I Can Talk About Weather N Kuzmych

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I can talk about WEATHER

Essential vocabulary
1 blizzard a severe snow storm with strong winds / завірюха, хуртовина
2 Celsius measurement of temperature (0 degrees is freezing/100 is boiling) / Цельсій
3 cold at a low temperature, not hot or warm / холодно
freezing cold – extremely cold, cold snap - a short period of cold weather
Syn. chilly, nippy (inf), brass monkey weather (UK informal) - extremely cold weather
4 degree measurement for temperature / градус
5 deluge a very large amount of rain or water / повінь
6 dew drops of water that form on the ground and other surfaces outside during the night / роса
7 drizzle rain in very small light drops / дрібний дощ, мряка
8 flurry a sudden light fall of snow, blown in different directions by the wind / раптовий сильний снігопад
9 fog a weather condition in which very small drops of water come together to form a thick cloud close to the
land or sea, making it difficult to see / туман
thick/heavy/dense fog (густий туман)
10 frost an air temperature below the freezing point of water, or the white, powdery layer of ice which forms in
these conditions, especially outside at night / мороз
hard/heavy frost, frostbite - injury to someone caused by severe cold, usually to their toes, fingers,
ears or nose
11 hail small hard balls of ice which fall from the sky like rain / град
12 haze when the air is not very clear because of something such as heat or smoke, making it difficult to see
well / легкий туман, імла
13 hot boiling/sweltering/roasting hot – extremely hot
14 humid containing extremely small drops of water in the air; noun humidity - вологість
15 lightning a flash of bright light in the sky which is produced by electricity moving between clouds or from clouds
to the ground / блискавка
a flash of lightning, be struck by lightning, with lightning speed
16 mist thin fog produced by very small drops of water collecting in the air just above an area of ground or
water / туман, імла
17 overcast cloudy and therefore not bright and sunny / хмарний
18 precipitation water which falls from the clouds towards the ground, especially as rain or snow / опади
19 rain rain hard/heavily, pour with rain, heavy/light rain, rainbow (веселка), caught in the rain
20 sleet wet, partly melted falling snow / дощ зі снігом, мокрий сніг
21 slush snow that is lying on the ground and has started to melt / талий сніг
22 snow snowball (сніжка), snowfall (опади у вигляді снігу), snowflake (сніжинка), snowman (сніговик),
snowstorm (завірюха), snowy (сніговий)
23 spell a short period of a particular type of weather (a spell of dry weather) / період певної погоди
24 sun in the sun, sunbathe, sunlight, sunrise, sunset, sunshine
25 sun yourself to lie or sit somewhere where there is a lot of sun, especially in order to make your skin darker /
26 thaw a period of warmer weather when snow and ice begin to melt / відлига
27 thunder the sudden loud noise which comes from the sky especially during a storm
a clap of thunder, thunder and lightning / грім
27 weatherforecast a statement of what the weather is likely to be for the next day or few days, usually broadcast on
television or radio or printed in a newspaper / прогноз погоди
29 weatherproof not allowing wind or rain to go through / стійкий проти атмосферного впливу
30 wind light/strong wind, gust of wind (порив вітру), winds of change, windy

By Nadiya Kuz'mych

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