos (?)
14, lamp-stands, candlesticks, stands for offerings.
ffi a [ 810 ] G 55

ger X’jJ’XU t0 Ornish, gera-t 55 a kind of wooden

weapon or tool.
to found, etc.; see 55 ^ ,

ger (gerg) 3 > possessor,

Ml Rev., pilgrim; Copt.

fTblXe, Heb. “IX

owner, master; var. 55 ffl ^ • geriu 55 I Love Songs 4, 9, a

_SV kind of bird.
£er* X Q® ’ wig> headdress.
a god of
I 01 grugus ^ e | Rev. 12. 69,

Gertes S crocus, saffron ; Gr. Kpoxov.

a god of
-h— mill
^—-> rurm
Gerbatus ffi J ^ tcP )
I.D. Ill, 160, the name of a Hittite.

ger JLXs gerp 55 x Rev‘ I3, 29> t0 he wrapped

^) to lie, falsehood; see JC 0’ up.

gerp Jour. As. 1908, 302, to

£*er ^men' 7> 7> 9> Rec- 31) ^5,
reveal; 55 □ ^ A o *0 revea^ a matter;
Q Love Songs 3, 4, to be still, silent; <=> m 4 21 ’ Copt. fTuoXn.
<m=>_a>^T’ Copt. 67)0.
gerem 55 garland, crown;
ger re ^55^ | silent-mouthed, in’ Copt. kXojul.

55 a ^[, a kind of wild
gem <^> ^ ^ Peasant 211, 55 JBSfc
plant used in medicine, wild parsley; Copt.
^ > the sihent man, i.e., a poor man.
KpAAA (carthamus silvestris).
geru (gergu) ffi v& J) | Rev- 8> r4b
<rr> 21 21 1 ’ subjects. germpi X □ (](j @ dove,

gerr 55 <—-> u. 498, T. 319, to run pigeon ; Copt. fTpOJUini.

<cz^> ’ away, to flee in terror.

geru 55 R V§> J
<=>L=/] 21 1
hunters. grenbet 55 AAA/WN JUT- P-SB-i888-
gerger 55 55 £ /i to destroy, to^ de- 373 "iLJQM!-
gerh ^ | A.Z. 1905, 29l ^|
&G37 ^55^ ; balsam plant or tree; 55
Leyd. Pap. 5, 13, Rechnungen 43, S ^
^ , Decrets 108, incense.
to cease, to come to rest, to die down
gerut ^55^q 5^ , scented unguent. (of the wind), finished.

ffer 55 D Rev* I2> 26> buckler, shield; gerh t=^=q’Xg’

_2i^ ’ Copt. (f7\.

gen 55
geri okp (|q D , Cop(
<» jo*, khX>
Rev- I3> 34’KeXi
bolti 7- J
Itcfi£=j V ■ >j
S <!= a
'k'k'k ’ *= idck ’
gerr S^ jga., ffi Q, Rev. 13,76,
^ | \\ ^ S o s
burnt sacrifice, offering ; Copt. (TXlX.
@ ^ | O i, Rev. x 1, 126, 55
gera ,J* Y7 X Rev- i3> 33, strip of cloth,
(S ^_Q X_-<) ^
-2sa U’ rag (?)
J lr—rj v| , >^0, night, darkness; plur
O’' '"J
55 to drive away, to re-
gera ffi
i=yn !’ ject; Copt.XUXJUpe. T. 339, N. 626,
a G [ 811 ] G S

,—a—. I
P. 537, ‘TP I Gerh en saha sennu en Heru 25
• • •

o, A.Z. 1905, 22; ., a whole Hi—^ , B.D.

a 111

night; Copt. (Top&. For the 12 hours of 18c, 4, night of erecting the pavilion of Horus.
the night see Thes. 28.
Gerh en saha Tet em Tetu S
Gerh. Tuat V, Night, a black vaulted
° ’ figure in the kingdom of Seker. n#—"
©, B.D.

Gerh , one of the four ele¬ 1 8a, 4, night of setting up the Tet pillar.

mental gods; see Khemenu. Gerh en setcher Ast resut 25

Gerh & 8 % the Night-god, night
■ <=cz>X ni’ personified.
i8d, 4, watch-night of Isis.
<w x {:V $ , one of the four
elemental goddesses, consort of Gerh, a personi¬ Gerh en shesp Hern meskhen
fication of night. □
neteru *

LJ nr^2
Gerh en ap-t renput 25 o B.D. 19, io, night of the resurrection of
III’ Horus.
f| □ B.D. 25, 3, the “night of counting
1 i-w-, in’ years,” night of judgement. Gerh en sheta aru S
Gerh en arit sap-t, etc. ®
x H 1, B.D. i8h, night
-<2>- fin0 *
S w
n 1 1 1
, B.D.
of .the secret ceremonies (of Osiris).

i8f, the “ night of counting up the dead,” night Gerhit Z5 8 f) the name of a mytho-
of judgement. <czr> A (0\ ’ logical serpent.

Gerh en aha-a Z5 ttO

Gersi S [) I] , B.D. 144, the door¬
keeper of the 18th Pylon.
B.D. 18, 3, night of the battle
between Horus and Set. gersh 25 1=2=1 Vfr a Plant usecl in medi-

Gerh en utcha metut ‘Tr

& I B.D. 19,
1 o
10, night of weighing
s gershta
<cz> <5 in’ cine,

j] ^ ^ , a weapon (?)

i o 2X I ’ words and deeds. gersheri S 1 “young man,”

Gerh en Haker AAAAAA ra “ Kalasirian ” (Herodotus IV, 116); Copt,

, B.D. i8e, 3, night of Haker.

apcyipe (?)
q $ to occupy, to take over
q (Q gerg ^—> something; Copt. (TcoX.
Gerh en hati
[( If, L.D. IV, 67, night wherein a tear of

f W
gerg S 833, 25 ,X.N-
Isis dropped into the Nile and caused the In¬
775. T' 345, P' 6°9, N'I48’
undation; Arab. Lelet an-Nuktah. The modern
festival of the “ Night of the Drop ” was cele¬
Thes. 120, 25 , Rec. 20, 40, 25
brated on the nth day of Paoni (June 17).
X-XX s 25
Gerh en khet khau © |^ ^ ^ aaaaaa

B.D. 18, 3, night of

UJ, XXXI’ <^> S X’
Vft i Jf fights. Barsha 2, XXI, ® ^ f' A.Z. 45, 125,

Gerh en kheb ta S | -'J aaaaaa ^ to found, to establish, to settle a country or

district, to make ready or habitable, to equip,
Jj ^ , B.D. i8f, night of the ceremony
to furnish, to prepare; J^ ^ / "jj ( , well
of ploughing up the earth after it had been
soaked in blood. founded; Copt. (TcOptf'V tf'pHtf'e.
B G [ 812 ] G E

gerg per S , to found a gergi ^ X ^ Thes. 1482,

house, to marry; E ^ jl
.IV, 97, < > x()(
5 IV> 1. liar; plu

to found or set up a statue; B ^ IIT> 140E, IV, 1078,

□ ^
L.D. Ill, 140B, to found a town; B ^ | I ^ j, Rec. 35, 126,
, L.D. Ill, 140B, to stablish heaven and E ^
I n 1, IV, 971, speakers of lies.
1 1 1
HMTmJ.&L- Mar'Ab^ E Rev., sword; Copt.
I, 7, 68, towns colonized by Egypt.
IV (Tbp-re.

gerg-t o, S
x gert4
13, 104, finger ring.
JLM0- JLI 1- *»• 4
x^.x ^ 1
, possessions, equip¬
geh s
-, Rev. 13, 89,
ment, furniture, furnishing, mastery of a house; S
plur. ft | 1 , house furniture; B
Re.,, 39 =u^i)(i|.trp!:^:
1, Kubban Stele 12. Rec. 31, 27, to be
1 1 t get a§<&. a weak, helpless.
gergi JB\) , X 3 B 1, possessor,
sehu ffl | heIPless ones-
landlord, overlord; i •

, founder of
AA/WW geh B a disease of the feet.
this earth; ( ‘ landlord of the Two Lands,
i.e., of all Egypt.
gehes E j( P | [1 A.Z. 1866,
gergut e , kinsfolk, posterity.
99> S | 1 , Rec. 29, 148, ZS j( X\ 1^,

gergut B R 162, M. 252

55 5 P- ®J_pi&-
<® 5 X^(?)>
O c=:::l I I w Hh- 465,
IIII E c==>
' ■" o =
s | Hh
f nil’
IV, 171, gazelle; fem. E^ ^ s|

^ j 563, Rev. 6, 29, homesteads,

if) V I l’ settlements.
^ (jlj Rev. 11, 1 50; var. ZS

Copt. <Ta.^ci, (fo&ci, (f&oc, (Txoc,

gergu E J} parts of a ship.

E I, 78, fishpond, orna¬

gerg-t wwv\ • Gehsit > ^ , 1^1 , a gazelle-goddess.
/WWW mental water.

8.5, j | ^
gerg JS
X JL, a x gehes | p^, Leyd. Pap.

E ^ S E
® X> T-r
a X’ \>
r&\ Westcar 2, 1, ^ M ( Westcar 12, 5, toilet-
case, box, chest.
to lie; varr. E£ SP O . Copt.
^rbx. ges ^ , zzrz, Palermo Stele, one half;

gerg-t <§>< , E s ' c=z one year and a half; Copt. (Toe,

55 * ® 1 1 ’ xoc, (Tic, xec.

^ XOt’ X’ ^e’ falsehood, untruth; plur.
ges /r~, E U. 209,490,P.97,191,
1 1 1
^ 1 1 1
M. 362, N. 914, 1142, ^ ^ 1, T. 208, the side;

A.Z. 1879, 51, highly coloured lies; Copt.

I ^ J|’ east’ *'e'’ ^ s^e’ j (j
1 1
fl I I » I|
(ToX. /WWW
, west, i.e., right side;
G [ 813 ] G B

B 1 the south; 1 gesges 1, A.Z. 1873, 131, gifts (?)

B n □
B n ges ® 1, Rev. = g to tie, to
U. 580, one on this side, one on that side;
/ iC
dual _, P. 182, 1, P. 667, 776, S 1 ges s I-0,, Ebers Pap. 106, 4, &
U v —n
:(2 G £zz <5
N. 891, W, the two sides;
O ’ ■ L-fl* — i_/r
: c.
, the two sides of a house ; o
/- I K—:
both sides of a boat; , all sides; B 1 (^~Z), to smear with oil or unguent, to
1 1

plur. 25 "1 z==, N. 976. anoint; 25 ^ J ^ ’ IV’ 688’

rubbed with oil.
ges - en ges
gesu 0, unguent, oil.
er ges < 1 *) B P (2

gesges L=J, £ -A to
/-, by, near; er gesui <—> ;»u. 585, CmZ\
mix ointment.
on both sides; tat her ges A_0
o | | X
gesges L=fl, p (5
IV, 971, 1090, , Thes. 1482, to set _

C\ p / I
^—n, _ V—/), to measure.
oneself on one side, i.e., to show favour or
gesa , to measure with cord.
ges -, IV, 362, , the
upper part of an obelisk, i.e., the pyramidion. gesa n [1 <q] "1C Peasant 312’
fifi ^ he who is at the side,
gesi B
cl’ bystander.
R to fall (?) to waver, to be untrue
a fl’ (of scales), falsehood.
ges _ ", fold, resting-place of a flock;
tr^i n
Rev. 11, 148, to be
= n 0 1, shepherds’ pens ; t.—~ ctcd gesa Z5 iqJ troubled.
/— mi 1 I dm crzi
©© IV, n 14, town enclosures.
© gesa 25 ^ ) mnD , a kind of stone.

geSU y\£i, menem-

1 £lt 1 n 1 Gesi ® , Cairo Pap. IV, 2, a god.
ployed in government storehouses.
gesu r, —, flatulence, a
gesi / - , / ■> ^ 1
ffi , to stride, to @ q. @ o
V J\ A
disease (?); Copt. (TtJOC.
run; Copt. (TOXI.

gesu 25 P ^ , hide, skin.

ges-t ® 1 P- 376, N. II5I, ^=:

A.Z. 1908, 118, course, stride; plur. !; Geseptiu (?) w 111!. Thes. 59,
J\ □
, lord of running, the jackal. the gods of the 7th day of the month.

X c. \\ X I 0=^ a kind of bread

gesges gespekh
L=/)’ - * □ Jim’ or cake.

5 ’

gesfen 25 (1 , Ebers Pap. 48, 13,
i=r, to increase, to overflow, to fill to over¬ AAAAAA
ibid. 65, 3, a seed used in
60, 7, 7 o o o‘

flowing. medicine.
s G [814] G A

gesem S I±7 Rev., windstorm ;

gesha ' ^ ^ ^ , reed, rush,; varr.
Y ’ Copt- (focjui.
a. (2^^ £=& fk ««««
gesem 00 $3 ^x> m ^ 0; Copt-

rainstorm, flood; Copt. (TtOCJUL, (foCAJL. Geshi ® (|( ^j, a form of the Sun-god.
gesr Rec. I, 52, ^=T~
\\ ft geshp ® □ >, Rev. 13, 29, to recite
Rev. 17, 146, bunch, bundle,
\\ lf>' measure. magic prayers; compare Heb. m-
^ -v- the bark of a tree; Copt.
geshu(?) ^z|^,u. 324 geg %
o KOYKe.

gesta IV, 5o3, ^ geg the cry of the goose or of the

“ divine hawk see
(| , Peasant 3°s,'T ll "T ’ o Ifl’
Rec. 6, 127, / ££ I ° 1, scribe’s
~ "\ T\ n AAAAAA
writing palette;
Q H — ra
geg §
24 = A/VWVN - /^W 2^ 1 t0 eat
ebony palette.
m=pm= 5 5^. BD- (Nu) 64, 19, to
Y f|j] J5) one of the four sons, of Horus; see
0 H H nJ ’ Amest, Mesta. peep, to pry into, to look with curiosity, to
C3 Rec. 4, 121, un¬ wink the eyes.
o w guent (?) 7T ftAAAAA ^ ^

/- get aww\, _ fish-pool; Copt. (Toot.

gestep £ J\, to protect (?) /WWVN j-TTT— t

get S$5
y , an unguent.
— s=i to run, to stride; Copt.
gesth c
_ j\ ’ (foxi.
Geta ® (| Tuat VI, a god in theTuat.
to run, to stride;
gest ^
^ ’ Copt, (foxI.
geti ® (j(j (£ (°, a fruit.

gesteb var.
□ £?6ten ‘LS heap, pile (?) ; Copt. XAT-
(?)... 0 0 A*.e (?)

gesh _ ^ _ t=t. ^ , to pour out, geteg ® Rev. 12, 66, to move rapidly.
r~k~~i C=E
to sprinkle, to bedew; Copt. Xtucy. ©
getcham & ^ 1 ^ j, Rev. 12, 26, a
gesh-t cS=] 3S, a pool, lake.
O | H handful; Copt, (fXJXJU.H.
[ 815 ]

<= ± T o

t o = Heb. jl and Copt. T. *S V V V V

taiu V V V, V,
»s s s s =V
t ]j> o ^, thou, thee. s
, Jour. As. 1908,

t o = ^, bread, loaf, cake.

291, lands, the world; U. 573, N. 967,

^ IV, 890, while, whilst, when, as, be- the four quarters of the world.
0’ cause, since, during.
ta with hetch
t | * A_Q, to give. \» T O (’ 1 = I O l ^
“earth lightening,” i.e., dawn, daybreak,
t 1 , staff, support; var. (j.
ta with sma , B.D. ib, 2,
Gen. Epist. 63, misery,
*<p> ) wretchedness. B-D- *7,47,49 =
to bury in the earth
ta ts (, demon, pron. “this,”

tau =«?=» V& o. P. 829, landsmen, people

later the fern, article; Copt. T"H.
of a country, men, folk.

ta O I, Rev., this ; Copt. TH. Tauiu(?) !,

ta o tk tk o, moment,
people of the Two Lands, i.e., Egyptians.
time; see at
O' I s ittti
people of the land of the Nile-flood, i.e., the
1, the

ta | Rev. 13, 75,time; Copt. XH. Egyptians.

ta-t Part’ P°rtion (in arith- ta-temu(?), tamu (?) !,


ta T. 392, , M. 406, '$n=a s

IV’'°76' r=
I, Heruemheb 5, !,
s v l l v is nr~D
V o , Amen. 22, 11, all the
" ni J, Rev. 11, 181, , ground,
men and women inhabiting a country, population.
land, earth, world, soil, dust; Copt. TO, OO.

ta-t ^ 0 Nastasen Stele 10, land, Ta Aabetch , T. 274, “ land of

the head-box of Osiris ”—a royal title.
s c Ta aakhu ,
Vs Vs
V s’ Vs land of the Spirits, a part of the Central or
Southern Sftdan.
©©’ y A-z- 97, 73, the east, the right side of a
74, the Two Lands, i.e., South-land and North¬ Ta ur
ship, starboard.
land, or Upper and Lower Egypt, the former

being the realm of Horus, vS, , and the latter ta ber ^ — J [W]’
^ ^ - unenclosed or waste
that of Set, Rec. 15, 150. land, foreign land.
T [ 816 ] T o

the Pure Land, i.e.,

Tameh -^=c><=>\, the land of Ta uab
the Tuat.
he North, the Delta, Lower Egypt.
Ta ur ^ ^ ©» B.D. 4°» 5> Great
Ta neheh O
I s Land, a part of the Tuat.
^ O ^ > “ Land of Eternity,” i.e., the grave.
Tames tchet ] ^ ^ b.d. 140,
Ta neter , “ Land of the God,” the 7, a title of the Tuat.
southern part of the Eastern Desert and Arabia.

Tain nu neteru 0 c|l=jl=j, b.d.,

Ta en maat
MAAM , 163, 12,

“ land of Truth ”—a name of the kingdom of

“ Lands of the Gods,” i.e., Arabia and other Osiris.

countries to the east of Egypt. Ta en maa kheru | ^ a^aa , Ani

Taui Rekhti v B.D. 1,16, i8d, 1, 27, “land of Truth-speaking,” a name of the
Its O ©

3, etc., the countries of Isis and Nephthys; kingdom of Osiris. For , “land,”
\> \> \> \> V \> k o 6 Isis
var. ~rt, “ island ” may perhaps be read.
sss ^”\\

\>\>\> ■?? ©. Ta nefer , B.D. 140, 5,

^ w I s 0 c

Ta kharu
s v
(or Aa
I s>

B.D., land (or, island) of the kharu

“ beautiful Land,” a title of the Tuat.

Ta he-t ankh
I s nT
a d Q a/*aaa

Tuat VI, the abode of Osiris in the Tuat.
ta SGbek , a kind of earth, clay.
I } Ta her-sta-nef ^pQ
w • 1 S I D m
cm Rev. 14, 51, un¬
ta shu
-P cultivated land.
, Pap. Ani 2, 5, a title of Osiris.

Ta shema ^=* the land of the Ta Sekri w Tuat V, the

South, the South, Upper Egypt. domain of Seker.

-* p ^ j AAAAAA

Ta , , the primeval Earth-god, Ta shet AAAAAA j Ombos I, 319,

Isis I s o X AAAAAA

husband of the Sky-goddess & o “ Land of the Lake,” i.e., the Fayyhm.

Tatiu , B.D. 49, 19, Earth-
Ta sheta , B.D. 22,
1 s°D
□ o 3, “ the hidden Land,” i.e., the Other World.
gods as opposed to sky-gods I.
Ta qebb jj B.D. 61, 8,
Ta ■ ... ■ Tuat III: (1) the Earth-god; I S I /JVj AAAAAA

“ Land of Refreshing,” i.e., the Tuat.

(2) , a district god, Tuat VIII; (3)^^,
Ta tuba (Tautba ?) “
the god of a Circle.
a god of food.
Ta aakhut
Tatebu , n-J J. ©, b.d. 85, 15,
Tuat VI, the abode of Osiris in the Tuat.

Taui Ager
s A ffi
, Pap.
a district in the Tuat; var.
Ani 2, 9, the districts of the Tuat of Memphis Ta Tuat ^ ^ ^an<^ Gther
and Heliopolis. s I World.

Ta ankhtt land of Ta Teser

Life, i.e., the Tuat, the cemetery, the grave. the “holy Land”; see Ta Tcheser.
T [ 817 ] T a

Ta tcheser , T. 175, ta en sekh-t g AA/WVN flJ.Q » a afield-

bread ”—a kind of bread.

rv^n, P. 121, > M. 157,

N. no, B.D. 182, 12, “the holy Ta en tchet q AA/WVV , “ everlasting

Land,” i.e., the Tuat.
bread ” eaten by the blessed.
‘l—=*, “ Land of Eternity,” r\
Ta tchet ^ y’ i.e., the Tuat. tau nefer q=s T, bread made of fine
1 1 1 0 flour.

ta - o ^ IK O 2, O ^ 0—0
. s in’ D m 111’ D
tau nefer aha (?)
1 1 1 I CEE3)
fluid of some kind, drink (?) Rec. 17, 145, a kind of bread,
y\ I o 0=0 <=z
ta , Rev. = tau re 0 Q \ <==^
t&J 0=^0 I I 11 1 I
to journey. Anastasi III, 2, 5.
, <=> 0——0 <©>
ta q,U. 97, N. 375, ^ T. 335, gjj, tau heru a 1, bread of the
\Z7 I I 1
Q I celestials, i.e., bread of angels.
A, 0,9 ,°!,
c 0=0 I
0=0 I 0=0 a pyramid loaf of white
ta hetch
“ Q.eo,
| u | u I 11 (F=0 III Olll
m- bread.
a kind of
[)[1 bread, loaf, cake, a cake made tasaf |11| w, bread.
of fruit, Q 'www J 11 Q, V, 161, mulberry tatuao0^fi*.T-63
bread: 0 0 llll, B.D. 169, 21, 22, the four ^ pi Q Bubastis 51, slab of stone,
<B> - Q HI rnfm ’ i_r5 stone, altar slab.
cakes of Sekhem and Aqenu; Q 0 , B.D.
1 <^3) llll
Ta(?) q ^j, Rec. 26, 224, the
189, 20, the seven cakes; a III, T. 344,
god Thoth.
the three meals of heaven; o II > the two
meals of earth. taD ty’B

. j ^ o—0 q 0^0
tataa,,,0,,.«lll' 88'
^^ sacrificial
f|> p^ Pap' 3°24, 88, D
[30 <=> (EEED t \\~l Pap* 3°24’ 47’
ta asher
0 ^ <CZ>’ 0 lF n
I M_... 7
^ (j ( , Metternich Stele 80, to glow, to be
0, a kind of toasted bread presented as an
offering. red-hot, to burn, to be ardent, to be angry, hot,
burning, to be hot, to boil (of water), fiery.
Ta akhem khesetch q (j ®
^ T. 288, M. 65, N. 126, the bread in- tau, taau g ^(J fl|. '•
jf ’ corruptible eaten by the blessed.
5 @ j, hot, heated, fire, flame.
© a kind of
ta aa aa 0=0

ta uab
n II ^
holy bread (made by
the god Ptah).

ta ab
D a

man’ one


O. a
d 0 O -«Ws-
D 1’ D
ta Menu (?) q , Berg. I, 14, man who is naturally irascible.
I I I ^r
cakes of Menu.
ta en aah g ^=7^, IV, 1131, bread

of the moon, i.e., of the month.

Tare , “Fiery mouth”—

e the name of a mythological serpent,

tau en unem C^1 ih ¥
1K AA/WW ®• Rec-
ta re p <=> ^, ^nerny, foe.
17, 145, “eating bread”—a kind of bread.
3 F
T [ 818 ] T

Tauretui £ $$ tear
Q <? <? B.D. 125, II, one of the 42 assessors
O (| <rr> O, to bind, to fetter; var.
'4 of Osiris.

ta-t ^ !, Roug6 I.H. 256, ^ ^ j, Amen, (j

20, 8, 21, D
^ V}f !, D £ taat o (j @ , Rev. = Copt. T6T.

company, assembly, crowd, mob, tribunal; ^ taan-t q ^n ^ ^, Jour. As. 1908,

><=> H
o , great council; ^ | WWVN 238, completion.
I < W I
^ | AWW
, great council of the city;
Ta-aa-t-pa-khent rffe
^ 1o
, Mar. Karn. 42, 21, title of a goddess.
, council of the land; flfls—a- cru

D I taken into court (of a case at tai o , conjunctive particle; Copt. T6.
I L I■ ’ law); Copt. 00.

CZSZI tai yi^’ 0 belonging to;

ta , boundary.
D 1 "D tai-a (|( ^, my,mine; tai-k
ta o ^X»a plant.
( (j ^=^6, tai-t ^ (|(j thy, thine;

ta a (C=U), ^ o, (C=0)>
^ Rev- tai-f ^ ^h\ j] () , his; tai-s ^ (JAR,

ir, 178, to defile, to pollute, to be impure. her, hers; tai-n o our, ours
1 1 t
tata o a f=iD, to masturbate, tai-ten 10
aaawv, your, yours; tai-
to pollute; var. cz^ sen o

tataa-t (j ° , copulation, their, theirs. Demotic forms are: a

masturbation, sexual pollution.
-TA, my, mine (Rev. n, 124); (| ^

Ta-t o ® ^, Rev. 11,186, the Tuat —, Rev. n, 168, a l , Rev. 13, 2,

or Other World; see Tuat. his; Copt. TOO in TU)I, TOOK, TU)q,
’TUOIX, etc.
taa a [ > demonst. pron. fern, this; see

tai nlkMM’ A-z' I9°5, 25,dM:

Rec. 31, 197, to withstand, to resist; Copt.
ta4 Rev- 131 =
tai ^ ()(j '*'|T, Rec. 32, 84, ‘ 11 ', to
clothe, to dress, to array in apparel.
Ta4tt SM'sIl-SU'
P. i, N. 326, £ (] “ , P. 326, “

N. 326, 985, £3 U. 66, 67,

Pec 32,
a sheet of cloth or linen, sail, awning, garment,

D U-67’£l 380, clothing, apparel; £j mummy

^ 11 , a goddess who wove apparel for

the deceased in the Other World; var. ^ (j

U. 66 ; and see Tai. ( [j ^ j~j , “ bandaged one ”—a title of Osiris.
T [ 819 ] T

Tait Taurit a a hippopotamus-

D {H “ T' 3?6, goddess.

Rec. 27, 232, 31, 172,
D tauh(?) ^ ^ | Love Songs

M W Rec' 32- 67' D M 4, 10, to sink down.

taush-t « ' 11 i, borders, boun-

Tuat vn’ SU^TBv B-D- 82>8> D xii
^ 7k 1 w 1
daries; see
D S'Leyd- PaP'IO' ’■ “"M O $' D jmx s
tal>t ™, o ti Qmn, brick,

O0V the goddess of weaving; tile, slab; var. o f; Copt. Ttofie,

TUXJofie, TUl&I.
varr- D Ik ^1 “ -%D’ T-3801
N. 326.
D \H’ taf Hearst Pap. 9, 18, furnace,
D cru’ oven.
Tait —n-J Tuat VII, a star-
D I ’ goddess (?) tamam o 5, o
tai-t 1^5, sack, bag, skinjvar.^^.

T?.5fp. tama q ^ X, Rev. 13, 76, what is

( ( p- ^ , door, gate, portal, fitting, seemly; Copt. TOOJL*.e.

v’ D 1C cr
threshold; Copt. ,TOY<L tami Rev. 14, 19, to be

Taitt n , the “Gate,” par silent; Copt. TCJOJUL.

D 11 u r-^i
excellence, i.e., the tomb.
tamit a fZC (]( |Q! Rev. 13, 92,
Taitt 2 flfltfp Q Q Befg- n> I2> .a form the midst of; Copt. 'TJULH'Te.
Dii LJ 0^-0’ of Ament.
tamu TMnn, Peasant 131,
tal , scorpion. D
some disgusting thing or quality; var. ^
taiu(?) nnnnn, BD'
belonging to him, his;
tai’f ’Copt. Tooq, Teq. tamen-t 1=1 j]^, Rev. = Copt.

Tjuurte, this manner.

tair , fiend, enemy; see

Tanen — | () ZC| Rev'

6, 96, a very ancient earth-god; aaaaaa (®
tai-set (j( 1 belonging to her, hers; A/AXAA

* the “great Tanen.”

seeQ‘M- Tanen-t
0 0 "7

Tau “ j^, T. 6, consort of Tanen, an earth-god¬

P. 368, a god of apparel.
Tanen-t oil B.D. 17, 122,
teuai O I, Rev. 12, 38,

‘ 7
T Qn

I AAAAAA. /j\ £ mythO-

morning; Copt. TOOYI. I \> TT^n I V TT C773 v ; 7
^ to be hot, burning, logical locality; (2) an important sanctuary of
tauf Q
D Seker ; (3) the burial-place of Osiris.

CT~3, furnace, kiln, oven. Ombos I, 193, a goddess of offerings.
3 F 2
T [ 820 ] T

Ta nett em khen uaa o tah-t 0,

0 ~ @ 1
JfllS’ Denderah III, io, a title of Hathor. Leyd. Pap. 7,xo, ^ £ m’ D A C=D 1! >

scoriae, sediment (?) scum, froth (?)

Ta nett em tcheser (?) o
Denderah II, 50, a name of the solar tahua D ^ *— 'f] ^ dross>
W7 ’ disk.
lees, dregs, sediment (?)

Tar , B.D. 164,16, ^ tahen 2=

Amen. 5, 10, 12, 16, a fiend in to be bright, to shine, to glitter, to sparkle; see
mui the Tuat. "V O AAAAAA

fiends, demons, devils,
takheb D ^ ^> sweat, any exu¬
tarara o dation or emission of the body; var. ^ JJ C3 .
Rev. 14, 13, to rejoice; Copt. 'XgXhX.
t&klibiistci o

Taraush ^ ,_|L, jj, Darius; Pers. JJe'o’lfjfl-.Kams 500, 2, 4, 12, sack.

lififH t<*“ "1^ <Tf << > Da-a-ra-ya-va-u-sh,

takhen a q P. 229.;
Bab. y £f<f «-yy<y Da-ri-ya-mush,
Gr. An/)6to9. var. ° ° U. 538.

Tariush HQ (sj¥ tas o l^p, Rev., harshness, abruptness;


Tarush ^ X&l]|» Darius; var. ^^ i^ ReV<; C°pt rrU3C-

Tasakhrit (?) tqp <^>\\ j^, Treaty
sals! 29, a goddess.
S ^ I

Tar-Tiseb Ta-sen-t-nefer-t o
L.D. Ill, 146, 5, Ombos II, 156, 181, Tefnut, the consort of
I I I Heru-ur of Ombos.
L.D. Ill, 146, 3, the name of a Hittite envoy to
Rameses II. tash , P. 73, M. 103, N. 13,
C30 <0 | \\ J
ram©?’ ra D x n’ MT> D x ’ D
forehead; varr. ra ^} <—-=^, (m S V. oo %> X, ^ boun-
\AAAAA I AVAAA I \> s C30 I D _zr H C30 I
^ nil
® Copt. T-e^rte. dary, frontier; plur. ^ P. 338,

tah AAAAAA ? B.D. no, 37, QD

^ -fk 1.. w_j n 1 ^ 30 X I
AAAAAA IV, 647, _ , i\ j,
AAAAAA D x 1 Ui’D 1
^ £ /1 to dip in water, to submerge, to Copt. Tocy.
plunge into water, to sink.
tagaru o & , Herusatef
01 Rec. 31, 30, sub¬ I 111 •
tah-t AAAAAA «
AAAAAA mersion. Stele 33, a mineral

tat (?) o
SflM’5tf>’Sh&’ a to nurse, to suckle;

Metternich Stele 54, 57, a Delta woman; of Var- J^^}*

^ ^fj j, dwellers in the Delta marshes. Tatt £j ; see Taatt, U. 66.
o> t 821 ]

tatutu fff ^ ^ \ B.D. Ta[t] (| j^, Rec. 16, 129, a goddess,

(Saite) 145, 16, a kind of wood.

ta-t o (|, A.z. 1900, 128, o [j
Tatunen o ;, b.d.

1 s
o%\'I'-l'Jf; var. Tatui-

IV'io?4’ ^ o
IQ^0 Q
I XX -Jl /WWVN , Tombos Stele,
r\ r\ AAAAAA C\
(1 ^ IV5
nen J, B.D. 64, 10, 11. IVa
1 \> WWV\ 3 1
AAAAAA 10, emanation, part, portion; plur. , IV, 53;
Tatenen AAAAAA mi, Budge, Gods of Copt. TO, TOI.

Egypt 509 ff., an ancient Earth-god, one of the

ta 11 form, counterpart; ^fj j,
creators of the world ; varr. Tatunen, Tathu-
forms, images, likenesses.
£. Mar. Aby. 1, 7, taa
tatha ■ 0 <{\s^9 Tri divine emanation,
I s *r 57.
essence of a god; var. [j ^
Tathunen ^ AAAAAA
Rhind Pap. 26, share,
^ (](] see Tatenen. ta akh-t * L ~ >) lot, portion.
a > n 1 1 /WWA 21 IVa I I I

Tathenen ^ Khnemuhetep 116, the

, Tuat VIII, an ele- tati o [ a two sides of a door.
mental god (see AAAAAA | with four forms
XX AAAAAA ta-t Jour. As. 1908, 264,

part payment, share, portion; Copt. TO.


Tathenen s= A/*'w\. Tuat Ta ^ , Mar. M.D. I, 20, a god (?)

1 s
VIII, the territory of the above-mentioned god. o rT
Ta-t-sheta , Ombos I, 143,
T1 § L-D- a form of Khensu.

III, 164, the name of a Hittite; var. (j(j ta-t, tai-t , tvs l|l| room>

ta, ta-t a ^ (] variegated;

ta |( , a mark of the dual, later ^.
Copt. ToeToe.
ta )(| , Tombos Stele 3, on the one hand.
tau (?) o, , Rec. 4, 22,
ta ll fl Tombos Stele 3, IV, 83, staff, colour, paint, stones of different colours.
0 ^’ support.

ta (j 1^1 to beat, to break, to smash,

ta, taa ^, Metternich Stele, 170,

ibid • 203, im#- to cry

ta-t N-4I3’a cruSnga
out, to weep, to lament.
tata o (j o ( ^, o (j ( ^=/], IV,
taa-t cry, lamentation.

613, L.D. III, 65a, o (] o (j Jj*, IV, 621,

taa Rec- l6> 57. weeper.
o[o[v^, o(]o(j_|7\, o [ ^ (j

Rec. 4, 35, to break, to smash, to smite, to

ta o <=>
trample upon, to crush underfoot, to stamp upon. barley; Copt. eitOT, IOT.

tata (j (3 ( , Rev. 12, 95, an assembly (?) taui )(|^§§, P-S-B. 24>
tt ) H #’ Rev. 13, 73, time; Copt. TH. 44, pair of sandals; see tui,
3 F 3
[ 822 ]

taui, tU, tut ^, varr. ]^j, tasa | [ & , a kind of cake or loaf.

!, A.Z. 1913, 144, abso. tashes [ I W.J 1, to cook, to bake.

pron. 2nd sing.

Taka-taha-meru |
tauran |j ( walking sticks,

tap a [ D 'Eyfa$> a kind of cattle; var. Takamait (Takmit)

, Harris 501, a goddess (?)

takr | [ re==xD, eunuch; compare

Tanasasa ) (| T" (? ■ ?j B.D. .65, .2^
9, the name of a foreign god (?)
Copt. cKOTp, (rtovp, cioYp.
ta ) V7, Rev. 11, 182, glory, praise.
tar | (j £ n, to destroy, to make an end of.

tarer | (j c~D, bread oven; taam I—

Copt- tp'p> ep'p- table, garlic (?); compare Heb. (sing.

D*ltt?), Arab. Syr. Assyr. szfffz:

taraa | 1) ^ 1) ^ ^ - ) (j <=> (|
Rawl. C.I.W.A. II, 7, 43 (col. 2).
(Z-□ , D’Orbiney 16, io, door; varr.
tam-t (E3), Rev. 13,4, food, bread.
^ QX' u-325 (?) compare tat (tat) ^ o ^Jj, Rev. 11, 185
Syr. Ch. jnfl.
Rec. 20, 91, wind; Copt.
Tarimaus(?) ^ 41 \ [^T12]’ THT, ’THOY, OROY.
ti-t (?) V “ B.D. 83, 13
Rec. 33, 3, a proper name—Telemachus.

tit DO O, , o 00 0 o. o
Tarsha ] f) ^. Mil ^ see lil
, pus, dirt, foetid matter; ^ [1 | <§.
o •ill
ji i jm 1i ^
si ri ’Mar> Kam< 52> t- Rec. 15, 67, excrement of crocodiles; compare
"A r\ <z~-V, ,-71 AAAA/W

Targannasa ^ t? Heb. Assyr. <r^ Rawl. C.I.W.A.,

a i i i i V, 32, 26 (col. 3).
'j L.D. III, 165, a Hittite name; var.

a titi 1, to chatter, to babble.

r\ /wwvn ww
tahamu in111 m vww\ £ -/i = tehem ic
/WWW w \\ \\ \\ *
I-1 AAAAAA ) the deep, abyss. the name of a constellation (?)

tini , B.D. 153B, 3, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9,

takhr Anastasi IV, 16, 9, \\

military leather tunic; compare Chald. (?) IO = AAAAAA 5 ye, you.

tas "J ( 1 ^ , to sit, to seat oneself. tinu (tin) o ((j o ^_^1, Rev., to
break; Copt. TnitO.
tasa ](] [q]L=fl, P.S.B. 15,475,
tir |<^>L==Z1, Rev. n, 55 = "J
, to set, to insert, to inlay.
L-fl’ strength, might, power.
[ 823 ]

w D (J I
tiraa (traa) tU = nnm, mountain; plur. 1,
nnm <5 p ■ 1
, door, the two leaves of a door; Rev. 13, 19; Copt. TAT, TOOT, TOT,
4 i i i
Syr. ^j. , Chald. JHi-1
tu, tua ^ ^ , Hh. 344, 0 Iy3,
tir (tra)-ushebti ^^ A
A (3
w wind, air, breath; ] >, Rouge I.H.
, Rec. 2, 15, a kind of magical figure; see
1 II, 116; Copt. TRT.

tul Wljj. j)§. 1

tirka (traka) | ^
Gol. 7, 4, a kind of bread or beer(?)
8ft%Ot%) £ 111’ (5
^ Rec. 30, 155, sandals ; Copt. TOOT6,
Tirkii '1^'^ j. Koller 4, 5. a
foreign people or tribe. tut UUSha ^ ^ ^^ [j ^, Anastasi I,
24, 3, “ wolf’s feet ”—a kind of herb.
tihu $ vS !} Rec. 36, 81, mob, crowd.
Rev. ir, 179, fire, spark,
tu-t o ^ Q, U. 88a, N. 365A, a sacri¬
tika o iWuiJ. torch ; Copt. TIK. ficial cake, bread of offering.

titth Mil8=1 ’Rev-= w (?) tu-t ^ , IV, 389, walls, defences.

Titur (Tatar) ] (](j tua O, T. 361, P. 642, ^

, L.D. Ill, 165, a Hittite proper name; var. , T. 361, P. 359, 642, o ^Tj, M. 677,

m- i64b- N. 1239, q £1 ft’p-694’ 0 fllklt-

tu o ^>, T. 333, P. 824, N. 703, a demon¬ p. 698, o fl ^ T. 243, of[%

strative particle, a mark of the passive.

tu o sees=^. 1897, 98, to bear up, to support, to lift oneself

up; o ^fj^,P.94.of|^,N.56.
tu o "v\ = ° , demons, pron. 1st sing.

a ^Tj (| (j ^L=Z), those who are lifted up.

*-»!■)«# »■#»“#•
A.Z. 1913, 144, abso. pron. 2nd sing.
tua o a supporter, adherent; plur.

! IV, 1115, servants, retinue,

tu Q\< a $, one, i.e., the king; ^ 0 { 3>i 1 ’ household staff.

tua o pillar, support ; seecz^^]

+ — fj V°^TO¥'’“one <the
king) gave me.”
^ 0 Amen. 8, 11,
tut o ^ ^ , one, any0ne

tu ^<5^, Leyd. Pap. 6, 12, Mar. Aby. n, Rec. 29, 151, staff, support.

28, 4, to say yes, a particle of assent.

Tuait o , Denderah II, 55,
tu l, to speak. a goddess, the support of the northern sky.
O Ci
tutu 1, Rev. 13, 22, to reject. Tuait -f)H(]“,Rec-27' I9°'aie°st
© (3
3 M
^ T [ 824 ] a

tua o ^ Peasant tua o Thes- 1297, Love Songs 2,1,

299, a ^Tj ^jj, Metternich Stele 101, a ^Tj

l^^iv- 897’]^i>—1M
Rec. 20, 42, I, I being.
fl>QflM’ ^fi
tua a [J, Rec. 6, 117 =0 , thee.
t’-mi , to pray to, to praise, to

address, to make a report, to honour; Copt. tua o ® 2 ( 2 Jour. As. 1908, 268,
morning; Copt. TOOhfl, Amhar. m.*:
tuau & -Pi ^8 |, praises, honourings,
0 ( Fr^ 1 ’ glorifyings. tui a , vile, abominable.
Tm o | , Tuat III, a goose-god.
(2 Jr Xnb petitioner,
tui ^ , Rev. 13, 4, o ^ ( = o\A =
dependant, client, subject; a ^Tj ,
,)e , this; Copt. TAI.
° beggar, a boastful man (?); www 1/ I I 2
tui o ^ (](] || !, RD- (Saite) l62’ 3
p|ur. ^l|.

tua o } petition. tuia (?) ^^1)1)^777. B‘D\39’C°

tua o ^T| X^H , air, wind, breath; varr. tuis e ! Q Q 2 P, io, behold
a ^ IyI. i Copt. THT Tuba , Litanie 5, a form of

tuau Ci -fj ^ wicked men, evil the Sun-god; var. (j 2 ^

CS£) n wwv\ | n
beings; see t tuben ^ Jj q j, grease, fat; see o Jj ^.

tua O Amen. 14, 5, 7, 19,

tuf , B.D. 1, 29, his.
© f] disease (?)

tuau o ^Tj ^, pustules, swellings, tup ^,a kind of cattle.

warts; Copt. OOI, Toe. AAAAW ^-7 (c)

tu-n a\ . wwv\ ,

-Wi' LD-
tuaut o o ^Q,U. 60, *£)<=,
III, 140, belonging to us, our ; Copt. TTUOIt.

n- 3i2> tun j c3 ^
Oa WWW (2
<3 ^ )

a kind of scented oil or pomade; varr.

o 0 gfb P , 0<=|=> w, Rec. 16,

to rise up, to mount on the back of an animal

Tuam-t (?) o ^Tj U. 210 for sacrifice; var. cs> J\; Copt. TCWOTH.

WWAA tun to fly into the air.

If) 111
, you, your; see www.
1 J 1 1 1

^ 0 ^s, Jour. As. 1908, 283,

ID -fk/V
2 fl
tuaha , Amen. 5, 16,
resurrection ; Copt. 'TCOOYIt.
to turn back, to repulse.

tuaka (taka) u &

A/a p
} Rev.,
tun ®. e 000
j F
to destroy; Copt. Ti.KO. g (, rising flood, inundation.
o T [ 825 ] T

Tun ah (?) _ tej AAAAAA ? Edfu i, 81, a tur ^ A AAAAAA } M. 717, A AAAAAA ?

title of the Nile-god. N 1^7 ^ n R 83> M- ir3> N- 27> a holy

3 77 > sacrificial cake.
Tun abui (henti) AAAAAA

vc^, the god of the 27th day of the month

or the festival of that day. o s
flf^ , willow, reed; varr.
4 111 <=:
Tun hat o ^ ■ AAAAAA <~f--
Berg. I, 15, a
07\ o ram-god. [ Copt. TUOpe.

tun ^ #1 , u. 639 (with JL),

AAAAAA / tura-t ( o ^ , A.Z. 1907, III, 22,

o + tJt, T. 84, o M.238, ^ + , ^ , staff, willow stick, wand.



A, A AAAAAA tur o ^671, Part a

fig tree (?); var. ; compare Heb. waggon or chariot ^ ^ 0 0 °)*

n2«n, Arab. ^ , Syr. Chald. o s
tun.^^^I, AAAAAA a
AAAAAA I I I AAAAAA I I I colour; var. tru
tur 1^1*^, T. 344, ^ N. 600,

tun JLJl?’Rev' i2’53'<^JL'r to reject, to turn from, to loathe.

= e xarte (?) to the limit of.
tur-t ° , defilement, impurity.
tuni o ^ , B.D. 189, 25; and see
Turaush Ujj"^ , Darius.
, B.D. 164, 4.

tunit 0 (|(|:°, a 0 ()(] °o. tura ° <CZ::>, Rev. II, 184, to go bail for.
S \7
Jour. As. 1908, 252, products, plants, vegetables,
Turimkus ^ <=> ((
tunnu o-^5 0
Q (3
JT babe, child. Rec. 6, 5, Telemachus.

tunnu o , Rhind Math. Pap., turpu , a kind

* AAAAAA < W 1
“the difference”—a term used in making calcu¬
of goose; varr
0 SC u) ibid., the “ middle □ □
lations; o
W ... W ■ difference.”
Turper (?) ^ ,, Nesi-
tunuh aVSOefi
Jour. As. 1908, 265, the rising of evil;
•“>SH Amsu 32, 37, a form of Aapep.
* Copt. TuooTU.p/Juenf.
o JBaa I o <=>
tur, turi (later tui) B.D. 145,
S I 1 !’ s w 1
IV, 16, £ www, c , Hymn Darius 4, \\
'j Q^£), Mar.
Karn. 52, 1, 14, 53, 3, 56, L.D. Ill, 209B, a
^>11. ^>1]$ . IV, 752,
Mediterranean people.
)-1, £ | www5
to be clean, to cleanse, to purify, to celebrate a tUrt ReV' 185 °
(?); glossed by TOTX'T.
ceremony of purification, purified; ^

(|, pure; ^, to pray with a pure heart; tuher ^ <=>L-=t)

V|S|V|, clean-handed.
T [ 826 ] T

rn l.d. hi, 160, 164, 165, Stele 36, Herusatef Stele 33, j , o j

Roug£ I.H. 145, 52, a term of abuse (?) applied o o

to Hittite soldiers. 2 2 i--w
tuhu , Anastasi I, 16, 8 ““O-. W. Rev.
(2 II
11, 174, image, likeness, similitude, statue ; dual
tuk , ^ thou.
R.D. 169, 24, to be <=> I
tUg o ^ s ; plur. o ''A ill, P. 319,0 , M. 626,
clothed, dressed.
>f=u), , ^ !»
'C==U) 1| Io] m
t-u), A.Z. 1899, 95 ; o
I ill
t—u) tk t—ti)
^ ^ , to beget, to procreate; ^ \>,B.M. 569, 16, sandstone statues; o
c—u) Ci

"AA]^> R“- 3» 55) “begetter of the , royal statue; Copt. TOTCJOT, OCOOTT.

self-begetter”; see under Utt ^ A

~0AIfl A’Image
watu^jj.“4i4 One, i.e., First Image, God; (| J 1 \>

a | An , Rev. 14, 75, o

^r“) A © 2 2
o siz I I I
', “Image,
O ft ) ° °
, to collect, to gather together, producer of all the gods, Image, father of all
© @ j’ (I e e
to assemble; caus.
Ali’the things”A IQ “ A 2 j rii
assembled gods; o^T , IV, 1x60, all of ^ , “ Image of Amen, Image of Atem,
them; Copt. TOTU^T, OOTUOT. Image of Khepera”; o f ^ : *
o •O’ , to collect the heart, i.e., to
tut ab <2. “ he hath no like’ 'll ^2
o l O <2 ! II „
gather one’s wits together, to collect oneself, every person is the image of his brother.

tut ilia (?) a , to collect the tut , U. 276, N. 719 + 8,

eyes, i.e., to gaze intensely, to fix the eyes on
goddess, statue of a goddess; plur. o


tut o o Tut-en-arit-Ra o^ J<s>- , B.D.

a o ! a 17, 79) a title of Mehurit.
, ^ , & !>
o’ o.
Peasant 261, to be like someone or something, to tut , to weep; Copt. TOT6IT.

resemble, like, alike, just as, even as ; o ^ ^ , O o

Tutu 5r7k) _ <2 5r7k.) B.D.G. 722, a
2 2. o
what is usual; o ^\> ^ | ww« [to bo lion-god, son of Neith ; var.
(c) (5. />/l\. •
things] which are usually done [under the cir¬
tuten ^ 0 , RS-B- 31. 9, you; Copt.
cumstances]; o | § , B.D. 136B, 12; 2 wwvC THUTIt.
_ _ —77 U /WVAAA

^oj ) ( 1, B.D. 127A, 11, o^ ( 1, tuth U. 559, to collect, to

gather together.
B.D. 127B, 17, o^° | [ 1, B.D. 133, 6.
tuthen o , you ; Copt. THTTIt.
tut ^ > Palermo Stele, o j
teb, teb-t o^j |j, ojo |j, sandal,
shoe, sole of the foot; dual tebti, tebit
T [ 827 ] T

J U II’ A'Z' I9°°> 3°,
\\ J a | j, IV, teb -j,.£=jka spe,t^|:
39°> & JPtt' IV, 6.2, ^J(](]||,
tebteb li, U. 182, a kind of grain.
c J(|()-||,IV„S45,-J^||1^J
o teb-t * J|
Ji \m
° \m
^ JiII, IV, 198,

, thy two sandals; varr. s=> J| o |j,
brick, plaque; c
JtKb 0 JS mnu (J X <=> \>
B.D. 137, the four glazed faience
enc plaques; var.
\\ J ™; Copt. Tuo&e.
o c>
tebtebti ^ J o J , sandals,
Teb, Teba o j , T. 245, c j ( ,
soles of the feet.
U. 428, a god with a fierce eye.
tebi cJ (j(j Koller 2, 1, o^jj ^
teba o JJ 1^, panther.
t1-^ “JGi , to be covered with leather,
teba-t o J C3 Rev. 14, 34, brick;
to be shod or provided with sandals, to shoe.
o’ Copt. Tcofte.

tebteb B.D. (Nebseni) 64, tebati (?) c j bricks of

ci o
35> to walk, to come. metal, ingots.

tebteb oj cj U|J, Rhind Pap. 30,

teba ( O, M. 696, a fruit (?)

to move about quickly.

teba cj I (j (3 <2 ^j, Rev. ix, 184, re-
. teb JJ, Palermo Stele, c quiter; Copt. T&eo'if (?)

hippopotamus ; var. c—=^3 j . teba o i] (2 [1 e box> chest> cofferi

Ji in’ Copt. TK&e.
teb ^ ^ n, to beat, to strike. tebiu (?)

tebteb ojojt-j. , Peasant 30, a plant used in medicine ;

b b X,’ • AJ^-
to beat, to strike with a knife, to stab.
tebu , a measure,
tebtebit o B o il o 3?*?, Rec;8’ ,'39-
J\ J\ 111 the slam.
tebu c j P , vessels for beer or wine.
tebteb 658, §.§g),

to pull, to draw, to drag, to haul, to tug, to

draw the sword (?), to wind, to pull up, to lift up.
teben o 1
J , Hh. 355, quick, swift,

teben ^0
0 0 ,^0

lit/ UtilX
V\ \7 \7 rwww
\7 Cly
0 00
\j O
/->. »
oY\o ^ )

(of a river (j
A o fk
o ] aaaaa^, Rec. 8,166, depth


I \
to revolve, circuit,
J cycle, circle, drum, tam-

the rounded top of the
Tebteb oJ oJ , Hh. 343, a god. teben oj
head, skull.

teb Ci 11 O something beaten, drum; teben \/ll’ l°ckofhair over the temple,
J * Heb. rjrv
side-lock; varr. s=> J ^q 'Qj,.
teb O, cycle of time(?); var.

teben o Jifl 0 V,
^ Rec' 3°’,head-covering.
15i’ helmet’
T [ 828 ] T

tepi —
C3 ’ °J r Q in’
grease, fat.
, Rec. 21, 91, the foremost point of
f~\ n AA/WV\
teben WWW = c j| , a weight; see
the bows of a ship, the hindmost part of the
teben /wvw\,

V Rev. 2, 351 = 7re/j<-

tep person, man or woman, indi¬
tebni c
I ’ tt\ows(?) ; see teben.
vidual ; plur. & ^ ^fj j, Shipwreck 178 ;
Tebba c Nesi-Amsu
, as one man;• ^ ft

2, 10, |J ra ^ J ra ^ £-=J the person of every man; 'j ^ ^fj ! ® 1111,

a serpent-fiend, god of storm ; Gr. Tvepwv.
of the Aamu four heads, i.e., persons.
-tiSSJ- 1111
tebeh Noy the Rec. 4, 23; 5, 89,
tep on, upon, in, at, about, by;
seven objects used in the Osiris mysteries.
upon; ® , before.
tebeh , slaughtering weapons
1 1 1
> c
tepti , P. 204,303, ® |(j, P.473.
«5^?3T) □

® 1 ( , N. 852, upon; ® ^ , Roller
Tebsu J, Q 0 1 a \\ a, |
3, 7, at hand.
Rec. 31, 13, a god or devil.

tepi ©(](],
□ V□ □ □ 1
N.911, ® , ®w, @,°®,
tebSU ^ @ Pea¬ 41 V

sant 31, a plant used in medicine. ® D © □, c, he who is
6\ o c h @
on, over, or above someone or something, he
tep ®, ,® ,
□ □ ?’ □ 4 ?’ who is or that which is pre-eminent, foremost,
Rec. 14, 37, the head, the top of anything, point,
first, best, leader, chief, captain, officer, governor;
tip (of the nose), head of fruit, the beginning (of

1, first, or eldest son; ^ 2 l w □,
a journey ® Plur- f |. ® j) I V
the very best spells; fern, tepi-t ^ c, N.
®®; ®| c pi=a,T. 277, P.30, M.41,® j,

the heads or principal points or sections of a book; 174 , T. 351; U c, N. 798, U. 493, =

uah tep ^ to bow the head; ® ^ , T r <=*

•T- 2Si;As^. D 'S’1
IV, 430, a head awake, i.e., a keen watcher;
plur. 337-
□ V* IV .
to give the head, i.e., to attack; /-

, Rec. 4, 31, from head to foot;

tepa ^ ( p• 69. 2°4> 614, one on>
li 1 ’ who is on (earth).

, to add up the total. tepi ta , dweller on the earth, i.e..

tPr> ® high ground; plur. a living man; plur. w 'K yyp 1, as

P \> s’ high banks (?) □ Jl I n
opposed to ® , “dweller on the mountain,”
Tep ® 1 , the name of a lake at Thebes. i.e, a dead man.

v , Anastasi IV, 2, 8; Roller
teui tu ® V& a cemetery official, a
□ I | J>T’ mountain dweller.

2,6, ^ c, ® ^ , part of a boat. Tepitu-f ® ^

□ □ • 1 n l Enu
tepiu « Rec. 21, 87, tops of “ he who is on his hill ”—a title of
ill’ the masts. the god Anubis.
T [ 829 ] T

Tepi-tu-s ® ^ , Mar. tepi tuai-t ® * (](| ^, IV, 938, f *

Aby. I, 45, consort of Anubis.
]] O’ f *1^0'?*
tepi principal, capital; ® ^ @ 0 the earliest dawn, first appearance of
O ’ day.
YA £—VI, principal and interest.
tepi-t ® □ , Love Songs 7, 7^ the first
tepi ra , the principal, a sum of
w . ® □
money on which interest is reckoned.
the first or best of the maidens.
1, Love Songs 5, 8,

tepi renput » ** £ °f
tepi ® ( , Amen. 20, 18, chief (?);
tepi ®, the first day of a period of time:—
®® ®®
, captive chiefs.
tepi renp-t ® !’ ® 1
New Year’s Day, the New Year festival; tepiu ^, P. 70, M. 100, N. 5, ™ i
Ml’ ' ’ ° □ 1
plur. ■ • , P. 399, M. 570, N. 1176, ViWH 1, the best, choicest offerings; ®®®,
® □
®®® ] the best (metal); ® , the finest

tepi abtet grain; , N. 362, the

^ , P. 70, the first day of 000 ® ^ 111

best tcham metal in all the world; ^ V

the month; plur. i®i®® * * * . □

N. 45, 959,
®® i ’ tbe choicest oblations ; , every-
® i< *’T- 29°’
thing of the very best;

® f® -P n
I _2f £LL 1
® * * * T’289'
Rec. 31, 27, the best families, the aris¬
tepi smat-f ® the first day of the

half month ; plur. ® ® o, N. □ =0=’ □ °’ □ ’ □ ’
® x X X > o I
, unguent of the first quality.
®® C::Ac:::^t::=5\ □ =0= 1
.. * * * N' 45, ® *
T. 289, 290; @Ofl, the first day tepiu , P. 239, the finest

of the ten-day period; plur. nnn; ipparel 1 (j).
® P. 222 beginnings of
n IN in’ seasons. tepiu (?) ® i > the finest geese.
tepi Per-t
is <—-> season reru tepi aau ® ^ £5, Herusatef
tepi m’sheru Stele 99, the finest cattle.
the earliest twilight.

tepi en shemu ^ 'www /wwv, 0.-CD) first-

* I
tepi aaut Uatchit
T. 336, P. 812, M. 254, N. 640, chief of
fruits of the summer. the dignities of Uatchit.

tepi hru ® O ^E7, the name of

Tepi atru ® (] “ IV, 421,
the 8th day of the month.
“ first on the river,” a name of the sacred barge
tepi tra ® [ O, the first [part] of a of Amen.

period of time, the beginning of a season; Tepi ankhiu ® f ^ the9!^

® ^ (SO © ^ tkf© ®{{{,
wO* 1 1 tepi Ut ^ 1 | jj, chief in command.
IV, 1034.
T [ 830 ] T

tepi metr ® f=H> u- .99, T. 77l ®^'

'j C^CVO, possessing the faculty of ad¬
N. 6°9, T- 3165 III_D\'
ministering justice in the highest degree.
T- 365, N- 7b | □ °
tepi en ah ^ /wwv\ (j c~D , the finest
Rec. 26, 230, ^ ® j, j
(horses) of the stud farm.
J ® □ i®
tepi-t nui s® □
r\ r\ /WWW
f / ££& B.D.
’ I _0
0 S® □ □
149, XIV, 7, the head of the celestial waters. J$i’ V7

Tepi nebu kau ® ||| ^ p. 169,

chief of the lords of doubles. =1 1
IV, 1084, ancestral nobility; ^ j, ances-
—fl I N I
tepi nefer f J5g>, ®J, f J, the tral documents; ® , ancestral house;
greatest good or happiness; the best possible
©VI—"' , B.D. 124,12, ancestors of the
way. □ Jr 1 1
yea-r —a <—=> ^ B.D. 124, 14,
Tepi he-t ( , Palermo Stele, the I _a ill ’ ancestors of Ra.
name of a sanctuary of Ra.
Tepiu-aui & ^_a^>, U. 199,

tepi hesb ® | |1 oj, ® J^, Pea¬

77, f N- 6°9.
sant 274, of the greatest eminence as a correct
M. 230, ancestor-gods.
Tepiu-aui-Akhabiu ® -—
tepi hesb met-t nefer-t ® O ] | □ Jr 1 1
^ <3i>, the finest language imaginable.
II (1(1
$! B-D- X53A> ri> a title of
the Akeru-gods.

Tepi-a-aakhu ® ^ *, j®
Tepi shemsu Ra ® 00 fl ^ (j O,
U. 495, chief of the followers of Ra. Denderah II, 10, one of the 36 Dekans ;
Gr. T7tj]xv.
tep a ^ ^ n, ® D °, the beginning
Tepiu-aui-aakhu ® ^ | ^
of things and time, of old, primeval time,
B.D. 124, 15, the ancestors of the Light¬
straightway, immediately; ® J , Shipwreck 34, ed’ god.

before (we could land); ®

□ ^
^ Tepiu - aui - An - sebu
, his former condition; ^
^ n ^ ^ o u- 4*9. ^ | 1 PJ . T- 239. the
n N_^ g. ww*
ancestors of An-sebu (?)
I Jn , Berg. 58.

n Tepi-aui-Un ® P. 461, ®
tep aui a, ® , remote antiquity,

primeval time, olden time, past age, the earliest + 1^. M- 517,
period, the Predynastic Period. N. 1098, ancestor of Un.

Tepi a Tepi-a-baiu ^_i I s® I

II ^c’ _0
0 $
®-° ® i® 1
^ ~ |_/11 ^ ’ a man or Sod °f 11
olden time, forbear, ancestor, progenitor, prede¬ one of the 36 Dekans ; Gr. Tvtj^iov, T7r</3<ov.

cessor; piur. tepi aui u. 187, T. 66, Tepiu-aui-Ra Q> u- 399> ®

___ kR-A
M. 221,®-^^, N. 598, B.D. 124, 14, the ancestors
I I —fl of Ra.
[ 831 ]

Tepiu - aui - renp -1 tep res ^ 1 ^ Annales III, 109, the

□ I i I’ South
B.D. 124, 12, the ancestors of the year.
tep ret M. 777,
Tepi-aui-khent ® a ® n it*.
_a ^ 1 U. 374, P. 667, N. 994, B.D. 172, 36, ®<“=>
Tombs Seti I and
1 o * ’ V
Ram. II, one of the 36 Dekans ; Gr. Tiryxovri.
© , formula, precept, in-
Tepi-aui-Septit ®nf\^, ® ^ f\ ^ I
struction, rule, decree, law, ordinance, an ancient
Denderah II, 10, one of the 36 Dekans.
copy or custom, prescription; plur. jj'
Tepi-aui-Smet Tombs

Seti I and Ram. II,

* *
n !> N- 74> f \l ii> R Io6>
I ®
1 1
® i 7= — ^ Denderah II, 10, one of the 36 !,
1 1
\\ 5 Dekans.

Tepi-aui-qerr-en-pet ® c--> VvAWA tep ret hepu ® ^ 1 fl o^fli’

the course of the law.
□ Q tt ® 2_L y'k—y 0 0
, U. 420, w
\> _a Tepi ® 1)1]min, ® (](] Tuat IX, a
(1) the ancestor-gods of the circle (or wind) of
serpent with four human heads at each end of
the sky; (2) a title of the 1
his body, and eight pairs of legs.
n 1.
Tepi-t ® o IV, 614, ®o B.D.
Tepi-aui-Kenmet ^ 32, 10, a serpent crown or a serpent in a crown.
-—fl AAAAA *’
one of the 36 Dekans.
Tepui (Tchatchaui (?) j|, Tuat XI,
□ a two-headed god : one head faces to the right
B.D. 153A, 23, ancestors of Geb the Earth-god. and the other to the left.

tepi-mas-t ® J? jj => f, ® ^jj $$. Tepu (Tchatchaiu) Tuat a

® corn-god.
grief (?) sorrow (?)

tep ra ® , P. 643, M. 680, N. 1241,

Tepit-besses j 1 1, ® j 1
•o ® < , Tuat III, a goddess.
® - w w d-WD— , mouth;
<c >
1 I
Tepit-netchemu-seth ® |
, IV, 974, mouth of the god, /.<?.,
divine oracle; Copt. T<LIip<L, T£.npO. §-5 P. 695, chief of the sweet-smelling
© ’ gods.
tep-t ra ^ D ^ L.D. V, 39, a
□ o I ’ □ \\ I Tepi-khu-f ~
© I jackal-god.
, utterance, speech;
□ □ Tepui (Tchatchaui)-sa-then ®®
plur. » U. 553 □ , B.D.
Tuat IV, a man-headed serpent
□ AAAAAA with two pairs of human legs.
’ □ v
182, n,
Q \\ I 3 1
Tepi-sekh-t-f u □ 1
1 as w ® |; Copt.
s~\ ,nin i fi

□ 1
i* 1
T. 333. f 0 n JUAUL

P. 825, M. 249,
N. 703, a god.
® czs:
tep ra ® <Y:>, the base of a triangle (?) Tepiu-shetau B.D. 168,

tep ra Sebek <^7*. A/WWV l, Tuat VII, the gods of mysteries.

II II 1 i a
i.e.y “crocodile’s mouth”—a disease of A Tuat X, a light-
the eye. 45 god.
T [ 832 ] T

tep boat: 1 DJ., the boat of , Rec. 13, 15, cave, cavern, den, hollow,
□ 1 ill CO
o o I s= o
gulf; plur. 1; var.
the god [Rs1]; see tep " J^. □ CO 1 □ co'

0 Tephi[t]-neb-s, etc.
tep j[, box, chest, coffer,

0 B.D. 145, 146, the 20th Pylon.
tep hippopotamus. n


TephutHap^^f AAAAAA


tep , to burn, fire, flame.

□ B-D- 100, 3, the sources of the Nile.
tep ^X, Rec. 20, 40, a kind 1 0 o 1 w.j
□ 1 11 Tephit shetait
0 0 z—<r
□ CO I S
o o rrm
tep t0 1, the 7th Division of the Tuat.
□ ? ’ □ l 1 □ CO D
^ a
^ > CoPt 'Taon- Tephit-tcha-t ^ | ^ J
□ & X’ □
. , o O . „ ^^0
tepai-t (?) Q ®m,A.z. .900,37, Do|||, ox Rec. 27, 189, the coffin of Seker the
CT3 ’ Death-god.
^ 7k SO ox SO o so
□ j^oiir □ i/yfr □ o
tephit “ § flfl o'Tf, fission V, 5.8 a
DV1\ UvO ‘ □ A 1 1 I funerary garment.
□ //& mm’ □ //m ml in’ □ SH liu’
o TDt? 'a. ft$sP o food, fare, victuals,
tephu “JeQ°, apples (?);
□ If mi’ nourishment, drink.
compare Heb. mQFl.

tepau ^ i, B.D. 145, T4» a kind

Teptill (?) ^ ° j, Nastasen Stele 46,

of cattle; see o (j □ • ® mu ibid. 17, the army of the Nine Tribes of

I mi’ Nubia who fought with bows and arrows.
o □
tepti-t ^, Nastasen Stele 63, bow.
V ox
, iv, 669, □ £ > □ % a kind of cattle > O □ 8\ Denderah IV, 59, god
Tept if]’ of bows and arrows.
see o [) □^and^'^^j.
tef , Pap. 3024, 77,
tepa ^ [ £>, ^ (] IV, 758, to sniff,

to snuff the air, to breathe; var.

^ □
, B.D. 86, 2, *fL, this;

IV, 966, these words.

\\ \\ A'
tepi H ^ t J^5> Rec. 4, 27, bark, boat.
, IV, 765, >£_ ^
tef ^
tepa ^ [ s2^3, Rev. =c=^> bark, Ox Ox
jfy, 1^). father; Plur-
boat; Copt. TOTI.
, T. 319 = fl , U. 499,
tepiu 0 AA
D 1](| ^ ^a kind of voracious
fish ^^
, P. 711 = [j O jj o (j Cx, N. 1356,
tepen \ D o <?, Rev. 13,12, = J OX OX Ox
), circuit.
°> M. 545 = ( ^ (1 ^ H Q.
tepenn 1-1/wvwv ^ cumin; Copt, P. 442, N. 1126,
□ o if □ TT o hi’
T<LTirt, T^-Tiert, OA-Hert, Lat. cuminum. ^g-,IV, 864;^ Hh- 379.
teph ® |, Rec. 20, 91 = ^ my mother and father.

“■** □ IS’ — 1 olil

Tefu T- 319
= t) I| Q of U. 499, the father-gods of the Tuat.
[ 833 ]

fpftAf ° ° IV, 1054, father of father, tefen a, »*?

l, to rejoice, to be glad, to enjoy, to praise.
Tef-f.... = Eupator. 1 I
o A to rise up, to spring up, to
o o tefen
Tef-f-meri * AAAAAA ’ hop.
the “hopper”—
1—{ , = Philopator.
o ’ a kind of bird.
tef tefen to spit, to pour out.
o=o, bread, cake, food in general.

Tefen MP , Metternich Stele 51, one

4- * °
, a seed or fruit (?) AAAAAA

of the seven scorpions which accompanied Isis

teftef shrubs, bushes.
in her wanderings in the Delta; var. ^p.
1 1 1

tef ^ . u. 326, ^ U. 532. Tefnit Q ibid. 58, consort of the

AAAAAA preceding.
Rec. 27, 191, AAAAAA } ^ i, to spit, O
AAAAAA £ Tefen 2^, , U. 453, a judge of the dead.
to eject anything from the body.

Tefnit , U. 425, 453, P. 62,198,

teftef ^ , to pour out; var.
)—< . M. 83, » T. 243,

N. 599, consort of the preceding.

Teftef- Nu Den-
D Tomb Seti I, one of the
derah IV, 62, a warrior-god. AAAAAA 21’ 75 forms of Ra (No. 14).

tefl ^ 0( X , Anastasi IV, 2, 5, Roller

Tefnut 9, U. 242, N. 1108, ° 0
11 A 0
, N. 933, 970,
2, 3, Thes. 1202, ^^^^£3=2, Festschrift D o
, o 0X0 a*.
j AAAAAA ' O, B.D. 169, 8,
\) y-o^ _ j AAAAr
117, 6, , Rec. 21, 14 , 0 o 7RRJW ’ f © 0 a
W U=/] J\ X
Shu and Tefnut were produced by the mastur¬
^ n to hop, to skip, to spring into the air, to
bubble up (of water), to palpitate. bation of Temu, or by Ausausit, the shadow of
teftef ^ ^ X, Roller 4, 5, ^ ° Tefnut Tuat I, Denderah III, 78:
A.Z. 1873, 63, to spring up, to lift the
(1) a singing-goddess ; (2) a deity touching the
feet in trespass, to step over.
lips with the tip of a finger.
tef-t ^ X Hymnis 39, the leap of
^ J\ ’ a fish. tefnu 0 Rec- 3. 46, a kind of

tefi-t ^ [[ o | ^, Pap. 3024, 34, Cl => resin (?); compare Copt.

hoppings, jumpings, leapings, skippings. Ft* Te&Xe.
o tefha \\\ , p. 441,
tefa (> (j saw.

tefa 0 A ^ x Amen. 7, 13, to cultivate _0 t M. 545, a kind of bird,

1 L=/)’ or tend a tree (?)
crane (?); var. [J ^

to work gems into a stone, to inlay, to embroider, tem .Q 378,T. 184,

tefen 2!;^ Thes. 1482, IV, 972,

K°Uer 2, X >

Rec. 17, 5, helpless one, orphan (?) destitute

b '£E=II> >, to make an end of,
person. CJizii

3 g
T [ 834 ] T
to finish, to complete, to come to an end, to
of Shu and the womb of Tefnut /WWW

finish one’s course;
no n□ U _
a ^ 0 ^

, A.Z. 1905, 33, to shut;

kk N. 969, 970, his first consort was Ausausit
><2 Peasant 286, to shut the mouth ;
('Eauxns ), and his last Temit ° |
21 <==> ' ’ Copt. TJUL. | 0
QigjQ 0 Tuat III, an aged god who
^n—n* punishes the wicked.
temm u-3I3> k
T-rr O L Tem ° Tuat VI, one of nine spirits
, IV, 752, C ^ /==, Heru-
^11 ill ^ r ^11 il ^n—it ’ who destroyed the dead.
emheb 16, to finish, to complete, to make an end
Tem „Q , Tuat VI, a jackal-headed stake
of; compare Heb. D72.F), Arab, j ? Syr. >ii*.
to which the damned were fettered.

Tuat XI, a staff surmounted by

temi Qk=l-^x’^k'all'the Tem
■^n—ir’ a human head wearing a disk.
whole, the entire thing, complete.
o a form of Ra during the
all, com¬ Tem
temau >=" ()^ plete.
’ last three hours of the day.

Tomb of Seti I, one of the

temu, temmu
o Tem >=&
IP 75 forms of Ra (No. 11).

Tem o ^ Denderah IV, 80, an ape-god,

j, M. 655,
R ^tt-it I’ and god of bows and arrows.

J\ !
!.iy, 967, “ $
I <p=n: 2
»iv, 895,
Tem ^ |, Berg. II, 2, a god who
re-joined the members of the dead.
,!’IV- «0’
I a I 'jpn (3 Tem k, one of the 36 Dekans; varr.
/- !’ !’ c=IM’ /_
o k, Temati °4 k; Gr. tw/<.
— — c V
fi’kk I
o c. o the consort of
■ai- ^zrm a ’ 'JtC3E
S' £.T »• Tem.
j all peoples, mankind, mortals, men and
women. Temit ^ ", Berg. II, 2, a goddess who
re-joined the members of the dead.
t6mUi \ N' ^
P. 833, N. 768, full (dual, of the two Tem-Asar , a member
M hands).
of the triad of Heroopolis.
tem-ta, temm-ta ■5 ^
V^J^Ik'339’ Tem-Ra ’“O, , the Sun-
a q o o
god by night and day.
^finnr \\’ ^nm
jj ( , completely, Temu-Heru-aakhuti
entirely, wholly. C©3 [r_Z) , ’, Tem +
^ V
^ all, corn¬
temm-tu Harmakhis.
kk' er ’ plete.
Tem, Temu ^n=a:, U. 207,
Tem-Kheprer v ^H , N. 663,
Tem + the Beetle-god—a form of Ra.

^ the great god of An (Heliopolis)
, Ra in the late even¬
and the first living Man-god; the creator of ^nnr
heaven and earth, for he fashioned the phallus ing and early morning.
[ 835 ] T

Tem-sa-aru(?) • tem ht , with ha-t ^Jp

r —^ 1
L.D. Ill, 28, B.D.G. 856, agodof<||> ©. stubborn, obdurate; Copt. TU3AJL it.p.HX.

C± GL —M— 61 O C. temiu (2
^a: □ © ui’ ^prai o
v[| ^ j, the dead, the damned.
□ \®^^i’B-D-125’u’oneof
_Jf III' ^a=a
the 42 assessors of Osiris. temiutiu
Temu - sma - Khebit Litanie 8, the dead, the damned.
a o _
^ O, B.D. 38, 1, a form of Tern tem . ° in the title ^ /SAAA/W * 1 I j
o wwv\ o v\ A.Z. 1902, 96.
Tem-Tehuti , B.D. 175, 6,
Tern -f Thoth. temui [r3®^! A-z- I9°2, 96, lands,
I \\ | 1 ’ estates.
tem, tem-t , U. 608, T. 332,
temm EbersPaP- 7°, 18,
O ^prnr
3 19
oi n ^ o a tem, temi ^(j|j
r~~’ ^ni 1 ’ ^nzir @ ’ ^n=n:
to sing, to declaim, to praise.
o ei ^ o a \
kViK-ikk^k ^11 ic N^n iL Ms _
temiu j, choristers, singers, choir.
, no, not, none, not at all, by no means,
x J2 Rev. 13, 29, mat; Copt.
nothing, nought, not any, nothingness, without; tem
=z2t TAJIK.
() p. 665, those without; tem unn * v' Rev. 13, 32, to be arrayed or
o os. _ & I t rr ^ ’ dressed.
» non-existent; t\ ^ 1,
/WWNA w__ ^ ^H iLL /WWW I „Q O sill IT
o XJ
, clawless; ^prnr
tem-t ynnr Rec. 5, 92, ^ u ^ , Rec.
the dead;
^tt—rr /v5
O B. nn 4, 22, , ° /-5) kec. 5, 96, bandage, band-
, unknown; -jpoi o
let, covering, attachment, sack, bag, pouch;
1, unsatisfied; Copt. TAJL.

temi-t (( ° , so that not.

tem-1 £T£r*
^ni o ^ o i=> o a.
tem erta ^nc ^_Q, not to permit, a | ’ ^n—rt | ’ ^pr-ir 1 ’ 3^rr=tr wK. ’

not to allow, not to cause. ^° Rec. 4, 29, sledge of a shrine, frame-

^innEs^r-^ |
r\ ri
tem pesiu per te-t khaiu work, crate, wicker box; Copt. TAA.H.

□ temmu b.d. ,53*,

I ^ ^ | (|( ^ j, Excom¬

munication Stele 5, the name or description of 23, parts of a net.

a class of people (secret society ?) who were . Temm reu ubenu, etc.
expelled from Napata.

tem, temm
B.D. 153A, 18, the pole of the hunt-
_[] ’ ing net of the Akeru-gods.

tem-t Rec. 17, .47, “ ^

,, to die, to perish, the end, death. , ^TT-Tt a °f bsb*

3 G 2
[ 836 ]

o temi- te“-^ k Cb £* k Tema-t her-t "jj _b
i<, one

U' ^k^’toi°intogether(?) of the 36 Dekans; var._i7 <n=>
o o
i< :

temmkkkH’QkM’ tema-ti, temam-ti Zb SSI,

/-^ o \\
1\ tk U& to compress, to squeeze to-
-£mr A' gether. wt'Zwi' Pairofwi"gs; val'r-
temu k ■Sks-

temaas (?) zb n AAAA/W j Rev. 11, 65,

kkk° £kem- sonK hard’ sand-bank, mud-flat.
compact substance.
o roll, book, document,
tem, temi o ^ (](] \, ^ \, tema kk
^ ^ ^ ^ ^ ^ tV temau Zb ^ ^wind, breeze;
c=\-J=V ^k^’ k-*
bZ, to cut, to engrave, to inscribe; varr. ^ ^ a fair wind.

V temai-t ^^(j( o, case, box, chest,

temtem o j, Verbum I, 336, 3, temam , Rec. 27, 222,

x o
Vk-k Gol. Hamm. 9, 33, IV, 1113, Zb
Rev. 14, .1,
kk^ M’Leyd-
Iklkfi-kk^^ ««.«° Pap. 3, 10, sack, mat; plur. a IT j»
cut, to carve, to scrape, to scratch, to engrave;
Copt. xjuixsZ.
B.D. ib, 15, 181, 1, IT, A.Z.

1900, 20 ; Copt. TJULR.

temmut I, IV, 1082,
temam-t bzf} Zb^^, zb
writings, documents, inscriptions
it-lk ,1‘j

tema ^ Rev. 14, 11, to ■■ Zb

,<2 V>. apparel made of wrool or
strike a lyre, to play the harp.
—b ^ 1 1 1’ hair; Copt. XOJULI.
tema Zb (|, a kind of sacred tree, nut
temamu Zb f} J) i, the dead
tree(?); plur. j.
Temam zb , Rec. 29, 151,
tema ZbB^ Zb ' r. X , to bind to- a serpent-god.

gether; var. Bk temai ((j *^^-=0,t0

tema Zb IT’ , Rec. bind, to join together; var. cs= Q ^ X /?-

27, 222, sack, mat; Copt. XJULH. temi t=t, inundation, Nile-flood.

tema-t ^ temi :$bz ITTTffl , a kind of close hard

To / stone.
m> apparel.

Tema, Temam, Temamti zb Z, a kind of disease, hard boils (?)

Zb^~b’ Zb^f ^ > Denderah II, io, one of

teml QkM ©, Rev. 11, 144, town
^ MM

the 36 Dekans; var. x; Gr. Tw/x. townsman; Copt. T XX£.

O T [ 837 ] O

temi /-( [, Rec. 13, 76, what is fit¬ temsu

B.D. 41, 9, wooden
ting or seemly ; Copt. XOOXJLG. o
ten , pron. 2nd sing. fern, thou; older
temum -1 v a

damned person or thing.
o I o I ^
to mix together, I . AAAAAA
temr leil AAAAAA .

111’S /WWV\
AAAAAA l’ D S’ [’
to compound.
wwv' pron. 2nd plur. you, your; Copt.
f\ <~=>, a kind of small fish.
<03 )f) 1,1’ THItOT.
o o
ten , demonst. pron. this.
temt*)kf M in'} Sfci M 11
]ktem’AXl9°0’ ’’#:l!')T 37
ten , at the rate of.

A.Z. 1906, 116, ft Rec. o

S W 1 1 1 y <§.m' 0 ten O, Rev., hole of a serpent.

4, 22, a kind of precious stone or earth, a kind

teni (?)
of ochre (?)
AAA ^■s , to cut, to divide;


$ Libyans; o o
ten, teni AAAAAA B.D. 52, 4, (]
Libyan women.
/D O o
\W, * )
Temhi-[t] "jj £= | (](j 'j a goddess ^ 1 AAAAAA I A AAAAAA I AAAAAA I

of the Red Land,

° , or desert. sr $ where?; ^ *17T, ~r ^ fl’
Dream Stele 31, “where are they?”; Copt.
terns N_ , Thes. 1481, IV, 971, to xum.

turn towards, to direct a course.

tennu AAAAAA 'j whence ?; Copt. XCOIt.
to be striped o s
mum 3 ’ or variegated.

temsu n , IV, 1082

>W e

I, brightly coloured paintings (?) 1^’

Heruemheb 23,

o s
Am o o

o s 11 jt^’ o s
) (fl Mission I3,5I’ ) Wfl M' 'j
'j t0 raise, t0 elevate, to exalt,

a charge against someone, indictment, decree of

to distinguish, to promote to high rank, to
doom; plur. ^ 1
0 ''I
increase; wwa , to enlarge the land;
, B.D. 125, III, 16; var. V
U-M 1 1 1 o
AAAAAA , to increase births;

varr. aaaaaa
Tems khentt ) (| (fill * > ) (fill * - D S

one of the 36 Dekans; var. s=s "{ra fl ^ i<. “Dl “

possess honour or fame, to be honourable;
tems L j 1 f Anastasi I, 26, 2, o
0 s
•o> |ijL q^p , to hide, to cover over,
I L.D. III, 194, 14, mag¬
tennu AAAAAA
to bury ; Copt. XCJOJULC, GtOAlX. 0 s nificent (statues).
3 G 3
T [ 838 ] T

ten, tennu AAAAAA J AAAAA^ tena-[t] piece, portion;

I t
, rations, allowance.
ol"^' I'each’ever5,; I I

D 1 o ?’ IV’ I045, 6Very h°m ; tena-t S fl

0 H VE7’0
fl C , the name of 1
a , every time he riseth; 'j the 7th and 23rd days of the month; var.
t) a
I ’vZZ7, Koller 4, 7, of every sort and kind. AAAAAA ^ voy’

l^fl’ rkls , Thes. 1204,
(j^i, Rouge IH. II, 114,
to count, to reckon, to estimate. AAAAAA

„ ( © )%, to be aged, to grow old, old, old

tennu AAAAAA im¬
age, maturity, aged man, a title of respect;
post, tax, rent, census.

o o ©
tennu-t AAAAAA 1, Rev.
o AAAAAA Rev. 12, 11, brave, dis¬
tena (J 2 :
11, 149, men who pay rent or taxes, tenants. AAAAAA tinguished.

1 o tena
o A *2 Jour. As. 1908, 288,
tennu-t 'j ; j? AAAAAA ; H 7k’ whence; Copt. T(Jon.
r o
1 o
| WWA ; tena 0 () @ 1, Rev. 14, 8, to pray, to
3s? I 3T i o 2 !’ AAAAAA

|, number, quantity, amount, extent; cry out, to invoke ; and see (j (


0 2
I great number;
0 2
tenau L^vaaa A1 _ZI

circular vessel, pot
or tray.
1 <£=£v 1 po J O
1 ^ 1, very many; kj • AAAAAA
loll 0 tenai (?) ° (] e flefll], Jour. As.
IV, 968, to calculate numbers. AAAAAA I

1908, 256 = (1 £ (?)
tenn AAAAAA ,
Rev. 12, 45, ground, earth; AAAAAA 1

on' Copt. eixn.

tenas ^ (11 \\ , heavy, ponderous.
Tennu a god, the “ father AAAAAA I I
0 2 Ml AAAAAA of the Gods.”
i{ t ()(j i, B.D.
o gf i ^ 2 ^
Tenn a primitive earth-god ; see
AAAAAA (Saite) 145, 36, outcry, cry, clamour.
AAAAAA Tatenen.

Tennit ] 1 ] °
the female counterpart tenu q |C’ A Z• r9°8, *7, dyke (?) piece,
OTTO’ of Tennu.
portion; see and tena <-
Tennit Anit sheta-t aru o
# fl m.
o tenu Q
AAAAAA , eclipse (?);
0 0 —w
( O t , Edfft I, 25, a goddess,
iN o ■===> X compare Copt. OGItlUX
tena basket. a ^ Rev. 14, 11, women
tennut AAAAAA

0 2 III’ players of tambourines.

Tenait H°0' BD- 79, 5, tennu

AAAAAA rw /vaaaaa } the “ old ” canal;
district in the Tuat.
o 0 2
tena ( ^ , Israel Stele 11, basket (?)
tennu AAAAAA , weakness, failure.
Q I) r n 0 2
teni (?) I L n, aaaaaa Y~ to divide,
111 a foreign tribe or
to separate.
AAAA.S L-J 0 2 k Tennu AAAAAA

0 2 1 nation.
[ 839 ]
tennu aaaaaa
O' <2 _Jj I ’
l, L.D. Ill, 194,15, birds. tenkhenui
tenbekh ° l **"**, b.m. 5645, 12, = ^^^M’P-39I’l.M'obPetk0sf

/WWW JT’ 0

0 <3 1
, to be heavy, to be

Peasant 161, ° J| , to shrink from, weighty, ponderous; see L).

'VVVWi ^—/
to hesitate, to waver, to fail, to deceive.
o fright, shrink-
tens , A.Z. 1871, hi, hippo¬
AAAAAA J ing. potamus, symbol of Typhon, or Set.
Rev. 14, n, AAA/WA
tenfiu | f, tent ft , belonging to.
w harpers.

tenem (j Beasant B 2> 9^>
AAAAAA tent amu ) "71 kVm a kind
(IJ] ^V’
BD- i69> 23> LV, 363>
o o

1 of disease.

tent hetra jj ^ | (j j" be¬

I /V,

longing to the horse, horse-soldier, cavalry.

( [ A-, to wander, to err, to go astray,
tenta (?) AAAAAA ofip Rev- I2> 93,
to lose the way, to turn aside from. ’ scorpion.
zv ^ A.
tenemm , see “If)0 a kind of grain, seed,
AAAAAA.1 tenta
N AAAAAA (j 4 111’ or fruit.
tenemu “ d f^^x, Peasant 18, a ^ ^ % Lit. 47, a form of
AAAAAA J _CT^- I I I Ten-ti , w,„, £{] ’ the Sun-god.
plant used in medicine (?)
tentem Q “ f\ °, akmdofgrain,
Tenemi cjnnr 111’ seed, or fruit.

tenten ^ ° to be strong,

B.D. 125, II, one of the 42 assessors of Osiris.

to attack, aggressive ; var. r_n.
aaaaaa aaaaaa

Tenemi-t B.D.
tenth AAAAAA } a plant (?)
169, 8, q ^ , Ombos I, 61, a god¬
dess who gave drink to the dead. tentha-t

tener ) S. ) f=% $ | ^ , throne pavilion, throne; varr.


/www c--^> (0

],,, T
ill 1 E. .—/I1 u 1 1 1
strong, strength, brave, valiant; compare Copt.
) i8-to be Tenten
’‘isim, the name of a ser-
pent deity.

xuxnpe. tenntchai MAMA AAA/ (9 M/hf, Rev. ii,

0 (H)
AAAAAA <r-TZ AAWW C C> 188, shrine, sanctuary
tenreku ft @ u , ft r_,
0 I I I Ml U I I I o
^ 0, Anastasi IV, 12, 1, carob wine.
11 particle.
tenher H] AJ, box, chest, coffer. ter, tera, Gol. Hamm. 13,112,

, .


^ SSEP Rev. 14, 4; Copt,

AAWW I* , a pair
of wings; plur. aaaaaa ( ( (, "Tlt^ Thes. 1481, IV, 970, £ ^ |» () £

3 G 4
T [ 840 ] T

£^> Rec‘i6> 57, <^>^1 i ter-ti

^ \\ _im Jm <cz> \\
^ |J> to pay honour, to revere, to applaud, to the two birds, i.e., Isis and Nephthys.
have a regard for; Amen. 25, ter-ti ^ Of) = [)
<=> 11 cm \\ 1 o w
Oh r
7, , ibid. 21, 11.
ter, tra, tri
oh Oh
1 1 1 ©, Rec. 33, 6,

terr ^ J IV, 1182, to revere; Copt.

> A’ xppe.
oh , time, season; fern. ° (|(| Oh £;
ter to be weak. ■ O
ff oh
ter £= [ (j O = XH, time.
IV, 766; ^ (1 f ^7 “firo^
H 1 o in’ HI
1-0- O, time, season.
£«? 17, at all times, always;

t©r ^ ^ £, Rev. 13, 19, to produce. Oh

© /WWA 'jk' time of dawn; °

IToO. qpo- ra -
-Qh. _, ( • j .
Y> time of evening;

, willow tree; plur. t' a) oh

1T0 $ AAAAAA jQh^ q , Sphinx Stele 8, Rec.

( £ V. PaP- 3°24» 92, { 17, 147, midday; O ffi

is >

Rec. 2, 62, j, Metternich Stele 77, Rec. 17, 130, the night season; Copt. XH.

3, ” | ; Copt.
]T^i- varr. o 0 £
tra-ui ^ r g,
^ IV, 1045, ^ (j £

xtepe (&u? it xtupe), euop. e© O

_ (j ^, stuff, cloth, bandlet,

u^O’IV’ 43°, ^1)
w©5 <= Tig-
q, the two times, i.e., morning and evening.
garment; <^>
0 a^w,
^ 8
j 1 , Rec. 6, 8,
tra-t, teri-t
(Oh f] C
(j ■
cs r\
?’ <^£>( (| <?> toe»
a byssus cloth ; varr. " 5 |, 2 5 5. claw, talon.

terri Jour. As. 1908, 312, to

^er lls: /i’ to destroy, to wipe destroy.
out, to efface, to obliterate ;

Jour. As. 1908, 308, destruction of sensuality.

‘ A0 ‘

<=>»|<| & %> Re'- '3,38 =

oh [] r it<?
^ ^ i ■ 11, to revere, to worship.
tru <A, ^ f* - ^ ^ ^ f*>
stream, river.
ter ► , to guide.
tru , Kubban
terter ^ ^^ L=fl, Rev. 12, 27, strong ch <2
Stele 3, ^ ^ (j[j o, colour, paint.
place, fort; Copt. XA.XxeX.

terp to give, to administer, to pro¬

terr , oven, furnace; Assyr. vide offerings.

Hf< V- HU, Rawl. C.I.W.A., V, Obv. I, 1. 27, terp | 5, to bind, to tie together.

Heb. Syr. K'ieuA. Arab. ,Jj.
terp 0 , a kind of goose; plur.
oh □
ter-ti the two eyeballs of Oh
\\ Ra. □ (2
a [ 841 ] a

terf ^ to write, to copy, writing,
tehan ~—A, to appoint to an office,
a Rev. 12, 78, stairs; Copt.
tert to promote; var. ~—n.
,lv- TUOpX. ra \-o

Tertiu (?)
0 ^ \\ [Wl*
1 1 1 , the dwellers in
ram\\®’t0 greet’t0 salute’

deserts and mountains. to pay homage by touching the ground with the
teh , heat, flame.
tehar]raV^(| , oven, furnace.
a a
ra ra e Rev. 13, 27, trouble;
a O teha ^[
ra ^ Copt.
()(j ra 'JC ra ’ ra s o X7 Rev. 11, 182, brave,
a tehar
ra<= distinguished.
ra ra Sty rat
u Rev. 11, 182,
ra ira^’ ra^Aj Treaty I3,
a j\ the blooming one (?); Gr. 6d\eia (?)
, to cross over, to transgress, to
ra A) ra
infringe, to violate a frontier, to break into, to
tehur 1, IV, 686, a “brave,”
trespass, to invade, to attack; ^ /\ , IV, a soldier; see
1021, , to transgress a law; n e a kind of
, to go off the road, to
ra J ci
IT] JJ wood.

ra u o
“ <-= B-M- 1381 t0 cry outi
tebem raLJ’ Copt, 've&ext- (?)
err; |-q j*, to wander (of the mind); ^ J\

, Israel Stele 13, to invade a nation.

tehem raj^l.
^ ra ^ o
a Thes. 1205, At, to
tehu Peasant 237, ra
ra ra muster an army, to round up men, to drive cattle,
ra to attack; var. ^ra * ^'.
V-aJ Amen. 5, 12, 17, 6, transgressor, AAAAAA £
Jr" Sr ’ marauder, invader, attacker. a a
tehem . v\\ AAAAAA j
fvvvvy, | j

I U CHvV AAAAAA I Li s’ ra
tehi-t ^ , Peasant z8l’PaP- 3024 , to water.
IU 11, attack, invasion.
c± IV /9s Jour. As. 1908, 277, tehem ^ J Q. , to cook, to boil
teha „ _ trouble.
ra ^ ^ ^ra o o I
tehen-t ^ra ® p >
AAAAAA \ AAAAAA ’ ra ® ?’
tehab ra"^.J^>Lj’
forehead; Copt. "Te^ItG.

ralkJ^^V ra^Ju_n!’ ra tehenn

, to adore, to touch

-J ^ ^! ’t0 ^eat> to str^e> ra AAAAAA

the earth with the forehead in homage.

tehab ra^i J , a kind of wood, tehennu “ T" Ebers PaP- 85’ "4,
paroxysm (?)
wooden instrument; plur. ra
Ik J ^ i; tehni “ u
ra o ® i m

m « MCi-
var- HI J s^’ to appoint to some rank or dignity, to promote,
teham to dedicate; var. , : .
ra js • ni>ra
ra v
)L’ ra teher Thes.
ra i ra L-dO
W to muster an army, to collect by force. 1204, brave man, soldier.
T [ 842 ] T

tehteh S; £ ■, Rev”
rn ro ’
lead; Copt tehes-t 11 OOO
^ 1

te^ in m- it ,ead; var- ISsTlf^n.lirm 000 (sic)

a kind of metal, copper (?); var. lift o.

10?0; Copt x<L£/'r*

tehast )f ^^>ki„d
tehsu c* Festschrift (Leemans)
of metal, brass (?); var. mi’)a 3, shoemaker.

tehs |3
[q] X to beat, to break,
tehia , Rev., to wallow, 1 E -/)’ to hammer.
050 4. o \\
to sprawl about; Copt. 'TU)<P>. tekh
imm A m $■'
o <2 ^
<5-» *>-=* 6’ eO’ Plummet> the little
weight which served as the tongue of the scales ;

J 4 \\> Kubban 13, just weight; ^ 6

1 ^ ^ X,N, a P'ant> and the seed or fruit of
the same used in medicine (Ebers Pap.) ' n 'j 'j, Rev. 3, 12, the regulation of justice,

tehen 11 ‘y^nr’, 11 gto tekha ^ f| mm], A.Z. 1900, 33, weigher,

sparkle, to coruscate, to scintillate, the lightning the pointer of the scales.
flash; var. c^> AAAAAA
tekhi J ibis, crane;
Culte Divin, 157.
"A O /WWW “\ o AAAAAA r\
\\ Copt. + <6l (?)
II,;,. If. A/WWA
O O O' Tekhi ° n a dde °f Thoth as regu-
, wy Y-, ,vvy^ _ ww. vwv. ^ 0 ^Li’ lator of times and seasons.
O n~mn o
n in t n / a
IT 1 1 o o TTTT 0 m
AAAAAA 0 Tekhi ^ w tbe §od °t tbe Ist montb
, P.S.B. 15, 444, | ^ 0 ’ (Thoth).
MVti.H ^ \> I
Tekhi[t] \\, goddess of the ist month
0 ^j.Amen. 6, 8, —Ifff,
H/WWW Q , -a a . n &_
Tekh-en-bu-maat 6
AAAAAAJj 1 ^4 :
vw, 0 1 P VVV v ( 0

nr111in’’ iox
<=> infill* 111 w:- B.D. 125, III, 28, name of the door-bolt of the
, Hymn Darius 38, sparkle- hall of Maati.
^ Will
stone, crystal, faience, blue porcelain. tekhit 2 Rec. 16, 141, j| ^fp Q ^

Tehen-t (Thehen-t) ^ , a name

of the sacred boat of Heroopolites.
^ |, violet (?); var.y^tjj; ^ ^
Tehentiu Iff^® !, A.Z.
water or essence of violets.
1900, 20, the sparkling gods, stellar luminaries (?)
tekh-t J 2 \ 4, Nastasen Stele,

M AAAAAA D | 1 Q AAAAAA v f\Z\T\ a wine cup or bowl;

AA Ebers 66, 19,
wineskin (?)
o e^a1!’ iXo el 11Libyans; ^ O a mixture of bread and wine
see also Thehnu ffff 0 fa j j) O’ or bread and beer.


tehnu J J \ |, Hh. 364 , flint tekhi q()(] 0»q O’


knives (?) obsidian knives (?) AAAAAA

AAAAAA °'Si^'S^0'IV’688'SL2.
teller Rev. 12, 39, to be
^ 0 2 to drink’to be °r to
jealous; Copt. ,TtO£,p. become drunk; Copt, ^£,€, 01^)1.
T [ 843 ]

tekhu \ ° ^ So"*s tekhbusta ^ J e ^ [ {\, Harris

Jj @
tekhau q [J ^ 0) drunkard; plur.
500, rev. 2, 4, sack, sacking; var. o


tekhbekh JJ JJ Leyd-
Vi#’ /_ o n s»—=*\ to shrink back from,
ap' V _ aaaaaa J /V /’ to hesitate, to waver.
° 0 habitual
0 Jl £ Jl’ drunkard.
tekhen aaaaaa, " TO, Rev- x3> x9,

Tekhu j , N. 618, 0, T. 87, M. 240, o® o


w 0 x
the cupbearer of Horus.
Nastasen Stele 40, 0 Rev. 13,19, to hide,
tekh ° 0 0 @ the “ drunken ”
0 VAC7’ ® voy’ festival. to cover over, to protect; Copt. (?)

tekhait (tekhit) Mo ,, Rev. tekhen aaaaaa aaaaaa j Ebers 60, 10,

t,_a -gtr*- ^ to
drunkenness; Copt. to have running or rheumy eyes (?)
14, IS. 1=1 J ezj£>i.
tekhnen ^
teKnne Verbum n> § I23>
have diseased eyes (?)
tekhab (tekheb)
Rev. 14, 12, flooded
:, Rev.
V r*-A , 0 , A.Z.

i3, i5, or irrigated land. o1

T 006 12^ AAAAAA , to beat a drum

19 ’ <3’ _/]£>r o &LJ

tekhan (tekhen) Q 0 Rev. 13, or tambourine, to play an instrument of music.

19, to hide, to protect. tekhenu 0

AAAAAA o [, musician,
r> ■-/!
tekhanu Q O , Rev. .2, ■ ,7. a hiding aaaaaa

K) *=•• 1_1 place. player; var.

o 0 , Rec.
tekhanu (tekhnu)
15, 16, a kind of stone.
mini 111 tekhen
AAIWVA Jl- SVJ1-J££11*
o imro, obelisk; plur. ^ 1 | | [,
Rev. 14, 10, to be AAAAAA d_!) cLb (Lb tLb
tekhar troubled.
aaaaaa (2

IV, 756, , IV, 747,

1 1 1
Rev. 12, 36, massacre,
tekhi[t]oHH m slaughter. , IV, 642, very
great obelisks ; ^ ^ j
1 11 1 1 1

large obelisks ;
aaaaaa LA
I 1 ’ P* 391,
dJi c_Jj AAAAAA Jl'
A/SAAAA M- 55s- M’
o ^ (1 RftRRW ° I) t=t ° 0V0 t=t
pair of obelisks;
L-V]’ ®
_ ^

ReC. 5, 86,

j WAAA ,


S¥- 11
J Jeg. A.Z. .900,37, J
J® A\

obelisks 108 cubits (162 feet) high.

waaX ^ ^ ^ wa^er> *° SteeP

in water, to plunge into water, to flood, to wet, Tekhnui |||,

22 ^iMA’
to moisten, to anoint.
P. 391 ; var. 11^,, N. 1165, the
o n o n /w'aaa AAAAAA AAAAAA

tekheb e J © J =’ any foet,d

moisture from the body, sweat, etc.; var.
two obelisks of Ra.

Tekhnu IV Q f| ", Rec. 4, 30, the


four obelisks used in a ceremony of Osiris.

[ 844 ] T

T. 317, Rec. 27, 192, ^ x

tekhen tesh , ordinance, law, regulation;
AAA/WS ibis (?) HP,
plur. rvr~i:
tekhes ^ q > X 3S

<j^> P > to slay, to kill. tesh . , to rub down, to crush.

3D V- -/I

o X o
tekhtekh U. 495, T. 236, N. tesh , Amherst Pap. 28, rp.
P J\ * \\J\ ’
o o X . . T o , o o o o X
i57, ^ 0 Anastasi I, 28, 6, Q Q ZV, 5 -A , Peasant 179, m , IV, 892,
o rp o
Rec. 16, 129, Love Songs 1, 10, CP TP i , to depart from,
o o X a a to leave, to be separated from, to separate, to
, ^
© © y\ Ml crush, to cleave; JumLj, Rec‘ 27»
Rev. 13, 69, to be disarranged, in wrong order, X inseparable.
topsy-turvy, involved, confused, muddle, dis-
o <0 x> 00 teshtesh ° * , Ebers 6q, 12,
order; l, Anastasi I, 28, 3, cp rp J\ ’
00^. ^ o X
o ' \\ , r. .. to separate, to
confused speech, meaningless chatter; q q » cpcp A cpcpL-=/)
divide, to pound, to triturate.
B.D. 17, 135, disarranged hair; Copt. T6^,-
o^ee^. Teshtesh ^ ^ ^, A.z. 1869, ,39,
o o X
tekhtekhut ^ , Rec. 26, 225, ^j, Rec. 4, 31, a model of Osiris
cp m j\
confusion, disorder. used in the performance of resurrection cere¬
Tekhtekh o ([ d ([ ^/W, N. 1135,
tesh [yyi, I, 140, _ . Rec.
0 (l 0 (l M. 549, an abusive epithet rp cp 1 ©
^ ^ ’ applied to Aapep. 33, 118, frontier, boundary region; plur.
n x \> ^ 0 n
tes ° (mm, a stone or ° II
U ,. nn.
rp, I1
i 1 1 1 © III i~p V I I 12, 15.
a X o
metal knife; var. , and tesh-t ^ . , Copt. Cat. 406.
rp E—/! \> l ^ * *
nome; Copt. "TOcy, TT(JOCy.
tes hetch-t ^ ^ ^c. 4, 2i,
——h— mm) lO
teshu ° Rev. 11, 125, dwellers
a white precious stone.
CP £l1 in a nome.
a sparkling
tes thehen 0
_m_ nnm stone. Tesh cp, Ombos I, 84, a city-god.
X ©
tes-t jl c,, I, 117, a feminine title (?)
tesh Q |, Rev. 11, 167

tesaf A = A _S_ O bread, cake, X

HO H ’ dough. tesha o
,L_3’ t0
split, to cleave, to divide, to crush.

188, judges (?) Glossed by 2G2GOY. teshi ^ nnm , a kind of stone.

t SU see A.Z. 3°, 81, P.S.B. 15, teshi A A 1*1 Rev- XI> i69> band,
in HHT’ bundle (?)
471 0 is a prefix).
teshb(?) X, to break, to split.

tsu staff, support. O □

t-sheps 0 , Rec. 16,

tesef -5- Q, S — o , bread, cake, dough.

'3<5, IjrlP
o T [ 845 ] T o

tekku , robber, marauder,

IV’ 329, IjtI’
invader; plur. vflU j, IV, 614,
I- ]^Pin’Shipwreckl63’)^Pm’
Rec. 32, 66, the cinnamon tree, cinnamon; iv, 647.

Wh’ yp,?,'
schrift(Leemans) 117, 13,
O , Fest-
11 1
1^, cinnamon
tektek Q Q AS , Mission 13, 58, B.D.

Zi zi X T> , 0
oil or pomade. 113)3),_.._r n» Rev. II, 62, 12, 8, 70,
Zi Zi
to invade, to attack; var. 1 > 7^
teshen-t 1 w :i P , a metal tool or weapon.

tosher nn, red, redness; see /<^a;

Zi Q to kindle a fire, light a
teki (?) ^ ’ lamp.
Copt. Tpocy.

teshri _gas teku ^ , flame, lamp; plur.

^e^,ared cow.

teq , to cut, to slay, to strike,
Zi a kind of insect,
o n spark, fire, lamp, torch ; Copt. tekk-t
teq Zi weevil (?)
zl >4’ +K.
i Zi '71 -^§3-
o teka , to see; var.
teqem Rev. 12, 49, to un¬ ST
sheath a sword ; Copt. TOKAJL. teka ’, Rec. 3, 57 grain, fruit.

teqen 0 ^ ’t0 ru^e’ *'° Sovern- teka, (J T. 206, £1 ($ , jj^(| .

teqer <i>, to be strong, mighty; var.

u!M’ lj'IM’ uspark’
fire, flame, lamp, torch; |_j

Nastasen Stele, 45 Rec. 3, 49, many lamps; Copt. fK.

teqer ^ lg),
zi 1
U. 335, Rec. 30, 187, a
Tekait fire-goddess.
Teqer “ ““ Mar. M.D. 49,
^ I
Sphinx I, 90, Rec. 21, 136, the name of a Tekait (j ^ (] (| zi (| , Tuat IX, a
Libyan dog owned by Antef-aa; in Egyptian fiery, blood-drinking serpent.
Tokait the consort of Maa-hes
o A X
teqes ^ [1 , A.Z. 1908, 35,
131, to pierce, to penetrate, to cut, to stab;
Copt. 'TUOKC.
TekauIV llll. b.d. >37*.

j 1 O ^ to enter, the four holy torches or lamps.

tek Pap. 3024, 15, _
to invade.
Tekaharsapusaremkakarmit Q
^ r3 {£ to disturb, to break the
, J3’ peace. ratk
tekk , A.Z. 1905, 25, Gol. Hamm. Zi B.D. (Saite) 164, 4, a magical
o r „ zi @ D Q Zi X
^^L=J,ReC'8, T41’^^_/)’ Teka-her jj fj f■ Tuat III,
Rec. 12, 70, ^ , to thwart, to (1) a serpent in the boat Pena; (2) the serpent-
attack, to rob, to invade. warder of the 4th Gate.
[ 846 ]

tekan |Qj n, Jour. As. 1908, 307, to Tekneru Mar. M.D.

drive away, to reject; Copt. xoofTrl (?) 49, Rec. 11, 80, the name of one of the hunting
dogs of Antef-aa.
tekas t^] , A.z. 1908, 131, to
pierce, to cut into ; varr. ^^ I
d n J\,
oa \\ ;
teker .A, Rev., to come, to approach;
e^: ^-D
Copt. TCJOKC, OUOKC. var. zi
1 Jl t*
Rev. II, 174,
part of a ship. teks Q n 1^, A.Z. 1908,

teku ^, bread, loaf, cake. 131, to pierce, to penetrate; var. ^ A \\ ;

Copt. TCUKC.
tekem , B.D. 78, 3, to approach.
teksa Rev. 11, 168, the flat part
1 ’ of the back.
tekem O , Rev. 14, 49, a kind of oil.
teksa & D, Rec. 35, 84, a
tekmu ^ £—■/] ^ !, drawers
broad, flat knife.
of swords; Copt. TeKJUl, TOKJUL. a
teksa-t ^ ^ Rev. n, 188,
[q] f Rev. 14, 33, table.
B.D. (Saite 42) 72, 7, a god ; varr.
tektek a kind of plant;
J\, Nav. a o
Todt. II, hi. 111
o __ o a £
Tekmi J\ , Tuat V, a jackal-god. teg, tega
& ■®-> a*®-' ffi

, to see, to look at, to examine, var.

teken ^0^6, U. 543, BB* J\ , Peasant
AAAAAA „_^ 'll
^ \\ OO
145. PaP- 3024, 7C ^^ A 5 ^-^ A 5 ^^
teg b Rev. 13, 48
b u. 543> a

to approach, to draw near, to enter; Copt. teg Rev. 14, 67, plant; Copt.
ffi T(JUCTe.
TOX, TO 6".
o (9 o
°, plants, seeds.
teknu ^ 0 , he who enters; plur. BB* teg a


Jl I I I
ffi 4’see uQ- “4-
tekennu kS*
a , Rec. 20, 41, to
tlG-S (?)>
pierce the sky (of high towers or buildings). to bandage; as in ^ for

teknu, tekennu BB*>, BB*

U ^ 0 (wwv\

■rr Sphinx, 3, 151, human victim, a substi-

tegas 0 B.D. 39, 2 2, to re-
u _2T ’ tute in a death ceremony.
Z5 j^, ’ move, to carry on.
Teken-en-Ra 0 u Q U7 ’ O tegen A to approach, to
55 y\ AAAAAA draw near.
, the god of the 13th day of the month.
teges 1
o o
teken-t o U. 544,
teges g
T. 299 .
o T [ 847 ] T o

o o
tegteg ^ ^ | j\, Rev. 12,70, ^ L=J, tet ° 1^, |||^, Hh.
o v
to attack, to destroy. 445, skin, hide.
tet "O- pot, cauldron; var,
tet ° 1 , to collect; var. o 0
o o J
tet ]| °f ^, to turn, to withdraw.
Copt. OOOOTT".

o 00 tet I" an amu^et symbolic of the uterus

tet ^ , form, likeness, image; Hi’ of Isis.
o’ I

var. o Teta o )(j J, Rec. 30, 2, a god.

o D the name of a foe
Tetui ^ ^ (j 11 , P. 590, the two statues,
Tetaan n /WVW\

o 1 of Amasis I.
o ^ \\

dltiTWDl teti(?) |
•, stick. pole; plur.
Tet-ti ab (hat) ^ "jj (j O, U. 598, a teti 1 see
w \\ w m
n a/wwv
double goddess, the two daughters of the four tetbn (?) AAAAAA ? B.D. 137, 40,

gods of the Great House, ^ ^ ( 'O’ to smear, to daub.

111 mil \ Ld
, N. 964. tetef ^ °, Herusatef Stele, 59, his, its

X B.D. 164, 3, to sub-

tet _, Rev. 12, 33, , Rev. tettet Jojj
E. J]’ due, to do away.
o o
11, 146 = jj pylon. teth 1, nurse, attendant.

basement of a O 0
te^me-t o, a kind of seed (?)
[ 848 ]

th = sometimes Heb. D; Copt. X or (f.
tha-t . sC*<-* 'A-b. /Y^<jr c—u),
th , — a, thee, thou. the governor-in-chief, the headman of a town
I ’
th[a] soldier, bowman; plur. or village; B.D. (Saite) 145, 23,

the Arab Mudir or Wazir.

th-t writing, book, document, tha-t , governor and

ID □ 1 1 1 c
list, warrant.
judge of the Two Lands.
th-t i, sages, learned men;
tha-t meh ^^7 ! <^>, governor of the
l crm
I fI, ,
I o | £LL i T
... . JL , “ the sages of the North, i.e., of Lower Egypt.
House of Life,” i.e., the learned men of the
College attached to the temple.
tha-t mer nu-t nu Tamera
V& z S © ^ 0 '~T~7^~'<—> governor-general
th-t , a gathering of people.
£*1 l o I ^ I •s^l ^ © ’ of Egypt.

th-t 3=3 :, a kind of goose. tha-t en sa *a/ww governor of

o i
a grade of priests in the temple.
tha, thai gj, p- 777, M. 772,
(C=U) ,2 tha-t resu (shema?)
governor of the South, i.e., of Upper Egypt.
the “ male ”—a title of Geb
1' the Earth-god.
<“=0) (M
man, male, masculine;
0 -? -7

(—lO , Bubastis 51,
<0 11 cr- -cr u-~=^ u-^ ~ \\
t—10 1 r—u) ^, B.D. (Saite) 164, 11, twin gods or god¬
—u) I, (c=tD 197, p- 678,
r—u) 1 /^===ri) ¥T-
l desses, Shu and Tefnut, Isis and Nephthys, etc.
N. 1293, (*=0) !, Rec. 31, 25, !>

0 Thau uru > p. 319,

Nastasen Stele 44, , Hymn Darius 32,
r\\ M. 626, a class of divine males mentioned in
0 (e=u) F—u) fc=u) m)
\\ r w . 1 1 i’ 1 1 i’ <a m connection with (j ®
M ,| c? f=u) !

Tha nefer J *, «Beautiful

men and women, males
I si!’ boy ”—the name of a star.

and females; ( ^ ^ !, the male genital organs;

thau(?) T. 316, the solid

i)Oseed; a man child; parts of a body as opposed to the liquid, /WWW .

'c=3>/<HuL B.D. 153A, 30, birds,

thau (?)
0 fowls.
a virile young man; , ganders;
\\ to be angry,
Copt. (To, XO.
tha 1
TH [ 849 ] TH

tha ab (hat) o,
Thes. 1481, tha-t, thau-t
I ^i’
IV, 970, O’ to be wroth, to fly
I ’ into a rage.
i‘G ZI

tha 5, to wrap up,

l-a* L-fl’
plunder, theft.
to envelop, to clothe.
thai dd >, seizer, thief.
tha , bandlet; see L—fl

fL 5-
Treaty 17, offence, injury.
dd dd
thau , IV, 1089,

roll, writing, document,

thait ^ ^
dd ^ti,eft-
' ' 0

order, edict. thau thief, robber.

tha to
thau “robbers”—the name
bear, to carry, bearer, carrier.
given to some of the pieces used in playing a
thai meh-t L=/l oc^\ q n a 0/vwwv
game on a draughtboard; }J_o^J |

B.D. 164, 1, ^ ^ j, fan-bearer, 5 M..LU, f\ A-Z- l866,

thai ; ", to work on some

t^l T Jlo
bearer on the right hand of the king.
d>JL J •fen- hard substance, to model, to be worked or

engraved (of metal);

thai metcha -1 Q i\ L=/] & , Roller 1,7,
:, carrier of the book, i.e., accountant, agent. Rec. 34, 48, graven with a chisel.

thai seri-t ddr^dd U=/l

1 0 Anastasi I, 21, 7,
-/I III’ graven objects.
banner-bearer of
® ^n<^>fifi d an army. thau » U. 429,
I ’ HH 1
o Rec. 16, 56,
thai sehetpit » thurifer.
T. 246, P. 334, Iy2, P. 707, X^P,

@ ^ ■ A
thai shebt j^gj r^vn j J , Rec. 7, -‘U-r.-i. )... j , wind, air, respiration,
\\~* T
190, wand-bearer, staff-bearer. breath; plur. °» ?• i56>
^ i ■ ■ ■

thai Sy’kdd^’ L-/)’

o,N. 786, ' YJ ' 215>
© 4k Rec. 33, 36; Copt.
M C> N. 686, Xp
m’ TH*J.
, Thes.
dd U L-fl thau Xp V*1 date palm(?) olive (?)
1200, U, (D o
u tha o, A.Z. 1906, 118,
V o
Hh- 550. > U-fl’ , grain, drop, pellet, bead, necklace.

tha var- §?
, to seize, to take, to
a* pj > t0 shave, to frizz the hair; see
carry off, to grasp, to lay violent hands on, to
ravish, to steal; Copt. XI, tfl, XHTf, Xicrre.

3 h
TH [ 850 ] TH

B.M. 5645, a kind of

tka tkab J O, IV, 770, Annales III, no,
1 v ’ animal (?)

thaenunsh (?) J) /WWW j ^

J0- , jar, cup, pot,

Love Songs 2, 2, ‘‘ wolf’s paw,” i.e., mandragora, vessel; plur. ^ ^ > IV, 636.
“love apple,” and compare the following.

1 @ -?
tkaui (?) —- /WWVA
■-e ft-"'0 ^&^ftgrain’
10. OOO ‘in’ '-7 000 corn.
1^1 I, Amen. 12, 18,
Tkabn ■ JJ 0 ^ a g°d W'ne and
^ , Amen. 13, 4. beer.
tha-ti ^ ^ n n’ L-D- In> *94» 17,
the double throne or chair of state on which the stick, staff.

king was crowned. <o

tkabska l-J\*
thaar IV’ 896> work stone, stonemason

L=/l, Sphinx 1, 22, to restrain, to coerce. □ <=

tkapr vessel, pot.
5 0 0

tkaartu (= (j ^ □ P. 635, M. 510, N.


tkapr (?)
=>’ io93.
Nastasen Stele n, 12, to cross over; Copt.

xioop. tkapga 0 ftx » Anastasi III, 5, 4
□ of Anastasi IV, 9, 5,
tkaas 1ft , A.Z. 1913, .128, ffi cru1,
LJO’ 0
to give an order.
Tkafui ... . ..
I£=s7 w ELI ELI Ifisa? w
tkaata | (j ft > Love Songs B.D. 17, 112, the double form of Horus
containing the souls of Osiris and Ra.
7, 11, a kind of plant, olive (?); compare Heb.
r»n (?)
tkam Rec‘ 3I* I2’
a mea- male, masculine, to act a man’s part.
thai ^ ft’ ^fl](
sure (?) fire-drill (?)
tkami ^;s V;ft |ft IV> io8i> Ship¬
tkaiu "Vim , the
wreck 19, ^ jl > Rec- 3r» I7I>
accursed spawn of Aapep.

tkai-t s fi A 0 sadness (?) sor-

^ ^ ’ rnw
row (?)

pa XT)
tkaua £} ^ ^ ’ t0 dr6SS ^ hair’ 5, 5
to cut the hair, to shave (?)
to cover over, to clothe, to dress, to wrap up in,

Tkauatkasasa ^ j to enclose, to wind round, to bind.

& H

,, L.D. Ill, 164B, a Hittite proper name. tkam -1 0, B.D.

1 1 1
125, III, 17, coverings, face-cloths.
Tliatmar (Tkanrr) ^7 " /==~n
1 ^es- I2°3> a Libyan proper name.
Tkamaa ^ [S , the god of

Western Thebes ; var. ^ ^ 5 Copt.

that-ta (?) Rech-

nungen 35, ferryman (?) XHJUte (?)

TH 851 ] TH
1 \\ \\
Thamakana o, tharr © , a kind of cake;
U 1 1
Alt-K. r153, a devil who caused sickness ; var.
plur. | JB2& :
1 1 1
A a.
I a kind of
tharaa 0
AA cake.
thamr , lion.
JS5A tharan (?) — sa
thames ^ \>, P.S.B. Nastasen Stele 40, from — to.

20, 198, to devour, to consume.

tharin & ,
A A AAAAAA <7~ ~ A A AAAAAA 1 ■- »
than g ^ or
M 1 M
chief officer. A f\ AAAAAA I ^-^ f\ r\ AAAAAA 1 1

AAAAAA M fen , M
I I I t— w_

1 1 aaaaaa
Alt-K. 1162, buckler; var.
I I to forget; Heb.
tasi I, 9, 7,
1 \> n^D.

thant P.S.B. 10, 472 ; Heb. |im\

<1^1. throne, chair of

state; var.
; see
s=5 tharb <=> 1 J ® 0, <=> 1 j
0, pot, vessel.

tharh <? to invade, to


thanti-t ’ transgress.
( (| throne,
tharsta-t i ^ i ( , some
chair of state; see
part or parts of the body.

thant poles, timbers, bearing-

!, poles. tharta ^j1 <=^ ,
thar £—71. Tombos Stele 5
) I I
a kind of boat.
9> IV. 84, IV> 1078> to
embrace, to enclose, to surround. tharta <k>| ( , Rec. 17, 146,
I i I
bread made of fine flour; Heb. rh'D, Chald.
^1/T IT 1 Arab. ^ J,(Dozy I, 671), Assyr.
Mission 13, 117, ^ L==/), to be sil-la-tu -"J.

strong, to be protected, fortified, strong; Copt.

thaliab k ^ J ^, Anastasi
xop, xoop, xoope.
IV, 2, 5, Koller 2, 3, ^ j
tharei ft.
w a place where horses are exercised.
whole, sound, strong, protected. 1 8 V to ill-treat, to
• 1 beat.
strong thing, a protected thing.
chief, master.
MU. “AM.
St n' fk’ tha serit M IV, g98,

u nxu/if,
, Jour. E.A. 3, 104, an enclosed
>n =F ?•IV’ "8’
and strong place, a walled enclosure, fortress.
flag bearer, colour bearer of an army; see

tharit '==> -0- 3 “, safe or protected

w 1 1 n in’ thing. U_a'
3 H 2
TH [ 852 ] TH

thash , boundary, frontier; Thath-neteru Tuat
•1 ' , l
DO VI, a god.
see ; Copt. Tocy.
D 3*^. x s
tlia-t s= _j || 0 Thes. 1281, IV, 157,
H tvj,’ emanation, exudation.
thak , Rouge I.H. 2, 125
That => ( a a goddess of Tet-t,
I u
thakar D, strong 3 zk
, Busiris.
^ ~T
building, an enclosed and fortified place, tower.
thaaiu [ (] ^ !, a class of
1 w
i 1 ^ 1 ’ ^ ^es' officials, clerks (?)
1 1 1 1
1208, , Rec. 21, thafthaf s=j [) s=> Q , T. 305
s tV^l 1
916, rC<-r <=> 1
I © ’
\\ \ »y- 1 1 1 l
Tharef s=^ ( <~^71Mfl,T. 317, the name
1 1 1 of a magical serpent.
I 1 4>1 thatha §=> ( s=> (j j[ ^, Rev. 6, 26,
I, Alt-K. 1171, a Mediterranean people. to stamp with the feet, to gallop.

thatha s=> ( §=> ( 1 |> BD- i69> 2>
Thakar - Bara Ui
J dances, skippings.
3-^^ Rec. 21, 78, Ui
J tha (?)
, to run (?)
V "1 f\/vo the name of a Syrian governor ;
Heb. Syr-or th-amit (j( o, Rev. 13, 27 =
Thakaretha g/ ^1 1 'j \, XmeiJULG, in the state of knowdng.
darris Pap. Mag., a magical name.
thi , scribe, learned man; plur.
-^j- rz, Rec.
00 1; 00
\\ tr-zi 33, 4, copyists attached to the college, sages,
thakrau , Harris I,
1 111
57, 13, shutters, lattices. thi-t s=5 (l 5) g » band, tie.

thaga S Roller 1, 5, 2, 1, Berg. I, 9

thinen UQ
1 IV, 70.,
thithi , Love Songs 5, 6,
w \\
IV, 732, a kind of tree, the wood of
the same.
tt « ^ gf !> Rec- 21’97. xx
thagapu □
ffi “D, Anastasi
Rec. 1, 46, “ 'bid ’’ 52’ '°
□ wrrangle, to dispute, to chatter, to gossip.
IV, 9, 5, barracks; see rffZf “ ^ crz].

thaten-t pd] ^ , throne ; _ _J’ o i -/l’
chatter, gossip.
U3‘ thu, thut s=j T. 211, N. 335,
thatha (?) JJ 0 , a metal pot, g-pron. 2nd sing, masc., thou.

vessel, or bowl. g
thu (?) ~ , to mount up.
Thathait ( [j ^j, Litanie
to lift up, to bear, to
15, 47, a form of the Sun-god.
thua s= carry.
TH [ 853 ] TH

thua s
fi i ,t- 278, to bind on a
thut 8=3 U- 574, N. 968,

thua N- 979. defects (?)

a particle; [J 1, T. 271, P. 22,

M. 33, N. 123, ^
s= % (j
\ U. 581,
thuat s= ^ (j a , T. 284, crown;
N. 962, (|p, B.D. 180,37,=^
=‘^%^and*==^4- || (j [1, B.D. 180, 27.

thui s=^(j[j , that.

thut s=5^jT , U. 220, to be collected.

thub s=3^ JJ, sole, sandal; see s=> J thut ?^ U. 559, form, image.

a ® ; Copt, euuonrr, Tocnrr.

thut 3=3^^, T. 266, s=
thupar d~□ , horn, trum- M. 43, 421, crown.
(2 \\ thuta [j , P. 34, crown.
pet; I=“=3 ,

trumpet bearer, trumpeter; compare Heb.

(2 ’ (2
thupar Anas- , the piping of
© (2 (2 32^i’ (2 (2
tasi I, 17, 7, scribe, copyist, secretary ; Heb. a bird, the cry of the hawk, twitterings.
IDiD, Aram. N“)DD, Syr.
Thuthu s=> , Rec. 6, 151,
thuprath □ , Mar. 31, 18, the name of a god.

Aby. I, Text 11, a Hittite chariot. thuth ken s= 0 , Ebers 63,

1 1 1
9, a seed.
thuf 7Yf'
thebit g==s | JJ, N. 942,gr=3

1 1
T. 312, P. 174, ^ |,U.554,T. 173, M.
^ \\^ @, Rev. 6, 26, papyrus; var

Copt. XOOhrq, Heb. rpD- I54,S=5J -J.N-97°,—J^|T-3^

301, U. 553, Rec. 27, 60, |jcx, sandal; dual
thumaqana o,
(2 /J
s=5J¥’IS'R 573,Mi plur-“J¥
Alt-K. 1153, a devil of sickness; var.
, P. 408, M. 584, N. 813, 1190, s=s J o
/WWW o —< /WWW

bear>t° , sandals white and black; see also o|j;
carry, to rise up; Copt. TCUCTfU.
Copt. T"OOTe.
O_s \ \ /WWVS t-T

thura e <=> \ - Ra& x> 48' fl 1)1) ~ (j) Rec. 4, 119, the
thebit _JJ 44 o’ sole of the foot.
buckler, breast cover of leather; var. ^

|| || WWA Ejl; Heb. fYntt?.

£ /I^, sandal-maker, worker in leather; plur.
to sin, to tres¬
thurh w pass.
(2 © 3 ^ ^ j > Anastasi I, 26, 4, ^ (2 3 ^ j,

thurta s=r=j^. I (2 1 l 9 o
p ^_n i» W gjf i14 T —
1 [j fine flour; Heb. rh'D. sandal-maker to the king.
TH [ 854 ] TH

Metternich Stele 53,

Thebti wi ^ thep , a kind of goose.
a pair of goddesses. □
thebu-t §= thepa [ L=Z), Rec. 30,192, ^,

a part of a ship.
=J¥ . Rec. 30, 68,
to breathe, to snuff the air.

theb raj ^, s=J , s=J ^ > theput j > the dead (?)

Rev. 14, 73, calf, cow; compare Copt, xii in

86, a t=^,
theb (tcheb) |J, bird-cage; □
Q Q- N- 44’ □
N. 662, hole in the ground, cavern, cave; plur.
see also tcheb

theb-t s= ^, sistrum. l==^, N. 6c6, ,Rec. 29, 154;
=j =* □ n~D

theb s= J jj, copper coins, obolus, a j( c-□

PP, the vault of the sky.

assarium; var. cs ^1D\ Thephut petriu ^7° § o

3 ’n] D
□ ^■2? □ iS? □
thebeb s= Of] o. T. 312, to break
I1^ o ^
JiJi in, to smash.
, M. 381, a group of shrines (?) in the Tuat.
Theba s= , Rec. 26, 229, a god (?) cszi
Theph-t sheta-t CTTD ===== •
□ ^ A O
Tuat VII, the 7th division of the Tuat.
thebu g= J ^ o, §==» J (2 o, Mar.
Karn. 55, 61, Rec. 21, 77, Theban Ostraka B, 6, thef V—a, to move about, to shake (?)

vase, pot, vessel; plur. s=j | a (0, IV, 666. thefthef to dance, to wag (the
thebu ra £=5 j Rec. thefthef )-=-( j aaaam

17, 145, a weight for meat, a measure; var. ^ «■-^ aaaaaa

to spit, to pour out water; var. /wwv\,
^=51— AAAAAA

]JV>- '
thef 7j, papyrus plant; var.
thebu §=j V ^ ’ a ^ock ^a'r> cur^ >
“; Copt. xooTq, Heb. fpp.
var-]jy?"=-j o thefa U- 54V T. 297 =gr= (j
Thebeh ra J m ^_J, Typhon; var.
-» T- 3°5.
)Jra5-=j- 0
Thefnut 0 consort
58 ■
thebhen s= (1 H] j 7\ , De Hymnis 36,
of Shu ; see

-s£U AA/VW\ , P. 62, M. 83.

o ^
to hop, to skip, to frisk (of animals).
Thefnut Berg. I, 14, a lioness-god¬
thebtheb =5J J, jj <>=J , 0 dess ; see Tefnut.

. . ^ theften > P- 707 .

to tie up to (with <czr><n>, IV, 658), to suspend,
to tie (dead bodies to a wall). theftenn y\ , Amen. 1 r, 20,
thebtheb 8=J 0 j] ^ to dance,
envoy, messenger (?)

the belly-dance. them, them-t

P. 62, M. 84, N. 91, P.S.B. 15, 37, Rec. 21, 197
thebtheb-t §= J 3= J ^ dis¬
pute, argument. , pron. 2nd fern. sing.
TH [ 855 ] TH

them s 5, bandlet, tiara, apparel.

Mar. Karn. 53, 26.
Amen. 22, 6, 23, 9,
them s
to see (?)
Themhu ” ^ |, Tuat v-the Libyans
in the Tuat.
thema , bold, brave, strong.
Themhu s=
=5 __o g=s ^_a
thema-a IV, 657, the “ Libyan ” god,
-Jp ’ _^ 1
/ ' ("
°, hero, warrior.
themes n R, Rec. 32, 80, to

o ■ ^
write, to make marks, to paint coloured pictures,
Thema 4 , Tuat III, a god. to be of various colours, to be striped; var.

Thema-re Tuat XII, a sing¬ n

themes , P. 604, striped,
Themat-her-t "k, Tomb
J? coloured (of the rump of an animal
Seti I, one of the 36 Dekans
° -var' IU
' ~k o 1 1 1
themes Dream Stele
<©> 0 'ft
c—a. <czr>, Tomb Ram. IV; Gr. TQM.
a ^11 n o 20, writing board, inscribed tablet.
/h . a
Themat-kher-t 4 <—> x , themes-t 3=5 | j- ^ P. 172, N.
/I\^ Tombs Seti I and Ram. II, one of the 939, a writing, list, register; plur. s=
’ 36 Dekans.
UA ° ,
1») dJ ° ° 0
p. 346,
, M. 646,
thema-t ^ ^ A.Z. 1908, 16, the
>=<. I
vulture amulet; var. o 1. 1 1 1 1 1 1
^ i I
1 1 1
thema Jp Hh. 377, seat, throne;
a condemned
*=? B.M. 828, Sphinx, 2, 132, themes person.
_h? scribe of the throne.
themess-t 1 [Lft, p. 681,
thema-t a -fj-, mat (?) Copt. T
773, M. 770, design, writing, picture, document.
IV, 1110, lands,
thema -ftj- III ’ estates. Themes-en-khentt s=j /vww\

Themath 4 n,
Tuat X, a lioness-
(fib Tomb Seti ~k , Denderah

II, 10, one of the 36 Dekans

Thema-taui s= f\ ( , P. 266, midwife; Copt.
thmes-t s=> Q o ^
(T’ M. 479, N. 1246, a god.

themth s= , Hh. 337

• 1 o—
([ <=>, Tomb Ram. IX, L-il

themthem fft a dry

10, god of the serpent V .

themu for a abso. pron. 2nd fern.

then sing.

writing, plan, drawing. o

? A/WWA } gl
VI- later

pron. 2nd plur. ye, your; wam, N. 1385

111 M
(W1 j Libyan; plur. | ft (dual); Copt. OHItcnr.
3 h 4
TH 856 ] TH

then = , this. Thena (], Tuat XII, one of the 12


gods who towed the boat of Af through the

then , H, P. 307, 312,
AA/WW AAAAAA I /WWW serpent Ankh-neteru ; he was re-born daily.
, where ? ; var. 4-1 'j ; Copt. T'CJUrt.
thena, theniu 5=5 Q, iv, 639, 5=5

AAAAAA AAAAAA ((j pitcher, bowl, dish; plur.S (j ^
AAAAAA AAAAAA L.D. Ill, 65A, 15.
C 0

thena 8=3 {] , Amen. 14, 11

Rec. 30, 185, to lift up, to raise, to promote, to

distinguish. thena-ti , Amen. 15,17,
*1 w
<=> \\ <=> \\
then-t AAAAAA
something great or -013-, Amen. 20, 19,

distinguished ; plur . AAAAAA 'j Amen. 25, 10

thenaa j IX 'i boomerang, camel

Then-aru AAAAAA
Tomb H r stick.
of Seti I, one of the 75 forms of Ra (No. 54).
theni , N. 940, where ?; see

Then-neteru T Tuat XII, the

llll’ ‘ 1 8=3 (); Copt, xuoit.
gate of the 12th division of the Tuat. AAAAAA I ft AAAAAA 1

Then-ret s==><===> $\,

B.D. 125, 11, thenu 8=3
pron- 2nd plur- J Cop1-
the name of one of the 42 judges of Osiris. s
thenu AAAAAA
] IV, 700, ^ !!
then Ir73 , B.D. 178, 23, a kind
IV,II4I, 3 /www 'l 1x1
’ 0 If 0 <® I
of tree : var. .
0 l each, every.

then 1, course, throughout. thenu ) u. 253, T. 196, P. 288,

678, N. 1293, M. 726, to count, to reckon.
then-t, thenn-t u. 234, AAAAAA _.


Rec. 26, 66,

thenut TT3 3 , A.Z. 1904, 89,
_> ibid. 26, 74) a/ww\ Oo Go
^ !-1 /WWAA

^ O =5 O 8=1 G |, Rec. 31, n , j] |, AAAAAA

, a/wa/w ibid. 31, 16, place, abode, AAAAAA £1^

, IV, 1143, number, reckoning, computa-

sanctuary of Seker ; plur.
AAAAAA rTW | | | _Zf III’ tion, census (of cattle), calculations.

Thenen 5=311
J, Tomb of Seti I,
thenut we^I1b quantity.
one of the 75 forms of Ra (No. 3).
Thenu-t maam^07) the name of a festival.
Thennit ■|Q|. B.D.G. 42, 699, 0 ^

r -> r 2 --) 11 ^ consort of Menthu and a thennu AAAAAA

G Rechnungen 63, a
VWAAA form of Hathor. AAAAAA ’ plank or log of wood.

thena ° , T. 307, P. 173, 260, M. 493, Thennui (?) 302,


where ?; see a magical name (?) mentioned with 1

(](); Copt. xcnn.

thena ~
aa *11’ I’tobeold'
old age, aged. thenpu AAAAAA
□ VV’
TH [ 857 ] TH

thenf , AAAAAA ^ } AAAAAA Thenti )| | , Tomb Seti I, one of


the 75 forms of Ra (No. 47).
AAAAAA vth,» to dance’to play an
g - <, "V AAAAAA -->

instrument or sing to a dance. thentenr ft jiii5 Rec. 8, 139,

1 11 j\
o s AAAAAA braves, soldiers.
thenf wwa aaaaaa ? Rec. 20, 216, drink.
thentha-t ^ Z> m 565,
thenf-t aaaaaa ^ ? vessel or pot of drink.
cr-D, B.D. 180, 7,
thenfit AAAAAA , Edict 4, sail.

, L.I). Ill, i6a, throne, throne room,
N. 5 14a, an offer¬
thenem 0 ing, milk (?)
chair of state; 2fl> IV, 573 ;
WWW _v_ IWVW\ —a ^

jjf , throne mounted on a boat.

thenem 0 the first milk in
aaaaaa Vw'

thenthen A, Anastasi I,
the breasts after childbirth ; var. 0; AAAAAA AAAAAA
24, 8, to run, to run away, to flee.
Copt. xgXjuli.
Thenthen-neteru immrr
Thenem &jf), t.s.b.a. Ill, AAAAAA AAAAAA 1
the name of the 12th Gate of the Tuat.
424, a nurse-goddess

(1 |x to weep, to ther = 0,1, 133. number.

thenem w w
j ’ make to w
ther (5 s “ nr, stuff, apparel.
^ , Hh. 556, dens, caves ther-t I, U. 563, willow tree; var.
o ——-
/V ; Copt. TtJUpe.
thenem , to
turn away from, to turn back, to reject; var. Therit -ft* J)> Rec- 27» 53, thegod-
o a Li
“ JMIU. dess of the willow tree.

therut n=o, an offering.

125, II, one of the 42 assessors of Osiris; see thera 8=1=5 (\ ■ O , time, season, year; plur.

varr-<Z>(] f 0,^1] ■ .

thenr /w/ww , strong, bold, brave. thera “ fj, U. 538, T. 295, P. 229.
(3 o- ■ — f\ A AAAAAA
thenh-ti .^25- , Amen. theri (( aaaam , to sprinkle, to moisten.
16, 20.

Peasant 175, therit Rec. 31, 29, rever¬

thenher 0 a bird.
ence, adoration, prayer, entreaty.
thentut Meir 8’ m.
therri-t g(](] III, 17, <
a breed of cows.
Dream Stele 27, mound raised up against a
thenti aa/w/w -T1^ AAA/WA y1^ , Tom bos besieged city; compare Heb. H^D, and see
^ w
Stele 3, throne, chair of state therther.
tk ¥1 to paint, painting,

writing (?)

Rec. 27, 222, throne, chair of state,

Z1 them isi o, U. 562, colour, paint.
8= TH [ 858 ] TH

IV, 840, to approach, to

Therut “ U. 220, T. 323, theh § A
U. 510, a god or goddess (?)
theh-t | ^, approach.
Berg. II, 399, to
theru '
’ diminish, to reduce. thehu Jjb IV> 5°2’ s=> | ^

therut > band let, fetter. = , ^== to rejoice, to make merry,

therru U. 563, to theheh s=a jj1 ^ , Rec. 22, 2, |,

cleanse, to purify; var. P(?)
therp □ , T. 390, M. 404,
\\ Jr *\> w Jr S. w’ ~
U. i31 a, a kind of goose; plur □ (3
,, to rejoice.
= □ \\
], Rec. 1, 48, 29, 148.
!’ thehhu s
therp □ y\, A, to waddle <2 V
□ @ , joy, gladness.
(like a goose), to dandle a child.

therf Peasant 294, thehhut

to dance.
1, Rec. 29, 166, rejoicings;
threm, thremm ffT. ~ (E
o — S
, to weep, to cause to weep;
Thehhut s= 1, gods who
SEz$= fk 'O’ I] v to weep in their
/T» I I 1 1 1’ hearts. rejoice, or divine rejoicings

therheh , to rejoice (?) Tuat VI, a

Thehbith g=

Therta S 1 [ Ji, Rec. 27, 53, a god. thehef-ti I ^T\\ a Plant-

therther t0 overcome, to de- Q AAAAAA

*_l \_a stroy. thehen \ , Mar. Karn. 53, 28,

Jour. E.A. Ill, 98, IV, 656, 710, Love Songs 5, 5,

therther , Rev. 12, 78,

r , to advance, to meet, to touch, to

s I earthwork, mounds thrown up around ^1
bi —

I 1’ a besieged city; Copt. TTCJDpXp. twitch (of the nerves or muscles, P.S.B. 13, 412);
Thes. 1322, Copt. X(JOg,, (rtvgj.
thertcher B i
1■ walls.
thehen ,T. 334,
theh |—j j A , to attack, to transgress, to
P. 826, g' : "> x I www, M. 249, <*=
invade; varr. S ^° X I /V

ra^’ ra m to sparkle, to scintillate, to glitter, to shine.

thehtheh A MA, Amherst
ra ra thehenhen g=
Pap. 42, raider, invader. U. 563, to sparkle.
theh s=::=::, a kind of plant used in Q n~7 AAAA/NA

IT] (2. 11V medicine. thehen-t o , U. 563,

> n o.
theheb U. 626, O, light-
ra J a 1 A'Z' I9°5,19, t0 fnsk) o ffj* L-i O

to gambol (of young of animals). ning-stone, crystal, any bright or sparkling sub¬
stance, blue-glazed faience, etc.
thehem ra , A.Z. 1906,
’ ra Ombos I, 186, one of
126, to shout for joy, to praise. the 14 kau of Ra.
TH [ 859 ] TH

t=^«>*=3 t=<XX3 |
Thehen-atebu, etc. ^ n, to knot, to tie, to tie together,

10 tie on something (a crown or a garment), to

bind corn, to coil, to twine, to plait, to weave;
( J ^ =1 \, P- 826, S =5 | 'j aaaaa^ 8=3 flfl. M. 785, M, M. 782; Copt.
[xo< ] j ocxxi 1
M. 249, N. 704, one of the four
Mi bulls of Tem.

thes mehu °°S , A.Z. 1906, 123,

O □
'l nnnb L-=fl
Rec. 34, 190, one of the 12 Thoueris god¬ B.M. 828, to weave a crown, to tie
0’ desses. on a crown.

Theknu thes metcheh

Sphinx 3, 132, to tie on a girdle.

thes qebsu (beqsu) aj

U. 310, to tie together the entrails (?)
, iv,
thes qesu ^ ^ , P. 612, to tie to¬
gether the bones, to reconstitute the body.
thehenu U. 64, 'j 0 N. 318,
, . tXXX]

thes-t , Roller 4, 6, thread,

® ??. Libyan unguent. o i
X rv^i
Rec. 31, 171, tie,

w'/w', T. 89, g-> ^ j

Q 1
thes-t a
band, knot (?)
'f.N. 619.. .. v B.l). 145, 24, fillet,

u’ band, tie.

thehes e= ||1, [I »| thes, thes-t , P. 568,

V"} skin of a beast, hide; compare Heb. D==<X><! t=OX XJX1 (d

Vr ’ trnn Assyr. Jif, takh-shu.

M _ , ,
' o | '
knot, tie, hga-

thekh o, a drinking festival; var. ture, backbone, vertebrae, spine; plur

o 3 O c==oo=3 0 | e=o»=a

m WRo^?. \^VZ ^
I p—-rf-rw=r-l
, u. 5T7>

thekhthekh ~~ i—t, to mix a T. 328, 1, T. 183.

r\ t=c0=3

drink ; varr. C~^> ; Copt. theSS-t .. o (@, tie, knot.

Te^, etu&,
thesut VII — the seven magical
thes , T. 336, s mi c* I III
knots that protected a man.

M. 254, N. 640; see n thes-t frame,


01 01 o I :
Thesi - en - khentt dlli
framework with bars (?) bearing pole, carrying-
pole of a litter.
one of the 36 Dekans; var. | (|jj ~k .
Thesu ^ |, Tuat X, an archer-god.

thes, thess , T. 159, M. 175, 688,

Thesu VII (2 B.D. 71, 16,
1, U. 482, L=0,
seven gods who assisted at the judgment and
Amen. 19, 7, 25, 1, <2 L=/), condemnation of the wicked.

Berg. I, 25, a bull-

C=^o-«c] ^ c=*x>*^ (t)

, Peasant 2=57, L=J], Thes-am god.

LJ’-^_o’ 5/’ (5
TH [ 860 ] TH

Thes-arq *, thess —^, captain, general; plur.

* ’
c=-oo=3 / O |

ffi 1, Coronation Stele 15.

,, , Denderah II, 10, n,
one of the 36 Dekans ; Gr. 0E2OAK. thess , master, chief; varr.

Thes-t-up-t \f Tuat IV, a

o I ~ 1’
a horned goddess. (j 1, ^ ; Copt, xoeic.
Thes-usfu n* ,, . c=-oo-=a £3 c=-a>-=!
p. 708, tnesit _ „ . —■, lady, chieftainess, a
a fiend or devil (?) E_n O’ aO '
C=-o»=3 title of the goddess Nekhebit; Copt. XOGIC.
Thes - heru TflftflA, Tuat X, a
serpent-god, son of Sekri. He has a head at each !’ o !* ^
0 =00-<]
end of his body, moves on four human legs, and E=<x>“=3 O t=co=<l l^\

Heru-Khenti is perched on his back.

, A.Z. 1879, 29,
Thesi-Tesher-t 30 O I). o £91 I £1o' o /y’ y’

u Y>B- levies from districts, troops, bodies of soldiers,

(Sai'te) 149, the god of the 3rd Aat.

thes , chamber, room. thes-t j the working folk on an

CTO I’ estate, peasants.
thes-t sarcophagus, funerary
TTu ’ coffer. thes to

thest-ta compose a connected statement, to arrange

burial, funeral.
o bj words in logical sequence.

thes , A.Z. 1905, 22

X , I, 116, —, IV, 221,
(1) to arrange times and seasons; (2) to wear C=xa>*=: JO IXJXl C=^<x>-C3

an amulet. IV. ,o9o—()()$.

(2 . proverb, saying, formula, charm, spell, incanta¬
thes L=/),
L=/)’ tion, declaration, statement, what a man wants
(2 to say, accusation of a plaintiff, speech or
defence of a defendant, sentence, aphorism,
to command, to arrange, to direct, to levy, to
raise taxes. apophthegm, “word,” precept; —^ - AAMM

thesu (2 L—/1 ^, Gol. Hamm. 14, >, IV, 1082, speech of a petitioner;

(2 C=oo«=3
430, a state¬
n ment which is a tissue of lies.

C=«oo==3 C=»oo=q thesu ^1

L=/] ^, captain, commandant, —m— -Ji
X JD | C=co=c3 | C=a>=3
chief officer, general, master, commander; > & 1, (2

L-fl1 Coronation Stele 3, speeches, proverbs, precepts, statements, charms,

X 1 o
spells, orders, commands.
trusted officers ; Copt. XOGIC.
thes-t, thess-t , plot,
thesu ^ ^ captain j,
plan, crafty design; an abominable
captain of bowmen; ^ |, captain of plot.
i m 1
soldiers ^ c»<x>==3 ' , IV, 1120, captain of thesu (2 ySI, law-makers, arrangers,
P\ 1 ’ disposers, managers.
I .
a fortress; WWW 1, captains of
thes maa _Jp ===1, N. 163,
ferrymen ; Copt. XoeiC. speech of law.
TH [ 861 ] TH

thes pekhar (?) >°>^, ^ ] , a rubrical Thesu ur T- 285 > ^

direction meaning to transpose conversely, e.g.,

^115’ R 35, M' 44, N* 65,
“ The strength of Horus is my strength ” :
, B.D. 127B, 7, a god.
thes pekhar, /.<?., “ My strength is as the
strength of Horus.” Thesi-kha-netrui (?) ^
thesi =s T. 271, P. 22, 97, 604, a title of Khensu Nefer-hetep.
—H— A A
Thesi - tchatcha (?) &), U. 423,
M. 32, N. 122, ' 1 , Kubban Stele it, C=»axj
® T. 243, the “head-raising” god.
2-*’ I
Thesi-tchatchau-neteru !T 1 ,
3 y\, ® I I 1 11!
il jUb’ .y Tuat XII, a singing dawn-god of Sinaitic
j[A, Koller 1, 8, ^ ^ origin (?)

thesi-t Hh. 343,

^H H \>
e — £=*»0>=3 C~=3«X] t=co=1 E=oo«=3 XJX3 O
o ,
^\, ^ ^ Mettemich Stele 59, i ^ IX o
ridge of ground, high ground, bank of a river ;
to lift up, to raise, to rise, to raise oneself, to
Copt, (f ic, xsce.
ascend a hill, to lift away, to bear up, to support,
to be high (of price), to lift up an offering to thes ^, dyke(?); plur. 1^1.
a god, to set aside, high (of bows); Copt.
xice, xoce, (Tici, (foci. thes-ta , estate, domain, field;
C=00=d '■ . :
of Neha-her in the Tuat was
thess the
1T-2* m ^ I s 450 cubits long.
Hh. 564, to lift up, to raise, to rise, to mount,
to be exalted ; Copt. XIC6.
thesi e
Rev. 11, 179, to speak haughtily or proudly,
thesi ( [| f j\, ascent, ascender.
thesi § pride, arrogance.
thesu bati , Tornbos
Mb-? thesi hat ” ^ <>, B.D.
Stele 13, wearers of the double crown
178, 3, high of heart or courage, bold, proud,
thesi semsem ^ 1
haughty; compare Copt. XX.CI ^HT.
1^1 , mounted soldier, knight; var.
J\ thesi
VI *?>
il 111 ’ . <2
what rises
to the surface of a liquid, scum, to skim.
1o o thesut ’, Peasant 299,
o 1. W ■ ilwfl
, Rec.
27, 228, a rising, revolt, insurrection. troubles, difficulties.

thes-ti ^ "o . s=gri ^ Jaws (?) the beak

thes-ut ^ °, ’ o' \\ III* of a bird.
il 111 sup-

ports, props, pillars; thesut —— * 71

\ teeth.
- il III
° i .YVY^, ° % U.168, down-
', the four pillars of thess (?)
j^TTTf» „ JT ’ cast, dej
heaven; plur. ° ° p=^.
thesau (]^V| 1 3.—— Q®;
Thesu-urut ^5, u. 434, see -

thesau (j | ^, an excitable man,

^ lIZ il ^ o’ T' 248, a group °f
gods who raised the dead. a man prone to anger
TH [ 862 ] TH

thesau A <2 r , to command, to thesten(?) s , Rec. 31,

direct; see L=yj. 170, 172, girdle (?)

thesau taiu ^
ft @ 55 i
thesthes s== a kind of unguent.

director of lands ”—a royal title. thek , thee, thou.

thesas ^ Ij (1 ~ () P chief, lord,

thek = JULevrtieioc, A.Z. 1868,7
W o o

master ; varr. ~ |1 ,7, ^Z, (J [1 ^; Copt. 55, P.S.B. 13, 38, magnet ; compare Te(f,
xoeic. to stick, to adhere.
c=«>-=j n n\\ 0 loaf, cake; Copt.
thesasiu ( ^ j, words, speeches, thek-t
0 <ri.<re(?)
formulae; see
Thekem , B.D. 99, 13, a

thesi[t] 1=5 j- (( Q p 5 [ [ Q— 0, god of offerings ; van , B.D.

a kind of fancy bread used as (Sai'te) 72, 4.
■aW jl^3’ an offering.

thesi s==3 (j(j to lie on the back,

dead (?)
theknu ^
MA/Wi (5

O ©
watchman, spy,

human victim ; plur. , A.Z.

th-su see]^. wvw\

Q |
34, 8, var. , Israel Stele 24.
W J\
Thesbu s=s (1 T. 292, the ^ Q=fl wvw,
god of circumcision (?)
5 O
Q 111 J\
a-.s ^ fwv\AA (3 Q |
thesf-ti !U7j 0 a kind of collar or neck-
\\ .45?^- J\ | » AZ- 34, 22, Sphinx 3,151,
W’ lace.
spies, human victims, Libyan soldiers (?)
thet 5=5 Roller I, 6, 5=5
c=oo-=a c: □ ^ x is’ ^ x
, tower on a wall, bastion; plur.
F1U1- 7 ^ , Metternich Stele, 3, 5, to separate, to release,
TT ! Ml
1, Israel Stele 23. to set free, to be destroyed.
a 0 1 1 1
thet Rec. 24, 76,
thesem Hh- 355, ' o I ^
85, table, altar, thick staff, cudgel (?)
en, ^

greyhound; plur.
, IV, 809,
thet en renp-t

aromatic substance used in making kyphi; var.

2 si0
thesm-t p— Thett Metternich Stele 51,
one of the seven scorpion-goddesses of Isis.
thesemu - tchatcha (?) V £ theta to send back, to
i — mi 1 D reverse.
B.D. 145, 40, dog-headed.

Thesmu Heru ^ ^ \^ thetef

skip, to scatter (?)
L_d’ w
’ to hop’ t0

, B.D. 13, i, the greyhounds of Horus.

s=s s=
thetef “. “ /"h o
Th - sena -1 nefer -1
/WWW 7 CZh AA/WAA fl, ' o awm Ly , to pour
0 “the beautiful sister”—a title of /WWV\ ^5^-^ AAAAAA WMA JJ
ll Tefnut. out, to sprinkle, to pour out by drops.
TH [ 863 ] TH
Metternich Stele 170,
thetef q WWW Thethu ^ ^ isurn, U. 549, T. 304,
WWW fountain (?)
a serpent-fiend in the Tuat.
thetef o o a measure.
thether , Rev. 13, 6 =

thetthet Of ; Copt. T~U)pe.

Amen. 12, 10, 13, 1, 22, 20, to gossip, to chatter. thethhehut (thehthehut)
theth 5 , Hh. 386, to alight. e a 1I, rejoicings ; var.

theth re Amen. 5, 10, thetef , to spread, to scatter;

babbler. J\
theth-t , T. 308, tie, binding.
thetef ^5 , to distil, to sprinkle;
a---<, WWW

thethi 15=1 [)( (5, Decretsio8, nscription. see ^ www,

[ 864 ]

t c^>,= Heb. 1 and ID; Copt. *T. te-t setem Rec. 17, 146,
o> I JlitX 21 ' servant.
t <^=^, U. 373. p- 434. to give, to set, to
te-t (?) ^ 3 hand, i.e., the trunk of an
place; U. 6i, N. 314; [ , P. 176, I elephant.

te-t , iv, ,
364; cz^((], P. 176, M. 316, N. 383, Rec.
O M-calf-
j ox.
to lay oneself flat on o
31, 167; (](]
o | ’ the belly in homage.
te-ti , yearling.
Q\\’ ; 6
tU (?) | , sandals ; Copt. TOCnfe.
Anastasi I, 24, 5, part of a
ox I ’ chariot, pole (?)
te-t (?) e^3, )l <? , the hand;
te-thau(?) o~f ^ r g A, pole (?)
perhaps to be read ter-t for <=^ ; dual
of a chariot.

R 63°> 1371» Hh. 439, the article “ the ” (fern.);

Copt. X.
N. 1043, , A.Z. 1908, 116,
ta , U. 403, to smite;
plur. o, P. 204, T. iAy\yi x:—y
<2 W ? W rwi , I, 32, “smiter of all lands.”
385, >, Metternich Stele 24, 25,
o m’c=>i* -A B.D. 45, 2, to flee, to es-
ta ^ ’ cape, to pass away.
1: te-t aab-t *NJ'
oil* o
Nastasen Stele 9, the left hand. ta 1^1 , a wild animal,
tet-t-k ab-k ^§^3^ ^ , P. 83, M:
ta f^, flame, fire.
113, thy heart’s desire; var.
ta <=> ^ ^ o,
N. 27.
-j.0_.j- --IV, 659, the hands cut off ■^6, c—=~a v\ to tremble,
o q.' from slain enemies.
to shake, to quake.
te-ut (£
!’ o in ta-t G, trembling, quaking.
, Rec. 26, 66, a gang
==*. ta jc=u), B.D. 39, 11, emission of
of five labourers or slaves ; var. ^ f] 1.
seed; see also (] {=tD, [ ic=$>.
Te-t Amen AAAAAA 5 Tuat X, the
o> <e=U)
colossal right hand that grasps the chain where¬ tata , Love Songs,

by Aapep is fettered.
2, 2 ; B.D. 125, II, to

Te-t ent Ast, etc. n produce an emission of seed irregularly ; varr.

l o U 0
*aHaa $_f] /WSAAA l , B.D. 99, fe=rE>, fc===tD.
A x Tim 1 .
21, 153A, 8: (1) the opening in the net of the
ta b, garment, vestment; var.
Akeru-gods ; (2) the of the net, B.D. 153A,
21; (3) a part of the magical boat.
taa c I) ; see taa nr-
[ 865 ] T

o 4] o
Ta-t , P- 77, ta aq-t ^—0 , Rev., to destroy;
o Copt. T"A.KO, i'<LK(JO.
P. 162, M. 107, N. 20, □ , M.

413, a very ancient name for the Other World; ta aka Rev., to
(ZZZ3 'll ^
see Tuat 1=1, N. 765,
I I destroy; Copt. TALKO, ^A.KC0

a lake in the Other World

taa ta ^—0 (j <2 I, to put

Tait , U. 445, on the earth, i.e., to give birth to; A_D ■

a god, the Tuat personified. A.Z. 1907, pi. 1, 3, to land at a place.

Tatiu c=^: , T. ta am-t A_D 1, Rec. 27, 6, to

o i
o inform; Copt. rT^.JtXXXO.
254, 'kit'k, P. 185, M. 298,
to cause to do, to make
N. 899,
U. 445, the gods ta ari a_n <2^,
to be done.
of the Tuat.

ta athi y S5P. Rcv-

ta(ti?) cn Hh. 558, —q(][),

M:. 785, a_ia, e , A_0

a—0 ^j>, to give, to ta a a n i—J\ , to give
j\ x
set, to place, to cause, to allow; see erti the hand, to help, to assist; Copt. "fTOOT.

tj A—0, T. 236, U. 495, ta ankh Q , Rec. 27, 8, to rear,

(j (\, N.156, “give!”; ^ (], P. 204,-a(j(j, to keep alive; Copt. 'T'A-rt<P>0.


B.D. 65, 7; A—0 A_Q A?, I will ta ankh ^ ^ , one to whom life hath

not permit; ^ give thyself, bee„given4^f|pyA^0|,

*>., show thyself. “ dowered with life, stability, serenity, health, and
all joy of heart like Ra.”
tata (titi?) ^ T. 87, 209, N. 618,
Ta-ankhit ^ ^ ||, Lanzone 112, a
T A 0 *—°n A 0%, *—“ to give, to
86, ^_Q, A_Q Jr ’ ’ set, to place.
divine midwife,
ta-t (ti-t) A_a (](j gift,
ta as ., Rev., to fine;
present, tribute.

to mulct; Copt. "f“OCe.

tata-t (titi-1) t. 85,
A_0 At
taaq_, Rev.
gift; £=S,
IV, 938, gifts. 41 M* 0 A

Rev. n, 165, to destroy; Copt. TA.KO.

tata AA’tzS’^’giver;plur'A/\^’ U uai ^ f| [](j Rec. 27, 7, ^
P. 148, P- 435, M. 622, N. 1227,
set on the way ; Copt. TAO'tfO.
A_0 j A_D A_a > A_a
A_0 r A_o A_a I’ A_0 ta uab-t ^—0
l *ea /WAAAA
Rec. 27, 6, to
A_0 0
’ A—0 III purify; Copt. Thfio.

tataab ®, AA?> I
ta nn a_0 to cause to be.

94 (a
^—Q O’ , what the heart gives, i.e., will, tapehui(?) a—a <^^XN> Rec- 37, 2I,
A 'O3
pleasure, desire; j\^ , to go with pleasure. to decay, to die off; Copt. "f"
3 1
[ 866 ]
ta em ab k- O , to put in the ta her ta a_0 ^ , to put on the

heart, i.e., to bear in mind. ground, to depose, to throw into the street.

ta em her en a_q 9 , to put takhamm^j|sj^fj , Rev. 11,

in the face of, i.e., to put before ; ^“ ^
141, to inflame ; Copt. •f j^JULOJUL.
, to lay a charge on one.
ta kheper a_0 43 <=>,
< A—q Vrf
V^V r w- i
ta meh ^ Rev., to kindle
^^ >rf, Rev. 11, 142, to make to be, to beget;
a fire; Copt.
A_0 0, IV, 1106, to cause to be
ta mesha V7, Rev. ii, 184, A_n <==>
done into writing; Copt. "f~cyUOne.
to walk ; Copt. 'fjULOOOje.
ta sa A_0 [q], Annales III, 109, to give the
ta metr a_a 'j 'j, to correct.
back, i.e., to turn the back in flight, to visit.
ta nia ^—a o [][ , Jour. As. ta siau ^—0 & ZZZ, Rec. 27, 7, A—0 n
o 'i'] 1 1

1908, 252, to appoint; Copt, 'f'ltei. fifi fi A ° Rev. 11, 140, to give to drink;
ffl Lanz
anzone 112, a W^Kit’ Copt, xco, f cer.
Ta nubit ^
divine midwife.
Cl’ divi
tata re ‘
n- ^ appellant, plaintiff, AI¥-

ta er as-t ^—0 <

L ’


to put in [its]
5 r
f) Berg. I, 2 3, a bird-god who rejoined the
soul to the body.

a ta sent A_Q to terrify, to frighten.

place, i.e., to restore.

ta er ber ^—0 < ■ i , Rev. 12, 87, to ta thau A_□ t0 giye breath to some¬
sell; Copt. e&oX. one, i.e., to spare the life of.

to make to know, to give the hand, i.e.,

ta rekh ^ <=^ tate-t(?) a_a to help.
i.e., to inform.

ta (ti) res-tep IV, 1153, to ta tchatcha A 0

A—0 { i
til) ii
set a watchman. satef Stele 118, to give the head, i.e., to show
(2 oneself.
ta retui ^—a Herusatef
Stele 118, to direct the feet towards someone or ta tchatcha er ta a_a ^
1 1 1
something. to lay the head on the ground, i.e., to die.
ta ha ^ Mar. Karn. 53, 21,
I’ to exercise care. tau /y , rations, provisions.

A_0*= Rev. 14, 15, to hide ;

ta hep
o □ \\ Copt, -f- £,uon. ta hetch ^ | rs=n, white bread.

ta liem-t ^—0 yy Rev. 12, 107,

CO’ to marry. tatau
• •
—J, £—J
o 111 A—Q ill’ A—0 SI
°, J—J QQ (2 III°, Ebers

tahems ^—0 ^ IZ^3, Rec. 27, 7, Pap., rev. ii, iff., Roller 4, 2, ^ jj [[ °,
■ * o —.
to dwell, to make inhabited ; Copt. T'<P,eJULCO. A_a A 0 | A__fl A 0 L—d A 0 A_a A !
A_□ So!’ A—q S 111’ A—a 1 o’ A—a S w o i
to turn the face towards
ta her a_□ 1 ’ someone.
A A ^u^er>S
in’ eartbi Copt. in
ta her ges a^j ”, to set aside,
I I ta-ti (?) ^ O^, bundles (?)
to push out of the way, to yield, to become
<n> c. A v- Rec. 31, 14, a sheet of
partial; ”, impartial. taa S u’ cloth or linen.
[ 867 ]

I , , I D C
t cl cl cl tabu (?) oboli. assa-

Peasant 46, garment, sheet of cloth.

rn; .var.

q tap □,
U. 146, T. 117, N. 454

82,8, @ g) A.Z. AAAAAA

4 tataf (titif) AAAAAA
, to sprinkle.
1906, 28, garment, sheet of cloth, cordage; L

A.Z. 49, 108 = Tafnut (Tifnut) , a goddess—

O 2 £ ,

the female counterpart of Shu.

q^T- ® | 8 > CoPt-
tamam _o.=
taua shennu ift- kksack’mat;
coverings made of hair. var. *=^jp j"|-; see tema, temam.
loaf of bread
» (H^D, A_0 ^ ^ F=}
*aau or cake. tamer-t (timer-t)
1=L F=—^ O
Taanauna c=^^\ ( ^ (j @ '^'j
S’ A P k heaven’sky
I, L.D. Ill, 211, 4, ( */vwv\ q® Tamt , Tomb Seti I,

one of the 75 forms of Ra (No. 1).

I, Harris I, 76, 7, [ '[-j

tang ^
_ R 40I>

S (sic), N. 1179,
ffl 572’
'j Alt-K. 1188, a Mediterranean people.
dwarf; Amharic RiVl :
The matu Danuna ^ ~y<y * (B.M.
88-10-13, 56) of the Tall al-‘Amarnah tablets. tar Rec. 31, 14, to oppress;

taar (tar) (] ^ k=d, Peasant see

qw 7
< —-^> aaaaaa r\ r
210, [ <^> ^^, to use force Tarteniu
• • (](|
(usually in a bad sense), to oppress, to constrain, ( ( . Rouge I.PR 206, 240,
to use the corvee, to ill-treat. <=> 1 ill
a Mediterranean people.
A n f) f) AAAAAA
taar-t ()<=>X\^>oppression’
1 o u j] restraint. tarina (m’rina? ) U An-
nales IV, 132, lords, nobles.
fl k 4 s T’ a tas <—=~a —h—, an object painted on
measure of some kind.
early coffins (Lacau), knife (?)
taus (tius) A_J]^ ^ ^
tas c^3^^^==t]’c=^ , to slit,
P.S.B. 15, 475, to cut into, to engrave; Copt. L-4
X0L5C. to cut up, to make gashes.

tab c^j J ^, P. 292, T. 117A, takr (tikr) Rev. 11, 178; see

(=Z~P ^1 to set away, to carry off (?)

Hh. 220, fig; plur.

tag ^ S IV, 1208, to plant =

Mm’Shipwreck 47’ J\>Hh '; Copt. rTLU(fe.
J o
, fig trees; var.
J. ffi _/T

P. 94, M. 118, N. 57; plur. c^J^; Tag cs ffi N. 1179; see


Jj P. 692, a string of figs.

\, the dwarf-god.

3 1 2
T [ 868 ]
donian year — part of October and part of
tagi K ( ( , A.Z. 1864, 107, bat.

Tatemtch(?) tibnu
Tomb Seti I, one of the 75 forms of Ra (No. 1).
Nastasen Stele 40, 47, beasts, cattle; Copt.
Tatenen-t (Titenen-t) ^,a Tfirtocnre.
primitive earth-goddess.
Tifnu-t o ° o the female
taa (*=71), emissioh of seed; counterpart of the god Shu.

see lc=G), t U), Cf Herusatef Stele

\\ 1 1 1 143, towns.

tirga ffi iwj , dwarf; see

taa dkVF. tWWA rJ/2l

1, Rev. 6, 22, garment,

5 Titi ^ , Mar. Karn.
vestment, cordage; var. ^ □ | |; Copt. ' " ' w
52, 13, Thes. 1203, a Libyan king
Q B.M. 5633, 9, pot, vessel,
taabiu (tabin) j ((j jH?, wolves, titi
w w ’ measure.
jackals, hyenas ; Assyr. 4^*- (Rawl. 0 Love Songs, 3, 12,
\\ W C-□ wine cellar (?)
C.I.W.A. II, 6, 4, 1), Heb. INI, Arab.
• ♦ z'
Tuat VII, a goddess
Syr. Chald. Eth. Hjyfl :. Tith QQ
t T in the Tuat.

taar-t ^; var. tU (?) = = > T- 229> 'j',1. Hill. *, five;

o oppression, constraint, restraint. o ,_‘ III ~

I ^ II 9
Rec. 27, 223, wolf; Heb. the festival of the five epago-
tab c=s (] J1^,
Ibtt. menal days; Copt. +H.

tas <= C| — to sit.

tu-nu 111 0, tu-nut l!111, fifth.
11 • On’
tata (j (j ^ V\ , Hymn Darius 34,
Tu-uti 111 ^ 1, Tuat III, two
to trample upon, to beat down. 11
goose-gods in the Tuat.
tab-t j c jj, purification, a purifying.
tU c^. to give; ^ !, A_0 givers.
ti g^\\,AZ. 1912, 99,^^, AZ* l893’
108, ( (j here, there; Copt. T"AI, T"K.
IV, 322, 329, to land at a place.

ti Nastasen Stele 68, <j> ?) Dream

tU (tchu) C=3^>, U. r,T. 347, ^
w J\ ’
Stele 31, ^ ^5^, to wait, to stand still, to

> £=r=£ 11 J\
, Rec. 21, 86.
\y,’ rji’tobe
ti-t ((j o I, pleading, defence (?) •fv O
bad, or evil, or stinking; ££) jj\, , Rec. 31,

ti-t c=^()(|^ B.D. 102, 6, produce, gifts. 18 > ^ ^ P T. 347,

Tius £. =■!]() ^ be not thou bad of smell; bu tU | ,

/.r., A?os', the ist month of the Mace¬ -J ^ ’ kadness> wickedness.
[ 869 ]

tu-t CSZ3 , P. 643, M. 679, N. 1241, t^£l , IV, 1062, f^l , IV, 889,
11 1
C^3 C^3 TTT c^£) 1 CS^3 mnD c^£) mna
IV, 933, |, , ,
a r-o 00 mmi(E 1 (E 111 (E (E 111
, Jour. As. 1908, 285,
<E ©
■ Rec. 13, 15,
Hum i’SJ“ III’

bad thing, evil, wickedness: plur. Rev. 11, 68 ; Copt. TOOT.

~ ~ ^ 1 1 1
L.D. Ill, 140,
o ^ ^ ^ Peasant 288, tutiu
o l’ mountaineers.

^ ^ rt? f) m ’ Rec’ l6, I32' m • D-G t- C±3 @ nmn 1 ,

TUI (?) , N. 969, ^ 1, the
v ' ’ y ££) (3 mno 1 ’
tuta ^ ^ ^ £ -/l evil man, two mountains, i.e., of sunrise and sunset (Bakha
wicked person. and Manu?).

tu qetu vgs ^ ( b IV, Tui ^ , N. 969, the two mountains be-

1078, evilly disposed men, men naturally bad. tween which the deceased emerges (?)

Tu-t ^^m,B.D. 15 (Ani, sheet 20), m,.^ o & Rec. 16, 109, a mountain-
goddess (?)
44, god of evil in the form of a serpent.
Tu ami Khert-neter 0 41-
l mnD i U
TutiS"$c B-DG- *««. — ^>1 , the mountain in the Other World.
[ L==/] ^ , the god of evil, i.e., Set.
Tu Amenu 1 1 [ AAA/VW
, “hill of
C8£) I □ 4 OS
Tutu (Tui) ., Nesi-Amsu 32,15,
(^3 the west ”—a name of the cemetery.
-tfnnc) Tuat X, god of evil, i.e., Aapep, or AAAAAA [\/]

C^l ’ Set. Tu uab ^ £4 A/WVVN .

l imm f J n-
Tutu —tow. ^
[^3 G*? “holy mountain,” the modern Gebel
(J ’ Barkal at the foot of the Fourth Cataract.
, one of the 42 judges in the hall of Osiris,

a devil in the 7th Pylon of the Tuat, a title of tu baa-t eud

o, B.D.G. 3, 183,

Aapep. a hill of metal, or a hill containing mines.

Tutu-f Tu-f ^.U. 570,^^,B.D.3i,4.

- c?aw - ^
read Tepi tu-f, “he who is on his hill,” i.e.,
, . , (^£) <0 „ , 0
Qr£l ^ Cr£l ^ ^ ^ , B.D. 125, II, one of the Anubis: fem. , r. 608.
v-^“ o
42 assessors of Osiris.
Tu menkh (?) Rerek MI
Tutu-her ^ Tomb Ram- Ix> I0> 7mm, B.D. 149, a mountain in the 7th Aat;
’ a serpent-god.

Tu-hetep , a name var (Sai'te) I] i_j

r^i isirn
or title of a god. kf Rec. 16, 51
Tu en Amau
C^3 aaaavn

Tutu-s (?) , B.D. 122, 3,

\\ £G
the name of a rudder. Tu en Bakha I mnD

^ ^ ^ , mount of Sunrise; see Bakha.
0 <E
n o—=>
£=3 C^3
tu^^ mnD, A.Z. 1878, 49,
I \> ’ 1 mrm ’
Tu en Bekhan . ~~~ J ^ „„ J
mmi, P-^l,
, hill, mountain : plur.
I nnm
VJ AAAAAA j mount of Sunrise.

3 1 3
[ 870 ]

a son of the goddess

Tu en Maatiu AA/WNA
!, the Tutu
I o (3 (3 Neith.
hill of the righteous, the holy hill of the
tua to somet;bing in the morn-
beatified. ' ’ ing.

Tu en Khent ^ the hill tua * ©

e- =^°
country south and east of Egypt.
\o,* o, * o,
Tu en Khert-neter
l \m
B.D. 149, a mountain in the 4th Aat.
A/WW\ rt

v m i<
\ w
, H
the x\ ^ n
morning, to-morrow morning; Copt. TOOYI,
Tu en Kenmut , the &TOT6, Amharic (TVt’? tuwat.

mountain ridge between Egypt and the Oasis of tuait ^Tj * O

_, U.
512, T. 325,
Khargah. o _
the Nubian
Tu en Kesh ootw), *° R-
/wwv\ \\ hills. —

29, 147, * O
Tu Heru-nub \ ^ . mount

of the Golden Horus.

fit- *Ve“
Tu semi ^ (1 , U. 493, ^n the dawn, the early morning.

, HI, 143. matu
flfl. N . 945, the mountain of H_^ w fl*?.
final, belonging to the dawn.

Tuai Rec. 32, 85,

Tu Sehseh cx£) god of the dawn.

U. 493,

N. 945, the mountain of

KJ Tuau Qj B.D. 17, 16, a lion-
god, symbol of “To-day.”
Tui qaui aaui ^ || 2
Tuau ,P. 671,c
B.D. 149, a high double mountain on which
lived a serpent 70 cubits long. M. 660, * j^, N. 1275, ^Tj

Tu teshrer] ^ "\, the. Red Moun-

* p. 178, p. 356, C=D. ^
I mm] rw 1 tain (near Cairo).

tU [X3 679. , N. 1070; csi 2 1 N' 68,

the star of the morning.
tu-t OP a bird.
Tua-t c2j P. 244, M. 446, N. 1056,

til ^ , Bubastis 51, a kind of altar vessel. the planet Venus as a morning star.

tu-a (?) ^ Hearst Pap. XI, 16,

Tuai-ti *
* -
^ \\ knife, scalpel, knife used in circum- i< , god of the morning;
o V O 1
-—“I cision (?)
Tuai is his father
(l and mother.
Tu-a 0^3 ~n, T. 292; var. ,

god of circumcision (?) Tua ur -^Tj * , p.

tu q 5> g (5 > bandlet, garment. 589, ^ P. 643, M. 680, ^

tu 5r?V> lion. m jk, N- 953. I242> the “great star of the

(3 (3 LA\ ’ morning.”

tutu @ (3 Hon; var. ^ ^ Tua-t neter ‘I *, tllle of the.hlgh-

I o priestess of Amen.
[ 871 ]

tua neter ^ *, U. 199, N. 24, Tuati * , Mar. Aby. I, 45, a

double god whose shrines were in ^ and

888, ^ ^ *, P. 80, 172, M. no, ° i^va
a 11 o.
178, M. 268,

Tuaiu ^ j> * ()(] , Tuat

- X and
M. 688, ^ ^J^k, T. 276, P. 29,
XI, a group of singing-gods.
M. 40, = ^ , N. 68, ‘"j *
Tuaanu c=3 ^Tj ^ j^, M. 484 ,
>k ^j, B.D. 109, 10, the star of the god. Later
a god; varr. c=^> -=|=» , N. 1251,
forms are'j*, "]* J, O
^ G ^
AAAAAA , P. 269.
1*M*‘ Sit?’ Tua-ti m’ketit en neb-s *

Sit©- , Tuat IX, the Hour-god-

d ^ N-- * O
tua ^T| * %v U. 47, P. 677, =3 dess in the 9th Division of the Tuat.

f) ^ U. 226, = fl T. 192, Tua-mut-f =-, u. 219,


=* if) 1^, *• N- I2g9’ fl ^ fl

M~6^’ = fl *
, M. 495, N. 592, 1279, *

If *=*fl\* , * Q_D ^

^ Berg. I, 7, ^J *

r-^i s^Tj ^ , one of the four sons of

Horus and god of the eastern quarter of the
heavens. He protected the lungs and heart of
*H* the deceased.
* * e,M5, * the god of the 3rd
Tua-mut-f * f ’ hour of the night.
IV, 1081, to praise, to adore, to honour.
Tua-mut-f * » *
tua-t * i, praise, a hymn of praise;
the god and festival of the 6th day of the month.
plur. cr^a ^Tj o ^ ^ |, ^
Tua-mut-f * , goddess of the

*S«i- 14th day of the month.

tuau j- Tua-mut-f J’
B.D. 99, 22, a bolt-peg in the magical boat.

*S^Ti' *MW' ==fl

.1 ^ Thes. 1286, praises, praisers,
III, 9, 29, a serpent-god.
;n««, Denderah

j\’ written hymns of praise.
Tua-t u- 38l> *

tua neter °, *31, b.m. 708,

to thank God, to offer thanksgiving. o
tua sa (?) ’‘I 6 I <g>, Werusatef Stele 67
Rec. 32, 176, ® 0
, ® 0
, ®, * 3=5

Tuai 00 , Tuat I, a singing-god. ^ , a very ancient name for the land of the dead,

3 1 4
[ 872 ]

and of the Other World; , Rec. 26, 225 ; Tuaau -^Tj (| Denderah IV,
^ «ww |0|, the everlasting Tuat; i< 63, a serpent-warder of a coffer.

cox , ....
the hidden Tuat.
~ tuau-t (?) f) =3 f) (5
o , holy oil or unguent
Tuat ^, Tuat VIII, a circle in the Tuat.
tuaut fl *5*
Tua-ti *
v -3 \\ * qy
a V
^ V
o ’
w-41' %11' * P. 716, ^ *5* e
on o ’
*=?* M. 744
, the god of the Tuat; varr. Ar O ’ o’ ....
(3 cs * ^ ^ \\ Tuatheth i< 2=3 Tuat VII, a star-
, B.D. 172, 25. goddess.
^ V tua , vineyard,
Tuati , 'A ", Tuat XII:
crm '
(1) a god with a paddle; (2) one of the 75 tua (^] ^ (|, U. 96,
forms of Ra (No. 41), Tomb Seti I; (3) a star-
god in the Tuat (VII); (4) a singing-god .374, (],
(Tuat I).
(| ^, to call, to cry out.
Tuatiu P. 243, c=>
N. 1057,
Rec. 29, 146, P^l a bird.

o tua r^n [1 (g L
,* CT3
I, the gods and other 1 VI
mountain, hill.

beings of the Tuat; ic Horus of the Tuat tuau q^i (]^5, P-398,

(XI), a form of Af the dead Sun-god. N. 1175, ^ 0, 0, pot,

tuai -1 ^ (](] cm 1 ^, cs^i vase, vessel, kind of drink (?)

a drink offering,
,, Rev. 12, 116, death, destruction. tuau
libation (?)

tuaut * ^ j hollows, abysses,

tm ==3^> ()() , to cry out, to call;
U3 1 ’ empty places.

tua-t >kr , a plant; plur. C=3 ( !] =• , crier; plur. M ( (j

tua-ut (?) ic , I, out-
Tui (](j Tuat VIII, agod.

cry, roar; plur. !. Tuit c±£) , Tuat X, a group of four
II 1 1 1
goddesses who acclaim Ra.

tuma (tmau?) "g\ bodies of

singing-men or singing-women, choirs.
s, to bear, to carry, to support.
tun /WWW
<=}=* T- 308, ^ (©,

tua-taui -f] * ^ Rec. 30, 192, to string a bow.

Palermo Stele, “Tua-taui” ships of 100 cubits tun .A, Rec. 21, 8, 27, 226,
(in length).
fl ^ 2pilIar’one of the A/sAAAA

, Anastasi I, 25, 9,

four supports of the sky; var. tua o j|. , Herusatef Stele 104, AA/WAA
[ 873 ]

- - AAAAAA c-«—r-sj ftA/VAM

ibid. .°8, $> A' teb-ti

o Herusatef Stele 15, J |j ^astasen
&eA' Rec' ,6’ I09’
Stele 64, sandals, soles of the feet, footsteps.
^jlA, A.Z. 1908, 118, 2^’ ReV' I2’


,wv/w', to stretch out, to reach out, teb J 1^1, J (j V, Rec. 27, 223,
to extend, to stretch the legs in walking, to lift
up, to rise up, to raise, to bear ; Copt. TCOOTIt;
=■ J 0 *=■ Je ^ ==■ J ^ %
see also o
7\ and s=>
H® J f) ^ ^ , hippo¬

potamus, pig; var. o J%plur.==.J^>

tun A.Z. 1872, 121,

^, to draw and quarter (?)

I, Peasant 206. = J (](j fij j. A”e";

teb \,i "\l> horn; dual tebui

tun , to get on the back of

a bull tied and bound for sacrifice in order to *=>}\

stab him.
c_•=^2 aaaaaa _ _ [] jyl r\
1 ° , horn of the South, 1) "V ,
Tunia , the X \> I

horn of the North; Copt. T<LT1.

o W

w A
name of one of the instruments used in perform¬
ing the ceremony of Opening the Mouth. teb J \, iv, 657, =. J \ ^ !,
IV, 651, horn, i.e., wing, of an army.
Tun-pehti the name
.SSsa A \\ i—1 Roller 1, 8, horns
of the doorkeeper of the 2nd Arit. teb c=^J(2\ ii* (of a bow).
Tunn-Maau AAAAAA

Tuat IV, one of the haulers of the boat of
““J M = J ,M' -
* the god of the 10th
Af. 4
Tun-hat teb , to decorate, to adorn; see
o ’ day of the month.

Tun-hati — I44> tcheba

the doorkeeper of the 2nd Arit. toV, 11 ft c n to wall up, to stop up,
-D Jj iJ ^==^’ to block a passage.
Tunanu + '
, N. 1251;
tebb => J J _o, Peasant 234, to stifle,
var. 0 P. 269, a god.
to suffocate, to have the nose stopped.

tunu ^ _ Q, a plant or shrub. tebb =JJ

0 2 < .
^ 111’ a htUe ^ SCf0

var. „ 0 , Rev., turn (?); Copt, oefi.1.

0 (3 °o’ ’

a green substance. teb-t CU, Metternich Stele 53,

tunu = 4. o V <3. Annal“ 9> settlement, inhabited district.



f m
X teb-t J^ J

to clean, to purify; var. AAAAAA box, coffer, coffin, sarcophagus, shrine; Copt.

<=f>, B.D. 99, 31. (3 o
Tebutiu (Tchebutiu)
teb -j |, j ^ ^ , Hh. 396, sandal,
!,Berg. 72, A |»
sole of the foot; Copt. TOOT6.
[ 874 ]
Rec. 31, 163, ^

in their shrines or coffins.

1, Rec. 30, 190, the gods teba-t
■J 0
a table of offer-

to shut up, to close up, to cover over; see
=J = J '^c°|, Rev. ,4, 36, brick,

tile, block, the tile on which a woman sits to

bring forth (Rec. 2, 109); o 1111 J ^, teba-t c-^» j

Rev. 14, 14, the four faience bricks or tiles in , funerary chest or coffer, coffin,
Heliopolis ; Copt. 'TCJufie. cz I
sarcophagus, tomb; !»

teb-t e^. J ^ mmm I ^ | T. 13,

shroud (?)
C=D |

14. teba JJ ^ Rev. 13, 86 =

teb, teba J Methen 7, cs J jLL(| , vestment; Copt. e&KJa

--^O, U. 146A,N. 454, c^>Jj P. 94,M. 118,

N. 57, fig; plur.

Tuat III and IX, a goddess who swathed Osiris.

Tebai J ^ (j(j, Tuat XII, a

^ J \ :■ J= J \ \ o
sailor-god who attacked Aapep daily.

e^3j ® i ’ Var‘ J ° ’ C°Pt ^-K^' Tebait J ^ Tuat VIII, a

goddess in the Circle Hep-seshemu-s.

teb c^J ^, fig wine.
Teba-t-neteru-s c-^ j °
^ j H —j Tuat VIII, the 8th Division of the
a fruit-bearing shrub or tree.
III ’ Tuat.

tebit (](] ° , the fruit of the same. Teba-temt ^

Lit. 40, 97, one of the 75 forms of Ra.
tebi-t c^j [ (j (|(| ^jars
of fig wine. teban
^ n* ® , enmity, deceit.

J AH’ to tebar
, Rec.
lack strength, be helpless;
19, 95 = -j^- , shrine, inner chamber; com¬
I, 42, “his condition is hopeless”
(of a sick man). pare Heb. ^2*7, 1 Kings vi, 5, 16, etc.

o \\
teba , Peasant 48, Tebati
J © ', to requite, to restore some¬
\\ sll*
Tomb Seti I, one of the 75 forms
of Ra (No. 35).
thing, to pay back, to reward, to indemnify, to
exchange, to barter, to pay; Copt. ’TtJOUJ.ft.e.
teba J()?, Anger; see ^J-4

Peasant 318, reward, answer, reply, payment,
L» ■
teba-t (2 ^ , Rev. 13, 41, box.

teba c= reward, restitu¬

£ )
restitution; er tebu j ^ j, in re¬
turn for, because of; Copt. £ ’T-S.e. tebi cr J i AA
Rev. 14, 68, payment,
discharge of a debt.
[ 875 ] T
Tebi -a H fid i J| Tuat III, a dog- Teben pekhar Meh (?)-nebu J
_JJ i i I U’ headed ape-god.

tebi-t Jj (] (j , part of a chariot; ;o^fn t.27S,^j^o

plur. c-Sj \ [[ W , Anastasi I, 26, 6, p-28- «=■
(3 q □
o N. 68,
, plinth, pedestal,
the complete circuit of the northern coast of
brick base (?); the Mediterranean and of the Greek Islands.

J I (]( S3 [] 1
Teben-ur , Ombos I, 83, a god
jjfl. Rev. 13, II. X 3=r
of marsh produce and sea produce.
Love Songs 4, 3, cage,
tebu e prison. Teben - semu (seshmu)-taui SL
tebu O T-j/?, a period of time;
J\ B.D. 141 and 148,

var. ojj ©. the rudder of the western heaven.


Tebu < , Btk o « B.D. (Saite) 85, teben C-S Jj ^ , tambourine, flat drum.
8, a god (?) o

Tebmesthumut (?) teben-t <—=-? i


s ^ (j>, the lock of hair that grew over

Hh. 233, agod(?)
the right temple ; var. ^ ^.
teben es j aaaaaa j P. 122, M. 91, c-s

fl -A , U. 194, 5x4, M. 336, Rec. 31, 20

teben en tchatcha (?) D

IV, 712, helmet.

J O ’ ^ J s’
iwwvi .
3 Ebers Pap. 93, 19, a
y\ Oa teben = ’ kind of garment.
aa/ww n

-A , A.Z. AAAAAA ^-^

teben ^
1908, 117,
/WWW 9
, Nastasen Stele 36, to
SCJ’ U- 258’ R z65>

__, r j i>

revolve, to go about, to wander round a place,

to make the circuit of a place.
Rec. 31, 27, to
coffer, sarcophagus.

Dnm, Peasant 166,

tebnen \ /WAA/W /V ,
wander round.
AAAAAA ? AAAAAA ? TV, r 24, ?=->,
t , a weight =

tebenben cs J J , L.D.
J\ 10 qet-t \ ° , or about 91 grammes,
III, 140B, to wander, to circle; see */wwv, -- ) , ■ I } o

0 111 0 (S

teben-teben j\ , to revolve,
aa/waa aaaaaa
teben 9

silver (?)
to wander; see www.
Tebha (Tchebha) Ara^1^’
teben a, = j a form of Aapep, or Set; Gr. T v<pu>v.
0 1’ o 1 0

O, T. 275, ©,p. 28, m.38, tebh J j[,


~ , N. 68, circle, circuit, circumference,

N. 162, IV, 1007,
u. 219,

Jj | ,!=
P. 315,


a circular surface; / ~ cs J > around,

3024, 80, cs j | es J | V
[ 876 ]

^JI5?"“’ pray’ Teb-her-keha-at
to beseech, to entreat, to supplicate; Copt. q, B.D. 144, the herald of the 5th Arit;

tebhu c=s. 11?%^, beSgar’ suppu'

varr. a/ww\
J°4T in J^JAo-
Jl X _zi ant, petitioner.
J? 1 ra
^ Q
51, B.D. 147.

tebhe-t n. 38o, =J| SflV J1- 154, a god of

| funerary offerings.
, Rec. 31, 170,
JH w

tebkhu J] ® IV, 781, slaughter,

, entreaty, prayer, supplication.
Heb. nitp, compare Arab. M , Syr. w_a.\.
111 «= JIM teb^b^J=J- =^J^J
-jr 0=0 I
j, Amen. 17, ig, 20,

= q=p
=JI ^\’ J^» Amen. 5,

, Rec. 27, 231,
^-1 iii’ *JI
11, to stab, to slay, to kill.

^ !>
<3 Jf iii’ offerings. tebteb Ebers Pap.

42, 10, to beat (of the heart).

tebeh-t or tebeh-t hetep c-^. jjj^
tep c=s::3 to spit, spittle, exu-
□ f ’ □ ’ dation.
□’ ^ JI=^’IV> 77°- °5°' r
III ^ □ . I l’
.CL _, C ° J _
g* ’ 53’-
j , O
JI tep □ O’ to shine upon, to illumine.
tep c~~'1 [~TT~I bandlet, tiara, fillet for the
, Rec. 26, 211, , IV, 872,
o □ I I I I Oi III □ I ’ head.
^ —0=0

, offerings and offering table.

o ^ □ 1 1 1 tep ^/nT, box, chest, coffer; plur. |
□ l~LU r □ □1
□ 111

1, something that is required or is tep

□ □ □
W . — w.
necessary, necessary equipment, furniture, tools, eSi ^-C
, to
implements; plur. J| |, ^ | |. □ v □ Iki ■ □
taste; , A.Z. 1905,38,
□ (2
JI — ibid. 37, (j o, U. 49; Copt. TUDTI.

= ,0 ,
JO “J tep-t
...a .\> OOO 5 SI 8 v, a graln □ a J o l’ □ o
*= JS A measure.
□ d "^21' □ S □ o
tebh = iv,63J,
taste; Copt. 'frie.

pot, vessel, vase; plur. co; ^ Q .

tep-t re “ \^ , something

pleasant to the smell or taste.

tebh (?) W , Stele of Ptolemy I.

tep-t H,U. 108,

Teb-her (Tcheb-her) j □ u
U. 49, N. 280,
Berg. 16, a jackal-god with two serpent-rods (?) □ _2f ' □
a kind of cake or bread, dainty pastry.
Teb-herk god of the 8th
tep o , fruit, pomegranates (?).
day of the month.

[ 877 ]

Tepit ^, the town-god of teph

no-app,e: piur- t 1 m-
Tepa—a division of the town Pe-Tep. ° ; Copt. xeUK^, Heb. ITlQfi,

tep-t wam, Amen. 25, 15,
Arab. \j,j.
a kind of seed or
□ S*®6-
□ o o o’ grain.
V\ ° , Peasant 221, a boat or barge; (2 ^
□ Jr teph-t^ | Rec. 5, 9*,=^$
□ crz1’
, Palermo Stele, the royal barge.
cave, cavern, hole
□ □ \>
Tepu - neteru
• □ (2
i: see
in the ground; see
o 0 a
^ ^_^ •

Nastasen Stele
tept-t (?)
III, the tunnel, □ \ 24, bow.
Tep-ta , Tuat
=l-=!s Ebers Pap. 102, 9,
with a bull at each end, through which Af was □ | 21 ’ to taste (?)

towed in his boat. Called also

□ (2 -I,!,- tef ^ pot, urn, large vessel.

1k ~T~ to row, to
□ □ Px] ’ paddle. tefa , abundance of food;

tepu -, Hh. 392, see

□ Jf 0 ' □
N. 1005, 1007, paddle, oar; dual
O (2
, M. 826, N. 1318, a pair of paddles; ® , EdfCi 1, 80, a title of the Nile-god.
□ O (2
Compare Heb. Arab. g—g="'3 O

tefen J\, to hasten; var. VN.


□ i\j\ H »M * paddier>rower’
tefen 1, to rejoice; var. ^
boatman in general AAAAAA AAAAAA

tepa , to overstep, to transgress. Tefen ^ , Metternich Stele, one of


fifl ^ the goddess the seven scorpions of Isis.

□ O ’ of Tep. AAAAAA

, to spit,
teftef AAAAAA

tepa ( £), to sniff, to snuff the air. AAAAAA

□ to exude moisture; var. AAAAAA ,

Tepan Tuat V, a serpent-

• * S ,wwv\ god, servant of Seker. teftef-1 -- AAAAAA j Rouge I.H. II,

Tepi , Tuat IX, a singing-god.

□ 115, spittle, moisture.

Rev. 11, 65, hippopota¬

tepi tem Rec. 30, 197,
□ mus.

, Tombos Stele 9, IV, ^, B.D. 172, 17,


84, 616, , Israel Stele 20, “de- i
□ (2
vourer ”—an epithet of the crocodile. ^ Rec. 15, 158, to name, to bestow a
taste; Copt. TTOTT, title, to proclaim a name or title, to pronounce,
tepit (](] O ^fne.
□ to cry out in shrill tones, to have a piercing
Tepit (jlj ^ a title of Hathor.
voice; ^ ° ^ ’named’ sPoken >

tepu ^ O , vase, vessel, pot. , something recited.

[ 878 ]

V L=fl’ L=/]:
temm ^ /Tti\» U. 494, T. 235,

*\u2- ■V N. 791, to unite with.

T- 2°°’

5r> ^=Z1, t=z ^ l^jt Rec- 4’ L.D. Ill, 219E, 21, enclo¬
tem P,»
j35 j , IV, 896,
• (3 [ sure (?) cage (?)
\L=fl L=d’
to sharpen, to whet, to cut an inscription, to tema III, 138, pj3 L=J,
cut through, to pierce, to be stung or bitten by

a reptile;

<rz> 1.-g, his crown

. Rec. 15, 178, to bind, to tie together,

pierced the sky; Copt. XCOJUL. _^ if5 to gather together, to collect.

temtem , t0 whet> t0 sharpen, temau ' ^0(^‘es ™en> com-

1 c r’ to cut. 1 1 1 pames, choirs.
Ebers Pap. 101, 8, con
tem-t 0 ^ tema
flux, confluence.
^2' @ U 1
slaughter. 00
Tema-t sti-t a o , a serpent
1 1 1
tem, tema-t , M. hi, on the royal crown.
, p. 81. tema pj1 ^ m. 718, the
J? -w N-24’ jp \ front portion of a skirt or tunic.
“W, knife, sword,
o I
the act of cutting, killing, slaying, the edge of tema / pp, sacking, mat; plur.

a sword; plur. _Jp 5^, M. 335, I I I

3>P M. 447, N. 1258, |=z tema-t EmS^, IV, 617, Ems^,

wing, pinion; dual pUk 11,
bd- I48> I3; o EnSs^ \\*
B.D. (Ani), 15, 45.

of wings.
tem-a Berg, n, 407, to hack
tema_£ V7, vessel, bowl of drink;
Temur (?) $ B.D. 142, 99, a AAAAAA

SzJ ’ form of Osiris. , a vessel made of tcham metal.

tem ra(?), etc.). ^ _ B.D. Shipwreck 137, to

_S2sc> f=^ tema
136A, 15 •
1 ’ grovel on the belly

temaa Hymn Darius 24 . . .

Tem-[te]si, etc. —-
Ul w
M. 207, N. 668
mnD i , etc., B.D. 145 temaa
.3 )
and 146, name of the 21st Pylon. Till] JJit.
=H :, N. 668, = 1 lr
tem c i riij TTTT
worm, serpent; plur.
“ Fortress of the Father ” — a name of Horus.
imw "hyMi __ ittm
Temau 1Tuat X, a god in the
mi I ' 1 AAAAAA 111
AMWl "Vtm , worm-eaten. fr)
i 1 1 1 temam i , to complete, to

Tem “ Worm ”—a title or

name of Aapep. finish; see

tem -^23-. Amen. 5, 6, to shut temam to tie, to bind

the eyes. together.
[ 879 ]
temam-ti tema C3 ^ [ , Rec. 26, 15, union (?)
of tresses or
5^kM<’apair wings. tema, tema-t ^[ s , Rec. 31,27,
temam fT’ Jp iff-sr- „
, company, assembly, choir of singers
n(It- — sqtjl. «•.“ \> \>

mm)- d 0 \> o
, town, village; Copt. ^JULC.

temam ft. temamc=^|(j

/WWV\ f\ r\ |

^f>-5 sacking, mat; varr. Rec. 29, 153, villagers, townsmen; 1J\ [|[| i

5 ft’ ^ eft- d I
Israel Stele, the inhabitants
of his town.

temam-t | [ , the front

temai -1
part of a tunic, garment.

Temamm A, *, 2J?,
00 \\ o
V ©
', Rec. 13, 12, Q (]() cs 0 (] ([
_£ to ^ ^ Denderah II, io, one
£= X ** XXX V o
(( ° \ Herusatef Stele 82, town,
of the 36 Dekans ; Gr. TQM.

village, hamlet; plur. ^ ^^ ^ (j

temam ^ fl, IV, 809, to kneel, to
bow in homage; see |. o ©’^ ^m’IV'676’
1004, Rec. 4, 130, 20, 40,
Temathth , Tomb Ram.
IX, 10, a god (?) fl
11 \> III
the inhabited part of the whole country.
tema c-^s p. 117, m. 98, N. 104, 972,

( 3 , Rec. 32, 78, c—=-3 (| ( , Peasant 154, tema =*2<%a’ P' 4'3-lj=2i%J.
M. 591, N. 1197, a kind of stuff of a green or
c=^j 2 (| __D, Shipwreck 137, <^=:
yellow colour.
. 1 Ltol’
Amen. 4, 15, 13, 5, 15, 1, c^> $ ( temai e^|(](| (5, e^P() J^1H>

(1(1 x c~*=r'a Q ( ( III (5, a kind of stuff ; see Q

ft L_vf
Roug£I.H. 11,125,

t-fl’ e t-*.
temi ; var.
c5Tv. .—.
-2W , Rec. 13, 12, village, town; Copt. 'f’JUU.

[ 0 to touch, to approach, stick, staff, wooden

L=Z)’ & 1 ^ L=/] temi instrument.
to come near to, to join, to be united to, to
bring together, to grovel on the ground ; Copt. temseb K J Canopus Stele 34,
choir (?)
TUOJULe, TTJtMUU, XtmiJULe, toojulg.
temgi V\ ZS UC|Lnnri> a stone.
tema-t ^ (| ^n, Shipwreck 79, touch.
temt M>, Hh. 189,
tema pap. 3024, 150,
, Rec. 29, 158,
to be united with (the earth), i.e., be dead.
[ 880 ] T

Rec. 6, 152, Litanie 19,

temti-t f) o ’ IV, 384’
a stated time, a time reckoned upon.
PA 3 PA , Z&'V <=^3>
temt-t q , Rec. 27, 86, pellet, globule.
PA> PA 3 PA ^ I* 5= ~X~,
, to unite with; /fW , /fgft temt-t fyfo ^ , ring (?) ornament.

o , Rec. 26, 226, to add figures together, temt-t

, A.Z. 1908, 16, 'PA
to do addition ; Copt. TTJUJULrvr. , an amulet in the form of a vulture.

temt r~~, PA, PA>, Nastasen Stele 36,

temt PA ^ I, A.Z. 1908, 16, vulture
' o ^
Rec. 4, 21, the whole number, the
\/, ~X~,
o ' ' result of addition, the total, in all. amulet; and see

temt sma
^ 2
I temt-t aa Rec- ,6>, II0’ scaffold’
Iy, 337, to reckon up a total; PA^ j, temti[t] PA [ [ ^ \>, a kind of ground
A.Z. 1907, 3, 2i, “united with and bound up
in life and serenity.” or land, mud of a stream (?)

temt-ta an, Temtria-t j), Rec.

6, 5, 33, 3, the name Demetria.

entire; prf\ " , all Egypt; Si’
all eternity. temtchi PA , Hh. 357,

temtiu (?) PAf^, PA ^ U< 493,

all (plur.), people, folk, multitude, everybody. U. 181, T. 238, 272, P. 23, M. 34, N. 107, 405,

Temtiu AA=>!]()^>jD |,b.D.23,6, T* X72, N. 123,

the entire company of the gods. ,I9’ PA* M- 778,

Temtu cffi Tuat IX, a god who N. 73,

— w swathed Osiris. ’ R 668, PA’ U' 4185
M.i52,= |\ Ar», N. 945, to unite with ;
Temt it , the name of a serpent 5 Copt. TUOJULriX.
'fk <= _oo
on the royal crown; var._\
l temtch-t « fofo ^ ^D’ ^ 2D,
Temtit a , Tuat VIII, a goddess
• 435,
of the Circle Hep-seshemu-s. Rec. 26, 226, in all, altogether, total, summation.

Temtit PA [ (j 0
Tuat VII, a goddess.
30, 70, the whole company of the gods.

Temit-mut-set p^\ [1 ^ ^ ten /wwv\ = /www or vvww.

Ombos II, 133, a goddess. mi mi mi

ten = 0 , this.
Temt - ha -t Tomb
ill’ A/VWW AA/W/W

Seti I, one of the 75 forms of Ra (No. 43). ten 'j , Hym n Darius 5, /w/ww

temt-t p^\> ,PA PA

<0 1 1 t0 raise up’ raised’ high’
a collection of sayings, compilation,
distinguished; see § 'l '
o | ’ book. WWW I
[ 881 ] T

ten Rec. 30, 186, 31, 30, \\ Tentenit - uhesq -1 - khak-ab


L=ZI, L==/l,
AAAAAA^> ^ /], to cut, to cut off, to cut to pieces, n

to cleave, to split, to wound (of a reptile). o 1 >k, the

^ l J2H 1
=^=!;3 aaaaaa r_n
Rec. 6, 19, to cut,
tenn Hour-goddess of the 10th Division of the Tuat.
Ox’ to split.


X to dig a
ten-t a cut- —0 AAAAAA ’ 0 AAAAAA £ -/l’ canal (?)
ting, division.
ten-t mwwi, a plot of ground, field.
Nx Rec. 31, 31, a name ^ \>
AA/WVN ni ’ or title of a god.
ten-t /wvw\, B.D. 42, 15, chamber, abode.
do >, Tuat
tennu-t /www Rec. 6, 7) office, a
VII, a goddess. 0 ® CV1 government building.

Tent-baiu l, Tuat III, tennu AAAAAA * , Rec. 13, 65, border,

an hour-goddess. boundary; Copt. T'KIte.

tenten ^ , P. 610, N. 803, 988, ^ Anastasi I, 13, 2, Israel

maaw 1— w-i btele 17.
^ X
, Anastasi I, 1 r,
AAAAAA AAAAAA AAAAAA AAAAAA ten 0, vase, vessel, bucket; plur.
eS) V '
—c==~>3 —e==^a /O. I
7, ) C 'tL
\v\ w
c n


t i , . >
C n |-
AAAAAA AAAAAA AAAAAA Z_1 Z_1 tena ( , T. 229, old age (?)
to do violence, violent wrath, the violence of
the wind.
tena 3 ( e Rec. 32, 177,

tenten .A , to wander through venerable man.


a district, to invade (?) tena ^ (1 1C >

(1 R —
/.» to cut> to
tentenn divide, to separate, to distribute.
P- 473) M- 539.
0 tena-t ^ d E > “ fl a, E. ^
assaulter, attack, attacker; AAAAAA AAAAAA AAAAAA
^ 1 ( , N. 1118, attacked. (j ^ 1C , Cww j part, portion, lot, share,

U. 280, a name or tenau [1 %\ N\_f, ^ot’ Part>. s.P^re.

Tenten c AAAAAA l _zl mi division.
AAAAAA AAAAAA title of a god.

. a title of Aapep.
(1 ^ 1C
d C O’

Tentena 0 B.D. 145A, the AAAAAA Q ^7’ /W/W/W V ’ I V2V /WWAA 3 5 AAAAAA

the quarter of a month, the festival
doorkeeper of the 8th Pylon. V57’ that ended each quarter.

Tentenit 0 tenatep ===’ E ® the jst quarter of

the name of a serpent on the royal
crown. Tena ^ fl C J), B.D. 64, 17, the

dd ^ 43s? , Tuat I, god of the quarters of the moon.

AM- , one of the 12 guides of Ra. tena-t ^ R ^ Amen;,«• '*•di":

' /www 1 -4 1 1 1 sions (?) shares (?)
3 *
[ 882 ]

tena (LlC fl |C ^ n> to env tennuit AAAAAA [ [ ft ftft dst> inventory-

AAAAAA I t> —'J AAAAAA I --0 o <2 a
bank, to build the sides of a canal or dyke.
tennu j\ = Copt. eTOTit.
! o©
tena-t ( ^ Peasant 237, B.D.
AAAAAA 1^- I tennu AAAAAA , Nastasen Stele 10,
125, II, ^ fl M3£& RS-B- 34, 308, em o
/WWW I /wwv\

bankment, dyke, barrage, dam; plur

where; see
1 rw-
AAAAAA tennu aaaaaa j| I I j each, every, many; see
y~ , Anastasi I, 15, < :
L ill’ DM1 o
IV, 312, a stone dyke.

0 (2 l1
I I I /W/W/W ()k:. tennu AAAAAA

fl | j, Dream Stele 23,

fields; Copt. T-RIte. number, many ; see AAAAAA 1fl 1 .

£=5 fk ‘=

J D ® II1 a Jr
tena-t fl ft IV, 77°’ fl ft’ tennut Thes. 1296, time
5 expired soldiers.
0 Q
A.Z. 70, 171, [1 C -ft*, c:S3 fl ft> fT> a
tennu AAAAAA

measure = £ of a sa _ nf n ar% .1 1 ‘ ‘ ll ond If

and ^th of a tama; o (2 ft- ^ft.0**®^
___ . . O
AAAAAA Q ... tennu
WWW ft— an old canal; var.

tena ^ fl 11 ’ ^ fl ^

0 fl ^ ’ 0 (2 I 7J AAAAAA


fl ^ {\, basket; plur. AAAAAA M tennu AAAAAA , canal, stream.

4 11 0 © I I I /WWW 4 AAAAAA 0 (2
D f metal baskets ; Heb. N2I3, Deut. xxviii, 5.
1 1 tennut £ ft ft the land lying
tena Q , B.D. (Hunefer, 1, 16), near a canal, field, area ; plur. fl fl 1.
AAAAAA d HJ ’ /www 44 V I

a special kind of chamber

tennu ^ |, IV, 367,
c ,
0 (2 c-^
tena ( (3 fl, Rev. 13, 4, to question,
Rec. 33, 4, share, part, division.

to interrogate; Copt. XltO.

tenu Q=S3(^I| Rev* I3, 5°> rent» royalty,
aaaaaa1 due, tclX.
tenas ^ fl P ],
PI , heavy,

tenut ^ ^, Thes.12°5, |!ft ^

Tenas ^ fl P a title of the hippo¬
outcries, the roars of a lion.

potamus of Set; var. ^ jl . tennu AAAAAA Q - -Q loaf, cake.

0 (2

Tenanu 'vww Q P. 269, the name

tenb \| \ /, B.D. 36, 2, to gnaw.

or title of a god; varr. ftj Tenpu aaaaaa I , B.D. ^4 =


I □
, gods of the year(?)
M. 484, c=d» -jj=» 3^, N. 1251.

Teni (jij <2 , “ the Aged,” a tenem 0 , milk (?); var.

_ A

name or title of Ra.

XJ- ■
teni-t , A.Z. Tenem lam, “worm”—a title

1905, 27, Rec. 21, 14, writings, documents, B.D. 163 (title),
of Aapep;
registry, list, inventory. /www 111* worms, serpents.
[ 883 ] T

tenemm , to turn back or tenkhnekh q , Lib. Fun. 2, 39,

aside, to go out of the way. to be joined to, united.

tenemu f i, wanderer, one tens e^::l fl anm, Amen. 13, 20, 1


who has lost his way. Tk amn r, ^ A R 1 to be loaded heavily,

/V I
tenemmu (?) weight, load, burden, heavy; I ft ,
AAAAAA ^ 1 !’ . AAAAAA I vH/ d

Amen. 20, 3, loaded.

Amen. 7, 16, retreatings (?)

Q foul, dirty, tensu(?) ^ fl ] ™, B.D. ,53 a, 5,

tenemm AAAAAA I I I I

AAAAAA unclean.

the weights of a net;

ibid. 28, the lower weights.

to turn aside, to go out of the way.
tens AAAAAA \m, Rec. 20, 216, as applied to

Tenmi M a.; see 0

AAAAAA CHvV I I AAAAA food ° °j, indigestible (?)

tenr Sui,Rev'I3’s6’strength> Copt

tens hat
AAAAAA I 1 o , Peasant 209, A.Z.

xpo. 1905, 37? [1 I to have the mind seriously

mww I >11/ I

tenrega-t S
occupied with some difficult problem, to be
weighed down with care.
U ffi ^ ^ Anastasi T» 2’ 4> Kollerd2> 3.

tens wwvt IV, 614, to cut down.

^ \\
AAAAAA <Z> I JTxS' ^ , e’
® ^[> a kind °f plant shaped like t -pTuat VIII, the name of a door of a

an ear (?); var. (] \ ^ ’ Circle.

tensmen n—|

Thes. 1201, to bind, to tie, to fetter, to

truss (a bird); Copt. (S tensmen n AAAAAA
J |, A.Z. 1907,

125, to be heavy, weighty.

tenhtenh t0 tie> t° (__JC==^3 Q ,11 n i-U, ^
ter, to bind.
bii tensmen I jj , Rec. 21, 79,

dignity, honour, grave demeanour.

• •
“ , tie,
AAAAAA A K —» 1 AAAAAA A *= = (?)

fetter. teng c ' fl, dwarf, pygmy; Aj


X j
[j J ^^ a dancing dwarf;

=SL, wing; Plur-8 ^ A-z-19°5>25, compare Amharic :

teng a property Or defect (?)

possessed by certain ears; see

^ ^

A §§3^ VS5- Copt' P.

T"H&. ^ I
Litanie 68, a form
Tenti (?) AAAAAA

Tenh-ua , Ombos I, 47, the ^ W ’ of the Sun-god Ra.

son of Urt-en-kerua. Tenten ^ 0 muu1, Berg. I, 34, a ser-


tenhes-t (?) JJ, knife. pent-god with bloody eyes, =® ®=.


3 k 2
[ 884 ]

tentha , steps, throne. Teri kheftiu , B.D. (Saite) 125,

f ^11
a title of Am-mit.
Annales V, 95,
tentha-t (^3
litter, couch. Ter tu , Berg. I, 18, a jackal-god.
tent A/VWW to slaughter, to kill. Prisse Pap. 7, 5, to reap (a
ter = harvest).
Tuat XI, a ram-god who
Tent /wwv.
provided offerings. ter ^5, ’, a kind of cloth, linen;
Tent bam □ 'T"
££ j > BD- (Neb' , Rec. 6, 9, byssus cloth.
5 A 5
seni) 17, 27, the name of the slaughter block of
Osiris. tera-t 3 ( ^, Rec. 5, 96, linen bandlet.

tentch '
" "*3 , N. 69, var. of
tera 0 f ©. !zT f o. !r’ I.
T. 276, 23 P. 30, M. 40, **3 , time, season; Copt. TH ;
'=^5’IS AAAAAA l
Of. Lo
,, U. 456, to attack, to rage.
see (jfo.

^^3 J), A.z.
V ill
1910, 128, Teri (j(j ^j, Tuat VII, a god.
a title or name of a god.
Teriush ^ foT<T2|, Darius; Pers.
teru *tfb
HLH, P. 664, vases, pots.
7f m 3f t<*“ <c Heb. urp-3
Ter-t ^ ^ a bird- Tern %, Tuat X, a light-god.

(goose ?) god.
teru , Mar. Karn. 35, 65

ter 2X- S’ ^ terp <s> Si J], Rec. 4, 126, IV, 1026,

IV, ”50, \>
L=Z), •a_0,
Si J\. B.M. 447, to drive out, to expel, to blot □ W □ -if ' □ JrL^’ □
to make an offering, to pour out a libation;
out, to erase, to expunge, to destroy, to over¬
come, to subdue, to conquer, to overthrow;
= Berg-

<=~>^T?’ ft ^^ j>destr°yers; II, 395.

, to tramp the earth; terpt Sx^s), IV, ms, <p> Si VI, a

gift, an offering, supply, provision.

64, to found;
terpu , Tir
IV, 499, <S> G==D
to destroy a god in his shrine. □ IM □ (£111’
Israel Stele 7, Amen. 17, 12, <s> u X Amen.
ter C~^='3 in c=^Ig=5^,, T. 249; var. in □ 111
11, 3, supplies, food, sustenance.
Unas, (j ^ s=
terp ., a kind of goose; varr
r-^ /WWW jT>

ter neken <^3* XL \Jr, a kind of

flowering plant; plur. ^ ^
terf —- Thes. 1285, IV,
fjigp Ttjmi Tuat V, a two-headed . \

1 w , 5 serpent. 969, Thes. 1481, ; , to write, to inlay


Terit nesh[nu]t IT L=/J , Tuat inscriptions ; A_□ | > , to make

IX, a fiery blood-drinking serpent. writing speak.
[ 885 ]
Ebers Pap. i, 8, writing, tehnu rD iv, r 114, O®,
terf < 1086, ra
inscription, document.
~ =ra iw^a @ one who has been appointed
Rec. 4, 117, writings, books,
terfu ■ ra 4 uj’ head.
tehen ta 1—1 atv , A.Z. 35, 16,
tergi-t ^ S (]()- bat; Heb. ra ® 1 s’ 30

Copt. xeXxcnr ; compare ott£'A«/3o9, , var.

ra 1 s’ rao 1 s
1 s’ ra .

Herod. 4, 172.

terta <cs> , to put

V 1 s

oneself on the earth, i.e., to land from a boat. ra ra _§^ ^ V

c=^3 stairway, terrace; Copt. forehead; o

^ V
TUOpT. O □ C^O
amw==f>q <=■, b.u. 165,9;Copt.'
Terteniu /wwv\
tehen-t P-, ^ , A.Z. 1908, 2, .
ro^n, <—■> (( C^£), Rec. 8, 140, the ra fN^i y ra
I /WWW B.D. 168, III, 2, a mountain peak,
name of a Mediterranean people. I prominent hill.
-*=^3 <WWM ^ ft Q ^

teh ^jjx, Rec. 33, Tehni Amentt

ra ra IJ \\ mm] P ’
Rec. 2, 109, the Peak of the West.
6, to attack, to invade; see
ra *■ aaaaaa y

AAAAAA tehni , to dedicate some-

tehan n ra v
ra -o’ ra thing by deed, to appoint something to a certain
to thrust forward, to promote, to appoint to a ^ AAAAAA

purpose, to allocate, to endow; var. ^

higher rank or dignity.

~i°l L=/].
ra ’ see ra ® ’
teher-t , , furnace, oven (?)
IT] o S
ra ®
teh | ^6, A.Z. 1908,130,
tehani (ta)
ra m \\
w 1’ ra
IV, 64, 968, C^3 ^6,
\\ 1 , see j—| ^ , to do homage. lowly.

^ chamber (?), tehteh P. 302, to hang

tehmu-t (?) C3 ’ entrance (?)
down (?) pendent (?) of the breasts of a woman,

ra era* ra
r>- nx, ra ® AAAAAA v V '

, |-j-j ^ , IV, 663, Rec. 35, 125, to Tuat I, an ape-

’ god in the Tuat.
thrust forward, to promote, to appoint to a
higher rank or dignity, e.g., to make a man
tehu A.Z. 1899, 73, equipment, what
• • » —■’ is necessary.
captain of a boat; , A.Z. 1905, 38, to
ra tehteh (tehutehu) , the
run the head against something, to oppose;
mixed food given to geese.
r-n \ A, Festschrift (Leemans) 117, to ^L° grain, food
IU ^ \ tehu 8 ° X ill’for geese (?)
rush (into water); var, L-fl.
ra X
ra ® * ra ® r ra ® 21’ to be low, abased, lowly.
to bow down and touch the earth with the fore¬
head in homage, to make obeisance, to prostrate tehaau ^ (j ^ abase-

oneself, to salute. ment, indignity.

3 K 3
[ 886 ] T

teha c j °, B.D. 58, 14, bull of Maat;

V^c- j Thoth the ibis; t£>’
straw; plur. cz^a 1
^ , Amen. 24, Thoth the Great; ^ <^=>, t ^

T3, =* ^ ^ (j( \ Amen. 15, 15, Thoth the Twice Great; ^ 3^ |_J

25, 12, cs ^ ^ j, Rev. 6, no, ^ ^ !, Thoth, great one of spells;


Thoth, lord of the
Vfr—f ke\^'R-6- Isl o o H-
no; Copt. TUOgj. divine Word, just scribe of the Company of the

Gods; ^ jj, Thoth, Bull in Tet-t.

tehamut = ‘f2 ^ %£
Roller Pap. i, 2, straw; Copt. 'TUO^,.
Tehuti ,% J-^j^LJUU.
tehat cs ^ q , lead; see

tehatiu ^ , Amen. 18, □

W III , Mar. Aby. I, 44, 45.
13, leaden objects.
god of the 13th day of the
S’ Tehuti
teha c=: month.
l m-
cringing one.
Tehuti , the god of the 1st day of
teha (j a member of the body. the month ; the name of a festival on the 19th
day of the month of Thoth.
tehaaut 1%
Tehuti an arit, etc. ^ <2^
O III MK’ IV■ 48o> ^ Goshen 2, Thoth as bringer of the eye
a kind of plant g-—>’ of Ra.
the god Thoth ; Copt.
• •
I Ml- Tehuti em atri 3^ (var. (j 1 ^
Kubban Stele 23, ^ , the god of the 6th hourj){ the day.
tehu !>
Tehuti °C=><N U
tehu , lead. c=^=i Q
^ 1, B.D. (Saite) 23, 2, Thoth the magician.
Tehuti (Tchehuti) , U. 2, p. 615,

M. 783, N. 1142, c-*=^

Tehuti ^ il o U o’Edffl*’I2’l6,
® u A-Z- i9°°j 35> Thoth of Edfh.
T, Ani 15, 47, Tehuti Hapi
w ^ \VF \V

AAAAAA > ~D \\
the ibis-god, the scribe of the gods ; Copt.
B.D. 62, 3, Thoth and the Nile god.
y. ooott", ecoe.
Tehuti khenti neb Tuat
• • •

Tehuti , chief titles of: — , Pap.

Mr M\\ 'k <=> Tuat VI, an ape-god—a form of
Ani 3, dweller in Khemenu; (J -jj- & c-□5 Thoth.

a Tehuti heri khent-f ^ ^

, P. 615
; s $1 Tuat II, an ibis-god with a knife¬
awvw\ c^cqcq £\
0 ^ III $?]> B'D- (Saite)> 58, 15, judge shaped phallus.

of the gods; 8 U"8x® Tehuti sa Aner

G’ x 1 j.
AAAAAA ^ <§>1
Nesi-Amsu 33, 17, master of words of power; I B.D. 134, 6, a form of Thoth.
T [ 887 ] T
O 0
Tehuti sehetep nesrit tehtiu o, IV, 686, leaden objects;
cz I V o

■ ‘Vi
dn o
| Ombos I, 185, Thoth in tbe2 bO£
boat var
of Ra. Will

tekh ■0 0
~| Ombos I, 143, 0, ^
Tehuti sheps >0’ © (2 0 0’
T Jtl ’ the holy Thoth.
to drink, to drink oneself drunk; see ^ 0;
Tehutit (](] ^ (](] ^7,
drunk; Copt. t&a
OR o Q-J)

Q ,N- 999)
N^- 000 T
the great festival of Thoth. tekh ®e ^ vine-
vyy i to shine (applied to the
tehen tekh (?) ^Q.' U. 568,
PWr’ brightness of grain).
N. 751, to hide (?)
° some bright coloured sub¬
tehen stance, blue faience.
/wwv\ o
tekh (?) Y ’|^,Rev. 1,59,

teher-t ^ ^7, IV, 662, Culte Divin,

^ ^ L—fl, Thes. 1205, to beat,

to strike, to overthrow.
42,44, ^ ^^ > hairy ^ the hide

of an animal, skin, leather; plur. ^ [j tekhtekh c:^,c:=5, rev. 13, 59,

*>-=» o—=»
revolution, convulsion, disturbed times.
Edict 25; (| (2 Y AA/WW (j | Rec-
. . . c-=^3 <2 ms <=^3 tk nmu A . •
tekhut _ ~ , „ V> , Anastasi
21, 91, ox-hides; <r-^=> ^ A.Z. 1900, 27, ® qIII foJliii
’ * <c=r> 1 1 1 I, 23, 3, boulders on a road, a rough stony road.
plumage of a bird.
fpkhflr Rev- r3> 2 7, terrible,
tehra ^ (| <2 1^, Rechnungen 69, teKnar ^ > frightening.
AAAAAA 1 n ft) 1 Amen. iS, i, the weight
dressed hide; (j V ,c=a ^
AAAAAA AAAAAA tekha 4 ‘O' ’ or pointer of a balance.

Theban Ost. B. 14, water-skins made of the hide , Metternich Stele, 187,
of a donkey.
, to cover over, to hide.
teher-t <=n ^ >0 I

tekhen , Lib. Fun. 2, 39, to

o <£> ^ ^
w L
strike, to play an instrument of music, to strike
, Rev. 11, 128,
the harp, to beat the drum.
any sad or evil condition of mind or body, fear, 1o
tekhen-t o X, the playing of music.
anguish, anxiety, shame, sickness, jealousy, and

the like; plur. ^ io^ ’ ^'°Pt‘ tekhenit

Q % a tambourine

player; tambourine women.
teller ^^ jj§) ^, an afflicted man.
tekhenu ], obelisk; var. 1.
[ n <2 AAMM (2 tjjj AAAAAA tL!)
^ H (2 sickness, terror, bitter (in
tekhtekh ^ ^ o , the mixed food
—a. c mind).
given to geese; var.
teherr-t ”’> , a kind of plant.
<2* <rr> o
tes <=^\ cS>l^, Hh. 321, self = °l~=!
teht-t ^2 0j
V o o o ^^ O , himself.
lead; varr. = ^ g, i Copt.
tes (j^\ ’ to s‘t’ t0 seate^-
T [ 888 ]
tes Rec. 17, 145, G
0, Tesu-em-arit-f 1^
G \ I ’ (E 1110
n G, 1 G > pot, vase, vessel, jug.
Tuat VIII, a star-god.

1 1 1 «_l
Tesi-rutu-en-neter =0 Tuat VII, a star-god.
W=/] ^ | ^ B.D. 153B, 14, collector of prey in
Tes-em-her-f , Tuat III,
/wvw\ I ’ ■gods.
the net of the Akeru-gods. _
the steersman of the boat Herer.
tes ^ , a kind of plant.
Tes-neb-terer_ m
V# 5

tes , to Tuat VIII, a door of the Circle Sesheta.

knife, to cut, to hack in pieces, to divide. Tes-Ra-kkeftiu-f

O I Cl \\_

tes 1^, U. 401, 1^, p. 111} Tuat VIII, a door of the Circle Hetemit-
188, M. 352, N. 904, Rec. 31, 20,
nnm Tes-t-ermen-ta

knife of flint or metal; <—=-3 ] ^ } Tuat VIII, a door of the Circle Hetepet-
^ neb-per-s.
a ready knife; , a knife of fire, i.e., a red-
Tes - khaibitut - tuatiu
hot knife; plur. 11 ®

'k ^ ct~d JH 1. Tuat VIII, a door of the
Circle Aakebi.
Cj\ !
Tuat VIII, a door of the Circle
v 1’ Sehert-baiu-s.
tes , a kind of stone, flint,
nnm Tes-sma-keku
■m, Rea 4. ^ ^ ? S,
nrrm “ ’ ’ am O’ i Tuat VIII, a door of the Circle
black flint, white flint. Aakebi

Tes (?) B.D. no (Saite), a lake in Tes-sekhem-aru 3

Tuat VIII, a door of the Circle Hep-
Tes - am - miti - em - sheta-f seshemu-s.

, Tuat
Tuat VIII, a door of the Circle
VIII, a door in the Tuat.
m- ■ Aakebi.
Tes-aakhu Tuat XII, a sing¬ > a
teser-t — , something splendid or

Tes-aakhu ^ holy, see "IP' \^); I j > splendid

Tuat VIII, a door of the Circle Aat-Setkau. or beautiful things; B.M. 797, holy
Am’ places.
Tes-aha-ser (?)-Tathenen
teser ari to act in a lordly
Tuat VIII, a door of the Circle manner.
AAAAAA Tuat. fk nnm 1
teseru !)
j] ^
Tes - akhem - baiu
c ^ 3 j, large stones (?)
Tuat VIII, a door of the Circle Asneteru.
Teser-aab-t Tuat xn, a
Tes-t-baiu , Tuat I, one
a wind-goddess, one of the 12 bearers of the boat
of the 12 guides of Ra. of Af into the upper sky.
T [ 889 ] T
a t\ AAAA/NA

Teser-t-an-t I o , Tuat IX, tesh (tesher) | <5, red

4 ’ rnx—1 3s:
a singing-goddess. grain plants.

Teser-ari flfl , Tuat IX, a tesh 1^, red grain.

god with a serpent-staff.

tesh-t (tesher-t) 00 q , oo
Tuat VII, a star- v- ' W @ Q
Teser-a the red land (?) something appertaining to red,
Teser-t-baiu S a , Tuat XI, the
last Gate in the Tuat. Tesh-t (Tesher-t) mE ir\/\7ir the red

a i i i land, i.e., the desert.

teshu (tesheru) , the “red”
Tuat IV, a district in the Tuat. mo
fiends, associates of Set.
Teser-t tep a b.d. 168, xiii, i,
Teshut (Teshrut) 1, Met-
a 68, XIV, i, a goddess in
the Tuat. ternich Stele 11, note 2, the fish that piloted the
o a I a boat of Ra.
teser-t a
O’ o!’ 1 Rec. 13, 100, to assign;
drink made from red grain. tesh
~vr Copt. TCOCLJ.

t-sekhen V t0 caus« “ be tesher ox:

0 101 braced (?) mo
tesli 0, to drink, to drink oneself to be red, to become red; Copt. 'Tpocy,
ci epoy, otupcy.
drunk; see ^ 0 .
tesher mo L==fl, to terrify; Q mo
tesh 5 , the drinking festival; var.
, B.D. 179, 4.
so O
a \\
tesher-ti I \o horrible, terrible.
X to pierce, to stab,
tesh \>
mo i w i \>’ to gore, to thrust, tesher mo , u. 431, M. 774
cs X >- -1 Rec. 15, 18, a
mo © ’ os: © ’ district. mo •> T. 246, \\\, P. 662, m
[X a figure of Osiris ; see
Teshesh oe P. 781, mo mo iti, mo
ox: Teshtesh. 11 1
blood, gore.
tesh X , to yield, to give way; var.
^ X ' ^ tesher-t mo Q, B.D. 32, 5, red thing,
30 A
o X red flame; mo o /%=^ !, B.D. (Nebseni)
m ox~i a 00 nn A
to run back or away, to give ground. 17, 44, mo 1, B.D. 179, 6, lord
^3 c=^a X
Teshtesh T, Rec. 4, 31, a of blood(?), i.e., slayer; -□oo^OD
30 OO A
Ci d B.D. 179, 7.
figure of Osiris; see
OO OXZ ,1-
teshrut !, Fo
nn f
• see mV
if- “ red ” devils.
30 d Q

teshtesh WWW, to flow out, to tesheru mE 1, B.D. 182, 20, mo


overspread (of water)

1, mo , mo (| (
tesh (tesher) \, P.S.B. 13, 412, to
OO the “ red ones,” i.e., the wicked gods who
be red in colour, russet, reddish, carroty. &\- were associated with Set
[ 890 ] T
O ° o 37
Tesheru aa , B.D. 96, 2, O 3a s ® : m
p‘ur- % a 111 \\ XJ
Nesi-Amsu 5, 3, red devils symbolized by red s s I I
33 S ffi > a pair of red vases; nn ^ ,
a set of four red pots.
tesher-t □a T-336> aa/^^,
a kind of anti, or myrrh;
tesher oa^
Heb. 1.
•• T
U-5l8’oo% O ’ R I73’§
tesher aE 33
N. 840, 939, \/ > M- 254> 33
the myrrh tree (?)
^ Rec. 16,131,31, n,

^ , the “ Red ” Crown, which symbolized tesher 1 o red grain, sand (?)
<=> III <=>111 6 w
the sovereignty of Lower Egypt, or the North ;
Tesher-t cif] p1'j qzml oa s , ain «
plur. y ^y 5/ , P. 427, M. 611, N. 1216;
S s
, 1" \a s ' rv^i, rvr .
[V^l <=> _H <r~>f\^0 s
L Vv, J Si Qyyy]
BD- the “red” land, i.e., the Desert.
149, III, 4. rv/v-^i

Teshrit the goddess of the tesher-t 03 f~3—l <2

1s , ^ , OO
Red Crown. <=> <e*i <=>
|, pla , a red fish.
tesher—heb tesher jP^j n\5,
a red
Palermo Stele, the “ Red ” Festival. tesher-t rja o , aa
’ calf.
tesher teshes m Rec. 16, no, to cut, to
B.D. 99, 16, red wing; Tf rvr~i 1
teq , IV, 754, a kind of grain.
B.D. 145, 40, red pomade, like the modern zi •
cam-wood unguent used in the Sftdan; noa s teq , IV, 171, —
3 000 A OOO
| ^ B.D. 145, 51, red hair.
, fruit; var. zi
A JZ ° A ° ° ► OOO
Tesher *42, hi 6, a N. 1047, the name or title
<=> ^ 3J city sacred to Osins. Teqq
Zl Zl of a god.

Tesher ar-ui Berg. I,

teqer ^zi^ ^ /], Ebers Pap. 109, 4, zl
3, one of the eight gods who guarded Osiris J <=> Zl

and who dwelt in He-t Anes ( -

Q I, 13, a writing of. . . .

Q ft/WM
I- BD- I7’ ,04;
f Q ^ s ,

teqer C=ET ...> Zl °, zl , fruit,

Edfu I, 10 f. 0 III c > o <r—> 000
fruit-bearing plants.
Tesher mestcher 4=y= , p. 604
ground produce,
teqer ta (?) "v?
vegetables (?)
“ red ear,” a title of Babau
teqeru (?) Rec. 27, 220,

Tesheru heru-sen | ^j

B.D. 42, 21, “ those whose faces are red ”
—a class of beings in the Tuat.
Silk ^25-,

to look, to see; varr. ^ ^

tesher-t p=j= ^ ® > a vase or pot made
Tekait ^ /)/) ^ f) 0mbosII> T33>
of “ red” material used in funerary ceremonies ; 1 1 0 31 ’ a goddess.
T [ 891 ]

to approach, to draw near

teken tegategai 00
to someone, to touch. ZA wk ZA
to look very
v carefully at something.
see tega , Amherst Pap. 24, IV,
1174, ^ Herusatef Stele 134, ^
Denderah IV, 62, a serpent-god,
x V
warder of a coffer. , to plant,
L=d’ S k^
to inlay metal,
me to plate.
B L=Z1’ b
tegatega to
E 5
B fMH-’ inlay metal, to plant.
t° hide oneself, to be hidden.
B S kk 111’ ZA
tegai-t IT ^ f)f) Q Leyd- Amen. 6, 11,
;* b
Pap. 4, 5, something hidden, hidden.
^'ir'k^ T'kkf!’
tes za fill’ a Wit1’ ® Mission 1, 611, plants, seeds (?) carobs.
Israel Stele 6, to fail, to give way (of the
J\ ’ legs).
tegas , Israel Stele 5,

teg ZA
Rec. 4, 126, to come, to walk,
to march. ZA SAi a n
, A.Z. 1900, 24,
tegteg, tegtegi ^ ^ | a , j\ B qk'%=a
^ Q ^ ^ ’ t0 treak to wabc upon, to follow
^ V P V\, to march, to invade (?)
a road, to tread in the footsteps of another ;
Rec. 12, 70, to Copt. TA.(Tce.
^egga ’ run quickly (?)
tegasut 10 ^ ^ Rev. 6, 29,
(j> n 1’ footsteps.
teg , Peasant, B. 2, 106, ^
ZA ^ ’ ’ ’

Tegas 'f 1 ; see Anqers.

Vs3-, * ^ ZA
ecfi£=l CCff£=l ®
teffi v-Jflf] j Rec- r3> 53, gardens = Gr.
-@s-, c®:3 AZ- I9°°’ 27, ’ ZA | ’ Trapdeeicivv, Copt.

905,19,©, B.D. 18, II, 4,^l\\

tegi-t (tergi-t) ^ (j( o
tt t I) ® to look at, to
U. 541, T. 297. B k1®.’ see. [ [ °^f[>Rec- 31,138,c^,(j( o , plover,

Tegaa ffi A ^§3-

© “ Seer ”—title
of a god (?)
bat; Copt. XA.XxOT.
Metternich Stele 202, to
tegem ^jp3 be weak, smitten.
^ Mar. Karn. 35,
tegait ^ 11 70, sight, view.
tega-t ^ B-D- II2> 5i Ebers «
A.Z. 1884, 88,
r~ *^3 a
Pap. 51, 21, _ __,, look, sight, glance. e
tST a 4’ Z5
tegg ZAZA
^o>:, U. 316, to see, to look at tl , castor oil plant.

carefully, to examine, to scrutinize.

teges , to walk, to follow in the
tegg-t , IV, 617, sight, appear- footsteps of another, a journey, travel; var.

ance; 1 .^23-, Rev. 11, 92, glances. iA-

[ 892 ]

tegsa-t “ tjjp , boat, skiff. teta _^ /“^id, ?=u),

B.D. 99, 12
tetri-t (?) to masturbate; see re=£D.

tet-kliaiu (?) Excom- Tetun ^ + P. 78, 200,

m - /wwv\
munication Stele 5 . ,
+ 3^> N. 21, 1323, P. 669,
“□, Anastasi III,
•e • S 0 ’ ^ ., N. 936, , N. 852,
2, 5, a kind of fruit tree ; Copt. XIXI (?)
> M- 7°5, M. 779 _
tet-t 0, cs, iv, 629, o,
o o
, Rec. 30, 71, IV, 986, IV, 575,
bowl, dish, pot, vessel, shell; plur. ^ ''a'1
<—^=^3 (9 —
an ancient Sftdani god with the title
IV, 665, _^ q -, Koller 3,8; varr.
v v o
— N. 936, —
o, ^o. d CZZ3
p. 200 , [fff] o \\ d
^ Coronation Stele 2,
“chief of Ta-Sti.”
I ^ 0
Rec. 26, 80, the name of a god (?) tetem-t ^x> O.

tet(?) , to touch = o ( o ( £ a kind of plant, seedlings (?)

[ 893 ]


tch ^ = Heb. Copt, x . abode, the Tuat; see metch-t

AAAAAA y ■■f
- f o. p* AAAAAA

Tcha (?) , N' 955. a serpent that AAAAAA = metch-t rh AAAAAA } abyss.
v ' it from Ra.
came forth fron AAAAAA \> II V AAAAAA

tche-t <S,‘h ^1, Peasant 265,fune-

tche-t ^ , A.Z. 1908, 16, serpent amulet. a\ { O rary property.
I \
T. 703, a serpent- tche-t
Tchit (?) "^1 '^27 £ f|\5, Palermo Stele, the
name of a sailing (?) festival; | ^ fl^,
tche-t ^, p. 19, M. 21, , N. 120,
c\ \ qM the first tche-t festival.
re=u), body, person, bodily form; ^j,
tche-t 1907, 14, papyrus.
^ t- A-z-
divine body, i.e., a god; jj, a dead body;
, to be sound,
, my own body or person. tcha

tche-ti ^ $$ , Litanie 61, the “two

healthy; see
N. 427, sound, healthy (of white teeth).
U' II8,

children,” i.e., Shu and Tefnut.

tchau-t | U. 65, N. 320, ^
tche ’’71 = v) or ^ .pupilof'hee
u-561N-34s> N-3461
<=> X
tche't Hh' 23’ , IV, 752, well-being, health, sound-
*^1 ^ ^’ °^lc=:> ^ ^ I ’the pe°p^e w^° ness : O , IV, 1143, health of heart,
belong to the land, serfs, peasants, dependants. I I
heart’s wish; | @ ^ o (£, Jour. As. 1908, 281,
tche-t ]Tj, Jg,, ^!,
good direction of heart.
, Rec. 31, 11, eternity, everlastingness; 1^,
tchau ab J^ O, P. 410, M. 587, N.
U. 521,
‘EI<=>'kII’u- _ AAAAAA _
1192, sound of heart; | ^>0, P. 409 = ^ jj O,

,T. 330. 3 <=>-^ fO^ever-

M. 586, N. 1191, and | O, P. 409 =

lasting for ever; «wwt T. 152, ww

J/ M
, M. 585, N. 1191.

N. 502, P. 21, ^T|, M. 23, Tchau-ab | fl ^ ^ Hh- 469, a god,

brother of Seker
jiHf0!' <=>*=> j[X’
1—*"=-^ q T— A_«. tcha-t i ^ , sound, firm,
for ever; r~~ all eternity; fclAj fcSJ
well, healthy.
f \\~'i unending eternity.
toha-t | x,safe’ stron8 <of a built
& Jfifc q mg).
Berg. 26, eternity per¬
toha i Ik Rev-I4’45
k^, scribe of the record office,
=& ^
, place, house, abode; , divine tchau (?) J^ c , title of an official,
TCH [ 894 ] TCH ^

tcha-t i c <5^53, M. 683, palm of the hand, tcha

£21 £23 a' IV
o , M. 242 ;
_a <5^
^ /wwv\

AAAAAA ? T. g 1 , handfuls of water; A ® to set out on a journey, to make a

1 J\ ’ passage, to travel.
see <=>]) var. 1
o y tchaa-t , T. 194, P. 677, N.
x 1 -tl x £23
tcha x, 1291, passage, journey.
£23 £2i
to stretch, to extend, to draw out, to reach out
tcha-t I, Rec. 31, 29,
towards, to strike down, to fell, to oppose, to

resist; 1 immovable; I ^ I a kind of cake.

£2 £ij x\
(Hi a
IV, 1107, to correct a fault.
tcha-t ' - 1 -n ^ x I X
bread for the journey, viaticum.
xiiu’im. v’
a putting forth, extension, spacious, resis¬
£23 X tance, opposition. tcha ^5 =* xi m xmioop.

tchaau | (| £ -/13 opponent, he

tcha, tchai I &ais, U. 451, T. 259,
£23 -TT\^
who resists, enemy.
M- 375, 59o» N. 944, 1195,

Rec. 31, 17, I v FL^, U. 190, M. 224,

£23 -Crx^
, a spreading out, resistance, wrong;
N. 6oi> I "kx s_ T- 70, |
( ^ ^, wrongfully.
(l^> | (
X £23
tcha-a to cross a river in a boat, to make a passage
£23 £_/I
Leyd. Pap. 12, 2, A ^ j,
^ 3 L
to reach out the hand in protection, or with a
^^ i > borne, carried; |

h Stility;i^xTJ’V
u' 47S- Cl ca)

tcha re i , iv, 62, 64, 1031, to >£2>c

cii) ms- I T. 228, sail, sailings; A ] (j, A.Z.
speak scornfully of sacred things or of offerings. di <2 V
1905, 22, how well thou sailest!
a a
tcha-t , the rest,
tli3 tii)
tcha-t J '^1 P. 188, J
the remainder, residue, balance ; varr. tL O
O) j, L.D. III, 65A, 6.
N- 9°5- ilklk JL- N' ?14' J.
t=> x I ,^gv.
£23 cs
X Ckii x ^
tcha , A.Z. 1908, 85,

t&i passage by boat, passage, transport, boat, ferry¬

fire-stick, a wooden tool or instrument. boat, barge.
tcha-t (?) <S\ v (f—. a cutting tool, tchaaui | (] ^ (j(j gg Rev. 11,174,
dia rrXS- X
a sharp-edged instrument. ship, ferry-boat; Copt. XOI.

Tcha aqru(?) Tchaaui P.400,

1 1
B.D. 125, II; see Qerrti.
M. 570, |
Tcha ati J V CTD
, B.D. 125,
'7k7' ‘he ferry"lan of
II; see Qerrti. Jl 11 1 ■ 1 truth, the Egyptian Charon.
TCH [ 895 ] TCH

tchai AyA, Rev. tchai (g

‘ MM M b&
12, 35, ship, boat; plur. ; Copt. XOI. | (( ^ devil, fiend, foe, enemy;
Si) 1 1 I I I

tChaaU fem- iiM° jI- A'kflf

£3 C
<g q:

675>N'I284'i^^^, , ,.R«^9,I54, plun

those who sail, sailors, ferrymen. i.
ta 1 1 I
* Rec. 24, 161, a
tchai aa|^ Tchai
n’ priestly title. > RD- i5> 3. an

tcha aa-t ) , B.D. 133, enemy of Ra; plur. J ( (

. IhA A 1 -
19, the great sailing, the Great Boat (?) and J (( o Agk 1 (fem.) B.M. 32, 144.
Cud 1 |

Tcha-t neter 1
I ^ <LU£
1 1
tchai i [[ Rev., impure
bud PT man.
the “passage of the god” festival.
wrong, evil; compare
tchai J (j(
Copt. XAI.
k Zod. Dend., one of the
Tchat C—l
k kk' 36 Dekans. tchai-t mi Q, pain, discomfort.
Tcha unnut I 0 ^ > Tuat I, a I . .
ea Ito aa/waa Cl
tchai-t , iniquity.
a star-god who acted as guide of Af.

Tcha benu Asar

• I


tcha-t A.Z. 1905, 58,

“travellingbenu of Osiris”—a title sin, guilt, reprehensible thing, offence.

M of the star Venus.
tchau -1 C3 hostilities,
bud enmity.
Tcha-t Tuat •LU^
dii rGs- £2, C-]
"TV 0 Tuat I, IX, the name of a sailor¬ &A b£5j Jl 6^ ^
ly cn’ god in the Tuat.
UJ^4’foe' enemy; Copt. XA.XI.
tcha | j, the west wind.
tcha-t Jo,
i\ o, J» ^ ffp O BD- T7S, 12, a
di 4
bii LI ’ measure (?)
(?) vessel.
Jour. As. 1908, 264, im¬
tcha i vz
purity. tchatchaau (1 A.Z.
b& 1 €>
tcha | (g. OyO Jour. As. 1908,
i9°5,io3 \o, pot, vase, vessel,
bud Trv^ c^j
266, dishonour, blemish (physical or moral);
bowl; Copt. X(JC, XUM,
Copt. (Tkeio, XAICOOT.
tcha-t I TT> Rec- 3. 53j ji
£2 JaiNx- I bJi
tcha-t | (g fj^r1 <=>, Jour. As.
Rec. 27, 226, , bag, sack,
1908, 269, humiliation, shame.
stuff, garment, apparel
tcha, tchau | ^, J ^, J Cl
tcha-t , Rec. 27, 226, |q,
| ^en<^> devil, demon, enemy; o zrzn t&9
a a bird,
.. Q ) | Q
fem. nM/i Cl tJii ’ crane (?)
£2 tza &A X
tchaaa, I (), P.S .B. 13, 37, an amulet.
Thes. 1251, a
tcha-t x term of abuse.
bud 1

cloth, stuff, gar¬
tchaau ()^s, ment.
tchai | <a (j|j J\ /j^y Jour. As. 1908, 254,

to steal, theft; Copt. XIO*¥G.

tchaa-t | (| cloth, stuff, garment.
TCH [ 896 ] TCH

D 2 ^a Jour. As. 1908, 255, I

tchaab 1 0vo f
H ^ J injustice; Copt. OXI. A v 1

tchaau (?) I ra
tchaab-t _aj o, var.
, crane (?)
hot, glowing embers.
tchaaut J ^ (j ^ , Thes. 1124, A.Z. 1878, 48,
n \_ _i tchaam
throne-chamber, throne.
tchaam Rev. 14, 19,
tchaas | ^ > t0 command
quietness, rest; Copt. (CA.JULH.
troops, to be lord and master, captain.

tchaas | ( 1 Dream Stele 33,

tchaami A u A\ Rev. 14, 12, to

0 J n \> tchaami Rec-ISi

17, book; Copt. XUOCOJULe.
1, to know, to possess know¬
Y7 Rev. 12, 84, bolt;
ledge, to direct, to command. tchaar
fc&J Copt. <rXo.

tchaas I Q R v , A () H *= & !, tchaari |

(|(j L—/], Rev. n, 139, to
A S 111 4 _m 1 £11 1
| ^ ^ * j knowledge, wisdom, speech drive away, to repulse.

of wisdom (?); JV^t --0 j\ ^ C tchaaq A Rouge I.H. II,

5 1 1 1 1Mu Hrw X <2 X
fore-knowledge, primeval wdsdom, the wisdom 125, to cry out; compare Heb. Arab.
I -T^
of ancient times.
sage, wise
tchaasu man. tchaaqta 1,

cry, outcry; compare Heb. np3?!£.

the god of Knowledge; I ( 1 \> tchaatit
r>v/ rr\w in’ “= W Will’ staff.
the seven wise gods who presided over painting
tchaatchai (tchatchi) J xj J (( j\,
and writing; ^ ( 1 ^ ^
Rev. 12, 33, to run; Copt. (ToXI.
master (?) commander.
tchai I (( i- -/l; see A to reach
Tchaasu VII ^ I) P § | | cii -Pr^ 11 & rrv^
out towards.
Diim. Temp. Inschr. 45, the Seven Divine
Masters of Wisdom who helped Thoth to plan tchai-t ()(] V, cloth,
the universe. Their names were: Neferhat,
8l AmHHS
stuff, garment; see the following :
Neferpehui, Nebtesheru, Ka, Bak, Khekh, and
San. tchai-ut A "^h\
di Jar'S- II
[[ ^ ^,
whole garments

tchaas A Q R "(Jr, A () fl a as opposed to rags.

di) .Pi^S- 1 ^ di -CeNs 1 IM
kind of plant used in medicine. tchai 1 (1(1 Rev- I!> '4'. ™>ky.
di 1 1 t=t lake(?)
tchaasu 1 % Q fl °. the seed of the
A Jm H III same. tchaiu(?) A %\ 0(1 X !, Anastasi I,
v dJi 11 s 1
tchaa | w, Rec. 15, 16 - to 16, 8, a kind of ground or land (?)

lament, lamentation.

tchaau I —”, a kind of seed or

A ^ ° III grain. tchaiua | ([j Herusatef Stele
tchaaiu A-_o OQ 2 ^1, a kind of plant. 19, an inner chamber in a temple.
A in
^ TCH [ 897 ] TCH
1, soldiers, host, army;
tchait J l|l| (j o m> Rev. 14, 33, olives, 51
olive trees ; Copt. XOGIT. Heb.NlS plur. Q1N12? • HNITJ, plur. niNlU,
t t 1 • x: J t|t:7 t:7

Assyr. ^ ^S-, sa-a-bu (Briinnow, List, 8137),

tehaau kHi rrvv J\ iVk
tzA in plur. ^ Y«-«-, Eth. 0-f)^ :
Siut 15, B.D. 70, 2, hair, foliage.

© 2
tchabaa-t J (j 2 Rev. 14,34,
tchau ir-44-^1
very hot embers, fire.
\\ C&3 \\
evening, darkness, night.
tchau IV' .„7, doth, stu^gar- Q AA/VWA >0

AA AA/vwv /aa, to dip, to immerse, to submerge;

£_1/ AAAAAA r i

tchau-t ^ O 11 , T. 379, a garment

made by Horus for Osiris.
AAAAAA , Syr. -Xjb^, Arab. ; compare Assyr.

Tchau /WWW
, Tuat VII, a rec-
r==i “dyed stuff” (Rawl. C.I.W.A.
tangular lake or pool measuring 440 cubits x
V, 15, 6, 13).
440 cubits.
2 tchabagaiu J S
, L.D. 229c, domain.
s \> I
^ I |^js, drowned men.
tchau-t ^ “ Nastasen Stele 30, a

chamber or hall of a temple. tchabl-lu , Peasant

229, a fisherman who catches fish by a particular
tchau ', an amulet.
kind of means or instrument.

tchaut R- ”■ "*;i2 tchabgatchaqa |

to be upside down.
tchauata , Anas-
tasi IV, 12, 9, P.S.B. 13, 411, a kind of flyin □ V
Tchapr _ _ 1, a proper
insect (?) bird (?) crane (?) dL 2 <= 1 1
name ; compare Heb. "VIQ^
A 2
tchauf & V tchapurm’
Rec. 15, 16, papyrus; Copt. XOOHfCJ. 1
□ V V , an animal, goat (?);
00, % 2 <=>1 1 1 1
tchaut I compare Heb. “V’DJ, Syr.
Rec. 5, 95 = 23 ; Copt.
twenty; 00
• xotutt. , round
tchaut nu-t ^ ^ , twentieth.
things, rings, cakes ; compare Heb. ITVE)?.
0 o

Tchauti | ^ Tuat I, a hawk-god. tchapqa dancer,

tw3 T$’
tchab i^s,, want, need, weakness,
“ «. n n tchafi. , Israel Stele 7, Rev.
impotence, starvation; see | J Copt. tas

<TU3&. i2> 48,11 ^ xx

(& _Q5N^ V ’($>
t>‘ (JJs V V (iiS
Rev. 13, 27, to be hot, to burn, to
^ ik J4apXX^:
Copt. 2
tas V
be angry ; Copt. XOCJ.

fc£2 I
tchaff \ ^ ^ f|, to be hot, to burn,
)-HF=T 1—t
'j !, Anastasi to be angry, to roast
tw=iJ r\ I fc£3 -LXN^ n
AA. I t—± I
146, 32.
tchafu flames, fire.
Thes' ,s°6’
3 L
TCH [ 898 ] TCH "I

tchaf tchama Y7 , Rev., calm (of the

HI’ bud
roasted food. weather) ; Copt. XZJULH.

tCham im.k’T'385-R6,I'i tchama (?) I jka Tl r3, chair of state«

v iliMl!/111 throne.
M. 402, to throw up the arms | nj
tchames P.S.B. 20, 198,
or hands |in gladness.
to devour, to consume.

tcham | | tzzzz, sceptre; see j- tchan I <3 0 ,, Rev., soft,


easy-going, feeble; Copt. X<LIte.

tcham , to copulate, to beget.
& f—lD
tchani-t j\ Q [ [ A^k, Jour. As. 1908, 273,
tcham youth,
tZA _dl\S‘ feebleness, idleness, supineness;
young man; plur. 924, 1006, Copt. XHR, XltA-A/C.

Tchan-t 0 the sacred boat

II » tZA
!I ’ «
of the Nome of Gynaecopolites.
\> /WWW ,www
tchanna ^, Anastasi I,
£a I I I

I! ’ ZA Mil!. tZA

24> G
I III RbNX M 4=3’
ik#1 ' > C&J

I I V \\ \\ 4=3 tii)
!» fc„^3 !>
!’ i tZA to shake, to shiver through fear, to become
gooseflesh, tribulation, fear.

Rev. 12,. 17, young men, young soldiers, recruits, tchanariu(?)

young folk in general, descendants, posterity; see tchanri.

tchanahu Rech-
tchamu nu thau ! 0 AAAAAA <

tZA nungen 69, ll , rudder handle.

bud 111
j? A.Z. 35> x7> the generations of
£*1 l ’ men, the human race. /WWVA n arm ; Copt.
tchanih A IT . —

^’ cTn<L£,.
Tchamaa J R , the god of
Tchanu|0^JJJ,P. 4x8^0^
Western Thebes ; Copt. XHJULG

tchamaa ' k «8> N-

B I I (iij 1203, the four long-haired gods who stand in
the east of the sky.

tchanf ^0 ^G Rev. 13, 37,^^

to offer, chance; Copt. XCJORCj.

(2 ’ t& —" > w 1 in

14, 36, papyrus, a roll of papyrus, a sheet of tchanr

III I k-/lV I I I
calculations, book, volume, document; Copt. AAAAAA |

, B.M. 138, 3, to
recompense, to requite, to reward.
tchama | ^ ^ dry land, 71 AA/WV\ \y j _cn AAAAAA

parched ground; compare Heb. Eth. di
I I I <^> I JIj nGk I I I
branch of a tree, staff, bar; Copt.
RfF'h i > Arab. , to be thirsty. 1 1 1 xx.X
’’-'I TCH [ 899 ] TCH n"'}

tchanri (?) tchara | Pzjts XJ, Rev. 13, 103, strong.

I I I ^ M bud •
disease of the skin
tchara ^ strong, mighty;
tchanrri QQ^, scor- Copt, xuope, xtopi, xcuuupe.
_cn\S‘ I I l
AAAAAA <---|

pion; fem. (](] ^; Plur- tcharaa

i i i
r j. Thes. 1198, to strike, to cast down,
’ to smite to the earth ; Heb.
Rev., to experience, to
tchant | o tchara , Dem. Cat....

tchar , to spy, to
tchari fll) l/l Rev- T3> Io6>
lih ^23-
Si ’ hard (of stone).
scrutinize; Copt. Xtp.
\\ tchari-t I M " Rev- I3>
tchar C£3
14, i\ _, Rev. 14, 51, area; Copt. XRpe.
spy, guide (?) in n

tchar tcharu \ Peasant

Rec. 16, 137, to burn, to dissolve, to boil 281, excuse, apology.
1 away; Copt. X6p, XCJCp, XOiX.
tchar-ut (?) A ^ 1 ^ C=3, Anas-
1 v ' iL Jm C® WO 111
tchar , Rec. 16, 57, Amen, n, tasi I, 12, 4.

19. 25> 4, I, something unpleasant tcharm J |fjb Rev. n, 172, to

O i
•2. Amen. 10, make a sign ; Copt. XUOpAJL.
or hateful (?); plur. o,,,,
£2 2 .
tcharm I Rev- I3> i5,
tchar | enemy, rebel. c ^
Sbvi ^II, Rec. 4, 21,
tchar , Rev. i 2, 207,
a plant; Copt. (CXhiJUU, Arab. Rapha-
(for nus lyratus (Loret).
« cvio’t0 weigh out’
to measure, to compute; i, Gol. tcharm the seed or
tud (2 o I
Hamm. 13, 121. fruit of the same, a perfume.
=—-> o
tchar-t , registration office. tcharna <3> see
tJi) 1-^-1 © C&3

tchar , Rev. 11, 186, Jour. As. 1^1.

k _/i
1908, 248, to be strong, to act violently, to over¬
tchareh J A.Z. 1878, 48,
come; Copt, xpo, xuxope.
, Rev. 11, 166,
tchar her I Rev" bold; AT t&J
& L=J £ XA-p&A-X. poor, wretched, miserable; Copt.
cTpco^, xoX£,.
Tchar-t | gigp, Metternich Stele 73,
Rev. 11, 168,
a mythological scorpion. tcharkha i

tchara tchar-khams h 7 D ,Rev-

Rev. 12, 52, to overcome; Copt. XpO. 11, 169_; Copt. xooXe £,axc (?)

tchara I Jgsa *A}, to be bound, tied

tchart 1 ,
t£sa a O' b& O I
tchara t ■**•/>, Tv- I2>J?> '° cov!p -o I O,..,
XJ ’ Copt. (TloX, xtoX. Q ° I fcM o I 1 I ^ Jm a
3 L %
TCH [ 900 ] TCH

Rec. 15, 125, a kind of fruit, carob; Copt. ^ \\

tchati (?) A xx ", Rec. 3, 56, throne,
(Ha rrX CZ □
CT ApA/re.
throne-chamber, seat.

tchart , skiff, boat, ship;

Tchat Tuat 0 A .: (1) a croco¬
1 w
plur. : var. >rEV.. dile-god ; (2) a singing-god who gave water to
1 1 1 ]!) the dead.
w , a name
Tchahar ilAra tchatt o, N. 727
or title of a god of sickness.
to confine, to
tchatah J (
tehah ll shut up.
, Rev. 12, 61, to touch.
tchatu (?) , to burn, fire.
tchah , Thes. 1206, to crush;
Hh. 479, wand,
tchat-tu (?)
1"= f) ® Rev.; Copt. XA&, XO£, (?) rod, stick.

tchah rr to anoint, to smear; tchat U. 510,

Copt. XC0,P,.
T. 323, to stick an animal, to cut the
\> M ilfl (2

throat of a beast.

is fs AAAAAA
y urine.
rejoice; var, t& '

W 1 •
1 &s t0 order, to arrange, Tchatiu J ^Xx ( (| Tuat X, a
to command.
group of gods in the Tuat.

tchasa n TO, a wise or learned

tchatu I,!. 38,
man; see tchaas | (| 1
tchas I ~^x fl ^SX, plants, flowers, vege- , hall of
cH) rrX I I I (a) cm
a building, hall with pillars, audience chamber.
tables; var. I ( 1 ^X.
(Hi im 1 mi
tchatfau Rev- I3> 4°>
a kind of di 4 hi reptiles.
tchasu vessel (?)
tchatcha-t (?) kh"S
tchasfa J ^ Ijx n~^, J 1 ^
I I I l I Ci I <=±
^ -.nX> I si \\ estate, domain, landed property; plur.
to inaugurate a house or establish¬
1—I—1 I 1—1—1 1—i—i © 1—1—1
^ © i ’ <=> 111’ villi’ o 111’
tchasfait I c~zi 1, Jour. As.
(Ha ^ \\ Tchatcha-t ent aakhu
1908, 307, an establishment; Copt. XACCje.
, the domain of the spirit-souls.
Q a kind of cake
tchasha-t jj nn
bud O’ offering. Tchatcha t (?) Amentt
tchaqi the domain of Amend, i.e., the cemetery.

Tchatcha-t ent heh ^ ^O

tchaka iu#.c^'^eCx): the domain of eternity, i.e., the tomb.

tchakitcha.... Tchatcha-t tcheser-t 1 A 1 ^ ^ ,

Rev. 13, 4, gnat, midge ; Copt. X6KXIK. the holy domain, the cemetery, the Other World.

tchat I ° storehouse, warehouse, maga- tchatchau !>

heads, i.e., people,
(UaCm’ zine.
zine. the crowd.
TCH [ 901 ] TCH "'l

tchatcha © Tchatcha-t Anu I 0

I I Ciia tils tUs 08-
o ® B.D. i8a, Tern, Shu, Tefnut, Osiris, Thoth.
Rets-» 11^7?
Tchatcha-t Asar J J u-t-n , the
iiS?42i®-Ji®^- 11®^?$- court of judges of Osiris.
@, head; Copt. XU3X ; J, ^ ^_
Tchatcha-t up mitu I O
_a O
Methen 6, upon; Copt. P.tXIt.
tH) til)
I, B.D. i8g, Thoth, Osiris,
□ X
tchatcha-t l O,
U. 449, T. 257, Anubis, Astenu, the council of the judgement
O "1 KU/I

^ > Q. o of the dead.

Nl62-1321- i""! r*. rsir> () |) /'->>> VI. 7°°)
tils l 1 tilscSis W

a high official, chief of a company of priests, Tchatcha-t ur-t em Anu

O o
member of council or of a college, judge, etc. o P-577) the Great Council of gods
1 ©’ in Heliopolis.
Tchatcha-ti IV> ”92. the
0 (j 1—1—1
Tchatcha-t Pe-Tep (j ^ 1
two Chiefs or Judges.
D I B.pX i8d, Horus, Isis, Mesta, and
© □ ^ Hepi.
tchatcha-t J ^ i- Hh-334-
Tchatcha-t Naarrutf I
B-M- 447-I O i !’ Rec-
* tils d (Us
I1 3,1
var. _n_ (] ^ , B.D. 18,
28, 171, 1 0 J 0 Jj i, Rec. 36, 135,
t&j Hi I t^3 tiia
I and 20, Ra, Osiris, Shu, Bebi.
M’11^4^1-R<^ 30-193- ’’l
Tchatcha-t Rekhti I 0
tUs cs di m 1
ioi’ii'SlI i’Rec- 3I’ I73’ courtof ~9~9- ^ B.D. i8e, Horus, Isis, Anubis, Mesta,
judges, council of statesmen, board of guardians, 2 \\ W ’ Thoth.
college, board of overseers, the task masters of
the Other World, chiefs, foremen. Later forms Tchatcha-t Restau i ®
tHa O til) Hi I
0 ~Qr~ rsr\n B.D. 18j, Horus, Osiris, Isis,

are:ii2^i’IV'267'i2 tin 1 1 1 and another god.
0 !> 0 1 I 1, A ^
tji o tijj til) O ta .. I tils I I I Tchatcha-t khebs-ta I 0
tUs O tiii
u 0 1
tils tUs OO T
.I,* the double council.
% ^Tl | , B.D. i8h, three unnamed gods.

Tchatcha-t ur-t I ^ , IV, Tchatcha-t khesef-t Aapepi J | £

tils cJis I I I
1114, the Great Council, the Chief Council of
rQ ~ DO Wflih, Tuat in^the
a city or town. 1 1 1 L-J □ □ Si
divine judges who condemned Aapep.
tchatcha-t nesu (?) 0
tiia M Tchatcha-t Sekhem J £ J1—1—1 !
o 1 ^
tUs °IHi.
tils ¥ Hi I tils 14.21
-ft-. B.D.
18c, Osiris and Heru-
A.Z. 1900, 35, Royal College (?), Royal
Council (?) 0
Tchatcha-t tata-t, etc
[Jitii) I I I
tchatcha-t nesu (?) aa-t
iiSMi o
(F=a 1
Tuat VIII, the

n, B.D. 18 and 20, the great council of judges. gods who distributed rations to the dead.
j i< o
Tchatcha-t Abtu i 0 Tchatcha-t Tuat 0 O
I !=“□ ’
* tUjOtilj i\n
the Council of the Other World, the judges in
B.D. i8f, Osins, Isis, Upuatu, and
© JT Tet. the Tuat.
3 L 3
TCH [ 902 ] TCH ‘‘“'I

Tchatcha-t Tuat II Peasant 244, violent storm;

ciia 6a
ciia I—I—I
I—I—l Hi I C □
Tuat V, the judges of Time in the Tuat. *) 'vN I V^ AAAAAA j the moist wind from

Tchatcha-t Tetu (Tchetu) 0

tiJj O ciis
the north; | ) A C~"=^’ ^ Amen.
’ @<2» T I 11 4 \\ 21’ 3, I5-
& | B-D- i8b> 0siris> Isis,
£] j Jill JT Nephthys, ¥Horus.
Tcha B.D. 39, 18, a storm-god.

tchatcha I 0 A ^ , Thes. 1323, I

ea ea I_1 6a
tcha 'j Rec. 20, 40.
(a I I -n. (3 o l i Q \\
6a rr\\> I_I ta rr\s- \\ I_I ta ea C □

ment Stele 9, throne, throne-chamber, seat. tcha 2^'|. IV, 807, 2^

=-^, stick, staff, stalk.

tchatcha 1 1 ^ ^ s, walled places,

government offices. tcha ^ o, stalk> stem> ^aw,

B.D. 99, 16, a
E2 tZd part of a boat.
tchaa ^ ^ ^ ^
tchatcha-t , Leyd.
2 , '=U=^| ^ straw, weed.
Tap- 7, 13> lyre (?)

tchatcha-t I I 0 ^ Thes. 524, tchatcha ^ X n, IV, 36, to beat,

taeaa ^
0 , harp, zither, lyre. to strike; "U°=5| ^ , to knock at a door.

tchatcha-ti (?) | 0 J
harper. tehaa , to try, to test.

i=x, A jl /www, to fill with tchau a kind of fish.

_j 6ata aa/wva

water, to water.
tchab J, M. 689, seat, throne (?)
tchatchai AA
cJi cii
J\, Jour. As. 1908,

297, to break; Copt. XHX. tchab J| = j-0 |» finger.

tcha-t c^“=5| (j Rec. 27> 226, 29> tchab 2^| J O, to tally (?)

150, a kind of bird (?)

tchab-t ^>i|,
tcha cO = ^|,IV, 1157.
2l j e fj, Rec. 1, 51, 17, 146, varr. | o

teha J^jo , desert;

^ ^ [^, I_Q^j q> fuel, material for a fire;
e o , Genre 45.; Copt. X<LI6.
1 ^ Jol’ B'D' 147, I, 12, Leyd. Pap. 3, 11,
tcha ‘’I® , A-Z- 72, i°7> to roast
—meat(?) , animals’ dung for fuel.
3jo O

tchab ^ n ^ ^, Rec. 16,141, a kind

of seed used in making the incense Kyphi—

aspalathus (?)

Tehabu t j ^ \\\ (= 'j J

Amen. 5, 14, ^ l ) , Amen.

p'2&2’ M- 528.
3’ IJl Znt -^r3m’ N. 1106, gods with their hair llxxl w"7jj) ]
2^3 ^ aaaaaa ^, storm of wind ; >y ) V AAAAAA ^»W/

dressed (?)
TCH [ 903 ] TCH

toham 2^kl tchar .2^ Mar. Karn. 35, 60, °l—^

->*-> Rec. 26, 229, j,

7\ ’ 1 ReC‘ 3I’ IO’ i7^’
P. 1116 B. 6, 2Zj| 'j t\ } Rec. 26, 228, n"“'|

^'j, sceptre; plur. ^ ^|||> u- 474, ~ ^'j'j, Book of Breathings III, 13,

T. 233, P. 94, 6.9, N. .306, 'j ^ ( -€2^-, Roller 2, 6, ^ ^g^_,

N. 944, ^ Anastasi IV, 28, ^ A.Z. 2, 14,

!■• ^kMi-
^kSni’ 1 £J
B.D. (Saite)
30, 3.
'j ^2^-, Rev. 7, 23,

tchaamau (j^.U.5So,
j], Peasant 93, to test, to

try, to seek, to pry into, to investigate, to ex¬

T. 304, sceptres; see k plore, to look out for someone, to search into ;
Copt. X(JUp, XHp.
Tchamu , P. 645, 673,
Tchar khat j\ , B.D. 125,
692, M. 664, 767, N. 1279, 1311, the sceptres ^1
of the sons of Horus. III, 37, “searcher of the reins ”—a title of the
god of the Judgement.
Tchamu-ti , Tuat IX, a
\\ tchar 2^ (|p|, Rec. 16,159,
god with a serpent sceptre P
to sift.

Tcham en Anpu □ tcharu a sieve.

B.D. 96, 3, the magical sceptre of Anpu.
tchar-t x9r, twig branch; Copt
Tcham en tes j tnno, B.D. <> “ vl xrnuoXe (?)
125, III, 25, a magical sceptre called ^^ tchara 2^i (j H, B-D- *78> 28> fort>
fortress (?)

Tcharukha 2^ ^^ , Scarab

tcham | , Palermo Stele D, Amenhetep III, a city, situation unknown.

nssn, Roller 3, 8, ('trmS'), L,D. tchah prison.
III, 194, r^, 1 r^, r4n tchat
OOO f) o o o X o
2X o olive oil; Copt. XOCIT",

!, @ 0 t\ r^T)
OrtnflO ’ compare Heb. CPI, Syr.
0 v

, Arab, >

Rec. 6, 11, white-gold, a kind of precious metal; Eth. H.e-t':

1 ^*1 awww Iww, IV, 367, the finest tcham; Tchatt , a country in the
() O O O r- w._,
| , JV, 849, real tcham; j Sfidan which produced silver.

wvw ^ tc|1^m from ^ Dill-top. tchat (?) n~=5| ) iti ®. wind-

° 111 I ^ III’ F
storm, tempest.
tchamti (?) j , bowmen, tchatch V2X-,
to keep watch,
\\ •2^1 to observe.
fighting men.

lowtch ^ <&, S’
Tchamtiu !, B.M.32,442,
w blossom, flower; compare Heb. y^.
a class of fiends.
3 L 4
TCH [ 904 ] TCH
(3 o (3
tchuu °U*1l A,Z* I9°°’ I29> moun’
| (, A.Z. 33, 122
<=> I
tain; see tu ^ ; Copt TOOT. e ThHHTCj, <= !»
@ I
tchua-t g, ^7| q, the period of I I I
Rev. 13, 39, wherefore? because of what? Copt,
culmination of a star; var. A O.
c=l o e The.

T. 292, the name

Tehua ^ or title of a god.
Rev. 12, 119, punishment, retri¬
EdfCi I, 81, a title
Tchun ^ \f of the Nile-god.
bution in a bad sense.

tcheb ® 5
tcheb, tcheba , U. 229, . L=J]’

f,, .1
5, A%^ Rec'5’96’to clothe’t0
dress, to dress up, to deck (of the living), to
bandage, to provide with grave-cloths, bandages,
(c) , w_, © etc. (of the dead).
@ crw^i to supply, to furnish with, to tcheb j |5j_, j 5, J^5, a kind
\\ £ Jf equip, to provide, to decorate.
of stuff or garment;
tcheba-t P. 584,^ j veils or bandlets.
M. 401, equipment, decoration.
tchebuit A JK' A Lfune'
Q=ED Rec. 3, 46, food,
tcheb <3
ill’ provisions.
rary wrappings and other equipment.

tcheb-t , p. 614, M. 780, N. 1137,

tcheb, tcheba
(s> \\ C“=>,
J 1, to give something in cm
place of something, to restore, to replace, to 1st. m. n’
indemnify, to supply, to pay for, to discharge
a debt or obligation, to requite, to reward, to U3
barter, to exchange ; Copt. TUOCohe. , funerary box or coffer, coffin,
to pay, to requite, to
AJJ reward.
sarcophagus, the coffin chamber; plur.

\, @
: !>
1 1 1
; Heb. niLT), Copt, oehl; see
A ^! ’ A j payment’ reward> 0 B.D. 189, 22, he who
recompense, remuneration, price, bribe; J tcheb-ti
\\’ is coffined, i.e., dead.
. Jour. As. 1908, 279, place of A.Z. 1905, 41, a
’ retribution. Tchebti god.

tcheb The in e The (Rev.).

teheb AJD^-AJB-AJ
tcheb — er tcheb : L=d, IV, 814, Rec. 13, 203, ©

A.Z. 1900, 28, Rec. 31,

, in return for, because
J<4 ^iUe3
of, instead of; later forms are
147 , , Metternich Stele 41,
TCH [ 905 ] TCH "1

, to block up, Tcheb ' 1’ Tuat lib a dog-headed

to obstruct, to stop (a canal) to be blocked up. god; see Tebi.

a kind of cage of wicker¬ ^ tcheb

tcheb work.
tcheba J,
tchebu A TTr A 1k *|, the number 10,000;

lattice work (?) the woodwork of a fishing
or hunting net. plUr- 111- 1 '!’ )lli; lili HI Ml’ Dream
Stele 23, myriads, thousands, hundreds, tens;
tchebu ^ J ^ j ^ , Copt. T-ft-A. ^

IV, 663, J , Anastasi I, 267, part of y J—4

tcheba )- y
a chariot; compare Heb. 1^.
Jl’l’l 1 C ^men- TI’13, -ibid. 17,7,

tchebu J X i ® m> A'Z' finger; dual J 0'j'j, P. 196,420, M. 602,

■907. 125, AJ Rec. 4, 126, j N. 859, 1207, >j'j, U. 430; plur. j-—3

^ ^1, flowers, foliage, garden arbour; varr. '|'|V|, U. 480,T. 246, N. 1293, ^ J-o')H

ofti)!)%=J(]()^; AJM
V Jib lit 111,!,'HVi-’lJ-'Vrt
tchebau J 7^4’ fingers of iron ; Heb.

Arab. Copt. THk, TKH^e, Syr.

tohebAi^’ ono
rcT-V-), Eth. : Plur- :
J1 £ n’ \> ^_n > to Pierce> to stab > ) o N. 302, the name
tcheba Set nmu’ of an offering.
Tcheba (?) 1 J), 1 ^ , god of
tchebtcheb A w \\

, to pierce, to stab; varr. |J j ,

Tcheba ur en Sekri ^ \\

B.D. 153A, 7, the pole of the net of the

tcheb ^<=6—, ^ , javelin, spear,

©, A.Z. 1879,
Tchebau en Heru-semsu
harpoon; plur.
1 1 r
, B.D. 99, 20, the
2i, the chain or rope attached to a harpoon.
paddles of the magical boat
tcheb-t T. .63,
Tcheba en Sekri V
mini, M. 176, brick, seal; dual JJ ^
B.D. 153A, 17, the name of a part of the magical
™ »two bricks> double seal; plun ^ J nmn I ’
Tcheba en Shesmu ^
IV, 765; 1111111 ', bricks, ingots
/r5 111 o ° |
B.D. 153B, 5, the name of a part of the
of gold; ^ J “ I fjf] Thes- ,287’ magical net.

ruined brickwork ; Copt. TCnfie. Tchebaui en tepu aa Ra

Tcheb yj! = jy# J"1 ® ^ RD‘I53A’ I9’the namG
, Rec. 26, 132, a god. of two parts of the net of the Akeru-gods.
^ TCH [ 906 ] TCH ■*-}
Tchebaui netcherui tchefu drop oX water.
B.D. 153A, 19, “grasping fingers”—a name of
two parts of the magical net. tcheftchef ^ ^ ^
tcheba ) 0 'l —0
I £ L-fl’ I (2 2 , A.Z. , to drip, to sprinkle,

I9°5> 19> ^ ^ 'l ^ to seal, to be to pour out, to drop tears ; OOfMo-

Litame 47.
sealed; Copt. TAJOCufie.
tchef ^ O = , the Pupd of the
tcheba ^ seal; ^ J_a

1 <-£c l<great seal”i j -_a 'j

DO tcheftchef-t , a disease of

“little seal,” U. 583, N. 963. the eye, rheum of the eyes (?)

tchebai-t 8. iv, 1072, Tchef-en-utchat /wvaaa ^ ^

o [ '1^9 I god.

IV, 1044, ) gA ) Q, Q tchefa u. 202, ^ ^ o, t. 79,


UlJ,--V8.=liJ--)s.)TaS’ 331, M. 232, OOO’

seal; plur. 'j g j, A.Z. 45,124, 'j-g ; j, P. 102, M. 90, N. 620, 621, ^ (EEED, ^

A.Z. 1899, 86, g |, IV, 209, seal rings,

1 1 1
seals of office; Copt. T&fte, Heb.
Assyr. ti-im-bu-‘-u -{< ^-yy ^ ^^y ^yyy
(Winckler, El-Amarna, 24, 2, 20),and tim-bu-u-bi
1 1 1
CF=0 o , food,
tyyyt r: (Rawlinson, C.I.W.A. V,
celestial food or offerings.
26, 7, Obv. 4).

tchebatiu 8 I, IV> IIl6» keeper of tchef U ^ to provide with

o l’ seals, treasurers.
food, to supply with offerings.
Tcheba ^ Jj_—a g | Jj, Tuat I,god
Tchef Ombos I, 186, one of the 14
of the seal (?)
kau of Ra.
tcheba J-0 8 trouble, Tchef , the Food-god; fern. Tchefit
misery ^ v\, Dream Stele 37,
0 01-
troubled; Copt. XCJofi.
Tchef ^ 0mbos X> 85> a god of
\\ offerings.
tcheba-tf?) 'l 0 Rev- I2’ IO> instanti
I O’ Copt. xen(?)
Tchefit J, ©, B.D. no,

tcheba 1 35, a goddess and a locality in Sekhet-Aaru.

^^ a plant or wood used in making
-—u kyphi incense. tchef ^"0 ^ , a kind of tree.

tcheba-t JJ ~ (^j, roasted food,

tchef wretchedness, misery,

tchebu ^ J ^ 1 , revenue, income, sadness; Copt. XCOq, Xiq.

tchebha A ^ .x ,t0 tear out> to rip tchefi ^ (Id y\, t0 be agitated, to

H C=/]’ open. —t 11 tremble.

tchepeh | Jp apple; Heb. rPlS.Pl. tcheftchef J\, to patter with

the feet, to walk with quick short steps.

tchef J'*' = ^ to spit, to

eject moisture. tchefi-t d [j ^ a piace of trembling

*—11 ID)’ in Amenti.
"1 TCH [ 907 ] TCH

tchefen aaaaaa , A.Z. 1906,124,^^ tchena-t (] ,. U. 418, C1~l (1
l £>’ MWM , I U I WMAM 1 \

to rejoice; see tefen 3. ? , t. 238, ''I (I r Rec- 26> 79, (1

1 U /WWW \ I N- MAAAAA \ 1

r -u• j „ fl ^ © ibid. 29, 156,

tchefen il, i3 r>3, to beget.
^-M!;i2IOkn’ dyke.

tchefen CZZi) child, offspring; >eZZj) tchena-t (1 P. 222,

AAAAAAA 1 y» \ A*V*AA "

Q I /WWVA O , a festival of the last quarter of the

j, Rec. 15, 152, 0(g p, Rec. 33, 3,4-
month Q1 r C^3’ Rec- 3D 3D l6l>
L 1 1 1
tchefenti ^
h_( d
\\ n
a fatue- fi«ture
of an ancestor.
tchena-t U. 546, vase, vessel (?)

tchefet-t ^ cy^’,
instruments, tools,
tchenau weapons.
pupil of the eye; see , B.D. ioi, 4-

tchenu "’"”4 0 U. 201, AAWW | ■<5.

tchefetch B.D. ioi, 4,
T.78. q , N. 610, , T. 331,
pupil of the eye ; > Thes. 1200. 0
a kind of tree.

tehem ^ , sceptre.
Tchennntt u- 458, a

tchem (?) , a pair of wings. serpent-fiend in the Tuat.

tchennut (tchent) attack,
tchems ^ 11, a kind of bird.

a o o o wrath, anger, angry; see £5, and j)

tchemten W\ AWVAA =
o m WAAAA Copt, xcortrT.
, a substance used in making incense.
tchenben 2]^ J 7Z’ article of'tribute,
Tchemtch-hatnt CZ <0,
tchenp □ \\ , to cut, to divide.
Tomb of Seti I, one of the 75 forms of Ra WWW \ \

(No. 43).
tchenp-t D Rec. 27,219.
tchen (WAAAAA I
, round about, near (?) WWW \

tchenf u 1, Rosetta Stone 38, cere¬

tchen \? X , to advance in a hurry.
monies performed in honour of someone.
tohen-t ^ LI
n> Aobject,
k: \8"’ 9S’ 1
Cl a title of Isis
weapon cor tool. Tchener-ti and Nephthys.
c, ^ <=^ | AAAAAA

tchenn-t | j A ,
A/WWA I WWW ^ ^ £j
tchenh S T. 187, M. 785,
top of the head, skull, the head and gills of a WWW \ /'

fish. U. 492, P. 192,

*WWA \

tchennu-t ^ °
, Rev. 6, 26, °U1 | P. 615, M. 364, N. 916, wing, pinion;
www. v (2 I
ft) O . . "Uosv 0 Q |
dual , U. 362 ; plur.
, threshing floor; plur. 1
\> I _ (2 V
. 11 MWM \

Amen1.19, 8, *'WA ' Rec. 31, 21; Copt.

V 111 S’N- p-^°’
tchena ^ Q U. 418, ^ [1 ^
_{ 1 -- > ' tchenh ”)| ft J, to invade, to attack.
nr-)-i; , T. 238, to cut through (?) MWMV ' '
TCH [ 908 ] TCH

tchenh-t ^^ ^eam) Part °f tcher-t c^. *

<^3, u. 3, 550, T. 29, 32 ,
P. 613, M. 781, N. 179, 1138, palm of the
aship; 2dI^T7?’b-d' »*» hand; Copt. TOOT.
tchens n—,!| jl jj, weight, heavy; see tchera-t B ( , Rec. 31, 30, hand.

tens ^ P ] i “ P ] mnn. Tcher-t B , T. 308, the Great Hand

in heaven; compare the hand [ '~~1 ) !,
Tchenti ^\\2/ £§’ ^ Litanie in Tuat X. ^ ° ~ '
68, a form of the Sun-god Ra.
tcher J,, when,
Tchenti ^ ^j, Tomb Seti I, a
since, whilst, as; wX B , Rec. 14,12,because;
two-headed god—one of the 75 forms of Ra.
, Rev.
tchentlia Xlj cd» throne, throne- AAAAAA
tcher enti, tcher entet B
room; see
and ° ^ dJ- B aa/ww ^ —* *—1 W
, B , Rec. 4, 31, because.
^ AAAAAA \^>/
<d> o a
tchent ^ ^ u. 96, N. 374, tcher , B , to be near the limit or
1377» P. 631, 662, 689, M. 773, boundary, by the side of something, near;

B> R 43b M. 617, N. 1222.

e-=^» T- 2?6’ ( jj Rec. 30, 194, 32,

85, Hh. 414, £—/l, Rec. 26, 230, tcher, tcheru B , u. 520, T. 329,

to attack with violence, to* rage against. ^ u- 521, JX T. 330,

M. 701 (bis), ^^,£55, ^£^3, B

Tchentru t- ‘98.27<>.
border, boundary,
N. 1294, "'"'I ^ > P- 679. "'“I ^
„ AAAAAAA V <_> -J 1 \ <1 AAAAAA :

,, M. 40, N. 68, a god (?) limit; plur. B IV, 620, B

1 1 1 1 1
@ 1
B^, B !j B
Tchenttchenter c==;:' f^|£, 1 1 1
P. 301; see Jr 1 11 <=>(2 1 11 ’
, limit of the earth; 9 ©
, =-
tchentch , wrath, anger, angry,
Aaaaaaa \ JT* \
B , limitless eternity; ^ <=:=>
fury, attack; see tchentchen and tchent. WWW <-> AAAAAA __0 /f


B.D. 180, IV, 426, limitless; B \

Tchentchen ^ ^ £ I I I AAAAAA
AA*W*A V [*««]( , ’ n, a god.
B 2=j=£, unlimited; __a B , T, 271, P. 22,
tchentchen ^ ^ Ml. Rec. 32,
M. 33, N. 123, without limit; ( B ^
g5> X L=/l, B.D. 39, 12, to attack
AAAAAAA V AAAAAAA \ L_i boundless; Copt. T<Lp, XHp.
with violence; see e^=^ac~‘
teller B onra, a Protecting door, a boun-
<cr> ’ dary door.
tchentchenn ^ ^ the attackers tchera B ( ; , boundary; Copt. 'THp.
AAAAAAA \ AAAAAAA \ O besiegers

tchentchen-t ^ ^ |1 Rec. 3b 26 tcher B, B I, B / b Rev. 11,

AAAAAAA ’ l <=> V v attack

tcher-t ^j],Coptos 8,6, bread

143, all, the whole; plur. B ”v\ ;

food, sustenance.
111^1 & ^m’ aH the gods; Copt- XHP-
TCH [ 909 ] TCH

tcher B _ er tcher B^, to B 0 . B

<r=> \\
the limit of, all; <rr> B , all of it; Copt, B ° , Js^i,
THpq; <rr>
B > (WWW
, U. 405, all of .you;.


U. .31, N. 439; <=>

^ 1 , all thy desire;

O 1

ft —.
vL *? Nesi-Amsu i, i, the two ances¬
tresses Isis and Nephthys.

U. 461.
Tcher-aakhu |, Tuat VIII, a

tcher-a iv, 1074, '^~n, IV, god of the Circle Sehert-baiu-s.

1x43, before. Tcher-atf ^ > B.M. 46631, a god.

tcher bah ^B^^=u), | □ cs Q

Tcherit-pet (?) B , Ombos
• V-4 C)
(c=xD, from of old; ^B^ II, 133, a goddess.

=B> j^i, ancestors.

tcher-t <==> , U. 572, P. 475, 673,

tcher ha-t <=U=^ <==^', from the beginning.

N. 1262, B o T. 381, hawk, falcon,

vulture, kite, glede; plur. j=fo ^

tcher-ti ^B^qbelonging to olden
T. 77 ; Copt. Xp£.
time, he who is of olden time.
teller B Peasant 243, 280, Rec. 32,
tchertiu <B^^ ^ ! , Tombos Stele 15 ,
78,^^, to bring to an end, i.e., to finish,
IV, 344, to fashion, to construct, to make an end of, i.e.,
’ B «
ancestors, forbears, predecessors, beings, human to destroy.

or divine, of ancient time; B !, Rec. tcher ^ ^ /1. Rec- 2I. 39

to bandage, to tie up, to envelop; ^B .-30
x6. xo9, ^ ! ^-\.ReC'3'Il6’anCegS0tS1
M. 426, bandaged, swathed = ^ ^ 1
tohertcheru 0* j, B.M.
T. 268, buried; Copt. XtuX.
5645, Rev. 2, ancestral gods.
tcher-t ^B^ oppression, restraint.
tehertcheriu ^ft^ftj (
coffin, chest, coffer.
Tcher, Tchera-t ft, [ ® o , Tcherut(?) ^B^q 1 , Rec. 31,

ft gn® , “ancestress”—a ^
title of Isis and
163, a group of gods.
_ * I d C_i

of Nephthys both of whom were represented as

tcheri-t ft Q, ft ® ft Mf.
women, cows or birds, i.e., hawks, vultures, etc. c—*1—1 <—> nr~D <=>11 n
chamber, store, dwelling, private room, shrine,
Isis was the “ Great Ancestress,” [ (£
tcheru B A.z. 45, 133, B.D. 144,
^fj, and Nephthys the “Little Ancestress,”
r\ ,-cn AA/WV\

^, Osiris 27, rump, chine; B B-D-
Tcher-ti ft • , u. 313, 448,
18, I, 2, the divine rump of Osiris; Copt.
, T. 256, P. 473. M- 539. XUOpI.

B 0 tchertcherui
N-1118’jLvo’Jlv o \\
TCH [ 910 ] TCH

tcher-ti <^> belonging to the back

tchera-t & (1 Q , ft [
ci JT^ ’ or rump.
wall, palisade, wooden palings for defence; plur.
tcheru B* 565, skull,
B f) w" , Leyd. Pap. 2, 10, B [
q 1 1 1
tcheru B ®0,a circuit
wall of a building.

tcherui (?) B ^ 11, Rec- , 48, the two 3 tchera-t B (Bhfj IV’ io57, coffer’
<rr> 1 LIU’ funerary chest.
v <rr><2. halves of a mould.

tchertcher B O B O, N. 690 = tchera-t B f , domicile.

1 tru
B o,' m. 172. tchera-ti Jfsfl ^ L.D. ill, i94, 32,

part of a temple court.

2 (2 <2 tchera b.m. 5645, Rev.
< . o
■C™ , ochre, coloured
(2 3, stupid, arrogant.
earths used ir

tcherut tke ° ft ® ° ft ■= °
-21 111 <-Z_> a 111 <_> a 111
teheratchera ft [ ft ;
small balls. (| Jfc (| \ V j§>; var. v_, (j, ^ 1 , to
boast, to talk an alien speech.
tcheru B ^ B crocodiles.
tcherau j^(| B.D. 145, 77, the
Tchera ( ^j, Rec 30, 66, a god.
lower part of the body.

Tchera-t B ( Ci, B.M. 46631, consort tcheri-t B (]( BJ(

of ( ; see tcher-t

tchera-t 0 , M. 665, N. 1281; <B>o^.^

T. 381, vulture, kite, glede;
Copt. Tpe.
tcheritcheri B (( B
Amen. 26, 11, to boast (?)
tchera _ftj e^j,
tcheru <B>^'^, B.D. 172, 17, vul¬
( C : fi’ . ^ t0 worli, to finish,
ture, kite, glede ; Copt. Tpe.
to complete, to execute, to be complete 01
Q aamm mi r\ p
tcherp ^ D , see «a_c.
B^ ( L.D. Ill, 194, <=>l a_d □
a kind of seed or
32, finished, /.<?., hewn stones. tchernit i 1 1 1 grain.
tchera B Q%\L=Z1, B ( L=fl, tcheres B H crm B.D. 64, 19, cham-
ber (?) room (?)
A.Z. 1868, 112, B ) ,
to constrain, to use strength, to enclose or im¬
tchert .W
qualities, attributes.
prison, to fortify.
tchertiu B ^
tchera B L=3 [j, IV, 660, strong one
sicians ; Copt. T"(JUpe.
MM- mu-

or thing; |\ B h © , A Z■ T9°5,
<rr> 1 IS very, very. tchert (?) , a powerful bird,

tchera B Q H, Thes- I289, Iv> IQ87, &

vulture, hawk, eagle (?)
<czr> 1 EnS wall, fort.
4 TCH [ 911 ] TCH 4

tchertch }, Rec‘ Tcheher ^ vyji , a proper name; in

Heb. NlTi, Ungnad, Aram. Pap. 20.

''’“=4^11 B.D. 149, a ser¬
tchertcher Bt ^ ^, Rec. 36, 202, pent in Aat VII.

& ft , to be foreign or alien. tches se^i

, himself; |1 , herself;
tchertchera-t B* B* . I) - \ p-
^ -M- n AAAAAA
iii6b, 29, strange or foreign speech. www U. 3 <8, 'WAAA, I ^1)
1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 —“— \

tchertcheru , foreigner,
themselves; ^ P ^, myself; ,
alien, boaster.
^ 1^6, thyself; ^ 1s==j, U. 319, i),
tchertcheru B 1, Pap.
n-°5^ 1 , IV, 346, thyself (fern.).
3024, 117, B B , Rec. 36, 202,

boasters, those who assume rank to which they tches 1 Q , seal;

AA/VW\ \
are not entitled. Q : , royal seal.
tchertcheru B B leaves of trees,
Q <=> 1 1 1 foliage. tches =l*=!| to cut, to divide,

tcheh I, 98, a kind

tches \^ knife; plur.

of stuff, girdle; f or ^ ^ j( (?) p* 3°3- MU c^x.

1 ; var. tes —.
\ 11 1 ‘ mm]
tcheh, tchehti ”U5| | ^ 111, U. 600,
tchestches ^ to knife, to

^ °> D&rets 48, | | hack in pieces, to chop up; 1\ ,

double knife (?)
Ab 'inA ^
Copt. T<L£/T.
tchestches p p, u- 45s • • • •

Tchehtcheh ^ f ^ f , Tuat I, an tches n^j P 0, pot, vase, water-jar; var.

ape-god; var. | c^. |.


tcheha | n , an animal. Tcheses iTj) j), B-D- (Saite) 45> 3°>

—++— ' £l a goddess.

tchehau Hh. 437, tchesau^pfj^.N-™^,

leather straps (?)
tchesu ^ T. 355, p. s, 70,
tchehaua |_a P. 662, 782,
M. 10, 101, N. 7, 114, 175, ^ M. 826,
M. 774 .
to hail, to greet, to address, to question;
w 611.
, Rec. 33, 37, 34, 179, "iPV
■ "if w tchesp ^ O Suppi. 1385-
f □ Q III
A &•ibid 29-144> 41 “ I- 4f ^
Tchesef B.D. 146, the doorkeeper
^j, the god Thoth; Copt. OOCTlfT. of the 9th Pylon.

tcheher ^ <^7>> leather strap; plur. tchesef , fire, heat.

tchesef ^ , vase, vessel, pot.

TCH [ 912 ] TCH

(2 Tuat IX, the gate

tchesef | ^ ^ /[, b.d. 63B, 4, Tchesrit
to Tuat X.
B.D. 153A, 2, 18, 25, 30,
Tcheseru ^ p J^twi, Rec. 33,
(3 ^, B.D. 1S3A, 6, to tie, to bind (?) the “ holy country,” i.e.,
•"1 W7 the Land of the Dead.
tcheser ^ |1 W, T. 29, P. 76, M. 106,
a V <=> <=> W7 o
Tchesertt <=* ,
^ ^ [1 <=^>, T. 175, ^ p \^), P. 121, <=>Qr£M] C
the necropolis.

M. 157, P<^> Rec- 26’ 228> Tcheser-t 0 B.D. 81 b, 5, a name

<—r> r\rvo’ of the Tuat.
Metternich Stele 51, P ^ /|, \ Q /?
tcheser-t <z> o, u. 90, w , N. 367,
j, Si w^fl’ to be
beautiful, to beautify, to hold in honour, to to1 E-T* *’ 53’ ^ P ^O’ Q0’ ^
V-^7 , a kind of sacrificial drink; 0 ,
account holy; , to make a good <cz> a III
road, to prepare a path. O , vessels of “holy” or “exalted” drink.

tcheser- ic=*^ “■"I""0, holy of hand;

tcheser-t ^ £©© U; 47 w7 pp
• ^_fl, holy of arm; $rfi, of holy
N. 277, a table of holy offerings.
creation; J „ <~—>
W7 , a beautiful, i.e.,
Tcheserit ^ a name of" t^ie R>’e
of Horus.
holy,place; magnificent; L-Zl
\\ Tcheserit B-D- IIO> 37, a
L=J, Rec. 29, 153.
S'-'l goddess in Sekhet Aaru.

tcheser , IV, 357, splendour, mag¬ Tchesera-aru (?) (j O Den-

nificence, glory, splendid rank, exalted honour; derah IV, 79, a bull-god.
%=*? X !, high W7-
plur. ^ i j, iv, 967, Tcheser-a ^
honours, splendours (of the sun), holy things, a title of the god Amen.

tcheser-t ° j, holy things. Tcheser-em-per-f, etc.

Denderah IV, 61, a
tchesern ^ U. 474,
q n

M. 767, Rec. Tcheserit-hent HD

W7 5tVm /WWW O ’
Ombos II, 131, a goddess.

Tcheser-seshetait w7 n\n

W7 1W1, Rec. 33, Berg. II, 9, Thes- 28, 3D

28, a holy place or country. D.E. 20, the goddess of the 9th hour of the
day and of the 6th hour of the night; var.
tcheser c~n, Jy»Rec- 4,137,
w7 n Tk o ©', Denderah III, 24.
the “ splendid ” hall of a house or temple, chapel. o
Tcheser-tcheseru iv, 381, Tcheser-tep n ™ ,V. 510,
■w’ J ’

548, w7
!V,9x9, W<==>^cr-zi, IV, , T- 311, 323,
422, “splendour of splendours” or “holy of
Mill 'Twain, B.D. 125, II,
holies”—the name of the temple built at Der W7
al-Bahari by Hatshepset. one of the 42 assessors of Osiris.
TCH [ 913 ] TCH ^

Tcheser-tep-f ^ , Rec. tcheti

ti-^q , Kubban Stele 16,
3°> 194, one of the 42 Assessors of Osiris.
n'=! 0(1 °, A,Z> I9°5i 33> something spoken,
1 1 word, saying.
Tcheser-teta ^ 0,
tchetu speaker, spokes¬
T. 309,son of man.

tcheser-t Vj, the name of a plant.
Tchet ^ U. 372,
U. 374, the Divine Word, speech deified.
tcheser Q n, a measure = 4 palms =
^U ’ 16 fingers.
Tchet-t-ur-t <^>, M. 487,
tchet ^ O, ^ tfat , unguent; see
N. 1254, P. 273, 489, the “great
'O O; S
^ '
OV f Q A-
an making
T1- UV t!?
kyphi. word” personified, a form of Isis of Busiris
(Berg. I, 35).
tcheteb ^ ^ t0 sting (of a scor-
tchet-t ^ ^ star’ *he .time of the
c=\ O’ culmination of a star,
the holy worm. tchet-t o Q, olive tree; plur.

Tchet -s n^S5| —«—, Tuat XI, a serpent-

goddess who was reborn daily.

\ !' it a “4"!; Heb' ni?> Arak
Copt. xoerr.
tchet ^, mark of quotation ; Copt. xe.
tchettu ^^ °, olives.
to speak, to say, to declare, to tell, to narrate; tchet jj, p. 92, | css, M. 121, n-=5|^)

Copt. XCO ; ^ , to make a speech; N. 699, T7 ) , to be stable, to be

<z=> =U==^) introduces a quotation; Copt. permanent, abiding, established firmly, lasting,

X6 ; ( =U=^, T. igi, P. 676, N. 1288, to

announce or declare a name; 1 ^ ( ( , to u. 255.

read a report, to tell news; f j, IV, 1031, tchett jj C=^, M. 252, lasting, en¬
\ I ' 1 I

to tell a lie; v—^ (j(j otherwise said,

during; ^ ft % jk jk jk, N. 699, ft

tchett ^ to speak, to say. tR ° P. 92, M. 121, N. 699, those

n o’ who are permanent, lasting.
tchett-t IV’ l65, something
<== { a spoken, tchet jj, jj c=s^, jj, stability, as in

tchet metu ^ jj, P. 405, M. 578,

the group jj |, “life, stability, serenity.”

to recite
tchet-ta ft « ] (|, an enduring Person
O * l\ 0 1 or thing.
formulae; Y) j] , ® N- 8g6, P‘ l83, Mil’
P. 467, 470, “recite the formula four times. tchettchet ftft, Thes. 1285,
\ \ L\ IA
ji gitk n it® w ,
tchet-t , word, speech, language; plur. w3 to be per¬

sayings, proverbs, aphorisms; manent, stable, abiding, enduring; jj jj ^ ( , en-

j, Sayings of the Fathers; during; jjjjj^> I jj; varr. A_a —a

□ I &_fl’_a
speech of Negroland,
1 Sfidani language.
3 m
TCH [ 914 ] TCH ^

Tchetchi jj { jj , the “stablished tcheta Ebers PaP- 76> 20»

one,” or he of the Tchet pillar, i.e., Osiris.

Rec. 4, 134, some-

tchetchit jj jj [j[ o •
5 thing established. , fat,
3D l6> '
firm, solid.
tchet-t , grave, tomb, sepulchre. © fattened
tchetau (?)
■O 1’ geese.
tchetu (?) , pillars or parts of
1 1 1 Tchetun ft ft Hh J) , Mission 13, 51, a
pillars; llll Rec. 30, 66.
Sftdani god; see

tchet , I jj H
, , the sacred pillar tchetuh (?)
or tree trunk which was worshipped in certain
parts of the Delta in predynastic times, and with tcheteb-t jj [ J ^ Q t=r_=3] ’ P‘
which the backbone of Osiris was subsequently
21 8, a kind of building, store (?) ; plur. ^J
tchet ft, ft 1 , an amulet that was sup- snn,p-6°9- ^
• il ii nnm
posed to endue the wearer with the permanence tcheteb ^ J Rec. 35,58, j
and stability of the backbone of Osiris; jj^, , Metternich Stele 55, 73, J L=d,
the backbone of Osiris, the sacrum bone.

Ombos I, 186, one of the 14

Tchet g jfj,
kau of Ra. \ P to stick with a knife
CS\ J\ k \ \ \

or spear, to stab, to pierce, to wound, to sting,

Tchetti g g (||j |j , g ^ l]l) ^ j?).
B.D. 1, 13, a title of Osiris. to bite (of a reptile); =*""==!| a^ stuck,
0 a goddess, a form of
Tchetit f
O ’ Hathor. tcheteb ’’l 1(2(1, 1’
w sting of an insect.
Tchetut (?) jj jj 4)^] ^Jj » Denderah III,
Tchetbi ^ J (| (j, Tuat IV, ^ J (] (j
25, the two goddesses of Tchet-t (Busiris).
the serpent-guardian of the Gate Neb-t-
Tchetu jj ^ o, M. 121, jj ^
tcheteb J , a kind of fish.
000, P. 92, the “stable ones” in the Tuat;

tcheteb ^ j to collect, to gather


Tcheta-t fL, P. 189, M. 354, Tchet-pa-neter-auf-ankh


, N. 906, a lake in the Tuat. 1 _ a tEe0iet^Ca^

name which is probably the equivalent of
<(* Berg. I, 18, a dog-
Tchet-heft n^Q (Gen. xli, 45), the name given to
^’ god.
Joseph by Pharaoh.
Tchetit-tent f , Tuat V, a AAAAAA
an iron tool or
o III’ • tchetpu ^ ^ instrument.
goddess who lived on the blood of the dead
tchetf-t ‘ mm,
tchet ft S t0 shine> light, brilliance, w
" Ji ftV radiance.
n^) , worm, serpent; plur. TIMA !;
Anastasi I, 11, 4, ^(T5Mn ^ I
tchet-tu Copt. x<*/rqe.
1 1 1 ’ blinded, dazzled.
TCH [ 915 ] TCH

8 dagger, stilus,
tchetf-t tchetter M. 149, ^
H’ scraper.
Tchetf-t 2^) ■LQ^, B.D. no, a

boat in Sekhet-Aaru. tcheteh ^ Israel Stele 16, n“'^

<® x
tchetem Q ...0, , Rec. 17,
lv> 767-^t eU

j47, n \>\>^>iv>iq76, o
a heap, a measure, a vessel full of something ; £), P.S.B. 10, 49, <2?!
°U=5| ^ j, a mass of food or grain;
Rev. ,3, 52>
gj, a vessel filled with something.
, to tie, to bind, to constrain,

tchetem-t ^ ^ ^^ ^ ^ ■ to shut in, to imprison ; Copt. XCOT^.

^ j bundles of vegetables, bunches tchethu-t

of grapes, etc.
<=!_ O f\ /
Rec. 21, 96,
^ n prison, place
tchetem ^ 1-^-3 \ /\ /! 1_—■ ’ of restraint.
lj’ Met_
ternich Stele 189, tcheteh (?) , produce, food.

to stab, to stick, to sting (of a scorpion). tchetek hat O A.Z. 1872,

1 ’ 33.
Tchetmit Q Q ^, fuat X) a,1lght' AAAAAA
AAAAAA 1 • 1
11 goddess, tchetku , a kind of lake.
tcheten =U=,| o , to be hot, fire.
tchetteh , Rev., prison,

tche^na 5, a kind of cloth, restraint; Copt. rT<LrT(P,0.

tcheteh (?) B.D. 174, 18,

tchetnu O ^edUundi kind of standard (?)

3 M 2
[ 917 ]




1.pu 6. Neheb (?)

■s* a

2. Ska iu 7. Uatch-nar (?) <o<

3. Khaau(?) 8. Mekha
4. Tau 9.a
5. Thesh
i •~-~j


10. Nar-mer b p 11. Tchar (?)

1 [e the “ Scorpion ” V_T‘

o / rzzn
12. Men, Mena (Mtjvr)s) \ 110 |j; <=>-, \

13. Atet I t o y o n^J HETrrN 14- Atet II 1 0 Hn 1

l oU &' PB l oH J- (? KevKevrjs) *-\J£±
15. Ata, or Atati, or Atet III (?) (Onei'e^r?? ?) ^j. /wwv\
16. Semti (Ouctok^cuSos)

h2 O ^ ^ 1 ^ w 1 -I T

5—c fl EE
17. Merpeba (Mic/Sis)
^ " J
I □ - QO.

1 AAAAAA h 11 - m (253 • ia smerkha(?)
Hu or Nekht
‘f » « %} AAAAAA

mQei*u ^G3Di’ eiiQJIBD

Horus Names of Kings of Dynasty I:—

20. Khent Ta [f[|] ■;=

uEz cz.
A- 22. Qa-a
lE name was y www Sen.

21. Tchet At ^ IP)- 23. Ka u

3 M 3
[ 918 ]

24. Baiu-neter 1 Q ^ ( 25. Batchau (BorjOos)


26. Ka-kau (Katex^s) 1 ° ( U9! ^

rc=u) J

27. Ba-n-neter (BiVcofyns) AAAAAA
zz J | Q ( 1

28. Uatchnes (TXa?) 1 ° C I

29. Senta (Se^eV^s)

30. Nefer-ka I, or Nefer-ka-Ra I ^

"““DJ* 1.11CZ}

31. Nefer-ka-Seker
1 El* M (EED &■

Horus Names of Kings of Dynasty II

41. Neter khat 1 ° i
Tcheser I ’ T AA/VWV xl y <n^>

I .1 CmEI ^ 42- Tcheser Atet IV

n> (?) l AAAAAA

1 CH $ 43‘ Neb_ka 11 (Neb-ka-Ra II) U

1 ^ jfo^ul. 44. Setches 1 ° 45. Nefer-ka-Ra II

“•?u (?uni) GET] • i


[ 919 ]
Horus Names of Kings of Dynasty III:—

47. Kha-ba Q 48. Ka-Heru (?) u

49. To this dynasty, too, belongs the king whose name has been read Ahtes,

Su-hetes, and pn Stnh.


1 A
50. Seneferu
_JS’ o

51. Khllfu (Xe'cnjj)

52. Tchet-f-Ra or Tet-f-Ra 1 ° ( O
T /wyyv\ _

53. Kha-f-Ra
(Xecpprjv, K€<f>prjv)
i o n m f^Ep. it 03
o ULJ ^
54. Men-kau-Ra (Mei^e/op H;
^ ^ \_ B U X

55. Shepses-ka-f ^
ii 1 j. wCHEIl'

56. User-ka-f (Ovcrepxepys) 5 1; M CMP
Q_L1±-- V-- L

57. Sahu-Ra Q
1; M ( O ^ \ )

58. Nefer-ari-ka-Ra I :|i ^ O J -<s>- U J . The Abydos List

gives Kakaa ^
o 1 H U ; his “ son-of-Ra ” name may have been
59. Shepses-ka-Ra O
1 /wwv\ _

Asa ; see A.Z. 50, 3.

var . Kha-nefer-Ra
60. Nefer-f-Ra !— y L1 AA/VWN (
\ °I

1 ° n.

61. En-nser-Ra An I
]J o
■4' V~\
np.Mf P ]
./ d Cl V I

3 M 4
/W>AAA ^/j
[ 920 ]

62. Men-kau-Heru
Q \ B; M C55SE ; var. Akau-Heru

63. Tet-ka-Ra I (TaAssa Q var.
| M ( 0HU
Maat-ka-Ra I ^ | ^ Q ft LJ j ;

64. Unas (’Owos) f ^ M; ^


65. Teta (Atet V) n=^ ( qr
a □ I; $

66. User-ka-Ra I Ati I

?s^l: l “ f ©IPu
67. Meri-Ra Pepi I o □
_^ ^ V '"-u □

68. Mer-en-Ra I Mehti-em-sa-f I ^ o A

Q E; ^
(Me6ovcrov(f)L<?) f

^m^ (

69. Nefer-ka-Ra III, Pepi II

70. Mer-en-Ra II, Mehti-em-sa-f II
7, Nete,ka.R4|:gu]|
73. Nefer-kaII ( |u, ] J.


74. Men-ka-Ra 1 ° f O ^ U 75. Nefer-ka-Ra IV o T LJ 1

—6 1 J\
76. Nefres (?) QJ n 77. Ab (?)

78. Nefer-ka-Ra V Nebi ^ ^ ^ G ^ U ^37 (( "j J.

79. Tet-ka-Ra II Maa. ^ q jj U ^7 J.

80. Nefer-ka-Ra VI Khentu

l Q ( °JU I
[ 921 ]

81. Mer-en-Her I |

82. Senefer-kaISenefer-ka-RaI ——U Jjjj’^VOU'-Q'S-ji’

PJLJ 83. En-ka-Ra I ] Q ( ° u]|


84. Nefer-ka-Ra VII, Terri (?) 1 ° ( ©I U

85. Nefer-ka-Heru ^ $ U "J J-

86. Nefer-ka-Ra VIII, Pepi III Senb } (^Q | LJ ° ^ Q j ] $

87. Senefer-ka II Annu \ ( — <1 U ] &

88. An (?)-kau-Ra ]J^ (2EDI' 89. Nefer-kau-Ra

90. Nefer-kau-Heru
* 1
91. Nefer-ari-ka-Ra II 92' Atill(Othoes)

93. Sekhem-ka-Ra I 94. Ai-em-hetep

> -9 Ol
95. Uatch-ka-Ral < mA|; (^ ° 11 ^


96. Nefer-ka-Ra IX u "A

97. Ab-meri-Ra (Meri-ka-Ra I?) Khati I (’Ax#«V) *

m czm ’ ^ o_.

[Names of five kings wanting here.]

98. Meri-[Aah?] ^
99. Nefer-ka-Ra X

100. Uah-ka-Ra I Khati II

[MdEl isiOD
101. Ka-meri-Ra II ou| (](Q.
a a

102. Neb-kau Khati III Ui

I I I ^j. Q M T HQ ^ uuu i M a
[ 922 ]
To this period probably belong

103. Skha-
l-n-Ra 11 ( o 104. Kha-user-Ral
tc O [p

105. Nub-taui-Ra O (\v<C\ iZifj. 106. Aa-hetep-Ra I ^ ^ Q

107. Aa-kha-Ra I ^ Q^|. 108. Maa-ab-Ra li CZ5 o


109. Antef I the Erpa j^

110. Menthu-hetep I © .□ A ^


111. Antef II o .
tep a ——Q V www o D

112. Antef III (?) Uah-ankh

113. Antef IV (?) Nekht-neb-tep-nefer 1|'

114. Qa-ka-Ra I Antef V (?) M (Q % LI J ( ^

115. Sankh-ab-taui Menthu-hetep II
f J=; □

116. Neb-hep (?)-Ra Menthu-hetep III ^

O o r.^e. qJ
The 3rd and 4th signs in this cartouche probably represent |, and if so, we should

Neb-hep-Re, eed ee heee .he } ^ °^| 1 $ f | j5

of the Abbott Papyrus.

117. Antef VI (?) O 118. Neb-taui-Ra

Menthu-hetep IV
119. Sankh-ka-Ra Menthu-hetep V ^ |1 ^ ^ O |1 LI

Jr Q □ J
To this period probably belongs :—

15 udE
[ 923 ]


121. Sehetep-ab-Ra I Amen-em-hat I (*A^eve^) ^ JIM o □

m (35ZDI ¥QE52DI-
122. Kheper-ka-Ra I Usert-sen I (Sen-usert) (tecr6yx<o(r^) ^ ff| ° ^

~TN ± ©
gOU [V
CA /www
123. Nub-kau-Ra Amen-em-hat II (’Afifieve^) AA/WW o

n 1“^
«riuuui I ftAWVW

124. Kheper-kha-Ra I Usert-sen II (Sen-usert)

(Secret) o-r/3ts)

O Vrf Q n-
c* <=> 0
\_ J CA /www

125. Kha-kau-Ra Usert-sen III (Sen-usert) (AaX<W?)

m (Q © uuu rv
CA /www_/

126. En-Maat-Ra Amen-em-hat III o 1

; $\ \ AA/WW
(5A fiepyjs)
O ^

127. Au-ab-Ra I Her

128. Maa-kheru-Ra Amen-em-hat IV (Afii±€P€firis) — j

Q yl

129. Sebek-neferu-Ra (Sk€/xi'o<£/hs) O
o M
zz ^ ^

Mfo ■ l
ID o HD-
To this period probably belong :—

130. Amen-em-hat V (?) ty % ^

O -a-

L31. Senefer-ab-Ra I Usert-sen IV (Sen- ^ f oRToHI f"'

usert) - ~ '--—^ V~
[ 924 ]

A—a 'M t®
132. Khu-taui-Ra Ugaf (?) O

133. Sekhem-ka-Ra II t=|, HCgu A

134. Seshesh-ka-Ra Amen-em-hat VI (?) Senb-f ^•

O ' %
G 1 I U fl' J
135. Amen-em-hat VII (?) | n a

136. Sehetep-ab-Ra II ^ J. 137. Aufni ^ A/WVA


138. Sankh-ab-Ra Ameni Antef VII (?) Amen-em-hat VIII n ra

% o nf 1_/ ^CWWI
-J-J V _aa/ww JJ
/wwv\ r\ jU.nn ^

Oj I

139. Smen-ka-Ra
1 o 1“ u /WWVN

140. Sehetep-ab-Ra III j f on □ o i ^.

v_Q J
141.ka ^ opu^ 142. Senefer-ka-Ra
n 11 3E|-
143. Senefer-[ab]-Ra II ^ O
144. Netchem-ab-Ra | o o

145. Sebek-hetep I o HH
^ □

146. Ren-Senb QJ n J flli

147. Au-ab-Ra II ^ ( o o

148. Setchef-[_]-Ra ^ o
149. Sekhem-khu-taui-Ra Amen-em-hat IX Sebek-hetep II
m Q a* ¥Q /wwv\
“lx S=2=^
d D

150. User-[ka]-Ra II | O
151. Smenkh-ka-Ra Mer-mashau ^
[ 925 ]

152.-ka-[Ra] | [O] |l u jH

153. Ka-Set-[Ra] I ( [O] U ^ ouiy J

154. Sekhem-suatch-taui-Ra Sebek-hetep III ^ jj. A-A 1; *

155. Kha-sesliesh-Ra Nefer-hetep I f ===* :e i QQ a

156. Sa-Het-Her (Sa-Hathor) f ©[ ^ ^ $fj

157. Kha-nefer-Ra Sebek-hetep IV | f O ^ |; | O

158. Kha-ka-Ra "j J fosU

159. Kha-ankh-Ra Sebek-hetep V ■ « O a

160. Kha-hetep-Ra Sebek-hetep VI ^ J O Q =e=

161. Uah-ab-Ra I Aa-ab

\% (offoT^sfl^0'J i; var-Aa'ab


162. Mer-nefer-Ra Ai I j O
D 0 M

163. Mer-hetep-Ra I An or Ana "j o □ a 3? J


164. Mer-hetep-Ra II Sebek-hetep VII J O


165. Sankh-en-Ra Senb (?) j O 1 ^ 1 j - (2


166. Mer-sekhem-Ra I An- | O

167. Suatch-ka-Ra Herua ^ o

168. Mer-netchem-Ra
}« oStkffl J [»
[ 926 ]

169. Mer-ankh-Ra Menthu-hetep VI ^ J

J\ 6

170. Mer-kheper-Ra ^ ^ Q ^ J [^].

171. Mer-ka(kau)-Ra Sebek-hetep VIII ^ O^Ui ^

_U HI-

172. Tet-nefer-Ra Tatu-mes ^jj fo A_a
A a HD-
173. Neb-maat-Ra I ^ o
<3 J 04
174. Uben-Ra I
mi (ME
175. mi [}® ([QijjU'ji IB
176. Neb-maat-Ra II ^ O

177. Tet-ankh-Ra Mentu-em-sa-f

O ; var. ^ o fJ
Xo -.N
AQ* mwm_Ol -ilrvV — y\

178. Nehsi I w

_ s .
179. Kha-klieru-Ra ^ O J

(?) T“>J
180. Neb-f-au-Ra ^ i
°,r a1 J_ A
The following kings probably belong to the XIIIth dynasty :—

181. Senefer-taui-Ra Sekhem

K eW= }
182. Mer-sekhem-Ra II Nefer-hetepII ^ J ^ Q ^ ^

183. Tet-hetep-Ra Tata-mesu II (?)

184. Suah-en-Ra Senb-ma-au
[» GH2D i¥i (7TEEI-
[ 927 ]

(According to the Turin Papyrus).

ve7 y j

185. Seheb-Ra ^

_o_J v 3-

187. Senb-ka-Ra
1 C °P j LJ| J

( QeJ
/WWW c\ X

189. Uben-Ra II ^
o 3 >

190. [Neb ?]-tchefau-Ra II ^

191. Uben-Ra III ^ i°igJT j 11

192. Aut-ab-Ra III ^ o o
193. Her-ab-Ra ^ o ra ■0-
194. Neb-sen-Ra ^ © ^37 n

195.-Ra 1 H-s,

196. Sekheper-en-Ra 1 O n
197. Te t - kheru - Ra ^ o 11° 1 i
198. Sankh-ka-Ra II ^ ( oflf'Ju
199. Nefer-Tem-.-Ra of “ $£
200. Sekhem.-Ra I rA'
m »>);

201. Ka-_-Ra Q] W I—I

202. Nefer-ab-Ra I ^ o El [»

203. A-.-Ra | o
A >'$/*
204. Kha-.-Ra 1 o 'A/S*
[ 928 ]

205. Ankh-ka-Ra I O
1 El
206. Smen*.-Ra
} o
207. Mer-sekhem (?)-Ra III o {>« m
.wm N m pi. .

1 Y iS

208. Seba-... -Ra M f«li-

209. Men-khau-Ra Sesh (?)-ab
1=1 nr O
The following probably belong to the period of Dynasty XIV :

210. Sebkai lju(( • 211. Khu-Aqer

A ^

212. Sebek-ka-Ra ^ J
' "IE


(According to the Turin Papyrus).

213 to 215. [Names unknown.]

216 .-ka-[Ra] Aanata |

217 .-ka-[Ra] Bebenem (?) j 7 r^ppu si $ JJ iii__

218.-ka-[Ra] Qjg] ( [0]^U

219. An-nub (?)-. ^

220. A_(Aphobis) |
a >>t4;

221. Ap.(Aphobis) | □

The following names of Hyksos kings are from the monuments :—

222. User-ka-Ra III Khentcher (Salitis?) U O

223. Aa-user-Ra Apepa (Aphobis) I f q n & □ f\
(Perhaps No. 220.) ^ ^ V_: .j\ Sr □ 1 J
[ 929 ]
n /wwvA ^ \>
224. Suser-en-Ra Khian (’Iawas)
1 z] \ / \> \> I; M (0 PI AAAAAA

3 ^ -?e
225. Neb-khepesh-Ra Apep II ^ J (Perhaps
J\ ia No. 2 2 i).

226. Aa - arq - Ra ^J ( O
227. Mer-user-Ra I-abeq-her
i! GE±] £ QE rn
: var.

«-Jr‘ra- 11 i

N -9 o
228. Aa-qenn-Ra Apepa III
□ =JHid 2


The following kings probably reigned during the Hyksos Period :—

229. Aa-pehti-Set Nubti ^

,J\ ^ 1 ’
^ |, Brit. Mus. Scarab, No. 32368.

230. Aa-peh-Ra f O | 231. Aa-neter-Ra ( o

232. Aa-hetep-Ra II .ju"'N 233. Aa-kha-Rall

J(° J i!(S3
234. Uatch-ka-Ra II ^ Q J U 235. Nub-ka-Ra ^ Q LJ

236. Neb-tet-Ra ( O 237. Nub-.... -Ra ^ J

238. Ne-ka-Ra II [ O

U \
239. Kha-user-Ra II ^ J( o
<wwv\ —N
240. Kha-mu (?)-Ra ‘j l o AAAAAA (?)

— —/I AA/VWA ^1

0 £28 §10
241. Ka-Set-Ra II Sekhenn wwm N O LJ
maaw »>K Her

242.-Set-Ra C S\<?>,y q1- 243- sem<iei11 1 1 1


244. Ant-her j 4 JA Im


ft __a
246. Iapeq-her ra ^ 247. Iamu _/] AAAAAA

H □ z] skJ AAAAAA

248. Ipeq-Heru ( [)(

□ 249. Uatchet ^J ( J^
3 N
[ 930 ]

250. Seket 251. Shesha i—i

a- DuO-
252. Qar Zl
(According to the Turin Papyrus).

253. Sekhem-_-Ra II ^ O

254. Sekhem-_-Ra III ^ O

255. Sekliem-_-Ra IV ^ o
256. Ses-_-Ra ^

257. Neb-ari-au-Ra I j O
258. Neb-ari-au-Ra II | oHT/sHOl!
259. Smen-_-Ra ^j. o l—-1 ft
/www w » p p b
IS; var. (?) Smen-taui-Ra

II ( ope=j~ ]
u >; \ ov v < 3 v v;c>; \;o
260. Suser-_-Ra ^ o p- 1 ^ w

261. Sekhem-_-Ra V ^ o

262. -Ra O 263. An


265 266. Heru

2•& 267. An-ab..
1 ?#:• U A
□ ■X
269. Penen-set
-i /WWW

I ,

The following kings, whose names are taken from the monuments, also
probably belong to Dynasty XVII.

□ 'X
270. Khu-taui-sekhem-Ra O

[ 931 ]

271. Hetep-ab-Ra
Heru-netch-tef 11 O

272. Sekhem-uatch-khau-Ra Sebek-em-sa-f I

% o?i 111 J 3
273. Sekhem-shet-taui-Ra Sebek-em-sa-f II ^ ^ (^Q ^ | ,~J


274. Seshesh-Ra her-her-maat

Antef VIII Aa

275. Seshesh-Ra upu-em-Maat Antef IX Aa

i*c ol ra
-s] lil Cl

□ x r_n
o c <2
O I Vx
1 WAV\ □ 2

276. Nub-kheper-Ra AAAAAA

Antef X Aa J sk-

277. Sekhem-nefer-khau-Ra
Up-uaut-em-sa raiu°n q! 10

278. Sekhem-uah-kha-Ra ^ HP
Ra-hetep n-’i 0 I a-
279. Sekhem-smen-taui-Ra Tehuti n ^ 0 1=1 ]
r~\ ^ \. I AAAAAA • •• S \\>

280. Sekhem-Ra-saa -taui ° ^ P gj- 281. Sekhem-Ra-ankh-taui

282. Ra-mes-suser-taui f©j j n

m(3E3 3-
283. Suatch-en-Ra I
IK O nT^l 284. Suatch-en-Ra II

1i g C°Pig1 • 285- skhent-en-Ra 1J O



t f o ^ L=4 ^

^ WWW cv'N 70 / g <X=»

287. Seqenen-Ra I Tau-aa 1 ^ J) ( O H
T AAAAAA 1_J AAAAAA L=Z1 q=d i i i
var. Seqen-en-Ra ^ <^3 .T—a

288. Seqenen-Ba II q ^ x O (Fg) o*=> <~=

Tau-aa Aa 1
AAAAAA K—r=g] I i l t—w—iw
o ^ ^
289. Seqenen-Ra III Tau-aa Qen ^ f ofl ^ ^1 4$ ( 0 0 - —/I /www
a W/W /WWW >/] Jyl*1

3 N 2
[ 932 J

^ H®
290. Uatch-kheper-Ra Kames

3113 ¥C1H] QUID-


.= 0
291. Neb-pehti-Ra Aahmes I (vA/xwo-is)

O w

292. Tcheser-ka-Ra Amen-hetep I ('Apevco^OU)

O ul ^ np=i.

293. Aa-kheper-ka-Ra Tehuti-mes I (TeOfuocns)

A S3 A f V 'I o U IP

294. Aa-kheper-en-Ra Tehuti-mes II (Xeftpcov)

}^ :

295. Maat-ka-Ra II Hat-shepsut (’Apevcris) -* n ° u o


i°5 M (33 » Q332D

296. Men-kheper-Ra I Tehuti-mes III -» T / / ^ \

M§(° L> ?GMil

297. Aa-kheperu-Ra Amen-hetep II ^MiO’^paypovOcocrL^)

1P X ^ P J!L Ik f ©; ^ Ca Ik ? Ik ^ ^ *

.. jQl , II

298. Men-kheperu-Ra Tehuti-mes IV (JTovOp.oicri.s) ^

X y o
[ 933 ]

299. Neb-Maat-Ra III Amen-hetep III (’A/xeW^is) p 1;

M( °\f -J
The Nesu-bat name is rendered in the Tall al-‘Amarnah Tablets by
Ni-ib-mu-a-ri-ya | *^TT<T EMy an<^ Mi-im-mu-ri-ya f (ZZ -<^Mt *

Some of the Mesopotamian wives of Amen-hetep 111 were :—

300. Tl (in cuneiform Te-i-i fc£), = Her father’s

X T ^ O r. —-, am-
name wms Iuaa (| (j ^ (j ^, and her mother’s was Thuau s=> ^ (| ^.

301. Kilgipa (in cuneiform Gi-lu-khi-pa MIA I§IJ 8Jf=), 25 , sister of

Tushratta, king of Mitani.

302. Dadukhipa £EH lr 4 MI (Egyptian form not known).

303a. Nefer-kheperu-Ra Ua-en-Ra Amen-hetep IV S-lll.


□ flJ
The commonest equivalents for the first part of his Nesu-bat name, Nefer-kheperu-Ra, are
Na-ap-khu-ru-ri-a f ZZ] M<T ill! MM U> Na-ap-khar-ri-ya f *~^y ZZ] ^TT<T tMh
Ni-ip-khu-ur-ri-ri-ya f S^: JMf M<I UM MM MM tMh Na - ap - khu - ra - ri - ya

y ~ry zz] M<y &U MM

303b. Nefer-kheperu-Ra Ua-en-Ra Aakhu-en-Aten y ■:=;

j1 a —M5(~M 0


O la

304. Ankh-kheperu-Ra Saa-ka-Ra Tcheser-kheperu ^ C 0 f ^ I J*

u ^

305. Kheperu-neb-Ra Tut-ankh-Amen s-mpm [s M a

i i i

306. Kheper-kheperu-Ra Ari-maat Ai II ?! o


n o
3 N 3
[ 934 ]

11i w■
M 1<S>= !—j
Ji u
I P H; * ¥


11 1 i i i ; M (o j a] (°j -ml
*o©_2r (3 o 11 nio m 2?*2 V
¥o [ s n i r)
311. Ba-en-Ra I Mer-en-Ptah I (Menephthah) (’A/za'w^a#) hetep-her-maat
Q f| f) □ £ ^ Q ra
p" 1 k \51 S3 □

I I I j i ®^

AAAAAA X^ □ i r n r

312. Men-ma-Ra Amen-meses, king of Thebes,

1=1 ^\|
O ()^1
313. User-kheperu-Ra mer Amen jir^n
Seti II Mer-en-Ptah II ar j olll;
■? O □
® oI I I •
(3 /-. |>
i c* ^
o I T=X

314. Aakhu-en-Ra setep-en-Ra Sa-Ptah I Mer-en-Ptah III Q

315. Arsu, a Syrian, (
O a □ isl o □

316. User-khau-Ra setep-en-Ra Set-nekht meri-Amen-Ra ^
[ 935 ]
317. User-maat-Ra II meri-Amen Rameses III
'Pa/xi/ztWos (Rhampsillitus) king of An (Heliopolis) ^-D
c ■;-a
^ 111

o )—( 0 AAAAAA
^ ( %
(H D-

318. User-maat-Ra III setep-en-Amen Rameses IV jjt ^

_H f
vS- ^ ill;
ill ill .^MlMitiPHIPi I S

0 l
319. User-maat-Ra IV se-kheper-en-Ra meri-Amen Rameses V jj.

I] ■'! > ^ *11 ^ ( O HE] rr=

320. Neb-maat-Ra IV meri-Amen Rameses VI « -Z/i ® q
no fl
. zr

L izz
king of An (Heliopolis) ^ ^ AAAAAA ^ ^ 1 1

1P?J 4' o oifD mt
321. User-maat-Ra V setep-en-Ra meri-Amen
Rameses VII, king of An (Heliopolis) i a AAAAAA

m Co o o ita
322. User-maat-Ra VI Aakhu - en - Amen meri-Amen Rameses VIII


323. Nefer-ka-Ra XI setep-en-Ra Kba-em-

Uast Maat meri-Amen Rameses IX

o (EMCllS'
324. Kheper-maat-Ra setep-en-Ra Amen-ber-
<i-D Q
khepesh-f Rameses X

M (19 o nn n “ 1 /WWV\ I ■— 41
325. Men-maat-Ra II setep-en-Ptab Kba-em-Uast meri-
>;-o ill \
Amen Rameses XI, king of An (Heliopolis)

o ipp
© 0 AAAAAA ii o

326. Sekba-en-Ra meri-Amen Rameses XII (?) n q T-r (1

sa Ptah II (son of Ptah) 1 s

fc*l (fi >— I QX J

3 N 4
[ 936 ]
To this period Gauthier (Livre des Rois, Cairo, 1913, p. 225) assigns the
following :—

User-maat-Ra neb-khepesh C°Ti cry )

Amen-maat (?) meri-Ra setep-en-Ra ^ O |fff (?) \f) (?) 3=1 r


Amen-Rameses o

Rameses meri-Amen ^ (j f ^ j j V (_§ 1 cJ

Smen-maat-Ra Amen-mes ( © n
User-maat-Ra heq Uast Rameses merr-Amen ^ J O TiTTO
2 o f _ n crtr *"n>
O (

User setep-en-Ra Mes. • Mr••

¥ (Jmi)

Ptah Seti Sa-Ptah meri

(“WV0 (J ;

A. High-priests of Amen at Thebes.

327a. Her-Heru as high-priest of Amen-Ra, king of the gods:— ® fl 1 0 ^

^ a M I I □ 1 0 I T III I

327b. Her-Heru Sa-Amen as king and son of Amen:-

^ ^ I wvw |

328. Pai-ankh 1 f f - I) “ } 1 ^ « f ~ son of He,He™ s,Ame,

329a. Pai-netchem I, son of Pai-ankh, as high-priest of Amen-Ra ^ 0 ^ /www [ hrAl ^

*^9 6 0 O wwv\ * a D 10 I Z III I
//& u I i //& xx T ©
329b. Pai-netchem I as king:—Kheper-kha-Ra I setep-en-Amen Pai-netchem
meri-Amen ^ ■"N 20 A A |LLm^ ~N
OM Q [ /

J V “^
330. Tchet-Khensu-auf-ankh ^ ^ j) 1) f son of Pai-netchem i.

331. Masaherth, son of Pai-netchem I meri-Amen ^ 9 /WWW / 'WWW ra

□ 10 I
i aa <= ^ rN
[ 937 ]
332a. Men-kheper-Ra II, son of Pai-netchem I, as high-priest of Amen •_ | () WWW I I www
11 □
O ^ (without cartouche).

332b. Men-kheper-Ra II A ^ ^ 'A

as king:— .A
h V A D 1 AWW\

333a. Pai-netchem II, son of Men-kheper-Ra, as high-priest of Amen-Ra : -II A3-


w 1 ° Q

333b. Pai-netchem II as king^ J ^ ^ [ Sj! ^ ^ 1 o \\

334. Taa-kheperu-Ra setep-en-Ra Pasebkhan ( O S’ ! O D ]

____ A ^3 \_vv 1_/wvw_y]


335. Auapet, orAuuapet, high-priest of Amen-Ra and son of Shashanq I, ^ | ®

A 1 Lii-LL| ^
^ =1

10 I t

B. Kings of Tanis.

336. Hetch-kheper-Ra I setep-en-Ra Nes-ba-neb-Tet (tfievSrjs) meri-Amen

r> ! |nA
o o

337. Taa-kheperu-Ra setep-en-Ra Pasebkhan I qyg f q ~

meri-Amen ^ « V /WAM

f n d

338. Kheper-kha-Ra II setep-en-Amen Pasebkhan II ^


339. User-maat-Ra VII setep-en-Amen Amen-em-Apt meri-Amen ^

A o
)— £

i Q a

340. Neter-kheper-Ra setep-en-Amen Sa-Amen

meri-Amen ^ o \_> ' AAAAAA AAAAAA ^

341. Aa-kheper-Ra I setep-en-Amen Pasebkhan III meri-Amen
o i nr=v * ** © ^
a & C AAAAAA A \ X. 1 AAAAAA \ /www/
[ 938 ]


342. Hetch-kheper-Ra II setep-en-Ra Shashanq I (Secrojyxt9) nieri-Amen (Shi-

shak, i Kings xi, 40, xiv, 25) ( O iL
"N -9 Q
( (| §f ^ J.
343. Sekhem-kheper-Ra setep-en-Ra Uasarken I (’Ocropdcjv) meri-Amen

m (o y! AAAAAA
344. User - maat - Ra VIII setep - en - Amen Thekreth (?) I ^ ^ ^
' O'
jnjra7=^J '

345. User-maat-Ra IX setep-en-Amen Uasarken II o'1 A 1=1 ^

d ^ V _ ±1 I AAAAAA AA/WA /

346. Hetch-kheper-Ra III setep-en-Amen Heru-sa-Ast meri-Amen ^

o a i1±UA^
347. User-maat-Ra X setep-en-Amen Peta-Bast meri-Amen ^
3 Si A. ._n y ’

348. Seshesh-kheper-Ra setep-en-Amen Shashanq II meri-Amen ^

r^i p—, aaaaa — rN

Hi! Hi!
L ^ JJ

349. Hetch-kheper-Ra IV setep-en-Ra Thekreth (?) II meri-Amen sa-Ast ^

o 4 AAAAAA y £ c> \J\

varr . Thekret

Tekrert ^ , Tekret ~j| ~j|, Thekruth , Tekruth

Tekreth ^EE>.

350. User-maat-Ra XI Uasarken III (?) meri-Amen sa-Ast ^

j $ ^"1 ■

351. User - maat - Ra XII Thekreth III (?) meri - Amen sa - Ast

a n

352. User-maat-Ra XIII setep-en-Ra Shashanq III meri-Amen ^

^ (j Bill

O ° f
[ 939*]

353. User-maat-Ra XIV setep-en-Amen Pamai

m (© i (j

354. Aa-kheper-Ra II Shashanq jug S ^
IV meri-Amen ~ ^ V


o ra o □ N
355. Seher-ab-Ra Peta-Bast sa Bast ^ o A_0
c^ ^ Q Q \ J

356. Aa-kheper-Ra III setep-en-Amen Uasarkena meri-Amen-Ra

M (3 ("** Q jj f| ji, TN ] •
The Nubian Conqueror of Egypt from Napata.

357. Piankhi meri-Amen (^J, §§| □ ^ •

The inscriptions also mention

358. User-maat-Ra XV Piankhi
meri-Amen Sa Bast
IUr w-y.
o asQi s
and :—
359. Senefer-f-Ra N

Piankhi □^
Pi ^ Q 'I S

Kashta I
Q d\\ J
rm 3

360. Shepses-Ra Tafnekht I 1^2,

N -? o 0^

361. Uah-ka-Ra II Bakenrenef S -? O

1 oYu

362. Uah-ab-Ra II Tafnekht II ^ 08 O o

DYNASTY XXV. (Nubians).

363. Nefer-ka-Ra XII Shabaka(2a/3a/«dp)

The Assyrian form of his name is Sha-ba-ku-u ] V JgJ <;
he must not be confounded with the of 2 Kings xvii, 4.
[ 940 ]
364. Tet-kau-Ra Shabataka [tmui|

(XeftLX^) M CG1SV
His son Piankhi assumed royal titles thus :—
365. Men-kheper-Ra III Piankhi
3 □ fM
366. Nefer-Tem-[aa]khu-Ra Taharqa n,xnfi
(the of Isa. xxxvii, 9)
a •

form of his name is Tar-ku-u J *>^7 fcJHpff:.

ru a
h The Assyrian

367. Ba-ka-Ra Tanuat

Amen % U "N *£© Q 1.
The Assyrian form of his name is Tan-da-ma-ni-e r m ^rr ^ ^ *tj.

<x=» r ]= * A
368. Uah-ab-Ra III Psemthek I ('ka^^Vt^os)
'O’ 1 ■=
m ( oYo
□ n D
369. Uhem-ab-Ra Nekau (niD or i35, 2 Kings xxiii, 29; Jer. xlvi, 2; Ne^acu, Nckcos)


o l uH
370. Nefer-ab-Ra II Psemthek II
aft I* 1 L-fl l SS
"^-9 0
M(3 O’ □
871. Haa-ab-Ral Uah-ab-Ra IV (incn, Jer. xliv, 30, Ova<f>pL<$, ’Anpir)<;) O I;

fig m faE^l
372. Khnem-ab-Ra Aahmes II ('Aficocns) sa Net ; =


t\=■ P^llli; MCQ Q 0
373. Ankh-ka-Rall
Psemthek III y J; M( Of U □

DYNASTY XXVII. (Persians.)

374. Mesut-Ra Kambathet, or Cambyses, (Pers. Ka[m]-b-u-j-i-ya, tf <*|y Y<-

[ 941 ]
375. Setut-Ra Antriusha I, or Darius (Pers. D-a-ra-ya-va-u-sh TT TTuT T<^ ^ <Tf <<,

Or. Aapeio?), the son of Hystaspes, O
¥(! ]f) 1*1*1
varr. (B. r^s)
376. Khshaiarsha, or Xerxes (Pers. Kh-sha-ya-a-r-sha-a «yy << T<- m H << Tfr^

Gr. B<pfec O pcya5), the

great Pharaoh
^ f ? Ml! fl fl "V
*=== V js —m J
1 M%
^ ^ □

377. In his reign revolted Khabbasha 4=^) ( AAAAAA

Artakhashassha, or
ivar- ”

Artaxerxes (Pers. A-r-ta-kh-sh-tr-a yyy S^TyT «!T << ^7 TTY)’

the Great Pharaoh 3!

379. Meri-Amen-Ra-neb-Heb-user-khepesh Antriusha II or Darius Ochus or

Nothus ( (
n n <==> c^"N -y o
o i ro J© I " '


C ■
[ Wanting.]

0 f (WWV\ \\ (9


381. Khnem-maat-Ra Hagr (vA^oj/3t?)

H’ uS/i’ i^m
-Bsg ra s
m ra
Bs& Bas 1
382. Ptah-user setep-en-Ra Psa-Mut □


383. Senetchem-ab-Ra setep-en-Amen Nekht-

Heru-heb (Ne^rai/e/S^s) meri-Amen

□ ^ rffflT D-
384. Ari-maat-en-Ra Tche-her (Tew?) setep-en-An-her A kat!

K dl Bn"]
Sill C ^ ‘ ‘ ^ 1 ’
• [ 942 ]

385. Kheper-ka-Ra II Nekht-neb-f (NeKTapefibs)



Position Doubtful.

386. Qa-ka-Ra II An II

387. User-maat-Ra XVI Setep-en-Amen Amen-rut meri-Amen


388. Meri-Amen setep-en-Ra Arksantrs (Alexander the Great)

389. Meri-Amen setep-en-Ra Phiriupus (Philip Arrhidaeus)



B «(jjsfe J|S( £4 varr.

r> \ j. ^
( 0
V -2^ k k @ w J , ( □(
" J
390. Haa-ab-Ra II setep-en-Amen Arksentrs (Alexander II), Per-aa (Pharaoh),


391a. Ptlmis
□ O CL
1 V& (Ptolemy I, Soter (TID

391b. Ptlmis, the Satrap, □ L \\-J L=/J.

391c. Meri-Ra setep-en-Amen □ -Sas

Ptnlmis 1! 3
392. User-ka-Ra IV meri-AmenPtlumis (Ptolemy II, Philadeiphus I)
U ( □ q £ ,nn n'N
?! eJ 'j

393. Aua-en-neterui-senui setep-en-Ra sekhem-ankh-en-Amen Ptulmis

(Ptolemy III, Euergetes ( ^ ^j) 1)> everliving, beloved of Ptah,

cq cq

II! md ¥ GFEMMi J'

• [ 943 ]
394. Aua-en-neterui menkhui setep-en-Ptah user-ka-Ra V sekhem-ankh-
Amen Ptulmis (Ptolemy IV, Philopator | I), everliving, beloved of Isis,


395. Aua-en-neterui merui atu setep-en-Ptah user-ka-Ra VI sekhem-ankh-

Amen Ptulmis (Ptolemy V, Epiphanes |□ 1 )j everliving, beloved of Ptah,

J-V □
AAAAAA O li li] ¥(M

396. Ptulmis (ptoiemyvi-Eupator (° 1 ^ist)>•
397. Aua-en-neterui-perui I Kheper-Ptah setep-en-Amen ari-maat-Ra
Ptulmis (Ptolemy VII, Philometor ^ ^ ^ * ) I), everliving, beloved of Ptah,

*(nigM tsossits □
398. Neos Philopator—P-neter hunnu Tef-f-meri (Ptolemy VIII, Philopator II),
t—| t. /www n ^„

0 osf “Vs'
399. Aua-en-neterui perui II setep-en-Ptah ari-maat-Ra sekhem-ankh-
Amen Ptulmis (Ptolemy IX, Euergetes II), everliving, beloved of Ptah,

□ ■'N
11a“f /WWW £2* /X AAWW n Jc
400. Aua-en-neter-menkh I [Aua-en]-neter-t Netchti-menkh-t setep-en-
Ptah ari-maat-Ra sekhem-ankh-Amen Ptulmis (Ptolemy x, Soter II,
Philometor II, surnamed Lathyrus), everliving, beloved of Ptah,
K=|ol O Q_0
$ \\T=3 /WWW

o □
401. Aua-en-neter-menkh II [Aua-en]-neter-t-menkh-t-Rat setep-en-Ptah
ari-maat-Ra senen-ankh-en-Amen Ptulmis (Ptolemy XI, Alexander I,
Philometor III), who is called Alexander, everliving, beloved of Ptah,

^ £—-
/ww/w 0^0 AAAAAA AAAAAA fV
□ i
402. Ptolemy XII, Alexander II. [iCartouches wanting.]

403. Aua-en-p-neter-enti-nehem setep-en-Ptah ari-maat-Ra sekhem-ankh-

Amen Ptulmis (Ptolemy XIII, Philopator III, Philadelphus II, Neos Dionysos),
Ptah and Isis,
beloved of ^



^ \\ /=
V? □

O f u r\
o dd n i Q. ^ D
[ 944 ]
404. Ptolemy XIV. [Cartouches wanting.]

405. Ptolemy XV. \Cartouches wanting.]

406. PtulmiS (Ptolemy XVI, Philopator IV, Philometor IV, Caesarion), who is called Caesar,
everliving, beloved CYb f ^ @ D l) fl °i—^ 0 v-—^ —»• • ~0 □ Q~ J ^ ~N
of Ptah and Isis, O
Caesar ^ v-'
son of the sun, lord of crowns, rrrl O

Philopator Philometor 0 s


^ ^ the fourth wife of

406a. Berenice I (Barnig[a]> ^ ^
^O j ’ Ptolemy I.

407. Arsinoe (Arsenai)

ISUvISi , daughter of Ptolemy I and sister and wife of Ptolemy II.

408. Arsinoe II Philadelpha Khnem-ab-en-Maat meri-neteru Arsenaai (?)

migCgMin-l o \_ aaaaaa rrvN I

409. Philotera (Pilutera), youngest "1 -9 q] p q f rTn fx o Nl

daughter of Ptolemy I I + 1 O ( ° flfl ^ & ] '

O' Jfca (j o
410. Berenice II (Barniga) j wife of Ptolemy III.
o: fl a
0) Dh
411. Berenice III (Barniga) jj V^S o \
> daughterandof Berenice
A ’
Ptolemy III

412. Arsinoe III (Arsenai)

0 S3HI]. sister and wife of
Ptolemy IV.

zi □
413. Cleopatra (Qlauptra) I Syra
of Antiochus III and wife of Ptolemy V
fl o >

414. Cleopatra II Soteira J , sister and

OH ' xxxx Q _g£=&
wife of Ptolemy VII, and sister of Ptolemy IX.

415. Cleopatra III Kokke
wife of Ptolemy IX.
j ^ ^

xxxxV f 0 ],n.
niece and

416. Cleopatra IV Berenice IV J ^ ^ ^ [ ^Tj □ a

IO fl
O J1
wife of Ptolemy XI.

417. Cleopatra V, who is called Tryphaena,

A □ □
xxxx V 0_oJ ’
sister and wife of Ptolemy XIII.
[ 945 ]

She is the 'AklcC tibatra : daughter of Batlim6s, : var.

Abttlmawos, :) of Abyssinian writers. (See Brit. Mus. MS. Orient. 661,
fol. 80b 3, fol. 8i£ i.)

419. Augustus (b.c. 30-A.D. 14) Heq hequ setep-en-Ptah Autkrtr (AvroKparcop)

Kaisrs (Kcucrapo?)
Q OQ □
a a /WWW n ifei

©Z5 °laU^J ’ everliving’
beloved of Ptah and Isis.

420. Tiberius (a.d. 14-37) Autkrtr Teberis Kisrs ^Gs ^ c. 4

35 35
$a zz □ ^ 0''n everliving, beloved
O Q 11 y ’ of Ptah and Isis.

421. Caius Caesar Germanicus Caligula (a.d. 37-41) Heq hequ Autkrtr meri
<2 ZA JgiG
Ptah Ast Kais Kaisrs Germ[a]nikis ( "A ? )-i
^ ^ \ j/j 1 1

* PGJit ° f jsiI ■ everiivin«-

beloved of Ptah and Isis.

422. Tiberius Claudius Germanicus (a.d. 41-54) Heq hequ Autkrtr Teber[i]s
Kits Kaisrs Kermanikes @ £
I £3 1 -(.
Q XJ za Zl o
<o1LI](] , everlivin pr
—H- °^5
beloved of Ptah and Isis.

423. Nero Claudius Caesar Germanicus (a.d. 54-68) Heq hequ setep-en-Ptah
meri Ast Autkrtr Narani
Kaisrs Karmniks <>5/ □ □ \
C*> M -y-o 0 A
0 -M0
QX7 (9 P ,
Q III 1 Mo
beloved of Ptah and Isis.

424. Servius Galba Caesar (a.d. 68) Saruu Gibs Autkrtr Kaisrs enti khu

Os ^ ■o’ e S HP ° , who is glorious.

35 31 Z£sa (2. <rr> Ji
425. Marcus Otho (a.d. 69) Mrks Autuns Kisrs Autkrtr
Z&3A (3 £3 30. zz (2 ZA <3=
Os zi @ 0
a 0 Q (M 0<
426. Vespasian (a.d. 69-79) Autkrtr Kisrs Uspisins
© 0
O (g
ffi □ \\
[ 946 ]

427. Titus (a.d. 79-81) Autkrtr Q (£>

Tatas Ksrs <cr> FCl]
428. Domitianus (a.d. 81-96) Autkrtr Kisrs T[u]mtin[u]s Germ[a]nik[u]s
(2 O

429. Nerva (a.d.

-98) Autkrtr Kisrs Nerrus (?)
:1 aItwii-
430. Trajan

(a.d. 98-117)
@ £3 O Q C7 a
Autkrtr Kisrs Neru Trin[u]s Sebastes ankh tchet
1 T>

meriAst Q ^ ~ ^ T M Z.
0 QQ Das*
a.d. 117-138) Autkrtr
Os [jO®
Trainus Atrinus v ^ ^ ^Tp Q Q P op Q
?&3E f) 0 u z> 0
0 Q f ^S' 0 ^ -o>. „
432. Antoninus Pius (Caesar Titus Aelius Hadrian) (a.d. 138 -161) Autkrtr


H P^q q§' ?£X

0 ess

(131m —O

\\ (g

\\ j

433. Lucius Aurelius and Verus (a.d. i 61-180) Luki Aur[e]li Ura ankh tchet
M /-
, everliving. r ><
434. Commodus (a.d. 180-192) Autkrtr Antaninus Kamatus
a sa

435. Septimius Severus (a.d. 193-21 i)

o sss V 0 === w o XJ q (g
q j

Autkrtr Kisrs Sauris ^^ 5C <2

O SSS 3 aa /WVW\

o \\
436. Antoninus (Caracalla) (a.d. 211 -217) Autkrtr Kisrs Antun[i]nus

Os *==
O (3
§aa ^
2Q 33
0 Q
437. Geta (a.d. -212) Autkrtr Kis-ars Getas ?Qs <S 33) min
5a 33

O sss =i C7 ^ \\
438. Philip (a.d. 244-249) Autkrtr Kisrs Philipp[u]s , @ ■
<a 33 □ □ AA/WW

o sss ra ^ w □ ^w
439. Decius
sa 33 3
Cl sss
(a.d. 249 251 ) Autkrtr Kisrs Takis ?Qj

0^ •
a o w s
[ 947 ]


Aare mm
trict in Syria; situation unknown.
■ LD- 88-adis- - OJT- TJ* [W]’
Aasi Ik A — i_n [yvo, IV, 805 OS , Dream Stele io,

AAAAAA f\ r, X
<§> Elephantine, ’Irjft, the
(Ram. Ill, Jpg l (j [W)j, a Sftdani
place of ivory ” jj ^ ^ ; var. tJ& o
country; situation unknown. ■[W]
Aimenu tDI)(I
D (V^A, Rec. 20, ()<=> f “Stoneof Aabu>
i.e., granite; ? % © tL ^, “ Abu of the South,”
I,4> IkW CZNQ, IV, 806, a Sfldtmi I _zT | l'6") Semnah.
country; situation unknown.
2 o, 115, a Sudani country; situation unknown.
Q^A, Rec.

AJT’ •^‘©l f
N- 70I> ^ CSA ^ ©, P. 71, 307 722,
Auaur (Aur) fj p. 260,

a town; situation unknown.

N-7’ O^' 0
Auab ^ feO, a sanctuary in Hebenu.
?®- AT A Mill'

Aumer (?) Aunem (?) OS' OJL^®' \Jo’

IV, 805, LT1 ^ , Rec. 20, 114, a Stldani ¥J
3°2’ fJ [w! ® ’ © ’ Abydos, the dis¬
trict of Abydos, the capital of the 8th Nome of
country; situation unknown.
Upper Egypt and centre of the cult of Osiris

Auhep ^ JK 8 <> 0 in the South; Copt, efkjOTT, "Afivdos; see
©’ □ n*
the sanctuary of the god Ahi [| ^ (jjj hjj, and f J^T-
of Denderah.
Abtu mehtt ^ J ^ ^, “ Abydos of

Au*eni. the North,” a town in the FayyCtm, Abtlsir

B.D.G. 8, a sanctuary (?) at Thebes or Memphis. al-Malik (?) A.Z. 1907, 28.

Abu ? N-719’ f J® Abetch , IV, 988, H P P 8j JfS

mm :ffi+F 'T
0 M-i8°- 0*3^-p-2?8’ Berlin 7272, , jfi, the 8th Nome of Upper
s|e Egypt (Thinites).

a®. T°J. O Apet D ^ P.S.B.A. 2i 8, a town

©’ in Egypt.
[ 948 ]

Asher, Ashru
AmU lAM ! ® ’ theFirfcity:

-^ (p

Amur-ta (?) AAAAAA 2^

Crocodilopolis (Gebelen). , the name of the district and lake at

Thebes sacred to the goddess Mut; they lay

Amsu jS'-s Jbv \ ’ IV> 7985 between Karnak and Luxor.
a Sudani country ; situation unknown.
Aker "pp, a canal in the 3rd Nome of
Anuasherr O () A. !, A.Z.
1 j&ss1—J 1 Lower Egypt (Libya-Mareotis).
65, 28, a district in the Sfidan.
Akthata a
Arbin, Aribi © 31
district of Syria.
Agna "^b\ ffi [lozyi, IV, 802, aSCldani
Rev. 12, 26, Arabia; Assyr.
country ; situation unknown.
V Tr HfW
Ati ^Dd Rev. 12, 20, the land
Arp[a]kh, Arrapakha [WJ JTw 1 I w

of the (
Rev. 24, 160, ’Ap/w-axm? (Ptolemy VI, i,

2); var. ( ^ <=”=> ^ [yy]; Assyr. o o o

v <hm w<- B.D.G. 6, a name of: (1) Sma-Beht;
©T’ (2) Diospolis in the Delta.
ArnTina ^ cy^n, £3
Atef ur
A.Z. 49, 78, Armenia; Pers. yyy 31 *fT '=*
Behis. 1, 15. \s\ ©, the name of a

Arsa [yy], IV, 791, a dis¬ town near Memphis and of its god.

trict in Syria ; situation unknown. Atef-peh , the 14th Nome of

Arek I fxyv/y
, IV, 796, a Sftdani
’ 'y ’
Upper Egypt; ja ^ , the capital of
country; situation unknown.
o ^ 0 ©
All, Ahu ^ \r~ , B.D.G. 1027,
Atef-khent ^~ ^ ^ 0 thc
Famine Stele III: (1) a Sftdani

country (?); (2) a name of Leontopolis. 13th Nome of Upper Egypt (Lycopolites);

Akh » «"> « 0 ^ £> Tk ^ £> V

o o |* o
P. 427, M. 612, N. 707, 1216, a town the capital of the same, i.e.,
in the Delta.
Akhamrur , iv, oo
Atekh :^,a
, a name ol
of o
79r, a district in Syria; situation unknown.

Ast n , Rec. 20, 115; see


[rvW], Aa fl 0 B.D.G. 8, a suburb of

H _M> © ’ Memphis (?)

Asbia do fj( ^rwi, Rev. 24, Aati , the two ceme-

' o \\
160, a country; situation unknown. teries; positions unknown.
[ 949 ]

° a name of
Aa-t aakhu ■ , the name
i ©’ Edfti. t J1 J\ I J1 h IT I ,
of several places in Syria; compare Heb.
Aat aakhut en aakhu khenti
(fertile land, meadow).
netchemtchem ankh-t a quarter
o I Aa-t Behetch ^ 2 3,
of Edfti.
, a name of Edfu.
j □ the necropolis
c~w~> Aa-t Pe (Pu?)
o I © ’ of Pe-Tep, q.v
Aa-t Asar Nekhen ^ jH
o©1 T=I
the tomb of Osiris at Nekhen. Aapu t=i □ , Rec. 2, 31,
’ □ ©
• ^——T P\ < AAAAAA

Aa atru (?) ( amma ^, a town s SD© =fln Pano-

XX 1 O /wwv\ □ ©’ v s ’ v e© 4
near Gebelen in Upper Egypt. polis. Perhaps another name for Khemenu
a ; Copt. cyJOUn, Arab. ^.AS=~
Aa-t aq-t ent Amentt [
Eth : <Yn^^ :
®.D.G. 35, the site of the
o I1 0^9' T=T □ l^N □
temple of Thothmes III at Madinat Habu. Aa Pega
\> ffi cx I ®
the temple of Osiris in the nome of
Aa uab G3 \N , GZ3 f\NX
’ Pharbaetites.
T^tO _ o _ O
J®> ^ □
(IfidSsd ■ AAAAAA w Aa-t Pegas
o ffi
“holy island,” a name of the Island of Philae.
Aa-t Pega.

Aa-t uab ( AAAAAA

f J Aa-t Pteh

r o©

fuJ [W]
Aa-t Maat
U-^-yl f? O U-^S! Z=3
ci I r 0’ zx l cO
^(lll’^n"©’A'z-1904’142’ name of Edfh.
“holy sepulchre,” z'.£., the tomb of Osiris at
Philae; Gr. ' Apcnov. Aa maati ^ 1, “ Island

Aa ur (Mer ur ?) <5, of truth,” the abode of Osiris in the Tuat.

: (i) a town in the Delta; (2) Aa matru, Aa m atru c 00
Rev. 14, 21, , Rec.
, a town in Upper Egypt (Arsinoe?) \>
10, 133, Ti
Aa-t ur 1^^^ _ ®, B.D. 142, III, S
o I o r==i GIZ2> o AAAAAA
a name of
_ r

10, a town of Osiris. (1 t=t ’ Gebelen.
r 1 ^
Aa-t ur ent heter Heru V
Aamur , Rec.
o I o© o
^ , a name of Edfu. 33, 128, a name of Gebelen.
Aa-t Utcha B.D.G. 181: Aa-t Menuar 1^1 the
o 1 o© AAAAAA

(x) a suburb of Alexandria; (2) a district of temple of Osiris in Mareotis.

ti m U-lj ^
Aa-t menkhet AAAAAA «■ ©■ the

Aa-t baiu M^r\ sanctuary of the serpent god or goddess

the necropolis of Mendes; Gr. Q/uouis. _ QU ^ k*N o ^
Shenar ^ W.J var.
Aa-t bar (Aubar) x=r A A AAAAAA
[W]' Aa-t Meri 1 ( wvw the ne.

L.D.III, 252, 122, cropolis of Mareotis.

3 0 3
[ 950 ]

Aa meh °°S u Island of the north. Aanreka


I \> I I I
an island near Pelusium. T-3— / AAAAAA

I \> l l l
j, IV, 792, a district

Aa-t mesq “Tombofthe in Syria; situation unknown.

bull’s hide,” a name of Abydos.

Aa nasha (Mer-nasha)
Aa-t Nekheb i^-—^
in the Nome Diospolites.
J©-! a district

1, Harris I, 6ib, io, a town in Egypt. Aa-t ent Kher-aha ^ ffi
3H 3

L=fl B.D. 149, the 14th Aat in the

Aa-en-aufras A %\ © ’ Tuat.

“ Island of Aufras,” i.e., Cyprus. Aa-t Neserneser(Aa-t en Serser?)

0 I (r) a district in the Nome Her-
Aa en Abui (Abi?) eF777) AAAAAA
0 mopolites; (2) a district in the Tuat.
JJ@ (j(j Rech. 99, an island near Memphis.
Aa en serser AAAAAA P


Aa en Asi
AAAAAA J n A , Hh. 356, 0
IS f| ©. xT? fl fl ©,
J W_, “ Island of Asi,” i.e., Cyprus. ■j

\> I

\7 \7

The correct spelling of Asi is ~rr I / iwi. AAAAAA 3

C )
see Aa-t Neser-

The form neser.

I h A J \\ is found on
the Stele of Canopus; this is a corruption of Aa en shau an
{.....) © A AAAAAA A r AAAAAA

! ^ A aaaaaa H ( l “Island estate of King Khufu (Cheops).

of Auntanai.” 3 AAAAAA £
Aa-t ent qahu
oJ|% ^ J ^—n I 3 | 3 _Q

Aa-t nebeh , B.D. 149, a district in the Tuat.


111 , the tomb of Osiris at Busiris.

Aa en Kam-ur c-3
Aaut en Beht 0
, the holy Q^Q, a name of Athribis
I I I 3©
tombs of Edfu.
3 3

Aa netrit , a town of Isis.
3 V I 3
Aa-t nebs 3

3 I JP j see
Q U3 Aa-t netrat
i^-si q 3 3
, Rec. 5,
1 cm
88, a temple of Isis.
Aa nefer 3
’J ©’a town in E«yp‘- Aa-t netrit ent Ra
1 3 | I 3 3

a district near Denderah where Horus

Aa nefer en at
301 overthrew Set.
a name of Edfu.
C )
Aarats I n q*] ] Rec- 33> 6,
Aa-t nefer Rec. 8o, a
Aradus; Heb. THN, Tall al-‘Amarnah -tff f?
town in Lower Egypt. P=TT Bll AssyTr."T^yy <y.yy<y try ^yy, Gr.
’ApaBo?, ’OpOwata, Arab. jL d, Syr. oboiotpc, the
Aa-t nem-t ° a district of
modern Ruwad.
3 cm’ Denderah.
Aa-t ent mn ( Aa-t Rut s\©,
3 I

O | ^ ' ~ ' \> _
AAAAAA a town in the Nome Mahetch,
, B.D 149, a district in the Tuat.
3 I 3 -T=I 3 1 (Kom ‘al-Ahmar?),
[ 951 ]
Aarma (Aalma) Leon- Aa-t sab-shu (?) ^, a district

topolis in the Athribite Nome. of Horus of Nekhen.

Aarmaa “ © Aa-t Sebek u^i , Methen 11, a

village in the Delta.
Gol. 4, 8, a district in Syria; situation unknown.

3 £55 Aa Sina (-•••••) ^ ^, a name of Edfil.

Aa rek (Aa-Iek)
Zl GH2) zl
Aa Seneferu CP t a town
near Gizah.
, the “Island of Philae,” at the south end
5 Zl kN
Aa-t Skhau a town
of the First Cataract; Copt. T\lX<LK, Arab. Ab
of Osiris ; situation unknown.
Aa-t Rek (Aa Lek)
A k°-s] ■£-_ OO O
Aasta )(), IV, 791, a district
i^°ni LJ v 11
in Syria; situation unknown.
with the article □ o
Zl Aa-t sha-t k^ , a name of
the temple town of Philae. cm
Per-Rehreh (?)
Aareta c=3<^= , IV, 791, a district
\> 1 1
or town in Syria (Aradus ?); see Aarats Aa-t sha k^j™°, .a sandy district;
. .
o situation unknown.
! H \
[' \\ ~ •) AAAAAA

Aa sher g 2) AAAAAA ? Natron Island,


Aa-t heben k^ ^, T * tov^ 'n the Wadi Natrtin (?)

aaa'wn © Upper Fgypt.
Aa-t Herui (?) k^ Lower
Aa-t qema hetchhetchui
o, re
Egypt; a cemetery of Horus and Set (?). ^ !, Khemenu (Hermopolis).

Aa-t Hehu IZN ^^ © , a sanctuary

, Rec.
in Hensu (Herakleopolis). 20, 118, a district in Syria; situation unknown.
• . ° ,
Aa hetep mm , a name of Edfti,
Aa-tkek k^J \Tj S , Rec. 33,176,
o JE==X
Aa-t khet (?) ^ , Rec. 11, 80, a town near al-Hibah.
Cl I ^
a town in the Delta (?)
fl $ district near
a dis
Aa-t Geb o
Aakhas 1 ® , Eg. Res. 73,
o I J Sll ’ Edfh.

109, a district in Syria; situation unknown. Aatuba c==:) o

v , jr * jr’ IV’ 792> a
district in Syria; situation unknown.
Aakhatu = J ^ ] | e~l, Rec.
o ^ k^UJ jW*
20, 115, a district in Syria; situation unknown. Aa-t Tefnut kN ^
o ^ o I ]
0 v, kSl O Ch a name of
Aa-t khenu kN \® a district in 0
0 Denderah.
the Nome Athribites.
Aa-t Tenen kN ^, a sanctu-
Aa-t khnem kN , a district in AAAAAA l—\ W

the Nome Am-peh. ary in the Nome Prosopites; Copt. rtA.UA.rtort.

Aai khnemu Q Aa-t Tha ^, a name of Anit

o I lOs*' ©
esfll] ©, a town in Egypt, II ^ © ’ ^ie IT10C^ern ^sna (Latopolis).

• 3 0 4
[ 952 ]

f-u) d Tdl
Aa-t tha Per-hemut Aa tchestches
cm i ’ ©’ \>
f=G) the necropolis

of the Nome Sebennyles. The name means

something like Andropolis-Gynaecopolis; see a district in one of the Oases.
Strabo XVII, 803.
Aa-t Tchetmi
Aa-t tham
o 1 village to the south-east of Thebes.
^ © , Annales, 4, 179, (
Aaa ( • fl tr J
o I rvrv^ 799) a Sudani country; situation
-n a - ’ unknown.
CVXQ’ o I /Mi. a
Aa, AaU (j^^/^1,
, Rhind Pap. 24, 56; var.
O 1 ^T© IV, 800, a Sudani country; situation unknown.
00 the town and necropolis of Western
£££’ Thebes; Copt. XKJULe.
Aaiuran (Aaiulan) (] ft () (|
(sic) I Jj 1 1 _Ll XAAAAA

Aathaker , IV, 790, a C^A. L.D. Ill, 252, 26, Ajalon; compare Heb.

district in Syria; situation unknown. )i^N, Josh, x, 12, Assyr. ^

Aathn Aau
\> i w \\
, IV, 792, a district
f)4M’ Rec. 20, 114,

in Syria ; situation unknown. LCA, IV, 806, a Sfidani country; situation

Aa-t ta (?) the 6th Nome
Aaui , IV, 805, a Sudani
of Upper Egypt (Tentyrites). country; situation unknown.

Aa-t ta (?) s=A=> P

~7T- ^
^ ,_s AA d

_ Uj=M O
country; situation unknown.
(?) [j ^t, IV, 805, a Sudani

A ©10A ©■ ^ tT ©■the cap,tal

of the 6th Nome of Upper Egypt (Denderah).
Aabu f J^'A-z-I9o8-Il8'f
j~( V a \\ v
Aatamm cyvi, f JAS’ f icL§®’the capital of Ta'set
Anastasi I, 22, 1, a country in Northern Syria; > i-e., Nubia, the 1st Nome of Upper Egypt
compare Heb. T"
(Elephantine); see Abu ^ J ® , ^e"
Aa-tTebft^^©’ phantine.
^ a t0Wn in the Nome Pharbaetites.
Aab kher m /fl 11, Rec- 32, 69, a place;
I JS situation unknown.
Aatmamt ^ IV^i, L.D.
ii -I i 1 .A 6Zh O LIN

3> 252, 98, a district in Syria; situation unknown. -Aaotet 7r; a name of Herur
I r^A ©’
1^1 , near Beni Hasan.
Aatraa £££, L.D. Ill,

252, 100, a district in Syria ; situation unknown; © r^on .a.

A ^ * t JT- fJ

Aa-t Tcliefa () ^
O d
, Abydos;
a district in the Tuat where food
see , Aram. Pap. 20, .
11,1 was stored.
[ 953 ]

Aam the capital of the Nome Aakhu a-f user asut nebt enti
Ament. ^ V y AAAAAA ^

khet ta o
n mil ^ \\ s 1
Aamu kehek Q ^ ra ^ A.Z.
a name of Denderah.
1883, 88, a nomad tribe conquered by Amen-
hetep I. Aakhu mennu , Rec. 32,
64, a name of Karnak.
Aama ( _^ 0 , a country in

the Egyptian Sudan. Aakhu-t ent Ra heri neteru

a name of Thebes.
Aama dlkfx fl, [ V“ 0 ® ill:
IV, 797, a Sudani country; situation unknown.
Aakhu Ament £©3 ft Z., var.
Aantem ( , d a temple of Osiris in the Nome Ament.
IV, 797, a SCtdani country; situa-
^TT-rr ’ tion unknown. Aakhut - en - Aten f] ww»
i O f
- cz n ^ O n ^
Aar , ( , IV, 803, a Sudani WiMA . O0O / AAAAAA , C^> wma (J AA/wvA} a town
i iwi O . H O ^n d©
country; situation unknown. built by Amenhetep IV near the modern village
of Tall al-‘Amarnah; called also Pa Atenher
Aarakaraka Q <=>LJ<r::>LJ, !TI
d _m 1 1 1 1 f) ^

IVj 796) a SCidani country; situation unknown. d o

Aoh flljk m IV, 799, a SCdani country ; Aakhu-t ent Amen-ren-f C§3
1 ^ ’ situation unknown. on ^
aaaaaa a name of Thebes,
Aahetb ( ^ 1 (^^3, the 5th station ifi

on the Kana-Kuser Road, near the Red Sea. Aakhu-t en Ra n, a temple of


Horus in Edfft.
Aakhekh ( ‘Ap, a town in Egypt.
Aakhu-t heh c§3 ft o q©3
* '
Aakhet I Vn ' ^ , IV, 802, a Shdani
at) m R a-s R a name of the temples
country ; situation unknown. X a of Edfh and Denderah.

Aakh-t Amen tYtYt Q X>, the virine Aakhu-t sheta-t 3 o©3

o ra ^ X
land of Libya-Mareotis; var. Aakh-t Men “ hidden horizon,” a name of the tomb.

Aakhu-t taui [©3
\> a name of Memphis.
Aakh-t Menh
, the vine land of Libya-Mareotis. Aasen [ a^aaa. IV, 802, a Sftdani
country; situation unknown
Aakhu-t , a name of the temple
Aak (
IV, 802, a Sudani
of Amen-Ra at Thebes. (W1
country; situation unknown
a funerary temple
Aakhu-t € of Men-kau-Heru.
_/J (Li:
Aakaraka (j , U a
Aakhu-t ° /\ , the name of the Sudani country ; situation unknown.
pyramid of Khufu at Gizah.
Aaku, Aauk d ^ ^ ^■
AakhuAsut | [A3» the name
[ ^1 a district near the
of the pyramid of Neb-hep-Ra (Menthuhetep)
at Thebes. modern Gebel Ahmar.
[ 954 ]

Aag ( ZS ^ B.D.G. 76, an estate of

© ’ Assa. Aimers ^ ^ 1 ©, Methen 11, a village
/+ T==T or estate in the Delta.

AAAAAA 1 1 ^ w
TV 1 i *V\ /www Ainu (Ainnu) ^ w (j ^ IV, 79,,
6=3Mar- Karn-
a district in Syria ; situation unknown.
52, 7, a canal in An (Heliopolis).
Airanra (?) (j ^ [ [] "VVV'A , iv,
Aatuart (?) (] ^] §<=> twj, iv, 801, 111 1 ’ ’
792» a district in Syria; situation unknown.
a SCidani country; situation unknown.
Aikhka (?) J) /g (j(j a U ^ ~|,
Aatef, Ateftit (j ©
•fl Nastasen Stele 46, a SCldani country; situation
cz a
, H ©^, a Nubian town unknown.

with quarries of /www , rubies (?) Aitua ( ^ ^Tj iv, 790, a

district in Syria ; situation unknown.

Aat (j 13. D. 149, 45, a town in
© ’ the Tuat.
Auu w .X,, Rec. 3, 2, IV, 385,
Aat [ > l (5 a district in Syria; situation unknown.
\> 1
(j Q ^ ,V > a district in the Nome of Menu. Au-t Jg, a name of Abu (Elephantine).

Aaatchem (|_79*. Au-t n Net Amenit (?) 0

Ij-D ^ [o/vg], a Sudani country ; ^ ^ , a name of Sni (Latopolis).

situation unknown.
Auaram . . . ^ ^
Aatl (| .-0 ^ © , a town in 'Egypt. ?M Rec- !3> 3) a town in Egypt.

Aar Aamu (Aal Aamu) ( Auanau (j ^ (j /WAA/W I) \ IV, 784, a

IV , a town in Egypt. district in Syria ; situation unknown ; Heb. ijiN,
1 Chron. viii, 12. The modern Kafr ‘Ana (?)
Aarsa [) —n ^ , IV, 789, a dis-
Auanauqu (] ^>() IV, 7s9,a
trict in Syria; situation unknown.
district in Syria; situation unknown.
Aashu, Aashaa (j"" nA IV,
Aua (Auaut?) ^ ga ®- a
806 (Ram. Ill (j (j ^ iw)J, a Stidani quarter of Memphis.

country; situation unknown.

Auat ^5^ , IV, 805, a SCldani
Aathen [] --?, Iv> 8o4, a SfidAni coun- country ; situation unknown.
1 /www’ try ; situation unknown.
fx/x/1 IV, 788, a district in Aubar
’ Syria ; situation unknown.

** MU. MSA. 5.
1 ©’ 9’ a sanctuary at Latopolis
^ ©’
Iv’ 7841 a name of many
districts in Syria; compare Heb. “fertile
land,” “ meadow.”

Aihra ^ J ^ , IV, 793, a district i Aubarrna l| $ ^^

Syria ; situation unknown IV, 789, a district in Syria; situation unknown.
Aim Rec. 20, 116, a Aubata ]} 79L a district
district in Syria; situation unknown. in Syria; situation unknown,
[ 955 ]

ir(?) !)^> , ,()^J w Augertt (]% ® the necropolis of
IV, 781, 785, a district in Syria; situation un¬ Heliopolis; see Agertt ft

Aupa ( 'j Anastasi I,

Autir ' ^ IV, 790, a dis¬
trict in Syria; situation unknown.
17, r, 22, 6, Anastasi IV, 16, ir, a district in
Syria; Tall al-‘Amarnah V *~<- Autraa (j
Aum’i 11 , IV, 793, a dis¬
, IV, 785, a district in Syria; Heb.
1 __0
trict in Syria; situation unknown.
Numb, xxi, 33, LXX 'Ehpatv, Eusebius

Aun en An-nef (?) &A
W f|
^4 1U
2±3 ' Atpaa.

, a sanctuary of Khnemu-Ra at Latopolis. Authu ( (3 S=^=> "j r^vn. Anastasi I, 21, 1,


Auna j\ vyy ^ A-z- 35> l8> a town [ L.D. Ill, 13 r, a district near

in the district of Hensu. 'Tyre ; Tall al-'Amarnah -Jzyy *yyy ^yy.

Aunam’ H&a ', IV, 788, a dis¬

Ab £(q)3 > Famine Stele 15 = Abu |J

trict in Syria; situation unknown.

^ , Elephantine.
Aunufr ^ <=>, IV, 789, a district
Ah 'O’ © a name of Khemenu (Hermo-
in Syria; situation unknown. ^ px/vp ’ polis).
"V /\A/wv\ r\ r
Auntanai ^ ft [j ^ ftft rvvn, Ab [) j^.q
Cyprus; Assyrian wa/ Ya-at-na-na a Sudani country ; situation unknown.
-Tj »-^y, mat At-na-na V ►vy >-vy,
Gr. K vvpo't.
3, 252, 40, the name of several places in Syria.
Aur Rec. 20, 114, a Sftdani

country; situation unknown. Abarteth ( ^ ,>IV, 79°»

a district in Syria ; situation unknown.

Aurina QM&TPDQv"-
789, a district in Syria; situation unknown. Abakhi „ rv/vQ, Rec. 20,
1 2.1 6 JT \\
118, a district in Syria; situation unknown.
Aurm’ ^ ^ , IV, 790, 793,

a district in Syria; situation unknown.

Abata (j ^ "I !j, IV, 790, a district

<r—aa/wva in Syria ; situation unknown.

Aurna^^ , \,iv, 793, a dis¬

trict in Syria; situation unknown. Abua uw , IV, 805, a Sftdani

country ; situation unknown.
Ausaas 1 G P. 423,
—’k OCX Abureth ( ^ Rec. 20,
-kP ©Ml ^ ^ ill 1x6, a district in Syria ; situation unknown.
N. 1210, the district of Anu sacred to the god¬
dess Ausaasit. Abre (| J the name °f sevcral
Ausha (] IV, districts in Syria; compare Heb. a
meadow-like country.
799, a Sftdani country; situation unknown.

Aushen , IV, 801, a Sftdani I "o* Jr*’ IV’792’

_Zl aa/wsa
a district in Syria; situation unknown.
country; situation unknown.

Aukam’ ^ ^ ^=, IV, 793, a dis¬ Abhat yra^.y^,

trict in Syria ; situation unknown. IJ.M, 657, a country in the Northern Sfidan.
[ 956 ]

Absau (] J & Rec. 20, 114, Ap, Apit (jnjjjjjj, (jDj, { D( Q

IV, 806, a Sudani coun¬

try ; situation unknown. O©- Hii©'
Absaqaba, Absaqbu [j J ^

i|’ yj®’ fll©1 (] ^ | ■ Nistasen

a jri
Q£^Q, Anastasi I, 27, 6, a district (?) in Syria.
stele37- i°aJ!©'
Absi y
country ; situation unknown.
, IV, 803, a Sudani
Laiiiil© i> ^j©’ A°"J©’
the temple of Amen-Ra (Karnak) at Thebes.
Abskhen ( ^ j .. 11, Nastasen
CJ I Ap-t ur-t , the sanctuary of
Stele 53, a country in the Eastern or Southern
Shdan. the goddess Apit at Thebes.

Abshatna f]^ JBM^jT, IV, Aput nub ( □ J | J" L ^ J Nastasen

794, a district in Syria ; situation unknown. Stele 14, the “golden temple” at Napata; see
Diodorus III, 6.
Abshek ( j ©, f j ^ ^rwi, a

town near the modern Abh Simbel in Nubia ; Ap-tshema the

Gr. ’A/Joi^vA, Ptolemy IV, 7, 16, Aboccis, southern Apt, i.e., the temple of Luxor.
Pliny VI, 29.
Apamai A “If? f\ A( /WWV\

Abt (j j '» Rev- I3» 37, ( j

Rec. 33, 6, Apamea (Assyr. ^zJJ JJ £J,
Jour. As. 1908, 314, Abydos; see
B.M. S.P. i, 176), on the river Silhu; varr.
Abetch. AAAAAA

Abti ( J B.D.G. 18, a quarter of (g7==T’

V Saut (Lycopolis).

Abti ( j ^ B.D.G. 181, a sanc¬

Apaqa ( ^ zi Rec. 20,

118, probably one of the four cities called

tuary of Thoth in Khemenu (Hermopolis).
Josh, xix, 30, in Josh, xiii, 4,
Abthesa [j J fl (j, iv, 800, xv> 53> 1 Sam. xxix, 1, 1 Kings xx, 26; Assyr.
a Sfidani country; situation unknown. ^TT

Ab-U cS ©■ Abydos > see f
Apitcha [j Rec. 20,
V ta
116, a district in Syria; compare Heb.
Abtu jy , a sanctuary of the
Josh, xix, 20.
Abtu fish (?); situation unknown.
Apuqen H fa □ , iv, 784, a
Ap, Api, Apu (j °, ()d^©, (jD^ I Cl - I _21 AAAAAA

district in Syria; situation unknown.

© AD© A D " ADU
o_i* ^v©5 W’
Apthen » « 1-

V (a ® ’ □ © ’ PanoPolis> the capital of the f\ g- s AAAAAA

IV, 784; var. (j □ _ ^ Q££), a district

nome P (Panopolites) and the centre of the
-dot*- ' ' in Syria; situation unknown.
cult of Menu, or Khem, or Amsu; perhaps
^ <!OI> ^ Aptu [j Mission 13,4, Abydos (?)
another name for Khemenu
= T
Copt. Arab. Eth. Apptchu IV,798,aSfidani
country; situation unknown.
[ 957 ]
Afresh (} ^ m, [ Am’shana () & run var.
a town in Egypt. , IV, 782, a district in Syria;

Aft (j^“, (j^, IV, 799i var. (j situation unknown.

a SCtdani country; situation unknown Am’kau ( _J1 H !. IV, 793, a

4 —mi 1 1 1
district in Syria; situation unknown.
a town near Buhen
Amu ^ (Wadi Halfah).
Am’ta [ iw), Eg. Res. 71,

Afth ( IV, 799; see ( q . 120, a district in Syria; compare Heb. HTSW,
2 Sam. viii, 1.
Am-t (jji=r, (j^T ° , a part of the

Nome Seshesht $.
(§\ 0 Rec. 11, 146, B.D. 17, 90,
j Jr ’ 91) 93) Buto.
Amm [ z= Q
capital of the
Amu (?) f) IV’ 8°2’ a
Sfidani country ; situation unknown.
Nome rift .
Amuaasf sjfl^, a
Ama TJteh (?)
. r\ aaaaaa n n

Amubes (?) (J I, IV, 803, a

I /WWW -s^j
<=> fl 1\ ^ ^ a sanctuary of Osiris at
©’ H 1©’ Letopolis. Sftdani country; situation unknown.
EL ^
imam, Ammaau ( | Amurt ik
kfW] a country in
(1 V1-’» the Sudan. 1’ 1
necropolis of Thebes.
Aman [ Rec. 20, 116,
Ampeh .the I9th Nome 0f^g0;"
a district in Syria; situation unknown.
Am’r Ament (] jf”| ®>Rev-13’3°; f f © ’
@ w Anastasi III, 8, 7; compare Heb. Rev. 11, 186 =
w ,1 D^D,

Amen-t , Libya-Mareotis,
Am’ur ( THB:
the 3rd Nome of Lower Egypt.
Rec. 11, 67, (j ^ ' ~^> , the land of
Amen-t Anpu (?) » U. 575,
the Amorite; Tall al-‘Amarnah
and N. 965, a district in Egypt or the Tuat.
Am:ut (?) ( %£££, IV, 788, . . ... a rn J1 O
J] J£f Amen hen ab (, <==> i ^
a district in Syria; situation unknown
town near Abshek (Abh Simbel).
Am’resk , iv, 789, r\ .n 1111
a district in Syria ; situation unknown.
Amen kheperu
fj ^ } B.D.G. 29, a sanctuary in the Nome
j © ~
Am’rashak [} Rec.
[W]’ Sept [\ (Arabia).
20, 117, a district in Syria; situation unknown.

Amen sekher ] ® n^n, B.D.G.

Am’hur (j rO \<=>>IV> 794>
3, a cemetery at Thebes.
a district in Syria; situation unknown.
[ 958 ]
^ AAAA/VA ^ ^
n i= |0°Q 10=1=1
Amen tehen An Menth
ra o \ i ©’
I /wwv !©«©-I©_ (I’
“ Amen of the hill,” the district of Tehen at “ the An of Menthu,” Hermonthis.
An meh f|i 0
Amenu-t Khufu ^0 ^ ^ J (j • ill © ¥ ©0 ’ 1114i ©0 H cx=>^
o win’^
“An of the North,” Heliopolis; Heb. yiN,
, B.D.G. 32, an estate of Khufu.
Oo Copt, ton; | a town near Tanis ;

Amenta [ "| ( Rec. 20, D b P.S.B. 15, 444, Heliopolis and Her-
I © o’ monthis.
119, a country conquered by Raineses III.
An Shema ft j=-r, ftg^, |
Amhet (I |x 8 “, (] f= (
T ’ l©-^1©’ !<?©’ “Anof the
In’ m’ ^ South,” Hermonthis; Copt. epJULOrVT, ep-
, [ t-j| ( [ , the temple of Osiris and JUkemr, the modern Armant.
cemetery of Memphis (Sakkarah); • (j cr~. Anut f the towns of the Nome

'*) ^ J the cemetery of Babylon

of Egypt. Nefer Aabti f (Heroopolites).

Ammekhas A j. [) <£3=<
(I. IV, 803, An-t l ^vww Em] f a “valley” near Memphis.
a Stidani country ; situation unknown. <03
An-ti [
<X ana 0*3 nmn /W^AA rmm
, Q

Amkhent the 18th Nome of www, LLilLil o cmD

<0*1 •03 ^ mno <03 ann]
www, nmn /WWAA , Rec. 10,
Lower Egypt (Bubastites). ’ <03 \\ urn ’
Q win
I33> , Gebelen, in Upper Egypt
Amestrek ( ^ 1 "jj Rec. 1 1 1 1 1 i~
111 IT

20, 115, a Sudani country; situation unknown. An-t ( the valley of ^ near
Amter Q f\ ° GZI5, Cr°codilopolis, ■Beni Hasan.
1 —-> \> I near Gebelen.
An-t hesmen <e* D, fl O* § (1
An£°@ ■£o©>p-~°>fi8>()©’ ,1 LI 111 I, —n 03 p —±- n o«
1 . I J /WWW 1^0, l 8 ( /WWW (W)
ReC. 26, 75, 31, .62, |, | g £, () @ ° o ° 1 /WWW A ° o ° loo
o —m— o r\ o n
n 0 | n | aaaaaa ; (i) a region to the
X /WWW o ’ 1 [^£1 X, | 0 O o' w 6
I © J'f west of Cairo, i.e., the “Natron Valley,” Wadi
1873, 105, Heliopolis, the capital of the Nome
1-Natrhn ; Arab. ^\->\\\ , the “Natron
v-^-(Heliopolites) ; Heb. DN , Assyr. >-J:yy
I ^ Copt. am. Mountain ” of the Copts, IXXOOT AJLITI^O-
CGJUL ; (2) a district of Al-Kab.
All Ra ill ^ —rr-0 Jfl, the Anu of Ra.
© ©
wwv\ \ /WWW
An-t hetch Nekhen (?) () /www fN/VQ
An ||^0> ^ q> Tentyra (Denderah).
0 ^ © capital of the
Q 6V<J v“ . J. Q +8- a1 ^ cz HI
Nome Ten (?)
An nut Tern ik- | ^zn:
Ant Seneferu (^fT}" an
, Hermonthis.
^© estate of Seneferu.
/w/w/w ’VVV V V '

An en Pteh ^ ^ a/ww\
II ~© Antt tehen Q °°
[] O Q
^ ^, Denderah. “ crystal valley,” a district near Hensu (Hera-
An en Nut jj 66/ww C* ^ © , Den-
A.n B.D.G. 48, the Canopic
derah. ttht- h V ’ arm of the Nile.
[ 959 ]

Ana ( AAAA/w IV, 802, a Sudani

(W) • fir JOS'Edm; <3)
country; situation unknown.
, the capital of 000 (Heroonpolites);

Ana jj [j ^, a town in Upper Egypt. Gr. Yeppov, Heb. *YU£(?)

• h h n aaaaaa
Anauben [ AAAAAA (] J , IV, 79°) Aneb fir j®0mCin]f
a district in Syria; situation unknown. | 1, a strong city in the Delta.

Anaurepaa ( www (j Aneb hetch-t 10 “White wall.”

IV, 782, a district in Syria; situation unknown.
Gr. Acvkov t6?yo«, the 1st Nome of Lower Egypt
Anaugasa (Angas) (J q ^ Z5 (Memphites); 0 ly ^ J @ eastern

Sc^a, (J (jq e S® |e~), quarter of Memphis, 0 ©’ ^ "^ite-

IV, 665, 704, 716, a district in Syria; var. walled City” (Memphis).
A—, JJ Alt-K. 595, Tall al-‘Amarnah ;
a quarter of
O Assyr. V V* TT< - Aneb Sebek jj
Anautena [ ^ ^^ ^, iv, <o< n
Anbetli | IV.
791, a district in Syria ; situation unknown.

797, a Sftdani country; situation unknown.


Annasa [[ I , , , ^ Rec. 8,
Anpu the 17th Nome
137, a district in Syria; situation unknown.
of Upper Egypt (Cynopolites).
A r) AAAAAA f\ r

Annaui ( gjh U > 1V> 793 > a

Anpu mer ankh J- ©,
district in Syria; situation unknown.
B.D.G. 60, an estate of © J -o>- U J.
Ani ^(]( Hh. 161, Rec. 10, 140, 27,
Anpu sankh ^=2^ |1 J- ©, B.D.G. 60,
87, | A ©’ IV> II21> Sen, Sni (Asna).
AAAAAA a town in the Nome Anpu.
Anit AAAAAA ? a

^ a town in the Theban

Anem (
/-® ’ Nome.
canal in the Nome of Sept 4L-
Anm’im’ (?> j I =„ La 3’

Anini (?) [| ^ [Wl, Eg. Res. 156, a district in Syria; situation unknown.

84, 140, a district in Syria; situation unknown.

Anem’ra (
f) (wi,
Annukherut (j ^ ^ , L.D. Ill, 252, 67, a district in Syria; situation
® q , IV, 283, a district in Syria;
compare Heb. mn2N> Josh. 19, 19.
Anmua (?) AAAAAA ?

it-: it-:

n ti ^ d 797, a Sddini country, situation unknown.

Aneb (] ^ J 0 © , A ^ j
[A]ner en Behut ( -> AAAAAA

J <ciUUlU ^
d43* jn ©.iy. iog9.0 '©'•;
AAAAAA CnQ k_L ^ k- the sandstone quarry of Edfti.

000 o> Memphis; jj the eastern

Anerrut [
'gX ' “ Sandstone
quarter of Memphis.
Town,” a name of the necropolis.

*»•>■ ir jds. Anruar [(]] , Herusatef

jj ^ : (1) a town near Pelusium ; (2) (j <S*1 Jj Stele 82, a town in the Sftdan.
[ 960 ]
• • f) jQ c-A /O AAAAAA
Anertha , IV, 789, a Arana (J ^ ( (j ^ [wj, IV,
I' „
district in Syria; situation unknown; Tall al- 710, a district in Syria; situation unknown.
‘Amarnah ^ JJ JJ.

Anrethu jj IV, 690, the

Ari ©■ $ M ©■a narae of
Sekhem (Letopolis).
district of Ullaza (?)
<rf==p3^ /VWW\
Ankenna ( /WWV\ , IV, 797, a 793, a district in Syria; situation unknown.
Sfldani country ; situation unknowm.
Ari sheps (] J* (1 @. Rec. 27, 4> a
Oi q q o
An ta neter-t town in Egypt.
hwa Cl d a
, Denderah. Am f) -cso-^tw], T- 35L the name
1 Jr of a country.

Antebt AAAAAA ^Jj 1 , IV, 805, a Sudani Aru M- l8l» the name °f
1 Jr a town.
country; situation unknown.
Aru ( <g>-, Rec. 23, 125, a name
Anttepus , IV, 802,

a Shdani country; situation unknown.

of Hebenu $ J g.
An Thar [|i "T <==^,a district Aruna (read Auna) -<S£>“ AAAAAA ?

ill c © V© Edfh.
A Ionia and the Ionians,
Anthaqeb jj | gj/ ^ J, IV, 7915
Greeks, etc.; Heb. |V, Ezek. xxvii, 13, Isa.
a district in Syria; situation unknown.
lxvi, 19, D^Y’n Joel iv. 6, Assyr.
Anthka jj 1 g3 r^A, Rec. 20,
V U 11 V ttVy TUT
116, a district in Syria; situation unknown. Copt, oxeeieitm, oxemm,

Anthu (l| <=>$$> Arapakha [j rv^i,

1 □
^©j, Kubban Stele 30, B.D.G. 1320, a swampy Rec. 20, 116, ( ,, IV. 719; var-
m <=> [W]
district in the Nome Natho; Assyr. A
; Assyr. -Jpf <T“TT<T £-TT>
:TT SST -T<T ^TTT-> Gr- Neo’^- 3= R< , Gr. 'Appa^a^/ris.

Antches , B.D. 15 (Litany), a Arp-hesp Q <=> □ § (

[W] [1 □ 7 ^
mythological locality. D 1 o =0= , a name of Sunhu (Aswan).
T=7T ’
Ara, Ala (1 ^^7^ , IV, 788, a district • c—-C\ nI AAAAAA

1 Pi
|W1 Arapusnen ( | I ^ [wi,
in Syria ; situation unknown.
Rec. 20, 117, a district in Syria; situation un¬
Ara (Ala) ( ^ ^ .1n A ^ known.
a town on the Island of Meroe, ‘ Alwah ; Arab. Armaa (?) -o>-IV, 796,
iyLc •
a Shdani country; situation unknown.

Arit (Parit) ( flf ^ /If

Arm’then (] ^WV', L.D. 3, 252,
^ ^ ( ( : (1) a district in the Nome of 126, a district in Syria, situation unknown.

Set; (2) a district in the Nome Sma-Behut. Arenna h ^ AAAAAA "| () ^

AAAAAA Jt\S> I | 1

Arara ( ^ _2a>i 'j Gob


4, 3, a district; situation unknown. Treaty 26, a district in Syria; situation unknown.

[ 961 ]
X \> ^ <=>
, Rev. 2, 4, Arteti (?)
Amaru’ (
. ,L=J1 I ’ \>n 0(1 M « ’

92, a district in Syria; situation unknown. li o ft c ^ , a district in the Nome Ka-Kam

© © 0 0 I

Arnir (?) ( ^ <=Y=>,IV, 789,a (Athribites).

district in Syria ; situation unknown. • r\ J2 x I) 'ft /wwv' v,

Artaqana ( fa <=> 1 M 41 ^j
. AAAAAA aaaaaa

Arenth (
I 1 1 aaaa**
1 1 &&&, Mar. Aby. Alt-K. 121; compare jprfrN, Joshua xv, 50.
I I I 5, Annales Artug L.D. III, i3i,a
n> 4, [5> u

district in Syria ; situation unknown.
4, 129, the Orontes; Assyr. TCSREsTh+tfT-

Artut ( gjX "||o^[W], IV, 687, a

—a name of Thebes. district in Syria; var. [
Arherr (?) (} ^
III, 252, 70, a district in Syria; situation un¬ Artnai(?) | \ ^©>
known. satef Stele 157, a country in the Sftdan.

Aras ( , iv, 790, ( Artenu (j ^ ^ 1 o L.D. ill,

131, a district in Syria; situation unknown.

[Ql I 'l ReC- 2I> 98, (] ^ [X]’
Artgu [j Rseeve
Rec. 10, 209, (j ^ ^ , Ig] I *] ^ >
Q/d \\ \ f\/\-0
& 1 I © , a district in
Arth, Artheth ( Ip =* “
0 —Z^fXAWl’ s
J ^ ,
, a country in the Sudan.
Syria; Tall al-‘Amarnah JJ ^ t^Jy. l|
Artha [ i<~>^^rvxo, Rec. 20, xi8;
Arras (] gh <= I 'l Nastasen
/- 1 1 ^ <3 I I
Stele 53, a country in the Eastern or Southern

Arsha . . . . (j .
mm Arthakna

788, a district in Syria; situation unknown.

IV, 7.93, a district in Syria ; situation unknown
ArthU [| ^ ‘ Mar. Karn. 38,
Arka ( Lrt'j(^y/], Gol. 4, 8, £

district; situation unknown.


Arkan ( , Rec. 20,116,

QiTT A-Rev-3’159’
a district in Syria ; situation unknown. VlMV], IV, 689,

Arkara (j ^ <Z==> Rec. (j^«^,!V, 788.

s Gol. 4, 2, a district in Syria; Tall al-
20, xi6, ( Herusatef Stele 28, a
‘Amarnah ^ <MH Vr *K?)
city and country in the Sudan.
Arat (j ^ v' "j , Arvad; Heb-
Arkarka Mar. Aby. II, 2,
Tall al-‘Amarnah ^Cjj
a district; situation unknown.
(other forms are : ^JJ ^T>"*'5Ff<T >
"ft C~‘=^~~3
Argat mtw,‘, a district in ^ <THfM -ITT- Tt ^T ^TT.
etc.), Gr. ’Opdwai'a, Arab. modern
sIorthern Syria; Tall al-‘Amarnah hh
-T ^TT4-
3 ?
[ 962 ]
Aratana ( As-t aah J-^^, B.D.G. 11, “Seat of
i v
Rec. 20, 118, a district in Syria; situation un¬ the Moon,” i.e., the capital ot the Oasis of
Tchestchestt ^ (CC) °r
Ahau (?) (1 m , 0 ra (Dakhlah).
M7 IV, 798, a Sudani country;
As-t ab fj Laj = Per-bar-as-t
. V’ situation unknown.
V J ^
J O’ 3J
Ahat (?) (| m ^ 1 in (W), IV, 805 J@,a town in the Western Delta; Arab

Balbes UM^A!.
(Ram. Ill, m l__l rwvyij 5 a Sudani

country; situation unknown. As-t ab Ra OjjO Palermo Stele,

Ahi en Bast A ID A A ” W ^, ©jy-O A- o J=, B.D.G. 14, a

aaaaaa Li \J

0 fl] (( 1 1 , a quarter of Shetenu 2==^. sun-temple near Sakkarah.

1 11 ,WWV\ U O©

As-t ar menu en He-t-Her er

Ahaa fl I fl I o
IV, 798, a Sudani country; situation unknown. sehetep neteru j- AAAAAA AAAAAA

mo O
1, Denderah.
Ahautt flf^-, iv, 806, a □
Sudani country ; situation unknown.
As-t ar-t (?) Heru rl 0 ^p
dJ i_ _i <=> ._
Ahni (?) [j8 ^ Rec. 15, 68, a town
“ Seat of the Eye of Horus,” i.e., a district in
' 1 X \\ © ’ in Egypt.
Sekhet-Hemam (Wadi an-Natrftn).
Akhna fl ® fl IV, 80*2, a Sftdani coun-
AAAAAA V try; situati
ituation unknown.
As-t As-t emkhet ha-s jj ^ j-
Akhenu f| ^j( §, Rec- 28> 23> Leonto-
1 © pons.
g-M; ■ j*j
dJ I-1
aS)ass Ap(|;.flp©.fl[i^ Denderah.
0 o /—
@.flPP®,flpP@. flp©[]!cL],B.D.G.
As-t aten em nub [ /WW\A

j I_I 1 Q o o o
a temple of Horus at EdfO.
70, a town near Memphis (?)
AAAAAA 44 Holy place,”
Asti flft 0 u ftft© flft“* , the
As-t uab r ^ { „ AAAAAA

Htf ©©’ [ft? ©’ Hljw<4^ dJ CTT3 ( ^© i.e., Philae.

two Egypts—Upper and Lower. isliaoL—/]

Ast Unep rl 0 rl ^
. dJnO □ C4© il C3 AAAAAA

□ q©’

As en neteru neterit fl ft H VA
Sill . . 1u I I I I ’a name
^, a sanctuary in Heliopolis.
As-t ur-t en hem Heru-Aakhuti
As-t au ah j- ^ ^, Denderah.
ca n
1 1
Him O cm /WWW rnj \\
As-t au ab enti neteru nebu x
wwxm L o u jj , a common
a © -aivs rfi Oo.
= » Al1', Denderah.
name of the shrine of Harmakhis.

As-taabi jf jjf J As-t per Het-Her kher menu

, B.D.G. 15, a district near Nerutef
© j cm o J^>mo ©’ Denderah-

^ © * As-t per seshem en Het-Her urth

As-t aab-s He-t-Her jj ^ 1 nebt taui am AAAAAA
o H cm
, Denderah.
©Q'Denderah' 5X C± ©
[ 963 ]
As-t pesas ta jj ^ D ( 1 [J 0®, As-t ent Het-Her nebt An jj
rl ° Dl n ^ a name °f Denderah, “ bake- 0 , Denderah.
JJn'ilo©’ house.” I a
o □ As-t n sek tchet jj ^,
As-t pesh Nebti jj
nm Denderah.
° “place of the division of the two Horus
©’ gods,” i.e., Denderah. As-t en ta neterit em tcham jj
w\ r-1 „ f. o O O
As-t m’s menu ent Het-Her ams • • CZh ~ > Denderah.
r~*2K. a
1111111 ^ , Denderah.
^ ^
0 _^_© As-t neterui
As-t m’ snef sa r|“ 1 1 “ (j " IkSk, [j1©1
HU JJ cms v ~ © JJ n JJ 1 1
, Denderah.

As-t Menti jj ^ ^ , a place in As-t neteru !1!

i 1! ©’ ,
r| A
J] III ©’ Un
rl ~
the region of Mareotis. 'ffl© a sanctuary Amen-Ra in Pa khen
Ament (Diospolis Parva).
As-t mer ab en Ra
j|,In O’ i sex i As-tEa^^j^^orRahep-t
the sanctuary of Hathor at Denderah.
fj'o, a temple of Ra in Denderah.
As-t mesklien-t en Ast j o
i' O
^ ^ rl ^ D “birthplace of Isis”- As-t Ra rln ~ , r| Q 25©, r|
U ©’ JJ na 1
j U3 0 /wam JJ 0 (uV £a name of Denderah.
JqSv / 2GX
’ JJ I_J ^

© a village near
As-t nai jj^
^ | ’ Edfft.
As-t hi
As-t nefer-t temPle of , “Place of joy,” i.e., Denderah.
Horus in Hensu (Herakleopolis).
Asut Heru jj ^ , “The Seats of
As-t nefer-t j Jo
Horus,” i.e., Denderah.
the temple of Hathor at Denderah.
As-t heh
inH©*inf © h
“Seat of Eternity”: (i) Denderah; (2) n
a O «« *40 , the , a sanctuary in Bekha 1 S

temple of Denderah. H
(3) [In

O ^ O a common name for the tomb.

As-t enth mut Heru jj
, Denderah. As -1 heq j ^ J ^ ©, “ Seat of the
’ Jl ITU 8=3 o £
Governess,” i.e., Edfft.
As-t en Ra G Edfu.
As-t khatbut em aq en netert ten
As-t ent Ra Heru-aakhuti jj 0

^ , Denderah.
d n cS
■<® \\
As-t en Hur(?) jj AAlVWV „ . 3 .
As-t khnem aten jj n -f i O ’
U3 ©
town near Sni (Asna). Edfh.
As-t enth hem-t nesu jj J As-t sekhem ankh en neter
j) n
^ ©, “Seat of the Queen,” i.e., Denderah.
o © 1 ’Denderah-
3 P 2
[ 964 ]
• mma /•—
As-t sekhenu en akhemu jn 1 As-t Temt J the sanctuary of

'wwv' [ > “ Place where divine Osiris at Saut (Lycopolis, AsyCit).

images alight,” i.e., the Theban Necropolis. As-t tekh enth Heru-aakhuti j ^
=*»- AAAAAA »(“* >-% iin

As-t sekhen en Hern aakhuti , “Seat of the drink (or

: <=> O *
drunkenness) of Ra Harmakhis,” i.e., Denderah
J cm' >0 o
Edffi. W - rl

As-t sekhen en suatch ba

As-t tcheser
A <^=>©’ U n c©
J] U3 jj _ ^ ^, Denderah.
dl cm <—■> i 11 ©
q .. |■ , Sni (Asna).
Asar ( || & I 'I [W), Anastasi I,
As-t shatu menu en neb An am-s
23, 6, Asher ; compare Heb. Josh, xvii, 7.
c n !lllml| Q (3 /WVW\ AAAAAA .. T5
JCD C Q WWW 0 ^-/ I c© c© Asar Nemur (Merur) Lid
the temple of Osiris-Mnevis.
As-t sha mehtt rl .___
j cc'.
n /—\ /• \ ' the
tjj |_| o o o fN/VQ Asi (j ~rr (j( [W), IV, 707, Mar. Aby.
sandy region north of Lake Moeris.
11,2, (j -nr (](], Rec. 32, 69, (](j [W),
As-t sha shema rl ° x> the
,11 CD o o o |
Rec. 19, 18, Cyprus ; Gr. Kinrpo^. The form
sandy region south of Lake Moeris. AAAAAA

As-t Shu j- p © , Edffl. Jil (W)> Which is found on the

Canopus Stele (1. 9) is a corruption of J\ AAAAAA^
c [\ AAAAAA f\ f\
As-t shepset hent neterit r CW1, Auntanai.
Si lo
j ^, Denderah.
0 c o v_
rv^d, Rec. 20,116,
i—\\~~i c
As-t sheta-t rl S ° , the temPle of a district in Syria ; situation unknown.
U C X CD Edfft.
As-t qen Heru em bah mut-f Ast Asir () [ffC ^ ) cw,, Gol. 4, S.
Asher; compare Heb.
H n Cj ^ T8 ^ Jl c i ’ Denderah- *• T

As-t Qerhit jj | z°ls* a sanctuary Asur, Assur

in Thek § ‘T (Pithom). *£££, IV, 668, 726, >, Mar.
Q , W i.e., An (On, Helio¬ Karn. 38, Assyria; Assyr. V —V <JEJ, Heb.
As-t Tem jj
nE polis).
Syr. Athur.
As-t Tem jj u\ ^ = Per-Atem =
IZ3 Assur with
Thek , the Pithom of the Bible. the Assyrian.

As-t tekh j _ o “Seat of drunken Asb-t ( 1 Jj ^!, “ the throne ” par excel¬
ness,” i.e., Denderah. lence, a name of Edfu; varr. dipj;.
As-t tettet jj ^ "J
in the Fayyum.
£ ^ a district (?)
As-t The jj
a sanctuary near Aspau (|PKAVl^J-Iv.79S.
CD ^ © ' Dakkah. ^ j fx/'y/'i Rcc. 20, 114? a Shdam country ;
1 ^ ’ situation unknown.
As-t ta kaut r| ^ &_0 ^ , a town or
«u U3 uuu
village near Memphis.
Aser(?) Q fl-^fWK Mar- Aby- n, 2,
d | ’ Asher (?)
[ 965 ]
Aserhebu (] [1 ^ J iv, 8o4) a Aqar ( ^ A IV, 785, a district
Sudani country; situation unknown. in Syria ; situation unknown.
• f\ n pg f\ AAAAAA

Ashemu ( a town Aqen [j ^ ^ fx/xq a district near the

1 Sjl aaaaaa ’ Second Cataract.
near Tanis.
Aqsu ( a 1 ^iwi, IV, 805 (Ram. Ill,
Asqarna, Asqalna [j jl ^
A o - a Sftdani country ; situa-
'j ( 1 zl aaaaaa ^ rx/vo, Israel iX 00 /’ tion unknown.

Stele 27, Izl 'l CSS], ( ^ 1 \\

Aqtua (] ^c=3^|iyv],
IV, 781, a district in Syria; situation unknown.
*! [SSI, Ascalon; Heb. A,
1 l
Tall al-‘Amarnah *-£jJ >— —'f
Akaita (j ^ LJ (( 0==p rx/xo } Kubban

Kltl- The modern ‘Asqalan. Stele 9, Rec. 14, 97, a gold-producing district
in Nubia.
Astses f) fl o
^ (x/x/-)’
IV, 803, a Sudani

Akarkar (j ^ (_) <U> £ ^ \ >
country; situation unknown.
Nastasen Stele 51, a country in the Sftdan.
Asthen (I R AAAAAA ^^5 802j cl^SO-dcUll COUIl
l try ; situation unknown.
Akarta (j ^ U (],L.D. in, 88a,

Astt A ft flw^ rvx/-i , Ashdod;

• * H Lr \\ w [1
Heb. Assyr. ^JJ
C ^ ^ f\yxr) ’ ^ M \\ [yyi ’ ^ ^ M
° fl r 'i a country in Syria ; Tall al-‘Amir-

the Southern Sftdin.
^ PS^x©’ n1, i43, a city in
<=> 4 I ^ ' nah V efT* >TM

Akat ( ^ U ) QMar. Aby. II, 2,

Ashamb fl ^ = J,IV,79i, a district in Syria (?)

an Asiatic country ; situation unknown. Akath 0 LJ0 \\ S, Annales IV, 130, a

1 1
Ashar (?) (j X © > Syria. district in Syria ; situation unknown.

Aku Q H (1 |
Ashushkhen 0 , [log £
a district in Upper Egypt (Gebel
i ~u i ^ rx/xp ? IV, 783, a district in Syria; Ahmar?).
[ \\ ] AAAAAA

situation unknown; var. i \\"\ Akes, Akses(?) ( 1^, B.D. 149,

0 f^A/1
Alt-K. 153. a city in the 9th Aat.

Asher [
f\ □□tk AAAAAA v\ AAAAAA ,

AAAAAA JT /WWV\ Aksep ( i IV,

A I W -I AAAAAA H (. W- □ w'w' fwi n 00
■□ ©7 1 SI □ ©
782, a district in Syria; Heb. (Josh.
1 ^© 1 AAAAAA ^ © ’ 1
AAAAAA D 1 -xr~iT=r r 00 (S v xi, 1), Assyr. -tJJ
•A ^g-1) ©’
Akesh [ see CSNQ; Heb.
rxm no
I]™©, the °lUarter 0f
U.A3, Assyr. HJ < *j£YT-
Thebes that contained the temple of Mut.

A shpr A SsS BDG- 102, a canal of

Aktames ( ^ ^ 'l, IV, 786, a dis¬
Asner Bubastis.
trict in Syria ; situation unknown.
Ashseth [j ^=£=j, ( iv, 800, Q (] S
Agert, Agertt ®
a Sudani country ; situation unknown.
, the necropolis of An (Heliopolis);
Aqa [ Rec. 20, 116, a
^_n tk s
district in Syria ; situation unknown. r-^>rwi
3 p 3
[ 966 ]
Agerbemren (] ® l £> \> ^ £>
Atefklient ( ; see
.^<c£©’ Canopus Ci I
Stele 25= Jj ^ <Eis I
the Herakleum;
it ^l^©’B'D-G-79-f \\

j;- 1 fjfl V~T Mission r3' 3» a town in Northern

(J 33±tt ’ Nubia; Tasitia (?)
Atar (] , IV, 781, a district in
Syria; situation unknown.
Atmem(?) (j ) IV, 7s2, Alt-

Atakar ( ^| ( ^ > IV, 791»

K. 178, a district in Syria; Heb.
Josh, xv, 7, xviii, 17.
i-: )

a district in Syria; situation unknown. • A AAAAAA

Atnep [J jj C^, IV, 801, a Sftdani

Ati ™ , B.D.
country; situation unknown.
(Saite) 142, I, 20, the 9th Nome of Lower Egypt
(Busirites). Atra (j) 1 , IV 796,
’ /y 5

a Sudani country ; situation unknown.

Atu ^Q L.D. Ill, 209c, a dis¬

Ater shema (j ^ ^ |, a name of

trict in Syria; situation unknown
a canal in the Delta.
Aterti shema \u/ \DI ^ “, temple of
Atur ( ! > IV, 791, a district AAAAAA
Osiris at
in Syria ; situation unknown.
O (S ;
Atur ( , a town near Thebes. Atremaau (j "jj | ^ ^ ^, n. 796,
^ (3 7=7 a Sftdani country ; situation unknown.
Atur aa ( “ great stream,” i.e.,

the canal of the 2nd Nome of Lower Egypt; Atrennu h&j , IV, 791, a
f) ^ (c) AAAAAA <xz=>
i www , the Canopic arm of the Nile; district in Syria ; situation unknown.

Atrten (] &
i,,, ■IV’792’a
1 21 U II (Jim
district in Syria ; situation unknown.
jf , West stream, the Canopic arm of the Nile.
, B.D.
Atur ent Ta-tesher (?) ( ra
163, 1, a Nubian city (?)
a well at the 1st station on
the Kana-Kuser road. Atga (j IV, 805, a Sudani
Atugenr (| §? o ^ ^ '- _ IV, „0> country ; situation unknown.
a district in Syria ; situation unknown.

Ateb e^o ©, B.D.G. 78, a town in the a district in Syria; situation unknown.
^ \> -fL e* • f\ jQ I AAAAAA
Thebaid; , a district in the
Oh \\
rrvs ^HlllTl
Athana (jgf IV, 791, a dis¬

Nome ^ (Apollinopolites). trict in Syria ; situation unknown.

Atbana (j ^ | , IV, 791, a

Athar ( &^ 1 fV^A, Rec. 20,1x8,
1 \\
district in Syria; situation unknown. , a district in Syria.

Atefpeh (] “ Qsee
Athimaa s^=> (S ^ Rev. 12, 86,

(? I Western Thebes; Copt. XHJUL6.

[ 967 ]

Athitaui n.r L7T

B.D.G. 39, 1320, a swamp district in the 7th

—’ o Nome in the Delta; Nath AAAAAA |] C~~*~=^3 ^

^ i, a fortified town on the Nile between = Natho.

!=?’ Memphis and Mer-tem.
Atchai [ ^ | L lj(| ) Anastasi I.
Atheniu Qe=3(](]tbt^). iv, 8o6, a
I wvw\ I I -21 22
1 *> Alt'K' 2°5,a
district in the Sfidan. district in Syria ; situation unknown.
i ,, , , /0>. hs=soo B.D.G. ioi, a (.) ^ town }n Egypt. Atchana jj ^ | ^iwi, Rec.

Atah 11 ^ the 4th station on 20, 115, a district in Syria; situation unknown ;
Heb. 1 Chron. vii, 24.
the Kana-Kuser road.

Atir(Atil) A* , L.D. 111,252, Atchannaua (?) A $k Xn Q

<X*sr\-^-G QSJ I
1 y11 (Hi -CENS' I I I 1

28, - (j a district in Syria;

Ir taai m I1 1mI Q A"*K'2o8’a
situation unknown; Heb. TIN Josh, xvi, 5. district in Syria; situation unknown.
T - 7

) - . A AAAAAA y

Attaqna ( Atchet (j ^, a town in the Fayyfim.

Alt-K. 204, a district in Syria; situation un¬ Atchtem (j Rec. 20,115,


Aturm’ (Atulm’) i) | ^ ^
a scribe’s mistake for 1 \i.j [J _, IV, 798.

j|\^ qX] ’ a ^Str^ct Syria; situation unknown.

Aturna (] ^^ ^1
A Argsantres

Anastasi I, 22, 5, a district in Northern Syria; ©

Heb. CTTHN, 2 Chron. xi, 9.
palace of Alexander,” i.e., Alexandria.
q-cvg, L.D. Ill, . _0 =x=>\ \>
Atmaa A mehti ' , Lower Egypt.
1 ^ \\
QG^G, 3=1 _J?
252> 55
a district in Syria; Heb. OlSl,
A en Uatchit Sessu 1'lkM o
r^G HWflt] , Anastasi I, 27, 5,
[W]’ Josh, xix, 36.
the country of Uatchit of Sessu.
Atm’, Atum’ A& ^, nimiTT
A[ui?] en Hap-t SI©’
1 [vrvrj; Edom; Heb. Or.
0. I the two doors of the Nile town (Elephantine?)
’\bovfiala, Assyr. ^JJ *sUJ •
Aaatchmaa ^ ^ (| r|^
Atr, Atraua [ [
(W), Eg. Res. 81, 66, a district in Syria; situa¬
^Tj (W), Mar. Aby. II, 2, a district in Syria (?) tion unknown.

Atremam QG^G, Aaru <-==» [j G | ^ , B.D.G. ro4, a temple

L.D. 3, 252, 19, Adoraim; Heb. , of Osiris in He-t-ta-her-ab (Athribis).

2 Chron. xi, 9.
Aai-t en Behut TT A VlH’ Edf(L
\ tm
Ateh ■> f) f\ AAAAAA

Aaina _Q(](] IV, 783, 785. a dis¬

trict in Syria; situation unknown; compare

Heb. IVy f 1 Kings xv, 20.
el va,©, [)o|L [)_
3 p 4
[ 968 ]
Aau, Au IV, 800, Aaretaat Rebath n vx 1=5
a district in the SCidan; situation unknown.
PAA , L.D. Ill, 252,108 and 109,
a -7L JX~ P^xa
Aauah, Aauh 'pw ra, a district in Syria; situation unknown.
ID IV, 798, a Sudani country; situation un-
known. Aak , IV, 7S3,
n vww\
A p^xa
Aauneh j—| Q^eQ, Rec. 20, 114, a P^A, Accho or Ptolemais ;

scribe’s mistake for IV, 798. Heb. *13^ Tall al-‘Amarnah ^JJ

Assyr. ^rr -b m <> Phoen. Arab.

Syr. Q^i, Gr. ’'Aktj.
a town in the Nome Am Khent (Bubastites).

Aam P-^W, a country of Western

Aagana a 1, a town near

Asia, or Western Asia ; see the following : Gebelen; var.

a V
• 11k(CC’WeslernAsia; Aataka
-)<i 'j P-^A, a dis¬
P-^A Q
var. trict in Syria; situation unknown; compare Heb.
O I III 11111

I TO, 1 Sam. xxx, 30.

Aa em ma heru ac.
x<2 Aattmaa P^A, L.D. III,
A , name of the site of the
temple of Rameses II at Abft Simbel. 252, 79> a district in Syria; situation unknown.

Aamqu , IV, 785, Aat en sekhet (?) __a

^ ^ a district in Syria; situation unknown; nnO 136, the 2nd station on the Kana-
£W)’ compare Heb. =——3’ Kuser road.

Aamthen. Aatchaba B.D.G. 137,

1 AAAAAA tzs Mendes.
=> cvn □XZ) A'
Aaa PAA, Rec. 20, 114, a Shdani
/WWNA ^-^ AAAAAA ^ • 1 A
Ins. of Methen, a village in the country; situation unknown.
A] B.D.G. 104, a town in
Aai (?)
Aa-t enti aap ^ “temple Egypt.
a n a \\
of the Winged Disk,” a name of Edffi. Akhakhui (?)
—■ <xz^> AAAAAA \\"ft®’ BD-G-132’
Aarna <ciz> 1R p-^w, L.D. m, 252, 32, a town on the site of Sarariyah.
A • fi f) f) AAAAAA
a A IV, 1651, 782, Ama u U ^ jXj , perhaps the dis¬

fv/x/i^ IV, 650, a district in Syria; trict of Moses’ Wells; compare Heb. py
’ situation unknown.
7 . . . _ n r\ r\ AAAAAA AAAAAA v

Aaretaa Eg. Res. Aminl<?) U M U „

Anastasi I, 27, 6, a district in Syria; situation
83, no, a district in Syria; situation unknown;
compare Heb. TOf Judges i, 16. unknown.

^ Aaretaa Nebatbath <>T=> c— Aunu-ab 0 a town in the


MJ L'D- ln> 25*. no Nome of Sep

and n 1, a district in Syria; situation unknown.

Auhur —ID ^ IV, 79s,
Read aaaaaa j Nebata.
district in Syria; situation unknown.
[ 969 ]

Autara (| ^ HVmSe!'
An wwa @ , &
J. ©' B-D-G- ”7'

IV, 785, a district in Syria; compare Heb. v—^r- , the capital of the Nome (Heroo-
kV H '^T
rrny. polites).
_a r> [) _—
a-u „ lli - B.D.G. 105, a town in Anu
Ab DJ!©' Egypt.
AAAAAA )-( ?
1=1 >
re ’

- J ft w 111-
Abui neteru <3 ' ’ O -If ' kww ’ Oe\> I
Piankhi Stele 3, A.Z. 1900, 130, districts in the
near Mem¬
phis. 3rd, 8th and 15th Nomes of Lower Egypt; varr.

Apu ^ , a town near Thebes


o ~F=T

c \\

a „ -a._. the quarries ofTurahoppo-

-a \\
Apur 1 Harris 300, a dis- An 0 CS’ site Memphis.
□ <*<=>\ I
trict; situation unknown; compare Heb. “iDV. An a/wwa , IV, 78s, a dis-

Aper^©l , a sanctuary of Osiris.

trict in Syria; compare Heb. VS-

Aper 20, 115, a foreign country; situation unknown.

(1) a district of Memphis; (2) a town in the
Delta. Anep p. 499, 5

Rec. 27, 87, kwA j}— ", Hymn Darius

Aper t)T'^Q©’B-D-i4,< i42’ □
90, a town in the Tuat. 27 , Thmuis in the Delta.
’ © ’ □ £ )’
Aperaar ^ (j V /V
Alt-K. Annagar

, Eg. Res.

254; compare Heb. 'HSJL 70, no, a district in Syria; situation unknown.

Aper ur , IV, 783 “ Great Annemgar, Annagar


Aper ”—a district in Syria. 1 , Rec. 20, 118; see IK

S f\Ap JSs*.
Aper sher iv, 783, l .

“ Little Aper ”—a district in Syria

An her PP ^ ^, Denderah.
Rec. 32, 69, a region
Amau _d_ ; The City of Life,” i.e.,
in the Sfidan. Ankh I @’ Thebes.
Amau Rec. 32, 66, _ p AAAAAA Q

Ankhtt -¥- ^ -pCZV], “Land

tk vj Rec. 19, 19, a Shdani country whence
of Life,” a name of the Necropolis.
_2f I -’ came gold.

Amamu . Rec.
Ankhiu Khufu ^ 0 \
B.D.G. 123, an estate of Khufu.
3.». ICC,- sPbinx *> i2,> p AAAAAA j—rv-1

Ankh shet y @ , B.D.G. 127, the

a country in the Sftdan;
name of an estate of Khafra f O Q
tv"io, the people of the same.
and of Shepseskaf nn u
Amu IV, 329, a dis¬

trict in the land of Punt. Ankh taui 0

An , the Nome Heroopolites (the

Arabian Nome) in the Eastern Delta. Two Lands,” i.e., a district of Memphis.
[ 970 ]

the name of a rvw

Ankh taui
■m necropolis.
Arm’, Arma ( @ ,A.Z. 1899,
Anshau ^ 73, 49, 78, ^ , II, 158, Arma

IV, 781, a people or country of Northern Syria. (Alma), Arm’tt (Alm’tt), Elam; Heb.
_ _ - —^ A VAMA Babyl. V m iiJT V.
Anqenamu (?) AAAAAA AAAAAA? IV, 786,
V- ~rV o*=> /vwws -J} •Tk^
Arqatu IV, 729, a dis¬
a district in Syria; compare Heb. □V2p"|V f°r zi
(Alt-K. 273). trict in Syria ; Tall al-'Amarnah My

Antui, Antchui (?) 11 , JL i Arq hell “- ^ ! ““ —0
Zl [VU1 zl J\
B.D.G. 122, a district in the 4th Nome of Lower J] II
° ^ , a name
Egypt (Prosopites), v°l—^ ® see J Mi f LTD ’ zl
V of the tomb of Osiris at Abydos.
wvw\ AWWA

A.Z. 47, 50; 11 AAAAAA WWW ,

Arka -Dp2Z2i Q B.D.G. 131, a town in


©’ Egypt.
B.D.G. 133, the canal of the district;
Arti Heru 1
C]C]',^\\ Dem- Cat. 425, Rec. jt __a
33, 123, Gebelen in Upper Egypt. Cl V
__an V7gP
n j-M^r : (i) a part of the
Antenim(?) |]0^©,B.D. 169, 22, m
a mythological locality (?) town of J "cT^ ; (2) the capital of the Nome Men.
Antch q > a town in Esypt; Ahaii iv’ 798.

11111 Rec. 22, 114, a Shdini country; situation un¬

1! 1 M —

www \\\ I 35 known.

J fi fi
, B.D. 125 (Neg. Confession) Ahuur , IV, 804, a
ra JT JT
AAAAAA^ _ U7 -W \7 Sftdani country ; situation unknown.
0 r —a(
Ah aakhu c©d a name of the tomb
\Z\ o Cl] ’ of an Apis bull.
(1) a district in the 2nd Nome of Lower Egypt;
(2) a canal in Mendes. Ah-t ur-t
Antchem IV, 802, sanctuary of Amen-Ra in the Nome Sapi shema.
a Sftdani country ; situation unknown. Aha § ■“—Q a quarter of the town of
i o©’ Hensu (Herakleopolis).
Antchemet - Q ^ t\T, Q
x=x (xix l Akh,Akhui(?)
IV, 798, a SCidani country ; situa¬
B.D.G. 133, a town near Per Matchet (Oxy-
tion unknown.
Antchtta a ^ \ h, T. 146, 0

, M. 422, the god

AAAAAA Asterut
IV, 782, a district in Syria; situation
, T. 266,
of Antchet (?) Jl’ unknown ; compare Heb. jni
j nA d ___j] fjfj Q
Arit — l ^ ’ - < < r?$ ’
a town near Aqett ^^ ^ a country which pro-
Qzvq’ duced turquoises.
Beni Hasan. X — , — X~7 /\ AAAAAA /"]

Aqen, Aken, Agen-t AAAAAA j

Arutcha kJ|. )—(M __ f] fl AAAAAA

tils eSa
t, a canal in the Nome Theb-neter (Seben- » a _, 7-t Q , n Q V. a canal
^ ~~~ ^ AAAAAA ) . - t 0*'3 L ( lA3 ) ’■ (

nytus). in Mendes.
[971 ]

Aqna-t “ , Herusatef Stele 93, Ibflt Elephantine; Heb. papyrus

a city in the Sfldan; Gr. ’Akivij (?); see Pliny

2’; see Abu ^ J J® ^ °
VI, 184.

Aka , L.D. Ill, 131, Akko ; lb (j(j ® O ^ ^ (Demotic) = | J

I ©
Heb. 3 V, Tall al-‘Amarnah >~£:yy *7^1: J^j^y, Elephantine.

Gr. "AKtj, Arab. iiLc, Syr. Qm. Ium’ (j|j ^ ^ 1=1, the sea, a large

(_j a town in lake, applied to Lake Moeris ; Heb. CP Copt.

Akatem (?) ty
I I © ’ Egypt.
_o a 6IOAA ; (](j ^ i.e., “the sea,”
Aken , Rec. 10, i4o = [TI] T-j-?. s

whence the Arabic Al-Fayyum /+xa]\.

-D O
Aken, Agen J
/vww\ © 0 © IA D Imar (]( (2 Alt-K. 218, a
n , B.D.G. 135, a town near Asna. (2 I ©
liA V w foreign city ; situation unknown.

Akna 1 Q^£), Anastasi I, 21, 4; ■r

Iurm’ \\^' a, IV, 793; see Urm.
V CV^l
— n
see Aka
Iurehum’ (( ^ [W], L.D.

Aksapu rv/vo, Anastasi I, 21,

3, 252, ii2,H ^<=> | Eg. Res.
I (2 I
4, a district in Syria; compare Heb. 85, 139) a district in Syria; situation unknown.

Akesh [©], B.D. 142, 4, 9, a Iurten ^ Alt-K. 23i, the

town famous for the cult of Osiris. Jordan district; Heb.

— r\ AAAAAA fl

Iurtcha (( J ^ivyi, Eg. Res.

AgnB?) s w©’rT\®>Rec-'0’140’
a town near the modern Mata‘anah.
84, 133, a district in Syria; varr. ( ( <==>
Atchahuth "%=& S=5, Eg.
-zr^ (X/VQ 0
iv, 783, flfl <==> |
flfl ^ I
till _rT>S'
Res. 82, 85, a district in Syria; situation un¬
IV, 783, Tall al-‘Amarnah -^yy jjy JJ

Iuhamam !) i) ^^^
Eg. Res. 78, 35, a district in Syria; situation
Iaabar (Iaabal) Q(
Iuthmark Q(] ^Er3 fzi
SS Jr ro
^ \ L.D.
, Rec. 20,118; see
3, 252, 29, a country or district; site unknown.
Its name means neither “kingdom of Judah,”
Iaan [}[ A
(2 j Anastasi I,
nor “ hand of the king.”
[i 11
22, 1, a district in Syria; situation unknown.
Ib ©, Rev. 11, 130, 153, 12, 53;
Iaqebaar, Iaqebaal (( j( ^
see Abu ^ J^ , Hebrew papyrus n-i.

Ibraamu, Iblaamu ((j J <>—

a district in Syria ; compare Heb.

IV, 783, a district in Syria ; compare Heb.
7 / sJ' J *


T \ l • *

Ipu IV, 783,

Iua Mfllv IV-
798 0(1 ■£) |W), Rec- 20’ 1 |4i a Sudani couil- ( [| ^ 'j IW1, Anastasi I, 25, 2, Joppa; Tall
1S 0 ( try ; situation unknown.
[ 972 ]

al-‘Amarnah -JzJT Heb. ^ Gr

T 5 Isanta (](j (j (W), Rec. 20, 115,
’IoTnrrj, Arab. Lib, Syr. u£)Qj.
a district in Syria; Heb. J-Efcji 2 Chron. xiii, 19.
Im’ ent Hau-nebu [][ AAAAAA

Ikama (](] V Ai, a dis¬
f &
X ill’
B.D.G. 180, the
Ionian Sea. trict in Syria ; situation unknown.
T— <
Im en seqet-t [j( J Igati |)|) ffi ^3" W 1 A^A, Anas-
AAAAAA 11’the
Red Sea.
tasi I, 17, 8, a district in Syria; situation un¬
imi> , a town in Egypt. known.

Itakhab (j|) | (j J, IV, 7s9, a

Inaaua a town
3>v © district in Syria ; situation unknown.
near Memphis.

Inuamu (( irv—-^ , Rec. 20,118,

s s n ra vww\ kj /WVWA
’ > >
h f\ MMW ^_, f, r,

t y ^ IV> 74, 665, 744, l n O A AAAAAA

AAAAAA Uatu Heru *** P , Anastasi I,
^ 111 L.
. 11(1 *3^ 'j A-^0. Israel 27, 2, a fortress in the Eastern Delta.
O ©
Stele 27, a district in Syria; Tall al-‘Amarnah Uaa (j AAA, IV, 804, a Sftdani
^rr ^ ^ af. AAAAAA
country; situation unknown.
Intchath ()( , Rec. 20,
I I I Uaapekau -0^ (j ^ ^ (De¬
n8, ((] motic), the district of the Gap at Abydos.
Muill0' Alt'K- 226’ 3
district in Syria; situation unknown.
Uainn £](](]©0 ^ ^ (Demotic),
Irut (Hut) (](]_2aso^, Ionia, Greece, Greek.
IV, 785, a district in Syria; situation unknown.
Irep (](|c ^ A^A, Rec. 20, 117, a district

in Syria ; situation unknown.


Irtuna QQ 'j A^A . Anas- f\ Ik. fl ()() [1 ^]’ Re°- 2> i2°’a p™-
-1 ©
vince of Northern Nubia; ' 1
tasi I, 23, 1, Jordan ; read r~\

'3A3 31; Heb. ]TY\

fl „ , the Nile of Nubia.

Uaua[h] ^Tj ^ [Tj^1 q^a, Rec. 2°, 14,

Irtcha (] (j ^ A Tviv’ 783, (](]<=>
a scribe’s mistake for Rutuahu. ^ ^j\,
IV, 783, 648, [c-~i], IV, 798.

- M] Ti^ m ^ L D- ln- 282’ 59, a Uabu-t 4)

district in Syria; situation unknown. 101, the 19th Nome of Lower Egypt (Oxy-
Ill [I ^ , a suburb of Memphis.
Uaf , a town near Memphis.
A-^A, Rec. 20, 118, a dis-
ra ©
Uanres ^Tj C^hA, Famine
trict in Syria ; situation unknown.
I I O Ci
Stele, a Sftdani country whence came silver.
Ihm’ (Ihem), Ihemm’ (( |
fl mdfl r^\A

IV, 649, a district in Syria; situation unknown. s8, fl mcL’Rec-22’I37’0rchoS-

[ 973 ]

Uarth -^Tj
in Syria , situation unknown.
, IV, 68?, a district
’ J Uatch ’ if* ’ S’ fl I
the 10th Nome of Upper Egypt (Aphrodito-
(a1 ^ A.Z. 51, 71, Oasis, polites); for the reading see Rec. 35, 1.
Uaha £j m [
^ © ’ Khargah (?)

, the capital of
( , Alt-K. 318, a district or town in Syria.
1 the 10th Nome of Upper Egypt (Aphrodito-
uah(?) P„t, oO.y, O')^,
1 A) ^ I
\ pdis);
_*W’ —- □
e □»
O a, ,/D O - 0 A.Z. 51, 71, the
(Jv)’ \\
l8, l8l, 27,84, "*—1 — 1 ^
Oasis par excellence, i.e., Khargah; Copt. JT
cnfA.&e, Arab. Jj, j£lj. — the town
Uah-t ^ *- near Ta aa-t ent Nenu
^ I ow
_ ,
on both sides of the river; 11 JH. JjL,
THTT© -LApj- -U^r
. ., t.c ,
w _a/wwv, an oasis not identified.
f~s | V -I WiftM
V~^T 1 Eec- 35, 12, the eastern part of the city.
the country of the Oasis ;
Uah fWlr Copt. cnrA.&e.
Uah ast (?) f
_a canal in the 6th Nome
)—1 ’ of Upper Egypt.
Uali-t meh ^ 'j r^i °<=^\ ^ ^ A/WA/W

Uatch ur [ AA/W/W

8 Northern Oasis, Oasis Parva, i.e., AAAAAA

^ £(] ’ Bahariyah. IS —I AAAAAA V AAAAAA


1 D\ ^’ l\e w 2=r
ojf !:■ t=t, Rec. 27, 190, the “Great Green
8\ Southern Oasis, Oasis Magna, i.e.,
I p[]’ Khargah. Water,” i.e., the Mediterranean Sea; compare

Uakh f)®<f ©, f]®f, {]\ Eth. rphC : ofUJ?: Brit. Mus. 660, Or- 35,2,18.
Uatch ura aa Mehu cl^ ( AAA/WA

, -^j © <^> ^ , the Oasis of Khargah. 1=1

, the “Very Great Green
702, f , J ^ , the4thNome
Uas' j 1 1 1 13
Water of the North Land,” i.e., the Mediter¬
of Upper Egypt (Diospolites). ranean Sea.
a Ht ti a ffl Thebes>
Uatch ur Hau nebtiu =L^ ^
the capital of the 4th Nome of Upper Egypt.
B.D.G. .80,
fi o „Y„ o
UaS-Meh 'J Thebes of the North,
^ ^ ,

vlv, A.Z. 1900, 130, the Ionian Sea.

i.e., Thebes in Lower Egypt (Diospolis Parva).
Uatch Mer , a town in Egypt.
Uas Shema | ^ Thebes of the ©

South, Thebes in Upper Egypt (Diospolis Uatches n , the town of Buto.

U-amen(?) " ( n,
Uash baiu ©, a t0£™ W5 11 district.”

Uao- n ffi
® 0 ( rx/x/i ’
a station on the Kana-Kuser
Uatatchtam ^ ^ (j t^, IV,

805, a district in the Shdan; situation unknown.

Uaten [®], Sphinx 14, 158,
a town in the Delta. uab-* flT®’ fl®'pbil*e-
[ 974 ]

Uab r° \> □

AAAAAA) U Peqr , Ikhernefert 20; see


Uab-t the shrine of Horus of A s A C3

a district in the Sfidan;
Uu Pega %% V V-to 1 1 1 \>
Uabu 1 S fC ©’
i _zl ’ situation unknown.
variant of the pre¬

Upta(?) \J» , L.D. Ill, 1 6a, in

mrm |

\tf, Tu en Up ta “Mountain of the Crown of

Uan IV> 89r. a country of
O ’ Northern Syria. the earth,” i.e., a district to the south of Egypt.

Uani(?) q (](| f ° UA
, Rev. Up tesh \J r^~i, B.D.G. 22, the en-

14, 18, a town in Egypt (?) trance to the FayyUm.

Umess |lc^2, Rec. 20, 114;

^ ^, a name of Kher-ahau ^ see Amessu j| ^ [r^cn], IV, 798.

(Babylon of Egypt); the two parts of the city

Un > o, ^r,
T v-^^, , the 15th
5FBF ^
were H.
Nome of Upper Egypt (Hermopolites).

Uar a/\a. ^ r^s), a dis¬

Un b.d. 140, Ife a city ,of ;the
~ J\
^ A © 12th Aat.
trict in Lower Egypt.
Unn ^ ^, the “ City of hours ” (?)
uar-t AAAAAA


<? 0 a name of the Nile and of certain canals U nai ^ Jr ( ( , IV, 789, a district in
i—-< * leading into Uar.
Syria; situation unknown.
Uarkhata (?) ^ b.d.g.
ion, a town in Egypt. UnaS-t (] n ^, a town; site unknown.

Uis^,()(j P q , Rec. 6, 8, a town in Egypt. Uu en ankh @ ^ TT AAAAAA fS

rp name of a part of Sni (Asna).
Uu Benu \> _ !5
Unu Meh f|f, a town
a district in the Nome |jjj) 7j< (Tanites).
near the modern Damanhtir—Hermopolis Parva.
Ubell (?) ^jj IV, 800, a Sudani
Unu Shema U. 311, -$=> o
country ; situation unknown.
, T. 259, Rec. 31, 169,
Up neterui '(j]f V a AAAAAA -77

quarter of the town of Mendes. ^>G 0 ^ 0^©,B.D.2-8,5,^^,©,

5 **
kr. W AA

Ups (?) ^astasen Stele 45) a Unu, the capital of the 15th Nome of Upper
^ | ’ country in the Shdan.
Egypt, Hermopolis; also called Unu of the
@ I □ AU3 □ A
CT-Zt’ South,

\> □ \> □ AAAAAA
I A Uu en uab x AAAAAA

S I I □ A^^^ the district n’

(j©, B.M.44S,s e n_ a district in Egypt.
of the Gap, the name of a large “ gap ” in the
Ununat (?) Q nam<; ofa
mountains behind Abydos. v AAAAAA AAAAAA N place (?)
[ 975 ]

Unp ° ©, Ur amakh (j_£ ® ©. an

NVWW © O D Ci D *= '-'■’
estate of Assa.
B.D.G. 149 = J\ 11©, Edf(i.
Ur manu 0 jj ©,an estate of Khufu.
U en nesu Taui AAAAA m . .. ^ ^

—il I I AAAAA \> \>

Ur Khafra ^ O Q
a district near Memphis. ]
aa/wva a the pyramid of Khafra.
Uu en Ra nefer an estate of
O 6 ©' I Ur kau UU U ®>
Piankhi Stele, a town near Khafra.
1 1 ©’ Bubastis.
Ur ka Sahura fo u
*-ri <r—"\ r\ AAAAAA
/ Jk -1 / AAAAAA
Unhtcharta an estate of Sahura.
I I ie=t’
a lake or canal near Tanis.
Uri, Urit e-B'D'
Unkh G===a\ a town in the Nome Tekh. 125, Neg. Con., a town in Egypt.

Urit |gf]f] a canal or lake at Tanis.

Unes H ©, ^ H ^ ~T,

B.D. 125, II, — Hermopolis of Upper

AAAAAA <=©’ Egypt.
Rec. 20, 116, 118, a district in Syria ; situa¬
tion unknown.
Unes ^3=1. AAAAAA 7 ^ 7
Urm’ \\ _fl, IV, 793, a district
canal in Upper Egypt. V AAA'
in Syria ; situation unknown.
Unshek w j . Bubastis 34a, a
GL Rev. 12, 62, Oasis; Copt.
district in the Sftdan. Uka^ra(j|, OTL^e.

Un ta uat em nefer-t Men- Uheb <3

- j^, ^ra-®- swamp
kheperra /wa*a ^ |v f^
mmnr im ^ | 0 a land of the Nome (4 (Busirites).

( Q IV, 814, Rec. 13, 203, name of

Uhem kheper ®
the canal made by Thothmes III in the First Denderah.
Uh-t %\ 5 ° IV, 676, a country con-
quered by Thothmes III.
Ullth U;_J fw), B.D. i2 5,Neg. Con.
Uhat , the name of a coun-
(var. ^ AAAAAA a district in Egypt (?) ■ CWF
try, the region of the Oases (?)

Uu en Thar 0=9 ^
_ a Uha ta , Rec. 27,191, 0=9'
district in the Eastern Delta ^, a suburb of Heliopolis.
Ur-t x, x ^ is, B.D.G. 154,
^ <=> \> Stat Taf’ 3 La dis¬
a canal near EdfQ.
trict ; situation unknown.

Ur ^
, the Labyrinth. \>
Uu Heru ^ ^ ^
@ \>^ “estate of Horus,” a name of
Ur ° , Rec. 2, 112, a Theban ceme-
<£ ©5 several districts in Egypt.

tery = Uu Heru-maati (?)

(3 I
<==*p ^ a district in the Nome of
Ur aab-t Menkheperra
sj © ’ Thes-Heru.
0 J Annales 3, no, a temple of
-w—, 1 ’ Thothmes III.
Us ^>p“, A.Z. 1877,146 = ^“. Thebes.
[ 976 ]

Uspenpet ^ ° a Q, Bubastis. Utent, Uthent ^ 'v\wvw\(VV]}

(P IV, 798, 'j fx/x/i, B.D. 64, 19, a Shdani
User , Unu (Hermopolis Magna).
country; situation unknown; varr. <2^^ >
User (Demotic), Thebes.
X=/] □

User 1| PII E 'l (wi a mountain in

_n \ ’ Northern Syria.
Utennutt ^ ^ ^ ^ , a Sudani coun-
Jr 0 e (yy)
try; situation unknown.
User Edfu.
Utheth , a Sftdani country; var.
User hat 1==|, B.D.G. 165, the house
I Q 14 ft ,11 mu, _J) rt

of the sacred boat Amen-user-hati (, |

aaa/w\ I I I I
Uthentiu , IV, 617, a
at Thebes-
Stidani people.
User Kheper Ra "j jl L—Q
O Uthes Her ^©'
Sphinx 14, 163, a town in Egypt (?)

1!®’ \ Rec.
ilk S ’ IX 3 ^ ll ’the 2nd
Nome of Upper Egypt (Apollinopolites).
15, 88, a town in the Oasis of Khargah.
Usekh-t Maati Uthes hehtt " ©,
-H— A
tm P w
@ M \\
the temple of Osiris at Athribis. A
cyyo’ A
Usesh sekhef res, etc. □□ TJ\ w <®
AA/VWN a A [yy]’ &
^ O ^ , Denderah. the Necropolis of Abydos.
<>-OX I t2x W I &

Us (?) seslimi Rec. Utent % AAA/VW cyy] IV, 803,

, 5
/T Ci jf /vww\ (“

11, 129, a town in Egypt. , a Sftdani country; situation unknown.

Ustt <a ^P ’ a P°rtion a name of Egypt as the coun¬

Utcha try of the Eye of Ra.
of the 14th Nome of Upper Egypt.
Utcharit ^ ( ( o, IV, 1027, a dis¬
Ukemtt Famine Stele,
trict in the Delta.
a Shdani country whence came mother of
Y °
Utcha tchatchau(?) ^ ® ©, a

town in the Fayyftm.

B.D.G. 173, a canal in the
Delta. Uu tcheser sesheta e ® w7

© s q.v. a district near Bubastis.

Uga ^ B.D.G. 172 =
ZS _

(3 -7k <=> <s o

Ugar , a canal

in the 7th Nome of Upper Egypt. Ba <^y y, the pyramid tomb of Nefer-

arikara Q ^ <g>- 1_J ~jj.

Utau, Uthau \s==i
IV, 797, a district in the Shdan ; situation
unknown. Baiu , the pyramid tomb of Ati
Utuit hetch | (](j , B.D.G. 175,
□ QBD-
a frontier station of the 2nd Nome of Upper the 3rd station on the
Egypt. \jX’ Kana-Kuser road.
[ 977 ]

Ba-ti II ^ © A.Z. 46, 69, the Two Lands Bau-Kem, Bau-Q,em, Bau-Gem
Jl ^ © ’ (Egypt).

Ba neb Tet (Tchet)

-/-i Cl
: 0 Cl
, B.D.G. 185, or Per Ba neb

Tet, the capital of the Nome Hat mehit ^ ^, [W)

Mendes; Assyr. -Jiff <fJff
211, a Sftdani country whence the worship of
Ba-tet ©, Rec. 11,161, Mendes.
Hathor, Shu, Tefnut, and other Sudani gods
was introduced into Egypt.
Baaa J ^ (j G£X£), Rec. 20, 115;
Batu(Baut) j ^Q^INAO, aSCtdani
see Baam (j fv/vo.
country; situation unknown.

Babar (Babal) ^ Rev'

IV, 798, a Shdani country ; situation unknown.
11,167, Babylon; Heb. bya. ; var. jjt rv^i^

Baarut (] Vv- 782, 986, Babyl^ <Hf, Pers. fcj JYY *?T

a district in Syria; compare Heb. fVn^l,

Josh, ix, 17, 2 Sam. iv, 2. Bar, Bur J J ^ "k
Baarratcha J J ^(wj, <=>,iv, 783,J Y^Q^Z), Eg. Res. 71, 112,
L.D. Ill, 252, 123, a district in Syria; situation a district in Syria; situation unknown.
Barbar n^o, Rec.

Baita Anta J l]i) }!) ^^]

I ft
20, 115, a Sftdani country; situation unknown.

Barast J ^ ^ , jj ^ ©, B.D.G. 197,

district in Syria; Heb. JTl}, Josh, xv, 59.

Baita Shaar J [j(j ( c—i ^ ^ a city in the Delta near the Libyan
\ ^’ frontier.

1*1() ^ ^1 ^ 1 Anastasi i< Barua

> J I, Nastasen Stele
22, 8, a district in Syria; situation unknown.
18, the capital of the Island of Meroe, the ruins
of which lie near the modern village of Bagrawir,
Baita Taquna J (](] "jj (j cr^
about 40 miles south of the Atbara; Gr. Mepot],
331, a district M epoaios.
\\ \\ /"N (p
in Syria; compare Heb. pmva, Josh, xv, 41, Barbatu . , Eg.
ft JT 1 ft JT r^-V &
xix, 27. 73, 106, a district in Syria; situation unknown.

Baita Tuquna J [j cr^i Barmam Jgjfi

^iwi, L.D.
W C^l, Rec. 20, 117; see Ill, 252, 33, a district in Syria; compare Heb.
1 Chron. vi, 70, in Manasseh (Brugsch).
t : • 5

Barhaa <^> m (j (2 'j Q^Z),

Gol. 4, 9, a foreign country ; situation unknown.
797, a Sudani country; situation unknown.
Barg sVToL’ L-D-In’i31’a
Baua j ^ ^ (j (wj, L.D. Ill, 187, a district in Syria; situation unknown, Tall al-
country in Syria; situation unknown. ‘Amarnah >J-
3 Q
[ 978 ]

Barta m Q£^, Anastasi I, Baka nefer-t en Neb-[er]-tcher

20, 8, a district in Syria, Berftt; Tall al-‘Amarnah
-tTT illl Gr. BrjpvTos, Arab. _ /c"
J U©J “ 3 Jl & ■Denderah-
Eth. nci^n: ’ Bakem J |g|: [W], Rec. 20,115;

Bahit ^ , the name of a country, see Bau-Qem.

“white marble country”; compare Heb. EHi, Bagarua r^i,

Esther i, 6. Gol. 4, 10, a foreign country; situation un¬
Baht ^ , a suburb of Memphis.
Batanta J ”2^ (j WMA ) 1), IV, 786,
Bahtet <|> “ » , Sphinx 3, a district in Syria; situation unknown.

239 = Behut >(?) Bata Thupar J ^ ^ | (j n

Bakh, Bekha, Bekhatt j| J IT ^ 1W1 ^’Anastasi t» 22> s>

, J]lloS,
$$ JJo^£i
J[W] |Wl’
a district in Syria; compare Heb. 1QbTP3.(?)

B at Aarmam ( B at Aalmam) ^ “2^7

J •sw JSJ%- |i I ^7 , a district in Syria; situation un-

known. Alt-K. (385) compares Heb. O^yTPSl.

T •*
t)\ B.D. 108, 2, 15, the country of sun-
_2f ’ rise, the East. Batia J (](j iv, 785, a dis-
Bakhther ^ Maskhhtah trict in Syria; situation unknown.

Stele, Bactria; Pers. tj fyy «JJ ^fyf *yf <<, Batbenta J (]> IV> 7g6;
Babyl. V Hf
see Jl iVWW' 1 Q ‘
Bat huarn
©’ J %*ll ©’ IV’« ’Jht?®' 2 L.D. Ill, 252, 24, Beth-horon; compare Heb.
’prvrPS. (Josh, x, 10, 11), a city in Ephraim.
‘V’ ©' ©, Bubastis; see
Per Bast. Bat shar, Bat shaar J “2^
Bash %*S’ IV’ 8o°'a J 3=3 Id ^7^’ IV> 78S>
Sftdani country ; situation anknown. a district in Syria; var. 2^
•O b A ^ r^o, L.D. Ill, 131.
■Ba(1 ^ ©’ I © ’ a name °f EgyPt
Bat shanraa
Bak%‘T'%*§^IV’8°°' <^1, L.D. Ill, 252, 16; compare Heb. JNtp-JT*
'j Kubban Stele 5, J 2^ (1 Kings iv, 12), in Manasseh, west of the
Jordan; var. J^ KM^ , t^J-

0^3 ’ JcSa©'
34, 186, a town in Nubia; Gr. ’Afiov^iAv. L.D. Ill, 252, 39, a district in Syria. Alt-K.
(389) compares Heb. pplSflTT^l.
Bak (He-t Bak) , B.D.G.
*0 Bat tarmam 4
b JT U —' [WJ'
210, a temple of the hawk of Horus, L.D. Ill, 252, 36, a district in Syria; situation
Hierakonpolis (?) unknown.
[ 979 ]

Bahu J_flj? the eastern arm
of the Nile.
L.D. Ill, 252, 45, a district in Syria; situation
Bi, Bit (P) j fj/1 g. B D «- xS^j, aEtow„

Bathar J 1 , Rec. 20, 116,

n/vn* ’
Biu J ()(j \ © , a town in Egypt.

a district in Syria; situation unknown.

Baut (?) Buut (?) J var.
Bathaath(?) fe^“S,L.D. Ill, (?) ^
0 IV, 797, a Sftdani country;
252, 12 ;, a district in Syria; situation unknown. situation unknown.

Bath anth J XI MAMA f\/VO f L.D.

Bu-t ur ent ser neteru
J U3 ©
--5 — a district in Syria; , B.D.G. 152, Edfu.
111,131,^^ S=

n “0^0 ’ situation unknown.

Bu-t be hen kheftiu J^ J| AAAAAA

_ i“,Edm.
IV, 782, a district in Syria; situation un¬ a \\ JlXi I ©
known. Bu en aha J^ , P.S.B.

Baa, Baat Jo(j ©,b.d. 41,4, = a©’ 3 27, 120; Gr. Bo/U7rarj (?)
B.D.G. 184, a town in Egypt. _ j, a solar
nQ \\a
Baa-t J jb >—i, a canal near Edfft. temple at Denderah.

Baa-ti (?) J 1) Egypt. na

, the

solar temple of Heri-shef neb Tet rS~i

BaastaJ()^p©,J(|^p^©, T r

7 „, in the Fayyftm.
Sphinx 14, x6o; Copt. &€CI<L. Aw

Bashu J (j oo p ^ ©, a town in Lower Bu-gem Jn ; see Bau-qem.

Bututu, Butuitt il^S,
Baket (?) J (j © B.D. • Jc^©’Jc^©©’
Rec. 2, 140, 19, 22, the city of Naucratis.
142, 87, J ( ©> U- 578, j ( ^=^6
Butchamiu j Jj, P. 145, M. 182,N. 692,
© > N. 966, a city in the Tuat (?) *rj-
the 19th Nome of Upper Egypt (Oxyrhynchites
Bat (?) Khufu J of the West).
an estate of Khufu ; situation unknown. Bu-t Tet-ti (Tchet-ti) J era
11 _ ,„A
i, Edfft.
Ba* JJ©'dH i
Buaiqa J^Tj ^(j(j ^, Pap. 3024,
92, Edfu.
tK ”^3= capital of the 15th Nome of
V X*^ © y Lower Egypt (Hermopolites).
Buaiqa en ka nekht user J ^Tj

M A X ° ® ^ <4=> L-fl, Edfft.

Bah Assa
I] J ( rro 11 Jj aw/ww S-0

(qAVI J —-° I ©• L-D-in- 8o> Bur JK

conquered by Rameses III.

Rec. 20, 118, a country

estate of Assa, estate of Sahura.

/vww\ n n
Bah , AAAAAA ? j f\ V
Buhen J] ra B.D.G. 198, the
B.D.G. 187, 188, the name of several district of the modern Wadi Halfah—the Boivv

AAAAAA canals. of Ptolemy.

3 Q 2
[ 980 ]

[M]bushu(?) [$J Behen i| a£SL l) HI 0 j] ra AAAAAA

© J ©’ J Q£Uj’
IV, 804, a Sudani country; situation unknown.
ra ^
Bukak J ^ IVf 796j a Sudani
of the modern districtof Wadi Halfah—the Bow
country; situation unknown. of Ptolemy.

Beba JJ (j N],
country; situation unknown.
IV, 803, a Sudani
J] f ^ ©> ■R-ec- 3> 5°> a town in Egypt.

B<* 111
a town near the modern
Beber, Bebel JJ IV, 668, Baby¬ ' Al-Kab.

lon ; Heb. hlZ, Assyr. © #, Behaa J| [C^£l], IV, 797, a

^ Pers. Babirush yyy s:f *yy" Shdani country ; situation unknown.

-« <nr <<•
Behuit (?) = Behut =, Edfu.
@ \\
Bepset J □ |1 ^ [c^fw], IV} 799, a Sudani
Behuk J| Q/V), IV, 802, a Sudani
country; situation unknown.
country; situation unknown.
Bemai (Bum’i?) i , iv, 78r, » . ___ ^
a district in Syria; situation unknown. Alt-K. Behut
• •
\>V > ^ ©> Edfh or Udfu.

(340) suggests that | J | (j = rflOSL.

Behut c—t=t e

WWAA } CU j, a dis-


Benen , a district of Thebes. trict in the Nome Anpu.

Benu J0e5
town of Osiris in Tan is.
, a temple

3=r, a district in the 6th Nome of Lower Egypt.

Benui (?) a district in Upper Behset, Be^seth


‘own in Egypt.
IV, 800, J| p^ [W], Rec. 20, 114, a Sudani

country; situation unknown.

Berua B.D.G..96.J-2- Beht ur[t] en Behut-t g^O

^ > Nastasen Stele 16, Meroe, the capital of S, Edfft.
the kingdom of the Island of Meroe; var.
Bekha jj Metternich Stele 84, the
| £} ©; Gr- M W* land of Sunrise, the East; see Bakh.
Berber (?) 1212, a district in Upper
Bekhen j] u Jvi; see Tu-en-Bekhan

Egypt; = kooc -ftp&ep (?) www

nI o-=»
aaaaaa [TTTTn
anm JJ \\
Berberta J ^J ^ var. Bekhen | aaaaaa , j| ©, a town
•*=-) O AAAAAA
^<==:> 11<:::~Z=>R 0, IV, 316, 796, a Sfidani coun- which stood on the site of the modern Mit-Kamr.
Ji I Ji I V/T try; situation unknown.

Bereqna J j a iv, 786, a dis- Bekhen arkhen j|

® (j
O ©

trict in Syria; situation unknown; Tall al- B.D.G. 203, □ Jj ® ^ ^jasuburbofBusiris.


Berget ^ Q ^ , a town of the god

Bekhen aa nekht j] ®
D ^ TZ r~——] WWAA

Re-hes ( ^ } Jn the Fayyfim. wa’J — buildin«

of Seti I at Karnak ; (2) a name of Tanis.
[ 981 ]

Bekhen en Biu jj AAA/WV A/VWW

Pa-aa en Amen c==:> (

□ a,own
14, 160, the capital of the Nome

Bekhten 1) aa/waa y /wwvw ^ Bekhten

Jl [yyi J cv^ Pa-anerrut^^(|<^©,
Stele, an Asiatic country ; situation unknown.
B.D.G. 61, the “sandstone city” i.e., the
Besit l f] f|f| a temple-town in the cemetery.
no©’ Nome Metelites.
Pa.ara(?)^(j^,D(] = (j^,
Best J p (| ^, Bubastis; see Bast.
B.D.G. 64, a district in the nth Nome of Lower

Beq Jf#©• 14 Egypt.

Pa-ah en penra (?)


I-1 /WWW

n, Rec. 31, 36, a town in Egypt.
, a town near Sai's. ©
Bek jr
Pa-ashemu ^ (j P W ^ ^ ^
1 JMI)®. tw^heD^ ^ B.D.G. 72, Rev. 3, 40, a town near
f ’ Tanis.
Bektan (?) . IV, 803,

a Sddani country; situation unknown.

Pa-am’q Aaatchaa
Begshaga J Z5 M ^ Z5 Ij, Jffi L-D-In’

T T*t 7-t [I IV, 797, a Sftdani country; situa- 252, 65 and 66, a district in Syria; situation
!!A!=y3 ^ S ’ tion unknown. unknown.

a cm
Pa-a-t en pa uaher
Beta j)^;'p-s-B-,4,2inEry;n £2) I (WWW

Bethbeth J s= J s=a, IV, 799, a

r) ro u <=> R«- 23. 49; Copt.
0 I <=. ©’ nmnoiop (?)
Sftdani country ; situation unknown.
Pa-ir , Sphinx 14, 162,
Eetsh B.D.G. J a town in the Delta.
^ ©, B.D. 142, 14, a town in Egypt.
Pa-utui ©■

bdg- *”• ^ 1 \ M T'-a town in the

Pe, Pi, Pu ^ , N. 11, the town of Buto 17th or 18th Nome of Upper Egypt.

□ , P. 71, M. 102, N. 10; Pa-baiaa (?) ^ 1)1]

in the Delta;

204. L.D. Ill, 252, 118, a district in Syria; situation

□ □ 1 □ 1
Pe, Pi, Pu
I' >- Pa-bukh ^ Beruemljeb

□1 Z » □ , □ (j [ , the temple quarter , H ^ Rec. 19, 18, a district in

3 ’ //>rk J|* Syria; situation unknown.
of the town Per Uatchit , Buto;
I ?V \>
see Pe-Tep.
Pa-paa ^ ^ ^ ^ IV'
P-nu-t ur en Heru , Edm. 792, a district in Syria; situation unknown.

□ I □ I Pa-paba 793,
, a double
Pe-Tep © o©*.© w
town in the Nome Nefer-Ament, Buto a district in Syria; situation unknown.
3 Q 3
[ 982 ]

Pa-pena □ Q
^ a suburb of
Pa-rut en pa-Ra ^J\
-_a © Memphis. \>
O^, a town near Tanis (?)
Pa-magar ^ ^ _> ^ ffi ^
> I 1 fwi Anastasi I, 19, 2, a district in Parbu , Eg. Res.
Syria; situation unknown.
73, 105, a district in Syria; situation unknown.
Pa-mu □



'- TEE=rt 13’
IV, 798 (Rameses III, AAAAAA PW-A j Rec.
AAAAAA canal in the Nome Coptites.
20, 114), a Sftdani country; situation unknown.
Parekhti v
, Rec. 11, 146,
Pa-muenpaRa ^ =
12, 24, a town in Egypt.

A/WW' ^ © , Sphinx, 14, 163 : Pars , II, 128, Persia;

(1) a canal near Belbes; (2) a canal at Abydos. □
see Ia^I, Old Persian y= fTT
Pa-mer S^.b.d.g. 1064,
Baby""? rf® R |f.
the region of lake Mareotis.
Parqa w ^ L.D. Ill,
Pa-nasa AAAAA \ ^ 1 , L.D. Ill,
146, 27, a district in Syria; situation unknown.
160, Rec. 8, 137, a district; situation unknown.
Pa-haqraa Fetiushaaa ^
Pa-nagbu Ashahata ^J

L-D- HI, 252,

[Wl, L.D. III, 252, 68 and 69, a district
92 and 93, a district in Syria; situation unknown.
in Syria; situation unknown. In this name
Pa-nagbu Atchaurhuth
and in several following is the Eg. article.
, L.D. Ill,
cai ■tv^n
Pa-haqraa en Aatchait ^
252, 84 and 85, a district in Syria ; situation
(J J
A h "TL AAAAAA j A A ”\

unknown. il Jq^), L.D.

Pa-nagbu Uahthuarki ^ HI, 252, 77 and 78, a district in Syria; situation


Pa-haqer Shanaiaa ^
L.D. Ill, 252, 90 and 91, a district in Syria;
situation unknown. I \> AAAAAA A A A <<rT

M (](] (] L.D. Ill,

-2sa r^-i
Pa-nebs AAAAAA M ^ , Nastasen 252, 87 and 88, a district in Syria; situation
-Q ^ AAAAAA ^ unknown.
Stele 29, ^ ] p-Mission 13, 4,
Pa-hagr4a Arqat ^ ()

TpI®. oJP (1 Ms A^vn1 L-D- HI, 252,
near the modern Wadi Halfah; Gr.
, a town
96 and 97, a district in Syria; situation un¬

Pa"ra ^ ^l©3’Rec-17’ 12°’ AbntiS' Pa-hageri Haniniau ^ ^

in Upper Egypt; Copt. <LnoeYKH =’AttoGIjktj.
(j() (] ^>[W), L.D. III, 252,

Pa-rut Ament ^ ^ v f C’ 94 and 95, a district in Syria; situation un¬

a town in the Delta. known.
[ 983 ]
Pa-hager Theruan ^ ffi Pa-shet en Aneb hetch
a I
01 ^
IS 0 A * l_1 •

, L.D. Ill, 252,101 and B.D.G. 59, a part of Lake Moeris.

0 i .
/WWW ,

-m -7 .4 | ■j-—"f AAAAAA
102, a district in Syria; situation unknown.
Pa-qem nr (?) ax' _^
Pahura a town in the Eastern Delta.

IV, 782, Pa-ka aa Ra - Heru-aakbuti
1 twi,
V 'l c\yvo a district in Syria ; situation un- uo ’, a temple of Isis.
» | | ’ known.
v— AA/WAA ^

Pa-buqraa Aabarama Pakakna Ax| 1R jJvj (?) a district

I J) in Syria ; situation unknown.

0 C^]T=I , L.D. Ill,

252, 71 and 72, “Abram’s Field”—a district in

Pa-gem, Per-gem
Syria; situation unknown.
, a to™ in the

Pa-her-bem (?)
f south-east Sfldan.

AA/VWN ? a canal in the Nome Latopolites. Pa-gem Aten /'Vg (j a^v, Nas-

Pa-kharm’ tasen Stele 36, ^ ^ I) TT ’

Q/^~\ , # #
a canal in the Nome Sethroites. aa/ww a seat of the cult of Aten in Nubia.
Pa-gerg ^ ^ , a locality in
118, a town near Rakoti. the Fayyhm.

III, 88, a district; situation unknown.

Pa-ta en Uatchit
B.D.G. 148, Alexander Stele, a town in
^ the Nome of Buto ; Copt. nT'eiteTCAJ.
Pa-sebti pa-peni ^ ['
□ Sphinx 14, 168, a town in the Pateb \, Demot. Cat. 422,
/wwv\ I 1 Delta.
the island of Pathyris; Copt.
O \\
Pa-sebti pa ... nua [1 J Patben, Patban, Petban D ro
=* Sphinx 14, 164, a town in AA/W/W [“] /www
the Delta. ra ; see
O )—-L ra s’ 1=1
<=> \\
Pa-sebti pa-setbeni
no AH ~ Sphinx 14, 164, a town
PJ Pentatehan.

Pa-tesb en Per Uatcbit ^ op

I ra O qq ©, in
in the Delta.
the Delta.
1 1^1 G ’ a ^^str^ct Ruta

Pa-sebt en aameh (1 J 0® Patbaru V IV,
1, a part of the town of Sheten.
789, a district in Syria ; situation unknown.

Pasegnar (?) ns AA/WAA

©, Pa-tbuf 1; see
\\ 111
Rec. 31, 35, a town; situation unknown.

Pa-segera ^ ^ ^ Q Rec- 3D
35, a town ; situation unknown. Pa-thesi ^ Rec- I2>

24, a town in Egypt.

Pa - sbasbau - kba ^
£ a quarter of
Q , a part of the great temple of Memphis.
Pa-tmai G’ Thebes.
3 Q 4
[ 984 ]

Pa-tchetku ^ ^ Sgg, the w A AAAAAA

Puharta (3D 1rou | / AAAAAA

A n www > a canal

canal (?) of Avaris. in the Eastern Delta.
P-aauab Puqa ©, a district of Abydos;
“holy tomb,” or “holy island,” /.<?., Philae. □ .d

P-aa rek “Island of Rek, or

Puqi IV, 793, a country and a
Lek.” Philae; Copt. T\iXa.K. ’ people in Northern Syria.

Puqiu □ ^ ^ (]()
P-ahi-t □ /) rn ()(j ^, B.D.G. 69: (1) a
IV, 793, a district

in Syria; situation unknown.

suburb of Memphis; (2) □ (] fD (j(j ” B.D.G.
Putaui □ A.Z. 35, 18, an estate
68, a town in the Nome Coptites; (3) □ ( (13 (j(j
in the Oxyrhynchite Nome.
n □ ^lll} RD-G> 69’ Edffl-
Puther....D^“||t^,Rec. 20,116,
P-as-t ent uaher □ jj ^ -f] ^ a northern country conquered by Rameses III.
^ ©’ B,D,G- 160; Copt- nirmouop.
P-aenp-uaher □ TE^d^T) 111 H©,
i tfrx
P-mu en Utcna Heru
| q

J DP RG,G‘ lg3> a cana^ °f Edffi.

Rec. 23, 49; Copt, nmnotnp.
r-mu en set en Sebek [~| AAAAAA AAAAAA

Papa ^ ^ B.D.G. 215, a town near 0 'ss*., a canal in Upper Egypt.

^ \>
Thebes; Copt. IXA.TIH ; Papa of the Itinerary
P-mer □
, a town near Asna.
of Antoninus.
□ Pemkha □ |
Piu □ (]()^© = Pe ©, B.D.G. 296,
village near Thebes ; Copt. ITJULOcy (?)
Pirtau ° eJa, IV, 788, a district in
P-mesra □ JTJ _—_o, a town in Egypt.
Syria; situation unknown. ^ ©
Pen Abtu ° *4|k 1=7- B.D.G. 18, a canal
Pi-tchepo(|(|^;;See°@'-. G CTO ’ at Abydos.

Pun, Punt □ 4. ° Palermo Stele, Penina4ua JL M

v f\/vri ’ ©
QOO □ Q dCi □ (WWW
□ 4> see Inaauaa
e ^ G 2 QAfl’ ^ rwC ©
u /wwv, [W]’ ^^ a gold" p-nebes □ j pO' o
bearing country in the Southern Shdan, whence near the modern Wadi Halfah ; Gr. ITi/oity.
came some of the aboriginal Egyptians,
Penshat D LAS! a canalin the Nome
Puntiu □ ^) > Iv> 335-
O g=r^i=i’ Latopolites.

□ <= Penshenu olO' ^1?0> a

Pursath .jo1 ^ 'j the country
(2 1 canal in the Nome Patarest.

Pentatehan □
of the Philistines; ^ (j "j j, Thes.
AAAAAA -ram ® 3:’
1204, the Philistines ; Heb. Assyr. □ o AAAAAA AAAAAA

m vw ^ AAAAAA
(vww D1°G@
II __ □ ^
V sfc *-£T <hEE *T and >^yyy, V\V AAAAAA 0 0 HQ — ( 5 o ra
Rawl. C.I.W.A. I, 35, 1, 12, II, 52, 1, 40. ^ ^ a canal in the 21st Nome
^ 1^1’ O flOs:’ of Upper Egypt.
Purath □ | IV, 793, a dis¬
Per(?) (Aa-per?) □ i=x c )
0 ,
© ’ <
trict in Syria ; situation unknown.
B.D.G. 120, Crocodilopolis in the Fayyum.
[ 985 ]
cmi . J\ AAAAAA O
Per <=s, a town in the Eastern Delta. Per Anpu | [j Q ©, Sph inx
^ ©
I 1 J f\ /WAA/W c] 1-j A WWW

Per aau cm /) ^ f%, a Part of Mem’ ■4,156. | l]D^ |, | ()„ ©, B.D.G.


Per Aakh or Per sha 59,1" ( D ^ ©, Rec. 3, 38: (1) a town

(i) a district near j( j] § in Upper Egypt; in the Delta; (2) part of the quarries of Thra;

(2\ 1-1 Nastasen Stele, a town or

I L ? ? 1 Sx ’ village in the Shdan.
a temple in Alabastronpolis.
cm ^ c □ __
Per aakhut
oO w’ Per Auher , B D G- 63,
cm ^ ^ o
1, a name of the temple of a name of This, Sebennytus, etc.
@ 0
Hathor at Denderah and of other shrines of Per ari ^.■y3 (]<=>$©,
Hathor. -<2>-
<o>- *<? o [_ _J
Per aakhut Ament pQn , the Karnak52> JS» !

B.D.G. 66, Sphinx 14, 156, A.Z. 1869, 98, a
Osiris temple of Libya-Mareotis.
town in the Delta (Prosopis ?).
Per Aar-t Ausaasit
o Per Aim neb Amentt ^
* 1
J\ <x=> ^ , a temPk in Anti (Heliopolis).
ft o, a quarter of the town of Het-neh (Metelis).
cm [) n8%\ A temple of
Per aahu ®PerAst^jj:,
S'— X_2f 7* the Moon.

Per ai , the temple of Isis near the Great Pyramid.

I S 4S HU’ \\
cm H cm cm
B.D.G. 9, a sanctuary at Sekhem (Letopolis). Per Asar
I •<2>-, | -C2>-’ l _D&1’
Per Aimhetep sa Pteh the name of many sanctuaries of
=£=. O □
A 41 Osiris.
j|, the Asklepeion of Memphis.
□ Per Asar , Rec. 31, 35,
I) fV '
Per aunr (Paunr II \i>
IV, 793, a district in Syria ; situation unknown.
I _D m* j-
I il ~ £L1' I q
\> o Demot. Cat. 422, Abhsir; Copt.
cm [) rm crm[)
Per Amen
D cm
i H 'll (2 © | O’

Per Asar neb Tet

nonrcipl, Arab.
g o
I Q ' I, “house of Amen,”
, ii
m ini AAAAAAA Q j

^ CT-Z1
the great temple of Amen in Thebes and other
towns in Egypt and Nubia. jn
Busiris—the capital of the Nome Busirites;
Per Amenmeri Ramess aa nekh- Assyr. <f- iffl.
cm => O ft
tut Per Asar Nemur jJ y m,
L i=r i I I
the town of Rameses in the Eastern Delta; Heb the temple of Osiris-Mnevis.

DDftjn, Gen. xlvii, ii. Per Asar Reqet ^ jj ^ <y> \

f» x n 1 n, n 0 1
Per Amenhetep Sphinx, 14, 161, the temple of Osiris
O , at Rakoti (PAKCff).
the temple of Amenhetep III at Thebes (Luxor).
Per Asar Khenti-Amenti lzyl
Per Amenta (] ")()©, Sphiinx
I 1 MMM U 1 the chief temple of Osiris
14, 157, a town in the Delta. o * at Abydos.

cm n <&< n t t 111 Per Astes

Per Aneb
aaaaaa ^
I H -wwvn J ii ©’ I
x S\ B.D. 145, 81, the temple of a form
A.Z. 1907, 46, Memphis. 0 Sil ’ of Thoth.
[ 986 ]

~D I d Hermopolis in the cm q [T-□

Per aqer PerUatchit *- “'J
H^©’ Delta.
r‘oU° Q ©’ I
Per atef Anher-Shu sa Ra [ KBiS"?*--*.35, I
_fl, a name of This. ^ ^: (1) the capital of the 19th Nome
ox c. of Lower Egypt; (2) a name of Denderah, Buto;
Per Atem Copt. nonfTO, Gr. Bovtiv.
ox - I £©
cr“D ox
“ House of PeruM c73^;,B.D.G.I4o,.he
ox ox a c. A temple of Denderah.
Tem ”:
_ I 'I ^3E3I T Per uab L^ cm, the temple of
, a town in the Eastern Delta (Succoth);
fWl Osiris at Abydos.
Heb. DhS, Exod. i, II, Gr. I\aTOVfio<s ’Apajiias,
Per Upuatu shema cy=l
Copt. neecejuL.
1 n ^ the temple of Upuatu in the south
ox y ©’ (Lycopolis).
Per Aten ^ h ^ crZ2, n ( AAAAAA .

1 1 q i i M 9Q ’ @0
\\ftV 149
i i o
Q ( CT~Z3
temple of Aten built by Amenhetep IV in his
1' Per Unnut AAAAAA

oQ*0v Ra I37>
town of Aakhut-en-Aten (Tall al-‘Amarnah). 38, a temple in Hermopolis.

Per aa “great house,” a name Per unkh AAAAAA , the temple of

i of the Necropolis.
Osiris in the 15th Nome of Lower Egypt.
zmj ox
Per Aait Qd Perur ”
Qv .©' £l ex’
o a nx
, Denderah.
o , the temple of Osiris in Aphroditopolis.

Per Aakheperkara n ( 0^$LJ Per ur en mat I_ _I AAAAAA Ap

(=“□ -^
Rechnungen 35, an estate near Memphis. a
^ , a temple near the granite quarries at Aswan

Per Annuit AAAAAA Denderah.

Per ut (?) £3 Aphrodito-
0 e^o©’ I Jf o I polis.
Per anuq , Rec. 10, 140, Per ut (?) ^ ^ O |. B.D.G. x74)
the capital of the Nome Mahetch. the burial place of Set.
icm © f—u)
Perankh cry] , Denderah. Per utet en hem-t set
1 ox ox AAAAAA

, the temple of Denderah.

Per ankh cm cm ^ , Rec. 27, 88, O oO
PerBa B.D.G. 185, a sanctuary
the city of the dead, i.e., Deadland.
’ of the Ram of Mendes.
AAAAAA f\/\7^
Per ankhet ■¥• • B.D.G. Per Ba en Asar
1 OX OX ox &
1 1 jn-
Rec. 17, 119, Bakchis a temple near Lake Moeris.
I26’ I f®oS on Lake Moeris.
Per Ba neb Tet (Tchet)
Per ankh aru cm
“temple of the living,” a name of the Necropolis. l
Per Aha IyI q^.
a district near Per Matchet. [I ©, Rev. 11, 145, the capital of the 16th

A ^ the temple of Amen- Nome of Lower Egypt, Mendes; Assyr.

Per Uas
i©’ Ra at Napata. **TT ~ <T^ <T^-
[ 987 ]

Per Baiu , Rec. io, 142, PerPteh y^, y the
a town in the Delta. temple of Ptah and its district at Memphis.
nn o
Per Barast Per Pteh shetat n~~i 1:1 §TS
1 lx fr\ I
Karnak, 52, 7, a town near the western frontier a temple in the Nome of Memphis.
of the Delta.
Per fa Asarankaut (?)
Per Bast "fl;,

S o *Bubastis> °r-
f) VF? S’b-d-g-i7°’ c7^’kS
Bovfiacm?, Bot^/SaffTo?, Copt. TIO'¥.&_A.C'|-, Heb. [joT 1 Sri (0 the temple of
dJ I /wwv\ I P-l/

OD^S, Arab. ^ j,. Denderah; (2) a shrine in the Delta.

Per Bast meht y jj“ <f'©.Bu- Per fa-a IV’ io31’ a

bastis of the North, Bubastis in the Delta. temple of Menu at Thebes.

Per Bast shema -4-° S > Per fa mut enth neteru

3 the temple of
nyi ^ RD-G- 2°7, Bubastis of
v) ’ Denderah.
the South, of Upper Egypt, or Denderah.
cr-□ Perfefa i ry
Per bak cr_:: ^ ^ © \
: <o Peasant 37, a town; situation unknown.
, Denderah.
□ o
Per em , a town in Nubia; Primis (?)
Per bu tcheser ir^] J ^=*4 B.D.G.
Per ma ^ c~□ , Karnak 54, 49, A.Z.
209, the temple of Smataui, ^ , q.v.
83, 66, a temple; position unknown.
A"W'A Rec. 10, 141,
Per Benu cr^ J Per maakheru en Usrit cr^3 R
O©’ Farshht.

Per bener enth ta neterit

AA/ww 1
o0 ©

Denderah. Per Manu A.Z. 35, 18, a
I 000
district in the West (?)
Per Pekht tm ^ tr-zi, temple of

Pekht near Beni Hasan (Speos Artemidos). Per ma ”

& ^
,?sta'e „in
the Delta.

Per Pekht ° (]() Per M’gu

ffi A, Mission
l ©
^Tj ^ , Pekht or Pekhit. tT”Z]
I3> ri7> ( S a town in the
Per pestch neteru
1 Nome Ka-heseb,
1—1 ©
I o m®. the temple-town of Osiris in
the Mendesian Nome.
Per M’tennu(?)

G iv®.
Per pestch neteru cr^3 © T Rec. 1, 52, a town in Egypt.
1 oinl 1
—01",” ©,111. Per M’tch
II©’ I on’ I -J? I I I © ’ I
a name of Babylon of Egypt and of many \> ^
, Demot.
other sanctuaries. I ©
Cat. 422, Oxyrhynchus, the capital of the 19th
Per peg P.S.B. 20, 123; Nome of Upper Egypt; Copt. IieAAXe,
Piankhi Stele 20, a town in Upper Egypt. IIJULXH.
[ 988 ]

Per Mut ^ ^ *©’ a town near Permes-t en Nut (1“ n0o

Hypsele; Muthi of the Itinerary of Antoninus (?) the “birthplace of Nut,” Denderah.

Per Mut ” ^ j^, the sanctuary PermesRekhit c"3

1 ©’
O d ^I1 ^
of Mut at Thebes; varr. , Denderah.
Cd Per mes Heru-sa-Ast cr=3
Per Mena /wwv\
_a I
.[#] 0 , Denderah.
Minya in Upper Egypt; Copt. 'TJULOOItK.

Per Menu c , B.D. 125, 2, 20, Per Metcha Rev

i VT
1=1 □ ( 11, 178, Oxyrhynchus; Copt. TI€JULX6.
1, temple of Menu
Per en ami aakhut n 1 -fl-czz c®3,
at Apu (Panopolis); ^ ~J dp1 :eti, canal /WVW\ U Cj ^

" “IfTTTcea ©■ "T ^,’Dendmh-
Per Nut 0. a quarter of
Rec. 12, 20, a town in the Delta.
i 0 S’i ’ Memphis.

Per Menth vw
/WWW , Hermonthis; Per nub-t cr^1 nssn.
^ © © * I o o o
Copt. ApjULArte, ApJULOrtO, Armant; (i) the capital of the Nome of Nubt; (2) a town
in the Western Delta ; Assyr.
l~~I temple of Mentu in Thebes.
A/W/WAi v I
Per nubit L_ -1 °
cd Den-
Per mer Rec. 10,
I oO <

140, a town between Asna and Al-Kab.

Cd o CdI
Per Neb aam AAA. ^
Per mer (Pamer)
I ©’
crd ^ Cd Cd*-^*^ 000 C®’Sphinxi4’i57’^^-ff-
A.Z. 1807, 46, the capital of the 3rd Nome of
1 Sgrgi’
Lower Egypt.
Mission 13, 8, the temple of Isis at Philae.

Per mer
cri]o c PerNeb-tneha"' V n
7Q=d ra (n ^

J=T Q o1=1: E©’^©’ tz—□ ^_y /wvwn h f) °

-1 V V
I-) V
I— —I
t‘ I-1 V- <■
I_ _I
a quarter of

1 <0^ © ’

1 ^ ’


(u\ ’ i Q ra *1*1 d ’ Memphis.

B.D.G. 1177, the district of Mareotis. _ _i \_i ^

Per Neb-thetepit
I o o □ 0
Per Merau (?) ^
1123, a town in Upper Egypt.
%IV- , a suburb of An (Heliopolis).

d v_^ . -0 —. ^
Per Neb-t hetepit
Per Merit (?) crp] ([j

AAAAAA ? A.Z. a town near Tanis.

rti Q □ o Si’

Per Neb khet en Tern C3

1900, 130, a name of Naucratis.
c ^
Per merh L" ^ o ^, the name of
:P=K g*> Denderah.
several places in Egypt; var. Q | | AAAAAA A

Cd rd' Per nebs J p (j, Herusatef Stele 21,

d d —] AAAAAA

Per mes fl, , the birth , Nastasen Stele 25, a town near
chamber of a god in a temple. the modern Wadi Halfah; Gr.

Per Mess ^ j’j

nn. Per Neb seger cv311 ® », a temple
the great temple at Abft Simbel. at Thebes.
[ 989 ]

Per Neb tepu ah Per nes[er] AAAAAA fnl, Palermo Stele

i i $3®-
Piankhi Stele, a town in the 17th Nome of Upper
Egypt (Aphroditopolis); Copt. Ue'Tnie^,. c □
IJ 1, A.Z. 45, 126, l~ ~J (J,

^j, tr~zi , a shrine

Per en pa Mennu AAAAA

. 1
of Uatchit.
0^;,a town in Egypt.
Per nesu (?) ^, a name of Sais.

Per en pa Ra en Raineses
Per Net H, Sni (Asna).
meri Amen L 1 J
T ^^?V 1
X=X 1 A

temple of Ra founded
Per neterit
I I ©
^, [ 1
J > a sanctu-

CMHQ- ary of Isis at Sni (Asna).

by Rameses II at Memphis. era cr^i
cr^i Per Neteru
Per Nefer
1, Denderah.
town in Egypt.
crp 9,
Per Nefer her-s Per neter tuaut
J ©: 1
^ i ^ , Denderah.
I w
1 0 l=r~=l I the temple of the high-priestess of Amen-Ra
©’ 1 6 at Thebes.

Per nemhu cm , Rec. Per netchem tm , a village

11, 168, a town in Egypt. near Pelusium.

Per ent meh ©, the Necro- Per netch Ra em a Aapep ^

polis of Sais; Copt. TlA-rtOTCJ^HX. ( X 4- b t-\ 4- Al *-VA *-v1 /-\
the temple of Den¬ A\ f I
<=> 5CX I □ □ derah.
Per en nub crj" AAAAAA o, Denderah.
Per netch Heru em a Set
Per ent res c-□ ^, the Necropolis Oo the temple of
of Sai's ; Copt. IIA.ItcnrqpHC.
^ (mn) C Denderah.

cmi A AAAAAA a mu
Per neha (), pg H c-a , a district PerRa n31,nGl,"
1 oil I O 1
!— —' O H 5GX
of Athribis; Copt. ITA-ItA-^O, Arab, IAvj f , B.D.G. 414, “ house
of Ra,’’ i.e., Heliopolis; Heb. t^Un-PSl, Jer.
j———1 AAAAAA
see Het-
Per nehem IT] xliii, 13.
I L- nehem.
Per Ramessu - meri - Amen,
Per en Heru Neb Maa C7_D aaa^a CTT] S'

^ the temple of Horus of Maa[m] in
©’ Nubia (near Ibrim, Primis).
o 1MI -1

Per nekhi en Asar (Ra)

(j(j ^ ©’ RD'G‘ I7°’ ^
of Rameses II in the Eastern Delta, Gen. xlvii, 11,
^ ^ , Denderah.
I Exod. i, 11, xii, 37, Numb, xxxiii, 3, 5; Heb.
cr^] DDftJH, LXX 'Pafieaaij.
Per Nekhebit
2 J > the sanctu-

ary of Nekhebit at Eileithyiaspolis. Per Rameses - heq - Anu crr2

_• 1
Per en Kheper crT1 ^ , Sphinx (QjPPT^tjTiP, a town of Rameses II
aaaAaa V*/

14, 158, a town in the Delta. in the north of the Delta.

[ 990 ]

Per rut ,
Per Hapi 8g □
1 X w
-n t-
©, a village near Memphis. Q ^ a district Nome Heliopolites.
o mI
Per Repit Per Hebit capital of
'0' a
□ Denderah. the Nome fJH y; Arab. = Pahebit.

Perrema nl _J£ , a district near Edfft. Per Hen 8 D Nilopolis in the

* p 1 « era, ’ Eastern Delta.
Per remtu am en Asar □ ^=f
Per Hept ur , a town
in Egypt.
^®^i]01©’Denderah- i j
tm Per Hefau Tmsi , a town
Per Rennit ” ^ Pn 2, AAAAM
w ©
near the modern Gebelen.
Per hen l_ $ *jb/, a temple of
I A WAM fcJ.I I I .
Per renput en ta neterit ^ £ ^5
Osiris in the Nome Ka Kam.
, Denderah. cm
Per henu I=r^: tfi

Per Ruruti n'2asQ J, B.D. 78, Q (a o B.D.G. 1063, the sanctuary of the
1 w Sir ' ’ [TD ’ Henu Boat of Seker at Memphis.
30, house of Shu and Tefnut (?)

Per rehu (?) ^ e 8 nl 85 Per Hennu

a district near Oxyrhyncus.
cm <n Per Hent shema ^ JL “
Per rekhit ^0
, Denderah. Denderah.
1 ^I O
cm cm era
Per rekh en Ast
• r=ffl
I remi

iz- Per Heru ©,

™ n ©? the “ town of the know- , IV, 1132, the name

ing of Isis,” Denderah. of several temples of Horus.
Per hai-ni en mesu Geb ra Per Heru aab .4. ^ .

Gw the modern Asfhn al-Mata‘nah, 18 miles south

,i(i^fiiPi'1%-j|©-Denderah- of Luxor.

Per hina im ro n in
, the temple Per Heru ament ft®.
of Amen at Karnak.
, a name of Hesfen —^ : Arab,
tm era cm ©
Per ha
f tk
^ a town in the Nome Aphrodito-
Jc^ © ’ polites.
<jyus\, Tuphium.

Per Heru ati nef tesher-t

era p

PerHapt-re b.d.
i S V ©’ e V ©*
125, III, 13, a temple in Egypt and the Tuat. Denderah.
Per Hap Per Heru athi-nef hetch-t
A \\ I D
□ ©, ^©’
TrrFT I □ 3=1 □ \\

\> oj, the capital of the supplementary

Per Heru Bat (?)
tm 0 B.D.G. 186, the temple of Horus in
Nome of Per Hapi
I DAW $\J ©’ Theb-neter (Sebennytus).
[ 991 ]
Per Heru Behut a Per Het-Her neb-t Tepi-ah cr_:] Q
sanctuary built by Usertsen I.
n^ ^ ° ^ ® ■the temple of
Per Heru merti ©, a Hathor at Aphroditopolis.

town in the Nome Ka-heseb; Copt. Per hetch cm <j> , a sanctuary near
Asphynis and Hermonthis.
Per Heru merti o o
©, the Per hetcha " § i p.s.B. 17, 18,
temple of Sheten. I A dii \>
a sanctuary in Nubia.
Per Heru nub , the capital
Per khat en hem-t-set
of the Nome Tuf.


Per Heru neb Mesen

C“Z] ! o P ©•Denderah-
Per khebit U “* , a temple in
, a temple of Horus at Edfft.
Sekhem (Letopolis).
_ , _ _ _ _ I r\ AAAAAA

Per Heru khenti-khat a Perkheper ankh ( H<=:>To^’


Sphinx 14, 155, a town in the Delta.

_ £
a & —
a temple of the unborn Horus near Per Khemenu !»
Hermopolis in Upper Egypt.
Per heri neb aabt Per Khen
T L"q~J |j, Palermo Stele,

©, Sphinx 14, 164, the modern Fakfts. ® , Denderah.

1 n
Per Her shefit nesu taui Per Khnem
□o the temple of Khnemu in Latopolis.
Ofl ®11 0 " , the temple of Heru-

shefit in Hensu (Herakleopolis). Per Khnemu ■- "■ Q 1, 6

Per Het-Her L-|'J ^, capital of , a district in the Fayyhm.

the Nome P-tesh en Per Het-Her, □ 1 w 10 Per Khnemu neb He-t ur-t
\> 1
; Copt. nAO^fpIC, nAOTpIXHC.
the temple
)f Khnemu in the Nome Mahetch.
Per Het-Her l, Denderah.
Per Khnemu neb Shashetep
o <Q> ^
Per Het-Her J\ ^©.
• •
Q U3 <=> O □
village near Tanis.
the temple of Khnemu in Hypselis.

Per Het-Her ast qem (?) Per Khensu 1=-=l ° the temple
I vaaaaa T Jl I

© InlT , a town in the Nome Pathyrites. of Khensu at Thebes

Per en Khensu-em-Uas-Nefer
Per Het-Her nebt Mafkit
Q- hetep
m 0
® ^ ^ f ‘h=
©.Sphinx .4. .57, AAAAAA AAAAAA

CT3<Z> O temple of Khensu Neferhetep in Thebes.

a town in the Delta.
Per Khensu-pa-ari-sekher-em-
Per Het-Her nebt He-t Sekhem
MX n
, Qn^S\TQn?®’thetemp,e li ~ the temple of Khensu, the arranger of
of Hathor at Diospolis Parva. 1 ©’ destinies.
[ 992 ]

Per khenti menat-f ^ ^ Per Sebek auf ari shait cy3 ^3^ (j

v o i i i 6\ b.D. 67, 3, a mythological
1 1 ft £(] ’ temple (?)
_ a
Berget J
a town in the Fayyftm.
Per khenti Tenen C~Z1 Mi a^L 11
I /wwv\ I I
Per Sep ^ a town near An
^ ^, a temple (?) of Ptah or Osiris in Memphis. □ ©* (Heliopolis).

Per kheru L J J cr^ f ^ ©, the name

Per Sepa C"1 0□ , Methen, an
of a canal. estate in the Delta.
Per kherp ah ^ <S> | ^ Per Sept crT]
□ ©’
I, a sanctuary. Dream Stele 36, fa 1 ©, Sphinx 14,
Per Kherp-kheper-Ra 165,^ a town in the Eastern Delta,
©, a town on the great canal that fed Lake Fakfis(?); Assyr. ^ <T^ Tf
Moeris. c-□ —**-
Per sensen Her-
the temple of Osiris I AAAAAA A/VWVA ^r1!’
Per khet £
mopolis Magna.
at Mendes.
□ Per sennn (shennu ?) en nub
Pers, Persa, Persu p L.D.
a fw*l Herusatef Stele 27, a

3, 283, ' 53, CTD temple in Napata.

□ Persehep11^^ D B.D. 104,5,

Lt~lJ ) IIj I 28,
fy/x/y ’ 5 qq I a'w
□ a mythological locality.
& r^n, D ^ D^£), Persia; Pers.
<0 1 I
Per Sekhmit 'y3 ^ r ~ , a name of
?f m Sf T£> Baby. - tif= <H<T ITT.
several temples of this goddess
*- -1 iOi o a temple of Uatchit
Per sat n -
CD* at Letopolis. Per sekhem en Ra
I 5e
50 I ©’
Per sai Denderah.
, Met. Stele
8 ; see Per sui. Per sekhem khenti Khata ^
Per saah Ra , a district If lAf©'Denderah-
of Latopolis.
Per seshen fe- , a temple in the

Per sui ly'^(](| ©, Met. Stele, Nome of Ka-heseb (?)

a temple in Nut-ent-Teb ^ Atfih. Per Seker neb Sehetch
H 1 =%. Piankhi Stele, a temple of the
Per Sutekh cy] ^ q ^5-M/ a name I * O'- ’ god °f the district of Medfim.
of Avaris, Pelusium, Ombos, etc. 1-1 —"—
Per seger © > a temple
Per Seb Netert , a town in of Osiris in Busiris.
V O’
the Fayyfim.

Per sebkh-t cy: p J , the Laby-

Per Seti
a temple of the fire-goddess.
X0vB-D-,25> l'io>

Per Setem cyD , a temple of

r!nth M v-
C~□ Osiris; position unknown.
Per Sebek
I Per shaa (?) ^
Crocodilopolis, capital of the Nome
Arsinoites. A.Z. 51, 79, a temple; position unknown.
[ 993 ]
Per Shepset hent neterit Per gerr (gell) “yr3 ©, ” ffi
^ v 4A\ gb<S I
^ tz~i) ^ XJ crm <zz>, Sphinx 14, 167, a town in the Eastern
O ©’ I 0
c-□ mna XJ i i i
I ao0Ovi O>
^ V) V* ^T”
vj | I □ 0 ci ^ O
the temple of Hathor at Denderah. Per ta ant o A
I -Pr^s- 1 a a
Per Shentit c—□ 5
i j
aaa/wv mi& B.D.G. 48, a town or district; position unknown.

Pertaua , Maskhdtah
sVI ^ 11' I' ^ °
O cn’ a tem^e at
Abydos. .M fl
Per shesthet
11—1 nn n o
©© Stele, Parthia; Pers.

s£ <T“TT<T m *
T^T BabyL

Methen, an estate in the Delta.

\mn ^ anm
CTZD Per tep tu-f
Per shet ertu en Asar i e i i
I Cl nnm 8\ B.D. 125, I, 13, a sanctuary of
I £y| ’ Hebenu.
Anubis in Hebei
l^rt3V3l©,B-aa ,7I> Denderah-

C"Z) „ m c 4. CZD d ^ ^ CT3 i c

O a
Per slietta en Asar 0 Per Tefnut o
I o D 3^0 cP
-£D>~ ^

™ cdT ©*Denderah- S^°l5’De,,derah-

a town in the
Per qen ^ Per Tern ^^ ^j, ; see
’ Nome Ka-heseb.

Per qen Heru utet tef-f Asar ["1 A ° 1, Succoth.

I S ^mr I’
AD x
a? j^l©’Denderah-
Per Tern Tchak
I a
Sphinx 14, 165, Pithom-Succoth.
Per qeras Asar ^ Jspji.;.
c"zi wv 0 the temple of
l_ _l ^ J ^ 1- -1 Xl Per Tehen
i°1©’ MS?]* a <3 CTZ2 n
o Osiris at Sais.

Per teka ^ , a town in Egypt.

b=C±> dJ I © * ”W°li
Denderah C2
Perth , a locality near Memphis.
Per Qerhit ^ <s>X a temPle cm
the Nome Heroopolites. Per Tehuti (Tchehnti)
<=* W

Hermopolis in Upper Egypt.

Per kaut 'v3 ^ ^ ©’the to'vn
Tepi ah (Aphroditopolis).
Per Tehuti up rehui
^-1 AH3
Per Kamkam / / fII’"7^HII^®’Herraopol,s
temple in Hermonthis. in Lower Egypt.

Per Gebu ^y1 o J®^ Sinsin T> Pertes

cr-) c
. anm ’ I

jo, a name of the Earth. a town in Egypt.

Per Gem a® , N. 22, a crzm

i Per tesu
I u°©>Meihen’an
town in the Tuat.
estate in the Delta.
Per gem Aten (- (j /WWW 5 cr~D
O Per tchatcha ^, Rec. 10,141,

/'Si] /WWSA
/ww\a L J f^-ry\
> /^ 5 cm
© i -71 17, 119, I k\ U ^ Rec. 21, 13, 1
wm» ? A.Z. 1902, 110, , the name a town between Pef Benu and Gerg (Girga);

pf several temples of Aten, Copt, nxuox

[ 994 ]

Per tcheftchef cr^3

i l I i
i a P-Serk □ n , □
□ ^ □ ^ □ □
sanctuary of Harmakhis in i—(
©’_^_ ’ ©’ ©’
OttP V~^>, a town in Nubia, ^eXx1^ Pselchis.
Per tchet Cy“3 ^, “ Everlasting
1 /+
House”—a name of Denderah. Pesg re ° s f* ,□ <=>f ©’
Pehabas ^ ^ ^^ Rev. □
[©], B.D. 142, 94, a town
n, 185 = Copt. <L4>0-&(JOC. famous for the cult of Osiris; var. ° ® f*(Q'

Pehanu □ |^ IV, 797, a Sftdani □ fw, R.E. 2, 43, a district;

o position unknown.
country ; situation unknown.
AAAAAA P-shaim’ □ 00^=° , a village
Pehu 1 AAAAAA , -D U3
© § e e ns’ e w AAAAAA near Memphis.
V ^ the swampy ground in many parts D
P-shet asht □

© ’ of Egypt. , B.D.G.

75, a lake in Heliopolis.

Peh ar-ti (?) a district >" Jhe
v ' ’ Delta. □ B.D. 36, 2, a town
Peshnu r-vm 0
AAAAAA of Khnemu.
Peh an ^/i ^<a?', a canal in
Peq, Pequ ’ °
■ T-

the Nome Ament.

district of Abydos; see I v\ V
^, a distri
Peh Bah ^ as, b.d.g. 187, a 41
□ A □ 41
part of the Nome Am peh. For ^ ^ ^ , see ^ ^

Peh neter ^as, A S* , * Peq Khafra Q q

/+ the back part of the Nome Aphrodito- L.D. II, 12, a district near Memphis.
□ 41 cr^i □ 4 _ □ 41
4 O'
Peqr O ©,
PehQenus ^ , Mission 13, 4,
=> □ 41'
the back part of Nubia.

4 ^ ^ ^ ^ } the tomb of Osiris at Abydos.

Pekh-t, Pekhit “ g, ° §, “ t\l\ *
1 ( the canal of Peqr at
^, a temple of q ° ® near Beni Peqr-t
4> o I’ Abydos.
Hasan (Speos Artemidos).
Peqh u□ ©, a seat of the cult of Isis.
P-Khann Q 1 AAAAAA j Q T AAAAAA } 3,

Q AAAAAA AAAAAA X AAAAAA Peg , a district of Abydos; see
canal in the Nome Pathyrites.
□ 4
( 1 "i AAAAAA ^

Pekharur Nehern --- AAAAAA

Pega □
T^rFrT I LI ^ B.D. 169, 18, a town in
IV, 587, the “Great Bend” in Northern Meso¬ ffi Egypt.
potamia. □ Sphinx 14, 164 a town in
the Delta.
P - serak □ B.D.G. 221.

“scorpion town ”—a name of pe«uatsf]);>?an S,ds£r

V □
Ppcrpr 1-1 i '1 r Sphinx 14, 166, a
J in the Western Delta; Copt. necOK.
8 S 9^e\ ’ lake in the Delta.

Pesrun □ n , R.E. 2, 43, a Peges □ ffi , B.D. 142, II 18, the

•iTiriiiir ©
town in Egypt. name of a town and of a god.
[ 995 ]

Petat (?) G q5\/] a district of Heiio-

^ ’ polis.
Pteh hetep □ , a village in
O Aq □

the Sebennyte Nome.

Petaill (?) (j(j ra @} b.D.G. 139, a
Pteh sankh a town in the
quarter of Memphis.
Nome of Xois.
Petenmut D ^ X D Pteh srut D|[l^\©, a town in the
v ^ the capital of a district in Nubia; the n o
H-1IL rireyui;0(9 of Ptolemy.
Pteh tet sheps u , a town
□ ^ Ci □ Q near Memphis.
Pet D D
Mission 13, 4, a town in Nubia between the ^© RD* I42’
Third and Fourth Cataracts ; Pontyris (?) □
II, 12, \>, a town in Egypt.
i ~ 1

Petasa □ w
Pet en Kam D L
F==q , “the
aaaaaa ^ /wwv\ & 1 , I.H. 211, D XV
- —fVW ’ cs
heaven of Egypt”—a name of An (Heliopolis).
□ o o c. fX,. Mar- Aby- 11, 4;
Petentem , Rec. 20, 114,
Rec. 8, 140, a Mediterranean country and
a country conquered by Rameses III. people.

Peterti (?), Merti (?), Ar-ti(?) Petr , IV, 792, a district in

<2>- Syria; situation unknown.
the swamp land of the Nome of Ka-heseb;
P-tesh en Per Het-Her □ §□ [=r
^ ®» a town near Anu. \> o
^, a district of Thebes.
Peterti (, Rec. 29, 146,
-< 2>- v—
Petti shu fwcq, Mar. Mon. 2, 2.
^ , a mythological locality, and the low-
P-tchatcha all©; see
lying land of the Nome (Cabasites).
Copt, nxuex.

Petra w w

v“^“ 3=1 ’
large canal in the Taniteand Diospolite Nomes.

Pteh an □ P £s5>- L.D. 2, 50, a town in Fa NX _ , a suburb of Memphis.

^ ©’ Egypt.
Fat Hern ^ [©],
Pteh men sankh □
141, 122, a town of Osiris.
town near An.

Pteh nefer D 11 0 a town in

©’ Egypt.
Fariua*-^kT<fllvIV’ 79,>
a district in Syria ; situation unknown.

^ J
Pteh nefer mer Assa
©, L.D. II, 80, an estate of King Assa,
D Fag
a © wa © -
- ^5 a temple of Osiris in the 3rd Nome

Pteh res aneb-f □

jo©’ of Upper Egypt.
’, a dis-
trict of Memphis.
Fenkhtt a foreign country;

Pteh he-t Ka
JDX°yQ„ U3
X ^ , a name of Memphis; see Het Ka Pteh
== © _z1 I ^1 i
the two lands of the

Fensh ; see Fenkhtt

r~w~i f\A/i © AAA
_ a
J u ® m vA’ RD‘Io6> 1 Feram’aa fwi) a

Pteh hes art n(?) 1 district in Syria; Alt-K. (439) compares Heb.
a town in the Libyan Nome. □SIS (Josh, x, 3).

3 **
[ 996 ]

Fek, Fekau A.Z. 49, 130, Maat bam Khufu (0^

© , a town in Egypt. <s>- $ , an estate of Khufu.

Feka b 56 Mabara y.\ <=>&££» Mar.

Turquoise land—the Sinaitic Peninsula. Karn. 52, xi, a district; situation unknown.

Feka , ©, a town near Lake Mareotis. Mam ^Jr "v\ , Bubastis 34A, a
1_ <2>- hcX _HhX
Sftdani country; situation unknown.
Fetiushaa (?) ^ ] (] (] ^ ^ (] ^
Manata AAAAAA } Rec.

O^vq, Eg. Res. 81, 69, a district in Syria; situa¬

tion unknown. 20, 115, a Sudani country; situation unknown.

Ma en Asar-Teni Jv7 rl O ‘I
^j, a district near Denderah.
Maa-t p ^,^,3^,^]^,
A_Q | s, a district in the Sebennyte Nome.
Ma-t en Het-Her AAAAAA

a district in the Nome Pathyrites.

Maati O.
Ma-t en Tarr 0 , a dis-

trict near Denderah.
0 0
Manu , , / JL,
_ ^PPl’?|PP^I:(l)asanctuary
at Letopolis in Lower Egypt; (2) the great
0 004
_4 ^

Judgment Hall of Osiris.

, ft 000
Maati (?) a ~ ry/vq, ^ ^ rvw’
v /rzn o o ?■ the West, the country of the sunset.
sanctuary in the Nome of Libya-Mareotis. AAAAAA

Maanra (?)
Maamaa (Mam) , a town in III
-gtrV- /2Z=~
Nubia, Primis (Ibrim). , L.D. Ill, 219, a
Maam, Maam (?) , IV, 812, district; situation unknown.
► /-

Marem’ L.D. Ill,

156, IV, 781, a district in Syria; situation un¬
^ [Jjvj, Kubban 6, a district and
known ; compare Heb. OVlD.
city in Northern Nubia, Primis (Ibrim).
Malietch , the 16th Nome
Maat kheru z==:](^, Rec- 27> I9°> a
of Upper Egypt.
town in the Nome of Sept.
Makha taui
Maikhentka(?) ^ 'j, ss ©’

Nastasen Stele 57, a Sfidani country : situation

m^ ©
of the Two Lands ”—a name of Memphis.
J A" A J, “balance

Mauaaa 'fj ^ ^ 'j , Mas, Masi , IV, 800,

Gol. 4, 8, a country; situation unknown.
P^w. Rec. 20, 115, a Sfidani
Mautu _Jr A var-£ JSfc \\
-<s>- a country; situation unknown.
IV, 799, a Sftdani country; situation unknown.
(P £2* m AAAAAA Masa ^ 1 > LH.
216 , —
4 im 1
Mau-t khenti n h ^
\> mH y> XN>a
district; situation unknown.
[ 997 ]
/WWW i

R.E. 3,160,_£> (j <5 ^ s'! IWI, a country; M’aur /w/w/w

1 A/W/WA w \> 1 ©’
situation unknown. Demot. Cat. 423, Moeris in the Fayyftm.

Mas khemi (( ©, R.E. M’akhasa (Makhsa) [j ^ ^,

11, 122, 12, 29, a town in Egypt. fl T ^ 783’ a district in Syria.; situa-
1 25 1 ’ tion unknown.
Masha_£ JyftT q, Nastasen Stele
Mair (M’ir) DO 1 r^-o. Rec.
53, a town in the Sftdan.
20, 117, a district in Syria; situation unknown.
Magar ^ S <=>1 ] /- <--AA/W/W f>

M’rrekhnasa » t?,
-—a \\ | ©mi
Anastasi I, 19, 2, a district in Syria; situation
IV, 789, a district in Syria ; situation unknown.
Maau r^A, Rec. 24, 179, a dis¬
Mater (?) Heruakau ( hB
trict ; situation unknown.
an estate of King Heruakau ;
©. situation unknown. M’urrekhnasa ^b\><==><=~=> ® 7] I AAAAAA

0 B.D. 116, 2, a
Matha _Jp n^l IV, 789, a district in Syria; situation
© ’ town of Neith. 7 ’ unknown.

Mat c3>, 4 Mar. M’urm’r _fl ! , IV, 792,

a district in Syria ; situation unknown.

Karn. 42, 23, , Rec. 32, 65, _J?

a suburb of
M’urnusa a_^ qjp [Wl, Rec.
©, ©, ReC> 32’ 65>
\\ Thebes. 20, 116, a district in Syria; situation unknown.

Maareth a rv^i, Rec.

M’urqa zi IV, 794, a
20, 119, a country conquered by Rameses III.
district in Syria ; situation unknown.
Mau | [j IV, 796, Roller 4,3, M’ukauhi
Rec. 20, 118, Mar. Aby. II 2, ^ (j ^ ^ (Wl, Semnah Stele, a district in the Eastern Desert.

L.D. Ill, 229c, a Sftdani country; situation un¬ , IV, 791, a district in
Syria ; situation unknown.

Man \] &
o , ^
O the
Mab (?)
, R. 22, 2, Andropolis.
3=r T==Il T=I

swamp region of Bubastis ; V [j ^ , a town in ZS Rec. 19, 21, a town

M’beg / ©’ in Upper Egypt.
the Nome of Uatchet, Gau al-Kabir (?)

M’n O see O
Maraua y T=^L 7=T J=3L

M’ngenasa ^ 0, IV, 79°,

, Rec. 12, 53, I/ Q 11 iTm ■^•^ss^°n ffi
13, 4, Meroe, the capital of the Island of Meroe a district in Syria ; situation unknown.

in the Egyptian Shdan; var. Berua M’ntar c I I I 1 , Rec. 20, 118,

Or. Mepoij. a district in Syria; situation unknown.

M&t rehen-t g ^^^ M’ntchu 0 0 % fwi, Rec. 20,114,

AAAAAA \ —11

a southern district conquered by Rameses III.

Rec. 17, 95, Mit-Rahinah (?) near Sakkarah.
The correct reading is Antchem
[Ma]ti [|]=(j( ^, Rev. 6,8 (Rosetta
^ |\"'|(^);IV, 798.
Stone 21), a town in Egypt.
3 R 3
[ 998 ]

M’rm’ fV_i) M’shakasanra &

n IV, 781, a district in Syria; situation un- 1 Eg. Res. 68, 76, a district in Syria ;
fvCy known; compare Heb. ’ situation unknown.

M’rm’am „ M’qata (Maqta)

a_d A
^^0k;IV'784-=TS0 A
r^O, IV, 782, a district in Syria;

IV, 784, a district in Syria; situation unknown. compare Heb. pnptt Josh, x, 10.

M’rm’r [wj, Rec. 20,115, M’qrut a_a

oi ! I * D’ A
a Sddani country ; situation unknown. IV, 785, a district in Syria ; compare
T 9 Josh, xv, 59, LXX M«7a/jwO.
-J -

M •haa(Mahi)
M’qerput □ V, IV, 785, a
Harris Pap. I, i6b, a country; situation un¬ <rzr> LJ Jf
known. district in Syria; situation unknown.
M’ha M’kaa (Maka) rv^i,
■ —S-
a district in Nubia near Primis (Ibrim). Gol. 4, 6, a country; situation unknown.

M’hanem’ L-D- Makta (M’keta)

III, 252, 22, Mahanaim; compare Heb. QVjnft, 649, 781, ^ a—
Josh, xxi, 38.
t^3, IV, 655, __ | (](] [WJ, IV, 781,
M’hugaa SW ()
rw), L.D. . —n
jj ( 'j n^l, Anastasi I, 23, 1, Megiddo;
Ill, 252, 119, a district in Syria conquered by
Shishak I. Heb. LXX MayeSSw, Tall al-'Amarnah

M’khirp ^ ^ ^ ©, Alt-K. 494,

►cTT H EH <Hf.
F \>
a town ; position unknown. M’ketar _
) )
( : : cr~zi, tower, fort, a fortress in the
M’khen /wwv\
/wwv\ Eastern Delta; Heb. Gr. Ma-^aAo?,
0 n,
~ a town near Edftb
^ © Copt. jmetTroX.
M’kher a country in the
-J’ SCidan. M’keter , IV, 784, a dis¬

M’sakha iv, 782, a dis¬ trict in Syria; compare Heb.

trict in Syria ; situation unknown.

M’keth IV> 667’ a c°un‘
M’shaar ^ (j<C=>, try; situation unknown.

(j 0|W1, .. ^ fyr^, IV, 782; M’kthir (?) czi, Rec.

20, 118, Migdol (?)
compare Heb. Josh, xix, 26, xxi, 30.
M’ktau Q^£l, L.D. 3,
f] , iv,
252, 27, Megiddo; compare Heb.
792, a district in Syria ; situation unknown.
1 Kings iv, 12.

M’shauasha M’g ^ s , Rec. 11, 168, Mycia.


1^’^—' M’ga, M’gana ®

^ G3. j Harris Pap. I, 10, 8, the land of /WWVA

the Maxyes. S ^ ©,a town in Egypt.

I gf ’
[ 999 ]

M’gatir, M’gatil f Mu nesert ^ (|, a lake of

a w i©
boiling water in the Tuat.
Migdol, in the Eastern Delta; see^jlS^j ^

Mu neter
0r sacred canal of Edfft.

AAAAAA , the

M’gaten S AAAAAA j II, 158,


Macedonia; Gr. MaiceSovia. Muset (?) AAAAAA 1 ^ , Rec. 20, 115; see

M’gir (Megir) ^ & (j( , Rec. = 1 c^V3, IV, 798.

20, 117, a district in Syria; situation unknown. AAAAAA

Mushanth AAAAAA KM Mar. Aby.



11,4,2, -VWWV jmT In JtTu

1041, the 22nd Nome of Upper Egypt (Aphro- C>\'< AAAAAA

ditopolites). Alt-K. 510, a country; situation

]<n unknown.
M’tenu caP'ta^ AAAAAA j ^
the name of a
Muqet-t (?) AAAAAA

\ I country (?)
the Nome of the same name. AAAAAA


M’tenu ent Sep /www T'j^Y Muka (?) [W], IV, 802, a
1 ^ ^ > a district near Kheraha. Sftdani country ; situation unknowm.

M’thna (Methen) ^0^3, IV, Mebushu OO iv, 798;

O_n AAAAAA p, rs AAA/W\

6l6’ 3= ^ Q^1’ ReC> 2°’ II6,

IV, 589, a district in Northern Syria; varr.
-.fW\y seek JkVndkJ^CTk

Mebutu ^ IV> I?8’ =
al-‘Amarnah \\ <«:
1 1 1 fwr
Sfffl -4- Sff-
Jj ^ ^ P^W, Rec. 20, 114, a southern country

conquered by Thothmes III; var.

M’ti _
* w ^ ^ I !• w
Nastasen Stele 61, a country in the Sftdan ;
s=^. iv, 798-

f\k| j J Mebeq (Meqeb ?) S— zi J pX,,

I Ombos I, 130, a district; situation unknown.
natives of the country I I.
Mefki ()(]©, Sphinx 14, 167,
a town in the Delta.
near Lycopolis.

M’tchana ) ^a-o^ Mefkgi !](j Rec. 11,158,

IV, 782, a district in Syria; situation unknown. a foreign city.


Muau :,;v , IV, 797, a SCidani Memu, Memmu (?) a

town in the Eayyftm.

country; situation unknown.
Memtu (Memut)
Mu4 k^ n^\A, IV, 804, a Sftdani
IV, 798, a Sudani country conquered by
country; situation unknown.
Thothmes III.
Mu ent Antch V if R-
Memthu kk*=k kk

■5, 93, a canal in the Delta.

'^1^, IV, 798; see 0^.
Mu ent Pteh (?) AAAAAA $ ^ , a canal


in Edfft; var. AAAAAA AAAAAA

[1000 ]
,1111111| /W/W/W
i l1^! o l £
'i <=> \\

0 Cl M/WW

0 Ci /WW/W 1^=T IWA/W/V 0

©, A.Z. 49, 130,

Demot. Cat. 423, Memphis, the tomb of Osiris,

/WWW , a canal in the Nome Tekh
/wvw\ (
T«0o9 'Oaipitos. From this name are derived
Mena c B.D. 142, 3, 19, a the Coptic forms JULeJUL^.6, I,
AAAAAA town of Osiris.
juienqi, jtxeqi, JULert<J>eum, Assyr.
Menas •*tt r- 4Hff
32, 63; varr. Men nefer , the pyramid of
AAAAAA 0 t -_ .J

(x) a town near the modern Tall al-Kabir; King Pepi Meri-Ra.
(2) the district of Minya. Men-t Nefer-kheperu-Ra ua-en-
Menas-t a part of the tem¬
/WWW 1 dim ple of Edffi. Ei = ( OIQ^1 Rec. 15, 39, 47,
Ci 04 V 0 V^V /w/w/w

3 the town of Amenhetep IV, the modern Tall
J J J /\ ^, the pyramid
of Userenra at Sakkarah

Menankh f A
the pyramid of
menti-nenu 4
ami] 1
a w \m

rocks in the First Cataract, the Kpti0/ and M£0/

of Herodotus (?)
Menat Khufu
£1 Menh a town in the Libyan
/w/w/w , “the town
a town in
of the nurse of Khufu,” Minya. U®©- Egypt.

Menu the 9th Nome of Upper Egypt Men Khufu an

y’ (Panopolites). estate of Cheops.

Menu khenti A/WAAA a town Mensa qebh

with the cult of Menu.

an estate of King Tetkara.

Menut y iv, 803, Mensau q p (j IV, 798, “ [[1]

, IV, 799, a Sftdani j) tK Rec. 22, 114, a southern country
4 _r ’ conquered by Thothmes III.
country; situation unknown.

Mennu kherp Khakaura _

Menqeb Khufu ( © \
/WWW tm

a fortress built by Usert-

A ^ ©, an estate of Cheops.
'-rJLrJ , sen III at Kummah in the
J=d_A Third Cataract. Mentheb ^ J ODD ©, a town
Rec. 19, 18, a founded by Cheops.
Mennus 0
Mentch ^ ^T), Rec. 11, 79, ^
Mennu Senmut \/w/w/w Q tm AAAA/W \ AA/WW "

, a town in Egypt.
, the fortress of Biggah.
Mentchefa 1=1 v ©, an estate
Menmentt Qy\y]’
A/W/WV K_\


, a region in the Fayyhm. Mer B.D. no, 5, a temple of Osiris
jllllUlj (t 111J X. ^ cn in the town of Sheten.
Menmenu Rec. 32, 64, a
000 ’ shrine of Amen. Mera ^ ; see Ta Mera.
Men nefer 1—1 J /\, 1=1 J /\ “ ,
AAAAAA 0 r ^) AAAAAA 0 H-U © Merau (?)
0 © ’ /WWW 0 a . A ^^
/w/w/w a country or nation.
[1001 ]

Merau ^ (j B.D.G. 280 = Merr he-t ka Assa (" I) ~~ZZ Q j <§

^ © Meroe, capital of the Mero'itic © , the Ka town or temple of Assa.

[vv]’ kingdom; Gr. Meporj.

the sacred boat of

Mer Sept Kakaa (j_j[_| 1) ]| ^ ^ ©>
Merau Athribis. a town built by King Kakaa.

Merahetaa ^ IV, 801, Mer Sesheta Herakau ^ ^J) [ j VJ

a Sftdani country ; situation unknown. f ^ , an estate of King Herakau.
Mer Atem "^3Ll Jj f\ Merkar <z^>U:s^,
IV, 797, a Sfidani country; situation un-
Rec. 11, 155, ^ fe> () ^ © ’ I » known.
Pithom (?)
Mer gerh T=t | F^1 ^, the name
Mer ankh Assa ( f| ~T~ Q ]^ ^ ©» of a locality near the Labyrinth.
an estate of King Assa.
Mprt <=>1 ° Herusatef Stele 149,
Mer ankh Ra Assa het I] 0 mert | I) © ’ a Sftdani town.
Mer Tem ^ ©, ^ Medflm.
O H ©, an estate of King Assa.

Meri, Merti J=T , Meha (j i^i, iv, 801, a Sudani

3=1 (|[
country ; situation unknown.
1—<, a district in the Nome Sept.
0=^ o
Meri-t (j( ° , port, harbour of a °=M©’
o C
nn 0 i*^ f
city, e.g., J^©; var.

1 ;-y a , the modern Minya.

rvwv v
n <? ^ B.D.G. 57, the port
n o i_fc 1
©’ of Memphis. <-«-'V
/*WWV\ o Meh °<=:>Sv !! , . the temple of
Meri-t /WWV'
___ > • ^©’ Ti © o^©
^ n 3=1 Osiris at Elephantine.

Meh-t o', °°\ wam, a canal in the

Mer ur ^ is
AAAAAA VA7 <=> -A7

7- /WWVN
X Lake Moeris in the Nome of Mahetch.

/wwv\ 1. Fayyftm.
Mehti ab aatu /NAWA

a town of Assa in
Mer maat ^ theNome Metelites. , Rec. 27, 50, a name of Magharah.
Mer nefer J ^7^ ^ Mehi °^(|(|3=3, °°\ AA/WVN •


a town in the Nome Cynopolites. a canal in the Nome Nefer Ament.

Mer nefer Het Sahura O ^ \ c Mehi [j(] “ , (](j 7^. a ‘o'™

t ‘L a town founded by King Sahura. in Northern Nubia, Meae(?)
<rr> 0 ©
Mehu IV> 953, ^
Mer-tneterit A.z. 1907,
46, a town in the Delta.

Merhu (?) ^ | ^ IV, 801, a f.f ®. f % A-z-'^ ”>!©■

Stidani country; situation unknown.
I’t M ^ ® ’ Hynl1’ Darius 29’ f’ ^ m
Mer Herui (?) Jrs A a canal in the the northern half of Egypt—the Delta;
• V ' 1-f
@ ’ Copt. ejm&iT, JUL&nr.
Nome Ka heseb.
[ 1002 ]
Mehen en Mehurt
C-, Mest, Mesth f j’j V|t n
a name of Sni (Latopolis). > IV, 798, a Sfidani country conquered by

Mehtchem’ Thothmes III; var. JPf§|f.

n [t^i] , IV,
798, a Sfidani country; situation unknown; var. Mesta A.Z. 38, 18, a town
I I 0=0 ’ in Egypt.
Metchhem’ ^ | ^ -D

Mekha taui 0 * a name of

Mes^ fti P ^ © ’ |f| P^ @ * Piankhi

‘ ••• ’’ Memphis. Stele 122, a town of Lower Egypt.

ffi n.

Mekhem \ see Sekhem (Leto-
polis). *il) AAAAAA ^

I AAAAAA ? IV, 800,

a Sfidani country; situation unknown.

Mekher a town near
rr>l2]C)Q^’ Sni (Asna). Mesha ^, Herusatef Stele 156,

Mekhskerkher LJa_J ® a Sfidani town ; situation unknown.

Nastasen Stele 55, a Sfidani country; Mekanu(?) G , Rec. 13,

^ l situation unknown. ©
62, Lycopolis.
Mekhthenif (?) © , Heru- Mekes , Rec. 35, 192, a name
satef Stele 97, a Sfidani town ; situation unknown.
of the Nome

Mekhthenintiteqth (?)
Mekter ^ > Sphinx 14, 169,
V 'wvw ^ , Nastasen Stele 46, a Sudani
-A \\ 1 l 1 © ’ town; situation unknown. Migdol; Heb. tfnSQ.

Mesper en Ma-t ensa Heru her Mekter pef Bratchapnu a

ast-f p ] CL { / ju'fVK ^
1 □ 'JL
ill' q ©, Sphinx 14, 169,
Migdol of Baal Zephon.
n cA£fc=i
o C~3 • mV Mekter peh Sai (?) ^^
, a sanctuary of Heru-Behut.
Sphinx 14, 169, Migdol behind
c=cftfb=i .fi. o ^ Sai.
Mesen-t aabtt
m 1 T PuTVO1 Mekter ta sata (?)
a district of Edffi.

1 Sphinx 14, 169, Migdol of the
Mesen-t amentt <=> x-1 © ’ land of.
\T3 I P Q£^Q!
a district of Edffi.
Megubet ^ @ Rec. 19, 21, a town

Mesen-t meli-t L/ Q a name of near Asyfit; Copt. JULA.ItKA.non~, Arab.

o © W ©’ Tanis. s L, '

Mesen-t res-t ^ ^ © , a name of

Metun en ka, Methun en ka
Meshet 1 ^ c IV, 799, a Sfidani
^,’5^1’ ^ ^ ^ -Amenerabat
country; situation unknown.
2, 2, 3, the place where bulls run, arena.

Meskhen-t ff) H JL , ff) H ® 0, Ombos.

I I _I I I I.I Meturt KV ! IV, 797, a Sfidani
country; situation unknown.
Messhes 802, a Sfidani

country; situation unknown. Meter , a town in Egypt.

[ 1003 ]

Metra, Metla O, Rec. Naap , IV, 791, a district

n, 141, Metelis. in Syria ; situation unknown.

Methen shet 'j , a place

in the Saite Nome.
A.Z. 1865, 28, a country in the Shdan ; it pro¬
Herusatef Stele 78, a
Mett duced root of emerald, J o.
^ ! ’ country in the Sftdan.

Metnat ^ ©, Peasant 38, Narut-f

[) Gol. Hamm. 12, 99, a town ;
^ * situation nnVnmun
cihwtmn unknown. see N-rutef " .

a sanctuary at Elephan-
Metch Narrutf ^ see N-rutef
ft ^ © ’ tine.

Metcha A 'SN, A ^ c^, ^ © •

AAAAAA <--*-71
IV, 799, a Stidani country ; situation unknown.
Nahrina 1 fU w Q^£), IV, 36,

Metchau | %\ r^vo. Demot. AAAAAA *-71 C-AAAAAA

, Anastasi IV,
Cat. 20, a district; situation unknown.
15, 4; see Neharna.
Nastasen Stele, a
Metchar C5 -£1 » -AAAAA .

c& Sftdani town. Nakhasa ik 1 s j iwi,

Anastasi I, 27, 6, a district in Syria; situation
AAAAAA f\ r. C3 AAAAAA n n V

Naaskhanhu ^ ( ce I J ’, Rec. Naqbesu ^ a J [' _^ | L-D-

14, 66, an island in the Nile. III, 160, a country ; situation unknown.
WVWN r\ <r- AAAAAA n -CN

Naarrutf ^ (j Nagbu ^ ®J see Ne2bu


(| B.D.G. 1063; see N-rutef a


Natuba IV, 79°, a

^ © *

iiiiiiiu district in Syria ; situation unknown.

Na aui en pa sekh user TTTTTnTr

a district in the Natkina ^ | u IV. 792,a dis-

Nome Metelites.
trict in Syria ; situation unknown.
/wwv' mmnr
Na aui en Hap AAAAAA V □ AAAAAA ^ I AAAAAA v

iiiiiiiu X >—r Nathana ^ ^ | Anas¬

0 “ the gates of Hap ”—a district in the Nome
©’ Metelites. tasi I, 21, 1, a district near Tyre.
/WWV\ ^ ft Q

Na p n Kama hui □ c

-IT ’
(2 Demot. Cat. 423,
U“fliw £3=2 ’ a place at Pathyris. AAAAAA /I AAAAAA c==

□ ^ c c( B.D.G. 163, the

O Cl
__§ §__
1 ^ ' □ '□is IW1

Nait B.D.G. 1064, a town

capital of the Northern Meroitic kingdom at the
near Tall al-YahCtdiyah. foot of the Fourth Cataract, Napata.

Naun -S^-mnmr, IV, 784, a district

Narutf see Nerut-f
in Syria ; situation unknown. —n_
AAAAAA n /A <--~7>
^ © '

Nabur IN Rec. 20,117, AAAA/

Naa — , a town in Egypt.
a district in Syria ; situation unknown. ©
t 1004 ]

Nam’na Nu-t aa-t ® ra, © |, the “great

jA D O I O O |
IV, 784, a district in Syria; situation unknown ; city ” par excellence, i.e., Thebes

o b—Q m' o AAAAAA Nu-t Uast ent Amen
n (Alt-K. 570); Heb. AAAAAA
> is
(I , Dream Stele 11, “ the city Uast of

Nar —o I -_fl
J] -_fl
Amen,” /.<?., Thebes in Upper Egypt.
0 ©, —^
£ ) A
<Z3> V ^ n’
Thes. 1251, a district of
Hensu (Herakleopolis). Nu-t urt ^ _ © x © o
O | a I ^ a \ ’
“great city,” /.<?., Tanis.
Ni (](j CW), ^ (](] ^ [wj, IV,
698, 788, 893, a district in Syria ; Assyr. Nu-t meht © °<=\ ©
0<_:>. ‘ ^ii\>
~ z* -t <m- ' \>, “the city of the North,” i.e., Thebes of
Niu (Nemu?) 22^ ^2^' Rec- the Delta (Diospolis Parva); var. ©
32, 68, the Equatorial Lakes.
*© ° 1N
tn © ‘
Nirab ^ ^ ^JJ , IV, 790, a dis¬

trict in Syria; situation unknown; Gr. N>)^>ay3o?, Nu-t mesftl nut © fi l w Rec. © rK n ©
L J o | I I a | III’
Akkad. Neribu (Zimmern, Akkad. Fremden- 33, 18, Demot. Cat. 423, “mother of cities”
worter, 43).
(metropolis); © © ^ 2 , “ city of cities’”
f~\ I III 1
©: TKpKoc Thebes.
, IV,
790, a district in Syria; situation unknown. Nu-t en Amen f=^ AAAAAA

Cl ©

Nu-t (Nenu-t) a=r, “city of Amen,” i.e., Thebes.


A/WNAA 0^(3 the cana] 0f
Nu-t ent Bak ©
^_?Li=i’ ^—^3=1’ Nome Ka Kam. a
__ . AAAAAA f\ f\ AAAAAA AAAAAA (a B.D.G. 186, capital of the
Nui (Nenui ?) (( AAAAAA 1*"^- ’ Nome Tuf.
kJ <2
/ / AAAAAA .

ijlj 222?’ the §reat canal of Abydos, which fed Nu-t neb-t heh O x , “the
the stream into which offerings were thrown city, lady of eternity,” i.e., Thebes.
near the temple of Osiris ; this stream or lake
was supposed to represent the primeval watery Nu-t en Nubit © *~wna r^ , Den-
a | 0
mass out of which all things were created.
Nu-t (Nenut?) aa
O cT=z’ZT^1E=Zl’
Nu-t ent Hep © 0
the chief canal of the Nome Am peh.
a a
r\ I o □ □
wwv\ , the capital of the Nome Ament.
Nu(Nenu?) Set

3-J, o
the canal of the
Nome of Set.
Nu-t enth heh © ^ J0J
“ eternal city ”—a name of the Other World.
Nu-t aau © ( ^ ©, B.D.G. 1072,
Nu-t en ka pefs © AAAAAA

a name of An (Heliopolis). AA '55>l| ©.

Nu-t Amen © (] “1, the “town AAAAAA

Nu-t ent thebti ©


of Amen,” i.e., Thebes; Heb. JiftN Mb, Assyr.

^ I o d- 0 I
B.D.G. 926, “city of the two divine sandals”—
-s=TT the modern Atfih, #

Nu-t Ateh-t ©^ (j AAAAAA


marsh city”; Gr. Na#(7>, Assyr

Nu-t kheper w iP5, © ^> © ,
, o | ©’ ^
-►II -'"T -£l
-M t|TTc. ' O © 0 , Abydos.
[ 1005 ]

Nu-t Kheper tchesef f=^

o ?)•
Neb ankh
f f\/V0'
“ Lady of Life ’’—the Necro-
O 1


Nu-t shesit(?) ©
f polis of Thebes.

^ 0
i .. j Nebit
] , Lib. Fun. II, 89, a town in Egypt.
O ^ , a town in the Thebaid (?)
Nukarta © ®, Sphinx 14,159,
Nebiui (j[ ^ M § uH
Naucratis,• var ^^ ° ^ , Rec. nales
var. © <_=> 24, 184, lg6
aaa/wn l ^ ®, a town in the Thebaid (?)
^"Zl J III
Nu-t Tem ™ = Per Tem AAAAAA n A A AAAAAA \\

o I c=z I Nebina ^ ^ 5 Canopus

■^nrn: An (Heliopolis). jA

Stele 9; a mistake for .A [W],

Nub rjn^r: , the Nome Ombites.
Auntanai, Cyprus ; see also Asi.

Nubit, Nubti J©’u- 28s’m- 210.


^ Rec 10, 141, Cheno-

n. 674, r^n g. C*fT JQQ ©* IV’ Nebut (?) AAAAAA

0 ^

a town near
H27, n=r, j (](] 5,
Neb neter ^ <=>, the canal of EdfiL
Ombos; coPt. e«.Bio, ,---\| AAAAAA

Nebes Seneferu ^ [ J, ^ _y J J p
(JOJUL&OIT, Arab. ^.
an estate of Seneferu famous for its mul
Nub r*"iS>\ Rec. 10, 141, 15, 160, a berry trees ; situation unknown.

town near Balias (Pampinis ?) Neb-t seger-t 1 S 0 —

AAAAAA / ~ h
® cu’
jQ I £=>
Num’ana (Nenum’ana) ^ Q /: l , the district of Busiris; var.
> | Qyvr)
<ZZ> o ^
, IV, 784, a district
17 A fWl'
in Syria ; situation unknown. AAAAAA

Nepau A-'^A, IV, 805, a

Nurnas (Nenurnas?)
0 jt m Sudani country ; situation unknown
XV, 793, a country in Syria, situation
\ & unknown. Nepi

Sphinx 14, i59> a town
in the Delta.


, Nastasen Stele 9,
>3’ o Nepi AAAAAA


798,^|^C^.ad,s- AAAAAA

HI, 139, Q (](] ^ H1, I43;

trict in Syria ; situation unknown. AAAAAA A p AAAAAA
see Nepita (. L
Nuges ,n^ ® see Anaugasa

Nept, Nepita , HI, 139. □

H (5 ^eaa’IV> 7°4- AAAAAA (* / □ WAAAA


Nuthana (Nenuthana?) /—\ O AAAAAA □ CrA □


IV, 792, a district in Syria; situation un¬ AAAAAA

known. n
^ 1
town situated at the foot of the Fourth Cataract,
Nebata ^aa j ^0, a district iin the capital of the Northern Nubian Kingdom,
Syria; situation unknown ; compare Heb. the Napata of classical writers. Its ruins lie
rVQ2 (Alt-K. 567). opposite Gebel Barkal.
o B.D. 141, 117, a town of
A ° f] o a town in the Neper Osiris,
Neb aru 1 <8 j ©’ Nome Am-peh.
[ 1006 ]

Nepriuriu □ Nefer hesut Assa (([ (| J c | 1

IV, 792, a district in Syria; situation unknown.
, an estate of King Assa.
Nefur (Tauur?) I
Nefer hetep Khufu ( 0 \w
^RD'I3r’ IO> 1Y1 ^5 ® B-D- ’ an estate of King Khufu.
142, II, 14, ©, Sinsin II, 6,
Nefer heteput Sahura
X ^ e> C©M]
-0—, , 0.
Q^), a
$, an estate of King Sahura.
^ .. g
□ S
-©p-1.,, ©, a quarter of Abydos. AAAAAA

Nefer sen J B.D. 153A, 26, a

© ’ town in Egypt.
Nefer (?) ^^-3=3, B.D. 125, 11,
Nefer seh an J a town in
39, swamp land in the Delta. © ’ Egypt.

Nefer (?) Aabti w the 8th Nem-t =

Nome of Lower Egypt (Heroopolites).
C”Z) B-D- 125, II, the
Nefer (?) Amenti ^ the slaughter house of the god Unemsnef-jj-
7th Nome of Lower Egypt (Metelites).

Nefer T <rrg, a town in the Delta.

u <=> © Nem-t Sekhmit pjx ^ ^ ®, the
Nefer | /\ , the pyramid of King Assa. slaughter house of the goddess SekhmitA

Nefer asut I r| rl rl Athe pyramid of Nemmit, Nemit ££()(]“ —

6 iJiJiJ tAA’ King Unas. A/VWAA
f) [) \> [)[)<=>
Nefer asut Khafra J jj j- j- “ v u W i- k ‘Mv adistrict
in the Nome of Set.
Q ~J, an estate of King Khafra. AA/WW AAAAAA

Nemnem Hh. 238, the name

of a place (?)
Neferau Assa /WAAAA
an estate of King Assa. Nemti AAA*AA W/W« \\


Nefer ankh Herakau f^TuY] /--

D 3=1 ‘ ^ the name of the
canai of the Nome Coptites.
0 1 O©’ aU es^e King Herakau.

Nefer uatu Khakaura | Nenurm’nnatcha AAAAAA

G I -_fl

IV, 789, a district in Syria;

^ O Q UUU J Rec. 13, 202, a canal made by I I I £2 situation unknown.
Usertsen III in the First Cataract.
Nerau a country; situation

^frus JVT- llp. M®. Nerut-f


J <=s ^ P' l P Rechnungen 77 , A q >

<y- © ’ ^ ©
“ place where nothing
f fj u P-S.B. 13, 516, a town near
0 _zi I © * Minya. grows a sanctuary of Osiris at Hensu.

ti fl
" l
J 1,6114 raQ 0 ©’ ra 0 !: (,>adistrict
I 9
, an estate of King Assa.
of Memphis; (2) a part of Athribis.

Nehau 7~ “T
Nefer her J^ A.Z. 35, 19, a district lug in [W}’ rn
tvw, lilLL, a town in
ID ^
inB4asta Northern Nubia, Noa (?)
[ 1007 ]

Nehaut ^^\ ©, b.d. 125, II,

m. !->• m us-
21, a district in Memphis (?)
Nehana-t ^ , Herusatef capital of the 3rd Nome of Upper Egypt
Stele 159, a town in the Egyptian Sudan. (Eileithyiaspolis).
Neharna, Neherna ra

IV, 710, A.Z. 1880, 82, V CV^£l, IV, 649,

AAAAAA -- AAAAAA AAAAAA AAAAAA Nekheng V.7Z, ®^.b.d.,5>
iwi, iv, 698, ra , iv, ... © C3SZ)

Litanie 8, aaaaaa ? aaaaaa ? IV; 1126,


|_ _)

ra v © £0, I AAAAAA W7

870, IT]
-v f\Z\y^
0 , Mar. Karn. 38,7
7 ^
| I

r tT \
AAAAAA ^ j—J (
\\ )

^-^ l T I AAAAAA
© ©
v a3 ©
ra AAAAAA lt^1’IV’9’ \ra AAAAAA
, C=K3j ^J>©> the capital (?) of

'itw], Alt-K. 578, the 3rd Nome of Upper Egypt (Hierakonpolis),

Kom al-Ahmar.
* AAAAAA AAAAAA yy ^ yy ^

Nekhen neshen c \\ J I W I — , MAAM

a portion of Mesopotamia; Heb. QrarU, Tall ra)™ C3ED r~W~l o

al-‘Amarnah ?/w/ Narima ^P -TT<T 3! dj©’^^©’Xois-

(Berl. 91, 32), mat Na-akh-[ri]-ma V *~< nr i l
IMPlrhAn npshpn
-U C \\ J
x o c AV

uconcu rran t n <v rara

[^<1] (Bftlak tablet). AAAAAA AAAAAA

x- ra » <-s-:3 -^aaaa , Edfh.
Nehi ra U 0 fV~W, “sycamore land.” 5-J ©’ 0 © S-0’

Nesaf , a town near Sals.

Neham — f T g. V f Nes-t ur en neb nebu
Lake Mareotis.
, a town near
the temple of Khnemu in
Sni (Asna)
Nehim-u in IV, 804,
Nes ba Tet z ^ jjjj ='erTpevtSp
a Siidani country ; situation unknown.

Nehestt rXp /WW'A j[ ^ CVW, Nes Menu-ti(?) T ©, A.Z.

^1 \\
™ j( ^7^, IV, 800, ww* ^ p, Palermo Stele, 35, 18, a town in the Hermopolite Nome.

1 C^3, Herusatef Stele 5, ^ j[ \\ ^, Nes-t neteru S- Edfft.

era1 1
the Land of the Negro; ^

^ | AAAAAA n Nes-t en tchet Neb tcherit Z5
I , , ,, negroes. & , Denderah.
Nekhir (Nekhel) Q ffl s
I )-rdr-( Nes-t Ra , Denderah.
a ’ sal©
Anastasi IV, 15, 7, stream, river; Heb. Sn:,

Syr. *iLulj , Gr. N<Z\o?. This river is pro¬

Nes-t Her ^ ^ 0 Edffi.
bably the “river of Egypt,” of
Nes-t Herui a temple of
Num. xxxiv, 5 = Assyr. >“Ay ^ yy ra
(Budge, Esarhaddon, 119). Horus and Set at Panopolis.

Nekheb-t ^ ^ j ^, Palermo Stele, Nes-t Het-Her Z5-

, Denderah.

Nes-t tani a - S =
!j-J 0, U. 459, ^ J T. 332, ^ 0 J

S —L— “ Throne of the 'Pwo Lands,” i.e.,

©>4-0JJ©*R29°’-)-oJ ©.» d \\ ss’ Thebes.
[ 1008 ]

Neserser (Serser?) b.d. Neter u-a^i, a sanctuary

22, 7, a lake of fire in the Tuat. in the Nome Coptites.

Nesgestt n
iwi, p. 332, Neteruir?') 11 11
a d V ’ SHE© I L©’aHE
W\ n—
, M. 635, the name of a country the Nome of Horus and Set (Aphrodito-
^ ^v^r- or god. polites); see Antui, Antchui.

Nesh-t i ^ . j, Rev. 10,141, Neter aau ^ a town

□ « <2 in Egypt.
□ NO 1 , Ptolemais; Copt.
c. Cj
Neter asut ^ J jjj /\, the pyra¬
4^01, 4EJI-5I, the modern Manshiyah.
mid of King Menkauher.
Neshau _ IV, 805, a Sfldani
I EE] Netert Utchat ^ <^> ^5, b.d. 96
country; situation unknown.
and 97, 7, a locality in Egypt.
Neshat Kbufu

^ ©, an estate of King Khufu.

( 0 ^
Neter beb ^ J c^3, Rev. n, 165,
a town in Egypt.
Nesben 00 -UL ©, Edffi. Neter-t-khata ^ Q ^ f\ ©» a quarter of


U ^

| C^£), p. 368,

Denderah; see i-a;-
a name of
Rec. 29, 165, a district; situa¬ Neter sbema I <=>4^ 4,
tion unknown. I © T ©’ Coptos.
Neter ta ~k ^ ^
Negba ^ J ^3, IV, 890, Southern = | , see
=== r^i
Ta Neter.
Palestine; Heb.
Neter theb ^§=3 J O, see Theb neter.
Nesbu ffi J> zs IV>
783, a district in Syria; situation unknown. Nethra ^

O 0=0
I I I 0
[Wl, !’ Vs=f ^©’
Rec. 20, 113, 117, a district in Syria; situation Dendfir, in Northern Nubia; see Ta ent Her

Netit (?) , see Netit

a Nethen » ©, p- 6o9. a townJ"

Net em pekbar w/w, Rev.

AAAAAA < J Netat (J p. 8, 476, N. 114, 994,
27, 84, the ocean surrounding the world.
1263, Rec. 26, 229, a place' near Abydos where

Neter "]<=>, 1 Osiris was slain; var. B.D. 174, 5.

Netit f)(] @ RD- M2, II, 15,

the temple of Isis, ’Io-etoi/, at Hebit
Hh. 238; see l .

tin-®; , in the Delta; Arab, •

Netbit B flfl Q B,U Mb 112,
J ii ©’ town of Osiris.
Neter-t , the temple
■1 Netehit ©> B.D. 142, I, 24,
of Osiris in the Nome Bubastites.

Neter-t (He-t neter?) the i * ^ 1 ri’ Mett- Stele 7i ^

temple of Denderah, a district in the Delta.
1009 ]
Rec. 5, 86 ; see
Netchit Re-Antui 1 T
Llt ^f©’^ I ©’^4©’ 1 I aafe’ Antui.
, a town in the Nome Sethroi'tes.
Ra Heru hetep O ^ 7=c ©, B.D.G

Netchfet ^ ^ e, 441, a sun temple at Sakkarah.

a town in the Nome Sethroi'tes.

Raqeti ^ i If 1, S \
Netchem , a town -% c-□ y> 1
, Rec.
near Pelusium. J] 0 ©
^ d <
o ^ 33) II8,
Netchem netchem ankh o U 1 11
an ancient town on part of the site on which the
Ilf ® ’ If I’ If In' If
a name of: (i) the temple of Denderah;
1=“^, city of Alexandria was built; Copt. pAKCrj-,
(2) Elephantine; (3) a temple chamber’at EdfCi.
Raka (?) > U s a district in
1 v-y 3=r ’ Egypt.
Netchem shu , a town
near Al-Kab. Reiut (?) <=> (( [W], IV, 689, a

Netchert, Netcherat ^ [X/V/}’

district in Syria ; situation unknown.

<0 ^
a q.v. Reusa ^
IV, 782, a district in Syria; situation unknown.

=> © V J\
Reuaar " ( , Rec. _
Re-au I V 1 1
20, 118, a district in Syria; situation unknown.

I cz Ruthen , tw],

ffl ©. ^ (](] ®,. ^ 1)1]. the quarries IV, 783, a district in Syria
of Turah opposite Memphis; Copt. XlOTI (?)
Rutuahu IV, 798,
Re-Aabti '-k ^ B.D.G. 12, a part
a Sudani country; situation unknown
of the eastern frontier of the 8th Nome of
Lower Egypt. Rutoh w* A
©, anuestate of sAe"efeur“ in
the Nome Athribites.
n <5< o
i 'vw™ » B.D.G. 47,
\\ Rebaau, Rebaaa j
i ^
I 111 Jj IV, 784, a district in
, “ mouth of the valley ”—a name given to Syria; situation unknown.
Q® n ihhd
the entrance of several valleys;
irnm Rebaut J ^ ^, IV, 785, a dis¬
Rec. 17, 113.
trict in Syria; compare Heb. nS."l(?); varr.
Re-ati ^ www'! hec. 3, 45, a

canal in the Nome Heliopolites

1 o 1
Re-a-ur ~ 1 %5, ^ 1 ^ ^ , b.d. Rebana (Lebana) cN>
TTTTTmr © TTTTmir <0 ^ I o
© AAAAAA IV, 781, a district in Syria;
64, 17, , B.D. 64, 23, a
nnirnr <rz> T=T
>—1 ^S^=t compare Heb. p^.
quarter of Abydos; ! ^ ) ggg ^ ,> A Z-
Rebanth (Lebanth) III
I &
45> 138, gate °t the South Lands. J AAAAAA o -S

Q£^9, Rec. 20, 117, , L.D.

Re-ankh © aaa, “mouth of 1 1 1 fWI
I 1 Ci o
III, 209, a district in Syria ; Heb. Hp*?.
the land of life,” i.e., the grave.
3 s
[ 1010 ]
Rebar <—- Nastasen
), Na Re mer nefer < > ! I, f
Stele 50, a Sudani country J v Y , a town near Mendes (Onuphites).
\\ \\
Rebarna (Lebarna) Renam’ (Ranam)

, ^0 ,0 IV,
1, Unu-Amen, 783, a district in Syria ; situation unknown.
Lebanon ; compare Heb. Renr AAAAAA L.D. Ill, 13 ra, a district

in Syria ; situation unknown.

Rebata ^ jj ( [w], L.D. Ill,

252, 13; compare Heb. Josh, xix, 20. Renreka iv,

792, read Aanraka, a district in Syria ; situation
Rebata (| ||| a well
on the caravan road to Syria.
Re nekhen ^4, see Nekhen.
Rebu (Lebu) ] (va£), Mar.
Re en qerr-t ap-t khaut , <==> ^
Karn. 53, 27, <"^> J (2 "| CV^A, ^^ Ij £ ( ^ tX, j Tuat XI, a circle in
aaaaaa <1_> I_1

G Jl l ’ the Tuat.
'j , the land of Libya; Heb. 'Q^lS; -AAAAAA

| ffi

J a Libyan; plun a town in Egypt.

I. Rentanu 0 IV, 902,

Rebkkenten (?)
J^ (?) AAAAAA O \ J
a district in Syria; situation unknown.

Nastasen Stele 51, a Siidani country. Rere .. ber

1 1 JS' 1’Rec-
□ 20, 115, a district in Syria; situation unknown.
Rep , Berl. 2296, a town in Egypt.
Reper (?) ^ II,
n w’
126, a town in
J fV^
Rec. 20, 117 ; see
Repeh <==> I —, Anastasi I, 29, 7,
Rerti (](] IV, 788, a dis-
I c
□ CV2V], Eg. Res. 57, 16, a district
trict in Syria ; situation unknown.
in Syria; Assyr. Gr. ’Pa0/«. AAAAAA AAAAAA

Rehanti a lake in the

=> 0 A <=> □ m V Fayyftm.
Re-peq, Re-peqr
I ^7^’ I A Rhum * ? 7 ^ ^ A.Z. 49, 86,
, the entrance to a canal at Abydos I u czz~ 0-A/) Rome.
Rehen <m> tbe swamP *anc^ °I the Nome
=> ^ 1 ’ Re-pequi AAAAAA Busirites.
Re-hen —> rao ra° <?,
Remaq 1 ^ Rec. 30, 66, a town in \ fW)1 f^i i’

ra ^ \ tb- mo \ a district
Remath , a town in Egypt
east of Coptos (Wadi Hammamat).

Rem’nnai flfl, iv, Rehrehsa 'o1 Herusatef

i l 1 l
793, a district in Syria; situation unknown Stele 73, 100, a Sudani country.
Remnen (Lamnen) ' Re-ha-t (jreene 2, 23,

T,r <rz=> aaaaaa IV 700, Lebanon; Heb.

<2 , a mouth of the Nile; plur.
’79,atw>’ pnL T=T

Remenui tu (?) ~-fl , iv, 388..... —=^3=2, “V, 'wwv' , «^T=,

c^lj jz=rr

111 ^ e 3=3 m 111 e

[ 1011 ]
Rehab <—> i ^^J@ 'j , Alt-K. —(0— q c. o
—(£—, Tuat IV,
j\ a^a ©
s^s, ^,1)1^ a^a. L.D. Ill, 252, 17, -e-
a district in Syria ; compare Heb. Hirn.
-^T , Rec. 36, 2ii,
Rehui(?) <=> | ^"]©Cj, ~ ~ \\ ■c o <CZ^>
1 rwi1 —Qr p^v/i [W]’
^ O , B.D. 178, 16, <=> | ^ O , HermopoliIS
—(0— c—-> | o cs
C^b (wj* \ ©,
in the Delta. =t a^a
_ Ds£4 .
Rehbu <7> f J iv. 785. "7* ^ T%-^^^©'Rev'5’97-Q o
originally a portion of the Tuat of Memphis ;
^ ’ a ^istr'ct 'n Syria ; compare Heb. lj”n.
later a common name of the grave.
Rehburta r^o, Anas-
Re - she ^ \J
:=> cm:
tasi I, 27, 7, a district; situation unknown.
estate of King Khufu.
Re-hent^J ^ 0

HJL Reshaut <—-
, iv, 373,

AAAAAA ) — l
Rec. 3, 3, _

! IV, 385, *7“H
^ I I
)—t, <=“><£S'X Al-Lahftn in the Fayytim. , A.Z. 1872, 99, 100; var.
\> I I — }J
Reher (?) P^A, IV, 801, a [ \\"J
, Rec. 19, 19,
Sftdani country ; situation unknown. ^ ^ a district in the Sinaitic Peninsula
or Arabia.
Rehsa n \0' (B
Resha Qetesh TrtVt l a^a.
(2 V £ • ===> 1 CO
, a town
\ Q CCEO, IV, 783, jgas
near Sekhem.
J c^5> Rec. 20 it 8, a district in Syria;
Rehtcha , Rec. r-K—i ’ compare Heb. t£Hp-tT^"V

20, Il8, A^l, a district in Re shit :dd ^ 10 a name of the Under-

rv/vo’ world.
Syria; Tall al-‘Amarnah ^TTT HfT^-
Reqatcha a \ Alt-K. 639,

Rekh-t ®
®>—=r a lake
j „if district in the
, . Ar
Mendesian Nome. a district in Syria; situation unknown.
AAAAAA -Ronvp-r a town near the modern
Rekhasna v rv^i, Keqrer^^^, Asyfit.
Treaty 27, a district in Syria; Boghaz Keui,
Re-qet ^ TJ 1 n' IT w5

Re-senti 01“ Q “ a townFin ,the ccr

aaaaaa was© Fayytim.
the necropolis of Sakkarah.
Re-seh <ro i |TjR,| vjj ° , Amherst 46, Lj *1 Is! unm
a town in the Delta. Reka LJ ^
1 1
Reshui (?) I. H. 240, a district in Western Asia; Tall

Rec. 22, 138, a town in the Fayyhm. al-‘Amarnah V" (Igl (Berl. 1 ablet,
II, 10).
Re-set, Re-sthau nI —(&— 0^0,

U. 556,
~| —(0— o o <0
-e- Rekaam jjj (
a town in the Delta
i , A.Z. 1907, 46,

J\ |W)’ I A rwi
3 s 2
[ 1012 ]
I Rec. 20, Har m AAAAAA j ra
'v AAAAA . ™ .
116, a district conquered by Rameses III. "'AAAA , a canal near I ants.
Regaba ^ ffi ^ J iv,
Harm’ HI , A.Z. 49,
788, a district in Syria; situation unknown.
Plofiij, Rome.
Regatcba (Legtcha) S AAAAAA

Har-nemata ra D
=> I
IV, 784, a district in Syria; situation un¬
s| Anastasi I, 22, 4, a district in Northern
^ Q ^_ I ’ Syria.
Retain’ g=o , IV, 792, a district
I 1 1 1_fl
in Syria ; situation unknown.
Haqa Ht^,/i3j\rv/x/V L-D- lll> 252>
89, a district in Syria; situation unknown.
Retam’rka <=>^§’Cu-i)LJj <==>^^)
1 1 1 01 1 mi Hi en Shu nefer ra (( ^ ^ p ^
n<==> LJ IV, 783, a district in Syria; situa-
I I ’ tion unknown. ^ , the temple of Edfti.
Retar (Ratal) , Rec. 20, Hirana HI <=> ^ Rec. 20, 117,
116, a district in Syria ; situation unknown. a district conquered by Rameses III.

Retnu tt i IV, 809, a district

AAAAAA U _T ^1 ’ in Syria. Hikrim ID 1)1) S (j|| ra (j(
Ret Sh.eS (?) 5 a town in Egypt. I] [) - tv *,q p. a district in Syria ; situa-
a&si —h— ’ ’ 7 5’ tion unknown.
Rethnu 0 , IV> 689, a district in Hu I U aaaaaa ; a canal near Edfu.

Rethen Hert =—
• O" ■ o \ <~>, IV, Hum’ HI Q^£), ra
907, Upper Rethen.
IV, 786, a district in Syria ; situation unknown ;
Rethen Khert 2 b^i rwi compare Heb. On, Gen. xiv, 5.

IV, 907, Lower Rethen.

' neb raJ§a,raj;.ra|,raL;,

Rethnepen ro^voi, IV, 800, a
xf’ raj^ 0, ra
Sftdani country ; situation unknown.
0 the Oasis of
the capital of Kenem,- , Lue ^
Retheq »Nastasen Stele 45, a r c~ aaa Khargah.
^ | country in the SMan.
Asien 165, Luz; com¬ Heb-t <0, the swamp land of Athribis.
pare Heb. 1*.
Hen iSu, HI , m
Retchatcha (?) IV, 794, 1 £ AAAAAA r 1 ) t AAAAAA I 7/

the canal of Saut (Asyftt). «

a Sftdani country ; situation unknown. .. ■ - — —. AAAAAA _ . t

Henhen ru HI AAAAAA } IU IU O

AAAAAA 5 the lakes near Buto.


Haa ra^^'l Rec. 20, 114, a AAAAAA A A

Hentui HI Rev. IT,

district in Syria ; situation unknown.

Haubu ^ J , IV, 805, a Sftdani

168, 13, 105, A.Z. 49, 79, g 1 ^Tj 'l [\/\4,

India; Copt. ^itTOT, Baby. J<X

country; situation unknown.

Har ra , IV, 784, Herar

a district in Syria; situation unknown ; compare <^>\ IV, 784, a district in Syria; situation
Heb. 1 ' unknown ; compare Heb. bx in.
[ 1013 ]
Herua !”□
-iT) r\/x/i Maskhfitah Stele,
0 I He-t abti Q^y^®, ^
A.Z. 49, 78, Herat (?); Pers. <C< 2=Y *?T
Qcd B.D.G. 18, Unu (Hermopolis).
Behis. I, 16, Babyl. [V fj] Jff<f £4^ *^,1. 16.
a sanctuary
Hernefer rD ® J" , Sphinx 14, 160, He-t
• abt•
^ ° ifi r ’ in Abydos.
a town in the Delta. a name of
He-t apit
Thebes (?)

He-t Ament Q (j maam , Denderah.

168, a town in the Delta. cO ©’

Herkhti HU 0 (( , Maskhhtah He-t Anup [J t) □ I ©’ Lycopolis.

Stele, Arachosia; Pers. [^f] ^YtT

He-tAnes y^l^S, /WWW

V <<>CoL T> BabyL ^ Yt

11. 7) 79) 83) 84- , B.D.G. 17, Hensu (Herakleopolis).

a town a sanctuary at Korn

Heh H ©, ra He-tar Q^[j0
IU ra 'tt
IU JI ~ ' IU ^ ®’ Ornbos (?)
in Egypt.
Ah q ^ B D G
Heker ^ ©, Demot. Cat. 421,
1064, Aphroditopolis.
a district in Egypt; Copt. ^JLCTop.
the name of any sanc¬
He-t Ast H tuary of Isis.

He-tasutRa Qjj!®.

5e-t q q ©, Dios-
the temple of Osiris in the Nome Ka Ahau.
polis Parva ; Copt. ^OT.
He-t Asar y ^ j| o y ^ , Mareotis.
?e’t ^ © , a name of Edfft.
He-t ankh A , , Denderah.
r U3
He-t au ry[ ©> a town near Latopolis.

, a temple in the
He-t Aha y Qs\ ^, a town near Thebes.
He-t au ab I ^ Nome Coptites.
He-t Akhmiu y _ ^ ^ ji

He-t aabbekh * , B.D. (Saite) 148,

temple in Hermopolis Magna.
a 1 1 1
14, the temple of the Divine Statues.
He-t aakhu Q ® ^, the temple of a name of the town
He-t Uatchit
r ’ Buto.
Hathor at Denderah.
I— - wwaa

He-t aakhut khep[er] em hat He-tUab y^ , Denderah.

© Y c==^ ? Denderah. Het uar , B.D.G. ,44, Q | 3,

Oi- D I Cl &

He-t Aah —o|^, b.d. 153®, U3 ©- Avaris'

capital of the Nome Ament (Libya-Mareotis).
OSiM-J’DSl-M- He-t uar Ament
©’ lie
, the temple of the Moon-
god at Panopolis and other places
B.D.G. 144, part of the metropolis of the Nome
0 Den- c
He-t Ausasit
© ’derah. He-t urt
c o r cm
0‘ n ^ X ^ B.D.G. 153, B.D. 178, 28,
He-t ab O
■ a ©
, Athribis.
^ ©
* U ’ a town in the Nome Mahetch.
3 s 3
[ 1014 ]
nLd cm“ IJy
a, tfji
1-0 r _c
, B.IXG. He-t Benben
cm JJ AAAAAA d_b
I_ _l
153, a town in the Nome Mahetch.
DQ Jpi
<=> X lu I—1 rnim (min
He-t; UrU Q Rev. 15, 47, a name given to several temples of
CTD <czr
the Sun-god, Ra, Aten, etc., in which a stone
Mol’ QnJLM^n’^2-1908’ was worshipped.
121, a temple or town of Hathor. o rrrrm
He-t pa Aani Q
He-t ur aau Sphinx 14, 163, a town in the Delta.
r ^'0 C~3
the temple of the Aged Prince, /.<?.,
o, ’ the Sun-god, in Heliopolis. He-t pa Aten Q ^ ^

temple of Aten at Memphis.
He-t ur-t Amenemliat
cm □ □
He-t papa-t , Denderah.
CTS Si -#]> Rechnungen 6, a place \7 SJ
He-t Pepi □
north of Thebes ; position unknown. □ cm’
a town
near Sakkarah.
He-t ur ka G ° <5
Id cm ill He-tpestchneteru ^ Q©
©, a town of Hathor (?)
J ©, a name of many sanctuaries.

He-t Pteh □ | |
He-t User menu | AAAAAA

1 L-*fl 000 r QA n
the temple of the goddess Apit at Thebes.
He-t utet ^ ^ (-U) cb
, B.D.G. 175,
□ 5 aaaaaa G ^ B.D.G. 235, the temple town
^ LO cm ’ of Ptah at Memphis.
a Q. (—u)

1—1o> a
cm •EH
(1) a town near
He-t maakheru p j , a name of
Memphis; (2) a temple at Karnak ; (3) a name
of Edfu. several sanctuaries of Osiris.

He-t utet en Usen Q ^ o \j He-tmab(?) B.D.G. 140, a name

of Ombos (?)
, B.D.G. 176, a name of Latopolis.
P=u) He-t Mut Rec.
He-t Baiu 27, 88,
Id cm (1) the temple of Mut at
1 1 1 1
, a town in the Nome Mahetch. Latopolis; (2) the temple of Mut at Diospolis


He-t ba Ast

, Rec. 10, He-t mena-t (ft un


141, a town betweei i Kana and 0 n ^ LU cm AAAAAA

Denderah : D T \ P_TTX l

Copt. m<L&ermHce.

~W ^ 6 He-t menu GId 00

the temPIe of
He-t Bak
□ Ud cm S
Hierakonpohs ; Gr. ’lepaKwr 7rd\<s(?)
He-t men uar Q “ I g, .he temple

of Osnis of the Libyan Nome of Lower Egypt.

He-t Benu 0
□ cm’ He-t mennu Khaemmaat
B.D.G. 189: (1) a sanctuary at Heliopolis;
the temple of Amenhetep 111
(2) the temple of Osiris in the 7th Nome of AAAAAA XX
at Gebel Barkal or SCilb.
Upper Egypt; (3) a temple mentioned on the
He-tmenh the temple of Osiris
Stele of Piankhi—Hipponon, Al-Hibu.
at Sals.
[ 1015 ]
He-t Menth f ©, Rec. 31, 35, a He-t Neba IS_ J > IS J © ’ a lo"'n of
sanctuary of Menthu of Hermonthis. Hathor in Nubia

He-t Merit temPle He-t; nebs Jpg.Q“ j

of Osiris at Thebes.
Q —JPO0, Rec-3,> 3Si Q i pO©'
He-t Meriti ((j ^ ^j, the temple

of Osiris at Bah in the Delta.

'vjPp Q . (i) a town in the Nome of Tuf; (2) a
in the Nome J 11 © ‘ town in the Nome of Sept.
He-t “,atown of Mahetch.
a village in the
Berl. 2296, a town in He-t nef
He-t meht ©’ Nome of Edfti.
00^ He-t nem (1 “ (1 Q , dlstri« J situa'
He-t Mehi Q , a name of ID \73 ]| tion unknown.
£73 /wvw\
He-t nemm Q
o a m on Ld mo ©
He-t mest Q a town in the

■ Q

I_I : (i) a sanctuary at

Nome Tekh (?) in the Delta. .□ m
Denderah ; (2) the temple of Osiris in the
He-tmes-[t] Heru 0, nth Nome of Upper Egypt; (3) the temple
of Osiris in the 2nd Nome of Lower Egypt.
, Denderah.

He-t meskhenit
He-t en Maakheru Q J [5 ^
on a name of4he temple of Sni.
n a o

□ □□
“Q m

} Ombos; varr.

§ ^ polis ; Gr. Aetvi'Tiov.


, Leonto-

Jn I® ® ° QnP

AA/WW □ o'!

He-t neh
Id ra
o«|, []Q
rar Id m ra

He-t Nut Q i<—-s O ©’ Q n ITlo ra
o oO n .Q o the temple of Osiris in
a section of the temple of Denderah.
err ra Metelis.
He-t nub Q r^n, Sni (Latopolis).
He-t nehem
, Denderah.
9®-*nub Q dh ©-
r5*7"1 , Alabastronpolis in Upper Egypt.
e d
1 ^ j
He-t nub Q rwi 1
n &
1 OOO pj \sj 1 n,ww'A w , “houseof 100,000
n» 111 ’ 4 1. ___
. . zi 1 1 ID s=s
, the temple of Osiris at Memphis. years ”—a name of several temples.

He-t nub [1 ^ the temple of He-t nekhen Q

Id m o in cm I_1 AAAAAA ©’ Edm-

Osiris at Coptos.
He-t nekht neteru L=J3 , Edffi.
n I o * !□
he -t nub y OOO p > OOO
Id £73 ° 111
the gold foundry of the temple at Denderah ; a town in the Northern
He-t nes-t Delta.
near it was the manufactory of jewellery, j 9-D
He-t nesu O’ lit
n (1) Alabastronpolis ; (2) Diospolis in the Delta.

n£^5n’thesanctuary He-t nesu hent \ 0 I, Inscrip, of

A Aaaaaaa QJ
• •

of Rail taui, “ J, at Hermonthis. Methen 17, a temple.

3 S 4
[ 1016 ]
He-t Net ri
He-t Hensu
Wo’ I qO’ * C tm AAAAAA ■01
Ld o W©’ 1
P_ id cu AAAAAA 7J ^ ’
D <*©’
He-t en ta ah-t /WWW Q
C-1 A <2

\> A | P
id r a©’ Lii K-
I ^ Demot. Cat. 424, the temple of Der AAAAAA

™ ’ aFBahari. $

He-t neta f] ^ 0 >, Sphinx 14, © ’ R>emot'c Cat. 423, the temple and town
id cm
163, a town in the Delta of Herakleopolis; Assyr. ^ ^ <J-,

He-t neteru IR IP
Heb. Din, Copt. £,rtHC, Arab.
1 1 1
Edfta. He-t henk ankh n-^ AAAAAA


He-t neter An-t A -2- 0 ^ Rec. 19, 87, a sanctuary in the Theban
^ AA/WW fX/VQ }

I cn’ Necropolis, a temple of Thoth (?)

B.D.G. 46, the temple of Pakhit near Beni
He-t henk ankh Menkheperra
Hasan (Speos Artemidos).
Q Q_D Annales 7, 186, a temple of
He-t neter Anpu ^ \~j , Cynopol IS. ° f1 id Thothmes III at Thebes.

cr~□ He -t Heru J
He-t neter en Asar-Hep ^
.□ I

©, the
in n , any sanctuary of Horus.

temple of Serapis at Memphis. He-t Heru an Edfu.

He-t neter en Her en Taui 1

.□ He-t Heru uru (?)
^ V, Denderah. Edfu.
© ©

He-t neter ent Sebek He-t Heru mer ... Assa 0~—I] 1
-IQ &
Crocodilopolis in the Fay- an estate of King Assa.
IZ-D O PJH yCim.

He-t netches ‘W. “ Kec-

Rec- 3r>
3B 35*
35* a He-t Hern nekht a temple of
Ld —«—/ © own in Egypt.
town *_a
Horus at Edfu.
He-t rekhit ^ a temple
emple nea:
Heliopolis __,, p \>
He-theriateb 'Iill
I ^\o ,
He-t reshu , Denderah. X
d m ^ ^ 5 the temple of Osiris in the Nome
He-t ertu
@ ^
3 I
f ©’
Q 1
1 ©5
u. o
He-t hertu er hai hetch H ^ ^
CX) □ rt3 ©’ iiLd ©’ y ^ m ©
O i ’ Denderah-
B.D.G. 1063, the temple of Osiris in the Nome
Amkhent. He-t heh O $, lei , “ house of
He-t Hap Q5 —0 the abode of the eternity,” /.<?., the tomb
□ ’ Apis Bull.
He-t hesmen
He-t hau neter | |, the temple of Id n
~luji 000 1 1 *= rLUXLUi 000

Osiris in the Nome Lykopolites. AAAAAA L-1 II] — AAAAAA


He-t henmem-t o q : (1) a chamber in the temple of Thoth

Ik at Hermopolis j (2) a chamber in the Rames-
ft, 1, B.D.G. 36, Denderah.
seum at Thebes.
[ 1017 ]
He-t heq 'f © , ?gr ’ ?X
He-t Klinemit aaaa/vn

O, ■

# II ©
Edffl. the god’s birth-chamber at Denderah.
He-t Khnemti , a town
He-t heka 8U , the ]!0 o W
_c * © ’ in the Wadi TCimilat, Sile.
temple of Hathor in Heliopolis.

He-t hetep ^ the temple of Lato- He-t Khnemtankh a temple

X polis (Asna).
in Western Thebes. - r
He-t hetch
[T3> n- 66«- Qr®i He-t Khenti fl tl , the Island of Philae.

, a settlement; site unknown.

A. n He-t Khenti fl
©’ 0 nlh ©’
He-t kha , “ house of Ivha ” riTK ^ I”! ° ffTh ^ Sunu-Syene-Elephan-
I f ©’ Lux'' * ©’ tine-Aswan.
situation unknown.
He-t Khenti (j ||l r Mission 138,
He-t khas , B.D.G.
E a temple; position unknown.
1012, ^ ^ ^ 5 a town in the Delta
He-t Sata Q ^ ™
He-t khastu f] - —- © Sphinx Denderah.
III X I II i o o
14, 163, a town in the Delta. He-t sutenit
Id x
a name of Xoi's.
He-t kha Q a™? 1 Mendes.
^ 1 >0 [XI o ^ A/W\AA ^

He-t sutenit en Ra Q n ^
111 ©’
He-t kha-t Q, “the
nGn Q Rec. 27, 190, , Xoi's.
coronation chamber” of the king in a temple.

He-t khait -sk-, a dis-

He-t Sebakh ... (10^
III © :4&
II ‘5 a name of
trict in the Nome Lykopolites. (Tuphium).

He-t kha ent Heru Q 0 l , Edfh. He-t Sebaq ^ ^ ^ ^, a town of

Xb M
^ fl , a form of Tefnut.
He-t kha-t en nesu neteru
^ ex
m the temple of Amen-Ra in the
Oasis of Dakhlah.
sr 1 .OX
He-tSfen []
Asphynis; Arab.
i.' %sua I.

He-t Khufu , a temple- He-t smau iy. 8ot>.

town founded by Khufu in the Nome Lyko¬ a SCidani country ; situation unknown.
He-t sma-taui mr
He-t Khufu nefer E
a temple town founded by Khufu. mmmm , a temple at Denderah.
He-t Khebit He-tSems QPTPtl®- QIM©’
r ■ On*J
x^ a town in the Nome Nefer Ament.
, the temple of
®* Q Q I_1 X^ XE /wv\

Osiris at Sais.
He-t Sent Pi
Q r

of Methen, an estate in the Delta.

He-t Kheper Q , Edfft.
x He-t Seneferu (JU^V|
He-t Khnemu , Sni (Latopolis). Palermo Stele, a temple-town of Seneferu.
X ©
[ 1018 ]

nn £
?e-t Seneferu QPJ^.Q^P He-t Shairaum
LD C~3
, a town or village; Copt. OjXHUtfc.1 (?)
2®’ x Rec . io, 140, a name
l ©
cn r~K~l a town in the
Of $ 1 wX™ Asphynis (Tuphium).
r J \ r /
He-t sha _fl
- G© X
Q I_I (Ci ° ^ Western Delta.
He-t snetchemnetchem He-t Slieb Denderah.

lirlP^©’ QAP“t: (l) Pelusium; He-tShepsit ^

£A aza n
(2) a portion of the temple of Denderah o © CT3

He-t sehetep Q; He-t sheht , a temple of Osiris in

town in the Nome of Uatchet.
the Nome Ten (?)
He-t Sehetepabra
a temple founded by Amenemhat I, in the
He-t Shennu n 0 5 0 A
Nome Unt. Gol. Hamm. 12, 8i, a town in Egypt

He-t Sekha-Heru He-t Sheser (Qeser ?) ° 5

Q a temple in Unu.
the temple of Serapis in the Nome Ament.

He-t sekhun
Q n ® /wvwx ^ He-t shetat
Q n^n
o I W I
r^^>n’atemple E=“TD , the most holy part of a temple.
in. the Nome Metelites.
He-t shet abet
• • •
He-t sekhem (Seshesh ?) Q © 'y', H I_I X
Thes. 968, a town near Memphis.

IV’II37’G©^@’ Dnf ^i’ He-t qa Q [—j ^ ^ > Denderah.

,, Dios-
In’ Uf ©• id©* Q cn ^ ^ y

© , a temple
polis Parva.
estate at Memphis.
He-t sekhen enti A
19ep Q A ®0 He-t
Qen DlA©’ [

, a sanctuary of Apis at Memphis. Denderah, Edffi.

cs \\X 0
a ftn 5s a town in the
He-t Seshesh Q He-t Ka (lot_I
r~vr~i m ’ Eastern Delta.
• Q C~2 A ’
, ,u.
the temple of He-t Kaka , Rec. 17, 119, a
IMP © j: Denderah. m LJ
town in Upper Egypt
He-t Seshem
Diospolis Parva.
He-t Ka Pepi (gffj [j Q d HI , Si

Ka-chapel of Pepi near Sakkarah.

He-t Seker, He-t ka Seker Q U
He-t Ka Ptah £A

m si* Q°sul)the U , B.D. i8r, 3, y ^ □ 0 U ^

temple of Seker at Sakkarah. cn ^ X 111 ©

He-t Seker shema Q ^3^
I ^ IQ Air!®’ °IQ ©’Q°I©’1D ^a v j
[_] hnr j, deRouge
v o
a sanctuary on the roof of the temple of Den¬ >
derah. I.H. 159, “house of the Double of Ptah,” a
^ the temple of Horus name, of Memphis; Copt. eKeiT'f'A. (Budge,
He-t Seti Trd ©’ at Edffi. Misc. Texts, 207).
[ 1019 ]

He-t Ka eii Ra Ha-t (Ah-t ?) \ a town in

a temPk Egypt.
in the Nome of Sapi Shema.
Ha-t “=|^, the frontier
He-t Ka khnem neteru Q 5
city, i.e., Elephantine; the 1st
j ©, Memphis. Ci I Q f©

Nome of Egypt; s°uthern

He-t Ka ka “ U I ^ I ©’ frontier.
0^-0 ITT]

*=, L.D. Ill,

B.M. No. 138, the chapel of Amenhetep, son of
Hap, at Thebes.
f f) cyyr
252, 31, a district in Syria; situation unknown
o %_ I a
He-t kauit , Panopolis. Hai-t en hesb aha ^ [[ °
the temple of Khnemu at
He-t ta neter-t Q <= IM!^
1 O © Latopolis

Haitbaaa Tuathi ((
He-t ta Heru (?) Q CT)
(W) \\ , L.D. Ill 232,
Rev. 11, 152, a sanctuary of Horus. \\ f]
rvN/y ’ J ’
105 and 106, a district in Syria; situation un¬
He-t ta her ab known.
Q £T3 9* O @0,
the capital of the Nome Ka-kam (Athribis) ; Haitbaa ^ f] (] . J (j ^ ^, a
Assyr. -Jiff $< ^ -JM tZ, Copt. ^.epe&e,
district in Syria; situation unknown.
-j Haitbaa Sharneram ^ ([ cs j
He-t Ti Rec. 11, 97, Tah-
0„ tah (?) a (W), L.D. Ill,

He-t tu (?) o (3 a temple in the Nome 252, 103 and 104, a district in Syria; situation
Mahetch. unknown.
He-t tut Ra Q j , a town near Busiris.
HauH>^ ^ , a sanctuary of (Nome
Rec. 27, 88, Sni Metelites).
He-t Tef Q *
?aau f Ik A rf^vpi , IV, 806 (var.
He-t Tem jj the capital of
a Sftdani country ; situation
the Heroopolite Nome (Succoth ?) <2 “ ’ unknown.

Hab 0 A.Z. 51, 71, Hibis in

He-t tekh =0=, a part of the
cm ® o 1 ©’ the Great Oasis.
temple of Denderah.
Hapautif O Q oYr> tk □
He-t thaui (?) Rec. 27,
1; 0
@o\\ 111
a town in the Nome Ka-kam.
191, a temple in Sni (Latopolis).
___-v- AAAAA/1 Hapu autitt ^ ^ S ^
the [W]’
\\ a name of the Tuat.
capital of the Nome Mahetch.
Hapams f
He-t tebutiu / .
ID \T3 \\ , a town of Ra-Amen in the Xoite Nome.
[ ^ the “ house of the coffined ones,” i.e ,
icn’ the Necropolis. Hapnebes f°^^p,aAgateoa.
He-t tchefa
Br3^D'feE3’’ [r UT2 Hap nebes □ n
@ ^ Q the name of a chamber at Den- Cl d □
©’ derah and of one at Abydos.
T a 1 s
w „
,wwv' m o o the Necropolis of Memphis and of
rv^v/i •t
Ha 8 AYP (W) a SMani country;
X K ’ situation unknown. P O-^VT Abydos.
[ 1020 ]
Hapurmaa (| Haqetti f ^^^.adis-

L.D. Ill, 252, 18, a district in Syria ; compare trict in Egypt (?)
Heb. D^cn Josh, xix, 19.
HagraaArqat [^] f
Hamata ^ ^ ) () Anas-
^ ^ "T Ik Sa’ E& Res' 82’ 96’a
tasi I, 21, 7, ^ ^ ^ Hamath;
district in Syria; situation unknown. =
Heb.n^rj, Assyr. ^ ft ^ ggf article).
Rawl. C.I.W.A. Ill, 11, 1. 51.
Hagri Haniniaa [^] ‘f ^ (](]
Ha mehit ©, fK'l AAAAAA AAAAAA A ,-CH

B.D. 112, 2, the 16th Nome of Lower Egypt m« « *1 Eg-Res-

82, 94, a district in Syria; situation unknown.

Hagr Thruan f> ” f|

AAAAA Eg. Res. 83, 101, a district in Syria;
\>, a situation unknown.
district in the Mendesian Nome. ^ *=
Ha-t ta -=^ , the main
c I is: J I isi
Hanani (XX). canal of the Nome Aphroditopolites.
L.D. Ill, 252, 99, a district in Syria conquered
by Shishak I.
Hatchaa (?) <^> | ^^ a town
near Al-Kab.
Ha-t nu-t Rec. 27, 87,

“ first of towns,” i.e., Elephantine.

, a. town in the Delta.
Harkar <|>'q:>U'=>> ^ I (XX)

<-p> IV, 785, a district in Syria; situation un- Hap □ /WWW , □ J] T=T
r^cvV known. > ( /WWW A ? • ( □
□ <? P y-o q.Q.0.
Haqraa ^
^Vk -n /1
aft -n
rvcvp. For
n -7
—i I j-k
1 r\

1□ s


place-names containing this word see under \ \
AAAAAA 7 5 t AAAAAA • -v t ■ 1
\\ AAAAAA 3=1 i=r AAAAAA 7

IA1 ^ a locality in the Western

Haqraa Fetiushaaa ^ Hap □
1=1 Delta.

(](] \lM (| Es- Hap , a locality in the Fayyftm.

* x □ ^ &
Res. 81, 68, a district in Syria; situation un¬
known. Hap meh g ^\ 8 ^0°^ yg
X si l j
Haqraa en Aatchait ^ ^ ( Y7 a district in the Nome
s; f \>,

Sapi meh.
Pc/VQ AAAAAA <x=> J (](j 1 fEg. Res. 81
Hap res-t □ T
a district in Syria ; situation unknown. )-L □
□ \>, a district in the Nome Sapi res.
Haqrm’ Aartaat I—T
\> Huau IXX], Rec. 20, 114, a
I v\ ", Eg. Res. 82, a dis-
j£s> I l p^a
trict in Syria; situation unknown. SCidani country ; situation unknown.

Haqr-t Shanaiaa ^ ^ Hlia Nav. Bubast. 34A, |

qqqz 1 Eg. Res. 82, a district ci , Rec. 20, lit; , IV. 8o°.a
in Syria; situation unknown. Sfidani country; situation unknown.
[ 1021 ]

Huburta ^ J e <=> i ] (j ^ , Anas- Heb. *ri!rn,

T 7
Josh, xi, I, Assyr. >-£]]

tasi I, ig, 6, a district in Assyria (?); Heb. t-TI <IU. Syr- Gr. ’A <rwp.

JTQrn , reading <=> I j Q 1 H rksi Heb ^g7 _J) , Sinsin II, 2, 5, Heliopolis.

Hu em Mennefer Heb, Hebit f J (J), J J®©.

l 1 /TU> /WWW l

^ ©, Rechnungen, a royal granary in Memphis

CD©’ SDJCD©’ IJ^®©’
Hu enmu(?) |L/^ , ^ Sflfl C®=1> Rev. n, i4,
ur® T
a name of the nth Nome of Upper Egypt
a town near Behbit; Arab. •
(Hypselis ?)
(vvvv v >

Hur s, Anastasi III, 2, 9, Hebu ^ iv,

1 )—-r
a lake (?); situation unknown 799, a Sfidani country; situation unknown.

a canal in the Tanite
,^ebnu y ©’ 5°j®- — j§-
(0 c AA/VWS

HurenS^K^,?- U® V’Uoe©'
A «Z1O £3
^ AA ,/wvw\ ©’ X 0
Rec. 6, 134, Sphinx 14, 159, a town in the fif]« § 5 Rev-12>i6, the capital
t|t| ® ^ ^ » 0f the Nome Mahetch.
Nome Antchui.
AAA/WV <2*^.
Hebnu G , IV, 803, a Shdanicoun-
Hurenkar — ■ ■ IV, .74, 665, rwi* a
JJ try; situation unknown.
a district in Syria ; situation unknown.
TT , .
Husfen ^, Asphynis; Arab. Heb en sas i111
i i ^5-7
yi ,
v£7, * I

III III 0 “city of the festival of the 6th day”—

A/Wl/W _ , J r T,
Huqraa Abrem fl © a name of Egypt.
Eg. Res. 81, a district in /J\ ^ a locality in the
Heb kher © ’ Busirite Nome.
r\ r\ /www y

M \ 1 Hebs yfi^g. y caPitai
Anastasi I, 27, 4, a district in Syria; situation
of the Nome Kahesb (Cabasa); Copt.
=> :xM&c-
Hut-t aab-t B.D.G. » Rec. 18, 183, the
<_=,©<=>< |
Hepu (?) WWW

1068; there was a northern part also, cz^> 1.
c* © V
Hephep (?) ^ D^f RD-G- 494, a
Hutasath =*£=
• • ——
& 1 Rec. 20,
town in Upper Egypt with the cult of Menu.
118; var. ' = ( CZD, a district in
Syria; Heb. nUTTl, Josh. XV, 37, Gr. ’ACiatu'i, vim O'
J t t-: 7
*= <=> ReV- jo, 140, Mahallah, between
i Macc. vii, 40, 45. Luxor and Armant; Gr. Tovffnov.

Hutita (?) t a country in

w }<\ Hemamtt lA)’ the Sudan.
Cl c
r\/x/i. IV, 784, a district in Syria; situation un¬
known. Hemag | -g ©, a name of any
Hutchar '==== sanctuary of Osiris.
1 Ni3
I , IV, 782; varr. , a town
rv'W [W]‘ Hemit
| I ^ a district in Syria; | famous for wine near Lake Mareotis
[ 1022 J

Hemut ^ ^7
, ^ Hen-t taui “ mistress of
IV, 781, Hamath; Heb.‘ Assyr. Egypt,” a name of Thebes.
V y? £] Z£1 ~TYT.
Her ^ A t^ie Pyramid of King Men

Hemreth (Henreth) 0 ^
O o _ „ „
(sic) Her-t Y 0 >
CJN3, ^
“ A.Z. 1908,
<=>1^3 <=> © y ’
J_2sa^g^,IV, 798, varr. tV ^ Q^J, 118, the Necropolis of Memphis.
IV, 805, a Sftdani country;
situation unknown.
Herui 9 ©9, 9^9, a.z. I9o6,
i 20, Denderah.
Hen-t fl Y7c‘, a canal in
Jo U 1—< 8 ^
Heritabhetka U
the Nome Sai'tes. _r ^r
(1) a town in the Nome Lykopolites ; (2) a town
Hen-t § ^ 0 in the Nome Libya-Mareotis.
A aa4Xn ©
0 , the marsh district of the Nome Am peh. Her-a her Amen ^ A ^ ( 1~J ©,
r=r C_1 I 1 AAAAAA

A.Z. 1907, i, 4, a place in the Thinite Nome.

Hen fl ^, u. 417, ^
© ,

o | ' ^ I d I \\ I
Her ast ab shet
T. 238, § ® , a town in the Tuat. J o a
X AAAAV\ tC>| town in the Nome Atef-peh.
Henhen t- 369, a town in
^ ^ © the Tuat. Heri p-temai ^ {( u 0((
a suburb of Memphis.
?enu l $ 3. ©, a town in the Sftdan.

TTox* iloi* 111 it *' __ ©, Rec. 32,1

Henui ta kharta ^ 0 ((
X 9
^^ I) _ Sphinx 14,
Qnl'un 168, a lake in , Rec. 27, 87
the Delta.
Metternich Stele, 45, P.S.B. 13,
Henui ta gerri ^ 0 i ( 2=1 <0 S
511, the capital of the Nome Mahetch and the
(( ©, Sphinx 14, 166, a lake in the Delta. Nome Tekh; Copt. ^onfCJUp, Arab. ,yj>.

c> a
Hen nefer , A.Z. 1865, 27, Her ment a necropolis near
f^^1 • • ,1mm, (X/X/y
Cl tc
Nubia; see [fjj] ^
[W]' Her-t ent heh
• • •
o o
Hensu ^ ©, Palermo Stele, everlasting hill,” a name of the tomb
^ /^N O AAAAAA / s n AAAAAA —

A.Z Herit en hetch (?) hetep

o , a name of the temple of Latopolis.
Peasant 36, I 9 , Rec. n, 80, I AAAAAA ^ □
O Herui , Weill, Decrets, 9


o the Nome Coptites.

I JT O I rwwv\
Herui a canal in the Nome
©, ^ /wwv\ , B.D. 185, the capital Ka heseb.

of the Nome Am Khent (Herakleopolis); Heb. Heru aabt

TkIe’ t^ie -^ome
D2n, Copt. ^HRC, Arab. ^life4 Ahnas, .A. Nr—>
Horus of the East; , the town of
Assyr. -Cff 4 Sr? sits <T~. T°
B.D. 141, 119, a Horus of the East ; Copt. c{)£_p&<LIT. See
Henk o
city of Osiris. Per Heru aabt.
[ 1023 ]

Hem Amenti T" > Hes § (1 “ n. ©


Asphynis and its neighbourhood. , a town near Sekhem (Letopolis).

Heru an (Heru em he-t An) Hesb Ka (Ka Belies?)
, B.D.G. i2i, the nth Nome of Lower Egypt (Cabasites).

_0 (35=) Heroonpolis; HesbKa(KaBehes?)

Gr. * HfHViCVITo\ / 9.
8 n 11 25 8 n 11 0 -
X J ©’ X I J © Us ©’
Heru uat (?) Gol.
Cabasa; Copt. K&A.£,C,
Hamm. 12, 89, a district in the Eastern Delta.
Hesp-t Maati jlLLLl [j ] ^, B.D.
Heru maati
P ^ \\
, Edfu.
^ 1
1,17 (Saite), the domain of Osiris.

Heru em aat uab (?) Hesp-t mert ^r~ Raa .

3), a town near Heliopolis. ^

^ I q ^ <mzn> pyy 1 <nn> -Ji ca
AAAAAA TT j j j j j ^ A/WWN
a town of Oxyrhynchus; /www ^ , /www O <^>
Heru mer
Khnemu. AAAAAA 1 <—AAAAAA £2 C2
a AAAAAA a xnr -V^^_

U I : wwv' R
wwjtja A n ^ the canal of the
Heru mer ankhUserkaf <_^_j j I AAAAAA I 1 H-Ht town.

a temple founded by Userkaf. Hesp-t ent Ra em sep tep

i o
O , Denderah.
Heru mer Khafra □ © □

Hesp-t ent tchet ^ Aby-

a town founded by King Khafra, £ O dos.

Heru klienti kliati

a Hesp ha en Heru
© H
1w a o (1(1 °
Hesp ta aui IE fl ^ > B.D.G. n,
Berlin 12,800, a town near Athribis; it was . . oS 1\\
the town of Busiris.
associated with the unborn Horus (Horus in
Hesp tchatcha-t ent Unnefer
the belly).
^ A.Z. 35, 18, a maakheru ±LiU'^ 0 I i VR
Heru sa Ast v\ o ^ | | AAAAAA U | |

J © ’ town in Egypt. Elephantine.

^ Dende-
Heru sma taui ’ rah. Hesfen § 1 AAAAAA , ^, Asphynis;
^ ©

TT , • R ^>\>^> M I Arab.
Heru taiu ^, Rec. 33, 4)

“ lands of Horus,” i.e., temple estates. Heser | 1 ^,Thes. 1283, Heruemheb8,

Heru-t (?) ^ ^, a town in Egypt. l ^ >uream steie 2' 15 f1 “i' I f P 4* ® -

8 n<~=> B.D.G. 1063, a quarter of Hermopolis
the district of Semnah in the
Heh [W1 A © ’ containing a famous temple of Thoth.
Second Cataract.
j\ Heqast(?) J4 I j “ , a town in Egypt.
Hell > j\ $ t-=-t , a sacred lake
in Hensu (Herakleopolis). Heq. antch (?) | u. 293, \ J ,

Heh sutenit | o | ^

nnn ,
“ ^ , a district at
B.D. 99, Intro. 9, m tji , the 13th Nome of

Abydos 50 aruras, in extent. Lower Egypt (Heliopolites).

\> 1 nn
[ 1024 ]
Heq antch (or ant) jx , [ jj®, the
a town or
Hetcher | Jjjy ^ *5^ i
capital of the 13th Nome of Lower Egypt. village.
a village
Heqs a T 0 3= ft, ^ T=T
ft, Hetchrer | ^ ©> or estate.
n “ ' * —'
)TT[, a district in the Nome Abetch (Abydos)

Hekauhet, Hekauheth ra Kha ^ ‘fb, V3 , Hh., a mythological lake.

IT] IV, 798, a Sftdani country ; situa-
Khaitu | ()() ^ IV, 792, a dis¬
=>’ tion unknown.
trict in Syria ; situation unknown.
Heka mer ankh Assa f (] G£ (c)
y 1 0 '—7-'' Kha I HtH ^ . a town in Egypt.
^ •¥• © , an estate of King Assa. V ^ ©
" ^ 1
^ Dende-
, k.D 142, III, 13, a
Kha-t Uast
Heken /WWW n ©’ rah.
0^ ’ suburb of Memphis.
Khab | j | a canal in Edfft
Hekha , Rec. 20, 115;
see Hekauhet ft jm ^
<r\ ^ fv/xr) IV, 784, a district in Syria ; situa¬
Hetau tion unknown.
I D IV’ 797, a s<:id^ni
the land of the
country; situation unknown. Khabu
^ \ ^ ’ hippopotamus (?)

Hetit DD Q Rec. 31, 35, a city cap-

w ll ©’ tured by Shashanq I.
=== ^ a name of the Nome Sma 1 ©, a town in Upper Egypt.
o □ Behut. (3 *ry aa/wvn 1 ^1 y

0 ... n Khanratclia £ | ,
Hetep em hetep a
town of Hathor. Anastasi I, 22, 6, the “fortress”; compare
Heb. v/y^n, Assyr. >-£]f — 4
Hetep hemit(?) , P. 423, M.
^ □ v? l*g=.
605, N. 1210, Metternich Khar ^ r^i, IV, 7x2,
=^=l a district in the Nome s5 Vk s
Stele 90, ^ j (NA£),
o ^O ’ Heliopolites. © ’
.0 .
Hetep khet
q □
0 j a district in the
1’ Fayyftm.
^rav,665,J ( 1-, X ^-!.
1 n^i
Demot. Cat. 421, Syria.
Hetep Khufu (
Kharr |
-a_ ©, an estate of King Khufu. I I © <= 1 1 1
region in Western Thebes.
Hetch | o | ©, a town near Kom Ombos. Khari (Khri) ^ «—> (( Rev. 13,

Hetch Nekheb |c§)10 I Eilei- 96 = ^/ , Lower Egypt; Copt. e<6pHi.

i S3 T o J
thyiaspolis (Al-Kab).
Ch c~m
Khar en pa sebt ^ ^ /wwvs

Hetch-t Nekhen , Rev. 10,

© © 1 : : @, a part of the town of Sheten.
139, see Nekhen.

Hetch Heru ? “ a name for Lower Kharb Alt'K- 73^,

Ai^©’ Egypt.
the desert; Heb. Assyr. *-|<y -m y-.
Hetchi jj 1j(p INA£), IV, 801, a Shdani Tig. Pil. I, VI, 63, -j; 4f<f HI -gET. Ashurn.

country ; situation unknown. *4nnals III, 28, Heb. rfinn.

[ 1025 ]

Kharbu (Khalbu, Khalpu) Khaskh-t ^ |1 IV, 800, Rec. 20,

115, Bubastis 34A, TO®, Karnak 22, 95B,

JM- q n ® fyvo
Thes. 1254, foreign land; plur. ^ I ^ h-^d.
®<^>j ( 0^3'j, L.D. Ill, 153, Aleppo; Khaskhetu 7 fl ® “ vfivf?vl, fore;gn
± r^s) tiuu peoples

Assyr. Khalman -"IT — « , Rawl. C.I.W.A.

Kkas(?) seshem ^ IEE3:» a
III, 8, 86, Gr. ^oXv^oy.
part of the Nome Metelites.

Kharml^^E’1^5s> Khast TP ° ,seeTP0°.

11k <~:> 1—1 ’ a cana^ 'n h*e 8 th Nome

Khas(?) “^©4111®’
of Lower Egypt; r w 1 ^ ^Lake Sphinx 14, 158, a town on the Libyan frontier.
Khashabu | i J IV, 783, a

Kharma district in Syria; situation unknown.

Gol. 4, 6, a district in Syria; situation unknown.
Khat,Khat IAS'IE©’1
Kharersa (Khalarsa) ^
<^> n^h IV, 789, a district in Syria ; situation
1“A©’^ S.ap«tofDenderah-
1 1 ’ unknown.
Khataai | ^ | (| E IV’ 7891
Kha[r]sam & P^O, Rev. a district in Syria; situation unknown.
(3 [) AA/VWS
13, 105, a district.
Khatathana | j^Jl] g|r

Kharqut Annales 4, 131, a district in Syria; situation

IV, 786, a district in Syria; situation unknown;

compare Heb. n|^?n(?), Josh- xxi> 31- Khatithet l|l| ” ) »

Shdani country, far to the south.

Kharkakh ^ iv, 788, IV, 790, a
Khatum’ ^ ^ L
a district in Syria ; situation unknown.
district in Syria; situation unknown.
Khaathen q 5E Ik 1 I IV’
^ a district in the Nome Gynaecopolites.
802, a Sftdani country ; situation unknown.

Khasau ^ [1 (j ©> Sphinx 14, 162, Khathai | ^ []( (read |

Casius on the Mediterranean (?) •£k d I] V IV, 781, a district in Syria; compare
(j (?,b Heb. pjqpi x chron. xvi, 38.
nee ? A ^ ® Q'Ml Q the
Khathartohau I1
k©’ ilk©’ i I n© ’ ©’
IV, 789, a district in Syria; situation unknown.
capital of the 6th Nome of Lower Egypt; Gr.
Xo’is, Copt. C^)UOOT, c&oonr, ^eoc, Arab. Khathakana | ^^

Sakha . Rec. 20, 117, a district in Syria; situation

Khasui(?) B.D. 125,
Khatt | a town in Egypt (?)

H.”J varr- E‘ Khatum’ ^ 'I

Khasu 0 fwi» ^ P , Rev. Anastasi I, 17* 7» a district in Syria; situation

5, 76, foreign land.
3 T
[ 1026 ]

Khatcham’ [^], iv. Khahet , IV, 802, a Sftdani

X d
Q-° , Rec.
T> 20, 117, a country; situation unknown.
?89> 1 !k Icd _cn\s.
district in Syria; situation unknown. Kha khab (?) s II j=i, BDA 5«?>
v Q a lake (?)
Kha ® a, Mendes.
Kha Khakheperra q 0Q

Kha asut Q jj jj jj © , a town in Egypt. the name of the pyramid of Usertsen II.
Q f TV VL )
Khai Q a Nome in Upper Kha Khufu © © N
Egypt. V_d1 -j
an estate of King Khufu.
Khai ((j Rev- I2> L Rec- 37, 7°,
j] Khaui(?) Seneferu ( P J <=> \
the capital of the Nome Khai.
q A A Weill, Decrets, 107, the two pyra-
Q nn o o / V mids of Seneferu.
Khai-t ur-t ^, Edfft.
C3 <2T>
\> Kha kau Q ^^, a sanctuary of Ra.
Khai en aakhuti q (|(
/\AAA^A <d> \\
Edfft. Khibur jr I DdNO, Rec. 20, 118,
Q v
Khai-t en mut neter \WM Hebron ; Heb. rinin.
glj Denderah.
Khirba (Khalba, Khalpa) ® <=>
Kha-t utet qa emhat ^ ^
-a js V
_a name of Karnak and of
I ^ I ’ Thebes. D^l, © <=» J ^ (j CM, L.D. III, 153,

Khaba q ^
A , the King
r A
PyKT? of
Rec. 8, 134, Aleppo; Assyr.
<^, Gr.

s a town in
Khafau Khirpa QdftA L.D. Ill, 146,
Egypt. v
a Hittite town ; Boghaz Keui, Khal-ap.
Kha em Maat q Rec. 20,
42, the temple of Amenhetep III at Sftlb Khirtha tyyi, l.d. hi, 144,
between the Second and Third Cataracts. Rec. 20, 118, Eg. Res. 61, 16, a district in Syria ;
compare Heb. Judges i, 35.
Kha meht °<=>\ an estate of KinS
• _D a ’ Khufu.
Q K£7 I Khisas[khe]pa ® ^ ^
Kha em hebs
a sanctuary at Lycopolis.
U O 1
L.D. Ill, 146, Treaty 27, a Hittite district in
Syria; Boghaz Keui, Khi-ish-sha-ash-kha-pa.
Kha nefer
l A®1 Khita u 0 , , , ]^>
w u 1 1 1 1
r~\ Q

' w
0 S

Rec. 11, 71, Heth ; Heb. nn, Assyr.
Kha nefer q J the
hi A V YrJ< R. r rc-
pyramid of King Merenra ( 4^
Khu-t khu Kheper
Kha nefer he-t Usertsen
/WWW [—J

Kheb ® (1) a town in the

Q ^ ©, the pyramid town of Usertsen I

Kha neter mesu S Nome Matenu; (2) H Jj Metternich Stele

town in Egypt. 65, a town in the Delta; (3) t=rt

Kha resu ian estate of King

a canal in the Nome Ka Kam.
’ Khufu. T=r
[ 1027 ]

Khebit 0 J \j^ (j( ©, Sphinx 14, 159, B.M. 280, n»n. nn0 “ nn <® © 0 ©
D AA/WAA /WWW — — ^ - — AA/WAA

0 J y© j| o ’Hymn Darius 29, ^ J 1 1 „

©, 1
’ 0(S = =©’ = Z Q £
Demot. Cat. 423, the capital of the Nome Unt
(Hermopolites); Assyr. *-£yy ^
®’ S J ©»J t|£ ®»Rec- 30, Khenbat(?)
a _
^ in /ww
29, a Hittite town or district.
the swamp land of the Nome Metelites
11 1 ’ (Chemmis).
Khenm Khufu f © \ w ^ 1 ®
a ^ '- A wwv\

Khebs ta aa heb _ , an estate of King Khufu.

, Berg.
52, a name of Mendes.
Khensu(?) ® g,2g, the
Kheppa ® 0. IV’ 8°2’ a.s<^ni coun-
□ □ i try; situation unknown. 2nd Nome of Lower Egypt (Letopolites). The
object represented on the stand of the first
Khep[er] emha J
example is the placenta.
0 a name of Denderah and of
©’ EdW. Khenti , ^ O/W, the Nubian
ix-/vri o \\
Kheper », Denderah. frontier; ^ Rec. 27, 191, a land in the
©’ 1 <=><=>©’ Sfidan.

Kheper vS , 49 Khent (f]j|

a \ \>
, Thes. 1251, 1287,
w \> 1 w \>i 11’ a g=a 1^-0
district in the Nome of Thebes. the estate of Thothmes III in Lebanon.

Kheft her en ar Ea '/ <= 9 [j “ Khent HTh iii a lake districtFayyfim.

in the
, ? 1 M ia 1 © 11111 :ee=i’
a name of Thebes.
AA ^
Khenti ^. Rec. 14, 21, a
Kheft her en neb-s-t 9 11©’ town in Egypt.

IV, 834, Rec. 2, 129, 9 Khenti Aabt JfT’'Tf ’ A'2' '913,

/wwv\ 124, the 14th Nome of Lower Egypt (Tanites),
Tombos 3, ^ ^ 1 V X
O AA/VW\ ^ O | capital Thar © (Tanis).
§ I @ 1 ~| Cl £2}
AAAMA I © , ^ ^ WflMH , a fortified
gate of Western Thebes. Khenti Aabtt ®, ^4, a * J
^ £> .fi. £> .6. ^ <=> ^ .
Khem N. 676, M. 211,
CA3’ ^T’ <=Tcw]©’thefr0ntIer
T ', Panopolis, the capital of the Nome town of the Nome Tanites.
/ <=* 1 ©
Menu; Gr. Copt. XJULIIt) Khenti ankhiu rffh ■¥■ * , b.d.g.
cyJULirt, Arab. 127, the temple of Osiris in Shetnu.

Khemkhem ® 0 ©, Karnak <0 coc=-

Khenti Menu, Khent Menu
42, 28, a town in Egypt. «ao£>- \\ £
-=aoc=- <300

T £>
,_, vy

C Zj 1
Khemik ^ In Q( IV, 802, a
Demot. Cat. 424, Apu (Panopolis, Chemmis);
Stldani country ; situation unknown. Copt. OJJULirt.

Khemenu EE, [ft, =©=, =|=. Khent en Uast f([j] ^ ^~ww ^ A AAA AA


- O = 11110 ::Oe Stele, the foreshore of Thebes (?).

= ©:’ 1111©’ :: © ’ zz° X ’ &
Khent nefer ^ ©, £> ^ © a town

!!°V'Rec-3i' **■:>£©•
nn in the Delta.
3 t 2
[ 1028 ]

Khent en Tehen §1 o V 112 cL Khet 0 1C , Rec. 19, 22, the Egyptian

the frontier of Tehen in the Northern Shdan. town called Naucratis by the Greeks.

£> <=> \> 3

3 a name given to
Khent en Thar khet
aaaaaa ' o t=t ' many canals.

f> ,,, > fITh — _ry

1 K I
, a district in Kheta ® IV, 701,727, ® n
the Nome Thebaht-
'j ® 'j r^^i, a district and
Khent hen nefer (j[f| j=J J r^s),.
town of the Hittites ; Heb. jin, Assyr.
Thes. 1288, the Southern Sudan.
lAAAAAr~tv~i t=t
Khent Shemn (?) AAAAAA

\ \ /AAAAA
\ \ /WWW
Kheti ^ ©, a district of Coptos.
a lake in Western Thebes near the Ramesseum. <10E>
Kheti (Khemti ?) \—TTT-

Khent ka Assa (" t) ~~C~ Q)| [ffh u a district of Panopolis.


an estate of Assa.
Khetem Q, a name of Pelusium
Khent Ta Sti ^ , the AAAAAA

Southern Stidan. Khetem Q Q AAAAAA Q

J f )
)—1 AAAAAA ) ■ t

Khentchi ® a a canal in the Nome Edfh.

ii—. M-
district in the Nome Thebaht. ® Q
Khetem;.klC! zi’ c.
_ the Necropolis of Western
Kher i~i a proper name (Etham?), literally, “fort-
’ Thebes. tz-n
ress”; compare Heb. Exod. xiii, 20, Gr
Rec. 1, 52, a town in
© Egypt. ’0 9op, ’0 Ouif^i.
^ « ro (~)
0)( /AV A,z> l8y4, II3, the name
of a pyramid.
Khetem en Merenptah ^ ^

, the fort
Kherpantaris ^ ^ ^ AAAAAA ,x^ □ 1 r-i\Y

& I L.D. Ill, 146, Treaty 28, a Hittite dis-
ress of Menephthah in Theku ^^ ^ JCr
[\y\rj’ trict (?)

Kherm’u AAAAAA } ReV. Khetem nr en Uatch-ur 0 g


xi, 169, Lake Timsah. ‘MU mama, Rec. 22, 106, the Medi-
1 |o (9
Khertuf hesutuf terranean fortress, Pelusium (?)
(2 Q
Thes. 1318, a court of Amen at Thebes. Khetem enti em Thar

Khekh J ^ ©» 4^©’ Rec* 27, ^ V

fJV), the fortress of Tanis.

191, B.D.G. 628, Sunu, Syene.

Khetem Gebti ^ ® Q
^ .... ^5 J
Khesau (j \^ a "ame ^ 1, the fortress of Coptos.
•L “±3 V \>
Khesef Antiu _n jl 1',, A.Z. Khetmen
1907, 96, the Island Gazirat al-Malik in the „, the name of a
Second Cataract. u- AAAAAA

-<ot=— certain kind of land, and of Egypt itself (?)

Khet en bah ® aaaaaa t=t , the
|._T © ’ RD-
landing place of Neb-heh; ^ O ^ ^J^<;, the
64> 29> - see
n sacred boat of Memphis.
[ 1029 ]

Khet hesp-t ® J 0 XI jj Khenu o%>®, 0

M/W/W L_ _! /WWW _ZI

taining terraced gardens near Coptos.
L®. a name given to any city in

Egypt in which the king and his court resided;

Assyr. -tff •/- xj<.
Khet Thar 0 ^ ^ ^, Tanis.
Khenkhen yV^ cm 0 lv?, AAAAAA 9


12, 53> 57> a district in the Delta. ,5SJ^5{ ®,

Middle or Upper Egypt.

Khaut ^ oC3 Khenu-t en Maat 0 ®

a swampy region


i i i AAAAAA

a district near Busiris.

in the east of the Delta.

Khaut Anep ^
<=> I
D Khenu Shu 5$ 0 ©R^nI, a name
HI □ ^
AAAAAA im r Ja I
of Memphis (?)
B.D. 112, i, the swamps of Anep.
Khenbi j (] ( P^A- IV, 8oi,
Khakha ^ , a swampy AAAAAA -*£ll I

Sftdani country ; situation unknown.

region; situation unknown.
Khnem Q(](| T=T
Kha-t ament I /WWV\ =11/ n A ^J AAAAAA

Id H ^ o a canal in the Nome Tuf.

Kha-t mena Denderah = the famous well
,n Khnem-t Q
£3 ’ at Abydos.
Q tm ^ Khnem-t S AAAAAA , a well in the Eastern
a canal in the Nome AAAAAA

(2 Heroopolites. Desert near Sni (Latopolis).

Kharkhar (?) Khnem-t Abetch Q , the well and

' t=t’ s ’
a canal in : (i) the Nome Cynopolites; (2) the temple of Rameses II at Abydos.
Nome Herakleopolites; (3) the Nome Letopolites. 1L--*3-^ o
Khnem Aaten Edfti.
Khas ^ a district in ^e Nome W e> o
'ill » Ka khas (?) AAAAAA

Khnem-t Absaqba Q AAAAAA

0 a sacred lake at

^n—n:’ Denderah. I a well in the desert be-

i—( \> ’ tween Egypt and Syria.
Khati =»"J [ [
©’ o
Khnem-t Amentet en Kam Q
, a town near Athribis; var. aaaaaa CA

W®’ AAAAAA 4r | , B.D. (Saite) 163, 16,


~w- the well of the Amentet of Egypt.

o n AAAAAA ^-
Khen 0®. AAAAAA •
3. Khnem-t aa-t ur-t Q AAAAAA ^

t AAAAAA ) ■ ^ AAAAAA )-( W-

canal in the Nome Uthes Heru. •, the Wells of Moses, east of Suez.

Khen nesu ^ ^ t=t (p-khen- Khnem ankhtt Q

nesu), the “Royal Canal ” of Edfu.
Q f ^ a Ponio^of *e
Khen aa> 0 ©, B.D. no, 23, N53 Necropolis of Western Thebes called ^ ^ ^
‘ ‘ *
0@.Rec.Io;,40,'^@.^g@.N^ 0 l , “the heaven of divine souls.”
Khnem ankhtt en Khemenu
WN? ®-N? 11 ©•
Q (3 (|(| ©» a town near Gebel Silsilah.
rr 0

nn [ a district of Western
1’ Thebes.
3 t 3
[1030 ]

Khnem-t(?) uas S j, the temple of

o (2 <=>
, Sals, the capital
Rameses II at Kurnah.
of the Nome Sapi meh; Assyr. yyyy,
Khnem Menmaatra nekhtut Q Copt. CA.I.

Sa em Ta en hetch 11 T i s £) >
rz\' W I AAAAAA 1 . *

T a name of Sni (Latopolis).

Khnem netchem /-
5 $ 55^0 AAAAAA V.
L-— \ AAAAAA \>
Sai Ta her sept Uatch ur £
sweet-water well on the road between Egypt
and Syria. , A.Z. 1871, 12, a tongue of
Khnem resh-t Q Denderah. land joining Lake Barullus and the sea.

Khnem reshtu Q □a Sait. , the valley of


a temple of Rameses III at Thebes the cat-mummies near Beni-Hasan


Khnem Huthaina Q AAAAAA

Sau ';N P^A, a district on the
r\ AA/WW AAAAAA a *vww, «-' ^ 1

(It, 'www } a well near Ethim and Migdol. western side of the Red Sea.
1 1 im AAAAAA

__ 1 Hr AAAAAA

Khnem-t heru U AAAAAA Saut =» 2, N. 649, »h«*> %\


famous well in Nubia.

Khnem heh Q o | o j, a temple of

Rameses III at Thebes.
§>^kK®’ RD-I25.
Khnem Seti Merenpteh 6 AAAAAA

J— ( H’33^
n? ell dug by Seti II Meneph-
thah. T- ^, capital of the Nome Atef

Khnem-t qebh Q AAAAAA } the Nilo- khent; Copt. CIOOVT (Asyftt).


meter shaft at Edfft.

Kheraha ffi q.^ ©, P. 605, ^ &
Sinsin I, 4, the Grasshopper City in the Tuat..

B.D. 169, 2°,

Sakheb * J a town i
the Sai'te Nome.

©, a town on the right Satarr <

<x=» I I © ’ o-=> \\
bank of the Nile, the site of which is marked to¬ Nastasen Stele, a town in the Shdan ;
day by Fustat, or Old Cairo, Babylon of Egypt. ©’ situation unknown.

Kheru J4,>dis- Sankh Sesheta Assa ( Q ~T~ f| )| ^

trict in the Nome Nefer Amend. ©, an estate of King Assa.

Kher Tehuti fl\ P. 504, a town IV, 800, a Sftdani coun-

in the Tuat. ’ try ; situation unknown.

Suanu, Sunu ©, Meux Cat.,

Sa, Sai , U. 556, P. 709,
Rec' 2I’ SI» fl( ( » Rec-

*3, 34, ~ 5
1 J
(3 AAAAAA -rt- ^

_J® ,IV, “35. Syene; Gr. ^vrjvrj, Heb.

..... 7 Copt.
* coTATt Arab. |J.
\y*. I
®-^®- e
[ 1031 ]
J3un^©'|' + ©•—+0^f
Smen Her

A.Z. 49, *1. n “I


o ©
M o ^
o, n

<=> B.D.G. 1063, the capital of the Nome
Ampeh (Ptolemais ?)

n C? WWW
n Smen Tet (Tchet) a
© ’ G©’
0 ’ AAAAAA 1
a district in the Nome Busirites.
©, Pelusium; LXX 2aA.

Sni (?) Bo
Sun fXAY/^
, the district of Pelusium (?)
' ' w

Seben (?) J ^ww ©, u. 330, T. ■ * dX -

capital of the Nome Latopolites (Asna).
300, a town in the Tuat (?)
Senf ^vwv in a name of Memphis.
Sebekh aakhut c§3 , the
temple of Thek, the capital of the Nome Senemtt
rx^-1 © AAAAAA
Nefer Aabti.
Shipwreck 10, ,WWVN , _ AAAAAA

Sep , the 18th /-fx^x/y 0 >’ /-

V ©’

Nome of Upper Egypt (Oxyrhynchites). emxq,



s. n D □
the capital of the Nome
Sep (Hipponon). ^=V-!V5§rS,J~5s
a sun temple near
Sep-Ra © © ^ © ■ 1^®. P”“^S- ““
.i1*-M o ...
0 >W) ©’ a district m Nubia round about
Sma Antch-t (?) ^ ©, a town
the First Cataract, the modern Biggah.
in the Delta.
Senhaqarha ra

a district near Bubastis.

, B.D. (Saite) 163, 2, a town in Nubia (?);


Sma Behut 1, the 17th Nome AAAAAA

T* ffi

ibid. 3.
of Lower Egypt (Diospolites); ^J ^ ^,
B.D. 113, 9, a town in
a town in the Nome. Senk
CT73 d
Sma Behut
6 __ SentiNefert */ww'
^ w
^lx! b.D.G. 708, a district near Edfft.
the capital of the Nome Nefer Ament (Mete-
lites); Coptic JULeXeX.

1 wvwl ll
D (a
Q &JJ,

G^’ —e©’AAAAAA ’

a town near
Sera He-t neha a .□
, Saft

al-H. Shrine, a locality in the Delta.

Smen Maat -M- AAAAAA A A ^

. Pm’ Serenkik
1 ™ 1 [5 ©’ “ ] (0 a town of 11
Sftdani country ; situation unknown.

Hathor near Memphis; (2) a town of Ptah

cr^i Serq. <77^', Pselchis; var. _ .
near Sekhem ; varr. l~~i li [1 (j and A

Serk <^>3=3;, a district in the Nome

AAAAAA n Nefer Aabti.
3 T 4
[ 1032 ]

Serk (?) ta 3iP ® > 3qp\ ©

, the Seshensem , IV, 802, a
m _m_

capital of the district Hetep Hem. Shdani country; situation unknown.

Seher <=> B-S-B. 25, 220, a town
IT) ^ © ’ in Egypt. Sesher CSEZ) ^ , IV, 924, a town in Egypt.

Seher sa ^ , a town or dis¬

ra Sesheriut 55 (](j iw], IV, 689,
trict in the Stldan; situation unknown.
a district in Syria ; situation unknown.
Sekhhn VMk
Letopolis. U 1 ® © ’ a town *n
the Shdan. The 'EaKoXxi/ of Ptolemy (?)
Sekhut enth henmemu " % 0

/www Q ra ra o | q ^ ' Seker jg©, g(|(] ©, the modern

_ ^ | © ’ a name tBe temPk Sakkarah.
and town of Denderah.
Seker mer ankh Assa ( [) []

Sekheb TJ®-^J®-StJ®-
a town in the Nome Sai'tes.
^ ^ ©, an estate of King Assa.

Segur n ^fV'-o, Rec. 19, 18,

Sekhem ub JK
a district; situation unknown.

rfo' Sinsin 3' IO'

, B.D. I, 21, —<IO£=—
Set, Set (Sem-t)
• V
' [W]’ rwi*
<=> Cs n
n © n o
—=3oi>- <doi> , >
-<!OE=~ c c c Q£V£)’
Jc n t: /- [W1
desert, necropolis; plur. , ^ I.1
,n' cn
Set (Sem-t) Amentt ^ the
Rec. 29, 144, Q
Necropolis of Western Thebes.
Letopolis the capital of the Nome Khensu (?)
.. r^A
o Set (Sem-t) Gebti
Sesh i cr"zi, a district in
the desert of Coptos.
£5 I
ITU r^~1
Hensu (Herakleopolis); var.
Set, Sti g N. 661, ^ p.669,
Sesh en Ateh
place of Horus in the Delta.
?• the birth-
, M. 779, -Q-
--' C^Q’ O wMc c'
the land of the bow, i.e., Nubia—the Shdan, more
Sesh en neb Sa
C I ©’ 3 fully Ta Sti, --P 0 . For nD
suburb of Sais. rv^i
□ Cj*o
Seshesh ^ ' Y > Weill, Decrets, 107, the grg, see B-D- (Saite) 163, 9.

7th Nome of Upper Egypt (Diospolites Parva);
Sta -r-
v, IV, 957, the capital of the same.
A ’
n j\ —<j>- 0 D the canal in the Nome
i.—1 ’ Atef peh.
Seshesh , a town in Egypt.
rrrra "I ^ 0 a temple of
n Thoth.
Seshem-t \ Sekhem.
Setek o rwi ^ ^, the
^ rwi
Seshen r~n , mrj o
.nl nl n
AA/WV\ 1 © district of the goddess Pekht near Beni Hasan.
town in Egypt; varr. ©, r~\v 1
□l Sethu
Rev. 15, 103, a district in Northern Nubia.
[1033 ]

Saaba (j ^ Rec. 2°> Sarmerta ^ <=^> (j, iv, 791, a

district in Syria; situation unknown.

118, ^ ^ ^ (| CUD, Champ. Not. II,

120, a district in Syria; situation unknown. Sarmesk & |f| R r\/vn. Rec.
1 ill w
Saaabu & J ^ Q, Westcar Pap. 20, 116, a district in Syria; situation unknown.

a town in Egypt. Sarna y y iv,

Sauab Seneferu
i, an estate of Seneferu.
m^n 782, a district in Syria; Assyr. «-£yj ^|<| ^JTT
compare Heb. P». Isaiah lxv, 10.
'O p rwwv\ ^

Sa Uah-t ^ ^ 'j L"7TJ, Rec. 21, 14, the

Sarneg W „ _ , Maskhdtah Stele,
region of the Great Oasis. Drangiana ; Pers. | T^> Behis. I, 16,
Babyl. V R EP —T 4^. 6-
Sauka, Saka & ^ IJ, t^i LJ
Sarresu(?) ^ IV, 793,
IV, 784, t_j P.S.B. 27, 186, a
A <=:> 1 j™ Treaty 27, a district in
district in Syria ; situation unknown. 1 \\ T Jl ’ Syria.

Sabaar J, Sarsar ^ & <==:>‘Z, Nastasen Stele

'j Anastasi I, 27, 5, a district in Syria; 57, a town in the Sfidan.

| ’ situation unknown.
Sarka & ^ 'l r^w, Gol. 4,7, a dis-
Sabur |R ^ Jj ^ O, a town in Egypt. I <=»l I I
trict; situation unknown.
Saburi.... ^ J©^( [[ |||, Gol.
Sarkasha tp3 <c=> ^ iv, 788,
4, 5, a district in Syria; situation unknown.
a district in Syria; situation unknown.

Sama (Sam’) ^ ^=nfX^l’ Rec . 20,

Sarta (Salta) tp3 ](),
116, a district in Syria; situation unknown.
IV, 785, a district in Syria ; situation un¬
Sam’araua & known.
IV, 793, a district in Syria; situation unknown. Sah [1 £ IV, 8o2> a SQdani

Sannur da o—' , Rec. 20,118, country ; situation unknown. ’

W 1 1 I o <3 (WJ*

a district in Syria; situation unknown.

Sah fl^©, N- a townTtt‘(?)
Sa-t en Sau & 0 aa/ww , the
^ cm Sakhpana 'a1
temple of Khnemu at Latopolis. w /WWV\

w/w y j Treaty 28, a district in Syria; situation unknown.

Sanka ^ '—* , Mar. Aby. II, 2, a Boghaz Keui iluza-kha-bu-na-ash.
1 1 [W]’
country; situation unknown.
Saqti [q] ^ (j(j Maskhutah Stele,
Sanger £ s IV, 700, 01(|
Sogdiana; Pers. KfT TT > Behis-
-~2> p AAAAAA \ \ V

I, 16, Babyl. ^ S^f, 6.

, - V —.1^’ varr'
Saka fQ3 Tyfrl ^, capital of the Nome

Gol. 4, 8, Shinar, Babylonia ; Assyr. Y Eft -+ Antch (Busirites, Cynopolites); Copt. KAIC.

}?< <MM. Heb. Arab.^^.

Sakam fo3
Sari in3 Rec. 20, 116, tp3 u , Anastasi I, 21, 6, Shechem; compare Heb.
I \\ I
LXX "2vxep.
a district in Syria; situation unknown.
[ 1034 ]

Sakakhi ^ ^ ® (( , IV, 789, a district Sumnu Rec. 28, ,68, ^

in Syria ; situation unknown. O
©t ) j J "T" ©, Sni (Latopolis, Asna).
ft U
/WWW (2

Saksakti-t ft U «^ 0 ^ AAAAAA

I I I I \\ /WWW © *
Suna ^ Rec. 20, 117, a dis¬
Nastasen Stele 42, a town in the Egyptian
SCldan. trict conquered by Rameses III.

Sakath & ^3 Sur IV, 792, a district in Syria ;

Rec. 20, T _ZI Q^Vl’ situation unknown.
116, a district in Syria ; situation unknown.
Suhen Rev.

.®agaBaina ? ffi ^ J ^ M \
Eg- 4, 95, a fortress in Thebes.
Anastasi III, 3, 7, a lake in the Delta.
P. 221, a town in the Tuat (?)
Sata. ^ 1 [!)] |l> Iv> 792> a dis¬
trict ; situation unknown.
Satuna ^ 1^, Eg. Res. II, a district in Syria; situation unknown.

r75> a district; situation unknown. Sukbak ^ Ya%* > IV, 792,

a district in Syria ; situation unknown.
Satkhebeg ^ | © J s [wj, iv, 789, AAAAAA

Suten (9 /www
_ o
a district in Syria ; situation unknown. 1-1


a canal in the Nome Herakleopolites.

Satchar ^ J <=~>, Eg. Res. 54, 15, a
(yd I

district in Syria ; situation unknown. Seb P J| ^ , a town in Egypt.

Sapi l(j° , B.D.G. 996, —h— Sbatt p^J^ ^ Q a mythological

fv/v^ ’ locality.
a name of Sais.
Sba en qerti P*J^
Sapi meh Kf, “=S , the 5th
njl, “ the Door of the Circles ” in the
Nome of Lower Egypt (Saites), capital Sais.
£-1 I ’ Tuat, a name of Abydos.

the 4th Nome Sebaq p J ^ ^ ^ ©, Gol. 12, 81, a

Sapi Shema , of Lower Egypt district; situation unknown.

Sana \\ fl T“ X, a..dist.rict in Syria;

Sebma pJ ^ (wj, iv, 8oS, a
1 .m situation unknown.
Shdani country ; situation unknown.
Sebkh-t meht PJ®ff^©, a
town in Egypt.
Sati p()^©,B.D. 141,113, fl(]
w Sebkh-t rest p J ® 'jj1 ^ ^ V
©, a town of Osiris. , a town
in Egypt.
Sankh |1 ©, a town in Egypt.
Sebkh-t Sheta p J • , a dis-
Sankh Taui p a part of trict in An (Heliopolis).
I s’ ^
Sebek , Crocodilopolis.

Seb Ta kerhet p Jj jj -2a,

Suan p ^Tj V 0 Demot. Cat. 423,
111 I ©’ Syene, Aswan. quarter of Memphis.

Subqa J IV’ 7891 a Sebtipafau

district in Syria ; situation unknown. Sphinx 14, 156, a town in the Delta.
[ 1035 ]

Sebti en Uast [1J ^ jj ^ ^, the Seht Tetefra

Cl 1j (i
fortress of Thebes.
^ ©, an estate of Tetefra.
Sebti en Nept [1jj
the fortress of Nept (Napata).

Sebta [1 J , Rec. 24, 160,

Sekh't p 2 var'

a district; situation unknown. a district in the Nome Menu.

Sebti-t Arksetres |1 J w Sekh-t MB


the Canopic branch
AA/WVN of the Nile.

v msT © DSV Sekh-t fi

©, Sphinx 14, 158,
1 , a name of Alexandria.
Q the plain of Baherah.

Sept (?)A&.-Af£ , the 20th Nome of sekh-t JUJLLfl. ooflOM \> ©

, a portion of

Lower Egypt (Nomus Arabicus). Sni (Latopolis).

Smen tebnut (?) Sekh-t aabt Ala A ^ B.D.G. 13,

www V V _ZI ©
Rec. 22, 2, a town in Egypt. 1 ® n n n a ^ ^, “ eastern meadow,” a district
Sen-t (He-t Sent (?) p
near Bubastis; n z~\ ,0101 ai^
Inscrip. Methen, a group of villages in the Delta.
;adow,” a district
meadow,” dist near Bubastis.

Senulli®-lll5>llln’li- Sekh-t aamit JtUJit 0 mala

Rec. 20, 91, ill'J?, B D> ”*< *<y sanctuary
'k k k © of Menu at Panopolis. [A') ^ ’ nlill ill IK* 44T
Senger | ^ ^, Mar. Aby. II, 2, £. 148 -, Rev. 19,18, the Oasis

of Jupiter Ammon (Siwah).

ffi Q^£), L.D. Ill, 88, | Rec.
11 1
32, 69, Shinar, Babylonia; Heb. Sekh-t Aanra (Aaru)
> ism
Sentchar | ^! \
000 “ 0
Auuil, ^
1 11 1 ^ ©’
(J 1 Ik <~y=> a district in Syria ; Tall al-‘Amar-
■yywn nnn o
nah V -TT^ tm W <T~TT<T-
Ala ^ \> 1 v 1 in©’ \>
Ser (1 <—-> B.D. 149, a town in the 7th
s otk
5 o o o 11
o©’ Aat.
hi in 11 i T Q ^ @. “ Field of Reeds,”
Serut Ra Assa 0 lo ~lft\©, the “ Elysian Fields ” of the Egyptians.
an estate of King Assa.
Sekh-t aur Ml £» <=%, aSmt0"" near
Sernik n1^
, IV, 796, a Sfldani Q \> X ^ © (Asna).

country; situation unknown. Sekh-t An ,niai a

||, Metternich Stele

89. Horus was stung by a scorpion here.

Sehetep =*= °, a tow" "ear ,A"
o □ © (Heliopolis).
Sekh-t uab MA
Sehetep Ra Assa [ fi I J O Ml
f \ ©,a district in the Nome Matenu.
©, an estate of King Assa.
^ □
Sekh-t Mam l]J]J] 5 = Nu-t
Sehtem 1 iL° t\ , IV, 801, aShdani
ent Hap © O *n 1 KFlome of
country; situation unknown Lower Egypt.
[ 1036 ]

Sekh-t Mathu-hetep
• x
_, „_j °
.fllil-il -ty «—
__ Sekh-t Sebek j)j)n[ , a district in

^ , Hh. 377, a mythological locality (?) the 7th Nome of Lower Egypt (Metelites).

Sekh-t mur (?) Sekh-t Shakka JflJfl fl

JUJL ^©’
town in the Nome Apollinopolites ^ A p ^ Demotic Cat. 424, a place near
H I * al-Hibah.
Sekh-t Mefek QQ1 Rec.
,nufl a
© Sekh-t Shu mp3, m p ®, a
22, 2, a town near Sai's.
waste district in the Nome Shens, Q© in
Sekh-t ment var. ■ ariAt
juila Lower Egypt.
1“^ .
^ @, a district of Tanis.
^ Q

Sekh-t en Bast M A, J). G.

Sekh-t shent
a Q
h 0) 0’ Ml
Q-U a district and canal
^ I U &
/WWA Oo >—c * in the Nome Ampeh.
207, the territory of the goddess Bast.

Sekh-t en per Heru 0J|j) 0

Sekh-t Kenset n r\
^ Hi
,alnl al,

© > the temple estate of Edffi P- I75> ] J dMV^° ^ , N. 947, the region
d D wwv\ rwi
of Lower Nubia.
► amw\

Sekh-t ent re Upi H ^

Sekh-t Tetefra (of k_'J (QJ-Q 1 0-
[)[)(?* B.D.G. 22, a town near
©, an estate of Tetefra.
11 ’ Memphis.

Sekh-t Neter ^ IjJlj) Sekh-t Tchan

a district
^ /WWW
in the Nome Ten (?) ^ “Field of Zoan,” Tanis; see Tchan;

Sekh-t Neter ^ ( rTI irJ ^ ’ II 111

Heb.J^rniip, Psalm lxxviii, 12, 43, Arab.

“ Field of God,” a name of the Nome Bubastites.

Sekhaa p \ |) $ | ; see Aat Sekhau,
Sekh-t en Tchann 0 Q 0 1 0 UMW jI J
d I Pl^kV’
“ Field of Zoan,” Tanis; Heb. jVrrnto, psalm
lxxviii, 12, Copt. XA-HH. Sekhem pehti ^ ^ w
1 ^ o a town in the Eastern Delta near Rameses
Sekh-t Ra ■QllflDT ^ ,ni ill q
Sekhti (Sekhem-ti ?) ,. Upper
jlLq. **1, o iliu n. ©, the
and Lower Egypt.
estate of a famous sun-temple near Memphis.
Sessu ipp, ppp®, p©f], ppp
Sekh-t resa(?)
A&A | IqI ©» ReC* ©, Rec. 31, 28, a town in the Fayyfim.
31, 35, a town in Egypt.

Sekh-t Hemam Sessukauar

m m
Gol. 4, 8, a district in Syria;
■ei situation unknown.

■fllQl ifj. ^ °
JJ, [y/vq’ ,o!n1 fl

J /ww/w
IV, 791, a SQdani
I I Ml
country; situation unknown.
, “ Salt-field ” (Nitriotes, Wadi an-Natrfin).

Seshem fa fa ^ ^
Sekh-t Hetep a region
i"1 n1 d □
near Athribis. ''P^j ^ , a district in the Delta.
[ 1037 ]

ISO the lake country, t.e., the

Seshem nefert |1 J an estate She 1 ss ’ Fayytim.
the Delta.
Sha-t J.-'jlMV], JL^. IV, 6.8,
Seshem heh ^ !, the name

of a sacred lake at Hensu. -JL. A. i, a country; situation unknown.

Seshemu taui Sha-t (?) ^ q , Stele of Alexander IV,


1 tr_“1 ’ ^ar‘ Earn. 52> 9’ a a locality in the Nome

royal palace in the Delta (?)

Sek n ^ Maskhfltah Stele, Scythia,

Shashat(?) ° a part of the
Cl]’ temple of An.

, “at the end of the earth,” Shaauka Mit f] L D- ni>

Pers. Sa-ka J^E ft, Behis. I, 16. 252, 38, perhaps one of the two towns called
Sokhoh, niito in Judah ; see Josh, xv, 35, 48.
Seg 1 ®, a village or estate.

Shaana MU (j (j
Segar n ; see Theku,
lake (?)

^>ckr Shaanaurgenna JJM || AAAAAA

Segert n h °
1 ® ^, a sanctuary
E IV, 790, a district in Syria;
—> ^ situation unknown.
I ill
of Osiris at Busiris; see 1=7-3 " ft ©,
Shaasu resu (shemau ?) £&! (j [1 'j
n \>
, the southern deserts.
i i i <±> III
Shaas heri Mil (1 H ^
• n-'W
Segeq H ® Q, a town in Egypt.
A.Z. 1884, 89, 96, a district in the Stidan.
the country of Set, i.e., Lower -4—1 ^
Set >5-^ C Egypt. Shaas hetep
, 00
Set ^ , the Nome Hypselites. □
, Rec. 27, 87,
() I J\ '
!=, ^
□ o©’
Q+a++ ^ ^ Rec. 7, 78, the Necro- 0
n t=OV B.D.G. 1063, capital of the
oiaLi ^ polis of Memphis. I ^W
Nome of Set (Hypsele); Copt. cyurrn.
Stareh p ) (] <=> f ©, SphinsVht0^ AAAAAA

Shaa Da, AAAAAA ,

stlt o0i 44© * Egypt- Mil MZfl, Mil a canal in the Nome
Sti en sa heb sas (?) 0
tn $ Hermopolites in Upper Egypt.
VS7 o’ Shaa HJ 0 > IM ’ a
Sethebu 1 ^ J ^ (\/x£), Rec. 20, 115, country in the SOdan.
to n tk IV, 798, a Sftdani country; situa- n t!±!±±b <=|
* |-[] ^Jj 2r ’ tion unknown.
Shasha Amen Mil

(with the article □), a district of Thebes.

Seth-t fl3=5 P- 9°, M.19, p s=
TfimiS h >, . Shau(?) M^©>
jjk, N. 698,
w S| \ ^~>y ^ I1’^
^ ^
B.D. 142, a town of Osiris.
(1) the district of the First Cataract; (2) Asia

Set IV, 799, a Sudani Shaua M ^^ Anas-

tasi I, 19, 4, a mountain in Syria.
country; situation unknown.
[ 1038 ]

Shauat , L.D. Ill, 252, Shamashaatum ^^1*2(11^

2t, a district in Syria; situation unknown.
^_a> W> 783, IiItl^=T.TlT ( n, ibid., a

Shaurenta M TTi 1 Q ’ people or district of Syria; var. r-rc-i f\ nn

IV, 789> a district in Syria; situation unknown.

Shaus M^ fl ^ |, A.Z. 1865, 28;

Shamashana c=n T»T»T IK fwi,
see Shasu Hfl^(X) j1 Shaus tittle
Rec. 20, 118, a district in Syria; situation un¬
known; compare Heb. JitZjptp.
PX, j.
Shanama (Shanam)
Shausef 1 . a district in the AAAAAA AAAAAA

™ IV> 782,
Nome Busirites; var. AAAAAA

Mil fl Ik L-D-ln. 252> 15.a dis¬

Shab T»T»T 11 ", Rec. 20, 116, a trict in Syria; Heb. Josh, xix, 18.
district in Syria; situation unknown.
Rev. 13, 108, 1
Shaba IV, 790, a district in Syria; situation
’ Saba (?)
m. unknown.
Shabareth Uarkit
J Sharneram tilit -23!,
^ 25^,75 Eg. Res. 83, 104, a district in Syria; situation
and 76, a district in Syria; situation unknown. unknown.

Shabareth en gabari J Sharhana Mil^w.iv.h

RS-B- 9. ■«*, Mi2'7> f>

L.D. Ill,
IV, 648, L.D.
252> 73 and 74. a district in Syria; situation
unknown. III, 252, 125, a district in Syria; Heb JITHtt)
Josh, xix, 6.
Shabtuna 1&2 IV> 784,
AAAAAA Shahetep titit', a part of the Laby-
iHjo^ o □
t^yr rinth representing the Nome Thebaht.
district in Syria; situation unknown; varr.
Shasa jYfil ^ 'j, tititRec. n>
k Q^1’ ReC’ 2°’ Il8> TM
6o. 25> *941 see till! ittl rwo.
Ja ^

e k 3=r
Shasu B.D. 3, 127,
Shamabu (Shambu)
Q£^, IV, 721, the country of the
IV, 790, a district in Syria; situation
J J2 N ’ unknown. nomads who lived to the east of Egypt; ? ^ jjfj |

Shamana (Shamna) £L_J) ^ 1 $ ?7?’the Hyksos-


IV. 7«2, Shasef , Mil AAAAAA ,

a district in Syria; situation unknown.
n: Rec. 15, 151, a district in the
Nome Busirites.
Shamana (Shamna)
£r=2 ^
^ , IV, 781, a district
Shas hertt "|
^ ^
111 ’ ' ’ © A.Z. 1884, 96, the port of Berenice on the
in Syria ; situation unknown. 9’ Red Sea.
[ 1039 ]

Shas hetep I \\ 1 ft ft J
Shi en Ast (I ( AAAAAA AAAAAA [j } the

-Cl. Isis-lake at Memphis.

no | \\ AAAAAA

<3 She ur aaaaaa; (i) Lake

the capital of the Nome of Set. Moeris; (2) a canal in Mendes.


She ur a town in the Nome

Shaqan Ml ^ tHi3’ Rec' ^ 1 <o> o © ’ Busirites.
2°> 115> a district in Syria; situation unknown. Shurbana L_“-J ° ©,
<£ (2 \> I
Shakan ££[*] , Sphinx 14, Rec. 29,4= Qarbana ^3

161. Lycopolis; the modern (?)
Shusaren ns:
>Iv> 794,
Shakana Ml ^ V \ = TT a district in Syria ; situation unknown.
Mar. Karn. 52, 7, a canal in the Delta.
Shushugem (?) (j(Jra^^ , iv,
Shagan JltlT s Sphinx 14, 161, 803, a Sudani country; situation unknown.

Lycopolis; the modern (?) Shushkhen -tk -- , Alt-K.

Sha tep .... ^ ® 153 ; see Ashushkhen (j nn^
/WVWl ) f ^ I ^ cvo'
, a district in the Nome Busirites.
\\ V Sheb LAs—1 Jj ^ , a town in Egypt.

She au t=t the sacred lake at

Shebb on J IV, 805, Rec. 20,
J—< © \> ’ Denderah.
no 114, a Shdani country; situation unknown.
She-t am T © ’ a town *n Egypt- Y\> no o \j
She Bar r-u 1
Shas, Shasti no , iv, 8oo, 00 ^ AX
^ , B.D.G. 186, a lake in the Nome Tuf.
l l°[W],Rec- 2°> ri4> a Shdani country;
1 \\ situation unknown. Shep Rec. 5, 86, the Fayyhm
Sftdani country ; situation unknown.
no (| ^ IV, 798, a
Sheps M ,(1 , the Labyrinth.

no \^> no rr,I .
^,-fl, a town near This.
Sheps Khafra Eg 0 J
estate of King Khafra.

Shai en per Heru-ar-ti (?) ()( Sheps Khufu

O O I EH ©,
\> , a district near Edfft. an estate of King Khufu in the Eastern Delta.
CD \>

Shai qa em Anu Shefit *2. ° 0 a district in the 7th Nome

Q^£) ’ of Upper Egypt.
Ik I §. high sandy ridge She Maati ^ Jp
L \\ 1

near the Temple of Atem in Heliopolis.

She antchet no
, B.D.G. 136, a


r~V\ 1 'WWVA
^ \\


canal in the Nome Matenu. W Q©’ ^ I AAAAAA

the sacred lake at Hanes (Herakleopolis).

> */|C> <7|<
Sharr 0W> IV, 794, a
district in Syria; situation unknown

She Aha r u 1 , the sacred lake of

Demot. Cat 425, ^ () (j ^ '', Rec. . 3, ,,,
Per Aha. the South, Upper Egypt.
[ 1040 ]

ouoni11 C30 _ a lake near the town of

Shen ur Q Q q "^3=1,
anemu ^ ©. Rameses in the Delta. i—<
a quarter of Mem- Q i=t : (1) part of the Nome Aneb hetch ;
Shemu rro
©’ phis.
(2) part of the Nome Heq ames ; (3) part of
She menat (?) the Nome Heroopolites.

She meh-t Da°=>\ the northern portion Shenur Q ^^7=1, Rec. 27, 190, the
• _^J
^ j ^ of
r\f Lake
I ol/p Moeris.
M npric
“ Great Circle,” the Ocean.
Shems nn [
° , IV, 800; varr.
Shemt ur kherp hem
o I_I I
pQPfl §
rm ( —, oo [ 1 °[yvi, Rec. 20, 114, a rt ^ the “ granary of the high-priest ” at Mem-
1 ’ phis.
Sfidani country; situation unknown.
Shenp IT , L^~J IT ,
Shemshuatum’ 00 oo ^ (j □ 7=1 C) n 7=^*
a district of Edffi.
IV, 783; see Shamashaatum’

She en Maam (?)

□O a
Shemta , Rec- 2?> l88> a “ I
'-' > |
^5^© Egypt-
B.D. 17, a sacred lake in Hensu (Herakleopolis).

ShenulT 30
Shenmu ©, B.D. 160, 3, a
the capital of the Nome Mahetch. AAAAAA

town associated with Shu.

Shell" | a town of Set |1 r" it ■ 1 AAAAAA

She en nesert AAAAAA

a- O I WAM

Shenu(?) JJJ. HI® - 1*1"- x (i m y**?- a fiery lake

WWW ■^7’ 'WWWA
a sanctuary of Horus at Latopolis. ^ I ’ in Nerutef.
[ ^-1 AAAAAA

She en ankh aaaaaa B.D.G. Shenrahen (?) | ^ 0 ©»

vu^ I AAAAAA I <®
n 6, the temple-lake at Denderah. Nilopolis (?)

Shenar ©, P. 589, She enti Heru , “ lake of
- —» -2^> w I V
-DA. _ Q -_0 /V Horus,” a name of Lake Moeris.
©, a town in
I _2t^s^ 1 <^©
Lower Egypt. Shens , B.D.G. 788, a city in the
Shena khen Q ^, 5 ^7 5B5 Eastern Delta, probably in the Wadi Tfimilat.

, 20 /$$ “ I She nesu en Behut 1 %/ ST

© • ’ is T W ^©
B.D.G. 1063: (1) capital of the Nome Hera- a name of the canal of Edffi.
kleopolites ; (2) a name of the town Smen Her AAAAAA
Shen qebh Qjj, Q AAAAAA

Copt. riOYCtjm, Feshn. ®- Q ^n!

B.D.G. 1064, Q 2 0

AAAAAA c^n awwv ~ lAc^r

““•t i. °(C 9 O
B.D. 79, 3, a Nome and its
nnQ a sanctuary in the Nome AAAAA Q nww ’ capital in the Eastern Delta.
OZj,XX[—j> Herakleopolites.
She neter ™ Fjl. a sacred 'ake. at
Shenit She en Serser 9 (](] ° t=t Uf Abydos.

<~> (1 ^ Tuat VIII, the district of the Lake ShenthNet 2 5 S©,

<cz> v ’ of Fire. AAAAAA I) A © AAAAAA <0 VJ

Amherst Pap. 46, a town in the Delta.

Shen, Shenur 9. n VT ^ Qt=t ,
aaaaaa 7/ © VS^?
Shern t*ie capital of the Oasis of
the irrigated land of Memphis. □ ©’ Sekh-t hemam.
[ 1041 ]
□n AA™AA nr [) <2 3Z
Sherhen ra ° , , a canal L Rec-Ir. l82, 0 Kec. 27,
3=i m 3=1 D

in Lower Egypt; var. fD ^ 30, the temple of Osiris at Abydos, Busiris, etc.

m a locality near Den-

She res
nni V on 1 ^ ^ ~| AAAAAA
D V derah.
I ’ \> l I I AAAAAA
<r±> I
, “South Lake”—a lake in the Fayytim. Sheta ™ 1rf?, RS-R 2I> ’56, a district;
D QvA ’ situation unknown.
Sher-t gehes (?) on
Shetait ©, B.D. 125,
district; situation unknown. oD n

s II, 26, the town of Basti

She Heru aaaaaa
• AAAAAA VWV^s. 6^3 7
) & town to the V
AAAAAA r V\> \&7

north of Thebes, (?) Sheta-t ast i!2 rl 1, a locality in

x m
3Z ^ I the Nome Heliopolites.
She Heru 1 —T
on on Sheteth nSJ, n. 1074, ™ ©, p. 360,
, on : (i) a O- - ■ O ^
i i—t c
a town in the Tuat.
canal in the 14th Nome of Lower Egypt; (2) a
lake in the 15th Nome of Upper Egypt; (3) a Shetit u. 529, P. 711,
lake at Edfft.
<=*=>^ Cl
> Lake Tim-
N- r359> Rec. 11 , 97, \_/©, -«=Z\
She kharem on
@ ’ sah. '*=’% A/1 Q \\ \A ©
She Khufu on
cn ©’ ^ <=>©’ ©’ JaH
B.D. 171, 3, capital of the Nome Arsinoites,
estate of King Khufu. (Crocodilopolis).
Shes 0 ! ©, a town in the Nome Cyno-
1."i Shetit ww, a canal
polites, 'AXafiacrrpwv 7ro’M? (?)
in the Nome Heliopolites.
Shesp X ©, *, of 0siris i AAAAAA
□ o □ © situation unknown. Sheten OO, nO \ O •
^ ©
Shespu ab Ra iL. (1) Capital of the Nome Pharbaethites; (2) a
town in Libya-Mareotis.
O 3$^ . j\ , a sun temple near Memphis.
=> 30.
Shesp khasha J
Shet Sebq ©, \\a
IV, 788, a district in Syria; situation unknown. 3_f ^ , "1 A J ^ , Crocodilopolis.

on on
She Seneferu H-H She tesher
an estate of King Seneferu. (1) a part of the Nome of Memphis; (2) a part

She Serq of the valley of Hammamat.

o ns®*?, mn
1-l )—t
rr* a canal in the 8th Nome of Lower Egypt Shet-t-ta )()©, ©, Rec.
H=EEI ’ (Sethroites).
27, <224, a mythological locality (?)

She qebh
\> v 1 AAAAAA 'll AAAAAA

(1) a lake at Heliopolis; (3) the Nile in

the First Cataract.
or U. 560, a town in the Q,a, qaa, qait a 3^3:, zl
Tuat. 1
Z1 ’ ^ A A
I ’ r=r
Shetat, Shetatit LAZ L=K=3 ° ^ I
• o^ =
=== tTU ( ( 1=L, A a part
~\n m o on <=> on
ml D [O’ =^=©’ o of the Nome Tekh.
3 u
[ 1042 ]
Qaanau IV, 782, a Qaputa A ^ x " !, IV, 785, a dis¬

district in Syria ; situation unknown. trict in Syria ; situation unknown.

Qai (j(| ©, A.Z. 35, 18, a town in Qam’qa a n A Rec.

the Nome Aphroditopolites. 20, 11S, a district in Syria; situation unknown.

Qai en ankli z the

i Qam’t a n ^ , L.D. Ill, 131,
district of Denderah.
a district in Syria; Assyr.
\> \oJ Ch
Qiqa _n rx/\/v ^rr h t- <r^(?)
S ©’
Qana a ^ Eg. Res. 67, 66,
Qauruputh zi ^ (~ c<=:>] ^ D Cc C)S¥),
a district in Syria; situation unknown.
Rec. 20, 118, a country conquered by
Ramesis III. Qanefer Z f I
J] 0
A-s. lheA Pyrami;i . °rf
Amenemhat I.
Qaurtliantu a <7—I /wwv\

Qarbana a ^ \
Mar. Abyd. i, 28, a district in Syria; situation
B.D.G. 855, Harris I, 77, 1, an eastern frontier
town; Assyr. Karbaniti»-<y<.
Qaurthpana a
AA Qarbu a a
Rec. 20, 118, var. a
<2 Rec. 17, 150, a town near Abukir.
, a district in Syria ; situation unknown.
Qarbthaqa a
Qauhertabarra a
Rec. 20, 118, a district
Tlfl Rec. 20, 117, a district in Syria; situa¬
tion unknown.
in Syria ; situation unknown.
Qarmana a
Quauherthaas ( ~l||,
A ■, L.D. Ill, 114, Rec.
Rec. 20, 118, a district in Syria; situation un¬
known. 20, 118, a district in Syria; situation unknown
a Qarm’mu (?) a

Qausanarm’ ^ 1 -_a p^vn*


Eg. Res. 6r, 13, a district in Syria; situation L.D. Ill, 13, a district in Syria; situation un¬
unknown. known.

Qausanaretli a y Qarhu a , Rec. 20,

Rec. 20, 1 r8, a district in Syria; situation un¬ 118, a district in Syria; situation unknown.
Qarqami’sha a A \\
Qausara 4 lbs" ^ Rec. 20, w
_ m 1 g
118, a district in Syria; situation unknown. IV, 891, zl ( A

Qausatabarka ^ ^ i | (j \\ ] , Rev. 3, 160, a district

im f\Aci ’
QZ!£], Eg. Res. 69, 85, a dis- in Syria; Assyr. ^ ^TTT, Heb.

trict in Syria; situation unknown. ITOITO, Isaiah x, 9 ; the modern Jarabis.

>A A<=
Qautliaasr j] H CW/T, Qarqisha a fv^n,
\\ \\ I
Eg. Res. 60, 8, a district in Syria; situation Mar, Abyd. II, 4, a district in
a Tmi tw], Syria; situation unknown.
[ 1043 ]
*<7 AAAAAA 1

Qartaanbu I 7X 1 P^vn, Sallier III, 2

*j IXGeG, Anastasi I, 22, 4 (a mixture of the two i, a district in Syria; situation unknown; Boghaz
Keui aluqi-iz-wa-ad-na.
names A
Qas zlQ fl©, Rec- 27> 223> a in
' I Egypt.
<2 'j j, a district in Syria; Heb. , , Rec. 21,
Qalx _U1®- _1
Judges 1, II, LXX Kn/>ia<Trru'(j)ai>. 13, a town in Egypt.

A V Tk TEEn a V
Qarthaka a C^£), Qin IV,
P*^A /wwv\
Rec. 20, 118, a district in Syria; situation un¬ A \\ Ah!) AA/W'A s
655, aaaaaa [W], IV, 653, (|(| ^1 (W],
Anastasi I, 22, 7, a district in Syria; situation
Qasaraa a $ see
unknown ; Tall al-Amarnah V -TT4 ^y.
A (W).
' o Quina a^w^ ^ Rec. 20,

*-71 4\ 'VWWV

iv. 7*», a 116, a country conquered by Rameses III.

district in Syria; situation unknown; compare

Heb. |Vtpp.
Quburaa a p^n,
Rec. 20, 118, a district in Syria; situation un¬
Qalar CVXG, Rec. 20, 115, known.

a Sftdani country ; situation unknown. Qebaana a A/W, L.U.

III, 252, 23, Gibeon; compare Heb.

Qa*ur Alt-K.
951, a district in Syria; situation unknown; com¬ Joshua ix, 17, a city in Benjamin.

pare Heb.
Qebau a^ _a district
Qatthem ^ ^ L.D. in Syria; situation unknown; compare Heb.
iQil Joshua xxi, 17.
III, 253, 25, a district in Syria ; compare Heb.
rntt’lp, Joshua xiii, 18 (?)
Qebh i “ "ivp-
Qatchaa ^ | ^ W, 797, N. 1358 . .

a Sftdani country ; situation unknown.

Qebh a] j[ Rec. 13, 12,^

Qatehata „ ^ | ^ }, (|) Egypt.

Anastasi I, 27, 8, Gaza; Tall al-‘Amarnah Azzati
Qebhui (?) Upper and Lower
JJ *~<y<) Assyr. Kha-az-zu-tu Egypt.
Heb. HIV, Arab, y^
J Qebh Heru , Thes. 1218, a

Qatchir (Qatchil) name of Upper Egypt.

a name of Lower
, IV, 785, a Qebh Set [l^y, Egypt.

Israel Stele 27, a district in Syria ; compare AAAAAA 5

<****■* AAAAAA £1} Vy7

Heb. Tall al-‘Amarnah ^jy n 0 tk |R $ /vvww'



Hf!<T <i-
the capital of the 1st Nome of Upper
Qatchuaten ^ fi ©
W.7 AAAAAA Egypt.

qpuu fy A the pyramid of King Shep-

if! r^vo, Rev. 3, 160, a
&9 seskaf.
3 u 2
[ 1044 ]

Qebh Khufu ^ z j Qen (?)_en sekh-t (?) 1—1—1

^ ©, an estate of Kina Khufu. CO , a village in the Eastern Delta.
Qebsu zj Rec. 8, 137, a Qenns czu> ^5, A^>
district in Syria (?) Southern Nubia.
^ w
Qebt,Gebt ^Jg, -»J tjJ Qenus pehiS W,the mosrlfuther|y
• rx/x/i—^ ’ part of the same.

lLW ©’ ^

Qenb she f cn AAAAAA } 3.

°J!S- •»>!

sanctuary on Lake Moeris, associated with

15 J ^ ®. 1 (varr. ® ( Heb„o|j g.

^1, S J 'j ^ © j, the capital of the Qenqen-t



AAAAAA ^ B.D. no, a


5th Nome of Upper Egypt (Coptites); Copt. lake in Sekhet-Aaru.

Keqx, Arab.Merit Qebti f z ^
Qenqen taui a dis¬
^5 ^ ©, the port or harbour of Coptos. trict in Egypt.
z o w -4 O
Qeb-taui (?) gg “, z J => = , Qer-ti
Ch w cT\\ O

A ’smii'tiA
, Denderah.
-F^rr ’ Q Q
the sources of the Nile at Elephantine.
z oQ Z Q \\

Qepi “ (j(j i==r, the swamp land of the

Qerr 1, a town in Egypt.

Nome A- a district of Southern

Qeri ~ '7>(j(jtw], Nubia (?)

Qepu □ ^ ^ , a district in the Thebaid (?) Qern <rz> _ , a town in Egypt.


Qefati (?) z—'l , Ombos I, Qertnetchna J ^

v 7 w n^o 1 1 1
130, Crete (?)
Qerthnetchna <~> ‘“j*
A A 1 1 1
Qefnu 0 , B.D. IV, 781, a district in Syria; situation unknown.
0 (a
142, a town of Osiris ; situation unknown ; var.
A Qehi ^|(|[)©,Rec-,2-9,’as'JSef

^ o
Qehs-t Z ^ 1 ^, a sanctuary in Edfti;
Qem z > Egypt (?)
a Strict in the Nome
varr'uf PA’ ffltP©’°1kffl$.
Qemtitt 'j ^ ^ a district; situation P ©> BJggi4’3i
DZNd’ unknown.
-&Z>~ sj, ®’ W o©’the caPitai °f the
a quarter of
Qen Asar " © 14th Nome of Upper Egypt, 'A\d/3a<npwv 7rd\<<?,
K ov<jat} Cusae ; Copt. KOC, K(UC, Arab.
Qen mer , Oxyrhynchus.
^ I > rv^i

Qen ent Ra 0 sex, Edm.

Oesaes ST
Qesqes ^ ^ §
6 H ©’
Qen enth hesu o n 1
the capital of the Nome j^AL APollin°P°^
R 0 5 1 <l reg‘on the favoured
cx a I p\ 1 ’ ones ”—a district in the Tuat.
L 1045 ]

Q,es mer ankli Assa Q (] J Kauakaua U jf] LI ,1,, A.Z. 35,

©, an estate of King Assa. 18, a town in the Nome Sept.

Qesa(?) g|],£ U. 448, T. 260, a Kaurm’rarna ' <o i vo
’ town in the Tuat. V

Qesem ~6 5 5S& I ^ INZZI, Anastasi I, 22, 3, a

• At
district in Syria; situation unknown.
, Rec. 27, 190, the capital of the Nome Sept,
© w
fyaKKovaa ; Copt. KCOC, Arab. Heb. Kab
SCidani country ; situation unknown.
J , Rec. 20, 115, a

lttfo(?); ~6 t\ ^^ Q ^ the Arabian por-

—h— P-^i tion of the town.
Kaban LJ Sphinx 14, 159, a
Qeti \| 1 \ L,
• ' \\
V r\A/i
P^V’ \ P-^I' J\ (vA/]: town in the Delta ; Arab. Uj Vi (?)
J“ u-\ P-^A, Asien 240 ff., the “ Circle ”
0^ \ 0 Kabuai nefer U j f) (](j J J
(KCOTe), i.e., the semi-circular North Syrian Edfti.
coast round about the Gulf of Issus. Later it
included all the land between the Euphrates and
Kabur j Rec.

the Mediterranean. 20, 116, a district in Syria ; situation unknown ;

compare Heb. Josh, xix, 27.
Qe*em 1 0 k®’ N- 761’ '
^, P. 204, a town in the Delta (?) Kaber U j Rec. 24, 160, a district.

| j A
Qetem’ Kai ^L~J > yJ, a locality; site unknown.
rvW 1 O
\ Sa-Nehat B, 182, 219, the
Kafr-M’rerna w w
country of the East; compare Heb. □"Tp,
a district in Syria; situation
Josh, xix, t 2, 13. unknown.
y] A/WWV

Qetna p-^K IV, 696,

Kaam LJ , u
\^\ fv/v/-, IV, 799, a Sftdani country ; situation
P-^, Rec. ig, 18, \ /WWW L

y i p-^V ' w unknown.

L.D. Ill, 88, a district in Syria; Tall al-‘Amarnah
Kam ^—1 , B.D. 142, IV, 20,
-4! Tc- -4 <m ■ ©
^ c.
Qetshu ( “ 00 IV, 781, ^ en £=)

^>D^, \ ^^>'1 IV. 649. 689. k"©®Egypt;

'j a district in Syria ; situation un- Copt. KAJULG, KHJULG, KHJULH, KHJUU.
30[W]’ known. ^~~i ^ r—1
Kam , Athribis.

Eamm’ta U ^ <w>) (], U =] (j,

Ka U ©, a town in Egypt. IV, 781, a district in Syria; Tall al-‘Amarnah

/n r\ r\ /wwv\

■*TT mb ^K-
IV, 790, a district in Syria; situation unknown. Kami t\ (1 (1 !c? 1, Rec. 13, 3, £=□
f|f|5 q Dem. Cat. 421, Egypt; Copt
Kaau ukk^A^’Uni_18, 44 © ’ KHJUL6.
a country in the Sftdan; var. (?)
(T^.N. 981.
the district of Ka Kam.
[ 1046 ]

Kam ur ,ZZD r^w, Kari ^ 00 1 , Rec. 20, 42, 1 T9,

I I 11 [W)
B.D. 88, 4, a town in IV, 922, Kubban Stele 5, the district round
'klS the Nome Athribites. about Napata (?)
i-—-L a sanctuary in
Kam ur
the Fayyum. Karbu LJ J|' ^ , Rec. 17,160,
a town in Egypt.
Kam ur 3=1, i5~=l ^=t, *
/-T=I ^ Karpu <c=> □
^ qa£i, L.D.
zzn x zz: x 1
’ /-T=T ’ /-T~=^Z>’ .1-f III, 156, a district in Syria ; situation unknown.
a canal in the Nomes of Thebes and Coptos.
Karm’im’ ^3^ <cz:> [}[
Kam ura ^—11\ ( QA£), Rec. 20, 118, a district in Syria; situa¬
^ as tion unknown.
( vB.D.64,i3,^ , the great /WWW

Bitter Lake near Ismadliyah. Karm’n IV, 785, a

_Cr\_3* AAAAAA

Kam ur ma

district in Syria; see 1 dd
the canal that joined the Nile and
V § JZ) ^ \> Red Sea.

Kamru IV, 792,

Karm’ina 31^
3> 31

fwi, Alt-K. 1007, a district in Syria ; situation
a district in Syria; situation unknown.
0 a sanctuary
Kam hetch zz Karm’ta LJ
© ’ in Sekhem. VM IV. 793, a
Rec. 15, 167, a district; district in Syria ; situation unknown.
(W)’ situation unknown.

IV, 802, a Sftdanl coun- Kama ^3* j ^ iyv], Rec. 20,

Kan^3 WW 7 . 7

try; situation unknown. AAAAAA

H7, QZZ), Eg. Res. 65, 20, a district

Kanana fw;, L.D.
in Syria; situation unknown ; compare Heb.
III, 126, Rec. 11, 55, Gen. 1, 10.
Israel Stele 26, Karkhen $ CZV1, Treaty

district in Syria ; compare Heb. 7^23 Assyr. 29, a Hittite district (?)

►vy (Canaan). Karka 33 qaq, Rec.


Kannu 1—11 QA£1, Rec. 20, 116, a dis-

0 e 20 u8, LI u U 'l [^] a district in Syria ;
’ <=> ill ’ situation unknown.
trict in Syria; compare Heb. i Chron. xviii, 8.
Karkam’sha <==^>
Kanustt, Kanstt LJ ^
z^ zz LJ
0 E^’ fyy/i'
Nubia; var. Kenstt
Mil ^, iv, 792, ^ = TiM
Carchemish; Heb.
Kanrut LJ IV, 789, a w
^P5"p_ , Assyr. ^ fcfyf* ^QI •
district in Syria; situation unknown.
The modern Jarabis.
Ka en Heru shet
Latopolis. Kart U ^ , Rec. 21, 226, a town

near Dakkah in Nubia ; Arab, >

Ka en qa renu V ^ T 0 111 ’
Edfft. w ^

Kar ^1 , a sanctuary on Lake Moeris.

Kart (?)
=>1 O
Gol. 4, 9, a district; situation unknown.
1 D^Vl,
[1047 ]

Kartamrut Kagati & £24,

^ i
tU 1 IV, 791, a district in Syria ; situation un- Eg. Res. 66, 49, a district in Syria; situation
tt 0’ known. unknown.

Kartep <=^> ® “ , Nastasen Stele, Katart U , Nastasen Stele,

a town in Nubia; situation unknown.
a town in the Sftdan.
Kart It U —= _ a u *= A.Z.
Kath U 1 ° 1 w \ Alt-K. 1034, a district in
1900, 130, Naucratis.
Syria; situation unknown.
Kahati □ rx/xyp Rec.
20, 117, a district in Syria; situation unknown.
Kathar IV> 793, a
district in Syria; situation unknown.
TToTini 1_I 'wwv' a town in the Nome
Kalini ravx@, Athribites.
Kathata , Rec. 20,1x8,
Ka Heseb £3^, the nth Nome of 1 v
"TT a district in Syria ; situation unknown
Lower Egypt (Cabasites). ■ j r\ pi /wwv\
Kathini xzz (( V , Rec. 20,
Kakham (?) \\ Si (X/X/V

116, a district in Syria ; situation unknown.

IV, 789, a district in Syria; situation unknown.
Kirn [x/xq, Rec. 20, 116,
Ka Khas(?) , the 6th Nome of w
a district in Syria; situation unknown.
Lower Egypt (Xoites).
Kas vzz £24,
Kirsenpen (?) [yy,
A.Z. 1900, 134, Nubia; Heb. Rec. 20, 116, a district in Syria; situation un¬
Kasa ^ ^^ Z, the capital
1 — © ldmu© Kirshaua (?) iVfl
of the 7 th Nome of Upper Egypt (Cynopolites); \\
Copt. KA.IC, K06IC, Arab. IV, 792, a district in Syria ; situation un¬
m Nubia; Heb. tL^3>
Kash . rx/xyd Copt. etToxy. Kirkmisha
I svv
TillT £24,
<0 0—0
Kashpata Carchemish ; Heb.
rx/xyp Rec. 20, 116, a district in Syria; situation \\ ' \\

unknown. Kitsuna
\\ ) \ \ IV- 781'
Kaqari ^ [ [ (wj, L.D.
’1 "'iR* a district *n Syria; situation
o t _zf unknown.
III, 252, 37, a district in Syria; situation un¬
Kaqeth (x/vq, Rec. 20, 115,
Eg. Res. 65, 31, a district in Syria; situation
a Sfldani country; situation unknown. unknown.

Kakka (?) ^^ ©, Rec. 17, 119, a Kebasum’n, Kebasuan j_0

town in Upper Egypt.
iv> ,82’
Ka Kam T. 84, M. 238, N. 615,
a district in Syria; situation unknown.
the 10th Nome of Lower Egypt (Athribites). n AAAAAA

Keben j I, 140, Rec. 27, 224,

Ka Kam-t
VT" 225, 29, 146, Gebal; Heb. Tall al-‘Amar-
^ «’ Rec 24>176> *=> tx .. nah ^f, Assyr. ^ ^TT,
w ^ ©, Go1
12, 99, the Necropolis of Sakkarah ; Gr. Kwyw/i//. Gr. Bv/3\os.
3 U 4
[ 1048 ]

Kepuna (Kepen) | qz^g, Kenthaautha

1 1 1
Anastasi I, 20, 7, rD> \\ , 1 (\/\/] f) IV, 785, a district in Syria ; situation
A/vn □ \\ I 1 ’ unknown.
4 ^VVG Rec. 21, 99, Gebal ; see
□ (E I © ’ Keben.

Kefti fwii IV, 616, IV, 783, WWAA , IV, 784, WMM ||

IV, 785, a district in Syria; situation unknown.

[W], IV, 733, Mar. Aby. II, 2,

(E Kerer (Kelal)
[W1; Rec. I I ’
g^~es rx/x/i 784, a district in Syria ; com¬
32, 69, , Crete; compare Heb. TiriDS. pare Heb. "HU Gen. xx, 2.
t: >



, “V
Krimna <=
V 4 4 JltR* J&/ lai'fi
IV, 783, a district in Syria ; situation
tV. IV, 782, a district in Syria ; com- AAAAAA unknown.
_ZT ’ pare Heb. n")33 Deut. iii, 17. —x AAAAAA

Kerna [Wi Rec- 2°’ Il6> I19l

Kenaskha (?)
v '
n , iv.
see Kama.

792, a district in Syria; situation unknown.

Kerka A^, Rec. 20, 114, a

Sudani country ; situation unknown.

Kena ^ j) ^ Rec. 3 r, 35, a town in
1 ©’ Egypt. IV, 802, a Sudani coun¬
ra try ; situation unknown.
Kennam’u AAAAAA
AAAAAA (E Kehek , A.Z. 1883, 88. The
Anastasi III, 8, 5, Canaan. (TJ a/xg
"—^ v^ were a nomad tribe conquered
J HD GEGG’ by Amenhetep I.
riii /wwv\

GENG, www
^ ^. 7/3 ^ f\y\y~),
Kes, Kest — IV,334,^-tHia,Rec. ,

©* Ml Tc C^g’ a
26, 76 = AAAAAA , Nubia.
r o —h— A^G
the Oasis of Khargah. Kesh
V_^5 Cl '-- \ c

^, I ^ , Rec. 1 q, 87.
□o © nn a^ © D’ "
Kenmu tVv Q T. 40, a town a town in the south of the Oasis of Khargah
AAAAAA n © ’ in the Tuat (?)
(Dtish); Gr. K vcriv.

Kens www^^, u- r?8’ 419 . P. 175 » Kesh (Kash) ^ ) , Mar. Aby. II, 2,
1 w 1 f\y\yi J ’ ’

N. 947, www ( QGGG, P. 337, AAAAAA 1 A^G, zxx; 'l , O'] GEGG, IV, 733, Jour. E.A.,
o fxyxci r~vc~i 41 ’ ’ J ’
V_"O ^ ^ V_
M. 639, WWW (|fNyvr|, P- 7°3) AAAAAA < AAAAAA
III, 98, Nubia ; Tall al-‘Amarnah V
Assyr. V JEJ < Heb. IT43, Copt.
GZGG, ecTuxy.
1 fwi*
] pyvo, Nubia. Kesh khas-t r^n —*. AGGG, IV, 796,
It©1 0 A^l O
Kesh the vile, or Nubia the impotent.
Kenseth » IV, 799,
Keshkesh 'l Coptos 18,
Nubia; see Kens. 1 1 r^m
a Hittite country.
Kentu (?) a district Keket IV, 799, a
o o
in Syria; situation unknown.
Sudani country ; situation unknown.

Kentuasna AAAAAA M IV’ ** Ketasha fe, iv, 792,

a district in Syria ; situation unknown. a district in Syria; situation unknown.

[ 1049 ]
-f\ /WWV\

Ketsuna IV, 781,

Cl Gemur Re°-i4’,8-
a town in Egypt.
IV, 781, a district in Syria; Heb.
Gem baiu-s
721, Tall al-‘Amarnah ^TTT^ E^TT ^T^T-
, a town; site unknown.
Kethnes ^ IV, 803, a Sudani ©

country; situation unknown Gen S 1=1, ffi %J e

WWW O Si ' -• 0 (D ^

Kethsun IV, 781, see

sVe ^ , a canal in the Nome Mahetch.
1$ CV^T Ketsuna.

Gen ® ^ Rec. 27, 189, a town in

©’ Egypt.

Gengen ® s $ Sphinx 14, 166, a

Oau 25 ©, Sanehat, a town /wwv, aa/ww town in the Delta.

in Upper Egypt. Gennu ® o\®, ffi o

a town
in Egypt.
Gauti (?) ffi ^ $$$ Z5 X-—t

fl (3 c
Genp ® , Canopus.
ralp © , £ ® ^ } ffl
\\ \\ ^ ^ ^ V
Genem S , _ Q Q = (WWV\ C Cl.
AA/wv\ C ^ O yrVyl / P^ZVQ
® V ^ ,, the town of Canopus
„ , 7A f Vl I o——i/WWW
Gensh ^ ,seeThegensh ^ csa.
Gauash, Gash s Z5 T-t
www r^i 25 r^z\zy
t=t r~w~i
Gerb & l ^ B.D.G. 49, a town
T\ IK jT) L-H—1 a canal in the Nome Anpu Js © J near Canopus.
0 ( i—< ’ (Cynopolites).
^ Rec. 24, 176, Athri- Gernaa ® (] £W), L.D. III,

Gam & 2i£i

W’ bis (?)
252> I27) a district in Syria; situation unknown.
Garr a town in the Egyptian
Sftdan (?) Gerses ® , IV, 796, s 1 Ofwi,
■ cv^i
Gahaga 25 m 55 IK ] C^£l, Mar. Aby. II, 2; see 25
Gol. 4, 1, a country; situation unknown.
Gerg ^ an estate of Rameses II
Gaqati ^ zi , A.Z. 1
near Abydos; <cg>^ ^ ©, B.I). 99, 30 (Intro.),
r879, 29, a district in Syria ; situation unknown
V<x- 0 Thes. 1253, the property of Osiris
Gatchai S I flfl 1 , A.Z. ^=©j^, at Abydos.

i879> 29> S ^ J DZ2Z1, IV, 648, Gaza; Gerg Ramessu ^£_(© p^]J,
Heb. mV, Tall al-’Amarnah -cTT "S ?? *4< Rec. 13, 141, Balyana; Copt. T'TTCnrpA.rtH.

Assyr. ~tff ;r< c*vtT ” -<y<, Arab, jji, Gr.

Gergamesh ^ [j J00^, Ombos I,
T rt£a.
I3°> U0) Carchemish; Heb.
Gurubu (Gulubu)

ffi \ -S&a J IV , 797, a Sftdani

Gergubaf ^ X
IV, 808, a suburb of Abydos.
^ K’

country ; situation unknown.

Gergbaf & f Rec. 22,138;
Gurses S ^ ^ > Iv> 796, a
Shdani country; situation unknown.

Gemit Gerger 55 ® Sphinx 14, 166, a

Mission 13, 127, a name of Athribis(?) town in the Delta; Arab. i

[ 1050 ]

Gehes j| 1 P. 204, Rec. 20, 78, Ta uatch

Lib. Fun. II, 57, a town in Egypt (Kora Mission 13, 4, a town in Nubia near Wadi

Yasin?); var. | 1 ^ P. 683.


< . - - j

f 1 f B.D.
Gehesti & $ ^ | (j ^, N. 696,
174, 12, the district of Napata (Gebel Barkal).

n-9-. ^5^.
Ta ur £, M. 187, N. 694,
N. 482, the Gazelle country. AAAAAA
AA. . _

©, B-D- 40, 5, > A.Z. 1907, 1, 3,

Gesa © ^ tp1 ^^ > T. 260, a town (?)
the district of Abydos; var, A^
H ©’
Getpetkai ^ ^ ^ LJ ((, Rec. 11, B.D.G. 158.

168, Cappadocia; Pers. ft: Jzfyj ^ ffT <TT ft’ Ta utcha <® , Demot. Cat.
I \> tas
Behis. I, 15, Babyl. ^ J^ftf fctf Sft TK 425, a town near Al-Hibah
Behis. 6.
Rec. 27, 83,
Ta Bati ft
Sni (Asna).

Ta bar rv/^1» Eg. Res. 65, 27,

Ta , a town of Isis.
Rec. 20, 116, a district in Syria; compare Heb.

Taiu rv^vo, IV, 800, "Vi^FI Josh, xix, 22.

a SOdani country ; situation unknown. Ta Benr(?) ~ l'". a district near

Sphinx 14, 164, the
Ta aab 7K
iro I Eastern Delta. Ta makhit ^ © (( |C^'|» Nastasen

Ta aam =^= (1 I
Stele 58, a district in the Sftdan.

B.D.G. 24, a district in the Nome Sep. | Taemarqheh —

Ta aakhu =555='^sf 1, “land of I ©, a name of the Necropolis.

the spirits ”—a country in the Southern Shdan.

Ta mer ===== ft Ik A AELaJ)fin» 111
l Hi the Fayyhm.
Ta Amentt , the country to
1 I
the west of the Nile. Ta mer IV, 805, a sctdani

country; situation unknown.

Ta ari =?
4T$©’Rec-i6’ ii8>
Asna (Latopolis). Ta mera A r~ 1
Taah 1 , Mar. Karn. 52, 20, d r© = d r» m m
• 1 V 7f77 l iwi1
the Oasis of
e ©’ I © ’
l^ the Land Mera, /.<?., Egypt; Gr.
©’ nW/ivpis.
Taiu Agert ^ H S p^oq, the lands
v 3 Ta meh A.Z. 1907,16,
of the Tuat of Memphis.

Ta an
5= - -0 ’
W o, A.Z. 17, 56, a dis- ©• ^iSr©’
I H /www \J ’ 0

trict on the Euphrates (?) °°N|e

ni Rec. 13, 11, the Land of the North, /.<?.,

Ta ankh -ft ^ ^ ° > a district in © ’ the Delta.
1 © fwi*
the Nome Khensu(?).
Ta mehi c<=>< /VWW\ ^ the district
= U3 I V7 m VVWA
\ O
Ta ar , Rev. 13, 3
about the Phatnitic mouth of the Nile
I s
[ 1051 ]
\ mi
Ta em Thar Tar, Ter Herusatef Stele 32, 121,
<5 pA^i Q©’

the region about Tanis.

^, Nastasen Stele 32, a town in Nubia
Ta nen , a name of Mendes.

and a seat of the cult of the goddess Bast; var.


AAAAAA n o i
, a sanctuary of Ptah and Osiris Tarer , o
\> ' nnn n 2££>
at Memphis; varr.
AAAAAA A -l-: ' <$} o< s
a ^ P P o AAAAAA
1_| ) AAAAAA
I— —1 AAAAAA Tm’ on' . ™ , ce3=Tu£^£>,
Taen item (| £_ $ “ (] Vim ^
, Denderah.
msisi © I o©

Taruti peh Nastasen

1 Jr w ^©
\> 5^ Stele 40, the region beyond Taruti.
^, Tentyra (Den- Ta rem v

derah), the capital of the Nome Aatta.

AAAAAA j • , • . c

Ta en ankh a district of
i \> B.D. 113, 5, a town in the Delta
AAAAAA f © ’ Heliopolis.

Tanisa(P) $ Rec. 8, 138, a Tarmen AAAAAA

^ a town in
I s \\ district in Syria. AAAAAA ©’ Nubia.

Taen Uatchit J o ^ ^, the Tarreq ^ Nastasen Stele 44, a

1 A © ’ town in the Shdan.
district of Buto.

Ta en Manu /WAAAA_^ fN/VQ . the

Ta hetch 1,a suburb
I n ODD of Thebes (?)
West, the land of the sunset.
£ £ =?^=
Ta khent
Ta ent Her Aa O 10© I \>
¥-i , Nubia.
Dendur in Northern Nubia.

Ta Nehes 1), IV, 334,

Taiu sa (?) P^A,
"ir^A IV, 798, a Sildani country; situation unknown.
, Herusatef Stele 5, the Stidan.
Ta Sebak Croco-
Ta en tarer PM
I H dilopolis.
czr=>, Tentyris, the capital
Ta sema - nix 00,
of the Nome Tentyrites (Denderah); Copt.
IV, 800, P£SQ, Rec. 20, 115, a
Teirrcope. \>
Sudani country ; situation unknown.
Ta Neter 1 ' = , ^ , i
Ip^V Is I I TtlWI*
, Land of
a district in Upper Egypt.
the God, i.e., the Western Coast of the Arabian
Peninsula and the African Coast facing it,
Somaliland, etc. Ta set, Ta sti «=^ , M. 182,

Taui Neteru ■ g ^ cy^o, N. 661,

\> II I ~1 ,» m. i39,

\> Vrf \> , Nastasen Stele 15,

1!- cyyi1 ^ 1 0*0 ©
^ the desert region between the C>»o P o
mu III ’ Nile and the Red Sea. I s [W)’ 00 ^, I c ^© ’
[1052 ]

the land of the bowman (?), i.e., Nubia; Ta amens <3 Pv a town in

i, Nubians. Nubia, the modern Kalabshah ; see Termes.

g~i Ta ahi en Bast ( FO ((] I_I /wwv\

Ta she i w " i fx/v/p
c I c© c© fC7 ^ B.D.G. 209, a district in the Nome
the Land of the Lake, U 0 ’ Theb ah.
r^n, nn, ,
i.e., the Fayyftm.
^1^© Tf® Ta ah-t pa_^ pi ©»
Ta shema ° ^4jdJ
Sphinx 14, 166, a town in the Delta.
V ¥ © ’ l \> ¥ © ’

f. Dream Stele 5.
I \>
Ta as-t mens ^
& ig /WWW
-1 n Af] Rec. 13, 11, the “South district of Western Thebes.
Hi © ’ land,” i.e., Upper Egypt. a
Ta as-t en Tena ^ /WWW <> o

~w ill-’
Ta shesht, Ta sheshth ^ miwi,
a town in the district of Phathyrites.
IK is: o a
, IV, 800, rsr~i 0-/vq Rec. Ta as-t ges seshen c jj
s 1 r^V 1 v o g I
20, 114, a Sfidani country; situation unknown.
rm >), a district of Edfti.

Taqat TM©'Denderah- Taaanak b iv, 783,

Taqtat (?) ‘ Nastasen Stele IV, 650, o

44, a town in the Sftdan.

A (j^OZVUL.D. 111,252, 14, o
_2££> <=>
nu©,atown in Egypt- QZV1, o <~=> a district
Ta tarr tT ^ Rec. 15, 159, Tentyris in Syria; Heb. “TpV.n Josh, xvii, n, Tall
al-‘Amarnah -Jiff
Ta tham(?)
foreign country.
7=^=1!^^’a Ta at pa-skhenu ... ta o

Ta tcheser ^ W7 0 ^PfLMl]()®'Sphi linx 14, 162, a

W7 s <r> ’ town in the Eastern Delta.

1 “ holy land ”—a name of
W7 rx/x/i’ o the Necropolis.
Ta at pa-qen pa-111 sha o
/WWW Rec. 31, 35, a town in
7—/I fAr\ tyX ^ ’ Egypt.
Taa SliJ©’T'374’ m-I9°’
[ M. 125, 5^^©> N. 694, ^ t 4’ Ta at nehep o
,n HId ©’
village near Sais.
Hh. 181, ^ ©, Hh. 175, the Tuat(?)

^ n /wwv\ A7
Ta at en Sessu o
Ta aaban c j (J Agj c, Anastasi I, 27, 3, a town in
Demot. Cat. 424; Gr. Tuipwms. Mi' the Eastern Delta.

Ta aa-t pa Bast j Ta at en Thar o

1 , Rev. 31, 35, a town in Egypt. ^f>, A.Z. 35, 18, the district of Tanis.
* ©
Ta aa-t thath o \v\^
Rev. 11, 146, a place; compare Copt.
Rec. 31, 35, a town in Egypt. V,
Ta au au o ^s\ ( ^ ^ ^, a district Taami eg, Rev. 11,122,

of Western Thebes. 12, 24, 37, a place.

[ 1053 ]

Ta an(?) o , P.S.B. 14, 238, Ta mait en Penai o

a \> \> □ o
a town in the Q 1^1, a district in the Nome Pathyrites
Ci ©, ^ [="31 ’ Delta.

_0 Ta mait sher o
Ta arget o B.D.G.
a district near Edfh.
131, a town near Thebes; Copt. T<LpKIC,
=>D ^
Ta m’khir pet ^
\\ ©
a town in the Western Delta
Ta aha en Amen
Ta m’ten en Anep o AWW\
f B.D.G. 29, A.Z. 1876, 122, a portion of <j> Y [) /VVW'A 0 <?
H wmm’ the Necropolis of Thebes. 1 ^‘ (_ , a suburb of Memphis.

Taitchai o^(](] <2 | QO “, Rev. 14, Tam en pa Ra olv

74, a town in Egypt. O r^ff j Sphinx 14, 162, a solar sanctuary.
© Gol. 11, 73, a town n
Tau (?) c Tamens a I ©, a district of
near This.
Western Thebes.
Tauur fa a town near Abydos;
T <—;> ^ ’ see Nefur.
Ta mer Ra a
Tauhibit | (j() § J 1)1) S’ Piankhi Stele, 115, a town near Mendes.
B.D.G. 160, a town near Memphis.
Tamkera QS ’, IV, 797, a
g=D I
Tausakh fj ° 'l n^n, Gol. 4, Sfidani country ; situation unknown.
D 1 w I
w Ta ner-t en Behut o
4, a district in Syria ; see | o Dmu
^a, B.D.G. 61, the quarry of Edfh.
Ta ut o P.S.B. 13, 518, © /\
^ V 7 /WWW <-

Ta[u]nres <q> , IV, 791, a

the Necropolis of He-t-Benu.
district in Syria ; situation unknown.
Ta utchaa o 11®, adis.
4 \> Tari ^0<=>Q|) 1 \ B.M. 138, Rec.
trict in the Nome Sept. <^3> J ’
15, 171, a district in Eastern Nubia.
o, P. 711, a • n ^ f) .imm,
in the Tuat. Tareb Amen ^ tx r ( —,

P.S.B. 14, 238, a town in Egypt.

Taba “J(j 0^9, IV, 802, a Shdani

country; situation unknown. Ta res shema o

Demot. Cat. 424, a suburb of Memphis.
t □ IV, 785, a dis¬
^ o=o<
trict in Syria; compare Heb. Numb, Tarshaba
1 1 1
xxi, 30. Rec. 20, 116, a district in Syria; situation un¬
Ta ma[it] aat-t o
Tar.... shema ^
B.D.G. 137, a district near Edfu. a ©’
Herusatef Stele 23, a town in the Sftdan.
Ta mait Amen [[
Tartcha CVX£1, IV, 789,
B.D.G. 28, a district in Upper Egypt. 111 w a.
a district in Syria; situation unknown.
Ta mait aser o op
\> Ta he-t ]Q©’ Dabftd’
1, B.D.G. 72, a district near Edfft. in Nubia (?)
[1054 ]

Ta he-t , a town in Lower Egypt, Ta qi(?)

^ c:
(2 , Demot.
) \>
Cat. 425, a suburb of Gebe en
dT$S- \> ^
Ta qehi dd® , Demot.
Ta heni pa senb o 1 o
odd Cat. 425, a town near Al-Hibah
d /wwv\
I J ©, Sphinx 14, 162, the Serbonian Bog.
Ta kam-t r ^ a town in the
.m $©.’ Eastern Delta.
Ta kliam’ o^\ ^ - -n, a canal in the
^ l(Q (3(3 o
Nome Herakleopolites.
Takamsa-t o m
^ (S(S(^ ©
Ta Kharmush ^ |\ Q^T & Zllif, Tachompso,
, a canal in the Nome Edfh. the limit of the AtuSeKdaxoivov, [ ^ on
V 1 7\ J II
the south, opposite Pselchis; Gr. Taxofi^w.
D j ^ ©’ N' 1343 Ui f\[
Ta kari aa-t pa nefer ^
, N. 1360 (?)
D *«=* t to] Sphinx 14, 165, a town in
l O ’ the Delta.
Ta kherm’u o
Tag ® 1, a town in Egypt.
a canal in the Nome Sethroites.

Ta get en na sia(?) o ffi /WWW

Tasana n. ^ /WWW

1 1 10 1 w L V7
Rec. 20, 115, a district in Syria; situation un¬
(var- J( I l 1
, a canal

known. near EdfA.

Tasu 1 & P.S.B. 11, 256, a ZS <=>


Taget enta tebt o

d m t _zT ’ town in Egypt. t=t o
<0 o 1
1, a canal near Edfft.
Tasth 1 IV, 799, a ft <03
SOldani country ; situation unknown. Ta Tehen ^ rn © , a fortress in

the Nome Anpu.

Tashaanau o

? a canal near Tan is.

Tatha <=>, IV, 791, a district in
1 1 1

Syria; situation unknown.

Ta shetaf (?) ™ |, Pierret,
Ta then (?) o Rec. 31,
Inscrip. II, 33, a locality in Upper Egypt.
ypt. l1
35, a town in Egypt.
□a A Q
Ta sheta , Demot.
cm Ta tenat ^ AAAAAA j 3. canal
Cat. 424, a place near Thebais. AAAAAA 1 AAAAAA

near Tanis.
Tashetna o rv/vo, L.D.
Ta tehen ^
ra 8’ Rec- 14,565
Ill, 252, 86, a district in Syria; situation un¬
the temple of Serapis at Memphis.

Ill, 143. a town in Taakmers 1 > iv, 791,

Taqa o
a district in Syria; situation unknown

TaqaU IV, 804, a Sfidani country;

Tab ) () j situation unknown.
° ^ T’ a <4'str’ct 'n N°me Set.
* Rec-
_ / 0
2°> 177) fl (J A. _> Rec- 2°, 113) a dis¬
R ^ ^ Berlin, 2074, a locality of Eastern ft JT* I I I
_0 X ’ Thebes. trict in Syria ; situation unknown..
[ 1055 ]

T4mm Mkk’iv- 782, a district Tita Q£^G, L.D. Ill, 88, a district
in Syria; situation unknown. in Syria ; situation unknown.

Tam’qur IV, 794, Tua o l~^^, IV, 800, a Sftdani

a district in Syria ;v situation unknown. country; situation unknown.

Tamenti ] Q “ ^ 1 ^ , Anastasi Tua o ^ O, B.D.G. Supp. 886, a

I, 2i, 3, a district in Syria; compare Heb. town in the Nome Mahetch.
n;pri, josh, xv, 10.
Tuaub ^ ^ (j ^ J- IV, 79°, a dis¬
Tanai ( AAAAAA ^ M (W), IV, 733, a trict in Syria ; situation unknown.

district in Syria; situation unknown. Tui utchai -^()(|

Tanep } Q ^^rwy Rec- T9, 18, Tunep(?) Piankhi Stele, a town in the Nome Bu Tchamui.
(J 1 □ ’ q.v.
o 0 a district in
Tarua £ r\ i —/I r^-A^i * Syria (?)

0 IV, 797, a Sudani country; situation Tubi o^jj(|(|,

P^"cp1 unknown.
IV, 782, P^Q, Rec. 20, 116, a
Tarennu wmm iv, 792, a district
district in Syria; situation unknown.
in Syria; situation unknown. AAAAAA

Tun. o ^ 'j p^q, Rec. 20, 115 ; see

Tarkha (Talkha) | | 1, IV,
Utent % AAAAAA #
793, a district in Syria; situation unknown.
Tarqaar "jj ( ^^ i| Tunipa, Tunpa o
N| fwxq Anastasi I, 22, 8, a district in Syria; IV, 788, IV, 686, 729, n
situation unknown.
%\ 88, a district in Syria;
Takhsa jj ( ^ [q] I 'j Anastasi I, Jf ’ Assyr. -Jiff ^ £JJ.
22, 3, a district in Syria; situation unknown;
Tur ! PyX/l- Rec. 20, 118, a dis¬
Tall al-Amarnah V
trict in Syria ; situation unknown.
Tasakha | ( & p^o, Rec. 20,
Tururek ) IV, 797, a
116; see Takhsa.
Sftdani country; situation unknown.
Rec. 20, 114 ; see
Tasasu | ( & =.^,
Tasurt. Turbi J (jjj (j [W], Eg. Res.
Tasurt ^ IV, 783, a district 64, 19, a district in Syria; situation unknown.

in Syria; situation unknown; Tall al-‘Amarnah Turbenta *tj AAAAAA ](|, iv,
■*tt m mi <w* *<i< <m- 791, a district in Syria; situation unknown.

Taknu (?) IV, 793. a dis¬ Tursi & 'j [MA9, Rec. 20,
trict in Syria ; situation unknown. 119, a district conquered by Rameses III.

Tia ](](] qgw, |(j(j IV, Tuksar o ^ <=>, Rec. 20, 118,
Jr 1 ’
784, a district in Syria; situation unknown. a district conquered by Rameses III.
~\ f\ f\ AAAAAA

Tiruaaa ^ (j ^ ) fv^n, Tutina j (|(j IV, 781, a dis¬

Gol. 4, 9, a foreign district (?) trict in Syria; situation unknown.

[ 1056 ]

Teban (?) o J^ AAAAAA _rrvy 1V W1

IV, 805, Teph Nu (Nenu) 000
^ 1-'i, a sanc-

a Sudani country; situation unknown. tuary at Memphis.

Tebu ^ J ^ ©, with , B.D. 85, 15, Teph tcha ° § i ^ °

aX’ □
a mythological locality. o X Q 0 ft, O
a I_I da [T“D ’ □ I_I tih I_1 □
Tepasu ©> P.S.B. 25, 220,
□ , a sanctuary in Memphis.
a town in Egypt. xn~3
a□ o
Tepi-aaut ^ ^ ^} a name of Edfft Tepestem r^O, IV, 806, a
im< ^rnr
B.D.G. 48, a Sftdani country ; situation unknown.
Tepi An ® ( AAAAAA

a ’ town in Egypt. [“I AAAAAA

n Tepkenna I " " 1 V^CD,IV,79o,

□ t
Tepi en An AAAAAA 1 «MWA Pk/\>0

a district in Syria ; situation unknown.

ff\ [] QQ <^4 C
AA llilin1 1 ^ (W]
I I AAAAAA ~ r^n 1I Mi o Teptennu aaaaa^ ©, A.Z. 49, 130,
of the valley,” perhaps a proper name.
Tebtynis = Tebtennu jj\ AAAAAA

Tepiah I, the capital

of the Nome Matenu (Aphroditopolis); Copt,

nexme.p,, Arab.
Tef ur

^ ©.
x see

Tepi uar «
s 1 Tema
-J? ^
^ , a town in Nubia.
a town, the site of the Northern Film al-Khalig,
Babylon of Egypt.
Temi ^

Tepi-t mu (?) AAAAAA

a town in Egypt. 1=1 > 1 i AAAAAA }



Tepi nef T) a town in , the canal of the Nome Bu-tchamui.

Egypt. T=T

Tepi nekheb ® !j. 0 j ©, Rec. 20,115, Temmerp

Sftdani country; situation unknown.
^ *''* j ® ^ ^ J rSL) > IV> 8oo> a coun-
try conquered by Thothmes III. see
Teml> )kfl
Tepi sekh-t ® (][)(] \a dLstrict n?.ar 'l [yvi.
I | Hermopohs.
Tem hesi su em pet-t pest temt
Tepi setem a portion of the
Labyrinth which represented the Nome Coptites. ^rnr ll o ..
1=3=1 a quarter of Tombos Stele 10, a fort of Thoth¬
Tepi she maa mes I in the Third Cataract.
\> Thebes.

Tepi shema &^ ^ , “the head of the Temesqu

South ”—the southern frontier of Egypt. IV, 781, Damascus; Heb. plT’Q'iT, Tallal-‘Amar-

Tepi taui ® : (1) a part nah ^yy 5*1f - ^y, ^yy <y^ >f Ay,
v \> o X- #

Arab. ^ j, Syr. vDOCQlD)), Gr. A a/xaaKo^*

of the Labyrinth representing the Nome Aphro- (m* ^
ditopolites; (2) a name of Edfu.
Tem qai x ^ , a name of
Tephen □ 9 , Sphinx 14, 162,
Khemenu (Hermopolis Magna).
Tahpanhes—a frontier town near Pelusium;
Heb. Dn:snn; Daphnae, the modern Tall Ten f?) 95 the 3rd Nome of
Dafannah. Upper Egypt.
[ 1057 ]

Ten (?) iJIis, the capital of the 3rd Nome a <qp> a district in the
’ Shdan.
of Upper Egypt, Nekheb (Eileithyiaspolis).
Terkhais ( (j "I f^A, Rec.
o Cl

*1 0 , MMM 'j 1
20, 117, see <iz

©> ( Demot. Cat. 424, the capital of the

Nome Abydos in Upper Egypt; Gr. ON, Qivio; Terterl<7>! , •]<7>]Teaa-

IV, 797, a Sudani country ; situation unknown.

Tehbau ) HD J (j ^cw), IV, 805, a

Assyr. -tff cHTT TMf Jff •
Shdani country ; situation unknown.
Tenen /WWVA Ak p-^S), a town in the
AAAAAA LA \&7 Tehbebu ) m | | V, IV, 797 ; see
Delta, Al-Batnhn; Copt. n<LO<Lrtort.

Teni Q (](] ( Rec. n, 147, a town in

the Eastern Delta. Tehen ^ FD @ “ “0®
aaaaaa i © row 1 I H ’ ro
a ,vww a quarter of the town of Shenakhen

0 (3 r=i in the Nome Arsinoites.
r\m aaaaaa , a canal in the Nome Cynopolites. AAAAAA
a temple estate in
• Jj AAAAAA Tehni
ra Memphis.
Tennu 'l ILL the district of
Tehen ta ^ ^ ^ ■I -»see

0 Abydos (?)
Tenuhi Rec. 11, 91, a dis-
Tehi 1 8 \\ 1 Rec- IT> 69> a foreign
0 5 trict in Egypt (?) 0 A country.

Tenusuu | 0 IV, 805, a Tehnu '|<_5j> M. 766, ) IV, 61 y.

Shdani country ; situation unknown. HV 0 r^A, Rec. ii, 68, o |
.Tent ta a 1 AAAAAA , a dis- Rec. 11,91, || 0^^^.0.111,2290,^1

trict in the Shdan. f^A

1 1 1 , B.D.G. 1064, Pfff3 ^2^* L'bya
Tentcham jj
o tUj JiR* r^vA’ Tekh ° ° pyvq PaP- 3024, 136, a dis-
P.S.B. 7 (plate), a district near Denderah. 0 O ’ trict in Egypt.

Terb C^£), IV, 790, a district in Tekht(?) 1 II rv/vo. Mar. Karn. 38,

Syria; situation unknown. a district in Syria (?)

Tekhs , IV, 893, L.D. III,
Terbu , IV, 791, a district in W f^A
Syria; situation unknown. 65A, 17, a district in Syria; Tall al-‘Amarnah

•V <r>
Terbusa Rec. 20,
117, a country conquered by Rameses III.
Teser CZ\ ©, Rec. 11, 186,

AAAAAA AAAAAA a name of the Necropolis.

Term’nna (?) <^>
J] Ml Teanen ° ^ Herusatef Stele 116,
IV, 788, a district in Syria; situation unknown. ^ A M 1 ©5 a town in the Shdan.

Tekaru (?) ^
Termems ) 5ok ^ V 4 ® ’ a town :• [u]
in Nubia, the modern Kalabshah ; see Termes. IV, 796, a Stidani country; situa-
-’ tion unknown.
o /- _
Termes ©, Rec. 21, 226, Kalab-
TethneS a , IV, 800, a Sudani
aaaaaa C^bA

shah; varr. s: a country; situation unknown; varr. AAAAAA

rv/~vA, IV, 800, and 1 n~oiA, Rec. 20, 114.


3 x
[ 1058 ]
i *=
Tethres n. , IV, 800, a Tharhu 1 £> Anas'
Sudani country ; situation unknown. tasi IV, ib, i, a town in the north-east of the
i <3:
Tharkha | J IV, 794, a

Thaaur district in Syria; situation unknown; Tall

district in Syria ; situation unknown al-‘Amarnah A*' yr

Thairsa Iq] 1, Iy> 79°, a Thartuna

district in Syria ; situation unknown. <—> O 0=0 Alt-K. 1173, a town in
w O 1 1 1 .m Egypt (?)
Thapthar ° ^7'_&£>, IV, 788,
Thakar (Thakal)
a district in Syria ; situation unknown.
■%-v ^ Ci O
IV, 788, a district in Syria; situation unknown.
Tham *9 1 -n v.s CAJ
f\^n ^

Thakar = M ©’Rec-
21, 77, 1 ''j [AMR a district
° JV ^ the town and Necropolis of
v^- q, -to ©» on the Mediterranean coast.
Western Thebes; Copt. XHAA6, XGX*-H,
Thakna rv/vo, Rec. 20,115,
xgjuig, xhjulh ; see i^g
a district in Syria ; situa-
1 £ -’ tion unknown.
Tham’uka ,IV,
792, a district in Syria; situation unknown. Thagerr IV, 789, a dis¬
trict in Syria; situation unknown.
Thanret IV, 788, a
111 u
district in Syria ; situation unknown Thatarset ](j<^=>^-],Iy,79°,

Thar , a district IV, 791, a district in Syria;

near Mendes.
0 lew situation unknowm.

the Nome
Thatha (Thaui ?)
Thar ft , the ' T ^ ’ Latopolites.
o i—1 O T=EI c:1

marshy district of Sma-Behut. 0_D

Thatham’ , Rec. 20, 116,
Thar a district in Syria ; situation unknowm.
ft ©’ fT ©
L"^“l: (1) a sanctuary of An-her in Thataa , Alt-K. 1183,
Sebennytus; (2) a sanctuary of Neith in the Delta. a towm ; position unknown
1 1 J&sfc o
Thar ©,IV, 647, Thattana
I w B IM

<§. ©;
1A <EN1 ^ W
Rec. 15, 144, a town; position unknown.

Thamens —■ ^a
town in Nubia
1 ^w /wwv\ /WVWS
s *
1 ! _ , a frontier Thinnur IV,
I [W]’
w 111 O JT 1
793, a district in Syria; situation unknown.
fortress in the Eastern Delta, Tanis; Assyr.

^TT YY 4HT *7^ • Thirna twp L.D. Ill,

Tharbu j ^ Rec. 20, 209, Rec. 20, 116, a country; situation un

115, a country conquered by Rameses III. known.

Tharnasa JY, 793, a Thirsa ( [j 't?, IV, 790, a dis¬

district in Syria ; situation unknown, trict in Syria ; situation unknown.

[ 1059 ]
Thirshakhar Theb-neter "]s==vj ©, ]Ss“,
Rec. 20, 116, a district in Syria; situation un¬ ^ Sebennytus, the capital of the 12th
Nome of Lower Egypt ; Copt.
Thisup Rec. 20, „7, a
XeJUUTCnrf, Assyr. CrfTT^ ^T<»
*» ^ *
country conquered by Rameses III.
Thithu “ ^ ^ , IV, 794, a AAAAAA M

Thmusnuth (?) AAAAAA D O

Sudani country ; situation unknown. O AAAAAA

IV, 797, a Sfidani country; situation unknown.

Thua s=> s^j [[wj], IV, 8oo, see
Themeh g_s fih a country to the
X I’ west of the Nile.
Tua Q fl % y AAAAAA

Then 1 a®'IT'"J,’!T ©•
Thuau f^x/i. a district in

the south of Egypt. IV, 769, AAAAAA 'j Q , AAAAAA It?®' AAAAAA

V ©
the capital of the Nome Abydos in Upper
Thubtie jW a/xq, Rec. 20,117; var.
© ’ Egypt ; Assyr. ^ ^ TM? £*•
, a district in Syria.
Thenas r IV, 803, a Sfidani
Thufi«^f Sl country; situation unknown.


15?®' °r a name o ir\

v fX/X/1
for the swampy districts in the Delta filled with I , Sanehat, a district; situation unknown.
marsh plants: s=o ^ ^ = Heb.
Thennu Her-t AAAAAA r^s\
Copt, zoovq. D
Upper Thennu.
Thuna^lk©, e \®’
Pelusium; Heb. V”?> Ezek. xxx, 15, 16, Tall
2=5 %'
I 71 tHi
rvaaaaa I -Tl^S.

al-‘Amarnah »-^yy jr^Ty (?) IV, 789, a district in Syria; situation unknown.

Thuntchaur^^ , . Thenpu iCwi? ^\> rwi ;„see Tunip.

IV, 789, a district in Syria; situation unknown;

Thenheqab ra (] J, IV, 80,, a
Tall al-‘Amarnah V |y KT*”"TT<T • AAAAAA

Sfldani country ; situation unknown

^ a_d
Thukhm’raka III
w Thent remu t —- Piankhi
Rec. 20, 117, a district in Syria;
situation unknown. Stele, a town in the Eastern Delta; var.

Thuka , IV, 788, a dis¬

trict in Syria ; situation unknown.
W ^ IV, 1029, a town
Therr ’ in the Delta(?).
Thuthenau Ik, Iv, 790,

a district in Syria ; situation unknown. Therbu (x/vq, Rec. 20, 117, a

district in Syria; situation unknown.

Tkeb ah (?) , the 12th Nome
Therta "jj ®(j ©» a town
of Lower Egypt (Sebennytes).

©, S
in Upper Egypt; Copt. T'epUVT.
^ I \

B.D.G. 644, Supp. 931, Sphinx, 14 160, a town Theretis “)!](|~ , Rec. 20, 115,

near Tanis (Daphnae); Arab, ZiJ Jj. a Sudani country ; situation unknown.
[ 1060 ]
<3 A
Thehbebu IV , 797, a Taum (?) cs[ ’, Rec. 20, 114,
(3 (2 QZN9
Sudani country ; situation unknown. a Sudani country; situation unknown.

T5tnr -Q a town in Nubia,

Thehenu o') 0, IV, ■d,lU1 | ^G^©’ Dendur (?)
Soo, a Sfidani country; part of Libya.
<> ■ ——^
w QA AA a

Thes -H- -, Rec. 36, 53, a town of Menu. name of Antinoopolis

^ © ,_«=^-, A A AAAAAA ^
III, 143, a town
Thes Syfr> ^ a Sudani country; situa-
\\ IIq I 0 HI' in Egypt.
c=o>=a (x/x/}’ tion unknown. <—v. rx^x/i
Tir \\ | I ^ , Rec. 2i, 77, a town in
Thes ^, Edfti.
Syria; compare Heb. "YH.

Thes Uan ^ Twjw rw\, IV, Tira-t , a district near '***£

’ \\ ©
891, “ Ridge of Uan,” a district in Syria (?) (Asna).
a crypt at
Tnat en ba ®
Thes Heru j]_ , the 2nd Nome of WWW YJ jV ’ Edfti.
7 Tuat Kheraha ® ^ ryy^ ©, the
Upper Egypt (Apollinopolites). id n <d> _
Tuat of Babylon of Egypt.
Thes hehutt !° A.Z.
ii £fil I 1 Tuat sketa(?)
1 a crypt at
1866, 36, a name of Amend; Gr. Tno-ra?. Denderah.

Thes kha-t en Tehuti £| Tuatchef “ofEg^

^ the west bank
k^’anameof Tu Amentt [X/X/]’ of the Nile.
l amn n
Th-Set t Nastasen Stele 2K = a name of the
b ©
Tu aa
I mim
© 1 ^ ’ Necropolis.
Ta Sti =^= f Z ■
UZ3 <~==* 0
Tu aa tes tliehen n ,, nnm
C^nmo ^
§-5 a town near Oxy-
Thekansh the alabaster quarries in the Nome Sep;
LJ 1 © ’ rhynchus.
Gr. ' A\aj$aorTpr]v'ov opos.
Theku 1 , (?. © mrni £3
Tuu Uah-t (?) )•
, capital of the the hills round the Oasis of Khargah.

Nome Heroopolites; Heb. J-fDp (?) Tuuab

□nm ( J’ lunffli J©5
Thetasth ~-
Sudani country ; situation unknown.
CWL IV, 799, a
, mull
al at the
AA/WVV 5 “ holy mountain,” i.e., Gebel
foot of the Fourth Cataract.

Thetna Ch , a IV, Tubakh 7^ I , Anas-

AAAAAA AAAAAA @ jj* \\ -_ —* I I
799, a Sfidani country : situation unknown. tasi I, 19, 1, a district in Syria; Tall a1-‘Amarnah
**TT ~ 4; compare Heb. jiniltp,
1 Chron. xviii, 8.

Tapur □ L.D. Tu baa

M iiW°,
I ioUiliU o
quarries of Thebes.
III, 156, c=
□ @ _ „ the 12th Nome of Upper Egypt
1 'l oyvAi a district in Syria; situation un¬ Tly’ (Antinoopolites).



Tu-f ^ "y ‘ Rec. 17, 120 :
(1) a section of the Labyrinth; (2) a town
Rec. 8, 140, see /www
sacred to Horus.
[1061 ]
000 A.Z. 35, r9 (Apollinopolis Magna), the capital
Tu manu ^ 4 the region of
I nmn — [vvq of the 2nd Nome of Upper Egypt; Copt.
the West, the mountain of Sunset.
T&CO, AVrikJO, Arab. .
J \
Tu en Up-ta £Z2
\J~, Rec. 15,
I tmiD Teb Userka
171, A.Z. 1883, 66, “mount of the horns of the Edfh (?)

Tu en Bekha
mnD J ©j
Teb meh
North ”—a name of
AJ Jr : (r) “Teb of the

• “VJ
the East—the mountain of Sunrise.
^ a, the region of Serapis in the Nome Metelites.

Teb en Tebti J^
Tu en Bekhan
nmE N ^
m 1
/www L.D.
AAAAAA , the eastern
\\ mnD Tebi ^, a name of Naucratis (?)
end of Wadi Hammamat.
Tebu (Tchebu) | ©, the capital
Rec. 20, 118, a district in Syria; situation un¬
* of the Nome Uatchet; Copt. A.'tS.CO, Arab.
At fill.
/N /\ /\ ^
m . . , 1 <0 omnn 1 ^ Tebui ^, the marshland
Tu hetch “wh,te
of the Nome Tuf.
mountain”—a desert region in Northern Nubia.
Tebennu e=s 'j rw), Rec.
Tusemt(?) Rec. 13,37, a o
a mountain district. 20, ri5; see Thehennu §=> 'j IV, 800,
qq rva CN£)
Tu sheta c^i
==’ (2mm] ^ x’ I tmm ft.
a name of the Necropolis.
Teber AJTATM"-
r-ft qa o Tebkhu <^>jJn^,IV, 781, a district in
Tu sheta ent Unnefer
Syria; compare Heb. Tall al-‘Amarnah
( ^ PXj ’ a Necropolis in the Natron Valley,
~ 4-
Tep U. 261, N. 939,
f^Ti I-TV-1 » . □
Tu sheta en Behut « . .. * WWVN C r 23 j
• ' ! anm X I
the Necropolis of Edfh.
o © □ ^ □ Al'TtTTIM
), one half of the town of Per
Tuqa C?'J[q.
Uatchet (Buto); the other half was called Pe
town in the Nome Aphroditopolites. □
Tu qa. Ament ^ ^ the hills
c^nrnE ^ Sphinx 14, 159,
of Wadi Natrftn. Tepi
□ TC- Buto.
Tu tesher r^i nnni,
Tep-Pe M Pe-
IV, 167, “Red Mountain,”/./?., the granite
:p, the two
t halves of Per Uatchet (Buto).
quarries of Aswan.
Tepr , a district in Syria,
Tuh =^>ra, iv- 799, □ I
uation 1unknown ; compare Heb. ,
a Shdani country ; situation unknown.
= Temai en
Teb (Tcheb) ^©1 AJ©'Ai Heru
; Copt. irf~ JULiri£/JOp. The modern
©’ <==aj'bi' ® ’ T J ©> Damanhhr.
[1062 ]
Temai p-sebt meht Teshert cm

• * •
m LD-

P!0 °°S , a district of Der al-Bahari.
^ \> in, 140c,
m o
, Cm) I
<—> 1I rv/w
, CD
Temai enti ast Hern
©! (W)’ m
S Edm.
c* \\ & , the Eastern Desert and Arabia.

Temai en Heru (](] © 0 Tequr

A ¥
fv/W, Rec. 20, 115,

qqsvs , a town in the 6th

Nome of Lower Egypt (Her mopolis Parva); Copt,

a district in Syria; situation unknown.

Teqnasa Rec. 20, 116,

A JJ&. 1
'f JUiert^/JOp, -f-JULen^Ohfp. The modern
a district in Syria; situation unknown
w w
Tema en Tcharu c—r, ^ (j ^ /wwv\

1 f^w,

Anastasi I, 21, 8, a district in Syria;

"Ua| ~ ^ see Tcharu. I ’ situation unknown.

Tema Thebent c-^ | (j ^ © s=> J Tegaraar
0 w

©, Daphnae (?); Heb. DnjBnfl. The /V 'l Anastasi I, 21, 8, a district in Syria;
/Ci I I ’ situation unknown.
modern Dafanu^jj.
Tegnui P.S.B. 25, 220,
a town near Hensu ffl Jr 1 1 ©’ a town in Egypt.
Tena “ (j o 1C,
AAAAAA I ©' (Herakleopolis). a town in Nubia (?), situation
£ '£k(2. ^ a town near Mem¬ unknown.

Ten Assa ( Q 1|]| *3F* an

Tet (Tchet) Teta, jj T. 235, jj [
estate of King Assa. , P. 204 + 15, M. 310, t? kSal, N. 846,
IA o
Tenu AAA/WA 3=1 >—c, a ^ ^, Rec. 27,228,
o (2 ft 0 © ft
canal in the Nome Cynopolites.

see Terteni
®- — V'1_a
A_a t^\o’
^ a^
LIU CV^I. (2

©’ He ©
, Rec. 4, 27, jj^
a district; situation unknown. ^©* 51^®’ H © H’ n®H’
Terteni ^ AAA/WA r^W, Champ. M’ {jjj©> M©’ ®us^s an<^
KH <r-AAAAAA A A Mendes.
Not. II, 122, ^ ((I [W],

de Rouge I.H. 206, the name of a Mediterranean

Tet jj© )—(, a canal in Lower Egypt.

people; Gr. AapSauoi (Asien, 355).

Tet as M rl ° a sanctuai7 1 situation
ra & ^ iiil JJ cm ’ unknown.
Tehan _ , see
ra www\
Tet asut
Tehan B-D-G-
rn 1 ©* ra ^ 1 1 ©’ Gol. 12, 101.
Demot. Cat. 38, 425 ; Copt. Te&ttl; Arab.
Al-Hibah. Tet asut Teta
pyramid of Teta.
Teshau a iy. 797, a Sftdani

country; situation unknown. Tetnu ^ 0^©,a town in Egypt.

[ 1063 ]
Tetchuuth , IV,
"1^ 0^4 Teham
e ' Rev. 14, 46, 51, Egypt; Copt. XHAJ.6.
805 (cS ( :n^o, Rec. 20, 114), a

country conquered by Thothmes III. Tcham | = Metcha (Una, 15),

Rec. 19, 88.

Tchaani 1 M ©, Rev. n, 128,

TOham ilK’ ReC' ,4' n-S
ted C_) 1
Tanis ; Copt. XAAne, the modern San ^. Tcham ,'^=* ^ . Denderah.

Tchaitathkharri I "is <S>\\ Tcham’ith -n° , L.D. Ill,

[)[) Treaty 28, a district in Syria ; situa- 131,
x, a dictrict in Syria; situation unknown.
** ^ ' ’ tion unknown.
A vi
Tcham’ra => [W], IV, 689,
Tchaitagaaar J ( (j [ ffi
Mar. Aby. II, 28, a district in Syria;
U ('j Anastasi I, 17, 8, a
situation unknown.
district in Syria; Assyr. *e£|T,
Gr. ’S.i'fj.vpa. The modern Sumra on the Nahr
Tchaua Rec-2o> al-Kabir.
114, a country conquered by Raineses III.

Tohanu ilkG°o^’IV,8°6,A1k
Tchauar | f] Rec' 24' ,6° 0 Rec. 20, 114, a Shdani country ;

-i^Tl^’Tyre- Q0 I

’ situation unknown.

1 1 1
Tchaur Rec' 2°’ IV, 789, a district in Syria; situation unknown.
119, Tyre; Tall al-‘Amarnah -Jiff Z^i HfT<T >
Assyr. ^ *JR, Heb.
Tchar ''jtwElV, 891,

Tchaursu | iv, 788,

a district in Syria; situation unknown.

Tchababa C£^Q,
1 T- i V**- A ^
, 1^- Tyre;
Rec. 20, 119, a district in Syria ; situation un¬
Heb. Tl2; Tall al-'Amarnah >-t]] Z^i -TT<T»
Assyr. iHI-
Tchaben Ij Sphinx 14, 160, Se-
w [~Y/\-/~) AA/WVN
bennytus ; Assyr. ^TTT^ ,~<T< > Copt. AAMM
s ? Anastasi I, 21, 1, Tyre the port.
Nastasen Stele, 39, a town
Tchapaqaa | £^q , L.D. Tchar in the Sftdan.
III, 252, 80, a district in Syria conquered by \\
Tchar amu I (2

Shishak I.
Anastasi I, 21, 3, a'district in Northern Syria.
Tchaparenta 0 V Tchareb | iv, 788, a
rv/x/i. Treaty 27, a district in Syria;
district in Syria ; situation unknown.
situation unknown ; Boghaz Keui Zi-ib-la-an-da.
Tcharbasana &
Tchafta ]

Qy\£l, Mar. Aby. II, 5°> a district in

|j IV, 786, IV, 650, a dis¬
Syria; Assyr. *~TM
trict in Syria; situation unknown.
3 x 4
[ 1064 ]
\\ □
Tcharputa (Wl, Tcharit ^ (j(j o, see “—0
t!i) —teNS- <=> I <2 U
Anastasi I, 20, 8, a district in Syria; Assyr.
© '
Heb. n?n^, Gr. 'Zapem
a^5k^’L-D- q , a town which stood near Mansflrah.
III, 252, 56, a district in Syria ; situation un¬
Tcharu 2r)^\>s| Mar- Karn-52>
2 Tcharukha ^ J ^, A.Z. 190 x,
'l Alt-K. 1237, a district in Syria; situa¬
tion unknown. 63, a town in Lower Egypt.

Tcharta (?) Tchitiputa ^ ° ] 1] ^ Anas¬

Treaty 28, a district in Syria. tasi I, 22, 5, a district in Syria; situation un¬
Tchah J raw, J ^ [wj, A ra Tchltuna ^ g ^ Anastasi I,

ra ra IV.
1 biiJ 20, 8, Sidon; Heb. Gr. Assyr.

687, 699, 723, .004, JJ^ ^rr ^ ^y.

Tchuhenu ^ ^ 0^3, Rec.

1 ’ 1 ra Ik M cXj ® ’ phoenicia
20, 113, a Sftdani country; situation unknown.
Tchahana ra

Anastasi I, 17, 3, a district in Syria; situation

1 Tchebueter ^^ ^ J c^‘.

unknown. Rev. 12, 40, Sebennytus ; Assyr. ^


Tchas , IV, 803, a Sadani

country; situation unknown. Tchebakher 'j | ^, Palermo Stele,

Tchat, Tchath i , i , M. „o, N. 675, ^J__0|jra^,

tils Imrv^V
tZA ^
T. 369, a town in the Delta.
IV, 798, a Sudani country; situation unknown.

Tchathakar IV, Tchef ©, B.D. 125, II, 31, the

tJia -CENS' t-ciV | |
792, a district in Syria; situation unknown. seat of Neb-heru ^7 ^.

Tchatpther rv^i. L.D. Tchefrer Brugsch, Rec.

III, 252, 34, a district in Syria; situation un¬ IV, 69, a district; situation unknown.
Tehefta (j, IV, 650, a district in
Tchatchasa 1 0 , IV, Syria; situation unknown.
fcufl 0

800, UP*
di, cJi ^
Syria ; situation unknown. Tchemmia ^^ 0°0 (j IV,

806, a Sftdani country ; situation unknown.

Tchan ,, Rec.
21, 76, the capital of the 14th Nome of Lower Tcher °U=V ^ a sanctuary of Anubis in
*=* © ’ the Nome Sept.
Egypt; Heb. ]}&, Assyr. -Jiff ft tH?)

Gr. T«Vi9, Copt. XA.rtH, Arab. jC*’> see Tcherr , IV, 786, a
Sekh-t Tchan. district in Syria ; situation unknown.
[ 1065 ]
<=> \T3
Tcherit en Tcherti B Tcheqa ^
t?, ^
a \ n 1 ©
D ^, the

, the temple of EdfCt. capital of the Nome Sapi Shema.

Tcherna ^i=r,Stat Tab- Tchet(?) J, Rec. 24, 179, the

Tcher (Tchert) ,V-Rec-IS’162’

(S e* swamp region—the Delta.

^ \\
, Rec. 10, 116,32,65, J^, |*© Tchet ©> U‘ 425, T- 244,
a town opposite Hermonthis (Tu- |“,U.4a6(var.^|Jo£]_),^
phium); Arab. Taud.
u. 426,244,^1^^ jl n^o, IV, 800, a Sudani

country; situation unknown. U. 254, N. 906, 993, ^ ff (

C J c=s> \ Li
M. 354, Busiris
Tchestchestt P. 189, ^ | cS. (j <
C\-c=^ CL ^ Gl-=^ CL CL CL CL CL

t^Q* Tchetem "L“=^ , a town to the

^ , the Oasis of Dakhlah. south-east of Thebes.
_ q r\ /wwv\

Tchesen j) I Rec. 20, 114. a

Tchettenna ^~ , Rec.
\ /WWW -Tlv^ I w
Sftdani country ; situation unknown.
21, 84, Sidon; Assyr. Ji^yf ►V’J, Heb.
Tcheser ■'—^1 ^ ^ 37> r7> 53 > pTS.
xcneser see Ta tcheser.

Tcheser tcheseru Rec- Tchetku WWAA «

aaaaaa •
a canal in the

32, 64, the district of Der al-Bahari. town of Avaris.

[ 1067 ]




NOTE.—Reference numbers with letters a and b after them signify that a = first column,
b = second column of the Egyptian Dictionary.

A. Aakhu, a Dekan, 23a.

Aakhu of the gods, 24a.
a, 105a, 153a. Aakhu of the Tuat, 24a.
Aa, god, 108b. Aakhu, the Four, 24a.
Aaait, goddess, 17a. Aakhu, the Seven, 24b.
Aaau, god, 18a. Aakhu, the Eight, 24b.
Aabi, 110b. Aakhuait, goddess, 22b.
Aabit, goddess, 19a. Aakhui, 24a.
Aabt, mythological fish, 113b. Aakhu-kheper-ur (?), 23b.
Aabtt, serpent, 19a. Aakhu-menu, 22b.
Aabtu, mythological fish, 20a. Aakhu-neb-s, 24b.
Aabui, god, 19b. Aakhu-nekhekh, a Dekan, 23b.
Aagm’, 113a. Aakhu-Ra, a dawn-god, 23b.
Aagt, town, 26b. Aakhu-sa-ta-f, god, 23b.
Aahes, Sudani god, 22a. Aakhuti, double Horizon-god,
Aahet, god, 22a. 24a, 25a.
Aahi, god, 22a. Aakhut Khufu, 25a.
Aahpi, god, 112b. Aam, god, 111b.
Aah-remt, god, 30a. Aam (Nile), 114a.
Aahti, 114a. Aamit (Hathor), 20b, 21a.
Aahui, god, 22a. Aammi, title of Ra, 20b.
Aah-ur, god, 30a. Aamu, the, 107b, 111a.
Aai, Ass-god, 17b. Aamut, goddess, 20b.
Aai, form of Ra, 28b. Aamuti, god, 21a.
Aai, god, 108b. Aan, 114a.
Aait, 17b. Aanait, goddess, 21a.
Aait, goddess, 108b. Aana Tuati (Ra), 29a.
Aaiu, slayers of Aapep, 17b. Aani, Ape-god, 2a.
Aakebi (Ra), 26a. Aa-nsernsert, 16b.
Aakebi, Circle of, 70a, 888b. Aapef, 111a.
Aakebit, Circle of, 26a. Aapep, 17b, 111a, 212a, 284b,
Aaker, god, 26a. 869a, 875b, 878a, 901b.
Aakhabit, 22b. Aapep in wax, 154a.
Aakhbu, god, 30a. Aapep, associates of, 145b.
Aakht, season of year, 22a, 40b. Aapep, fetterer of, 40a.
Aakhit, goddess, 22a. Aa-perti, 109a.
Aakhu, Light-god, 23a. Aapit, 111a.
Aakhu, Rain-god, 24a. Aaqetqet, 26a.

Aaraar, 21b. abasement, 885b.

Aarr, god, 21b. abash, 499b.
Aaru, city, 21b. abate (a tax), 564b.
Aaru, god, 21b. Abb (Osiris), 118a.
Aas, god, 25a. Abenti, god, 5a.
Aa-saah, 109 a. Abes, god, 40a.
Aasabatiu, 25b. Abesh, star, 118b.
Aasakhr, 25b. Abeth, god, 40a.
Aasek, god, 112b. Abhet, 39b.
Aash, god, la. abide, 296b.
Aa-shefit, title, 109b. abiding, 296b, 913b.
Aasit, goddess, 112b. ability, 624b, 751b ; abilities,
Aasiti-Khar, 112b. 751b, 779b.
Aast (Isis), 25b. abject, 798b.
Aasten, god, 25b. Ab-lan athan-alba, god, 5a.
Aastes, god, 25a. able, 178b, 347b, 621b, 624b,
Aasu, 25b. 698a, 751b.
Aat Aakhu, 16a. abode, lib, 32a and b, 34b, 38a,
Aat, god, 26b ; the Holy, 15b. 58b, 62a, 79b, 95a, 107a, 110a,
Aat, Lake in the Tuat, 27b. 140b, 178a, 197a, 273b, 297b,
Aat of Life, 15b. 333a, 342b, 347a, 348b, 419a
Aat, town, the Tuat, 27b. and b, 436b, 440a, 444a, 499b,
Aat-Aakhu, goddess, 108b. 725a, 775b, 796a, 856a, 881b,
Aat-Aat-t, goddess, 109a. 893a.
Aat-en-Sekhet, 113a. abode of peace (tomb), 80b.
Aat-en-setcht, 16a. abolish (tax), 144a.
Aat-ent-mu, 16a. abominable, 208a, 228a, 243b,
Aat-ent-Up-uatu, 17a. 262b, 329a, 708a, 824b.
Aat-en-uabu, 16a. abominate, 214b, 622b.
Aat Heru, 16a ; north and abomination, 208a, 215a, 226a,
south, 16a. 260a, 673b.
Aati, an Assessor, 113a. abortus, 178a.
Aatit, goddess, 27b. abound, 538a.
Aatiu (Ra), 113a. about, 339a, 828b.
Aat Kher-aha, 16a. above, 30b, 150a, 265a, 498b.
Aat-qar-uaba, 109b. Ab-peq, 116a.
Aat-Setkau, 109b, 888a. Abraskhtiaks, 118a.
Aat-sha, 81a. abridgment, 683a.
Aat-shara, 16a. abrogate, 425a.
Aa-sti, 109a. abruptness, 820b.
Aats, gods of, 405a. abscess, 217a, 222b, 617a, 693b.
Aatt, 113b. absent, 144a.
Aau, god, 17b. Ab-sha, 116a.
Aau, 110a. absolute, 164b.
Aau Nu, Sky-god, 18a. absorb, 54b, 590b, 645a.
Aaurmerra, 18b. abstain, 131a.
Ab, god, 37b. Ab-ta, 116a.
Abait, 39a. Abti, god and goddess, 38b.
abandon, 528a. Abtha, god, 40a.
Abaqer, a dog, 5a. Abu (Elephantine), speech of,
abase, 631b ; abase oneself, 335b.
607a. Abui, 116a.
abased, 174b, 373a, 885b. Abuit, goddess, 39b.

abundance, 134b, 213b, 278a, act, 67a, 418b, 595a and b ; a

317a, 458b, 545a, 606b, 677a, man’s part, 850b ; as a de¬
783a, 809a, 877b. puty, 98b, 103a ; as an enemy,
abundant, 2b, 102a, 107b, 137a, 726a ; in a lordly manner,
148a, 159a and b, 213a and b, 888b ; perversely, 637a ; pru¬
458b, 538a. dently, 317a ; violently, 899a ;
abuse, 110a, 185a, 186b, 394a, with decision, 193b ; with
540a, 683a, 689a, 727b, 757a, partiality, 437a.
794b, 805b, 807a, 809b, 895a ; act of folly, 180a ; of grace,
term of, 826a. 508a.
Abutt, 116a. action, 418b, 595a, 666b, 698b ;
Abu-ur, god, 39b. of arms, 418b.
Abydos, 19a ; Council of, 901a ; active, 66b.
shaft for offerings at, 439b ; activity, 241a.
goddess, 4a. actual, 270b, 271a.
abyss, 279a, 332a, 822a, 872a, add to, 148a ; add up, 683a,
893b ; celestial, 768b. 828a ; add figures together,
acacia, 749a ; wood of, 302b, 880a.
679a. adder, 479b.
acacias, chief of, 84a. addition, 178a, 317a, 449a, 458b,
accelerate, 689a. 880a.
accept, 291b ; accept the person addition, sign of, 138a.
of some one, 101a. address, 95a, 345a, 410b, 824a,
acceptable, 110b, 752a 911b.
access (to a woman), 300b. addressee, 187a.
accident, 595a. addresser, 632b.
acclaim, 76a, 352b, 381a, 425a, addresses, 692b.
448a, 515b, 603b, 608a, 619a, Adelphoi, 404b, 674a.
670a, 677b, 678a, 791b. adept, 131a.
acclamation, 15a, 17b, 603b, 675a. adhere, 862b.
accompanyists, 265b. adherent, 742a, 823b.
accord, 725b. adjudge, 41a.
according as, 545a. adjudicator, 248b.
according to, 264a, 277a, 414a, adjuration, 745a.
415a ; according to law, 266a. adjure, 527b.
according to that which, 414b. administer, 300b, 486b, 622b,
account, 41a, 118a, 161a, 430b, 683b, 699a, 830a, 840b.
510b, 527a. administration, 3b, 136a, 622b,
account books, 129a. 683b, 699a.
accountant, 79b, 511a, 849a. admirable, 737a.
accoutrements, 119 a. admiration, 292b.
accursed, 214b, 574b, 669b, 683a. admire, 200a.
accusation, 860b. admit, 441b.
accuse, 669b. admonish, 486b, 587b.
accused, 612a, 681a. adoration, 17b, 149b, 603b, 857b.
Achaemenes, 25a. adore, 149b, 184b, 186b, 352b,
acquaintance, 430a, 551a. 403a, 442a, 515b, 592a, 593a,
acquainted with, be, 430a. 608a, 649a and b, 650a, 652b,
acquire, 638a, 752a. 677b, 818a, 841b, 871a.
acquittal, 147b ; to procure, 601a. adorer, 479b, 603b ; of the god,
acre, 8a, 22a, 75a, 526b. 403a.
acrobat, 539a, 897b. adorn, 574b, 590b, 601b, 602b,
acrobatic feats, 61a. 873 a.

adornment, 602ab, 671a. after-birth, 795b.

adultery, to commit, 381a, 395b. afterwards, 305a.
advance, 8a, 40a, 135b, 159a, Afu-Asar, 125b.
181a, 193b, 222a, 329b, 400b, Afuau, 466a.
478a, 487b, 498a, 509a, 541ab, Afu-ftu, 43a.
549a, 558a, 641b, 645a, Afu-heri-khent-f, 43a.
693b, 710a, 728a, 858b ; ad¬ Afu-Ra, 46b, 163a.
vance against, 614a ; advance Afu-Tem, 43a.
cautiously, 478a ; advance in, Aga, Agaa, 95b.
554a ; advance quickly, 643a, again, 122b, 342b.
907a. against, 65a, 414a.
advanced in years, 2b, 222a ; in Agaiu, 122b.
life, 134a. agate, 317a.
advance-guard, 272a, 460a and b. Agau (Anubis), 95b.
advantage, 22b, 459a, 724b. Agba, 317b.
advantageous, 622a, 659b. Agb-ur, 12a.
adversaries, 564b, 572b. Ageb, Water-god, 12a.
adversity, 802a. age, 434a ; past age, 830a ; ages,
advice, 610b, 694a ; to reject, 134a ; age of man, 133b.
615a ; to seek, 410b. aged, 134a, 387a, 514b, 626b,
adviser, 495b. 747a, 838b, 856a ; aged folk,
advocacy, 186a. 17b ; aged man, 838b ; aged
advocate, 64b, 409b. one, 108b.
adze, 11a, 123b, 351a. Aged One, 83b, 453a.
Af, 22b, 43ab, 186b ; boat of, Aged One (Ra), 882a.
23a ; soul of, 199a. Aged One (Thoth), 757a.
Afa, 43b. agent, 103a, 422a, 436b, 849a.
afar, 144a. Aggit-hebsit-bag, 96a.
Afat, 119b. aggressive, 839b.
Afau, Season-god, 119b. agile, 227a.
Af-ermen-ari-f, 43a. agitate, 678a.
affair, 8b, 335a, 525a, 595a, 694a; agitated, 243a, 393b, 906b.
affairs, 486b, 561a, 580b ; per¬ agree, 291b ; to a proposition,
sonal, 525b. 129b.
affection, 588b. agreeable, 50a, 766a.
affectionately, 658a. agreement, 568a ; sign of, 448a.
affidavit, 131a. agriculture, 157b ; office of, 239b.
affirmation, 348a. ague, 393b, 448a.
afflict, 464b. Aha (Menu), 8b.
afflicted, 14a, 102a, 331a, 396a. Aha, god, 133a.
afflicted man, 887a. Aha-ab, 133b.
affliction, 74a, 270a, 290a, 396a, Ahait, Cow-goddess, 7b.
431a, 460a. 524a. Ahait, goddess, 133b, 134a.
Afkiu, 120a. Aha-neteru, 133b.
Afmuit, 120a. Ahanurtnef, 133b.
aforetime, 554a. Aharer, 133b.
afraid, 499a, 619a, 636a ; to make Ahasekhet, 133b.
697a. Ahasuerus, 566a.
afresh, 264b. Ahatiu, 132b.
Africa, East, 179a. Ahau gods, 133b.
after, 73a, 714b, 265ab, 305a, Ahemt, 76b.
415a, 494b; after the manner Ahes, god, 76b.
of, 277a. Aheth, 134b ; chamber, 515b.

Ahi, god and Assessor and form Akhkhu, god, 9a.

of Harpokrates, 76a, 450b. Akhmu, 136a.
Ahibit, 76b. Akhnartif, 136a.
Ahit, goddess, 8a. Akhniu, 95a.
Ahkai, god, 77a. Akhpi (Ra), 77b.
Ahmesu, 74b. Akhsef, 79a.
Ah-pet, 75a. Akhuti, 77b.
Ahs, Sudani god, 8b. Akriu, 139b
Ahti (Osiris), 77a, goddess, 77a. Akriu, lib.
Ahu (Menu), 8b. Akshit, 95b.
Ahu (Tem and Thoth), 76b. Aku, 94b.
Ahui, 76a. alabaster, 473a, 523b, 751a.
Aia, god, 2a. alarm, 395a.
Ai-em-hetep, 30b. alas ! 30b, 104b, 219b.
aim blows, 595a, 685b. Alexander the Great, 52b.
Ai-ma-seb, 391a. Alexandria, 661a.
air, 13b, 82a, 89b, 98b, 280a, 342a, alien, 541b, 546a, 911a ; aliens,
344b, 346b, 356a, 369b, 377b, lib, 782a.
593a, 651b, 683ab, 732a, 750a, alienation (of property), 568a.
823b, 824a, 849b ; to make, alight, 5b, 368b, 480ab, 549a,
269b, 606a ; the open, 554a. 617a, 623b, 693a, 700a, 743a,
Air-god, 500a, 731b. 863 a.
Air-goddess, 474b. alighting, 693a ; places of, 148a,
air-hole (?), 99a. 693a.
airless, 340b. alike, 826a.
Ait (Nut), 30b. Al-Kab, 62 a.
Akanhi, 94b. all,'2b, 30b, 357a, 414a, 826a,
Akbit, 94b. 834a, 880a, 908b, 909a ; all that
Akbiu, 94b. is, 164b.
Aken-ab, 95a. all at once, 765b.
Akenh, Akenha, 95a. all-embracing, 676b.
Aken-tau-keha-kheru, 95a. all eyes (everybody), 313b.
Akenti, 95b. all men, 214a; all peoples, 834a;
Aker, Earth-god, lib, 95b. all persons, 68a.
Akeru, Earth-gods, lib,64a,830b, allegiance, 739b.
835b, 905b ; net of, 27a, 519a. allocate, 885b.
Akerta, god, 12a. allot, 722b.
Akes, 95b. allotment, 248b, 638a; to make
Akhabi, god, 9a. an, 490a.
Akhabit, goddess, 9a. allow, 865a.
Akhabiu gods, lib. allowance, 248b ; 836b.
Akha-her, 135b. alloy, to, 736a.
Akhauarit, 135b. ally, 281a, 282a, 520b, 539b, 540a,
Akhekh, 77b, 135a. 599b, 739b.
Akhekhtiu, 135 a. almond tree, 411b.
Akhem-hems-f, god, 78b. alms, 3a, 518a.
Akhem-hep-f, god, 78b. alone, 153ab, 264a, 560a.
Akhemit, 78a. along with, 73a, 339a, 489b.
Akhem-sek-f, 78b. also, 782a, 792a, 799a, 809b.
Akhem-urt-f, 78a. altar, 117a, 151a, 152a, 191ab,
Akhemu-beteshiu, 78b. 196a, 220b, 224b, 519b, 529ab,
Akhemu-seshau, 78b. 538a, 572a, 805b, 862b ; equip¬
Akhkhi, 77b. ment of, 516b ; altar pitcher,

152a ; altar slab, 280a, 817b ; Amen-Menu, 52a.

altar table, 328b ; altar vessel, Amen-meruti, 52 a.
529b ; laden altars, 725b. Amen-naau-ka, 52a.
alternatively, 265a. Amen-neb-khart, 52a.
altogether, 765a, 779b, 822b, Amen-neb-nest-taui, 52a.
880b. Amen-neb-Nut, 52a.
alum, 5a, 39b. Amen Nept, 52a.
always, 270b, 450a, 778a, 840b. Amennu god, 51b, Devil, 51a.
Am (Horus), 49a. Amennu-au, 51a.
Am (Lion-god and Jackal-god), Amen Qa-ast, 53a.
49a. Amen-Ra, an official, 53a ; title
Am, god, 120b. of, 19a.
Ama (Ra), 6b. Amen-Ra, 52ab, 435b.
Ama, god, 49b. Amen-Ra + Heru-aakhuti, 52b.
Am-a, 121a. Amen-Ra -j- Ptah, 52a.
Amaa, 121a. Amen-Ra + Tern -f- Khepera ~b
Ama-ami-ta (Ra), 6a. Heru, 52b.
Ama-asht, 121a. Amen-Ra em Usr-hat, 53a.
Am-aau, 121a. Amen-Ra Kamutf, 52b.
Amaf, 121a. Amen-Ra-menmen-mut-f, 52a.
Amakhet, 121a. Amen-Ra Neb-nest-taui, 52b.
Amakhiu, 50b. Amen-ren-f, 51b.
Amakhu, god, 50b. Amen-ren-her, 51b.
Amam, 513a. Amen -f Ruruti, 52b.
Amam, 122a. Amen-sekhem-f-au, 54a.
Amam, Eater of the dead, 120b. Amen Sept-hennuti, 52b.
Amam-ast, 122a. Amen-t (Ra), 53b.
Amamu, 122 a. amen-t (amulet), 54a.
Amanhu, 122 a. Ament, 8a.
amazed, 131a, 209b. Amen-t (Amenit), 53b, 776a.
amazing thing, 209b. Amen-ta-f-pa-khepesh, 53a.
Amemit, 121a. Amen-ta-Mat, 53a.
Amen, god, 7b, 435b ; image of, A men-Te mu em Uas, 53a.
826b ; of Khargah, 52b ; of Amen-t Hep-neb-s, 54a.
Tehnit, 53a ; of the East, 52a. Amen-t-herit-ab-apt, 52b.
Amen, Bull-god, Frog-god, Lion- Amenti, brow of, 163a ; domain
god and Serpent-god, 53a. of, 900b.
Amen (priest), 51a. Amenti, god, 53b.
Amen-aabti, 52a. Amentit, 53b.
Amen-aakhu, 51b. Amentiu (the dead), 53b.
Amen-apt, 52a. Amen-t Nefer-t, 54a.
Amen-em-apt, 52a. Amen-t Se[m]-t, 54a.
Amen-hau, 51b. Amen-t-seshemu-set, 51b.
Amen-hep, god, 52b. Amentt-ermen, 54a.
Amen-Heru, 51b. Amen-t-urt, 54a.
Amen-hetep IV, 192b. Amenui, 51b.
Ameni (Ra), 51b. Amen-user-hat, the sacred barge,
Amenit, goddess, 51b. 53a.
Amenit-Ra, 52a. Amesta-en-abu, 55b.
Amen-kau, 53a. amethyst, 471a, 484b, 551b.
Amen-khet (Ra), the Great Hand, Amges, 55b.
51b. Am-heh, 121a.
Amen-khnem-heh, 52b. Amhit, goddess, 55a.

Amh-t, 54b. Amiu-Bagiu, 46b.

Ami, Eye of Horus and Fire- Amiu-bahiu, 46b.
god, 50b. Ami-urt, 46a.
amiability, 20f. Ami-ut, 46b.
amiable, 309b. Ami-utchat-saakhu-Atemt, 46b.
Ami-bak, god, 46b. Am-khaibitu, 121a.
Ami-beq, god, 46b. Am-khu, 121b.
Ami-besek, 46b. Am-mit, Ola.
Ami-haf, god, 47a. among, 44a, 264ab, 265b, 296a,
Ami-heh-f, 47b. 414a.
Ami-hem-f, 47b. amount, 65a, 134a, 221a, 838a,
Ami-hent-f (Ra and Osiris), 47b. 900a.
Ami-hepnen, god, 47a. Amset, 55b, 553a.
Ami Hetchpar (Osiris and Ra), Amsi (Menu), 55a.
47b. Am-t (Amit), 46a.
Ami He-t Serqet Ka hetep-t, 47b. Amtt, 55b
Ami He-t-ur-ka (Ra), 47b. Amt-tcheru, 121b.
Ami-kap, 48a. Amu, 6b.
Ami-kar, 48a. Amu, 122 a.
Ami-kehau, 48b. amulet, 15a, 37b, 44b, 73a, 105a,
Ami-Nenu (Nu), 47a. 110a, 125a, 128a, 129b, 150b,
Ami-Net, 47a. 180a, 181a, 183b, 194a, 197b,
Ami-Netat (Osiris), 47a. 206a, 217a, 221b, 226a, 256a,
Ami-neter, 47a. 277a, 282a, 289b, 291a, 296b,
Ami-net-f, 47a. 301b, 303b, 306a, 330b, 334b,
Ami-Pe, 46b. 336a, 376a, 378b, 380a, 387a,
Ami-pet-seshem-neterit, 46b. 422b, 452b, 461b, 486b, 493a,
Ami-Qerq-t, 46a. 512b, 530b, 537b, 541a, 584b,
Ami-qetem, 48a. 585b, 621b, 634a, 667b, 698a,
Ami-rerek, 47a. 736b, 739b, 755a, 786b, 895a,
Ami-ret, 47a. 914a, 987a ; amulet for child¬
Ami-Seh (Osiris), 48a. birth, 431a ; amulets with fluid
Ami-Seh-neter, 48a. of life, 193a.
Ami-Sehseh, 48 a. amulet cases, 42b.
Ami-Sehti (Ra), 48a. amuse oneself, 616b, 692b.
Ami-sepa-f, 48a. amused, 716b.
Ami-Sept-f, 48a. amusement, 716b.
Ami-Shet-t, 48a. Amutnen, 51a.
Ami-suht-f (Ra), 48a. Amu-upt, 46a.
Amit, 49a, 51a. an, 105a.
Ami-ta, 48b. An (On), 23b, 57a, 123b.
Ami-ta-f, 48b. Ana, 124a.
Ami-tchaamu, 48b. An-a-f, 57a.
Ami Tcheba, 48b. Anana, 59b.
Ami-tehenu (Set), 48b. An-ar-t-Ra, 57a.
Ami-Tep (Horus), 48b. An-atf-f, 57a.
Ami-Tet (Osiris), 48b. anathematize, 490b.
Ami-thephet-f, 48b. Anaukar, 60a.
Amit-neb-s-Usert, 47a. ancestor gods, 11b, 83a, 830b.
Amit She-t ur-t, 48a. ancestors, 4b, 19b, 32b, 45b, 233b,
Ami-Tuat (Horus), 48b. 460a, 621a, 630ab, 909a; figure
Amiu-amau, 44b. of, 907a ; royal, 392b ; of Ra,
Amiu-asu, 46a. lib.

ancestral, 830b ; gods, 909a. An-Kenset, 59b.

Ancestress (Isis), 909a ; ances¬ ankh, beetle, 125a ; god, 125a.
tresses, 294b ; the Two, 906b. Ankh-ab, 125b.
ancient, 82a. ankh am water, 293b.
and, 32b, 74b, 148b, 466a, 472b, Ankh-aru-tchefa, 125b.
486a, 492b, 506b ; and so forth, Ankh-em-maat, 125b.
483b. Ankh-em-nesert, 125b.
An-em-her, 123a. Ankh-f-em-fentu, 125b.
Anenit, 62a. Ankh-f-em-khaibitu, 125b.
Anen-retui, 57b. Ankh-her, 126a.
Anep, 34a, festival, 124a. Ankh-hetch, 126a.
Anerti, 62a. Ankhit, 125b.
Anes-Ra, 63b. Ankhit-unem-unt, 125b.
anethum, 55a. Ankh-neteru, 50b, 126a ; god, 30b ;
anew, 58a, 177a, 264b. 31a.
angareb, 467b. Ankh-Septit, 126 a.
anger, 123b, 550a, 774b, 794b, Ankh-s-meri, 126 a.
907a, 908a. Ankh-ta, 126a.
angle, 563b, 574b, 607b, 766b, Ankhti, 126a.
774a, 777b. ankle, 618b ; ankle joint, 695b.
angry, 12b, 14a, 228a, 524b, anklets, 71a, 531b, 680a.
532 a, 536a, 615b, 681a, 689b, Anku, god, 64a.
726a, 744b, 774b, 794b, 809b, An-maat, 57a.
817b, 848b, 897b, 907a, 908a ; An-mut-f, 59a, 450a b.
to make, 689b ; angry man, Anmutf-abesh, 59a.
615b, 681a, 689b. An-mutk, 59a.
anguish, 445b, 569b, 588a, 703b, annals, 808b.
887a. An-nef-em-hu, 57a.
An-haa, 59b. annihilate, 702b, 704b.
Anher, 57a, 132b. annihilation, 186b.
Anher Shu, 57b. Anniu, 57a.
An-hetep, An-hetep-f, 57b. anniversary, 594a.
Ani (Moon-god), 59a. announce, 468b, 610b, 669b, 679b.
animal, 16b, 32a, 40b, 90a, 111b, announcer, 548b, 598a, 601b.
114b, 118a, 207b, 285b, 440a, annoyance, 664b.
442b, 449a, 473b, 511b, 517a, annoyed, 32b, 664b, 665a.
550a, 589a, 667a, 850a, 897b, annular, 215a.
911a ; demon, 444b ; domestic, anoint, 175a, 205b, 249a, 287a,
126a, 299a ; dung of, 902b ; 291a, 315a, 376b, 576a, 627b,
fabulous, 665a ; fighting, 132b ; 639a, 643a, 657a, 660a, 702b,
filthy, 75b ; for food, 3b ; 706a, 803b, 813b, 843 a ; anoint
gnawing, 798b ; hawkheaded, the heart, 643b.
627a ; horned, 17b, 33b, 129a ; anointed, 205b ; anointed man,
of Set, 132b ; sacred, 114b, 665a ; ones, 175a.
669b; sacrificial, 19b, 54b, 538a, anointings, 803b.
561a, 666a, 754a; small, 39a; another, 782a, 791b, 792a, 798b.
to stick, 900b; Typhonic, 306b; Anp-heni, 61a.
wild, 226a, 864b ; young, 897a. Anpit, 61a.
animosity, 329a. Anpu, 588a, 903a ; title of, 162a.
aniseed, 279a. Anq, 127a.
Anit, 59a, 123b. Anqit, 127a.
Anith, 57a. Anqnaamu, 127 a,
An-ken-mut, 59b. Anq-t, 64a.

Anran, 59a. any, 357a ; anybody, 426a ; any¬

An-re-f, 57a. one, 153a, 823a.
An-rut-f, 62b. Apa, 426.
An-sebu, 59b, 830b. Apaa-f, 42a.
An-smet, 59b. Apapit, 41b.
answer, 145b, 185b, 186a, 428a, Aparius, 5b.
735b, 874a ; a letter, 564b ; apartments, 154b, 552b ; private,
a soft, 597b. 136a ; royal, 238b, 391b.
An-t, 57a, 58b. Ape, 2a, 28b, 29a, 111b, 114a,
Ant Fish, 124a. 123b, 227a, 296a, 444b, 452b,
Antaf, 57b. 786a, 792b, 795b, 802b, 804a,
Antat, 127b. 807a ; dog-headed, 219a ; sa¬
Antch, 128b. cred, 91a.
Antchet, 128b. Ape-god, 2a, 28a, 29a, 40a, 113b,
Antch-mer, 128b, 129a. 114a, 191b, 213a, 316a, 408b,
Antchi Boat, 152a. 630a, 769b, 794b, 795a, 802b,
Antch-ur, 128b. 911a ; Ape-gods, the Eight, 25b;
Antebu, 64b. the singing, 63a ; Ape-goddess,
Antef-aa, 5a. 29a.
antelope, 268a, 270a, 275b, 379b, Aper, 119a.
624b, 751a, 752a, 754b, 803b ; Aper-her, 119a.
food of, 123a. aperient, 528b, 697b.
antesh, 64a. Aperit, 119a.
Anthet, 127b. Aper-peh (pehui), 119a.
Aper-ta, 119a.
Antheth, 64b. Apert-Ra, 119a.
Antheti, 64b. apex (of obelisk), 470b.
Anthrta, 127b. aphorism, 860b, 913a.
Anti, 128a. aphrodisiac, 325b.
antidote, 247a. aphronitrum, 7b.
antimony, 673b, 715b. Api, 42b. -
antiphon, 549a. Api-ab-neter, 41a.
antiquity, 830a. Api-abu, 41a.
An-ti Set (Sti), 59b. Api-khenti-seh-neter (god of 110
Antit, 57a. years), 41a.
Antit, 127b, 128a. Apis, 111b, 478a ; circuiting of,
Antiu, 59b, 64 a. 245b, 478a ; mother of, 95b ;
Ant-mer-mut-s, 123a. priests of, 666b ; tomb of, 118b.
Antriush (Darius), 64a. Apit, 454b.
Antt, 59b. Apit, 41b, 42a.
Ant-t, 64a. Apit-aakhut-thehen, 42a.
Antti, 64a. Api-tchet-f, 41a.
Antu, 127b ; Antu, 128 a. Apit-hemt-s, 42a.
Anu, 36b ; Council of, 901b ; Apit-urt-em-khat-Nut, 42a.
spirits of, 263b. Apollinopolis Magna, 800b.
Anubis, 41a, 46b, 588 a, 828b, 901b; apology, 899b.
daughter of, 769a ; festival of, apophthegm, 860b.
474b ; titles of, 48a, 6lab ; tool apostates, 457b.
of, 352b. apparatus, 789b.
anus, 244a, 274a. apparel, 14a, 34b, 62a, 63b, 155b,
anxiety, 319a, 330b, 428b, 464a, 160a, 169b, 230a, 262b, 282b,
484b, 889a. 324b, 329a, 476b, 629b, 635a,
anxious, 319a, 464a. 667a, 712b, 818b, 829b, 836ab,
3 Y 2

855a, 857b, 895b ; festal, 476b ; Aqetqet, lib.

mourning, 252b, 751 a ; white, Aqher-ami-unnut-f, 138b.
698b. Aqhit, 93b.
appeal, 124a, 668b, 745a ; house Aqrit, 93 a.
of, 136b ; for justice, 668b. Aqrit-khenti-he-t-set, 93b.
appear, 169a, 240a ; in a pro¬ Aqru, 93a.
cession, 534b ; in the presence, Aq-t-er-pet, 10b.
241a ; make to, 689b. aqueduct, 499b, 650b.
appearance, 416a, 535a, 615b, arable land, 292a.
891a ; astronomical, 242a ; dis¬ Aram, 72b.
tinguished, 630a. arbour, 753a, 905a.
appease, 614a, 684b. arch (of sky), 793a.
appeased, 28a. archer, 257a, 416b, 709a, 716a ;
appellant, 868a. naval, 257b.
appertaining to, 69b. Archer-god, 859b.
applaud, 508a, 798a, 840a. archetype, 604b, 704b.
apple, 832b, 877b, 906a ; of the archiatros, 313 a.
eye, 217a. architecture, goddess of, 698a.
appliance, 180b. archives, 619a, 808b.
appoint, 66a, 436b, 722b, 841b, archon, 460b.
866a, 885a. ardeb, 73b.
appointment, 69b. ardent, 817b.
apportioning, 538b. area, 35b, 147a, 882b, 899b.
appreciate, 41a. arena, 333a.
approach, 28ab, 29a, 390a, 443b, Arensnuphis, 71a.
549a, 565a, 576a, 629a, 638a, Arf, 131 a.
645b, 846ab, 855b, 879a, 891a; • argue, 167a, 366b, 410b.
of death, 727b ; in fear, 441b, argument, 854a.
447b ; to make, 722a. Ar-hes, 73a.
approbation, 508a. Ari, 72a ; Ka of Ra, 67a ; Dekan,
approval, 508a. 130b.
Apriu, 119a. ari (fish), 130b.
Apsetch-t, 42b. Ari-Amen, 67b.
Apshait, 119b, 663a. ari anti, 70a.
Apsit, 42b. ari aru, 70a.
Apt, 40b. Ari-ar-t-tchesef, 70a.
Aptches, 43a. arid, 185b, 340b, 732a.
Ap-t ur-t (Karnak), 41b. Ari-em-ab-f, 67b.
Apt-khatu, 416b. Ari-em-aua, 67b.
Ap-ur (Osiris), 118b. Ari-en-ab-f, 67b.
Aput, 42a. Ari-hems-nefer, 71a.
Aqa, 139b. Ari-hetch-f, 67b.
Aqan, 11a. ari Nekhen, 70b.
Aqauasha, 93a. Ari-pehti, 70b.
Aqbi, 11a. Ari-ren-f-tchesef, 67b.
Aqbut, 11a. arise, 240a.
Aqeh, 93b. Ari-sekheru, 66b.
Aqen, 93a. aristocracy, 829b.
Aqen, 139b. Aristonikos, 7a.
Aqennu-heru, 139b. Ari-t, 69b.
Aqertt, 93b. Arit, 130a.
Aqeru, 93a. Ari-ta, 67b.
Aqes, 93b. Arit-aakhu, 67b.

Arit-aru, 67b. arrogant, 107b, 189b, 760a,

Ari-tchet-f, 67b. 910ab.
Ariti, 67b. arrow, 132b, 216a, 290a, 563a,
Arits, the Seven, 130b. 592b, 610b, 647a, 697b, 754a ;
Arit-ta-theth, 67b. bundles of arrows, 545a ;
Ari-usert, 70b. packets of, 75b ; the Two
Ark, 73a. Arrows, 624a.
Arkanatchpan, 73b. arrow heads, 390a.
Arkham, 73a. Arsatnikus, 7a.
arm, 11a, 419a, 425a, 766b, 768a, Arsi, 73a.
802a, 806a, 898b ; arm and Arsinfau, 7a.
shoulder, 544a ; hidden arms, Arsinoe, 7a, 73a.
756a ; the two arms, 806b ; to Ar-stau, 71b.
open the arms, 158b ; arm or¬ Arsu, 73a.
nament, 141b ; arm ring, 105b ; Arsu, Syrian general, 73a.
arm of canal, 385a ; arm of Art, Arta, 73b.
Horus (censer), 105b ; arm of Art, 130a.
Nile, 35b ; arm of Orion, 105b ; artabe, 513b.
arm of river, 97b ; arms (of Artakhshassha, 7b.
tree), 425a ; to throw up, 898b. Artaxerxes, 7b.
arm oneself, 516a. Artemis, 388a.
Arman, 72b. artery, 331b.
armlet, 70a, 105b, 225a, 290a, 302b, Artheth-aa-sti, 73b.
327b, 443a, 698b. Arti, 69b, 268 a.
armour, 273b, 324a, 419ab, 535b, article, indefinite, 153a.
575a, 582a, 684a, 789a. Ar-ti-en-tches, 68b.
armoury, 238a, 544a. Arti-f-em-khet, 68a.
arms (weapons), 535b. Arti-f-em-tes, 68a.
Armu, 72b. artificer, 94a, 392a, 483b, 582b,
army, 288a, 320a, 897b. 777b.
Arnebs, 129a. artificial, 67a.
aromatic, 736a ; substance, 862b. Artikastika, 7b.
around, 875a. artisan, 6a, 158a, 483b, 777b, 784a,
arouse, 681b. 805a.
arqabas (stone), 73a. artists, 122b, 483b ; quarter of,
Arq-heh, 7b. 156b.
Arq-hehtt, 131b. Arti-tchet-f, 69a.
arrange, 486b, 499a, 610a, 679b, Ar-t-Ra-neb-taui, 68b.
680a, 700b, 715a, 860a, 900a ; Ar-t unemi, 68a.
arrange laws, 400b ; words, Aru, 69a.
610b, 860b. arura, 8a, 457b, 585b, 707a ; the
arrangement, 663a, 694a. quarter of, 511b.
arranger, 860b. as, 264a, 277a, 278b, 307b, 339b,
array, 169a, 376a, 499a, 613b, 414a, 788b, 815a, 908b ; as far
631a, 671b, 714a, 818b. as, 65a, 414ab, 723a ; as long
arrayed, 757a, 835b. as, 104b, 339a ; as much as,
arrears, 193b ; of taxes, 495a. 415a b ; as the result of, 633b ;
arrival, 300b, 439a. as well as, 277a.
arrive, 244a, 300b, 346a, 390a, A-sah, 105b.
517b, 522 a, 647b, 661b ; arrive Asar (Osiris), 83a ; Council of,
happily, 20b ; in port, 301ab ; 901b.
to make arrive, 662a. Asares, 36b.
arrogance, 550b, 639a, 861b. Asb, 10a.
3 Y 3

Asbit, 10a, 88b. assembly, 137b, 570a, 600b, 639a,

Asbu, 88b. 818a, 821 a, 879a; the Great, 768a.
ascend, 28a, 29a, 112a, 129a, 234b, assent, 441b, 448a ; particle of,
447b, 468a, 498b, 534b, 558a, 823a.
689b, 701a, 861a. assess, 41a, 510b ; what is as¬
ascender, 861a. sessed, 42b.
ascent, 306a, 861a. assessment, 206b, 511a, 521a.
ascribe merit, 508a ; blessing, assessor, 511a, 753b ; of taxes,
668b. 605b.
Aseb, 88b. assign, 889b.
Asenath, 389b. assist, 113a, 865b.
Aser, 90a. assistance, 141b.
Ases, 82b. assistant, 248a, 265b, 579b ;
Asfa, 89b. priest, 79b.
ashamed, 736a. associate, 69b, 76a, 277b, 285a,
Ashbu, 10b. 540a, 577b, 599b, 742 a ; asso¬
Asheb, 138a. ciate with, 577b, 674b; asso¬
Ashemeth, 138a. ciated, 539b.
Asher, 765b. Ass-t, 82b.
ashes, 757a ; hot, 618b, 696b. assuredly, 34b, 164b, 336b, 340a,
Ashesp, 92b. 371a, 415b, 480b, 560a, 602a,
Ashespi-kha, 92b. 670a, 782a, 786a.
Ashheru, 137b. Ast (Ra), 81b ; a uraeus, 81b.
Ashitabu, 137b. Ast (Set ?), 91a.
Ashkheru, 137a. Ast-aat, 81a.
Asht (tree), 92b. Astartat, 136b.
Ashteth, 92b. Astarte, 136b.
Ashtit, 92b. Astchet, 91a.
Ashtkheru, 137b. Asten, Astenu, 90b, 91a.
Ashtoreth, Ashtoroth, 136b. Astes, 91a.
Ashtt, 92b. Asthareth, 136b.
Ashu, Water-god, 10b. asthma, 547a.
Asiatic, 111a, 709a, 712b. Asti, 81b.
ask, 186b, 254b, 382b, 548b, 597a, Asti-pest-f, 81b.
662a, 730a, 745a ; ask for, 25b, astonished, 209b.
516a. astragalus, 398a.
Askhit, 90b. Astsen-ari-tcher, 81b.
As met (see Mesta), 89b. astuteness, 781b.
As-neteru, 82a, 888a. Asut tcheseru, 80b.
asp, 479b. asylum, 38a, 181b, 380a.
aspalathus, 902b. at, 65a, 264a, 339a, 414a, 492b,
aspect, 243a, 493a, 761b. 828b ; at all, 371a ; at all times,
asperge, 302b, 629b. 840b ; at any rate, 336b ; at
ass, 109b ; she-ass, 733b ; wild hand, 828b ; at no time, 340a ;
ass, 243b ; young asses, 639b. at once, 105a, 167a, 265b, 494b,
Ass-god, 17b, 109b, 121a; ass¬ 595b ; at one time, 265b ; at
headed god, 2a. that time, 704b, 705b ; at the
ass herd, 70a. back of, 265b, 633b ; at the
assail, 443a. front, 265a ; at the head of,
assarium, 854a, 867b. 265b ; at the moment, 264a ;
assault, 769b ; assaulter, 881a. at the point of, 265a ; at the
assemble, 639a, 683a ; assembled, rate of, 837b ; at the side of,
467a, 826a. 415a ; at what time, 545a.

Ata, god, 97a. Atti, 36b, 102b.

At a, town, 102b. attire, festal, 776b.
Atar, Dwarf-god, 97a. attributes, 485b, 630a, 910b.
Atara, 13a. Atu, 102b.
Atau, god, 14a ; gods, 14b. Atu, god, 97a.
Atau, god, 102b. Atum, 97b.
Atcha, 141b. Aturti, 97b.
Atcharti, 141a. Au, god, 30b, 31ab.
Atchen, 141b. Au-a, 3a.
Atchnit, 141b. Aua-en-Geb, 32a.
Atef-crown, 13b. Auaha, 115a.
Atem, Bow-god, 98b. Auai (Ra), 32b.
Atem, god, 98a, 103a ; Image of, Auai, 115a.
826b. Auait, 115a.
Atemit, 98b. Au-ankhiu-f, 31a.
Atemt Khepra, 98b. Aua-ua, 33a.
Aten, 28a, 103a. Au-au-Uthes, 3a.
Aten-ur-nub, 98b. audience chamber, 535a, 900b.
ater (land measure), 100a. audit, to, 642b.
Ates-heri-she, 14b. Auf, god, 34a; frog-headed
Atfa-ur, 98a. Ape-god, 34a.
Athabu, 100a. Aufa, god, 34a.
Athemti, 101b. Augerit, 36b ; Khenti-asts, 36b.
Athep, 101b. Auger-t, 36b.
Athi-heh, 101a. Augertt, 36b.
Athi-hru-em-gerh, 101a. august, 108a, 737a.
athlete, 704a. Au-her, 3a.
Athpi, 13b. Au-her-aptes, 36a.
Athribis, Boat of, 502a ; title of Auhet, 35b.
priest of, 477a. Auhu, god, 36a.
Athu, 104a. Auhut, 36a.
Ati, god, 13a, 97a. Auit, 3b.
Ati-baiu, 97a. Auker, 36b.
Atit-khau, 97a. Aukhemu :—penhesb, urtu, seku,
Atru-neser-em-khat, 99b. 36a.
attached, 389b, 399a. Au-matu(?), 3a.
attachment, 835b. Aun, god, 115b.
attack, to, 222a, 398a, 731a, 796b, Aun-aa-f, 34b.
839b, 881a, 884a, 907b ; with Aun-ab, 115b.
violence, 908a; to be attacked, Aunith, 35a.
48b, 881a. Aunut, 35a.
attack, 9b, 135b, 145a, 232a, 240b, Aupasut, 34a.
256b, 386b, 396b, 397a, 443a, Aup-ur, 33b.
445b, 446a, 467ab, 499a, 509a, Au-qau, 31b, 36b.
528b, 547a, 571b, 633a, 705b, Aurauaaqrsanq Rabati, 35b.
738a, 753b, 767a, 841ab, 845ab, Ausars, 36b.
847a, 858a, 881a, 885a, 907b, Ausasit, 36b ; Ausausit, 833b,
908a. 834b.
attacker, 240b, 841a, 881a, 908a. Au-t-a, 3a.
attain, 244a, 577b, 747b. Aut-ab, 3a.
attendant, 718a, 742a, 847b. author, 358a.
attention, 37b ; to pay, 649b. authority, 80a, 105a, 163b, 512b,
attestation, 332b. 683b, 697b.
3 Y 4

authorized, 722b. Babi, 203a.

Auti (Ra), 37a. baboon, 347a.
Autiu, 31b. Babua, 203a.
Aut-maatiu-kheru-maat, 3a. Babuu, 203a.
Auuba, 33b. baby, 322a, 548b ; babyhood,388b.
auxiliaries, 115b, 281a. Bachis, 601a.
avarice, 488b. back, la, 13ab, 244a, 249a, 250a,
avaricious, 115b. 633b ; flat part of, 846b ; of
avenger, 64b, 807a. head, 275b, 457b ; of neck,
avenue of trees, 299a, 677a. 244a ; backs of leaves, 794a ;
avert, 683b. backs of men, 248a ; back of
aviary, 31a, 166a, 441b, 514b. sky, 457b ; back (rump), 910a ;
avoid, 176a, 323b, 481a, 499a. to turn the, 528a, 633b, 866b ;
awake, 381a, 607b, 612a ; to back-hall, 458a.
keep, 432a, 681b. backbiter, 739b.
award, 304a. backbone, 15b, 249ab, 250a, 859b ;
away, 492b ; away to the left! 18b. of Osiris, 914a.
awe, 34a, 378b, 499b, 738b, 790b ; backside, 794a.
awe-inspiring, 108a. backwards, 30b.
awning, 576a, 818b. bad, 133a, 145b, 203a, 216b, 226a,
axe, 11a, 21a, 111b, 123b, 278b, 343ab, 469b, 524a, 635a, 778b,
351a, 407b, 677b, 764b ; battle- 868b, 869a ; bad act, 14b ;
axe, 11a. bad deeds, 398a ; bad man,
Axe-god, 403b, 404a. 211a, 869a ; bad place, 80b ;
axe-man, 391b ; axemen, 11a. bad year, 802a.
badge (of regiment), 647b.
badness, 214b, 216b, 641a, 868b.
B. Ba-em-uar-ur, 199b.
Ba, Ba, god, 200b, 212b. Bafermit, I98b.
Ba-aakhu-ha-f, 199b. bag, 102a, 131a, 209a, 256b, 484b,
Baabi, 203a. 568b, 647a, 803a, 805a, 819b,
Baabu, 202a. 835b, 873b, 895b ; for clothes,
Baa-em-seht-neter, 210a. 801b ; leather, 528b, 529a.
Baaiti, 209b. Bages, 207b.
Baal, 202a, 203b, 213a. baggage, 209a.
Ba‘alath, 213a. Bah (Nile), 213a.
Ba-Ament, 198a. Baheka, 200a.
Ba-ankh, 198b. Bahriyah, 84b.
Ba-ari, 199b. Bai, 197a, 200b, 202ab, 212b.
Ba-ashem, 198b. bail, to go, 825b.
Baa-ta, 210b. bailiffs, 562a, 652b.
Baat-erpit, 199a. Ba-irqai, 198b.
Baau, 210b. bait, 155a.
Baba, 200b ; phallus of, 489a. Bait, Baiti, 197b, 198a, 202b.
Baba, 203a, 210b. Baiu, 200a.
Babai, 200b. Baiu-Ament (Amentiu), 198a.
Bab ait, 202b. Baiu-ankhiu, 200a.
Babau, 203a, 890a. Baiu-Anu, 198a.
babble, 185a, 822b, 863a. Baiui, 200a.
Babe (Ra), 525a. Baiu-Khemenu, 199a.
babe, 196a, 284b, 349a, 388a, 525a, Baiu-periu, 198b.
591b, 597b, 632a, 647b, 652b, I Baiu-Pu, 198b.
664b, 706b, 716b, 798b, 825a. Baiu-shetau, 199a.

Baiu-ta, 199a. banded, 63a, 324b.

Bak, 896a ; a Dekan, 206b. bandlet, 27a, 90a, 103b, 110a
Baka (Ra), 206b. 120a, 131b, 164a, 169b, 174b
bake, 232b, 261b, 355b, 593b, 228a, 234b, 243a, 249a, 276b
769b, 822b ; bake pottery, 278b, 279a, 282b, 289a, 304b
775b ; baked, 236a. 319a, 323b, 372b, 377b, 381b
bakehouse, 440a. 399b, 421b, 450a, 622b, 625a
baker, 247b, 559a ; baker’s shop, 631a, 635a, 654b, 678a, 693b
106b ; bakery, 334b, 786b. 695b, 698b, 701b, 714a, 741b
Bakha, 869b. 755a, 756a, 776a, 835b, 840a
Bakhai, 205a. 849a, 852a, 855a, 858a, 870a
Ba-khati, 199a. 876b, 904b ; coloured band-
Bakhet, 150 b. lets, 63b, 150b, 304b ; festival
Bakt, 211b. 742a ; of crown, 535a.
Baktiu, 206b. bandy-legged, 260b.
Bakui, 211b. Ba-neb-Tet, 200a.
balance, 4a, 225a, 320a, 330a, 622a, Baneteru, 200a.
688a, 894a ; of the earth, 285b, bangles, 105b.
614b ; strike a, 716a. banished men, 574b.
balance, to, 194b, 614b ; balance bank, 128 a, 409a, 421b, 544b
the tongue, 236b. 597a. 693b : of river or canal
balcony, 112a, 625a, 701b. 37b, 106a, 195a, 272b, 332a, 434a,
bald, 184b, 186b. 861b ; of Nile, 140b.
baldness, 167a, 344b, 799a. banner-bearer, 849a.
bale a boat, 237a ; baler, 338a. Banrrat, 211a.
baleful, 221a, 778b. Bant-Ant, 203b.
balk of timber, 637a, 789a. Banti, 213a.
ball, 140a, 217a, 255b, 256b, 481b, Ba-Pu, 198b.
484a, 490b, 593a, 653a, 910a. Baqbaq, 206a.
balsam, 4a, 5b, 110b, 282a, 378a, Baqett, 200a.
650b, 706a ; balsam plant or Baqt, 206a.
tree, 14b, 50b, 113a, 348b, 566b, bar, 583b, 726a, 750a, 769b, 892b.
810a. Ba-Ra, 198b.
Ba-merti, 198b. Barast, 203b.
ban, 649b, 745a; to be under a, barbarian, 2a, 256a, 533b, 764a.
766a. barber, 534a.
Ban, 211a. bare, 186b.
Banaathana, 203b. bargain, 723b.
Ban-Ant a, 203b. barge, 211b, 640a, 685b, 762b,
band, 156a, 164a, 202a, 282b, 313b, 764a, 767a, 877a, 894b, equip¬
396b, 399b, 422a, 479a, 486b, ment of, 119a ; Barge of
599b, 607b, 750b, 844b, 852b, Amen, 53a, 170a ; of Amen-
859b ; for a bow, 443a ; leather, hetep III, 98b ; of state, 762b ;
324a, 728b. royal, 152a, 391b ; sacred, 182a.
bandage, 37a, 71b, 92b, 169b, bark, 178a, 221a, 343a, 832a.
234b, 249a, 301a, 305a, 313b, bark (a tree), 511a; make an
399b, 419b, 517a, 606a, 607b, incision in, 219a.
629b, 701b, 728b, 758b, 835b, bark (cassia), 781a; medicinal,
904b. 35b, 231b ; Nubian, 798b ; of a
bandage, to, 188a, 713a, 846b, tree, 814b.
904b, 909b ; bandager, 103b ; Barkatathaa, 204b.
bandaged, 909b ; Bandaged barley, 50b, 215b, 227b, 468a, 611a,
One, 818b. 821b.

barm, 611b. Bathresth, 208b.

Bar-m’hr, 213a. Bati, 212a.
barn, 286b, 490a, 746b ; floor Bati-erpit, 198b.
of, 567a. Batiu, 212a.
barracks, 419a, 850b, 852a. baton, 83a, 726a.
barrage, 882a. Batr, 208b.
barren land, 340b, 730a. batter down, 452b.
Barst (Bast), 242a. battle, 132a, 154b, 670a, 704a,
barter, 874a, 904a. 772ab ; to do, 611a.
Basa, god, 205b. battle-axe, 11a, 21a, 333b, 459a;
basalt, 62a, 221b ; black, 210a. battle cry, 447a ; battlefield,
base, 156a, 207a, 229a, 289a, 240b ; battleships, 134b.
831a ; bases, 662b ; base of battlement, 175a.
obelisk, 244a ; of pyramid, Bau, 203a.
180a ; of statue, 298a. Bautcha, 203a.
Baseh, 200a. Ba-utcha-hau-f, 199b.
basement, 847a. Bautcharu, 198b.
Bashefthat, 200a. bay, to, 178a, 203a, 343a.
basin, 94b, 95a, 97b, 354a, 366a, bazaar (bazar), 549b ; to make,
421a, 431a, 473a, 511b, 574a, %733a.
596b, 731b ; libation, 629b ; be, 30a b, 164b, 230b, 542b;
of harbour, 307b ; of water, make to be, 650a, 685b, 690a,
307b. 866b.
basis, 675b. beacon tower, 274b.
basket, 124a, 202b, 219b, 256b, bead, beads, 219b, 428a, 507a,
307b, 354a, 366ab, 519b, 549b, 572b, 593a, 640b, 650a, 723a,
736a, 757a, 764a, 790a, 800b, 728a, 734b, 849b, 910a ; white,
805a, 838a, 882a ; basket-bearer, 651a.
259a. beak of bird, 533a, 861b.
bast, 351a. beaker, 605b.
Basti, 205b. beam, 49a, 79b, 124a, 164a,
bastinado, 26a, 112b, 208b, 280b, 215a, 583b, 590a, 635b, 644b,
468b, 614a, 685b ; bastina¬ 789a, 818b, 908a ; of boat,
doed, 468b, 686a. 506b ; of plough, 127a ; of roof,
bastion, 862a. 179b ; of scales, 425b.
Bast-shesha-arit, 205b. beans, 21a, 69a, 112a, 235a ;
Bastt, 205a. Syrian, 35a.
Bastt Tar, 205b. bear, to, 18a, 35b, 91b, 145a,
bat, 717b, 868a, 885a, 891b. 205a, 258a, 260a, 321a, 676a,
Bat, 209a. 849a, 852b, 853a, 872a, 873a ;
Ba-ta, 199a, 208a. bear children, 233b ; bear in
Bata-anta, 208a. mind, 274a, 396a, 861a ; on
Batata, 200a. shoulders, 425a, 521b ; bear
Ba-tau, 199a. testimony, 334a ; bear up, 189b,
Baten, 208b. 632b, 684a, 712a, 823b, 861a.
Batgeg, 208b. beard (of grain), 186b.
bath, 79b, 80b, 155b, 702a, 768b ; beard, 531a, 540b ; of Menthu,
of Ra, 308b ; natron, 456a ; 306b ; plaited beards, 307a.
house, 702a ; master of, 768b. bearer, 258ab, 260a, 287a, 321a,
Bath, 212a. 425b, 591a, 643a, 849a ; of a
Bathah, 208b, 212a. message, 200b ; in chief, 258b ;
bathe, 27b, 217b, 374b. funerary bearers, 93b ; of loads,
Bathit, 208b. 13b.

bearing-pole, 60a, 89a, 274a, 491b, 510b, 513b, 531b, 551b,

773b, 851a, 859b. 553b, 671b, 823a ; celestial,
beast, 111b, 868b ; four-footed, 514a ; everlasting, 514a ; of
114b ; ration of, 41b ; beast of Maat, 514a ; beer pot, 467a.
a man, 114b, 705a ; beast-like, beerhouse, 140b, 513b, 651a.
488b. beer-shop, 106b.
beastly, 12b, 470a, 708a. beetle, 28b, 118ab, 119b 295a,
beat, 90b, 110a, 112b, 140a, 163b, 541b, 543a ; medicine, 543b.
206a, 280b, 282a, 295b, 320b, Beetle-god, 522b, 543a.
387a, 439a, 468b, 612b, 625b, Befen, 216b ; Befent, 216b.
702b, 772ab, 776a, 779a, 799b, before, 105a, 205a, 264b, 265a,
821a, 827a, 841a, 842b, 851b, 316a, 339a, 414b, 415a, 460a,
887b, 902b ; beat a drum, 494b, 545a, 554a, 560a, 580a,
381b, 685b, 706a, 843b, 887b, 738b, 828b, 683a, 909a.
902b ; beat down, 91a, 179b, beg, 254b, 472b, 577b, 606b,
253a, 868a ; beat flat, 185a ; 607a, 677b, 730a, 733b, 809a.
beat out, 396a, 621a ; beat beget, 65a, 101b, 188b, 189b,
small, 452b ; beat to death, 217a, 609ab, 628a, 708a, 712a,
135b ; beat to pieces, 685b ; 717a, 770b, 826a, 866b, 898a.
beaten, 468b, 564b, 772a ; beat¬ 907a.
ing, 285a, 468b, 614ab, 685b, begetter, 84a, 316a, 322a, 331a,
772b, 821a ; place of, 772b. 648a ; begetting, 316a.
beat (of the heart), 876b. Begetter (Ra), 188b.
beater, 468b, 772b. beggar, 472b, 552a, 584b, 723b,
beatified, 93a, 197b. 734a, 824a, 876a ; wandering,
beauties, 372b, 644b. 380b ; begging, 607a.
beautiful, 123 a, 342b, 370b, begin, 723a, 734a.
912a ; Beautiful Boy, 848b ; beginning, 460a b, 554a, 752a,
Beautiful Face, 371a. 828a, 909a ; of time, 231a, 830a ;
beautify, 602b, 632b, 644b, 645a, the first, 230b ; from beginning
670b, 677a, 719ab, 912a. to end, 460a.
beauty (a woman), 123a. begotten, 186a, 217a.
beauty, 123a, 141a, 370b. behave,794b ; rightly, 139a ; well,
Beb, 216a. 770a.
Bebi, 216a, 900b. behaviour, 595a, 694a, 698b.
Bebti, 216a. Behen-t, 221a.
because, 56a, 79a, 339a, 399b, behest, 190b.
414b, 492b, 536a, 815a, 908b ; behind, 30b, 122b, 265ab, 339a,
because of, 493a, 579b, 904ab. 457b, 567b, 580a.
become, 164b, 736a ; to make behold, 79b, 266a, 279b, 289a,
become, 616a ; become many, 330b, 385a, 712a, 824b.
148a ; becoming, 304a. Behthu, 220a.
bed, 13ab, 43ab, 111b, 289a, 374b, Behuka (Libyan dog), 220b.
375a, 467b, 492a, 600b ; death, Behutit, Behut-t, 220b.
301a ; funeral, 457a, 739a ; of Behutti, 220b.
baby, 326b ; string, 368a ; bed¬ being’ (existence, coming into),
chamber, 375a ; bedclothes,43b, 164b, 542a ; the act of, 30b ;
375b ; bed and linen, 43b. beings, 230b, 542b, 909a ; celes¬
bedaub, 801a. tial, 494a ; human, 67a ; of
bedew, 804a, 814a. former time, 45b ; of light, 9a,
bedstead, 43b, 467b. 77b ; primeval, 230b.
bee, 119b. Bekat, 225b.
beer, 100b, 137a, 408a, 474a, Bekh, 221b.

Bekha, 601a. Benti-ari-ahet-f, 219a.

Bekhbekh, 221a. Bentiu, 219b.
Bekhen, 221b. Benu bird, 218a.
Bekhkhi, 221a. Beq, 224a.
Bekhkhit, 221a. Beqenqen, 224b.
beleaguer, 743b. Beqtiu, 225a.
belief, 382b. bequeath, 654a.
belittle, 624a, 679b, 694b. Berqer, 219b.
bellow, 375a, 447a. berry, 21a, 204a, 566b, 636a,
belly, 224b, 346a, 416b, 570a, 571b, 736a, 745b, 753a ; berries,
773ab ; disease of, 151a, 175a, juniper, 237a.
176b ; of heaven, 570a ; opener Bes, 125b, 205b, 223a, 462a,
of, 584a ; slave of, 583a. 465ab.
belly-dance, 854a. Besa, 223a.
belongings, 444b, 525a, 580b ; Bes-aru, 222b.
belonging to, 69b, 348a, 389b, beseech, 124a, 186b, 352b, 382b,
415b, 818b, 824b, 839b. 577b, 602b, 662a, 671b, 809a.
beloved, 107b, 310a. Besek, god, 223b.
belt, 113a, 164a, 217a, 324a, Besi, god, 222b ; Besit, 222a.
540a, 631a, 676b, 701b, 715a; Besi-a, 222b.
Belt of Orion, 99b ; belt-knife, besides, 148a, 264a, 492b, 493a.
666a. besiege, 7a, 485a, 801b, 805a ;
Beltis, 213a. besiegers, 908b.
Ben, Benut, 216b. Besi-em-het kauit, 222b.
Benben, 217b ; Benbeniti, 217b. Besi-neheh, 222b.
bench, 289a, 328b ; carpenter’s, Besi-sahu, 222b.
539a. bespatter, lb.
bend, 156b, 429b, 448a, 530a, 531a, best, 214a, 461a, 828b, 829b ;
539b,572ab ; bend down, 195a; for the, 371a ; best possible,
bend a bow, 251b, 256a b ; to 830a ; the very, 828b.
make, 539b, 571b. Best-aru, etc., 222b.
Bend of Amente, 216a. bestial, 488b, 677a.
bend (of a stream), 71b, 156b, bestow, 260a, 291b, 474a, 487a,
247a, 766b. 490a.
beneath, 494b. Besu-ahu, 222b.
Beneb, 218a. Besu-Menu, 222a.
benefactions, 148a, 304a. betake oneself to, 193b.
benefactor, 285a, 305a. Bet al-Mal, 108b, 193b.
beneficent, 304a, 305a, 343b. Betbet, 227b.
beneficial, 22b. Betch, 228b.
benefit, 22b, 23a, 304a, 459a, 596b, Beten, 228a.
722b, 724b. Betesh, 228b.
Benen, 217a. Bethel, 208a.
benevolent, 20b, 310a, 343b, 346b, Bet-neters, 226b.
517b. betrothed, 756b.
Benf, 218b. Betsh-aui, 228a.
benighted, 529b. Betshet, 228a.
Benn, 217a. Betshu, 228b.
Benni, 217a. Betti, 227b.
Benr, 218b. Betu, 227b.
bent, 530a. between, 32b, 37a, 44a, 331a,
Bent, 219a. 414a.
Benti, 219a. bewail, 549b, 773a.

beware of, 586a. birth, 205a, 321 a b ; at one, 570a ;

bewitch, 247a, 434a, 464b, 514b. to give, 321a, 865b ; of five
bewitchment, 515a, 647b. gods, 321b ; second, 323a.
beyond, 244a, 308a. birth chamber, 326b.
Bi, 213b. birthday, 321b, 438b, 450b.
bier, 13a, 15b, 289a, 301a, 328a, birth goddess, 145a, 234a ; Birth
374b, 375ab, 378a, 457a, 600b, goddesses, the Four, 326b.
71 b, 739a, 777a. birthplace, 326b.
bifurcation, 156b. birthstones, 326a.
bile, lb, 82b. Bit, 213b.
billow, 145a, 440a, 441b. bit, 245b.
bind, lb, 20a, 58a, 99a, 113b, bitch, 722a, 862a.
120a, 124a, 131b, 156a, 203b, bite, 169b, 185b, 249a, 392b,
228a, 285b, 291a, 338b, 347b, 538a, 706b, 914b ; of insect,
351a, 355a, 399b, 409a, 446b, 248a ; biters, 39b ; bitten, 878a.
606a, 607b, 645a, 662a, 675b, bitter, 686a, 887a.
676ab, 762b, 763a, 765a, 766a, bittern, 714b.
774a, 775a, 801b, 808a, 813b, bitterness, 290b, 536b.
818b, 836ab, 840b, 850b, 859b, bitumen, 302b, 423b, 428a, 647b.
878b, 883a, 912a, 915b ; bind black, 243b, 787b, 789a ; dead
on, 701a; bind up, 313b; black, 389a ; shining black,
bind a crown, 853a ; bind a 787b ; strong black (i.e., jet
sacrifice, 17a ; bind the toes, black), 787b ; black powder,
64a ; bind together, 878b ; stone and wood, 788a ; blacken,
bind to stakes, 290b ; bind 704b.
with spells, 219b. Black Pig (Set), 428a.
binding, 58a, 99a, 164a, 607b, Black-Face, 788a.
745a, 765a, 863a ; of a bow, blackness, 798a.
287b. Blacks of Sudan, 344a.
bird, 5b, 9b, 19b, 21b, 70b, 73b, blacksmith, 160b, 325a ; of Edfu,
100b, 102a, 116b, 124a, 129b, 505b.
134b, 135b, 147a, 152b, 163b, blade, 390a.
176a, 195b, 219a, 230a, 231b, blains, lib, 320a, 565b, 698b,
234b, 235a, 243a, 304a, 315a, 709b, 791a.
324a, 330a, 347b, 354b, 382b, blandishments, to use, 650b.
385b, 397b, 431a, 433b, 439b, blaspheme, 60 a, 110 a, 145b,
444a, 469a, 490a, 508a, 541b, 154b, 745a, 794b.
564a, 569b, 579a, 593a, 613b, blasphemers, 145b, 707b.
633a, 639b, 666a, 682b, 697b, blasphemy, 145b.
738b, 746a, 758b, 795b, 804a, blast, 696a»
806a, 808a, 809b, 810a, 839a, blaze, 49a, 160a, 164a, 177b,
848b, 857a, 872b, 870a, 895b, 221b, 222a, 295a, 393a, 572b,
897a, 902a, 907a, 910b ; fat, 601b, 664b ; make a, 696b.
138a; fattened, 795a ; for breed¬ blazer, 160a, 393a.
ing, 137b ; green - breasted, blazon, 681b.
151a ; marsh, 181b, 714b ; bleach, 700b.
netted, 186b ; of prey, 247b, bleached linen, 685b, 700b.
322b. blear-eyed, 459b.
birdcage, 854a. blemish, 441b,* 895a.
bird catcher, 475a, 514b. bless, 204a, 207a, 598b, 666b.
bird houses, 441b. blessings, 23a, 666b.
bird snarers, 181b. blind, 203b, 340b, 736b, 789a ; of
Birds, the Two, 840b. the blind, 736b ; blinded, 914a.

blindness, 736b. broad, 183b, 685b ; cattle,

block, 298a, 654a, 874a ; of exe¬ 576b, divine, 832a ; fare, 90a ;
cution, 373 a ; in Tuat, 39b ; magical, 17a, 28a, 38a, 69b.
the god’s, 402b ; of Osiris, Boat of Af, 5a.
775b. Boat of Byblos, 661a, 757a.
block up, 103b, 643b, 750a, 873b, Boat of Herr, 152b.
905a ; blockaded, 800a. Boat of Khepera, 152b.
blockade, 801b, 805a. Boat of Millions of Years, 152b.
blocked, 524a, 624a, 803a, 905a ; Boat of Neh, 152b.
of artery, 491a. Boat of Ra, 30b, 31a, 152b.
Block-god, 39b. Boat of Sunrise, 140b.
blockhouse, 569a, 660b. Boat of Tern, 152b.
blood, 606a, 676a, 677a, 889b ; Boat of Testes, 152b.
drinker of, 109a ; flux of, Boat of the Earth, 152b.
606a. Boat of the Father, 152b.
bloody-eyed, 606a. Boat of the king, 152a.
bloom, 8b, 22a, 243b, 464a, 467a, Boat of the morning Sun, 291a.
472b ; afresh, 375a. Boat of the setting Sun, 328a.
blooming, 148b ; Blooming One, Boats of the Sun-god, 152a.
841b. Boat of Truth, 272a.
blossom, 8b, 146a, 148b, 354a, Boat of Truth, 152b.
372b, 384b, 500a, 903b. boat, parts of a, 11a, 40a, 187a,
blot out, 591a, 884a. 192b, 226a, 231b, 268b, 275a,
blow, 159b, 397b, 468b, 489a b, 276a, 547b, 562b, 610b, 657b,
527b, 614b, 615a, 685b, 698a, 680a, 828a, 902a ; pleasure,
723b, 734a, 751a ; of Fate, 724a. 310b ; river, 290a ; rope of,
blow, to, 348b, 409a ; blow at, 559a ; sacred, 108b ; 357b, 358a,
369b ; blow hot and cold, 681a ; 385b, 699b ; sea-going, 305b,
of flowers, 639a. 793a ; Sudani, 152a ; swift,
blow-pipe, 72b. 643a ; tackle of, 9a.
blue, 330b, 564a, 569b ; cloth, boats, treasure, 417a ; festival of,
69b, 564a ; porcelain, 842a. 474a ; procession of, 576b.
bluish, 564a, 569b. boatman, 93b, 290b, 769a, 877a ;
blunder, 675a. boat-master, 154b.
board, 88b, 149a, 566a ; writing, body, 34a, 75b, 165a, 222b, 424b,
123a. 570a, 571b, 633a, 722b, 773ab,
board of guardians, 901a. 778a, 893a ; complete, 659b ;
boast, 651b, 723b, 724a, 910b ; dead, 528b, 570b ; divine,
boaster, 651b, 911a ; boastful, 893a ; embalmed, 158a, 188a ;
108a ; man, 824a. hidden, 43a ; human, 466a ;
boat, 13a, 16a, 49b, 60b, 97b, invisible, 755b ; mummified,
134b, 139b, 152a, 174a, 180b, 570b, 778b ; of a man, 878b ;
202b, 203a, 204a, 211b, 235b, of Osiris, 24b ; of Ra, 23b ;
273a, 289a, 308a, 328b, 356b, body of the god, 33a, 106a,
374a, 425b, 433a, 448a, 467a, 402b ; One body, 466a ; part
470b, 475b, 478b, 479b, 540a, of the, 21a, 32b, 150a, 220a,
561b, 565b, 576b, 590a, 602b, 324a, 417b, 612b, 682a, 697b,
612b, 671b, 682b, 762b, 764a, 851b ; solid parts of, 848b ;
767a, 778b, 786a, 789b, 791b, substance of, 528a ; lower part
832a, 851b, 877a, 892a, 894b, of, 910b.
895a, 900a; boat and crew, bodyguard, 33a, 742ab ; divine,
119a ; basket shaped, 202b ; 742b ; king’s, 392b ; of the god,
for bird transport, 134b; 403a.

boil, lib, 124a, 134b, 140b, 204a, booty, 283b, 464b, 512b.
217a, 222b, 231a, 247b, 248a, border, 50a, 248a, 488a, 881b,
261b, 320a, 356a, 382b, 565b, 819b, 908b.
597b, 676a, 681a, 698b, 709b, bore, 191b, 189a ; boring tool,
791a, 817b, 841b ; boiled meat, 452 a.
247b ; boiling lake, 539a ; boil born, 55a, 221b, 233b, 240a,
away, 899a. 241a, 321a.
boil, a hard, 381a, 836b. borne, 894b.
bold, 193b, 259a, 289a, 297a, 307a, bosom, 212b, 307a, 777b.
382b, 433b, 702b, 772a, 851a, boss, 369a.
857a, 861b, 899a ; bold-faced, bottle, 94b, 281b, 292b, 485a,
691a ; bold-hearted, 690b ; of 801a ; skin, 62a, 568b, 576a.
speech, 690b. bottom, 609a ; bottom side up¬
bolt, 93b, 139b, 140a, 219a, 246a, permost, 580a.
583b, 600b, 757a, 762a, 763b, boulders, 789b.
764a, 769b, 777b, 810a, 896b ; bound, 15b, 273a, 759a, 899a.
of door, 244b, 473b, 516a, 775b. boundary, boundaries, 50a, 104b,
bolt in, 5a ; bolt together, 803a ; 133b, 248b, 297b, 411a, 488a,
bolting (of food), 645a. 773a, 818a, 819b, 820b, 844b,
bolt-peg, 267a, 464b, 769a, 871b ; 852a, 881b, 908b ; door, 908b ;
bolt-socket, 126a. mark, 301a ; stone, 192b.
bolus, 203b, 237a, 256b, 490b. boundless, 908b.
bon a merveille, 209b. bounty, 213b.
bonds, lib, 118a, 146a, 305a, bouquet, 118a, 287a, 328a, 563a ;
355a, 521a, 587a, 653a, 750a,765a. carrier, 259a ; funerary,
bone, 9a, 765a, 778a ; bone and 518a.
flesh, 28a ; bone-chamber, bow, to, 94b, 441b, 448a, 476a,
595a ; counting of bones, 41a ; 530a, 531a, 539b, 572b, 603a,
sacred, 249b. 791b, 797ab ; in homage, 879a ;
bonnet, 458b. the head, 147b, 828a ; the knee,
book, 71b, 99a, 129a, 131b, 204b.
200b, 337b, 377b, 619a, 722b, bow down to, 178b, 544b, 590b.
725a, 738b, 739a, 755a, 836b, bow, 96a, 253b, 256a, 257a, 516b,
848a, 880a, 885a, 896b, 898b ; 572 a, 795b, 832b, 877b ; amu¬
account or day book, 129a ; let of, 256a ; divine, 741b ;
closed books, 619b ; magic Land of the, 22a ; Nine
books, 619b ; sacred, 402a, Peoples of the, 257a ; the
403a, 525b ; Book of Praise, Nubian, 59b ; of heaven,
337b ; Book of the Festival, 741b ; Syrian, 256a ; to draw
474b ; Book of the praises of a, 13b ; to string, 100a ; to
Ra, 337b ; Book of the Words ground, 79a ; bearer, 70b,
of the God, 337b ; Book of 99a ; master, 70b ; bow¬
traversing Eternity, 337b. shaped, 274b.
book-box, 255b. bow (of ship), 750a, 828b.
book-learned, 120a. bowed, 441b, 530a, 763a.
boomerang, 97a, 122a, 770a, bowels, 181b, 224b, 599a, 769b.
800b, 856b ; to throw, 111b, bowings (homage), 94b, 448a,
121b, 770a. 797a.
boon companion, 739a. bowl, 2a, 28ab, 94b, 95a, 114a,
boor, 180a. 218a, 253a, 318b, 324b, 422a,
booth, 92b, 238b, 475a, 511b, 485a, 527a, 529b, 558b, 649a,
682a, 700b, 753a, 801b ; to 652a, 842b, 852a, 856b, 878b,
build a, 695a. 892a, 895b.

bowman, 257a, 416b, 709a, 848a, 822b, 823a, 833a, 844a, 846a,
903a ; divine, 535a ; bowmen 908a ; bread and beer, bread
(foreign), 256a ; naval, 257b ; and wine, 842b ; crumby,
the Nine, 251a ; of Horns, 257a. 423b ; everlasting, 817b ; fancy,
Bowman, god, 256b. 645a, 862a ; for journey,
bowstring, 421b, 422a. 894b ; great-great, 817a ; holy,
bowstringer, 422a. 817a ; incorruptible, 817a ; of
box, 43ab, 63b, 120a, 155a, angels, 817b ; of eating, 817a ;
166a, 203b, 255b, 256b, 263a, of fine flour, 771b, 817b, 851b ;
302a, 447b, 514a, 581b, 604b, of Memphis, 817b ; of Menu,
605a, 675b, 685a, 805b, 812b, 817a ; of the field, 817b ; of the
827b, 832a, 836b, 839a, 873b, highest quality, 817b ; of the
874b, 876b, 904b ; box of head moon, 817a ; of the morning,
of Osiris, 19a. 817b; of the month, 817b; sac¬
boy, 61a, 110b, 141ab, 303a, rificial, 817a ; stamped, 568b ;
466a, 471a, 487b, 525a, 545b, wheaten, 788b, 789a ; white,
573b, 597b, 647b, 749b, 798b ; 523b, 866b ; to make, 774a.
of the South, 472a. breadcake, 113a, 138b, 139b,
bracelet, 33b, 70a, 105b, 217a, 390b, 415b, 457a, 506b, 545a,
302b, 303a, 428b, 443a, 451b. 614a, 739b.
bradawl, 123b, 452a. bread offering, 144a, 245b, 823b.
brag, 651b. bread oven, 822a.
braid, 82a. bread store, 238a.
brain, 190b. breadth, 182b, 615b, 685b.
brainpan, 448a. break, 91 ab, 114b, 178a, 220b,
branch, 17a, 60a, 90a, 138a, 261b, 398b, 452b, 517a, 539a,
262a, 487b, 566a, 600b, 637b, 547a, 565b, 587a, 593b, 630b,
892b, 903b ; of the Nile, 714a. 633a, 685b, 706b, 713b, 716a,
brand, to, 4b, 19a ; branded 764b, 765ab, 801b, 808a, 821a,
cattle, 569b. 822b, 842b, 844b, 902a ; down,
brandish, 662b. 528b ; forth, 795b ; ground,
brass, 533a, 842a. 29b, 302a, 488b; in, 765a, 854a ;
brave, 107b, 241a, 289a, 297a, into, 185a, 841a ; into flame,
772a, 838b, 839a, 841b, 855a, 439b ; open, 158a, 253a, 347b,
857a ; braves, 772a, 841b, 857b. 388a, 571b, 625b, 702b, 716a ;
brave man, 314a, 841b. peace, 845a; seal, 665b ;
bravery, 241a, 245a, 330b ; prize through, 201a ; up, 411a, 613b,
of, 259a. 683b.
bray in a mortar, 411a, 480b. breakers, 587a.
brazier, 135a, 178a, 286a, 582a. Breaker of bones, 714a.
breach, 26b, 397b, 630b, 713b. breast, 203a, 207b, 217a, 307a,
breach a wall, 189a, 191b, 689a, 329a, 460a, 461a, 516b, 746b,
693b, 700b, 713b. 763a, 768a, 773b ; breasts of
bread, 2b, 3b, 8a, 31a, 33b, 37b, woman, 763a ; pendent, 307a,
39a, 43a, 62b, 119b, 138b, 695b ; the two, 219b, 306ab,
139a, 143a, 168b, 221b, 230b, 307a ; breasts with milk,
233a, 234a, 235a, 253a, 262b, 225b.
276a, 330a, 372b, 401a, 465b, breast bone, 773b.
487a, 534a b, 551b, 590b, breast cover, 853a.
605a, 621b, 717b, 722b, 730b, Breast-god, 202a.
734a, 750b, 767a, 769b, 776b, breast offering, 616b.
786b, 790a, 793a, 796ab, breast ornament, 183b.
802b, 804a, 813b, 815a, 817a, breast plate, 193b, 216a.

breath, 82a, 280a, 348b, 369b, bristle, to, 167a ; bristling (of
377b, 451b, 551a, 605a, 618b, the hair), 726b.
651b, 697a, 823b, 824a, 849b. bristles, 716b, 726b.
breath of life, 370a ; of serpent, broad, 180b, 260a, 635b ; to
348b. make, 652a.
breathe, 348b, 369b, 394a, 603b, broaden, 697a.
612ab, 618a, 675a, 681b, 695b, broken, 181a, 778a, 802a.
697a, 832a, 854b ; an odour, Broken-hearts, 716a.
551a ; easily, 10a ; into 451b ; bronze, 132b, 188b, 512a, 602a.
with difficulty, 807b. brood, to, 319a, 387b.
breathing, 603b, 618b, 697a ; brook, 576a.
difficulty in, 547a. brother, 674a ; brothers and
breathlessness, 547a. sisters, 674ab.
breeze, 82b, 89b, 130b, 141b, Brother-gods, the Two, 674a.
273a, 342a, 344b, 346b, 377b, Brother-kings, 392a.
445a, 605b, 648b, 836b. brought forth, 321a.
brethren, 674a. brow of Amenti, 163a.
brew, 100b, 735a. brow of the water, 293a.
brewer, 100b ; brewers, 140b. bruise, 140b, 253a, 571a, 688b.
brewery, 156a. Bu (devil), 197a.
bribe, to, 262a, 904a. Bua-tep, 215b.
brick, 42a, 654a, 819b, 827b, 874a, bubble up, 476a, 833a.
905a ; of metal (ingot), 827b. bucket, 186b, 881b ; sacrificial,
brick base, 875a. 185b.
brick kiln, 118b. buckler, 93a, 95a, 324a, 776a, 788a,
bricklayer, 538b. 810a, 851b, 853a.
brickmaker, 201a, 538b. bud, 246a, 385b, 394a.
brickmaking, tools for, 56b. buffoon, 294b.
bricks, to make, 233b, 234b, Bu-heh, 214b.
235ab ; the Four, 874a. build, lb, 94a, 144a, 164a, 366b,
brickwork, 905a. 375b, 432b, 535b, 536a, 538a,
bride, 756b. 563b, 578a, 597a, 611a, 642b,
bridle, 552a. 662b, 676b, 689b, 728a, 730a,
brigand, 115a. 769b, 778a, 779a.
bright, 160a, 180b, 206a, 212b, builder, 60b, 535b, 563b, 578a,
215b, 224ab, 522b, 628b, 635a,- 779a.
736b ; to be, 22b, 225a, 820b ; building, 99a, 132a, 164a, 181a,
become, 522a ; to make, 589b ; 298a, 438a, 563b, 731b, 734a,
something that is, 3b. 914b ; government, 881b ; high,
brightness, 9a. 134a ; memorial, 192b ; pil¬
brilliance, 23a, 31a, 142b, 160a, lared, 58b ; site, 147a ; strong,
274a, 459b, 522b, 535a, 914a. 38a ; walled, 633b.
bring, 7a, 56a, 113b, 260a, 286b, bulge, 225a.
301b, 324a, 591a, 616a, 640a, bull, 39a, 275b, 299a, 379a, 396b,
690a, 707b ; bring forth, la, 397b, 398a, 669a, 774a, 800b ;
233b ; bring forward, 152a, a “ cut,” 784b ; divine, 393a ;
558a ; gifts, 562a ; in, 735a ; fighting, 132a ; for sacrifice,
low, 256b ; report, 56b ; to 400a ; red and white, 75a, 784a ;
an end, 129b, 138a, 546a, parts of, 559b ; stud, 26b ;
626a ; together, 879a ; up, wild, 636b.
591a, 645a b ; 655a ; bring up Bull in Tet, 886b.
children, 677b, 690a ; bringer, Bull of Maat, 886b.
56a, 645b, 707b. Bull of the Gods, 784b.

Bull, name of a boat, 668a. business, 8b, 160b, 335a, 438a,

bull calf, 784a. 486b, 525a, 580b, 622a, 650b,
bull cakes, 730a. 694a, 733a.
Bull-god, 7b, 109a, 127a, 228b, Busiris, 15b, 238b, 852b ; title of
374a, 398a, 707b, 912b ; of priest of, 389b.
Hermonthis, 221b ; with two bust, 494b.
faces, 208a. but, 79a, 96a, 160b, 480b, 809b ;
bull’s skin bier, 327b, 328a. but not, 79b.
Bulls, the Two, 667a, 674b ; the butcher, 54b, 303b, 575b, 653b,
Four, of Tem, 151b, 159a. 665a, 666a, 669a, 711a.
bulwark, 164a. Butcher-gods, 489b.
Bun, Buna, 215b. butler, 19b, 71a, 158a,843a ; royal,
bunch, 347b, 814a, 915a ; of 391b.
flowers, 257a. But-Menu, 215a.
bundle, 124a, 131a, 313b, 347b, Buto, 406a.
519b, 561b, 563a, 735a, 764a, butt, to, 386b, 445b, 447b, 777b.
792b, 814a, 844b, 866b, 915a ; butter, 610b, 669b.
of grain, 773b ; of reeds, 377b ; buttocks, 244a, 298b, 513b, 544b,
of vegetables, 563a ; to tie up 909b.
in, 563a. buying, 650b.
burden, 13b, 206b, 338a, 883b ; by, 56a, 65a, 339b, 414a, 492b,
burdened, 531a. 560a, 762b, 813a, 828b ; by all
burdensome, 507a, 882a. means, 336b ; by means of,
bureau, 80b, 510b, 526b. 279b, 492b ; by no means, 835a ;
burial, 375ab, 599a, 667b, 669a, by the, 277a ; by the hand of,
764b, 776a, 777a, 778b, 783a, 279b ; by the side of, 415a ;
860a ; day of, 450b. by way of, 492b.
buried, 550a, 777a, 909b. Byblos, boat of, 661a, 768b, 787a.
burn, 6a, 9b, 10b, 17a, 19a, 25b, byre, 337a.
49a, 140a, 145b, 146b, 160a, byssus, 252ab, 440b, 648b, 653b,
164a, 187a, 189a, 190b, 221a, 697b, 751a, 840a, 884b.
227b, 237a, 275b, 295a, 320a, bystander, 813a.
367a, 388a, 390a, 393a, 420b,
429b, 434ab, 439b, 445a, 510a,
517a, 526a, 547a, 588b, 628a, C.
630b, 635a, 636b, 639b, 672a, •cabin, 549b, 605a, 678ab, 746b ;
695b, 724b, 774a, 817b, 832a, of boat, 34b, 130b, 573a, 575b.
897b, 899a, 900b ; incense, cabinet, 37b, 286a ; royal, 312a.
227b ; to make to burn, 645b, cabinet maker, 289b.
708a ; up, 163b, 177b, 268b, cackle, 348a, 398a, 800b.
285b, 392b, 439b, 550b, 605b, cackler, 398a.
639a, 670a, 676a, 726a ; burnt Cadmus, 766a.
out, 429b ; up, 186b, 750b. Caesar, 841b.
burned, 187a, 215b, 388a, 429b. cage, 204a, 514b, 521a, 729a, 757a,
burner, 160a, 284b, 367a. 875a, 905a.
burning, 131a, 434a, 531a, 588b, cajole, 650b.
817b. cajolery, 650b.
burnt offering, daily, 92b. cake, 2b, 7a, 8a, 31a, 33b, 36b,
burst, 22a, 639a. 37b, 39a, 43a, 62b, 100b, 138b,
bury, 599a, 815b, 837a. 143a, 151a, 152a, 168b, 174a,
bush, 89a, 167b, 197a, 202a, 209a, 186a, 191a, 202a, 203b, 209a,
344a, 539b, 636a, 695a, 833a ; 218a, 221b, 230b, 231b, 232b,
“bush,” 765b. 233a, 234ab, 235a, 247b, 248a,

253a, 259b, 261b, 283ab, 324a, camel stick, 856b.

330a, 332b, 385b, 422b, 429b, camp, 7b, 21a, 32a, 74b, 114a,
442b, 457a, 465b, 487a, 516a, 120a, 235a, 297b.
521b, 533a, 536b, 551b, 568b, campaign, 193a.
591a, 617a, 621b, 635b, 653a, camping ground, 718b.
729b, 734a, 736a, 750ab, 754b, camwood unguent, 890a.
765b, 769b, 786b, 790a, 792b, canal, 8b, 22a, 35b, 99b, 114a,
793a, 796a, 802b, 804a, 813b,- 115b, 202a, 212b, 257b, 293a,
815a, 817a, 822b, 833a b, 844a, 307b, 308a, 343a, 349b, 400a,
846a, 851b, 862b, 882b, 894b, 407b, 416a, 424b, 461b, 488b,
897b, 900a ; baked, 20a ; bull, 499b, 516b, 526b, 533a, 650b,
730b ; evening, 323b ; goose, 707b, 714a, 731b, 758a, 759b ;
730b ; hard baked, 441b ; medi¬ of Heliopolis, 16a ; the old,
cinal, 550b ; obelisk, 730b ; 882b ; the small, 750a.
round, 42a ; sacrificial, 435b, cancer, 160a.
476a, 531b, 550b, 823b, 825b ; Cancer, 543a.
sweet, 730b ; white, 730b. candlestick, 582a.
cakes, the Four, 817a ; the cane, 277a.
Seven, 817a. canon, 271b, 400b, 566a, 753b.
cake offering, 55b, 100b, 102a, canopy, 13b, 678ab.
186a, 191a, 796b. cap, 40a, 119b, 458a.
calamint, 39b, 344b, 345a. capable, 129b.
calamity, 2a, 2b, 14ab, 31b, cape, 773b.
74a, 103b, 120a, 127b, 142a, capital (money), 829a.
170a, 214b, 296b, 379b, 386b, capital city, the, 575b.
395a, 450a, 461b, 489a, 527b, capital of pillar, 210b.
549b, 577ab, 595ab, 632a, 698a, capsize, 232b, 236b, 647a, 661b.
715a, 717b, 772b, 778b ; day captain, 71a, 154b, 311b, 370a,
of, 451a. 461a, 494a, 495a, 562b, 825b,
Calasirites, 315b. 860ab, 896a ; of boat, 694a ;
calculate, 510b, 735b, 838a. of ten, 312b ; to act as, 117b.
calculation, 297b, 510b, 856b. captives, 464b, 512b, 550a, 552a,
caldron (see cauldron), 648a, 702ab, 705b ; to- take,
calf, 37b, 170a, 205a, 221a, 426b, 597b.
428a, 477b, 509b, 854a, 864b ; captivity, 412b.
bull, 323a ; of Khera, 220b ; capture, 100b, 435b, 449a, 464b,
star, 220b. 473a, 512b, 545a, 702b, 794a.
call, 17a, 25b, 60a, 79b, 136b, captured, 7a.
333a, 345a, 587b, 658a, 790a, Capturer, 794a.
872b. caravan, 106a ; chief of, 311b ;
call out, 136b, 705b, 782b. leader, 671a, 791b.
call to mind, 90b, 688a. caravan march, 499a.
call up troops, 677b. caravanserai, 297b.
called (i.e., named), 187b. caraway seed, 296a.
calling, 345a. carbuncles, 681a, 709a, 791a.
calm, 570a ; weather, 898b. carcase, 32b, 34a, 530a.
calumniate, 642a. cardinal points, gods of, 556b.
calumny, 419a, 420a. card wool, 114a.
Cambyses, 763b, 793a, 794b, care, 3b, 319a, 351b, 428b, 464a,
795a, 808a. 484b, 866a.
camel, 786a, 788b, 808a, 882b. care for, 319a, 351b, 381a, 386a,
camel cloth, 330b. 421a, 433a.
camels’ hair, 22a ; tents of, 74b. careless, 176b, 180a, 289b.
3 Z 2

caretaker, 351b. 744b, 758b, 599b ; out, 91a,

cargo, 594a. 190a, 219b, 437a ; spells, 745a ;
carnage, 730a, 731b. up, 753a, 477a.
carnelians, 471a, 485b, 612b, 682a. castanets, 76a, 344a.
carobs, 131b, 153a, 891b, 900a ; caster of metal, 325a.
dried, 470b. castle, 633b, 205b.
Carob wine, 839a. castor oil plant, 891b.
carpenter, 11a, 304b, 320a, 413a, ♦castrate, 472a, 485b, 645a.
483b, 567a ; to work as a, 11a. castrated, 656b ; animal, 641b,
carpet, 195b, 249a, 773a. 654b, 777b ; man, 481b.
carriage, 649b. cat, 49b, 50b, 269b, 273b, 277b,
carried, 894b. 278a ; he, 278a ; she, 278a.
carrier, 56a, 258ab, 260a, 425b, Cat, the Great, 92b.
591a, 645b, 670b, 676a, 763a, cat of Bast, 278a.
764a, 849a ; of gold, 792b ; Cat-god, 273b, 278a ; goddess,
of the book, 849a. 205b, 232a, 246a.
carroty, 889a. catalogue, 45b, 106b, 161a, 346a,
carry, 18a, 35b, 91b, 113b, 149b, 430b, 683a.
189b, 258a, 260a, 425a, 640a, cataplasm, 387b.
673a, 676a, 705b, 849a, 852b, catapult, 528b.
853a, 872a ; away, 105a, 531b, cataract, 768b.
538b, 713a, 757b ; off, 63b, catch, 466a, 802b ; fish, 244a,
100b, 101a, 146a, 212a, 298a, 433a, 482a ; in a net, 75a,
385a, 420b, 550b, 590a, 703b, 437b.
747b, 750b, 796a, 849a, 865b, cattle, 15a, 16b, 18a, 32a, 74b,
867b ; on, 846b ; out, 65b. 114a, 123b, 165a, 299a, 379a,
carrying pole, 859b. 521a, 805a, 822a, 824b, 829b,
carthamus silvestris, 810b. 832a, 868b ; black, 787b ;
carthamus tinctorius, 791a. branded, 569b ; fattened, 185a ;
cartonnage, 188a. foreign, 75a ; hornless, 170a,
cartouche, 305b. 493a ; sacred, 111b ; sacri¬
carve, 9a, 186a, 220a, 304b, 323a, ficial, 69a, 116b, 537b, 569b,
527b, 587b, 639b, 644a, 660b, 658a ; selected, 713a ; stud,
777b, 836a ; patterns, 571b ; 27b ; turned out to graze,
statue, 279a, 645b. 193a ; young, 284b, 428a.
carved, 567b; work, 19b. cattle-boat, 786a.
carver, 323b. cattle-farms, 587a.
case (affair), 525a, 581b, 595a, cattle-men, 306a, 351b.
675b, 685a, 836b ; at law, 595ab, cattle-pen, 32a, 337a.
685a, 745a, 818a. cattle-pounds, 60b.
case (box), 2a, 604b, 605a ; for cattle-runs, 27a.
amulets,42b ; for arms or tools, cattle-shed, 74b.
2a ; for spells, 390b ; leather, cauldron, 137a, 429a, 535b, 791a,
728b. 847b.
casket, 155a. cause, 102b, 436b, 525a, 865a ;
casque, 139b. to be, 865b ; to do, 865b ; to
Cassandra, 804b. rn dtp

cassia, 533b, 563b, 574a, 781a. cavalry,’ 105a,’ 288a, 372b, 408a,
cast, 189b, 470ab, 688b, 708a; 521a, 772a, 839b.
cast a line or net, 178b, 490b ; cavalrymen, 521a.
aside, 89b, 157b, 528a, 628b ; cave, 38a, 201a b, 216a, 225b,
away, 770a ; evil glances, 806b ; 290a, 477b, 538b, 539b, 774b,
down, 79a, 247a b, 255a, 476a, 775a, 832b, 854b, 857a, 877b.

cavern, 201ab, 216a, 337a, 464a, 492a, 526a b, 540a, 605a,

465b, 477b, 539b, 774b, 775a, 608a, 613a, 615b, 617b, 621a,
832b, 854b, 877b. 675b, 682b, 685b, 709a, 712b,
cavity, 216a. 719b, 740b, 744a, 753a, 763b,
cease, 4b, 19a, 38b, 65a, 141b, 821b, 860a, 881b, 882a, 885a,
176a, 420a, 703b, 810b ; cease 897a, 909b, 910b ; audience,
from, 420b, 433b ; make to, 900b ; coffin, 378a ; dissect¬
680b. ing, 106b ; of embalming,
ceaselessly, 4b, 19a, 340a. 46b ; of execution, 373a ; for
cedar, 137a, 156a, 654a ; fruit, statues, 454a ; funerary, 238a ;
156a ; ointment, 137a ; valley incense, 227b ; inner, 34b,
of, 58a ; wine, 72b ; wood, 137a. 874b ; magical, 710b ; of
ceiling, 110a, 419b, 440b. mummification, 300a, 613a ;
celebrate a festival, 66a, 689b, observation, 275a ; of sick¬
767a, 825a. ness, 225b ; private, 154b ;
celestial, 689b. rectangular, 774a ; roofed,
cell of a god, 99a. 419b ; sacrificial, 454a ; of
cellar, 374b, 763b ; wine, 238a. temple, 685a, 759a, 896b ; of
cemetery, 58b, 71b, 80a, 402b, tomb, 238b ; underground,
498b, 511b, 561b, 580a, 599a, 351a ; vaulted, 462b ; vest¬
708a, 756a, 776a, 816a, 900b. ment, 455 a.
cense, to, 66b, 609b, 678b, 786b ; chance, 898b.
censing, 227b, 786b. chancellor, 568b.
censer, 105ab, 227b, 407b, 614a, chancery, 79b, 81b, 238b ; royal,
652b, 684b, 804b. 392 a.
censer, incense and vase of, 2a. change, 30a, 191a, 246b, 420b,
census, 41a, 161a, 838a ; of 542b, 735ab ; direction, 0195a ;
cattle, 856b. of apparel,476b ; changed, 108a.
cerastes, 584b. channel, 56b, 144b, 758b.
cercopithecus, 802b. chant, 508b, 509a.
cerebellum, 307b. chants, the 70 of Ra, 509a.
cerebrum, 190b. ' chapel, 18b, 92b, 132a, 523b,
ceremony, 69a, 93a, 270b, 484b ; 774b, 789b, 796a, 801a, 804b,
ceremonies, 400b, 407b ; to 812b, 912a ; of tomb, 81b.
perform magical, 710b. chaplet, 275a, 728b ; of flowers,
certainly, 30b, 34b, 336b, 480b, 677a.
782 a. chapter, 415b, 457a ; Chapters,
cessation, 4b, 38b, 175b. i.e. Books, 416a.
chagrin, 796b. character, 209b, 694a, 779b, 782b,
chain, 64a, 292a, 408b, 652b ; of 804b.
Aapep, 64a, 323a ; chains for characteristic, 34b, 200a, 209b,
jewellery, 119a. 261b, 430a, 595a.
chair, 13b, 234a, 367b, 773b ; of charcoal, 491a.
state,. 235b, 559b, 773a, 850a, charge, 338a, 449a, 586b, 633a ;
851a, 857ab, 898b. make a charge against, lb,
chair bearer, 13b. 837a.
chalk, 10a. charge sheet, 739a.
challenge, 699b. chariot, 112b, 115b, 131b, 174b,
chamber, lib, 32b, 33a, 74a, 204a, 208b, 283b, 289b, 462b,
75a, 77a, 79b, 106a, 110a, 120a, 825b ; parts of, 131b, 655a,
130a, 148b, 149a, 157b, 166a, 714b, 875a, 905a ; pole of,
174b, 183a, 190b, 275a, 286a, 106a, 115b, 884b.
348b, 417b, 419a, 468a, 484b, chariot, Hittite, 853a.
3z 3

charioteer, 115b, 791a b. 428a, 466a, 507a, 525a, 532a,

charm, charms, 289b, 518a, 545b, 548b, 570a, 573b, 575a,
537b, 860b ; magical, 647b ; to 591b, 597b, 632a, 644b, 647ab,
use, 514b. 664b, 716b, 731b, 749b, 798b,
Charon, 894b. 825a, 907a; divine, 76b ; in
charter, 106b. arms, 616b ; royal, 76b, 392a ;
chase, 221a, 658a ; away, 420b, sucking, 547b, 652b.
531b, 787a ; chased, 711b. Child, i.e. Ra, 76a.
Chase-god, 213a. child, to be with, 206a, 224b,
chastise, 103b. 450a.
chattels, 525a. childbirth, 321b, 326b.
chatter, 822b, 844a, 852b, 863a ; Childbirth-goddess, 59a, 327a.
foolishly, 797b. childhood, the second, 387a.
chatterer, 335a, 648a. Children, the Two, 598a, 632a.
cheat, 165b. chin, 60a, 531a.
cheater, 641b. china, 909b.
check, 642b. chip, 14b.
cheek, 206a, 215b ; bones of, chisel, 205b, 223a, 304b, 337b,
139a. 452a, 519b.
cheese, 610b. choice (of bread), 710b.
che§|, 13b, 43b, 91a, 120a, 203b, choicest, 710a, 829b.
209a, 255b, 256b, 311a, 447b, choir, 548b, 741b, 835b, 872b,
514a, 796a, 800b, 805a, 812b, 878b, 879ab.
827b, 832a, 836b, 839a, 896b, choirs of the Tuat, 448a.
909b ; for linen, 447b ; for choke, 64a ; choked, 763b, 769b,
papers, 447b. 800a, 805a.
chest, funerary, 174a, 874b, 910b. choose, 628b, 696b, 710b, 713a.
chew, 185a b, 187a, 262b, 479b, chop, 338a, 390a, 488b, 613b ;
572b, 631ab, 715a ; chew up, chop up, 186a, 288b, 482a, 911b.
615a. choristers, 835b.
chick-pea, 490b. chosen (of a person), 710b.
chicory, 355a. cincture, 217a.'*
chief, 97a, 101b, I07a, 108a, circle, to, 232a, 875a, 796b.
128b, 161a, 164a, 170b, 215b, circle, 76b, 99 a, 247a, 266a,
224b, 283a, 323b, 331b, 417a, 743b, 744a, 779b, 780a, 827b,
423a, 433b, 461a, 473b, 494a, 875a ; to mark out, 796b.
519b, 554a, 562a, 588a, 604a, circle, hidden, 775a ; in Tuat,
679b, 690b, 828b, 829b, 851b, 26a, 774b ; of sky, 831a ; the
860b, 862a, 901a ; chiefs, cap¬ Great, 743b.
tive, 315a. Circles, the Two, 743b.
chief in command, 829b ; of a circler (Nile), 452a.
caravan, 311b ; of the Nome, circuit, to, 246ab, 251b, 701a.
460b ; of a port, 108b ; of a circuit, 134a, 246b, 252a, 743b,
tribe, 290b. 744a, 768a, 780a, 827b, 832a ;
chief priest, 155a. to make a, 875a, 251b ; of
chief steward, 312a. earth, heaven and solar disk,
chieftain, 494a. 743b, 746a.
chieftainess, 423a, 460b, 494a, circuit wall, 910a.
496a, 513a, 860b. circuiting, a, 743b.
child, children, 3b, 27a, 31 a, 49a, circular, 476a, 875a.
61a, 130b, 141b, 152a, 165a, circulate, 216a.
196b, 279a, 290a, 321ab, 322a, Circumcision-god, 862a, 870a.
349a, 372b, 386b, 388ab, 413b, circumcision, knife for, 870a.

circumference, 134a, 743b, 875a. clever, 624b, 682b.

circumstances, 580b, 693b. client, 285a, 824a.
circumvent, 30a. climbing pole, 646b.
cistern, 106b, 307b, 491a, 579a, clippings (of hair), 594a.
720a, 724b, 733b, 758a. cloaks, 141a.
citadel, 164a, 526a, 660b. cloisters, 247a.
citizen, 124b ; citizens, 350b. close, 98a, 265a, 568a, 708a,
city, 206b, 350b, 764b ; the ever¬ 750a ; bring to a, 704b ; close
lasting, 351a ; walled, 60b. the eyes, 135b ; close up, 64a,
City of Eternity, 507b. 569b, 874b.
City of the god, 350b. close by, 438b.
City of Night, 288a. closet, 286a.
claim, 334b. cloth, 19b, 49b, 62a, 63b, 97a,
clamour, 838b. 128b, 160a, 243b, 289ab, 290a,
clamp, 246a. 291b, 300a, 304b, 305b, 328b,
clan, 284a, 316a, 320a. 368b, 408b, 411a, 440b, 458b,
clap, 5a, 275a, 468b, 795a. 476b, 536b, 623b, 635a, 641a,
clapper, 76a, 304b, 344a. 652a, 667b, 747b, 756b, 773b,
clapping, 275a. 776a, 791b, 840a, 866b, 884b,
cl arias anguillaris, 347a. 895b, 896b, 897a, 915a ; black,
clarify, 598a, 628b, 631b. 300a ; coarse, 773b ; flajfr or
clasp, 111a, 273a, 446a, 484b. linen, 234b ; painted, 122b ; a
class, 585b. square, 631a, 715a ; Sudani,
classes, the upper, 774a. 332b ; to weave, 66a ; white,
claw, 20a, 112b, 123b, 128b, 523b.
140a, 142b, 176b, 180a, 215b, clothe, 282b, 356b, 376a, 476b,
218a, 351a, 722a, 800b, 840b. 629b, 682b, 713a, 714a, 818b,
clawless, 835a. 849a, 850b, 904b ; clothed,
cl aw-sheath, 639b. 826a ; clothed in armour, 422a.
clay, 10a, 11a, 49b, 122a, 604b, clothes, 324b, 525a ; chamber
643b, 816a, 875b ; like, 49b. for, 613a ; chest for, 13b ;
clean, 155 a, 329b, 346 a, 825 a, dirty, 726b ; old, 82a ; wrap
873a ; to make, 117a ; clean for, 256b.
out, 700b ; clean-handed, 155a, clothing, 141a, 160a, 169b, 476b,
825a ; clean-mouthed, 155a ; of 477a, 818b.
speech, 155a. cloud, 96a, 368a, 793b ; cloudy,
cleaning, substance for, 531b. 789a.
cleanness, 214a. Cloud-gods, 669a.
cleanse, 407b, 644b, 653b, 710a, club, 17a, 32b, 83a, 141a, 202a,
825 a, 858a. 274a, 300a, 320b, 366b, 367a,
cleansing, 117a, 155a, 726b. 459a, 470a, 523b, 566b, 643a,
clear, 206a, 71 la ; a way, 631b ; 672a, 684a.
clear up, 685a ; to make, clutch, 124a.
600b, 796a. coast, 354a.
cleave, 195a, 248b, 251b, 252ab, coast region, 587b.
480b, 598a, 665a, 705a, 713b, coat, 652a ; of leather, 324a.
844b, 881a. codify, 400b.
cleaver, 246a. coerce, 850a.
cleft, 207a. coffer, 91a, 99b, 120a, 238a,
clement, 598a. 263a, 285a, 311a, 447b, 489b,
clepsydra, 735b. 630a, 796a, 800b, 805a, 827b,
clerk, 620b, 852b ; of works, 832a, 839a, 860a, 873b, 874b,
67a, 313a ; room of, 80b. 875b, 876b, 904b, 909b, 910b.
3z 4

coffin, 120a, 188a, 284a, 357b, combat, 670a, 762a.

447b, 457a, 489b, 566b, 626b, Come ! 48b, 266b, 280a, 292b.
756a, 757a, 777a, 796a, 800b, come, lab, 15a, 30a, 31a, 83a,
832a, 873b, 874b, 904b, 909b ; 93a, 101b, 193b, 216b, 217a,
chamber, 904b ; coffined one, 222a, 339b, 346a, 351b, 400b,
756b, 904b ; coffins of the 517b, 576a, 640a, 647ab, 661b,
. * Tuat, 447b. 827a, 846b, 891a; forth, 156b,
cogitate, 330b, 398a. 215a, 597a ; make to come forth,
cognizance, 681b. 661b ; near to, 879a ; on, 222a ;
cohabit, 66b. out, 97b ; to an end, 10b, 19a,
coiffure, 526b. 181a, 398b ; towards, 28b ; up,
coign, 766b. 129a, 240a.
coil, 859b ; coils, 763a ; of ser¬ comer, 31a, 240b.
pent, 380b, 768a, 793a. comers, i.e., posterity, 30a.
coin (copper), 854a. comet, 155a, 701a.
coin a proverb, 469a. comfort, 493a, 610b.
coinciding with, 332b. coming, a, 31a ; the act of,
coition, 316a. 804b ; forth, 449a.
cold, 474a. command, 136b, 161a, 187b,
collapse, 122b, 180b, 471a, 594b, 190b, 191b, 270b, 289b, 335a,
65jjb, 806a. 382b, 449a, 470a, 486b, 487a,
collar, 71a, 75b, 183b, 184a, 597a, 613b, 677b, 683b, 860a,
207b, 216a, 226a, 278b, 282a, 862a, 896a, 900a ; to be in,
306a, 408b, 446a, 452a, 575a, 683b ; to give a, 37a ; to
734b, 764a, 862a ; amulet of issue, 187b.
the, 171b ; beaded, 734b ; of commandant, 290a, 860a.
Eternity, Khensu, Mut and commander, 190b, 312a, 417a,
Uatchit, 183b. 487a, 613b, 896a.
colleague, 674a. commander-in-chief, 312a, 495b,
collect, 131a, 544b, 598b, 613b, 638 a.
625a, 628b, 639a, 659b, 664b, commemorate, 614b, 688a.
683a, 701b, 710a, 826ab, 847a, commemorative formulas, 688a.
878b, 914b ; by force, 841a ; commend, 508a.
taxes, 794a ; the eyes, 826a; commendation, 508a.
the heart, 639b, 826a ; col¬ commerce, 733a.
lected, 467a, 853b. commission, 161a, 697b, 722b;
collection, 683a ; of Sayings, royal, 161a.
880a. commit, 642b ; a crime, 141a ;
collectively, 779b. a sin, 165b ; violence, 32b.
college, 106b, 124b, 238a, 239a, common, 247a.
901a ; of priests, 454a ; Royal commotion, 577b ; to cause a,
College, 901a. 549b.
colonize, 812a. commune, 145b.
colonnade, 58b, 109b, 134a, 148b, co mmunity, 350b.
151a, 179b, 640b. compact, 836a.
colossal, 298a. companion, 45b, 69b, 71 ab, 277b,
colour, 34b, 49b, 63a, 346a, 530b, 548a, 551a, 577b, 636a,
419b, 581b, 821b, 825b, 840b, 674a.
857b ; coloured, 122b, 855b. company, 585b, 599b, 768a, 968a,
colour-bearer, 851b. 818a, 878b, 879a ; a large,
column, 16b, 58b, 151a, 526b. 137b ; of the gods, 231b,
columns (of a book), 619a. 880b ; of troops, 18b ; in
comb, to comb, 28b, 114a. company, 39a.

comparative, sign of the, 415a. confectioner, 103a, 140b, 356a,

compare, 628b, 707b, 713b. 219a, 247b, 448b.
compass, 134a. confectionery, 138b, 440a.
compassionate, 597b. confederate, 530b, 599b, 739b.
compatriot, 306b. confer, 304a.
compel, 92b, 521a, 705b, 802b. confess, 441b.
competent, 178b. confidant, 577b, 666b.
compilation, 880a. confide, 158b.
complain, 382b, 386b, 419a, 465a, confidence, 769b.
642a, 662 a, 778b. confidential, 701a.
complaint, 386b. confine, 900b ; confined, 557b.
complete, 129b, 131a, 305b, 521b, conflagration, 588b.
522a, 670b, 704b, 719b, 770a, confluence, 878b.
773a, 787b, 834a, 878b, 910a ; conflux, 878b.
to make, 626a. conform, 448a.
completely, 834a. conformable, 264b, 332b.
completeness, 214b. conformably to, 266a, 269b.
completion, 787b, 818b. confound, 499b.
complexion, 58a. confuse, 683a ; confused, 651b,
compose, 610b, 860b. 844a ; of speech, 844a.
composition, rhythmical, 509a. confusion, 577a, 682a, 844a.
compound, 6b, 178a, 235a, 837a. congratulate, 619a.
comprehend, 121b. conjunction, 79a, 492b, 578a ;
compress, 113b, 228a, 836a. enclitic, 79a.
computation, 856b. conjure, 154b, 745a.
compute, 510b, 899a. connection, 599b.
conceal, 51a, 463a, 470b, 624b, conquer, 100b, 142a, 384a, 564b,
682b, 787a ; concealed, 325b, 723a, 769a, 772a, 884a.
463a. conqueror, 100b, 378b, 527b,
concealment, 786b. 677b, 703a.
conceit, 189b. conquest, 677b, 775b.
conceive, 35a, 65b, 143a, 146b, consider, 42b, 209b, 330b, 393a.
450a, 752a ; to make, 650a ; console, 610b.
conceived, 142a, 698b ; be consolidate, 702b.
conceived, 32b ; the child, 35a. consort, 599b.
conception, 35a, 450a. conspicuous, 630a.
concern, 525a, 561b, 622a. conspirators, 113a.
concerning, 414a. conspire, 398b.
conclude, 131a. constellation, 193b.
conclusion, 214b, 274a ; of a constrain, 100a, 412b, 626a, 633a,
matter, 131b. 705b, 867a, 910a, 915b ; con¬
concubine, 74b, 331b, 412a, 552b, strained, 805 a.
558a, 599b, 785b. constraint, 868a.
condemnation, 335b. constricted, 492a, 800a.
condemned, 260a, 855b. construct, 375b, 779a, 909b.
condition, 106a, 133b, 561b, 595a, construction, 94a.
694a, 697b, 698b, 761b, 766b ; consult, 410b.
good, 128a ; of peace, 805a. consultation, 410b.
conduct, 56b, 593b, 698b, 729a. consume, 6a, 9b, 186a, 390a,
conduct, to, 55a, 707b, 713a ; 392b, 434b, 588b, 639a, 670a,
a service, 699a. 672a, 851a, 898b ; consumed,
conductor, 594a ; of a caravan, 34a, 186b.
334b. consumer, 392b.

contagion, 295b. preparation of, 482b ; sulphate

contain, 547b, 616b, 693a. of, 150b ; smelted, 486a ;
contemporary, 45b, 47a, 438b. weapon, 485b.
contempt, 621a. coppersmith, 324b, 486a.
contemptible, 243b, 373a. Coptos, necropolis of, 407b.
contend, 285b, 626a, 727b, 729a, copulate, 164a, 217a, 219b, 257b,
* 734b. 303a, 345b, 381a, 396b, 443a,
content, 124b, 148b, 291b, 292a, 465b, 599a, 630b, 898a.
333a, 449b, 517b, 612b, 682a, copulation, 396b, 818a.
727a, 766a. copy, to, 171b, 604b, 628b, 675b,
contented disposition, 449b. 779a, 841a ; to make, 66b,
contentious, 682a. 710a.
contentment, 449b. copy, 277b, 307b, 604b, 619a,
contents (of document), 430b. 642b, 673a, 675b, 677b, 698b ;
contest, 241 a. an ancient, 831b.
copyist, 191b, 619b, 852b, 853a ;
continue, 296b, 649b.
of texts, 620a ; room of, 81b.
continuously, 297a. cord, 58a, 64ab, 75b, 82ab, 97a,
contract, 204b, 568b. 113a, 123a, 139a, 167a, 202a,
contracted, 659b, 782b. 254b, 279a, 282a, 305a, 332b,
contraction, 800b. 333a, 337a, 351a, 352b, 355a,
contradict, 116b, 122b, 212b, 356b, 372b, 396b, 399b, 408b,
410b, 437a, 533a. 419b, 421b, 422a, 484b, 486b,
contradiction, 116b, 212b. 510a, 521a, 527a, 587a, 593b,
contrary, 122b. 628a, 629b, 652b, 658a, 693b,
contrition, 91b. 707a, 745a, 750b, 751a, 758b,
controller, 511a. 790b ; for vegetables, 563a.
converse, 212b, 410b, 650b. cord, measuring, 146b, 527a,
conversely, 247a. 753b.
convey, 56a. cord of book, 100a, 102a, 443a,
conveyance (a deed), 45a. 625a, 701b ; of magic net,
convulsion, 887b. 146b ; of rule, 751a ; of a
cook, 115b, 134b, 189a, 140b, seal, 27a.
237a, 247b, 248a, 261b, 356a, cordage, 64ab, 102a, 132a, 258a,
578a, 696b, 822b, 841b. 273a, 355a, 790a, 867a, 868a.
cook, to, 232b, 236a, 355b, 356a, core, 531b.
427a, 593b, 597b, 664b, 676a, coriander, 169b, 242b, 243b, 296a.
896b. corn, 97a, 126a b, 242b, 368b,
cooking pot, 799a. 369a, 431b, 592a, 648b, 701a,
cool, 28a, 570a, 625b, 702ab, 767b, 850b ; store of, 369a.
768b ; to be cool, 768b ; to make corn bin, 369a.
cool, 697a. Corn-god, 223a, 369a, 831b.
cool, of a breeze, 767b ; of the corn-grinder, 218a.
heart, 767b ; place, 305b, corn-land, 237b, 368b, 369a ; god
767b ; water, 767b, 768b. of, 490b.
cooled, 411b. corn-measure, 41a, 42b, 573a.
cooling, 767b. corn-rack, 573b.
coolness, 240a, 768b ; place of, corn-stalk, 208a.
768b. corner, 563b, 766b, 774a, 777b ;
copper, 210a, 485b, 842b ; object corners of the earth, 774a.
of, 809a ; Asiatic, 486a ; coronation, 392 a, 535 a, 615b,
black, 486a ; fittings of, 482b ; 689b ; chamber, 535a ; festi¬
ingots of, 485b ; ore of, 486a ; val, 535 a.

corps of soldiers, 570a, 585b. courageous, 382b, 690b, 738a.

corpse, 570b ; corpses on battle¬ courier, 245b, 688a ; a swift, 715b.
field, 477b. course, 166a, 324b, 478a, 734b,
correct, 139a, 304a, 332a, 333b, 813a, 856a ; of action, 277b ;
601a, 668a, 866a, 894a ; ar¬ of the Disk, 31a ; of events,
rangement, 332a ; measure, 580b ; of the law, 831b ; on
510b. the river, 703a.
correction, 594b, 652b, 655b ; courses, 621a, 167b.
place of, 588b. court (courtyard), 32 a, 34b,
corresponding to, 414b, 545a. 175a, 272b, 420b, 744a ; of
corridors, 629b. temple, 147a, 183a, 910b.
corrupt, 741b, 805a ; to become, Court, the, 136a, 557b, 575b,
55b. 744a ; to visit the, 67a.
corruption, 137a, 470a, 592a, Court, of Judges, 901a ; of
634b, 762a, 774b. Justice, 238b, 454a ; of Law,
corselet, 532a, 552a. 194b, 453b, 454a ; of Ra,
coruscate, 630a, 842a. 158b ; of the Six, 456a ; of
corvee, 206b, 258b, 303b, 439a, the Thirty, 281b.
495a, 511a, 867a ; chief of, courtesy, 347a.
290a ; gang, 290a ; land of, courtiers, 557b, 610a, 744a.
278b ; royal, 108b. courtyard, 63a, 74b, 115a, 158b,
Cosmic Egg, 805b. 438a, 529b, 744a.
cost, 443b, 446b. cousins, 599b.
cotton plant, 566b. covenant, 204b.
couch, 13a b, 43b, 289a, 374b, cover for chariot, 476b ; for
375ab, 409b, 492a, 596a, 600b, sarcophagus, 107a ; for vessel,
773a, 884a ; funeral, 301a ; 477a.
royal, 559b. cover, to, 380b, 386a, 576a, 703b,
Council, 570a ; the Great, 818a, 899a.
901a ; of the city, 818a ; of cover over, 131b, 220a, 463a,
the land, 818a ; of Abydos, 470b, 476b, 576a, 590b, 626 a,
901a ; of the dead, 901b ; of 650a, 651b, 701a, 787a, 837a,
statesmen, 901a ; the double, 843b, 850b, 874b, 887b ; covered,
901a. 757a.
Council Chamber, or Hall, 80b, covering, 58a, 63a, 220 a, 256b,
238b, 403a. 260 a, 288b, 458b, 463#, 476b,
councillor, 410a, 495b. 576a, 672 a, 689a, 755a, 791b,
counsel, 410b, 682b, 717a ; to 835b, 850b, 852 a, 867a ; for
take, 145b, 410b, 613a. bread, 376a ; for floor, 195b ;
counsellor, 131a. for phallus, 776b.
count, 41a, 477a, 510b, 838a, 856b. coverlet, 43b, 222a, 492a.
countenance, 545a. covet, 627a.
counter, 605a; of hearts, 41a. covetous, 115b.
counterpart, 674a, 710a, 821b. cow, 7b, 75a, 170a, 299a, 314a,
counting, 465b ; of bones, 41a. 398a, 481b, 785b, 854a, 857a ;
counting-house, 510b. black, 787b ; milch, 12b, 69a,
counting-sticks (tallies), 511a. 302a, 331b ; sacred, 25a ;
countless, 41a. stud, 27a ; young, 372b, 426b ;
country, 598b, 661b, 815a ; Cows, the Two, 785b.
deadly, 26b ; enemy’s, 657b. Cows, the Seven, 36b, 785b.
countryman, 686a. cow byre, 74a.
courage, 37b, 197a, 861b ; to be Cow-goddess, 7b, 422b, 425b,
of small, 524a ; to inspire, 645a. 510a.

cow-keeper, 379a. Crocodiles, the Four, 325b.

coward, 220a, 215b, 481b, 483b, Crocodiles, the Seven, 325b.
491a, 534b, 548a, 574a, 575a. Crocodile-god, 97a, 208b, 261b,
cowardice, 252b, 481b, 574a. 417a, 558a, 650a, 657b, 660a,
cowardly, 472b. 724b, 900b.
cradle, 325a, 326b, 800b ; songs, crocus, 810b.
549a. crook, 114b, 512b ; of Osiris,
craft, 383b, 781b ; of the artist, 328 a.
122b. crops, 150a, 240b, 292a, 324a,
craftsman, 430a, 762b, 784a. 667a, 914b.
craftsmanship, 483a. cross, to, 459b, 841b, 850a, 894b.
crafty, 335b. cross-examine, 186b.
cramp, 777b. crouch, 246a.
crane, 100b, 134b, 348b, 395a, crowd, 137b, 284a, 818a, 823a ;
809b, 833b, 842b, 895b, 896a, crowded, 241a.
897a. crown, 23a, 55a, 77b, 119b,
crate, 124a, 519b. 146b, 148b, I92b, 274a, 279a,
crave, 309b. 319a, 326a, 336b, 371a, 393a,
crawl, 262b, 491a. 496a, 515a, 525b, 528a, 530a,
crayfish, 804b. 535a, 544a, 579b, 595a, 615b,
cream, 669b. 635b, 683a, 684a, 689b, 693b,
create, 65a, 118a, 260b, 541a, 701b, 715b, 790a, 810b, 853ab ;
542a, 616a, 690a, 770b. festival of, 701b ; of earth,
created things, 609a, 771a. lake and sky, 163a ; of
creation, 149b, 231a, 770b. feathers, 701b $ of flowers,
Creator, the, 543a, 770b, 771a. 595a ; of innocence, 271b ; of
creature, 67a, 609a, 770b ; fat¬ North, 171b, 189b, 320a ; of
tened, 542a; mythological, 681a. South, 172a, 653b, 692b ; of
credit, 22b. South and North, 171a, 358a ;
creep, 491a. parts of the, 20a, 147b, 355b,
crescent, 530a. 540b, 572a, 658a ; of the
crew, 93b, 119a, 780a. Double, 599b ; sides of the,
crier, 187b, 330b, 389a, 678a, 872b. 146b ; the Double, 617a ; the
Crier (Set), 25b. Green, 150b ; the Red, 399b ;
cries (see cry), 29a, 438a, 442b, the Triple, 447b ; the White,
549a ; of acclamation, 73b ; of 372b, 628b, 629a, 630b, 711b.
joy, 15a, 149b, 440a, 487a ; of crown of the head, 163a, 771b,
pain, 136b ; to multiply, 646b. 808b.
crime, 31b, 89b, 180a, 226a b, crowned, 534b ; crowned one,
243a, 352b, 396b ; to commit, 689b.
591b, 647a. cruel, 395b.
criminals, 89b, 398a, 540a, 561a. cruelty, 314b.
cringing man, 886a. crumbling, 149a.
cripple, 64a, 470b, 641b. crush, 9b, 114b, 140b, 185a,
critical state, 80b. 186a, 253a, 292b, 347b, 397b,
crockery, 252a. 411a, 441a, 452b, 468b, 480b,
crocodile, 12b, 14a, 119b, 120a, 538a, 571ab, 601b, 612b, 613a,
289a, 308a, 324a, 325b, 331a, 626a, 643a, 703b, 795a, 808a,
429b, 472a, 485b,, 558a, 559b, 844b, 900a ; under foot, 821a ;
589a, 625a, 634b, 758b, 910a ; crush up, 683b ; crushed, 181a,
members of the, 325b ; mouth 186b, 763a ; of foes, 395b ; some¬
of the, 831a ; of Set, 488b ; the thing crushed, 6b ; crushing,
fiend, 76a. 821a.

crusts, 596b. curse, 110a, 136b, 153a, 185a,

cry, 25b, 31b, 34b, 49 a, 74b, 202a, 246a, 335a, 356a, 490b,
94ab, 124a, 209a, 211a, 225a, 613b, 615b, 642a, 646b, 649b,
385b, 386b, 447a, 537b, 595a, 652a, 683a, 689ab, 745a, 757a,
609b, 648a, 658a, 705ab, 778a,794b,805b ; the king, 145b.
766b, 821b, 838b, 896b ; cry cursings, 185a, 794b.
out in pain, 447a ; in shrill curved, 274b.
tones, 877b ; of death, 94a ; of Cusae, priestess of, 548b.
birds, 658b, 800b, 814a, 853b ; cushion, 13a.
of grief, 22 a, 74b, 658b ; of Cushite, 95b.
joy, 74a ; to raise a, 627a ; custodian, 585b.
cry out, 12b, 15a, 17a, 25b, custody, 83a.
30c, 31b, 49a, 94b, 106b, 113b, custom, 400b, 446a, 516b, 609a,
115a, 124a, 136b, 138a, 149b, 666b, 678b, 694a, 722b ; an¬
154b, 178a, 184b, 186b, 224b, cient, 831b ; to observe, 628b,
225b, 345a, 385b, 386b, 419a, 710a ; customary, 332a, 826a.
438a, 527b, 548b, 587b, 642a, cut, 19b, 31b, 57b, 90b, 91b,
658a, 671b, 702a, 766b, 782b, 93b, 127b, 149a, 168a, 182b,
790b, 809a, 821b, 838b, 841b, 186a, 195a, 205b, 208b, 219a,
872b, 896b ; cry out for joy, 220a, 221b, 237a, 251a, 262a,
472b ; cry out noisily, 536a. 263a b, 274b, 275b, 282b, 290b,
crying, 424a ; crying men or 291b, 304b, 323a, 325b, 336b,
women, 462a. 344a, 393b, 395b, 398b, 400a,
crypt, 351a, 758b. 480b, 508a, 511a, 516b, 519b,
crystal, 111b, 842a, 858b ; 527b, 533a, 538a, 571ab, 587b,
sceptre of, 150b. 591b, 596a, 597b, 598a, 601a,
cubit, 25a ; royal, 316a ; great 603b, 606a, 615a, 629a, 630b,
and little,316a; the square, 567a. 631b, 647a, 648a, 656b, 660b,
cubit, gods of the, 316a. 664a, 668b, 684a, 685b, 694a,
cucumber, 92a. 696b, 703a, 705a, 706b, 710a,
cudgel, 17a, 115b, 140a, 208b, 711a, 713b, 727b, 730a, 731a,
283a, 284b, 467a, 470a, 516b, 735b, 771a, 836a, 837b, 845a,
643a, 862b. 867a, 881 ab, 888a, 907b, 911b ;
cudgels, Sudani, 202a. an inscription, 878a.
cuirasses, 422a. cut away, 36a, 665b ; down,
culmination (of star), 139 a, 538b, 648b, 678b, 703b, 730a,
904a ; time of, 12b. 801b, 883b.
cult, 112a ; to perform a, 742a. cut flowers or fruit, 492a ; the
cultivate, 302a, 697a, 833a. hair, 850a ; reeds, 575a ;
cultivators, riparian, 195b. wheat, 637b ; a pattern, 571b ;
cumin, 832a. stone, 178a, 777b ; the nails,
cuminum, 832 a. 123b ; a throat, 592a, 990b.
cummin, 296a, 808a. cut in pieces, 220b, 465b, 482a,
cunning, 682b, 698a, 751b, 781b ; 567b, 713a, 715a, 881a.
of hand, 430b. cut into, 567b, 592a, 846a.
cup, 2a, 43a, 186a, 230b, 366a, cut off, 31b, 89a, 184a, 195a,
797a, 850b ; lily-shaped, 623b. 246a, 263b, 397b, 512b, 539b,
cupbearer, 843a ; royal, 391b. 566a, 587a, 629a, 665b, 685b,
cupboard, 475b. 710a, 730a* 881a.
curb, 490b. cut open, 187b, 397b, 603b.
curious, 755b. cut through, 245b, 878a, 907a.
curl, 323b, 854a. cut up, 201a, 664b, 867b ; cut
current, 441b ; of stream, 294a. up small, 390a.

cutter, 291a. dark, 787a, 789a ; to become,

cutting, 201a, 459a, 603b, 730a, 76a ; to make, 626a.
881a, 878a. dark water, the, 798b.
cutting board, 539a. darken, 626a, 652a.
cuttle fish, 347a. darkness, 8b, 36a, 77b, 94b,
cycle, 827b ; of time, 827a. 96a, 107a, 128a, 135a, 179b,
cylinder, 789b. 184b, 185a, 323b, 529b, 563a,
cyperus, 804a, 805a ; ointment, 592a, 608b, 621b, 622a, 624b,
801a ; seed, 801a. 642b, 649a, 751b, 761b, 776b,
cyperus esculentus, 370a. 778b, 791a, 795ab, 797a, 798ab,
cypress tree, 29b, 115b, 169a, 803b, 810b, 897a ; thick, utter,
204a, 793a. outer, 600b, 798a.
Cyprus, Queen of, 465a. darling, 44b, 50a, 310a.
Cyrus, 784b. dart, 390a, 490b, 516b, 754a ;
dart out, 190a.
D. dash water, 468b ; dashed in
pieces, 802a.
dagger, 91a, 141a, 208a, 226a, date flour, 56b.
275b, 276b, 287a, 325a, 333b, date palm, 20a, 50a, 203a, 218b,
338b, 351a, 390b, 665a, 666ab. 849b.
dahabiyah, 682b. date shop, 106a.
daily, 264ab, 278b, 297a, 339a, date wine, 217b, 218b.
417b, 450a ; affairs, 580b ; dates, 49b, 211a, 218b.
gift, 297b. daub, 847b.
dainty (food), 737a. daughter, 584a,750a ; king’s, 392a.
dam, 106a, 291a, 308a, 715b, Daughters, the Two, 584a.
882 a. dawn, 77a, 159b, 193b, 381a,
damage, 140b, 263b, 605a, 772b. 522b, 586a, 634a, 685a, 752b,
damned, the, 94a, 97a, 98a, 815b, 840b, 870b ; the earliest,
197b, 295b, 314b, 340a, 345b, 829b ; to prevent the, 562b,
377a, 520a, 538b, 560b, 571a, Dawn-god, 13b, 49b, 133b, 145a,
617b, 618a, 695b, 835b ; 198a, 861b.
damned person, 837a. dawn wind, 370a ; goddess of,
damned, abode of the, 520a ; 661b.
roads of the, 144b. day, 10b, 438b, 442a, 444b, 450a,
damp, 470a. 622b, 648b, 696a ; the matter
damur cloth, 304b. of the, 8b ; lucky and unlucky,
dance, 38b, 61a, 93a, 118a, 141a, 451a.
147a, 448a, 539a b, 549a, 566a, day and night, i.e., for ever,
597a, 662b, 726a, 734b, 769b, 417b, 450a.
789a, 797b, 798b, 852b, 854ab, day before yesterday, 664b.
857a, 858a. day of judgment, 450b.
dance of the god, 38b. day, turn of the, 246b.
dancer, 38b, 74a, 539a, 789a, 897b. day-books, 129a, 450a, 499b.
dancing, 38b, 74a, 797b. daybreak, 522b, 815b.
dancing girl, 549a. day-couch, 333b.
dancing woman, 60a, 74b, 539a b ; Day-god, 109a ; Day-gods, the
foreign, 234b. Thirty, 450a.
dandle, 426a, 428a, 858a. daylight, 731b.
danger, 445a, 744b. days, the Five Epagomenal,
Danuna, 867a. 427b, 451a, 868b ; the Fifty
Darius, 64a, 408a, 409ab, 820a, hot, 547a.
827b, 884b. day’s work, 316b.

daytime, 622b. deceit, 31b, 82a, 141a, 488b, 530a,

dazed, 651b. 540a, 572a, 776b, 777a, 790a,
dazzle, 206a. 874b.
dead, 197b, 295b, 314b, 334b, deceitful, 90b, 224b, 335b.
544b, 862a, 879a, 904b ; the deceive, 141b, 538b, 797b, 839a,
dead, 155b, 207b, 235b, 293a, 647a.
295b, 301a, 371b, 560b, 571a, deceiver, 641b.
632b, 706a, 713b, 718b, 756b, December, 5b.
835b, 836b, 854b ; the beatified, decide, 160b, 194b, 195a, 722b.
744a ; the blessed, 508b, 518a, decipher, 178a.
718b ; the divine, 527b ; the decision, 131b, 157b, 194b, 753b ;
righteous, 271a ; the sainted, judicial, 146b ; legal, 596b.
24a ; the venerable, 50a ; fes¬ deck out, 613b, 590b, 904b.
tival of the dead, 474b, 645b. deck of a boat, 689a.
dead body, 280b, 713b, 893a ; declaim, 758a, 835b.
bodies, 806b. declaration, 332b, 669b, 860b,
dead man, 51a, 67a, 399a, 594a. 886 a.
dead, offerings to, 518a. declare, 253b, 276b, 673a, 796a,
dead (of colours), 389a. 913a.
Dead-land, 53b, 571a. decorate, 333b, 530a, 572a, 574b,
deadly, 221a, 345b. 590b, 601b, 615b, 644b, 677a,
deaf, 54b, 72a, 102a, 341a, 614a, 680a, 689a, 701a, 755a, 873b,
615a, 688b, 689b, 705a, 883a. 904a ; decorated, 689a, 731a,
deaf ear, to turn a, 615a. 755a.
deaf man, 614b. decoration, 387b, 575 a, 602 a,
deafness, 102a, 615a, 686a ; men¬ 615b, 644b, 776a, 904a.
tal, 451b. decoction, 292b, 328a, 762a.
deal kindly, 20b. decree, 3a, 19a, 34b, 37a, 76b,
dearest, 561b. 131b, 160b, 161a, 190b, 191b,
death, 7a, 102a, 145b, 188a, 266b, 192a, 335a, 337b, 431b, 470a,
. 295b, 301a, 314b, 331a, 386b, 567b, 649a, 679b, 683b, 688a,
541b, 546b, 602a, 703b, 835a, 692b, 697b, 710a, 722b, 754a,
872a ; the second, 177a. 831b ; of doom, 837a ; royal,
death bed, 301a. 391b ; to pass a, 654a.
death blow, 489a. decry, 631a, 715a.
death cry, 74a, 301a, 386b, 450b, dedicate, 601a, 668a, 841b, 885b.
469a. dedication, 574b.
Death-god, 55a, 71b, 255a, 435a, deed, 67a, 106b, 337b, 387b,
626b ; Boat of the, 490a. 440a, 666b ; glorious deeds,
deathless, 301a. 23a ; deeds of violence, 127b.
death rattle, 411b. deed (document), 129a.
death sentence, 74a, 160b, 335b. deep, to be, 337a, 822a.
death trap, 245b. deep, 475b, 768b ; deep place, 337a.
debate, 410b. deer, 624b.
debility, 7b. defaced, 420a.
decapitate, 90b. defame, 631a, 715a.
decay, 55b, 61a, 72b, 82b, 176b, defaulter, 176a.
177b, 181a, 262b, 263a, 420a, defect, 140b, 256b, 293a, 528b,
470a, 520a, 565b, 566a, 592a, 560b, 685b, 694a, 715b, 768a,
594a, 604b, 621a, 624b, 640b, 772b ; defeated, 560b, 617b.
693b, 774b, 787b, 865b ; de¬ defect, 26b, 165b, 180a, 441b,
cayed, 149a, 176a, 184b ; de¬ 540a, 809a, 853a ; of body, 574a.
caying, 463a. defection, 434a.

defective, 141b, 165b, 802a. demonstrate, 235b.

defence, 164a, 380a, 823b, 860b, demotic, 619b.
868 a. den, 201 a b, 216a, 275b, 419b,
defenceless, 558a. 538b, 539b, 775a, 832b, 857a.
defend, 324b, 354a, 366b, 381a, Denderah, gods of, 132b.
409b, 591b, 715b. denial, 435a,
defendant, 612a, 681a. denizens of earth, 71b.
defender, 64b.
dense, 164a, 601b ; of heart,.37b,
defile, 704b, 801b, 818a.
defilement, 825b. 164a.
define bounds of, 194b. denseness, 164a.
deflect, 18a. denude, 793b.
deformed, 806b. depart, 149b, 153a, 156b, 212a,
defraud, 373a, 451b, 473a, 538b. 240a, 351b, 420a b, 499a, 587b,
degradation, 411b. 632a, 633a, 716b, 737b, 844b ;
degrees, 379b. to make, 696a.
deify, 66a, 401b. departure, 670b, 716b.
dejected, 476a, 861b. dependant, 293a, 311a, 824a ;
Dekan, the Thirty-six Dekans, dependants, 893a.
23a, 42b, 57b, 405a, 409b, dependent upon, 293a.
530b, 572a, 585b, 656a ; Keeper depict, 346a.
of the, 71b. depose, 868b.
Dekan-god, 109a. deposit, 131b.
delay, 9b, 10a, 57b, 90b, 174b, deposition, 186a, 416a, 758a.
191a, 195b, 283b, 315b/ 377b, depravity, 467b.
499b. depressed, 64b, 744b.
delete, 315b. depression, 140b.
deliberate, 145b. deprivation, 176a.
delicate, 764a, 774b. deprive, 793b.
delight, 693a, 776b, 728b, 729a. deprived, 176a, 184b, 800a.
delighted, 412a. ^ depth, 216a, 827a.
delightful, 123a, 412a. deputy, 80b, 98b, 101b, 103a,
delights, sexual, 412a. 579b, 580a.
delimit, 490a. deputy confectioner, 103a.
delimitation, 133b. deputy general, 103a.
deliver, 385a, 608a, 757b ; de¬ deputy master of horse, 103a.
liver a woman, 602b, 671b. deputy sealer, 103a.
deliverance, 385a. descend, 27a, 224b, 387b, 439a,
deliverer, 385a. 444a, 528b, 532b, 612b.
delivery, 683b. descendant, 243a, 331b, 439b,
Delta, 103b, 318a, 816a ; dwellers 567b, 898a.
in marshes of, 820a ; man of, descent, 682a.
103b; speech of, 335b; woman describe, 387b, 719b.
of, 820a. description, 719b.
deluge, 12a, 49b, 544b, 644a. desert, 185b, 311a, 340b, 532a,
demand, 334b, 577b, 643a, 745a, 533b, 598b, 732a, 889b, 902a ;
756b. dwellers in the, 609b, 730a,
Demetria, 880b. 841a ; the Eastern, 59b.
Democritus of Abdera, 91a. desert, to, 205b.
demolish, 499b, 810a. deserter, 587b.
demon, 30b, 197a, 468a, 657a, desertion, 587b.
731b, 740ab, 741a, 820a, 895a ; design, to, 290b, 619a, 694a,
female, 112a. 753b, 779a.

design, 94a, 346a, 570b, 572a, destruction, 10b, lib, 82b, 92b,
698b, 722b, 753b, 779b, 798b, 102a, 103b, 145b, 163b, 168a,
855b ; crafty, 860b ; mural, 188a, 243b, 263b, 375b, 440a,
619b ; to make a, 122b. 489a, 520a, 524a, 538b, 539a,
designer, 619b, 780a ; of Ptah, 561b, 577b, 612b, 648a, 650b,
620a, 662b. 652a, 666a, 697a, 703b, 840a,
desire to, 118a, 309b, 723b, 726a, 872a ; place of, 538b, 520a.
729a. destructive, 212a.
desire, 4b, 19a, 37b, 309b, 310a, detach, 261b.
417b, 561b, 865a ; of the detain, 643b, 653b.
heart, 752a ; desired, 118a. determination, 139a.
desolate, 27b. determine, 722b.
de sorte que, 331a. determined, 297a.
despair, 263a, 290a, 703b, 807b. detestable, 778b.
despairing, 461a. develop, 649b.
despatch, 180a, 184a, 440b, 445a. device 694o
despicable, 574b. devil, ’ 197a, 208a, 211a, 345b,
despise, 260a, 621a, 622b. 377a, 419a, 470a, 599b, 621a,
despoil, 285b, 552b, 698a, 794a. 624a, 657a, 694b, 708a, 740b,
destine, 722b. 820a, 895a b.
destinies, to arrange, 66b. Devil, the, 657a.
Destiny, 326b, 561a, 694a, 722b ; devise, 66b, 145b, 398a, 782b.
lords of, 561b ; Tablet of, devoted, 147b, 399a, 793b.
326 a. devour, 120b, 122a, 168b, 215b,
destitute, 12b, 128a, 129b, 174b, 248a, 390a, 392b, 606b, 688b,
186b, 204b, 225b, 339b, 340ab, 851a, 896b, 898b.
375b, 379b, 472b, 546a, 734a, devourer, 338a, 392b, 590b, 602a,
833a. 615a, 645a ; the crocodile, 877a.
destitution, 7b, 127b. devouring, 34a.
destroy, 12a, 57b, 103b, 135b, dew, 27a, 97a, 101b, 142a, 143b.
138a, 139a, 145a, 176b, 177b, Dhu ’1- Karnen, 52b.
181a, 182b, 187b, 256b, 261b, dhurra, 223b, 227b, 390b.
262a, 263b, 281b, 305b, 315b, diadem, 119b, 326a, 496a, 515a,
337b, 390a, 435a, 459a, 523b, 528a, 683a, 701b.
532a, 538b, 539ab, 540a, 544b, diaphragm, opening in, 416b.
547a, 560b, 562b, 567b, 568a, diarrhoea, 61b, 169b.
573a, 575a, 587a, 591ab, 592b, diary, 450a.
596a, 607b, 613b, 618b, 619a, didrachma, 781a.
622a, 626a, 627a, 633a, 637b, die, 10b, 293a, 301ab, 314b, 334b,
641b, 644a, 645b, 647a, 660b, 632a, 654a, 716b, 835a, 866b ;
684b, 696b, 697a, 701b, 702b, die off, 865b ; die out, 520a.
703b, 704b, 741b, 750b, 810a, difference, 711a, 825a.
822a, 824a, 840a b, 847a, 858a, differentiate, 629a, 630a.
865b, 884a, 909b ; destroy by difficult, 145a, 753b.
fire, 392b, 696a. difficulty, 99a, 755b, 861b.
destroyed, 39a, 94a, 149a, 184b, diffident, 754b.
388b, 398b, 439b, 473a, 520a, dig, 29b, 201a, 668b, 729b, 881b ;
536b, 544b, 552b, 560b, 702a, dig foundations, 201a ; dig
792b, 862b. into, 388a ; dig out ore, 158b,
destroyer, 98b, 373a, 375b, 520a, 209b, 282b, 626a, 757b ; dig
538b, 547a, 587a, 641b, 684b, up, 540a ; by the roots, 263a.
740b, 884a. digging up the earth, ceremony
Destroyer of Sin, 103b. of, 540b.
4 A

digger, 531a, 540a, 759b. disease, 27a, 39b, 72a, 81a, 91b,
dignitary, 18a. 160a, 168b, 195b, 212b, 222b,
dignity, 15a, 18a, 32a, 883b ; 275b, 288a, 296b, 324a, 383a,
dignities, 829b. 390b, 393b, 434a, 444a, 459a,
dilatation of heart, 3a. 462a, 469a, 484ab, 485a, 489b,
diminish, 10b, 116a, 127b, 138a, 522a, 529a, 550b, 553a, 571a,
355a, 451b, 538b, 539b, 640b, 610a, 836b, 646b, 649a, 680b,
703b, 858a ; diminished, 379b, 682b, 696b, 711a, 737b, 747a,
749b. 805b, 813b, 824a, 839b ; deadly,
diminution, 12b, 409b, 539b. 295b ; devil of, 212a ; fatal,
diminutive, 226a. 314b ; of belly, 82a, 151a ;
dimness, 753a. of the bladder, 178a ; of the
dining room, 168b, 613a. ears, 883b ; of the eyes, 14a,
diorite, 221b. 120 a, 149b, 725 a, 753a ; of the
dip, 596a, 897b ; dip in water, feet, 812b ; of the genital
27b, 820a, 843a. organs, 109b ; of the leg,806b ;
direct, 117b, 285a, 411a, 482a, of the mouth, 185b ; of the skin,
486b, 512b, 562a, 582a, 610b, 149b, 390b ; of the womb, 9a;
622b, 679b, 683b, 694a, 699a, diseased, 383a.
860a, 862a, 896a ; a course, disembark, 677b.
837a ; the mind, 699a ; the disembowel, 757b.
feet, 866a. disentangle, 43b, 178b.
direction, 28a, 699a. disgrace, 7 a, 31b, 541b, 544b,
direction, rubrical, 487a, 861a. 612b, 682a, 731b, 737b.
director, 98b, 311b, 351b, 417a, disgraceful, 535b, 541a.
487a, 513a, 562a, 666b, 699a, disguise, 65b.
862 a. disgust, 64b, 262b, 263a, 383a,
director of ceremonies, 699b. 618b, 638a, 744b, 796b ; to
director of corvee, 108b. feel, 258a ; disgusted, 260a,
director of festival, 71a. 664b, 665a, 714a.
dirt, 119b, 179b, 470a, 476a, disgusting, 383a, 819b.
537b, 635a, 763b, 822b. dish, 178a, 208b, 558b, 856b, 892a.
dirty, 260a, 470b, 524a, 726a, disheartened, 261a, 263a, 524ab.
787a, 883a. dishevelled, 393b, 727a.
disaffected, 227a. dishonour, 564b, 895a.
disagree, 410b. disk, 234a ; of sun, 26b, 27ab,
disappear, 477b, 520a, 560a, 98b, 101b, 622b, 820a.
787b. disk, winged, 111a, 474a, 536a.
disappearance, 451b. disks of Ra, the Seven, 98b.
disapprove, 446a, 540a. Disk-goddess, 134a.
disarrange, 577b, 683a, 844a. dislike, 541a.
disaster, 8a, 31b, 214b, 269ab, disloyal, 227a.
379b, 395a, 419a, 577b, 595b, dismantle, 793b.
631b, 632a, 698a, 715a, 717b. dismayed, 464a, 524a.
discharge a debt, 601a, 668a, dismember, 393b, 512b.
717b, 874b, 904a. dismiss, 190a.
discomfort, 524b, 895b. disobedient, 341a.
discontented, 227a. disorder, 577a, 736a, 844a.
discord, 844a. dispel, 787a.
discouragement, 262b. dispensation, 694a.
discourse, 549a. disperse, 420b, 787a.
discover, 96a, 468a, 807a. disposal, 679b.
discuss, 145b, 410b, 613a. dispose, 679b.

disposer, 860b. divisionless, 341a.

disposition, 34b, 37b, 50b, 209b, divorced, 481a.
460b, 461a, 637a, 703a, 770b, diwan, 13a, 108b, 190a, 526b,
779b, 782b ; good, 34b ; happy, 596a.
168a. do, 65a, 418b ; do away, 89b,
disputant, 745a. 103b, 181a, 425a, 847b ; do
dispute, 167a, 727b, 744b, 852b, battle, 132a ; do continuously,
854a. 66a ; do good to, 65a ; do
disquieted, 744b. homage, 96a ; do honour,
disregard, 289b, 546a, 633b. 147b ; do not, 44a ; do nothing,
dissemble, 51a. 78a, 225b, 377a ; do well, 66a ;
dissolve, 228a, 899a ; dissolved, do what is obligatory, 65b ;
216b. do the will of, 65b ; do wrong,
distant, 144b. 369b, 637a.
distil, 409b, 863b. dock, 74a, 180b.
distinction, 630a, 711b. dockyard, 180b.
distinguish, 629a, 630a, 711a, doctor, 592b.
837b, 856a ; distinguished, doctrine, 655b.
153b, 336b, 711b, 713a, 838a, document, 90b, 106b, 129a, 144a,
841b, 856a, 880b. 161a, 180a, 184b, 200b, 337b,
distorted, 344a. 387b, 440a, 619a, 622b, 661a,
distract the mind, 685b. 644a, 701b, 722b, 725a, 738b,
distress, 650b ; to be in, 800a. 755a, 774a, 836a b, 841a, 848a,
distribute, 235 a, 248b, 251a, 849a, 855b, 882a, 885a, 898a ;
881b. documents, old or ancestral,
distribution, 538b. 345a, 830b.
distributor, 248b. Doer of right, a title, 67b.
district, 79a, 144a, 289a, 420b, doers, 67a.
444b, 511b, 533b, 605b, 738b, dog, 4a, 10a, 25b, 31b, 33b,
781b, 783b ; inspector, 311b ; 147b, 149a, 177b.
walled, 60b. dog, the fighting, 179b, 221a,
disturb, 549b, 577a, 710a, 845a. 722a ; the house, 177b ; the
disturbance, 549b, 557a b. Libyan, 5a.
disturbed, 344a, 393b, 464a, dog of Antef-aa, 243b.
630a ; disturbed times, 887b. Dog-god, 70a, 699b.
disturber, 7b, 549b, 577a. dog-headed, 862a.
ditch, 21b, 142a. dog-skin, 722a.
ditcher, 444b, 729a, 758a. Dog-star, 664a.
diuretic, 528b. dolphin, 643a.
diver bird, 541a. dolt, 546a.
divers, 736a. domain, 95a, 106a, 107a, 144a,
divert, 680b, 793b. 409a, 457b, 490a, 667a, 861a,
divide, 37a, 235a, 237b, 243b, 897a, 900b ; domains of Horus
245b, 246a, 248b, 251ab, 325b, and Set, 16a.
662a, 755a, 837b, 838a, 881b, domestic, 568a.
844b, 888a, 907b, 911b. domicile, 910b.
divider, 248b. domination, 468a.
divine, 356a, 401b ; be or be¬ dominion, 496a, 512b.
come, 401b. done, 67a.
divinity, 402a. donkey (see ass),
division, 103b, 235a, 248b, 251b, donkey-herd, 586b.
252ab, 511b, 538b, 621a, 695a, doom, 160b, 520a.
881a, 882b. doomed, 345b.
4 A 3

door, 107a, 130b, 222a, 275a, draughtsman, 38a.

371b, 393a, 416a, 419a, 521b, draughtsman (artist), 358a, 780a ;
522a, 588b, 594b, 647a, 654b, craft of the, 779b.
658b, 659a, 723b, 819a, 822a, draw, 90b, 100a, 104a, 184a, 346a,
823a ; boundary, 908b; false, 619a, 703b, 707b, 827a.
420b ; folding, 655a ; leaves of, draw and quarter, 873a ; draw
129a ; of the earth, 416a ; two game, 287a; draw geese, 187b.
sides of, 821b. draw bolts, 620b, 690a.
door-bolt, 618b, 775a ; of Maati, draw a bow, 13b.
842b. draw a design, 610b, 662b.
door-chamber, 526b. draw near, 565a, 638a, 846a b,
door-fitting, 283a. 891a.
door-gods, 107b, 655a. draw off, 747b.
doorkeeper, 70a, 71a, 107b ; of draw out, 894a.
heaven, 70a ; of Osiris, 70a ; draw a sword, 827a.
of the Tuat, 107b. draw thread, 346b.
door-post, 351a, 520b ; of Maati, draw up a list, 190b.
388b. drawers, 565b, 749a.
doorway, 159a, 275a, 393a, 417b, drawing, 346a, 555a, 779b.
419a. dream, 163b, 432b ; a bad, 652a.
dose, 661b. dregs, 411b, 611b, 677b, 820b.
double, 548b, 782b ; of the East, drench, 223b.
19a. dress, 34b, 169ab, 282b, 356b,
double, to, 93a, 763a, 768a. 476b, 537b, 606 a, 613b, 629b,
double-plumed, 18a. 631a, 671b, 703b, 714a, 787a,
doubler (of years), 768a. 818b, 850b, 904b ; dressed,
dough, 230b, 534ab, 776b, 844a. 757a, 826 a, 835b.
dove, 54b, 234a, 299b, 300a, dress a god, 670a.
301b, 809b, 810b. dress the hair, 850a.
dovecot, 166a. dresser, 714a ; of the dead,
downcast, 861b. 158a ; of a god, 667b.
downwards, 493a, 532a, 579b. dressing room, 240a.
dowry, 286b, 544a, 736a, 774ab ; dribble, 351b.
in silver, 215b. dribblings, 620b.
doze, 113b. dried (see also dry), 764b ;
drachm, 706a. dried up, 186b.
drachma, 781a. drill, 452a.
draft, 94a, 337b. drill-bow, 166a.
draftsman (see also draughts¬ drink, to, 168b, 350b, 592a,
man), 689b. 593a, 642a, 648b, 651a, 695b,
drag, 100a, 184a, 324a, 327b, 710a, 842b, 887b, 889a ; give
628b, 629b, 707b, 713a, 827a ; to drink, 696b, 866b ; drink
drag a stream, 490b ; drag oneself drunk, 887b.
away, 752b ; drag down, drink, 58b, 92b, 140 a, 202 a,
177b ; drag out, 787b ; drag 230b, 409a, 485b, 491b, 572b,
with ropes, 3b. 616a, 621a, 631b, 637b, 648b,
dragoman, 106a, 177a. 651a, 722a, 723a, 726a, 735a,
draper, 356b. 751b, 759b, 761b, 773b, 801a,
drapings, 476b. 817a, 823a, 843a, 857a, 872b ;
draughtboard and draughts, 604b, fermented, 115a ; holy, 912b ;
628b, 630 a. made of red grain, 889a ;
draught box, 302a. pots of, 776a ; to prepare,
draughts, to play, 476a, 604b. 735a ; sacrificial, 690a.

drinker, 593a, 651a. drunken man, 634b.

drinking, the act of, 804b ; drunkenness, 355b, 634b, 843a ;
pot, 775b. day of, 451a ; festival of,
drinking companions, 651a. 475a.
drinking festival, 859a, 889a. dry, 185b, 547a, 590a, 724b,
drink offering, 474a, 516b, 525a, 732a, 798a ; dry land, 898a ;
538a, 709b, 872b. dry rot, 565b, 566a ; dry
drip, 708b, 906b ; drip away, tears, 132a ; dry up, 91b,
636 a. 698a.
drive, 443b, 470a ; a furrow, dryness, 441a, 652b, 697b, 724b.
564a ; ashore, 74ab. dual, mark of the, 152a, 157b,
drive away, 40a, 57b, 145a, 262a, 821a.
370b, 381a, 393b, 417b, 420ab, duck, 5b, 100b, 256b.
440b, 531b, 533b, 564b, 565b, duck-headed, 165b.
613b, 683b, 684a, 696a, 707b, due, 882b.
794a, 810a, 846a, 896b ; drive dues, 511a, 521a, 580b, 722b ;
pegs, 140a. of temple, 195b.
drive back, 487b, 614b, 676b, dumb, 705b.
746a, 747a. dum palm, 269b ; fruit of the,
drive cattle, 564b, 841b. 473b.
drive off, 787a. dung, 27b, 30b, 37a, 289b, 451b,
drive in, 72a. 467a, 473a, 509b, 571b, 624a,
drive out, 563b, 564a, 884a ; 700b, 786a ; of crocodile,
drive out pain, 445b. 325b ; fuel, 902b.
driver, 766a, 791 ab. duplicate, 177a, 604b, 675b.
dromos of temple, 545a. durable, 632a.
drop, 227a, 409b, 575b, 849b ; during, 815a.
drop back, 116a ; down, dust, 37a, 99a, 179b, 223b, 253a,
549a ; of the jaws, 568a ; 347b, 396a, 469a, 536b, 571b,
out, 568a ; tears, 906a ; with 723b, 731a, 763b, 815a; of
fatigue, 802a. alluvial gold, 353a ; storm,
droppings, 366b, 409b ; from 544b ; white, 751a.
eye, 61b ; from nose, 608a. dust heap, 15b.
dross, 714a, 820b. duty, 69b, 161a ; daily, 160b ;
drought, 652b, 697b, 723b, 732a. place of, 80b ; regular, 167a.
drover, 351b, 586b. duties, 586b.
drown, 140a, 442b ; drowned, dwarf, 294b, 374b, 470b, 867b,
95b, 317b, 451a, 897b. 868b, 883b ; dancing, 883b.
drowning man, 139b. Dwarf-god, 867b.
drowsy, 113b. dwell, 374b, 485ab, 864a.
drug, 128b, 186a, 247a, 300a, dweller, 485b, 774b ; dweller in,
771a ; aromatic, 346b ; to 573a.
treat or be treated with a dweller on the earth (i.e.,
drug, 180b, 631b, 710a, 712a, the living), 828b.
715a ; drugged beer, 719a. dweller on the mountain (i.e.,
drum, 10a, 610b, 680a, 827a b, ; the dead), 826b.
to beat a, 843b. dwelling, 41b, 42 a, 62 a, 273b,
drunk, 355b, 887b. 499b, 571b, 632b, 725a, 909b ;
drunk, to be or become, 842b ; dwelling place, 750b.
to make, 776a. dye, 693b, 791a.
drunkards, 436a, 593a, 626b, dyke, 106a, 758a, 759b, 767b,
651a, 705a, 843a ; habitual, 838b, 861b, 882a, 907b ; to
843a. build a, 882a.
4A 3

E. Eater of foes, 121b.

Eater of heart souls, 169a.
each, 357a, 828a, 856b, 882b. Eater of many, 121a.
eagle, 135b, 910b. Eater of the Arm, 120b.
ear, 103a, 126b, 329b ; the two Eater of the Ass, 121a.
ears, 508a ; running of the, Eater of the Dead, 121a.
644a. Eater of sinners (Osiris), 120b.
ear, of corn, 548a, 573a, 726b, Eater of souls, 121a.
728a, 743a, 794b, 795a ; of a eating, 105b, 804b.
door, 126b ; of a god, 126b. eavesdrop, 471a, 672b.
early, 351a, 870b. ebony, 142b, 441a, 445b, 446a.
earring, 356a, 728b. eclipse, 395a, 838b.
earth, 10a, 11a, 13b, 16b, 25a, eclipsed, 395a.
30b, 37a, 83a, 99a, 118b, 220a, Ecliptic-god, 479a.
253a, 537a, 585b, 609a, 627b, ecstasy, 593a ; fall into an,
666a, 763b, 764b, 766b, 806a, 530a ; religious, 480b.
815a, 816a, 835a ; coloured, eddy, 247a.
773b, 910a ; crown of the, Edfu, priestess of, 460b.
163a ; for faience, 753a ; for edge, 243b, 662b ; of sword,
sealing, 643b ; red and white, 878a ; of the water, 662b.
558b, 752a. edict, 106b, 192 a, 337b, 346a,
earth amulet, 750a. 400b, 441a, 692b, 710a, 849a;
earth ereatures, 584b. of slaughter, 631b ; righteous,
Earth-destroyer, 641b. 668b.
earthenware, 114a, 252a. edition, 683a.
earth, fullers’, 866b. Edomite, 102b.
Earth-god, 11b, 95b, 175b, 199a, educate, 655a, 757b ; educated,
255a, 498a, 805b, 819b, 831a, 634a.
838a, 848b. education, 655ab.
Earth-goddess, 819b, 868a. eel, 480b.
earth-iron, 210a. efface, 840a ; effaced, 184b.
earth lightening, 815b. effect, to, 807a, 900a.
earthquake, 298b, 447a, 762a. effective, 20a.
Earthquake-god, 631a, 714b. effeminacy, 574a.
earthwork, 758a, 858a. efficient, 129b.
ease, to be at, 610a, 679a. effigy, 19a.
east, 18b, 19a, 20a, 815b ; Bull efflux, 91b, 419b, 766a.
of the, 221b ; goddess of the, effusion, 708b.
19a ; wise men of the, 430b. egg, 119a, 121b, 593a, 649b,
eastern, 18b. 651b, 683a.
east side, 106a. eggshell, 62a.
east wind, 449a. Egypt, Lower and Upper, 97b,
easy, 516a. 99b, 248b, 431b, 523a, 675b,
easy-going, 898b. 741a, 771b, 815a.
eat, 10a, 28b, 48b, 49b, 120b, Egypt, Middle, 575b.
122a, 168b, 184b, 185b, 186a, Egypt, speech of, 416a.
187a, 215b, 248a, 261b, 392b, Egyptians, 787b, 815b.
393a, 572b, 600b, 631b, 762a, eight, 547b, 548a ; eight-day
772b, 778b, 814a ; eat into, cloth, 547b ; eight-day period,
395a ; eat ravenously, 606b ; 547b.
eat the heart, 120b ; to make Eight Gods, the, 548a.
to, 592b, 645a ; eat up, 392b. eighteen, 331a.
eater, 168b, 392b. eighty, 485a, 548a.

Eileithyia, 388a. emotion, 241a ; supreme, 44b.

Eileithyiaspolis, 403a, 522b. emphasis, 56a, 79a.
ejaculation of spells, 190b. employes, 579b.
eject, 659a, 708ab, 833a; fluid, emptiness, 181a, 184b, 186b,
394b, 561b. 698 a.
ekbolic, 528b. empty, 181a, 182b, 184b, 186b,
elbow, 766b. 204ab, 207b, 226a, 237a, 622b,
elder, 679b. 732b, 771b, 800a ; to make,
eldest, 107a, 170b, 601b, 602b, 698a ; empty of, 339b ; empty
672 a, 828b. oneself, 133a ; places, 872a ;
elect, 696b. the belly, 262b ; handed 732b.
elephant, 4a. encampment, 178a, 179a, 235a.
elephant grass, 4a. enchant, 464b.
Elephantine, priest of, 628a ; enchanter, 514b, 585b.
speech of, 335b. enchantments, 247a ; god of,
elevate, 92a, 537b. 162b ; to work, 247a.
elevation, 424b. encircle, 246a, 743b ; with walls,
eloquent, 410b, 626a. 477a ; encircled, 706b.
Elysian Fields, 183a. encirclers, 63a.
emanation, 419b, 821b, 852b ; enclose, 63a, 75a, 131a, 743b,
divine, 821b ; liquid, 437a. 769b, 808a, 850b, 851a, 910a ;
embalm, 117a, 188a, 512a, 593b, enclosed, 557b, 574b, 852a.
631a, 652a, 653b, 654a, 680b, enclosure, 19b, 63a, 286b, 600b,
710a, 715a ; embalmed, 158a, 778a, 813a, 878b ; walled, 38a,
180b. 575b, 851a.
embalmer, 158a, 188a, 190b. encompass, 92a.
Embalmer (Anubis), 593b. encourage, 702b.
Embalmers, the Four, 188a. encroach, 509a.
embalmment, 46b ; chamber of end, to, 305b, 560a, 787b.
803b. end, 131b, 145b, 244a, 306a,
embank, 882a. 414a, 488a, 703b, 787b, 835a ;
embankment, 882a. of a period, 131b ; ends of
embarcation, 439a. leaves, 244b ; ends of the
embark, 7a, 74a, 439a. earth, 131b, 773a ; bring to
embassy, 31a, 161a, 671a. an, 703b, 715b, 770a, 909b ;
embers, 896b, 897b. come to an, 834a ; to make
embrace, 15b, 63a, 64a, 252b, an, 645b, 703b, 711a, 773a,
317a, 446a, 451b, 463a, 470b, 822a, 833b ; put an end to,
479a, 531a, 548a, 577b, 603b, 790a.
616b, 693a, 773ab, 851a, 889a. endless, 488a, 787b.
embroider, 833a. endow, 88b, 262 a, 487 a, 602b,
emerald, 39b, 89b, 204b, 296a, 654a, 670b, 885b ; endowed
741a ; root of, 150b. with spirit or zeal, 23b, 38b.
Emerald Field, 686b. endowment, 518a, 609b.
emery, 602b ; powder, 89b. endure, 413b, 665a ; to make,
eminence, 830a. 704b ; endured, 140a.
eminent, 713a. enduring, 9I3b.
emission, 91b, 218a, 223a, 332a, endwise, 264b.
366b, 387ab, 394ab, 400a, 437b, enemy, la, 11b, 12b, 27b, 79a,
571b, 820b, 864b ; divine, 331b ; 101b, 116a, 203a, 208b, 227a,
of body, 722b ; of seed, 868a. 228a, 289b, 302a, 329ab, 345b,
emit a cry, 190a ; a fluid, 395a ; 348b, 356a, 369b, 388b, 411b,
seed, 118a, 609a ; a smell, 551a. 434a, 531a, 545b, 546b, 561a,
4a 4

572b, 574b, 636a, 642a, 657a, enumerate, 41a.

676a, 678a, 708a, 738b, 740b, envelop, 91a, 463a, 651b, 717a,
762a, 787a, 817b, 819a, 820a, 849a, 909b.
894a, 895ab, 899a ; defeated, environs, 638a.
806b. envoy, 33b, 42a, 161a, 170a, 245b,
Enemy (the Devil), 657a. 289b, 594a, 688a, 854b ; royal,
enemy, to act as an, 657a. 391b, 742b.
energy, 738a. envy, 388a, 774a.
enforce, 300b.
engrave, 9a, 186a, 190b, 254b, epagomenal days, 427b.
521b, 527b, 567b, 610b, 662b, epidemic, 27a.
680a, 777b, 836a, 867a ; en¬ Epiphanes, 241b, 403b, 404b ;
graved, 290b, 567b ; engraved the two gods, 23a.
objects, 206a. Epiphi, 674b, 740a.
engraver, 223a, 291a, 567b, 645b. epistle, 337b.
enjoy, 147a, 205a, 628b, 833b ; equal, 227b, 595a.
a dignity, 65a, 410b ; food, equilibrium, 139a, 563a.
606b ; oneself, 558b, 716b. equinox, 543a.
enlarge, 181b, 652a, 697a, 837b. equip, 28b, 291b, 601a, 631b,
enlarger, 587b. 661a, 715a, 811b, 904a.
enlighten, 376b. equipment, 282b, 487a, 660b,
enmity, 328b, 461b, 642b, 657a, 715 a, 796b, 812a, 885b, 904a ;
678a, 744b, 874b, 895b. funerary, 904b.
ennobled, 591a. equipped, 118b, 796b.
enquire, 548b ; after, 186b ; for, equivalent, 88b.
179b ; into, 462a, 642b, 673a, eradicate, 237a.
745a. erase, 884a.
enquirer, 672b. erect, to, 591b, 646a.
enquiry, 642b, 695a, 745a ; ju¬ Erpit, 84a.
dicial, 745a. err, 176a, 83a.
enroll, 662b ; a name, 65b. errand, 31a, 161a.
enslave, 607a. error, 141b, 165b, 373a, 797b.
enter, 5a, 9a, 25b, 30a, 93b, Erta-hen-reqaiu, 437a.
138a b, 158b, 439a, 447a, 576a, Erta Sebanqa, 437b.
688b, 690a, 845a, 846a ; make escape, 14b, 118b, 156b, 176a,
to, 641b, 646b. 193a, 212a, 216b, 240a, 373b,
enterer, 846a. 380b, 409a, 472a, 481a, 519b,
entertainer, 509a, 612b, 793b, 864b.
enthronement, 485b. essence, 280a, 293a, 317b, 398b ;
entire, 834a, 880a. divine, 293b ; of god, 821b.
entirely, 414a, 415a, 634a, 779b. establish, 436b, 609a b, 649b,
entrails, 189b, 585a. 678a b, 694b, 811b ; oneself,
entrance, 138b, 158b, 284b, 416a, 437a ; established, 54a, 602a,
417b, 419a, 420b, 439a, 576a, 670a, 671a, 812a, 913b.
647a, 885a ; and exit, 138a ; establishment, 609b, 900a.
to a path, 416b. estate, la, 10b, 22a, 72a, 79a,
entreat, 124a, 468a, 597a, 603a, 94a, 95a, 97b, 106a, 107a, 118b,
650b, 668b, 745a, 876a. 121b, 144a, 440b, 453a, 459b,
entreater, 745a. 490a, 510b, 537b, 579a, 638a,
entreaty, 2a, 8a, 382b, 607a, 661b, 712b, 720a, 721b, 723a,
650a, 658a, 857b, 876a. 758a, 769a, 773a, 781b, 835b,
entrust, 683b ; entrusted, 384a. 854a, 861b, 900b ; in Ament,
entwine, 282a. 8a ; landed, 467a.

estate officer, 526b. evil, 8a, 31b, 120a, 141a, 203a,

estate rolls, 41a, 474b. 208a, 211a, 212a, 214ab, 216b,
estimate, 510b, 838a. 226a, 260a, 343a, 345a, 356a,
434a, 459a, 472ab, 490a, 524a,
et cetera, 158a, 483b. 536b, 538b, 540a, 582a, 594a,
eternal, 343b ; eternal home 635a, 634b, 641a, 644b, 649a,
(the tomb), 80a. 678a, 744b, 751a, 778b, 808a,
Eternal, the, 507b. 868b, 869a, 895b.
eternity, 264a, 355b, 383ab, 507b, evil beings or things, 164b,
744a, 893a ; amulet of, 183b ; 462b, 744b, 778b, 824a.
begetter of, 189a ; god of, 52b, evil disposed, 227a.
383a ; house of, 239ab, 240a ; evil doer, 12b, 165b, 369b, 373a,
place of, 214b ; seed of, 331b ; 375b, 434a, 462b, 541a.
soul of, 199b. evil eye, 30a, 217a.
etui, 581b. evil, form of, 138a.
Euergetai, 340a, 404b. evil glance, 807a.
eunuch, 481b, 822b. evil, god of, 713b, 869a.
Eupator, 833a. evil hap, 30b, 170a.
evacuate, 91b, 180a, 184a, 195b, evil-hearted, 165b, 216b, 434a.
260b, 262b. evil men, 88b, 89b, 869a.
evacuation, 184a b. evil natured, 209b.
evade, 240a. evil one, 216b, 369b, 677a.
even, 96a ; even as, 826a ; even evil personified, 111a, 211a.
though, 786a. evil plight, 80b.
evening, 10ab, 22b, 100a, 287a, evil quality, 95a.
288a, 296b, 330a, 420b, 421a, evil, secret powers of, 625a.
429a, 529b, 537a, 608b, 621b, evil, serpent of, 657a.
622a, 624b, 648b, 649a, 840b, Evil (i.e., Set), 629a.
897a. evil spirit, 228a, 377a.
evening bread, 323b ; evening evil thing, 459a.
meal, 91b, 330a. evil, to be or to do, 141a, 211a,
event, 163b, 542b, 548b, 561b, 373a, 488b, 591b.
580b, 614b, 617a, 690a, 693b. evilly entreated, 606a.
eventide, 323b. exact, 139a, 332a, 333b.
ever and ever, 383a. exactly, 139a.
everlasting, 893a. exaggerate, 651b.
Everlasting Ra, 418a. exalt, 28a, 110a, 625b, 629a,
everlastingly, 264a, 414b. 630a, 680a, 684a, 702a, 711a,
everlastingness, 383a, 893a. 713b, 733a, 837b.
ever living, 124b. exalted, 7a, 93a, 344a, 713b,
every, 357a, 414a, 838a, 856b, 882b. 760a, 767a, 912a ; state, 554a.
everybody, 37b, 68a, 154a, 214a, examine, 158b, 178a, 203a, 266b,
260b, 313b, 357a, 426a, 435a, 642b, 673a, 716a, 846b, 891a.
436a, 493a, 583b, 633a, 880a. Examiner (Osiris), 642b.
everyone, 154a, 357a, 640b. examining, 754a.
every place, 214a. example, 595a.
everything, 475b, 525b. exasperate, 689b.
everywhere, 214a. excavate, 178a, 757b.
evidence, 332b, 544b ; damning, excavation, 756b.
334a ; false, 141b ; to give, exceedingly, 108a, 181a, 266a,
334a, 694b. 414a b, 431b, 459a.
evident, 265b. excel, 562a.
evidently, 265b. excellences, 23a, 214a, 304a.

excellent, 22b, 93a, 211a, 304a, explanation, 401a ; mark of, 79a.
305a, 370b. explore, 903b.
except, 160b, 340a, 493a. expunge, 884a.
exception, 160b, 537a ; to make extend, 3a, 184b, 191a, 450a,
an, 537a ; without any, 537a. 597b, 635b, 652a, 804b, 873a,
excess, 189a, 470a. 894a.
exchange, 735ab, 874a, 904a ; extended, 255b.
speech, 410b. extension, 894a.
excitable, 861b. extent, 134a, 838a.
excited, 159a, 419a, 570a. external, 420b.
excitement, 378a. extinguish, 2a, 135b.
exclaim, 49a. extol, 733a.
exclamation, 142a, 157b. extortion, 141b.
exclusive, 546a. extortioner, 635a.
excrement, 184a, 289b, 476a, extract, 292b.
528b, 624a, 700b, 786a, 822b. extraordinary, 209b.
excretions, 38b, 222b ; bodily, exudation, 27a, 61b, 218a, 820b,
307b ; foul, 459a. 852b, 876b.
excuse, 185b, 899b. exude, 877b.
execute, 910a. exult, 6a, 466b, 713b.
executioner, 195a, 303b, 373a, eye, eyes, 194a, 219b, 306a, 313a,
575b, 644a ; of Osiris, 57a. 351a, 408b, 409b, 702a ; disease
exercise functions, 65a. of, 14b, 149b, 212b, 421b, 459b,
exert pressure, 521b. 831a, 843b, 906b ; every,
exhaust, 622a. 68a ; inflammation of the,
exhausted, 10b, 175b, 176b, 14a ; the evil, 30a ; the
207b, 225b, 228a, 522a, 534b, King’s, 68a ; right, 53b ;
570b, 574a, 598a, 666a, 753a, the two eyes, 68a, 275a;
800a, 802a. eye to eye, 68 a.
exhaustion, 207b, 534a, 666a. Eye-in-his-belly, 224b.
exile, 574b, 598a. Eye of Horus, 23a, 119a, 125b ;
exist, 164b, 230b, 542a, 690a, an offering, 68b ; the black,
717b ; to make, 616a. white, and green, 68b.
existence, 164b, 694a ; god of, Eye of Heaven, the left, 18b.
165a. Eye of Khnemu, 68b ; a boat,
exit, 138ab, 218b, 219b, 240b. 68b.
exorcise, 490b. Eye of Ra, 23a, 68b, 80a ; the
exorcist, 155b. left, 4b, 18b.
expand, 681b. Eye of Shu, 68b.
expansion, 257a. Eye of Teb, 68b.
expedient, 595a. Eye of Tern, 68b.
expedition, 193a ; set out on an, Eye, the One, 68a.
192b. Eyes, the Two divine, 267a.
expel, 696a, 801b, 884a. eyeball, 217a ; the Two Eye¬
expend, 604a. balls of Ra, 840a.
expenditure, 438a. eyebrows, 49b, 58a, 63a, 273a.
expenses, 240b, 438a, 443b, 446b. eyelashes, 630a, 713b.
experience, 899a. eyeless, 340b. :
expert, 131a, 284b. eyelids, 574b, 670a, 671b, 672b,
expire, 240a. 713b.
explain, 178b, 212b, 235b, 252b, eye paint, 19b, 20a, 150b, 192b,
253b, 685a. 329ab, 603a, 672b, 673b, 715b.

F. famine, 514a, 772b ; goddess of,

514b ; years of, 732b.
fabrics, 487a. famous, 115b, 508b, 837b.
face, 460a, 493a, 545a, 554a; fan, to, 269b, 606a.
downwards, 579b; opening the, fan, fans, 204b, 220a, 318b,
116b, 650a ; the Hidden, 755b ; 370a, 537b, 610b, 611a, 643b,
face to face, 116b, 493a ; 647b, 680b ; cook’s fan, 370a.
pure faces, 155a ; face cloths, fan bearer, 647b, 849a ; fan for
850b. fire, 237a, 248a.
face, to turn the, 866a ; to face fancy, to let run free, 38a.
some one, 116b. fare, 832a.
facing, 158a, 264a, 339a, 493a. fare collector, 446b.
fact, 525a. far from, 499a.
factory, 81b, 483a. farm, la, 74a, 99a, 457b, 758a,
Fagit, 260a. 767a ; labourer, 457b ; land
Fai, 259a b. 234a ; Pharaoh’s, 526b.
Fai-a, 259b. farm folk, 638b.
Fai-akh, 259b. farmers, 32b, 111a, 489a.
faience, 842a ; blue glazed, 858b, far off, 417b.
887a. far reaching, 181a.
Fai-Heru, 259b. fascinate, 509b.
fail, 10b, 26b, 141b, 176a, 227a, fashion, 65a, 95a, 118a ; to
261b, 433b, 802a, 806a, 839a, fashion, 321a, 323a b, 353b,
891a. 366b, 384b, 542a, 616a, 628b,
failing, 587b. 688b, 689b, 690a, 710a, 730a,
failure, 12b, 176a, 177b, 262b, 770b, 779a, 909b.
352b, 595a, 703b, 838b. fashioner, 384b.
Fai-m’khat, 259b. fasten, 147b, 355a.
faint, 227a, 471a, 480b, 803a. fastened, 304b, 776a.
faint-hearted, 680a. fastening, 273a, 516a, 563b, 600b.
fainting, 175b. fat, 102a, 113a, 128ab, 140ab,
Fai-pet, 259b. 189a, 260a, 315a, 542a, 550a,
Fait, 259a. 824b, 828a, 913a, 914b ; goose
faith, 382b. fat, 758b.
Faiu, 259a b. fat, to be, 772b ; to put on, 702b.
Faku, 260a. fate, 595a, 722b, 724a.
falcon, 909b. Fate, 326b, 724a.
fall, 227a, 255a, 425b, 439a, 440a, father, 5a, 19b, 98a, 143b, 832b;
444ab, 447a, 560b, 694b, 813b ; divine, 402a ; of mankind, 98a.
away, 433b, 587b, 803b ; down, Father-gods, 402a, 832b.
439a b, 572b, 624a, 749b ; in father-in-law, 739a ; of the king,
with, 129b ; out (of hair), 184b ; 98a, 402a ; of the god, 98a, 402a.
to make, 79a, 104a, 693b. fatigue, 142a, 296b, 644b, 802a.
fallah, fellah, 75a, 111a, 489a. fatten, 757b ; birds, 593b ; geese
fallen, the, 79a. and cattle, 185a.
falsehood, 124a, 141b, 335a, 604b, fattened, 773b ; geese, 914b.
803a, 810a, 812a, 813b. fault, 89b, 143b, 165b, 226a,
falseness, 675a. 328a, 367a, 595a.
falsify, 647a. faultless, 340a, 732b.
fame, 245a, 724a. favour, 219a, 283a, 347a, 508a,
familiarity, 278b. 528a ; by favour, 370b ; mark
family, 105b, 284a, 316a, 322a, of, 508b ; to show, 508a, 813a ;
438b, 443b, unjustly, 437a.

favoured one, 508b. Fenti, 260b, 261a.

favourite, 153a, 561b. Fenti-en-Ankh, 260b.
Fayyum, 816b ; Osiris of the, Fent-ket, etc., 261a.
104a. ferment, 49b, 72b, 115a, 758b.
fealty, 50a. ferocity, 433b.
fear, 34a, 445a, 452a, 473b, 479b, ferry, 576b, 704a.
480a, 490b, 499b, 507a, 588a, ferry boat, 286a, 295b, 320b,
589a, 609b, 636a, 678ab, 679a, 576b, 814b.
887a, 898b. Ferry-god, 267b, 320b, 354b.
fearful, 108a, 905b. ferryman, 267b, 576b, 850a,
fearless, 193b. 895a ; craft of, 286b ; of truth,
feast, 287a, 449b, 474a ; to keep 894b.
the, 474a. fertile, 150a, 189b, 593a, 649b,
feast-day, 451a. 651a.
feather, 311b, 352b, 607b, 733a ; fervent, 320a.
of goose and hawk, 733b ; festal apparel, 602a.
of south, 733b ; of Thoth, 733b ; festival, 74a, 117b, 158b, 161b,
pair of feathers, 733b. 166b, 249b, 268a, 310b, 323b,
feather crown, 319a. 346b, 438b, 449b, 462b, 474a,
feathered headdress, 528a. 476b, 525b, 616b, 640a, 675a,
fecundate, 387a, 629b. 840b ; annual, 594a ; book of
fed, 394a. the, 474b ; the drunken, 843a ;
fee, 90a. the 15th day, 331a; the great,
feeble, 22a, 78a, 149a, 152b, 207b, 474b ; hall, 183a ; Karnak,
225b, 226a, 227a, 260b, 574a, 474b ; monthly, 40a b, 640a b ;
587a, 661a, 771b, 802a, 898b. half-monthly, 673a ; quarter
feebleness, 226a, 874a, 898b. monthly, 881b ; of last quarter,
feed, 77b, 139b, 166b, 179a, 213b, 907b ; of several gods, 242a ;
261b, 590a, 592b, 601a, 606b, of Khargah, 175b ; of the tail,
607a, 632a, 645a, 677a, 678a, 714a ; of the Two Bulls, 624b ;
696a, 717b, 772b ; feed on, sailing, 752b, 893b ; Sixth
186a. day, 643b.
feel, 527a. festival, to keep the, 438b, 462b,
feeling, 783b. 613b, 615b.
feet (see also foot), 638a, 807a. festivity, 474a.
feign, 65b ; feign ignorance, fetter, to, 273a, 313b, 338a, 607b,
546 {i
643b, 662a, 762b, 763a, 764b,
Fekhti, 261b. 765a, 769a, 774a, 778a, 883a.
feldspar, 150b. fetter, lib, 58a, 64ab, 72a, 82b,
felicity, 214b. 91a, 118a, 146a, 156a, 282a, 290b,
fell a tree, 338a, 894a. 292a, 355a, 408b, 479a, 529a,
fellow, 71b, 277b, 603a, 674a. 587a, 593b, 607b, 611b, 631b,
fellow worker, 277b. 750a, 764b, 766a, 818b, 858a,
female, 785b ; females (children), 883a ; of Set, 587a.
322a. fettered, 533a, 680a, 702b.
female spirit, 24a. feud, 459a.
fen district, 103b. fever, 81a, 443a, 471a, 517a,
fen man, 103b. 531b, 740a ; patient, 584b.
fence, 380b. few, 379b, 397b, 438a, 659b.
Fenkhu, 150b, 260b ; fire of the, fibre, 573b.
222 a. ficus carica, 380a.
Fenkhu cakes, 260b. field, la, 8a, 22a, 27a, 30a, 75a,
Fentchi (Thoth), 261a. 100a, 128ab, 195a, 440b, 449b,

457b, 490a, 585b, 667a, 686a, fight, 75b, 116a, 132a, 154b, 280b,
720a, 767a, 861b, 881b, 882ab ; 285b, 292b, 315b, 320ab, 459a,
labour, 206b ; labourer, 30a, 461b, 467b, 531b, 563b, 626a,
75a, 76a b, 201a, 489a, 686a ; 627b, 639b, 661a, 670a, 702b,
of flax, 8a. 704a, 772ab.
field bread, 686a. fighters, 19b, 132a, 241a, 285b,
Field-god, 686a. 286a, 459a, 461b, 468b, 492b,
Field, Holy, 687b. 604a, 639b, 640a, 684a, 703a,
Field of Eternity, 687a. 704a b.
Field of Fire, 687b. Fighters, the, 132b.
Field of Horus, 687a. Fighter-gods, the Two, 429b,
Field of Offerings, 687b. 577b.
Field of Ra, 687a. fighting, 461b, 735b ; dogs, 221a;
Field of Reeds, 183a, 686b. gods, 241b ; men, 903a.
Field of the Beetle, 687b. Fighting Faces, 19b, 132b.
Field of the Bull, 687b. figure, 19a, 69a, 222b, 542a,
Field of the Chief, 687b. 557b, 572a, 577a, 602a, 604b,
Field of the Gods, 687a. 609a, 616a, 624b, 675b, 752b ;
Field of the Grasshoppers, magical, 823a ; of animal,
687b. 135b ; sacred, 138a.
Field of the Ka, 687b. figured (of bronze), 619a.
Field of the Twin Gods, 687a. figures, wax, 303b.
field, offering of, 8a ; produce, filch, 523b.
242b, 451b, 667a ; segment of, file, to, 608a.
464b ; service, 742a ; woman’s, fill, 316b, 411b, 490a, 607a, 671b,
526b. 690a ; fill full, 54b, 83a, 602b ;
fiend, 12b, 64a, 79a, 89b, 97a, fill the bosom, 317a ; the ear,
99a, 116a, 208a, 227a, 228a, 316b ; to overflowing, 813a ;
377a, 419a, 434ab, 546b, 552a, with food, 696a ; with water,
600a, 618a, 642a, 676a, 694b, 902 a.
695b, 708a, 731b, 819a, 820a, filled, 316b, 467b, 520a ; be filled,
895a b. 490a ; with soul, 38b.
fierce, 499a, 510a. fillet, 228a, 304b, 313b, 319a,
fierce looking, 509ab. 376a, 399b, 450a, 607b, 623b,
Fierce-mouth, 417a. 658a, 859b, 876b ; white, 698b.
fiery, 221a, 390a, 817b. fillets (of fish), 187b.
Fiery-eyed, 295a. filling, 690a.
Fiery-eyes, 68a. filly, 695b.
Fiery-hands, 190b. filth, 9b, 11a, 49b, 113b, 119b,
fiery man, 817b. 177b, 227a, 459a, 467a, 469a,
Fiery Mouth, 817b. 470a, 473a, 476a, 509b* 571ab,
Fiery One, 130b. 635a, 683a, 708a, 786a.
Fiery-Soul, 636b. filthy, 31b, 208a, 470ab ; people,
fifteen, 331a. 762 a.
fifth, 868b. find, 770a, 807a ; a mouth, 807a ;
fifty, 819a. find out, 527a.
fig, 825a, 874a ; bundle of, 867a ; fine, to, 865b.
persea, 725a ; syrup, 380a ; fine, 22b ; garments, 710b ;
tree, 380a, 792b, 825a, 867a ; gold, 370b ; linen, 779a.
wine, 874a. finest, 461a, 829b.
fight, to, 90b, 285b, 315b, 515b, finger, 104b, 874b, 902b, 905b ;
611a, 729ab, 731a, 744b, 752a, of Set, 905b.
757a, 772b. fingernails, 523b.

finish, 19a, 129b, 131a, 305b, 306a, first, 316a, 460a b, 473b, 554a,
568a, 591a, 626a, 645b, 704b, 562a, 597b, 734b, 828b ; to be,
773a, 787b, 834a, 878b, 909b, 381a.
910a ; of a matter, 703b. firstborn, 107a, 160b, 584a, 601b,
finished, 131b, 787b. 642b, 672a, 723a ; of Osiris,
fir-cones, 793a. 216a.
fire, 6a, 9b, 14a, 17a, 22b, first fruits, 829a.
49a, 78b, 92a, 110a b, 130a, First Image, 826b.
146a, 163b, 174a, 182b, 221ab, First Lady, 829b.
222a, 234a, 276a, 284b, 285b, firstling, 160b.
290a, 310b, 345a, 366b, 367a, first part, 460b.
377b, 380c, 387b, 390a, 391a, fish, to, 463a, 465a, 475a, 484a.
392b, 393a, 417a, 429a, 434ab, fish, 5ab, 13a, 25a, 30b, 32a,
439b, 447a, 451b, 452a, 465b, 115a, 128a, 148a, 154b, 176b,
510a, 517a, 526a, 531b, 538a, 179a, 203a 207a, 214b, 220b,
539a, 547a, 588b, 589b, 609b, 225b, 226b, 233a, 236b, 262b,
611b, 618b, 628a, 631a, 632b, 318a, 376b, 419a b, 423b, 424 ,
649a, 653a, 680a, 681a, 695b, 428b, 433a, 437b, 440b, 462b,
696b, 702a, 709a, 714b, 716a, 475b, 536b, 537b, 542a, 549b,
724b, 725a, 731b, 740a, 764b, 550b, 569b, 592b, 661b, 624a,
765ab, 774a, 775b, 795a, 803a, 651a, 737b, 757a, 767a, 835b,
817b, 823a, 832a, 845ab, 864b, 837a, 902b, 914b ; dead, 273b ;
897b, 900b, 911b, 915a ; a fighting, 132b ; latus, 152a ;
consuming, 168b ; divine, 163b; mythological, 19b, 141b ; pilot
lake of, 71b, 687a ; liquid, of Ra, 20a ; red, 192b ; spotted,
400a ; place of, 80b ; region 58b ; voracious, 832a.
of, 16a ; sacred, 373a ; slow, Fish-city, 424b.
373a ; to light a, 247b, 628a, fisherman, 142b, 148b, 178b,
676b, 708a, 709a, 712b ; to set 179a, 318a, 463b, 514b, 535b,
on, 648a. 538b, 897b.
fire altar, 135a, 147b, 179b, Fish-god, 424b, 431a, 699b.
286a. fishing, festivals of, 179a; net,
fire bringer, 56b. 745b ; tackle, 931a.
fire drill, 590a, 850a. fish line, 421b.
fire flash, 267b. fish offal, 594a.
fish pond, 76a, 170b, 758a, 812a.
fire festival, 147b.
fish pool, 814b.
Fire-god, 10ab, 49a, 70b, 166b, fish scales, 394b.
186a ; gods of Tuat, 434b. fish spawn, 21b, 606b, 657b, 741a.
Fire-goddess, 163b, 393a, 428a. fish tanks, 720a, 766b.
firelight, 695b. fist, 6a, 120a, 545a.
fireman, 70b. fistful, 545a.
fire offering, 10a, 135a, 196a, 217b, fistula, 736a.
594a, 639a, 775b. fitting, 722b, 819b, 837a ; order,
fire pits, the Five, 465a. 193a.
fireplace, 135a, 147b, 290a, 535b. fittingly, 332a.
fire stand, 137a. fittings, 119a.
fire stick, 56b, 222a, 238a, 590a, five, 868b.
894a. Five Days, the epagomenal, 451a.
firewood, 566b, 590a. fix, 602a, 722b ; the attention,
firm, 128ab, 164a, 297a, 680b, 274a ; the eyes, 826a.
893b, 914b ; to make, 49b. fixed, lb, 296b.
firm-handed, 193b. flabby, 152b.

flag, 523b, 594b, 647b ; coloured, flesh food, 120b.

69b. flexible, 256b.
flagbearer, 851b. flier, 118ab.
flagstaff, 583b, 675b. flight, 105b, 156b, 258a, 263b,
flail, 139b, 387a, 449b. 420a, 462b, 465b, 633b, 688a,
flame, 6a, 9b, 14a, 17a, 49a, 866a ; put to, 658a ; take to,
63b, 92a, llOab, 130a, 131a, 255b.
146a, 174a, 182b, 221ab, 222a, flint, 218a, 630b, 777b, 888a ;
234a, 276a, 284b, 285b, 300b, knives, 842a.
345a, 366b, 367a, 377b, 380a, Flint-eyes, 68a.
387b, 390a, 391a, 392b, 393a, float, 374a.
419a, 429a, 434ab, 439b, 445a, flock, 18a, 114b, 299a.
451b, 452a, 465b, 510a, 526a, flood, to, 12a, 22a, 213a, 368b,
538a, 539a, 589b, 609b, 611b, 544b, 602b, 626b, 644a, 671b,
628a, 631a, 632b, 649a, 653a, 843a.
664b, 680a, 681a, 709a, 716a, flood, 12a, 27b, 31b, 35b, 36a,
725a, 740a, 775b, 798a, 817b, 49b, 95b, 96a, 97b, 142b,
832a, 841a, 845b, 846b, 897b ; 174b, 195b, 203a, 211a, 212b,
divine, 49a ; flame up, 159a, 253b, 293a, 297b, 307b, 370b,
221b, 367a ; Island of, 16b. 459b, 475b, 589a, 607a, 611b,
Flame-god, 241b. 612b, 653b, 806b, 807a, 814a ;
Flame-goddess, 23a. new, 349a ; rising, 370b.
flamer, 367a, 393a. Flood, the, 317b.
Flaming-Eye, 24b. flooded, 213a.
flap the wings, 797b. flooding, 602b.
flare up, 191a. floor, 83a ; of chariot, 246a.
flash, lightning, 842a. floral crowns, 275a.
flask, 282b, 462b. flour, 32b, 356b, 411a, 704a ; fine,
flat, river, 272b. 395b, 853a; fine wheaten, 771b ;
flat (transport), 764a. offerings of, 56b.
flat drum, 875b. flour of dates, 56b.
flatter, 224b, 643b, 650b, 804a. flour of millet, 223b.
flattery, 15a, 650b. flourish, 22a, 77b, 110a, 147a,
flatulence, 732a, 813b. 148b, 150a, 175a, 224b, 282b,
flax, 17a, 110b, 136a, 155a, 252a, 421b, 436b, 680b ; to make,
284b, 319a, 484b, 589a, 661a ; 649b.
hot-presser of, 247b. flourish a knife or stick, 17a,
flax cloth, 234b. 394b.
flax fields, 8a. flourishing, 148b, 193a, 422a, 423a.
flea, 234b, 235a. flout, 334b.
flee, 14b, 43b, 44a, 216b, 220a, flow, 32b, 69a, 97b, 223a, 224b,
255b, 275a, 420ab, 481a, 519b, 293a, 329b, 400a, 541a, 697b,
612b, 633b, 688a, 695b, 750b, 736a, 793b ; flow away, 157a,
857b, 864b ; flee in terror, 343b ; of poison, 736a ; of
810a. water, 725b ; flow out, 889a ;
fleet, 314b ; inspector of, 642b. flow quickly, 9b.
flesh, 30a, 31a, 34a, 43a, 75b, flower, 10b, 54b, 55 a, 105 a,
76a, 120b, 602a, 652b, 746a ; 126b, 146a, 151b, 167b, 179a,
divine, 33a, 402b, 466a. 192b, 209a, 216a, 226b, 243b,
flesh and bone, 28a, 33a, 113b, 372b, 374b, 383b, 384b, 385b,
154b. 423b, 464a, 467a, 472b, 487b,
flesh of Osiris, 43a ; of Ra, 43a ; 500a, 531b, 645a, 721a, 722b,
of Tern, 43a. 750b, 900a, 903b, 905a.

flower basket, 248a. following, 742a ; to be in the,

flower for a wreath, 126b, 275a. 164b.
flowers, of heaven, 8b, 77b ; folly, 140a, 180a, 419b, 648a;
of the south, 388a ; of speech, to commit, 369b.
667a. food, 3b, 8a, 28a, 43a, 49a,
flower stand, 248a. 72b, 77a, 91b, 119b, 120b,
flowering shrub, 721b. 126ab, 134b, 137a, 138a, 139b,
flowing, 541a, 708b. 140a, 142a, 148a, 168b, 179a,
fluid, 400a; of life, 193a, 585b. 185b, 186a, 202a, 230b, 234a,
flute, 147a, 152a, 273b, 594a, 654a. 247b, 252a, 253a, 255b, 259b,
flutter, 5b, 386b, 393b, 549a, 604a. 261b, 262b, 283b, 286b, 323b,
flux, 138b, 387a, 604b. 369a, 433a, 450a, 468a, 469a,
fly, 111a, 118a, 119b, 465b, 525a, 528b, 532a, 538a, 606b,
472b, 480a, 552a. 612b, 624a, 632a, 676a, 677a,
fly, to, 42a, 118b, 135a, 136a, 717b, 722b, 725b, 734a, 735a,
203a, 230a, 234b, 235a, 462ab, 747a, 761b, 762a, 730b, 783b,
498b, 532a, 645a ; fly away, 822b, 832a, 833a, 884b, 904a,
541a ; into the air, 824b ; into 908a, 915b ; celestial, 906b ;
a rage, 849a ; to make, 661b ; cooked, 236a ; daily food, 278b,
over, 552b ; through veins, 663a ; mixed, 885b, 887b ; for
381a. journey, 446b ; roasted, 906a.
fly flapper, 318b, 537b. Food-gods, 71a.
fly whisk, 647b. food offering, 735a.
foal, 323a, 705a. foodstuff, 566b.
foam, 7b, 629a, 738b. fool, 340b, 419b, 528a, 546a ;
fodder, 49a, 532a, 709b, 711a. to play the, 546a.
foe, 27b, 101b, 227a, 228a, 285b, foolish, 180a, 431a, 649b, 652b.
289b, 302a, 329ab, 345b, 369b, foolish man, 640a.
434ab, 545b, 546b, 561a, 574b, foot (see also feet), 156b, 233a,
636a, 657a, 676a, 740a, 817b, 435a ; ring for, 302b.
895b. footboard, 253b.
foetid, 822b. foot cases, 106b.
foetor, 294b, 553 a. footman, 255b.
fog, 96a. footsoldier, 6a, 255b.
fold (of flock), 813a. footstep, 873b, 891b.
fold, 286b ; in the arms, 616b, footstool, 253b, 443a, 452ab, 786b.
693a ; the wings, 616b. for, 56a, 339a, 492b, 536a, 545a.
folds of serpent, 763a. for ever, 339ab, 415a, 450a, 787b.
foliage, 34a, 90a, 146a, 167a, for the sake of, 30b.
343a, 600b, 631a, 669a, 733a, for why, 77a.
745b, 802b, 806b, 897a, 905a, forage, 101a.
911a. forager, 101a.
folk, 170a, 435b, 436b, 465b, forbear, 830a, 909a.
525a, 583b, 815b, 880a ; aged, forbearing, 180b.
17b ; young, 898a. force, to, 201a, 292b, 521a ;
follow, 245b, 467b, 568a, 675b, a door, 219b, 650a; a passage,
742a ; about, 246b ; a road, 480b ; a way, 20a, 117b, 158b,
891b ; closely, 338a ; to make, 201a, 347b ; open, 539a, 592a ;
623 a. a woman, 571b, 797a ; to
follower, 45b, 293a, 457b, 567b, use, 867a.
742 a. force, 388b, 401b, 528b, 738a,
Followers of Hap, Hathor, Horus, 795b, 802b ; forces, 389a, 772a.
Ra, 743a. ford, 288a, 330a, 569a.

forearm, 105ab, 120a, 326a, 327a, fortress, 60b, 104b, 166a, 290a,
726a, 736b, 737b. 297b, 389a, 569a, 650b, 705b,
forecourt, 158b, 419a, 443b. 706a, 851a, 878b, 903b.
forefathers, 4b. Fortress of the Father, 878b.
forehead, 273a, 416b, 554a, 820a, fortunate, 595a.
841b, 885b. fortune, 693b, 724a ; good, 617a.
foreign, 214b, 420b, 911a ; lands, forty, 480b.
533b, 534a, 815b ; speech, 335a. fosterer, 809b.
foreigner, 2a, lib, 90a, 113b, foster mother, 428a.
214b, 260b, 343b, 533b, 541b, foul, 143a, 145b, 343b, 382b,
740b, 741 ab, 782a, 911a. 383a, 470a, 537b, 644a, 725b,
fore-knowledge, 896a. 726a, 762a, 787a, 883a.
fore-leg, 544a, 559b, 597b. Foul-Face, 459b.
foreman, 311b, 473b, 562a, 901a. found, 609b, 629a, 678ab, 778a,
foremost, 828b. 807a, 810a, 811b, 812a, 884a.
forepart, 460a, 461a, 554a ; of foundation, 207a, 325b, 602a, 605a,
boat, 461b. 609a b, 670b, 675b ; to lay a,
forequarter, 460a. 609a.
forerunner, 554a. founded, 189b.
foreskins, 764a b. founder, 678b ; of the earth,
forge,’ 368b,* 484a, 544a, 708a. foundry, 312a, 323b, 325a, 544a.
forget, 5a, 283b, 315b, 616a, 671b, foundryman, 354a.
692b, 851a ; to make, 602b, fountain, 110a, 123b, 233a, 280a,
671b. 490b, 579a, 724b, 863a.
forgetfulness, 283b. four, 44a, 258a, 263a.
fork (of the legs), 162a. fourfold, 548b ; garment, 44a.
form, 19a, 21a, 65a, 69a, 93a, four-horned, 398a.
222b, 321a, 323b, 353b, 366b, four-legged, 255b.
534b, 542a, 542b, 598a, 616a, fourth, 263a.
624b, 632a, 666b, 670b, 672b, fowl, 186b, 230a, 235a, 573a,
673a, 688b, 689b, 690a, 698b, 848b.
716b, 730a, 761b, 765b, 770b, fowler, 178b, 463ab, 475a, 618a,
771a, 779ab, 804b, 821b, 847a, 695a, 769a ; chief, 475a.
853b ; bodily,466a, 893a ; divine, fractions, mark of, 415a.
402a, 577a ; hidden, 775b. fragment, 252a, 392b, 772b.
former, 820a. frame, 206b, 859b ; framed,
formerly, 554a, 580a. 324b.
formulae, 22b, 346a, 400b, 623a, framework, 835b, 859b.
831b, 860b, 862a ; commemora¬ frankincense, 348b, 377b, 378a.
tive, 589b ; for spirit-souls, fraternize, 89b.
635a ; magical, 448a, 515a, fraud, 14b, 472b, 488b, 530a,
745a ; to recite, 22b. 540a, 572a, 777a, 790a.
forsake, 528a. free, to free, 369b, 472a, 591a,
fort, 100a, 297b, 338b, 526a, 621a, 622b, 727a.
557b, 569a, 595a, 633b, 660b, free born, 591a.
705b, 706a, 718b, 840a, 903b, freedom, 370a.
910a. freeman, 646a.
forthwith, 265b, 495a, 595b. freight, 594a.
fortification, 60b, 605b. frenzy, prophetic, 530a, 647b.
fortified, 851a, 852a. frequenters, 138b.
fortify, ‘ 54a, 104b, 690a, 772a, frequently, 595b.
910a. fresh, 1150 a.

fretwork, 304b. full, 2b, 316b, 489b, 520a, 587b,

friend, 69b, 285a, 310a, 366b, 634b, 834a.
442a, 449b, 540a, 548a, 551a, fuller, 318a, 435a.
552a, 554a, 577b, 636a, 809b ; fullers’ earth, 866b.
intimate, 430a ; to be, 520b, fulling, 726b.
539b, 674b ; to behave as a, full moon, 29b.
551b. fullness, 314b, 316b, 545a, 634b,
“ Friendlies,” 386a. 647a.
friendship, 552a, 624b. fume, 131a, 516b.
fright, 395a, 499b, 839a. functions, 486b, 487a.
frighten, 393b, 395a, 420a, 499a, fundament, 244a.
577a, 693b, 712b, 866b. funeral, 301a, 772a, 860a.
frightening, 887b. fur, 631a.
fringe, 631a. furious, 615b, 689b, 774b.
frisk, 854a, 858a. furl, 735b ; a sail, 725b.
frizz the hair, 849b. furnace, 135a, 464a, 499b, 506b,
frizzle, 550b. 535b, 708a, 775b, 786b, 803a,
frog, 118a, 764a, 775b, 789a. 819ab, 840a, 841b, 885b.
Frog-goddess, 80b, 514a. furnaces, the Five of the Tuat,
from, 65a, 100b, 264a, 279b, 465a.
414a, 560a ; from-to, 851b. furnish, 92a, 810a, 811b, 904a ;
from of old, 909a. furnished, 118b.
from this day, 100b. furnishing, 119a, 282b, 812a.
furniture, 43a, 79b, 90a, 136a,
front, 220a, 460a, 461a, 494b, 229a, 234a, 462b, 525a, 640a,
545a, 554a, 580a, 878b, 879a ; 715a, 789b, 812a, 876a.
to be in, 562a ; put in, 693b. furrow, 191a.
frontier, 158a, 488a, 820b, 844b, further, 809b.
852a ; guard of, 246b ; to fury, 395a, 536b, 908a.
cross, 439a.
futurity, 265b.
frontier stones, 81b. “ fuzzy-wuzzies,” 368a.
Front-land (South), 575b.
froth, 7b, 509b, 738b, 820b ;
of beer, 629a. G.
fruit, 49b, 60a, 61a, 72a, 195a, Ga asut, 800b.
201b, 233b, 242b, 252a, 273b, Gaf, 802b.
380b, 411b, 427a, 470b, 547a, gag, 729b ; gags of leather,
563b, 586a, 621b, 641a, 688b, 729b.
689a, 745b, 746b, 747a, 753a, Gagait, 801a.
762a, 767a, 785b, 788a, 796b, Gai, 801a.
798a, 804a, 814b, 827b, 833a, gain the mastery, 531a, 690b.
839b, 842a, 845b, 876b, 890b, gainsay, 116b, 122b ; gainsaid,
900a ; Sudani, 728b ; cake, 34a.
817a ; of sycamore fig, 797b ; Gait, 801a.
tree, 49b, 63a, 269b, 797b, gait, 373b.
892 a. gale, 174a, 683a, 902a.
fruit-bearing trees, 890b. gall, lb, 82b, 689b.
fry, 550b. gall bladder, 9b.
Ftu-heru, 263b. gall duct, 9b.
fuel, 702a, 902b. gallop, 852b.
fugitives, 9b, 156b, 215b, 220a, gamble, 858a.
255b, 618a. game, 25b, 221a ; from the
fulfil, 129b. desert, 114b.

ganders, 848a. gate, 130b, 275a, 371b, 416a,

gang, 599b. 419b, 443b, 658b, 659a, 660b,
gang of five, 864a. 723b, 819a ; at Philae, 108b ;
gang of labourers, 82a, 585b. title of king, 659a ; a tomb,
ganger, 495a. 819a.
gangrene, 160a, 217a. Gates, keeper of the Two, 70a.
gangway plank, 157a. Gates of hell, horizon, palace,
gap, 252b. 655 a.
Gaqit, 804a. gate-house, 221b.
garb, 169b. gatekeepers, 71b.
garden, 19b, 122a, 146a, 148b, gate-sockets, 113a.
192b, 240a, 499b, 529b, 559ab, gate-tower, 275a, 658b.*
721b, 722a, 723a, 725a, 745b, gateway, 130b, 219b ; fortified,
749a, 770a, 788b, 789a, 808a, 633b.
891b, 905a; water-garden, 720a. gather, 575a, 683a, 701b, 710a,
gardener, 559a, 788b, 789a, 914b ; grapes, 734b ; together,
789b ; date tree gardener, 64a, 613b, 625a, 628b, 639a,
269b. 659b, 664b, 683a, 826ab, 878b.
gardeners, the twelve, 69b. gathering, 600b, 639a ; of people,
garden house, 700b. 848a.
garden land, 558b, 614b. gaze, to, 158b ; intently, 826a.
garden plants, 722a, 808a. gazelle, 33b, 40a, 129a, 268a,
garden stuff, 709b. 270a, 441b, 442b, 443b, 777b,
garden tent, 475a. 803b, 812b ; white, 275b ;
garden walk, 144b. young, 426b ; the Four, 439b.
garland, 146b, 169a, 192b, 275a, Gazelle-god, 122b, 555a.
279a, 287a, 319a, 602b, 701b, gazelle-herd,- 586b.
810b ; of triumph, 271b ; to Geb, god, 800b, 805b, 831a,
put on, 701a. 848b ; a form of Ra, a stake,
garlic, 473b, 822b. an ithyphallic god, 806a ;
garment, 14a, 34b, 49b, 62 a, head of the gods, 806a.
92b, 95b, 103b, 104a, 110a, Geb, the Four Sons of, 263b.
119a, 121b, 139a, 164a, 169b, Geb, god of celestial ocean, 806a.
170a, 174b, 205a, 230a, 236a, Geb, Hall of, 183a,
252b, 260a, 262b, 282b, 289b, Geb in Shentch, 806a.
300a, 329a, 393b, 407b, 424b, Geb (Nile), 806a.
440b, 458b, 476b, 483b, 532b, Geb-qenbti, 806a.
579b, 582a, 591b, 606a, 618b, Geb, soul of, 200a, 669a.
624a, 629b, 635a, 641a, 649b, Geb-ur (Horus), 806a.
652a, 672a, 678a, 695b, 711a, Gebb, 805b.
711b, 712b, 714a, 718a, 750b, Gebel Barkal, 869b.
755a, 757a, 768a, 773b, 776a, Gebel Zabarah, 154b.
791b, 818b, 840a, 864a, 867a, Gebi, 806a.
868a, 870a, 875b, 879a, 895b, Gebit, 806a.
897a, 904b ; funerary, 832b ; geese, 14b, 829b ; drawn, 187b ;
linen, 615b ; night, 667a ; fattened, 185a, 415b ; gall of,
nobleman’s, 646a ; skin, 200b ; 689b ; mixed food for, 885b,
white, 698b ; whole, 896b. 887b.
garrison, 55b, 557b, Gefut, 807a.
garrulous, 335a. Gehsit, 812b.
gash, 561a, 730a, 867b, gem, 344b, 394b, 521b.
Gasut, 803b. Gem-hesu, 807b.
Gata, 804a. Gemi, 807b.
4 B 2

Gemu-heru, 807b. Gilukhipa, 792b.

Gemut, 807b. giraffe, 282a, 592a, 610b.
general, 247a, 312a, 638a, 860ab. gird, 574b ; gird on, 169a, 701a ;
generation, 284a, 331b ; first, gird round, 64a; girded, 451b.
570a. girdle, 15b, 75b, 113a, 131b,
generation-god, 189a. 164a, 217a, 282b, 304b, 313b,
generations of men, 898a. 319a, 324a, 338b, 395b, 419b,
generator, 462b. 540a, 625a, 631a, 654b, 676b,
generous, 305a. 701b, 715a, 862b, 911a.
genetrix, 321a. girl, 32b, 102a, 110b, 141b, 303a,
Gengen-ur, 809a. 426b, 471b, 545b, 573b, 584a,
Gen-hesu,- 809a. 798b; little, 750a.
genital organs, 848a. girt, 253a.
genitals, 481b. give ! 50b, 279b.
genitive, mark of, 339a, 344b, give, 102b, 115a, 139b, 270b,
348a, 349a. 436b, 562a, 654a, 815a, 840b,
genius, 782b. 864a, 865a ; a command, 57a ;
gentle, 597b, 598a, 809a ; of birth, 55a, 89b, 221b, 233b,
winds, 517b. 387b, ground, 889a; light, 204b,
gentleman, 538b, 591a, 646 a, 212b ; make to, 681b ; order,
737a ; son of a, 584b. 191b ; thanks, 403a ; the hand,
gentleness, 273b, 680b. 865b ; the lie to, 437a.
gentlewoman, 422b, 737a. give quarter, 9a.
gently, to act, 796b. give way, 889a, 891a.
genuine, 271a. given, 436b, 774b.
genuineness, 270b. giver, 865a, 868a ; of winds,
Genur, god, 809a. 437a.
Gen-urit, 809a. glad, to be, 74b, 145a, 168a,
geometry, term used in, 464b. 412a, 433a, 466b, 499a, 517b,
Gerbatus, 810b. 689a, 833b ; to make, 592b,
Gerh, 811a. 613b, 683a.
Gerhit, 811a. gladden, 635b, 679b, 682b.
germ, 651b. gladness, 3a, 37b, 74a, 77b,
Gersi, 811b. 160b, 168a, 260a, 310b, 326a,
Gerteka, 810a. 426b, 433a, 444a, 466b, 858b.
Gertes, 810a. glance, 68a, 123a, 254a, 357a,
Gesi, 813b. 808a, 891a; evil, 807a ; to shoot
Geseptiu, 813b. a, 708b.
Geshi, 814b. gland, 201b ; of throat, 110a.
Gesta, 814a. glaucoma, 736b.
Geta, 814b. gleam, 681b.
get back, 43b. gleanings, 596a.
get round, 30a. glede, 909b, 910ab.
get up, 258a ; get up early, 562b. glib, 533a.
giant, 389a. glide, 136a, 370b.
Giant (Orion), 389a. glimpse, 254a.
gift, 3a, 4a, 5b, 56b, 117a, 148a, glitter, 820b, 858b.
191a, 204b, 206b, 262a, 270b, globule, 234b, 237a, 256b, 650a,
283b, 286b, 304a, 343a, 438a, 880b.
487a, 491b, 508a, 514b, 518a, gloom, 600b, 795b, 798a.
521b, 544a, 813b, 865a, 868a, gloomy, 789a.
884b. gloomy-faced, 798b.
gills of fish, 572b, 907a. glorification, 635a, 680a.

glorify, 17a, 589b, 635a, 710a. goats, 18a, 39a, 107a, 114a,
glorifyings, 824a. 126a, 129a, 142a, 154b, 170a,
glorious, 22b, 245a, 737a ; deeds, 299a, 624b, 762a, 786a, 792a,
23a. 796a, 897b ; wild, 514b.
glory, 3b, 245a, 724a, 822b, 912a; goat hide, 140a,
glory be to ! 15a. God, 546a, 401a.
glow, 436b, 817b, 896b. god, 170b, 401a, 408b ; an ever¬
glue, 32b. lasting, 78b ; composite, 109a ;
glutted, 634b. ears of the, 126b.
glutton, 5b, 111a, 120 a, 626b, god, dance of the, 38b.
705a. god, dog-faced, 121a, 406a.
gluttonous, 626b. god, field of the, 403a.
god, four-headed ram, 494a.
gluttony, 5b, 119b.
gnat (mosquito ?), 550a, 552a, god, great, 108b.
god, house of the, 402b.
gnaw, 168b, 169b, 185b, 248a, god, letter of, 108b.
god, mouth of the, 831a
731a, 882b.
go, 8a, 9a, lib, 30a, 31a, 74b, god of olden time, 830a.
118b, 193b, 216b, 235b, 272b, God One, 403b.
god, the limitless, 413a.
287a, 289b, 324b, 330a, 346a,
377b, 429a, 451b, 541a, 624b, god, the old, 17b.
god, the primeval, 231a.
632a, 633a, 637a, 640b, 647a,
god, way of the, 144b.
654a, 716b, 723a, 725a, 737b,
god, young, 76b, 749b.
739a, 740b. goddess, 182a, 401b, 408b, 486a,
go about, 195a, 232a, 288b, 351b,
494a, 690b, 737a, 826a.
376b, 415b, 417a, 478a, 875a.
goddess, the Hittite, 25b, 127b,
go against, 145a. the nude or Syrian, 781b,
go astray, 839a. 794b ; the Two Nursing
go away, 144a, 157b, 187b, 240a, Goddesses, 551b.
417a, 420a, 449b, 587b, 633a. gods, 409b.
go back, 28b, 457b, 569b, 618a ; gods of the Boat of Earth, 405b.
make to, 684a, 694b. gods of the Circles, 407a.
go beyond, 604a. gods of earth, 407a.
go down, 444b, 528b, 633a ; gods of heaven, earth, Tuat
make to, 682a. and Nile, 405b.
go forth, 193b, 240a. gods of the east, 405a.
go forward, 593b. gods of the exits, 406a.
go in, 118b, 138ab, 576a ; in gods of the funerary mountain,
front, 381a. 407a.
go off, 841a. gods of the Great Bear, 406a.
go on, 196b, 216b ; a journey, gods of the Great House, 406a.
32 a. gods of Het-Benben, 406b.
go out, 118b, 240a ; of the way, gods of the horizon, 405a.
883a. gods of the House of Fire, 406a.
go round, 216a, 246ab, 428a, 743b, gods of the Lake of Fire, 405b.
780a ; to make to, 662b, 680a. gods of Mehen, 405b.
go softly, 449b. gods of the months, 40b.
go through, 567b. gods of Nekhen, 406a.
go to waste, 439b. gods of the Nile Caverns, 407a.
go up, 7a, 28a, 129a, 449b. gods of the nomes, 406b.
goad, 40a, 386b, 516b, 680a, gods of the North, 406b.
792 a. gods of 1,000 years, 404a.
4B 3

gods of one (i.e., the same) God-city, 407b.

shrine, 237b, 588b, 789b. God-house, 239a.
gods of Osiris, 407a. goers, 31a, 723a, 739a.
gods of Pe, 406a. going, 31a, 10513, 723a, 739b ;
gods of roads, 406a. back, 236b ; in and out, 138a.
gods of Saa-Set, 405b. gold, 635b.
gods of Seti, 407b. gold, fine, 353a, 781b, 791a.
gods of slaughter, 71b, 117b. gold, green, 353a.
gods of the shrine of Osiris, 405b, gold, mountain, 353a.
406a. gold, river, 353a.
gods of Sinai, 406b. gold, thrice refined, 353a.
gods of the South, 406b. gold, to work in, 353b.
gods of towns, 406b. gold, water, 353a.
gods of the train of Osiris, 405b. gold, white, 353a, 903a.
gods of the Tuat, 406b, 407a. gold of praise, 353a.
gods of the West, 406b. gold of valour, 353a.
gods, the ancestor, 830b. gold-beaters, 140b.
gods, the avenging, 669a. gold carriers, 763a.
gods, the Eight of Khast, 407a. golden, 353a.
gods, the endowed, 407a. Golden Lady, 353b.
gods, the false, 407b. Golden One (Ra), 353b.
gods, the father, 406a. gold foundry, 353b.
gods, the Four, Seven, Eight gold house, 238b.
and Nine, 404b. goldsmiths, 354a ; craft of, 354a ;
gods, the Forty-two, 405a. quarter of the, 455a ; shop of,
gods, the gracious, 20b. 455a.
gods, the groups (tetrads) of, goldwashers, 28a.
263a b. gold worker, 354a.
gods, the guides of Tuat, 407a. gold workshops, 239a.
gods, the little (false), 406b ; good I 296a.
the Nine Little, 405a. good, 22b, 211a, 304a, 305a,
gods, the lesser, 750a. 342b, 346b, 370b, 570b.
gods, the mummied, 97a. good, doubly, 370b.
gods, the Nine, 250b, 405a. good, to do, 517b, 635a ; to
gods, the old, 17b. make good, 129b.
gods, the primeval, 406a. Good Being, 84a, 371b.
gods, the senior, 407a. good-hearted, 20b, 371a.
gods, the Seven, 406b ; the good luck, 724a.
Seven Wise, 896a. goodness, 343b.
gods, the Twelve Fetterers of goods, 77a, 91b, 164b, 395b,
Aapep, 407a. 396b, 487a, 525a, 561a.
gods, the twin, 404a. good, 580b, 724b, 789b.
gods, the Two and Three Com¬ Good Shepherd, 586b.
panies of, 250b, 405a. goose, 5b, 42b, 43a, 119a, 163b,
gods, the Two Devourers, 404b. 223a, 256b, 324a, 415b, 462b,
gods, the Two Lion-, 404a. 478a, 531a, 532b, 541b, 568a,
gods, the Warrior, 26a. 583b, 588b, 602a, 610b, 611a,
gods who are on pedestals, 405a. 633a, 670b, 680a, 790b, 802b,
gods who follow their doubles, 805b, 806b, 825b, 840b, 848a,
407 a. 854b, 858a, 884ab, 885b ; cry
gods who rejoin limbs, 405a. of, 658b ; egg of, 119b.
gods who weep not, 78b. goose, green, 5b, 151a.
gods who weigh, 406b. goose, white, 523b.

goose-cakes, 730b. 648b, 654b, 672b, 690a, 697b,

gooseflesh, 898b. 701a, 747a, 750b, 781a, 788b,
goose food, 126b. 827b, 839b, 845b, 849b, 850b,
Goose-god, 12b, 98b, 358a, 877b, 885b, 890b, 910b; boiled,
393a, 611a, 628b, 768a, 809a, 730b ; crushed, 411a; for beer,
824b. 243a; for cakes, 243a; heap of,
Goose-goddess, 398a, 809a. 567a.
goose herd, 301b. grain, black, 243a.
Goose-lake, 350a. grain, golden and light, 243a,
goose pens, 31a, 778a. 353a.
goose pond, 449b. grain, green, 697b.
gore, 116a, 443a, 445b, 447b, grain, red, 243a.
889a b. grain, white, 523b, 697b, 751a.
gorge, 207a. Grain-god, 117a, 368b, 369a ;
gorgeous, 737a. birth of the, 321b.
goslings, 671b. grain measure, 33b.
gossip, 335b, 478b, 852b, 863a. grain plant, 146b, 788a.
gourd, 803a. grain store, 567a.
govern, 25b, 512b, 622b, 699a, grain, to measure, 513b.
753b, 845a. grain, to tread in, 756b.
government, 378b, 447b, 512b. granary, 81b, 180b, 286b, 369a,
governor, 108a, 128b, 145b, 723a, 746b, 747a.
147a, 331b, 433b, 494a, 513a, granary men, 243a.
562a, 595b, 828b ; of priests, grand, 108a, 737a.
848b. grandfather, 833a.
Governor of the North, 848b. grandmother, 294b ; great-grand¬
Governor of the South, 848b. mother, 294b.
Governor of the Two Lands, grandparents, 4b.
848b. grandson, 584a, 749b.
Governor-General of Egypt, grandsons of Horus, 24b.
848b. grange, 767a.
Governor-in-Chief, 846b. granite, 62b.
governorship, 679b. granite, black, 62b.
grace, 49b, 528a. granite, red, 276b.
graceful, 660a, 547b. grant, 102b, 260a.
gracefulness, 49b. grant ! 50b, 279b.
gracious, 20b, 50a, 123a, 211a, granule, 248b.
217b, 304a, 346b, 370b, 449ab, grape, grapes, 21a, 72a, 124a,
517b, 597b, 646b, 665a, 809a. 536b, 915a ; seeds, 72a.
graciousness, 20b, 49b, 346b, grapes, dried, 698b.
588b ; to show, 643a. grasp, 6a, 20a, 64b, 79a, 102a,
grain, 34a, 36a, 50b, 69b, 74b, 111a, 120a, 131a, 145a, 261b,
77b, 117a, 126a b, 129b, 139b, 266b, 381b, 412b, 459a, 484b,
142a, 143b, 148a, 157b, 164a, 531a, 545a, 547a, 572b, 614a,
179ab, 186a, 187b, 188b, 204a, 636b, 738a, 738b, 794a, 808a,
209a, 210b, 215a, 226b, 234a, 849a.
242b, 245b, 279a, 284b, 292a, grass, 25a, 135b, 143 a, 421a,
307a, 324a, 329a, 343b, 344a, 550b, 658a, 667a, 709b, 745b,
368b, 369a, 372b, 386b, 390b, 765b ; coarse, 770a.
393a, 413a, 421a, 431b, 465b, grasshopper, 225 a, 588b, 608a,
466a, 468a, 470b, 472b, 482b, 687b.
488a, 529a, 533a, 566b, 592a, Grasshopper-city, 588b.
611a, 612b, 616a, 621b, 637b, grass land, 77a.
4 b 4

grass ropes, 355a. Great One, the, 768b.

grateful (to the senses), 218b. Great Place (Heaven), 796.
gratification, 508a. Great Power (Osiris), 691b.
gratified, 549b. Great Protectress, 747b.
gratify, 28a,442a, 592b, 669a, 677a. Great Quaker, 714b.
grave, lb, 15b, 28a, 39b, 58b, Great Raiser, 190a.
134a, 174b, 225b, 239a, 278a, Great River, 35b.
285a, 371b, 377a, 457a, 561b, Great Scales, 285b.
571a, 587a, 598b, 708a, 709a, Great Stairs, 436b.
729a, 756a, 816a, 914a. Great Wall of Egypt, 595a.
grave of demeanour, 883b. Great Water, 293b.
gravel, 62a, 394a. greatly, 414a, 470a.
graven objects, 849b. greatness, 34b, 170b.
graver, 205b, 223a. greatness of eye (i.e., pride), 203b.
gravid, 849b. Greece, 157b.
grease, 113a, 128ab, 189a, 315a, greed, 5b, 488b.
824b, 825a, greedily, 164a.
grease pot, 582a. greediness, 606b, 608b.
great, 107b, 108a, 170b, 171a, greedy, 111a, 115b, 120a, 411b.
215a, 342b, 343a, 344a, 347b, greedy man, 5b, 488b, 608b.
856a ; doubly, 108a ; great- Greek, 157b, 312b, 318b, 463b.
great, 172b ; greater, 170b ; Greek language and writing,
greatest, 830a. 619b.
great, to make, 590b. green, 8b, 75a, 77b, 147a, 148b,
great man, 170b, 423b, 806b ; 150a, 175a, 195b, 593a, 640b ;
great one, 107a. to make, 649b, 651a.
Great Bear, 326a, 327a, 544a. green, i.e., new, 188b.
Great Bend, 247a. Green-Face, 151b.
Great Boat, 895a. Green Field, 686b.
Great Body, 570b. Green Land (Delta), 150a.
Great Bread, 138b. green substance, 873a.
Great Cackler, 800b, 805b. green things, 150a, 188b.
Great Circuit, 247a. greet, 141a, 149b, 186b, 341b,
Great Cooler, 767b. 348b, 354b, 727a, 752a, 791b,
Great Counting, the, 41a. 841b, 911b ; greet kindly, 66b.
Great Door, 107b. greeting, 193a ; in a letter, 654a.
Great Examination, 642b. grey-haired, 626b, 704b.
Great Field, 686b. grey-haired god, 705a.
Great Flower (Ra), 388a. greyhound, 862a.
Great Gate, 659 a. greyness, 704b.
Great God, 172a. grief, 7b, 8a, 40a, 64b, 74b, 89a,
Great Green Water, 151a. 219b, 290ab, 314b, 319a, 330b,
Great Hand, 29a, 908b. 386b, 459a, 475b, 476a, 605b,
Great Heat, festival of, 484b. 648a, 677a, 755a, 778a, 790b,
Great House (Pharaoh), 238a. 803b, 807b, 831a ; cry of, 22a.
Great Illuminer, 685a. grief, to suffer, 64b.
Great Judge, 588a. grieve, 6a, 8a, 26a, 314a, 396a,
Great Lake, 720b. 397b, 464a, 469b, 475b, 606b,
Great Leg, 71a. 609b, 623b, 642b, 677a.
Great Light, 23a. grievous, 507a, 778b.
Great of Names, 108a. grind, 351b, 395b, 589a, 683b,
Great Oasis (see also Khargah), 704a.
148b. grinder, 757a.

grip, 124a, 381b, 610a. guilty, 141a.

grist, 97a. guitar, 373a.
groan, 8a, 49a, 136b, 219b, 771a. gulf, 727a, 729b, 832b.
groaning, 74b, 225b. Gulf of Issus, 780b.
groom, 280b, 283a. Gulf of Tuat, 337a.
groomed, 423b. gullet, li2b, 137a, 492a, 515b,
grotto, 775a. 517a, 521b, 768a.
ground, la, 3b, 10a, 13b, 16b, gum, 249a, 300a, 301b, 302b,
25a, 27a, 30b, 37a, 82b, 83a, 528a, 677a, 771b, 786a ; sweet¬
99a, 104b, 118b, 128a, 156b, smelling, 74b.
201a, 220a, 237a, 247a, 315b, gum, Arabian, 771a.
440b, 537b, 585b, 592a, 609a, gum, myrrh, 771a.
627b, 666a, 675b, 709a, 763b, gunwale, 530a.
764b, 766b, 806a, 815a, 838a, gush, 400a.
880b, 896b ; for a camp, 235a ; gut, 223b, 599a.
for recreation, 475b. gut, to, 187b, 223b, 257a.
ground, high, 215a. gymnastic . feats, 539a, 549a,
ground produce, 890b. 566 a.
ground, rising, 559b. gymnasts, 539a.
ground, terraced, 421b. Gynascopolis, 80b.
ground, triangular plot of, 664a. Gynaecopolites, 15b.
group, 683a, 768a.
grove, 299a, 558b, 559a, 723a, 745b. H.
grovel, 476a, 878b, 879a.
grow, 90a, 148a, 222a, 421 ab, Ha, god, 460a.
640b ; of the moon, 107a; grow Haa-aakhu, 466b.
large, 171a ; grow old, 387a ; Haa-ab-Ra, 466b.
to make, 651a, 680b. Haaker, 440 a.
grown up, 344a. Haas, 461b.
growth, 31a, 148a, 761b. Haa-tem-sepu-s, 466b.
growthless, 340b. Ha-Baru, 440b.
grumble, 778b. Habemat, 441a.
gryphon, 135a. habit, 595a, 678b, 694a.
guarantee, 32b. habitation, 297a b, 438 a, 444 a,
guard, 45a, 83a, 175a, 381a, 775b, 796a.
351b, 506b, 586b, 648b, 656b, habitation of Horus and Set,
704a, 746b. 59a.
guardian, 230a, 281a, 351b, hack, 90b, 201a, 220a, 393b,
386b, 410a, 586b, 746b, 757b, 684a, 711a, 878a, 911b, ; hack
Nubian, 333a. at, 263ab ; in pieces 262b,
guess, 328a. 288b, 888a.
guidance, 622b, 699a ; true, 139a. hacking, 201a, 396b.
guide, 161b, 162a, 228b, 290b, Hades, 443a.
291a, 314a, 334b, 351b, 512b, haematite, 276a.
593b, 594a, 622b, 697b, 699a, Hafemhaf, 458a.
737b, 840a, 899a. Haga-haga-her, 442b.
Guide of the Two Lands, 666b. haggle, 723b, 733a.
guild of priests, 671a. Hahaiu, 439b.
guile, 14b, 530a, 572a, 776b, Ha-hetept, 439b.
777a, 790a. Hahuti-am, 442b.
guileless, 732b. Hai, 439a, 458a.
guilt, 895b. Hai (Bes), 462a.
guiltless, 155a. Hai (priest), 462a.

Hai (Ra), 466b. hamlet, 350b, 787a, 879b.

Haika, 462b. hammer, 140a, 368b, 468b, 483b,
hail ! 15a, 30b, 73b, 438a, 440a, 803a, 842b.
443b, 444a. hammer out, 777b.
hail, to, 79b, 141a. hammer, Chief of the, 172a.
hailstorm, 746a. hamper, wicker, 729a.
hair, 7a, 58ab, 76a, 146a, 167a, Han, 441b.
260a, 280b, 287a, 600b, 621b, Hana-aru-her-her, 463b.
629b, 631a, 634b, 636b, 648b, hand, hands, lb, 105ab, 752b,
667b, 716b, 733a, 745b, 802b, 805a, 864a, 908b ; by the,
808b, 897a. 266a ; clenched, 545a ; hands
hair, to tear the, 469b, 606b. of enemies cut off, 793a, 864a ;
hair, goats’, 635b. the open, 3a, 166b ; to clap
hair of the temples, 808b, 827b. the, 5a.
hair ornament, 184b. Hand, the Great, 29a, 51b.
hair, tail of, 154b. handbreadth, 752b.
hair, white, 754b. handful, 814b, 894a.
hair cloth, 640a, 701b. handicraft, 483a.
hairdresser, 67a. handicraftsman, 483a.
hairless, 184b. handle, 106a, 280b, 808a ; of
hair tree, 566b. quiver, 105b.
hairy, 174b, 491a, 745b. handmaiden, 158a, 482b, 525a.
hairy hide, 887a. hand scales, 36b.
Hait, 462a. handwriting, 619a.
Hait (Bes), 465b. Ha-nebu, 463b, 619b.
Hait (Tefuut), 460a. hang, 387b.
Hait-enth-Aah, 462b. hang down, 885b.
Haker, 442b, 811a. hang out, 135a, 143b.
Haker festival, 66a, 442b. hanging, 387b.
Hakhau, 461a. hangings of a shrine, 631a, 715a.
Ha-Kheru, 439b. Hantus, 465b.
half, 248b, 812b. hap, 548b, 595a, 693b ; evil, 450a.
half-way, 248b. Hap, Followers of, 743a.
half-witted, 652b. happen, 137a, 542a, 617a.
hall, 34b, 92b, 99a, 130ab, 147a, happening, 163b, 617a.
148b, 149a, 164a, 174b, 181ab, happily, 517b.
183ab, 348b, 438a, 440a, 444a, happiness, 214a, 371a, 595b.
451b, 462b, 468a, 475a, 484b, happy, 206a, 282b, 370b, 412a,
526ab, 549b, 613a, 614b, 615b, 517b, 558b, 595a, 610a, 679a,
682b 685b, 719b, 900b. 716b ; to make, 601b, 670a,
hall-keeper, 495a. 677a.
hall of columns, 58b, 148b. Hap-seshemu-s, 463a.
Hall of Maati, 32a. Hap-tcheser, 463a.
hall of offerings in a tomb, 183a. Hap-tchesert, 463a.
hall of temple, 557b. Hap-tchetf, 463a.
hall of tomb, 58b; 453a, 465a. Haptre, 463a.
hall, an outside, 183a. Hapu-antitt, 463a.
hall with pillars, 151a. Har, 464a.
hall with plants, 148b. harbour, 105a, 180b, 300b, 307b,
halt, 133a, 549a, 670a, 693a. 531b.
halting place, 179a. harbour master, 108b, 312a.
Ham, 467b. hard, 134b, 219b, 442a, 507a,
Ham emu, the, 441b. 680b, 836a, 899b.

hard of hearing, 49b. hate, 140a, 214b, 328ab, 329ab.

hard to understand, 755b. hated, 328a.
hare, 165a, 688b. hateful, 214b, 329a, 657a, 704b,
Hare-goddess, 165a. 899a.
Hari-Au, 443b. Hatemtauis, 467a.
harim, 42a, 79a, 239ab, 550a, hater, 329a b.
557b ; royal, 41b. Hatestt, 443a.
harim woman, 552b, 558a. Hathor, 7b, 20b, 41b, 159b, *
harlots, 412a. 235a, 455b, 770a, 820a, 914a.
harm, 12b, 31b, 115a, 345a, 354b, Hathor, Followers of, 743a.
524a 695a Hathors, the Seven, 164b, 455b.
harm,’to do*, lb, 488b, 523b. Hat-mehit, 461a.
Harmakhis, 501b. hatred, 328a, 329ab, 794b.
harmful, 523b. Hat Sett, 439b.
Harmes (Roman), 442b. Hatti, 465 a.
harness, 64a, 100a, 355a, 532a, Hau, god, 443b.
536b, 552a, 286a. Hau (Ra), 462b.
harp, 202b, 203b, 211a, 216b, Hau gods, 459a.
795a, 902a. Hau, country, 443b.
harper, 509a, 902a. Hauau, 466a.
harpers, 839a. Hau-em-nubit, 466a.
Harpokrates, 76a, 501b (of haughtily, 639b.
Busiris), 515b. haughty, 189b, 562a, 633b, 760a,
harpoon, 47a, 110b, 281b, 708b, 861b.
905 a. Hauk, 443b.
Harpoon-gods, 281b. Haukar, 458a.
harpoon-lord, 57b. haul, 3b, 100a, 104a, 628b, 827a.
Harpugakasharshabiu, 464a. haulers, 707b, 713a.
harshness, 820b. haunch, 33b, 129b, 559a.
Harti, 464a. haunt, 120a.
harvest, 8b, 178a, 268b, 426b, Hauq, 462b.
740b. have, 580a.
Harvest-god, 319b. have nothing, 78a, 127b.
Harvest-goddess, 426b. have power over, 54b.
Hasau, 442b. haven, I37b, 300b, 531b, 579b.
Ha-ser, 439b. hawk, 206a, 210b, 211b, 225a,
haste, 9b, 82b, 392b, 487b. 395a, 909b, 910b ; amulet of,
hasten, 9b, 25 a, 90b, 143b, 206a.
212a, 217a, 227a, 255b, 275a, Hawk-boat, 211b.
393b, 471a, 531b, 533a b, 562b, Hawk-city, 84b.
563ab, 590a, 612b, 615b, 618a, hawk-collar amulet, 183b.
640b; 643a, 689a, 694b, 727b, Hawk-god, 208b, 210b, 211b,
750b, 754b, 877b ; away, 481a. 225a, 295b, 897a.
hastening, 688a. Hawk-goddess, 211b, 225a.
hasters, 9b. hay, 658a, 725b.
hasty of speech, 533a. he, 258a, 306b, 401a.
hat, 119b, 635b. he who, 15a, 233b, 237b.
Hat, 460a. he who is there (i.e., the dead),
Hatabu, 465 a. 399 a.
Hatatabatasherahafgt, 443b. head (i.e., chief), 554a.
Hatcha, 467b. head, 417b, 433b, 443a, 464a,
Hatchat, 461a. 828a, 901a ; part of, 146a, 482b ;
hatchet, 111b, 632a, 717a. back of, 457b.

head downwards, 694b, 695a. heart-disease, 14a.

head, hairy, 174b. heartless, 461a, 732b.
head (of a stream), 108b. hearts, house of, 238a, 239a.
head, set up the, 694b. heart soul, 197a b.
head to feet, 828a. heart support, 289a.
head, to stand on the, 618a. heat, 110a, 115b, 189a, 221a,
head, top of the, 827b. 300b, 429a, 434a, 434b, 439b,
headache, 696a. 447a, 451b, 471a, 510a, 526a,
head attire, 528a, 575a. 531b, 547a, 611b, 612b, 623a,
head-box of Osiris 19a. 649a, 664b, 676a, 681a, 700a,
head-cloth, 43b, 104a, 120a, 376a, 731b, 732a, 740a, 765b, 774a,
458b, 528a, 623b, 631a, 714a, 798a, 841a, 911b.
776a. heated, 570a, 817b.
headcovering, 163a, 458b, 827b. heave, 765a.
headdress, 40a, 55a, 120a, 123b, heaven, 80a, 144b, 150a, 156a,
216a, 368a, 525b, 776a, 810b. 190a, 194a, 210b, 224a, 229a,
headland, 417b. 234ab, 238b, 307b, 403a, 498b,
headless, 184b. 536a, 630b, 733a, 769a, 867b.
headman, 848b, 885b. heaven, belly of, 570a.
headrest, 147a, 175a. heaven, festival of creation of,
heads (of a book), 828a. 474b.
headsman, 373b, 417a, 644a. heaven, nether, 685a.
headstrong, 650a. heaven of stars, 685a.
heal, 65b, 593b, 643a, 654a, heaven, two halves of, 229a,
679a, 697a. 251b, 314a, 834a.
healed, 420b. heaven, watery mass of, 768b.
healing, pills of, 247a. heavenly beings, 229a.
health, 633a, 676ab, 893b. heaviness, 473a. ♦
health, to wish good, 676b. heavy, 189b, 191b, 507a, 838b,
healthy, 128ab, 193a, 422a, 676a, 839b, 882a, 883b, 908a.
697a, 893b ; to make, 654a. heavy-handed, 191b.
heap, 809a, 814b, 915a ; heaps of Heb, 52b, 445 a, 474b.
grain, 134b. Hebai, 445b.
heap together, 598b. Hebbt (Nile-god), 475b.
heap up, 181b, 485a, 544b ; Heben, great and little, 446a.
heaped up full, 348b. Hebi, 445b.
hear, 27a, 400b, 629a, 672b, 715b, Hebi, god, 475a.
717b ; to make, 619a. Hebit, 445b.
hearer, 718a. Hebit, 474b.
hearing, 718a, 783b. Hebrews, 119a.
hearken, 717b. Hebs, 477a.
hearsay, 416a. Hebs-an, 477a.
heart, 37b, 158a, 460a, 460b, Hebsit, 477a.
516b ; dense, 37b ; desire of, Hebs-kheperu, 477a.
37b, 79b, 864a ; dictates of Hebs-nebs-etc., 477a.
the, 37b ; place of rest of, Hebtch, 477b.
80b ; to sacrifice a, 57a ;
Hebtre, 477b.
to vivify, 645a ; to wash the,
28a. Hebtref, 477b.
heart of Ra, 37b. hedge, a green, 677a.
heart of the soul, 37b. heed, to pay, 615a, 681a.
heart-ache, 460a. Hefa . . . god, 479b.
heart-amulet, 37b. Hefait, 479b.

Hefaiu, 479b. 771b, 798b, 802a, 803a, 806a,

Hefau, 480a. 809a, 812b, 833a, 834a.
Hefnent, 480a. helpless folk, 806b.
Hefnu, 480a. helpless man, 574a, 809a.
Heft-ent- . . . , 480a. helpless ones, i.e., the damned,
heget, the quadruple, 41b. 377a.
Hegit, 513b, 514a. helplessness, 76b, 226a, 802a ;
Heh, a god, 507b. of old age, 187b ; place of,
Heh (Nile), 507b. 225b.
Heh of Heh-ta, 508a. Hem, 447a.
Hehit, 507b. Hem, god, 480b.
Hehtt, 507b. hem in, 676b.
Hehu, god, 507b. Hemag, god and city, 484b.
heifer, 426b. Hem-ba, 450b.
height, 2b, 11a, 190a, 424b, Hememt, 447a.
761b, 762b ; of heaven, 760a ; Hemen, 471a, 485a.
of misery, 778b. Hemftesf, 483b.
heir, 31a, 33a, 113ab, 154b, 423a, Hemhem, 447a.
584a. Hemhemti, 447b.
Heka, 452a. Hem-Heru, 483a.
Heka, 515a. Hemit, 481 ab.
Hekab, 515b. Hemmit, 484a.
Heka-ka-en-Ra, 515b. Hem-nenu, 481b.
Heka-p-knart, 515b. Hemnit, 485a.
Hekaui, 515a. Hemnuba, 483a
Heka-ur, 515a. Hem-pestchet, 483a.
Hekau-ur, 515a. Hemsbeqsnarit, 485b.
Heken-em-ankh, 515b. Hemt (Set), 486a
Heken-em-benf, 516a. Hem-taiu, 483b.
Heken-khepera, 516a. Hemthet, 447b.
Heken-Ra, 516a. Hemti, 446b.
Heker country and festival, 452a. Hemti, 481b.
Heker-t, 452a. hen, 792b, 802b.
Hekka, 515b. Henatiu, 489b.
Heknit, 515b. Henb, 490b.
Heknit-em-ba-s, 516a. Henbethru, 490b.
Heknit-em-tep-Heru, 516a. Henbi, 490b.
Heknith, Heknithth, 516a. Henbiu, 490b.
Hekniu, 515b. Henbrequ, 490b.
Heknu, 516a. Henbu Boat, 490b.
Heknutt, 575b. Henemit, 490b.
Hekru, 452a. Henen, 448b.
Heliopolis, canal of, 16a. Heng, god, 492a.
helmet, 119b, 544a, 827b, 875b. Heng-re, 492a.
help, 113a, 141b, 166a, 865b, Henhenith, 489b.
866b. Heni, 449a.
helper, 248a, 281a, 282a. Henit, 448b.
helpless, 39a, 111a, 174b, 186b, Henit-heteput, 486a.
207b, 208b, 225b, 227a, 228a, Henit-netit, 486a.
260b, 375b, 377a, 393b, 506b, Henit-teshert, 486b.
520a, 531a, 537b, 574a, 575b, Henkherth, 491a.
594b, 622b, 627b, 634b, 652b, Henna, 449a.
675a, 706a, 732b, 733b, 744b, Hennathf, 449 a.

Hennit, 448b. Heqes, god, 514b.

Hennu Boat, Festival of, 474b. Heq-hesi, 513b.
Hennu-Neferit, 489 a. Heq-nek-mu, 513b.
Henq, 491b. Heq-neterut, 513b.
Hensektit, 491b. Heqrer, god, 514b.
Hensektiu, 491b. Heqrit, 514b.
Hensit, Festival of, 475a. Heq-sa-neter, 513b.
Hent, 488a. Heqsi, god, 514b.
Henti, god, 492b. her, 234ab, 818b.
Henti, Osiris, 488b. herald, 56b, 176b, 177a, 391b,
Henti, period, 488a. 601b, 669b ; of god, 402a.
Henti-nekenf, 492b. Her-Aten, 493a.
Henti-requ, 492b. herb, 8a, 17a, 25a, 46a, 60b, 61a,
Hentnuts, 489a. 77b, 82a, 95b, 110b, 121b,
Hent-she, 488b. 122a, 140a, 146b, 150a, 175a,
Henu Boat, 455b, 490a. 202a, 209a, 216a, 223a, 227b,
Henu, i.e., Seker, 489b. 232a, 278b, 328a, 336a, 343a,
Henui-Shu, 487b. 352b, 370b, 407b, 437b, 451b,
Henuit, 489b. 452a, 484a, 527b, 553a, 598b,
Hep (Apis), 478a. 647b, 667a, 714b, 738b, 749a,
Hep, day-god, 478b. 752a, 784a, 799b, 805a, 808a,
Hep, god of offerings, 478a. 823b.
Hep, 477b. herbs, aromatic, 547a.
Hep, son of Horns, 478a. herbs, sweet, 527b.
Hep a, 446b. herbage, 667a, 733b, 745b.
Hepa, 479a. herd, herds, 18a, 32a, 203a,
Hepaf, 446b. 283a, 299a, 586b.
Hepath, 446b. herd, to, 301a, 379a.
Hepau, 446b. herdsman, 111a, 185a, 226b,
Hepauu, 446b. 301b, 351b, 379a, 435b.
Hepemhepf, 477b. here, 107a, 868a.
Hepenu, 446b. hereabouts, 107a.
Heper, Nile-god, 479a. Herenba, 493b.
Hephep, 479a. Herer, 888b.
Hepi, 478b. Herer, Boat of, 3a.
Hepit, 478a, 479a. Herfhaf, 493b.
Hepit-Heru, 479a. Herfauif, 493b.
Hepmenta, 446b. Herf-em gebf, 493b.
Hep-seshemus, 874b, 880a, 88Sb. Herf-em-khentf, 493b.
Heptcheserit, 478b. Herf-em-shet, 493b.
Heptes, 446b. Herf-m-mhaf, 493b.
Hepti, 478a, 479a. Herherher, 493b.
Hepti (Ra), 478b. Heri, god, 496a.
Heptitaf, 478a. Heri-aau, 496a.
Heptkhet, 479a. Heri-ab-art-f, 496a.
Hept-tef, 478b. Heri-ab-karaf, 496b.
Heptur, 479b. Heri-ab-khentu, 496a.
Hep-ur, 479b. Heri-abt-nut-s, 496a.
Heq, god, 513a. Heri-abt-shait, 496a.
Heq-arti-tefef, 573b. Heri-ab-uaa, 496a.
Heqau, god, 515a. Heri-ab-uaa-f, 496a.
Heqenbit, 514a. Heri-abt-uaa-set, 496a.
Heqes, 451b. Heri-ab-uu, 496a.

Heri-agbaf, 496a. Herit-neteru, 497a.

Heri-akhut, 496b. Herit-re men, 497a.
Heri-ami-abu, 500b. Herit-shas, 498a.
Heri-ankhiu, 496b. Herit-tchatcha-ah, 498b.
Heri-ariu-aa, 496b. Herit-tchatcha-aha, 498b.
Heri-ast-f-urt, 496b. Herit-tchatcha-nebs, 498b.
Heriat, 496b. Herit-tchatcha-tuatiu, 498b.
Heri-bat, 497a. Heriua, 496b.
Heri-beh, 497a. Heri-uaf, 496b.
Heri-hate ntiu, 497b. Heriu-akhusen, 496b.
Heri-herit, 497b. Heriu-amamti, 496b.
Heri-ka, 498a. Heri-uaref, 496b.
Heri-kau, 498a. Heriu-arit, 496b.
Heri-khent, 497b. Heri-uatchtf, 496b.
Heri-khentu-f, 497b. Heriu-hatu, 497b.
Heri-khu, 497b. Heriu-metut-hekaiu, 497a.
Heri-maat, 497a. Heri-uru, 497a.
Heri-meht, 497a Her in-sene mu, 497b.
heri-nest, a title, 495a. Heriu-set, 497b.
Heri-qatf, 498a. Heriu-sha, 495b.
Heri-qenbt-f, 498a. Heriu-tuf, 497a.
Heri-remen, 497a. Heriu-unut, 497a.
Heri-ret-f, 497a Herk-em-maat, 494a.
Heri-retitsa, 497a. Hermopolis, 16b, 417a ; of South
heri sa, a title, 495a. and North, 46a.
Herisau, 497b. hero, 241a, 243a, 314a, 855a.
Heri-sefus, 497b. heron, 746a.
Heri-sep-f, 497b. Herpiu, 451a.
Heri-Serser, 497b. Herr, 449b.
Heri-shaf, 497b, 498a. Herratf, 506a.
Heri-shafit, 498 a. Herrit, 500a.
Heri-shata-taui, 498a. hers, 229b, 234fc, 342b, 818b,
Heri-shema, 498a. 819a.
Herit, 500a. herself, 911b.
Herit (Nut), 496a. Hersen, 494a.
Heri-ta, 498a. Her set, 44b.
heritage, 33a, 154b. Herti, 449b.
Herit-ashm, 496b. Hern (Horus), 500a.
Herit-ast, 496b. Her-ua, 493a.
Heri-tchatchasenuf, 498b. Heru-aa, 500a.
Heri-tchatcha-taui, 498b. Heru-aabta, 500b.
Heri-teba-f, 498a. Heru-aakhuti, 40b, 500b.
Heri-tesu-f, 498a. Heru-aakhuti-Khepera, 500b.
Herit-em-hetepit, 502 a. Heru-aakhuti-Temu-Heru-
Herit-hatus, 497b. Khepera, 500b.
Herit-hertu, 498a. Heru-ami-athen-f, 500b.
Heriti-senti, 495 a. Hern-ami-Henu, 500b.
Herit-ketuts, 498a Heru-ami-Khent-n-arti, 500b.
Herit-nebt-uu, 502b. Heru-ami-u (?), 500b.
Herit-neferu-en-nebs, 497a. Heru-ami-uaa, 500b.
Herit-nemmtits, 497a. Heru-ami-Uatchur, 500b.
Herit-neqef, 497a. Heru-Baat, 501b.
Herit-nest, 497a. Heru-Behut, 501b.

Heru-Behutet, 4a. Heru-uru, 501a.

Heru-em-aakhuti + Khepera + Ra Heru-Usasit, 501b.
+ Tem, 501b. Hesa, 509a, 510a.
Heru-em-Khebit, 502a. Hesamut, 510b.
Heru-em-saht, 502a. Hesbi-aha, 511a.
Heru-em-sau-ab, 502a. Hesbi anu, 511a.
Heru-henb, 503a. Heser, 512a.
Heru-Hennu, 503a. Hes-her, 509b.
Heru-heri-a-f, 503a. Hesit, 509b.
Herui (Horus and Set), 500a. hesitate, 90b, 283b, 499b, 839a,
Herui-fi, 493b. 847b.
Heru-Kefta, 505b. hesitating, 746b.
Heru-Khenti, 503b. hesitation, 280b, 315b, 352b.
Heru-Khenti-khatit, 40b. Hesq, god, 512b.
Heru-meri-tef, 502 a. Hesqit-Kheftiu-Set, 512b.
Heru-merti, 502a. Hes tchefetch, 509b.
Heru-m’thenu, 502a. Het, god, 516b, 576b.
Heru-neb- au-ab, 502b. Hetaht, 453b.
Heru-netch-at-f, 502b. Het-akhmiu, 454a.
Heru-netch-f-atf, 501a. Het Ament, 453b.
Heru-netch-her-tef-f, 503a. Hetan, 454a.
Heru-netch-tef-f, 503a. Het Anes, 453b.
Heru-p-Ra, 501b. Het ankh, 454a.
Heru-Qebh, 505b. Het Aptt, 453b.
Heru-seqi-hau, 505a. Het Asar, 453b.
Heru-sethen-her, 505a. Het Asar-hemagat, 453b.
Heru-Shau, 505a. Het Ashemu, 454a.
Heru-Shemsu, 505b. Het at, 453b.
Heru-Shest-ta, 505b. Het atu, 453b.
Heru-Sheta, 505b. Het Ba, 454b.
Heru-Sheta-taui, 505b. Het Baiu, 454b.
Heru-Shet-her, 505b. Het Banban, 454b.
Heru-Shetti, 50$b. Het Bast, 454b.
Heru Shu, 505b. Het Bati, 454b.
Heru-Skhait, 505a. Het-Benben, 51a, 454b.
Heru-Smai-en-nub, 505a. Het Benu, 455a.
Heru-Smai-taui, 505a. Het Berber, 455a.
Herutataf, 506b. Hetch-a, 523a.
Heru-tauseru, 506a. Hetch-abhu, 523a.
Heru-tcham-a-a, 506b. Hetchfu, 524b.
Heru-tchatcha-nefer, 506a. Hetchhetch, 452b, 522b.
Heru-tema-a, 506a. Hetchi-heru, 524a.
Heru-Temam, 506a. Hetchit, 522b.
Heru-thema-a, 506a. Hetchit-ati, 523a.
Heru-Tuati, 506 a. Hetch-nau, 523a.
Heru-uatt, 501a. Hetch-re-pest-tchatcha, 523a.
Heru-ukhakhat-ta, 501b. Hetchtch, 522b.
Heru-unemi-afu, 500b. Hetch-tchatchau-etc, 523a.
Heru-Unnefer, 501a. Hetchtchiti, 524b.
Heru-ur, 501a. Hetchtchut, 523a.
Heru-ur, Eye of, 194a. Hetch-ua, 523a.
Heru-ur, priest of, 45a. Hetchu-kau, 524a.
Heru-ur-shept, 501b. Hetch-ur, 523a.

Hetchuti, 522b. Het nemes, 455a.

Hetem-ab, 520b. Het qa, 456b.
Hetemit, 520a. Het Renrenui, 455b.
Hetemit-aakhu, 520b. Het Sap, 456a.
Hetemit-baiu, 520b. Het Sekha-Heru, 456a.
Hetemith, 520b. Het Sekhemu, 456a.
Hetemit-her, 520b. Het Sekhmit, 456a.
Hetemit-khemiu, 520b, 888b. Het Sekht, 456a.
Hetem-ur, 520b. Het Sekhuut, 456a.
Hetennut, 452b. Het Septt, 455b.
Het ent Gemheru, 455b. Her Ser, 456a.
Hetep, city of, 518b. Het Serqit, 456a.
Hetep, god, 518b. Het shat, 456b.
Hetep, Lake of, 518b. Het shent, 456b.
Hetepet-neb-per-s, 49a, 888b. Het stau, 456b.
Hetep-hemt, 579a.
Het sutenit en Ra, 456a.
Hetepi, 518b, 519a.
Hett, 452b.
Hetepit, 518a.
Hetta, 452 a.
Hetepit-ab-neb, 519a.
Het Tat-ankh, 456b.
Hetepit-em-aakhuts, 519a.
Het-Tebutiut, 456b.
Hetepit-nebt-pers, 519a.
Het temtt Ra, 456b.
Hetep-ka, 579a.
Het Tesheru, 456b.
Hetep-Khenti-Tuat, 519a.
Het Tet, 457a.
Hetep-mes, 519a. • - » '

Hetep-neteru, 519a. Het-tuau-Ra, 456b.

Hetep-sekhus, 519a. Hettit, 522 a.
Hetep-ta, 519b. Hettut, 452b.
Hetep-taui, 519b. Hetu, 452 a.
Hetep-tebes, 519b. Hetu, 517b.
Hetep-tet, 519b. Het Uhem-her, 454a.
Heteptiu, 518a. Het urt, 454a.
Heteptiu-Kheperu, 519a. Het-usekh-her, 454b.
Heteptiu-kheriu-aaut, 519a. Het User Menu, 454b.
Heteptiu-tuaiu-Ra, 519b. Het utett, 454b.
Hetep-uaa, 519a. heure, de bonne, 351a.
Hetepu-hetepit, 519a. hew, 158b, 178a, 220a, 282b,
Hetepui, 518b. 291b, 338a, 397b, 639b, 703a,
Heteputiu, 40b. 765b ; hew stones, 201a, 725b.
Het-ertu, 455b. hewer, 395b.
Het-Her, 40b. Hi, 444a.
Hethet, 452b. Hi, an Assessor, 467b.
Het Het Baiu, 454b. Hi, water-god, 467b.
Hethti, 452b. Hi-aakhu, 468 a.
Hetit, 453a, 517a. Hiat, 468a.
Het ka, 456b. hidden, 51a, 325b, 463a, 477b,
Het ka Seker, 456b. 755b, 891a.
Het kau Nebt-er-tcher, 456b. hidden chamber, 107a.
Het menkh, 455 a. hidden countries, 756a.
Het ment, 455a. hidden (of face), 755b.
Het meritit, 455a. hidden (of mummies), 265b.
Het mesnekhtit, 455a. hidden (of soul), 755b.
Het Mut-ankh, 455a. hidden place, 51a, 756a.
Het Nefert, 455a. hiddenness, 335b.

hide, 51a, 62a, 327a, 400b, 463a, hill top, 105b.

470b, 477b, 536a, 576a, 624b, him, 401a.
631b, 682b, 701a, 716a, 747b, himself, 889b, 911b.
751a, 787a, 813b, 837a, 843ab, hind, 411a.
847b, 866a, 887b. hinder, to, 82b.
hide oneself, 629b, 631b, 712a, hinder parts, 244a, 567b, 633b,
891a. 794a.
hide the heart, 51a. hindrance, 64a.
hide (i.e., skin), 55a, 160a, 390b, hip bones, 275b.
530a, 571a, 859a, 887a ; dressed, hippopotamus, 382a, 428a, 530b,
887a. 531a, 539a, 827a, 873b, 877a,
hiding place, 120a, 216a, 477b, 832a, 839b.
793b, 843a. Hippopotamus goddess, 125b,
hieroglyphic, 335b. 295a, 371b, 428a, 551b, 819b,
hieroglyphs, 402a, 403b, 619b. 882 a.
Higer, 444b. hire, 90a,. 642a, 650b, 729a ;
high, 7a, 93a, 525a, 529a, 536a, of boat, 446b.
537a, 760a, 767a, 783b, 786a, his, 229b, 234ab, 258a, 342ab,
861a, 880b. 401a, 818b, 819a, 824b, 847b.
high banks, 828a. Hit (Besit), 468a.
high building, 761a. hither, 296a.
high crown, 760a. hitherto, 100b.
high ground, 536a, 828a, 861b. Hitiu, 468a.
high land 761a. hoe, 95a, 489a, 492a, 540a, 632a,
high-lying, 498b. 717a.
high offices, 18a. hoist, 259a.
high place, 11a, 80a, 215a, hold, 412b, 547b, 614a, 616b,
216b, 424b, 536a, 761ab, 693a ; back, 30a ; fast, 412b ;
805 a. lightly, 28a.
high position, 557b. holdall, 256b.
high priest, 132a, 155a, 483a ; holder, 581b.
of Coptos, 598b ; of Heliopolis, holding, a, 638a.
171a ; of Panopolites, 598b ; of hole, 539b, 756b, 763b.
Ptah, 172a ; of Thoth, 172a ; hole in the ground, 201a, 216a,
of Sais, 171a. 775a, 854b, 877b.
high rank, 591a. hole (of serpent), 837b.
high rock, 215a. holiday, 693a.
high-backed, 13a, 633b, 760b. hollow, 763b, 774b, 832b, 872a.
high-handed, 241a. hollow of hand or foot, 786b,
high-pitched, 560b. 793a, 894a.
high-shouldered, 760a. hollow out a boat, 11a, 730a.
high-voiced, 536a. holy, 88b, 108a, 155a, 737a, 912a ;
highway, 529b ; the common, to account, 912a.
144b. Holy Land, 81a, 817a.
hill, 133b, 215a, 417b, 449b, holy man, 155a.
598b, 636a, 761a, 869a, 872b ; Holy Mountain, 869b.
of east, west and spirit holy of holies, 546b, 616a.
border, 598b ; prominent, 885b. holy place, 80b, 88b, 117b, 214b,
Hill of Life, 761b. 238b, 912a.
Hill of Stone, 298a. holy thing, 38b, 912a.
Hill of Truth, 598a. homage, 96a, 565a, 633a, 675a,
hill-country, 106a, 598b. 787a.
hill-men, 59b. homage to thee ! 410a.

homage, to do, 204b, 348b, 352b, horses, appertaining to, 408a ;

377b, 476a, 530b, 586a, 603b, pair of, 696b.
675a, 797a b, 885a. horse of Rameses II, 295a, 389a.
homage, to pay, 200a, 603b, horse of Seti I, 53a, 772a.
841b. horse, young, 372b.
homage, payers of, 571b. horseman, 408a.
home, 32a, 34b, 62a, 226b, 754b. horse soldier, 839b.
homestead, 74a, 638a, 812a. Horus, 3a, 15b, 39b, 42b.
honey, 39a, 201b, 202a, 209a. Horus Jupiter, 505a.
honey, wild, 768a. Horus Saturn, 505b.
honeycomb, 343b. Horus Set, 172b, 429b, 493b,
honey fly, 119b. 505a, 555b, 577b, 674a.
honey plant, 539a. Horus Shu, 505b.
honey wine, 72b. Horus Sothis, 505a.
honour, 50a, 508a, 591a, 622b, Horus Thoth, 506a.
637a, 737a, 805b, 824a, 871a, Horus, the Blind, 500b, 502a.
883b, 912a. Horus, the Blue-eyed, 504b.
honour, held in, 912a. Horus, the Bold, 501a.
honour, to pay, 646a, 840a. Horus, the Bull, 501b, 505b.
honour, to receive, 646a. Horus, the Child, 388b, 504b.
honour, worthy of, 50a. Horus, the crocodile, 500b.
honourable, 737a, 837b. Horus, Destroyer of Rebels, 501a.
honourable lady, 737a. Horus, the Dog-Star, 505a.
honourably, to act, 637a. Horus, the Fire-god, 504b.
honoured, 737a. Horus, the Lightning, 506a.
honourings, 824a. Horus, the Look-out (i.e. Pilot),
hoof, 63b, 112b, 140a, 176b, 311b. 503b.
hook, 180a, 273a, 435b. Horus, Lord of men, 502b.
hoopoe, 767a. Horus, the Pillar, 501a.
hop, 833ab, 854a, 862b. Horus, the Red, 656a.
hopeless, 874a. Horus, the Rejuvenator, 502b.
Hophra, 466b. Horus, the Singer, 503b.
hopper (a bird), 833b. Horus, the Slaughterer, 505a.
hoppings, 833a. Horus, Smiter of the Nine Bows,
Horapollo, 197a. 503a.
horizon, 24b, 99a ; dwellers on Horus, Son of Hathor, 504b.
the, 70a. Horus, Son of Isis, 504b.
horizon of Manu, 24b. Horus, the Soul of Tet, 501b.
horizon, the eternal, 25a. Horus, the Sun-god, 500b.
horizon, the secret, 25a. Horus, the two-headed, 502a.
horizons, the two, 616b. Horus, the unborn, 503a, 504ab.
horn, 115b, 311b, 355b, 488b, Horus, the Winter, 505a.
853a, 873b. Horus, the Young, 502b.
horns of a bow, 873b. Horus of Antaeopolis, 502a.
horns, the four, 116a. Horus of Behen, 502b.
horns, the two, 796a. Horus of Dakhlah, 503b.
horoscope, 45a. Horus of Edfu, 503b.
horoscopist, 45a, 167b. Horus of gold, 502a.
horrible, 541a, 889b. Horus of Hermonthis, 503a.
horror, 208a, 395a, 541a. Horus of Hierakonpolis, 502ab.
horse, 39a, 517a, 521a, 598b, Horus of hundreds of thousands
618b, 667a, 695b, 696ab, 774a, of years, 504b.
801b, 830a. Horus of Khatt, 505a.
4 C 2

Horus of Letopolis, 504b. Horus, Realm of, 815a.

Horus of Mabiu, 502b. Horus, uraeus of, la.
Horus of Sothis, 501a. Horus in the Disk, 500b.
Horus of Thes-Heru, 503b. Horus in hearts, 500b.
Horus of the Atebui, 501a. Horus of travellers, 500a.
Horus of the bandages, 112a. Horus, eater of flesh, 500b.
Horus of the bandlet, 504a. Horus of the Mediterranean,
Horus of the Crown, 502b. 500b.
Horus of the drowned, 502b. Horus, kitchen of, 455b.
Horus of the East, 500b, 502b, Horus, locks of, 491a.
656a. host, 288a, 897b.
Horus of the First Cataract, 505b. hostile, la, 27b, 329a, 343a,
Horus of the Henu Boat, 500b. 657a, 744b ; in intent, 227a.
Horus of the horizon, 500b, 502b. hostility, 488b, 657a, 749a.
Horus of the North, 16a. hostilities, 895b.
Horus of the oars, 503a. hot, 6a, 140a, 145b, 146b, 221ab,
Horus of the Oases, 503a. 320a, 434b, 447a, 510a, 531b,
Horus of the Red Eyes, 506a. 547a, 572b, 611b, 623a, 681a,
Horus of the Scales, 503b. 724b, 732a, 739b, 740a, 741a,
Horus of the Sceptre, 503b. 750b, 769b, 798a, 817b, 896b,
Horus of the Serekh, 501a. 897b, 915a ; to make, 688b,
Horus of the South, 16a. 692b.
Horus of the Spirit-souls, 504a. hot and cold, 767b.
Horus of the Swamps, 502a. hot drink, 681a.
Horus of the temples, 504a. hot presses, 247b.
Horus of the thighs, 504a. hot-weather festival, 434b.
Horus of the throne, 503b. hot wind, 740a.
Horus of the Tomb, 504a. hour, 12b, 27a, 167a, 351a, 378a.
Horus of the Tuat, 500b. Hour-god, 167b.
Horus of the Tuat and its Lakes, Hour-goddess, 169b.
503b, 506a. hour gods, 175b.
Horus of the Two Sceptres, hour priest, 45a.
503b. house, 21a, 30b, 32a, 33a, 41b,
Horus of the Two Years, 503a. 42a, 50a, 106a, 107a, 110a, 125a,
Horus with his eyes, 501b. 140b, 174ab, 201a, 202b, 208a,
Horus without his eyes, 504a. 213b, 226b, 231b, 237b, 250a,
Horus, Blacksmiths of, 325a. 313b, 333a, 342ab, 347a, 348b,
Horus, Boat of, 207a. 357b, 444a, 499b, 523b, 537a,
Horus, double form of, 850b. 540a, 570b, 571b, 575b, 731b,
Horus, Eye of, 23a, 194a, 224a, 734a, 740b, 893a; houses above,
313b, 407b. 239b.
Horus, the two Eyes of, 407b. house, ancestral, 454b, 830b.
Horus, festival of, 742a. house, country, 148b.
Horus, Followers of, 505b, 743a. house, double, 237b.
Horus, the Four Aats of, 16a. house, great, 453ab.
Horus, the Four Grandsons of, house, large, 132a.
24b, 323 a. house, mistress of, 237b.
Horus, the Four Sons of, 24b, house, royal, 391b.
322b. House of Aged One, 453a.
Horus, grandson of, 67b. house of apparel (i.e., wardrobe),
Horus, greyhounds of, 862a. 136b.
Horus, the lands of, 506b. house of call, 114b.
Horus, mother of, 7b, 36a. house of copies, 239a.

house of eternity (i.e., tomb), hundred, 721b ; two hundred,

239a. 756b.
house of flame, 239a. hundred thousand, 480a.
house of gold, 455a. hundred thread stuff, 721b.
house of Life, 238a, 848a. Hunesmit, 469a.
house of one thousand years, 239b. hunger, 473b, 514a b, 684a ; to let
house of speech, 238b. hunger, 614a.
house of the North, 319b. hunger, years of, 514a.
houses, god’s, 402a. hungry, 411b, 514a ; to keep,
houses of the stars, 570b. 614a, 684a.
house boat, 11a, 682b. hungry man, 464b, 514b.
house-dwellers, 201b. Hunit goddesses, 471b, 472a.
household, 201b, 438b, 444b, Hunit Pe, 472a.
449b. Hunit urit, 472a.
household staff, 823b. Hunnu Shu, 472a.
house lord, 357b. Hun-sahu, 472a.
house master, 683b. Hun-shema, 472a.
house steward, 312a. hunt, 221a, 292a, 484a ; with
housewife, 289a. nets, 40a.
hover, 143b, 368b, 480b, 693a, Hunt-god, 475a.
743a. hunt master, 351a.
hover over, 393b, 549a, 623b. hunter, 178b, 221a, 257b, 292a,
how, 77a, 277a ; how many ? 351a, 463b, 475a, 618a, 695a,
279b. 787a, 793b, 810a.
however, 96a, 480b. hunter, the divine, 592b.
howsoever many, 158a. Hunter-god, 212a.
Hu, hour-god, 469b. Huntheth, 472a.
Hu, Nile-god, 469a. hunting, god of, 61b, 78a.
Hu, the Sphinx, 469b. hunting, goddess of, 112b.
Hu (Taste), 469b. hunting ground, 351a.
Huahuaa, 469a. huntsman, 351a ; chief, 562a.
Huaiti, 470a. Hunut, 472 a.
Huaur, 470a. Hurit urit, 472b.
hug, 479a, 773a, 773b. hurl, 91a, 770a ; a weapon, 116a.
Huhu, 469a. hurrah ! 73b.
Hui-Nu, 469a. hurricane, 246 a, 395 a, 573b,
Huit, 470b. 700b, 746ab, 775b, 902a.
Huiti (Ra), 470b. hurry, 9b, 374a, 393b, 689a.
Huitiu, 470b. hurry towards, 9b.
Huit-Ra, 469a, 470b. hurt, 27b, 100b, 180b, 538b.
Hukheru, 445 a. hurtful, 100b.
human being, 164b, 165a, 233b. husband, 439a, 443a, 444a ; to
human race, 898a. act the, 439a.
human sacrifice, 731a. husbandman, 32b, 292a.
human victim, 846a. husbandry, 157b.
humble, 480a, 502b, 631b. hush, to, 706a.
humble oneself, 607a, 677b. hut, 22a, 753a.
Humen, 471a. Hu-tepa, 469a.
humiliation, 895a. hyena, 220a, 296a, 520b, 521b,
humility, 388b, 476a. 868 a.
humours, 222b, 263a, 387b, 437b. hymn, 508a, 515b, 516b, 608a ;
Hun, Hunu, 471b. of praise, 871a.
Hunb, 472a. hymn to Uraei, 206a.
4c 3

hyoscyamus, 597b. Image One, 826b.

hypnotism, 647b. image, to make an, 628b.
hypnotized, 647b. imagine, 38a.
Hystaspes, 185b. immediately, 105a, 264a, 494b,
I, 15$, 60b, 344a, 352b, 356a, 824b. 830a.
Iaa (Jah), 142a. immerse, 443b, 897b.
ibex, 129a, 344b, 352b, 379b, 400b. immersed, 539b.
ibis, 343a, 440b, 445a, 842b, 844a. immobility, 175b.
Ibis-god, 185b, 440b, 445a, 663b, immovable, 207b, 894a.
886 a. immutable, 340a.
ichneumon, 524b, 534b. impaled, 566b.
Ichneumon-god, 432b, 575a, 700a. impartial, 866a.
icy (winds), 767b. impassable, 755b.
idle, 181b, 341a. impede, 487b.
idleness, 181b, 425b, 727a, 898b. imperishable, 78b, 340a.
idler, 377a. implement, 333a, 535a, 673b,
if, 64b. 715a, 876a.
ignominious, 728a. implore, 662a.
ignominy, 564b, 612b, 737b. important, 108a.
ignoramus, 180a. importunity, 143b.
ignorance, 276b. impost, 338a, 516b, 580b, 655b,
ignorant, 78a, 180a, 276b, 340b, 722b, 838a.
546ab, 548a. impostor, 641b.
ignorant man, 46a. impotence, 897a.
ignorantly, 265a. impotent, 228a.
ignore, 615a, 692b. impotent beings, 228b.
Ihit, 143b. impoverish, 698a.
ill, 592b, 744b. imprecation, 246a, 658a.
illegible, 807b. imprison, 435b, 437b, 566 a,
ill-feeling, 774a. 910a, 915b.
ill-luck, 30b, 31b, 595a, 723b, 724a. imprisoned one, 137b.
illness, 314b, 443b, 484ab, 553a, imprisonment, 412b, 587a.
744b. impudence, 639a.
ill-temper, 737b. impudent, 433b.
ill-treat, 851b, 867a. impure, 818a.
illumination, 230a, 470b. impure man, 895b.
illumine, 159a, 163b, 204b, 221b, impurity, 690a, 825b, 895a.
225a, 227b, 234a, 249a, 249b, in, 56a, 264a, 339a, 545a, 828b.
250a, 376b, 522a, 601b, 614a, in a body, 779b.
685a, 734a, 876b. in accordance with, 265b, 415a.
ill-will, 329a, 737b. in addition to, 148a, 264a, 339a,
ill-wish, 615b, 689ab. 414b, 459a, 492b, 494b.
image, 37b, 69a, 135b, 222b, 277b, in all, 880b.
298a, 367a, 377b, 422b, 494b, in any case, 336b.
530b, 534b, 542b, 545a, 557b, in charge of, 37a.
577a, 598a, 602a, 604b, 622b, in front of, 266a, 333b, 414b,
632a, 666b, 670b, 671b, 675b, 415a, 545a.
699a, 710a, 716b, 752b, 761b, in order that, 264b, 339a.
770b, 771ab, 779b, 782b, 788a, in order to, 4b.
821b, 826b, 847a, 853b. in proportion to, 277a, 415b.
image, divine, 402a. in respect of, 339a, 492b.
image, myrrh, 127b. in return for, 88b, 264a, 414a,
image of a god, 176a. 874a, 904a.

in that case, 229b. incomer, 576a.

in the capacity of, 264a. incontrovertible, 340b, 410b.
in the charge of, 415a. incorruptible, 82b, 341a.
in the condition of, 264a. increase, 56b, 148a, 171a, 317a,
in the face, 265a, 415a. 458b, 651a, 768a, 813a, 837b.
in the following of, 265b, 415a. increment, 148a, 178a, 317a,
in the form of, 277a. 458b.
in the likeness of, 264b. indeed, 164b, 270b.
in the manner of, 264a. indemnify, 874a, 904a.
in the midst, 266a. indescribable, 341 a.
in the presence of, 105a, 264b, indestructible, 341 a.
339 a, 494b. indicate, 696b.
in this wise, 277a. indictment, 837a.
inactive, 207b, 377a, 398b, 546a, indigent, 340b, 379b, 732b.
574a. indigestible, 883b.
inactivity, 377a, 425b. indigestion, 577b.
inasmuch, 279b ; inasmuch as, indignation, 618b, 794b.
277a, 414b, 545a. indignity, 885b.
inattention, 451b. indisputable, 340b.
inattentive, 451b. indissoluble, 27b.
inaugurate, 900a. individual, 828b.
incantation, 209a, 246a, 515a, indolence, 377a.
693a, 739a, 745a, 758a, 860b. indolent, 665a.
incantations, to use, 386a, 514b. induct a priest, 222a.
incapable, 140b. induction (of king), 222a.
incense, 4a, 8a, 13b, 14b, 37a, ineffaceable, 315b.
54b, 74b, 90b, 101b, 111a, inert, 78a, 225b, 377a, 574a,
116a, 123b, 177b, 209a, 215b, 706a, 771b.
220a, 223b, 256a, 257b, 268b, infallible, 12b.
288a, 302b, 407b, 528a, 536a, infancy, 388b.
541b, 561a, 563b, 590a, 593a, infant, 165a, 647a, 716b, 731b.
601b, 602a, 609b, 669b, 670b, infantry, 255b, 641b.
678b, 679a, 713b, 720a, 732b, inferior, 535b.
735a, 739b, 750b, 765a, 767a, infinitive, mark of, 492b.
774a, 786b, 790b, 810a, 907a ; infirm, 675a.
green, i.e., fresh, 678b ; cake infirmity, 82a.
of, 233b ; ingredients of, 22a. inflame, 615b, 866a.
incense, burning, 517a, 526a. inflamed, 180b, 848b.
incense, chamber of, 455a. inflammation, 160a, 180b, 726b ;
incense, festal, 709b. of eyes, 14a.
Incense-god, 669b. inflated, 423b.
incense plant, 452b. inflict pain or injury, 6a, 140a,
incense trees, 380b. 451b, 671a.
incident, 614b. influence, to have over, 531a.
incision, 219a. inform, 274b, 437a, 622a, 667b,
incite, 689b. 669b, 693b, 865b, 866a.
inclination, 703a. inform against, 669b, 681a.
incline, to, 247a, 434a, 441b, information, 681a.
448a. infringe, 841a.
inclined (plane), 89a, 390a, 435a. infuriate, 689b.
inclined way, 707b. ingoers, 138b.
income, 56b, 138b, 161a, 487a, ingots, 210a ; of gold, 353a,
521b, 906a. 827b, 905a.
4c 4

ingratiate, 643a. inside and outside, 339b.

inhabit, 485a. insignificant, 749b.
inhabitants, 165a, 485b, 774b, insincere, 224b.
815b, 879b. insistent, 292b.
inhabited, 8o6a. insolent, 108a.
inhabited, to make, 866a. insolent speech, 690b.
inhabited district, 207a. inspect, 178a, 266b, 288b, 468a,
inhale, 204b, 394a, 550b, 595a, 642b, 673a.
660b, 681b. inspection, 266b, 642b.
inhaler, 394b. inspector, 157a, 287b, 311b, 421a,
inheritance, 33a, 113b ; to settle 422a, 468a, 495b, 642b, 646b,
one in an, 654a. 685 a.
inheritor, 33a. instability, 341a.
inimical, 657a, 744b. instant, 906a.
iniquity, 9b, 214b, 226a, 895b. instantly, 414b, 494b.
injure, 6 a, 27b, 114b, 396b, instead of, 904a.
476a, 488b, 523b, 528b, 571b, instruct, 121b, 289b, 587b, 655a,
714b, 727a, 792a. 697b.
injured, 92b, 345b. instructed, 655a, 682b.
injurious, 523b, 778b. instructed folk, 23a.
injury, 12b, 26b, 31b, 92b, 94a, instruction, 655ab, 831b ; place
115a, 140b, 141b, 345a, 354b, of, 655b.
396ab, 397a b. 524a, 605a, 648a, instructor, 222a, 290a, 655b.
651b, 695a, 751a, 772b, 792a, instrument, 19b, 180b, 210a,
849b. 228b, 292a b, 304b, 344b, 352b,
injury, to suffer an, 14a. 419a, 469a, 480a, 613a, 661a,
injustice, 14b, 30b, 141b, 896a. 728b, 789b, 791b, 894a, 907b,
injustice, to do an, 369b. 914b ; cutting, 351a ; grinding,
ink, 346a, 417b, 419b, 620b. 711b ; pointed, 680a ; wooden,
ink, green, 417b. 74b, 841a.
ink jar, 235a. instrument of music, 381b, 419a,
inlaid, 317a, 590b, 645a. 795a.
inlaid work, 304b. insult, 334b, 433b.
inland (tribes), 576a. insurrection, 801a.
inlay, 212b, 353b, 474a, 521b, intact, 193a, 341a.
590b, 822a, 833a, 891b. integrity, 65b, 270b, 271b, 332a,
inlay an inscription, 884b. 334a.
inlayings, 286a, 590b, 673b, 696a. intelligence, 37b, 637a.
inner (part of the body), 575b. intention, 37b, 351b, 694a.
innermost, 769b. intercourse, daily, 278b.
innocent, 155a, 271b, 601a, 668a. intercourse, sexual, 66a, 718b.
innumerable, 340b. interest, 324a.
inquire into, 160b. interest on money, 258b, 829a.
inscribe, 190b, 597a, 836a. interior, 6b, 37b, 108a, 494b ;
inscribed, 290b, 291b, 527b, 567b. of body, 763a.
inscribed tablet, 855b. interjection, 56a, 74b, 77a, 153a,
inscription, 291a, 387b, 619a, 157b, 438a, 440a, 443a b, 444a,
836a, 863b, 885a. 451b.
insect, 118a, 119b, 253a, 439b, interpreter, 2a, 106a.
564a, 682b, 845b ; flying, 552a, interrogate, 186b, 882a.
897a ; gnawing, 798b. interrogation, legal, 745a.
insert, 822a. intertwine, 561b.
inside, 265a, 494b. interval, 134a, 351a.

intestine, 21a, 45b, 121b, 181b, irrigation, to work the, 65b.

238b, 286a, 320a, 378a, 494b, irrigation channels, 727a.
512a, 570a, 585a, 599a, 763a, irrigator, 558b, 559a.
767b ; the great, 55a. Ishtar, 136b.
intimate, 442a, 554a. Isis, 9a, 24a, 29a, 36a, 81a, 402a,
into, 264a, 414a, 545a ; into the 633 a.
presence of, 65a. Isis, acacia of, 749a.
introduce, 83a, 88a, 642a, 646b. Isis, amulet of uterus of, 847b.
introducer, 646b. Isis, ceremony of, 766b.
introduction, 647a. Isis, forms of, 81a.
Inu, 143a. Isis, the Seven Scorpions of,
inundate, 22a, 35b, 626b, 740a. 179a, 216b.
inundation, 21 la,241 a, 253b, 293b, Isis, tear of, 459b.
307b, 308a, 332a, 349ab, 370b, Isis and Anubis,81a.
459b, 462a, 467b, 469a, 507b, Isis and Nephthys, 422b, 429b,
611b, 653b, 695a, 740a, 804a, 431a, 449b, 462a, 491b, 840b,
807a, 811a, 824b, 836b. 848b.
Inundation-god, 318a, 475b. Isis-Hathor, 208b.
invade, 93b, 138b, 156b, 439a, Isis of Seker, 81a.
441a, 841a, 845ab, 851b, 858ab, Isis-Sothis, 23a, 81b, 430b.
881a, 885a, 891a, 907b. Isis, the clother, 91a.
invader, 629b, 712a, 841a, 845b, Isis, the Great, 81a.
858 a. Isis, the Wide-tailed, 2b.
invasion, 841a. island, 6a, 16a, 269a, 270a, 273b,
inventory, 45a, 161a, 346a, 375a.
863a, 701b, 882ab. Islands, the Greek, 875b.
inventory, to make an, 607b. Island of Flame, 16b.
invert, 563b. Islands of Mediterranean, 16b.
investigate, 673a, 807b, 903b. Island of Seneferu, 16b.
investigation, 642b, 695a. Israelites, 143b.
investigator, 672b. issue, 223a, 240ab, 400a, 570a;
invisible, 340b, 755b. an order, 192a.
invite, 25b. it, 36a, 306a, 389b, 408a, 409b.
invocation, 136b, 345 a, 382b, itching, 185b.
549a. its, 258a, 847b.
invoke, 176b, 345a, 745a, 838b. Itua Bar, 143b.
invoker, 745a. Iuba, 142b.
involved, 208b, 844a. Iubani, 142b.
invulnerable, 345b. ivory, 4a, 19b.
Ionians, 463b.
Ionian Sea, 463b. J.
irascibility, 615b, 689b.
irascible, 817b, 861b. jackal, 4a, 10a, 25b, 31b, 33b,
Irene, 33b, 444b. 40a, 588a, 593b, 636a, 813a,
iron, 203b, 218a, 232a. 868a.
iron of the sky, 210a. Jackal-god, 49a, 92a, 173b, 259b,
Irqai, 143b. 588a, 636a, 641b, 884b, 912b.
irrational, 637a. Jah, the Great, 142b.
irresistible, 341a. jar, 134b, 281b, 305a, 318b,
irrigate, 22a. 332b, 446a, 448b, 569b, 605b,
irrigated land, 758a. 606a, 626ab, 713a, 725a, 767a,
irrigation, 207a. 850b.
irrigation, officers of, 213a. jars, the Four, 644b.

javelin, 211a, 305a, 573a, 704b, Judges, the Thirty, 281a.

905 a. judge hastily, 9b.
jaw-bone, 129b, 139a, 187b, 206a; judge hearts, 195a.
the two, 71b. judge wrongly, 437a.
jawbones of bull, 279b. judged ones, 194b.
jaw, the lower, 129b. judgment, 42b, 146b, 157b, 160b,
jaws, the two, 617b. 194b, 450b.
jealous, 291b, 842a. Judgment, the Last, 41a.
jealousy, 887a. Judgment, Hall of, 130b, 183a,
jerkins, leather, 422a. 454a, 642b.
jest, 141b, 476a, 632a, 657b, judgment, place of, 194b.
716b, 717a, 719b, 797b. judgment seat, 80b.
jester, 294b. jug, 305a, 888a.
jestingly, 476a. juice, 58b, 292b, 491b.
jewellery, 302b, 303a, 575a, 644b. jump 274b, 577a, 662b.
jewels, 282b. jump up, 44a.
jibe, 657b. jumpings, 833a.
join, 116b, 577b, 614b, 715b, junction, 725b.
747b, 836a b, 879a. juniper, 157a, 237a.
join battle, 5a. Jupiter, 501a, 504a, 656b, 673b.
join oneself to, 599a. Jupiter Ammon, Oasis of, 20b.
join together, 520b. just, 333b.
joined to, 883b. just as, 826a.
joiner, 289b. justice, 139a, 270b, 271b, 332b,
joinless, 341a. 446b ; even-handed, 139a ;
joint, 32b, 33ab, 43a, 174a, 237a, regulation of, 842b.
400a, 662a, 735a. justice, court of, 613a.
joke, 141b, 632a, 693a, 717a. justified, 271b.
jolly, 412a. justifier, 668b.
journal, 450a. justify, 601a, 668ab, 682a.
journey, 42a, 65b, 92a, 107a,
118b, 144b, 166a, 192b, 193b,
245b, 246b, 272b, 288a, 324a, K
346ab, 366b, 373b, 420a, 440b, Ka, god, 783a.
589a, 617a, 653a, 659b, 703a, ka, the, 782b.
713a, 723a, 734a, 739a, 817a, ka-chapel, 456b, 753a.
891b, 894b ; upstream, 565a. ka-minister or priest of the ka,
journeyings, lb, 105b. 483a, 783a.
joy, 3a, 28a, 37b, 73b, 74a, 77b, Ka, master of Wisdom, 896a.
113b, 160b, 168a, 326a, 419b, Ka, son of Mehurit, 784b.
426b, 433a, 442b, 444a, 449b, Kaa, god, 782b.
466b, 517b, 727a, 858b. Ka-aakhu, 784b.
joy, cries of, 15a. Ka-Amentt, 784b.
joys of love, 412a. Kaarik, 786a.
joyful, 257a. Ka-ankh, 784b.
judge, to judge, 160b, 161a, Ka Anu, 784b.
163b, 194b, 285a, 588a, 624b, Ka-aru, 784b.
748a, 753b, 844a, 901a. Ka-Asar, 784b.
judge, the chief, 588a. Ka-Ashemu, 784b.
judge, the divine (i.e., Thoth), Kaau gods, 783a.
886a. Kab, 786a.
judge of hearts, 61a. Ka-chapel, keeper of the, 312b.
Judges, the Two, 901a. Ka-em-ankh-neteru, 783b.

Kafiyyah, 528a, 631a. Kaui, 784b.

Kaharsu, 790b. Ka-ur, 785a.
Ka-hemhemt, 785a. Ka-ur-hu-Kens, 785a.
Ka-henti, 755a. Kau-urit, 783b.
kaherka, 40b, 783b. Kebit, 793a.
Ka-hetep, 783b. keel of magical boat, 157a.
Ka-house of Ptah, 84b. keen, 291b.
Kai, 784b. keep, to, 656b.
Kait, 783a. keep alive, 865b.
Kaiu gods, 782a. keep away, 748a.
Kak, 790b. keep count, 89a.
Kaka, 791a. keep festival, 683a.
Kakau, 418a. keep guard, 386b.
Ka-Kamur, 785b. keep in order, 486b.
Ka-Khepreri, 785a. keep in restraint, lb.
Kalasirian, 796ab, 811b. keep off, 417b, 747a.
Kam-a, 788a. keep the mean, 139a.
Kamamut, 788a. keep together, 351b.
Ka-meshru, 785a. keep watch, 175a, 473a.
Kam-her, 788a. keeper, 69b, 586b.
Kam’itha, 789a. keepers of books, 586b.
Kamit-urit, 788a. keepers of cemeteries, 71b.
Kam-neb-mesent, 788a. keeper of drowned, 70b.
Kam-ur, god, lake and town, 788a. Keeper of Great Leg, 71b.
Kam-ur (Red Sea), 788a. Keeper of Lake of Fire, 71b.
Ka-mutf, 785a. Keeper of the Seals, 906a.
Ka-Nekhen, 785 a. keeper of tackle, 70b.
Ka-n-erta-neba-f, 755a. keeper of virgins, 70b.
Ka-neteru, 785a. keeper of wardrobe, 70b.
Ka-Nut, 785a. Kefaiu, 794a.
Kap, 787a. Kefi, 794a.
Ka-pest-neteru, 785a. Kef-pesesh, 793b.
Kapu, 787a. Kefni-ur, 15a.
Kapur, 787a. Keft, 794a.
Ka-Ra, 785a. Keftenu, 794b.
Karamemti, 789b. Kehab (Set), 796b.
Karastt, 780a. Kehai (Set), 796b.
Ka-renp, 785 a. Kehau, 796b.
Karnak, 390 a ; temple and its Kehkehit, 797a.
gates, 41b. Kek (Nile-god), 798b.
Karpus, 790a. Keki, 798a.
karwansarai, 549b. Kekr, 798b.
Kash, prince of, 392a. Kektiu, 798a.
Ka-shespt, 785b. Keku, 798a.
Ka-Shu, 783b. Kem, ka of Ra, 794b.
Kasika, 790b. Kemkem, 794b.
Ka-taui, 785b. Kemnu, 794b.
Ka-ter, 785b. Kenat, 795a.
Ka-thai, 785b. Kenem, 795b.
Ka-Tuat, 785b. Kenemmti, 795b.
Kauarsh, 784b. Kenemti, 795a.
Kau of Ra, the Fourteen, 782b, Kenemtiu, 795b.
783 a. Kenkenemmti, 795a.

Kenmen, 795b. Khastiu, the Four, 534a.

Kenmet, 795 a. Khast-shemu-rut, 574a.
Kenmut, 795b. Khatathana, 534a.
Kep-her, 793b. Khateb-mut-f, 575a.
kept back, 345b. Khati gods, 534a.
Ker, god, 796a. Khat-Kheprer, 570b.
Kerasher, 796a. Khatri, 575a.
Kerent, 796a. Khatt-Satt, 534a.
Kerit, 796a. Khatu gods, 575a.
kernel, 354a, 531b. Khau, 526b, 528a.
Kerrshaa, 796b. Kha-urit, 535b.
Kes, god, 797b. Khebetch, 541a.
Kesem-heh-Amentt, 797b. Khebetchtch, 541 a.
Kesht, 798a. Khebit-heri-snef, 539a.
Keshtt, 798 a. Khebitt-saht-meter, 539b.
Kesmiu-nent, 797b. Khebnit, 540 a.
Ketits, 465b. Khebsit, 540b.
kettle, 178a, 429a, 791a. Khebsi-ta, 540b.
Ketuiti, 797b. Khebs-ta, Council of, 901b.
Ketuitt, 799b. Khefat, 545 a.
Kha, 526a. Kheftes-hau-etc., 545b.
Kha, Lake of, 526b, 763a. Kheft-her-neb-set, 545b.
Kha-aakhut, 535a. Kheft-ta, 545b.
Khaa-tau, 535a. Khekh, god, 563a, 896a.
Khabestiu, 540b. Khekh-nemmt, 563a.
Khabiu, 572 a. Khem (Menu), 546b.
Khabsit, 530b. Khemenit, 547b.
Khabsu (Dekans), 572a. Khemenu, dweller in, 886a.
Kha-em-Maat, 535b. Khemi, 547a.
Kha-em-Mennefer, 535a. Khemit, 547a b.
Kha-fra, pyramid of, 172a. Khemiu-hemu, 546b.
Khai (Ra), 529a. Khemiu-hepu, 546b.
Khaibittiu, 529b. Khemiu-seku, 546b.
Khait, 529a. Khemkhem, 547a.
Khait, 535a. Khen, god, 549b.
Khaitiu, 529a. Khenf, god, 550b.
Khak-ab, 574b. Khen-her, 576a.
Khakerit, 575a. Khennu, 577a.
Khakerit-hat, 575a. Khen-n-urt-f, 577a.
khamasin, 547a. Khen-pet, 576a.
Kha-mut-f, 535b. Khenp-shanu festival, 550b.
khan, 102b, 549b. Khen-remenes, 549b.
Kha-nefer Mer-en-Ra, 535a. Khensit, 552b.
Kha-neferu-en-Ra, 535b. Khensu, 40b, 183b, 553a, 821b.
Khanes, 342a. Khensu-Behet, 553a.
Khanr (Aapep), 531b, 532a. Khensu-em-Uast, 553a.
Khapri, 572b. Khensu-heri-ab-Benn-t, 553b.
Kharbtu, 532b. Khensu-hunu, 553a.
Khargah, Oasis of, 52b, 84b, Khensu-Nefer-hetep, 553b.
795b. Khensu-Nefer-hetep-Heru, 553b.
Kharkhar, 573b. Khensu-Nefer-hetep-Tehuti, 553b.
Kharsta, 533a. Khensu-pa-ari-sekher, 553a.
Khast, 574a. Khensu-pa-khrat, 553a.

Khens-ur, 552b. Khenti-petchu, 555b.

Khensu-Ra, 553b. Khenti-Qerr, 557a.
Khensu-sa-Tekhit, 553b. Khenti-Rastau, 556a.
Khensu-Sept, 553b. Khenti-sebkhet, 557a.
Khensu-Shu, 553b. Khenti-seh-kaut, 557a.
Khensu- Tehuti, 553b. Khenti-seh-neter, 557a.
Khensu-ur, 553a. Khentit-seh-neter, 557a.
Khent-Hepui, 559a. Khenti-Sekhem, 557a.
Khenti, god, 554b. Khenti-senut-s, 557a.
Khenti-Aabtt, .554b. Khenti-she-f, 557a.
Khenti-aakhut-taui, 554b. Khenti-shenen, 557a.
Khenti-a at, 555 a. Khenti-shet-aa-perti, 557a.
Khenti-aau-t-f, 554b. Khenti-ta-shema, 557b.
Khenti-Amenti, 554b. Khenti-temt, 557b.
Khenti-Amenti-Ra, 555a. Khenti-Teshert, 557b.
Khenti-Amentiu, 554b. Khentit-her, 559a.
Khenti-Amentt, 554b. Khenti-thethef, 557b.
Khenti-An, 555a. Khenti-uas-f, 555a.
Khenti-ankhiu, 555a. Khentiu-Hen-Nefer, 554b.
Khenti-ant-s, 555a. Khenti-un, 555b.
Khenti-a rti, 555 a. Khentt-sekhet-s, 557a..
Khenti-ast-f, 558b. Khentt-shepsit, 557a.
Khenti-at-Ament, 555a. Khentt-thes, 557b.
Khenti-Aturti, 555a. Khentu, 554b, 558 a.
Khenti-em-teft, 555b. Khentui, 555b.
Khenti-en-Sat, 556a. Khenub, 550a.
Khenti-heh, 556b. Khenuf, 550 a.
Khenti-heh-f, 556a. Khen-unnut-f, 577a.
Khenti-hensekt, 556a. Khenup, Nile-god, 550a.
Khenti-henthau, 556b. Khenu-set, 577a.
Khenti-Heq-antch, 556b. Khep, Nile-god, 541b.
Khenti-heri-ab-etc., 556b. Khepa, 541b.
Khenti-herit, 556b.
• *
Khepau, 544b.
Khenti-hesert, 556b. Kheper = God, 543b.
Khenti-hespu, 556b. Kheper, spirit, staff, standard,
Khenti-het-Anes, 556a. winged disk, 543a b.
Khenti-Het-res-utchat, 556a. Kheper-Ra, 543b.
Khenti-kau, 557a. Kheper, Image of, 828b.
Khenti-Khas, 556b. Kheper-ankh, 543b.
Khenti-khat-anes, 556b. Kheper-keku-kha-mesut, 542b.
Khenti-khati, 556b. Kheper-Khenti-Amentt, 543b.
Khenti-Kheri, 557 a. Kheper-khesef, 543b.
Khenti-meht-agba, 555b. Khepesh, Great Bear, 544a.
Khenti-men, 555b. Khepi, 542a.
Khenti-menat-f, 555b. Kheprer, 543a.
Khenti- Ment, 555b. Kheprer=Ra, 543a.
Khenti-Mentchet-ti, 555b. Khepri = Ra, 542a, 543b.
Khenti-ment-f, 555b. Khepri, a serpent-boat, 47b,
Khenti-Naarutef, 555b. 543b.
Khenti-n-arti, 556a. Kheprit, 543 a.
Khenti-nefer, 556a. Khepru, 543b.
Khenti-Nunut, 556a. Kher, a god, 560b.
Khenti-nut-f, 556a. Kher (Aapep), 561a.
Khera, 561b. Khesfu-aus, 564b.
Kher-aha, god and city, 581a. Khessi, 36b, 563b.
Kherefu, the, 562b. Khet, god, 526a.
Kheri-beq-f, 581a. Khet-ankh-am-f, 526a.
Kheri-ermen-Sah, 581a. Khet-ankh-uaa-f, 526a.
Kheri Kenem, 581b. Khetasar, 568a.
Kheri-Khepti, 581b. Khetchtch, 569b.
Kheri-khepti-Kenemut, 581b. Khet-em-Amentiu, 526a.
Kheri-khepti-Serit, 581b. Kheti, 526a, 568a.
Kheri-She, 581b. Kheti, the “Worm,” 6a, 281b.
Kherit, goddess, 580a. Khetiu-Geb, 568a.
Kheri ta, 582b. Khetiu-ta, 568a.
Kheri-tesu, 581b. Khet-Khepera, 526a.
Kherit-khenti-Sekhem, 581b. Khetra, 569a.
KheriJ-teka, 581b. Khett-nebt-rekhu, 526a.
Kheriu, 561a. Khet-uat-en-Ra, 526a.
Kheriu-aakhu, 581a. Khi, God and “god,” 536a.
Kheriu-amu, 581a. Khirpasar, 536b.
Kheriu-autu, 581a. Khit, 536a.
Kheriu-heteput, 581b. Khnem, 578a.
Kheriu-metahu, 581a. Khnem-ankhtt, 578a.
Kheriu-nuh-en-Tuat, 581a. Khnem Heru-Hetep, 578b.
Kheriu-Nutchi, 581a. Khnemit, 551b.
Kheriu-sebu, 581b. Khnemit goddesses, 578a.
Kherm’u, 562b. Khnemit-em-ankh-Annuit, 578b.
Khermuti, 562b. Khnemit-urt, 578a.
Kherp, 562b. Khnemiu gods, 578a.
Kherp Heru-em-hetep, 562b. Khnem-Khenti-aneb-f, 578b.
Kherp-neteru (Osiris), 562b. Khnem-Khenti-netchemnetchem-
Kherp-seh, 562b. ankht, 579a.
Kherru, 562a. Khnem-Khenti-per-ankh, 579a.
Khersek-kek, 563a. Khnem-Khenti-taui-neteru, 579a.
Kherserau, 562b. Khnem-Khenti-uar, 578b.
Kherset-Shu, 563a. Khnem Neb, 578b.
Khertt-neter, 580a. Khnem Neb-per-Mehti, 578b.
Kheru-ab, 561b. Khnem Neb-Peshnu, 578b.
Kheru-qera, 560b. Khnem Neb-Smen, 578b.
Khesbetch, 564a. Khnem Neb-ta-ankhtt, 578b.
Khesbetch-arti, 564a. Khnem Neb-Tcherur, 578b.
Khesef-Antiu, 564b. Khnem Neb-Uab, 578b.
Khesef-at, 564b. Khnem-nefer, 551b.
Khesef-hai-etc, 565a. Khnem-nehep, 578b.
Khesef-her, 564b. Khnem-qenbti, 579a.
Khesef-her-ash-Kheru, 564b. Khnem-qet-heru-nebu, 579a.
Khesef-her-khemiu, 565a. Khnem-Ra, 578b.
Khesef-khemit, 565a. Khnem-renit, 578b.
Khesef-khemiu, 565a. Khnem-sekhet-ash-f, 579a.
Khesef-nerit, 564b. Khnemtit, 551b.
Khesef-neteru, 564b. Khnemu, 450b.
Kheser-Pek, 565b> Khnemut goddesses, 578a.
Khesfit-seba-em-perit-f, 565a. khor, 58a.
Khesfit-smait set, 565a. Khuait, 538a.
Khesfu, 564b. Khufu, pyramid of, 25a.

Khu-Heru, 537b. kinsman, royal, 392a, 430b.

Khuit, priestess, 537b. Kirgipa, 792b.
Khuit-mu, 537b. “ kiss, to, 89b, 548b, 603b, 675a.
Khurab, 538a. kiss the earth, i.e., do homage,
Khurrti, 562a. 89b, 601b, 675a.
Khu-tchet-f, 537b. kiss the feet, 675a.
Khutt, 537b. kiss the hand, 603b.
Khut-Tuat, 537b. kitchen, 455b.
Ki, god, 792b. kite, 909b, 910ab.
kick, 386a. kith and kin, 284a.
kidney, 55a, 117b. Kkhert (?), 797a.
kidney, to be of the same, 164b, knap and flint, 664b, 685b.
277b, 293a, 518a. knead, 605a, 676a, 774a, 802b,
kill, 156a, 210b, 220a, 223b, 270a, 879a.
273a, 274b, 291b, 388a, 400a, knee, 12a, 255b, 305a, 709b.
431a, 435b, 468b, 512b, 534a, knife, to, 888a, 911b.
535b, 538a, 539a, 575a, 597b, knife, 57b, 72a, 91a, 98b, 123b,
598ab, 601b, 629ab, 632a, 653b, 138a, 205a, 226a, 234a, 275b,
664b, 665a, 666b, 667b, 668b, 288b, 325a, 333b, 334b, 336b,
711b, 717b, 727b, 734a, 756b, 345b, 387a, 390a, 390b, 511ab,
757b, 799b, 844a, 876b, 884a. 512a, 536a, 541b, 597b, 606a,
kill men for dead chief, 302a. 615a, 664b, 665a, 666a, 667b,
kill oneself, 295b, 429b. 730a, 731a, 793b, 844a, 867b,
killing, a, 878a. 870a, 878a, 887a, 888a, 911b.
kiln, 118b, 708a, 819a. knife, broad, flat, 846b.
kin, 739a. knife, butcher’s, 575b, 730a,
kind, i.e., species, 595a, 694a. 792 a.
kind, 4b, 20b, 50a, 283b, 297b, knife, reed-cutter’s, 665a.
598a, 666b, 673a, 779b, 801b. knife, sacrificial, 71b, 527b, 575b.
kind-hearted, 371a. knife-hearted, 291b.
kindle, 20a, 259a, 866a, 434a, knight, 861a.
601b, 636b, 676b, 685b, 709a, knob of crown, 204a.
845b. knock, to, 902b.
kindling, 601b. knock over, 528b.
kindly, 305a. knots, 99a, 859b.
kindly man, 665a. knots, the seven, 859b.
kindness, 680b. knotted, 491a.
king, 45a, 63b, 97a, 128b, 171a, know, 6a, 73a, 120a, 121b, 128a b,
390b, 391a, 653a, 754b, 823a. 274b, 430a, 433a, 583b, 587b,
king, house of, 239a. 633b, 640b, 641a, 649a, 650b,
king, place of in temples, 79b. 896a ; to make to, 612a, 681a,
king, to act the, 646a. 866 a.
king, the two eyes of, 391b. know by sight, 641b.
king of the North, 203a, 211b. know carnally, 430a.
king of the South and North, know the water, 293a.
391b. knower, 143b.
kingdom, 653b. knowing, 739a, 852b.
kingdom of Horus, 16a. knowingly, 265a, 430a.
kingdom of Set, 16a. knowledge, 430a, 621b, 634a,
king’s highway, 529b. 640b, 643b, 751b, 896a.
kingship, 653b. knowledge personified, 430b.
kinsfolk, 4b, 27b, 55b, 812a. Knowledge-god, 896a.
kinsman, 599b, 637a, 674a. Knufi, 795a.

kohl, 673b. Lake of Boiling Water, 309a.

kohlstick, 201b. Lake of Celestial Beings, 721b.
kyphi, 862b, 902b, 906a. Lake of Cold Water, 721a.
Lake of Destruction, 308b.
Lake of Fire, 71b, 308a, 720ab,
L. Lake of God, 721a.
Lake of Hepu, 309a.
laboratory, 81b, 455b. Lake of Hetep, 309a, 721b.
labour, 206a, 225a, 232b, 439a, Lake of Hi, 721b.
784a. Lake of Horus, 308b, 720b.
labour, forced, 258b. Lake of Jackals, 309a.
labour, to be in, 296b. Lake of Kensta, 309b.
labourer, 30a, 94a, 105b, 206b, Lake of Kha, 309a.
302a, 487a, 547b, 747b, 784a ; Lake of Life, 308a, 720b.
skilled, 483a. Lake of Light, 721a.
Labyrinth, 456b. Lake of Maat, 308b.
lace, 91a, 790b. Lake of Mena, 308b.
lace up, 146b. Lake of Natron, 308b, 721a.
lack, 12a, 19a, 26b, 127b, 181a, Lake of Nu, 309a, 721a.
184b, 186b, 382b, 397b, 469b, Lake of Nubia, 263b.
539b, 800a, 874a. Lake of 100,000 years, 309a.
lack of, 635a. Lake of 1,000,000 years, 721b.
lacking, 37a, 78a, 395b, 539b, Lake of Osiris, 720a.
732b, 778b. Lake of Perfection, 720b.
lacuna, 184b. Lake of Propitiation, 309a, 721a.
ladder, 110a, 174a, 225a, 233a, Lake of Reeds, 308b, 720b.
276a, 288b. Lake of Sasa, 308b, 309a.
Ladder, the Celestial, 10b. Lake of Sehseh, 309b, 682b.
ladder, rope, 422a, 765a. Lake of Sekhmit 309b.
ladder, two sides of a, 280b. Lake of Serser, 349a.
ladder of Osiris, 276a. Lake of Sharu, 721b.
laden, 13ab, 97b, 274a, 357ab. Lake of Shesh, 309b.
lady, 422b, 463b, 486a, 742b, Lake of Tatta, 721b.
860b. Lake of Testes, 309a.
lady, great, 107a. Lake of the Geese, 309a.
lady, royal, 391b. Lake of the God, 309a.
laid out, 713b. Lake of the horizon gods, 308b.
laid waste, 702a. Lake of the Jackal, 721a.
lair, 201b, 216a, 275b. Lake of the Kha geese, 721a.
lake, 22a, 97b, 128b, 146b, 174a, Lake of the Kharu geese, 721b.
204b, 212b, 257b, 280a, 285a, Lake of the Tuat, 309b.
293a, 307b, 308a, 325b, 349b, Lake of the Uraei, 308b.
374a, 442ab, 449b, 488a, 574a, Lake of the Wicked, 721a.
576a, 592b, 640a, 642a, 650b, Lake of Truth, 308b, 720b.
653b, 704a, 720a, 731b, 733b, Lake of Truth-speakers, 720b.
744a, 758a, 814a, 896b, 915b. Lake of Turquoise, 308b, 720b.
lake for waterfowl, 768b. lamb, 790a.
lake, celestial, 307b. lame, 356b, 806b.
lake, crown of the, 163a. lament, 6a, 36a, 74a, 94b, 136b,
Lake-god, 184b. 279a, 385b, 386b, 396a, 397b,
Lake Moeris, 720a. 398b, 475b, 549b, 763b, 771ab,
Lake of Ageb, 720b. 772a, 773a, 786a, 821b, 896a.

lamentation, 225b, 386b, 438a, landlord of Egypt, 812a.

450a, 469b, 475b, 648a, 658a, landmark, 133b, 192b.
705b, 727a, 786b, 794b, 821b, landsmen, 815b.
821b, 896a. lane, 313b.
lamp, 530b, 533b, 540b, 845a b. language 913a ; the finest, 830a.
Lamps, i.e., the Dekans, 530b. language, the Egyptian, 335b,
lamp stands, 809a. 416a.
lamp wicks, 82a, 533b. language, the Sudani, 913a.
lance, 154b, 281b, 283a, 366b, languid, 122b.
459a, 516b, 573a. languor, 550b, 553a.
land, to, 281b, 638a, 868b, 885a. lap. 212b.
land, 6a, 13a, 25a, 72a, 94a, 97b, lapis-lazuli, 564a, 565b, 574b,
99a, 104b, 122a, 247a, 409a, 754b.
423b, 453a, 457b, 490a, 533b, lapis-lazuli, artificial, 564a.
667a, 712b, 759b, 815a, 835b, lapis-lazuli, real, 564a, 566a.
855a, 990b, 896b. lapis-lazuli of Babylon, 564a.
land, arable, 369a, 490a, 755b. large, 2b, 107b, 644b.
land, cultivated, 8a, 128a, 146a, largeness, 2b.
758b. largesse, 343a.
land, fertile, 77a, 113a. lascivious, 709a.
land, flooded (or irrigated), 843a. lash the tail, 795a.
land, irrigated, 8b, 102b. lasso, to, 597a, 662a.
land, lighting up of, 522b. lassoer, 351b.
land, low-lying, 269a. Lasso-god, 36a, 498a.
land near a canal, 882b. last, 131b, 527b, 579b.
land, ploughed, 276a, 704b. Last Judgment, 642b.
land prepared for building, 388a. last year, 606a.
land, salt, 750b. lasting, 912b.
Land, the Beautiful, 816b. lattice, 852a, 905a.
Land, the Eternal, 507b. latus fish, 132b, 152a.
Land, the Hidden, 816b. laugh, 411a, 616a, 656b, 657b,
Land, the Holy, 816b. 660b, 717a ; to make, 696b.
land, uncultivated, 816a. laugh at, 215b.
land, unenclosed, 815b. laughing matter, 632a.
land, waste, 732a, 815b. laughingstock, 693a.
land, watered, 99b, 368b. laughter, 660b.
land, wooded, 661b. laundryman, 136a, 170a.
Land of Eternity, 816a, 817a. laurier rose, 347a.
Land of Life, 125a, 816a. laver, 720a.
Land of refreshing, 816b. law, 82a, 192a, 270b, 271b, 346a,
Land of Seker, 816b. 400b, 441a, 446ab, 487a, 831b,
Land of the Bow, 22a. 844b ; course of the, 831b.
Land of the God, 816a. law court, 453b.
Land of the Lake, 816b. law, personification of, 271b.
Land of the North, 816a. law, to employ, 66a.
Land of the Spirits, 815b. law, words of, 335b.
Land of Truth, 816b. lawgiver, 682a.
Land of Truth-speaking, 816b. lawmaker, 860b.
landing, 301a. laxity, 207b, 574a.
landing-place, 137b, 281b. laxness, 574a.
landing-stage, 80a, 308a, 544b, lay, 190a, 631a.
647b. lay bare, 793b.
landlord, 562a, 812a. lay charge on, 866a.

lay down arms, 147b. leather objects, 182b, 327b, 790b.

lay eggs, 321b. leather roll, 129a, 753a.
lay hands on violently, 101a, 849a. leather strap, 911a.
lay hold on, ‘547b. leave, 261b, 528 a, 702b, 792 a,
lay oneself flat, 864a. 844b.
lay open, 252b. leave behind, 147b.
lay snare, 75a. leave the country, 240a.
lay to heart, 437a. leaves of door, 129b, 420b, 522 a,
lay under tribute, 562a. 823 a.
lay waste, 204a, 256b, 538b, 716a. leaves of tablet, 129b.
laymen, 167b. leaven, 348a.
lay priest, 176b. ledge, 243b.
laziness, 181b. ledger, 450a.
lazy, 181b, 377a. leech, 480a.
lead, 56b, 83a, 324a, 381a, 493b, leek, 26a.
562a, 593b, 594a, 616a, 622b, lees, 611b, 637b, 820b.
629b, 642a, 690a, 694a, 699a, left, 18b, 20a.
707b, 713a, 842a, 886a, 887a, left hand, 602b, 671 ab.
911a. leg, 156b, 298b, 305a, 329a,393b,
lead astray, 37a, 629a, 630a, 436a, 589ab, 597b, 638a, 659b,
711b, 713b. 709b.
lead forward, 286b. leg, fork of, 162a.
lead, block of, 355b. leg, part of, 6a.
leaden objects, 887b. leg of chair, 367b, 639a, 693a.
leader, 31a, 45b, 161a, 164a, legs of a vessel, 617a.
190b, 290b, 351b, 461a, 554a, legal, 91b.
562a, 604a, 622b, 697b, 699a, leg-bands, 680a.
707b, 776a, 828b. leg-bones, 274a.
leaf, leaves, 34a, 343a, 400b, 600b, legend, written, 291a. .
625b, 771b, 802b, 806a, 808b, leisure, 611b, 681a, 693a.
911a. Lelat an-Nuktah, 459b, 811a.
leaf, of a door, 107a, 718a. length, 2b.
leaf-work, 771b. lengthen stride, 652a.
league, 97b. lentils, 112a, 113a, 484a.
league, to make a, 540a. leopard, 4ab, 19b, 233a, 274b,
lean (of years), 778b. 367b.
lean, 429a, 448a. leopard of South and North, 4b.
leap, 166a, 212a, 243a, 274b, Leopard-god, 200b.
734b ; of an animal, 439b ; leopard skin, 200b.
of fish, 262b, 628a, 837a. less, 576a.
leap away, 44a. less, to make, 624a.
leap for joy, 147a. let (imperative), 50b.
leapings, 833a. let fall, 180a.
learn, 655a. let fly arrow, 74a.
learned, 35b, 659b, 751b. Letopolis, 46a ; title of high-
learned man, 430b, 650b, 848a, priest of, 483a.
852b, 900a. letter, 180a, 184a, 337b, 619a,
learning, 430a, 525a, 634a, 655b. 725a, 730b.
learning, goddess of, 698a. letter of invitation, 122b.
leather, 55a, 282a, 327b, 563b, letters (books), 730b.
773b, 887a. letters (writing), 688a.
leather-worker, 853b. letters, god and goddess of,
leathers, magical, 67b. 211b, 665b.

letters, love, 310a. lift oneself up, 823b.

lettuce, 38b.- lift the face, 259a.
level, a, 563b. lift the hand, 166a.
level, to, 563a, 668b. lift up, 189b, 258a, 529a, 630a,
levies, 516b, 860b. 646b, 698a, 713b, 733a, 827a,
levy, to, 860a. 852b, 856a, 861a, 873a.
levy taxes, 521a, 522a, 655a, lifted up (in a bad sense), 189b.
757b. ligament, 422a.
lewd, 649b. ligature, 301a, 322b, 521a, 859b.
liability, 248a. light, 5a, 9a, 10b, 23a, 31a, 49a,
liar, 90b, 330b, 812b. 93b, 128ab, 130b, 146a, 157b,
libations, 117a, 155b, 768b, 872b. 159a, 160a, 167a, 200a, 224b,
libation chamber, 239b. 225a, 274a, 419a, 459b, 470b,
libation, to make or pour out a, 488a, 512b, 530b, 622b, 685a,
28b, 148 a, 629b, 884b. 698b, 708ab, 712b, 731b, 736b,
libation jar, 510a. 753a, 764b, 783a, 914a ; to
libation priest, 148a. emit or give, 163b, 249a,
libation vessel, 148a, 605b. 269b, 700b.
libationer, 108b, 155a, 768b ; light (i.e., dawn, morning),
royal, 391b. 225a, 381a.
librarian, 358a, 586b. light, beings of, 9a, 23a.
librarian, chief, 495a. light-circle, 701a.
library, 80a, 238b, 526b. light-emitter, 708b.
Libya, chief in, 554b. light-giver, 459b, 522b.
Libya-Mareotis, title of high Light-givers, the two, 459b.
priest of, 427a. Light-god, 23ab, 24b, 25a, 77b,
Libyan god, 855a. 217a, 274a, 622b, 830b.
Libyans, 422b, 842a, 859a ; Light-god, eye of, 194a.
in the Tuat, 855b. Light-goddess, 163b, 774a.
lick up, 615a. Light, the Great, 23a.
lie, to lie, 55a, 82a, 124a, 335a, light, to be, 9b ; to become,
540a, 604b, 675 a, 776a, 797b, 522 a.
803a, 812a, 913a. lighten, 8b, 215b, 631b.
lies, highly coloured, 812a. light a fire, lamp, or light,
lies, tissue of, 860b. 609a, 712a, 845b.
lie, 141b, 810a, 812a. light up, 221b, 614a, 685a.
lie at full length, 713b. light upon, 560b.
lie down, 374b, 375b, 629b, 632b, light in weight, 82a.
718b. light of foot, 764a.
lie on the back, 862a. light (i.e., weak, worthless), 165b,
lie prone, 713b. 774b.
lie prostrate, 570a. light-minded, 82a.
lier in wait, 787a. lighter (boat or barge), 640a,
lieutenant, 154b. 685b.
life, 112a, 124b, 127a ; to spare, lightning, 631b, 842a.
866b. Lightning-god, 433b.
Life, Aat of, 15b. lightning-stone, 858b.
life, fluid of, 193a, 585b. like, 50b, 177a, 264a, 269b,
life, plant of, 487b. 277a, 278b, 307b, 339a, 414a,
life, tree of, 20b. 595a, 779b, 788b, 804b, 826a.
life time, 133b, 134a. like, to be, 277b, 385b, 826a.
lift, 536a, 833a. like this, 265a.
lift away, 861a. like what ? 77a, 277a.
4D 2

likeness, 269b, 277b, 307b, 377b, liquid, 36a, 73b, 92a, 122a, 202a,
414b, 422b, 545a, 577a, 604b, 293a, 400a, 435a, 636a, 795a.
609a, 666b, 673a, 675b, 698b, liquid, embalming, 328b.
‘ 779b, 821b, 826b, 847a. liquor, 77a, 230b.
likeness, to make a, 321a, 675b. liquor, fermented, 611b.
likewise, 264b. list, 41a, 106b, 161a, 346a, 430b,
lily, 355b, 383b, 388a, 608a, 622a, 604b, 642b, 661a, 683ab, 701b,
623b, 681a, 700b. 738b, 739a, 855b, 882a b.
lily buds, 385b. list, daily, 450a.
lily-field, 700b. list of names, 45b.
Lily-god, 207b. listen, 291b, 672b.
lily knosps, 700b. listen attentively, or carefully,
lily of Nefer-Tem, 624a. 316b, 718a.
lily-water, 700b. listener, 718a.
limb, limbs, 30a, 31a, 75b, 76a, literature, 525a, 619a, 730b, 885a.
106b, 134b, 315b, 368b, 392b, literature, divine, 337b, 401b.
465b, 466a, 583b, 746a. Literature, Egyptian, 787b.
limestone, 62b, 123a. litigant, 745 a.
limit, 15b, 100a, 104b, 150a, 411a, litter, 258b, 773a, 773b, 884a.
488a, 554b, 825a, 908b. little, 226a, 379b, 409b, 411b,
limit, to the, 414b ; to the utter¬ 413b, 538b, 546a, 657a, 659b,
most, 415a. 660b, 692b, 734a, 734b, 746a,
limitless, 908b. 749b, 798b.
limits of earth, 479a. little-bread, 138b.
limner, 620b. little by little, 379b.
limp, 809a. Little-cat, 278a.
line, measuring, 146a. little child, 734b.
linen, 110b, 289a, 300ab, 319a, Little Heat, 434b.
661a, 680b, 866b, 884b. littleness, 411b.
linen, blue, 624b. little one, 767a.
linen, fine, 252a b, 461a, 751a. liturgy, 200b, 337b, 346a, 400b,
linen, royal, 653b, 751a. 563b, 758 a.
linen, Sudani, 332b. live, 112a, 124b, 127a.
linen bandlet, 884b. live with a wife, 481a.
linen-chest, 475b. liver, 6b, 273b, 279a, 328a.
linen closet, 455b. livers of the dead, 216a.
linen cloth, 43b, 234b, 458b, livid, 113a.
476b. living, 766b, 804b.
linen thread, 319a. living, the, 29a, 125a.
linger, 90b, 499b. Living One, i.e., Osiris, 83b.
lintels of Hall of Maati, 492a. Living Ones, i.e., the 36 Dekans,
lion,21ab, 129a, 211a, 245a, 268a, 125a.
269b, 278a, 419a b, 422b, 424b, lizard, 472a, 490a, 492b, 667a.
541b, 746b, 851a, 870a. Lizard-god, 328b.
lion, fierce, 268b. lo ! 330b, 712a, 824b.
Lion (of Zodiac), 154b. load, 13ab, 14b, 35b, 97b, 102b,
Lion-god, 46b, 268b, 270a, 273b, 258b, 274a, 288b, 594a, 883b.
562b ; of Manu, 419b. load a ship, 34b.
lioness, 268a, 422b ; young, 372b. loaded, 14b, 35b, 441b.
Lioness-goddess, 70a, 116a, 165b, loaded heavily, 883b.
168b, 169a, 232a, 246a, 247b. loader, 594a.
lip, lips, 597a, 662b. load-carrier, 147b.
liquefy, 597b, 664b. loading-up-place, 102b.

loaf, loaves, 151a, 152a, 186a, look with curiosity, 814b.

202a, 209a, 218a, 233a, 232b, look with evil design, 802a.
234 ab, 247b, 259b, 261b, 283a, loom, 121b.
324a, 415b, 422b, 442b, 516a, loops for pectoral, 510a.
521b, 533a, 534b, 545a, 635b, loose, 152b, 598a, 622a.
722b, 730b, 734a, 750ab, 765b, loosen, 178b, 296a, 401a, 606a,
767a, 790a, 792b, 796a, 799b, 665b, 697a.
815a, 817a, 822b, 846a, 862b, lord, 215b, 283a, 357a, 359b, 862a,
867a, 882b. 867b.
loaf, pyramidal, 219b. lord it over, 772a.
loathe, 541a, 665a, 714a, 825b. Lord Creator, the, 357b.
loathing, 262b, 263a, 383a. Lord of names, 426a.
loathing, to cause, 638a. Lord of Spirit-souls, 24b.
loathsome, 215a, 226a, 383a. Lord of Things, 24a.
lobster, spiny, 804b. lose, 92b, 181a, 379b.
locality, 269a. lose the way, 711b, 797b, 839a.
lock, 280b, 600b, 636b, 808b. loss, 7b, 12b, 25b, 92b, 140b,
lock of hair, 7a, 21b, 327b, 343a, 379b, 539b, 648a.
367b, 368a, 369a, 491a, 594a, loss, to suffer, 14a.
621b, 625a, 854a, 875b. lost, 94a, 536b, 552b.
locust, 499b, 588b, 608a. lot, 248b, 251b, 252a, 821b.
lodge, 753a. lote tree, 368a.
lofty, 108a, 450a. lotion, 36a.
log, 249a, 329b, 615b, 789a, 796a, lotus, 355b, 383b, 384b, 388a,
856b. 394a, 539a, 608b, 622a, 623b,
loin band, 223a. 700b.
loincloth, 170a, 565b, 641a, 652a. lotus, extract of, 700b.
loins, 55a, 544b. Lotus-god, 207b.
loneliness, 153b. loud-voiced, 760a.
long, to or for, 4b, 309b. louse, 230a, 594a.
long, to be, 2b, 760a. lovable, 310a.
long life, 760a. love, 4b, 19a, 54b, 62a, 118a,
long-armed, 181a. 309b, 310a, 412a.
long-bearded, 531a. love, to make, 412a.
long-clawed, 760a. love, pleasures of, 412a.
long-haired, 2b. love of books, 655b.
long-nailed, 760a. love-apple, 850a.
longsuffering, 33b, 180b, 598a, loved one, 310a.
664b. love-letters, 310a.
Long Phallus (Osiris), 291a. lovely, 309b.
look, 68a, 158b, 211a, 254a, 351a, lover, 310a.
672a, 716a, 762b, 771b, 801a, love-song, 509a.
808a, 890b, 891a. love-spells, 310a.
look at, 216b, 266b, 702a, 846b, love-women, 74b.
891a. loving mankind, 3I0a.
look fierce, 509b. low (of cattle), 375a.
look maliciously, 509b. low, 476a.
look most carefully, 891b. low (of the Nile), 409b.
look upon, 544b, 802b. lower, 532a, 579b.
look-out, 266b ; to keep a, 273a. lowering, 789a.
look-out for, 903b. lowing (of cattle), 345a.
look-out man, 382a. lowly, 388b, 885b.
look-out place, 254a, 273a. low-lying, 244b, 561a.
4 D 3

loyal 164b, 304a, 357b, 793b. Maa-tepu-neteru, 268a.

Lucina, 388a. Maatet, 268a.
Luck, 326b, 595a. Maat goddess, 271b.
luck, good, 193b, 371a. Maati goddesses, 272a.
luck, ill, 724a, 370b. Maati (Nile-god), 272b.
lull to sleep, 448a. Maati (in the Tuat), 272b.
luminary, 159b, 163b, 459b, Maati Boat, 290b.
530b, 540b, 809b. Maati, Hall of, 183a.
lung, the, 77a, 163b. Maau, 269b.
Lung-god, 83b. Maauatu (Ra), 272 a.
lurker, 787a. Maau-hes, 269b.
lust, 37b, 419b. Mabit, 47a, 281b.
Lycopolis, priest and priestess mace, 17a, 27a, 32b, 83a, 90a,
of, 403a, 425b. 202a, 459a, 523b, 672a.
lying, 95a. mace, ceremonial, 19a.
lynx, 274b, 491a. macerate, 204a, 597b.
Lynx-god, 274b. mad, 647b ; with terror, 531b.
lyre, 902a. madness, 419b, 648a.
Maft, god, 274b.
M. Mag, 289b.
magazine, 130a, 238a, 286b,
Maa-a, 267a. 415b, 445b, 900a.
Maa-ab, 272a. Mageb,. 266a.
Maa-ab, 267a. maggoty, 153a.
Maa-antuf, 267a. magic, 515a.
Maa-ari-f, 267a. magic, divine, 401b.
Maaat Boat, 273b. magic, malign, 712a.
Maa-atf- etc. 267a. magic, to work, 66a, 244a, 434a,
Maa-atht-f, 267a. 515a.
Maa-ennuh, 272 a. magical strength, 634a.
Maa-en-Ra, 267b. magician, 171b, 514b, 580b.
Maa-f-ur, 267a. magistracy, 679b.
Maa-haf, 267b. magnate, 215b.
Maa-heh- etc., 267b. magnet, 862b.
Maa-her, 272b. magnificence, 912a.
Maa-her-Khnemu, 272b. magnificent, 719b, 837b, 912a.
Maa-her-pesh- etc., 272a. magnify, 215a, 590b, 644b, 651a.
Maait, 267a. Magnus, 288b.
Maait-neferu, 267b. Mahar-Baal, 284a.
Maaiusu (?), 267b. Mai, 278a.
Maa-kheru, 271b. maiden, 17a, 32b, 102a, 110b,
Maa-mer-f, 267a. 303a, 471b, 573b, 750a.
Maa-mer-tef-f, 267a. maid servant, 206b, 525a.
Maa-m-gerh, 267b. maintenance, 286b.
Maa-neb- etc., 267b. majestic, 737a.
Maa-neferut-Ra, 267b. majesty, 214a, 483a, 737a, 783a.
Maa-neter-s, 267b. major-domo, 108b, 312a.
Maa-setem, 268a. majority, 126b, 137b.
Maas (? crown), 270a. make, 65a, 102b, 118a, 542a, 590a,
Maas as, 267b. 618a, 770b.
Maastiu, 273b. make to advance, 40a ; to ap¬
Maatcheru, 268a. proach, 88a ; to arrive, 42b,
Maateff, 268a. 54a ; to bow, 535b ; to cease,

435a, 539b ; to enter, 591b, man, educated, 131a.

592a ; to fly, 42a ; to follow, man, learned, 621b.
92a ; to go, 74a, 92a ; to man, living, 164b.
know, 73a ; to open, 34a, man, wise, 131a.
90a ; to recover, 65b ; to man of culture, 123a.
rise, 40a ; to rise on throne, man of eternity (i.e., dead),
77b ; to see, 235b ; to travel, 583 a.
50a ; to tremble, 91a. man of god, 423b.
make away with, 420b. man of means, 165a.
make bricks, 234b. man of olden time, 830a.
make copy or model, 604b. man of truth, 423b.
make end of, 98a, 131a, 541a, man of war, 132a, 240b, 772a.
591a. man, old, 26a.
make eyes at, 801a. man, Pharaoh’s, 238a.
make a defence, 185b. man, young, 17a, 27a, 303a,
make firm, 54a, 89b. 372b, 471a.
make friends with, 89b. manager, 860b.
make great, 171a. man child, 848a.
make haste, 82b. mandragora, 850a.
make libations, 28b. Mangabta, 282 a.
make like, 103a. Man-god, 834a.
make magical passes, 67a. man-hawk-god, 374b.
make offering, 28b, 189a, 191a, manicurist, 65b.
491b. manifest, 166b.
make oneself like, 65b. manifest oneself, 240a.
make order, 37a. manifestation, 240b, 534b, 542b.
make possession, 91b. manifold, 646b.
make strong, 38b, 104b. Mankhti, 282 a.
make voyage, 55a. mankind, 67a, 233b, 322a, 379a,
make water, 133a. 423b, 426a, 429a, 430a b, 435a b,
makers, 67a. 493a, 570a, 617b, 717b, 834a.
Makhi, 275b. mankind, three classes of, 436a.
Makhiu, 286a. Mann, 282a.
malachite, 262a, 296a. manna, 300a.
malady, 650b. manna of Tchah, 300a.
male, 188b, 217a, 292a, 331a, manna, white, 300a.
473b, 583a, 848a, 850b. manna tree, 50b.
male animals, 398a. manner, 34b, 37b, 77 a, 297b,
male child, 584a. 435a, 595a, 598a, 666b, 673a,
male deities, 401a. 694a, 698b, 761b, 765b, 766b,
Male, i.e., Geb, 848b. 779b, 801b, 804b, 819b.
male (heir), 33a. manner (of country), 766a.
males and females, 848a. manner of yesterday, 804b.
malefactor, 397b, 398a. man servant, 206b ; young, 582b.
malice, 388a, 419a, 420a. mansion, I74a.
malignant, 213b. mansions, celestial, 239b.
malign glance, 802a. Mantchit, 282b.
mallet, 672a, 772b. mantis, 4b, 19b, 202b, 239b.
Mam, 281b. Mantis-god, 39a.
man, 124b, 152a, 217a, 233b, Mantit Boat, 282b.
331b, 415b, 425b, 439a, 495b, mantle, 119a.
570a, 583a, 633a, 650b, 848a. Manu, 24b, 274b, 869b.
man, devilish, 621a. manure, 128a, 262a.
4 d 4

manuscript, 337b. marshal, to, 607b, 677b.

many, 137a, 278a, 341b, 342b, marshal of court, 108b.
722a, 882b. Mart, 275a.
many-eyed, 313a. marvel, 39a, 202b, 209b, 215a b.
many-faced, 137b. marvellous, 215a.
many-formed, 107b, 137b. masculine, 473b, 848a, 850b.
Mapu, 281b. Maskhemit, 276a.
Maraiu, 283a. Maskhent, 279a.
marauder, 841a, 845b. mason, 26a, 60b, 94a, 578a,
march, 6a, 8a, 97b, 118b, 189b, 582b, 779a, 805a.
192b, 235b, 243b, 287a, 289b, mason, funerary, 582b.
330a, 422a, 451b, 541a, 559a, mason, mortuary, 402b.
559b, 640a, 653a, 739a, 891a. masonry, 725b, 764b.
march after, 568a. mass, 570b, 915a.
march against, 753b. mass of people, 164a.
march at double, 289b. mass of water, 174b, 317b.
march back, 567b. massacre, 528b, 571a, 730a, 768a,
march in front, 593b. 843 a.
march southwards, 558a. Mast, 279a.
march through, 445b. mast, 58b, 276a, 566b, 583b,
marches of a country, 256b. 675b, 757b ; of magical boat,
mare, 618b, 695b, 696b. 57a.
Mareotis, 307b. masts with sails, 517a.
Marerar, 281a. master, to master, to be master,
margin of book, 766b. 145a, 154b, 357a, 494a, 562a,
margin of lake, 662b. 588a, 810a, 851b, 860ab, 862a,
margin of road, 746b. 378b, 381a, 562a, 772a, 774b,
Mari, 281a. 896a.
mariner, 154b. master mariner, 154b.
marines, 108b. master of design, 358a.
mark, 19a, 290b, 694a. master of the house, 495a.
marks, cattle, 685b. master of scythes, 71a.
mark, distinguishing, 261b. Masters of Wisdom, the Seven,
mark of quotation, 913a. 896a.
mark on beasts, 19b. master of words of power, 886a.
mark out, 256a, 711a. mastery, 648a, 812a.
mark, to be made a, 855b. Mast-f, 276a.
mark, to shoot at, 475b. masticate, 185a b.
market, 314a, 778b. Mastiu gods, 275b.
market-place, 313b, 549b. masturbate, 66a, 355b, 378a,
Marqati, 283b. 635b, 818a, 892b.
marriage, 303a. masturbation, 864b.
marry, 520b, 548b, 812a, 866a. Mat, 280a.
Mars, 656a. mat, 146b, 249a, 586a, 600b,
Marsar, 283b. 773a, 796b, 835b, 836a b, 855a,
marsh, 3b, 27b, 103b, 104b, 878b, 879a.
244b, 272b, 334b, 442b, 526b, mat, grass, 541a.
533b, 539a, 571a. mat, palm leaf, 647b.
marsh flower, 75b, 654a, 803a. mat, plaited, 368a.
marsh land, 27a, 100b. mat covering, 202b.
marsh plants, 107b, 641b. Matait, 276b.
marsh man, 769a. Matauahar, 276b.
marsh vegetation, 100b. mate, 579b.

material for rope, 351a. 752b, 767a, 790a, 814a, 827b,

maternal, 621a. 850a, 854a, 863a, 867a, 868b,
mathematical term, 703a. 882a, 895b, 913a, 915a.
Mathit, 276b. measure (dpra/^), 28b.
Mati, 278b. measure, dry, 442a, 855b.
Matit, 276b. measure of beer, 736b.
Matiu priests, 276b. measure of capacity, 337a.
matrix, 481b. measure of cloth, 256a.
Matt, 290a. measure of corn, 33b, 41b, 42b,
matter, 201b, 230b, 233a, 525a. 876a.
matter, the daily, 8b. measure of dates, 735b.
matter, foetid, 222b. measure of fish, 328b.
matter, inert, 525b. measure (hen), 448b.
matter, what is, 77a. measure (£ hen), 235a, 446a.
matters, 438a, 580b. measure (4| hen), 201b.
mattocks, 492a. measure (10 henu), 513b.
maturity, 838b. measure (160 henu), 579b.
matutinal, 870b. measure of land, 3b, 71b, 97b,
Mau, 273b. 567a, 573a, 585b, 707a, 717b.
Mau, 278a. measure of length, 614b, 648b.
Mau-aa (Ra), 278a. measure, linear, 425a.
Ma-ur, a high priest, 266b. measure, liquid, 201b, 442 a,
M’au-taui, 280b. 786b.
Mauthenre, 281a. measure of time, 315b.
Mauti, 278b. measure of weight, 253a.
maxim, 335a. measure, wine, 300a, 709b.
mayor, 312b. measuring cord, 527a, 652b,
me, 15a, 344a. 707a.
meadow, 27a, 423b, 686a, 721b, measuring stick, 510b.
770 a. meat, 34a, 43a, 525a.
meadow land, 201a. meat, cooked, 247b.
meal, 6b, 8a, 91b, 137a, 411a, meat, joint of, 466b, 648b.
704a. meat, pieces of, 730a, 735b.
meal, evening, 323b. meat, raw, 150a.
meal of reconciliation, 717a. meat, selected, 713a.
meal of wheat, 395b, 396a. meat and drink, 469a.
meals for the dead, 186a. meat offering, 155b, 394b, 466b,
meals, sepulchral, 3b, 518a. 648b, 735b.
meals, the three, 817a. meat ration, 174a.
meals, the two, 817a. Medes, 336a.
mean, 373a, 434a, 538b. medicament, 149b, 186a ; to rub
mean, the true, 139a. in, 643a.
means, 106a, 595a; to find, medicine, 5b, 8a, 140a, 149b,
807a. 230a, 247a, 379b, 428b, 570b,
measure, to, 41a, 285a, 526b, 697b, 746b.
563a, 753b, 813b, 899a. medicine, astringent, 160a.
measure land, to, 490a, 707a. medicine for eyes, 43b.
measure time, to, 315b. medicine for heart, 3a.
measure, lb, 2a, 41a, 43a, 73b, medicine pot, 284a.
107a, 131b, 139b, 186b, 220a, medicine, science of, 592b.
237a, 253a, 301b, 390b, 400b, medicine vessels, 300a.
448b, 486b, 527a, 542a, 544a, medimnus, 337a.
652b, 659a, 722a, 731a, 736a, meditate, 145b, 398a, 782b.

Mediterranean, 16b, 151a, 463b, memorial slab, 134a.

469b, 875b. memorial tablet, 81b, 151a, 192b.
meek, 664b. memory, 274a.
meet, 28b, 116b, 299a, 451b, Memphis, 30b, 118b, 417a.
560b, 565a, 674b, 858b. Memphis, title of high priest of,
Mega, 331a. 483b.
Mehat, 315b. Memphis plant, 126b.
Mehen, 43a, 319b. Memu, 296b.
Mehen-apni, 319b. men, 164a, 205a, 214a, 270b,
Mehenta, 319b. 423b, 429a, 430a, 435ab, 436b,
Mehenti, 319b. 584a, 717b, 815b.
Meh-f-met, 317a. men, any group of, 33a.
Mehi, 317a, 742b. men, festival of, 495a.
Mehi (a canal), 317b. Men, the Two, 429b.
Mehi, Osiris, 318a ; Thoth, 318a. men, wax figures of, 436a,
Mehit, 317a. men, ways of, 617b.
Mehit, the Nile, 318a. “ men,” i.e., Egyptians, 436a.
Mehit and Tefnut, 317a. men of foreign speech, 782a.
Mehiu, god, 317a. men of high rank, 552a.
Meh-maat, 317a. men of nothing, 546b.
Mehni, 319b. men of wealth, 737a.
Mehnit, 319b. men on an estate, 676a.
Mehnuti, 319b. men who know, 35b.
Mehtit, Boat of, 152b. men and women, 125 a, 165 a,
Mehtiu, 318b. 170a, 233b, 249a, 379a, 430b,
Meht-urit, 318a. 447a, 481a, 491a, 542b, 681b,
Mehun, 319b. 815b, 834a, 848a.
Meh-urit, 826b. Men-a, 297a, 302a.
Meh-urit, Seven Sons of, 119a. Men-ankh, 302a.
Mekhir, 286a. Menant-urit, 301b.
melon, 725a ; dried plants of, Menat, a star, 301b.
725b. Menat, 301b.
melon plant, 722a, 725a. Menat-urit, 301b.
melt, 10b, 356b, 597b, 612b, Menatiu, 301b.
696b. Mendes, 15b, 111b.
melt away, 156b, 636a. Mendes, ram of, 408b.
Melul (Merur), 315a. Mengabu, 306a.
Mema-aiu, 296b. Men-hesau, 303a.
member, 30a, 31a, 43a, 75b, Menhi, 303b?"
106b, 134b, 368ab, 392b, 416a, Menhit, 304a.
583b, 602a, 746a. Menhi-khenti-Sehetch, 304a.
member, the, 141a, 204b. Menhu, 303b.
member of the body, 7b, 315b, Meni, 299a, 302a.
465b, 466a, 609b. Menkerit, 306a.
member of a bodyguard, 45b. Menkh, god, 305a.
member of council, 410a, 901a. Menkhet, 40b.
members of crocodiles, 525b. Menkh-qa-hahetep, 305a.
members, pair of, 106b, 670b. Menmenit, 298b.
membrane, mucous, 222p. Menmenua, 298b.
Memhet, 296b. Menmutf, 298b.
Memhit, 296b. men-nefer, 303a.
memorandum, 614b, 688a, 808b. Mennu, 302b.
memorial, 614b, 688a b, 808b. Mennui, 302b.

Menqeb, 305b. Meriti, 310b.

Menqeba, 305b. Merit-nesert, 314b.
Menqit, 305b. Mermer, 315a.
Menrir, 303a. Merqet, goddess of, 272a.
menses, 138b. Merr, 310b.
Menset, 305a. merry, 419b, 858b.
menstruate, 512a. merry, to make, 412a.
Ment, 297a, 298a, 299a, 3G0a. Mer-segrit, 311a.
Menteft, 307a. Mer-sekhuit, 309b.
Mentha, 306b. Mer-setau, 311a.
Menthesuphis, 306b. Merti, 308a, 310b, 313b.
Menthu, god, 306b. Merti, the Two, 429b.
Menthu nomads, 306b. Merti-seti, 313b.
Mentit, 306b. Merua, 310b.
Mentsafi, 306b. Merur, 314a, 315a.
Mentu god, 306b. Mesanuit, 324b.
Menu, 8b, 40b, 55a, 217a, 242a, Meseh, 325b.
259b, 299a, 514b, 806a. Mesen, 325 a.
Menu-aah, 299b. Mes-en-Heru- etc, 322b.
Menu-ab, 297a. Mesenti, 325a.
Menu-Amen, 299b. Mesetchtch-qet-f, 329b.
Menu-fai-a, 299b. Mesit, 324b.
Menu Heru, 299b. Mesit-tcher-s, 323a.
Menu Heru-fai-a, 299b. Meskat, 327b.
7 f

Menu Heru-netch-tef-f, 299b. Meskhat-kau, 326a.

Menu Heru-sa-ast, 299b. Meskhen, 326b.
Menui-her-pet, 298b. Meskhenit, 326b.
Menu-nesu-Heru, 299b. Meskhenit-Aait, 326b.
Menu-qet, 299b. Meskhenit-Menkhit, 327a.
Menu-ur, 302b. Meskhenit- Menkhit-Nebt-het,
Menu-urit, 297a. 327a.
Mer, 308a, 314b. Meskhenit-Neferit, 327a.
Mera, 315a. Meskhenit-Nefert-Ast, 327a.
Mer-aakhu, 313b. Meskhenit-Nefertit, 327a.
mercenaries, 495a. Meskhenit-Nekhtit, 327a.
Merchant, 56b. Meskhenit-Sebqit, 327a.
merchant, 289b, 733a. Meskhenit-Uatchit, 327a.
Mercury, 654b, 657a, 660b, 673b, Meskhenit-Urit-tef-set, 327a.
707a. Meskhent instrument, 326a.
Mer-en-aui-f, 311a. Meskhenut, 326b.
Mer-en-Ra, pyramid of, 535a. Meskhti, 326 a.
Mer-ent-neteru, 31 la. Mesktt, 328a.
Meres, 315b. Mes-nekhtit, 325b.
Merhi, 315 a. Mesnui, 325a.
Merhu, 315b. Mesopotamia, 72b.
Merhuit, 315b. Mesore, 321b, 740a.
Merifta, 310b. Mes-peh, 322b.
Meri-fua, 310b. Mesper, 324b.
Meri-Maat, 310b. Mespeijit, 324b.
Meri-mut-f, 310b. Mes-pet-aat- etc, 322b.
Merit, 308a, 314b. Mes-Ptah, *322b.
Meritef, 311a. Mes-qas, 323a.
Merit-erpa-neteru, 311 a. Mesqatt, 327b,

Mesqen, 327b. Metes-her-ari-she, 336b.

Mesqt, 327b. Metes-en-neheh, 336b.
Mesqt-Sehtu, 327b. Metes-mau, 336b.
message, i9a, 161a. Metes-neshen, 336b.
messenger, 33b, 42a, 161a, 170a, Metes-Sen, 336b.
245b, 445a, 538a, 854b. Methen, god, 334b.
messenger, divine, 402a. Met-her, 336a.
messenger, king’s, 161b. methods of procedure, 246b.
Messenger-god, 42a. Meti, 333a.
Mes-sepeth, 323a. Meti, 336a.
messman, 356a. Metiu, 336a.
Mest, 328a. Metni, 336b.
Mesta, son of Horns, 328b. Metrit, 334a.
Mest-Asar, 328a. Metrui, 334a.
Mestet, 328a. Metsas, 331a.
Mestet-f, 328b. Mett-qa-utcheba, 336a.
Mestcher-Sah, 329b. Metu-aakhut-f, 335b, 336a.
Mestcherti, 329b. Metu-ta-f, 336a.
Mestcheriu, 329b. M-Hap, 266a.
Mesth, 328b. mice, 341b.
Mesti, 328b. micturate, 133a, 260b, 652b.
Mestt, 329a. midge, mosquito, 550a, 552a,
Mesu Heru, 322b. 900a.
Mesu-qas, 323a. mid-day, 332a, 333b, 450a, 494b,
Mesu-Skt, 323a. 840b.
Mesu-Temu, 323a. middle, 37b, 139a, 332a, 494b,
Mesut-Ra, 321b. 763a.
Meta, 336a. midnight, 248b, 494b.
metal, 93b, 126b, 210a, 270a, midst, 494b, 819b.
311b, 366b, 486b, 537b, 598b, midwife, 321a, 671b, 855b.
842ab, 846b, 903a, 907a. midwife, divine, 412b, 865b,
metal, white, 75b, 523a. 866a.
metal, to plate with, 323a. might, 5b, 182a, 197a, 245a,
metal carriers, 764a. 288a, 379a, 388b, 563a, 592a,
metal fastening, 273b. 608b, 621b, 690b, 738a, 772a,
metal objects, 325a, 327b, 345a. 805b, 822b.
metal weapons, 394a. mighty, 107b, 108a, 181b, 347b,
metal work, 287a ; chased, 379a, 386b, 388b, 690b, 772a,
619a. 845a, 899b.
metal worker, 325a, 482b. mighty, to be, 378b.
metal working, 354a. mighty bull (i.e., King), 784b.
metals, office of, 239b. mighty man, 241a, 287b, 389a.
Metcha, 337b. mighty one, 182a, 215b.
Metcher, 338a. mighty woman, I82a.
Metchetat, 338b. mild (of manner), 436a, 597b,
Metcht- aa-utchebu, 337a. 598a.
Metcht-nebt-Tuat, 337a.. military, the, 125a.
Metelis, Metelites, title of high militia, 620a. ^
priest of, 432a, 602b. milk, to, 65b, 615b, 659a, 700b.
Met-en-Asar, 336a. milk, 21b, 60a, 69a, 73b, 127a,
Metes, 336b. 223a, 510a, 523b, 857a, 882b.
Metes-ab, 336b. milk, first, of a woman, 857a.
Metes-her, 336b. milk, sour, 305a.

milk-calves, 284b. misfortune, 142a, 214b, 527b,

milk-can, 284a. 549b, 577a, 632a, 698a, 717b,
milk-carrier, 259a. 751a, 772b.
milkman, 284a, 316a. Misheps, 293a.
milk pot, 284b, 314a, 316a, 422a, mislead, 629a, 711b.
431a, 442a, 467a. mission, 32b, 161a, 440b, 441a,
milk vessel, 450a. 487a.
Milky Way, 510a. mission, annual, 161a.
mill, 531b. miss the mark, 176a.
millet, 223b, 227b. mist, 27a, 96a.
millet, red, 227b. mistake, 141b, 165b, 325a, 373a,
millet, white, 227b. 675a.
million, 507a. mistress, 107a, 157a, 357a, 463b,
mina, 301b. 486a, 494a ; a man’s, 551a.
mince, 201a, 390a. misty, 789a.
mince matters, 416a. Mithras, 291a.
mind, 37b, 274a, 460b. Mithrashama, 291a.
mine, possessive pron., 229b, mitre, 511b.
253b, 571a, 818b. mix, 5a, 6b, 38a, 186b, 330b,
mine, 571b, 869b. 571a b, 573b, 598a, 600b, 735a,
mine of the god, 402b. 736a, 837a.
mine-region, 210b. mix drink, 859a.
miner, 402b, 535b, 770b. mix unguent, 813b.
mineral, 73a, 93b, 207a, 429a, mixed, to be, 736a.
483b, 662a, 753a, 768a, 797b, mixture, 330b.
820b. Miysis, 270a.
mineral, medicinal, 520b. M’kam’r, 289a.
mineral unguent, 767a. M’katu, 289a.
mingle, 598a. M’ket-ari-s, 289a.
mingled, 20a. M’khan, 286a.
ministrant, 13a, 298b, 742a. M’khenti, 286b.
minium, 305b. Mkhenti-arti, 320b.
minority, 127b. Mkhenti Sekhem, 320b.
mint, 139b, 344b, 345a. Mkhenti-Tefnut, 320b.
minute, 12b. M-Khenti-ur, 320b.
miracle, 544a. M’kheskhemiut, 286b.
mirror, 98b, 143a, 166b, 267a. M’khiar, 286a.
mirror, amulet of, 126b. M’khiaru, 286a.
mirror in case, 126b, 238a. M’k-neb-set, 289a.
mirthful, 412a. M’neniu, 282a.
miscarriage, 180a. Mnevis, 111b, 450b.
miscellaneous, 736a. moan, 73b, 219b, 225b, 447a,
mise en livre, 767a. 771a.
miserable, 94b, 114b, 174b, mob, 137b, 284a, 818a, 823a.
202b, 226a, 270a, 273a, 319a, mock, 200b.
413b, 472b, 476a, 524b, 550a, mock at, 215b.
574a, 601a, 604a, 652b, 669a, mockery, 657b, 716b.
675a, 733b % 802a, 899b. mode, 435a, 595a, 766b.
misery, 3b, 7b, 21b, 64b, 74a, model,', to, 323a, 353b, 849b.
102a, 181a, 211a, 214a, 226a, model, 604b, 644a ; models, 135b.
227a, 270a, 277b, 476a, 514a, modeller, 385b, 779a.
569b, 631b, 644b, 715a, 778ab, modesty, 798b.
802a, 815a, 906ab. moist, 39b, 189b, 635b.

moisten, 35b, 40a, 211b, 407b, mosaic, 203b ; pavement, 585a.

843a, 857b. Moschion, 280b.
moisture, 27a, 69a, 73b, 97a, Moses, 324b.
394ab, 470a, 708b, 795a, 843a, mosquito, 552a.
877b, 906a. most certainly, 415b.
mole, 809b. mother, 294b, 331b, 334b, 771a,
Mole-god, 580a. 785b ; of Horus, 7b ; of the
moment, 12b, 14a, 15a, 17b, * god, 295a, 402a ; king’s, 391b.
27a, 351a, 438b, 517a, 753a, 815a. Mother (proper name), 50b.
money, 729a. mother-cow, 295a.
money deposit, 131b. mother-gods, 41b, 402a.
money, ring, 622a. mother goddess, 388a.
monkey, 795b, 804a, 807a. mother-in-law, 294b, 739a.
monkey, long-tailed, 802b. motherless, 340b.
monkey, sacred, 769b. mother-of-emerald, 262a, 394b.
monolith, 62a, 106b, 695a. mother-of-pearl, 593a.
monster, composite, 121a. motion, to set in, 607b, 690a.
month, lb, 40b ; first day of, motionless, 175b, 651a.
829a ; first day of half-month, mould, to, 235a ; bricks, 695a.
829a ; priest of, 44b, 155b ; mould, 226b, 353b, 779a.
25th day of, 450b. mould of Osiris, 228a, 776b.
month, Macedonian, ib, 868a. mould, to make a, 277b.
month, the half, 673a. mould, two halves of, 910a.
months, gods of, 40b. moulder, 233b, 779a.
monument, 28a, 274b, 298a, mouldiness, 78a.
670b ; funerary, 733b. mouldy, 78a, 566a.
monuments, colossal, 298a. mound, 857b, 858a.
moon, 18b, 23a, 29b, 68a, 75b, mound, to cast up a, 477a.
132a, 177b, 194a, 659b ; the mount, to, 212b, 701a, 824b,
full, 29b, 316b ; at noon, 29b ; 873a.
first quarter of, 881b ; third mount up, 135a, 366b, 852b.
quarter of, 124a ; shining eye Mount of Sunrise, 47b.
of, 657a. Mount Sehseh, 682b.
moon, festival of, 75b, 250a. mountain, 129b, 261a, 298a, 311a,
Moon-god, 29b, 59a, 75b, 112b, 442a, 449b, 636a, 823b, 841a,
148a, 553a. 869a, 872b, 904a.
moored, 300b. mountain, funerary, 174b, 707b.
moral of a tale, 274a. mountain of God, 449b.
more, 384a, 449a, 469b. mountain, the double, 600a,
more than, 64b, 459a. 869b.
moreover, 321a, 492b, 782a, mountain pass, 801a.
792a, 809b. mountaineers, 869b.
morning, 100a, 207a, 225a, 586a, mounted soldier, 861a.
634a, 819a, 824b, 870b ; to do mourn, 6a, 381b, 396a, 398b,
in the, 870b ; to pass the, 715a. 475b, 606b, 677a, 763b, 786a,
morning, to-morrow, 870b. 808b.
morning and evening, 840b. mourners, 6a, 26a, 94b, 348a,
morning meal, 28a, 91b. 396a, 397b, 424a, 446a, 457a,
morning star, 403b. 509a, 763b, 807b.
morsel, 233b, 245b. mourner, professional, 462a.
mortals, 834a. mourning, 22a, 26a, 74a, 296b,
mortar, 331a, 757a. 786b, 803b, 807b.
morus tree, 314b. mouse, 236a b.

mouth, to, 351b. multitude 137b, 768a, 880a.

mouth, 416a, 831a. multitudinous, 102a, 137b.
mouth, Opening the, 34b, 158b, mummify, to, 188a, 613b, 631ab,
161b, 793b. 647b, 712a.
mouth, disease of the, 185b. mummy, 280b, 758b.
mouth, to steal a, 385a. mummy bandages, 188a.
mouth of the people, 423a. mummy case, 152a, 188a.
mouth to mouth, 416a. mummy chamber, 777a.
mouthful, 316b. mummy equipment, 777a.
move, lib, 82b, 166a, 189b, 298a, mummy swathings, 71b, 818b.
351b, 356b, 377b, 420b, 446b, muniment room, 526b.
479a, 541a, 618b, 670b, 673a, M-up-tef, 266a.
767a, 777b, 791b, 792b. murder, 396b, 398a.
move, to make, 602a. murderer, 397b, 398a, 704a.
move about, 854b. murmurs, 442b.
move away, 499a. music, 444a.
move onward, 478a. musicians, 509a, 741b, 747a, 843b,
move quickly, 343a, 827a. 910b.
move rapidly, 754b, 814b. must (of wine), 759b.
move up and down, 375a. Musta, 295b.
mover of stone, 439a. mustard, 611b.
Mqetqet, 330b. muster, 607b, 677b, 841a, 841b.
M’shaken, 287b. musty, 470a.
M’shashar, 287b. Mut, collar of, 183b.
M’shauasha, 287b. Mut, goddess, 150a, 295a.
M’tchaiu, 291a, 495a. Muthenith, 296a.
M’tchet, 292b. mutilation, 512b.
M’tes, 291b. mutter spells, to, 209a, 386a, 758a.
M’tes-ab, 291b. Mut-urit, 295a.
M’tes-arui, 291b. muzzle, 729b.
M’tes-sma-ta, 291b. my, 15a, 229ab, 234a, 253b, 342b,
M’tharima, 291a. 344a, 818b.
M’thenu, 291a. myriads, 905b.
M’thra, 291a. myrrh, 29a, 128a, 187b, 293b,
M’titi, 336a. 561b, 250b, 890b.
Mu, god, 293b. myrrh, dry, 127a.
much, 137a, 170b, 181a, 772a. myrrh, fresh, 127a.
much, to be, 137a. myrrh of women, 127a.
mud, 30b, 123b, 275b, 421a, 424b, myrrh, moist, 127a.
765b ; workers in, 201a ; mud myrrh, ceremony of, 742a.
of & stream, 880b. myrrh, image of, 127b.
mud flat, 836b. myrrh box, 29a.
muddle, 844a. Myrrh-god, 83b, 127b.
mudir, 513a, 848b. myrrh seed, 127b.
M’uit, 281a, 293b. myrrh shrub, 127b.
mulberry bread, 817a. myrrh store, 127a.
mulberry tree, 314a, 368a. myrrh tree, 380a, 771a, 890b;
mulct, 865b. terraces of, 567a.
mule,- 792a, 796a. myrrh valley, 58a.
mullet, 203b, 204a. myrtle plant, 82a.
multiplication, 147b, 595a. myself, 911b.
multiply, 177b, 591b, 595a, 646b, mysterious, 51a, 470b, 755b.
763a. mystery, 624b, 701a, 755b.

N. Na-shep, 347a.
Nashutnen, 344a.
Na, 346b. Nas-Ra, 345b.
Naab, 342a. Nast-taui-si, 345b.
Naarik, 342a. nasty, 537b.
Naarrut, 341ab, 342a. Natai, 348a.
Naarut-f, Council of, 901b. Nati, 348a.
Naau, 346b. native, 350b, 583a.
Nabher, 345a. Natkarti, 344a.
Nabkhun, 343a. Natnatu, 346a.
Nabti, 343a. natron, 76b, 227b, 294a, 407b,
Nahsu, 344a, 409b, 464b, 485a, 512a, 713b.
Nai, 346b, 347a. natron, chamber of, 456a.
nail, to, 140a. natron of South and North,
nail, 112b, 123b, 128b, 139b, 408b.
140a, 180a, 215b, 218a, 351a. Natron-god, 512a.
nails, to pare or cut, 621a. nature, 6b, 34b, 50b, 297b, 561a.
nails, worker on, 65b. Nau, 344b, 345a.
Nait, 346b, 347a. naught, 835a.
Nai-ur, 347a. nausea, 152b, 258a, 262b, 263a,
Nak, 345b. 577b, 611a, 680b, 696b, 745a,
naked, 383b, 458a, 469b, 794a. 807a.
naked man, 458a. nauseated, 262b.
nakedness, 458b. Nauta, 347a.
Nakh, 345a. navel, 533a.
Nakit, 345b. navel string, 572b.
Nakiu-mena-t, 345b. navigate, 93b, 576b.
Namart, 343b. near, 265a, 414a, 415a, 438b,
name, to, 187b, 345a, 387b, 712a, 762b, 813a, 907a, 908a.
877b. Neb, devil, 367a.
name, 426a, 782b. Neb-aa, 358b.
Name, the Great, 426a. Neb-aakhut, 358b.
names of limbs of Ra, 426a. Neb-Aatit, 358b.
named, 345a, 387b, 877b. Neb-abu, 358b.
namely, 79a. Neb-abui, 359a b.
Na-nefer-ari-shetit, 343b. Neb-aha, 359b.
Na-nefer-sheti, 343b. Neb-amakh, 358b.
naos, 773b, 777b. Neb-Amentt, 358b.
nape of neck, 123b, 124a b. Neb-ankh, 359b.
napkin, 243b. Neb-ankh-em-pet, 359b.
Naq, 347b. Neb-ankh-taui, 359b. **
Narh, 343b. Neb-aqt, 360a.
Nari, 36b, 347a. Neb-aui, 359a.
Nari-nef-nebat-f, 341a. Neb-aui, 367a.
Narit, 347a b. Neb-aut-ab, 358a.
narrate, 176b, 717a, 719b, 913a. Neb-baiu, 360b.
narrator, 176b, 719b. Neb-er-ari-tcher, 362a.
narrative, 669b, 719b. Neb-er-tcher, 362a, 742b.
narrow, 491a, 492a, 782b, 800a. Neb-heh, 363a.
Nart, 347a. Neb-her, 367b.
Narti-ankh, etc., 347b. Neb-heru, 362b.
Nas, 345b. Neb-her-ua, 363a.
Nasaqbu, 344a. Neb-het-a, 362b.

Neb-khau, 363a. Neb-tesher, 366a, 896a.

Neb-kheper-Khenti-Tuat, 363b. Neb-tha, 365b.
Neb-kheperu, 363a. Neb-thafui, 365b.
Neb-khepesh, 363b. Neb-Tuatiu, 365b.
Neb-Khert-ta, 363b. Neb-ua, 360a.
Neb-khet, 363a. Neb-uab, 360a.
Neb-Maat, 361a. Neb-Uast, 360a.
Neb-Maqt, 361a. Neb-un, 360a.
Neb-mau, 361a. Neb-urrt, 360a.
Nebneb, 354a, 367a. Neb-user, 360a.
Neb-nebu, 361a. Neb-utchatti, 360b.
Neb-nefu, 361b. Neba, 241b, 366b, 367a.
Neb-neheh, 361b. Neba-aakhu, 367b.
Neb-nekht-Khensu, 361b. Neba-per-em-khetkhet, 367b.
Neb-nemmt, 361b. Nebats-kheper, 367a.
Neb-nerau, 361b. Nebau, 367b.
Neb-neru, 361b. nebeh bird, 367b.
Neb-neru-ash-kheperu, 361b. Nebetch god, 368b.
Neb-net, 362a. Nebs, god, 368a.
Neb-neteru, 362a. Nebses, 364a.
Neb-Pai, 360b. Nebt, 368a.
Neb-Pat, 360b. Nebt-aakhu, 358b.
Neb-qebh, 365a. Nebt-Aamu, 368b.
Neb-qerst, 365a. Nebt-aashemit, 358b.
Neb-Rasta, 362a. Nebt-Aat, 358b.
Neb-rekeh, 362a. Nebt-Aatt, 358b.
Neb-rekhit, 362a. Nebt Aat-Then, 358b.
Neb-renput, 362a. Nebt-aau, 359a.
Neb-Sakhb, 363b. Nebt-abui, 359a.
Neb-Sau, 363b. Nebt-ahau, 360a.
Neb-sebt, 363b. Nebt-akeb, 359a.
Neb-Seger, 364b. Nebt-am, 358b.
Neb-sekhab, 364a. Nebt-anemit, 358b.
Neb-sekht, 364a. Nebt-Anit, 359a.
Neb-sekhut-uatcht, 364a. Nebt-ankh, 359b.
Neb-senku, 363b. Nebt-ankhiu, 359b.
Neb-settut, 364b. Nebt-Annu, 359b.
Neb-shefit, 364b. Nebt-aremuaa, 359b.
Neb-sherat, 364b. Nebt-arit-qerrt, 359a.
Neb-shespu, 364b. Nebt-arit-tchetfiu, 359a.
Neb-shuti, 364b. Nebt-arui, 359b.
Neb-Ta-ankhtt, 365b. Nebt-as-hatt, 359a.
Neb-taiu, 365a. Nebt-ast-enti-mu, 359a.
Neb Ta-tchesert, 365b. Nebt-Ater-Meh, 359a.
Neb Ta-tesher, 365b. Nebt-Ater-Shema, 359a.
Neb-tau, 365b. Nebt-Atu, 359a.
Neb-tchefa, Neb-tchefau, 366a. Nebt-aur, 358b.
Neb-tcher, 366a. Nebt-aut, 358a.
Neb-tcheser-sesheta, 366a. Nebt-aut Khenti-Tuat, 358a.
Neb-tchet, 366a. Nebt-Baat, 360b.
Neb-tebui, 365b. Nebt-em-shen, 361a.
Neb-temat, 365b. Nebt-en-sheta, 361b.
Neb-temu, 365b. Nebt-ent-het, 361b.

Nebt-er-tchert, 362a. Nebt-San, 363b.

Nebt-gem-ab, 365a. Nebt-Sauta, 363b.
Nebt-Gerg, 365a. Nebt-sebu, 363b.
Nebt-ha-Ra, 362b. Nebt-Seher, 364a.
Nebt-hebb, 362b. Nebt-Seht, 364a.
Nebt-hekau, 363a. Nebt-Sekhemu, 364a.
Nebt-Hen, 362a. Nebt-Sekri, 364a.
Nebt-hent, 362b. Nebt-senkt, 363b.
Nebt-hep, 362b. Nebt-sentt, 364a.
Nebt-hep-neteru, 362b. Nebt-Septi, 363b.
Nebt-heru, 362b. Nebt-Seqaiu, 364b.
Nebt-het, 362b. Nebt-Seshemu-nifu, 364a.
Nebt-het Anqit, 362b. Nebt-Seshent, 364a.
Nebt-hetep, 363a. Nebt-sesheshuta, 364a.
Nebt-hetept, 363a* Nebt-seshta, 364a.
Nebt-huntt, 362b. Nebt-setau, 364b.
Nebt-Kepen, 365a. Nebt-setchef, 364b
Nebt-Khasa, 363a. Nebt-Shas, 364b.
Nebt-khat, 363a. Nebt-shat, 364b.
Nebt-khaut, 363a. Nebt-Shefshefit, 364b.
Nebt-Khebit, 363a. Nebt-shem, 364b.
Nebt-Kheper, 363a. Nebt-shemas-urt, 364b.
Nebt-Kheriu, 363b Nebt-sheser, 364b.
Nebt-Mat, 361a. Nebt-shesh- etc., 365a.
Nebt-m’kt, 361a. Nebt-sres, 364a.
Nebt-mu, 361a. Nebt-Ta-amen, 365b.
Nebt-neba, 361a. Nebt-taui, 365a.
Nebt-nebt, 361a. Nebt-taui-em-kara, 365b.
Nebt-Nehemt, 361b. Nebt-tcheser, 366a.
Nebt-nehep, 361b. Nebt-tchet, 366a.
Nebt-Neht, 361b. Nebt-tehen, 365b.
Nebt-Nekhen, 361b. Nebt-Tem, 365b.
Nebt-nerit, 361b. Nebt-temat, 365b.
Nebt-neser, 361b. Nebt-Tennu, 366a.
Nebt-nesha, 361b. Nebt-Tens, 366a.
Nebt-Netchemtchem, 362a. Nebt-Tenten, 366a.
Nebt-Netit, 362a. Nebt-Tep, 365b.
Nebt-Nut, 361a. Nebt-Tep-ah, 365b.
Nebt-Pe, 360b. Nebt-uaa, 360a.
Nebt-pehti, 360b. Nebt-uauau, 360a.
Nebt-pehti-petpet-sebau, 360b. Nebt-ugat, 360b.
Nebt-pehti-thesu-menment, 360b. Nebt-Un, 360a.
Nebt-Per res, 360b. Nebt-unnut, 360a.
Nebt-peru, 360b. Nebt-usha, 360b.
Nebt-Pestt, 361a. Nebt-uut, 360a.
Nebt-pet, 360b. Nebt, 368a.
Nebt-petti, 360b. Nebta, 357a.
Nebt-qebh, 365a. Nebt-ab-f, 368b.
Nebt-Qet, 365a. Nebti, 357a, 358a.
Nebt-retui, 362a. Nebti of Nenu, 189a.
Nebt-Sa, 363b. Nebtuqet, 368a.
Nebt-Saf, 363b. Nebu, 358a.
Nebt-sam, 363b. Nebu-en-Meht, 361b,

Nebui-art, 359a. Nefnef, 370b.

Nebu-Kau, 365a. Nefrit, 371b.
Nebu-Khert, 363b. Nefur, 370a.
Nebu-Meht, 619b. Neg, 398a.
necessary, 876a ; what is, 885b. Negaga-ur, 398a.
neck, 22b, 77a, 212b, 226a, 285b, negation, 213b ; mark of, 266a ;
332b, 384a, 530a, 533a, 536a, particle, 339b, 345a, 348a,
563a, 572a, 573b ; back of, 349a.
458a, 461b. negative, 209a ; a strong, 371a.
neckband, 446a, 799b. Negau, 398a.
necklace, 148b, 184a, 202a, 207b, Negeb, 398b.
226a, 408b, 507a, 728b, 734b, Neg-en-kau, 398a.
849b, 862a. Negg-ur, 398a.
necklet, 71a, 75b. Negit, 398a.
neck ornament, 282a, 484b. neglect, 283b, 289b.
neck stick, 619a. neglectful, 180a.
necropolis, 113b, 131b, 238a, negligent, 289b.
298a, 507b, 561b, 580a, 687a ; Negneg-ur, 398a.
in hill, 533b. Negnit, 398b.
necropolis of Abydos, 156b ; of negress, 386a.
Denderah, 534b ; of Hermo- negro, 355b, 386a.
polis, 16b ; of Philae, 16b ; Negro-land, 913a.
of Thebes, 667a. Neh, 383a.
need, 382b, 561b, 580b, 732b, Neha, 383b.
800a, 897a. Neha-ha, 383b.
need, to be in, 64b, 375b, 800a. Neha-her, 380b.
needle, 320a. Neha-her, 383b, 561a, 861b.
needle (kohlstick), 201b. Nehait-her, 383b.
needy, 207b, 379b, 569b, 604a, Neha-Kheru, 380b.
674b, 732b. Nehap, 380b.
needy man, 653a, 800b. Neha-ta, 380b.
Nefer-aat-mek-art, 371b. Neheb-kau, 384a.
Nefer-aita, 371b. Neheb-nefert, 384a.
Nefer-em-baiu, 370a. Nehebsa, 384b.
Nefer-hat, 371b, 896a. Nehebti, 384a.
Nefer-herit-tchatchat, 372a. Neheh, 383a.
Nefer-hetep, 372a. Nehem-kheru, 381b.
Nefer-hetep-pa-aa, 372a. Nehemt-auait, 385a.
Nefer-hetep-pa-khart, 372a. Nehemu, 385a.
Nefer-hetep-pa-neter-aa, 372a. Nehen, 381b.
Neferit-kha, 372a. Nehenut, 381b.
Nefer-neteru, 371b. Nehep, 46b, 47b, 385a.
Nefer-pehiu, 896a. Neher, 381b.
Nefer-Shuti, 372a. Neher-tchatcha, 386a.
Nefert, 371b. Neherti, 385b.
Nefer-Tem, 372a. Nehes (Set), 382a.
Nefer-Tern-kau, 372a. Nehesa, 382a.
Nefer-Tem-khu-taui, 372a. Nehes-her, 382a.
Nefer - Tern - Ra - Heru - aakhuti, Nehesu, 386a.
372a. Nehet, 380a.
Neferu-kau, 372a. Nehi, 382b.
Nefer-usr, 371b. Nehit, 383a.
Nef-hati, 370b. Nehp, 381a.
4 E 2

Nehru, 385b. Nenu, 348a.

Nehsit, 386a. Nenu, Sky-god, 349b.
Nehsiu-hetepu, 386a. Nenu (Aapep), 349b.
Nehti, 380a. Nenu, the Nile, 350a.
Nehui, 381a. Nenui, 378a.
neighbour, 438b, 444b, 449b, Nenunser, 378a.
539b, 638b, 674a. Nep, god, 368b.
neighbourhood, 27a, 265a, 438a, Nepa, 369a.
638a. Nepen, 369a.
Neith, 399b ; festival of, 161b ; Nepertiu, 369a.
temple of, 80a. Nephthys, 24a, 29a.
Neka (Set), 398a. Nep-meh, 369a.
Nekait, 398a. Nepnept, 369a.
Nekentf, 397b. Nepr, Nepra, 369a.
Nekha, 387b. Neqaiu-hatu, 396a.
Nekhben, 388a. Neqeht, 396a.
Nekhbit, 388a. Ner, 378b.
Nekhbu ur, 388a. Nerat, 378b.
Nekheb, 388a. Neri, 379a.
Nekhebet, 522b. Nerit, 378b, 379a.
Nekhebit, 183b, 522b, 756a, 860b. Nerit-abui, 379a.
Nekhekh (Ra), 387a. Nerta, 379b.
Nekhekh-ur-Aten, 387a. Nerta-nef-bes-f, 341b.
Nekhen, an Assessor, 388b. N-erta-nef-nebt, 341b, 379b.
Nekhen, judge from, 588a. Nerti, 378b.
Nekhen (Babe), 388b. Nesa, 390b.
Nekhenit, 388b. Nesasa, Lake, 721a.
Nekht-a, 389a. Nesb-amenu, 392b.
Nekht, a ka of Ra, 389a. Nesbit, 392b.
Nekhtit, 389a. Nesb-kheper-aru, 392b.
Nekht-ti, 389a. Nesem, 393a.
Nekhtu-nti-setem-nef, 389a. Nesereh, 393b.
Nekhtut-em-Uas, 389a. Neserit, 393a.
Nekit, 396b. Nesermer, 393a.
Neknit, 397b. Neserser, Lake of, 721a.
Neknits, 465b. Nesh, 393b.
Nem, 374a b. Neshem, 394b.
Nemat, 374a. Neshemit, 394b.
Nemit, 374a. Neshenti (Set), 395a.
Nemma, 374b. Neshm-t-Boat, 394b.
Nemmt, 373a. Nesh-renpu, 394a.
Nemtit-set, 465b. Nesht, 395b.
Nem-ur (Mer-ur), 67b, 374a. Nesiu fiends, 390b.
Nen, 376b. Nesmekhef, 389b.
Nena, 377b. Nesrem, 393a.
Nenha, 378a. Nesrit-ankhit, 393a.
Neni, 348a, 377b. Nesru, 393a.
Nenit, 348a, 351a, 376b. Nessf, 393a.
Neniu, 377a b. Nesst-naisu, 389b.
Nenkar, 356a. nest, 32a, 34b, 288a, 319a, 621b,
Nenr, 378a. 754b.
Nent, 350a. Nesta, 390b.
Nentcha, 378b, Nesti-Khenti-Tuat, 390b.

Nestiu-gods, 390b. Neter-tchai-pet, 404a.

Nesttauit, 390b. Neterti, 403b ; Isis and Neph-
net, 27a, 33b, 40a, 41a, 75a, 97a, thys, 404b.
102a, 116b, 118a, 122a, 132a, neterti instrument, 407b.
259b, 412b, 514b, 527a, 618a, Nether, 408b.
695a, 835b ; cord of, 194b. Netherit, 408b.
net, fishing, 458b, 465a. Netheth, 408b.
net for snaring souls, 27a, 64a. Netit, 400a.
net, fowling, 127b. Net-net ua-kheper-aut, 400a.
net, hands of, 105b. Netnetit, 409a.
net, hunting, 456a. Net-qa- etc., 408a.
net, magical, 123b, 905b, 906a. Net-Ra, 400a.
net of the Akeru-gods, 905b. Netrit festival, 407b.
net, pegs of, 38a. Netrit-ta-aakhu, 404a.
net, to, 121b, 695a. Netrit-ta-meh, 404a.
net, to cast a, 465a ; to draw a, Netru, 409b.
613a. netted, 7a.
net, to hunt with, 40a. Netter, 64a.
Net-gods, 118a. nettle, 611b.
Net-Hetchet, 399b. Netu, 400a.
Net-Hetut, 399b. never, 340a, 341a.
Net-Shert, 399b. never again, 596b.
Net-tepit-An, 399b. never before, 230b, 341b.
Net-Teshert, 399b. never-failing, 78b, 341a.
Net-Tha, 399b. new, 269a, 273b, 375a ; to be,
Neta, 400b ; Osiris, 24b. 150a.
Net-Asar, 400a. new thing, 269b, 375a.
Netchatf, 410a. new wine, 231b.
Netch-baiu, 410b. New Year’s Day, 76a, 161b,
Netchebabf, 411b. 379a, 427b, 450b, 829a.
Netchehnetcheh, 413a. New Year’s tax, 521a.
Netchem, 412a. newly, 269b.
Netchem-ab, 412a. N-ger-s, 341b.
Netch-em-ankh, 412a. N-heri-rtitsa, 341b.
Netchemnetchmit, 412b. Ni,* 348a.
Netcher, 412b, 413a. nibble, 731a.
Netcherf, 413a. nice, 218b.
Netchertt, 412b. niche, 92b, 701b.
Netchesti, 413b. night, 8b, 22b, 36a, 77b, 94b,
Netchft, 411b. 107a, 135a, 179b, 184b, 185a,
Netch-her, 410a. 296b, 377a, 537a, 622a, 624b,
Netch-Nu, 410b. 649a, 751b, 761b, 776b, 778b,
Netchrit, 413a. 791a, 795b, 796a, 797a, 803b,
Netchses, 413b. 810b, 897a ; deepest, 244a ;
Netchti, 410a. early, 529b ; the whole, 811a.
Netchti-ur, 410a. night personified, 77b, 135a.
Neter, a god, 403b. Night of counting the dead, 811a.
Neter-aa, 403b. Night of counting years, 811a.
Neterit-nekhenit-Ra, 404a. Night of erecting the pavilion,
Neter-ka-qet-qet, 404a. 811a.
Neter-neferu, 404a. Night of fights, 811a.
Neter-neteru, 404a. Night of Haker, 811a.
Neter-sept-f, 404a. Night of Horus and Set, 811a.
4E 3

Night of Judgement, 811a. no one, 213b, 340a.

Night of ploughing the earth, no time, 341a.
811a. nobility, 591a, 737a, 830b ; title
Night of the resurrection of of, 671a.
Horus, 811b. noble, 108a, 123a, 170b, 591a,
Night of secret ceremonies, 811b. 610a, 737a.
Night of setting up Tet, 811b. noble, to be, 646a, 737a.
Night of the Drop, 459b, 811a. noble attributes, 370b.
Night of Weighing Words, 811a. noble words, 698b.
night, provisions for the, 323b. nobleman, 215b, 643b, 646a, 671a,
night, to pass the, 188b, 718b. 679b, 737a.
night festivals, Great and Little, nobles, 460b, 867b ; at Court,
796a. 744a.
Night-god, 109b. Nobles, the Two, 202b.
night-season, 840b. nod, 441b, 448a.
Nile, 12a, 69a, 99b, 218b, 452a, noise, 419b, 607b, 668b.
467a, 470b, 506b, 767b. nomad, 111a, 292a, 306a b, 373b,
Niles, the, 467b. 752a.
Nile, arm of, 35b ; Canopic nomads of Sudan, etc., 179a.
arm of, 97b. nomads, village of, 179a.
Nile deposit, 411b, 499b. nome, 477b, 511b, 596b, 661b,
Nile, mouths of the, 416a. 835a, 844b.
Nile of Tuat, 467a. nome, dwellers in, 844b.
Nile, source of the, 774b, 775a. nome of Eternity, 511b.
Nile banks, 102b. nome, recorder, of, 176b.
Nile festivals, 99b. non-combatant, 517b.
Nile flood, 95a, 174b, 462a, 467a b, non-existent, 164b, 340a, 542a,
507b, 744a, 836b. 835a.
Nile-god, 76a, 128a, 130b, 177a, none the less, 415b.
184a b, 187a, 253b, 255a, 257b, nook, 774a.
385a, 400a, 404a, 467b, 477b, noon, 134a, 332a, 333b.
479a, 506b, 611b, 629a, 631b, north, the, 318a, 816a ; king of,
637b, 695a ; emission of, 332a. 212a ; festival of, 212a.
Nile-Red Sea road, 113a. northern, 318a.
Nile-swamp, 272b. North-house, 318b.
Nile water, 263a, 293b. North-land, 815a.
Nimrod, 343b. northwards, 286a.
Ninarrutf, 349a. north-west, 318b.
nine, 249b, 250a. north wind, 707b ; god of, 767b.
Nine gods, the companies of nose, 260b, 261a, 554a, 729b,
the, 251a. 750a.
Nine goddesses, the, 251a. nose, disease of, 433b.
Nine hands, 533b. Nose-of-life (Osiris), 261a.
nine thread stuff, 250a. nostrils, 261a, 329a, 375a, 551a,
ninety, 250a. 572b, 573a, 579b, 747b, 750a.
Ningal, 60a, 356a. not, 6a, 12b, 44a, 98a, 213b,
ninth, 250a. 216b, 282a, 339b, 341b, 349a,
nip, 795a. 376b, 414b, 835a.
nipple, 302b, 768a, 963a. not allowable, 340b.
nitrum, 407b. not any, 835a.
Nnarutf-t, 341a. not at all, 835a.
Nn-relih, 341b. not possessing, 265a, 339b.
no, 124a, 339b, 349a, 376b, 835a. not so, 124a, 339b.

not to have, 296b. number, sign of ordinal, 316a.

not yet, 264b. numbering, a, 41a.
notable, 644b, 713a. numberless, 340b, 415a.
note, 180a. numerous, 137a, 646b.
notes of a case, 604b. Nun, god, 354b.
nothing, 184b, 835a. Nunu, 350a.
nothingness, 339b, 835a. Nunuiu, 350b.
nourish, 13b, 284b, 607a, 645a, Nunun, 354b.
678a. Nunut, 350a.
nourishment, 612b, 832a. Nunuth, 356b.
now, 96a. Nurkhata, 354b.
now behold, 782a. nurse, 13b, 15b, 69a, - 302a,
Nqetqet, god, 396a. 428a, 551a, 616b, 747b, 820b,
Nsekf, 341a. 847b.
N-tcher-t, 341b. nurse, divine, 20b.
Nti-her-f-mm-masti-f, 399a. nurse, to, 13a, 122a, 426a, 428a,
Nti-she-f, 341b. 551a, 757b.
Ntiu gods, 399a. Nurse goddess, 302a, 426a.
Ntuti, 400b. nursling, 428a.
Nu, 242a, 349b, 600a, 777a. N-urtch-nef, 341b.
Nu (Amen-Ra), 350a. N-urt-f, 341b.
Nu (Nile), 350a ; festival of, nurture, to, 645a.
474b. Nuru, god, 354b. *
Nu, gods of this name, 350a. Nut, 25a, 46a, 193b, 349a, 422b,
Nua, 352b. 720a, 777a.
Nub, 354a. Nut, Five Children of, 322b.
Nuba-neb-s-ams, 353b. Nut, title of, 725b.
Nub-heh, 353b. Nut goddesses, 350b.
Nub-hetepit, 353b. Nutchi, 357a.
Nubia, 22a. Nuth, 356b.
Nubia, Lake of, 263b. Nut-hru, 351b.
Nubia, Nine Peoples of, 832b. Nuti, 351a.
Nubia, viceroy of, 392a. Nutiu, 356b.
Nubian, 95b. Nuti-urti, 351a.
Nubian (adj.), 95b, 187a. nuts, 411b.
Nubians, 495a, 554b, 709a, 712b, Nut-Shesit, 351a.
790b, 795b. Nut-urit, 350a.
Nubit, 353b. Nut-urt, 351a.
Nubit-aith, 353b.
Nubit-neterit, 353b.
Nub-neteru, 353b. O.
Nubnub, 354a.
Nubti (Set), 354a. O, an interjection, 7b, 15a, 30b,
nudity, 458b. 73b, 74b, 143b, 438a, 440a,
Nuenra, 350a. 443b, 444a, 451b.
Nuh-hatu, 355a. O that ! 292b, 441b, 457a, 464a.
Nuit, 350a b. O then, 782a.
Nuit-Ra, 350a. Oak tree, 62b.
Nukar, 356a. oar, 182b, 279a, 281a, 284b,
number, 41a, 134a, 415a, 838a, 295a, 393b, 478b, 631a, 877a.
856b, 857b, 882b. oar, steering, 315a.
number, a great, 507a. oar, stroke of,- 688b.
numbers, goddess of, 665b. oar, toil at, 143b.
4E 4

oarsman, 780a. occurrences, 542b, 617a, 690a.

Oasis country, 148b. ocean, 151a.
Oasis of Khargah, 52b. ochre, 3b, 189b, 417b, 558b,
Oasis of Jupiter Ammon, 20b. 581b, 773b, 774a, 837a, 910a.
oath, 112a. ochre, red, 283b.
oath (so help me God !), 752b. ochres for ink, 620b.
oath, to fulfil an, 65b ; to take odour, 551a, 627b, 629b, 631a,
an, 65b. 648a, 675a, 712b, 747b.
oath of king, 126a. odour, bad or foul, 709b.
obeisance, 885a. of, 264a, 279b, 348a, 408a.
obelisk, 85a, 217a, 843b, 887b. of old time, 205a, 264b, 460a,
obelisk cakes, 730b. 830a.
obelisks of Ra, 843b. offal, 31b, 470a, 708a ; of fish, 594a.
obelisks, pair of, 839b. offence, 31b, 165b, 226a, 398a,
obey, 291b, 292a, 717b. 772b, 849b, 853a, 895b ; crimi¬
object, 525a, 580b, 595a, 789b. nal, 595b.
object, bronze, 670b. offend, 694a.
object, sacred, 289b. offender, 165b, 540a.
object that protects, 193a. offer, 3a, 147b, 270b, 301b, 472a,
object, wooden, 40a, 542a, 571b, 550b, 562a, 582a, 592a, 898b.
756b, 837b. offer sacrifice or thanksgiving,
objection, 643a. 425a, 431a.
oblation, 3a, 518a, 725a. offer up, 741a.
oblique-eyed, 641a. offered, 89a.
obliquity, moral, 530a, 540a, offering, 3ab, 4a, 5b, 9b, 28a b,
572a. 56b, 91b, 110b, 112b, 117a,
obliterate, 57b, 315b, 840a. 141a, 148a, 155b, 156a, 157b,
oblivion, 492b, 550a. 189a, 191b, 195b, 215b, 230b,
oboli, 867b. 251b, 257b, 259b, 270b, 286b,
obolus, 781a, 854a. 304b, 318b, 387b, 487a, 491b,
obscure, 652a. 506b, 518a, 521b, 545a, 562b,
obscurity, 458a, 475b, 600b, 601a, 606b, 621b, 623b, 634b,
761b, 795b, 798a. 643b, 644a, 652b, 654a, 657a,
observatory, 175a. 675a, 733b, 734b, 754b, 759b,
observe, 351a, 548a, 903b. 810a, 857a b, 876a.
observe astronomically, 175a. offerings, to heap up, 667a.
observe laws, 412b. offerings, to make, 117a, 259a,
observer, 175a. 677a, 775a, 884b.
obsidian knives, 842a. offerings, burnt, 764a, 796a.
obstacle, 564b, 750a. offerings by fire, 10a.
obstinate, 164a, 650a, 746b, 760b, offerings, chamber of, 239b.
838b. offering, the daily, 54a, 138b.
obstruct, 36b, 103b, 487b, 646b, offering, evening, 191a.
743b, 750a, 905a. offering, festal, 474a.
obstructed, 800a. offering, funerary, 241b, 242a.
obstruction, 64a, 491a, 750a. offering, king’s, 392a, 518a.
obvious, 34a. offering, obligatory, 332b.
occasion, 595b. offerings of birds and fish, 5b.
occupation, 18a. offering of sand, 730a.
occupied, 316b, 531a ; of mind, offerings, propitiatory, 402b.
883b. offering, spice, 38b.
occupy, 333a, 811b ; an office, offerings, table of, 876a.
65a. offering-bearer, 287a.

offering slab, 117a. old, of, 830a.

office, 69b, 79b, 80b, 510b, 526b, old age, 17b, 32b, 82a, 514b,
531b, 540a, 557b, 755a. 797a, 838b, 856a, 881b, 882b.
office of mayor, 526b. old canal, 838b.
office building, 881b. Old God, 387a.
office, draughtsman’s, 780a. old home, 226b.
office, Government, 902a. old man, 15a, 17b, 26a, 32b,
officer, 108a, 144a, 154b, 184a, 33b, 387a, 514b, 532a, 626b,
284a, 311b, 436b, 444a, 473b, 714b, 797a, 882b.
487a, 604a, 613b, 685a, 718a, old woman, 15a, 18a.
828b. olive, 206a, 207a, 849b, 850a,
officer, chief, 646b, 851a, 860a. 897a, 913b.
official, 19b, 74b, 154b, 187b, olive oil, 207a, 224a, 903b ; fresh,
639b, 747a, 774a, 852b. 224a ; sweet, red, 224b.
official, cemetery, 828b. olive tree, 224a, 897a, 913b.
official, title of, 399a, 417a. omission, 184b.
officials, court, 444a. on, 264a, 492b, 826b.
officials of palace, 45b. on account of, 339a, 492b.
offspring, 240b, 331b, 583b, 903a ; on behalf of, 493a, 545a.
of animals, 33a. on both sides, 813a.
often, to do, 177a. on the contrary, 265a.
ogle, 801a. once again, 273b, 792a.
Oh ! 74b, 106b, 438a. oncomer, 439b.
oikoumene, 538a. one, 105a, 153a.
oil, 112b, 113a, 140b, 205b, 315a, one, the impersonal, 333a.
318b, 337a, 382b, 383a, 388b, One (i.e., God), 153a.
473b, 507b, 626b, 705a, 706a, one (i.e., king), 823a.
765b, 767b, 813b, 846a. one (i.e., Ra, Osiris, etc.), 154a.
oil, circumcision, 845a. One, the Lord, 360a.
oil for grey hair, 704b. one and the other, 153b.
oil for kyphi, 913a. one at a time, one by one,
oil, holy, 395a, 666a, 872b. 595a.
oil, medicated, 40a. one to one, 153b.
oil, perfumed, 706a. one who is in front, 45a.
oil, prepared, 356a. one-armed, 184b.
oil, sacred, 597b. one-handed, 184b.
oil, scented, 665a, 824a. onion, 26a, 288b, 473b, 523b ;
oil the hair, 169b. seed, 26a.
oil-boiler, 236a. only, 340a.
oil-bottle, 222b. only one, 153a b.
oil plant, 767b. Onouris, 57a.
oil seed, 786b. onyx, 273a.
oil tree, 206a. ooze, 424b.
oily-hearted, 224b. open, 33b, 34a, 39a, 90a, 157b,
ointment, 39b, 40a, 55b, 205b, 158b, 160b, 166a, 167a, 235a,
233a, 263a, 283a, 292b, 337a, 252b, 254b, 388a, 598a, 604a,
377a, 643b, 706a, 767b, 804a. 608a b, 612a, 620b, 623b, 624a,
ointment, copper, 150b. 629a, 678a, 697b, 700b, 701a,
ointment, festal, 712b. 793a.
old, 3b, 9b, 17b, 82a, 134a, 778a, open, to force, 592b ; to make,
838b. 619a, 697a.
old, to be or grow, 17b, 387a, open a way, 178b, 621a, 650a.
626b, 677b, 797a, 838b, 856a. open a well, 158b.

open out, 255b. ordain, 697b, 722b.

open the arms, 248b, 255b. order, 82a, 136b, 161a, 190b,
open the bowels, 662a. 192a, 270b, 271b, 335a, 337b,
open the eyes, 158b. 346a, 400b, 446a, 449a, 489a,
open the face, 34b. 597a, 602a, 610b, 669b, 670b,
open the hands, 118a. 679b, 683b, 697b, 768a, 849a ;
open the heart, 158b. a written, 106b.
open the way, 161b. order of priests, 585b.
open up, 116b, 158b. order, to, 187b, 190b, 289b, 410b,
open wide, 184a. 470a, 610a b, 679b, 680a, 683b,
opened, 235a, 731a. 850a, 900a.
opener, 166b. order, to set in, 647a.
opener of the body, 697b. ordinance, 346a, 400a b, 409a,
opener of the roads, 162a. 487a, 661a, 753b, 831b, 844b,
open-handed, 166b. 912b.
opening, 99a, 167a, 416a, 521b, ore, 218a, 226b ; copper, 486a ;
697a, 713b ; to make, 592b. silver, 523a.
opening for light, 764b. organ of the body, 103b.
opening in diaphragm, 416b. organs, genital, 544b ; disease
opening in wall, 701b. of, 122a.
opening (of years), 379a. original (place), 226b.
opening the face, 650a. originally, 580a.
opening the mouth, ceremony Orion, 99 b, 118b, 124a, 389a,
of, 161b ; to perform, 34b. 393a, 402a, 446b, 638b, 682b.
openwork, 254b. Orion, arm of, 105b.
opinion, 416a, 430a, 694a, 745a. Orion, boat of, 625b.
opponent, 434a, 493a, 545a, 564b, Orion, stars of, 42b, 638b, 757a.
707b, 894a. ornament, 92ab, 119a, 121b, 282b,
opportunity, 335a, 595a. 296b, 387b, 428a, 443a, 575a,
oppose, 82b, 116a, 564b, 764b, 644b, 680a, 689a, 728b, 880b.
885a, 894a. ornament, annular, 215a.
oppose in speech, 116b. ornament, lion-shaped, 367a.
opposite, 116b, 139a, 158a, 264a, ornament, metal, 219b.
265a, 339a, 414a, 415a, 493a, ornament of crown, 279a, 568b.
708b. ornament of dress, 452a.
opposition, 2a, 18a, 116a, 224a, ornament, the royal, 535a.
577a, 612b, 643a, 705a, 894a. ornament, to, 615b.
oppress, lb, 27b, 112b, 141a, ornamental water, 812a.
156a, 442a, 451b, 464b, 601a, Orontes, 63a, 73a.
787a, 867a b. orphan, 375b, 376a, 598a, 833a.
oppressed, 27b, 64b, 69b, 102a, oryx, 270a.
270a, 273a, 524b, 637b. Osirians, 83b.
oppression, 102a, 112b, 141b, Osiris, 41a, 83a.
744b, 867a, 868a, 909b. Osiris, backbone of, 249b.
oppressor, 115b, 181b, 422a, Osiris, birthday of, 450b.
635a, 637b. Osiris, body of, 24b.
opulent, 538b. Osiris, carrier of Horus, 84a.
or, 33b, 265a, 415b. Osiris, children of, 322b.
oracle, divine, 831a. Osiris, crown of, 13b.
oration, 549a. Osiris, day of, 450b.
orator, 176b ; to play the, 410b. Osiris, dead body of, 43a.
orbit, 333b, 701a, 743b, 780a. Osiris, death day of, 242a.
orchard, 559a b, 723a, 749a, 755a. Osiris, firstborn of, 200b.

Osiris, foes of, 545b. Osiris of Benben, 85a.

Osiris, followers of, 742b. Osiris of Benr, 85a.
Osiris, form of, 83b ff. Osiris of Busiris, 84a.
Osiris, form of his name, 181a. Osiris of Buto, 85a.
Osiris, Four Obelisks of, 843b. Osiris of Erpit, 84a.
Osiris, gardeners of, 67b. Osiris of Heken, 85b.
Osiris, garment made by, 897a. Osiris of Heliopolis, 83b.
Osiris, grave of, 416b. Osiris of Hemag, 85b.
Osiris, head-box of, 19a. Osiris of Hensu, 85a.
Osiris, Kingdom of, 15b. Osiris of Heser, 85b.
Osiris, left shoulder of, 766b. Osiris of Maati, 85a.
Osiris, lock of hair of, 574b. Osiris of Memphis, 84b.
Osiris, phallus of, 429b. Osiris of Mena, 85a.
Osiris, pillar of, 59b. Osiris of Nefer, 87b.
Osiris, secretary of, 777b. Osiris of Nefur, 85a.
Osiris, shrine of, 99b, 453a. Osiris of Netbit, 85b.
Osiris, stars of, 656a. Osiris of Netch, 85b.
Osiris, Two Feathers of, 733a. Osiris of Netit, 85a.
Osiris, Two Tombs of, 15b. Osiris of Netr, 85a.
Osiris, vertebrae of, 667b. Osiris of Pesg-Ra (?), 85a.
Osiris-Akhem, 84a. Osiris of Pet, 85a.
Osiris-An, 83b. Osiris of Qeftenu, 86a.
Osiris-Anubis, 83b. Osiris of Rehnen, 85b.
Osiris-Harmakhis, 89a. Osiris of Rustau, 84a.
Osiris-Harmakhis-Temu, 89a. Osiris of Sa, 86a.
Osiris in Hena, 85b. Osiris of Sati, 86a.
Osiris Khenti Amentt, 87a. Osiris of Sau (Upper and Lower),
Osiris-Mnevis, 89a. 86a.
Osiris pa-meres, 84a. Osiris of Sekrit, 86a.
Osiris-Ptah, 84a. Osiris of Sesh, 86a.
Osiris-Sah, 88a. Osiris of Shau, 86a.
Osiris-Seker, 88a. Osiris of Shenu, 86a.
Osiris-Sep (or Sepa), 88a. Osiris of Shetat, 83b.
Osiris-Unnefer, 84a. Osiris of Sunu, 86a.
Osiris the Aged One, 83b. Osiris of Tenen, 87b.
Osiris the Almighty, 86b. Osiris of Tesher, 86b.
Osiris the Bull-god of Amentt, Osiris of the Cows, 87b.
7b, 88a. Osiris of the Earth, 86b.
Osiris the Eternal, 86b, 87a. Osiris of the Great Aat, 84a.
Osiris the Executioner, 88a. Osiris of the Great House, 85b.
Osiris the Grain-god, 87b. Osiris of the Lake, 87b.
Osiris the Living, 86b. Osiris of the Northern Oasis,
Osiris the Moon, 83b. 84b.
Osiris the Shepherd, 87b. Osiris of the river (?), 84b.
Osiris of Abydos, 83b, 84b. Osiris of the Sekti Boat, 86a.
Osiris of Akesh, 84b. Osiris of the Southern Oasis,
Osiris of Amentt, 86b. 84b.
Osiris of Antch, 84b. Osiris of the World, 86b.
Osiris of Aper, 84b. Osiris of Un, 87b.
Osiris of Asher, 84a. ossify, 219b.
Osiris of Atefur, 84b. ostrich, 343a, 344b, 348b, 379b ;
Osiris of Athribis, 109a. eggs of, 651b.
Osiris of Bakt, 84b. other, 187b, 792ab, 799a.

other side, 308a. overspread, 889a.

other things, 798b, 799a. overstep, 877a.
Other World, 93b, 113b, 125a, overthrow, 176b, 177b, 187b,
131b, 156b, 214b, 492a, 511b, 236a b, 256 b, 261b, 375b, 409a,
687a, 865a, 872a, 900b. 447b, 480a, 522a, 527b, 528b,
Other World, Nile of, 467a. 544b, 547a, 561b, 575a, 603b,
otherwise said (i.e., a variant 611b, 612b, 617ab, 618a, 624a,
reading), 913a. 626b, 633a, 644b, 647a, 651b,
our, 229b, 339a, 342a b, 818b, 662b, 676b, 682a, 685b, 689a,
824b. 693b, 694a, 695b, 700b, 703b,
out from, 264a. 704b, 715b, 718b, 741b, 757b,
out of danger, 282a. 768a, 770a, 792a, 796b, 806b,
outbreak, 240b. 884a, 887b.
outcast, 194b, 483b. overthrown, 606a, 617b, 657b,
outcry, 29a, 31b, 130a, 381a, 802a, 806b.
658a, 790a, 838b, 882b, 896b. overturn, 175a, 219b, 232b, 236b,
outfit, woman’s, 119a. 247b, 661b, 682a, 770a, 800b.
outflow, 621a. overturned, 232b.
outgoings, 240b. overweighted, 524b.
outhouse, 74a. overwhelmed, 763a.
outlive, to, 779a. ovis longipes, 200a.
outpourings, 91b, 708b. ovis platyura, 649a.
outrage, 396b ; to commit an, owner, 357a, 820a.
398a. ox, oxen, 32a, 74b, 170a, 398a,
outside, 214b, 218b, 219b, 265a, 516b, 645a, 654b, 777b, 864b.
339b, 414a b, 420b, 428b, 458a, ox, full-grown, 461a.
494b, 554a, 723b. ox, hornless, 507a.
oval for royal name, 305b. ox, lassoed, 333a.
oven, 290a, 464a, 708a, 775b, ox of heaven, 75a.
786b, 819ab, 840a, 841b, 885b. ox for ploughing, 384a, 704b.
ovens of the Tuat, 465a. ox, stalled, 2b, 69a, 337a, 351a,
over, 492b. 550a.
over, he who is, 828b. ox (yoke), 355b.
over and above, 414b. ox, young, 426b.
over against, 414b, 444b. ox-fat, 140a.
overabundance, 469b. oxen, pair of, 521a.
overargue, 375a. oxen, sacred, 132a.
overcome, 400a, 772a, 858a, oxen, white, 523b.
884a, 899a. oxen, yoke of, 648a.
overeat, 49a. ox hides, 887a.
overflow, 159b, 203a, 343b, 366b, oyster, pearl, 790b.
368b, 398b, 597b, 602b, 621a,
665a, 708b, 766a, 813a. P.
overfull, 545a.
overlay, 474a ; with metal, 368b, Paah-nersmen, 230a.
689a. Paari-sekhi, 229b.
overloaded, 398b. Paat, 231b.
overlord, 215b, 357b, 812a. Pa-Bar, 230a.
overmuch, 137a. Pa-bekhennu, 230a.
overpower, 386b. Pabekht- etc., 230a.
overseer, 71a, 157a, 224b, 287b, pace, 446a.
311b, 312b, 323b, 417a, 422a, Pachons, 740a.
468a, 494a, 562a, 585b, 685a. pacification, 682a.

pacifiers, 684b. palanquin, 89a, 773b.

pacify, 612a, 614a, 682a, 684b, pale, 113a.
706b. paleness, 113a.
packet, 131a, 581b. Palestinian, 532b.
packets of arrows, 75b, 132b. palette, 123a, 328b, 814a.
packets of natron, 76b. palings, 910b.
pack-saddles, 288b. Palinurus, 804.
padded, 164a. palisade, 910b.
paddle, 75b, 182b, 279a, 281a, pallor, 58b, 113a.
284b, 295a, 315a, 373a, 375b, palm, date, 20a, 49b, 211a.
478b, 482a, 576b, 638b. palm branch, 208a.
paddle, to work a, 66a, 75b, palm cord, 146a.
478a b, 482a, 877a. palm fibre, 202a, 745b.
paddler, 478b, 576b, 703a, 877b. palm garland, 209a.
paddles of magical boat, 905b. palm leaves, 60a.
paddles, pair of, 877a. palm labourer, 218b.
paddling, sound of, 75b. palm-leaf mat, 773a.
pagari, 631a. palm nuts, 767a.
Paha-aref, 234a. palm shoots, 217b.
Pai, god, 231b. palm sticks, 202a, 216b.
paid, 262a. palm tree, 20ab.
pail, 2a. palm wine, 20b.
pain, 3b, 7b, 15b, 64b, 89a, 94a, palm wood, 212b.
180b, 314b, 330b, 465b, 527b, palm of the hand, a measure,
569b, 697a, 703b, 895b. 541a, 736a, 752b, 894a, 908b.
pain, to be in, lib, 413a, 592b, palpitate, 833a.
678a. palsy, 393b, 631a, 714b.
pain, cries of, 136b. Pan, 233b.
Pain, Lake of, 231b. pan of scales, 492a.
painful, 180b. panegyric, 474a, 576b.
paint, 49b, 346a, 417b, 419b, Panemma, 230a.
558b, 821b, 825b, 840b, 857b. Pankhi, 234a.
paint, to, 122b, 346a, 807b, 857b ; pannier, 790a.
pictures, 855b. Panntu, 232a.
paint the eyelids, 603a, 715b, 718b. panther, 19b, 367b, 827b ; skin
painted, 122b, 346a. of, 205b.
painter, 346a. Pantibaf- etc., 232a.
painting, 346a, 411a, 486, 784a, pantry, 238a.
837a, 857b. Paoni, 236b.
painting, goddess of, 665b. Paophi, 255a.
pair, 105a, 180a ; of horses, 521a ; Paopi, 236b.
of wings, 522a. papers, 619a.
Pais, 231b. papyrus, 9a, 13b, 41a, 75b, 82a,
Pait, 231b. 100a, 143b, 302b, 303b, 355a,
Paium’-Asar, 230a. 459b, 733a, 853a, 893b, 897a,
Pakhenmet, 232a. 898a.
apyrus, bundles of, 563a.
Pakhet, 232b. apyri, hieroglyphic, 337b.
Pakhit, 232a.
Pakht, boat of, 48b. apyrus nilotica, 770a.
palace, 30b, 41b, 60b, 81b, 106a, apyrus plant, 854b.
132a, 174a, 237b, 238a, 239a, apyrus roll, 200b, 619a, 733a.
313b, 391b, 444a, 537a, 576b. apyrus shoots, 188b.
apyrus swamp, 14b, 27b, 180b.
palace affairs, 335b.

Paqrer, 233a. pass a limit, 240a.

Pa Ra, 230a. pass away, 216b, 568a, 592a,
parable, 178b. 604a, 649a, 787b, 864b.
paragraph, mark of, 425a. pass in front, 604a.
paralyse, 395a, 641b. pass into, 286b.
paralysed, 809a. pass on, 222a, 286b, 592a.
paralysis, quaking, 631a, 714b. pass over, 604a.
paralytic, 10b. pass quickly, 605a.
paraschistes, 205a. pass sentence, 194b.
parasol, 647b. pass the day or night, 66a, 632b.
parcel of land, 75a, 121b, 125a, pass the time, 65a, 175a, 661b.
136a, 631a. pass through, 593b, 620b, 654a.
parch, 441a. pass up, 222a.
parched, of land, etc., 185b, passage, 105b, 252b, 287a, 330a,
186b, 724b, 732a b, 750b, 764b, 569a, 621a, 894b; to make a,
898a. 621a, 894b.
parchment, 129a. passage by boat, 894b.
pare the nails, 621a. Passage of the god, 895a.
parent, 771a. passages of tombs, 629b.
Parhaqa, 232a. passengers, 31a.
Parhu, 232a. passers-by, 31a.
park, 457b, 725a. passes, to make magical, 66a b.
paroxysm, 841b. passing away, 604b.
parsley, wild, 810b. passion, 729a.
part, 103b, 248b, 251b, 252b, passionate, 615b, 689b.
334b, 815a, 821b, 881b, 882b. passive, mark of the, 823a.
partheno-genesis, 295a. paste, 511a.
partiality, to show, 813a. paste, to rub down into, 676a.
participate, 248b. paste, sycamore, 669b.
particle, 18b ; of asseveration, paste, turquoise, 281b.
792a ; causative, 583a ; con¬ paste, vegetable, 538a.
ditional, 56a, 64b ; conjunc¬ pastille, 42a, 381a, 572b, 650b.
tive, 321a, 339a, 818b ; demon¬ pastry cook, 140b.
strative, 235b, 236a, 341b, pastures, 27a, 54b, 75a, 128b,
369b, 370a, 376b, 823a ; em¬ 343a, 667a.
phatic, la, 64b, 72b ; ex¬ pasture flocks, 83a.
clamatory, 142a, 143b ; ex¬ pasture land, 712b.
planatory, 88b, 90b, 91b ; pasturer, 185a.
grammatical, 550a ; interroga¬ Pat, 233b.
tive, 7a, 56a, 77a, 92b, 253b, path, 28a, 38b, 80a, 144b, 202a,
583a, 591b, 593b ; 750b ; nega¬ 276b, 277b, 280b, 290a b, 293a,
tive, 56a ; optative, 292b ; 333b, 334b, 499a.
prohibitive, 307a. Patheth, 233b.
particular, 595a. patience, 664b.
party (in law case), 745a. patient, 49b, 94b, 451b, 598a,
Paru (Ra ?), 232a. 665a ; to be, 33b.
Paseru, 232b. patient, the, 580a, 664b.
Pasetu, 232b. patter, 906b.
Pashakara, 232b. Pau, god, 231a.
Pa-shemt-en-Her (Pashons), 232b. pause, 134a.
Pashons, 40b. Pauti, 231a, 250a.
pass, 377b, 592a, 605a, 618b, Pauti-taui, 231a.
622a, 649a, 653a, 676a. Paut-then-ta, 231b.

paved walk, 202a. Peh-retui, 245a.

pavement, 209a, 585a b ; blocks Peh-sekhet, 245a.
for, 566a. Peh-Sept-f, 244b.
pavilion, 298a, 647b, 682a, 839b ; Pehtes, the dog, 243b.
of a ship, 531a. Pehui-her, 244b.
paw, 255b. Pehui-utchait, 244b.
pay, 193b, 874b, 904a. Peh-ustt, 245a.
pay a due, 601a, 668a. Pekharer, 246b.
pay back, 304a, 874a. Pekhari, 246b, 428b.
pay for, 904a. Pekharit, 246b.
pay heed to, 147b. Pekhariu, 246b.
paymaster, 172a, 650b. Pekharu, 428b.
payment, 9b, 88b, 193b, 264a, Pekhat, 246a.
266a, 729b, 874ab, 904a. Pekhit, 246 a.
payment, forced, 521a. Pekht, 247b.
payment, part, 821b. pelican, 184b, 441b, 547b.
Payni, 740a. pellet, 42a, 129b, 849b, 880b, 910a.
peace, 449b, 517b, 727a. pelt, 62a, 400b.
peace, to be at, 449b, 517b, Pelusium, 605b ; wine of, 676a.
706b ; depart in, 716b. pen for cattle, 337a.
peace-cakes, 518a. Pen, god, 236a.
peaceful, 517b, 727a. pen, sheep’s, 817a.
peacemaker, 699a. penalty, the death, 655b.
peak, 433b. Penant, 236b.
peak of the mountain, 885b. Penapt, 236b.
Peak of the West, 885b. Penat, a boat, 236b.
peals of thunder, 447a. Penat boat, 152a.
pearl beads, 186a. pendant, 282a.
pearls, rope of, 70b. pendent, 387b ; of the breasts,
peas, 235a. 398a, 885b.
peasant, 30a, 76a, 302a, 311a, penetrate, 5a, 19b, 49b, 117b, 158b,
411a, 413b, 457b, 686a, 860b, 191b, 567b, 592a, 630b, 650a,
893a. 845a, 846b.
Pebaf, 235b. Penhesb, 237a.
pebble, 62a, 112a, 115b, 129b, Penhuba, 237a.
218a, 394a. penis, 489a.
pectoral, 70ab, 183b, 193a, 202a, Penn-Khenti-Amenti, 237a.
216a, 306a, 446a, 452b, 575a, Penramu, 236b.
734b. Penrent, 237a.
pedestal, 156a, 253b, 298a, 388a, Pent, 237b.
675b, 875a ; of a god, 220b. Pentauru, 237b.
peep, 762b, 814b. Pentch, 237b.
Pefi, 235b. Pentchen, 237b.
Pefset-akhu-f, 236a. Penten, 237b.
peg, 139b, 140a, 246a,367a, 565a, Penter, 237b.
777b ; of a boat, 101a, 187a ; Penti, god, 237b.
of a net, 38a. Pentta, 237b.
Pega, 252b, 253a. people, 117b, 165a, 170a, 197a,
Peh-am, 245a. 205a, 233b, 249a, 269a, 313b,
Peh-arti, 245a. 423b, 426a, 429a, 430a, 435b,
Peh-Herui, 245a. 436b, 447a, 465b, 466a, 525a,
Peh-khau, 244b. 570a, 584a, 681b, 880a, 900b ;
Pehreri, 245b. all people, 357a.

people, foreign, 6b. period, the ten-day, 134a.

people of a country, 815b periphery, 747b.
People of the Two Lands (i.e., periplus, 576b.
Egyptians), 815b. perish, 10b, 163b, 240a, 315b,
peoples on the land, 774a. 520a, 565b, 627a, 703b, 792b,
pepper (?), 235b. 805a, 835a.
peppermint, 139b. peristyle of court, 247a.
Peqa, festival and temple of Perit, 241a, 242b.
252 a. Perit-em-up-Ra, 241b.
Peqert, 252a. Periu, 241b.
peqer tree, 252a. Per-Keku, 240a.
peqer wood, 252a. Per-Kemkem, 240a.
Per-Amen, 238a. permanent, 296b, 297a, 413b,
perceive, 121b, 128a, 266b, 771b, 422a, 632a, 913b.
802b, 808a. Per-Manu, 238b.
perception, 783b. Per-mau, 81a.
perch, 13a, 373a. permeated, 20a.
perdition, 120a, 520a. permit ! 279b.
Per em hru, 241a. Per-mit, 238b.
perfect ! 296b. Per-nefer, 239a.
perfect, 93a, 304a, 522a. Per-neferu- etc., 243a.
perfect, to be, 900a. Per-neser, 239a.
perfect, to make, 521b ; 644a, Per-neter, 239a.
670b, 773a. perpetually, 264a.
perfected, 671a. Per-Qebh, 240a.
perfection, 214a b, 304a. Perru, 241b.
perforate, 220b, 249a. Per-Sah, 239b.
perform, 411a. persea, 92b, 734a.
perfume, to, 610a, 786b. persecute, 373a.
perfume, 36a, 54b, 112a, 256b, Per-Seker, 240a.
257b, 374b, 631a, 670b, 705b, Per-seshep, 239b.
712b, 899b ; festival of, 628a ; Per-sha-nub, 240a.
Nubian, 536a. persistent, 297a.
perfumer, 91b, 315a. person, 153a, 466a, 583a, 633a,
Pergasides, 243b. 640b, 782b, 828b, 893a.
pergola, 219b, 396b, 762a. person, great, 108a.
perhaps, 130b, 328a, 548b. persuade, 650b.
Per-Henu, 239b. Pert, season of, 40b, 242b,
Peri-em-hat-f, 241b. 829a.
Peri-em-khet- etc., 241b. per Tuat, 240a.
Peri-em-qenbt, 241b. perturbed, 380a.
Peri-em-tep-f, 241b. perverse, 637b.
Peri-em-thet-f, 241b. perversity, 637a.
peril, 445a. pervert, 741b.
perimeter of a town, 317a. Pesekhti, 248b.
Perimu (?), 241b. pesesh Kef, 249a.
perinaeum, 795b. pesh-en-kef, 251b.
period, 133b, 434a, 440b, 588b, Peshf-heteput, 251b.
696a, 778a. Peshna, 251b.
period, the henti, 488a. Pesit, 248a.
period of time, 875a. pesiu, 248a.
Period, Pre-dynastic, 830a. Pestchet, 250a.
period, recurring, 594a. Pest-em-nub, 249b.

Pestit, 249a. Philometores, 404b.

Pestit, 249b. Philopator, 98a, 833a.
Pestit-khenti-hert, 249b. Philopatores, 404b.
Pest-taui, 249a. Phoenicia, 794a.
Pest-taui, 249b. phoenix, 213b, 218a.
Pestti, 249b. phylactery, 585b.
Pestu, 249b. phylarch, 108b, 585b.
Pet (Ptah), 253b. physician, 592b, 605b ; chief,
Pet-a, 256a. 172a.
Pet-ahat, 256a. physician, craft of, 592b.
Petch-aha, 257b. Physician-god, 30b.
Petch-taiu, 257b. pick, 95a.
Petchu, 257b. pick (of the stable), 710b.
Pe-Tep, Council of, 901b. picked (words), 710b.
Peti, god, 237b, 253b. picket, 565a.
Petit, 253b. picture, 666b, 885b ; of a god,
Petit-abut, 256a. 698b ; to make, 779a.
petition, 8a, 382b, 465a, 596a, piece, 91b, 105a, 106b, 154a,
607a, 645b, 658a, 662a, 668b, 245b, 252b, 392b, 396b, 838a ;
670a, 745a, 824a. broken pieces, 772b ; of flesh,
petition, to, 382b, 650b. 32b ; of ground, 156b.
petitioner, 662a, 809a, 824a, pied, 278b.
866a, 896a. pierce, 19b, 220b, 395a, 441a,
Petr, 254a. 446a, 567b, 592a, 608b, 630b,
Pet-ra, 256a. 650a, 694a, 713b, 845a, 846ab,
Petra, 254a. 878a, 889a, 905a, 914b.
Petra-Ba, 254a. piercer, 166b.
Petra-neferu- etc., 254a. piercing (of the eye), 509b.
Petra-sen, 254b. pig, 42b, 174a, 428a, 722a.
Petrat, 254a. pig, black, of Set, 722a.
Pet-she, 256a. pig in the boat, 121a.
Petsu, 256b. pig, mythological, 120b.
Petti, 255b. pigeon, 231b, 299b, 803b, 809b,
Petu-she, 256a. 810b.
phallus, 164a, 204b, 217a, 219b, pigeon tower, 319b.
291a, 292a, 331a, 372a, 448b, pigment, 34b.
485b, 489a, 599b, 721b. pike, 281b, 351a, 338b ; soldier’s,
phallus, knife-shaped, 43a, 81a, 635b.
121a. pilaster, 179b.
phallus of Osiris, 429b. pile, 814b.
phallus, skin cases for the, 489a. pilfer, 538b.
Phallus-god, 110a, 200b, 217a. pilgrim, 810b.
Phamenoth, 236b. pill, 42a, 129b, 203b, 234b, 237a,
phantom, 473a. 248b, 256b, 428a, 490b, 650a,
phantom-island, 783a. 910a.
Pharaoh, 109a, 238a ; his apart¬ pillage, 459a, 729b, 796b.
ments, 136a. pillaging, 461b.
Pharmuthi, 237a. pillar, 58b, 109b, 121b, 133a,
phase, 761b. 151a, 179b, 192b, 274b, 583b,
Philadelphus, 674a. 617a, 635b, 693a, 823b, 861a,
Philae, 36a ; necropolis of, 166a. 872a, 914a.
philander, 66b. pillar of a balance, 272a.
Philometor, 295a. pillar, sacred, 914a.

pillar-scales, 320a. plainly, 265b.

pillars of heaven, the Four, 550a, plaintiff, 662a, 745a, 866a.
617a, 639a, 693a, 861a. plait, 261b, 615b.
pillow, 175a, 541a. plait, to, 368a, 859b.
pilot, 30a, 44b, 93b, 170b, 739a. plaiter, of baskets, 368b ; of
pilot of Ra, 20a, 58b. crowns, 292b.
Pineter-tuau, 234b. plan, 94a, 510b, 617b, 624a, 694a,
pinion, 298b, 522a, 733b, 878b, 700b, 779b, 855a, 860b.
907b. plan, to, 694a, 708b.
pint, 442a. plane, inclined, 390a.
pioneers, 272b. planet, 546b, 701a.
pipe, 147a. plank, 79b, 88b, 314a, 469b,
pipe, to, like a bird, 100b. 566a, 590a, 615b, 644b, 765a,
piping, 853b. 856b.
Pit, 234b. plant, 5a, 8a, 14b, 15a, 17a, 21b,
pit, 187b, 337a, 444b, 464a, 754b, 25a b, 30b, 32b, 33b, 34a, 38b,
758b. 40a, 41a, 54b, 55a, 60a b, 61a,
pit of fire, 58a. 63b, 64a, 75b, 77b, 79a, 93b,
pit of a tomb, 8a. 95b, 99a, 102a, 105a, 111b, 113b,
pitch, 423b, 428a, 647b, 666a. 119b, 121b, 122a, 125a, 136a,
pitch a camp, 147b ; a tent, 138a, 139b, 140a, 141a, 146ab,
499a. 147b, 150a, 159b, 167b, 168a,
pitcher, 856b ; pitcher and 169b, 179a, 188b, 197a, 202a,
stand, 645b. 209a, 213a, 224b, 226b, 232b,
pitiful, 597b, 598a. 242b, 245b, 247b, 259b, 262b,
pity, 348a ; to show, 66a, 346b. 263a, 278b, 279a, 280a, 290a,
place, 27a, 79b, 82b, 106a, 114a, 299a, 322a, 330b, 343a b, 348b,
133b, 174b, 190a, 197a, 207a, 354a, 355a b, 370b, 372b, 377b,
213b, 215a, 220a, 226b, 272b, 380b, 383b, 389b, 390ab, 394a,
278a, 289a, 297b, 330b, 419a, 396a, 407b, 437b, 452b, 464a,
436b, 448b, 479a, 583b, 731b, 466a, 471a, 472ab, 475b, 479a,
734a, 783b, 856a, 893a. 482b, 484a, 487b, 489a, 527b,
place, accustomed, 80a. 531b, 539b, 544a, 545a, 553ab,
place behind, 458a. 563b, 566a, 589a, 590b, 594b,
place below, 214b. 597b, 598a, 600b, 605b, 612a,
place for drawing water, 287a ; 615a, 635a b, 636b, 637a b, 638a,
for exercising horses, 851b ; 644b, 645a b, 659a, 676a, 677a,
for fattening animals, 185a ; 681b, 695a, 697a, 711ab, 714b,
for fighting, 516a. 727b, 728a, 735b, 736b, 741a b,
place, holy, 155b. 746b, 752a, 753a, 785b, 791a,
place of honour, 79b. 798b, 799b, 803b, 804a, 805a,
place of law, 80a. 808b, 809a, 810b, 811b, 818a,
place of protection, 38a. 825a, 827b, 828a, 832a, 839a b,
place of purity, 79b. 842a, 846b, 850a, 858a b, 872a,
place of rest, 35a, 409b. 873a, 886a, 887a, 888a, 891a,
place of slaughter, 26b. 892b, 896a, 897a, 899b, 900a,
place of the feet, 80a, 214a. 913a.
place, secret, 477b. plant, aromatic, 160a, 344a, 398a.
place, to, 22a, 147b, 180a, 436b, plant, earshaped, 883a.
631a, 707b, 864a, 865a. plant, flowering, 884a.
placenta, 795b. plant, the frankincense, 377b.
plague, 27a. plant, to, 867b, 891b.
plain, 311a, 721b. plant, medicinal, 35a.

plant of life (i.e., grain), 126b, 487b. pleasure ground, 559a.

plant of smell, 388a. pleasure, to feel or to have,
plant of spring, 427a. 688a, 693a, 717a.
plant, oily, 802b. pledge, 32b, 131b.
plant, resinous, 367b. plentiful, 148a.
plant, river, 13b. plenty, 469b, 606b, 677a.
plant, strong-smelling, 26b. plinth, 253b, 662b, 675b, 875a.
plant, sweet-smelling, 574a. plot, 145b, 694a, 860b.
plant used in making boats, 648b. plot of ground, 10b, 43b, 106a,
plant, water, 22b, 302b, 303b. 175a, 424b, 449b, 479b, 568a,
plant with gummy juice, 398a. 758a, 881b, 915a.
plantation, 299a, 558b, 755a. plough, 29b, 66b, 90b, 95a, 127a,
Plant-god, 180b. 445b, 488b, 489a, 540a, 626a.
plants, growing, 421b. plough, to, 201a, 302a, 441a,
plants, kinds of, 192b. 445b, 468b, 488b, 540a, 559b,
plaque, 42a, 123a, 317a, 511a, 564a, 704ab, 751b.
827b. ploughed land, 276a, 540b.
plaques, the Four, 827b. ploughman, 75a, 201a, 302a,
plaster, lb, 36b, 702a. 489a, 540a, 704b.
plate, 208b, 223b, 708a, 762a. ploughshare, 604a.
plate, to, 212b, 353b, 368b, 474a, plover, 891b.
590b, 650a, 659a, 717b, 891b. pluck, 262a, 263a.
plate with metal, 183b, 409b. pluck a bird, 186b, 395a.
plated, 324b, 617b. pluck away, 796a.
platform, 207a, 600b. pluck out, 550b, 688b, 801b ;
plating, metal, 717b. hair, 167a, 458a.
plaudits, 275a, 442a. plum tree, 102b.
play the fool, 180a. plumage, 887a.
play, to, and play musical in¬ plume, 319a.
struments, 475b, 476a, 541b, plumed, double, 18a.
771b ; the flute, 588a, 594a ; plumes, the Two, 596b, 662b,
harp, 211a, 614a, 836a ; sis- 725a.
trum, 66b ; tambourine, 42b, plummet, 842b.
887b ; zither, 685b, 741b, 843b, plunder, 100b, 101a, 110b, 114b,
857a, 887b. 115b, 464b, 467b, 473a, 550b,
player, 475b, 741b, 843b ; of 572b, 750b, 794a, 849b.
* music, 535b. plunder, to, 467b, 545a.
playfully, 476a. plunderer, 464b.
playing, 887b. plunge, 442b, 613a, 642a, 820a,
pleader, 745a. 843a.
pleading, 868a. pluralist, 131a.
pleasant, 111b, 123a, 211a, 219a, P-neb-taui, 236b.
347a, 370b, 412a, 449a, 516a, P-nefer-nehem, 236b.
610a, 876b. poignard, 226a, 276b, 333b.
pleasant, to make, 658a, 679a ; point, 525a, 554a, 828a.
to make oneself, 643a. pointer of the scales, 842b, 887b.
pleasantness, 421a. poised in air, 135a.
please, 66b, 110b, 442a, 601b, poison, 300b, 332a ; of serpent,
658a, 669a, 670a, 677a. 348a.
pleased, 333a, 549b, 658a, 752a. pole, lb, 17a, 60a, 89a, 115b,
pleasing, 449b, 660a. 129b, 274a, 347a, 467a, 470a,
pleasure, 3a, 19a, 20b, 155a, 566a, 583b, 635b, 638b, 675b,
508a, 616b, 682a, 776b, 865a. 847b, 851a.
4 F 2

pole, carrying, 367b, 630b. portrait, 577a.

pole, chariot, 106a, 864b. portrait painter, 645b.
pole for working a boat, 670a. portulaca, 288b.
pole, impaling, 566b. position, 133b, 297a, 737a ;
pole of net, 835b. official, 18a.
pole, steering, 373a, 375b, 478b. possess, 317b, 547b, 580a, 638a,
police, 292a. 707a, 772a.
Police, Sudani, 386a. possessing, 579b.
policeman, 333a, 588a. possession, 79a, 91b, 638a ; to
polish, 329b, 356a, 395b, 622b, 682a. take, 333a.
polished, 753a. possession, demoniacal 419a.
pollute, 642b, 818a. possessionless, 12b, 340b.
pollution, sexual, 818a. possessions, 77a, 296b, 395b,
poltroon, 481b, 548a. 396b, 487a, 525a, 561a, 580b,
pomade, 337a, 433b, 516a, 824a. 720 , 724b, 812a ; of the god,
pomatum, 626b. 525b.
pomegranate, 62b, 63a, 222b, 876b. possessor, 357a, 580a, 810a, 812a.
pond, 22a, 204b, 293a, 442a, post, 133b, 141a, 301a, 347a,
449b, 768b. 635b.
ponder, 274a, 285a, 330b, 393a. post, mooring 301a.
ponderous, 838b, 839b. post of door, 479b.
pool, 78b, 121b, 128b, 140b, 187b, post on a boat, 540a.
202a, 204a b, 212b, 285a, 307b, posterity, 30a, 31a, 33a, 113b,
325b, 349b, 431a, 569a, 574a, 243a, 265b, 331b, 443b, 542b,
576a, 592b, 640a, 642a, 650b, 567b, 812a, 898a.
720a, 758a, 814a. pot, 28a b, 43a, 72a, 94b, 104a,
pool, the upper, 579a. 107a, 118a, 128a, 131a, 137a,
pool with plants in it, 148b. 143a, 178a, 186a, 204a, 208b,
poor, 12b, 375b, 379b, 733b, 899b. 213b, 230b, 276b, 278a, 282b,
poor folk, 476a. 284a, 292b, 295a, 300a, 301b,
poor man, 270a, 413b, 472b, 734a, 314a, 354a, 355b, 374b, 376a,
810a. 394a, 400b, 433a, 449b, 486b,
poor, the, 128a, 340a, 376a. 499b, 510a, 512b, 516b, 529b,
poor, to be, 472b. 537b, 539b, 544a, 558b, 603a,
poor-spirited, 472b. 605b, 606a, 672b, 676ab, 716b,
poppy-seed, 252a. 731a, 725a, 754b, 758a, 763b,
population, 815b. 767b, 790b, 791b, 809a, 838b,
porcelain, blue, 842a. 847b, 850b, 851b, 852a, 854a,
porch, 420b, 701b. 857a, 868b, 872b, 876a, 877ab,
porphyry, 62b. 884a, 888a, 892a, 895b, 911b ;
port, 105a, 1376, 180b, 230a, boiling, 791a ; cooking, 228b ;
300b, 307b, 308a, 647b. metal, 41b, 764b.
port-master, 312a. pot for grain, 596a.
port side, 45a. pot for shoulders, 425b.
portal, 371b, 819a. pot of beer, 350b.
portals, the Two, 552b. pot of Khoiak festival, 783b.
porter, 56a, 70a, 260c, 425b, pot of palette, 232b.
591a, 629b, 643a, 645b, 670b, pot, unguent, 356b.
712a, 767a, 776a. pot-herb, 8a.
portico, 58b, 179b, 420b. potentate, 690b.
portion, 245b, 248b, 251b, 252ab, Potiphar, 256b.
263b, 334b, 392b, 580b, 693b, potsherd, 252a.
815a, 821b, 835b, 881b. pottage, 6b, 8a, 36b.

potter, 143b, 384b, 779a. 149b, 152b, 166b, 379b, 438a,

potter, craft of, 384b. 442a, 444b, 448a, 508a, 515b,
potter, table of, 384b. 516a, 593a, 603b, 608a, 622b,
Potter, the Divine, 385a, 779a. 635a, 678a, 801b, 833b, 835b,
potter’s clay, 10a. 858a, 871a.
pouch, 33b, 835b. praises, to sing, 508a.
poultry, 573a. praisers, 442a, 448a, 871a.
poultry yard, 316b. praisings, 824a.
pound, to, 140b, 185a, 480b, prance, 701a.
571a, 573b, 613a, 683b, 704a, pratas monkey, 802b.
757a, 844b ; drugs, 605a ; pray to, 186b, 187a, 254b, 382b,
together, 186a, 411a. 385a, 436b, 597a, 598b, 601a,
pound up, 441a, 446a. 602b, 606b, 607a, 624a, 649a,
pounded things, 331a. 668b, 671b, 677b, 726b, 740b,
pounding, 285a. 741a, 758a, 824a, 835b, 876a.
pour out a libation, water, oil, prayer, 80a, 254b, 382b, 607a,
etc., 35b, 91b, 99b, 101b, 118a, 658a,662a,711b,726b,857b,876a.
155b, 185a, 195b, 224b, 228a, prayer, pure, 825a.
237a, 252a, 302b, 387a, 400a, preach, 468b.
401a, 541b, 561b, 589ab, 597b, precept, 409a, 679b, 719b, 831b,
598a, 609a, 665a, 666a, 697b, 860b.
702a, 708a, 729b, 793b, 804a, precinct, 207a; of temple, 511b.
814a, 833ab, 854b, 862b, 906b. precious, 93a, 110a.
poverty, 7b, 270a, 800b. precipice, 727a, 729b.
powder, 347b, 386b, 395b, 396a, predecessors, 45b, 830a, 909a.
469a, 534a, 752a ; to reduce predestinate, 722b.
to, 347b. predict, 610b.
powder, white, 751a. pre-eminence, 554a.
powdered substance, 186b. pre-eminent, 828b.
power, 182a, 197a, 241a, 245a, prefix, causative, 633a.
306a, 379a, 388b, 402a, 537b, pregnant, 35a, 165b, 206a, 207a,
544a, 690b, 738a, 769b, 772a, 215b, 225b, 651a.
783a, 822b ; personified, 691a. pregnant, to make, 590a, 594b,
Power, Divine, 389a, 401b, 691a. 642a, 656b, 660a.
power, to have, 18a, 145a, 163b, pregnant woman, 35a, 658a.
317b, 772a. prejudice, 2b, 8a, 12b.
power, words of, 22b. preparation, 660b, 663a.
powerful, 107b, 388b, 697a. prepare, 269a, 618b, 661a, 696b,
powerless, 8a, 228a. 710a, 715a, 811b ; a bed, 14a ;
Powers, the, 691a. food, 65b ; path, 912a.
Powers, the Two, 691a. prepared, 597b, 645a, 663a.
P-peshtit-neteru, 235b. preparedness, 660b, 783b.
practice, 666b. preposition, compound, 749a.
praise, 6a, 15a, 17ab, 68b, 102b, prepuce, 220a, 264b, 776b.
149b, 184b, 381b, 358b, 440a, prescribed, 487a.
442a, 449a, 451b, 479a, 485a, prescription, 563b, 831b ; to make
487a, 515b, 586a, 589b, 592a, up a, 140b.
608a, 633a, 639a, 649b, 652b, presence 333b ; presence of 205a.
677b, 680a, 696a, 798a, 805b, present, 3a, 5b, 115a, 117a,
822b, 824a, 871a ; words of, 204b, 270b, 333b, 343a, 487a,
3b ; praised, 508b. 550b, 582a, 736a, 862a.
praise, the gold of, 353a. present, to, 28b, 152a, 259a,
praise, to, 65a, 66a, 138b, 141a, 301b, 562a, 592a, 694b.
4F 3

presentation to the dead, 259a. Prince, Everlasting, 610a.

preserve, 594b. prince, hereditary, 423a.
preserved, 180b. Prince, Great (i.e., Ra), 610a.
preserves of birds, 778a. princess, 392a, 422b, 460b, 513a,
president, 331b, 494a, 562a ; 584a.
of priests, 331b ; of the principal (money), 829a.
Thirty, 281a. prison, 75a, 99a, 100a, 101b,
press, to, 292b, 338a b, 491b, 342a, 412b, 465a, 499b, 539a,
492a, 707b ; oil or wine, 28b, 550a, 569a, 690a, 723b, 758b,
114a. 789b, 875a, 903b, 915b.
pressing, 356b. prisoner, 12b, 90a, 100a, 101b,
pressure, 338a. 317b, 464b, 550a, 552a, 648a,
pretend, 65b. 702b, 705b, 752a ; living, 625b ;
pretty, 123a, 341b, 370b, 371a. of war, 702a ; to take, 464b.
prevail, 690b, 794b. prison-house, 557b.
prevent, 36b ; the dawn, 562b. prithee, 279b.
previously, 554a. private apartment, 573a, 575b.
prey, 243b. private parts, 550a.
price, 88b, 206b, 286b, 642a, private soldier, 436a.
643b, 649a, 650b, 904a. privilege, 605b.
prick the ears, 589a. prize-bearer, 259a.
prick, to, 249a, 344a. prize of victory, 736a.
pride, 189b, 203b, 241a, 861b ; problem, 178b.
words of, 335b. procedure, 698b.
priest, 44b, 116a, 138b, 155a,158a, proceed from, 240a.
298b, 402b, 482b, 483a, 548b, procession, 242a.
580b, 598b, 677a, 690b, 711a ; procession of boats, 576a.
assistant, 715b ; chief, 581a ; procession, festal, 166b.
courses of, 167b ; funerary, procession, royal, 535a.
558a ; in ordinary, 167b. procession-boat, 703a.
priest of An-her, 132b. proclaim, 34b, 40a, 276b, 343b,
priest of a tomb, 44b. 344a, 345b, 468b, 632b, 642a,
priest of the hour, 45a, 402b. 722b, 745a, 756b.
priest of the month, 44b. proclaim the name, 411a.
priest of Ra and Mnevis, 174b. proclaimer, 176b, 548b.
priest of resurrection, 262a. proclamation, 192a, 344a, 669b.
priest of the people, 580b. procreation, 188b.
priest, royal, 392a. procreator, 826a.
priest, sacrificial, 54b, 166b, produce, 65a, 72a, 188b, 221b,
303b, 325a, 665a. 246a, 490a, 616a, 840a, 868a,
priest, the sem or setem, 666b. 914b, 915b.
priest, titles of, 39b, 409b. produce, annual, 580b.
priest who “opened the mouth,” produce (food), 747a.
166b. produce of a country, 722b.
priestess, 483a. produce of field or garden, 647b,
priestess of Busirite Nome, 711a.
171b. produce, to, 56a, 321a, 639b,
priestess of Heliopolis, 172a. 690a.
priesthood, 483a. produced, 221b.
primeval, 830a ; beings, 230b. producer, 321a.
prince, 61a, 97a, 170b, 323b, product, 56b, 72b, 77a, 206b,
392a, 423a, 460b, 513a, 584a, 230b, 251b, 270b, 489a, 525a,
610a, 679b, 715b. 561b, 825a ; natural, 770b.

product of enchanted island, propitiate, 614a, 684b.

723b. propitiation, 656b ; offerings of,
product of Sudan, 287a. 614a, 684b ; place of, 519b.
production, 149b. propose, 753b.
production, literary, 242b. Prosopite, 23a, 132a, 489b.
profane, 262b. prosper, 77b, 150a, 282b, 371a,
professional men, 212a. 421b, 596b.
professional occupation, 18a. prosperity, 214a, 371a, 680b.
profit, 443b, 453a, 722b. prosperous, 128a, 206a.
profitable, 458b, 659b. prostrate oneself, 550a, 572a,
profondeur, 297b. 885a.
progenitor, 830a. prostration, 719a.
progeny, 33a, 243a, 439b, 443b, protect, 65b, 66a, 67a, 175a,
466a. 273b, 288b, 324b, 354a, 366b,
progress, 222a, 478a. 381a, 386b, 409b, 410a, 473a,
progress, to, 370b. 477a, 537a, 586b, 591b, 643a,
prohibition, 441a ; particle of, 654a, 656b, 658b, 676a, 700a,
307b. 701a, 715b, 814a, 843ab.
project, 470b. protect oneself, 586b.
prolific, I89b. protected, 206a, 710b, 747b,
prolong, 450a, 702a ; life, 625b, 851a.
677b. protection, 22b, 214b, 288b, 330b,
promenade, 80a b, 272b. 380a, 537a b, 585b, 586b, 602a,
prominent, 105a, 554a, 557b, 634a ; places of, 330b.
630a, 713a. protective formulae, 22b.
promise, to, 723b. protector, 64b, 273b, 281a, 288b,
promote, 558a, 693b, 719a, 837b, 366b, 386b, 410a, 458a, 537a,
841b, 856a, 885a. 552a, 592a, 648b, 717a.
promulgate, 3a, 690a ; edict, protectress, 288b, 410a.
192a. proud, 107b, 189b, 633b, 861b.
prong, 803b. prove, 444b, 644a, 668b.
pronoun, 229a, 233b, 234b, 253b, provender, 49a, 259b.
610b. proverb, 335a, 860b, 913a.
pronounce, 758a, 877b. proverb, to coin a, 469a, 632b.
proof, 444b, 643b. provide, 376b, 487a, 607a, 618a,
prop, 190a, 637a, 861a ; of sky, 631b, 683b, 689a, 690a, 709b,
133a ; of vine, 473a. 710a, 715a, 717b, 904a, 906b ;
propagate, 260b. provide for, 632a ; offerings,
proper, 139a, 304a. 840b.
property, 77a, 79a, 164b, 389b, provided, 118b, 520a, 663a.
396b, 403a, 487a, 525ab, 561a b, province, 649a.
580b, 631b, 724b, 798b. proving, 754b.
property, cemetery, 525b. provision, to, 632a, 710a, 717b.
property, divine, 518b. provisions, 134b, 179a, 278b,
property, funerary, 893b. 286b, 289a, 323b, 426b, 433a,
property, landed, 638a, 773a, 490a, 580b, 594b, 606b, 609b,
612b, 632a, 663a, 690a, 696a,
property, paternal, 525a. 715a, 735a, 783b, 866b, 884b,
property, royal, 239a. 904a ; house of, 80b.
property, sacred, 70b, 312a. prudent, 246a.
prophecy, 679b. prune vines, to, 178a.
prophesy, 530a, 593a. pry into, 332b, 762b, 814b, 903b.
prophet, 166b, 548b. P-seb-ua, 248a.
4F 4

Ptah (see also Pteh), 30b, 40b, purifying, 868a.

118b, 432a ; claw of, 123b ; purity, 214a.
high priest of, 672a ; priests purple linen, 58b.
of, 666b ; title of, 432a. purpose, 595a, 753b.
Pteh, the god, 254b. purpose, to, 753b.
Pteh-aa-resu-aneb-f, 254b. purse, 131a, 803a.
Pteh-Hap, 255a. purslane, 286a, 288b.
Pteh-Nefer-her, 254b. pursue, 253a.
Pteh-Nu, 254b. pus, 217a, 222b, 294b, 459a,
Pteh-re, 254b. 553a, 822b ; bloody, 100b.
Pteh-Seker, 255a. push, 190a ; aside, 99a, 101b,
Pteh-Tenen, 255a. 631b ; away, 116b ; back,
Pteh-Tet, 255a. 90a ; open, 631b ; out of the
Pteh-ur, 254b. way, 866a ; over, 547a.
publicity, 166b. pussy, 278a.
publish, 610b. pustules, lib, 217a, 222a, 256b,
published, 632b. 738b, 791a, 824a.
pudenda, 217a, 466a, 481b, 489a, put, 190a.
544b. put an end to, 135b.
puff of wind, 82b, 273a, 445a. put aside, 7a, 153a.
puffed up, 545a. put a stop to, 437a.
pull, 100a, 104a, 628b, 629b, put before, 866a.
703b, 713a, 827a. put behind, 289b.
pull down, 443a, 499b. put forth shoots, 8b.
pull off, 262a, 793b. put in restraint, 7a.
pull up, 827a. put into writing, 56b.
pulse, 490b. put off clothes, 665b.
pulse (herbs), 625b. put on, 131b, 376a, 476b ;
pump, 292a. apparel, 169a ; armour, 574b.
pumpkin, 803a. put out a fire, 2b.
punish, lb, 82b, 102b, 163b, 375b, put outside, 437a.
564b, 568a, 644b, 648a. put to earth, 865b.
punished, 564b. put together, 578a.
punishment, 9b, 568a, 594b, putrefaction, 470a, 553a.
614b, 648a, 655b, 664b, 685b, putrefy, 49b.
904b ; hall of, 80b. putrid, 176b, 470a, 762a.
punt, to, 93b. putridity, 554a.
Puntites, 809b. putting forth, 894a.
pupil, 49a, 652a. Putukhipa, 235b.
pupil of eye, 68a, 102a, 307a, pygmy, 374b, 883b.
471b, 481b, 893a, 906b, 907a. pylon, 174b, 205a, 221b, 588b,
pure, 155a, 711a, 714b, 825a. 658b, 659a, 847a.
Pure Land, 816b. pylon keeper, 70b.
pure thing, 38b, 711b. pyramid, 113b, 217a, 219b.
purge, 180a, 246a, 711a ; nitre, pyramid, base of, 180a.
512a. pyramid of Amenemhat II,
purification, 117a, 486b, 711b, 54a.
868a ; place of, 623b. pyramid of Userkaf, 156a.
purified, 155a, 825a. pyramid tomb, 5a, 118b, 217b,
purify, 117a, 155a, 407b, 592a, 314b.
598a, 609b, 631b, 644b, 653b, pyramid-town, 351a.
678b, 703b, 825a, 858a, 865b, pyramidion, 217b, 813a.
873a. Pyrrhides, 243b.

Q. Qebhu, 769a.
Qebhut, 769a.
Qa, god, 760b. qebti, a title, 769b.
Qa (Temu), 761b. Qeftenu, 769b.
Qaa, 760b. Qeftenu, 770a.
Qa-a, 760b. Qeheq, 777b.
Qa-aau, 760b. Qem-baiu-s, 770a.
Qa-ab, 760b. Qem-baiu-set, 770a.
Qaasu, 762b. Qem-hes, 771b.
Qa-ba, 760b. Qen-ab-f, 772a.
Qab-en-Ament, 763a. Qen-Amen, 772a.
Qabi, 763a. Qen-qen-t, 773a.
Qabt-ent-Shu, 763b. Qenqentiu, 772b.
Qa-ha-hetep, 761a. Qenqentt, 772b.
Qahaqu, 764b. Qenti, 773a.
Qa-her-ast-f, 761a. Qeq-ha, 778b.
Qa-her-f, 761a. Qeq-snef, 778b.
'Qahu, 765a. Qera, 775b.
Qai, 762b. Qerastt, 776a.
Qaiqashau, 762b. Qeraut, 777a.
Qait, 761b. Qerhap, 776b.
Qa-meri-mut-f, 760b. Qerhit, 776b.
Qa-mertu-neb, 760b. Qerner, 776b.
Qan, 766a. Qerpiais, 776a.
Qa-neb, 761a. Qerqer, 777b.
Qaq, 765a. Qerr, Qerra, 775b.
Qaqa, 761b. Qerrt, 775a.
Qar, 766a. Qerrt Sar, 775a.
Qart, 763b. Qersu, 777a.
Qa-serpit, 761a. Qerti, 122a, 775a.
Qa-shefshef, 761a. Qertiu gods, 775a.
Qa-shuti, 761a. Qet, 780b.
Qat, 263b. Qet, devil, 781b.
Oat, 765b. qet, a weight, 781a.
Qata, 765a. Qeti, god, 780b.
Qat-a, 760b. Qet-ka, 780b.
Qatcharti, 765b. Qet-kha, 780b.
Qat-em-aakhu-s, 760b. Qetqet, 779a.
Qat-em-sekhem-s, 760b. Qetqet, 780b.
Qat-em-sepu-s, 760b. Qetshit, 794b.
Qa-temt, 761a. Qetshu goddess, 781b.
qatiit, 765b. Qet-t, Sea of, 142b.
Qat-kheru, 761a. Qettbu, 779a.
Qau, 761b. Qett-ka, 780b.
Qeb, 767b, 768a. Qett-Tent, 779a.
Qeb Amentt, 768a. Qetu, the “ Circle,” 780b.
Qebak, 768a. Qi, god, 766b.
Qebh (pyramid), 769a. Qitaui, 767a.
Qebhit, 768b, 769a. quack, 100b, 398a, 705b.
Qebhit-urit, 769a. quadrupeds, 14b.
Qebh-neteru-het, 769a. quake, 12b, 298a, 352b, 356b,
Qebh-senuf, 769a. 380a, 628a, 631a, 636a, 640a,
Qebh-senui-f, 769a. 714b, 799b, 864b.

quaking, 588a, 589ab, 716a, 864b. Ra-Heru-aakhuti, 418b.

qualities, 485b, 779b, 829b, 910b ; Ra-Khenti-het-Mesq, 418b.
distinguishing, 630a ; good, Ra-Kheper, 418b.
635a. Ra-Nekhen, 418a.
quality, 34b, 200a, 209b. Ra-nub, 418a.
quality, finest, 461b. Ra-sa-em-akhekh, 418b.
quantity, 134a, 221a, 838a, 856b ; Ra-sesh, 418b.
small, 379b. Ra-shera, 418b.
quarrel, 461b, 729b, 744b. Ra-shesp-ab, 418a.
quarrelsome, 639b, 682a. Ra-Tem, 418b.
quarry, to, 158b, 178a, 729b. Ra-Tem-Kheper, 418b.
quarry, 571a b ; works, 755a. Ra-tem-ab, 418a.
quarryman, 36b, 94a, 158b, 402b. Ra-ur, 418a.
quarter, 529b ; to give, 9a. Ra, ancestors of, lib, 830b.
quarter of month, 881b ; of Ra, Boat of, 30b, 31a, 403b.
town, 32a, 77b, 156b, 313b, Ra, Body of, 23b.
314a ; of a city, 532a. Ra, Chief of Followers of, 830a.
quarters, 136a. Ra, dead body of, 43a.
quay, 80a, 137b, 300b, 307b, 308a, Ra, eye of, 23a, 154a, 194a, 408b,
544b 475a.
queen,’ 107a! 171a, 391a, 392a, Ra, Followers of, 743a.
481a, 486a, 513a. Ra, harpoon of, 47a.
quench, 135b. Ra, left eye of, 18b, 68a.
quern, 218a. Ra, masturbations of, 386a.
quest, 745a. Ra, right eye of, 68a, 168a.
question, to, 445a, 882a, 911b. Ra, phallus of, 489a.
quick, 563a, 827b. Ra, pilot of, 20a.
quick spoil, 82b. Ra, products of, 352b.
quickly, 754b. Ra, the Seventy-five Addresses
quiet, 95b, 767b. to, 337b.
quiet, to, 252b, 682a, 706b ; to Ra, title of, 20b.
be, 291a ; to keep, 575b. Ra, Two Aspects of, 461a.
quieter, 612b. Ra, Two Obelisks of, 843b.
quietness, 896b. Ra, Two Pillars of, 698b.
quite, 181a. Ra, woman of, 471b.
quiver, 89a, 640a, 728b ; handle race, 322a.
of, 105b. radiance, 23a, 31a, 128b, 146a,
quotation, mark of, la, 913a. 225a, 274a, 459b, 522b, 535a,
622b, 685a, 708a b, 712b, 736b,
753a, 914a.
R. radishes, 786a.
Ra, 230a, 417b, 418a. raft of reeds, 905a.
Ra Afu, 418a. rafters, 215a.
Ra Asar, 418a. rag, 82a, 516b, 517a, 589b, 596b,
Ra-ast-ab, 417b. 652b, 810a.
Ra Atni, 418a. rage, 395a, 536b, 602a.
Ra-em-aten-f, 418a. rage at, 14a.
Ra-em-hetep, 418a. rage, to, 381b, 536a, 744b, 774b,
Ra-em-nu, 418a. 884a, 908a.
R a - e m -1 a - e n - A tern, 418a. raging of the sea, 774b.
Ra-en-hequ, 417b. raid, 441a, 461b.
Ra-er-neheh, 418a. raid, to, 138b, 158b, 261b, 441a,
Ra-Heru, 418b. 459a.

raider, 858a. rat, 236b, 809b.

raiding, 461b. Ratat, 417b.
rail, 723b. ratepayers, 838a.
railing, 723b. ration, 91b, 174a, 245b, 248b,
raiment, 476b, 606a, 757a. 251b, 663a, 696a, 838b, 866b.
raiment, change of, 304b. ration, for beasts, 41b.
raiment, festal, 670a, 712b. rational beings, 430a b.
raiment, fine, 282b. rat’s bane, 25b, 236b, 589a.
raiment, holy, 155b. rat’s tail (herb), 714a.
raiment, ornamental, 671b. rattle, to, 66b.
rain, 122b, 293b, 459b, 467b, ravager, 115b.
469a, 571a, 806b. ravenous, 411b.
rain channel, 144b. ravine, 58a, 252b, 533a.
rain cloud, 465a. ravish, 849a.
rain flood, 95a. ravisher, 101a.
rain, heavy, 465a. rays, 49a, 124a, 249b, 608b,
rain storm, 27a, 95b, 317b, 465a, 685a, 698b, 708b.
571a, 642b, 746a, 775b, 814a. rays of light, 3b, 159b.
rain, thunder, 607a. razor, 534a, 572a.
rain torrent, 294a. Re-aa-ur, 416b.
raise, 189b, 536a, 837b, 856a, Re-Hap, Re-Hep, 416b.
861a, 873a. Re-Khemenu, 417a.
raise a song, 630a. Re-nen, 416b.
raise taxes, 860a. Re-pan, 416b.
raise up, 92a, 135a, 618a, 646b, Re-peq, 416b.
880b. Re-Peshna, 416b.
raise up children, 101b. Re-Qerrt, 417a.
raised, 880b. Re-stau, 417a.
raisins, 49b. reach, 244a, 577b, 638a.
Rait, 418a, 780a. reach out, 712a, 804b, 873a,
Rait-taui, 418b. 894a, 896b.
ram, 129a, 200a, 444a, 587a, reach the shore, 638a.
610a, 611a, 737b. reach up, 28a.
Ram (Dekan), 640b. read, 722b, 758a b.
Ram of Amen, 429a. ready, 645a, 663a ; be ready,
Ram of Mendes, with four faces, 597b ; make, 269a, 715a, 811b.
111b, 200a, 408b, 493b. ready of mind, 533a.
Ram-god, 181b, 199b, 424b, ready of tongue, 633a.
498a, 578a ; the four-headed, real, 270b, 271a.
738a. really, 170a, 602a ; and truly,
Ram-gods, the Four, 260a. 271a.
Rameses II, 696a. reap, 8b, 10a, 36b, 90b, 114b,
ramp, 435a, 707b. 178a, 263b, 268b, 274b, 614b,
range, 134a. 685b.
ranger, 157a. reaper, 527a, 567b.
rank, 15a, 18a, 32a, 387b, 554a. Reapers, the Seven, 71a.
rank, royal, 646a. reaping, 110b.
Rapan, 234a. rear guard, 244a.
rape, to, 396b. rear, to, 468a, 677b, 757b, 865b.
rapidly, 754b. rearing, of cobra, 259a.
rapids, 236b. rearward, 264b.
rare, 110a, 755b. Rebasunna, 422a.
Rastau, Council of, 901b. Rebati, 422b.

rebel, 12b, 88b, 99a, 101b, 116a, red cloth, 58b, 97a, 98b, 103a.
145b, 208b, 209a, 216b, 227a, red clouds, 890a.
251b, 322b, 356b, 357b, 434a, red cow, 845a.
549b, 574b, 682a, 704a, 707b, Red Crown, 890a.
735b, 755a, 899a. Red Ear, 890a.
rebel, to, 3b, 224a, 433b, 577a, red earth, ochre or paint, 558b.
690a. Red-Eyes, a god, 890a.
rebellion, 145b, 207b, 224a, 531b, Red-Faces, gods, 890a.
597a, 657a, 682a, 796b. Red Festival, 890a.
rebellious, 227a, 735b. red fiends, 889b.
rebels, foreign, 227a. Red-Fish, 890b.
Rebu (Lebu), 422b. red flame, 889b.
rebuild, 601a, 668b. red grain, 889b, 890b.
Rebu-inini, 422b. red hair, 890a.
rebuke, 644b, 652b. red-haired devils, 208a.
receive, 622b, 698b, 701a, 752a. red hot, 817b.
receptacle, 473a, 707b, 800b. red land, 889b.
recitation, 758a, 758b. Red-Land, 890b.
recite formulae, 22b, 574b, 589b, Red Mountain, 870a.
745a, 814b. red ones, 889b.
recite, to, 106b, 176b, 601a, 635a, red plants, 889b.
692b, 717a, 758ab, 913a. red pomade, 890a.
recited, 877b. red sand, 890b.
reciter of spells, 585b. red stone, 551b.
reckon, 345a, 477a, 510b, 838a, red thing, 715b, 889b.
856b. red vases, the Four, 890a b.
reckon up, 41a, 79b, 89a, 807b, red wing, 890a.
888a. red wood (cam wood ?), 566b.
reckoning, 41a, 465b, 510b, 856b ; redden, 715b.
make a, 716a ; method of, reddish, 889a.
134a. redness, 845a.
reclaim, 289a. reduce, 57b, 607a, 635a, 644a,
recluses, 552a. 858a.
recognize, 641b, 649a. reduce to powder, 9b.
recoil, 152a. reed, 2b, 8b, 9a, 21b, 25a, 29b,
recollection, 688a. 36b, 82a, 92b, 103b , 129a, 135b,
recommend, 448b. 139b, 147a, 167a, 189b, 293b,
recompense, 33a, 88b, 304a, 508a, 421a, 431b, 636a, 641b, 654a,
898b, 904a. 722a, 733b, 735b, 773a, 779a,
reconstitute, 859b. 778b, 795a, 803a, 804a, 808b,
record, 192a, 688a, 808b. 814b, 825b.
record office, 80a, 526b. reed basket, 700b.
recorder, 176b, 688a. reed case, 63b.
recount, 176b. reed mat, 747b.
recover, 370b. reed pipe, 152a.
recreation, 693a. reed, writing, 129a, 347a.
recruits, 269a, 680b, 898a. reed work, 790b.
rectangle, 43b. refined, 711a, 773a ; of gold,
rectify, 194b. 41b.
rectitude, 277b, 280a. refineries for gold, 455a.
rectum, 599a. refresh, 625b, 654a, 697a, 702ab,
red, 845a, 889a. 767b.
red calf, 890b. refresh oneself, 471a, 681a, 768b.

refreshed, 681b. rejoicing, 161b, 381b, 426b, 449b,

refreshing, 767b, 768b ; place 466b, 717a, 858b, 863b.
of, 80b. rejoinder, 122b.
refreshment, 240a. rejuvenate, 423a, 427a, 611b,
refuge, 181b, 380a, 534b, 793b ; 615b, 618a, 677b, 694b.
to take, 629b, 712a. rejuvenation, water of, 294a.
refuse, 261b, 348b, 571b, 628b. Rekeh netches, 40b, 435a.
regard for, 840a. Rekeh-ur, 40b, 434b.
regiment, 860b. Rekem, 434b.
region, la, 3b, 13a, 16b, 27a, Rekes, 435a.
106a, 207a, 270a, 289a, 479a, Rekh, 430b.
592a, 649a ; celestial, 498b. Rekhi (Ra), 434b.
regions, the two, 79a. Rekhit, 430a b.
register, 45b, 65b, 71a, 82a, Rekhit, fire-goddess, 434b.
106b, 129a, 161a, 303a, 450a, Rekhit-Apit, 431a.
499b, 597a, 607b, 619a, 662b, Rekhit-besu, 435a.
855b. Rekhsi, 36b, 431a.
register, daily, 442a. Rekhti, Council of, 901b.
register of lands, 41a. Rekhtti, 431a.
registers, old, 619b. Rekhtti-Merti, 431a.
registrar, 511a, 619ab. Rekit, 434a.
registrary, 176b ; of sins, 71a. Rekkt, 435a.
registration office, 899a. Reku, 434b.
registry, 238b, 882a. relate, 745a.
regular, 333a. related, 560a.
regularly, 270b, 297a. relation, 284b.
regulate, 607a. relationship, 703a.
regulations, 82a, 161b, 400b, relative, 284a, 404b, 739a ; fe¬
409a, 441a, 446a b, 487a, 844b. male, 599b ; male, 599b.
Rehar, 429b. relax, 261b, 665b.
Rehen, 429b. release, 178b, 296a, 525a, 862b.
Rehent, 429b. relief, 412a, 606a.
Rehnen, 429b. relight, 56b.
Rehti, 429b. relish, 628b.
Rehu, 429b. rely, 517b.
Rehui, 429b. Rem’, 425a.
reign, 512b ; to make, 618b. remain, 296b, 868a.
reincarnation (?), 222b. remain over, 596a.
reins, 55a, 552a. remainder, 193b, 596a, 661a,
reject, 166a, 344b, 470b, 528a, 894a.
615a, 628b, 810a, 823a, 825b, remains, 596a.
846a, 857a. remedy, 247a.
rejected, 528a, 758b. remember, 90b, 274a, 396a, 614b,
rejoice, 3b, 6a, 63b, 74b, 76a, 688a.
104a, 110a, 114a, 118a, 141a, remembrance, 652a.
147a, 157b, 168a, 247b, 289a, remembrancer, 688a.
326a, 355b* 380b, 381b, 385b, Remen- heru, 425b.
412a, 433a, 440a, 442a, 457a, Remen-kheru, 425b.
464a, 466b, 474a, 492b, 499a, Remen-ta, 425b.
507b, 559a, 613b, 616b, 635b, Remenu, 425b.
689a, 692b, 820a, 833b, 858ab, Remenui-Ra, 425b.
877b, 900a, 907a ; make to, Remi, Fish-god, 424b.
682b. Remi, Remit, 424a.

Remi-ur-aa, 424b. repeating, 264a.

remit, 417a ; a tax, 144a, 355a, repel, 87b, 101b, 247b, 509b, 676b.
564b. repeller, 57b.
remnant, 244b. repetition, 177a, 277b, 595b.
Rem-neteru, 424b. Repit, 422b.
Remnit, 425b. Repit Anu, 422b.
remorse, 120b. Repit Ast, 423a.
remote, 144a, 417b, 499a. replace, 904a.
remote ages, 230b. repletion, 696a.
remote event, 144b. reply, 874a ; making a, 104b.
remote time, 277a. report, 90b, 430b, 549a, 604b,
removal, 7a. 669b, 670a, 694a.
remove, 7a, 28a, 37a, 71b, 100b, report, to, 667b, 669b, 824a.
103b, 144a, 152a, 177b, 298a, reporter, 601b, 669b.
420b, 532a, 646b, 670b, 689b, repose, 7a, 43b, 374b, 448a,
705b, 713a, 757b, 846b. 449b, 517b, 611b, 681a, 693a.
removed, 97b, 420a. reprehensible, 895b.
Remrem, 424b. reptile, 62b, 118a, 417a, 758b,
Remtit, 425a. 799b, 900b.
Re mu, 424b. repulse, 33b, 99a, 481a, 563b,
Remuiti, 424a. 564b, 605a, 618a, 682a, 684a,
remunerate, 508a. 694b, 698a, 746a b, 748a, 824a,
remuneration, 88b, 758b, 904a. 896b.
rend, 243b, 255b, 351b, 755a. repulser, 385b, 684a.
render, to, 803a. repulsiveness, 746b.
Renent, 49a. repulsive man, 2a.
Renenti, 130a, 426b. repurchase, 707a.
renew, 176b, 177ab, 269a, 601a, reputation, 209b.
668b. Requ, 434a.
renew youth, 66a. request, 382b, 662a.
renewed, 269b. required, 876a.
Renfreth, 427b. requite, 508a, 874a, 898b, 904a.
Rennit, 426a. requiter, 827b.
Rennit-nefrit, 426a. Rer, 428a.
Renniu, 426a. Rerat, 428a.
Renn-sebu, 426a. Rerek, 309a, 428b, 788a.
Rennutet, 40b. Reri, 428b.
Rennutt, 426b, 427a ; uraeus of, Rerit, 428a.
427a. Rerp, 428b.
renown, 22b, 245a, 724a. Rerti Nifu, 428b.
renowned, 115b, 508b. Reru, 428b.
Renpit, 427b. Res-ab, 432a.
Renpu, 427b. Res-afu, 432a.
rent, 77a, 729b, 838a, 882b. rescue, 385a, 608a.
Rentheth, 428a. resemblance, 277b.
Renti, 426b. resemble, 385b, 666b, 667b, 826a.
Repa (Geb), 423a. Resenit, 433a.
repair, 129b, 601a, 668b, 801b ; reservation, 537a.
out of, 803b. reserve, 537a.
repairing, 351b. reservoir, 307b, 308a.
Repatt, 423a. Res-her, 432b.
repeat, 66b, 120b, 122b, 176b, Reshitt, 433b.
177a b, 179b, 782b. Reshpiu, 433b.

Reshpu, 97b, 433b. resurrection, 381a, 824b ; cham¬

Resi-aneb-f, 432a. ber of, 239a ; country of,
residue, 894a. 190a ; places of, 327b.
resin, 95a, 226b, 300a, 301b, Resurrection, the triune god of,
650b, 771a, 833b. 255a.
resist, 99a, 116a, 564b, 746b, Res-utcha-Khenti-heh, 432b.
818b, 894a. Res-utcha (Ptah), 432a.
resistance, 2a, 116a, 224a, 894a. Ret-a, 437b.
resister, 26b, 894a. Retas-shaka, 435b.
resistless, 564b. Reteb-mut-f, 435b.
Resit, 432a b. Rethnu, 436a.
Resit-neterit-kheper, 432a. Reth-uarekh, 435b.
resolute, 297a. Reti, 435b.
respect, 724a. retinue, 742b, 823b.
Res-pet, 432b. Retnu, Northern and Southern,
respiration, 849b. 435b.
responsibilities, 586b. retrace, 478b.
rest, 7a, 43b, 175b, 291a, 375b, ppt'TQr'f 1

377a, 423b, 429a, 448a, 449b, retreat' 120a’, 246b, 377b, 457b,
517b, 549a, 611b, 627b, 679a, 481a, 487b, 567b, 569b, 594b,
681a, 803b, 896b. 657b, 713a.
rest, festival of, 719a. retreat, a, 481a.
rest, place of, 35a, 802a. retreatings, 883a.
rest the heart, 442a. retribution, 88b, 136b, 904b ;
rest, to be at, 449b, 473a, 610a ; place of, 80b, 904a.
to come to, 617a, 693a, 810b. Rett-Shesit, 435b.
rest upon, 429b. Retui-en-Asar, 435b.
rest (i.e., what remains), 193b, Retuk, 437b.
661a, 894a. return, 28b, 63b, 88b, 122b, 675b,
Res-tchatcha, 432b. 775b, 780b ; in the evening, 178b.
rest house, 38a. return for, 266a.
resting place, 13a, 95a. reunion, 600b, 652a.
restitution, 874a b. reveal, 253b, 650a, 767b, 810b ;
restless, 386a, 577a. oneself, 166b.
restore, 866a, 874a, 904a ; to revel, 287a.
health, 65b. revellers, 474b.
restrain, lb, 30a, 64a, 100a, revenue, 56b, 77a, 138b, 161a,
245a, 338a, 412b, 550a, 610a, 487a, 521b, 580b, 722b, 906a.
646b, 850a. revenue officer, 71a.
restrained, 805a. revere, 178b, 840a b.
restraint, 4a, 83a, 101b, 131a, revered one, 50a.
275b, 465a, 587a, 680a, 867a, reverence, 34a, 479b, 499b, 724a,
868a, 909b. 857b.
restraint, house of, 550a ; place reverse, to, 236b, 862b.
of, 499b, 789b, 805b, 915b. revile, 185a, 394a, 613b, 615b,
restraint, to keep in, 552a ; to 689b, 757a, 794b, 807a, 809b.
put under, 805a. reviler, 394a.
restricted, 491a. revilings, 185a, 683a, 757a, 794b.
restriction, 441a, 446a. revise, 642b.
Resu, god, 432a. revision, 642b.
Resu warders, 432a. revolt, 99a, 116a, 207b, 209a,
Resu-kha, 432a. 224a, 433b, 434a, 549b, 577a,
result, 240b, 292b, 510b, 880a. 711b, 756b, 861a.

revolt, children of, 322b. ring money, 568b, 622a, 697b,

revolution, 743b, 780a, 887b ; 729a b.
of a star, 177a ; of time, 247a. ring of a balance, 191a.
revolve, 43b, 216a, 232a, 246a, ring-weight, 356a.
251b, 452a, 680a, 701a, 827b, riot, 207b, 682a.
875a. rip open, 906a.
reward, 33a, 88b, 102b, 206b, rip up, 223b, 263b.
262a, 264a, 304a, 333b, 508a, rise, 28a, 40a, 351a, 447b, 861a.
736a, 758b, 874a b, 892b, 904a. rise, early, 381a.
rewarded, 262a. rise, of a flood or the Nile,
rework, 803a. 222a, 467b, 468b, 525a, 536a,
rheum, 249a, 906b ; in the eye, 558 a, 682b.
353a, 459b. rise, of Ra, 534b.
rheumy, 843b. rise, of star, 159a.
rib, 662a ; of boat, 42b, 325b, rise, of the sun, 242a, 380b.
469b. rise, to make, 615b, 664b.
ribbons, 326a. rise up, 129a, 166a, 468a, 733a,
rich, 102a, 137b, 171a, 181b, 824b, 833b, 853a, 873a ; to make
736a. to, 689b.
rich folk, 436a. rising, 534b, 535a, 615b, 804b,
rich man, 358a, 423b, 538b. 861a.
rich, to be, 535b. rising of a flood, 824b.
riches, 134b, 182a, 214a, 260a, rising of evil, 825a.
525a, 622a. Rit, 419b.
riddle, 63a, 178b. rite, 69a, 270b, 563b.
ridge, 861b. rite, to perform a, 589b, 635a.
rigging, 517a. ritual, 563b.
right, 332a, 333b, 605b. rival, 329a.
right disposition, 304b, 332b. river, 3b, 35b, 69a, 97b, 99b,
right feeling, 286a. 142ab, 143a, 212b, 231b, 343a,
right hand, 53a, 168a. 387b, 467b, 840b.
right-hearted, 138b. river bank, 37b, 136a, 195a, 293a,
right mind, 139a. 308a.
right-mindedness, 637a. river flood, 148a.
right order, 332a. river gate, 272b.
right, the, 270b. River of Fire, 121a, 208b.
right, to be, 139a, 332a, 333b. river plants, 13b.
right, to do, 65b. road, 28a, 32a, 38b, 144b, 277b,
right, to exercise, 517a. 280b, 290a b, 291a b, 333b, 334b,
right, to make, 647a. 499a, 604a.
righteous, 271a, 399a. road clearers, 746b.
righteousness, 139a, 271b, 332a, Road-god, 334b.
598b ; goddess of, 385b. road man, 291a.
rightly, 266a, 332a. road of all men (i.e., highway),
rigor, 608a. 144b.
rim, 643a, 662b. road-side, 599a, 746b.
rimmed, 63a. road, strong, 887b.
ring, 33b, 76b, 123b, 191a, 215a, roam, 192b, 354b.
217a, 277b, 280b, 302b, 356a, roar, 375a, 381b, 447a, 472b.
451b, 476a, 622a, 697b, 728b, roar of people, 447a.
729a b, 764b, 804a, 880b, 897b. roar of sky, 447a.
ring, finger, 812b. roar of thunder, 560b.
ring-fastening, 273a. roars of a lion, 882b.

roarer, 381b, 447a. rope of a ladder, 422a.

Roarer (Set), 25b. rope, towing, 244b.
roaring, 109a. rope up, 58a.
roast, to, 261b, 248a, 276a, 896b, ropes, grass, 355a.
897b, 902a. ropes of a net, 421b.
roasted, 236a, 898a. ropes of magical boat, 38a, 581b.
roasted thing, 10b, 92b, 236a, ropework, 132a, 790a.
237a, 247b, 355b, 356a, 427a, 14.7 a
593b, 695b. rot,’49b, 72b, 176b, 693b.
rob, 72a, 110b, 114b, 115b, 141a, rotten, 176a.
464b, 467a b, 471a, 473a, 550b, round, 204a, 476a, 753a, 789b.
647a, 769b, 845a. round about, 264b, 265b, 266a,
robbed, 115a, 176a, 184b, 536b. 438b, 875a, 907a.
robber, 71b, 100b, 101b, 115a b, round things, 897b.
141a, 437b, 464b, 550b, 845b, round up, 841b.
849b ; desert, 306a. rouse, 382a, 386a.
Robber (Set), 473a. rout, to, 682a.
robbers, a game, 849b. row, to, 66a, 93b, 576b, 688b,
robbery, 115a b. 877a.
rock, 129b. rower, 182b, 482a, 576b, 877a.
rod, 4a, 17a, 140a, 475b, 726a, royal, 653b.
900b ; for measuring, 41a ; royalty, 89a, 653b, 882b.
of authority, 6b. Ru, 419b.
roe deer, 624b. rub, 329b, 590a, 613a, 643a.
roe of fish, 121b. rub away, 263b, 613b, 726b.
roll, 106b, 129a, 131b, 180a, 184a, rub down, 6b, 123b, 185a, 346a,
519b, 739a, 777b, 789b, 836b, 351b, 395b, 411a, 620b, 480b,
849a. 565b, 571a, 589a, 643a, 664b,
roll away, 594b, 626b. 797b, 844b.
roll of papyrus, 337b, 898a. rub off, 726b.
roll, skin, 71b. rub with oil, 205b ; with un¬
roll up, 73a, 701a. guent, 175a.
rolled, 428a. rubbed, 813b.
rolls (deeds), 41a, 144a. rubbing stone, 757a.
Roman, 445a. rubbish, 711b.
roof, 32b, 110a, 315b, 419b, 438a. rubbish-heap, 16b.
room, 79b, 149 a, 157b, 164a, rubble, 765b.
166a, 184a, 468a, 621a, 675b, ruby, 605a, 675b.
740b, 821b, 860a, 910b. rudder, 18b, 75b, 182b, 279a,
room, middle, 37b. 482a ; part of, 39a ; handle of,
room, private, 909b. 898b.
room, sleeping, 331b. rudder, two-faced, 482a.
root, 299a, 351a, 753a. rudders of heaven, the four, 23b,
root up, 531a, 560b. 246b, 482a, 692a, 875b.
rope, 58a, 64a b, 75b, 82a b, 118a, ruffians, nomad, 741a.
123a, 139a, 146a, 167a, 282a, ruffled, 727a.
292a, 332b, 333a, 337a, 351a, rug, 773a.
352b, 355a, 356b, 372b, 396b, Ruhu, 429b.
419b, 479a, 484b, 486b, 491b, ruin, 2a, 3b, 7b, 10b, 92b, 168a,
510a, 527a, 631b, 745a, 751a. 176ab, 177b, 181a, 243b, 420a,
rope, magical, 545b. 439b, 440a, 492b, 528b, 652a,
rope, measuring, 146b. 689a.
rope of a boat, 46a. ruin, to, 261b, 607b, 644a, 741b.

ruined, 82a, 149a, 184b. S.

Ru-Iukasa, 420a.
rule, 25b, 82a, 271b, 346a, 378b, Sa (Aapep), 587a.
400b, 468a, 512b, 537b, 653b, Sa, a crocodile, 634b.
831b, 845a. Sa, Bull-god, 589b ; fern. Sat.
rule, to, 486b, 562a, 582a, 653a, Sa, city, 640b.
683b ; make to, 614a, 684a. Sa, god, 586a, 634a.
ruler, 513a, 690b ; hereditary, Saa, 634a, 635a, 641a.
423a. Saa, Thoth, 640b.
ruminate, 715a. Saa-abu, 641a.
rump, 13b, 129b, 244a, 630b, Saa-Amenti, 641a.
714a, 794a, 909b, 910a ; steak, Saa-Amenti-Ra, 641a.
244a. Saaba, 590a, 590b.
run, 9b, 14b, 82b, 166a, 169b, Saa-Heru, 641a.
212a, 232a, 245b, 320a, 374a, Saait, 641a.
420a, 429a, 446b, 452a, 487b, Saa-mer-f, 584a.
615b, 618a, 694b, 729b, 813a, Saamiu, 589b, 641b.
814a, 852b, 857b, 896b. Saar, 635b.
run against, 509a, 633a. Saater, 641b.
run aground, 10b, 74a, 657b, Saatiu, 589b, 641b.
715a. Saatt-ta, 641b.
run away, 166a, 220a, 255b, 587b, Saba, 635a.
810a, 857b, 889a. Sabs, 636a.
run down, 715a. sack, 209a, 248a, 484b, 647a,
run out, 240a, 736a. 773a, 801b, 805a, 819b, 820b,
run quickly, 169b, 227a, 891a. 835b, 836a b, 843b, 895b.
run swiftly, 243a. sacks of grain, 806a.
run the head against, 885a. sackcloth, 105a.
run, to make, 616a, 690a. sacking, 701b, 773b, 790a, 834b,
run towards, 576a. 878b, 879a.
rungs of ladder, 670b. sacrifice, a, 11a, 79a, 89b, 110b,
runner, 245b, 253a, 274b, 478b, 270b, 373b, 560b, 667b, 669a,
533a, 618a, 643a, 694b, 791a. 810a.
runners (infantry), 246b. sacrifice, human, 731a.
running, act of, 804b. sacrifice, place of, 80a.
running of the nose, 344b. sacrifice, the daily, 54a b.
running water, 9b. sacrifice, to, 66b, 303b, 431a,
Ru-Ra, 420a. 666a.
Ruru, 419b. sacrosanct, 403a.
Ruru-ta, 420a. sacrum, 914a.
Ruruti, 420a. sad, 11a, 55b, 139b, 314a, 887a.
rush, 129a, 337b, 550b, 594b, sadden, 643b.
814b. saddle gear, 288b.
rush, to, 885a ; against, 509a ; sadness, 3b, 7b, 64b, 74a, 290a,
in, 93b ; forward, 487b ; out 850a, 906b.
upon, 393b. Sa-em-Geb, 587a.
rusk, 441b. safe, 7b, 193a, 307a, 514a, 893b.
russet, 889a. safflower, 268b.
rust, 58b, 565b, 566a, 571a. saffron, 141b, 810b.
Rut-en-Ast, 421b. Sag, a fabulous animal, 589a.
Ruti Asar, 420b. sage, 430b, 613a, 634a, 848a,
Rutu-nu-Tem, 421b. 896a.
sages, 848a, 852b.

Sah (Orion), 591a, 638b, 646a. salve, 39b, 55b, 63a, 205ab, 233a,
Sah-ab, 591b, 646a. 292b, 318b, 336a, 337a, 352b,
Sah-en-nut-f, 638b. 377a, 626b, 643a, 669b, 743b,
Sah-heq, 646a. 804a.
Sahit, 638b. salve box, 581b.
Sahtni, 638b. salve, cedar oil, 137a.
Sahu, the Twelve, 638b. Sa-maat, 584b.
Sahura, 417b. Samartasa, 637a.
Sai, 587a. Samba, 636b.
sail, 409a, 428b, 459b, 473b, same, 265a.
517a, 776a, 818b, 894b. Sam-em-qesu, 590b.
sail a boat, 354a, 566a, 576b, Sam-em-snef, 590b.
722b. Samta, 590b.
sail down stream, 346b, 568a, Samur, 636b.
569a, 572a, 575b. San, 896a.
sail over, 552b. San, 590a.
sail southwards, 558a, 693b. sanctify, 632b.
sail, to, 273a, 346a, 374a, 449a, sanctuary, 20a, 34b, 51a, 79b,
541a, 576b, 589a, 625b, 702ab, 80b, 107a, 117b, 155b, 166a,
703a, 705a ; to make, 695b. 214b, 238b, 239a, 479a, 490a,
sail upstream, 473b, 558a, 559a, 494b, 546b, 557b, 565b, 573a,
565a. 575b, 633b, 731a, 756a, 768b,
sailcloth, 517a. 789b, 790a, 839b.
sailing, 346b, 565a, 642a, 703a, sand, 723a, 730a.
894b. sand, dwellers on, 373b, 730b,
sailor, 33b, 93b, 314b, 370a, 895b.
478b, 576b, 703a, 780a, 875a. sand, festival of strewing, 759b.
sailor folk, 476a, 583a. sandal, sandals, 60b, 105a,
sailors, divine, 93b, 780a ; 106b, 180a, 666a, 793a, 823b,
Egyptian and Syrian, 780a. 826b, 853a b, 864a, 873a b.
sails of a boat, 679a. Sandal-gods, 263b.
Sa'is, Lower and Upper, 587b. sandal-maker, 853b.
Sait, 584b, 586a. sandals, pair of, 528b, 821b,
Sait-ta, 586a. 827a.
Saiu gods, 586a. sandals, white, 523b.
Sa-kam, 589b. sandbank, 276a, 836b.
Sakhiu, 639a. sandstone, 62b.
Sakhmit-urr-peh, 639a. sandstone, quartzite, 421b.
Saks, 591b. sandstone, red, 62b.
salaam, to, 727a. sandstone, yellow, 62a.
salary, 650b. sandy soil, 730a.
salesman, 285b. Sankhi-khaibitu, 645b.
saliva, 38a, 91a b, 223b, 249a, Sankhiu-gods, 645b.
347b, 394a. Sanut, 643b.
salt, 484a. sap, 58b.
salt land, 484a. Sapanemma, 584b.
salt of the North, 484a. Saparar, 636b.
salt water, 272b, 280b. Sapathar, 588b, 636b.
saltpetre, 227b. Sapertagessu, 636b.
salutation, 64b. Sapit, 642b.
salutations, 193a. Sapt-Khenti, 636b.
salute, 95a, 186b, 345a, 727a, Saq-baiu, 639b.
841b, 885a. Saqet, 585a.
4 G 2

Saq-ha, 639b. Sau, city, 587b.

Saqnaqait, 639b. Sau, gods, 642a.
Sar (Osiris), 588b ; limbs of, Sau, serpent, 642a.
466a. Sa-ur, 586a, 634a.
Saraut, 591a. savage, 509a.
sarcophagus, 43b, 120a, 284a, save, 385a, 593b, 654a, 757b.
357b, 447a b, 566b, 756a, 757a, Saviour-god, 653b.
777a, 860a, 873b, 874b, 875b, saw, to, 149a, 163b, 181a, 221b,
904b ; chamber, 777a ; chambers 320b, 648b, 833a.
for, 238b. saw wood, 376b.
Sarem, 637b. sawdust, 181a.
Sarisa, 635b. say, 67a, 253b, 335a, 560a, 717a,
Sarit, 645b. 782b, 913a.
Sarit-maat, 645b. sayings, 632b, 719b, 860b, 913a b.
Sarit-neb-s, 591a. Sayings of the Fathers, 913a.
Sariu-gods, 637b. Sba (Aapep), 656b.
Sarma, 589a. Sba-en-sethesu-Shu, 655a.
Sar-neb-s, 645b. Sbai, 655a.
Sarqit, 637b. Sbait, 656a.
Sasat, 585a. Sbait-nebt-uaa, 656a.
Sa-semt, 585a. Sbaiu-Ra, 656a.
Sa-semu, 585a. Sbaiu shepsu, 656a.
Sa-sert, 585a. Sbaiut, 656a.
Sa-seshem, 585a. Sbak, 657b.
Sashesa, 644a. Sbakh-senu, 656b.
Saspa, 585a. Sba-Ra, 594b.
Sat, Dekan, 635a. Sbasit, 656b.
Sata, 585a, 586a. Sbat, 657a.
Sata, 640a. Sba-tcheser, 655a.
Sat-Amenti, 584b. Sbatt, 655a.
Satarna, 640a. Sba-uati, 656a.
Sa Tathenen, 585a. Sba-ur instrument, 655b.
Sat Baqt, 589b. Sbeg, Sbega, 660b.
Sat Hethert, 584b. Sbek, Crocodile-god, 660a.
sate, 696a. Sbekhar, 659a.
Sathasiu, 590a. Sbekhekhth, 659a.
Sathta, 640a. Sbekht-aakhut, 658b.
Sati, fire-god, 589a. Sbekht-Agert, 659a.
satiety, 634b, 647a. Sbekhti, 658b.
Sati-qet, 585a. Sben-hesq-khaibiut, 658a.
Sati-Sat, 585a. Sbenqa, 658a.
Sati-Sert, 585a. Sbeq, god, 659b.
satisfaction, 449b, 517b, 682a. Sbeq-en-Shesmu, 659b.
satisfactorily, 265a. Sbeq-en-Temu, 659b.
satisfied, 333a, 394a, 449b, 517b, Sbeq-her, 659b.
587b, 694b. Sbeqit, 659b.
satisfy, 83a, 606b, 671b, 677a, Sbesanka, 659a.
682a, 696a. Sbeshes, 659a.
Satit, 589a. Sbeshes-mer, 659b.
Sat-kamt, 589b. Sbeshta, 659b.
satrap, 566a. Sbi, 655a.
Saturn, 404a, 501b, 656a. Sbut, city, 657b.
Sau, 634a. scabbard, 268b, 333a.

scabby, 736b. schoolmaster, 222a.

scaffold, 880b. schoolroom, 655b.
scald, 160a. science, 430a.
scalded, 215b. scimitar, 544a, 657a, 737b.
scale, of metal, 58b. scintillate, 629a, 630a, 842a,
scale walls, 689b. 848b.
scale work, 617b. scoffing, 657b.
scales, 4a, 225a, 330a ; part of, scorch, 605b, 639b, 696a.
529b. scorching, 696b.
Scales, Bearer of the, 259b. scoriae, 820b.
scales for heavy objects, 285b. scorn, 200b ; to scorn, 621a.
scales, hand, 36b. scorn God, 634b.
scales, master of the, 70b. scorpion, 115b, 125b, 176a, 179a,
scales of armour, 223b. 472b, 516b, 522ab, 611a, 612b,
scales of fish, 394b. 819a, 839b, 899a.
Scales of Ra, 285b. scorpions, the Seven, 179a.
scales-room, 285b. Scorpion-goddess, 81b, 509b,
scalpel, 541b, 870a. 522b, 612a, 681b ; the double,
scar, 9a. 681b.
scarab, 28b, 118b, 295a, 320a, scour, 346a.
532b ; flying, 118a. scourge, 449b.
scarabeus sacer, 543a. scout, 245b, 334a.
scare, to 577a. scrape, 9a, 356a, 836a.
scatter, 185a, 527b, 533b, 689a, scraper, 915a ; stone, 664a.
716a, 765b, 862b, 863b. scrapings, 181a.
scatter seed, 10b. scratch, 836a.
scattered, 473a. screams, 136b.
scatterers, 166b. screen, to, 477a.
scene, 80a. scribe, 337b, 358a, 619b, 852b,
scent, 307b, 486b, 627b, 629b, 853a.
631a, 712b. scribe, chief, 495a, 620a.
scent, festival, 628a. scribe, deputy, 620a.
scent, foul, 709b. scribe, divine, 619b, 620b.
scent, the divine, 709b. scribe, female, 619b.
scent-pot, 433b. scribe, king’s, 391b.
scented woman, 660a. scribe, magistrate’s, 620b.
sceptre, 4a, 6b, 10a, 13a, 17a, scribe of a temple, 620a.
19a, 38b, 41a, 54b, 55a, 114b, scribe of collectings, 620b.
117b, 148b, 182b, 195a, 253b, scribe of estates, 619b.
295b, 330b, 384b, 468a, 469a, scribe of grain, 620a.
475b, 506b, 510a, 566a, 589a, scribe of produce, 242b.
692b, 898a, 903a, 907a. scribe of the altar, 620a.
sceptre amulet, 6b, 181a. scribe of the Book of Horus,
sceptre, magical, 171b. 620a.
sceptre of crystal and feldspar, scribe of the god, 403a ; of the
150b. gods (i.e., Thoth), 886a.
sceptre of Isis-Hathor, of Heru- scribe of the militia, 620a.
Behuti, Osiris, 336a. scribe of the offerings, 620a.
sceptre-bearer, 55a. scribe of theological works,
schedule of furniture, 45a. 620a.
scheme, 510b, 684a. scribe of the Record Office,
schoenus, 7a, 35a, 100a. 893b.
school, 106a, 238a, 239a. scribe of the seal, 620a.
4° 3

scribe of wages list, 620a. seat, lb, 25b, 79b, 88a, 89a, 90b,
scribe, royal, 620b. 190a, 220b, 221a, 234a, 289a,
scribe, to act as, 66a. 298b, 328b, 367b, 408b, 467b,
scribe who wrote at dictation, 509b, 583b, 650b, 706b, 773a,
620a. 805a, 855a, 900b, 901a b.
scribe, writing box of, 581b. seat in a chariot, 369b.
Scribes, the Two, 619b. seat of Horus, 80a.
scroll, 129a. seat of law, 80a.
scrotum, 580a, 873b. seat of the Government, 237b.
scrub, 89a, 344a, 765b. seat of the happy, 80a.
scrutinize, 203a, 808a, 891a, 899a. seat oneself, 76b, 485a, 679a,
scrutiny, to make a, 642b. 822a.
sculpt, to, 323a. seat, raised, 258b.
sculptor, 325a, 395b, 639b, 644a, seat, royal, 390a.
645b. seat, to occupy, 643b.
sculpture, 287a, 784a ; on wall, seat with steps, 485a.
567b. seated, 887b.
scum, 820b, 861b. Seb (Mercury), 654b.
scythe, 572a. Seba, 594b, 657a.
scythe of Osiris, 71a. Sebek, title of, 46b ; title of
sea, 142b, 143a, 151a, 280a, priest of, 495b.
488a, 704a. Sebek of Kamur, 424b.
sea, celestial, 151a. Sebennytus, 132b.
sea-bull, 643a. Sebeshsen, 595a.
sea coast, 308a. Seb hut, 658b.
sea salt, 484a. Sebit, 594a, 654b.
seal, 123b, 126b, 568b, 717a, Sebkhas, 595a.
905a, 906a. Sebseba-Menu, 654b.
seal bearer, 212a, 568b. Sebti (Alexandria), 661a.
seal, cord of, 27a, 254b. Sebu-gods, 594b.
seal, engraved, 567b. Sebut, 640a.
seal, great and little, 906a. seclude, 550a, 552a.
seal, keeper of the, 312b. seclusion, place of, 557b.
seal maker, 568b. second, 177a, 316a, 603a, 673b.
seal of office, 906a. second, of time, 17b, 459b.
seal of the god, 403a. second, third of a, 58a.
seal ring, 764b, 906a.* second time, 105a, 177a, 264a,
seal, royal, 911b. 673b.
seal string, 510a. secret, 51a, 63a, 624b, 755b ;
seal up, 568a. to keep, 624b ; to make, 701a.
sealed, 906a. secret chamber, 756a.
sealed document, 568b. secret place, 477b.
sealer, 103a. secret properties, 755b.
sealing, a, 568b. secretary, 495b, 620b, 853a.
search for, 507b ; into, 757b, secretions, 263a, 366b, 400a.
903b ; out, 807b. secretive, 570a.
Searcher of the Reins, 903b. secretly, 265b, 442b.
season, 100a, 101b, 438b, 595a, section, 730a ; of a book, 415b,
696a, 857b, 840b, 884b. 457a.
season, to, 512a. secure, 307a.
Seasons, god of the, 259b, 383b. security, 7b.
Seasons of the Year, First, sedan chair, 258b.
Second and Third, 8b, 22a. sedge, 135b.

sediment, 611b, 637b, 820b. Seer, god, 267a, 891a.

sedum, 288b. Sef, 664b.
see ! 60a, 266a. Sefer, Sefert, 665a.
see, to, 6b, 68a, 118a, 121b, Sefi-peri- etc., 595a.
211a, 216b, 224a, 225b, 243a, Sefkhit, 665b.
254a, 266b, 273a, 274b, 279b, Sefkhit-abut, 665b.
289a, 344b, 348a, 352a, 544b, Sefkhit-neb-s, 666a.
605b, 702a, 712a, 751a, 771b, Sefsef, 664b.
794b, 801a, 802b, 808a, 845b, Sefus, 465b.
846b, 855a, 890b, 891a ; to Seg, 627a.
make, 601a, 627b, 706a. Sega, 627a.
seed, 26b, 36a, 38b, 40a, 42b, Seges, 706b.
69b, 112b, 113b, 121b, 140b, Segi, 627a.
143a, 146ab, 159b, 179a, 186a, Sehenti-requ, 684a.
188b, 201b, 204a, 210b, 215a, Seheptt, 683b.
233a b, 226b, 231b, 234a, 245b, Seherit-tu, 614a.
249ab, 251b, 252a, 259b, 269a, Sehert baius, 614a, 888b, 909b.
278b, 279a, 284b, 307a, 329a, Sehet, 685a.
331b, 344a, 348b, 354a, 369a, Sehetch-khatut, 685a.
372a, 383b, 390a, 398b, 413b, Sehetch-renpu, 685a.
443b, 472b, 482b, 484b, 487b, Sehetch-ur, 685a.
488a, 493a, 538a, 586a, 612b, Sehetemt, 684b.
624b, 632a, 639a, 605a, 641a, Sehetep-hemts, 614a.
672b, 689a, 697b, 708b, 712a, Sehetep-taui, 684b.
716a, 724b, 726a, 728b, 736a, Sehetpit, 614a.
738b, 746b, 753a, 762a, 773a, Sehith, 683a.
777a, 785b, 788a, 791a, 796b, Sehpu, 613b.
798a, 801b, 804a, 809a, 813b, Sehrat, 682b.
833a, 839b, 842a, 846b, 847b, Sehrit-tu, 684a.
853b, 877b, 891b, 896a, 899b, Sehseh, Lake and Mountain of,
902b, 910b. 682b.
seed, divine, 280a. Sehtt, city, 684a.
seed, edible, 828b. Sehu, 613a.
seed for early crops, 750b. Sehur, 683a.
seed for sowing, 828b. seize, 6a, 20a, 26b, 54b, 64b,
seed, human, 243a, 280a, 293a. 79a, 100b, 101a, 102a, 111a,
seed of eternity, 331b. 122a, 189b, 212a, 261b, 317b,
seed of plant, 475b. 327b, 385a, 412b, 443a, 449a,
seed, royal, 280a. 459a, 464b, 490b, 491b, 531ab,
seed, to eject, 628a. 545a, 547b, 550b, 560b, 572b,
seed, to sow, 628a. 590a, 627a, 636b, 738a b, 747b,
seed-land, 777a. 757b, 793b, 794a, 796a, 802b,
seedlings, 892b. 808a, 849a.
seeds, bundles of, 563a. seize prey, 124a.
seeing, 68a. seized, 446b.
seek, 179b, 507b, 527a, 730a, seizer, 100b, 849b.
903b. seizure, 459a, 461b, 794a.
seek after, 148b, 507b. Sek, a god, 704a.
seek for, 575a. Seker, 255a, 626b.
seeking, a, 745a. Seker festival, 475a, 627a, 742a.
seemly, 722b, 829b, 837b. Seker, kingdom of, 55a.
seen, 266b. Seker, sanctuary of, 856a.
seer, 266b, 678b. Seker-em-Shetait, 627a.
4 G 4

Seker-Khenti-Petchu, 627a. self-begetter, 826a.

Sekhem, Council of, 201b. self-begotten, 543b.
Sek-her, god, 703b. self-builder, 779a.
Sekhet Aaru, 16a. self-evident, 34a.
Sekhit-hetep, 687b. self-existent, 231a.
Sekhmit, 24b, 36b, 40b, 109a, self-made, 542a.
469a. self-produced, 542a.
Sekhmit of Temehtt, 515b. sell, 650a, 866a.
Sekhmit-Bast-Ra, 51a, 295a. Sem, 242a, 666b.
Sekht-Aakhu, 686b. Sememti, 602b.
Sekht-aanru, 686b. semen, 398b.
Sekht-aarru, 686b. Semites (nomads), 728a.
Sekht-Aaru, 686a. Semkett Boat, 672b.
Sekht-aat, 686b. Semseru, 672b.
Sekht-ankh, 686b. Semsit-set-nekhenkhent, 672a.
Sekht-en-Sersert, 687a. Sems-neb-aakhu, 672a.
Sekht-her, 614b. Semthek, 603a.
Sekht-heteput, 687a. Semti, 598b.
Sekht-khetf, 687b. Sena, god, 674a.
Sekht-mafkat, 687a. Senan, 605a.
Sekht-nebt-heteput, 687a. Senbit-ab, 676b.
Sekht-neheh, 687a. Senb-Kheperu, 676b.
Sekht-Nenta, 687a. Senbu, god, 676b.
Sekht-neteru, 687a. send, 147a, 440b, 475b; away,
Sekht-Paat, 686b. 440b ; back, 862b ; out, 192b,
Sekht-Ra, 687a. 445a.
Sekht-Uatchit-nefert, 686b. send a messenger, 74a.
Sekht-uatchu, 686b. Seneferu, Island of, 16b.
Sekht-Tcher, 687b. Senen, 604b.
Sekhti, 614b. Senfiu, blood-gods, 606a.
Sekhti, Sekhtit, 686a. senility, 797a.
Sekhut-amiut-Aasu, 686b. senior, 26a, 170b.
Sekhut Khakha, 687b. Senk, Senki, Senkit, 608a.
Sekhut-uatcht, 686b. Senk-her, 609a.
Seki, 626a. Senktett, 609a.
Sekkes, 705a. Senktiu, 609a.
Sekktiaks, 627a. Sen-nefer, 674b.
Sek-re, gods, 703b. Senq, 608b.
Sekri, 626b ; bodies of, 571a. Sensabt, 608a.
Sekri-heri-shaf, 627a. sense, 37b.
Seksek, 626a. senseless, 184b, 340b, 461a, 732b.
Seksekit, 626a. Sensent, 604a.
Seksen, 627a, 705a. Senshit, 608a.
Sekt, 627a. sensible, 436a.
Sekti, 627a. sensual, 216b.
Sekti Boat, 152a. Sent, 609b, 679a.
Sektit Boat, 705a. Senta, 674b.
Sektt, 627a. sentence, 160b, 335a, 860b.
Seku, stars, 704a. Senthes, 609b.
select, 628b, 710b, 713a. Senthit, 609b.
selected, 689b ; of meat, 710a. Senthi-ur, 678b.
selections from books, 710b. Sentit, goddess, 679a.
self, 453a, 466a, 470b, 889b, 911b. Sent-nef-Amentiu, 679a.

Sent-Ra, 604b. sepulture, 188a, 776a, 777a.

Senu, gods, 605b. Seqa-nu-baiu-petes-heh, 625b.
Sep, god, 596b, 661a. Seqbeb, 625b.
Sepa, 24b, 596b. Seqbit, 625b, 702a.
Sepa-her, 596b. Seqet-hati, 626a.
Sepa-Heru, 596b. Seqra-tchatchau, 625b.
Sepa-shait, 596b. Seq-uarf, 625b.
Sepa-ur, 596b. Ser, god, 680a.
separate, 35a, 37a, 178b, 235a, Serapeum of Letopolis, 455a ;
237b, 243b, 246a, 251ab, 252b, of Prosopites, 455b ; of Sais,
344a, 511a, 512b, 662a, 838a, 454b, 455a ; of Sakkarah, 455b.
862b, 881b ; separate from, Serat, 610a.
350b. Serat-beqt, 611a.
separated, be, 844b. Serau, 680b.
separation, 248b, 420b. Seref, 611b.
Sepen, 597a. Serekhi, 612a.
Sep-her, 596a. Serem, 611b.
Sepi, 597a ; festival of, 661a. Serem-taui, 611b.
Sepit, 596b, 661a. serenity, 148b, 913b.
Sepkh-kenmem, 597a. Seresh-en-mau, 612a.
Sep-Ra, 596a. Seres-her, 612a.
Sepsu gods, 597a. Seres-tepu, 612a.
Sept, god, 662b. serf, 33a, 50a, 411a b, 436a, 597b,
Sept Worm, 664a. 673a, 893a.
Sept-ab, 663b. serfs of the Tuat or of Osiris,
Sept-abehu, 663b. 50b, 392b.
Sept-abui, 663b. Seri, 611a.
Septat-ankh, 664a. series, 768a.
Sept-en-tchett, 661b. Ser-kheru, 610b.
Sept-hennuti, 52b, 663b. Serkhi, 681a.
Septi-khenu, 662b. serpent, 29a, 43b, 112a, 144a,
Septit (Sothis), 664a ; Queen of 221a, 237b, 260b, 261a, 323b,
the Dekans, 664a. 346b, 417a, 471a, 479b, 497b,
Septi-tenb, 663a. 499b, 522b, 596a, 641a, 776b,
Septiu gods, 664a. 791a, 799b, 878a, 882b, 893a,
Sept-masti-ent-Ruruti, 597b. 914b.
Sept-metu, 597b. serpent amulet, 29b, 73a, 893a.
Septt-uauau, 663b. serpent boat, 543b.
Septt, 242a. serpent, everlasting, 480a.
Septu, god, 663b ; one of the serpent, fiery, 109a.
Fourteen Kau of Ra, 663b. serpent-god, 88b, 105b, 118b,
Septu, the, 664a. 332b, 428b.
Septu-Gemhes, 664a. serpent on crown, 98a, 297a.
Septu-hennuti, 663b. serpent, two-headed, 210b.
Septu-her, 663b. Serpents, the Seventy-five, 479b,
Septu-kesu, 663b. serpents, young, 388b.
Septu-kheri-nehait, 663b. Ser-pu-aa, 679b.
Septu-metut, 663b. Serq, 612a.
Septu-Shu, 664a. Serqi, 612a.
sepulchral meals, 3b, 110b. Serqit, goddess, 681b.
sepulchral stele, 134a. Serser, 611a.
sepulchre, 15b, 28a, 201a, 285a, Sert, 610a.
319a, 465a, 557b, 571a, 914a. Ser-tchatchat, 679b.

Sertiu, 612b. Seshem-Nut, 699b.

Sert-nehepu- etc., 680a. Seshem-semu-neteru, 700a.
Seru, 611a. Seshemseshem, 623a.
Seru, god, 180a. Seshem-shet, 700a.
servant, 39a, 67a, 82a, 93b, 158a, Seshem-Shu, 700a.
206b, 220a, 255b, 281a, 283a, Seshem-Tathenn, 700a.
311a, 436a, 457b, 482b, 532a, Seshem-Tefnut, 700a.
546b, 568a, 579b, 585b, 603a, Seshen-neteru, 623a.
673a, 718a, 732b, 742a, 809b, Seshen-uab, 624a.
823b, 864b. Seshen-ur, 623b.
servant of the Court, 167b • Seshesp-taui, 624b.
servant of the god, 402b, 482b. Sesheta, 619b, 888b.
servant of the temple, 453a Seshit, 620b.
servant woman, 411a. Seshit-m’kt-neb-s, 621b.
servants, armed, 704a. Seshmi, 623a.
servants, domestic, 201b. Seshmi-en-uat-tesert, 623a.
servants, hereditary, 311a. Seshmi-pet, 623a.
serve, 206a, 726b ; as soldier, Seshmit, moon-goddess and
65a. Dekan, 699a.
service, 5a, 112a, 167a, 200b, Seshmit-heri-ab-t, 623a.
206b, 698b, 742a. Seshmu, 623a.
service book, 563b. Seshmu-Heh, 700a.
service, daily, 725a. Seshmu-taui, 700a.
service, hourly, 167b. Seshmu-Tuat, 623a.
service, to do, 206a. Sesh-netch, 620b.
serving woman, 497a. Seshnit, 624a.
Ses, king, 695b. Seshnnit, 624a.
Sesa, god, 618b. Seshpi, 622b.
sesame seed, 94a, 252a, 740a. Seshsha, 622a, 698a.
Sesba, 618b. Sesht, goddess, 697b.
Sesent-aakhut, 619a. Seshta, 625a.
Sesenu, 697a. Seshta Asar, 625a.
Seser, 697a. Seshta-baiu, 625a.
Sesh, 621b. Seshtai, 625a.
Seshaa, 698a. Seshtait, 625a.
Seshait, goddess, 698a. Seshtait-aru, 625a.
Seshem-Af, 699a. Seshta-ren, 625a.
Seshem-Affi, 699b. Seshtau-aru, 625a.
Seshem-ankh, 699b. Seshu, 622b, 698a.
Seshem-aranbfi, 699b. Sesi, 618b.
Seshem-Asar, 699b. Sessi, 17b.
Sesliem-Ast, 699b. session, 485b.
Seshem-Ba-neteru, 699b. Sesu (Usertsen III or Rameses
Seshem-etn-Tem, 623a. II), 696a.
Seshem-Geb, 700a. set (or inset), 822a.
Seshem-Heru, 700a. set apart, 153b, 512b.
Sesliem-Ka-Amenti, 700a. set aside, 152a, 166a, 289b, 298a,
Seshem-Khatri, 700a. 344b, 417a, 861a, 866a.
Seshem-Kheper a, 700a. set at rest, 252b.
Seshem-Nebt-het, 699b. set away, 867b.
Seshem-nesf, 699b. set behind, 457b.
Seshem-neter, 699b. set down, 180a, 298a.
Seshem-netherit, 623a. set fire to, 20a, 160a, 601b.

set free, 36a, 178b, 401a, 665b, Setchti, 632b, 716b.

710a, 862b. Setekh, 629a, 707a.
set in metal, 218a. Setem, 242b.
set in motion, 54a. Setesh=Set, 16a, 29b, 627b, 629a,
set in order, 321a, 499a, 602b, 706b, 712a.
642b, 670b. Setfit, 795a.
set oneself on one side, 813a. Seth-ab, 713a.
set on the way, 865b. Sethasiu, 629b.
set out, 101a, 597a, 752a, 894b. Sethen-hat, 630a.
set sail, 259a. Sethen-hath, 630a.
set the feet on, 437a. Sethenit, goddesses, 630a.
set the mind, 147b. Sethenu, god, 630a.
set, to, 22a, 147b, 190a, 436b, Sethenu-tep, 630a.
864a, 865b. Seth-her, 712b.
set up a memorial, 298a. Sethu, god, 629b.
set up statue, 812a. Setti, 632a.
set up straight, 646a. setting of a star, 175b.
set up the Tet, 591b. settle accounts, 570b.
set upright, 591b. settle a country, 811b.
Set, 713b. settlement, 207a, 350b, 812a, 873b;
Set, the god, 15b, 19b, 24b, 25b, foreign, 179a.
171b, 197a, 203a, 213a, 598b, seven, 665b, 690a.
627b, 670a, 706b, 787a, 839b, seventh, 665b.
869a, 875b. seventy, 665b.
Set and Thoth, 674a. sever, 512b
Set, black pig of, 722a. severe, 639b.
Set, bull-god, 627b. sexual pleasures, 412a.
Set, children of, 707a. Sfa, 598a.
Set, crocodile of, 787a. Sgeb, god, 705b.
Set Festival, 183a, 714a. Sger, 706a.
Set, hide of, 327a. Sgerhet, 706b.
Set, hippopotamus of, 882a. Sgert, 706a.
Set of the Acacias, 707a. Sha animal, 722a.
Set, realm of, 815a. Shaait, 723a.
Set, red associates of, 889b. Shabti, 185b.
Set, soul of, 326a. Shabti figure, 725ab.
Set, star of, 707a. Shabu, god, 725b.
Set-Amentt, 598b. shackles, 764b.
Set-em-ast-f, 628a, 709b. shade, 529a, 729b, 732b, 734a b.
Set-em-her-f, 628a. shadow, 475b, 529a, 530a, 602a,
Set-heh, 628a. 657b, 729b, 732b, 734a b ; judge
Set-her, 709b. of shadows, 162b.
Set-nehsi, 629b. shadow, turning of, 246b, 732b.
Set-qesu, 630b. Shadow-god, 434b.
Setcha animal, 716b. shadow house, 529a.
Setcheh, 632b, 719a. shaft of a pillar, 799a.
Setchen-em-sen-f, 718a. shaft of a spear, 778a.
Setchemi, 718a. shaft of a tomb, 8a.
Setcheri-ur, 632b. shaft of an obelisk, 58b.
Setcher-ur, 719a. shaft of mine, 517a.
Setchfet, 632a. Shahab, 727b.
Setchit-usrit, 716b. Shai, god, 724a.
Setchriu, 719a. Shait, 724a.

Shaka-Amen-Shakanasa, 729a. shaved, 167a.

Shakanasa, 729a. shaven, 262a, 344b.
Shakarshau, 729a. shawl, 43b, 776a.
shake, 90b, 343a, 351b, 356b, she, 36a, 389b, 408a, 409b, 706b.
380a, 487b, 589b, 602a, 678a, sheaf, 773b.
767a, 799b, 854b, 864b. she-ass, 109b.
shake down the hair, 597a. Shebb-en-Mesti, 735a.
shake, to, 898b. Shebtiu, 735b.
shaken, 393b, 630a. shed, 753a ; shed blood, 400a.
shakers, 714b. sheep, 18a, 39a, 114b, 200a,
Shakershau, 729a. 299a, 583b, 587a, 642a, 649a.
shaking, 716a. sheep and goats, 32a.
shaking sickness, 714b. sheep-fold, 432a.
shallow, la, 276a. sheet, 43b, 300a, 818b, 866b,
Sham’bar, 726a. 867a.
shambles, 390a. sheet of calculations, 898a.
shame, 541b, 564b, 569b, 612b, sheet of water, 442a, 448b.
731b, 737b, 887a, 895a. Shefbeti, 40b.
shame, put to, 499b, 612b, 682a. Shef-her, 738b.
shame, the, 544b. Shefi, 738a.
shameful, 214b, 459a, 535b, 544b. Shefit-hat, 738a.
shameless, 437b. Shefshefit, 738a.
shape, 542b. Sheft-bet-f, 738b.
Shapu-neter-art-ka, 726a. Sheft-bet-f, 738b.
shard, 233a. Shefut, 738a.
share, 248b, 251ab, 252a, 280b, Shehbi, 750b.
693b, 821b, 881b, 882b. Shekershau, 755a.
sharp, 291b. Shekh, 291a, 311b.
sharpen, 256b, 387a, 394b, 413a, shell, 233a, 892a.
608a, 618b, 665a, 696b, 878a. shell of a fish or animal, 252a.
sharp-eyed, 291b. shell of an egg, 62a.
Sharshar, 727b. shelter, 286b, 452b, 587a, 786b.
Sharsharkhat, 727b. shelters for cattle, 337a ; on
Sharshatakata, 727b. river, 320a.
Shartana, 727b. Shemerthi, 742a.
Shartenu, 727b. Shem-Ra, 739b.
Shartina, 727b. Shemshem, 739b.
Shartshaq, 727b. Shemsu, 742b.
Shar-ur, 731a. Shemsu Hap, Heru, Het-Her,
Shasi, god, 728b. Ra, 743a.
Shasu (nomads), 728a. Shemti, 162a ; Ra and Serpent,
Shat, 722a. 739b.
Shat gods, 731b. Shemtt, 743a.
Shatbaka, 729b. Shemu, god, 740a.
Sha-tesui, 720a. - Shemu, season of, 40b.
shatter, 208b. Shenit, 744a, 746a.
Shat-urt, 720a. Shenit-urit, 744a.
Shau, God of Luck, 724b. Sheniut chambers, 744a.
Shau, city, 724b. Shennu gods, 744a.
shauabti figure, 725a. Shent-amm, 743a.
shave, 182b, 533a, 571b, 731a, Shenthet, 749a.
754b, 849b, 850a. Shenti (Set), 749a.
shave off, 9a. Shen-ur, 743b, 744a.

Shepesh, 737b. shine, 22b, 90b, 92b, 117b, 159a,

Shep-her, 776b. 160a, 168b, 180b, 212b, 215b,
shepherd, 111a, 226b, 301b, 224a b, 225a b, 226b, 227b, 234a,
351b, 586b, 592a. 239a, 242a, 249a b, 250a, 351a,
Shepherd, the, i.e., Osiris, 587a. 463b, 530b, 534b, 564a, 590a,
shepherds’ pens, 813a. 621b, 698b, 820b, 858b, 876b,
Shepi, 736b, 752b. 887a ; to make, 594b, 700b.
Shepit, 736b. shining, 206a, 215b, 589b, 628b,
Sheps, 737b. 635a.
Sheps, god of the boomerang, shining one, 319b.
737b. ship, 49b, 152a, 204a, 3I4b, 425b,
Shepsi, 737b. 467a, 540a, 561b, 602b, 704a,
Shepsit, 737b. 894b, 895a, 900a ; part of,
Shepsu, 737b. 42b, 146b, 228b, 233b, 245b,
Sheptui, 737b. 278a, 336a, 347a, 390b, 548b,
Sherit, 750a. 559b, 573b, 627b, 669b, 677a,
Sherm, 750b. 688a, 706b, 729b, 753a, 812a,
Shesa, 751b. 846a, 854a.
Shesatheth, 752a. ship of Byblos, 768b, 793a.
Shesat-maket-neb-s, 751b. ship of Keft, 794a.
Shesemtt, 753a. ship of 100 cubits, 316b, 872a.
Shesm, 753a. ship of war, 132b.
Shesma, 753b. ship, sailing, 346b.
Shesmit, 753b. ship, sea-going, 307b.
Shesmu, star-god and Dekan, ship, to load a, 34b.
753b. shipping import, 348a.
Shesp-Amen, etc., 752b. shipwreck, 207a.
Shespi, 752b. shipwrecked man, 32a, 225b.
Shespit, 752b. shirt, 516b.
Shespiu, 752b. Shishak, 728b.
Shesra, 754a. shiver, 12b, 898b.
Shesshes, 751b. shivering, 510b.
Shest, 754a. Shma (Horus), 740b.
Shesta, 754a b. Shmaau-mes, 740b.
Shest-sett, 754b. Shmait, 741a.
Shestt, 754b. Shmait-aakhu, 740b.
Shest-ta, 754b. Shmentheth, 741b.
Shest-tcha, 754a. Shnar, 747a.
Shet, 755a. Shnarit, 747a.
Sheta, 755a. Shnat, 746a.
Shetau, 758b. Shnat-neteru, 746a.
Shet-ba, 757b. Shnat-pet- etc., 746a.
S-hetep-Neterui, 684b. Shnep, 747b.
S-hetep-Sekhmit, 684b. Shnu, 747a.
Shethu, 757a. shoal, 276a.
Shet-Kheru, 758a. shod, to be, 827a.
Shetshet, 755a. shoe, 180a, 826b.
shew favour, 101a. shoe, to, 827a.
shield, 93a, 94a, 324a, 659a, shoemaker, 842b.
776a, 788a, 810a. shoot, 91a, 246a, 298a, 369b,
shift, 153a. 708b, 754a.
shimmer, 224b. shoot a glance, 708b.
shin bones, 632a b, 717b, 719a. shoot out, 190a b.

shoot venom, 470b. shrubs, wall of, 677a.

shooter, 709a. shrubbery, 299a, 558b, 762a.
shooting, a, 754a. Shta, 755b, 756a.
shooting star, 647a, 701a. Shta-ab, 756a.
shoots of plants, 421b, 422a. Shta-Her, 756b.
shop for dates, 106a. Shtai, 755b, 756a.
shore, 272b, 354a, 421b, 544b, Shtait, 756a.
597a, 662b, 659b. Shtait-em-Tuat, 756b.
short of, to be, 397b. Shta-Mesutt, 756b.
short weight, 802a. Shtat, 756a.
shortbread, 138b. Shtat-besu, 756b.
shorten, 539b ; sail, 725b, 735b. Shtati, 756a.
shortened, 379b. Shtau-Asut, 756a.
shot, as of silk, 117b. Shtau-au, 756a.
shot with stars, 190a. Shtau-heru, 756b.
shoulder, 11a, 424b, 425a, 521b, Shtit-shemat, 758a.
522a, 530a, 766b, 768a. Shiu, god, 758b, 759a.
shoulders, the two, 298b, 793a. Shu, 168a, 242b ; blossoms of,
shout, 73b, 113b, 149b,440a,627a, 488a.
858a. Shu, a tribe, 732b.
shout down, 375a. Shu and Tefnut, 420a, 632a,
shout for joy, 141a, 683b. 674a, 848b, 873a.
shovel for fire, 288b. Shu, forms of, 732a.
show, 121b, 253b, 644a. Shu, Hall of, 183a.
show different colours, 117b. Shu, phallus of, 489a, 834b.
show oneself, 34b, 166b, 866b. Shu (Rehu), 429b.
shower, 571a. Shu, Seven Children of, 472a.
shower, to, 35b. Shu, soul of, 198b, 200a.
shred, 596b. Shu, supports of, 630b.
shrew-mouse, 43b, 522a, 798b. Shu, temple of, 41a.
shrine, 20a, 34b, 99a, 117b, 130a, Shu-em-herit, 732a.
191a, 284a, 298a, 374b, 443a, Shu-enti-em-Aten, 732a.
519b, 522a, 523b, 546b, 548a, Shui, 734a.
557b, 565b, 616a, 633b, 678b, Shu-neb-Maat, 732a.
699b, 731b, 734a, 740b, 746b, shun, 481a.
756a, 773b, 774b, 777b, 789a b, Shut, 732a.
790a, 796a, 800b, 801a, 804b, shut, 98a, 768a, 834a ; a door,
808b, 812b, 839b, 873b, 874b, 56b ; the eyes, 136a, 878a ;
909b, 914a. the mouth, 834a.
shrine of Osiris, 484b. shut in, 5a, 60b, 72a, 275b, 435b,
shrine, part of, 342a, 725a. 552a, 594b, 800a, 805a, 915b.
shrine, portable, 18b. shut up, 7a, 557b, 568a, 708a,
shrine, secret, 351a. 729b, 743b, 805a, 874b, 900b ;
shrine, the Southern, 433a. to be, 550a.
shrink, 843b ; back, 635b ; from, Shut-ent-bak, 733b.
839a. Shuti, 732a.
shrinking, 839a. Shutt, 732a.
shrivel, 605b. Shut-tar-na, 648a.
shroud, 463a, 755a, 874b. shuttle, 121b, 754a.
shrub, 55a, 82a, 129b, 136a, 138a, shutters, 852a.
139b, 140a, 168a, 169b, 220a, Shu-ub-bi-lu-li-u-ma, 636b.
226a, 283a, 355a, 475b, 566b, shyness, 569b.
833a, 873a, 874a ; prickly, 714b. Si, 591b.

sick, 296b, 574a, 577a, 674b, sin, 21b, 31b, 82a, 89b, 114b,
744b, 802a ; to be, 223b, 314a, 140a, 143b, 211a, 226a, 243a,
696b ; to make, 286a. 367a, 369b, 441b, 540a, 726a,
sick man, 296b, 744b. 853a, 895b.
sickle, 10a, 572a. Sinai, 150b, 296a ; mines of,
sickly, 187a. 210b.
sickness, 39b, 58b, 180b, 296b, since, 100b, 266a, 277a, 339a,
314b, 390b, 443b, 465b, 517a, 815a, 908b.
529a, 571a, 611a, 650b, 680b, sincere, 246a.
719a, 766a, 807a, 887a ; devil sinews, 22b.
of, 853a. sing, 111b, 448a, 449a, 508b,
sickness, god of, 900a. 515b, 741b, 771b, 782b, 800b,
sickness, mental, 744b. 801b, 803a, 835a.
sickness, shaking, 714b. sing praises, 443b.
sickness, the falling, 444a. sing to a dance, 857a.
side, 128a, 417b, 425a, 766a ; at sing to a harp, 509a.
the, 495b. sing to a sistrum, 508b, 800b.
side, disease of, 421a. sing to a tambourine, 795a.
side, east, or left, 671b, 812b. sing to the heart, 509a.
side of field, 599a. singer, 157a, 509a, 515b, 548b,
side, south, 813a. 630b, 741b, 835b.
side, west, 812b. singing god, 72a, 263b ; god¬
side-locks, 491b, 827b. dess, 70b.
sides of ladder, 110a, 425a. singing men and women, 548b,
sides of ship, 60b. 741b.
sieve, 296a, 689a, 903b. singing voices, 560a.
sift, 396a, 903b. single, 153a.
siftings, 396a. sink, 116a, 480b, 820a.
sighing, 225b. sink down, 819b.
sign, 19a ; make a, 899b. sink into the ground, 116b ;
signal, 448a, 648a. into the heart, 451a.
signet, 123b, 804a. sinner, 31b, 89b, 165a, 369b,
sight, 68a, 243a, 254a, 266b, 457b, 538b, 540a, 637b.
688b, 678b, 783b, 808a, 891a. sins, register of, 115a.
sighter, 612a. sip, 212b.
sightless, 340b. sirocco, 740a.
silence, 80b, 627b, 706a ; put to, Sirsa, 647b.
626b, 706a ; city of, 706a. sister, 674b ; king’s, 392a.
silent, 531a, 627b, 706a, 757a, sister-wife, 674b.
810a, 819b ; to make, 610a. Sisters, The Two Combatant,
silent man, 810a. 429b.
silent-mouthed, 810a. sistra, statues with, 621b.
silent ones, 706a. sistrum, 38b, 616a, 621b, 692b,
silly, 528a, 652b ; to make, 593a. 754b, 854a ; to play or rattle a
silo, 81b. sistrum, 621b, 692b.
silver, 75b, 131b, 523a, 353b. sistrum bearer, 75b.
similar, 277b. sistrum of the god, 403a.
similarity, 779b. sistrum player, 74a.
similarly, 264b. sit, 43b, 76b, 374b, 485a, 610a,
similitude, 19a, 277b, 534b, 682b, 822a, 868a, 887b.
542a b, 673a, 698b, 779b, 826b. sit down, 679a.
simple, 180a. site, 147a, 638a.
simpleton, 180a. situated, 444a.

situation, 595a. Skhepti-rest, 616a.

six, 643b. Skher, 694a.
six-ply stuff, 681b. Skher-ant-f, 617b.
sixth, 643b. Skheriu, 617b.
sixth-day festival, 696a. Skher-rernu, 694a.
sixty, 635b. Skher-reremu, 617b.
size, great, 170b. Skher-shetau-ura, 617b.
Skamu, god, 704b. Skhet, god, 695a.
skeleton, 778a. Skhet-her-ash-aru, 695b.
Skemu-nent, 626b. Skhetiu, 618a.
Skenu, 626b. Skhetiut, 695a.
Skhabes, 615a. Skhetui, 618a.
Skhabsenfunen, 615a. Skhi, Skhit, 615a.
Skhait-baius, 615b. Skhui, 689b.
Skhait-Heru, 614b, 688b. Skhuni, 616a.
Skhat-pet, 615a. skiff, 576b, 589b, 892a, 900a.
Skhaut, 615a. skilful, 621b, 624b, 698a, 751b.
Skhem, 691a. skilfully, 178b.
Skhem-a-kheftiu, 691b. skill, 751b.
Skhem-en-ab-f, 692a. skilled, 284a, 430a, 482a, 613a,
Skhem-her, 692a. 622a, 624b, 682b, 751b.
Skhemit, 616b, 691b. skilled, be, 284b, 483a.
Skhemit-Bast-Ra, 691b. skilled in speech, 430b, 626a.
Skhemit-em-kheftiu-s, 692a. skilled workmen, 430a b.
Skhemit-en-aakhus, 692a. skin, 49b, 55a, 58b, 62a, 63a,
Skhemit-en-tesu-sen, 692a. 160a, 250a, 327a, 400b, 530a,
Skhemit-metu, 692a. 536a, 571a, 573a, 576a, 610b,
Skhemit-ren- s-em- hern it, 692a. 747b, 813b, 819b, 847b, 861b,
Skhemit-tesu, 692a. 887a.
Skhemit-Uast, 691b. skin, animal, 753a, 859a.
Skhemit-Uatchit, 691b. skin, a sacred, 795b.
Skhem-neteru, 692a. skin bottle, 62a.
Skhem-shut, 692a. skin, cap of, 62b.
Skhem-taui (Anubis), 692a. skin, disease of, 617a, 693b,
Skhemti, 692b. 899a.
Skhemiu, 691a. skin dress, 160a.
Skhem-ur, 691b. skin, house of, 327b.
Skhena, 616b. skin rolls, 129a.
Skhen-ba, 617a. skins (i.e., human beings), 62a.
Skhenef, 691b. skip, 597a, 662b, 789a, 833a, 854a,
Skhen-em-pet- etc., 692a. 862b.
Skheni, 616b. skippings, 833a, 852b.
Skhenit, 616b. skull, 163a, 416b, 448a, 496a,
Skhen-khaibut, 617a. 827b, 907a, 910a.
Skhen-maat, 693a. skull box, 447b.
Skhen-neter, 617a. sky, 77b, 150a, 174b, 183a, 190a,
Skhen-rekhtt, 617a. 194a, 210b, 224a, 229a, 238b,
Skhen-tuatiu, 617a. 245a, 297a, 307b, 327b, 381a,
Skhenu, 616b. 419b, 448b, 454a, 498b, 462b,
Skhen-ur, 616b, 693a. 536a, 630b, 733a, 769a, 775a,
Skheper-khaut, 690a. 867b.
Skhep-kenmem, 616a. sky, back part of, 457b.
Skhepti, god, 690a. sky, crown of, 163a.

sky, day and night, 229a. 711ab, 713a, 715a, 717b, 730a,
sky, four quarters of, 229a. 731a, 735b, 806b, 844a, 845a,
sky, morning, 225a. 876b.
sky, night, 504a. slayer, 303b, 527b, 528b, 603b,
sky of the Tuat, 685a. 723b, 731b, 878a, 889b.
sky, two halls of, 438a. sledge, 89a, 136a, 169b, 835b.
sky, two halves of the, 350a. sledge of Henu Boat, 285b.
Sky-god, 18a, 26b, 27b, 47a, 210b, sleep, lab, 113b, 115b, 135b, 136a,
349b, 500a ; the Eyes of, 194a. 163b, 250a, 344a, 374b, 375b,
Sky-goddess, 46a, 193b, 163a, 396a, 559b, 632b, 718b, 780b.
190a, 256a, 318a, 350a, 356b. sleeper, 780b.
sky-water, 459b. sleepers (i.e., the dead), 718b.
slab, 113a, 117a, 188b, 298a, sleeping draught, 719a.
566a, 725a, 817b, 819b. sleeping room, 106a.
slackness, 207b. Sleepless One, 718b.
slain, 528b, 560b, 806b. slender, 547b.
slain in the Tuat, 629b. slice, 245b, 263b ; of flint, 387a ;
slain, the, 58b, 345b, 477a, 512b, of meat, 174a, 400a.
571a, 669a, 802a, 827a. slide, 370b.
slander, 739b. slight, 546a.
slanderer, 739b. slime, 275b, 424b.
slashings, 396b. sling, 528b, 529a.
slaughter, 3b, 19b, 89b, 140b, slink, 491a ; along, 478a.
154b, 293a, 373b, 528b, 561a, slip away, 528a.
571a, 602a, 667b, 668b, 669a, slip behind, 568a.
704a, 723b, 730a, 731a b, 757b, slip, to, 356b, 894b.
843a, 876b, 878a, 884a. slippery, 536b.
slaughter, gods of, 54b, 71b. slit, 187b, 205b, 248b, 603b, 771a,
slaughter, place of, 26b, 376b. 809b, 867b.
slaughter chamber, 10a. slit open, 566a.
slaughter house, 26b, 71b, 239a, slope, 89a ; of a pyramid, 243b.
373b, 390a, 445b, 455b, 538b, sloth, 181b.
685b, 689b, 704a, 880b. slothful, 180a, 181b.
slaughterer, 102a, 303b, 601b, slow, 451b.
604a, 606a, 653b, 666a b, 667b, slowly, to act, 796b.
668b, 731b. sluggard, 180a, 377a.
slaughterer, chief, 172a. sluggish, 377a.
slaughterings, 392b, 459a, 606a. sluggishness, 181b.
slave, 33a, 39a, 67a, 111a, 206b, Slughi, 5a.
311a, 482b ; hereditary, 673a. sluice, 291a.
slave office, 239b. slumber, lab, 115b, 374b, 665a,
slave, woman, 206b, 411a. 780b.
slay, 19b, 127b, 154b, 156a, 168a, Sma, god, 667b.
179b, 186a, 205a, 206a, 210b, Smaa-huti, 668a.
220b, 223b, 269a, 270a, 273a, Smaar, 176a.
288b, 324a, 325b, 337b, 369b, Smai, 668b.
388a, 395b, 397b, 398b, 431a, Smai-Nu, 600a.
435ab, 446a, 512b, 522a, 528b, Smai, Smait, 600a.
534a, 535b, 538a, 546b, 559b, Smait, 599b, 668a.
575a b, 590b, 591b, 596a, 597b, Smai-ta (Ra), 600a.
598a, 601a b, 606a, 629a b, 631b, Smai-taui, god, 600ab.
632a, 661a, 662b, 664a b, 665a, Smaiti, 600a.
666a b, 667b, 668b, 677b, 710a, Smait-urit, 668a.

Smaiut, 600a. Smeti, 672b.

Sma-kheftiu-f, 601a. Smet-sert, 673b.
small, 411b, 546a, 657a, 659b, Smetsmet, 673b.
660b, 746a, 798b. Smett, 672b.
small, to be or become, 413b, Smetti, 603a.
749b. Smetu, 672b.
Smam, Bull-god, 601b. Smi (Set), 670a.
Smami, 669a. smile, 636a, 660b; to make, 696b.
Smamit, 601b, 669a. smite, 19b, 75b, 76a, 79a, 102a,
Smamit-urit, 669a. 145a, 154b, 208b, 253a, 396b,
Smam-ti, 669a. 397b, 467b, 508a, 573a, 596a,
Smamu, 669a. 617b, 701b, 705a, 723a, 725b,
Smam-ur, 601b, 669a. 734a, 794b, 796b, 804a, 821a,
Sman, god, 669b. 899b.
Smant-urt, 669a. smiter, 233b, 468b, 492b, 864b.
smash, 114b, 145a, 154b, 185a, smiting, 397b.
411a, 630b, 713b, 765b, 801b, smitten, 734a, 891b.
808a, 821a, 854a. Smiu fiends, 670a.
Smati, 600a, 668a. smoke, 6a, 516b, 609b.
Smatit, 669b. snake, 29a, 237b, 374a, 479b.
Smati-uati, 600a. snake, two-legged, 479b.
Smatt-Bast, 600a. snake-goddess, 29a, 77b.
Smaur, 601a, 668a. snare, 40a, 186b, 245b, 246a,
smear, 212b, 376b, 643a, 689a, 458b, 465a, 466a, 475a, 539a,
702a, 801a, 803b, 847b, 900a. 618b, 632b, 695a ; pegs of, 38a.
smear with oil or stibium, 328b, snare game, 433a.
813b. snare, to peg out a, 695a.
smell, 89b, 551a b, 572b, 573a, snarer, 618a, 695a, 787a, 793b.
595a, 603b, 608a, 618ab, 627b, snatch, 385a, 757b ; away, 100b,
629b, 648a, 660b, 675a, 678a, 101a.
695b, 697a, 712b, 747b, 749b. snatched, 446b.
smell, bad, 559b, 709a. sneer, to, 200b.
smell, strong, 631a. Snehaqarha, 607b.
smell the earth (i.e., do homage), Sneh-Ra, 607b.
89b, 603b, 675a. Snem, 607a.
smell the stick (i.e., be beaten), Snemf, 607a.
551a. Snemkhef, 607a.
smelt, 195b, 196a, 275b, 353b, Snemmti, 607a.
366b, 664b, 696b, 792b. Sneterba, 678b.
smelter, 171b, 212b, 354a. sniff, 89b, 551a, 573a, 832a, 877a,
smelting houses, 455a. 747b.
Smen, Goose-god, 602a, 670b. sniffings, 750a.
Smenkhit, 602b. snout, 554a.
Smen-maat-em-Uast, 670b. snow, 637b.
Smennu, 602a. snuff the air, 394a, 603b, 612b,
Smentt, 670b. 832a, 854b, 877a.
Smenu, 670b. snuff up, 204b.
Smen-user, 670b. so and so, 297b.
Smer-nesert, 671a. so that, 56a, 339a, 414ab.
Smet, 603a, 672b. so that not, 835a.
Smet, 603a, 673a. soak, 35b, 240a.
Smeta, 672b. soar, 135a.
Smet aqa, 603a. society, 170a,

socket, 156a, 253a, 521b, 544a ; sorrower, 604b.

rectangular, 43b. sorrowful, 464a, 469b, 807a.
soda water, 280b. sorry, 37b, 319a.
sodomite, 396b. sort, 595a.
sodomy, 395b ; to commit, 396b. Soteres, 404b, 410b.
soft, 577b, 803a, 898b ; of bread, Sothis, 48a, 242a, 656a, 664a ;
423b ; of speech, 449b. soul of, 125a.
softness, 273b. soul, to have, 197a.
soil, 25a, 128a, 585b, 627b, 815a. soul, beatified, 197a ; damned,
soldier, 11a, 33a, 115b, 132a, 23b, 197a.
224b, 240b, 241a, 257a, 272b, Soul, the dual, 84a.
288a, 292a, 302a, 303a, 303b, Soul of Bast, 270a.
330a, 333a, 442a, 581a, 639b, soul of gold, 197b.
640a, 704a b, 751a, 772a, 794a, Souls of Anu, Pu, Nekhen, etc.,
841b, 848a, 857b, 897b ; com¬ 198a b.
panies, 768a, Souls of the gods, 198a.
soldier, young (recruit), 342b, souls, passage for, in the Tuat,
347b, 372b, 491b. 157a.
soldiers, Libyan, 343a, 862b. Soul-god, 197b ; of the East,
soldiers, time-expired, 882b. 198a.
sole, 153a b. Soul-goddesses, 198a.
sole of the foot, 63b, 75b, 368b, sound, 128b, 140b, 148b, 305a,
481a, 786b, 826b, 827a, 853a b, 422a, 697a, 851a, 893b.
873a b. sound (of weeping), 560a.
solid, 304a, 305a, 680b, 914b. sound, to be, 128a, 192a, 421b,
solitary, 153a. 676a.
solstice, 478b, 479a. soundness, 893b.
solstice, summer, 111a, 118b. sour, 115a, 122a ; to go, 121b.
solstice, winter, 351a. source, 216a, 723a ; of river,
solution, 292b, 293b, 401a. 202a ; of spring, 475b.
solution, medical, 328a. sourness, 78a.
solve difficulties, 99a, 630b. south, 431b, 575b, 741a, 816a,
solve a riddle, 178b. 831b.
some, 379b, 444b. south, books of, 741b.
something that is, 164b. South, chief of, 431b.
son, 321b, 349a, 583b, 647b, 749b. South, crown of, 372b, 431b,
son, king’s, 392a. 653b, 741b.
son of Horus, 24b. South, dwellers in, 554b.
son-of-Ra, title, 584b. South, garments of, 431b.
son of the heart, 583b. South, goddess of, 432a.
son’s son, 749b. South, grain of, 741a.
song, 94a, 448a, 508a b, 509a, South, hand of, 554a, 771b,
515b ; of praise, 635a. 815a.
Song-god, 19b. South, linen of, 431b.
soot, 491a. South, plant of, 648b.
sorcerer, 514b, 515a, 585b. South, precious stones of, 741a.
sorcery, 515a. South, stone of, 741a.
sore, lib, 124a, 159b, 160a, South, tribes of the, 431b.
296b, 320a, 487b, 688a b. South, wind of the, 431b, 727b,
sorrow, 3b, 7b, 64b, 296b, 314b, 750b.
330b, 386b, 450a, 459a, 527b, southern, 431b.
606b, 677a, 755a, 790b, 831a, sovereign, 97a.
850a ; to feel, lib. sovereignty, 512b, 653b.
4 H 2

sow, 167a, 428a, 628a, 631a, speech, flowers of, 667a.

707a, 708a, 712a, 716a. speech, foul, 335b.
sow, white, 722a. speech in defence, 186a.
sow, young, 303a. speech, occasion for, 80a.
Spa, 661b. speech of all men, 335a.
space, 147a, 184b ; open, 35b, speech of Negroland, 913a.
532a. speech of the god, 403b.
spacious, 2b, 107b, 182b, 255b, speech, to make a, 67a, 913a.
652b, 894a. speechless, 531b.
span, 722a, 752b ; of life, 724a. speedy, 9b, 533a ; remedy, 494b.
spare, 866b. Speh, 662a.
spark, 234a, 823a, 845a b. Speht-urt, 662a.
sparkle, 196a, 215b, 530b, 629a, speli, 22b, 173b, 246a, 509a,
630a, 711b, 820b, 842a, 858b. 515a, 623a, 647b, 693a, 739a,
sparkle-stone, 842a. 745a, 758a, 860b.
sparkling, 858b. spell, to cast a, 464b, 514b.
spawn of Aapep, 850a. spell-bound, 809a.
spawn of fish, 606b. spell-case, 390b.
speak, 104b, 335a, 560a, 719b, spells, beneficent, 515a ; love,
745a, 782b, 807a, 823a, 913a ; 310a.
make, 673a. spelt, 148a, 208a b, 227b, 442b,
speak again, 176b. 827b.
speak against, 416a. spend, 438a.
speak arrogantly, 861b. Speos Artemidos, 232a.
speak evil, 145b, 739b. Spert-neter-s, 661b.
speak firmly, 193b. Spes, 662b.
speak freely, 158b. spew, 778a.
speak loudly, 106b, 113b. Sphinx, the, 469b, 752b ; temple
speak scornfully, 416a, 894a. of the, 239a.
speak violently, 110a. spice, 13b, 112a, 288a, 528a,
speaker, 635a, 913b ; of fair 561b ; bags of, 754a.
things, 218b. spice, bundle of, 806a.
spear, 75b, 110b, 132b, 154b, spice offering, 38b.
211a, 281b, 283a, 305a, 351a, spies, 334a.
390a, 459a, 489b, 523b, 573a, spill, 804a.
640a, 754a, 778a, 905a, 914b. spin, 323b, 325a.
spear fish, 708b, 712b. spindle, 563b.
spear-handle, 268b. spine, 859b.
spear-maker, 281b. spirit, 24a, 30b, 77b, 537b.
spearman, 325a. spirit, a lying, 141b.
spear thrower, 528b. spirit, ancestral, 24b.
speciality, 483a. spirit, divine, 9a.
species, 694a. spirit, equipped, 24a.
speckled, 117b, 278b. spirit, evil, 740b.
spectacle, 80a. spirit, female, 24a.
speculation, 745a. spirit, glorified, 24a.
speech, 26b, 35b, 104b, 240b, spirit, height of a, 2b.
332b, 335a, 416a, 433b, 549a, spirit, primeval, 24b.
632b, 635a, 669b, 679b, 717a, spirit, to be or become a, 23b.
719b, 735b, 754a, 831a, 860b, spirit-body, 646a.
862a, 913a. spirit-soul, 23b, 24b.
speech, deified, 913b. spirit-souls, domain of, 900b ;
speech, fair, 335b, number of the, 24a,

spirits nine cubits high, 24b. sprinkle, 35b, 40a, 387b, 393b,
Spirits of Set, 24b. 400a, 401a, 409b, 451a, 620b,
spirits of the Seven Guardians, 716a, 798a, 804a, 814a, 857b,
24b. 862b, 863b, 867b, 906b ; sprin¬
spirits, reunion of, 652a. kled, 798b.
Spirits, the Four, 491b. sprinkling, 155b.
spit, 104a, 235a, 248a, 249a, sprout, 242b, 510a ; divine, 167b.
253a, 409a, 833a b, 854b, 876b, spume, 509b.
877b, 906a. spy, spies, 463a, 468a, 862b,
spit out, 91b, 778a, 793b. 899a.
spittings, 762b. spy into, 158b, 462a, 471a.
spittle, 91a, 223b, 248a, 249a, Sqai-nu-baiu, 702a.
252b, 253a, 347b, 394a, 876b, Sqaiu, 625b.
877b. square, a, 478a.
spleen, 378a. squat, 590b.
splendid, 22b, 123a, 225b, 737a, Sqeb, 702a.
888b ; to make, 719a. squeeze, 28b, 114a, 292b, 491b,
splendid acts, 23a. 492a, 689a, 795a, 836a ; squeez¬
splendid rank, 912a. ing, 356b.
splendour, 3b, 9a, 23a, 128b, Sqerit, 703a.
142b, 146a, 159a, 200a, 212b, Sqer-tchatchau, 703a.
225a, 242a, 274a, 326a, 371a, Sqeti-her, 626a, 703b.
522b, 535a, 708ab, 712b, 736b, squint, 464a, 641a.
753a, 912a. Sta, god, 628b, 707b.
splinter, 14b, 246a. Sta-en-Asar, 707b.
split, 89b, 186a, 195a, 205b, 235a, stab, 26b, 149a, 166a, 168a, 179a,
237b, 243b, 245b, 246a, 247a, 187b, 220b, 291b, 344a, 369b,
248ab, 251ab, 252a, 287a, 571b, 446a, 549b, 592a, 665a, 845a,
603b, 629a, 665a, 705a, 731a, 876b, 889a, 905a, 914b, 915a.
844b, 881a. stabber, 18a, 166b.
split open, 187b. stability, 297a, 670a, 783b, 913b.
splitting of words, 246a. stable, 74a, 75a, 77a, 193b, 521a,
spoil, 82b, 464b, 471a, 532a, 753b. 723b, 740b, 913b.
spoil, to, 464b, 591b. stable, to be, 296b.
spoken, 877b, 913a b. stablish, 54a, 89b, 602a, 646b,
spokesman, 913b. 670a, 716a.
.spoon, 114a. stablished, 296b.
sport, 693a ; sport with, 28a. stablisher, 670a.
spotted, 117b. stablishing, 670a.
spouse, 303a, 599b.
spout, 775a. staff, lab, 4a, 5b, 6b, 17a, 49ab,
sprawl about, 842a. 54b, 90a, 114b, 117b, 121b,
spread, 185a, 249b, 620b, 621a, 126b, 133a, 140a, 141a, 154b,
863b ; spreading, 777b, 894a. 168a, 202a, 208b, 228b, 235a,
spread a net, 75a. 253b, 268b, 274a, 277a, 284b,
spread out, 182b, 252b, 255b, 314a, 334a, 336a, 366b, 367a,
256b, 436b. 379b, 462a, 470a, 475b, 516b,
spread the wings, 220b, 251b, 566ab, 630b, 725b, 789b, 815a,
465b. 821a, 823b, 825b, 844a, 850b,
spring of water, 144a, 490b, 579a. 862b, 892b, 896b, 902b ; forked,
spring, the, 543a ; flowers, fruits 304b.
and plants of, 423b, 427a. staff bearer, 849a.
spring up, 166a, 274b,436b,833a b staff, magical, 171b.
4H 3

staff of authority, 330b. starboard, 815b.

staff of life (wheat), 566b. Star-god, 332b, 655b.
staff of office, 55a, 99a. star-gods, 374a, 594b.
staff of protection, 193a. stars, circumpolar, 546b.
stag, 2b, 441b, 448b. stars, the Eight, 758b.
stag beetle, 804b. stars, fixed, 478b.
stage of a journey, 179a. stars, imperishable, 24b, 36a,
staircase, 42a, 129a, 130a. 78b, 92a.
stairs, 42a, 129a, 130a, 206a, stars, never-resting, 78a.
207a, 220b, 224b, 225b, 421b, stars, never-setting, 78a.
436b, 596a, 841a. stars, non-retreating, 481a.
stairs of Sebek, 436b. stars, northern, 656a.
stairway, 224b, 421b, 436b, 885a. stars, polar, 78b.
Stait, goddess, 707b. stars, the seven of Orion, 42b.
stake, 347a, 467a, 589a, 672a, stars, shooting, 647a.
715a. stars, the unresting, 36a, 546b.
stake, execution, 290b, 301a. stars, wandering, 374a, 626a.
stakes of a net, 38a. start, to, 288a.
staleness, 78a. starvation, 897a.
stalk, 126b, 129a, 262b, 268b, starve, 614a, 684a.
299a, 354a, 902b. Sta-ta, 631a.
stall, 75a, 77a, 521a ; cattle, 337a. state, 106a, 133b, 561b, 761b,
stalled ox, 2b. 698b, 765b, 766b.
stallion, 39a, 774a, 801b. stately, 737a.
stammer, 346a, 799b. statement, 186a, 297b, 430b, 434b,
stamp upon, 821a, 852b. 860b.
Stan, god, 628b. stater, 712a, 781a.
stand, 133a, 253b, 289a, 422a, station, 21a, 102b, 114a, 133b,
297a. 289a, 297b, 330b, 419a.
stand, a, 16b, 133a, 140a, 659a, statue, 19a, 37b, 277b, 367a, 422b,
809a. 466a, 494b, 557b, 577a, 604b,
stand on end, 393b. 609a, 616a, 622b, 670b, 675b,
stand still, 133a, 429a, 617a, 670a, 752b, 770b, 771a b, 788a, 826b,
693a, 868a. 907a.
standard, 13a, 49a, 285a, 490a, statue, colossal, 298a.
915b. statue, divine, 323b.
stanza, 457a. statue, funerary, 737b.
staple, 273a, 516a. statue of the god, 698b.
star (’Ao-rfjp), 77b, 116a, 125a, statues, the two, 847a.
155a, 168b, 262a, 270a, 409b, statute, 192a, 400b.
528a, 530b, 540b, 647a, 655b, stave, la, 35b, 115b, 208b, 274a,
695b, 809b, 913b ; stars the 333a, 467a ; bent, 592a.
flowers of heaven, 8b. stay, 190a, 468b.
star, double, 647a. staying power, 297a.
star, light-shooting (comet ?), steal, 100b, 101a, 110b, 114b,
625a. 115b, 298a, 420b, 425a, 437b,
star, morning, 220b, 403b, 647a, 474a, 523b, 550b, 572b, 729b,
656b, 870b. 849a, 895a.
star of Ari, 130b. steal the mouth, 385a.
star of the Calf, 220b. stealer, 101a, 385a.
star of the god, 871a. steel, 417a, 419b.
star of thousands, 656a. steep, to, 35b, 539b, 597b, 843a.
star of the water, 656a. steer, to, 66a, 182b, 481b, 722b.

steering pole, 18b, 75b, 139b, stick, to, 862b, 914b, 915a.
182b, 428b, 482a. stick with curved end, 114b.
steersman, 70b, 71a, 290b, 482a, sticker, 18a, 31b.
562b. sticks of incense, 223b.
Stef, 711a. sticks, tally, 129b.
Stef, 631b. sticks, walking, 822a.
Stefit, 631b. storm, 902a, 577b.
Stefiu, 631b. strike, 701b.
Steg, 716a. stiff, 134b, 803b.
Stega-khatt, 632a. stiff-necked, 13a, 760ab, 803b.
Stekh (Set), 712a. stifle, 64a, 873b.
stela, stelae, 81b, 133b, 151a, Sti-her, 628a.
158a, 190b, 192b, 274b, 420b, stilL 627b, 706a, 810a.
421a. Still-heart (i.e., Osiris), 175b,
stem, 299a, 902b. 176a.
Stenit, 711b. stillness, 706a.
Stennu, 629a. stimulate, 689b.
Sten-taui, 629a. sting, to, 160a, 179a, 248a, 913a,
step, 11a, 42a, 129a, 130a, 206a, 914b, 915a.
207a, 224b, 225a b, 324a, 417b, sting of insect or scorpion, 538a,
421b, 436b, 446b, 451b, 541ab, 914b.
596a, 805a, 884a ; mincing, stink, 61a, 145b, 383a, 470a, 553a,
536b ; timid, 479b. 554a, 565b, 683a, 712b, 726b ;
step, to, 607a. make to, 617b, 693b.
step out, to, 184a, 376b. stinking, 145b, 343b, 470a, 726b,
step over, 833a. 868b.
stepped throne, 567a. Stinking Face, 383b.
steps of a tomb, 538b. stinking fish, 280b, 746a.
Steps, the, 537a. stinkingness, 554a.
stern of a boat, 244a, 828b. stipulations, 400b.
stern rope, 461b. Sti-reh-pet, 708b.
steward, 108b, 312a. stir up, 689b ; wrath, 615b.
stew pan, 208b. Stit, goddess, 709a.
Sthait, 712b. Sti-tesui, 709a.
Sthethi, 713a. Stiu, 609a.
Sthit, 712b. stock, 487a.
Sthit-s-mm-Nu, 712b. stoker, 70b.
Sthu, 713a. stomach, 416b.
Sti (the god Set), 709ab. stomach, to turn the, 286a.
Sti, crown of, 535a. stone, 17a, 20a, 58a, 60a, 62a,
Sti, Fire-god, 709b. 63b, 95a, 111b, 112a, 114a,
Sti-aru, 709a. 115b, 117ab, 121b, 124a, 143a,
stibium, 329a b, 715b. 189b, 191b, 208b, 218a, 220b,
stick, lab, 4a, 17a, 41a, 49a, 221b, 243b, 260a, 298a, 303a,
89a, 115b, 117b, 126b, 133a, 315a, 317a, 319b, 329a, 344b,
140a, 151a, 168a, 202a, 208b, 384b, 464b, 473a, 479a, 483b,
212b, 228b, 235a, 276a, 277a, 605a, 624a, 630b, 664a, 706b,
283a, 334a, 336ab, 367ab, 470a, 777b, 778a, 813b, 817b, 836b,
475b, 516b, 566a, 725a b, 726a, 843a, 844b, 879b, 888a.
789b, 847b, 850b, 879b, 896b, stone, coloured, 821b.
900b, 902b. stone for amulets, 375b.
stick for bastinado, 290a. stone for inlaying, 790a, 792a.
stick an animal, 900b. stone, green, 150b.
4H 4

stone in the bladder, 178a. Storm fiend, 608b.

stone, large, 888b. Storm-god, 378b, 411b ; gods,
stone, Nubian, 129b. 714b.
stone of Abhet, 39b. storm wind, 393b.
stone of price, 110a. stormy, 797b.
stone of the Sun-god, 217a. story, 291a, 669b, 719b.
stone of truth, 62b. story tellers, 648a, 719b.
stone, precious, 39b, 204b, 224b, straggler, 244a.
259b, 276a, 415b, 435a, 473b, straight, to make, 653b, 668b.
475a, 507a, 516a, 675b, 729a, straighten, 650b.
752a, 766a, 795b, 804b, 808a, straightness, 271b.
837a, 844a. straightway, 414b, 494b, 495a,
stone, prepared, 62b. 830a.
stone, pyramidal, 219b. strain, to, 114a, 347b, 598a, 613a ;
stone, rectangular, 43b. through a rag or sieve, 140b,
stone, sparkling, 844a. 689a, 800b.
stone, to face with, 477a. strainer, 347b ; linen, 476b.
stone, variegated, 419a. straits, to be in sore, 800a.
stone, white, 251a, 523b, 754b. strange, 541b ; of speech, 911a.
stone, white calcareous, 62b. stranger, 214b, 430a, 541b, 546a,
stone, worked, 62a, 725b, 764b. 740b, 741a b, 782a.
stone-breaker, 158b. strangle, 7a.
stone-cutter, 26a, 344a. strap, 282a, 532b.
stone mason, 94a, 119a, 402b, straw, 528a, 886a, 902b.
535b, 850b. stray, 192b.
stone quarry, 94a. streaked, 4a, 278b.
stool, 13b, 367b, 509b. stream, 12a, 31b, 35b, 49b, 95b,
stop, to, 4b, 38b, 82b, 176a, 99b, 115b, 142a, 145a, 187b,
429a, 708a. 195b, 202a, 212b, 231b, 257b,
stoppage, 746b ; to make a, 65a. 293a, 307a, 349b, 387b, 400a,
stoppage of bowels, 747a. 407b, 424b, 475b, 488b, 516b,
stopped, 624a ; stopped up, 769b. 526b, 569a, 576a, 612b, 725b,
stop up, 750a, 873b. 840b, 882b.
store, 134b, 487a, 649a, 663a, street, 77b, 313b, 529b, 532a,
909b, 914b. 764b.
store chamber, 320a. street corner, 314a.
store-city, 238a. strength, 5b, 22b, 49b, 115b,
storehouse, 80b, 108b, 130a, 182a, 193a, 197a, 214a, 240b,
193b, 239b, 286b, 289a, 415b, 241a, 245a, 306b, 338b, 344a,
419a, 561b, 723a, 900a ; men 347b, 376b, 379a, 388b, 389b,
of the, 813a. 401b, 544a, 690b, 738a, 769b,
store-keeper, 71a. 772a, 783a, 807b, 822b, 839a,
store room, 374b. 851a, 883a, 896b ; to use, 910a.
store up, 160a, 641b. strength, vital, 782b.
stores, office of, 239b. strength and good luck, 193b.
storey, 640b. strengthen, 49b, 90b, 593a b,
stories (see also story), 632b, 608a, 618a, 650a, 677b, 690ab.
719b. strenuous, 338a b.
storm, 93a, 95a, 122b, 174a, 180a, strenuously, 292b.
395a, 459b, 465a, 549b, 573a, stretch, 3a, 184b, 597b, 613a,
606b, 607a, 608b, 631b, 700b, 814a.
722b, 746a b, 807a. stretch measuring cord, 178b,
storm cloud, 745b. 256a.

stretch of land, 256a. strong, la, 3a, 20a, 102a, 108a,

stretch out, 191a, 243b, 256b, 128b, 140b, 177b, 181a b, 190b,
804b, 873a ; a hand, 766a ; 193a, 208b, 216a, 342b, 347b,
hands in prayer, 766a ; the 356a, 375a, 382b, 388b, 389a b,
sky, 685b ; to sleep, 374b ; 395b, 402a, 421b, 422a, 680b,
stretched out, 713b. 690b, 697a, 772a, 774b, 794b,
stricken, 772a. 839a, 845a, 851a, 855a, 857a,
strict, 139a, 639b. 893b, 899b.
stride, to, 149a, 184a, 345a, strong, to be, 378b, 615a, 690b,
373b, 375a, 376b, 559b, 593a, 698a, 718b, 772a, 839b, 851a,
652a, 666a, 813a, 814a. 899a.
stride over, 552b. strong, to make, 645b, 654a,
strider, 255b, 257a, 373b, 374a. 718b, 772a.
stridings, 324a, 559a. strong-arm, 389a.
strife, 18a, 286a, 315a, 459a, strong building, 632b, 852a.
577a, 639b, 642b, 744b. Strong-heart, 182a.
strike, 64b, 76a, 140a, 185a, strong man, 389a, 690b, 704a,
280b, 282a, 285b, 295b, 320b, 772a.
336a, 338b, 369b, 387a, 397b, strong one, 347b, 632b, 910a.
439a, 452b, 453a, 459a, 467b, strong place, 706a, 718b, 840a.
468b, 540a, 573a, 614a, 617b, strong-smelling, 279a, 729a, 740a ;
625b, 626b, 627b, 685b, 702b, objects, 17a.
715b, 734a, 751a, 772ab, 776a, strong sword, 389a.
779a, 790b, 796b, 804a, 827a, strong thing, 851a.
841a, 845a, 887b, 899b. strong-voice, 389a.
strike down, 894a. strong-willed, 173a, 608b, 678a.
strike harp, 468b, 881b. stronghold, 55b, 297b.
strike the footsteps of, 412b. ^trnnlip 4S7a
strike a light, 685b. struggle, 241a, 280b, 531b, 563b,
strike the lyre, 614a, 836a. 679b, 704a, 734b.
strike up a tune, 758a. Stu, god, 628b.
striker, 385b. stubble, 528a, 765b, 838b.
striking, 468b. stuck, 914b.
string, 355a, 396b, 408a, 421b, stud, 369a.
510a, 628a, 629b, 701b, 707a, stud bull, 26b, 103b.
751a. stud cattle, 27b, 100a.
string a bow, 100a, 251b, 872b. stud cow, 27a.
stringer of bows, 99a. stud farm, 740b, 830a.
strip, 243a, 261b, 511a, 682b, 793b. studded, 164a, 424b.
strip naked, 458a. study, to, 757b.
strip off, 696a. stuff, 49b, 113a, 164b, 230b,
strip of cloth or linen, 234b, 236a, 294b, 300a, 305b, 321a,
249a, 596b, 606a, 652b, 810a. 328b, 372b, 377b, 395b, 407b,
stripe, 159b, 489b, 614b, 685b, 408b, 411a, 435a, 440b, 532b,
698a, 734a. 536b, 547b, 579b, 618a, 624a,
striped, 4a, 117b, 346a, 837a, 641a, 724b, 726a, 765b, 840a,
855b. 857b, 879b, 895b, 896b, 897a,
stripling, 76b. 904b, 911a.
stripped, 176a. stuff, green and yellow, 879b ;
strive, 366b, 467a. inlaid or embroidered, 439b.
striver, 286a, 744b. stuff, piece of, 43b.
stroke, 489a, 527a, 615a, 685b, stuff, six-threaded, 643b.
723b. stung, 838a.

stupefied, 131a, 593a. successor, 80b, 246b, 428a.

stupid, 180a, 184b, 276b, 461a, such and such, 297b.
525a, 546a, 732b, 910b. suck out, 550b.
stupidity, 276b. sucking-calf, 221a.
stutter, 799b. sucking-child, 284b.
style, 761b, 801b. suckle, 284b, 608b, 678a, 757b,
stylus (stilus), 519b, 915a. 820b.
styrax, 378a ; wood, 348b. suckler, 757b.
Suatcheb, 592a. suckling, 616b.
Suatchi, 649b. Sudan, mines of, 210b.
Suatchit, 649b. Sudani man, 386a, 790b.
Suau gods, 649a.. suddenly, 265b, 689a.
subdue, 95b, 96c, 140b, 452b, sue for mercy, 727a.
677b, 703b, 706b, 769a, 847b, suet, 315a.
884a. suffer, 27b, 296b, 314a, 373a,
subject, 525a, 595a. 413a, 533b, 650b, 671a, 772b.
subject (serf), 411b, 579b, 824a. suffer loss, 379b.
subject, for discussion, 186a. suffer pain, 131a ; patiently,
subjection, 411b. 665a.
subjects, men, 810a. suffered, 140a.
subjugate, 384a. sufferer, 379b, 580a, 604a b, 674b.
subjugation, 613a. suffering, 296b, 650b.
submerge, 213a, 442b, 443b, suffice, 433b.
509b, 602b, 642a, 671b, 681a, sufficiency, 696a.
820a, 897b. sufficient, 433b.
submerged, 317b, 451a, 509b ; suffocate, 873b.
land, 317b. suffocated, 400a, 763b, 800a.
submersion, 820a. Sugati, 652b.
submissive, 49b. Suhit, 593a.
submit, 441b, 531a, 797a. Sui, god, 650a.
subordinate, 321a, 580a, 603a, suicide, 295b.
673a. suit of apparel, 476b.
subservient, 579b. suitable, 332b.
subside, 480b. Sukhtu, 652a.
subsidize, 262a. sum, the, 274a.
subsist, 542a, 717b. sum total, 134a, 519b.
subsistence, 433a ; means of, sum up, 683a.
580b. summary, 430b, 683a b.
substance, 201b, 230b, 233a, summation, 465b, 880b.
545a, 561a, 621a, 703a. summer, 740a.
substance, aromatic, 506b. summer house, 92b, 106b, 238b,
substance, sacrificial, 140a. 571b, 707a, 753a.
substance, strong-smelling, 27b, summit, 433b.
473a. summon, 136b.
substance, vegetable, 588b. sumptuous, 737a.
substitute, 846a. sun, 23a, 68a, 194a, 417b, 459b,
substitution, 88b. 731b.
subterranean, 337a. sun, disc of, 26b, 27a ; winged,
subtract, 122b, 538b. 522a.
subtraction, sign of, 240a. sun, the new-born, 664b.
succeed, 371a, 421b. sun, revolution of, 247a.
success, 283b, 371a. sun, rising, 118b, 543a.
successfully, 265a, 414b, 517b. sun, the spring, 491b, 541b.

sun, the summer, 418a. suppuration, 383a.

sun, the winter, 418b. sure, 7b.
sun and moon, 125b. surely, 265a.
sun-egg, 398a surplus, 469b.
Sun-god, 24b, 418a, 685a, 731b ; surprise, 209b.
stone of, 217a ; of night, 198a. surround, 63a, 75a, 124a, 662b,
Sun-god, carcase of, 43a. 676b, 731a, 743b, 851a ; with
Sunhat, 592b. walls, 60b.
sunk 442b. surrounded, 246b.
sunrise, 138a, 159b, 207a, 224b. survive, 189a.
sunrise, door of, 655a. Susek, 652b.
sunrise, land of, 205a. Sush Herui, 593b.
sunrise, mount of, 47b, 869b. suspend, 143b, 854a.
sunrise, place of, 159b. suspended, 135a.
sunset, 110a, 138a, 185a, 478b. sustainer, 645a.
sunset, mount of, 869b. sustenance, 286b, 612b, 783b,
sunshine, 708b. 884b, 908a.
Sun-stone, 217b. Susu, 592a.
sun-temple, 596a, 687a. Sut, 653a.
Sunth, 592b, 651a. Sutekh, 627b, 653b.
Sunu, 650b. Suter (Soter), 653b.
superabundance, 458b. Suti, 653a.
superfluity, 179a, 458b. suzerain, 97a.
superintend, 562a. swaddling band, 356b.
superintendent, 311b, 422a. swallow, a bird, 217b.
superior, 170b, 494a b, 562a. swallow, to, 6a, 28b, 120b, 186a,
supervise, 285a. 187a, 203b, 299b, 300a, 301b,
supervision, 80a. 590b, 615a, 616a, 645a, 688b.
supineness, 181b, 898b. swallowers, 645a.
supper, 323b, 330a. swallowing, 645a.
suppliant, 382b, 603a, 876a. swamp, 3b, 103b, 104b, 244b,
supplicate, 187a, 382b, 596a, 307b, 334b, 526b, 533b, 561a,
606a, 607a, 650b, 668b, 876a. 571a, 621b.
supplication, 3821?, 607a, 658b, swamp, papyrus, 14b, 100b.
670a, 711b, 876a. swamp-dweller, 103b.
supplied, 520a. Swamp-god, 660a.
supply, 3b, 487a, 618a, 631b, swamp-land, 27b, 102a.
632a, 689a, 715a, 717b, 783b, swamps of Buto, 244b.
884b, 904a, 906b. swamps of Eastern Egypt, 244b.
supply, daily, 161a. swathe, 61a, 188a, 758b.
support, 16b, 133a, 151a, 189b, swathed, 776a, 909b.
190a, 258b, 425a, 536a, 617a, swathing, 37a, 71b, 103b, 188a,
632b, 637a, 639a, 645a, 693a b, 203b, 301a, 635a.
815a,821a, 823b,844a, 861a, 872a. swear, 757a ; an oath, 112a,
support oneself, 429b. 126a, 131a, 148a.
supports, the Two, 16b ; the sweat, 262b, 263a, 820b, 843a ;
Four, 713b. break into a, 468b.
supporter, 258b, 366b, 823b. sweat, divine, 44a.
suppose, 38a. sweatings, 91b.
suppress, 57b, 140b, 452b, 535b, sweep away, 187b.
571b, 787a. sweep out, 700b
suppression, 140b. sweet, 111b, 211a, 412a, 449a ;
suppurate, 383a. be, 211a, 218b.

sweet thing, 412a. Ta-aakhu, 815b.

sweetheart, 310a. Ta-aakhut, 816a.
sweetmeat, 440a ; maker of, Ta-aa-t-pa-khent, 818b.
219a ; seller of, 356a. Taanauna, 867a.
sweet-mouthed, 218b. Ta-ankhit, 865b.
sweetness, 211a, 217b, 219a, 412a, Ta-ankhtt, 816a.
473a. Ta-aht, Oasis of, 115b.
sweet-smelling, 412a, 697a. Ta-Apt (Thebes), 41b.
sweet-tongued, 218b. Taatt, 818a.
swell, 222a, 225a, 473a, 533b, tabernacle, 475a.
711b, 726a, 738b ; of a boil table, 693b, 846b, 862b ; for
or sore, 381a. offerings, 117a, 191b, 280a,
swell up, 423b. 529a b.
swelling, 381a, 709a, 726a, 738b, table of holy offerings, 28b,
776b, 824a ; an inflamed, 11b ; 196a, 874b, 912b.
in body, 222b ; of heart, 3a. table-maker, 289b.
swift, 227a, 531b, 533a b, 563a, tableau, 266b.
727b, 764a, 827b. tablet, 42a, 133b, 190b, 234b,
Swift-foot (Ra), 563a. 255b, 381a, 566a.
swill, 350b. tablet for calculation, 511a.
swim, 354a, 366b, 374b ; to make, tablet for offerings, 151a, 220b,
606a. 519b.
swimmer, 366b ; in the Tuat, tablet for writing, 123a.
354a. tablet, medicated, 550b, 572b.
swimming, 366b. tablet, memorial, 192b.
swindler, 641b. tablet of destiny, 326a.
swollen, 467b, 545a ; of the tablet of incense, 209a.
arms, 222a. tablet, round, 234a.
swoon, 480b. tablet, sacred, 226b.
swoop, to, 536b. tablet, wooden, 711b.
sword, 57b, 287a, 351a, 390a, tackle, 64ab, 132a, 258a, 661a,
473a, 508a, 544a, 615a, 636b, 750b, 756b ; to work, 661a.
642b, 657a, 665a, 666a b, 667b, tackle, fishing, 579a.
812b, 878a; drawers of the, 848a. tackle of boat, 9a, 244b, 334a,
sycamore, 32b, 347a, 355a ; 596a.
heart of, 570a. tackle of sail, 370a.
sycamore, fig, 92b, 380a, 797b. tadpole, 480a.
syce, 280b, 283a. Ta-en-maa-kheru, 816b.
Syene, wine of, 72b. Ta-en-Maat, 816b.
symbol, 116a, 135b, 136a, 138a. Tafnut, 867b.
symbolize, 628b, 710a. Tag, 867b.
sympathize, 346b. Ta-her-sta-nef, 816b.
sympathy, 314a. Ta-het-ankh, 816b.
synodontis shall, 179a. tail,' 129b, 224b, 540b, 629b, 630b,
Syria, 435b, 436a ; hills of, 700a. 706b, 714a, 716b, 794a.
Syrian, 72b, 532b. tail, festival of the, 475a, 628a,
syrup of figs, 380a. 714a, 716b.
tail in mouth, 706b.
T. tail of hair, 154b.
tail worn as ornament, 306a.
Ta, 821b. Tait, 865a.
Ta, god, 816a. Tait, Taitt, 819a.
Ta-Aabetch, 815b. Taiu Rekhti, 816a.

Takamait, 822b. Ta-nubit, 866a.

Taka-taha-meru, 822b. tape, measuring, 527a.
take, 752a, 757b, 849a. Ta-qebb, 816b.
take an affidavit, 131a. Tar, in Arabia, 205b, 820a.
take an oath, 126a. Taraush, 820a.
take away, 552b, 756b. Ta-re, 817b.
take care ! 449b. Targannasa, 822a.
take care of, 586b. target, 475b.
take heed, 586b. Tarimaus, 822a.
take in pledge, 32b. Tariush, 820a.
take off clothes, 458a. tarry, 195b, 377b, 653b, 685b.
take out, 755a. Tarsha, 822a.
take over, 811b. Tarteniu, 867b.
take to flight, 156b. Tar Tiseb, 820a.
Ta-kharu, 816a. Tarush, 820a.
Takmit, 822b. Tasakhrit, 820b.
tale, 632b, 719b. Ta-Sekri, 816b.
talent, 796a. Ta-sent-nefert, 820b.
talisman, 289b, 537b, 585b. Ta-shema, 816a.
talk an alien speech, 910b. Ta-shet, 816b.
talk, divine, 104b. task, daily, 66b.
talk over, 145b, 410b, 613a. taskmasters, 901a.
talk someone over, 650b. Tasmabaerkhat, 866b.
talk, to, 335a, 549a. tassel, 278b.
talk too much, 389b, 416a. taste, 102b, 783b, 832a, 876b,
talkers, 648a. 877a b.
tallies, 511a. Tat, 818a.
tally, 345a, 902b. Tat, 821b.
tally sticks, 129b. Tat, the, 822b.
talon, 20a, 123b, 128b, 215b, Tat (Tuat), 865a.
218a, 722a, 840b. Ta-tanen, the Four forms of,
tamarisk, 25b, 90a, 374b, 563b. 542b.
tambourine, 610b, 680a, 771b, Tatar, 823a.
827b, 875b. Tatara, 821a.
tambourine, to beat or play, Ta-tcheser, 817a.
42b, 381b. Ta-tchet, 817a.
tambourine woman, 371b, 680b, Ta-tebu, 816b.
838b, 887b. Tatemtch, 868a.
tame, to, 764b. Tatenen, 821a.
Ta-mer, 46a. Tatenent, 868a.
Ta-merau, 815b. Ta-teser, 816b.
Ta-mer-tchet, 816b. Tathenen, 821a.
Tamt, 867b. Tathunen, 821a.
Tanasasa, 822a. Tatiu, 816a.
Ta-neb-ta-ur, 819b. Tatiu, 865a.
Ta-nefer, 816b. Tat-sheta, 821b.
Tanen, 255a, 819b. Tatt, 821a.
Tanent, 819b. Ta-Tuat, 816b.
Ta-Neter, 403a, 816a. Tatuinen, 821a.
Tanett-em-khenu-aa, 820a. Tatunen, 821a.
tank, 78b, 569a, 592b, 650b, Tau, god, 819a.
720a, 724b, 733b, 758a. Ta-uab, 816b.
tank for libations, 307b. Taui Ager, 816a.

Ta-ur, 816b. Tchenerti, 907b.

Tau-ret, 818a. Tchennutt, 907b.
Taurit, 819b. Tchentchen, 908a.
tavern, 32a, 651a. Tchenti, 908a.
tax, New Year’s, 521a. Tchentru, 908a.
tax, perpetual, 521b. Tchenttchentes, 908a.
tax, taxes, 41a, 42b, 206b, 248a, Tchera, 910a.
338a, 446b, 510b, 511a, 516b, Tcher-aakhu, 909b.
521a, 521b, 580b, 655b, 722b, Tcherat, 909a, 910a.
729a, 838a, 882b ; to levy, Tcher-atf, 909b.
521a. Tcherit-pet, 909b.
tax-gatherers, 287b. Tcherti, 909b.
tax-payers, 206b, 838a. Tcherut, 909b.
Tcha, 902b. Tchesef, 911b.
Tcha-agru, 894a. Tcheser-a, 912b.
Tchaasu, the Seven, 896a. Tchesera-aru, 912b.
Tcha-ati, 894a. Tcheser-em-per-f, 912b.
Tchaaui, 894b. Tcheserit, a goddess, 912b.
Tcha-bennu-Asar, 895a. Tcheserit, Eye of Horus, 912b.
Tchabu gods, 902b. Tcheserit-hent, 912b.
Tchahar, 900a. Tcheser-seshetait, 912b.
Tchai, 895b. Tchesert, 912b.
Tchamaa, 898a. Tcheser-tcheseru, 912a.
Tchamtiu, 903a. Tcheser-tep, 912b.
Tchamuti, 903a. Tcheser-tep-f, 913a.
Tchan, Lake of, 897a. Tcheser-teta, 913a.
Tchant, 898b. Tchesertt, 912b.
Tchanti, god, 897a. Tcheseru, 912b.
Tchanu, the Four, 898b. Tcheses, 911b.
Tchapr, 897b. Tchesrit, 912b.
Tchart, 899b. Tchet (Eternity), 893a.
Tcharukha, 903b. Tchet, Ka of Ra, 914a.
Tchau-ab, 893b. Tchet, pillar, 914a.
Tcha-unnut, 895a. Tchefat, 914a.
Tchat, 895a. Tchetbi, 914b.
Tchatchaui, 831b. Tchetchi, 914a.
Tchatiu, 900b. Tchet-heft, 914a.
Tchatt, 903b. Tchetit, 914a.
Tchat Tuat, 895a, 900b. Tchetit-tent, 914a.
Tcheb, 905a. Tchetmit, 915a.
Tcheba, 815b. Tchet-pa-neter-auf-ankh, 914b.
Tcheba, 905b, 906a. Tchet-s, 913a.
Tchebatiu, 973b. Tchet-t Boat, 915a.
Tcheb-her, 876a. Tchetti, 914a.
Tcheb-neter, 905b. Tchetu, 914a.
Tchebti, 904b. Tchetun, 914b.
Tchef, 906b. Tchetut, 914a.
Tchefit, 906b. Tchit, 893a.
Tcheher, 911b. Tchua, 904a.
Tchehes, 911b. Tchun, 904a.
Tchehtcheh, 911a. teach, 655a, 587b.
Tchehuti, 886a, 911a. teacher, 222a, 655b.
Tchemtch-hatu, 907a. I teaching, 655ab.

tear out, 263a, 906a. Tehuti-khenti, 886b.

tear the hair, 94b, 469b, 606b. Tehuti-sa-Aner, 886b.
tear, to, 220b, 255b, 606a, 755a. Tehuti-sehetep-nesrit, 887a.
tear up, 517a. Tekaharsa- etc., 845b.
tearer, a bird, 220a, 247b. Teka-her, 845b.
tears, 293b, 419b, 424a, 428b. Tekait, 890b.
tears of gum, 541b. Tekait, Fire-goddess, 845b.
tears of Isis, 459b, 811a. Tekait, wife of Maa-hes, 845b.
tease, 768a. Tekem, 846a.
teat, 768a. Teken-en-Ra, 846a.
Teb, 827b. Tekhi, 40b, 842b.
Teba, 827b. Tekhit, 842b.
Teba, 874b. Tekhtekh (Aapep), 844a.
Tebai, Tebait, 874b. Tekneru, 846b.
Teba-temt, 874b. Tektek, 891a.
tebati, 874b. Telemachus, 822a, 825a.
Tebatiu, 873b. tell a dream or story, 176b.
Tebat-neteru-s, 874b. tell out, 782b.
Tebeh, the Seven, 828a. tell, to, 719b, 745a, 913a.
Teben-pekhar-meh-nebu, 875b. teller, 176b.
Teben-semu-taui, 875b. Tern, Temu, 834a b ; of Anu, 36b.
Teben-ur, 875b. Temu, the Eight Children of,
Tebha, 828a. 323a.
Tebha, 875b. Temu, the Four Bulls of, 151b,
Teb-her, 876a. 159a, 859a.
Teb-herk, 876a. Tern, a Dekan, 834b.
Teb-her-kehaat, 876b. Tenia, 836a.
Tebhes, 876b. Tema-hert, 836b.
Tebi, 875a. Temam, 836a b.
Teb-mesthumut, 875a. Temamm, 879a.
Tebsu, 828a. Temamti, 836a.
Teb teb, 827a. Tem-Asar, 834b.
Tebu, 875a. Temathtb, 879a.
teeth, 39b, 320a, 536b, 861b. Tematheth, 48b.
Tefen, 833b, 877b. Temati, 834b.
Tef-mat-er-nenu-f, 877b. Temat-stit, 878b.
Tefnit, goddess and form of Ra, Temau, 878b.
833b. Temehtt, 515b.
Tefnut, 460a, 790a, 833b. Tem-Heru-aakhuti, 834b.
Tefnut, vagina of, 785b. Temhit, 837a.
Tefnut, womb of, 834b. Temhu, 837a.
Teftef-Nu, 833a. Temit, 834b.
Tefu, gods, 832b. Temit-mut-set, 880a.
Tegas, 891b. Tem-Khepera, 834b.
Tehent, 842a. Tem-Kheprer, 834b.
Tehentiu, 842a. Tem-pesiu, 835a.
Tehi (Thoth), 886a. tempest, 96a, 395a, 549b, 571a b,
Tehni Amentt, 885b. 573b, 607a, 722b, 746a b, 775b,
Tehteh, 885b. 903b.
Tehuti (Thoth) 886a ; forms of, temple, 32a, 72b, 106a, 193b,
* 886b. 238b, 269a, 402a b, 423a b, 440a,
Tehuti-Hapi, 886b. 444a, 453a, 455b, 570b.
Tehuti-heri-khent-f, 886b. temple estate, 423a.

temple of hundreds of thousands Tentchen, 884a.

of years, 455b. Tenten, 839b.
temple of the head, 273a, 600b, Tenten, 881a.
667b. Tenten, 883b.
temple, property of, 269a. Tentena, 881a.
temple, service book of, 403a. Tentenit serpent, 881a.
Tem-Ra, 834b. Tentenit-uhesq- etc., 881b.
Tem-sa-aru, 835a. tenth, 331a.
Tem-sep, 835a. Tenti, 883b.
Tems-Khentt, 837a. Tep, a lake, 828a.
Tem-Tehuti, 835a. Tepait, 877a.
Tem-tesi, 878a. Tepan, 877a.
Temt-ha-t, 880a. Tephitnebs, 832b.
Temtit, 880a. Tephit-shetait, 832b.
Temtiu, 880a. Tephit-tchet, 832b.
Temtu, 880a. Tephut-Hap, 832b.
Temu-sma-khebit, 835a. Tepi, 877a.
Temur, 878a. Tepi, 40a.
Ten, king, 598b. Tepi, Tepit, 831b.
ten, 331a. Tepi-a-Aakhu, 830b.
Ten Chiefs, 171b, 331a. Tepi-a-baiu, 830a.
Ten, the House of the, 331a. Tepi-ankhiu, 829b.
ten thousand, 905b. Tepi-atru, 829b.
ten-day period, 829a. Tepi-aui-Kenmet, 831a.
Tena, 881b. Tepi-aui-khent, 831a.
Tenait, 838a. Tepi-aui-qerr-en-pet, 831a.
tenants, 838a. Tepi-aui-Septit, 831a.
Tenanu, 882a. Tepi-aui-Smet, 831a.
Tenas, 882a. Tepi-het, 830a.
tend, 351b. Tepi-khu-f, 831b.
tend (trees), 833a. Tepi-sekht-f, 831b.
tendril, 202a, 443a. Tepit, goddess of Tep, 877a.
Tenem, 882b. Tepit-besses, 831b.
Tenemi, 883a. Tepi-thra, 831b.
Tenemi, Tenenit, 839a. Tepit-netchemu-seth, 831b.
Tenen, 255a. Tepi-tu-f, 828b.
Tenh-ua, 883a. Tepi-tus, 829a.
Teni (Ra), 882a. Tepiu-aui Akhabiu, 830b.
Tenit, 881a. Tepiu-aui-Ansebu, 830b.
Tenn, 838a. Tepiu-aui-Geb, 831a.
Tenn, 881a. Tepiu-aui-Ra, 830b.
Tennit, 838a. Tepiu-aui-renp-t, 831a.
Tennit-Anit, 838a. Tepiu-shetau, 831b.
Tennu, 838a b. Tept, god, 832b.
tenons, 112a. Tep-ta, 877a.
Tenpu, 882b. Teptiu, 832b.
Tens-Sma-keku, 883b. Tepu, Grain-god, 831b.
Tent, 884a. Tepui, 831b.
tent, 21a 22a, 50a, 114a, 120a, Tepui-sa-then, 831b.
576a ; of camel’s hair, 22a, Tepu-neteru, 877a.
74b. Teqer, a Libyan dog, 845a.
tent pole, 179b. Teqq, a god, 890b.
Tent-baiu, 881a, 884a. terebinth, 129b.

Teri, 884b. Tesht, 889b.

Teri-Kheftiu, 884b. Teshtesh, 755a, 844b, 889a.
Terit-neshnut, 884a. Teshtesh, 889a.
Teriush, 884b. Tes-hut, 889b.
term, an astronomical, 12a. Tesi-rutu-en-neter, 888a.
term of Osiris, 88a, 192a. Tes-khaibitut-tuatiu, 888b.
Termuthis, 403b. Tes-neb-terer, 888b.
terrace, 559b, 724a, 805a, 885a. Tes-Ra-kheftiu-f, 888b.
terrace for myrrh trees, 567a. Tes-sekhem-aru, 888b.
terraces of Lebanon, 537a. Tes-sept-nesut, 888b.
terrestrial beings and things, Tes-sheta-thehen-neteru, 888b.
579b. Tes-sma-keku, 888b.
terrible, 108a, 499a, 541a, 887b, test, 642b, 643b, 902b, 903b ;
889b. a bow, 647a.
terrified, 352b, 380a, 640a, 651b. testament, 45a, 192a.
Terrifier (Set), 393b. Test-baiu, 888a.
terrify, 66b, 378b, 395a, 499a, Test-ermen-ta, 888b.
577a, 619a, 668b, 693b, 697a, testicle, 9b, 88b, 117b, 217a,
712b, 866b, 889b. 269a, 291a, 481b, 484a, 580a,
terrifying, 499a. 599b, 651b.
territory, la, 97b, 247a, 409a, testifier, 332b.
457b, 574a, 649a. testimony, 332b ; false, 334a.
terror, 4a, 108a, 172a, 395a, 445a, testing, a, 754a.
490a, 499b, 589a b, 640a, 710b, Tesu-em-arit-f, 888b.
887a. Tesu-em-nes-f, 888b.
terror-stricken, 322a, 678b. Tet, 892a ; to set up the, 591b,
Tert, 884a. 646b.
Terteniu, 885a. Teta, 847b.
Tertiu, 841a. Tetaan, 847b.
Ter-tu, 884b. Tet Amen, 864a.
Teru, 884b. Tet-ent-Ast, 864a.
Tes, Lake of, 888a. tether, 300b.
Tes-aakhu, 888a. Tetti-ab, 847a.
Tes-aha-ser-Tathenen, 888a. Tetu, Council of, 902a.
Tes-akhem-baiu, 888a. fetun, 472a, 892b.
Tes-am-uriti- etc., 888a. Thabu, 850b.
Tes-em-her-f, 888b. Thakar-Bara, 852a.
Teser-a, 889a. Thakaretha, 852a.
Teser-aabt, 888b. Thakaru, 852a.
Teser-ari, 889a. Thakasa, 208b.
Tesert-ant, 889a. Thamaa, 850b.
Tesert-baiu, gate and district, Thamakana, 851a.
888b. Tha-nefer, 848b.
Tesert-tep, 889a. thank—to thank God, 871a.
Tesh, god, 844b. thanks, to give, 710a.
Tesh, god, 889a. thanksgiving, 408a, 871a.
Tesher, 890a. Tharef, 852b.
Tesher-arui, 890a. that, 231b, 235b, 370a, 853a ;
Tesher-mestcher, 890a. that is to say, 79b ; that which,
Teshert, 889b. 15a, 399a.
Teshesh, 889a. That, 852b.
Teshrit, 890a. Thathait, 852a.
Teshrut, 889b. Thatmar, 850a.

Thauathasa, 850a. therewith, 264b.

Thau-uru, 848b. Therit, 857b.
the, 864b. Therta, 858a.
Theba, 854a. Therut, 858a.
Thebeh, 854a. Thes-am, 859b.
Thebes, 41b ; god of, 898a ; Thes-arq, 860a.
nursing mother of, 41b ; Thesbu, 862a.
personified, 149a. these, 42b, 342a b, 349a, 354b, 832b.
Thebti, 854a. these two, 42b, 43a, 349a.
thee, 306b, 396b, 398b, 408a, Thes-heru, 860a.
409ab, 782a, 815a, 824b, 848a, Thesi-en-khentt, 859a.
862b. Thesi-kha-neteru, 861b.
Thefnut, 854b. Thesi-tchatcha, 861b.
theft, 115a, 467b, 849b, 895a. Thesi-tchatchau-neteru, 861b.
Thehbith, 858b. Thesi-Teshert, 860a.
Thehen, 858b. Thesu, the Seven, 859b.
Thehen-atebu, 859a. Thesupt, 860a.
Thehhut, 858b. Thes-ur, 861b.
Thehnit-tepa-khat, 859a. Thes-usfu, 860a.
their, 144a, 164a, 229b, 253b, Thesu-urut, 861a.
342ab, 603a, 673b, 818b. Theth-meteru, 852b.
Thekem, 862b. Thethu, 863b.
them, 144a, 164a, 339a, 349a, Thett, 862b.
408a, 603a, 673b, 706b. they, 144a, 164a, 349a, 408a,
Thema, 855a. 592a, 603a, 633b, 706b.
Thema-re, 855a. thick, 164a.
Thema-taui, 855a. thicket, 89a, 202a, 209a, 636a.
Themath, 855a. thickness, 164a.
Themat-hert, 855a. thief, 115a, 437b, 464b, 674b,
Themat-Khert, 855a. 683b, 849b.
Themeh, 855a. thieve, 437b.
Themes-en-khentt, 855b. thigh, 120a, 156b, 275b, 298b,
Themmit, 855a. 326a, 328a, 329a, 544b, 594b,
themselves, 911b. 597b, 659b, 736b.
then, 79a, 229b, 408a, 704b, 705b. thighs, the two, 8a, 147a, 244a,
Thena, 856b. 275b, 298b, 559a b.
Thenaru, 856a. thine, 229b, 252b, 818b.
Thenem, 857a. thing, 8b, 77a, 91b, 164b, 170a,
Thenemi, 857a. 179b, 335a, 395b, 396b, 398a,
Thenen, 856a. 487a, 525a, 721b, 789b.
Then-neteru, 856a. things, good, 635a ; pleasant, 20b.
Thennit, 856a. Things, Lord of, 24a.
Thennui, 856b. things of earth, 525a.
Then-set, 856a. things of Horus, 525b.
Thenther-neteru, 857b. things of Osiris, 525b.
Thenti, 857b. things on altar, 525b.
Thenut, 856b. things proved, 544b.
Thepht-shetat, 854b. things seen, 266b.
Thephut-petriu, 854b. things, strange, 541b.
there, 868a. things washed away, 28a.
thereafter, 494b. think, 38a, 42b, 145b, 274a,
thereby, 348a. 396a, 398a, 548a, 614b, 688a.
therefore, 492b, think out, 614b, 688a, 782b.

third time, 548b. threatenings, 499b.

thirst, 38a, 642a. threats, 499b.
thirsty, 4b, 38a, 898a. three, 548b.
thirsty man, 38a. three ply, 548b.
thirty, 281a. thresh, 468b, 772a.
Thirty-Judges, Court of, 281a. threshing floor, 907a.
this, 42b, 229a, 236a, 253b, 342b, threshold, 585b, 819a.
349a, 352b, 354b, 815a, 818a, thrive, 150a, 421b, 596b.
824b, 832b, 837b, 856a, 880b. throat, 77a, 112b, 137a, 212b,
this and that, 370a. 468a, 492a, 515b, 517a, 521b,
This (Abydos), 57a. 536a, 563a, 572a, 573b, 728b,
thong, 532b, 790b ; of whip, 421b. 735a, 754b, 768a.
thorn, 680a, 765b, 844a. throne, la, 79b, 88b, 89a, 90b,
thorn bush, 714b. 190a, 220b, 228a, 390a, 393b,
thorn growth, 89a. 408b, 474a, 485a, 558a, 559b,
thorn plant, 637b. 583b, 612a, 650b, 681b, 704b,
those, 70a, 229b, 348b. 706b, 737a, 773a, 805a, 806b,
those who are, 342a, 400b, 541a. 839b, 851a, 852a, 855a, 857ab,
Thoth, 3a, 15a, 29b,37b,41a,107a, 884a, 896a, 898b, 900b, 902a b,
108a,113b,116a,189b,361a,619b, 908a.
629a, 672a, 704a, 742b, 817b, throne, directors of, 562a.
886a, 911a. throne, double, 221a, 850a ; the
Thoth, ape-god of, 2a. two thrones, 390a.
Thoth, bringer of the Eye, 886b. throne, royal, 80a.
Thoth, Company of, 91a, 548a. throne, scribe of the, 855a.
Thoth, Eight Ape-gods of, 25b. throne, the divine, 70a.
Thoth, festival of,451a, 886b, 887a. Throne, the Great, of Osiris,
Thoth, form of, 76b. 567a.
Thoth, incarnation of, 91a. throne attendant, 70a.
Thoth, magical form of, 22b. throne-bearers, 773a.
Thoth the Great, 886b ; the throne-chamber, 681b, 806b,
Twice Great, 886b. 857a, 896a, 900b, 902a.
Thoth, the holy, 887a. Throne of the Two Lands, 390a.
Thoth the magician, 886b. throne on a boat, 857b.
Thoth, titles of, 886a ; title of throne pavilion, 839b.
priest of, 161b. throne room, 392a, 600a, 857b,
Thoth, wife of, 81b. 908a.
Thoth, words of, 335b. thronged, 241a.
thou, 94a, 279a, 306b, 396b, 398b, through, 279b, 492b, 493a.
408a, 409ab, 782a, 815a, 826a, through which, 348a.
848a, 852b, 862b. throughout, 2b, 856a.
Thoueris goddesses, the Twelve, throw, 190a, 470ab, 528a, 770a,
42a. 796b.
though, 786a. throw away, 157b.
thought, 37b, 45b, 241a, 319a, throw down, 247b, 256b, 560b,
351b, 398a, 779b, 782b, 798b, 617b, 618a, 799b.
801a. throw open, 604a.
thousand, 526a. throw up the arms, 898a.
thread, 254b, 351a, 377b, 399b, throw-stick, 800b.
408a, 510a, 596b, 628a, 707a, thrust, to, 190a, 889a.
859b. thrust aside, 247b, 468b.
threads of flax, 234b. thrust away, 689b.
threaten, 394a. thrust forward, 592a, 885a.
4 I 2

thrust together, 236a. time, ancestral, 778a.

thrust with horns, 445b, 766a ; time, a stated, 880b.
with phallus, 387a. time, beginning of, 231a.
Thruster (Ra), 159b. time, course of, 247a.
Th-senat-nefer, 862a. time, endless, 744a.
thunder, 66b, 335a, 447a, 560a b, time, masters of, 581a.
714b. time of judgment, 596a.
thunderstorm, 246a, 395a, 573b, time, of old, 205a, 909a.
775b. time, portion of, 12b.
thurifer, 849a. time, period of, 648b.
Thuthu, 853b. time, primeval, 230b, 596a, 830a.
thwart, 845a. times, the two, 840b.
thy, 229b, 234ab, 252b,342b, 396b, Time-divider (Thoth), 704a.
782a, 818b. Time, god of, 125b, 383b.
thyself, 911b. Time-gods, 377b.
tiara, 279a, 323b, 376a, 528a, timid, 252b, 461a, 472b, 479b,
579b, 625a, 683a, 693b, 701b, 514b, 534b, 575a, 678b, 746b,
776a, 855a, 876b. 905b.
tie, lb, 20a, 64a, 72a, 82b, 91a, timid man, 609b, 679a.
99a, 113b, 120a, 124a, 131b, timidity, 574a, 678a, 798b.
156a, 203b, 219b, 228a, 282ab, tincture, 128b.
285b, 291a, 305a, 313b, 336b, tinder, 618b, 696b.
351a, 355a, 399b, 409a, 421b, tip, 433b, 554b, 828a ; of horn,
479a, 486b, 490a, 535a, 593b, 766b ; of nose, 105b ; of wing,
606a, 607b, 645a, 633a, 676ab, 128b.
695a, 701a, 745a, 750a, 765a, tippler, 651a.
766a, 769a, 774a, 778a, 801b, tired, 10b, 207b, 225b, 260b,
813b, 840b, 859b, 863a, 878a, 262b,377a, 533b, 534b, 802ab.
852b, 883a, 912a, 915b. tiredness, 574a.
tie of the Green Crown, 735b. tiring woman, 712b.
tie the hair, 368b. Tirku, 823a.
tie together, 313b, 745a, 878b. tissue, 806b.
tie up, 58a, 131b, 146b, 188a, Titenent, 868a.
561b, 745a, 909b ; a boat, 300b ; Tith, 868b.
in linen, 758b ; tie up to, 854a. Titi, 868b.
tied, 253a, 304b, 334b, 491a, Titiu, 822b.
776a, 899a ; tied up, 759a. title, 384b, 387b, 535a, 757b.
Tifnut, 867b, 868b. title, official, 315a, 387b.
tight, 782b. title of honour, 235b, 387b.
tightness of chest, 805b. title of priest, 318a, 513a.
tilapia Nilotica, 58b. title, priestly, 193a, 202b, 262a.
tile, 42a, 188b, 819b, 874a. title, to bestow, 877b.
tile-kiln, 118b. title-deeds, 45a, 345b, 619a,
till the ground, 132a, 302a. 638a.
tillage, 75a, 704b. Titur, 823a.
timber, timbers, 79b, 89a, 164a, Tius, 868a.
249a, 566a, 851a. to, 56a, 65a, 339a, 414a, 590a ;
timber, dressed, 11a. to the back of, 633b ; to
time, 14a, 100a, 101b, 133b, wit, 79a.
163a, 167a, 351a, 434a, 438b, toad, 118a.
440b, 444b, 588b, 595a, 696a, toast, 138b ; offering, 817a.
778a, 815a, 821a, 840a b, 857b, to-day, 232a, 438b, 450a ; god
884b. of, 870b.

toenail, 112b, 523b. top of hill, 105b.

together, 214a, 822b. top of mast, 828a.
together with, 116b, 264a, 277a, tops of plants, 244b.
279b, 472b, 486a. toper, 593a, 657a.
toil, 158a, 206a, 232b, 439a, topsy-turvy, 604b, 844a.
784a. torch, 276a, 823a, 845b.
toiler, 440b. torches, the four holy, 845b.
toilet case, 812b. torment, 101a.
toilette, to make the, 169b. torn, 589b.
tolerant, 180b. torrent, 95a, 611b, 637b.
toll-house, 239b. tortoise, 119b, 755a.
tomb, lb, 11a, 15b, 25a, 28a, Tortoise, body of the, 767a.
35a, 39b, 79b, 80a b, 81b, Tortoise, Constellation of, 755a,
113b, 125a, 134a, 140b, 143b, 758b.
156a, 183a, 192b, 201a, 217b, tortoise-shell, 233a.
239a, 278a, 285a, 319a, 402b, torture, 373b ; instrument of,
453a, 457a, 465a, 498b, 507b, 715a.
561b, 587a, 706a, 756a, 874b, torture chamber, 173b, 538b.
900b, 914a ; gods of the, 15b. torture ground, 772b.
tomb, perpetual, 81b. total, 134a, 274a, 510b, 794b,
tomb, pit or shaft of, 8a. 880a b.
tomb priest, 44b. totality, 2b, 779b.
Tombos, 45a. totter, 487b.
to-morrow, 381a,432b ; morning, tottering, 152b.
225a. touch, 527a, 808a, 858b, 879a,
tongue, 97b, 389b, 432b, 751b, 891a, 892a, 900a ; to examine
803a. a patient by touch, 527a.
tongue of a bell, 304b. touch the earth, 841b.
tongue of the scales, 842b. tow, to, 93b, 100a, 184a, 444a,
tongue of the sea, 390a. 625b, 629b, 707b, 713a.
tongue, perfection of, 626a. tow-line, 372b.
tool, 163b, 180b, 223a, 228b, tow-rope, 139a, 244b, 461b.
292a b, 300a, 304b, 333a, 338b, towards, 65a, 265a, 414a b, 560a,
345b, 352b, 354b, 419a, 469a, 633b.
480a, 483b, 487a, 528b, 535a, towers of boat, 629b, 707b,
613a, 673b, 710a, 715a, 726a, 713a.
728b, 739b, 747a, 789b, 791b, tower (citadel), 164a, 289b,
810a, 845a, 876a, 907a b, 914b. 290a, 330b, 338b, 705b, 852a,
tool, brickmaking, 56b. 862a ; of a pylon, 221b.
tool, cutting, 13b, 205b, 351a, town, 137b, 206b, 350b, 453b,
387a, 894a. 764b, 780a, 836b, 868b, 879b.
tool, digging, 95a, 202b. town, fortified, 221b.
tool, farming, 710a. Town-god, 350b, 404a.
tool, goldworkers’, 336a. town-guard, 292a.
tool, graving, 519b. townsfolk, 350b.
tool, tillage, 488b. townsman, 350b, 836b, 879b.
tool, wooden, 531b. trace, 355a, 694a.
tool bag, 528b. trace (plans), 610b.
tool case, 2a. traces of chariot, 287b.
tooth, 5a, 39b, 210b, 386b, 413a, trace of something, 596a.
552b, 723b, 789a. tract of land, 256b.
top, 266a, 433b, 828a. trade, 650b, 733a ; a man’s,
top of head, 163a, 907a. 483a.
41 3

tradesman, 718a, 739a. Traveller (Khensu), 553a.

trafficker, 733a. Traveller (Ra), 541b.
train, a, 742b. traverse, 42a, 245b, 246a, 445ab,
train, to, 655a, 757b. 552b, 559a, 593b, 726b.
trained, 613a, 622a, 682b ; traverser, 594a.
of mind, 483b. tray, 838b.
trained workman, 430a. tread, 292b, 756b, 891b ; grapes,
training, 655a b. 468b ; in the footsteps of
tramp, 380b. someone, 891b.
tramp the earth, 884a. tread out, 480b, 757b.
trample, 253a, 443a, 445b, 868a. treading, 728a.
trample upon, 452b, 725a, 821a. treasure, 417a, 568b, 618a,
tramplings, 118b. 722b, 737a.
Tranquilliser, the, 706b. treasure house, 239b, 284b.
transcript, 604b, 675b ; to make treasurer, 568b, 906a.
a, 675b. treasury, 130a, 239b, 312a.
transfer, 100b, 324a, 538b, 644b, treat kindly, 20b.
803a ; a house, 685a. treat lightly, 28a.
transform, 66b, 842a. treat with contempt, 564b.
transformations, 21a, 30a, 108a, treaty, 568b.
530b, 542b. tree, 13b, 20a, 32b, 75b, 79a,
transgress, 153a, 841a, 851b, 124a, 129b, 189a, 207a, 221b,
858a, 877a. 274a, 283a, 305b, 372b, 442a,
transgressions, 143b, 396b, 397a. 566a, 600b, 615b, 677a, 734a,
transgressor, 165b, 841a. 735b, 736b, 745b, 776b, 806b,
transit, 617a. 852a, 856a, 874a, 906b, 907b.
translate, 803a. tree, balsam, 566b.
transmit, 440b. tree, sacred, 39b, 90a, 496a,
transmittal, 649b. 836a.
transport, 28a, 71b, 495a, 576b, tree, spice, 566b.
649b, 713a, 757b, 894b ; the Tree of Life, 20b.
dead, 599a ; by boat, 704a. Tree-goddess, 276b.
transport man, 703a. Tree-trunk, sacred, 914a.
transportation, 576b. tremble, 10a, 90b, 91a, 143b,
trap, 40a, 246a, 539a ; for game, 167a, 343a, 352b, 356b, 393b,
446a. 487b, 589b, 628a, 631a, 640a,
trappings, 282a, 285b, 422a, 714b, 864b, 906b ; make to,
536b. 104a.
travel, 32a, 55a, 65b, 83a, 90a, tremblers, 195a.
92a, 107a, 114b, 118b, 169b, trembling, 510b, 589a, 716a,
192b, 288b, 289b, 324a, 346a, 864b, 906b.
373b, 442b, 446b, 478a, 487b, trepidation, 471a.
541a, 559a b, 593b, 615a, 625b, trespass, 595b, 841a, 853a.
653a, 659b, 713a, 723a, 728a, tress, 7a, 21b, 280b, 343a, 367b,
734a, 739a, 741a, 891b, 894b. 368a, 491a, 594a, 600b, 621b,
travel by boat, 374a, 703a. 634b, 656b, 802b, 808b.
travel by sea, 439a. tresses, pair of, 879a.
travel over, 552b. trial, 444b, 595a, 643b.
travel through, 37a. triangle, 664b ; base of a, 831a.
traveller, lb, 122a, 144ab, 289b, tribe, 284a, 316a, 320a, 725b.
420a, 478b, 495a, 552b, 653a, tribes, desert, 495b.
659b, 728a, 739a ; a benighted, tribesman, 284a.
529b. tribulation, 898b.

tribunal, 80b, 774a, 818a. try a matter, 160b.

tribune, 225a. try by fire, 10b.
tribute, 42b, 56b, 204b, 206b, try by taste or touch, 808a.
283b, 286b, 487a, 521a and b, try cases, 194b.
562b, 865a, 907b. Tu-a, 870a.
tribute, annual, 521b. Tuaanu, 871b.
tribute, to levy, 521a. Tuaau, 872b.
tribute, pay, 206a. Tuai, 870b, 871a.
trickster, 641b. Tuait, 823b.
trident, 548b. Tuaiti, 870b.
triple, 548b. Tuaiu-gods, 871b.
triturate, 844b. Tu-Amenu, 869b.
triumph, 474a. Tu-ami-Khert-neter, 869b.
Troglodytes, 59b. Tuamt, 824a.
troop, 33a, 269a, 288a, 389a, Tuamutf, 871b.
599b, 772a, 794a, 860b. tuat, a Circle, 872a.
trouble, be troubled, 5b, 7b, tuat, Council of the, 901b, 902a.
64b, 74a, 127b, 226a, 296a, Tuat, doors of, 655a, 659a.
324b, 577a, 618b, 631b, 745a, tuat Neter, 870b.
778a, 809a, 841ab, 861b, 906a. Tuat of Heliopolis and Memphis,
trouble oneself, 13a. 816a.
trouble, to stir up, 549b. Tuat, the everlasting and hid¬
troubled, 5b, 7b, 226a, 464a, 665a, den, 439b, 816b, 865a, 871b,
685a, 813b, 843a, 916a ; of 893b.
water, 224a. Tua-taui, 872a.
troubled one, 69b. Tuatheth, 872b.
trough, 511b, 596b, 720a ; drink¬ Tuati, god and gods, 871b,
ing, 642a. 872a.
truce, 2b. Tuati-m’ketit-en-neb-s, 871b.
true, 139a, 270b, 332b, 601a, Tuatiu, 872a.
668a ; to make, 601a. Tuau, 870b.
true-hearted, 139a. Tua-ur, 870b.
true of heart, 271a. tub, 511b.
true of voice, 271b. Tuba, 824b.
true witness, 332b. tube, 167a, 654a.
truly, 105a, 271a, 602a, 670a. Tu-en-Amau, 869b.
trumpet, 853a ; to sound the, tu-en-Bakha, 869b.
143b. Tu-en-Bekhan, 869b.
trumpet-bearer, 853a. Tu-en-Kenmut, 870a.
trumpeter, 853a. Tu-en-Kesh, 870a.
trunk of elephant, 864b. Tu-en-khent, 870a.
truss a bird, 883a. Tu-en-Khert-neter, 870a.
trusted one, 44b. tu-en-maatiu, 870a.
trustee, 410a, 757b. tuf, 869b.
trustworthy, 139a. tug, 827a.
truth, 214a, 270b ; in truth, 34b ; Tu-Heru-nub, 870a.
very truth, 164b. tu-hetep, 869a.
Truth, Boat of, 272a. Tui,’ 824b.
truth, stone of, 62b. Tui, 869a, 872b.
truth, words of, 335b. tui-qaui-aaui, 870a.
truthful, 107b, 270b. tuit, 869b, 872a.
Truth-goddess, 271b. tu-menkh-Rerek, 869b.
try, 444b, 899a, 902b, 903b. tumbling girls, 539b.
4 i 4

tumour, 110a, 381a, 533b, 738b. Turquoise Land, 296a.

tumult, 682a. Turshau, 825b.
Tunabui, 825a. turtle, 119b, 755a.
Tunah, 825a. Turtle-god, 119b, 169a, 778b.
Tunanu, 833a. turtle meat, 345b.
Tunhat, 825a. turtle shell, 233a.
Tun-hat, Tun-hati, 873a. Tu Sehseh, 870a.
Tunia, 873a. Tu Semi, 870a.
tunic, 113b, 223a, 325a, 516b, tusk, 4a, 116a, 220a, 386b, 413a,
635a, 649b, 749a, 799b ; 552b.
leather, 822a ; war, 535b. tusk of elephant, 115b, 227a.
tunics, keeper of, 749a. Tut, 869a.
tunnel through the earth, 95b. Tutankh-Amen, 16b.
Tunn-Maau, 833a. Tut-en-arit-Ra, 826b.
Tun-pehti, 873a. Tu-Tesher, 62b, 870a.
Tu-qetu, 869a. Tuti, 869a.
Turaush, 825b. tutor, 757b.
turban, 243a, 323b, 701b. Tutu, 826b.
Turimkus, 825b. Tutu, 869a, 870b.
turn, 43b, 123b, 191a, 251b, 320a, Tutuf, 869a.
339b, 478b, 780b, 847b ; a Tutu-her, 869a.
bad, 595b. Tutus, 869a.
turn about, 325a, 452a. Tu-uab, 869b.
turn' a glance, 123a. Tuuti, 868b.
turn aside, 18a, 435a, 612b, 630a, twang a lyre, 685b.
682a,710a,711a, 713b,797b,839a. twentieth, 897a.
turn away, 219a, 325a, 344b, twenty, 897a.
713b, 746a, 680b, 684a, 801b. twice, 595b.
turn away from, 140a, 348b, 857a. twice great (Thoth), 107a.
turn back, 57b, 122b, 166a, 245a, twig, 17a, 60a, 151a, 343b, 566a,
325a, 487b, 567b, 605b, 613b, 600b, 637b, 903b.
614a, 630a, 645a, 657b, 683b, twilight, 529b, 829a.
684a, 694b, 711a, 713b, 747a, twins, 520b ; to be, 520b.
748a, 824a, 857a, 883a. twin-gods, 848b ; lakes and
turn backwards, 246b. pools, 520b.
turn down, 612b. twine, 131a, 859b.
turn from, 825b. twinkle, 629a.
turn of the day, 246b. twinkling of the eye, 58a.
turn oneself round, 325b. twist, 43b, 156a, 274b, 291a,
turn round, 191a, 195a, 274b, 368a, 645a, 695a.
323b, 420a, 428a, 478b, 780a. twisted, 530a.
turn the back, 289b. twitch, 858b.
turn the back on, 437a. twitter, 100b, 211a.
turn the stomach, 286a. twittering, 853b.
turn towards, 837a. two, 673b.
turn upside down, 563b. Two-faced (Bat), 494a.
turner back, 122b. two hands, 815a.
turning, 478b. two-legged, 255b.
turning of the shadow, 246b. Two Thrones, Director of, 390b.
Turper, 825b. Tybi, 738b.
turquoise, 150b, 262a, 281b, 289b. type, 277b.
296a, 475a. Typhon, 25b, 839b, 854a.
Turquoise Field, 687a. typify, 628b, 710a.

U. Ua-uben-em-Aah (Osiris), 154a.

Uauti, 154a.
Uaau, 154b. Uba, 159a.
Uabit, 156a. Ubaemtut, 159a.
Uabt, 156a. Ubata, 159a.
Uab-ur, 156a. Ubataiu, 159a.
Ua-em-ua (Osiris), 154a. Ubekht, 160a.
Uag festival, 149b. Uben (Ra), 159b.
Uahit, 148a. Uben-an (Ra), 159b.
Uai (Aapep), 145b. Uben-em-nubit, 159b.
Uaiput, 146a. Ubenit, 159b.
Uakh, 148b. Ubenna, 159b.
Uamemti, Assessor and Ser¬ Ubentiu, 160a.
pent-god, 146b. Uben-urr, 159b.
Uamemtiu, 146b. Ubes-her, 160a.
Ua-menh (Aapep), 154a. Ubesu, 160a.
Uamti, 561a. udder, 369b.
Uantit, 153a. Ufa, 163b.
Ua-pest-em-Aah, 154a. Uga, 187a ; festival, 187a.
Uarkatar, 147a. Uha, 178a.
Uart, Dekan, 156b. Uhahat, 178b.
Uart at Abydos, 156b ; at Kher- Uhem-ankh, 177a.
Aha, 157a ; in the Tuat, 157a. Uhem-her, 177a.
Uart of stars, 157a. Uhemi, 177a.
Uarta, 147a. Uhemt-tesu, 177a.
Uart-ent-baa, 157a. Uhemu, 177a.
Uart-ent-ma, 157a. Ukeshti, 187a.
Uart-ent-she, 157a. Ukh, 179b.
Uas, Uasit, 149a. Ukhikh, 180b.
Uasar (Osiris), 149a. ulcer, 124a, 487b, 565b, 698b,
Ua-seqeb, 154a. 709b, 776b.
Uashba (Ra), 149b. umbilicus, 572b.
Uasheshu, 149b. umbrella, 643b, 647b.
Uash-neter, 402a. umbrella bearer, 647b.
Uatch, 151a. Un, god, 165a ; ancestor of, 830b.
Uatchan, 150b. unanimously, 265b, 416a, 779b.
Uatcharti, 150b. Unas, pyramid of, 167a.
Uatch-au-mut-f, 151b. Unb (Ra), 167b.
Uatch-her, 151b. unbind, 665b.
Uatchit, 151b, 183b ; her Seven unbolt, 388a, 608a, 624a, 677b,
Companions, 151b. 697b, 701a, 707b.
Uatchit, Land of, 151b. unbolted, 665b.
Uatchit-neb t-kek, 151b. Unb-per-em-Nu, 168 a.
Uatchit-tcheserit, 151b. unceasing, 340a.
Uatch-nesert, 151b. uncle, 674a.
Uatch-neterit, 151b. unclean, 226b, 883a.
Uatch-ret, 151b. unclothe, 793b.
Uatchti, 151b. unconquered, 690b.
Uatch-ur, 151a. uncouth, 509b.
Uath-ab (?), 153a. uncover, 168a, 769b, 793b.
Uat-Heru, 219a. uncovered, 458a, 794a.
Uauaiu, 146a. uncreate, 340b.
Uauamti, 146a. uncultivated (land), 816a.

under, 214b, 494b, 560a, 579b. unguent case, 581b.

under authority, 80a. unguent, cyperus, 801a.
under favour, 579b. unguent, festal, 474a.
undergrowth, 89a, 167b, 202a. unguent, Libyan, 859a.
underling, 413b, 603a, 673a. unguent, medicated, 803b.
underrate, 694b. unguent, scented, 810a.
understand, 6a, 120a, 121b, 400b. unguent, to apply, 643a.
understanding, 37b, 178b, 430a, unguent vases, 222b.
637a, 666b. unguents, sweet-smelling, 13b.
underwood, 635b. unguentarius, 315a.
Underworld, 477a. unharness, 401a.
undiminished, 138a. Unhat, 166b.
undiminishing, 341a. unheeded, 633b.
undo, 168a, 741b. Unifier of Egypt, 600a.
undone, 544b, 665b. unimaginable, 341a.
undoubtedly, 336b. union, 725b, 879b ; with earth,
undress, 261b, 458a, 598a, 665b, 599a, 667b.
682b, 696a ; of the hair, 393b. unique, 341a, 595b.
undressing chamber, 666a. Uni-sheps, 165b.
Unem-besku, 169a. unison, 725b.
Unem-ha, 778b. Unit, 167a.
Unem-huat, 169a. unite, 5a, 116b, 520b, 599a,
unemployed, 341a. 667b, 674b, 715b.
Unem-snef, 169a, 778b. unite with, 577b, 614a, 684b,
unenclosed land, 815b. 747b, 878b, 880a b.
unequalled, 177a. united, 879a, 883b.
Unermentu, 169a. universal, 247a.
Uneshit, 169b. unjust, 344a.
unfailing, 340b. unjustly, 141a.
unfavourable, 133a. unknowing, 340b, 341a.
unfeigned, 119b. unknown, 340b, 546a, 633b,
unfetter, 166a. 835a.
unfettered, 621a. unlearned, 546a.
unfold, 252b, 793b. unless, 340a.
unfortunate (man), 213a. unlettered, 180a.
unfriendly, 657a. unlimited, 908b.
unfruitful (of ground), 569a, 732a. unload, to, 281b, 677b ; a boat,
Ung, the Egyptian Atlas (?), 170a. 606a, 733a.
Ungit, 170a. unloose, 43b, 168a, 261b, 665b.
ungracious, 213b. unlucky, 30b, 133a.
unguent, 3b, 4a, 8a, 22a, 39ab, unmatched, 595b.
55b, 63a, 74b, 90b, 91b, 92a, unmindful, to be, 616a, 692b.
110b, 111a, 126b, 128a, 140a, Un-Nefer, 36a, 84a ; and Ra,
175a, 192b, 205ab, 224a, 256a, 165b.
282a, 287a, 288a, 292b, 315a, Unn-em-hetep, 165b.
318b, 332b, 336a, 337a, 352b, Unnit, 165a.
356b, 374b, 383a, 395a, 398a, Unn-Nefer (Osiris), 165b ; and
409b, 435a, 478a, 507b, 516a, Harmachis, 165b.
522a, 528a, 536a, 538a, 550a, Unnu, 165b.
574a, 592b, 626b, 643b, 665a, Unnuit, 165a.
669b, 705a, 754a, 763b, 765b, unobserved, 340b.
771b, 800b, 804a, 813b, 814ab, unoccupied, 727a.
829b, 862b, 872b, 913a. unopposed, 564b.

Unpept-en-Hethert, 168a. Unut-netchut, 167b.

Unpi, 168a. Unut-Sethait, 167b.
unpick, 43b ; a knot, 178b. unveil, 793b.
unplated, 340b. unveiling, 769b.
unpleasant, 143a, 213b, 507a, unwashed, 142a.
778b, 899a. unweighable, 527a.
unquestionable, 410b. unwilling, 749b.
unquiet, 577a. unwise, 528a.
unravel, 178b, 630b. unwittingly, 265a.
unreliable, 82a. unwonted, 341a.
unrepulsed, 341a. unwrapped, 598a.
unresting, 340a. unyoke, 613a.
unrighteousness, 340b. up to, 30b, 414ab, 415a, 449a,
unrivalled, 154a. 590a, 723a.
unroll, 43b, 252b. up to now, 100b.
unsatisfied, 835a. Upast, 162a.
unseasoned, 341a. Upau, 162a.
unseeing, 340b, 736b. Up-f-senui, 162b.
unseen, 340b. Up-hai, 162b.
unsettle, 602a. Upi-sekhemti, 162b.
unsheath, 845a. Upi-shat-taui, 162b.
Unshet, 169b. Upi-shet, 162b.
Unshta, 169b. Upit, 162a.
unslit, 341a. Upi-taui, 163a.
unsplit, 341a. Upit-taui, 163a.
unstable, 82a, 341a. Upi-Tuat, 163a.
unstopped, 243a. Upi-tuui, 163a.
Unt, 166a. uplifted, 145a.
Unta, 165a. Up-Maat, 162b.
Unt-abui, 165a. upon, 264a, 266a, 339a, 414a,
Unt-baiusit, 165a. 492b, 828b, 901a.
Unth, 170a. upper, 494b, 579b.
Unti, 165ab. upper chamber, 112a.
Unti, Light-god, 167b. upper part, 498b.
untie, 43b, 99a, 178b, 296a, upper region, 77b.
373a, 401a, 606a, 630b, 665b, upright, 139a, 246a, 270b.
677a. uprightness, 270b, 334a.
untied, 622a. uproar, 381a.
until, 30b, 65a, 297a, 414a, 415a, upset, 232b, 247b, 522a, 695b ;
449a, 723a. of the stomach, 577b.
untiring, 340a. Upshit, 163b.
untitled, 732a. upside down, 618a, 694b, 897b.
unto, 297a. Upsit, 163b.
untold, 341a. upstream, 693b.
untrained, 546a. Upt-ent-Geb, 163a.
untrue, 813b. Upt-ent-khat, 163a.
untruth, 55a, 812a. Upt-ent-mu, 163a.
Untu, 170a. Upt-ent-Qahu, 163a.
Unu, South and North, 46a. Upti, 162a.
Ununt, 165a. Upt Tenent, 163a.
unusual, 341a. Upu, god, 162a.
unused, 727a. Upu (Set), 163b.
Unut, 165a. Upu Aqa, 162a.

Up Uatu, 162a, 242a ; day of, Ur-mentchf, 173a.

450b ; of South and North, Ur-merti-tesher-sheniu, 173a.
162b. Ur-metun-her-aat-f, 173a.
Uqetneferu, 187a. Urm’r, 174b.
Ur-a, 171a, 173a. urn, 877b.
uraei (and see uraeus), 29a ; on Ur-nekhtut, 171a.
royal crown, 23a. Ur-nes, 47a, 173a.
uraei, the fiery, 23a. Ur-pehti, 173a.
uraei, the living, 130a. Ur-pehuif, 173a.
Uraei, the Seven Great, 29b. Urrta, 172b, 341b.
uraei, the two divine, 72a. Ur-sah-f, 173b.
uraei, young, 388b. Ursaur, 173b.
Uraei-goddesses, 29a, 130a. Ur-seket, 174a.
uraeus, 130a, 189a. Ur-sent, 174a.
uraeus amulet, 105a. Ur-senu, 173b.
uraeus diadem, 130a. Ur-sheps-f, 174a.
uraeus of Horus, la. Urshiu, 175b.
uraeus of Setesh, 29b. Urt, 175b.
Uraeus-god, 29b. Urt hat, 175b.
Uraeus-goddess, 21b, 125b. Urti, 171a, 172b.
uraeus guide, 699b. Urti-hethati, 173b.
Ur-ami-shet, 172b. Urtt, 171a, 174b.
Urares, 173 a. Urttbu, 171a.
Ur-at, 172b. Urui-tenten, 174a.
Uratenti, 174b. Uru-nef-ta, 173a.
urban, 350b. Ur-urti, 173a.
Urek, 175b. us, 164a, 339a.
Ur-em-Netat, 173a. Usaau, 181b.
urge, 338ab, 443b, 707b. use, 609a, 694a ; use and wont,
urgency, 338a. 723a.
urgent, 292b. used up, 570b.
Urgerti, 174a. useful, 458b, 724b ; to be, 22b.
Urhau, 171b. Usekh-her, 182b.
Urheb, 171b, 173b. Usekh-nemmat, 182b.
Urhebu, 171b. Usekht-ast- etc., 182b.
Ur-heka, 173b ; a tool, 171b. Usekht-hett, 183a.
Ur-hekau (Set), 173b. useless, 140b, 634b.
Ur-henhenu, 173b. User, god, 182a.
Ur-henu, 173b. User-ba, 182a.
urine, 184ab, 280a, 293a, 621a, User-baiu- etc., 182a.
652b, 700b. User-en-Ra, 418a.
Urit, 172b, 174b. User-hat, 182a.
Urit-amit-Tuat, 172b. User-hati, a barge, 182a.
Urit-em-ab-Rait, 173a. Userit, 182a.
Urit-em-sekhemus, 173a. User-ka-f, 418a.
Urit-en-kru, 173b. User-Ra, 182a.
Urit-hekait, 173b. Usert, Lake, 182a.
Urit-hekau, 173b ; an amulet Usert-Geb, 182a.
and sceptre, 171b. Userti, 182a.
Urit-shefit, 174a. Usertsen III, 696a.
Urkaf, 174a. Ushat, a Dekan, 185b.
Ur-khert, 173b. Ushat-bakat, 185b.
Ur-maati-f, 173a. Ushati, 185b.

Usheb, god, 186a. Utit, 188b.

Ushem-hat- etc., 186b. Utt, 188a.
Ushur-hat, 185b. utter cries, to, 29a, 73b, 92b,
Ust, god, 184a. 440a, 472b, 705b.
Usten, god, 184a. utterance, 104b, 549a, 669b, 754a,
usual, 332a, 826a. 831a.
usurp, 112b. utterly, 415a.
usury, 55a, 324a. uttermost, 414a.
Utanu, 188b. Utu, god, 188a.
Utau gods, 189a. Utu, god, 190b.
Utau-Asar, 189a. Utu-Shu, 189a.
Utau-ta, 189a. Uu, city and god, 144a.
Utcha, god, 193b.
Utcha, god, 195a. V.
Utcha-aabt, 195a.
Utcha-fent, 195a. vacant, 622b.
Utcha-hat, 193b. vacillation, 352b.
Utchait, 194a. vagina, 758a, 769b, 785b.
Utcha-mestcher, 195a. vainly, 184b.
Utchat, Dekan and goddess, valiant, 402a, 738a, 839a.
193b. valley, 56b, 58a, 111b, 252b, 574a,
Utchats, the two, 382a. 896b ; festival of, 474b.
Utchat-Sekhmit, 194a. Valley of the cedar, 58a.
Utchat-Shu, 194a. Valley of myrrh, 58a.
Utch-hetep, 192b. Valley of the Shadow, 58a.
Utch-metu, 192a. Valley, the Dark, 58a.
Utch-metu-Asar, 192a. Valley, the Great, 58a.
Utch-metu-Khepera, 192a. valley-region, 58a.
Utch-metu-Ra, 192a. valour, 107b, 379a, 544a, 738a,
Utch-metu-Tem, 192a. 772a ; gold of, 353a.
Utch-nef, 192a. valuable, 93a.
Utch-nesr, 192a. valuables, 568b.
Utch-sekhit, 192a. value, 134a, 283b.
Uteb, god, 191a. value, to adjudge, 41a.
Utekh, 191b. value, to be of, 724b.
Utennu, 191b. valueless, 802a.
Utenu, 189b. vanish, 787b.
uterus, 12b, 13a, 102a, 481b, vanquish, 145a, 400a, 452b, 772a.
847b ; the gravid, 785b. vanquished, 560b.
Utet-f-em-her, 189a. vanquisher, 378b, 379a.
Utet-f-em-pet, 189a. vapour, 27a, 516b ; hot, 6a.
Utet-f-em-utcha, 188b. variegated, 4a, 117b, 278b, 346a,
Uteth, 189b. 821b, 837a.
Utet-heh, 189a. various, 736a.
Utet-neferu-set, 189a. various colours, 855b.
Utetteff, 189a. vary, 420b.
Uthes, 190a. vase, lb, 2a, 28b, 38a, 41b, 62b,
Uthesi-hehtt, 190a. 63a, 72b, 114a, 117a, 118a, 123b,
Uthesit, 190a. 126b, 128a, 131a b, 134b, 137a,
Uthes-neferu, 190a. 186a, 191a b, 222b, 276b, 278a,
Uthesu, 190a. 281b, 284a, 295a, 300a, 301b,
Uthes-ur, 190a. 303a, 318b, 348a, 374b, 376a,
utility, 722b. 400b, 448b, 449a, 486b, 499b,

510a, 512a, 537b, 539b, 558b, vessel, lb, 19b, 28ab, 41b, 63a,
569b, 581b, 606a, 676a, 708b, 94b, 104a, 107a, 114a, 118a,
725a, 728a, 731a, 744a, 751b, 123b, 126b, 128a, 131a, 137a,
758a, 767b, 768b, 776b, 786b, 143a, 183a, 186a, 204a, 208b,
791b, 809a, 854a, 872b, 876a, 209a, 213b, 218a, 228b, 233a,
877a, 881b, 884a, 888a, 895b, 253a, 281b, 284a, 292b, 295a,
907b, 911b. 300a, 303a, 314a, 331a, 339a,
vase on censer, 2a. 344b, 348a, 374b, 394a, 429b,
vase, sacred, 737b. 443a, 467a, 473a, 485a, 486b,
vases, the four ceremonial, 499b, 510a, 512a, 516b, 536b,
376a. 539b, 558b, 603a, 605b, 606a,
vassal, 50a, 311a, 411a, 457b, 613a, 635b, 652a, 662a, 672b,
579b, 809b. 676ab, 689a, 708b, 713a, 716b,
vassal-lord, 357b. 725a, 731a, 744a, 751b, 754b,
vassals of Osiris, 50a. 758a, 763b, 776b, 790b, 791ab,
vassalage, 50a, 206b. 797a, 850b, 851b, 852a, 854a,
vat, 511b ; wine, 374b. 857a, 868b, 872b, 876a, 877ab,
vault of heaven, 462b, 793a, 878a, 881b, 888a, 892a, 895b,
854b. 900a, 907b, 911b.
vegetable, 8a, 77b, 119b, 150a, vessel for 'altar, 196a, 426a,
188b, 210b, 232b, 242b, 427a, 438a, 870a.
449b, 451b, 563a, 589a, 598b, vessel, circular, 838b.
600b, 647b, 667a, 709b, 749a, vessel, cooking, 429a.
822b, 825a, 890b, 897a, 900a, vessel for grain, 374b.
915a. vessel, holy, 737b.
vegetable garden, 203b. vessel, incense, 789b.
vegetable growth, 635b. vessel, libation, 72b.
vegetables, dealer in, 707b ; vessel, purification, 110b.
young, 423b. vessel, sacrificial, 704b.
vegetation, 25a ; god of, 9a. vessel, sanctuary, 789a.
veil, to veil, 220a, 304b, 326a, vessels of the body, 332a.
376a, 573a, 904b. vestibule, 275a.
vein, 331b. vestment, 419b, 652a, 864b,
vendange (jeter la), 708b. 868a, 874b.
venerable, 737a, 881b. vestment, sacred, 155b.
vengeance, 807a ; to take, 768a. vestments, chamber of, 455a.
venom, 300b, 332a, 348b. veteran, 17b.
Venus, 234b, 403b, 647a, 656b, vex, 27b, 768a.
870b, 895a. vexation, 664b.
verandah, 701b. vexations, 2a.
verdict, 160b, 335a. vexed, 524b, 665a.
verdigris, 571a. viaticum, 894b.
verdure, 77b, 709b. vicar, 98b, 103a.
verify, 673a. viceroy, 392a.
verily, 265a, 602a, 670a, 782a. vicinity, 638a.
veritable, 270b, 271a. vicissitudes, 246b.
verity, 270b. victim, 561a, 669a.
vertebrae, 249a, 250a, 859b. victim, human, 846a, 862b.
very, 108a, 170b. victorious, 108a, 171a, 378b.
very great, 170b. victory, 354b, 378b, 379a, 775b ;
very many, 838a. prize of, 772a.
very much, 414a, 431b. victuals, 126a, 832a.
very very, 910a. victuallers, the divine, 469b.

view, 745a, 891a. voracity, 606b.

vigil, 175a. vortex, 247a.
vigilant, 612a, 681b. vow to, 723b, 740b, 741a ; to
vigorous, 422a. pay vows, 168a.
vigour, 240b, 611b, 676a, 738a, voyage, 193a.
783a. vulture, 354b, 378b, 756a, 909b,
vile, 93b, 728a, 734a, 834b. 910a b.
vilify, 631a, 642a, 715a. vulture amulet, 171b, 378b,
village, 137b, 179a, 350b, 352a, 530b, 855a, 880b.
765a, 787a. Vulture-goddess, 756a.
vine, 7a, 21a, 72b, 124a, 626a, vulture mothers, 294b.
788b, 789b. vulva, 12b, 13a, 758a, 769b,
vine of the god, 21a. 785b.
vinegar, 471a.
vine-land, 27a, 510b, 511b.
vineyard, 8a, 27a, 219b, 396b, W.
510b, 676a, 788b, 789a, 872b. waddle, 476a, 858a.
violate, 151b, 577a, 841a. wag the hand, 854b.
violence, 4a, 12b, 112b, 115a b, wage, wages, 56b, 206b, 642a,
241a, 338b, 388b, 397a b, 467b, 650b, 729a.
536b, 573a, 772b, 774b, 778a, wage war, 132a, 315b.
792a, 795b, 881a. waggon, 12a, 111b, 208b, 287b,
violence, to do, 101a, 114b, 825b ; part of, 34a, 530a.
115b, 881a. waggon-load, 21a.
violent, 3a b, 190b, 208b, 215b, wail, 31b, 49a, 94b, 115a, 658a,
395b, 690b, 804a. 702a, 765b, 771b, 772b.
violent man, 639b, 772b. wailers, 157a, 771ab ; pro¬
violet, essence of, 842b. fessional, 348a.
viper, 43b, 346b, 479b. wailing, 26a, 40a, 386b, 705b,
virgin, 17a, 372b, 426b. 771 ab ; for the dead, 301a.
virile, 217a. wailing woman, 26a, 94b, 186a,
virility, 205a, 717a. 808b.
virtues, 23a, 370b, 717a, 779b. waist of ship, 576a.
visage, 493a. waist cloth, 223a.
viscera, 45b, 223b, 767a. wait, 804b, 868a.
visible, 266b, 600b. waiting-room, 183a.
vision, 68a, 243a, 266b, 432b, wake, 382a.
473a. wake up, 73a, 381a, 386a, 432a,
visit, 65a, 549a, 642b, 866a. 612a, 681b, 766a.
visitation, 642b. wakefulness, 382a.
visitor, 576a. wakil, 98b, 103a.
vivers, 126a. walk, lib, 118b, 196b, 212a,
vivifier, 645a. 324ab, 435a, 351b, 366b, 373b,
vivify, 591a. 375a, 446b, 559a, 593b, 607a,
voice, 560a. 618b, 640a, 673a, 675b, 695b,
voice personified, 560b. 696b, 753b, 827a, 866a, 891a.
void, 190a. walk about, 429a, 653a, 696b.
volume, 739a, 598a. walk over, 376b.
vomit, 11a, 205b, 223b, 541b, walk reverently, 443b.
659a, 698b, 702a, 753a, 762ab, walk upon, 891b.
778a, 765a, 766a, 793b ; to walk with long steps, 184a,
make, 652b. 255b, 653b ; with short steps,
vomiting, 152b, 762b, 807a. to trot (?) 799b.

walk with trees in it, 724a. warts, 824a.

walker, 373b, 374a. wash, 15a, 17a, 27b, 142a, 431a.
walking, place of, 80a. wash clean, 155a.
walking stick, 726a, 822a. wash out, 726a.
wall, 60b, 380b, 457a, 587a, wash over with something,
595a, 605b, 633b, 637a, 650b, 689a.
660b, 661a, 707a, 823b, 858a, wash the heart, 28a.
896b, 910a b. washer, 136a, 170a, 431a.
wall up, 750a, 873b. washer of gold, 28a.
wall, to build a, 769b. washerman, 318a.
wall, girdle, 676b. washhouse, 155b.
wall, massive, 164a. washing, 117a ; gold, 317b.
walled places, 902a. washing place, 431a.
wall paintings, 619b. wasp, 539a.
wallet, 803a ; sculptor’s, 804a. waste, 114b, 168a, 311a, 348b,
wallow, 842a. 440a, 459a, 594a, 628b, 711b.
wand, 825b, 900b.^ waste ground, 532a.
wand-bearer, 849a. waste lands, 16b, 815b.
wander, 568a, 640a, 839a. wasted, 544b, 716a.
wander away, 587b. waster, 538b, 641b.
wander in mind, 841a. watch, 83a, 257b, 351b, 382a,
wander round, 875a. 586b.
wander through, 881a. watch over, 506b.
wanderer, 883a. watch, to keep, 175 a, 432a,
wandering, 797b. 903b.
want, 12a, 19a, 25b, 64b, 127b, watches, night, 432a.
226a, 397b, 514a, 580b, 618b, watcher, 109a, 175ab, 266b, 382a,
726a, 732b, 800a, 897a. 468a, 716a.
want, to be in, 204b, 469b, 800a. Watcher (Ra), 432b.
wanting, 395b, 732b, 754b. watchers of Arits, 432a.
wanton (act), 396b. Watchers of Nekhen and Pe,
war, 241a, 315b, 320a, 459a, 175b.
461b, 549b. Watchers, the divine,- 175b, 267b,
War-god, 208a ; Syrian, 213a. 382a.
War-goddess, 112b, 127b. Watchers, the Nine, 251a, 432b.
war-ship, 132b, 330a, 592a. watchful, to make, 607b.
ward off, 646b. watch-house, 267a.
warden, 145a, 562a. watchman, 432a, 586b, 862b.
warder, 586b, 746b. watch-night of Isis, 811b.
wardrobe, 70b, 613a. watch tower, 254a, 273a, 274b,
warehouse, 180b, 193b, 286b, 275a, 432a.
549b, 723a, 900a. water, 143a, 280a, 293a, 400a,
warm, 611b, 623a, 676a, 681a, 470a, 472b, 841b.
700a. water, boiling, 293b, 400a.
warm-hearted, 681a. water, celestial, 12a.
warmth, 429a, 439b, 611b, 681a. water, deep, 216a, 475b.
warped, 530a. water, filthy, 31b.
warrant, 848a. water, holy, 156a.
warrior, 132a, 224b, 240b, 241a, water, mass of, 213a, 349b.
243a, 330a, 381b, 389a, 639b, water of eyes, 223b.
640a, 704a, 744b, 772a, 885a. water of fire, 293b.
Warrior-god, 132b ; gods, 26a. water of well, 294a.
Warriors, the Two, 132b. water, ornamental, 720a.

water, primeval, 349b, 469a. weak, 8a, 10b, 22a, 26b, 39a,
water, pure, 77b. 55b, 78a, 111a, 149a, 152b,
water, running, 569a. 187b, 207b, 208b, 225b, 226a,
water, salt, 280b. 227a, 228a, 245a, 260b, 296b,
water, sweet, 294a. 315a, 538b, 574a, 587a, 627b,
water that turns round, 294a. 640a, 661a, 698a, 706a, 733b,
water, to, 368b, 589a, 621a, 902a. 764a, 771b, 774b, 775b, 778a,
water, to make, 181b, 184a b, 802a, 803a, 809a, 812b, 840a.
237a, 260b, 262b, 429b, 528b, « weak man, 809a.
708b. weak things, 809a.
water, troubled, 293b. weak, to be, 634b, 891b ; to
water-bird, 547b. become, lib ; to make, 520a,
water-carrier, 148a. 644a.
water-channel, 144b. weak-armed, 634b.
water-clock, 315b. weak-hearted, 534b.
water-course, 56b, 144b, 145a, weaken, 594b, 635a, 640a.
499b, 576a, 707b, 758a. weakness, 26b, 76b, 142b, 226a,
water-flood, 12a, 160a, 213a, 443a, 574a, 641a, 698a, 772b,
317b, 467a, 637b, 681a. 802a, 809a, 838b, 897a ; in
water-fowl, 5b, 294b, 324a, 541b, judgment, 352b ; moral, 674b ;
579a, 621b, 647a, 768b, 772b. of old age, 152b.
water-garden, 401a. wealth, 91b, 134b, 525a, 631b,
Water-god, 10b, 12a, 71b, 281a, 737a ; to get, 66b.
293b, 467b. wealthy, 171a ; the, 663a, 736a,
water-house, 407b. 737a.
water-jar, 911b. wealthy woman, 182a.
water-melon, 227b, 725b. weaned, 322a.
water-onion, 288b. weapon, 2a, 11a, 21a, 72a, 132b,
water-plant, 8b, 22b, 637b, 803a, 138a, 232a, 275b, 278b, 290a,
808b. 300a, 305a, 321a, 327b, 334ab,
water-pot, 680b, 775b ; of 338b, 343a, 345b, 351a, 352b,
palette, 247b; scribe’s, 205a. 354b, 390a, 419a, 482b, 490b,
water-skin, 569b, 576a, 758a, 516b, 528b, 532a, 535b, 544a,
561b, 619a, 693b, 705a, 710a,
water-station, 576a. 715a, 747a, 762a, 770a, 799a,
water-supply, 593a. 810b, 811b, 828a, 845a, 907ab.
watered, 708b. weapon bag, 528b.
watering place, 99b. weapons, wooden, 640a.
waterless, 340b. wear, 189b, 860a. %
watery mass, 293a. wearer, 861a.
wave, 145a, 440a, 441b, 448b, wearied, 32b, 262b, 802b.
813b, 839a, 843b. weariness, 142a, 534a, 744b.
wax, 303b ; figure of men, 436a. weary, 10b, 176b, 225b, 3//a,
way, 32a, 144b, 276b, 277b, 290a b, 522a, 574a, 665a, 753a, 803b ;
291ab, 293a, 333b, 334b, 499a, of heart, 260b.
595a, 604a, 739b. weasel, 522a.
way, to find a, 807a. weather, bad, 608b.
way, to lose, 883a. weave, 66a, 116b, 131a, 291a,
wav, to make a, 445a b, 623b, 323b, 325a, 399b, 532b, 624b,
627b, 695a, 709b, 859b.
Wazir, 848b. weave words, 695a.
weak, 398b, 472b, 506b, 520a. weaver, 372b, 532b, 773a.
we, 34a, 164a, 333a, 339a. Weavers, the two divine, li6b.

weaving, goddess of, 819a. well-to-do folk, 134b, 663a.

web, 623b, 806b. well-trained, 304a.
weed, 902b. west, 45a, 53b, 274b, 298a ;
week of 10 days, 331a. Lion of the, 221b.
weep, 12b, 26a, 33b, 49a, 94b, west bank of Nile, 53b.
424a, 425b, 537b, 605b, 763b, west wind, 53b, 506b, 524a, 895a.
771b, 772a, 786a, 808b, 821b, west wind, god of the, 474a.
826b, 857a, 858a ; to make, wet, 31b, 39b, 843a ; to make,
611b, 642b, 681a. 212b, 451a.
weeper, 94b, 424a, 446a, 821b. wet lands, 104b.
Weepers, the Two, 424a, 462a ; wharf, 180b.
goddesses, 462a. what ?, 36b, 77a, 92b, 235b, 253b,
weeping, 40a, 225b, 419b, 424a. 279b.
weeping woman, 794b, 808b. what is, 146b, 399a.
weevil, 798b, 845b. what is it?, 253b.
weigh, 285a, 527a, 363a, 614b, what is not, 37a.
622a, 688a, 808a. what is this ?, 26b.
weigh out, 899b. whatsoever, 158a.
weigh words, 194b. wheat, 50b, 126a, 242b, 399b,
weigher, 258b, 669b, 842b. 466a, 468a, 523b, 529a, 559b,
weighings, 258b. 592a, 648b, 788b.
weighing room, 527a. wheaten bread, 788b.
weight, 189b, 191b, 301b, 356a, wheedle, 650b, 804a.
728b, 828a, 854a, 856b, 875b, when, 64b, 266a, 815a, 908b.
883b, 908a. whence, 837b, 838a.
weight, just, 842b. where ?, 77a, 92b, 837b, 856a b,
weight, measured, 295a, 329a, 882b.
411b, 527a, 757a. whereby, 348a.
weight of a net, 210b, 883b. wherefore, 77a, 92b, 279b, 904b.
weight of balance, 887b. whet, 878a.
weighted with care, 883b. whey, 733b.
weights, to falsify, 647a. which, 37a, 398b.
weighty, 108a, 839b, 883b. which not, 348a.
welcome, 345a, 348a b, 354b. while, 339a, 815a.
well, 110a, 123b, 148b, 187b, whilst, 815a, 908b.
203b, 490b, 491a, 563b, 574a, whip, 89a, 90a, 139b, 387a b,
576a, 579a, 593b, 724b, 733b ; 449b, 669b, 701b, 729b ; leather,
to be, 128a, 716b. 725a ; part of, 27a.
well, western, 579a. whirlwind, 180a, 465a.
well in Great Oasis, 477a. whistling (of the wind), 560b.
well of water, 121b, 144a, 159b, white, 159a, 160a, 522b ; to be,
202a. 697b.
well then, 548b. white, dead, 389a.
well-being, 148b, 893b. white apparel, 622b.
well-conducted, 304a. white (of bread, grain, etc.), 523b.
well-disposed, 209b. white-cake, 730b.
well-doing, 217b, 304a, 370b. White Crown, 523a, 593b.
well-favoured, 550a. White Goddess, 522b.
well-fed, 773b. white-haired, 704b.
well-founded, 811b. who, 37a, 348b. 398b.
well-known, 583a. who is not, 37a.
well-pleased, 766a. who ?, 61b, 82b, 92b, 279b, 373a,
well-seasoned, 334a, 378a.

whole, 193a, 779b, 834a, 851a, wind bandages, 188a.

880a. wind, contrary, 343b.
whole, the, 765a, 908b. wind, cool, 605b.
wholly, 681a, 834a. wind, dawn, 370a.
why ?, 77a, 92b, 279b. wind, fair, 836b.
wick, 254b, 256b, 533b, 808a. wind, gentle, 354b.
wicked, 3b, 141a, 211a, 216b, wind, hot, 547a, 740a, 750b.
260a, 343a, 434a, 469b, 534a. wind, moist, 902b.
wicked man, 636a, 657a, 824a, wind, north, 318b.
860a. wind of the belly, 732a.
wicked, the, 340a, 377a, 431a. wind round, 282a, 850b.
wickedness, 14b, 31b, 208a, wind, south, 445b.
214a b, 216b, 226a, 352b, 356b, wind up, to, 827a.
388a, 467b, 488b, 540a, 572a, wind, unfavourable or violent,
582a, 594a, 649a, 726a, 868b, 657b.
869a. wind, warm, 451b.
wicker box, 835b. wind, west, 467b, 506b, 524b,
wickerwork, 204a, 307b. 895a ; god of, 474a.
wicket gate, 723a. Wind-god, 555a.
wide, 2b, 180b, 182b, 183b, 260a, wind-goddess, 90b, 126a, 543a.
635b. wind-pipe, 77a.
wide, to be, 255b. wind-plant, 370a.
wide, to make, 652a. wind-pole, 566b.
wide-tailed (i.e., Isis), 2b. wind-storm, 903b, 814a.
widow, 532b, 808b. winding sheet, 776a.
widower, 532a. windings, 763a ; of lake, 763a.
Widows, the Two, 532b. window, 157b, 625a, 701b, 728b,
width, 182b, 615a, 685b. 764b.
wield a battle axe, 201a. wine, 20b, 49a, 72a, 118b, 137a,
wife, 331b, 477a, 481a, 599b. 143a, 300a, 383a, 408a, 462b,
wife, King’s, 312a ; the first, 485a, 510b, 536b, 671b, 722a,
392a. 723a.
wife of the god, 481b. wine bowl, 462b.
wig, 120a, 123b, 216a, 367a, wine, carob, 839a.
368a, 745b, 810b. wine cellar, 72b, 106a, 238a,
wild ass, 243b. 868b.
wilderness, 311a. wine cup, 72b, 842b.
will, 37b, 45a, 107b, 155a, 192a, wine, date, 217b.
270b, 351b, 460b, 508b, 521b, wine, honey, 72a, 72b.
865a. wine jar, 72a, 143a, 287a.
will (testament), 45a, 106b. wine, medicated, 328a.
will, to, 309b. wine, new, 231b, 759b.
willing, 533a. wine of Pelusium, 72b, 605b,
willingly, 309b. 676a.
willow, 825b. wine of Syene, 592b.
willow stick, 825b. wines of various places, 72b.
willow tree, 840a, 857b. wine, palm, 20b.
wind, 13b, 82a, 89b, 96a, 98b, wine, place of, 213b.
130b, 141b, 174a, 198b, 273a, wine plant, 72b.
280a, 342a, 344b, 346b, 356a, wine pot, 801a.
369b, 377b, 593a, 605a, 648b, wine press, 374b.
651b, 683ab, 732a, 750a, 767b, wine shop, 32a, 72b, 106a.
775a, 822b, 823b, 824a, 849b. wine skin, 287a, 568b, 842b.
4 K 5t

wing, 275a, 462b, 522a, 607b, without, 37a, 78a, 98a, 265a,
733a, 809b, 878b, 883a, 907b ; 282a, 339b, 340a, 414b, 546a,
to spread the, 65b. 548a, 732b, 800a, 835a.
wing of army, 873b. without, he who is, 12b.
winged disk, 118b. without like, 177a.
wings, pair of, 836b, 839a, without second, 341a.
879a, 907a. without, to be, 296b.
wings, variegated, 117b. withstand, 818b.
wink, to, 344a, 814b. withy, 151a.
winnow, 121b, 527b, 724a. witness, 332b, 334a.
winnowed, 751a. wittingly, 265a, 430a.
winnower, 527a. woe, 7b, 49a, 219b.
winnowing instrument, 527a, wolf, 40a, 169b, 588a, 868a.
531b. Wolf-god, 588a.
wipe, 590a. wolf’s bane, 169b.
wipe out, 315b, 591a, 840a. wolf’s foot, 823b.
wisdom, 37b, 214a, 588a, 634a, wolf’s paw, 850a.
640b, 655b, 896a ; words of, woman, 18a, 230b, 466a, 481a,
335b. 583a, 613b, 753b, 785b ;
wisdom, ancient, 896a. married, 357b, 358a ; par¬
wise, 178b, 246a, 430a, 640b, turient, 321b ; singing, 111b ;
659b, 698a, 751b, 634a. suckling, 69a ; unmarried,
wise folk, 23a, 583a, 613a, 634a, 376a ; wailing, 26a ; wise,
650b, 655b, 682b, 698a, 739a, 430a ; with child, 663a ;
896a, 900a. young, 426b.
wise member, 751b. womb, 570a.
wise speech, 896a. womb, disease of, 9a.
wise, to be, 430a, 622a ; in womb, opener of, 160b.
speech, 430b. women, apartments of, 79a,
wise woman, 751b. 481b.
wisely, 637a. women, divorced, 194b, 329a.
wish, 37b, 149b, 270b, 310a, women, Egyptian, 430a.
417b, 464a, 521b, 561b. women, foreign dancing, 234b.
wish, dearest, 79b. women, house of the, 239a.
wish for, 4b, 19a, 309b, 464a. women of the chambers, 237b.
wishing that, 310a. Women, the Two, 429b.
witchcraft, 217a. wonder, 200a, 202b, 209b, 213b,
with, 37a, 60a, 73a, 116b, 264a b, 215ab, 292b, 544a ; to do a,
296a, 333a, 339b, 373a, 414ab, 209b.
415a, 466a, 467b, 486a, 489b, wonderful, 209b, 213b, 215a.
492b, 506b, 545a, 560a, 573b. wont, 609a, 694a.
with him, 342a. wood, 13a, 73b, 79a, 93b, 95b,
with the exception of, 493a. 114b, 115b, 139b, 216b, 217a,
withdraw, 63b, 152a, 246b, 481a, 235a, 280b, 283b, 299a, 446a,
487b, 499a, 538b, 635b, 707b, 520b, 566a, 586a, 597a, 624a,
755a, 757b, 847b. 664a, 677a, 716b, 749a, 821a,
withdraw arrow, 9a. 841a b.
withdraw from, 240a. wood, a medicine, 35b, 231b.
withdrawal, 57b, 594b, 670b. wood, black, 566b.
withering, 696b. wood, costly, 697a.
withholding, 537a. wood for chariots, 202b.
within, 44a, 265a, 266a, 573a, wood, objects in, 351a.
575b, 763a. wood of life, 126b.

wood packing, 89a. working folk, 860b.

wood, scented, 730a. workless, 341a.
wood, white, 566b. workmen, 67a, 74b, 76b, 82a,
woodcutter, 770b. 94a, 105b, 124a, 158a, 201a,
woodwork, 206b, 905a. 206b, 215a, 220a, 439a, 440b,
wool, 610b, 680a, 726b. 483a b, 532b, 547b, 558b, 747b,
woolly-headed, 809b. 784a, 786a, 805a ; King’s, 392a.
word, 104b, 240b, 335a, 416a, workpeople, 579b.
549a, 560a, 669a b, 717a, 860b, workshop, 75a, 81b, 273b, 445b,
862a, 913a b. 483b, 484b.
word, boastful, 335a. workshop of gods, 82a.
word, evil, 136b, 202a, 335a. workshop of gold and silver,
word, last, of a book, 764a. 239a.
word, last year’s, 335b. workshop, sculptor’s, 780a.
word, magical, 22b. workwomen, 67a.
word of hidden meaning, 63a. world, 525a, 815a ; Four quarters
word of ill omen, 185a. of, 766b, 815b.
word of power, 22b, 515a, 783a. World, Other, 36b.
word of praise, 3b. worm, 62b, 124a, 155a, 237b,
word of shame, 737b. 259b, 260b, 261a, 262b, 346b,
word of the sky, 335a. 374a, 471a, 497b, 499b, 596a,
word of Thoth, 335b, 402a. 791a, 878a, 882b, 913a, 914b.
word, rebellious or vile, 335b. worm at a tooth, 185b.
word, smooth, 335b. Worm, the, 6a ; Aapep, 878a,
word, strange, 541b. 882b ; of evil, 480a.
Word, the divine, 886b, 913b. worm-eaten, 878a.
Word, the Great, 913b. worms, intestinal, 252b, 499b.
work, 19b, 67a, 158a, 160b, 206b, Worms of Amente, 261a.
383b, 418b, 439a, 487a, 762a, Worms, the Nine, 480a.
784a. worms, to become, 153a, 263a.
work, director of, 562b. worship, 50a, 149b, 593a, 652b,
work about, 79a, 470b. 840b ; worthy of, 50a.
work a mine, 209b. worshipped, 50a.
work a rope, 178b. worshipper, 479b, 603b.
work at a trade, 65b, 66a. worth, 722b ; moral, 209b.
work contentedly, 65b. worthless, 165b, 339b, 340a,
work, daily, 278b. 546b.
work in the field, 167a. would that ! 50b, 279b, 292b,
work in metal, 287a, 366b, 396a, 441b, 457a, 464a, 468a.
770a. wound, 26b, 159b, 169b, 179a,
work in stone, 279a, 737b, 850b. 296b, 330a, 392b, 446a, 519b,
work in wood, 11a, 304b, 336b. 549b, 561a, 603b, 615a, 632b,
work out, 757b. 688b, 698a, 730a, 731b, 735b,
work skilfully, 447b. 736a, 751a, 771b, 772a, 809b,
work the bottle, 801a. 881a, 914b ; bloody, 715b.
work the mouth, 351b. wounded, 14a, 685b.
work, to, 206a, 225a, 710a, 809b, woven, 157b,160a ; work,110a.
849b, 910a. wrangle, 744b, 852b.
worked, 771a ; of metal, 711b, wrangler, 744b.
849b. wrap, 256b.
worker, 67a, 111a, 160b, 771a. wrap round, 58a, 61a, 63a.
worker, i.e., creator, 67a. wrap up, 131b, 629b, 651b, 713a,
working, 419a ; of oars, 757b. 717a, 849a.
4K 3

wrap up a body, i.e., bury, wrong, 30b, 31b, 89b, 136b, 141b,
775b, 776b, 778a. 211a, 260a, 472b, 772b, 774b,
wrap up in, 269a, 850b. 894a, 895b.
wrapped, 776a. wrong order, in, 844a.
wrapped up, 208b, 810b. wrong, to, 101a ; to do, 165b,
wrapping, 301a, 904b. 647a.
wrath, 12b, 14a, 536b, 774b, wrongdoer, 373a.
794b, 796a, 907b ; man of, wrongfully, 894a.
14a. wroth, 774b, 809b ; to be, 744b.
wrathful, 532a, 615b, 689b. wrought, 771a.
wreath, 148b, 275a, 383b, 511b,
595a ; funerary, 127a.
wreathe, 530a, 572a. X.
wreck, 219b.
wrecked, 32a. Xerxes, 534a, 536b, 566a.
wretch, 319a.
wretched, 93b, 94b, 114b, 139b,
202b, 207b, 315a, 472b, 476a, Y.
574a, 604a, 652b, 675a, 733b,
802a, 899b ; man, 715a. Yankhamu, 143a.
wretchedness, 211a, 214a, 270a, yarn, 773a.
524b, 815a, 906b. yaw about, 657b.
wriggle, 131b, 262b ; away, ye, 164a, 333b, 400b, 408a, 822b,
594b. 855b.
wriggler, 374a. ye two, 782a.
wring, 28b, 114a, 156a. yea, 96a, 348a.
wrinkled, 517a. year, 422b, 427b, 857b ; empty,
write, 190b, 191b, 597a, 610b, 732b ; first of King’s reign,
619a, 662b, 680a, 690a, 841a, 460a.
854b. year, ancestors of, 830b.
write a book, 65b. year, first season of, 22a.
writer, 619b, 688a. year, last, 606a.
writing, 106b, 131b, 337b, 346a, year, last day of, 131b.
440a, 619a, 661a, 688a, 694a, year of famine, 514a.
722b, 725a, 730b, 738b, 739a, year, the great and little, 427b.
784a, 836b, 848a, 849a, 855ab, year, the past, 677a.
857b, 885a. year, the rolling, 247a.
writing, a, 129a, 567b ; writings, Year-god and goddess, 427b.
82a, 619a, 622b, 755a, 836a, yearly event, 561b.
882a, 885a. years, henti, 488a.
writing, demotic, 619b. yeast, 348a, 548a, 611b, 743a,
writing, goddess of, 665b. 758b.
writing, hieroglyphic, 619b. yellow, 113a, 797b.
writing, sacred, 619b. yellowish-green, 150a.
writing, to do into, 56b, 619a, yes, 348a ; to say, 823a.
866b. yesterday, 225a, 381a, 664b.
writing box, 447b. yesterday, day before, 664b.
writing instrument, 314a. yet, 321a, 342b.
writing, reed, 129a. yield, 356b, 528a, 587b, 889a.
writing tablet, 123a, 129b, 302a, yoke, 6a, 100a, 274a, 384a,
303a. 520b.
writings, ancient, 345b. yoke of beasts, 27b, 100a, 435a.
written, 291b, 723b. yonder, 282b.

you, 164a, 400b, 822b, 824a, 826b, youth, a, 487b, 749b ; youths,
837b. 466a.
young, 269a, 716b. youth, water of, 427a.
young, to be, 150a, 386b, 423a, youthful, 150a, 547b.
427a, 471a, 487b, 664b.
young (collective), 471b.
young folk, 739a. Z.
young man, 17a ; men and
women, 141b, 811b, 898a. zaribas, 60b.
young, of animals, 573b. zealous, 338b-
your, 229b, 342a, 818b, 824a, zenith, 163a.
837b, 855b. zephyr, 354b.
youth, 17a, 27a, 76b, 269a, 303a, zither, 902a.
347b, 372b, 471a, 525a, 532a, zizyphus, spina Christi, 368a.
898a. zodiacal light (?), 663b.

[ 1257 ]



A. Aa-peh-Ra, 929.
Aa-pehti-Set (Nubti), 929.
Aa-ab, 925. Aa-pehti-uah-sepu (Psa-mut), 941.
Aa-ab (Psammetichus I), 940. Aa-qenu-Ra (Apepa III), 929.
Aa-ab-meri-taui (Hagr), 941. Aa-user-Ra (Apepa I), 928.
Aa-arq-Ra, 929. Ab, 920.
Aa-baiu (Amen-em-hat III), 923. Ab-meri-Ra (Khati I), 921.
Aa-hetep-Ra, 922, 929. Ahtes, 919.
Aahmes I, 932. Ai I, 925.
Aahmes II, 940. Ai II, 933.
Aa-kha-Ra, 922 , 929. Ai-em-hetep, 921.
Aa-kheper-en-Ra (Thothmes II), Akau-Heru, 920.
932. ’A\6oir)<;, 921.
Aa-kheper-ka-Ra (Thothmes I), VA 941 .
937. Alexander I, the Great, the
Aa-kheper-Ra (Pasebkhan III), Macedonian, 942.
937. Alexander II, the Macedonian,
Aa-kheper-Ra (Shashanq IV), 942.
939. Alexander I (Ptolemy XI), 943.
Aa-kheper-Ra (Uasarkena), 939. Amen-em-hat I, 923.
Aa-kheperu-Ra (Amen-hetep II), Amen-em-hat II, 923.
932. Amen-em-hat III, 923.
Aa - khepesh - hu - Satiu (Amen - Amen-em-hat IV, 923.
hetep III), 933. Amen-em-hat V, 923.
Aa-khepesh-hu-Satiu (Meneph- Amen-em-hat VI, 924.
thah I), 934. Amen-em-hat VII, 924.
Aakhu-en-Amen (Rameses VIII), Amen-em-hat VIII, 924.
935. Amen-em-hat IX, 924.
Aakhu-en-Aten (Amen-hetep IV), Amen-em-heb, 934.
933. ’A/xeve/x^?, 923.
Aakhu-en-Ra (Sa-Ptah), 934. Amen-her-khepesh-f (Rameses X),
Aa-mu, 929. 935. '
Aanata, 928. Amen-hetep I, 932.
Aa-nekhtut-en-taiu-nebu (Seti I), Amen-hetep II, 932.
934. Amen-hetep III, 933.
Aa-neter-Ra, 929. Amen-hetep IV, 933.
Aa-peh, 929. Ameni Antef VII (?), 924.

Amen-mes, 936. Ari-maat (Ai II), 933.

Amen-meses, 934. Ari-maat-en-Ra (Tche-her), 941.
’AfievoffiOis, 932. Ari-maat-Ra (Ptolemy VII, IX,
’AfjLevo(fnq, 933. X, XI, XIII), 943.
’A/jL€V(i)(f)a.6> 934. Ari-mes-neteru (Nectanebus II),
Amen-Ra-mes, 936. 942.
Amen-rut, 942. Arksantrs (Alexander), 942.
’ A/A€I'<X15, 932 . Arksentrs (Alexander), 942.
’A/xfp^?, 923. Arsenai (Arsinoe) I, 944.
’A923. Arsenai II, 944.
’ApLp.evep.rjs, 923. Arsenai III, 944.
’Apcocns, I, 932. Arsu the Syrian, 934.
'Apcocns, 740. Artakhashassha (Artaxerxes),
An (En-user-Ra), 919. 941.
An (Qa-ka-Ra II), 942. Asa, 919.
An- . . . , 925. Ast-ab-taui (An), 919.
An-ab- . . . , 930. Ata, 917.
An-kau-Ra, 921. Atati, 917.
Ankh-ab-taui (Sebek-hetep IV), Atet I, 917.
925. Atet II, 917.
Ankh-ka-Ra, 928. Atet III, 917.
Ankh-ka-Ra (Psammetichus III), Atet IV, 918.
940. Atet V, 920.
Ankh-khau, 920. vhOwOis, 917.
Ankh-kheperu-Ra, 933. Atht-em-sekhem-f-em-taiu nebu
Ankh-mesut (Usertsen I), 923. (Amen- hetep II), 932.
Annu, 921. Ati I, 920.
An-nub- ...» 928. Ati II, 921.
Anq-taui (Khian), 929. Au- 930.
Antch-ab, 917. Au-ab-Ra I (Her), 923.
Antef I, the Erpa, 922. Au-ab-Ra II, 924.
Antef II, the Erpa, 922. Auapeth, 937.
Antef III, 922. Aua-en-neter-menkh (Ptolemy X
Antef IV, 922. and Ptolemy XI), 943.
Antef V, 922. Aua-en-netert-menkht (Ptolemy
Antef VI, 922. X), 943.
Antef VII, 924. Aua-en-netert-menkht-Rat (Ptole¬
Antef VIII Aa, 931. my XI), 943.
Antef IX Aa, 931. Aua-en-neterui-menkhui (Ptole¬
Antef X Aa, 931. my IV), 943.
Ant-her, 929. Aua-en-neterui-merui atu (Ptole¬
Antoninus Pius, 946. my V), 943.
Antriusha (Darius I), 941. Aua-en-neterui-perui (Ptolemy
Antriusha (Darius II), 941. VII and Ptolemy IX), 943.
Apepa I, 928. Aua - en - neterui - senui (Ptolemy
Apepa II, 929. III), 942.
Apepa III, 929. Aua-en-p-neter-enti-nehem (Ptole¬
Aphobis (’A(fxofiL*;) I, 928. my XIII), 943.
Aphobis II, 929. Aufni, 924.
Aphobis III, 929. Augustus, 945.
’ All piTJS) 940. Aurelius, 946.
A- . . . -Ra, 927. Aut-ab-Ra, 927.
Ari-maat (Userkaf), 919. Auuapet, 937.

B. G.
Galba, 945.
Ba-en-neter, 918. Gerg-taui (Nefer-hetep I), 925.
Ba-en-Ra (Menephthah I), 934. Gerg-taui-f, 922.
Ba-en-Ra (Nepherites), 941. Geta, 946.
Baiu-neter, 918.
Ba-ka-Ra (Tanut-Amen), 940. H.
Bak-en-ren-f, 939. Haa-ab-Ra I (Apries), 940.
Batchau, 918. Haa-ab-Ra II (Alexander II), 942.
Bebenem, 928. Hadrian, 946.
Bebi, 918. Hat-shepsut, 932.
Berenice I, II, III, IY, 944. Heken-em-Maat, 923.
918. Heker (Hagr), 941.
BorjOos, 918.
Heq Hequ (Augustus, Caligula,
Tiberius, Nero), 945.
C. Heq-maat-sekheper-taui (Ai II),
Heq-qennu (Alexander I), 942.
Caesar, 944. Heq-semut (Philip), 942.
Caesarion, 944, 945. Her (Au-ab-Ra I), 923.
Caligula, 945. Her-ab-Ra, 927.
Cambyses, 940. Her-Heru, 936.
Caracalla, 946. Her-Heru-sa-Amen, 936.
Cleopatra I, Syra, 944. Heri-ab-Bat (?), 923.
Cleopatra II, Soteira, 944. Heri-her-maat-sekheper-taui, 934.
Cleopatra III, Kokke, 944. Heru- 930.
Cleopatra IV, Berenice, 944. Herua, 925.
Cleopatra V, Tryphaena, 944. Heru-Akau, 920.
Cleopatra VI, 945. Heru-Ipeq, 929.
Commodus, 946. Heru-ka-nefer, 921.
Heru-men khau, 920.
Heru-mer-en I, 921.
D. Heru-mer-en II, 934.
Heru-nefer-kau, 921.
Darius (Aapetos), the Great, 941. Heru-netch-tef, 931.
Darius Ochus, 941. Heru-sa-Ast, 938.
Hetch-kheper-Ra (Smendes), 937.
Decius, 946.
Hetch-kheper-Ra (Shashanq I,
Domitian, 946.
Thekreth II, and Heru-sa-Ast),
Hetep-ab-Ra, 931.
E. Hetep-ab-taui, 923.
Hetep-her-maat, 934.
En-ka-Ra I, 921. Hetep-neteru (Sebekemsaf I),
En-ka-Ra II, 929. 931.
En-maat-Ra (Amen-em-hat III), Hetep-sekhemiu, 918.
923. Hu, 917.
En-user-Ra (An), 919. Huni, 918.
Epiphanes (Ptolemy V), 943. Hunnu (Neos, Ptolemy VIII), 943.
Euergetes I (Ptolemy III), 942. Hunu-user-pehti (Alexander II),
Euergetes II (Ptolemy IX), 943. ' 942.
Eupator (Ptolemy VI), 943. Hutchfa, 918.

I. Ka-nekht-sept-sekheru (Amen-
em-heb), 934.
Iabeq-her, 929. Ka-nekht-tekhen-maat (Rameses
Iamu, 929. V), 935.
’Iawa?, 929. Ka-nekht-thehen-khau (Ai II),
Iapeq-her, 929. 933.
Ipeq Heru, 929. Ka - nekht - tut - khau (Thothmes
Iqebarhu(P), 929. IV), 932.
luaa, 933. Ka-nekht-tut-mesut (Tut-ankh-
Amen), 733.
K. Ka-nekht-ur-pehti (Amen-hetep
II and Set-nekht), 932, 934.
Ka, 917. Ka-nekht-user-pehti (Thothmes
Ka-Heru, 919. II), 932.
Kat^cos, 918. Ka- . . . . -Ra, 927.
Kakaa, 919. Ka-Set-Ra, 925 , 929.
Ka-kau, 918. Kashta, 939.
Ka-kha, 919. Ka-uaf-taui (Amen-hetep I), 932.
Kambasutent, 940. Kenbutcha, 940.
Kambathet, 940. Kei'Kevrjs, 917.
Ka-meri-Ra I (Khati I), 921. K€(f>piiju, 919.
Ka-meri-Ra II, 921. Kha-ankh-Ra (Sebek-hetep V),
Ka-nekht-aa-nekht-sankh-taui 925.
(Rameses YI), 935. Khaau, 917.
Ka - nekht-aa - sutenit (Rameses Kha-ba, 919.
II), 935. Khabasha, 941.
Ka-nekht-an-em-nesu (Rameses Kha-em-Khebit (Sa-Ptah), 934.
VII), 935. Kha-em-maat (Rameses IX), 935.
Ka - nekht - ankh - em - maat Kha - em - maat - seshem - taui
(Rameses IV), 935. (Tcheher), 941.
Ka-nekht-Aten-meri (Amen-hetep Kha-em-nesert-aa-pehti (Thoth¬
IV), 933. mes I), 932.
Ka-nekht-hai-em-maat (Meneph- Kha-em-Uast (Rameses XI), 935.
thah I),' 934. Kha-f-Ra, 919.
Ka-nekht-hen-nesiu (Rameses I), Kha-hetep-Ra (Sebek-hetep VI),
934. 925.
Ka-nekht-kha-em-maat (Thoth- Kha-ka-Ra, 925.
mes III and Amen-hetep III), Kha-kau-Ra (Usertsen III), 923.
932, 933. Kha-kheru-Ra, 926.
Ka-nekht-kha-em-Uast (Rameses Kha-ma-Ptah, 934.
IX), 935. Kha-mu-Ra, 929.
Ka-nekht-kha-em-Uast-sankh-taui Kha-nefer-Ra (Sebek-hetep IV),
(Seti I), 934. 925.
Ka-nekht-meri-maat (Thothmes Kha- . . .-Ra, 927.
I, and Rameses II and Philip Kha-sekhem, 918.
Arrhidaeus), 932, 934, 942. Kha-sekhemui, 918.
Ka-nekht-meri-Ra (Seti II and Kha-seshesh-Ra (Nefer-hetep I),
Rameses XI), 934, 935. 925.
Ka-nekht-qa-shuti (Amen-hetep Khati* I, II, III, 921.
IV), 933. Khau-f-Ra, 919.
Ka-nekht-sa-Amen, 936. Kha-user-Ra I, 922.
Ka-nekht-sekha-Ra (Rameses X), Kha-user-Ra II, 929.
935. Khentcher, 928.

Khent-ta, 917. Mehti-em-sa-f I, 920.

Khentu, 920. Mehti-em-sa-f II, 920.
Xeoxjj, 919. Mekha, 917.
Kheper-ka-Ra (Usertsen I and Men, 917.
Nectanebus II), 923, 942. Mena, 917.
Kheper-kha-Ra (Usertsen II, Menephthah I, 934.
and Pasebkhan I and Paseb¬ Menephthah II, 934.
khan II), 923, 936, 937. M917.
Kheper-Kheperu-Ra (Ai II), 933. Men-ka-Ra, 920.
Kheper-maat-Ra (Rameses X), Men-kau-Heru, 920.
935. Men-kau-Ra, 919.
Kheper-Ptah (Ptolemy VII), 943. Men-khau (Men-kau-Heru), 920.
Kheperu (?) (Amen-em-hat IV), Men-khau-Ra, 928.
923. Men-kheper-Ra (Thothmes III,
Kheperu - neb - Ra (Tut - ankh - and the son of Painetchem I
Amen), 933. and Piankhi), 932 , 937 , 940.
Khian, 929. Men-kheperu-Ra (Thothmes IV),
Khnem-ab-en-maat (Arsinoe II), 932.
944. ^ Meu^epr]<;, 919.
Khnem-ab-Ra (Aahmes II), 940. Men-khet (Psammetichus II),
Khnem-maat-Ra (Hagr), 941. 940.
Khshaiarsha, 941. Men-maat-Ra (Seti I and
Khu-aqer, 928. Rameses XI), 934, 935.
Khufu (Cheops), 919. Men-ma-Ra (Amenmeses), 934.
Khui-Beq-t-uaf-taiu (Tcheher), Men-pehti-Ra (Rameses I), 934.
941. Menthu-hetep, I, II, III, IV, V,
Khu-taui (Sebek-hetep III and and Vi, 922, 926.
Tirhakah), 925, 940. Mentu-em-sa-f, 926.
Khu-taui-Ra (Ugaf), 924. 932.
Khu-taui-sekhem-Ra, 930. Mer-ankh-Ra, 926.
Kilgipa, 923. Mer-en-Heru I, 921.
Mer-en-Heru II, 934.
Mer-en-Ptah I, II and III, 934.
L. Mer-en-Ra I, 920.
Mer-en-Ra II, 920.
Mer-hetep-Ra I (Ana), 925.
Lathyrus (Ptolemy X), 943. Mer-hetep-Ra II (Sebek-hetep
VII), 925.
M. Meri-Aah, 921.
Meri-Amen, a title of Seti II,
Maa- .... 920. Set-nekht, Rameses II, V, VI,
Maa-ab-Ra, 922. VII, VIII, IX, XI (Rameses
Maa-kheru-Ra (Amen-em-hat IV), XII ?), Painetchem I, Smendes,
923. Pasebkhan II and III, Amen-
Maat-ka-Ra I (Assa), 920. em-apt, Sa-Amen, Shashanq I,
Maat-ka-Ra II Hatshepsut), 932. II, III and IV, Usarken I,
Mak-Kamt-uaf-setu (Seti II), 934. II and III, Thekreth I, II and
Mak - Kamt - uafu - Petchtiu IX III, Heru-sa-Ast, Peta-Bast,
(Rameses IV), 935. Pamai, Piankhi, Nectanebus
Mak-Kam-uaf-Khaskht (Rameses I, Amen-rut, Alexander the
II), 934. Great, Philip Arrhidaeus, and
Masaherth, 936. Ptolemy, 934-942.
Meh-ab-taui, 924. Meri-Amen-Ra (Uasarkena), 939.
• *

Meri-Amen-Ra-neb Heb (Darius Neb-kau (Khati III), 921.

Ochus), 941. Neb-khau (Sahu-Ra), 919.
Meri-Ast (Ptolemy IV), 943. Neb-khepesh (Apries), 940.
Meri - maat - sekhut - pau - neteru Neb-khepesh-Ra (Apepa II), 929.
(Tcheher), 941. Neb-maat (Seneferu), 919.
Meri-Ptah, a title of Seti I Neb-maat-Ra I, 926.
(934), Ptolemy III (942) and Neb-maat-Ra II, 926.
Ptolemy V, VII, IX, X, XI Neb-maat-Ra (Amen-hetep III),
and XIII, 943. 933.
Meri-Ptah Ast, a title of Tibe¬ Neb-maat-Ra (Rameses VI), 935.
rius, Caligula and Nero, 945. Neb-pehti-Ra (Aahmes I), 932.
Meri-Ra (Pepi I), 920. Neb-sen-Ra, 927.
Meri-senu (Philadelphus), 942. Neb-setu-ma-Tenen (Amenmeses)
Meri-taui (Pepi I), 920 (Nectane- 934.
bus I), 941. Neb-taui (Menthu-hetep IV), 922.
Meri-tef (Philopator), 943. Neb-taui-Ra (Menthu-hetep IV),
Mer-ka-Ra, Mer-kau-Ra, 926. 922.
Mer-kheper-Ra, 926. Neb-tet-Ra, 929.
Mer-mashau, 924. Necho, 940.
Mer-nefer-Ra (Ai I), 925. Nefer-ab-Ra I, 927.
Mer-netchem-Ra, 925. Nefer-ab-Ra II (Psammetichus
Mer-neteru, 934. II), 940.
Merpeba, 917. Nefer-ari-ka-Ra I, 919.
Mer-sekhem-Ra I, 925. Nefer-ari-ka-Ra II, 921.
Mer-sekhem-Ra II, 926. Nefer-f-Ra, 919.
Mer- sekhem- Ra III, 928. Nefer-hepu sgerh-taui, 933.
Mer-tchefau-Ra, 927. Nefer-hetep I, 925.
Mer-user-Ra, 929. Nefer-hetep II, 926.
Mes-hemut, 940. Nefer-ka, 920.
Mesut-Ra (Cambyses), 940. Nefer-ka-Heru, 921.
Metcha (Khufu), 919. Nefer-ka-Ra I, 918.
Medovcrov(f)i<;, 920. Nefer-ka-Ra II, 918.
Mte/3t5, 917. Nefer-ka-Ra III (Pepi II), 920.
Mco-dippis, 932. Nefer-ka-Ra IV, 920.
Mto'^payjuov^wcrtg, 932. Nefer-ka-Ra V (Nebi), 920.
Nefer-ka-Ra VI (Khentu), 920.
Nefer-ka-Ra VII (Terri), 921.
N. Nefer-ka-Ra VIII (Senb), 921.
Nefer-ka-Ra IX, 921.
Na-ap-khar-ri-ya, 933. Nefer-ka-Ra X, 921.
Na-ap-khu-ra-ri-ya, 933. Nefer-ka-Ra XI (Rameses IX),
Na-ap-khu-ru-ri-a, 933. 935.
Naifaaurut, 941. Nefer-ka-Ra XII (Shabaka), 939.
Nar-mer, 917. Nefer-ka-Seker, 918.
Neb-a (Psammetichus I), 940. Nefer-kau-Heru, 921.
Neb-ari-au-Ra I, II, 930. Nefer-kau-Ra, 921 -J
Neb-f-au-Ra, 926. Nefer-khau, 919.
Neb-hep-Ra, 922. Nefer-kheperu, 931.
Nebi (Nefer-ka-Ra V), 920. Nefer-kheperu-Ra, 933.
Neb-ka I, 918. Nefer-renput- etc., 932.
Neb-ka II, 918. Nefer-Tem- . . . 927.
Neb-ka-Ra I, 918. Nefer-Tem-khu-Ra, 950.
Neb-ka-Ra II, 918. Nefres, 920.

Neheb, 917. P.
Nehsi, 926.
Nekau, 940. Pa-heq-qen (Karnes), 932.
Ne^aw, 940. Pai-ankh, 936.
Nekht, 917. Pai-netchem I, 936.
Nekht-Heru-heb, 941. Pai-netchem II, 937.
Nekht-neb-f, 942. Pamai, 939.
Nekht-neb-tep-nefer, 922. Pasebkhan I, II, III, 937.
Ne/caj?, 940. Penen-set- . . . 930.
NeKTavefir}?, 941. Pepi I, 920.
NeKTCU'e/3o?, 942. Pepi II, 920.
Neos Dionysos (Ptolemy XIII), Pepi III, 921.
943. Per-ab-sen, 918.
Neos Philopator (Ptolemy VIII), Per-en-maat, 918.
943. Peta-Bast, 938.
Ne(f)epiTr)s, 941. Peta-Bast sa Bast, 739.
918. Pharaoh, Great, 941.
Nero, 945. Philadelpha I, 944.
Nerva, 946. Philadelphus I (Ptolemy II), 942.
Nes-ba-neb-Tet, 937. Philadelphus II (Ptolemy XIII),
Net-aqerti (Nitocris), 920. 943.
Netch (Soter I), 942. Philip Arrhidaeus, 942.
Netchem-ab-Ra, 924. Philip (Emperor), 946.
Neter-baiu, 921. Philometor I (Ptolemy IV), 943.
Neter-hetch, 922. Philometor II (Ptolemy X), 943.
Neter-ka-Ra, 920. Philometor III (Ptolemy XI),
Neter-khau, 920. 943.
Neter-kheper-Ra, 937. Philometor IV (Ptolemy XVI),
Neter-kheperu, 923. 944.
Neter-menkh, 943. Philopator I (Ptolemy IV), 943.
Neter-mert, 922. Philopator II (Ptolemy VIII),
Netert-khau, 932. 943.
Netert-nesi, 932. Philopator III (Ptolemy XIII),
Ni-ib-mu-a-ri-ya, 933. 943.
Ni-ip-khu-ur-ri-ri-ya, 933. Philopator (Ptolemy XVI), 944.
Ntrco/cpt?, 920. Philotera, 944.
Nub-ka-Ra, 929. Phiriupus (Philiupus), 942.
Nub-kau-Ra, 923. Piankhi the Great, 939.
Nub-kheper-Ra, 931. Piankhi-sa-Bast, 939.
Nub- . . . -Ra, 929. Piankhi, son of Shabataka, 940.
Nub-taui-Ra, 922. Pilatura, 944.
Nubti, 929. Pillppas or Pirrppas (Philip), 942.
P-neter-hunnu (Neos), 943.
P-neter-menkh (Euergetes), 942.
O. P-neter-mer-mut-f (Philometor),
943. ■*
’’Owo?, 918. P-neter-peri (Epiphanes), 943.
*Oaop9(ov, 938. Pripus or Plipus (Philip), 942.
Otho (Marcus), 945. 'Fa/XjU-i^rtyo?, 940.
Ova(f>pLS, 940. Ta/x/xou^ts, 941.
Ovev€(f)r]<;, 917. Psa-mut, 941.
Oucrcu^aiSo?, 917. Psemthek (Psammetichus), I, II,
Oucrepyep^?, 919. III, 940.

Ptah-Seti-sa-Ptah-meri, 936. Ra-aut-ab III, 927.

Ptlmis (Ptolemy I, the Satrap), Ra-ba-en I (Menephthah I), 934.
Ra-ba-en II (Nepherites), 941.
Ra-ba-ka (Tanut-Amen), 940.
Ptlmis (Ptolemy I), 942.
Ptlumis (Ptolemy), 942. Ra-en-ka I, 921.
Ptolemy I-III, 942 ; IV-XIII, Ra-en-ka II, 929.
Ra-en-maat (Amen-em-hat III),
943 ; XIV-XVI, 944.
Ptulmis, Ptulmis (Ptolemy), 942. 923.
Ra-en-user (An), 919.
Ra-haa-ab (Apries), 940.
Q. Ra-haa-ab (Alexander II), 942.
Qa-a, 917.
Ra-her-ab, 927.
Ra-hetch-kheper I (Smendes),
Qa-ka-Ra (Antef V), 922.
Qa-ka-Ra II (An), 942. 937.
Qa-khau (Tirhakah), 940. Ra-hetch-kheper II (Shashanq I),
Qar, 930. 938.
Ra-hetch-kheper III (Heru-sa-
Qebhu, 917.
Qennu (Hagr), 941. Ast), 938.
Qennu (Psammetichus I), 940.
Ra-hetch-kheper IV (Thekreth
II), 938.
Ra-hetep, 931.
R. Ra-hetep-aa, 929.
Ra-ka- . . . , 927.
Ra-a- . . . 927.
Ra-ka-meri (Khati I), 921.
Ra-aa-arq, 929.
Ra-aa-hetep, 922. Ra-ka-Set I, 925.
Ra-aa-kha I, 922. Ra-ka-Set II, 929.
Ra-aa-kha II, 929. Ra-kha- ...» 927.
Ra-aa-kheper I (Pasebkhan III), Ra-kha-ankh, 925.
Ra-kha-f, Ra-khau-f, 919.
Ra-aa-kheper II (Shashanq IV), Ra-kha-hetep, 925.
Ra-kha-ka, 925.
Ra-aa-kheper III (Uasarkena), Ra-kha-kau, 923.
Ra-kha-kheper (Usertsen II), 923
Ra-aa-kheper-en (Thothmes II), Ra-kha-kheru, 926.
Ra-kha-mu, 929.
Ra-aa-kheper-ka (Thothmes I), Ra-kha-nefer, 925.
Ra-kha-Seshesh, 925.
Ra-aa-kheperu, 932. Ra-kha-user I, 922.
Ra-aakhu-en (Sa-Ptah), 934. Ra-kha-user II, 929.
Ra-aa-neter, 929.
Ra-kheper-ka I (Usertsen I), 923.
D5.Hipnpr.ka TT (^Nectanebus II),
Ra-aa-peh, 929.
Ra-aa-qenu (Apepa III), 929. 942.
D5 /mpnpr.kha T /Pui.npfplipm 1 ^.
Ra-aa-user (Apepa I), 728.
Ra- . . . -ab-khent, 922. 936.
Ra-kheper-kha II (Pasebkhan),
Ra-an (?) kau, 921.
Ra-ankh-ka I, 928.
Ra-ankh-ka II (Psammetichus Ra-kheper-kheperu (Ai II), 933.
Ra-kheper-maat (Rameses X),935.
III), 940.
Ra-ankh-kheperu, 933. Ra-khnem-ab (Aahmes II), 940.
Ra-aii-maat, title of Ptolemy Ra-khnem-maat, 941.
VII, IX, X, XI and XIII, 943. Ra-khu-taui (Ugaf), 924.
Ra-au-ab I (Her), 923.
Ra-khu-taui-sekhem, 920.
Ra-au-ab II, 924. Ra-maa-ab, 922.

Ra-maa-kheru (Amen-em-hat IV), Ra-neb-ka I, 918.

923. ; Ra-neb-ka II, 918.
Ra-maat-ka I (Assa), 920. Ra-neb-kheperu (Tutankh-Amen),
Ra-maat-ka II (Hatshepsut), 932. 933.
Ra-men-ka, 920. Ra-neb-khepesh (Apepa II), 929.
Ra-men-kau, 919. Ra-neb-maat I, 926.
Ra-men-khau (Seshab), 928. Ra-neb-maat II, 926.
Ra-men-kheper I (Thothmes III), Ra-neb-maat III (Amen-hetep
932. III), 933. ’
Ra-men-kheper II (son of Pai- Ra-neb-maat IV (Rameses VI),
netchem), 937. 935.
Ra-men-kheper III (Piankhi), 940. Ra-neb-pehti (Aahmes I), 932.
Ra-men-kheperu (Thothmes IV), Ra-neb-sen, 927.
932. Ra-neb-taui (Menthu-hetep IV),
Ra-men-ma (Amen-meses), 934. 922. ‘
Ra-men-maat (Seti I), 934. Ra-neb-tchefau I, 927.
Ra-men-maat (Rameses XI), 935. Ra-neb-tchefau II, 927.
Ra-men-pehti (Rameses I), 934. Ra-neb-tet, 929.
Ra-mer-ankh (Menthu-hetep VI), Ra-nefer-ab I, 927.
926. ’ Ra-nefer-ab II (Psammetichus II),
Ra-mer-en I (Mehti-em-sa-f I), 940.
920. Ra-nefer-ari-ka I, 919.
Ra-mer-en II (Mehti-em-sa-f II), Ra-nefer-ari-ka II, 921.
920. Ra-nefer-f, 919.
Ra-mer-hetep I (Ana), 925. Ra-nefer-ka I, 918.
Ra-mer-hetep II (Sebek-hetep Ra-nefer-ka II, 918.
VII), 925. Ra-nefer-ka III (Pepi II), 920.
Ra-meri (Pepi I), 920. Ra-nefer-ka IV, 920.
Ra-mer-ka, Ra-mer-kau (Sebek- Ra-nefer-ka V (Nebi), 920.
hetep VIII), 926. Ra-nefer-ka VI (Khentu), 920.
Ra-mer-kheper, 926. Ra-nefer-ka VII (Terri), 921.
Ra-mer-nefer (Ai I), 925. Ra-nefer-ka VIII (Pepi III
Ra-mer-netchem, 925. Senb), 921.
Ra-mer-sekhem I (An- . . .), Ra-nefer-ka IX, 921.
925. Ra-nefer-ka X, 921.
Ra-mer-sekhem II (Nefer-hetep Ra-nefer-ka XI (Rameses IX),
II), 926. 935.
Ra-mer-sekhem III, 928. Ra-nefer-ka XII (Shabaka), 939.
Ra-mert (Sebek-neferu-Ra), 923. Ra-nefer-kau, 921.
Ra-mer-tchefau, 927. Ra-nefer-kheperu (Amen-hetep
Ra-mer-user (Iabeqher), 929. IV), 933.
Rameses, Ramessu, I-XII, 934- Ra-netchem-ab, 924.
935. Ra-neter-ka, 920.
Ra-messes meri Amen, 936. Ra-neter-kheper (Sa-Amen), 937.
'Pa/ieVon?? I, 934. Ra-nub- . . . , 929.
Pa/xecrcrryg Mlol/aovv, 934. Ra-nub-ka, 929.
Ra-mes-suser-taui I, 931. Ra-nub-kau (Amen-em-hat II),
'Pa/>u//iViT09, 935. 923.
Ra-neb, 918. Ra-nub-kheper (Antef X), 931.
Ra-neb-ari-au I and II, 930. Ra-nub-taui, 922.
Ra-neb-f-au, 926. Ra-qa-ka I (Antef V), 922.
Ra-neb-hep (Menthu-hetep III), Ra-qa-ka II (An), 942.
922. Ra-saa-ka, 933.

Ra-sahu, 919. Ra-smen- . . . 928.

Ra-sankh-ab (Antef VIII), 924, Ra-smen-ka, 924.
Ra-sankh-en (Senb), 925. Ra-smenkh-ka, 924.
Ra-sankh-ka I (Menthu-hetep), Ra-smen-taui, 930.
Ra-suah-en, 926.
Ra-sankh-ka II, 927. Ra-suatch-en I, 931.
Ra-seba- ...» 928. Ra-suatch-en II, 931.
Ra-Sebek-ka, 928. Ra-suatch-ka (Herua), 925.
Ra-Sebek-neferu, 923. Ra-suser- . . . 930.
Ra-suser-en (Khian), 929.
Ra-seheb, 927.
Ra-seher-ab (Peta-Bast sa Bast), Ra-taa-kheperu, 937.
Ra-tcheser-ka(Amen-hetep I),932.
Ra-sehetep-ab I (Amen-em-hat Ra-tchet-f, 919.
I) , 923. Ra-tet-ankh, 926.
Ra-sehetep-ab II, 924. Ra-tei-f, 919.
Ra-sehetep-ab III, 924. Ra-tet-hetep, 926.
Ra-sekha-en (Rameses XII), 935. Ra-tet-ka I (Assa), 920.
Ra-sekheper-en, 927. Ra-tet-ka II (Maa-
Ra-sekhem- ... I, 927. 920*
Ra-sekhem- . . .II, 930. Ra-tet-kau (Shabataka), 940.
Ra-sekhem- . . . Ill, 930. Ra-tet-kheru, 927.
Ra-sekhem- . . .IV, 930. Ra-tet-nefer, 926.
Ra-sekhem- ... V, 930. Ra-uah-ab I (Aa-ab), 925.
Ra-sekhem-ka I, 921. Ra-uah-ab II (Psammetichus I),
Ra-sekhem-ka II, 924. 940.'
Ra-sekhem-kheper (Uasarken I), Ra-uah-ka I (Khati II),* 921.
Ra-uah-ka II (Bokchoris), 939.
Ra-sekhem-khu-taui (Sebek-hetep Ra-uatch-ka I, 921.
II) , 924. Ra-uatch-ka II, 929.
Ra-sekhem-nefer-kau, 931. Ra-uatch-kheper (Karnes), 932.
Ra-sekhem-shet-taui, 931. Ra-uhem-ab (Necho), 940.
Ra-sekhem-smen-taui, 931. Ra-user-ka I (Ati I), 920.
Ra-sekhem-suatch-taui (Sebek- Ra-user-[ka] II, 924.
hetep III), 925.
Ra-user-ka III (Khentcher), 928.
Ra-sekhem-uatch-kau, 931. Ra-user-ka IV (Ptolemy II), 942.
Ra-sekheper-en (Rameses V), 935. Ra-user-ka V (Ptolemy IV), 943.
Ra-*senb-ka, 927. Ra-user-ka VI (Ptolemy V), 943.
Ra-senefer-ab I (Usertsen IV), 923. Ra-user-khau, 934.
Ra-senefer-ab II, 924. Ra-user-kheperu (Seti II), 934.
Ra-senefer-f, 929. Ra-user-maat I (Rameses II), 934.
Ra-senefer-ka I, 921. Ra-user-maat II (Rameses III),
Ra-senefer-ka II, 924. 935.
Ra-senekht-en, 931. Ra-user-maat III (Rameses IV),
Ra-senetchem-ab (Nekht - Her - 935.
heb), 941.
Ra-user-maat IV (Rameses V), 935.
Ra-ses- . . . 930. Ra-user-maat V (Rameses VII),
Ra-seshesh-kheper, 938. 935.
Ra- . . . -Set, 929. Ra-user-maat VI (Rameses VIII),
Ra-setchef-[Ra], 924. 935.
Ra-shepses (Tafnekht I), 939. Ra-user-maat VII (Amen-em-apt),
Ra-shepses-ka, 919. 937.
Ra-skha-en, 922. Ra-user-maat VIII (Thekreth I),
Ra-skhent-en, 931. 938.

Ra-user-maat IX (Uasarken II), Sebek-shet (?)-neferu, 923.

938. 940.
Ra-user-maat X (Peta-Bast), 938. Sebkai, 928.
Ra-user-maat XI (Uasarken III), Seheb-Ra, 927.
938. Seher-ab-neteru (Nectanebus I),
Ra-user-maat XII (Thekreth III), 941.
938. Seher-ab-Ra (Peta-Bast sa Bast),
Ra-user-maat XIII (Shashanq III), 939.
938. Seher-taui I, 921.
Ra-user-maat XIV (Pamai), 939. Seher-taui II, 924.
Ra-user-maat XV (Piankhi), 939. Sehetep-ab-Ra I (Amen-em-hat
Ra-user-maat XVI (Amenrut), 942. I) , 923.
Ren-senb, 924. Sehetep-ab-Ra II, 924.
Rhampsinitus, 935. Sehetep-ab-Ra III, 924.
Sehetep-ab-taui, 923.
Sehetep-neteru (Hagr), 941.
S. Sehetep-taui I (Atet V), 920.
Sehetep-taui II (Apepa III), 929.
Saa-ka-Ra, 933. Sehetep-taui-f (Piankhi), 939.
Sa-Amen (Her-Heru), 936. Seket, 930.
'ZafiaKMV, 939. Sekha-en-Ra (Rameses XII ?), 935.
Sa-Bast (Piankhi), 939. Sekhem-ab, 918.
Sa-Hathor, 925. Sekhem-ankh-[en]-Amen, a title
Sa-Het-Her, 925. of Ptolemies III, IV, V, IX, X,
Sahu-Ra, 919. XI, XIII, 942, 943.
Salitis, 928. Sekhem-ka-Ra I, 921.
Sa-nekht (Neb-ka-Ra II), 918. Sekhem-ka-Ra II, 924.
Sa Net (Amasis II), 940. Sekhem-khau (Ati I), 920.
Sankh-ab-Ra (Antef VII ?), 924. Sekhem-kheper-Ra (Usertsen I),
Sankh-ab-taui (Menthu-hetep III), 938.
922. Sekhem-kheperu (Thothmes II),
Sankh-en-Ra (Senb), 925. 932.
Sankh-ka-Ra 1 (Menthu-hetep V), Sekhem-khu-taui-Ra (Sebek-hetep
922. II) , 924.
Sankh-ka-Ra II, 927. Sekhem-nefer-khau-Ra, 931.
Sankh-taui-f, 922. Sekhem-pehti-khu-khau (Thoth¬
Sa-Ptah I, 934. mes III), 932.
Sa-Ptah II (Rameses XII ?), 935. Sekhem - pehti - ter - Petchtiu IX
Sash-qennu (Piankhi), 940. (Seti I), 934. *
Seba- . . . -Ra, 928. Sekhem-pehti-ter-Satt (Ai II),
Sebek-em-sa-f I, 931. 933.
Sebek-em-sa-f II, 931. Sekhem- . . . -Ra I, 927.
Sebek-hetep I, 924. Sekhem- . . . -Ra II, 930.
Sebek-hetep II, 924. Sekhem- . . . -Ra III, 930.
Sebek-hetep III, 925. Sekhem-Ra-ankh-taui, 931.
Sebek-hetep IV, 925. Sekhem-Ra-saa-taui, 931.
Sebek-hetep V, 925. Sekhem-shet-taui-Ra, 931.
Sebek-hetep VI, 925. Sekhem-smen-taui-Ra, 931.
Sebek-hetep VII, 925. Sekhem-suatch-taui-Ra, 925.
Sebek-hetep VIII, 926. Sekhem-uah-kha-Ra, 931.
Sebek-ka-Ra I, 923. Sekhem-uatch-khau-Ra, 931.
Sebek-ka-Ra II, 928. Sekhenn . . . 929.
Sebek-neferu-Ra, 923. Sekheper-en-Ra I, 927.
4 L 2

Sekheper-en-Ra II (Rameses V), Setep-en-Amen, a title of Rame¬

ses IV (935), Painetchem I
917. (936), Pasebkhan II, Pasebkhan
III, Amen-em-apt, Sa-Amen,
Semqen, 929.
Thekreth I, Thekreth II, Uasar-
Semti, 917.
ken II, Shashanq II, Heru-sa-
Senb I, 921.
Ast Peta-Bast, Uasarkena,
Senb II, 925.
Amen-rut, Alexander II, Ptol¬
Senb-f, 924.
Senb-ka-Ra, 927. emy I, 937-942.
Senb-ma-au, 926. Setep-en-Anher, 941.
Senefer-ab-Ra I (Usertsen IV ?), Setep-en-Pta’h, a title of Ptol¬
emy IV, Ptolemy V, Ptolemy
Senefer-ab-Ra II, 924. IX, Ptolemy X, Ptolemy XI,
Senefer-f-Ra (Piankhi), 939. Ptolemy XIII (943), Augustus,
Senefer-ka I, 921. Nero (945).
Senefer-ka II (Annu), 921. Setep-en-Ra, a title of Rameses
Senefer-ka-Ra I, 921. II, Sa-Ptah, Set-nekht (934),
Senefer-ka-Ra II, 924. Rameses VII, Rameses IX,
Senefer-taui (Psamnietichus II), Rameses X (935), Rameses XI
(935), Pasebkhan, Smendes
Senefer-taui-f I (Antef V), 922. (937), Shashanq I, Uasarken I,
Senefer-taui-f (An), 942. Thekreth II, Shishak III,
Senefer-taui-Ra Sekhem, 926. Psamut (941), Alexander the
Seneferu, 919. Great, Philip, Ptolemy III (942).
Senekht-en-Ra, 931. Setep[en]Tenen, a title of Khab-
Senen-ankh-en-Amen, title of basha, 941.
Ptolemy XI, 943. Setep-neteru (Amasis II), 940.
Senen-en-Ptah, title of K h ab¬ 'ZeOevTjS, 918.
ba sha, 941. ’tedws, 'ZeOcocns, 934.
Senetchem-ab-Ra, 941. Seti I Meri Ptah, 934.
Senta, 918. Seti II, 934.
Senusert I-IV, 923. Set-nekht, 934.
Sept-taui (Amasis II), 940. Setut-Ra (Darius the Great), 941.
Seqeb-taui (Shabaka), 939. Severus, 946.
Seqenen-Ra I Tau-aa, 931. Sha-ba-ku-u, 939.
Seqenen-Ra II Tau-aa Aa, 931. Shabaka, 939.
Seqenen-Ra III Tau-aa Qen, Shabataka, 940.
931. Shashanq I-IV, 938, 939.
Sesh-ab, 928. Shepses-ka-f, 919.
Seshesh-ka-Ra, 924. Shepses-ka-Ra, 919.
Seshesh-kheper-Ra (Shashanq II), Shepses Ra (Tafnekht I), 939.
938. Shesha, 930.
Seshesh-Ra-her-her-maat, 931. Shishak, 938.
Seshesh-Ra-upu-em-maat, 931. Ska, 917.
^ecrtoyyis, 938. ^KEll'lCX^piS, 923.
Secroyyojcris, 923. Skha-en-Ra, 922.
^ecrajcrrpts, 923. Skhent-en-Ra, 931.
Ses- . . . -Ra, 930. Sma-taui (Sebek-hetep V), 925.
Set- ....... 930. Smai-taui I (Piankhi), 940.
Set-aa-pehti (Nubti), 929. Smai-taui II (Cambyses), 940.
Setc 1 ief-[ka]-Ra, 924. Smendes, S/xeVS779, 937.
Setchef-taui (Kames), 932. Smen-hepu I, Sgerh-taui (Amen-
Setches, 918. hetep III), 933.

Smen-hepu II (Nectanebus I), 941. Tchet-f-Ra, 919.

S men-ka-Ra, 924. Tef-f-meri I (Philopator I), 943.
Smenkh-ka-Ra (Mer-Mashau), Tef-f-meri II (Philopator II), 943.
924. Tehuti, 931.
Smenkh-taui (Nectanebus II), Tehuti-mes I-IV (Thothmes I-
942. IV), 932.
Smen-maat (Amasis II), 940. Te-i-i, 933.
Smen-maat-Ra (Amenmer), 936. Tema-a, 942.
Smen ... Ra, 928. Temt-ab-taui, 921.
Smen-taui-Ra, 930. Tecog, 941.
Smerkha (Hu or Nekht), 917. Teriusha (Darius), 941.
Soter I, 942. Terri, 921.
Soter II, 943. Teta (Atet V), 920.
Stenh, 919. Tet-ankh-Ra, 926.
Suah-en-Ra, 926. Tet-f-Ra, 919.
Suatch-en-Ra, 1, 931. Tet-hetep-Ra, 926.
Suatch-en-Ra II, 931. TeOfxcocrLs, 932.
Suatch-ka-Ra (Herua), 925. Tet-ka-Ra 1 (Assa), 920.
Suatch-taui I (Sesh-ab), 928. Tet-ka-Ra II, 920.
Suatch-taui II (Apries), 940. Tet-kau-Ra, 940.
Su-hetes, 919. Tet-khau (Assa), 920.
Sunu -. 930. Tet-kheru-Ra, 927.
Suser-en-Ra (Khian), 929. Tet-nefer-Ra, 926.
Suser -....- Ra, 930. Tet-tet-nesiu-ma-Tem (Thoth¬
mes IV), 932.
Thekreth (Thekleth) I-III, 938.
Thesh, 917.
Taa-kheperu-Ra, 937. Thes-khau-em-Anu-resu (Amen-
Tafnekht I, 939. hetep IV), 933.
Tafnekht II, 939. Thes-rer-en-Aten (Amen-hetep
Taharqa, 940. IV), 933.
Tan-da-ma-ni-e, 940. Thes-taui (Amasis I), 932.
920. Thothmes I-IV, 932.
Tanuat-Amen, 940. Thuau, 933.
Tariusha (Darius), 941. Ti, 933.
Taruasha (Darius), 941. Tiberius, 945.
Tata-mesu, 926. Titus, 945.
Tatau-mes, 926. TAas, 918.
Tau, 917. Tov6[A0l>CTLS, 932.
Tau-aa, 931. Trajan, 946.
Tau-aa Aa, 931. Tut-ankh-Amen, 933.
Tau-aa Qen, 931. Tut-mesut (Aahmes I), 932.
Tchar, 917.
Tchatchai, 917. U.
Tche-her, 941.
Tche-khensu-auf-ankh, 936. Ua-en-Ra (Amen-hetep IV), 933.
Tcheser I, Sa, 918. Uah-ab-Ra I (Aa-’ab), 925.
Tcheser II, 918. Uah-ab-Ra II (Tafnekht II), 939.
Tcheser-ka-Ra (Amen-hetep I), Uah-ab-Ra III (Psammetichus I),
932. 940.
Tcheser-kheperu, 933. Uah-ab-Ra IV (Apries), 940.
Tcheser-kheperu-Ra, 934. Uah-ankh (Antef III), 922, 931.
Tchet At, 917. Uah-ka-Ra I (Khati II), 921.
4L 3

Uah-ka-Ra II (Bokchoris), 939. User-maat-Ra I (Rameses II),

Uah-sutenit-ma-Ra-em-pet, 932. 934.
Uasarken (Usarken) I-III, 938. User-maat-Ra II (Rameses III),
Uasarkena (Uasarkena), 939. 935.
Uatchet, 929. User-maat-Ra III (Rameses IV),
Uatchet-renput, 932. 935.
Uatch-ka-Ra I, 921. User-maat-Ra IV (Rameses V),
Uatch-ka-Ra II, 929. 935.
Uatch-kheper-Ra (Kames), 932. User-maat-Ra V (Rameses VII),
Uatch-kheperu (Amasis 1), 932. 935.
Uatch-nar (?), 917. User-maat-Ra VI (Rameses VIII),
Uatchnes, 918. 935.
Uatch-taui (Unas), 920. User-maat-Ra VII (Amen-em-
Uben-Ra I, 926. apt), 937.
Uben-Ra II, 927. User-maat-Ra VIII (Thekreth I),
Uben-Ra III, 927. 938.
Ugaf (?), 924. User-maat-Ra IX (Uasarken II),
Uhem-ab-Ra (Necho), 940. 938.
Uhem-khau, etc. (Seti I), 934. User-maat-Ra X (Peta-Bast), 938.
Uhem-mesut (Amen-em-hat I), User-maat-Ra XI (Uasarken III),
923 938.
Unas,* 920. User-maat-Ra XII (Thekreth
Up-uat-em-sa-f, 931. III), 938.
Upu-em-maat, 931. User-maat-Ra XIII (Shashanq
Ur-bat-em-Apt, 934. III), 938.
Ur-bi-em-Apt (Amenmeses), 934. User-maat-Ra XIV (Pamai), 939.
Ur-setu-ma-Tenen, 935. User-maat-Ra XV (Piankhi), 939.
Ur-suitenit, etc., 933. User-maat-Ra XVI (Amen-rut),
User-a (Psammetichus II), 940. 942.
User-ab (Khafra) I, 919. User-Ptah (Psamut), 941.
User-f-au, etc., 932. User-renput-aa-nekhtut, 934.
Userkaf, 919. User-renput-ma-Temu, etc., 935.
User-ka-Ra I (Ati I), 920. User-renput-ur-nekhtut, etc., 935.
User-ka-Ra II, 924. Usert-kau (Hatshepsut), 932.
User-ka-Ra III (Khentcher), 928. Usertsen I-IV, 923.
User-ka-Ra IV (Ptolemy II, 942. Uthes-khau-sehetep-neteru, 933.
User-ka-Ra V (Ptolemy IV), 943.
User-ka-Ra VI (Ptolemy V), 943. V.
User-khau, 919.
User-khau-Ra, 934. Verus, 946.
User-kheperu-Ra (Seti II), 934. Vespasian, 945.
User-khepesh-het-hefnu, 935.
User-khepesh-sankh-taui, 935. X.
User-khepesh-ter-Petchtiu IX,
932. Xerxes (Bepges) the Great, 941.


A. Amen, temple estate of, 990a.

Amorite, land of the, 957a.
Aboccis, 956a. Andropolis, 997b.
Abram’s Field, 983a. Andropolis-Gynaecopolis, 952a.
Abukir, 1042b. Anep, 1029a.
Abu Simbel, 956a, 957b, 968a, Antinopolites, 1060b.
988a. Apamea, 956b.
Abftsir, 985b. Aphroditopolis, 985b, 989a, 1013b,
Abusir al-Malik, 947b. 1056a.
Abutig, 982a. Aphroditopolites, 973b, 994a,
Abydos, 947b, 950a, 952b, 956a b, 999a, 1008b, 1061a.
984b, 993a, 994b, 1004b, 1006a, Apis Bull House, 1016a.
1009a, 1013b, 1023b, 1049b, 1050b. Apis-city, 1004b, 1035b.
Abydos, Great Canal of, 1004a. Apis tomb, 970b.
Abydos, Necropolis of, 976b, Apollinopolis Magna, 1061b.
1019b. Apollinopolis Parva, 1044b.
Abydos, sacred lake of, 1040b. Apollinopolites, 966a, 976b, 1060a.
Abydos shrine, 996b. Arabia, 948a, 957b, 1062b.
Abydos, well of, 1029b. Arabian Peninsula, 1051a.
Abydos of the North (in the Arad, 968a.
Fay yum), 947b. Aradus, 951a.
Accho, 968b. Armant, 958b, 988a.
Achshaph, 965b. Armenia, 948a.
Adamah, 967a. Arsinoe, 949a.
Addar, 967a. Arsino'ites, 992a, 1041b.
Adoraim, 967a. Arvad, 961a.
Ahnas al-Madinah, 1022a. Ascalon, 965a.
Ajalon, 952b. Asfun al-Mata‘nah, 990b.
Akhmim, 949b, 956a. Ashdod, 965a.
Akko, 971a. Asher, 964b.
Alabastronpolis, 985b, 1015a b, Asia, 1037a ; Western, 968a.
1041a, 1044b. Asklepeion, 985a.
Alashiya, 961a. Asna, 951b, 959a, 963a, 964a,
Al-Batnun, 1057a. 971a, 974b, 989b, 1002a, 1007a,
Aleppo, 1025a b. 1031b, 1034b, 1050a b.
Alexandria, 967b, 1009b, 1035a ; Asphynis, 990b, 1017b, 1018a,
suburb of, 949a. 1021a, 1023a, 1023b.
Al-Hibah, 951b, 1062a. ‘Asqalan, 965a.
Al-Hibu, 1014a. Assyria, 964b.
Al-Kab, 958b, 980b, 1024b. Aswan, 960b, 1017b, 1034a.
Al-Lahun, 1011a, 1050b. Asyut, 964b, 1002b, 1011b, 1030b.
‘Alwah, 960a. Atfih, 992a, 1004b, 1061b.
4L 4

Athach, 968b. Busirites, 966a, 973b, 985b,

Athribis, 950b, 967b, 989a, 1006b, 1010b, 1033b, 1038a, 1039a.
1012b, 1013a, 1019a, 1045b, Buto, 973b, 981a, 983b, 986b,
1049a. 1013b, 1061b.
Athribites, 951a, 961b, 1047a. Buto, Lakes of, 1012b.
Avaris, 992a, 1013b ; canal of,

Cabasa, 1021b, 1023b.
Cabasites, 995a, 1023b, 1047a.
Ba-bi-i-lu, 980a.
Cabul, 1045b.
Ba-bi-lu, 980a.
Canaan, 1048a.
Babirush, 980a.
Canal of Thothmes III, 975a.
Babylon of Egypt, 958a, 974a,
Canopus, 994b, 1049a b.
987a, 1030a, 1056a.
Cappadocia, 1050a.
Babylon the Great, 977b, 980a.
Carchemish, 1046b, 1047a, 1049b.
Babylonia, 1033a, 1035a.
Casius, 1025a.
Bactria, 978a.
Chemmis, 1027a.
Bagrawir, 977b.
Chenoboscion, 1005b.
Bahariyah, 973a.
Chun, 1046a.
Baherah, 1035b.
Circle, the, 1045a.
Bakchis, 986a.
City of Life, 969b.
Balbes, 962b.
Coptites, 984a, 1022b, 1044a.
Balias, 1005a.
Coptos, 966b, 1008b, 1010b,
Balyana, 1049b.
1028b, 1032b, 1044a, 1048a.
Barullus, Lake, 1030b.
Crocodilopolis, 958a, 984b, 992a,
Basti, 1041b.
1016a, 1034b, 1041b, 1051b.
Beeroth, 977a.
Crocodilopolis (Gabalen), 948a.
Behbit, 1021b.
Cusae, 1044b.
Bekhten, 981a.
Cush, 965b, 1048b.
Belbes, 982a.
Cynopolis, 1016a, 1047a.
Benha, 989a.
Cynopolites, 959b, 1029a, 1033b.
Beni Hasan, 952b, 958b, 987a,
Cyprus, 950a, 964b, 1005b.
994a, 1016a, 1032b.
Berenice on the Red Sea, 1038b.
Berut, 978a.
Beth-anoth, 977a. D.
Beth-dagon, 977a.
Beth-horon, 978b. Dabud, 1053b.
Biggah, 1000a, 1031b. Dakhlah, Oasis of, 962b, 1065a.
Bileam, 977b. Dakkah, 964a, 1046b.
Bi-ru-ta, 978a. Damanhur, 1061b, 1062a.
Bitter Lake, 1046a. Damascus, 1056b.
Boiling Lake, 999b. Daphnae, 1059a, 1062a.
Bubastis, 975a, 976a b, 978a, Deadland, 986a.
981a, 987a. Delta, the, 1050b, 1065b.
Bubastis of the South (Denderah), Delta, the Eastern, 1050a.
987a. Denderah, 947a, 950a b, 951b,
Bubastites, 958a, 968a, 1036a. 952a, 953b, 958a, 960a, 962a b,
Bur-ku-na, 980a. 963a b, 964a b, 969b, 975b, 976a,
Busiris, 950a, 980b, 992b, 1005b, 978a, 986a b, 987b, 988b, 989a b,
1023b, 1062b, 1065b. 990a b, 991a b, 992b, 993a b,

994a, 1002a, 1004b, 1007b, Elephantine, 952b, 954b, 955b,

1009a, 1013a b, 1014b, 1015a b, 971b, 976b, 1001b, 1009a, 1015a,
1016a, 1017b, 1018a b, 1019a, 1017b, 1019b, 1020a, 1023b.
1022b, 1023a b, 1024b, 1025b, Elephantine of the South and
1026a, 1027a, 1029a, 1032a, North, 947b.
1037a, 1042a, 1044a, 1051a b, Elysian Fields, 1035b.
1052a. Equatorial Lakes, 1004a.
Denderah, sacred lake of, 1039a, Etham, 1028b.
1040a. Euphrates, district of, 1050a.
Dendur, 1008b, 1051a, 1060b.
Der al-Bahari, 1062a ; temple of,
1016a. F.
Desert, the, 1024b.
Desert, the Eastern, 1051a. Faktis, 991a, 992b.
Dibon, 1053a. Farafrah, 1050a.
Diospolis Magna, 973a. Farshut, 987a.
Diospolis Parva, 948b, 963b, Fay yum, 967b, 974b, 991b, 992a,
973a, 1004b, 1013a, 1015b, 1000a, 1027b, 1037b, 1039b,
1018a, 1032a. 1041a, 1052a.
Diospolites, 950b, 973a, 1031a. Fayyum Lake, 1010b.
Door of the Circles (Abydos), Feshn, 1040a.
1034b. Field of God, 1036a.
Drangiana, 1033b. Field of Reeds, 1035b.
Dush, 1048b. Field of Salt, 1036a.
Field of Zoan, 1036a b.
Fire-city, 948a.
E. Fum al-Khalig, 1056a.
Fustat, 1030a.
• •

Edfu, 949a, 949b, 951a b, 953b,

962b, 963b, 964a b, 967b, 968a,
975a, 976a, 979a, 980b, 981a, G.
984a, 1000a,1002a, 1007b, 1008a,
1009a, 1013a, 1014a, 1015b, Gap, the, at Abydos, 972b, 974a.
1016a b, 1017a, 1018b, 1023a b, Gau al-Kabir, 997a.
1026a, 1027a, 1036a, 1044a, Gaza, 1043a, 1049a.
1045b, 1056a, 1060a, 1061b, Gazelle Country, 1050a.
1062a. Gazirat al-Malik, Island of,
Edfu, Lake of, 1041a. 1028a.
Edfu, Necropolis of, 1061a. Geba, 1043b.
Edfu, quarry of, 959b, 1053b. Gebal, 1047b, 1048a.
Edom, 967a. Gebel Ahmar, 953b, 965b.
Egypt, 977a, 979a, 981a, 1043b, Gebel Barkal, 1005b, 1014b,
1044a, 1045b, 1050b, 1063b. 1050b, 1060b.
Egypt, Lower, 976b, 1024b, 1043b. Gebel Silsilah, 1029a.
Egypt, Middle, 1029b Gebelen (Jabalen), 948a, 949b,
Egvpt, Upper, 1039b, 1043b, 958a b, 968b, 970a, 1031a,
1052a. 1054b.
Egypt, Upper and Lower, 1036b, Gezer, 1043a.
1043b. Gibeon, 1043b.
Egypts, the Two, 962a. Girga, 993b.
Eileithyiaspolis, 989a, 1007b, Gizah, 951b.
1024a, 1057a. Goshen, 1045a.
Elam, 970b. Grasshopper City, 1030b.

Great Bend, 994a. Hyksos Country, 1038b.

Great Circle, 1040b. Hypsele, 988a, 1037b.
Great Green Water, 973b. Hypselis, 991b, 1021a.
Great House, 986a. Hypselites, 1037a.
Greece, 972b.
Gynaecopolites, 1025a.
H. Ibrim, 989a, 996a, 998a.
Ijon, 967b.
Hamath, 1022a. India, 1012b.
Hamm a mat, 1041b. Ionia, 960b, 972b.
Hebron, 1026b. Ionian Sea, 972a, 973b.
Heliopolis, 954a, 958a, 964a, Ir-ka-da, 970b.
975b, 988b, 995a, 1004a, 1005a,
1014a, 1021b, 1034b.
Heliopolis, Lake of, 994b, 1041a. J.
Heliopolis, Necropolis of, 955b,
965b, Jarabis, 1046b.
Heliopolis, sanctuary of, 962a. Joppa, 971b.
Heliopolis near Tanis, 958b. Jordan, 971b, 972a.
Heliopolites, 1023b. Jupiter Ammon, 1035b.
Henu-Boat, sanctuary of, 990b.
Herakleopolis, 951a, 958b, 963a,
970b, 991a, 1004a, 1013b, 1022a, K.
1023a, 1040a.
Herakleopolis, sacred Lake of, Kadesh, 1045a.
1039b. Kafr ‘Ana(?), 954b.
Herakleopolites, 1029a, 1034b. Kalabshah, 1052b, 1057a, 1058b.
Herakleum, 966a. Kana-I£user Road, stations on
Herat, 1013a. the, 953a, 966a, 967a, 968b,
Hermonthis, 958a b, 988a, 993a. 973a, 976b.
Hermopolis Magna, 951b, 955b, Karbaniti, 1042b.
956a, 974b, 975a, 976a, 991b, Karnak, 953b, 956b, 1026a b.
992b, 993b, 1013a b, 1023b, Khargah, Oasis of, 973a, 976a,
1027b, 1042a, 1056b. 1012b, 1048a b, 1060b.
Hermopolis Parva, 986a, 993b, Khi-ish-sha-ash-kha-pa, 1026b.
1011a, 1062a. Kirjath Sepher, 1043a.
Hermopolites, 950b, 974b, 978a, Kom al-Ahmar, 980b, 1007b.
1037b. Kom Yasin, 1050a.
Heroonpolis, 1023a. Kummah, 1000a.
Heroopolites, 958a, 959b, 969a, Kush, 1048b.
993a, 1006a, 1040b.
Hibis, 1019b.
Hierakonpolis, 978a, 1007b, 1014a. L.
Hipponon, 1014a, 1031a.
Hippopotamus Land, 1024b. Labyrinth, 949b, 975a, 992a,
Holy Land, i.e., the Necropolis, 1039b, 1056a, 1060b.
1052a. Lake Mareotis, 982a, 996a.
Horns of the Earth, 1061a. Lake Moeris, 964a, 971b, 983b,
House of Ra, 989b. 986a, 1001a, 1039b, 1040a,
House of Shu and Tefnut, 990a. 1040b, 1046a.
House of Tern, 986a. Lake Land, 1052a.

Lake of Fire, 1008a, 1040a b. 1009a, 1018b, 1019a, 1026a,

Lake Timsah, 1025a, 1028a, 1029b, 1031b, 1034a, 1035b,
1041a. 1040a, 1053b.
Land of Life, 969b. Memphis, irrigated land of,
Land of the God, 1051a. 1040a.
Land of the Spirits, 1050a. Memphis, Lake of Isis at, 1039b.
Latopolis, 951b, 954a b, 955a, Memphis, Necropolis of, 1019b,
992a, 1002a, 1014a, 1015a, 1022b, 1037a.
1017a, 1019a, 1022b, 1030b, Memphis, suburb of, 948b.
1033a, 1034b, 1035b, 1046a, Memphis, Tuat of, 1011b.
1050a. Mendes, 968b, 974a, 977a, 986b,
Latopolites, 1058b. 1017a, 1026a, 1051a, 1062b,
Lebanon, 1010a. 1065b.
Leontopolis, 948a, 951a, 962a, Mendesians, 1020a.
1015b. Meroe, 977b, 980a, 997a, 1001a.
Letopolis, 949a, 957a b, 960b, Meroe, Island of, 960a.
1002a, 1032a. Metelis, 985b, 1003a.
Letopolites, 1027b, 1029a. Metelites, 981a, 1003a, 1006a,
Libya, 1060a, 1010a, 1057a. 1025b, 1027a, 1031b, 1036b.
Libya-Mareotis, 948b, 953a, 957b, Methen, 999a.
1013b, 1041b. Metropolis, 1004b.
Libyan frontier town, 1025b. Migdol, 999a, 1002a.
Life of the Two Lands, 969b. Migdol behind Sai, 1002b.
Li-ikh-zi-na, 1011a. Migdol of Baal Zephon, 1002b.
Lycopolis, 956a, 964b, 986b, Mi-id-ta-an-ni (Mitani), 999a.
1013b, 1039a, 1082b. Minya, 988a, 1000a, 1001b.
Lykopolites, 948b, 1016a. Mitani, 999a.
Luxor, 985a. Mit Kamr, 980b.
Luxor, Temple of, 956b. Mit Rahinah, 997a.
Luz, 1012a. Moeris, City, 997b.
Moses’ Wells, 1029b.
Muthi, 988a.
M. Mycia, 998b.

Macedonia, 999a.
Madinat Habu, 949a. N.
Magharah, 1001b.
Mahallah, 1021b. Na-akh-ri-ma, 1007a.
Mahanaim, 998a. Naharayim, 1007a.
Mahetch, 950b, 986a. Naharina, 1007a.
Manshiyah, 1008a. Nahrina, 1003b.
Mareotis, 949b, 988a, 1001a, Napata, 956b, 986a, 992b, 1003b,
1013b. 1005b, 1035a, 1046b, 1050b.
Mata‘anah, 971a. Natho, 960a, 967b.
Maxyes, 998a. Natron Island, 951b.
Meae, 1001b. Natron Mountain, 958b.
Mediterranean, 973b. Natron Valley, 958b ; Necropolis
Medum, 1001b. of, 1061a.
Megiddo, 998b. Naucratis, 979b, 988a, 1005a,
Memphis, 947a, 954b, 958a, 1028b, 1047a, 1061b.
959a b, 972a b, 975a, 982a, Negro Land, 1007a, 1051a.
984a, 988a, 988b, 995a b, 996b, Neherna, 1007a.
1001a b, 1002a, 1006b, 1007a, Nekhen, 949a, 951 a»

Ni, 1004a. Pathyris, 983b, 1003a.

Nile, 1020b, 1021b. Pathyrites, 991a, 994a.
Nile at the First Cataract, 1041a. Pekhit, 987a.
Nile, Canopic Arm of, 958b, Pekht, 987a.
966a, 1035b. Pelusium, 950a, 959a, 989b, 992a,
Nile, sources of, 1044b. 1009a, 1018a, 1028b, 1031a,
Nile of Nubia, 972b. 1056a, 1059a.
Nilopolis, 990b. Persia, 982b, 992a.
Nitriotes, 1036a. Pe-Tep, 949b, 981a.
Noa, 1006b. Pharbaetites, 949b, 952a, 1041b ;
Nonius Arabicus, 1035a. Pharbaethus, 991a.
North, Land of the, 1050b. Philae, 951a, 962b, 973b, 984a,
Nubia, 952b, 1022a, 1032b, 1044b, 1017b.
1047a, 1048a b, 1051b, 1052a. Philae, Island of, 949a.
Nubia, frontier of, 1027b. Philistines, 984a.
Nubia, Lower, 1036b. Phoenicia, 1064a.
Pithom, 964a, 1001a.
Pi thorn Succoth, 993b.
O. Pontyris, 995a.
Primis, 987b, 989a, 996a, 998a.
Oases, region of, 975b. Prosopis, 985b.
Prosopites, 951b, 970a, 1034a.
Oasis’, the Great, 973a, 1033a. Ptolemais, 968b, 1008a, 1031b.
Oasis, the Northern, 973a. Punt, 969a, 984a.
Oasis of Jupiter Ammon, 1035b.
Oasis Parva, 973a.
Oasis, the Southern, 973a.
Ocean, the, 1040b. R.
Old Cairo, 1030a. Rakoti, 985b.
Ombites, 1005a. Rameses, town of, 985a, 1040a.
Ombos, 992a, 1002a, 1005a, Red Mountain, 1061a.
1013b, 1014b, 1015a ; Kom Red Sea, 972a, 103b, 1038b.
Ombos, 1024a. Rehoboth, 1021a.
On, 958a, 964a. Rethen, Upper, 1012a.
Onuphites, 1010b. Rome, 1010b, 1012b.
Orchoe, 972b. Ruwad, 950b, 961b.
Orontes, 961a.
Osiris, death-place of, 1008b.
Osiris, tomb of, 949a, 950a.
Oxyrhynchites, 972b, 979b, S.
1031a. Saba, 1038a.
Oxyrhynchus, 970b, 987b, 988a, Sais, 981a, 989b, 1030b, 1032a,
1044a. 1034a.
Sais, Necropolis of, 989a.
Sakkarah, 1009b, 1011b, 1018a,
P. 1032b.
Palestine, Southern, 1008a. Sakkarah, Necropolis of, 1047a.
Pampinis, 1005a. Salt-Field, 1036a.
Panopolis, 956a, 1013a, 1019a, San, 1063a.
1027a b, 1035a. Sarariyah, 968b.
Panopolites, 956a, 1000a. Scythia, 1037a.
Papa, 984a. Sebennytus, 970a, 985b, 990b,
Parthia, 993b. 1059a b, 1063a.

Semnah, 947b, 1023a. Tanis, 965a, 975b, 980b, 1002a,

Serbonian Bog, 1054a. 1004b, 1027b, 1028b, 1029a,
Sethroi's, 1037a. 1036b, 1051a, 1052b, 1058a,
Sethroites, 1009a, 1041a. 1064a.
Sharukhen, 1038b. Tanites, 974a, 1027b.
Shasu, Land of the, 1038b. Tara, 985b.
Shechem, 1033b. Tasitia, 966b.
Shimshon, 1038b. Taud, 1065b.
Shinar, 1033a, 1035a. Tebtynis, 1056b.
Shunem, 1038b. Tentyra, 958a, 1051a, 1052a.
Sidon, 1064b, 1065b. Tentyrites, 952a, 1051a.
Sile, 1017b. Termes, 1057a.
Silhu, 956b. Thebaid, 1044a.
Sin, 1059a. Thebes, 947a, 953b, 958a, 969b,
Sinaitic Peninsula, 996a, 1011b. 975b, 976a, 980a, 983b, 997a,
Sinjar, 1033a, 1035a. 1004a b, 1005a, 1007b, 1013b,
Siwah, 1035b. 1022b, 1026a, 1027a.
Smataui, 987a. Thebes, foreshore of, 1027b.
Smen Heru, 1040a. Thebes, gate of, 1027a.
Sogdiana, 1033b. Thebes, Necropolis of, 957b,
Sokhoh, 1037b. 964a, 1005b, 1032b, 1053a,
Somaliland, 1051a. 1058a.
South Lake, 1041a. Thebes, Sacred Lake of, 948b.
South Land, 1052a. Thebes, Western, 952a, 966b,
Speos Artemidos, 987a, 994a, 1052a.
1016a. Thebes of the North, 973a,
Succoth, 986a, 993b, 1017a. 1004b.
Sudan, the, 1051a. Thebes of the South, 973a.
Sudan, the Southern, 1028a. Thinites, 947b.
Sulb, 1014b. This, 985b, 986a.
Sumra, 1063b. Thmuis, 969b.
Sunrise, Mount of, 1061a. Thufi, 1059a.
Sunset, Mount of, 1061a. Tibhath, 1060b.
Sun-temples, 962b, 1009b, 1031a, Tibkhath, 1061b.
1036a, 1041a, 1053b. Timnah, 1055a.
Syene, 1017b, 1028a, 1030b, Tomb of Osiris, 991b, 1000b.
1034a. Tuat, 950a b.
Syria, 965a, 1024b. Tunep, 1055a, 1059b.
Tunipa, 1055b.
Tunpa, 1055b.
T. Tuphium, 990b, 1017b, 1018a,
Taanak, 1052b. 1065a.
Tabenna, 1014a. Turah Quarry, 969b, 1009a.
Tabor, 1050b, 1061b. Two Lands, 977a.
Tachompso, 1054b. Tyre, 955b.
Tahpanhes, 1056a.
Tahtah, 1019a.
Takh-shi, 1057b. U.
Tall al-‘Amarnah, 953b, 986a,
Tall al-Kabir, 1000a. Udfu, see Edfu, 980b.
Tall al-Yahudiyah, 1003a. Ullaza, 960a.
Tall Dafannah, 1056a. Uzzen, 967b.

W. Well, the Sweet-water, 1030a.

Well, the Upper, 1030a.
Wadi an-Natrun, 962b, 1036a. Well, the Western, 1029b.
Wadi Halfah, 957a, 979b, 982a, White Wall, 959b.
986b, 988b, 1050b.
Wadi Hammamat, 1010b, 1061a.
Wadi Natrun, 951b, 958b, 1061a. X.
Wadi Tumilat, 1040b.
Well between Egypt and Syria,
Xoi's, 1017b, 1025a.
1029b. Xoites, 1047a.
Well near Etham, 1030a.
Well near Latopolis, 1029b.
Well of Abydos, 1029b.
Well of Absaqba, 1029b. Z.
Well of Seti I., 1030a.
Well of Seti II., 1030a. Zarepta, 1064a.
Well, the Great, 1029b. Zoan, Field of, 1036a b, 1064a.


3Xepefte, 1019a. jxoc, 1025 a. Tjuloorh, 988a.

‘JXnoenrKK, 982 a ToXkic, 1053 a.
Ot<L&€, 973a, 975b. Tno^rp^riH, 1049 b.
dXpJUL^rte, 988a.
rJXpjULono, 988a. Oxeeierurt, 960b.
Otemm, 960b. <I>£.pfi<Lix, 991a, 1022b.
3\xfiu}, 1061 b.
994 a. n^-0^.rtort, 95ib, 1057a. 1021 b, 1023b.
II^-OTpic, 991a. 1027 a.
Beci^., 978. II^OTpixHc, 991a.
rU.rt<L£,o, 989a. ^EeXxic, 994 b.
Gftuox, 947 b. rU-Ronfq&HX, 989 a. ipoi, 1008 a.
Giojul, 971b. n^.nH, 984a. iEum, 1008 a.
GkouT^-, 1018 b. IleecjojUL, 986 a. UljuL&ort, 1005 a.
Gjul&u?, 1005 a. IleJULxe, riJULXH, 987 b,
llln, 958a.
Gjul^it, 1001b. 988 b.
Gpjuiertx, 958b. IlecoK, 994 a. UJXrijuu, 1018 b.
Gpjmonx, 958b. Ilexofi, 983 b. UjAxm, 949b, 956a,
GcToxy, 1048b. Ilexme^,, 989a, 1056a. 1027 a.
IIiX^K, 951 a, 984a. UJuoxn, 1037 b.
R<uc, 1033b, 1047a. nmnouop, 981b, 984a.
Rajulo, 1045 b. IIJULocy, 984b. pj^fTuop, 1013a.
RIXl&c, 102 ib, 1023b. IIoTiL?jrf, 987 a. 8>rrc, 1016b, 1022a.
Reqx, 1044 a. Ilonrcipi, 985 b. pjrtxov, 1012 b.
Rhjulo, 1045 b. Ho^fxo, 986 b. PjOT, 1013 a.
Rhjuli, 1045 b. IIoTcyirt, 1040 a. 1022 b.
Roeic, 1047 a. nxertexuo, 983 b.
X^ne, 1063 a.
Roc, 1044 b. IIxoot ul m^ocejuL,
Rcoc, 1044 b. X^rte, 1036 a.
Ruoxe, 1045 a. IIxujx, 993b, 995 b. 2C<lrh, 1064 a.
Xejuie, 1058 a.
P<LKoi~, 985 b, 1009b. Xcjulr, 1058 a.
Aionri, 1009 a.
Xejuutoji*/f, 1064 b.
GlOOXX, 1080 b. XejULrtoxf, 1059 b,
U^-RK^nuox, 1002 b. Conran, 1030 b. 1063a.
UeXex, 1031b. Cj^JOOT, 1025 a. Xrjulc, 952 a, 966b,
Uejmfte, 1000 b.
1058a, 1063b.
Uejuifii, 1000 b. T<L&enrtKce, 1014a.
Xrjulh, 1058a.
Uenqi, 1000a, b. T^pKic, 1053a.
Xoonrq, 1059 a
Uett^ecort, 1000 b. T&u), 1061 b.
Ueqi, 1000b. Tertxcupe, 1051a. 'pjULen.p/nrp, 1062 a.
Ue^TxoX, 998 b. Tepurx, 1059 b. 'pjULert&aop, 1062 a.
U&it, 1001 b. Te&m, 1062a. 'I'ju.m&ujp, 1051b.


ABATON, 949a. HPQQNI40AI2, 1023a. O0OM, O0QM, 1028b.
AB0YTKI2, 956a, 978a. OP0Q2IA, 950b, 961b.
ABYA02, 947b. 0INI2, 1057a.
AAA2A, 1021a. 012, 1057a.
I4ATOYM02 APABIA2, 986a.
AAPAA, 955b.
FINOY*, 982a, 984b, 988b.
AKH, 968b. IAOYMAIA, 967a.
I4TEMY0I2, 995a.
AKINH, 971a. IEPAKQN I10AI2, 1014a.
IJTIMYPI2, 1050b.
AAABA2TPHN0N 0P02, IHB, 947b.
1060b. IonriH, 972a.
1044b. KAPIA22A<PAP, 1043a. POMH, 1010b, 1012b.
AAABA2TP0N LI0AI2, K0Y2AI, 1044b.
1041a. KPQ4>I, 1000b. 2 AIN, 1031a.
AI4O0HKH, 982a. KYIIP02, 955a, 964b.
2AK0AXH, 1032b.
APAA02, 950b. KY2I2, 1048b. 2APEI4TA, 1064a.
APPAnAXIT12, 948a, 960b. KQXQMH, 1047a. ZIAQN, 1064a.
A20P, 1021b. 2MENAH2, 1007b.
AEYKON TEIX02, 959b.
2YHNH, 1030b.
BHPYT02, 978a. AEONTfiN, 1015b.
2YXEM, 1033b.
BOMnAH, 979b.
B0YBA2TI2, 978a. MArAPQ0, 998b.
TAAMI2, 1057a.
BOYTQ, 986b. MATEAAQ, 998b.
TANI2, 1064a.
BOON, 979b, 980b. MArAQAON, 998b.
TA2TA2, 1060a.
BYBA02, 1047b. MAKEAONIA, 999a.
TA4>02 021PIA02, 1000b.
MEP0AJ02, 977b.
TAXOM^Q, 1054b.
TAZA, 1049a. MEPOH, 977b, 980a, 997a,
TIABQNI2, 1052a.
PEPPON, 959b. 1001a.
TOY 4>ION, 1021b.
MQ4>I, 1006b.
AAMA2K02, 1056b.
AAPAAN02, 1062a. NA00, 960a, 1004a. <DAKK0Y2A, 1045a.
NEIA02, 1007a.
E2BENAHTI2, 1007b. NEOYT, 960a. XAAYBON, 1025a, 1026b.
EAPAIN, 955b. NHPAB02, 1004a. XEMMI2, 1027a.


BUN (Abydos), 952b. 967a. 952b.
949b, 954b, 955b. TT™, 955b. 961b.
RN, 956b. 958a- naw, 957b.
trnN, 967a. 954b. 957a.
□■niiN, 967a. 967b. 959a-
967a. 965b, 97Ia- PS*f, 956b.
952a, 966b. |V*N, 967 b. 956b.


TPN, 950b. fnan, 1026b. fib, 1009b.

TPUTN, 965a. rronn, 1021a. naab, 1009b.
□r\N, 1028b. ybn, 1024b. paab, 1010a.
npbn, 1025a. '•alb, 1010a.
nin^a, 977a.
non, 1020a, 1022a. nb> IOI2a-
baa, 977b, 980a Din, 1016a, 1022a.
tona, 978a. anap, 998b.
non, 1025b.
□pbp, 977b- □■non, 1020a. binap, 998b, 1002b.
niraa, 980a.
naan, 1021 b. □pnp, 998a.
pan-nra, 977a. nnpp, 998b.
Vann, 1024b.
prrrra, 978b.
nann, 1024b. □inp, 996b, 998a.
npbTpa, 978b. nnpp, 998b.
onn, 1026b.
□biPTpa, 978b. bropp, 998a.
ran, 1026b, 1028b.
niap-npL, 977a.
jNtpwa, 978b. nnap, 1060b. jiDMM’i, 1004a.
mrrpa, 989b. naaa, 1005a.
mamra, 978b. a% 97lb- aaa, 1008a.
own pa, 960b, □pbpp 971b. bna, 1007a.
\V, 960b. snap bna, 1007a.
bail, 1047b.
□b 971b.
mi* 1004a.
pia, 1043b.
b^-appi, 971a.
pppa, 1043b.
icp 972a. naap, 1030b.
]una, 1049a.
)T?b 97lb- 972a- r)iD, 1059a.
"pil, 1043 a. nitrb 972b. pp, 1059a.
"nil, 1048b.
niap, 1060a.
H45a- baaa, 1045b.
pa, 1046a. pnnp, 969a.
■yH, 1060b.
taaa, 965^’ 1047a. njp, 1043 a, 1049a.
lia^r, 1053a.
ppa, 1046a. □bp;, 970b.
pttteu, 1056b.
nnaa, 1048a. *IP, 968b, 969b.

□n,7 1012b. nanpa, 1048a. "|p, 968b.


tt?T53")5, 1042 b. iap, 968b.

in 1 1012a-

bsrnn, 1012b. pa, 1046b. ppp, 968a.

4 M

□Wp-pL 97oa- pL 1064a. ]yrrnto, 1036a.

969a. nop^, 1064a. niito, 1037 b.

Wisy* 969a- •vmb 959b.

■'TO, 968a. 0*32, 1045a. 1033 b.

rrnrro, 970b. rnrrrp, 1043a. pttJptti, 1038b.
ttto, 968b. PDDTPPp, 1043a. 1033a, 1035a.
pPl?, 1043a. jrrntf, 1038b.

non 987a. P$, 1033b.

Qiritp^fp, 984a. ttnp tirtn, 1 o 11 b.

□nhq, 995b. nil, 1009b. linn, 1050b, 1051b.

DhQ, 986a. rPl"?, 1010a. onjann, 1056a.

ninm, 1021a. n^pn, 1055a.

TO?, 1063a. linp, 1 o 11 a. 'rjDvri, 1052 b.

■n-pp, 1064b. ddtop, 9§5a- 989 b.


TT *T- IH II <M’ 97>b. <T~TM -HI- 11 STK 961b.
e?T —1 <1S> 965 a- IT <1—T1<T £1 SIT. 950b.
-eTT 1«- *.w yy j \ ) 1043 a. TT <1—TKT ST1 -TT -^T. 961b.
-eTT ■ 965 b.
y <T—TT<T II m. 961b.
-eTT ■-S I6J <> var v TI -TT<T -1? >*. 1013a.
^>968 b
-eTT >-TeTe e^T-T. Y 1? <J IK eeT -4<, 1013a.
Y T? -ET <T- ST?. 961 a.
<e< El <TT -Trl T <<> 1013a.
Y T? -TKT- 957 a-
m El 1<- TT -<. 948a.
Y TI ET -ET STTT> 1022a.
Y TI ET eeT TIE?. 1020a.
TI B T? eeTT -+ Yf, 961a.
-eTT TI S ^ ET. 956 b.
Y <T—TT<T EETT ee! ?{<• 948a.
-eTT ee? £23. 956b. -eTT <MT<T eeH S IK. 960b.
-eTT <MW 4- £T<I- 961b. -eTT - >M & <16? > 965 a-
-eTT I? eeTT STT> 950b. Y —1V <161.964b-
-til II mi eh SIT- 961 b. y cel 955a.

v* <igj. 977 b. ►ctt -tt* ~tt<t s "in ~t.

cI nr eT ’rf ~« KTf 7<> 977b. 1063 b.
3 trV 978a.
-T fry «TT -TrT 3 T Tr «• 978a. tn !r< <s» <<yy -mi >043 a.
-cfT ^ 988 b. ^yy — «. 1025a, 1026b.
•cyy ^ ci^n <T£ <y^r, 986 b. ^ 4 ^syy 1024 b.

4- cm*. 977b. ►cyy —- 1024b.

-ctt *in sar, 978a. -^yy a *¥• 5fc, 1027b.

-cTT <1- *J0H, 985b. ►cyy a iii>w <s> 1016a,

-~yy -m. 1047 b.


►cTT ST -ey. io47b. -Eyy yy< st e^tt <m. ^ 21b.

-y<y tyyy io24b.
tyy syy jt 1049a.
^yy 4f<y <iu, ‘°43a. 4<T -yy<y tu m, 1024 b.
V' -yfA ~a 1043b. ►eTT ??< tey a -TT<T -0.9b.

-tTT w
cttt^ cjra. 1042 b.
v yy< ^y ^y yy, 1026b, 1028b.

^yy c^y 3y - *m, 1056 b.

^yy -ett 972 a.
►cTT <TS 4- -M. >o56b.
►cty ^y ^ hj. '055 a. -ctt sy? & -^i 952 b.

y —'y sy yc, 1033b. v set? yy et s. 960b.

v cet? ea ^y yy yy, 960b.
►ett stt s •* 3.972a.
<c< 3T Ty IOI3a- ^ tET? eet ^t -a 955a.
v- s=yyyc 955 a.
v tyyyc -TT<T *=TT*T. 965 b.
-cyy m t- <ts, 1042 b.
-sTT cTTT- ^T • 967a. ►ctt mb -st<, 1045 b.
tTT cyyyc 3TT. 955 b. -
v- <iej -ry a~ —’■y. 1046 a.
►cyy ^yyyc s, 958 a. ‘C sey^y cty s m £y~y, 1050a.
^ IeI < STT> 965b, 1048b.
Zi - ib - la - an - da, 1063a. *«.*• -cH <y~, 1048 b.
-cfy -yy^ ^y ^y 1060b.

iluZa - kha - bu - na - ash, 1033b. x* lay clet, 1011b.

V -yy^ 35^ rr <MW. I035a>
1059 a. ^yy y- Afl *T~, 1000 b.

-tfl 21H<T <IeJ. 998 b. -tyy ^eti c^y -1, 1065b.

7* ?? m a. 1058b.

-^TT A—T> 1004 a. --11 t-f: -£ stlT, 1063b.

v- CfF tt <IeJ, 1004a. -til -yy<y tu -sir- 1064a.
\\ 33x k*t emit, 1012b. v- rr EH —y Sh$ A— ‘°33b-
--TT ^ ?!< - 7C 959a- 7* <^"211, 1063a.
-^y — v ^ c: if. 1007a. --IT «=tt<t. 1063a.
7* -^1 -TT<T El, 1007 a.
►ell ^1 c6T -1<T -111-- 960a, -til 1- ~ 1 <m. ‘045a.
1004 a. al“ Qi - iz - wa- ad - na, 1043b.
-tyy yyy; -^y 5c -<T<, 1042 b.
-tn Jm r? n. io3°b.
•cyy a -t -it*, ion a.
V 54 £11 V, 97ob. -jryy E^yy *y- a- 1010a.
7* y? -yy<y ~ 948a. --T1 5w -1 -IN- 961a.
v y? -yy<y *-, 948a.
IS 1*=, 1037a.
--11 & a-TIT -£ -4<, 1029b. 7* Eyy ^ ^y, 1033 b.
V- 4= -El -2v ^1. 984 a- Is <vi <B CTf Tl I033b.
v *1- *1 sETTT. 984 b.
--TT *T- t&w <1^ <TS?=. 977 a. 7" EH -+ tt< <1—TT<T. IQ32a.
v £ <y-yy<y iyy, 992 a. -cyy ^y<y *jn -ri, 1033 b.
7* iL >w Tr lit 982b.
m 21 Is- 982 b, 992 b. -cyy ^yy y? 1? 5c, 1057 a, 1059b.
tn£sHdJ<!£ A^y If. 992 b. --TT $11 E3 A- i°6ob, 1061 b.
-cyy sHTTT A—TIT i~ 2:1-1,
-til tt A—1 tS 1058a, 1064a. 1052b.
--IT -Ell A— ’3'S !059a. V" <1-, 1055a.
--IT *4 ^-lilt -T<, 1059b, -til m ji <-1* ^i< <ni-
1063a, 1064 b. 1055 a.


(WV^:, 949b, 956a. I :, on..!.':, 973b. | nC'ffl :, 978a.


OoO.TGir< 950b. 972a.
io£>r< 964b. ncAuiS, 1007 a.

•po.fiajssvi, 1056b. 968b.



^-Jb 985b. 990b, 1008a, X ^ I 043^*

102 ib.
949b, 956a>

1019a. ^i^wj jj ’ 9 8 7a*

1051b. Jo, i059a- Jjkjli*, 1045 b.

jy, 950b, 961b. *93^.3, 1049b.

<5V~b 1030b. l1056b.

XI93, 1046b.

990b, 1017b,

102 ia.
jLsC*, 1035^ ^ 1005a.

g\ibb 1056a.
J■f s'.
^xilb 97lb. liew, 1025a. . 1002 b.

kJUb 1044a. , 1059b.

, 1044b* jyt>, 1022b.

1047a. I04ia.

1016b, 1022a.

WU>, 1036b, 1064a. <«!,, 958b-

c , 951a.

Ac, 968b. UL, 972a.

l$Ju , 989a.


4 M .>
[ 1287 ]


<LrteoTc, 472a, 492b. X.OJKX.K, 138a.
ox ^q, 34a, 119b.
<LHKCTr, 780b.
x.ficuort, 39b. xrtok, 60b, 356a. X.qcnn, 34a.
40a. X.ItOK, £,05, 60b. x.qT"e, 44a.
repeat, 27b, 520b. <krtoJUL, 34a, 56a, 62a, £.£i, 22b.
^.eojp, 455b. 37 6b. <^<£0, 77a.
107b. ^rtoTn, 61 a. <l£>05JUL, I35a.

<LKe, 12a, 92b. x.mreXeJUL, 307b. x^,e, 7b, 22b, 133b.

x.kXh, 139b. x_rrTO)OY, 105b. <*,£,ojui, 74a and b.
xko, 10b, 92b. x_rc <£>&£., 106a. £-£,poK, 77a.
<uojo, 10b, 11b, 92b, ^.rt&cnrpe, 57a.* ^d'oXTe, 112b.

139a- x.oY£.n, 34b, 58a.

^.KCOpI, 1 ib. ^.oarem, 34b. H
766a. X.OYU5, 32b.
<lX, I I 2a. <L-TU.£/re, 245a. Kxipi, 202b, 219b.
X.X<LK, 451b. <Lpnx, 100a, 104b, 130b. 206b, 207a.
x.Xx.x, yb. x_po, 29b. &X.X, 68a, 203b, 219b,
xXe, 28a, 29a, 112a, <?,pocnre, 29b. 3J3b-
129a. X-pcnr, 130b. &x.pi, 202b, 204a.
xXixi, 7b. ^.pnoitort, 423b. &x.£,ce, 205a.
x.Xk€, 131b. £4x0, 35a, 69a. &e&e, 212b.
X.X0X1, 21b. x.pcyxn, 112a. KeKe, 206b.
X.XoOT€, 4a. x.pcym, 112a. fieXXe, 203b.
£-XoT, 130b. x.c, 9b. &ertme, 203b, 210a,
^.XonrXx., 499b. x.cix.1, 9b. 218a.
x.jui^2/re, 54b, 317b. x.cioyi, 33b. &ep&ep, 204a.
xxcnr, 88b. &ep&u5p, 219b.
xjULoru, 54b. x.c^oan, 460a. fiepecyex, 243b.
XJULOY, 48b, 266b, 292b. X.T, 12b, 339b. &epe£,e, 204a.
XJULOYit, 51b. 140b. ^epefTooonfX, 283b.
£JULpH£,e, 315a. iTem, 34b. &epcyeY, 169b.
X.YU5, 32b. fiepcynoY, 169b, 242b.
111a. &errvKe, 227b.
x.nx.'t, 60a.
xc£uxj>i, 111a. &h&, 201 b, 216a.
£.tt<LCy, 112a, 126a.
&Hne, 217b, 299b.
x.nejuLpuD, 105a. *OC> 9a.
106b. 77a- &hm, 217b.
136a, 137a. ftnrute, 218b.
^.rtoHp, 407b.
4 m 4

&HC, 223a. eiuoge, ia,8a, 75a, 453a,

f1HT, 208a, 874a. 457b.

bh(T7 206a, 21 ib, 225a.
e eioo gKT, 2Sa.

flip, 202b, 219b. eb, 4a. eicye, 2b.

bice, 181a, 648b. ebn, 209b. eKibe, 763a.

bixi, 207a, 225b. ebrnn, 202b, 211a. eXeOoXe, 21a.

bXbiXe, 204a. ebiao, 39a. eXooXe, 7a, 21a, 72a.

bnite, 203a, 218b. e boX, 219b, 414a. eX^HJUt, 385b.

fifrr, 237b. e boX git 422b. eX^ob, 131a.

bo, 202a. eboT, 40b. eXgcub, 131a, 429a.

borne, 216b. ebptnre, 242b. 6JULX.T6, 290a.

^OHIH, 2 I ia. e ee, 414a. ejuixcyao, 266a.

bomi, 202b. eeocy, 790b. 6JULICI, 55a.

boKi, 206a, 207a, 225a. eeoxy, 790b. CJULKH, 279a.

boX, 214b, 218b, 219b. ei, 30a, 31a, 68a. ex*.rt<*,i, 296a.

boXbX, 204a. ei<L<Lbe, 142a. ejULnoYT, 45a.

bocep, 182b. ei^XY, 1 10a and b, 155a. ex*.rtx, 53b.

boxe, 208a, 228a. eixX, 143b. eJULrtxq, 340a.

S.O'V&Ot, 2 1 2b. ei<LT, 68a. ejuionf, 50b, 273b, 278a.

bocort, 502b. esbe, 38a, 642a. ejuipo, 308a.

So-f-, 208a. eie, 33b. ert, 2a, 28b, 11 ib, 114a,

315a- eiebT, 19a. 123b.

bpmre, 242b. eiecnrX, 2b. en^nonr, 342b.

bpHX, 215b. eiep boorce, 68a. ert^rtoYc, 342b.
bpH(Te, 2 15b. eiepo, 69a, 142a, 356a. en^cye, 342b.
boo, 202a. eiJULe, 120a, 121b. en^cycooT, 342b.
buo rt Taupe. 840a. erne, 56a and b. ene, 56a.
baot€, 208a and b, eiojuL, 143a. ene^, 383a.
21 5b, 227b. esoop, 35b, 69a, 99b, eng, 63a.
buxjort, 2 11 a, 217a. 142a. eoonr, 3b, 17b, 129a.
buooune, 216b. eioo^e, 8a. en^-gonr, 30b, 244a.
buocy, 205b. eipe, 65a. ennn, 42a.
batrf, 827b. eic, 79b. em4>i, 41b.

eiTen, 27 b, 30b. enof, 233a, 234a.

eiTb, 13b, 37a, 99a, epboKi, 65b.

A 838a. epe, 417b.

6100, 142a. epHT, 69b.

vo?bg, 254b.
6IU0JUL, 142b. epo, 414a.

eioupg, 68a. epoK, 434a.

eiouT, 97a, 98a, 821b. epoT, 130b.

eiurre, 27a, 97a, 101b, epne, 423b.

XIXIOV, 844a. 142a, 143b. epcou, 432a.


epTcoft, 73b. IHC, 25a, 143b.

ep^ei, 423b. 0 1012., 29b.
e puooY, 415b. IOJUL, 142b, 143a.
e<Lnen, 832a.
epuoxe, 21b. 1002., 29b.
0<Lj£)I, 843a.
cpum, 21b. IOT, 821b.
e^.&ee.p,, 844a.
Gpurf, 21b. 102., 29b, 75b.
e&KJo, 824b.
epcg^p, 723b. 102,6, i a, 8a.
eefti, 873b, 904b.
gc, 36a. 453a> 457^-
eenicu, 838b.
ec^Y, 583b, 649a. 1 (jo, 142a.
ennoY, 855b, 856b.
eCOHJUL, 329a, 715b. KJoft, 38b.
ohoy, 822b.
gcooy, 583b, 642a, 649a. KJOC, 9b, 25a, 82b.
eij^i, 842b.
gccooy, 649a. ioJ2,e, 1 a, 8a, 453a,
ojulgcio, 602b, 671b,
er, 37a, 398b. 457b.
855b. i<6, 24a, 3a and b, 77b.
e T'^.e, 30b, 874a, 904a.
00, 815a, 818a.
e t&hktoy, 904b.
gooyt, 886a, 911a.
e T&Hfrrq, 904b.
eoYorr, 826a. R
CT~ JUUULA.Y, 399a.
eocToXK, 323b.
GTTOYIt, 882b. k^gig, 760a.
epip, 822a.
GTITtJO, 13b. k^gicg, 777a
epi<4>ic, 422b.
6T &H> 37a. Ki.e^.Ucp, 779b.
epocy, 889b.
GYOOp, 2lb. K<LI6, 761b, 767a.
euoe, 886a.
GYCLJH, 22b, 179b, 288a, K<LIC, 766b.
ocjokc, 846a.
529b, 649a. KA.SC6, 776a, 778b.
ouojulc, 837a.
g^xjut, 19b, 20a. K&.K (in ^.ojka.k), 804b.
OUOOYI, 823b.
ecyoon, 92a. K<LK6, 778b, 779a, 79ia,
OCJOOY'T, 826b, 847a,
ecy^, 135a- 798a.
etyuo, 722a. ^53a- K^X^.K^.itec, 803a.
euop, 840a.
Gcyum, 542a. KA.X0YKI, 784b.
euopcy, 889b.
e&e, 74b, 114a, 132a. K^JULG, 787b.
euxy, 844b.
e^,rte, 448a. K<LC, 778a.
Gtjopj, 859a.
expert, 65a. K<LCK6C, 778b, 797b.
eurjq 868a.
efToocye, 790b. fOLcy, 778b, 804a, 814b.
GCTbocy, 95b, 187a, 790b. K<?jy (in K^cy^finX),
I 790b.
i«kfii, 142b. k^ojoyXi, 778a.
i<lX, 142b. 766b.
hi, 32a, 106a. I«LJUL, 142b. K-&-&K&, 777b.
Km, 42a. I<LY, 1 lob, 155a. K£.XI, 791a.

hcg, 633a. I<LYUO, 142b. 769b, 807a.

HTHT, 461a. IZ.&, ia, 8a, 453a. KVHp, 784a.
HXI, 26ia. i^)p)<lXoXi, 8a. KG, 792a, 799a.
hcTg, 26a, igXgX, 142b. K6&I, 768a.

K6K, 798b. KOT, 779b, 780b. XooXe, 129b.

KeXevKe^,, 766b. koyi, 767a, 798b. XotXx.i, 419a.
KeXertKe£,, 766b. KOTK6, 798b, 814b. XoxXex, 434a.
KeXi, 810a. KOYKOYnX-piX., 793a. XofO\etfX 434a.
KeXXi, 763b. koyh, 773b. Xco&cy, 419b.
KeXuoX, 775b, 789b. KpXJUL, 810b. XcjoiXi, 428b.
KeJULKeJUL, 771b. KpO*Tp, 764a, 775b, 789a.
Kem, 772b. Kpoq, 776b, 790a. u
Kenne, 772b. KcoYp, 804a. JUL, 266a.
Ke oyx., 791b. KU), 528a, 782b. JULX., 213b, 278a.
799^. KCJD&, 762b, 768a, JLR.X.X.&, 28ia.
Ke,p,, 766b. KLOpop 790a, 804a. julx.x.y, 294b.
Ke &Ke, 93b. K(J0T, 779a, 780a. JLR.X_X.Xe, 329b.
Ke^Ke^,, 778b. mrre, 780a. jULX.ein, 298a.
kh&, 767b. KO3CJ0E.e, 768a, 806a. juLx.eme, 298a.
khX, 810a. koxjoc, 777a, 778a. JULX.KX.T, 290a.
kkXXi, 775a. mxjoqe, 738a, 769b. JUL^Kg, 285b.
Kurt, 773a. KUO^,, 764b. j>jLX.nepoT(jomi, 157b.
KKTT, 787a. KO&T.764b, 765a. jULX.noY, 300b.
Knne, 793b. juLX.nT"co(T7 334b.
KIJUL, 771a. JULX.pS, 292b.
Krre, 781a. JLR.X.piX°Pei» 283a-
Kiuxnf, 801 a, 804a, 805a. Xx., 419a., 323a.
Kiqi, 763a. Xx.ftoi, 422b. JULX.TX, 290a.
Klf, 781a. Xx-fkjo, 378a. JULX.TOei, 292a.
kXx.X, 764a. Xx.em, 417a. JULX-TOI, 292a, 333a.
KXXe, 762a, 763b. Xx.Xox 129b. JULX-TOT, 332a.
kXojul, 790a, 810b. Xx.JULXX.rrf, 428a. ■W-X-cy, 295b.
KJULGJUL, 787b. Xx.c, 389b, 432b. jULX-cye, 287a, 320a,
KJUIOJUL, 787b., 313a. 33oa~
khx.x.y\ 795a. Xx.xi, 433b. julx-oji, 285b, 330a.
Krme, 772b. Xx.6X 433b. jul^ojx, 329b.
KltOOC, 774b. Xeiqi, 423b. JULX.&&X.X, 319b.
Kn&e, 789a. XeJULHHoje, 312a. juLX-^e, 316a, 319a.
Kirre, 792b. Xeoc, 356a. JULX-£,I, 284b, 319a.
Kn&e, 789a, 812b. Xer, 435a- JULX-(P,0YX, 316b.
Kofii, 768a. XeqXiqi, 423b. JLR.X.^'X, 286a, 320a.
koi, 761b. Xe£,, 428b. JLR.X.XI, 337b.
KoXXe, 805a. XhX, 428b. jLR.e, 213b, 270b, 309!
KOJULH, 77ia. Xi&e, 419b. juLevmeix.c, 862b.
KOOT6, 792a. Xo, 429a, 435a. Axeepe, 332a, 333b.
KOO£,, 766b, 777b. Xoi&e, 421a, juLeeYe, 274a.

AAeepe, 334a. AXAX^£,, 205a, 264b, AXOYAXG, 280a.

julgXuot, 310b. 265a, 316a. axotr, 296b.
jmeitertc^, 214b. AXAXKKIte, 297a. AXOTItK, 304b, 305b,
Ji*.epn“, 310a. AXAXKIte, 264b, 339a. 306a.
JULepc, 213b. AXAXHItl, 264b. Axonrrt^/juonr, 294a.
Axepcy, 283b. axaxok, 279a. «.ovp, 313b., 279a. AXAXOIT, 34a, 51a, 282a. Axonrpe, 306a.
jmecicjo, 321a. x*>xoq, 302b, 345a. ■JULonrpK, 305 b.
AxecTe, 329a. JULrt, 340a. AXOYC, 324a.
axgct- &kt, 55a. Axititc<L, 265a, 305a. JULOTT, 332a.
JULGCCOpH, 500b. Axititctoc, 305a. AXOTTe, 295b, 335a.
AXeT<LIO, 268b. jutitcrj-, 219b, 307a. 275b, 316b.
AXeTTIOT, 331a. "■itT, 335a. AXO^ KA/f, 317a.
AXGTI, 274a. Axrrfei, 306a. AXOTXI, 334b.
«.exip, 286a, 434b. JULrt'TrtA.aj^re, 306b. AXOYXT, 330b.
Axea, 295b, 330a. jmrPrpe, 334a. "-OTX&, 338b.
JULecy^K, 328a. AxrrfooX, 306b. 334b, 338b.
AxecyuoT, 288a. JULoen-, 276b, 277b, AAof, 332b, 333a.
JUL6&, 316a. 280b, 290b. juCn^-Te, 213b, 296a.
XA.e&e, 275a. Axoei.p.e, 292b. axttg, 213b, 218a.
Axe^Axonr&e, 286a. AXOI, 50b. AXTip, Axnep, 65a, 307b.
AxefTVoX, 289b, 330b. Axoi£,e, 292b. AJLROJp, 307b.
AAH, 293a. axokaxgk, 330b. AXTtOJA., 50a, 394a.
juLHHcye, 278a. AxortAxert, 298a. JUL TI^OOT, 438b.
AXHI, 50b, 270b, 279b. Axooite, 300b, 301a, 324a, 325b.
AXHItG, 278b, 297a. 302a. aJt-o, 332a, 333b.
AXHp, 282b, 308a. AXOOYI, 278a. AXTTU), 337a.
AXHpG, 279a, 292b, juLocnrr, 295b. Axuorr, 290a and b,
307b. Axoocye, 289b, 330a, 293a> 333b.
.*AHce, 55a, 324a. 741a. Axume, 306b.
JULH.T, 271a, 331a. JULopcy, 283b. AXOJ.L, 394a.
JULH'T'e, 332a. julocxg, 328a and b, AXOJIp, 286a, 330b.
xxie, 268a. 329a and b. AJL<P,<L<£/r, 278a, 285a.
AX1H, 268a. Axcrrert, 291a. AX&rr, 318a.
juurte, 297b, 819b. aao334b.
xxicye, 285b, 320b. AXCnf, 295a.
axixtoX, 289b. AXOTG, 270a, 274a.,
55 b, 330b, 375a- It, It, 216b, 339a and b.
331a. AXOTI, 268a, 269a, 273b. 339a> 34ib, 346b,
315b. AXOTKG, 320b. 348a.
axaxx.t6, 376b. JULOTKI, 276a, 288b. 341b, 342b.
AXAXX/sr, 44a. AXOTXg, 303b, 342b.

rtx.x.x£,e, 413a. mqe, 369b, 370a. itx, 398b.

rtxiti, 342a. itKX., 395b, 396b, 398a. rtxx., 333a, 336a.

rtx.i, 342b. Hkh, 396b. rtxx.q, 333a.

rtKox, 780b. itTe, 333a, 336a, 399a.

rtxaq, 342a.

nx.*x. 374b. Hkoxk, 344a, 396a. rtT-ert, 333a.

rtX-JULe, 105a. HJUL, 73a, 414a. rtxexrt, 333b.

nx.rte, 341b., 414a. rtxHp, 401a.

rtx.rtox 342b. nZ*>JLX.q, 414a. itxo, 55b, 408a.

rtx.npe, 369a. rtofri, 367a. rtxoK, 409b.

rtxxxop, 356a. rtoeiK, ,395b, 396b. rtxoonrrt, 336b.

rtxx, 344b, 348a, 351a. rtoeix, 411a. rtxoc, 408a, 409b.

rtx4>pb 369a, 372b. itoeicy, 378a. rrroq, 306a, 401a.

nx.cye, 341b, 342b. noKep, 396a. rtxuoxtt. 408a.

nx-cy^-, 347b- rtoJULjq 376b. itcyox, 388b, 395b.

ItOXAJL, 401a. 63a.

rtxxy-re, 344a.

355b. rtox 342b, 346a. it£,cnro, 384a, 469b.

rtx.&&e, 384a. runrft, 353a. rt^Tortc, 397b.

rtx.&px.q, 342a-
rtonr&x, 368a.
rtcnrecxj, 340a. O
, 382b-
rtx-X&e, 386b. rto^Kep, 356a. o&cy, 163b.

rcx-x&i, 413a. rtoTrt, 349b. ob&e, 5a, 39b, 220a.

rte, 341b, 342b, 348b. rtoTrti, 351a. oeiK, 12a, 138b.

rte&ea\ 362b. rtoTpe, 378b. oeicy, 223b.

ne&i", 368a. rtcnrpi, 354b. ome, 41b, 42b.

rteeft, 370a. rur*x, 356b, 41 ia. oic£>e, 41b.

rtee&e, 354a, 366b. rto'fxe, 401a. oi$ei, 41b.

rteeq, 370a. rto'sfT’.’JL, 412a. oKe, 94a.

373a. rtcnrrq, 401a. okgjul, 11 a.

rtoxqpe, 343b. ojulg, 49b, 122a.

rtert, 342a.

355a- OJULI, 49b, 122a.

rtex, 342a.

rtexert, 342a. rtonr&e, 380a and b. ort, 122b.

rtex 342a. rtonr&juL, 385a. ooxe, 102a.

382b. 383a. rtotyep, 395a. ootoj, 36b.

rte£, e &oX, 380b. 355a. opitcnruopq, 112a.

rte&ite, 381b. rto&eft, 355b. oee, 9b, 90a.

rte&ce, 382a. rto&eJUL, 608a. oci, 90a.

rtexi, 346a. rtoxrtex, 410b. ox, 188a.

rtodX 344a. oxi, 12b, 13a, 102a,


itnp, 347a. rtofTrted^ 410b. 481b.

rtcx., 265b. onrx., 110a, 145b, 153a.

hht, 346a.
itcx.q, 324b. onrxJUL crtoq, 168b.
ituuL, 61b, 348b, 357a,
rtcuuox 265b. otx.1, 153a.
373a> 375a*

oYfyxoj, 159a, 160a. oYon, 155a. OYaxyc, 182b.

oY&e, 146a, 158a. oYoceert, 149a, 184a. OYcucyx, 186b.
oyg, 144a. oYocp, 182b. oYtoajq, 91b.
oxei, 144a, 157b. oYOTOYeT, 113a, 188I). OYtoq, 163b.

cnrem, 124a. cnro£>' 74b, 148b. oycu£,, 148a.

cnreme, 166a. o'ro^e, 176a, 179a. OYU5&AJL, 176b, I77a.
oYeimrt, 463b. 148b, 178b. oyuuxTT, 187b.

oygicg, 181a. oyox, 193a. oYcutfTi, 187b.

otgit, 151a. oyoxj, 187b. oYuoiq 149b, 187b.

oYeXoYeXe, 157a. oYocTe, 187b, 206a. onr^H, 184b, 529b.

oYerc<L&ep, 165b. OYp<LC, 130a, 147a. OY&xp, 177b.

oYercnxftpe, 165b. onrpe^. 35b, 147a, 175a. OY^op, 147b, 177b,

oYertoqpe, 165b. cnrpic, 175a. 179b.

cnrepHxe, 156b. oYpo, 171a. OYXX.I, 193a.

oTcpT, 147a. OYpOT, 175b. ocy, 137b.

oxececjurt, 18 ib. oYpoje, 175a. o^e, 178a.

oYecrrcort, 184a. oytg, 32b, 37a, 102a. oxi, 14b, 141b, 344a,

OT£T, 187b. oycju, 145b. 896a.

oYeTeYOT-, 150a. oYcjosrti, 157b, 21 ia. 0(fc, 803b.

oYecy, 184b. oYcoXe, 157a.
OYFcyoYOxy, 185a. oycoXc, 175a. n
oYe^c^&rte, 136b, oycjujul, 48b, 49b, 168b. nxxno, 236b.

677b. oyuojuli, 168b. nxi, 229a.

oyhh&, 155a. OYCOJULOYRp, 49a. uxk ert 252b.

oYKp, 158a, 170b. oYtorc, 166a, 592b, 650a. nxnoYpoje, 230a.

oyici, 220a. oYuuncy, 169b. n^oru, 305a.

oyX<li, 174b. oTuong,, 34b, 166b, 169a. nxne, 233b, 234b, 235a.

oyjulot", 164a. oYuopn, 147a. nxnuM, 230a.

oyk, 164b. OYUoeq, 181a and b. nxpejuL^Trii, 236b.

oYrtxjuL, 168a. oYterr, 150a. RXpU.P.X/r, 236b.

oykoy, 169a. oyudttE, 189a, 191a, nx-r, 233a, 255b.

OYrcoq, 168a. 195a*

n<Lame, 41b, 236b,

OYrt'f, 164b. oYtxrre, 190a. 504b.

cnroei, 32 b. oYurreft, 97b. nxey, 245b.

oYoeie, 157b. oYurren, 189a. nxeye, 248b.

oToem, 157b, 167a. oYurrg, 189b, 191b, 245b, 246a.

oyogi't, 192 b. i95b- n^o poq, 234a.

cnroi, 499a. oYU)£/JOTe, 194b. n^^oY, 244a.

oTojuLTe, 164a. oyuooj, 148b, 149b. rix&pe, 247a.

oyoh, 164b. oYtmjft, 185b. nx&c, 243b.

oYoo^e, 179a. oYtocye, 179b. HX.P/T, 247a and b.

oYooiTe, 187b. OYaxyjUL, 186b. n^Te, 245a.


nx.d'ce, 249a, 252b, ncoq, 229b. poxne, 436a.

2 5 Sa¬
nu)£,, 244a, 245b, 246a. pcnr&e, 421a, 429a.

ne, 229a, 234a. nu)£/T, 247a and b. pcrf, 344b, 429a and b,

neipe, 240a. nuocfe, 252b. 448b.

neipe e £oX, 242a. n&oox 438b. pne, 72b, 423a.

ppo, 238a.
neK, 252b.

neKpoTp, 233a.
P pcJULonr, 66b.

nerir, 231b. px, 419a. pojKg, 434b.

Tieom, 236b. pXJUU, 424b. puoJULe, 423b, 425b,

nepx, 243a. pxjuinixe, 257a. 435a and b.

nepeJULcnrrt, 238a. pxn, 379b, 426^. purr, 421a and b, 422a.

nex, 233b. pxcox 432b. puxye, 433b.

nexen, 229b. pxcox, 432b. pu)£,e, 431a, 435a.

nexKuoK, 233a. pxcxe, 432b. pcyujpn, 734b.

neT, 229b. pXT, 435a, 436a.

ne&, 245b, 246a. pXTH, 417b.
pxcye, 433a- cx, 583a.
ne&x, 247a and b.
cxxncy, 645a.
nn, 229a. P^1- 433a*
cxem, 172a, 572b. 605b.
TIKI, 230a, 234b, 236a. px&x, 43ia-
YIIOOp, 231b. px&xe, 429a. CXK, 647a.

uipe, 240a. pex (in pcxxen&), cxnne^,, 608a.

nice, 247b. 436b. cxp&, 689a, 700b.

nnre, 253b, 256a. peqjmoone, 435b. cxx, 630b, 714a.

noox 232a. peqff, 866b. cxx&e, 715a.

noce, 247b. pH, 418a. cxxe, 628a, 630b, 708a,

noxnx, 253a. pHI, 419a. 714b, 716a.

nppe, 661 b. pHC, 431b. cxxeepe, 712a.

npuo, 242b. pi, 419a. cxcpf, 597b.

iicx<liox 250a. pine, 434a, 435a. cxcy, 614a, 685b, 688b,

nun, 229b. pijute, 419b, 424a, 428b, 698a.

nuoK, 229b. 61 ib. cxcyq, 665b, 690a.

ntoXdX 237b. pm, 379b. cxq, 664b.

num, 229b. pip, 428a. 646a.

numr, 237a. piTem, 424a. cx^eJUL, 688b.

numx (read ntonr), p.*JL>JLXO, 423b, 436a. 646a.

237a. pjDL*JUULe, 423b. cx&ne, 613b, 683b,

nu)pcy, 235a, 243b. pjtTpxcy, 436a. 689a.

nuupx, 243b. po, 416a. cx.p.oy, 652a, 683a.

nuoc, 229b. poeic, 432a. cx,p,p, 684a, 689a, 700b.

nurr, 253a, 255b. pojmne, 427a. cx&xe, 685a.

nuoume, 236a and b. pocmy, 131a, 421a, cxxi, 717a.

433b. cxf, 652b.

nuxy, 248b, 251a.

ce> 592a, 593a, 635b. ci&e, 654a. coX, 589a, 637b.

ce&e, 696b. cikc, 702b. coXcX, 610b.
cefti, 645a, 654b. ciix, 598b, 647b, 667a, cojulc, 672a.
ceene, 596a, 661 a. 709b, 711a. con, 674a.
cei, 634b. cijuuxjul, 647b. coni, 674b.
cgk, £/>, 701b. erne, 604a, 622a, 676a, conxe, 650b, 678b.
ceXcuoX, 603b, 678a, CIOT, 647a, 655b. coot, 643b.
680a. CIOTp, 822b. cooTn, 643b, 650b.
ceX^o, 676a. CIT, 584b. coottH, 653b.
cejuLi, 669b. erre, 708a. COOT& I<6, 652a.
cejuLni, 602a, 670a. cicye, 686a, 689b. coot&g, 593a, 646b,
cejuLCJULH, 740a. ci,p,e, 647b, 648a. 649b, 651b.
cen, 596a. ci'f", 628a, 707a, 712a. cooq, 642b.
cenni, 596b, 661a. CKXI, 626a, 704a and b. con, 596a.
cenccun, 596a. ckiajl, 626b, 704b. copejuL, 61 ib.
cecfio,?,, 656b. CKOTp, 822b. conx, 610b, 635b, 680a.
cexeiou.p.e, 585b. cXh, 611 a. cox&eq, 710a.
cct, 643b. cjuxjulxxx, 668b. coTe, 709b.
ce£,, 682b. CJUIXT, 672b. coxq, 714b.
ce&cto.p,, 648a. CJULXT, 600b. cot-, 648b, 696a.
cfifie, 641b, 645a, 656b, CJULX.P,, 671b. coTen, 649a.
696b. cjuLirte, 602a, 670a. coTenx, 642a.
c&e, 594b, 655a. CJUUULC, 669b. cotH, 642a, 650a.
cfto, 587b. cjulox, 666b, 672b, co(TH, 705b, 706a.
C&OK, 657a. 673a. coTnx, 650b.
cfro^,, 658a. CJULOT, 598b, 666b, COTO, 592a, 648b.
cfixe, 66 3a. 668b. COTpi, 680a.
C&XCJUT, 663a. CJULOTHG, 602a, 670b. COTCOT, 648b, 696a.
c&U), 594b, 655a and b. cnxein, 604a. co&e, 646b, 648a.
c&cye, 656b, 659a. crtxr, 609b, 678a and b, cox, 716b.
CH^e, 594a, 654a. 679a. coxn, 702b.
CH&I, 636a. cn<LT, 673b. co<5*7 640a, 652b.
cHim, 592b. cnnmi, 604a. cotf"n, 705a.

CHT, 10a, 83a, 627b. cnoq, 606a, 677a. co^Thi, 717a.

CH'Te, 652b. crtoTq, 606a, 677a. emp, 662a.

CHT, 696a. cnxe, 609a. CHOTOT, 662b.

CHcye, 685b. co&k, 659b, 660b. cpHT, 637b, 681b.

cnqe, 597b, 666b, 665a. co&x, 595a, 660b, 661 a. epoqx, 611 b.
ch<6, 615b. co&Te, 660b, 661 a. cpqe, 61 ib.

CHX, 639b. cof^f, 660b. cxhX, 708a.

chcT 705a. coi, 79b, 583b, 633b. cxhjul, 327a, 672 b,

CI^, 594a. COK, 640a, 701b. 673b.


c^f, 627b, 629b, 648a, xe^rte, 820a, 841b,

(rrurr, 91a, 589a, 628a,
709b. 885b.
631a, 640a, 714b.
cfeXXi, 708a. xetf", 862b.
OCA1’ 704b-
cfo&e, 585b. th, 815a, 821a, 840b,
cxiJUL' 704b.
868a, 884b.
coo, 648b, 651a.
xn&e, 827b, 905b.
coo£e, 656b, 657b, 660b, T
XHH&e, 905b.
T, 864b. XHite, 88ib, 882a.
COO&I, 636a, 696b.
t-l, 818b. XKttOT, 837b.
coof>£„ 658a.
Ti. 1, 815a, 824b, 868a. THOt, 822b.
cooic, 640a.
xajo, 818b, 819a, 824a. XHp, 908b.
COOK, 701b.
THT, 822b, 823b, 824a,
coortK, 608b, 678a. XA.10T, 819a.
XA.KO, lob, 824a, 865b. 849b.
coortx, 609a.
XA.JUUULO, 667b, 865b. XHTXrt, 826b.
coong,, 607b.
TA-It&O, 843b, 865b. XIK, 823a.
COOOT&, 613b, 683a.
TA.OTO, 865b. XJULH, 835b, 836a and b,
COOOT&I, 651b.
coop, 61ob, 679b. Tin, 873b. 855a-
xA.nert, 832a. tjulo, 60 i a.
cooxe, 647a.
T^nn, 832a. X^AXjUL, 836a.
COOXJUL, 629a, 715b.
TA-npA., 831a. xErco, 822b.
COOXU, 628a, 710b.
TA-npO, 831a. xHotTe, 401b.
cooooq, 642b.
TA.p, 908b. xEg,, 839a, 883a.
coocy, 614a, 621a, 639a,
XA.C06, 707b. TO, 8 I 5a, 821b.
coocye, 614b, 686a.
TA-T&O, IOlb, 915b. xo&g,, 254b.
coocyiX, 698a.
T'A-T, 823b. Toe, 824a.
eoocyx, 646b.
TA.£/T, 842a, 887a, ToeToe, 821b.
coocyq, 564b.
911a. TOI, 821b, 824a.
coo<£eJUL, 688b.
'TA.^TTg, 844a.
XOKJUL, 845a, 846a.
coo£,, 614b, 615a, 682b,
TTA-Cfce, 891b. XOJUU, 836b.
t&a., 905b. XOOJUL6, 819b, 837a.
coo&e, 695a.
I xE&e, 865b, 904a, 906a. XOOJULC, 879a.
cfflite, 265b. TOOT, 908b.
T&ecnr, 827b.
c<£i, 688a.

3b, 869b, 904a.


xEriH, 854a.
c£,a.i, 619a, 688a, 689b. XOOTG, 823b, 853b,
xErtooTe, 868b.
c^iJULe, 481a, 5^3a> Te, 818b.
613b. xeEXe, 833b. XOOTI, 819a, 824b,
c£,oTep, 613b, 689a. xeKiX, 846a. 870b.
c&onrp, 613b, 652a, xcXhX, 820a. TOOTT, 853a.
689a. T6T, 818b. Ton, 832a, 877a.
c&oToop, 683a. xeq, 819a. TOT, 823b.

ecTup, 702a and b. Teg,, 844a, 859a. TOT A., 819a.

TC£/'JUL, 841b. XOTCIX, 826b.
c(Tpa.£/T, 706b.

xotXx, 825b. xco,?,, 841b, 842a, 844a, X”o**J&.ic, 795a.

xotcox, 826a and b. 859a, 886a. X^ot^ic, 795a.
Tocy, 844b, 852a. xco,p,p, 842a, 887a. XWI*-K> 691b, 783b.
TOX, 846a. xcocTe, 846b, 867b, XOI^£X 783b.

TO6X 846a. 891b. Xpofti, 572a.

xpe, 909b, 910a and b. XCOCTn, 846a. X^. 528a.
xpip, 822a. xcyoTio, 732a. 562b.

^rpocy, 845a, 889b. x^ejmco, 866a. X^^c, 553a.

xppe, 840a.

xcEko, 659b.
xcio, 696a, 866b.
Tepi iot, 443b. "4nc, 250a.
xcrtKo, 678a.
^JX, 249b, 250a.
xco, 818b.
XCO&X.&, 254b.

xco&e, 778 b, 819b, 205b, 252a. Ill

827b, 874a, 905a. 4>xjuLencoe, 236b, 435a. 63, 642 a.

XCO&I, 778b, 819b. $<LpJL*.OTOI, 237a, 427a. co&en, 5a, 39b.

xcobg, 876a. 4>xpJULOTxe, 237a. cob x, 5b, 42b.

4)^pJUL^,OXI, 237a.
xcoi. 818b. co^^> 5a.
took, 818b. 4><lc, 261b. coo. 140a.

xcokc, 845a, 846a and b. 4><*4>e, 42a, 233b, 234b, COK6JUL, 94b.

XCOJUL, 819b, 879a. 235a. CJOKJUL, 26a. 139b.

Tooixe, 835b, 879a. 4><Lj^)X, 247a and b. coX, 7a, 129a.

xcojl*.i, 715b, 879a. 4>ei, 234b. cone, 58a, 60a.

XcojulRx, 880a and b. 4>ec, 261b. coni, 58a.

XCOJUL rt£,HX, 835b. 4>ix, 256a. coney, 131a.

XCOAAC, 599a, 837a. 4>ici, 261b. con^), 112a, 124b.

xc.on, 818b, 824b, 837b, 4>on,p], 219a. coot, 2b.

838b, 851a and b. $opcyi, 243b. COOT rt £,HX, 33b.

xcoot, 823b. 4>oci, 261b. con, 41a, 42b.

xtooTn, 824b, 873a. 4>OTOp, 244b. copb, 7a, 72a.

xcoot n ,9/oot, 825a. 4>otxkx, 244b. copeb, 112a.

xcon, 832a, 876b. 4>pH, 230a. cop ci Hce, 504b.

xujpe. 825b,844a, 857b, ' 4>COpX, 219b. copq, 7a, 112a, 131a.

863b, 909b, 910b. $lO£,, 244b. copx, 7b.

xcopx, 841a, 885a. 4>ioxi, 245b. cock, 9b, 10a, 90b.

XCOC, 820b, 867a. coc<^5, 10a, 614b, 685b.

xcocobe, 874a, 904a, X coc&, 90b, 614b.

906a. cox, 13a, 128a, 140a

j X^T 794a.
xcocojulc, 879a. X&°&> /67b. and b.

xcocy, 844b, 889b. Xfc,Pe^- 532b. coxtt, 13a and b, 97b,

xcoq, 818b, 819a. XHnxxpiox, 610b. 102b.


ojxg,, iooa. cyKep, 636a. cyXe^, 750b.

ojoj, 17a, 25b, 30a, 136b, cy^Hp, 530b, 540a. ojXhX, 726b.
137b, 592a> 649b, cyftm, 736a. ojXiX, 775a.
722b. cyKo)£e, 735a. cyXonrX^i, 727a.
u)cy;o:, 135b. aj&orx, 726a. cyXoq, 727a.
0)0), 35a, 642a. eye, 79a, 525a, 566a, a-**-*- 547b.
o)qe, 113b, 114a, 119b, 583b, 721b, 739a. cyjULJULO, 740b, 74Ia
156a. cye&io, 735b. and b.
u)&e, 133a. cyei, 739a. ojAXoTn, 547b.
0)£,c, 10a. cyejmei, 723b. ojiiaje, 742a.
o)xrt, 141b. cyejULHp, 548a. arte, 745b.
oxT’E, 12a, 96a, 207a. 548b. ajrtoa, 554a,617b, 726b.
cyenno&, 567a, 573a. aHqe, 747b.
aenc, 653b, 751a, 754a. a°eia> 536b, 538a,
w cyenxo), 749a. 723b, 731a.
535a> 590a, 723a. a^pab 727b, 734b. a°b 526b.
oj^^rtx, 261a. ^ex, 731b. aoX, 561b.
oj^p, 532a. cyexcytwx, 755a, 757b. aoX^xc, 552a.
cy^-^oX, 723b. cyenme, 747a. aoAx, 739a.
cy^-eo^X, 534b. OJHI, 720a, 724b, 731b. aOJULX, 548b.
cyi.i, 750a. OJHJUL, 546a, 692b, 734a aoitS, 577b, 736a.
cy^X, 561b, 723b. and b, 739a. aortxe, 749a.
a^juiex, 548b. ojkjw. ^pojHpe, 734b. aortq, 736a.
oj^juuce, 723a. cynit, 745b. aoo^e, 725a, 753a.
cy^rt, 548b. cyHOTi, 538a. ajoojuLe, 547a.
cy^-necy, 645a. ^Hpe, 749b. soot, 735a.
a^rtx, 554a. OJHX, 72lb, 756b. * ojoenre, 528a, 724b,
cy^nxe, 260b. cyHT, 526b. 732a, 734a.
a^rtxeq, 559a, 723b. cyfnre, 529b, 538a. aj()rb 752b, 753a-
^n, 736a. cyeeiULpo), 757a. aopn, 562a.
cyz-p, 532a, 560a. 526b, 527a. a°pap> 499b, 56°b-

a^P1- 535b. cyi^.5, 526b. aoxaex, 567b.

a^-Te, 723a. 538b, 735a. a°T 721b.
a*-**. 535b. 722b. cyi^i, 538b. aonr&erte, 745b.
cy<Lqe, 726a, 738b. 538b. ojoTe, 734a.
cy^qx, 545b, 726a. ^irte, 549a, 744b, 745a, ao^eix, 732b.
cy^qxe, 738b. 747a- aoTie, 732a.
a^qo)OT, 738b. ffljne, 541b, 731b, 736a. acnro)fte, 735a.
cy^-xe, 632b, 717a, 719b fflipe, 749b. qoTO)oi, 732a.
oj^cyni, 617a, 693b. cyixe, 757b, 758b. aoTaov, 724a.
a^a°T 728a, 754b. aja> 536b. 614b, 688a. aovax, 625a, 701b,
cy&e, 734a. 705b. 1 728b.

ycrr^e, iob. ycoT-e, 758b.

cyocy, 752a, 754b. yuoT'JUL. 568a. b

yocyoi, 754b. ffltuurr, 731a. 579b-
cyocyoT, 752a. yooy, 614a, 620b. 527b, 579b.

yneepe, 544a. yaxy e £oX. 724a. 548a.

cyuHpe, 544a. yuoyert, 623b. j^X.p^iU.1, 571b.

cynn-, 737b. yuxyx, 624b, 701a. 533a, 5b3a, 573b*

ycite, 617a. yu)q, 538b, 544b, 726a. J&A-f, 575a and b.

cycrtH, 617a. yuj&e&, 750b. ^eXXifty, 582a.

yajf, 758b. <6eXXo, 532a.

yTXJUL, 708a. fflfflnrc, 745b- <6^XajHpi, 532a, 582b.

cyTeKO, 758b. yynoT, 722a. j£sX<6eX, 532b.

cyireJUL, 708a, 757a. yqe, 665b. ,6^, 531 a.

ojTTKonfT, 758b. yquq 690a. j^ejuLite, 485a.

yxof), 729b. yxoJUL, 690b. 548a, 573a,

fflTOp, 575a. yxoc, 812b. 726b, 743a.

0J|4>Hp. 636a. yfTXir, 705b. <6ex<6ex, 575a.

Oj4>HpI, 544a. yfTnp, 566a, 589a, 729a. <6ep<£cop, 499b.

OJ 4)00111, 736b. y^Thnn, 729a and b. <6h, 570a.

SJU5, i37b, 723a, 73oa. yfTcnrp, 729a and b, j6h&c, 530b-

538b. 804a. 475b, 529a.

ajcoS.e, 725b. &P, 529b» 532a.

fflcosiy, 536b. ^)!CI, 574a.

q<LI JULOOT. 258a. 471a, 531a

qx.g,. 204b, 220a. and b, 572b.
cyuM^, 53bb- .
qei, 258a. =6oT^eT, 695a.
ojojX, 532a.

cyojXjui. 551a, 747b. qi, 260a. ^OYn, 575b.

qi jmocnr, 258a. <6pe, 528b, 532a, 580b.

ycoJUL, 740a and b, 770a.
qi n £,o, 260a. i£p«i, 579b.
cyajAxe, 739a.

yuort, 746a.
qnx, 237b, 261a. j£pof, 573b-
y'Jort£, 725b.
qoT, 44a. ^)CUK, 574b, 755a.
yiwite, 550a,675a, 744b. qox, 262a. <£u5kT, 558b.

qof, 44a. i6uoxe&, 534a, 575b.

yum&, 746a.

ycjon, 698b, 752a. qpe, 242b.

yuone, 541a, 736a, 753a. q'TOOT, 44a, 263a.

ytony, 544a, 726a, qTOT, 44a. 579b-

£,£.ftXeXe, 43 b.
q'TUOOT, 44a.
7 37b*
527b, 579b.
quo, 260a.
yo)p, 734a.
quoi, 260a. £Aeix, 443b, 529b-
yuopn, 562a and b.
&xeu)p, 455b.
qurre, 44a, 262b, 263a.
yuoc, 728a.
qu5£Ti,, 262a. 439a. 443a, 444a-
yajcq, 564b.
£^.i&ec, 529a.
yarr, 622a. qurf, 44a, 262b.
4 N 2

&A.XA.K? 451b. &HAXI, 547b. £,JUL£j<lX, 482 b, 532a,

£y^JULfnruon, 320a. ^hX, 498b. 546b.
^^jULcye, 483a and b. &HT, 460b, 516b, 570a, 442b, 447a.
320a. 57lb. &JULX. 471a.

444a. £,rt (in 443b, 265a.

441a, 446a, 478a. 453a, 458a, 459a, £,it<L<LY, 486b, 489b,
£APe&> 473a, 506b. 470a. 487b.
£Apoc, 582b. &KX, 467b. 2/tKe, 491b.
£Acie> 443b, 509b. &I, 468b, 492b. 2,rto, 449a.
£AT-e, 516b. &I&UM, 440b, 445a. £,0, 460a.
^^.xpe, 27b, 100a, &ierr, 444b, 465a. ^oeiAjL, 440a, 441b,
520a. &IH, 499a. 448b.
^^/TpeT, 520b. &IK, 468a. ^oeipe, 467a.
&A/T&K, 580a. &iruxx, 559b. £,oeme, 444b.
.p^qXeeXe, 480a. 448b. ^oeixe, 458b, 521b.
507a. 559b. £/)rre, 516b.
&&.X, 517a. &ioi, 445a. &oKep, 464b, 473b,
445a. £,ioTe, 470a. 614a, 684a.
&E&G, 445b. &JP, 532a. &0XV4 99b.
.pj&op&p, 446a, 476a. &*ce, 533b, 574a. &o\(T, 973a.
&&C, 530b. &ici, 533b. ^OJULrtT, 485 b.
479b. &iTe, 444b, 523b. &OW-T, 485 b.
&e, 439a. ^io3-rq, 465a. £,ort&e, 579a.
445b. ^io)icy, 468b, 632b. ^ort^ert, 449a.
^eKcuo, 511b. gj\xn, 901a. &oo'(fs 438b, 442a, 444b,
&ei, 44oa, 444a. ^Ko, 473b, 514a and b. 45oa, 459b, 469b.
&eip, 532a. ^Koeix, 514b. ^oot't, 132a, 188b,
&eXi, 499b. &XXo, 532a. 473b.
^gX^ojX, 450a. ^XotfX 464a and b. &ope, 473a.
^cjulg, 446b. &Xue, 533a, 572b. 2,opn, 613a.
^gjuli, 447b, 484b. PjfiJ-e, 480b. &°PT-q, 473a-
^ejuLci, 485a. &opcy, 451b, 507a.
gjsmene, 548a.
g>J£AA.pjXi2X., 547a. &OCJUL, 464b, 5Ilb,
gjJXnfie, 447a and b,
£»erb 444a. 512 a.
482a, 572b.
£>enq, 490b. ^oceJUL, eqT'pocypeaj,
&epi, 449b. I' £A*-OA*> 447a, 547a, 512a-
572b, 740a.
^epjuL^rt, 62b. &oT~e, 438b, 473b, 517a,
£4b 4boa, 570a. 2jJULOOC, 485a.
52 Ia-
&H&e, 475b, 476a. &AJLOY, 484a. ^oxpe, 520b.
&H&ec, 530b. &JU.C, 548a, 573a, 726b, &OT&6T-, 575a.
&h£.c, 530b. 743a. &OT-&X, 695a.
&hkg, 514a. 573a. &OTTA., 458b.

&onr, 459b, 469a. &o3pn, 451a. xertxeit, 803a.

&OTI-T, 473b. £,0)C, 508a and b. xen, 906a.
&OTIt, 575b. £,03T-L473b. xenH£,, 877b.
&OTO, 449a, 459a, 469b, £,03tI, 534a, 575aandb. xep, 899a.
470a. £,03Tn, 517b. xec, 812b.
^OTpU3, 473a. £,03T-p, 520b. xe£,x£,, 778b.
&cnrq, 490b. £,0303, 466a. XH, 804b.
£,oT£,e, 178a. £,0303Ke, 574b, 73 m, XHJUL6, 850b, 898a.
&oq, 471a, 479b. 754b, 755a. xmt, 803a, 809a, 898b.
&of, 445a, 452a. £,0303JULG, 481b. XHOV, 800a,
498b, 579b. £,0303q, 470b. XHp, 903b.
&pe, 450a, 532a, 580b. £,03aj, 445a. xHpe, 899b.
&PHpe, 464a, 47 2 b, 500a. £,03qx, 471a, 572b. XHC, 767a.
2,pHcye, 473a. £,03X, 464b, 474a. XHT, 849a.
£,poYJuute, 560a. £,03f, 516b, 52ia. XHX, 902a.
£,pOTp, 174b, 499b. £,qo3, 479b. xi, 100b, 849a.
£,pocmy, 473a. XIJUU, 807a.
&P°a> 507a. xi JULoeiT, 101a.
&ppe, 449b. XX.I, 895b. xm, 100b, 105b, 232a.
£,p030V, 560a. x<Lie, 902a. xmeiJULe, 852b.
^p^ipe, 81 ib. X£.I030T, 895a. xmioop, 894b.
P, 575a. xxX, 898b, 903b. xi it (Tortc, 101a.
&TO, 517a, 52m. xx.XxeX, 840a. xirtipi, 763b.
2/roo’te, 522b. xx.Xxot, 891b. xiruuLe, 271a, 332b.
£,Top, 521b. XXJUIH, 898b. xioop, 850a.
^Tote, 870b. xxjuloyX, 788b. xicnre, 849a, 895a.
£,04 470b. x^-ite, 898b. xice, 713b, 86ia and b.
&OJ&, 445a. xx.pft<C\, 899b. xiq, 906b.
£,05&K, 441a, 446a. XX.CI £,HT, 861 b. xixi, 892a.
£,03& ItlJUL, 475b. xx.cqe, 900a. xrt<?,, 291b.
£,03flC, 470b, 476b. XX/TJULe, 814b. Xlt^.^/*, 898b.
£,U)K, 515b, 516a. xx/rqe, 914b. xito, 882a.
£,03X, 449b, 450a, 472b, X<L£,, 900a. xrtooT, 907a.
532a. X<LXI, 895b. xo, 848a, 896b.
£,03XK, 532b. xe, 913a. xoeic, 860a and b, 862a.
£,u>xr; 45lb. xe&eX, 741b. xoenr, 877a, 903b,
£,03JULI, 482a. xe&i, 802a. 913b.
£,03rt, 486b, 487b, 576a. xe&io3cnf, 802a. xoi, 894b, 895a, 896b.
£,U3irf, 558a. xgkxik, 900a. XoX£,, 899b.
£,o3ot, 459b, 467b, 469a. xeXju.1, 857a. xooXe, £,julc, 899b.
£,03n, 463a, 477b. xeXxov, 885a. xoop, 851a,
£,03p, 500a. xejuL, 807a. xoope, 851a.
4 N 3

xoonrq, 853a, 854b, (TXjulh, 896b. (TX, 775a, 810a.

897a. (S'XjulotX, 788b, 808a. ^TXa.^, 776a.
xop, 851a. tf'X.mxH, 544a. (TXhijuu, 899b.
fTXp^Te, 803b, 940b. tTXiX, 764a, 775a and b,
xoc, 812b.
xoce, 861 a. 5Hb. 796a, 810a.
xcnrurr, 897a. (TX&oi, 514b, 812b. 6^X0, 896b.
(TXxjulh, 814b. (TjulU, 788b.
XOTX, 79ia.
xoq, 897b. (TXd'e, 862b. 6Xsul6 ojul, 794b.

xo£,, 900a. crE&e, 802a. 883a, 898b.

xn, 753a. tTE&c, 806a. (Tno, 803a, 809a.
xpo, 883a, 899a. (T&.oi, 802a, 806a. 6"hon, 803a, 809b.
xpox, 777a. cTe, 809b. (Tho'r, 809a.
(Tert(TeXo, 717b. <3Tujuot, 809a.
x^>oi, 802a, 806a.
X(JD, 895b. <TeT(TtoT, 799b. tTncTri, 803a.
xudi, 802a, 906a. cTexfTbx, 799b. (To, 848a.
xcoi, 895b. (Tkn, 803a, 809a. cToiXe, 810b.
cThot, 805a. (To\ 330b, 776a, 803a.
Xt.UK, 900a.

xu)K e &oX, 900a. tTkne, 793b. tf-oX&i, 776a.

xtuX, 899a, 909b. (Tkiii, 96a. CToJUL, 807b.
XtU «UL. 898a. (Tht, 800a. fTonc, 774b, 778a, 795b.
xuurrr, 907b. (f \, 849a. d'oo.S., 802a.
xumq, 898b. (in cnreJUKTi), 80ib. cToojuLe, 650a, 741b,
xuop, 899a, 903b. {Tl x.o'Vtu, 32b, 101a. 808a.
xtupe, 899b. (S^^lCTiK, 768a, 806b. (Toonrite, 773a and b,
xtupi, 899b. tTse, 762a. 801 b.
XUUpjUL. 899b. 765b. (Son, 786b, 793a, 807a.
XtUpg, 776b, 803b. tfm, 105b, 807a. fTopTre, 536a, 812b.
xuxoXe, 714b, 903b. (Tme, 770a, 807a. (Top^: 796b.
xtouuuie, 337b, 896b. (Tinei, 804b. (Toe, 812b.
xtuuope, 810a, 839a, (TirtHp^., 795a. (Toce, 861 a.
899a and b.
d^rto'srcjoJUL. 761b, 804b. (Tocjul, 814a.
(Trnpurr, 761b. 791a.
xcwT-g,, 915b.
xcjooj, 814a. (Tmcto, 761b, 804b. <To&ce, 514b.
xtoq, 906b. (TirujoXg,, 804b. (To£jCI, 812b.
6^it(Jong,, 766b, 804b. cToxi, 813a, 814a, 896b.
xuo£,, 858b, 900a.
(TmcTXXo, 804b. (TpHCTe, 81 ib.
xtox, 901a.
(rtiMSuop, 796b. (Tpo, 775b.
<Y (S’ionrp, 822b. <TpojuLne, 803b, 809b.
crX^-^Te, 139b. (T\[c, 812b, 861b. tf'pOJULTTI, 810b.

6"Xeio, 895a. (Ti<$>ei, 230a. (TpocT' 777a.

(TXsjULe, 792b, 802b. £Tl £/rop, 101 a. (Tpto,?,, 899b.
(f xX<L£/f, 764b, 776b. cHx, 805a. 6"uo, 804b, 810a.

802a, 897a. (Tuocjul, 797b, 814a. f jULoocye, 866a.

(Tuo$l c, 802 b, 806a, (Tcox, 814b. 866a.
897a. (Tcocy, 792b. tne, 348b.
(TuoX, 561b, 81 ib, 899a. 858b. 'fnei, 866a.
(TuoXn, 796a, 810b. (Tcyonrp, 729b. 'foce, 865b.
(Tuojul, 770a, 788b. tf&oc, 514b, 777b, i~ne, 876b, 877a.
(TuojULe, 770a. 803b, 812b. fcei, 866b.
(Tuortx, 774b, 796a, (fxoc, 812b. 'f-cec&LOpj, 658a.

809b. 'fTOCTT, 865b.

774a. ^cyuone, 866b.

(Tuoot, 782b, 800a, 805a. +j6i, 842b.
(Turn, 793b. 865b. 'tgje, 842b, 887b.
cTbop.tJL, 790a. e&oX, 866a. t&O, 436b.

533a- 'f ec^&cnr, 865b. 866a.

fTcjop^, 796a, 811 a. fa, 868b. i~£,JULOJUl, 866a.

<5Top(?7 81 ib. 845a and b. ’fxi, 865b.

<Tu)c, 813b, 859b. 'fjme, 836b, 879b. 'f'f, 866b.

4 N 4
[ 1305 j



471b. 12:15., 204b.

5a- 449a. *?na, 215b-
\/lHN, 39a- arua-Sw, 73a. rPSL 201a, 202b, 208a.
11N (read lltf), 11 ia.
129b. *?NTPa, 208a.
VmN, 4b- 62b. nna, 207a.
rrtiN, 4b. 72a. nimTJ
50b. royron, 203b.
39a. 5lb. byn, 202a, 203b, 213a.
ton, 39a. bob, 356a.
(bynn, 230a.)
■spiM, 18b. TON
* T ) 101b.
irro-byn, 213a.
l?N, 94b. ropg, 389b.
jto^-byn, 213a.
D^IlN, 97b.
VnbN, 20a.
nbj>n, 213a.
VariN, 74b- ny*?N, 43b.
7b, 22a, 74b.
11115, 237a.
905 b.
bpn, 232a.
Vitn, 3ia-
n’iyasM, 104b.
□'l/iN, 172b. ipi, 204b.
jm, 103a. Vpn, 204a.
pN, 21b, 129a.
!TNf 141b.
Tjll, 204b, 207a.
Wng, 2ib.

vim, 8b, 22b, 75b. rain 204b.

pN, 62b.
rraSnN, 551b.
nnin, 204a and b.
T ; T )
□iDii^n^, 566a. bl5, 204b, 215b.
bcpst, 90a.
iiii^ns:, 534a, 566a.
nstpN, 89a. Vipn, 225a.

’'S, 16a. !j& 225a.

npM, 26b. n Vppn, 224b.

7^, 2b, 17b, 129a. ini, 203b. psrna, 47lb-

HD'**. 41b. rniNQ, 202a. rojrra, 208a.

-on, 500a.
2 1
□nin, 568b.
Sn, 789b. 35b, 99b,

Wm, 789b. and b.
nnn, 559b.
NTDjI, 770a. *»:, H2b.
T?h, 580a, 809b.
bvi 788b. Vm\ i43a-
nip^TD, 536b.
131, 810b. nj, i5a> 142a>
TO, 484a.
]Tin, na, 764b. TO, 143b.
a art, 572b, 740a.
IS, 157b, 463b.
l?n, 485a.
.inv, 143b.
TQ1, 874b.

TO, 536b. 142b, 143a.

n% 877a. .
TOn, 471a.
tTVll, 408a, 984b. TO, 53a-
□nr, T43a-
P, 528a.

□i:n, 578a. pr, 608b, 678a.

^nn, 441a, 445 b. 1T„ 93a.
mn, 489b.
□nnn 142 b.
TO, 29b, 75b.

□in 443a, 452a and b. TO, 534b. H3b-

Kin, 633a.
^nn, 471a. Itti, ib, 25b, 88b

jnnn, 466b.
^ltp\ I43b-
liNin, 358b. TO1, 473a.

TOb 532b.
pn, 442a, 448b. n
p, 486b. nnn, 532b. mn, 769a, 787a.

n$n, 510b.
aVt 442a. ms, 786b.

Ssnn, 449b. tthW'tiJn, 566a- &nin, 784b.

TO?, 35a.
uhmrn, 534a- inn, 789b, 796b.

Sntpn, 512a.
N^n, 789b.

IMt, 588a, 641b, 868a.

nnn, 568b, 569b.
•'Sn, 789b.

T •• 7
868a. r^n, 803a.

m, 850a, 903b, 913b. inn, 788b.

Synmi, 552a- nnt?, 876b. i*??, 789a.,

nynn, 906a. pn, 808a.

inn, 530b, 539b, 540a. n'n, 822b. lisn, 795a.

mn 476b. NSE, 882a. nysn,

* 7
* '

795a. m?3
vt y
29y ^qb. nej, 369b.
mop, 791b. ■'P, 279b. in:, 407b, 498b.
139b. □?□, 280a.
n?, 752b, 786b, 793a. Vi55, 289b. D

IQS, 787a. liSD, 729a.

wSd, 851b.
13, 790a. nipSs, 283b.
D^D , 618b, 695b.
□•Qilp, 562a. njo, 301b.
Q^plD, 618b, 696a and b.
□13, 788b, 789a. rni:p, 274b.
□TID, 667a, 696b.
DS13, 790a. nn?p, 304a.
, 814b. F)iD, 853a, 854b.
niyg, 225b, 290a.
IDiD, 853a.
□ns, 781b, 791a. ito, 338b.
n^o, 851a.
□n?p, 338b.
n^b, 857a.
bj?p, 276a.
□y'bo 388b, 608a.
NS, 339b. P9, 315a.
n*?b, 851b, 853a.
=6,37b. TO31E, 283b.
N1BD, 853a.
422b. 2M2 287a.
«gP, 647a.
n^, 348b, 377b, 378a. JITTtpft, 287a.
1S1P, 61 ib, 637b.
vfch 422a. nntrp, 287a.
trmV, 422a.
nn1?, 429a. j
s/“nv» 5a-
n1?. 41lb- wi, 342a. "ay, 39a.
p*h, 389b. rnj, 343a. rtap, 112b.
373a- nibw, 12a.
t-: *

1H3, 343a and b. trip, 113a.

□v, 374b. IliP, 111a.
VllD, 276b. Sto, 387b. PpP, ma.
HD, 279b. trm, 386a. lip, 129a-
nip, 286b. ■np?, 343b. J^pp, 885a.

*?3D"inD, 284a- □P2 412a. ry, 123b.

□iD, 274a. VDP2, 347a- n*7b,
XT* 129a.
•rr )
282b. 1V2, 342b, 347b. n^p
t • “• y

fflD, 295b- □ny;, 342b, 347b. |

•v •• J
10>\ 124a. r?, 903b. □np, a, 767b.

my, mb.
)iNB2, 898a. nnp, 765b.
my, 127b. pyy, 896b. rnp, 764b.
□sy, 113a. npyy, 896b. rrmrp, 778b.
D^eg, 34a. nisy, 897b.
n^py, 764b. nny, 897b. n
n^n ) a. 68
ptoy, 112b. mny, 897b. T T

nnritoy, 136b. mys rosy, 9 toW, 433b.

tinp ttn-n, 417b-
ninritoy, 136b.
P □i*»n rrn, 421 a.
POV, 803a.
rrs?, 781a. □n, 424b.
□nip, 792b, 802b, 804a, ynn, 431 a.
807a. Vprn, 283b.
"V7S, 260a.
yip, 765b. a.
ynsmis, 256b.
nip, 775a. ]iftn, 62 b.
frOp, 762a and b. Vrran, 283a.
V^B, 237b-
rt)V, 773a. yn 418
1 a.

^i?P, 79ia. Vpton> 433 b.
rns, 243b.
rntop, 765a.
"HS, 242b.
nn^p, 764b, 776b. to, to

njns, 238a.
9$,764a, 774b.
□□to, a.

igns, 243a. nnto, 725a.

"IIS, 243a. rfeito, 636a.
naij, 771b.
^ps, 235a. rfeato, 89a, 725b.
nnp, 788b, 789a.
ntos, 252a. onto, 665b.
254b, b.
HMJp, 794b. rrnto, 640b.
nto, 587a, 649a.
TO, 795a.
n?.PT, 773a, 795a, 803a, loito, b.

1^, 905 a. 808b. 649b.

□*>«□?, 897b. □np, 807a. □nito, 822b.

*3?, 897b. nynp, 563b. pito, 659b.
nn 191b. Y2g, 765b. ]toito, 608b, 623b, 700b.
NTO 911b.
t : ) ^
«■$, 79oa. jtoito, 608b, 623b, 700b.

688b. ■VSttp, 61 1 a. n
5$6a, 634a. I’y®, 635b. mssn 82 sa.

ntstP, 749a. IX’tP, 723b. rnri, 904b.

at?®, 757a. 635b. y\n, 635b.

ih\r} 637b.
853a- tPnri, 859a.

676a, 727a. "i^|rnsto( 662b. Nnnn 822a.

rra^tp, 727a. wwi,

• ~ r : y 662b. 825a.

Ssbip, 671a. pip, 647a, 701b. □ot, 834a.

byiw, 726a. 1V1®, 851b. 853a. 840a.

fEto, 89b. *n?5, 61 ib. ?\h, 827a.

n:aip, 547b. vw, 695b, 751a, 754a. rpisjnf 832b, 877b, 906a.

tPfttP, 742a. iHpi, 822a, 823a.

ABPA2AK, 118a. AP0HPI2, 501a.
AAH2, 443a, A2ENE0, 389b. AAPEIOS, 408a, 820a.
A0AO4>OPO2, 259a. A2KAH1IIEI0N. 30b. AIKAI02YNH, 385b.
AAH0EIA, 130a. A2MAX, 602b, 671a and b.
AAA02, 809b. A2THP, 10a. EIAQAON, 782b.
A AX AI, 7b. ATTEAAB02, 885a. E3ATPAIIH2, 566a.
AME0Y2TO2, 551b. AYTOrENHS, 543b. EOPTH, 449b.
AMENHBI2, 52b. A$020, 42b. Ell El A11, 414b.
AMENQcPIS, 52a. AXAIMENH2, 25a. El11 1IAEOX, 571a.
AMMON, 51b AXANH, 94b. EPQ, 130a.
AMONPA2QN0HP, 52b. AXES, 22b. ESErXHBIS, 81a.
ANH0ON, 55a. A^EYSTOS, 119b. EYAOriSTHS, 790a.
ANI20N, 63b. E4>HMEPIAE2, 450a.
AITEAAAI02, 5a. BAIH0, 211b.
AII0AAQNIAH2, 5b. BAKI2, 221b. 0AAEIA, 841b.
AnPIHS, 466b. BAPI2, 202b. 0ESOAK, 860a.
APrYPOS, 131b BATANH, 208b.
APENAQTH2, 502b. • BEBQN, 200b. IA0NE2, 463b.
AP0NTQTH2, 502b. BEBQNA. 200b. IMOY0H2, 30b.
APOY, 130a and b. BH, 200a. I2EI0N, 117b.
AP0YHPI2, 501a. BHS, 205b. I2PQ, 585a.
APOYPA, 585b. BIKQT, 200a.
APII0KPATH2, 501b. BIOY, 200a. KA0 OAON, 765a.
AP2IH2I2, 504b. BITH2, 203a, 211b. KAI2APOS, 801b.
APTABH, 73b. BAEMMYE2, 204a. KAKEIS, 139b.
APTABH2, 28b. BOON, 502b. KAMBY2H2, 763b, 793a.

KAMH<DIS, 785a. NHPION, 347a. SOYSON, 608b, 623b, 700b.

KANH<I>0P02, 259a,. NIPPON, 407b, 408b. SOYXIS, 657b.
KAN0APOS, 295a. SOYXOS, 660a.
KAPAB, 804b. SAN0A, 797b. SOYXQS, 575a, 615a, 659a.
KAPABOS, 804b. SbtOS, 597b, 666a. SIITXNE, 636b, 663a.
KASANTPA, 804b. SPQ, 610a, 635a.
KASSIA, 563b. OIKOYMENH, 538a. STATHP, 712a.
KATA AOrON, 277^. OAYPA, 215b. STIMMIS, 715b.
KATKOYAT, 780b. ONOYPIS, 57a. STPATHrOS, 171a.
KENTEX0AI, 556b. OSTANHS, 91a. SYETENHS, 637a.
KHB, 805b. OYA<t>PH, 466b. SYNNAOS, 588b.
KHBOS. 802b. OYA4>PIS, 466b. SYNTASIS, 609b.
KH1IOS, 802b. OYESTE, 185b. S<PHS, 539a.
KIKHAAIA, TA, 801a. OYESTE BIKQTI, 185b. SXOINION, 567a, 573a,
KIKI, 791a. OYN, 336b. SQOIS, 664a.
KIKINON, 791a. SQSIS, 731b.
KINNYPA, 795a. DAMYAHS, 198b. SQTHP, 653b.
KITTQ, 781a. IIAPAAEISQN, 891b. %

KNH4>, 795a. ElASTOcDOPOS, 107b. TAPIXEYTHS, 580b.

KNOY0>IS, 795a. HEPinAOYS, 828a. T1IHBIOY, 830b.
KOrXH, 774b, 789a. 1IETE<DPH, 256b. TITHXONTA, 831a.
KOrXOS, 774b. II IN AS, 234b. TI1HXY, 830b.
KOMMI, 771a. riPOAYAION, 443b. TY$QN, 828a, 875b.
K0NIME, 794b, 795b. 1IPONHSION, 356a. TQM, 851a.
KOPH, 471b. 1IPOSHKON, TO, 804b.
KOYKIO<J>OPON, 767a. 1ITIMYPIS, 315a. <1)IAAN0PQOOS, 310a.
KPOKOS, 810b. I4YPAMIS, 243b. (DOINIKES, 260b.

KYAAASTIS, 790a, 793a 4>OINIS, 213b.

796a and b. PEMENAIPE, 425b.

KYMINON, 808a. PEMENXAPE, 425b. XAAKIA, 533a.


357a. XAM’EAI, 325b, 485b.

SAIN, 605b, 676a. XAPXNOYMIS, 581b.
KY<t>I, 786b.
SAKKOS, 701b. XITQN, 799b.
2AS, 591b. XNE<P, 795a.
AESQNIS, 313a.
SAPI, 637b, 645b. XNOYBIS, 578a.
AITPON, 407b.
SAPISA, 635b. XNOYMIS, 578a, 795a and b.
SATPAIIHS, 566a. XN0Y$IS, 578a.
SAQSIS, 834b. XOAXYTHS, 148a.
MANEPQS, 452a. SEIPA, 647b. XONTAP, 503b.
MEISI, 323b. SESME, 557b, 585a, 753b. XONTAPE, 556b.
MIEBIS, 315a. SI AS, 627a. XOYS, 769a.
MNHYIS, 374a. SIKET, 585a. XY, 23a.
M0Y0, 295a. SISESME, 585a. XQOY, 528a,
MOY0IS, 295a. SISPO, 585a.
SIT, 755a. *XENT, 617a, 692b, 693b.
NEBXOYNIS, 343a. SMAT, 603a.
NHI0, 379b. 399b. SMYPIS 89b. OPOAOriON, 315b.


If I? IeII. 17 b. I A-* -IHI E-Tf, 763b, 793a-


I? ~TTT* ~ I I? *T, 95 a. T<T<T “ hands ’’ (only in plural,

Ashurnasirpal I, 1. 117), 752 b.
-»f I? El -7". 5>b.
T 4? EcII, 53a- -ill tin, 787a.
I It El A eel 4=, 52a.
^ Tl ETH If If, 336a.
-4- -vl. 136 b.
El A *ffl, 286b.
-HA MI 4=. 792b.
~ I A—HI IeIJ, 387b.
<14: SSJ, 822b. -HI* eh h<, 325b.

\\ ^KI 4- 867 a. -4 i>-ET eT—, 60a.

I eKI -IKI ejH? IH<, 64a, 408a, 4- tEHI ~H< (Berlin tablet No.

102, ed. Winckler, p. 102b),
-III- El -Hit, .37a.
I 5^1 ss$ *1-, .85 b. ?f If pi- 4 I—, 897b.

-JT* tE V-, 868a. ten ^Ie, 897 b.

TA<T-A~<MT<TVA~. 534a. £53 t^HT *JII. 765 a.

I E£ EC,’, < -4[, 463b- E( fHIt, 587 a.

^ ecH H tl 4, 463 b. Ef tHft AN 822b.

v CEI? sfc -^T If If, 463b. J! I- M> 671a.

I Eclf -4- ff< AN 143a- J=HI £ If ^1. 89a.


647a. «TT << r<- m 31 « fir- 534a,

566 a.
859 a.
** <T- -It «TT << ^ if m is m, s66a.

-«f< * 'tin, 840a. n G cIfT TTT "it> '85b-

T ttt 3T K- ^Ie <¥ <<, 64a, r<~ <¥ E<. 463b.

408a, 820a, 884b.
-TtT Iff *ff» 336a.
Tc *=y <”rf -<2 T t<S 763b


PC' rf-JHA, I39b. *

795a, 902a. •2k.=S«-, 897b. «
ndSO^K', 94b.
A.rc', 129a. tCa*k, 786b. 905b.
r<'iu»K', 88b. 787a. r<f\x2^, 897b.
> J3
^u.=3, 457a* 283a. rrr.*»J=nj3, 77lb.

PClLsia^, 788b. r<UJS«oC 62b.
pC'i&li, 407b. JL.
r<i3r<'.!, 588a, 868a.
nt-A^aX., 716a.
k'Auxcva., 608b, 623b.
nt'AiO), 597b,642b, 666a.
r</.A.E73.Q0, 671a.
K'ia.flo, 853a. r?b\r?b\, 825a.
rdaco. read rdxx^o, 647a. •=A\, 635b.
rCiaoAi, 822b.
4JOl 876b. 637b.
iuaa^, 34a.
•nil, 834a.
rCScO^, 846a.
rc^CV.^, V
255b. rCiwT&V 822a, 823a.

** \jj
> 4a- , 4/6b. cl,UJu., 727a.

v—73b. , 464b. ) 5a-

$ -
5U*v\, 88b. aj, 47 3a- , 7 4®a*

905b. / 9a< (►^ 5 547a-


43b. , 51 ob. Ioa^v , 749a-

-oj ^ C

345b. 534a. (J-._J.Ab, 608b, 623b.

-- G -
JA, 3U, 2b, 129a. 484a.. , 349b'
£ £ O-
572b, 740a. t—*aav , 597b, 642b, 666a.
^G -G

*4yi > 423a- 559b.

204b. sU;, 587a, 649a.

£y.Iaj, 2 2 7b.
XiA, 877a. 757a-

1_>^3, 868a. 3U^, 671a.
47lb. CO
Xaa4A, i ia, 762b.
> 457a-
588a. 897b.

(_JUUS, 896b.
,_>ly, 635b.
ciij, 877b. ^J
6k» 62b- 876b.
rA 834a. 141b.
, 840a.
^-v.j, 913b.
4,^9, 898a.

- G-
ejftS, 825a. •• • , 4.
o>^?j > 9®3b-
, 822b.
c5JLi,’ mb.
c_j'U, 659b.
((-T“4b LT“^’ 73a- aju* , 662a. l^vi, 257b.

>4^, 788b. ALi, 851b. L&> 2 55b.


768b, 806b. 347a.

75a- o-

69a, 235a. 139b. fU, 374b.

jS, 787a. 4I3a.
*13, 762b.
1_if, 786a. 412a.
, 765b.
whs _? wur, 808a. e?*5* 343a.
XX3, 775b.
O^ 789a. 369b.
77lb, 789a.
^ur, 795a. i_ixi, 368a.


139b- 38a. ^j_51 I47a-


UPA :, 1 29a. +Ah :> 77lb> 789a. TIMl: 5 868a.

4\Pft:, 762b. HJ?T:, 903b-

^MP : 41rt\C: , 522b

fl+At:, 276a. : * 867b.

UJ^:, 647 a.
4)Vb : 0^: , 47 ib.
: , 62b. al<&£\:, 788b.
T^:, 374b- Wo 770a.
iVflh:,. 725b.

nil: 41r1\C :, 522b- rtv^ :, 824b, 870b.

rtOX : , 583a, 729b.
Vf^:, 3b9b-
i*kT:, 583a.
:, 898a.
AM:, 597b, 666a.
<W16T:, 905b-
: , 72ba. :, 43b- 0-flA:, 897b.
Harrison and Sons,

Oriental printers,






Harrison & Sons’ List of Egyptian Hieroglyphics. 3

| N D EX,

List II,
List I.

Alphabet 4 —

Men standing1, kneeling, sitting, inclining, lying down 5 27

Women 7 28
Glods ... ... ••• ••• ••• ••• i 29
Unman Limbs ... 8 29
Mammalia 10 31

Parts of Mammalia 11 32

Birds ... 12 32 '

Parts of Birds ... 13 33

Amphibia (reptiles) 13 33

Fish 14 34

Insects 14 34

Vegetables 15 34

Heaven, Earth, and Water 16 35

Buildings and their parts 17 35

Ships and their parts 19 37

Furniture (seats, tables, chests, stands) 19 37

Sacred Vessels and Furniture 20 38

Clothing, parts of, Ornaments, and Insignias 20 38

Weapons and Arms 22 39

Tools and Agricultural Implements 22 39

Network (cord, net, packets) 23 40

Vases (pottery, baskets, dry measures) 24 40

25 41
Objects (writing, music, and games) 26 41

Strokes and Doubtful Objects 26 42

27 —
Appendix—List II *...


Harrison & Sons’ List of Egyptian Hieroglyphics.


14 /WVW\ 7?

2 0 a
15 1/

3 a 16 zd q

J 17 <=^> 7'

5 y 18 (1 —s

6 in4
19 c3D i

7 j#
20 o t
8 \\ i

21 ), *= «
22 /
10 k

23 ^ t'
11 S k

24 <2 ti
12 j/

13 777 25 • %


6 Harrison & Sons' List of Egyptian Hieroglyphics.

81 102 144 ^

82 103 ^ 124 145 ^

104 Ij^g i25 4 ‘4

84 126 $ “4 147 ^
105 f!‘f!
106 B 127 148
86 128 ^ 149 M 35
107 i3
87 150
108 ^2 129 ^

109 % 130 ^

89 no ^ 131 $ 152

90 153
mf 132 ^
91 112 133 ^ 154

92 113 ^ 134 ^ 155

93 114 H 135 jj|j| 156

94 115 ^ 157
l36 j$

95 116 Jl *J_ 137 ^ 158 'jfr

117 1 188 ^ '% 159

118 J “1 139 fa 160

98 119 ^ 140 161 '1

99 120 1 4 1 1<^£ 162

100 121 ^ 142 {£*=§• 163

101 122 ^ 143 m§ 164


Harrison <4; Sons List of Egyptian Hieroglyphics. 7


165 |^t 179 Cbg 186

166 173 g 180 J 187 [Jj

167 tjj 174 <j| “(Jj 181 a^) 188 |

168 . 175 <j} 182 j| 189 |

169 O 176 | "|| 183 jfeg 190

170 177 184 4) 191 ^

171 178 $ 185 Jj 192 S


193 204 215 226

194 ^ 205 216 227

195 4 206 217 228

196 207 218 229

197 208 219 230

198 ^ 209 220 231

199 210 221 232

200 $ 211 222 ^ 233

201 1 ? 212 223 jj 234

202 213 224 : 235

203 | 214 225 236


Harrison & Sons’ List of Egyptian, Hieroglyphics. 9

341 365 i-n » k—a r,
389 xy
T lif
318 a 366 a \_o 390
319 — 367 A-D 391 m
111 ii 368 €ir^a 392 zv
mil 344 y> a

321 369 aP 393 l

345 w7 a
322 370 ef^i 394
323 N? 371 395 £
347 a0£)
324 372 396
1 a , 348 -42)
325 i
373 397 A
349 n J\
326 i 398 L
350 J—J/ 375 a
327 ri LL-1
399 j J
351 a .A_fl
328 376
400 >
352 M
329 377 401
330 353 w
378 1 ‘1 402
354 dH
33 i n

355 y n
] 1 403
332 380
A 404
356 _a


333 381 405

a 357 ^_Q
ft 0 358 a
382 ^ssa
406 Q.

335 ft
359 A_Q a a—a
11 a
407 ae

384 'c=a) F=fil

336 408
0 360 -Q._ZJ M

337 U* u
u j 361 O-B
TP 409
386 410 \f£
338 iy 362 Q_D a 5_D

A ! 363 n
fa 411 12/

340 a 388 412

364 M 1

10 Harrison & Sons List of Egyptian Hieroglyphics.


413 433 453 473 a ^ss>

414 3a ‘“tes 454 474

415 3a ‘ . 455 aJ£ss 475

435 H
416 436 456 476

417 437 of 457

$S)i 477

418 438 458 ^ 478 ^

419 439 459 479 ^

420 440 460
480 h>
421 441 461
481 1y
422 462 % 482

423 463 483

424 464 ^ 484
** 444

425 a 465 a1m 485

426 3a 466 486
427 IS) 467 ^ 487 <5?

428 468 488 ^

“fe 448 Vi
429 fg 449
469 ^ 489 ^

430 470 ‘ 490

450 aSa

431 451 471 491

432 452 472 492

12 Harrison d Sons’ List of Egyptian Hieroglyphics.


573 593 ^ 613 633

574 594 M 614 634 i

575 595 615 635 I

576 596 616 636

577 597 617 637 ^

578 598 618 638

579 599 619 639

600 620 640

580 k ‘"k
581 k 601 621 641

582 602 622 642

583 603 623 643

584 604 624 644

585 605 625 645 ^

586 606 Jv, 626 646

587 607 627 647

588 608 628 648

589 609 ^ 629 649

590 610 630 650

591 611 % 631

& 651

592 612 632 652


Harrison & Sons’ List of Egyptian Hieroglyphics. 13

653 ^ 661 669 677 5*

654 662 ^ 670 678

655 663 671 679

656 664 a
672 680

657 665 673 681

658 666 674 ^ 682 ^

659 667 675 683

y |



685 fj 692 32 699 706 0 *0

686 •% 693 © 7 00 a 707 %

687 ^ 694 'z&mh 701 JL

695 EnSsS^ 702 J[ 709

688 ^

689 ^ 696 p ap 703 /■= 710

704 ^ 711
690 (pp ^ 697 ^

691 -7= 698 jj 705 c£) 712


713 716 719 722 'ft

714 <SK “4^ 717 4=^ 720 723 ^ a^

715 718 ^ 721 r—1 a m 724 0v "a


Harrison Sons’ List of Egyptian Hieroglyphics. 15


797 Q 817 |
837 ]J7 857
798 ^ 818 jj 838 ^ 858

799 819 ] * 839 ^

r 859 ^

860 V
800 Li 820 I 840 |
] 861

801 jj 821

802 ^ 822 -= 842 J 862

l *4

803 ^ 823 <= 843 ^ 863

i *S
804 844 | 864 4*
824 ^ ^ ‘I

805 825 ^ 845 < S65 l

806 826 \ 846 -ft 866 l
807 827 = 847 | S67 l
a fr
808 828 * -£ © 848 | 868 £3

809 ^ 829 l a
849 Y 869 a
870 |
810 { ‘f 830 [
850 £|jO

811 [. ^ 831 l 851 ] 87! | *|

812 f 832 tlit) \i« 852 f3 872 ’ft

873 ^
813 i ”1 833 ( 853 ^

8141 ‘t 834 TflYf axmi 854 ^ | 874 \Q-

815 [ 835 T 855 ^) 875

816 l 836 jg 856 <=d-) 876 |


6 Harrison & Sons List of Egyptian Hieroglyphics.

886 a 895 6 904 [1

878 | 887 | 896 ^ 905

QO 897 906 T^T\,


898 907

^ ^

890 | 899 ^

891 \ 900 aB,

909 jj

892 | 910

893 G^> 902 ^ | '911

^ 912



924 #

925 CX

926 <o

927 1 \
928 o0«

929 ft

930 N

931 Cls a*Oi 953 5^?


932 ^ 954 pf=

O 933 ^ “e
955 r^3 a ^

4 p 2

18 Harrison & Sons List of Egyptian Hieroglyphics.

1033 tEjj 1054 ^ 1075

1034 1055 J 1076

1035 y 1056 SI 1077 |

1036 ^ 1057 8 1078

1037 Q 1058 1079 i

1080 ^
1038 n 1059 ^

1039 1060 1081 S

1°4° Q 1061 Y 1082

1041 Q 1062 1083

1042 ^ 1063 1084

1043 [f3 1064 dUbl 1085 GD,


1044 >=j] 1065 1086

1045 1066 1087 [U]

1046 ^ 1067 ^ 1088

1047 1068 J 1089 m

1048 1069 imwir mnmr 1090 1

1049 ^ 1070 a —"— 1091 □

1050 ^ 1071 ~rr 1092 §

1051 ft *| 1072 r=e=ci 1093

1052 Q 1073 c=«-=3 1094 ep

1053 1074 1095 ra


4 P 3

20 Harrison & Sons' List of Egyptian .Hieroglyphics.

1189 1196 ^ 1203 ^ 1210


1190 1197 1204 ^ 1211 /^\

1191 1198 1205 1212

1192 1199 S
1206 v"^f 1213 W *

1193 pi 1200 ^ 1207 W 1214

1194 1201 ^ 1208 1215

1195 ^ 1202 j 1209 1216


1217 ^ 1226 ^ 1235 -[[- a- 1244

1- A
1218 ^ 1227 jj 1236 ^ 1245
1219 ^ 1228 | 1237 ^ 1246 W

1220 ^ 1229 | | 1238 ] 1247

1221 1230 | 1239 ] 1248

’ a
1222 1231 | 1240 J 1249
■i I
1223 ^ 1232 ^ 1241 j 1250

1224 1233 | 1242 J 1251

1225 ^ 1234 ^ 1243 ] 1252

CLOTHING (PartB of Ornaments and Insignias).

1253 ^ 1255 f) 1257 & 1259 ^

1254 1256 1258 Qj 1260

Harrison & Sons List of Egyptian Hieroglyphics. 21

1261 V V 1282 H 1303 Y 1324 ^

1262 ^ 1283 | 1304 § *| 1325 ]

1263 1284 1305 H 1326

1264 <§> 1285 1306 | 1327 ]

1265 GL a <2 1286 ef 1307 | 1328 |

1266 (jl a fll j 1287 If 1308 ^ 1329 |

1288 1309 | a| 1330 |


1268 $ 1289 1310 | 1331

1290 ^ 1332 /\
1269 1311 t

1291 ^ 1312 | ‘jr 1333 A

1270 g

1292 | 1313 1334 ^

ls»i ‘a
1293 Q aQ 1314 j 1335

1294 ^ 1315 -4^ 1336

1273 1

1274 1295 1316 |i 1337

1275 « 1296 ^ j 1317 $


1276 1297 g 1318 ^ 1339

1277 (JL§) 1298 ^*^0 1319 | 1340

1278 ^ 1299 1320 | af 1341

1300 1321 j 1342 fH

1279 (g^

1322 1 a| 1343
1280 1301 'fj

1323 | 1344
1281 & 1302 ^

4 p 4

Harrison & Sons’ List oj Egyptian Hieroglyphics. 23

1417 ^ ^ 1430 4
si 4 1443 -< r-12- 1456 rw i

1418 1431 f 1444 1457 r^n

1419 1432 | 1445 ^c±5- 1458 r^[

1420 ^ a!^ 1433 Q 1446 1459

1421 ^pi=a. a ^ 1434 £ 1447 1460 ry\

1422 JU 1435 1448 1461 [

1423 "Jst 1436 ^ 1449 A 1462 J

1424 ^ 1437 | 1450 1463

1425 1438 | 1451

1464 ^
1426 j) 1439 | 1452 1465 ^
1427 ] 1440 1453 1466 ^

1441 ^ a^ 1454 1467 f

1428 |
i i
1468 ^
1429 i
1442 ^ 1455 A »A


NETWORK (Cord, Net, Packets).

1469 (® s§ 1475 X aS 1481 ^ aQ^ 1487

1470 -e- 1476 ^5 1482 °<=:>si 1488 x=x

1471 1477 **\ 1483 -fr * + 1489 xx

1472 1478 ^ 1484 &*==><f 1490 >-c

1473 /V/S 1479 ^ 1485 1491 -y-

1474 1480 a g==^ 1486 <*=*\ 1492 ®


24 Harrison & Sons’ List of Egyptian Hieroglyphics.

1493 f j 1501 1509 e=> 1517

1494 ^ 1510 e=? 1518

1502 \ ‘1
1495 ^ 1503 ^ 1511 »‘s= 1519

1496 1512 1520

1504 ! "I
_ Q a b

1497 1 i 1 1505 | 1513 O ‘o 1521

1498 4=> a<^> 1506 g= 1514 (fc 1522

1499 "-jji 1507 ^ 1515 £3 1523

1500 -jp 1508 s, j 1516 ^ 1524


VASES (Pottery, Baskets, Dry Measures).

1525 | 1536 ^ 1547 0 1558 A ft

1526 ^ 1537 5 1548 1559 0

a b
1538 (5 1549 1560 o
1527 ^ it 7
1528 T 1539 £ 1550 71 ft IS
1540 1551 ^ 1562
ft ‘IS
1563 &
1530 1541 o 1552 E

1542 'Q 1553 | ‘J 1564

1531 |
a b
1532 1543 # & 1554 1565 D a q

1533 « 1544 0 1555 XJ a^7 1566

1534 d 1545 o a0 bD 1556 W 1567

1546 *| 1557 0 1568

1535 Q \


Harrison & Sons’ List of Egyptian Hieroglyphics.

1569 1581 © 1593 ^ 1605 §

1570 ^37 1582 1594 1606 Q

1571 o 1583 ^ 1595 D a0 1607 £

1572 a^2^ 1584 ^ 1596 3 1608 fj:


1573 Q 1585 1597 £| 1609 ffft


U 1598 | 1610

1574 i
1611 /”°
1575 1587 ^ 1599 |]
1576 4^ 1588 ^ 1600 1612 $

1589 ™ 1601 ^ 1613

1577 ,i

1578 ..-e> 1590 Q 1602 Ib 1614

1579 ^ 1591 Q 1603 ^ 1615

1580 ©..-O 1592 Q 1604 ^ *


1616 (S) 1623 © a0 1630 o 1637 <=

1617 oo 1624 © a( 1631 © a© 1638 A \

1618 CEEED 1625 © 1632 © 1639

L619 ccsd 1626 © 1633 © b© 1640

1620 G=D 1627 © 1634 Q 1641

1621 0 1628 © 1635 0 1642

1622 Q 1629 © 1636 1643


26 Harrison & Sons’ List of Egyptian Hieroglyphics.

OBJECTS (Writing, Music, and Games).

1644 1648 ,652 J ‘j 1656 m

1645 n ft i 1649 1653 4=* 1657 Q

1646 t=c!ifc=i 1650 1654 1658

1647 1651 1655 at^ 1659


1660 I a | bI 1674 3 1688 I 1702 \J

1661 III am 1675 O a^ 1689 1703 y
1662 i i i 1676 I l~ 1690 1704
1663 i a| 1677 1691 tx^< 1705 8
i i
1664 \\ a\\ bw 1678 1692 \ZL 1706 ©

1665 > 1679 1693 a (3 1707 '4

1666 x 1680 1694 1708
1667 * 1681 w 1695 1709

1668 4= 1682 1696 © 1710

1669 n 1683 1697 1711
1670 a 1684 1698 1712 0

1671 fl- 1685 1699 1713 ft

1672 f> 1686 1700 J|. 1714

1673 ff 1687 1715
(-> aCZDt
1701 i


Harrison & Sons’ List of Egyptian Hieroglyphics. 27


MEN (Standing, Kneeling, Sitting, Inclining, Lying Down).

1716 ^ 1733 ^ 1750 ^ 1767

1717 1734 % 1751 j$ 1768 ^

1718 1735 £ 1752 ^

1769 ^

1719 1736 1753 |4 1770 ^

1720 ^ 1737 1754 ^ 1771 ^

1721 1755
1738 ^ 1772 ^

1722 ^ 1739 ^ 1756 ^ % 1773

1723 1740 ^ 1757 ^ \ 1774 ^

1724 1741 4 1758

1775 H
1742 ^ 1759 ^ 1776 ^
1725 41 \

1743 J 1760 H 1777

1726 ^

1727 1744 A 1761 1778

1728 1745 ^ 1762 ^ 1779 jHi

1746 ^ 1763 ^ 1780 ^

1764 1781 ^
1730 ^ 1747 nl


1765 ^i


1732 ^ 1749 $ 1766 \ 1783 ^


28 Harrison & Sons’ List of Egyptian Hieroglyphics.

1784 ^j) 1800 1816 1832

1785 1801
8 1817 RRR 1833 *§

1786 1818 1834


1787 1819 ^ 1835 Q

1788 : 1820 ^ 1836
1789 ^ 1821 1837
vS 1822
1790 $ 1838
1806 fe

1791 J 1807
1823 1839

1824 1840
1792 1808
1825 1841
1793 1809
1794 1810 1842 A
1795 ^ 1811 1843

1796 1812 1828 ^


1797 1813 1829 1845

1798 1814 1830 ^ 1846

1799 1815 1831

I 1847


1848 Jt 1852 1856 -M 1860

1849 *J 1853 [^] 1857 ^|[ 1861

1350 ^ 1854 1858 ^ 1862

1851 ?|] 1855 ^ 1859 £ 1863

Harrison & Sons' List of Egyptian Hieroglyphics. 29


1864 1875 ^ 1886 -jg 1897 I

1865 1887 ^
1876 ^ 1898

1866 1877 1888 ^ 1899

1867 1889 £
1878 ^ 1900
1868 ^ A 1890 J?
1879 ^ 1901 J
1880 j| 1891 1902
1892 j]
1881 ill 1903
1871 ^
1882 ^ 1893 J 1904 yj
1883 1894 J 1905 ^

1873 1895 g) 1906


1874 1885 J 1896 ^ 1907


1908 ^ 1920 1926 ^

1914 a)
1909 ^ 1915 jQ 1921 %£> 1927 ^

1910 $ 1916 1922 , ft ) 1928 \P

1911 ^ 1917 Q 1923 %m 1929 Xs&

1912 1918 ^ 1924 1930 ^kJr“

1913 gi 1919 1925 ^ 1931


30 Harrison & Sons List of Egyptian Hieroglyphics.

1932 1954 1976 1998 <X)

1933 1955

V 1999 12b

1934 O-o 2000

1935 (SB
1956 1978
va_D 2001
1958 2002 ||)
1980 \j
1937 2003
1959 jj 1981
1939 #
s=, 1982
1961 1983

XJ 2007
1942 ^jj 1964 1986 V 2008
1943 1965 u 1987 p 2009 3}
1966 r & 2010 *^Pj]
, 1967 1989
2011 (T*
1946 *C=£) ^ 1990
1947 <Si2 1969 1991 Ai=5i)
2013 CNd
1948 ,-<e> 1970 1992 u 2014 t3=u)
1949 1971 1993
2015 f*
1950 1972 1994 r-°
1951 1973 ^=D 1995 %=D
2017 (*
1952 1974 v 1996 %=o
1953 1975 2018 ^
1997 ^^

Harrison & Sons List oj Egyptian Hieroglyphics. 31

2019 2023 J\ 2027 ^
2032 ^
2020 Q 2024 Jj 2028
2033 ^
2021 rp 2025 2029 2034 ^

2022 ^£J 2026 i^} 2030 Y 2035 v^-


2036 2050 2064 2078

2037 2051 2065 2079 j£e>

2038 2052 l^f 2066 2080

2039 2053 2067 2081

2040 2054 2082 |===^

2041 2055 frffjj 2083 Shd
2042 2056 2084 ^
2043 2057 j'* 2085
2058 2086
2044 2072 <%p>

2059 2087
2045 2073 ^

2060 2088
2046 ^ 2074

2061 2089 ^
2047 2075

2062 2076 j^> 2090

2048 ^□

2077 ^|] 2091

2049 2063
|_ _

Harrison & Sons’ List of Egyptian Hieroglyphics. 33

2197 ^
2161 ^ 2173 2" 2185 ^
2198 5^
2162 ^ 2174 4 2186 d. ‘i
/WVW\ 2199
2163 14 2175 2187 14
2200 \ji
2176 2188 ^
2201 &
111 ft IB

2165 J 2177 2189

2202 AL
A,£v —'f-
2166 SJ 2178 ^ 2190 ^
2167 2179 2191
2168 ^ 2180 2192 ^ 2205
2L69 ^ 2181 ^ 2193

2170 Ik 2!82
2194 ^ 2207 ^
2171 'f 2183 ^ 2195 A. 2208
2172 ^ 2184 ^ 2196 2209


2210 ^ 2211 2212 2213 ^


2226 |
2214 _
2218 2222 4
2215 ^sa,.
2219 in 2223 $£ 2227 |
2216 2220 2224 fg 2228 ^

2217 2221 ^ 2225 j? 2229

4 Q 2

36 Harrison & Sons List of Egyptian Hieroglyphics.

2363 2385 m 2407 (jjfifi) 2429

2364 Q 2386 2408 2430

□ O

2365 2409 f0fl 2431

2387 LL-U

2366 (Y| 2410 Jj 2432

2388 SI

2367 Q 2411 2433

2389 i

2368 H 2412
2390 2434 Q

2369 TST
2391 V
2«3 HU 2435 ^

2370 '
2392 2414 HtJ 2436

2371 ^ 2415
2393 (}[] 2437
2372 'fy' 2416 1
2394 2438 [II
2373 U7 2417
2395 2439
2374 2418
2396 2440

2375 2397 2419 £f 2441 ^04,

2376 2398 2420 LU 2442 (%$

2377 Iff 2421 d n 2443 [Tl

2399 (tSti
2378 -t=t
2400 rStrSi 2422 2444

2379 2401 2423 2445

2380 2402 2424 - 2446 (^j

2381 JL 2403 fjgfl 2425 2447 Ml

2382 . K . 2404 fjH 2426 2448

2405 H3 2427 2449 ^

2384 ([ 2406 JEHjD 2428 2450 j1111


40 Harrison & Sons’ List of Egyptian Hieroglyphics.

2673 ^
2675 'O'
2669 Q 2671 ^
2676 a
2670 £ 2672 J 2674 ^ 2677 pp^

NETWORK (Cord, Net, Packets).

2685 2692 ||| 2700 ^

> 2686 Jffi, 2693 2701

2694 •
2680 f 2687 2702 Q
2681 ^ 2688 2703
2682 ^ 2689 2704 flj
2697 ^
2683 ^ 2690 2705
2684 ^ 2691 2706

VASES (Pottery, Baskets, Dry Measures).

2707 ^ 2715 2723 273i

2708 2716 2724 L 2732 <g>

2709 2717 Q 2725 ^ 2733 C§3

2710 ^ 2718 ^ 2726 2734

2711 2719 ^ 2727 ^ 2735


2712 <2? 2720 2728 2) 2736 O)

2713 2721 ^ 2729 0 2737

2714 0 2722 § 2730 O 2738


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