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The corporate discovery history and geology of the

Collahuasi district porphyry copper deposits, Chile

Richard L. Moore
Falconbridge Limited, 1200 - 95 Wellington St. West, Toronto, ON Canada M5J 2V4

Glen J. Masterman
Centre for Ore Deposit Research, University of Tasmania, PO Box 252-79, Hobart, Tasmania
7001, Australia

The Collahuasi district is located in the northeast of Chile about 250 km southeast of the port of Iquique.
It hosts a cluster of deposits that currently comprises three porphyry copper deposits, associated high
level epithermal vein deposits, and palaeogravel-hosted exotic copper deposits. The Quebrada Blanca and
Ujina porphyry copper deposits are currently in production, as well as the Huinquintipa exotic deposit,
while the Rosario porphyry deposit is in the final stages of feasibility. The Collahuasi porphyry deposits
are spatially associated with the West Fissure/Domeyko Fault system and appear to have been emplaced
during a period of dextral transpression between 35–34 Ma.
Two major faults have segmented the Collahuasi district into three principal tectonic units. The central
uplifted block of Collahuasi Formation is made up of Permian to Triassic andesite, dacite and rhyolite
with small porphyry intrusions. The central block is separated from Jurassic sedimentary and volcanic
rocks of the Cerro Empexa and Quehuita Formations by the West Fissure and is overlain to the east and
north by extensive sheets of Cenozoic ignimbrites. To the east the Collahuasi Formation is truncated by
the Loa Fault system that is a western splay of the West Fissure fault system.
The Quebrada Blanca, Rosario, and Ujina porphyry centres define a broad east-trending corridor between
the West Fissure and Loa Faults. At Rosario, high-grade massive sulfide (Cu-Ag-Au) veins overprint
porphyry-style Cu-Mo mineralisation. Similar high sulfidation veins occur in the La Grande and Poderosa
areas south and southeast of Rosario respectively. Low sulfidation Ag mineralisation occurs in a long (3–
5 km), semi-continuous quartz vein in the Monctezuma Fault. West of the Rosario porphyry centre are
several palaeochannel systems containing exotic copper mineralisation. The present drainage system has
dissected the original deposit resulting in preservation of several isolated mineralised bodies know as the
Huinquintipa deposits.
Mining in the Collahuasi district commenced with the Incas around 1400 AD, and continues to the
present day. The first modern exploration of the Quebrada Blanca deposit was conducted by geologists
employed by the Chilean arm of Anaconda; they recognised that the geology and alteration zones were
consistent with a porphyry deposit. In 1973, the Chilean government invited the Superior Oil/Falconbridge
group to consider investing in the copper industry, and provided a group of eight prospects from which
to choose. A joint venture controlled by Superior Oil was formed and in 1977 the Quebrada Blanca
deposit was chosen for detailed investigation, based on the results of previous work by Anaconda. Although
Codelco drilled the first hole into Quebrada Blanca, the deposit was not delineated until the Superior
Oil/Falconbridge Group optioned the property from the Chilean authorities. The Rosario and Ujina
areas were optioned from private interests and exploration subsequently led to the discovery of the Rosario
porphyry system in 1979. In response to corporate restructuring and difficult economic times, the project
was recast as a joint venture between Falconbridge, Shell Chile and Chevron. This joint venture was
operated by a management company which was controlled by Chevron and Shell Chile and it conducted
the exploration that eventually led to the discovery in 1991 of the economically important Ujina porphyry
deposit. The main exploration tools used were induced polarisation, surface mapping, and reverse
circulation drilling. From the technical perspective, the responsibility for the discovery of the Collahuasi
district deposits rests with the team of John Hunt, but credit must also go to the team of Louis DeBeer
and Larry Dick who managed the exploration program that finally discovered the Ujina porphyry. From
the Falconbridge corporate perspective, Ash Clark is responsible for first choosing the Quebrada Blanca
deposit for exploration and for later maintaining Falconbridge’s interest in the project.

INTRODUCTION giant porphyry copper district in Chile and end up
The goal of all private corporations is to increase with 44% of the prize? The answer to this question
shareholder value. In mining companies this can best began in 1973 when Falconbridge was controlled by
be achieved by discovering a giant ore deposit. These Superior Oil. The discovery of Collahuasi resulted from
provide cash flow over long periods to provide the basis a complex interplay of technical, corporate and
of a sustainable company. Determining the sequence enabling events, and the unfolding of political events
of events that led to the discovery of a major deposit in Chile. From the Falconbridge perspective, the story
can be challenging, as memories tend to be selective can be broken into four parts. The first part is how
and often self supportive, whilst critical roles are Quebrada Blanca was first chosen as a property to
neglected or forgotten. Throughout the period of explore. The second part involves the Superior Oil/
exploration, investment decisions are influenced by Falconbridge Joint Venture, which discovered the
perceptions of political risk, corporate strategy, and Quebrada Blanca and Rosario porphyry copper
corporate financial capabilities, and these change with deposits. The third part is the Shell Chile/Chevron
time. Also, in the case of a joint venture, different Joint Venture that explored the Rosario vein deposits,
partners have different decision making processes and the fourth part is the discovery of the Ujina deposit.
brought about by different corporate objectives. In the The story is told here from the perspective of
history of the exploration and discovery of the Falconbridge.
Collahuasi deposits, this is especially the case as more The Collahuasi District is located in the high Andes
than thirteen companies have had an interest in the in the First Region of northern Chile, 15 km from the
project at one time or another. Bolivian border (Fig. 1). The deposits are located at
How did Falconbridge, a Canadian nickel miner, altitudes which vary from 4200 m to 5000 m above
end up taking the leading role in the discovery of a sea level. Road systems connect the project with

Fig. 1. Location of the study area.

Chuquicamata, 150 km to the south and with the port at Rosario. This section provides a review of the geology
city of Iquique, 200 km to the west. and geodynamic history of the Collahuasi district, and
The Rosario and Ujina porphyry copper deposits a brief description of the diverse range of mineralisation
along with their associated high level vein systems and styles.
the Huinquintipa exotic deposit are owned by
Compañía Minera Doña Inés de Collahuasi SCM, District Geology
(CMDC). CMDC is owned by Falconbridge Limited Collahuasi (20°58' S and 68°43' W) is situated in the
(44%), the Anglo American (44%), and a consortium north of Chile in the Andean Cordillera about 10 km
of Japanese companies led by Mitsui and Co. Ltd from the border of Bolivia (Fig. 1). The region defines
(12%). The Quebrada Blanca Deposit is now owned an area of 64 km2 in the Western Cordillera between
by Aur Resources (76.5%), Sociedad Minera Pudahuel altitudes of 4400 m and 5000 m. The Collahuasi
LTDA (13.5%), and Enami (10%). Mineral reserves district comprises three principal stratigraphic domains
for all deposits are listed in Table 1. (Figs 2, 3). The north-trending West Fissure Fault
The geology sections of this paper were written by separates Cretaceous (Cerro Empexa Formation) and
Glen Masterman who studied the deposits as part of Jurassic sequences (Quehuita Formation) in the west
his PhD study at CODES. The sections on the from the Permo-Triassic Collahuasi Formation in the
discovery history were written by Richard Moore, an central part of the district. Extensive Cenozoic
employee of Falconbridge. ignimbrite covers the basement stratigraphy in the
north. Modern andesite stratovolcanoes define the
Collahuasi - District to deposit scale geology eastern edge of the Collahuasi Formation along the
Porphyry Cu-Mo centres in the Collahuasi district north-south trending Loa Fault. Late Eocene porphyry-
constitute the northern-most group of major deposits Cu deposits (Quebrada Blanca, Rosario and Ujina)
known to be associated with the West Fissure fault occur in the central, uplifted Collahuasi Formation.
system in northern Chile. Presently, supergene copper
ores are mined from the Quebrada Blanca and Ujina Collahuasi Formation
porphyry complexes. Additionally, secondary exotic Permian to Triassic andesite, dacite and rhyolite and
copper oxides are mined from the Huinquintipa gravel- small porphyry intrusions characterise the geology of
hosted deposit near Rosario. Historical mining focused the Collahuasi Formation. Volcanic units are
on the Cerro La Grande and Monctezuma areas where intercalated with arenites (andesitic origin) and rare
high sulfidation Cu-Ag-Au and low sulfidation Ag limestone lenses. The West Fissure defines the contact
mineralisation cropped out as high grade veins. between the western edge of the Collahuasi Formation
Rosario is the largest Cu-Mo porphyry deposit in and the Cerro Empexa Formation. The eastern edge
the Collahuasi district and provides an excellent of the Collahuasi Formation is not exposed, but is
example of high sulfidation Cu-Ag telescoping onto probably the Loa Fault. The northern termination of
the core of a porphyry system. This has enabled the Collahuasi Formation is poorly defined as the
investigation of the genetic link between the porphyry sequence is buried beneath the Huasco Ignimbrite. The
and epithermal environments, and considered a crucial Collahuasi Formation extends south to Chuquicamata,
element in the generation of high hypogene Cu grades but is absent beyond Calama (Fig. 1).

Table 1. Proven and probable mineral reserves plus production from Collahuasi district deposits.

Deposit Category tonnes % Copper

Rosario Mineral Reserves (Proven and probable 2001) 710 MT 0.93
Ujina Production to end of 2001 87 MT 1.69
Mineral Reserves (Proven and probable 2001) 1,135 MT 0.74
Production plus reserves 1,222 MT 0.81
Huinquintipa Production to end of 2001 2 MT 1.62
Mineral Reserves (Proven and probable 2001) 6 MT 1.41
Production plus reserves 8 MT 1.47
Quebrada Blanca Production to end of 2001 149 MT 1.52
Mineral Reserves (Proven and probable 2001) 132 MT 0.91
Production plus reserves 281 MT 1.23

Fig. 2. Simplified map of geology of the Collahuasi District. Note the alignment of the Rosario and Ujina porphyry centers
along the trace of a northwest-trending lineament between the West Fissure and Loa Fault.

The Collahuasi Formation was emplaced onto in an extensional setting that was initially deep water
Proterozoic to early Paleozoic basement of the Arequipa but gradually shallowed up-stratigraphy into
Terrane during the late Paleozoic (Shatwell, 1995). continental sedimentary rocks. Quehuita Formation
Deposition occurred in a continental setting, sedimentation is associated with back-arc extensional
characterised by dacitic and minor andesitic volcanism basins that formed during development of the Jurassic
(Vergara and Thomas, 1984). The Permo-Triassic arc in northern Chile.
continental topography permitted concomitant
deposition of sedimentary rocks in fluvial basins and Cerro Empexa Formation
lakes. The Cerro Empexa Formation is a north-trending,
elongate sequence of andesite and dacite lavas, volcanic
Quehuita Formation breccias, and interbedded red-bed arenites and
Sedimentary rocks of the Quehuita Formation, conglomerates (Vergara and Thomas, 1984). The West
exposed extensively west of the West Fissure, Fissure defines the eastern contact of the Cerro Empexa
unconformably overlie the Collahuasi Formation. They Formation. To the west, the Cerro Empexa Formation
consist of a lower member of deep marine mudstone unconformably overlies the Quehuita Formation
and siltstone, and an upper member of shallow marine (Jurassic). Granite stocks, dated at 95 Ma, have
to subaerial- continental limestones, calcareous intruded the Cerro Empexa Formation and led Vergara
sandstones, arenites and conglomerates (Vergara,1978; and Thomas (1984) to assign a Cretaceous age for these
Vergara and Thomas, 1984). Limestones and deep units. Continental deposition of the Cerro Empexa
marine units in the lower marine member contain fossil Formation consisted of andesitic-dacitic volcanism and
associations that indicate a Jurassic age (Vergara and simultaneous emplacement of red bed deposits in an
Thomas, 1984; Munchmeyer et al., 1984). Growth environment similar to the modern arc of the Eastern
faults in both members indicate deposition occurred Cordillera.

Fig. 3. Stratigraphic column showing lithofacies of the Collahuasi District (modified after Vergara and Thomas, 1984).

Cenozoic Rocks al., 1995). It is described by a variety of terms including
Three discrete ignimbrite bodies occur in the the West Fault (Falla Oeste), Domeyko Fault system,
northern and eastern parts of the Collahuasi district. Precordillera Fault system and West Fissure Fault
They have been dated by Vergara and Thomas (1984) system (Clark et al., 1998; Dilles et al., 1997; Kuhn
and were deposited between 17.1 and 0.75 Ma (see and Reuther, 1999; Lindsay et al., 1995; Maksaev,
Table 2). Recent andesite flows, erupted between 7.4 1990; Maksaev and Zentilli, 2000; McInnes et al.,
and 3.4 Ma (Vergara and Thomas, 1984), originated 1999; Munchmeyer et al., 1984; Reutter et al., 1996;
from stratovolcanoes that define the position of the Richards et al., 2001; Scheuber et al., 1994; Scheuber
modern arc. and Reutter, 1992; Tomlinson and Blanco, 1997a;
Vergara and Thomas, 1984). The terminology “west”
Intrusive rocks is derived from the type locality at the Chuquicamata
Intrusive bodies ranging in composition from mine where a single branch of this fault system defines
diorite to monzonite, granodiorite and granite occur the western margin of the deposit. In the Collahuasi
throughout the Collahuasi District (Munchmeyer et district, several porphyry Cu-Mo deposits are spatially
al., 1984; Vergara and Thomas, 1984). Pre-continental associated with the West Fissure. These include the
arc Paleozoic granite and granodiorite are restricted to Quebrada Blanca, Rosario and Ujina intrusive centers.
the Collahuasi Formation. Late Cretaceous–early Further south, the Domeyko Fault (southern
Tertiary quartz diorite and granodiorite occur through- continuation of the West Fissure) played a significant
out the Cerro Empexa, Quehuita and Collahuasi role in the emplacement of the El Abra, Radimiro
Formations. These were succeeded by late Eocene Tomic, Chuquicamata, Mansa Mina, La Escondida and
porphyry-Cu quartz-monzonite intrusions emplaced El Salvador intrusive complexes.
exclusively within the Collahuasi Formation Disagreement over displacement sense and
(Munchmeyer et al., 1984; Vergara and Thomas, magnitude has complicated resolution of the timing
1984). and origin of the West Fissure. Tomlinson and Blanco
(1997) argued that the West Fissure developed as a
Structure through–going fault system in the Precordillera
Two major faults have segmented the Collahuasi between 37–34 Ma. Before this, Precordillera faulting
district into three principal tectonic units (Fig. 4). The consisted of a series of isolated and semi-detached
central, uplifted block of Collahuasi Formation dextral fault segments that developed during the Incaic
corresponds with the northward continuation of the shortening event (45–37 Ma.). This coincided with
Precordillera (known also as the Domeyko Cordillera) east-west folding and inversion of trench-parallel
that is bound to the west by the West Fissure fault detachment faults along the edge of the Jurassic back-
system (Masterman, 2000). At Collahuasi, the eastern arc during rapid convergence (Padilla-Garza, 1998).
edge of the Precordillera is defined by the active Propagation and coalescence of the West Fissure is
volcanic front of the Western Cordillera. West of the though to have occurred under slowed convergence
West Fissure, sedimentary and volcanic units of the rates during the late Eocene-early Oligocene
Cerro Empexa and Quehuita Formations are isoclinally (Tomlinson and Blanco, 1997).
folded and dip steeply into the Longitudinal Valley. Post-mineralisation sinistral strike-slip movement
on the West Fissure has cut in two the Chuquicamata
West Fissure/Domeyko Fault System Intrusive Complex, juxtaposing it with the barren
The West Fissure consists of numerous regional- Fortuna Intrusive Complex (35–36 Ma; (Zentilli and
scale fault segments that occur along a narrow north- Maksaev, 1995). The other part of the Chuquicamata
south corridor traceable for over 2000 km (Lindsay et orebody has never been discovered. Stratigraphic

Table 2. Cenozoic Ignimbrites of the Collahuasi District (Vergara and Thomas, 1984).

Unit Age
Pastillos Ignimbrite 0.75 ± 0.2 Ma., K-Ar (Bi)
Ujina Ignimbrite 9.3 ± 0.4 Ma., K-Ar (Bi)
Huasco Ignimbrite 17.1 ± 0.8 Ma – 14.5 ± 0.5 Ma., K-Ar (Bi)

Open, upright folds in the Collahuasi Formation
have north to northwest axial trends (Fig. 5). The
Mesozoic sequences west of the West Fissure are more
intensely folded than the Collahuasi Formation. In the
least competent Jurassic sedimentary rocks of the
Quehuita Formation, tight and upright (in places
overturned) folding has resulted in orogen-parallel,
subvertical stratigraphy (Vergara and Thomas, 1984).
Further south, in the Sierra de Moreno, Z-shaped
vertical folds are developed where north-trending
strike-slip faults cut the north-striking vertical strata
(Reutter et al., 1996). The Cenozoic formations in the
northern and eastern areas of the Collahuasi district
have not been deformed.

Minor Faults
A system of north- to NNE-trending subvertical
faults cut the volcanic stratigraphy south of Rosario
(Fig. 5). Some of these faults have localised high
sulfidation Cu-Ag-Au and low sulfidation Ag mineral-
isation. Munchmeyer et al. (1984) suggested that
Fig. 4. Tectonostatigraphic domains from Collahuasi to development of the La Grande and Monctezuma fault
Calama (modified after Kuhn and Reuther, 1999). The West systems was related to strike-slip movement on the West
Fissure broadly defines the contact between the Fissure. A second group of faults striking northwest
Precordillera and the Longitudinal Valley. (dipping 45°–50° SW) occur at Rosario (Fig. 5). These
faults also localised high sulfidation Cu-Ag-Au mineral-
reconstructions across the West Fissure north of isation and possibly influenced the emplacement of
Chuquicamata indicate 35–37 km of post-mineral- the Rosario Intrusive Complex (Masterman, 2000;
isation sinistral strike-slip displacement (Tomlinson Masterman, 2001).
and Blanco, 1997; Dilles et al., 1997). Based on At Quebrada Blanca, a series of shallow southwest-
(U-Th)/He thermochronometry, McInnes et al. (1999) dipping faults have imposed structural control on late
estimated approximately 600 m vertical displacement hydrothermal veins (Hunt et al., 1983; Rowland and
on the West Fissure at Chuquicamata. The western Wilkinson, 1998). This orientation corresponds with
crustal block containing the Fortuna Granodiorite was the SOUTHWEST-dipping fault system at Rosario.
uplifted to an altitude of 3600 m. Topography adjacent The northeast-trending Quebrada Blanca Fault cuts
to the West Fissure does not reach this altitude porphyry-style mineralisation, but may have developed
suggesting that the western portion of the orebody was before intrusion of the porphyries thus influencing their
either eroded, or displaced by considerable post- emplacement (Johny Bonilla: chief geologist CMQB,
mineral strike-slip displacement. Assuming all the pers. com. 2000) The Quebrada Blanca Fault bends
displacement was accommodated on a single strand of around the northwest quadrant of the Quebrada Blanca
the West Fissure, then the other half of the intrusive complex into the Quebrada Agua del Mote
Chuquicamata intrusive complex would have been Fault (Fig. 5).
placed south of Calama in a sinistral wrench system.
Uplift and Deformation History
Loa Fault System (LFS) Tectonic uplift to the present height of the
The LFS splays from the Domeyko Fault System Precordillera resulted from increased convergence rates
north of El Abra (Clark et al., 1998, Figs 2 and 6), during the Neogene (Isacks, 1988). However, Maksaev
where it occurs as a series of concave to the west arcuate and Zentilli (2000) suggested that tectonic uplift was
faults (inverted basin structures). These structures, active as early as Eocene time, coinciding with porphyry
though not well exposed, extend north along the trace copper emplacement between 41 and 30 Ma. Based
of the Loa River. At Collahuasi, the LFS passes to the on apatite fission track data, Maksaev and Zentilli
east of Ujina beneath the Ujina Ignimbrite. Several (2000) estimated 4–5 km of erosion during exhum-
Collahuasi drill holes have intersected the LFS, where ation of the Domeyko Cordillera between the middle
it cuts the La Profunda Granite. Eocene to early Oligocene. This corresponds with the

Fig. 5. Generalized
geology of the
Quebrada Blanca and
Rosario areas (after
Munchmeyer et al.,
age and duration of crustal thickening and erosion isation is associated with several generations of igneous
associated with the Incaic compressive event. The activity. These are described in Table 3.
fission track apatite ages of the Chuquicamata and El
Abra porphyry copper deposits are concordant with Rosario
their 40Ar/ 39Ar dates, implying fast cooling and The Rosario porphyry center intruded close to the
negligible exhumation of shallow mineralising systems position of the Permo-Triassic unconformity, which
(2–3 km). Maksaev and Zentilli (2000) estimated uplift separates the La Grande Unit from the Condor Unit
rates to be 200 to 100 m/Ma in the Domeyko (Fig. 7). The southwest-dipping Rosario fault system
Cordillera during this period. cuts both the northeast-dipping unconformity and the
At least two deformation events are recognised in Rosario intrusive complex (Fig. 6; Masterman, 2000;
the Collahuasi district. Brittle fault development and Masterman 2001). The La Grande Unit is distin-
reactivation post-date north-trending folds guished by predominantly andesitic volcanic facies,
(Masterman, 2001). The Incaic compression, induced whereas the Condor Unit consists of abundant dacite
by an increase in the rate of oblique-northeast and minor sedimentary beds that contain carbonate
subduction (Reutter et al., 1996), generated east–west lenses. Intrusive activity at Rosario is summarised from
shortening and tight to open folding with north and youngest to oldest in Table 4.
NNE axial trends.
The development of the Rosario and La Grande- Ujina
Monctezuma Fault systems in folded stratigraphy of The host rocks at Ujina are laterally equivalent to
the Collahuasi district imply rapid uplift of the the La Grande Unit. The local stratigraphy consists of
Collahuasi Formation through the brittle-ductile a thick basal andesite (possibly several flows), overlain
transition during the same tectonic event. The Rosario by rhyolite and sedimentary breccia (Bisso et al., 1998).
and La Grande-Monctezuma faults possibly formed The Inca Porphyry occurs as a series of north- and
as a conjugate fault system (Masterman, 2001). northwest-trending dykes that intruded the Ujina
Porphyry (Fig. 8). There is no age data for the weakly
Geology of the Quebrada Blanca, Rosario and mineralised Inca Porphyry, but it is interpreted to have
Ujina Intrusive Complexes intruded the Ujina Porphyry before the cessation of
The Quebrada Blanca, Rosario, and Ujina porphyry hydrothermal activity. Intrusive activity at Ujina is
centers define a broad east-trending corridor between summarised in Table 5.
the West Fissure and Loa faults (Fig. 6). At Rosario,
high-grade, massive sulfide (Cu-Ag-Au) veins overprint Mineralisation and Alteration in the
porphyry-style Cu-Mo mineralisation. Similar high Collahuasi District
sulfidation veins occur in the La Grande and Poderosa
areas south and southeast of Rosario respectively. Low Quebrada Blanca
sulfidation Ag mineralisation occurs in a 3–5 km long, At Quebrada Blanca, copper ore is mined pre-
semi-continuous quartz vein along the Monctezuma dominantly from the supergene zone. A detailed
Fault. description of hypogene mineralisation styles is
presented in Rowland (1998). Early chalcopyrite-
Quebrada Blanca bornite mineralisation at Quebrada Blanca is associated
The Quebrada Blanca intrusive complex is hosted with the quartz monzonite stock and a porphyry dyke
by a Permian granite batholith that intruded a north- suite, whereas late chalcopyrite-molybdenite-pyrite
trending anticline of folded Collahuasi Formation mineralisation is associated with the cross-cutting
volcanic units (Fig.5; Munchmeyer et al., 1984; igneous and hydrothermal breccia bodies (Rowland,
Rowland and Wilkinson, 1998). The volcanic strati- 1998; Rowland and Wilkinson, 1998; Hunt et al.,
graphy consists of several andesite flows interfingered 1983). Quebrada Blanca vein and alteration paragenesis
with epivolcaniclastic sandstone of andesitic origin. is detailed in Table 6.
Rhyolitic and dacitic pyroclastic rocks overlie the The Quebrada Blanca stock is intensely biotite
andesite and sandstone units (Hunt et al., 1983). Field altered along its northern contact. Hunt et al. (1983)
relationships suggest that the contact separating the defined this facies as a discrete mafic (diorite) intrusion.
rhyolite and dacite units from the underlying andesite Disseminated bornite-chalcopyrite mineralisation is
succession is a Jurassic unconformity (Munchmeyer et spatially associated with potassic alteration in the
al., 1984). granodiorite core of the quartz monzonite intrusion.
The mineralised intrusions define an ENE-trend The highest molybdenite grades occur along the
that cuts the axis of the anticline. Copper mineral- Quebrada Blanca Fault. Potassic alteration grades out

Fig. 6. Simplified map of the Collahuasi district showing the location of the Quebrada Blanca, Rosario and Ujina
intrusive complexes as well as the La Grande and Monctezuma epithermal veins systems.

Fig. 7. North-south cross-section through the Rosario deposit showing the

Permo-Triassic country rock stratigraphy, the Collahuasi, Ines and Rosario
porphyries and the Rosario fault system (modified after Munchmeyer et al.,

Fig. 8. Northwest-southeast cross-section though the Ujina intrusive complex showing Permo-Triassic
host rock stratigraphy intruded by the Ujina and Inca porphyries (modified from Collahuasi
Prefeasability Study, 1993).

Table 3. Pre-, syn- and post-mineralization intrusions at Quebrada Blanca (Hunt et al., 1983; Rowland and Wilkinson, 1998).

Intrusion Composition Relationship to mineralization

Andesite dykes Plagioclase-hematite-magnetite Post-mineralization (?)
Igneous and hydrothermal breccias I gneous: monzonite and porphyry clasts Syn-mineralization
in quartz-biotite-kspar-sulfide matrix
Hydrothermal: porphyritic clasts in
quartz-sericite-sulfide matrix
Mafic dykes Plagioclase-biotite-amphibole, trace Syn-mineralization
Porphyritic dykes Quartz-feldspar with accessory biotite- Syn-mineralization
Quartz-monzonite stock Quartz monzonite grades to granodiorite Pre- to syn– mineralization
in the center of the intrusion
35 Ma. (Maksaev, 1990; Maksaev et al.,

Table 4. Pre-, syn- and post-mineralization intrusions at Rosario (Clark et al., 1998; Munchmeyer et al., 1984; Vergara, 1978).

Intrusion Age Composition Relationship to mineralization

Rosario Porphyry (RPO) 34.2 ± 1.5 (K-Ar whole rock; (Munchmeyer et al., 1984) - 32.9 ± 0.5 Ma. (Ar-Ar: hydrothermal
biotite; Clark et al., 1998) Quartz monzonite Syn-mineralization
Collahuasi Porphyry (PCO) 59 Ma. (K-Ar: whole rock; (Vergara, 1978) Quartz monzonite
Ines Porphyry (PIN) Permo-Triassic (?) Dacite Pre-mineralization

Table 5. Syn- and post-mineralization intrusions at Ujina (Bisso et al., 1998).

Intrusion Age Composition Relation ship to mineralization

Inca Porphyry (PCA) ? Quartz latite Syn- to post-mineralization
Ujina Porphyry (PUJ) 34 Ma (analytical technique unknown; (Cornejo et al., 1997) Quartz monzonite

Table 6. Summary of vein paragenesis at QB (after Rowland and Wilkinson, 1999; Hunt et al., 1983).

Stage Vein mineralogy Alteration zone

Pre-ore Biotite-magnetite ± potassic halo
Early Quartz-kspar-anhydrite-magnetite-sulfides ± potassic or sericitic halo
Quartz ± potassic/sericitic halo
Hydrothermal breccias Quartz-molybdenite-chalcopyrite ± anhydrite
± sericitic halo
Tourmaline breccias Tourmaline-chalcopyrite-bornite-molybdenite-pyrite
Late Pyrite > quartz Strong sericitic to argillic halo

Table 7. Vein and alteration paragenesis at Rosario (Masterman, 2000; Lee, 1994).

Stage Vein Infill Wall-rock Alteration Halo

Pre-ore magmatic Magnetite-albite Albite
Early hydrothermal Quartz-chalcopyrite-bornite- K-feldspar-biotite
Intermediate hydrothermal Quartz-chalcopyrite-pyrite Sericite-chlorite-quartz
Late hydrothermal Bornite-tennantite-chalcopyrite-pyrite Pyrophyllite-alunite

to chlorite-epidote in the southern sector of the deposit Rosario

(Hunt et al., 1983). A funnel-shaped zone of pervasive Multiple generations of mineralisation and alter-
sericite alteration surrounds the vuggy hydrothermal ation occurred at Rosario (Masterman, 2000;
breccia unit (Rowland, 1998). Secondary copper- Masterman, 2001; Lee, 1994). These are grouped into
arsenic oxide minerals occur at the top of the hydro- three main paragenetic stages described in Table 7. The
thermal breccia body in the supergene zone (Johny distribution of alteration facies is shown in Figure 9a.
Bonilla, chief geologist CMQB, pers. com., 2000) Early-stage hydrothermal alteration and mineral-
suggesting they were derived by oxidation of primary isation occurs in all rock units, overprinting widespread
copper-sulfosalt minerals. The vuggy breccia zone and disseminated and vein magnetite-albite. Ore minerals
associated copper-sulfosalts may have originated from consist of a central chalcopyrite-bornite zone grading
hydrothermal fluids of high sulfidation character. out to chalcopyrite-only (Masterman, 2000).
At least two tourmaline breccia bodies containing Intermediate-stage veins extensively overprint early
chalcopyrite are defined on the northern and eastern stage mineralisation and alteration assemblages
margins of the intrusive complex (Rowland and (Masterman 2000). Based on underground mapping,
Wilkinson, 1999). Their relationship to breccia bodies Lee (1994) recognised that intermediate-stage veins
in the central mineralised zone at Quebrada Blanca is occurred in steep and shallow southwest-dipping
unclear, however Hunt et al. (1983) speculated that orientations. He interpreted them to be a conjugate
tourmaline breccias postdate igneous breccias in the vein set that developed during extension on the Rosario
core of the Quebrada Blanca complex. Fault (Lee, 1994).

Fig. 9a. Northeast-southwest cross-section through the Rosario deposit showing
distribution of alteration facies (modified after Munchmeyer et al., 1984).

Fig. 9b. Imaged copper grade distribution on the same section through the
Rosario deposit (modified from Collahuasi Prefeasability Study, 1993).

Late-stage massive sulfide veins are localised by the This interval grades between 500 and 1000 g/t Ag,
Rosario Fault System (Masterman, 2000). These veins and passes down dip into hypogene mineralisation
define a southwest-dipping high grade zone where grading 200–500 g/t Ag. (Munchmeyer et al. 1984).
copper grades increase locally above 10% (Fig. 9b).
Vein sulfide associations consist of pyrite-bornite- Ujina
chalcopyrite-tennantite and accessory chalcocite- Sulfide mineralisation at Ujina is concentrically
covellite-mawsonite (Cu6Fe2SnS8)-colusite (Cu3(As, zoned about the Ujina Porphyry. DeBeer and Dick
Sn,V,Fe)S4). Proximal pyrophyllite-alunite-dickite- (1994) described a low sulfide core of chalcopyrite-
quartz alteration grades outward through muscovite- bornite grading outwards through chalcopyrite-pyrite
quartz to distal epidote-chlorite alteration (Masterman, to an outer pyrite shell. Hypogene copper distribution
2000; Masterman, 2001). is also concentrically zoned, with the highest Cu grades
Ar/ 39 Ar dates determined for early-stage forming an annulus about the low sulfide potassic core
hydrothermal biotite and late-stage hydrothermal (Fig. 10a.; Bisso et al., 1998). The high-grade zone
yielded indistinguishable ages of 32.9 ± 0.5 Ma. and coincides with the cylindrical contact made by the
32.9 ± 0.6 Ma. respectively (Clark et el., 1998). The Ujina Porphyry with the Collahuasi Formation host
absence of a clear hiatus between the early and late rocks.
mineralisation events at Rosario indicated this At Ujina, sericite-quartz alteration coincides with
extremely large hydrothermal center was emplaced over the high-grade hypogene Cu annulus (Fig. 10b). It
a short time interval. overprints a central orthoclase-biotite facies and grades
out to regional chlorite-epidote alteration (Bisso et al.,
La Grande, Capela and Poderosa Vein Systems 1998).
The mineralisation and alteration styles at La
Grande, Capela and Poderosa are similar to the late- Huinquintipa
stage hydrothermal veins at Rosario. The distribution Originating from Rosario, the Huinquintipa
of these vein systems is shown in Figure 6. At La palaeodrainage system strikes broadly east-west. Gravels
Grande, massive sulfide veins consist of pyrite-bornite- were transported from the east and impregnated with
chalcocite-enargite with accessory mawsonite and exotic copper oxide minerals following deposition in
colusite (Masterman 2001). Alteration facies consist the palaeochannel ENRfu (Munchmeyer, 1996). The
of proximal advanced argillic associations (pyrophyllite- present drainage system has dissected the original
alunite-dickite) that grade outward through sericite- deposit resulting in the preservation of several isolated
quartz to epidote-chlorite alteration (Masterman, mineralised bodies (Munchmeyer et al., 1984).
2001). Economic copper mineralisation at Huinquintipa
The Capela vein group occurs southeast of Rosario occurs over an area of 1 km by 150 m, averaging 10 m
and is characterised by a series of massive pyrite veins, thick (Figs 5, 11). Zonation of exotic copper species
locally enriched in copper. The copper-silver veins at and hydrothermal alteration minerals is evident along
Poderosa lie along a NNW-trending structure that is the 6km length of the palaeochannel (Munchmeyer,
rotated parallel to the Rosario Fault at the Rosario 1996). Near Rosario, the gravels are unaltered and
deposit. Vein sulfide associations consist of bornite- cemented by abundant limonite. Two kilometres from
tennantite-chalcopyrite-enargite-pyrite (Munchmeyer Rosario, pervasively kaolinised gravel fragments are
et al., 1984). cemented by copper wad and kaolinite. At
Huinquintipa, weakly altered to unaltered gravel
Monctezuma fragments are cemented by chrysocolla and accessory
The Monctezuma vein dips subvertically to the west copper wad. The mineralised area has terminated
and has been traced along surface and intersected in abruptly at the transition from the palaeochannel into
drill holes over a total strike length of 7 km. The vein a small palaeobasin (1.5 km wide, 100 m deep).
varies in width from 1–5 m, and crops out as banded, Munchmeyer (1996) interpreted that increasing pH
cockade quartz that has been impregnated by (due to rock-fragment reaction and possibly fluid
manganese oxides and limonite. Below the base of mixing) triggered deposition of exotic copper at
surface oxidation, sphalerite, pyrite, galena and Huinquintipa. The fluids were strongly diluted when
chalcopyrite occur with accessory polybasite, they entered the palaeobasin preventing further
argentopyrite, argentite, stephanite, tetrahedrite, and significant copper precipitation.
native silver and gold in a quartz-rhodochrosite gangue.
In a 1km segment of the vein, several Collahuasi drill
holes have intersected a narrow (20–30 m) vertical
enrichment zone that occurs at the base of oxidation.

Fig. 10a. Gridded image of copper grades on section 126NE at Ujina (modified from Collahuasi Prefeasability Study, 1993).

Fig. 10b. Northwest-southeast cross-section showing distribution of alteration facies at Ujina (modified from Collahuasi
Prefeasability Study, 1993).

Fig. 11. Surface geology and north-south cross section through the Huinquintipa exotic copper deposit (after Munchmeyer et al., 1984).
Origin of the Collahuasi District Porphyry from Collahuasi. Within these ruins a copper smelting
Copper Deposits facility was located, along with crude copper jewellery.
In the Collahuasi District, basement architecture The first recorded production comes from the
controlled the emplacement of late-Eocene intrusive 1890s when 20,000 tons of silver ore were mined and
complexes. The Rosario and Ujina deposits were shipped from the Monctezuma veins. Underground
emplaced along a northwest-striking lineament (visible mines were developed at La Grande in 1899 and shortly
in Landsat/SPOT imagery) that intersected the West afterwards at the copper-rich Poderosa vein system
Fissure north of Quebrada Blanca (Lee, 1994; Fig. 2). (Fig. 6). Ore grades from the La Grande and Poderosa
Brittle deformation at Quebrada Blanca, Rosario and vein systems averaged between 23 and 32% Cu plus
La Grande localised late-stage metalliferous 7–10 ounces/ton Ag. A spur line from the Antofagasta-
hydrothermal fluids in strike-slip faults. Multiple Bolivia railroad to Poderosa and La Grande was
reactivation of the Rosario and La Grande fault systems completed in 1907. At this time, more than 15
was crucial in generating high grades at Rosario and companies were exploring and developing vein type
La Grande as they gave hydrothermal fluids repeated mineralisation in the district. A map of the area dating
access to the mineralised system (Masterman 2000; from 1905 shows the location of many of these mines
2001). and the infrastructure (Fig. 12). Because of the
Early potassic and late low pH hydrothermal continuity of the Poderosa vein, it became the largest
alteration at Rosario-La Grande clearly indicate a signi- producer in the district, and in 1910, produced 23,241
ficant contribution from a magmatic-hydrothermal metric tons grading 21.5% Cu and 7 oz/ton Ag. That
reservoir as do initial Os isotope data (Mathur et al., year the total district production was 41,237 metric
2000). No data are currently available that indicate tons grading 22.65% Cu, which was 25% of the entire
external fluids contributed significantly to the metal annual Chilean production. During the height of
budgets of the Collahuasi porphyry deposits. The activity between 1907 and 1920, over 2000 people
superposition of advanced argillic assemblages onto lived and worked at Collahuasi.
early potassic alteration indicates that they were discrete During the early part of the Twentieth Century,
events (Masterman, 2001). Telescoped epithermal the underground mines at La Grande and Poderosa
mineralisation required rapid uplift and exhumation were operated by French and English companies. In
of the Rosario intrusive complex to the crustal level of 1923 the operations were merged to form the Poderosa
the epithermal environment. Mining Company which continued to extract copper
Geochronologic evidence from Quebrada Blanca, ore until 1930, when, due to low prices brought on by
Rosario and Ujina suggests that in the Collahuasi the depression, the mines were forced to close. Until
district, hydrothermal activity migrated eastward over that time, the copper veins at Collahuasi represented
a period of ca 3–4 m.y. and became more potent with the third most important copper producer in Chile.
time (Clark et al. 1998). Clark et al. (1998) speculated The Quebrada Blanca area was worked by artisan
that Chuquicamata, La Escondida and Rosario, the miners for gold in the period 1905 to 1930, during
three largest West Fissure-associated Cu-Mo porphyry the heyday of the Poderosa Mining Company at
systems, were emplaced simultaneously towards the Collahuasi. However, it was not until the late 1950s
final stages of the late Eocene-early Oligocene orogenic that significant attention returned to the Quebrada
event. Assuming the absence of Tertiary volcanic rocks Blanca area when the Chilean subsidiary of Anaconda,
signifies there was no coeval volcanism in the the Chile Exploration Company, staked claims over
Collahuasi district during the late Eocene, it is the area (Hunt and Bratt, 1981). The target was chosen
contemplated that the large porphyry magmas did not for follow-up on a regional airborne colour photo-
vent prohibiting dispersion of magmatic volatiles. This graphy survey along the West Fissure fault system.
closed system behavior possibly promoted development Geologists from the Chile Exploration Company
of the massive hydrothermal centers responsible for produced the first geological maps and predicted the
the giant porphyry-Cu deposits in the Collahuasi existence of a secondary enrichment blanket (Hunt and
district. Bratt, 1981).


Evidence for the earliest exploitation of copper at Part 1: The initial choice of the Collahuasi
Collahuasi was identified during environmental District
baseline studies (von Fersen, 1993). Archaeologists The involvement of Falconbridge in the Collahuasi
identified an important Inca settlement, probably District resulted from its relationship to Superior Oil.
dating from around 1400 AD just a few kilometres Howard Keck, the Chairman of Superior Oil, had been

Figure 12. Map circa 1905 showing the Collahuasi District and associated deposits and workings. Original
source unknown. “Mina” means mine.

invited to invest in Chile by the Pinochet government investment. They were: Quebrada Blanca, Andacollo,
shortly after the military coup in 1973. Thus the first La Quanaca, El Abra, Copoquire, Cerro Colorado, Los
‘enabling’ political event that ultimately led to Pelambres, and Sierra del Jardin. In January and
Falconbridge’s position in Chile came about as a result February field trips were undertaken by a Falconbridge
of the nationalisation of the Chilean copper industry contingent, including Ash Clark, Lorne Wrigglesworth,
by the government of Salvador Allende in 1971. A list Bill Snow, Pat Raleigh, and John Mortimer, to evaluate
of significant political “enabling” events is given in the properties. The results of these investigations are
Table 8. summarised in Table 9.
The Pinochet government promised to change the The Quebrada Blanca and Los Pelambres projects
investment laws that were put in place by the former were chosen for further consideration. Finally, Ash
regime so investment would once again flow into Chile. Clark of Falconbridge summed up the result of those
Superior Oil was initially interested in investing in investigations in a memo dated 27 February 1974:
agriculture. However, the company also controlled It is recommended the Company negotiate a deal to
37% of Falconbridge through it’s ownership of do the diamond drilling on this property (Quebrada
McIntyre Mines and as a result, Falconbridge was Blanca) with the right to exploit it if economical.
invited by Superior Oil to a meeting in Santiago in This is the best non-drilled prospect visited but it is
December 1973 to review potential mining invest- definitely only a prospect at this stage.
ments in Chile. At the time, Falconbridge was In June 1974, Falconbridge sent a letter to the
interested in the El Abra deposit which had been Chilean government expressing interest in investing
reported in the 1 October 1973 issue of Metal Week to in Quebrada Blanca as a joint venture with Superior
contain 1.5 billion tonnes grading 0.8 to 1.0 % Cu. Oil, with Falconbridge as the operator of the project.
Falconbridge was represented at this meeting by Marsh At this time, copper prices were at a relative all time
Cooper, President, and Geoff Mitchell, Vice President high (Fig. 13). A list of ensuing pertinent Corporate
Exploration. and Joint Venture events is shown in Table 10 and a
A second meeting was held in January, 1974, in chronology of significant technical events is shown in
which the Chilean government presented to Table 11.
Falconbridge eight projects that were available for


Copper Price US cents / lb

Part 1
Part 2

Part 4
Part 3

Collahuasi Properties Acquired

QB Acquired
first visits QB
Ujina discovery
Chevron / Shell JV formed Initial Production













Figure 13. Copper prices from 1960 until 1999 showing timing of discovery sequence, and significant corporate events.
Light line, US dollars of the day and heavy line constant 1999 US dollars.

Table 8. Political events critical to decreasing political risk and thus enabling the discovery of the Collahuasi district
porphyry copper deposits
Date “Enabling” Political Events

1971 Expropr iation of Chilean Mining Industry by Allende Government

1973 Agusto Pinochet overthrows Allende government in military coup

March, 1977 Passage of new Chilean Foreign Investment Law

January, 1978 75% of Chileans give General Pinochet support in General Referendum

April, 1978 A general amnesty is given to individuals convicted by the military court after the 1973 coup
1990 General Pinochet loses general election, and allows transfer of power to elected officials

Table 9. Summary of conclusions from 1974 examination of 8 projects presented to the Superior Oil/Falconbridge Group for
investment in Chile

Andacolla Would be a local political football

Sierra del Jardin Small with little potential
La Quanaca Small with little potential
Hypogene zones extends to depth so much larger mineral inventory in the .50% Cu range.
Anhydrite causes trouble as it has recemented the mineralized pipe and the ground will not block
Potrerillos cave. In last years of operation costs for block caving rose from 60 cents per ton to about $2.00 per
ton. Economics seriously affected by this situation. Bulk leaching of caved area not recommended
because of recovery problems.
Pampa Norte A natural to feed into the Chuquicamata operation. No place for an independent operation.
Too closely tied to the Chuquicamata operation. Water, power, personnel, transportation, etc.,
El Abra would always be tied to what Chuqui is doing or needs. Too close to Codelco controlled personnel.
Big tonnage but grade not exciting.
Good property. Easy to construct access road to the west where Pampa areas within 15 km to 20
Quebrada Blanca km would make ideal town and plant sites. All infrastructure would be tied to your operation.
Water to the eas t, but not sufficient to exploit. Potential for large tonnage of secondary
Project appears good. Chances for secondary enrichment under the mountain to the east appear
very good. A good port area exists at Los Vilos. Salamanca and other villages reasonable by Chilean
Los Pelambres standards. Valley cuts well down into the primary zone so we should be careful of concentric
vertical fracturing concentrating the mineralization and not drill vertical holes for evaluation.
Definition on 100 m centres good. Exploration on 300 m to 400 metre centres is adequate
Table 10. List of Corporate and Joint Venture events critical to the exploration of the Quebrada Blanca - Collahuasi -
Ujina discoveries

Year Summary of Corporate and Joint Venture Events

1973 Superior Oil enlists Falconbridge to select and develop a copper project for investment in Chile.
Joint Venture formed between Sup erior Oil, Falconbridge Limited, Canadian Superior Oil and
McIntyre Mines (Nevada) Limited to acquire and explore the Quebrada Blanca property.
1982 Near bankruptcy of Falconbridge.
1984 Quebrada Blanca property returned to Enami.
1985 Superior Oil purchased by Mobil O il.
1985 New Joint Venture formed between Falconbridge Limited, Chevron, and Shell Chile.
1988 Falconbridge purchases Mobil Oil’s residual interest in Collahuasi for US$10 million.
1989 Noranda and Trelleborg purchase Falconbridge.
1992 Chevron sells interest in Collahuasi to Minorco.

1994 Falconbridge becomes a public company once more when Trelleborg sells its 50% interest in
Falconbridge to the public.
1995 Shell Chile sells its interest in Collahuasi to Minorco and Falconbridge.
Falconbridge and Minorco jointly sell 12% of the project to a Japanese consortium headed by

Table 11. Chronology of significant technical events in the discovery histories of the Collahuasi
district porphyry copper deposits

Year Significant Technical Events

1959 Chile Exploration Company (Anaconda) examines and maps Quebrada Blanca property
1974 Chile government offers 8 properties to Superior Oil/Falconbridge group for investment
1974 Falconbridge evaluation team visits Chilean properties
1974 Ash Clark recommends that Quebrada Blanca be chosen as the property for exploration
Falconbridge expresses interest to the Chilean Government for investment in the Quebrada
1974 Blanca project as a joint venture with Superior Oil
1975 Codelco drills hole into the QB alteration zone intersecting blanket of secondary sulfides
1975 John Hunt visits the property and makes independent recommendations to Superior Oil

1976 Definite interest expressed by Superior Oil/Falconbridge Group to the Chilean government for
acquisition, exploration and development of Quebrada Blanca
1977 Detailed agreement signed between Superior O il/Falconbridge Group and Codelco
October 1977 First hole in QB by JV intersects 28 m of 2.02% Cu

April 1979 Collahuasi properties are acquired for the Superior Oil/Falconbridge Group on the
recommendation of John Hunt
September 1979 Discovery of the Rosario porphyry copper deposit on the first drill hole
1979 IP survey conducted over Rosario proving the utility of the technique
1983 Three holes drilled into the Ujina alteration zone. No significant copper sulfides are encountered
Chevron/Shell Joint Venture work focussed on shaft sinking on Rosario Vein to exploit “high
1985 to 1989
grade Rosario Vein”.
1990 IP lines proposed to cover Rosario alteration and mineralization and Ujina alteration zone
1991 Landsat interpretation completed
1991 IP survey carried out over the Ujina area
Discovery Hole drilled into the Ujina porphyry copper deposit (seventh hole, three holes in 1982
and the fourth hole in 1991)

As a result of the Clark memo, negotiations began Quebrada Blanca. In his first budget memo from July
with the Chilean government for the Quebrada Blanca 4th 1977, John Hunt states:
concession. In the meantime, geologists of the Chilean Strongly mineralised and altered outcrops of
Geological Survey carried out their own geophysical granodiorite and breccia occupy an area about 1 km
and geochemical surveys, and in 1975 a hole drilled by 0.7 km in size on Gavilan Ridge and in upper
by the Chuquicamata Division of Codelco-Chile Quebrada Oxidos, and extended east and southeast
penetrated 12 m averaging 1.39% Cu in secondarily beneath gravel cover for an undetermined distance.
enriched sulfide ore. Favorable indicators observed within this area
In 1975, John Hunt visited the property on behalf include: strong original potassic alteration and
of the Superior Oil Co. and reported: subsequent pervasive sericitic alteration: relatively
Quebrada Blanca is one of the best untested prospects abundant quartz veining; microscopic traces of bornite
in Chile. Samples of excellent primary mineralisation and chalcopyrite bearing relict sulfides assemblages
and secondary chalcocite enrichment are exposed in in the leached capping; and several geochemical
old dumps at the property. Drill hole #1 was stopped molybdenum anomalies. The indicated target is a
in chalcocite enriched ore assaying 2.2% Cu. I believe major secondary enrichment blanket beneath about
the property has the potential for more than 100 100 m of leached capping. Fourteen initial diamond
million tons plus 1% secondarily enriched ore. drill holes have been laid out, and drilling can begin
Later on in the report John Hunt also added: as soon as the first week of August.
A large number of copper and gold prospects and old The first hole was collared on October 10, 1977,
mines are present in the region around Quebrada and from 118 m to 150 m intersected 28 m grading
Blanca. The largest of these is Collahuasi, an 2.02% Cu. By the time the first 16 holes had been
interesting copper-gold vein district. Should Superior drilled, it was estimated that the deposit contained
become active at Quebrada Blanca the potential of approximately 140 million tons of enriched copper ore.
these properties gradually should be evaluated, but On the political front, significant improvements
on a low priority basis. had occurred. A general referendum took place in
In April of 1976, definite interest in Quebrada January 1978, in which the majority of Chileans gave
Blanca was presented to the Chilean government by General Pinochet support to continue running the
the Superior Oil/Falconbridge Joint Venture group. In government. Meanwhile, John Hunt had been lobby-
January 1977, a general agreement had been worked ing the Joint Venture to acquire the land around the
out, and in March 1977, the Chilean government old Poderosa workings and the old copper vein deposits
passed the new foreign investment law. In July 1977, in the Collahuasi district. Finally, in September 1978
the detailed agreement was signed. The properties were the management committee gave John Hunt per-
to be held in a Chilean subsidiary company called Cia. mission to negotiate for the Collahuasi properties.
Exploradora Doña Inés Ltd which was owned by the At Quebrada Blanca, by May of 1979, 144 million
Joint Venture. By October, the first hole was completed tons grading 1.4% Cu had been outlined and it was
and it intersected 32 m of high grade chalcocite- now apparent that Quebrada Blanca would not be the
enriched ore grading 2.17% Cu. giant deposit that had been hoped for. In a 31 June
1979 memo by J.M. Langton of Superior Oil:
Part 2: The Superior Oil/Falconbridge Group … Our goal was to find a ‘typical’ high grade Chilean
Joint Venture deposit that would substantially reduce the high capital
The Superior Oil/Falconbridge Joint Venture consisted risk of placing an ‘orebody’ in production. Therefore, the
of four partners: Superior Oil (37.5%), Canadian Quebrada Blanca deposit does not satisfy the goal of the
Superior Oil (22.5%), McIntyre Mines (Nevada) Ltd program.
(20%), and Falconbridge Limited (20%). All of these More hope was now put on the Rosario area for
companies were subsidiaries of Superior Oil. The the discovery of a larger deposit.
exploration work was conducted for the Joint Venture In April of 1979, the Collahuasi properties were
by the holding company Cia Exploradora Doña Inés acquired and exploration began with surface mapping
Ltd, and John Hunt was appointed manager of the and later drilling. It was concluded that nearly all the
project. He recruited many former Anaconda major vein systems, including La Grande, Cacique, and
employees who had worked on porphyry copper Poderosa, were within a large area of hydrothermal
deposits in Chile before the Allende expropriations, alteration over 5 km in diameter. The exploration effort
and his crews, led by himself, Carlos Munchmeyer and resulted in the first detailed geological map of the entire
Hunter Ware, quickly had a significant discovery at area. Alteration indicative of porphyry copper mineral-
isation was recognised in old exploration pits along
strike and NORTHWEST of the old Poderosa Mine.

A second large alteration system was identified 6 km indicated that copper oxides are restricted to an
to the east in the Ujina area. The first hole at Rosario insignificant tonnage. Two of the holes were deepened
was drilled in September, 1979, and intersected 28 m to the top of sulphides, but only strong pyrite
of secondary enrichment mineralisation grading 2.9% disseminations were intercepted. This large area
Cu, beneath 64 m of leached cap. A total of 80 holes deserves further drilling for a major enriched copper
were subsequently drilled, outlining a very large protore target.
resource. At the same time, prospecting and mapping In 1984, the Quebrada Blanca feasibility study was
east of the Rosario area had outlined a large alteration completed. The Quebrada Blanca Agreement signed
zone near the Ujina railway station. in 1977 with the Chilean Government (which has been
By 1983, Superior Oil’s interest in the project was transferred to Enami) stipulated that the deposit be
waning, Falconbridge had just staved off bankruptcy, put into production or returned to the state agencies.
and copper prices were almost at historic lows. As a The price of copper was now at an all time low (Fig. 13)
result, funds for the project dried up, but as a final and as a result, the partners are not able to raise
effort, John Hunt drilled three holes in the Ujina financing. The property was returned to Enami, but
alteration zone. Figure 14 shows a map from the 1983 the Collahuasi properties were retained. In a letter to
progress report outlining the Ujina alteration zone and Superior Oil in 1984, John Hunt wrote:
the location of three holes drilled to test the zone. I am saddened and frustrated by the events of the
Hunt described the holes from the July 1983 past two years which have brought to a standstill what
Progress Report thus: has been one of the most successful exploration
Three reverse circulation holes were drilled in the programs with which I have ever been associated.
Ujina hydrothermal alteration zone, located 4 km In 1985, Superior Oil was purchased by Mobil, but
southwest of the Ujina railroad station. Mapping they were not interested in copper exploration in Chile.
shows a four square kilometre sericitised zone, where John Hunt managed to interest Chevron and Shell
preliminary geochemistry and relict sulphides are Chile in the project, and in 1985 a new joint venture
favourable. A small palaeochannel with exotic copper company was formed to explore the Collahuasi
mineralisation overlays part of the zone. Drilling properties.

Figure 14. Map from 1983

report showing location of
mapped Ujina alteration zone
and location of reverse
circulation holes.

Part 3: The Chevron/Shell Chile/Falconbridge the Chief Geologist for Collahuasi, Bob Miller from
Joint Venture Chevron, Vicente Irarrazabal, from Shell Chile and
Chevron and Shell Chile were chosen from a group of Richard Moore from Falconbridge) amongst other
five potential partners to form a new joint venture along things recommended:
with Falconbridge and Superior Oil, the owners of the • More detailed drilling of the Rosario porphyry to
property. Chevron and Shell agreed to spend US$45 determine a mineral reserve, especially to determine
million over eight years on further exploration and the extent of the supergene enriched zones.
development in exchange for each gaining a one-third • A regional aeromagnetic survey.
interest in the project. The exploration work was to be • An IP survey over Rosario and Ujina.
managed by a reformulated company, Cia Minera • A Landsat interpretation study.
Doña Inés de Collahuasi, (CMDIC) under the
direction of a management committee on which only Part 4: The Discovery of the Ujina Porphyry:
Shell and Chevron had voting privileges during the The Economic Key
earn-in period. It was clear from the drilling in the early 1980s that a
From 1985 until 1990, Shell and Chevron spent 1 billion tonne porphyry copper deposit with a grade
most of their time exploring the high grade Rosario of 0.92% copper existed at Rosario. What was not
vein system and sinking two exploration shafts, the obvious was if and how this mineral resource could be
first of which collapsed. Ultimately the program was turned into an economic deposit. The enrichment
unsuccessful when the continuity of the mineralisation blanket at Rosario was relatively small and deep, so a
in the vein was not what had been hoped for. lot of pre-stripping would have to be completed before
When Mobil Oil had purchased Superior Oil, it the mineralisation could be reached. This made the
had retained Superior’s interest in the property even economics of the deposit questionable. Copper prices
though it was unwilling to invest any additional funds. had been declining in constant dollars (Fig. 13) so a
In 1988 it put its interest up for sale. Ash Clark, now higher grade supergene deposit would be required to
retired, was still interested in the project and improve the economics.
recommended that Falconbridge purchase Mobil’s In early 1991, Shell wished to push forward quickly
interest for US$10 million and a net smelter return to production from the Rosario veins while
royalty. This recommendation was backed by Mike Falconbridge and now Chevron favoured the evaluation
Knuckey and Tom Pugsley, both senior executives at of the overall porphyry copper resource, together with
Falconbridge. The ownership in the project now stood additional exploration to search for another supergene
at Falconbridge, Shell, and Chevron each with a 331/3% enrichment blanket. As mentioned above, the
interest. In 1989, Noranda and Trelleborg purchased Exploration Task Force had proposed an IP survey to
all of the outstanding shares of Falconbridge. cover the whole Rosario and Ujina Porphyry areas. The
After the collapse of the first exploration shaft in suggestion for using IP at the time came from
1989, Falconbridge decided to more closely review the Falconbridge because IP had been used previously, in
joint venture programs to protect its interest in the a limited way, over Collahuasi in a 1979 survey by
project, even though it had no vote. In spite of the low Hunter Ware. Reprocessing of this data in April 1990
copper prices, Falconbridge’s preferred exploration by Tony Watts, Falconbridge’s Chief Geophysicist
target was a large porphyry copper deposit rather than confirmed that IP was an excellent tool for evaluating
a small, high grade vein deposit. the prospectivity of the target rocks and that IP surveys
On the political front, in 1990, Pinochet was voted in this part of Chile did not suffer from the problems
out of office in a national election and Chile returned caused by brines and salts further south in the Atacama
to civilian rule. The risk taken by the original Superior desert. The 1979 survey showed that the Rosario
Oil/Falconbridge Joint Venture in investing in a porphyry could be mapped with IP, and was an obvious
country run by a potentially unstable government was tool to use to explore the Ujina alteration zone,
vindicated. At this time, Falconbridge was determined especially where it was covered by Miocene ignimbrites.
to change the focus of the exploration work from the Consequently, survey plans were drawn up by Tony
Rosario vein system to looking at the larger porphyry Watts of Falconbridge and Charlie Swift of Chevron,
resource. To this end, Falconbridge succeeded in getting to cover the Rosario, La Grande, and Poderosa areas
the agreement of the management committee to form and an additional three lines extended to cover the
an Exploration Task Force, in which Falconbridge had Ujina alteration zone. The date of the survey plan was
a vote, that would make recommendations to the November 5, 1990.
Management Committee for future action. The In early 1991, as part of the procedure of regularly
Exploration Task Force (whose members were Jim Platt, rotating seconded staff from the joint venture partners

into CMDIC, a new operating team was put in place At Quebrada Blanca, in 1989, Enami sold 76.5%
that included Louis De Beer, from the Billiton of its interest to the Cominco Group who produced a
organisation in South Africa as the new General new feasibility study and gave the project the go ahead
Manager, and Larry Dick, from Chevron Chile as the in 1991. First production achieved in August, 1994
new Chief Geologist. Larry and Louis agreed with the using a bacterial leach and SXEW technology. This
recommendations of the Exploration Task Force, which was the first time that copper production had been
they immediately implemented. attempted using this process at such a high elevation.
It has been stated in another publication (Dick et Finally, in 2000, the Teck-Cominco Group sold its
al., 1993) that the discovery of the Ujina deposit was interest in Quebrada Blanca to Aur Resources who now
the result of an IP survey to cover the extent of an hold 76.5 % along with Sociedad Minera Pudahuel
alteration zone that was outlined using Landsat LTDA at 13.5%, and Enami at10%.
interpretation. However, the Landsat interpretation was
not received by the operating company or Falconbridge DISCUSSION
until late 1991, months after the IP survey was already The discovery of the Collahuasi district porphyry
laid out and under way. While it is possible that Dick copper deposits resulted from the consistent use of a
had seen a copy of an earlier, or preliminary satellite well established mineral deposit model along the
interpretation created by Chevron, representatives of structural extension of a well mineralised district. The
Falconbridge and Shell Chile (Nigel Grant, personnel three deposits contain all of the expected attributes.
communication) were not aware of it. Quebrada Blanca, the best exposed was discovered first,
The IP survey was started in January 1991 and Collahuasi, which is more deeply buried, took longer
initial surveying outlined the Rosario/La Grande/ to be recognised, and Ujina, which was partially
Poderosa system (Fig. 15), and the lines over the Ujina covered by recent gravels and ignimbrite, and which
alteration zone showed a build up of chargeability at exhibited the fewest clues, last. The discovery of all
the ends of the lines. The grid and survey were three deposits could have been accomplished without
subsequently extended 3 km to the east over ignimbrite high technology tools such as IP and Landsat images,
cover. Even through 150 m of ignimbrite, the Ujina but these tools added a layer of information to the
mineralisation was clearly defined as a prominent geological observations that validated the working
resistivity low with above background IP response model. This extra layer of information decreased the
(Fig. 15). A seven hole reverse circulation program was risk of a non discovery. Nonetheless, John Hunt would
laid out to test the IP response and hole AU4 have discovered the Ujina deposit without the benefit
intersected 2.03 % Cu over 62 m (Fig. 16). This hole of IP or Landsat information if he had had the budget
was collared within 100 m of hole RC-46 that was to finish the drill program that he had started.
drilled into the alteration zone in 1983. At the time, The Ujina deposit was discovered by drilling a
hole RC-46 had not been able to penetrate the leached partially covered hydrothermal alteration zone that was
cap due to equipment limitations. coincident with an IP resistivity anomaly. The impetus
The Ujina porphyry copper deposit was now for Falconbridge was the geological evidence of the
quickly outlined and it had the secondary enrichment alteration zone, while Chevron seemed to prefer the
blanket that could make the deposit economic. In indirect Landsat evidence. Figure 16 shows the super-
1993, a feasibility study was started which was position of the alteration zone, as mapped in 1983,
completed in 1995. A production decision was made the interpreted Landsat anomalies, the resistivity
in 1996, and construction began in the same year. The anomaly, the drill holes, and the outline of the copper
first copper cathode was stripped in July of 1998, and enrichment zone.
the first copper sulfide concentrate was produced in The corporate story of a discovery is in many ways
October 1998. quite different from the technical one. The most
Chevron and Shell vested in the project in 1992, difficult part of any exploration discovery is being in
but in late 1992, Chevron sold it’s interest to Minorco the right place at the right time. Perhaps any competent
for 190 million US dollars. In 1993 Shell sold its porphyry copper geologist could have discovered the
mineral assets to Gencor, but Collahuasi was excluded Quebrada Blanca deposit if they had been handed the
from the package and put up for tender. In 1995, Shell project and told to explore it. Rosario was fairly obvious
sold its interest to Falconbridge and Minorco for 195 (at least in hindsight) but required more resources to
million US dollars. Later in 1995, Falconbridge and prove, and finally Ujina was subtle and ultimately
Minorco sold 12% to a Japanese consortium headed required additional tools to give the confidence to drill
by Mitsui. At this time, the present ownership of after the first three holes had disappointing results.
Falconbridge 44%, Minorco 44%, and Mitsui 12% The key is choosing the right place. Falconbridge
was established. chose Quebrada Blanca from a list of eight projects

Figure 15. IP Survey
showing apparent
resistivity contours over the
Rosario, La Grande and
Ujina areas.

300 2 00 100 100 200



AU-2 AU-3 RC-47 RC-46
RC-45 AU-7 20


Landsat oxide picks

Landsat alteration picks
edge of ignimbrite cover
0 500 ouline of enriched copper mineralization
metres resistivity contours ( ohm / metre )
outline of alteration zone mapped in 1982
1983 reverse circulation drill holes
1991 reverse circulation drill holes

Figure 16. Superposition of resistivity contours, the alteration zone as mapped in 1983, the Landsat iron oxide picks, the
Landsat alteration picks, the location of the 1983 reverse circulation holes, the location of the 1991 reverse circulation
holes, and the location of the chalcocite enrichment blanket over the Ujina area.
submitted to them for consideration by the Chilean conducted under his direction stands out for its
government geologists. It appears that Quebrada excellence. A final acknowledgement must go to the
Blanca was chosen because of a combination of good team of Louis DeBeer and Larry Dick who were the
geology, its location on the West Fissure, and its lack last General Manager and Chief Geologist respectively
of complicating encumbrances, both commercial and of the major exploration phase of the project. They
social. The choice of Chile as a location to invest must pushed through the geologically obvious projects in
be viewed as a political gamble. This was a decision spite of a lack of complete agreement by the partners
taken by Superior Oil, who were originally interested on the overall direction of the project.
in investing in agriculture. The story bears out the Is there anything that we can we learn from all of
observation that better investment opportunities are this in our search for new giant ore deposits? Some
found in areas or regions that contain higher risk, and suggestions are made below. These are not new but are
in the case of Chile at the time, a much higher political worth restating.
risk. It is worth pointing out that the Utah Mines/ 1. Choose the right terrain. It was obvious that Chile
Getty joint venture that discovered the giant Escondida was well endowed with copper and that this is a
deposit, was also initiated during this same time of good place to explore for more. The first modern
high political uncertainty in Chile. exploration in the Quebrada Blanca area was by the
When a discovery takes place over a period of Anaconda company and their exploration strategy
20 years, events cannot be divorced from changes in was to follow the West Fissure looking for zones of
corporate circumstances, and commodity cycles. iron staining.
Falconbridge was in a strong financial position when 2. Do not be afraid to be a contrarian. As a result of
the initial expressions of interest were made in investing political turmoil, Chile was not a popular place to
in Chile, but by the time the agreements had been be when the properties were first acquired. It was
signed, commodity prices had dropped and effectively virgin territory even though it had more
Falconbridge had to take a lesser role than they had than 100 years of production history. A careful
originally envisaged. When the Quebada Blanca assessment of political risk is essential.
discoveries were made, financial conditions had 3. Know your geology. While Falconbridge did not
improved, but, by the early 1980s, when the first holes have any porphyry copper expertise, it had highly
were being drilled in Ujina, Falconbridge was close to competent geologists who recognised good projects
bankruptcy. There was no money for additional when they saw them. They also installed a superior
exploration so the net was widened and more team of geologists who were experts in the local
companies were recruited. Escondida had been geology to conduct the work.
discovered by now, and the Chilean political situation 4. Hang on to the good projects through the bad times.
was becoming more stable so it was less difficult to Even though Falconbridge went through several
attract joint venture partners. However, by the late financial crises during the discovery history, they
1980s, porphyry copper deposits were out of fashion managed to maintain their interest in the project
because of low copper prices and the problems of until they were financially secure and the project
investing in projects with a high capital cost in an era was a success. From the first trip to Chile in 1973,
of high inflation. until the discovery of Ujina in 1991, is a long time
The late 1980s was also a time when the last of the for a company to maintain its interest and commit-
oil companies that had entered the minerals industry ment.
were leaving. At the end, Chevron had three significant
mineral deposits in its portfolio, namely Collahuasi, ACKNOWLEDGEMENTS
Stillwater and Lisheen. However, its strategy was to We would like to thank Ross Large and David Cooke
leave the business and this coloured the decisions that for suggesting that we write this paper and to
it was making at Collahuasi. Falconbridge Limited for permission to publish it. This
Two people stand out as the most significant in paper has greatly benefited from constructive reviews
why Falconbridge owns 44% of the Collahuasi by Noel White and Jamie Wilkinson, while any
deposits. The first is Ash Clarke who originally chose remaining obscurities remain the responsibility of the
Quebrada Blanca, and kept Falconbridge’s interest alive authors.
through good times and bad. In 1988 he recommended
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