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A Few General Queries on SAP2000/ETABS/SAFE

List of Queries:

1. What are constraints?

2. Please describe the Floor modelling and Diaphragms briefly?
3. Is rigid diaphragm modelling essential?
4. I wish to apply torsional eccentricity to apply additional moments how can I do that?
5. I have several buildings connected by corridors in one model. Should I consider assigning
rigid diaphragm to each building block separately?
6. Can additional seismic load cases with 5% eccentricity be avoided as required by IS
code for rigid diaphragm if we use semi-rigid diaphragm in ETABS?
7. Should we model the floor as shell element or a plate element or a membrane element?
8. When I use membrane type property I am getting grey or white meshing lines in the slab
panels. What is that?
9. How the meshing of area objects can be done correctly?
10. What is the importance of Line Constraints?
11. Is it possible to provide a partial rotational stiffness to a beam end?
12. What is the utility of property modifier?
13. Should the shear walls be meshed?
14. Will it be OK if shear walls is always meshed?
15. I have a column with double height should it be connected to the floor diaphragm?
16. Is it required to mesh the beam and columns at intermediate locations where these are
connected with other element?
17. Our design is going for a “Peer Review” and the reviewer is asking us to mesh the whole
model manually. What to do in such a case?
18. Can’t we have a simple text based input file for ETABS and SAFE? Sometimes
reviewers insist upon these.
19. While running a model in ETABS, it is reporting several numerical instability warnings.
What these warnings are telling us?
20. ETABS, is reporting numerical instability warnings and its locations but at the indicated
location there is no joint defined by me or any joint created by ETABS. How this could
be explained?
21. I am getting a –ve Jacobian error and I don’t know how to locate it. What could be done
to solve such issues?
22. What is difference in Replicate and Copy command?
23. When we use area object as membrane we get higher moments in beam in comparison
to the model where area object is modelled as shell and meshed into finer elements?
Please comment why it is like that?
24. We have a mixed type of modelling where part of the slab resting on beams is modelled
as membrane type object and a few non-rectngular slabs panels resting on beams have
been modelled as shell type with finite element mesh. But I receive a high torsion in beams
which receive load from the area modelled with shell type property and at the same time
beam moments appear smaller. How we could address this issue?
25. ETABS always design beams for torsion. Is it possible to avoid design for torsion? I also
use another software XYZ which offers this facility. Can’t we have it in ETABS too?
26. Can we change the numbering of Beams and Columns?

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27. How I can select line/area objects based on their labels?
28. How I can locate a specific element in the model?
29. How I can draw beams at mid landing level connected with two columns?
30. But I have columns which are not exactly coming on grid lines how I can view these in
31. What are Global Force Balance errors and how ETABS computes the Global Force
Balance Relative Error which is reported in ETABS .LOG and .OUT files?
32. How I can model a deep beam?
33. ETABS 9.6 is giving me very high effective length factors for columns? What could be
the reason behind it?
34. ETABS 9.6 is giving me effective length for a column connected with a flat slab only and
it doesn’t appear reasonable? What could be the reason behind it?
35. Is it possible to avoid computation of effective length factors at all?
36. How we can do a “Good” P-Delta Analysis?
37. In literature we often come across the term “Geometric Stiffness”. Kindly throw some
light on that.
38. Could you please explain P-Delta analysis parameters?
39. What is P-δ analysis and its importance? How we can do that in ETABS?
40. Indian code gives no guidelines on second order analysis but other codes like ACI-318
give detailed information and suggest that flexural stiffness of columns, beams and walls
be reduced to account for cracking. How we can do such a cracked section analysis for
shear walls?
41. Please explain the importance of Eigen and Ritz vectors and when we need to use these?
42. When I check story shears for spectrum case then sum of reactions does not match with
story shears?
43. What is Scale Factor given in Response Spectrum Cases definition dialog box?
44. How I can be sure that program computed EQ lateral loads meet the code given
minimum lateral load requirement?
45. Does ETABS amplify accidental torsional eccentricity to 1.5 times as required by
46. I am getting shear steel such 0.0812 and my units are KN-CM? What does it mean?
47. How I can consider live load reduction in design of columns?
48. There is an option for defining user defined lateral loads. What is the importance of this
and where it could be used?
49. Currently ETABS is not giving Story Stiffness. How it can be computed?
50. I have done the analysis and I want to check how much horizontal shear is attracted by a
group of shear walls and columns? How we can do that conveniently in ETABS?
51. How I can have a circular and inclined grid system defined in ETABS?
52. I have several cantilever projections which I wish to model. How I can model these in
53. How we can apply thermal loading in ETABS?
54. I have used Replicate command with option of Mirror but the results are not expected?
What could be the reason?
55. We can’t determine Open Structure Wind loads as well as wind loads by using Gust factor
method in ETABS?
56. How I can get the coordinates of Centre of Mass and Rigidity, Story shear, Mass
participation ratios etc.?
57. Can we design an arbitrarily shaped concrete column in ETABS?

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58. Is there any manual available for section designer?
59. I have heavy column at the wall end like a dumbbell. I have defined it in the model but
in the wall design these end column are not coming.
60. Should we define multi legged walls as a single pier or as different wall piers?
61. How program is working out Boundary Element widths? Can we define our own chosen
62. How we can connect different beam elements resting on a large column element but centre
line of beams are not aligned in the same line?
63. How we can do a moving load analysis in ETABS? I have a podium slab for which I need
to consider the moving load due a vehicle.
64. I have to terminate a wall on about a 2 m wide beam which is supported on thick walls.
How I can model such a situation?
65. I have defined an envelope type load combination for design and steel computed is coming
very high. What could be the reason behind that?
66. I am confused about section cut forces. Should these be drawn using Draw Section cut
command or should these be defined using groups and section cuts?
67. How we can model a MIVAN system of walls in ETABS?
68. Can we model deep columns using wall elements? What is the most appropriate way to
handle analysis and design of such elements?
69. I am unable to create .MDB Access file in ETABS 2013 and 2015?
70. What are time dependent properties for materials and how these are defined?
71. What is Tower concept in new ETABS 2013 and 2015?
72. I want to define a material other than concrete and steel and how I can define it?
73. I want to model confined brick masonry in ETABS and SAP. How can I do that?
74. I want to model brick infill in a frame, what is the procedure for that?
75. What precautions I need to model a precast building?
76. I am getting first mode as torsional and I am unable to remove it. How I can do that?
77. Can I model machine foundations in ETABS?
78. I want to use tension or compression only bracing but in the analysis I am still getting
tension as well as compression in the line element despite the fact that I have assigned
tension or compression limits as zero.
79. I have defined slabs and thickened area objects as drops but SAFE is not displaying
punching shear check. What could be wrong in my model?
80. What is moment integration in SAFE and which method is used?
81. How we can analyse a slab for moving load in SAFE? I have a podium slab which is to be
designed for vehicular load.
82. How we can setup cracked section analysis in SAFE v12?
83. How we can setup Nonlinear (Allow Uplift) analysis in SAFE 12?
84. When I change units in new SAFE 2014, I get and error and program exits. How we can
rectify that?
85. Winkler’s spring concept used in SAFE gives no moment for a uniform plate but such
plates do undergo deformation in centre. How we can improve the analysis results to
reflect this kind of behaviour.

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Answers to Listed Queries :

1. Q: What are constraints?

A: Constraints are used to simulate a desired rigid body behaviour in a model or to connect different
parts of the model and to impose certain types of symmetry conditions. For example when we don’t
wish to model the axial deformations in a beam we can do so by imposing a constraint so that all
horizontal deformations of nodes connecting beams are identical.

2. Q: Please describe the Floor modelling and Diaphragms briefly?

A: The floor system has following main functions:
1. To transfer loads applied normal to the plane of floor to vertical supports by producing a floor
bending action.
2. To distribute the lateral loads by in-plane action to vertical elements like beam column frame
and shear walls.
Floor Characteristics:
The floor may be a simple slab beam system where floor slab has much smaller bending stiffness than
the beams on which it is assumed to rest. Alternatively the floor may directly rest on columns and walls
and beams may or may not be used in the periphery. In the former case for a realistic prediction of
building behaviour an adequate modelling of beams with columns and walls is mandatory. The
modelling of floor to capture its bending is optional as it is of minor importance in most cases. But in
case when the floor directly rests on columns and walls, for capturing the realistic behaviour, we must
model the floor along with columns and walls. So in the former case we may or may not model the floor
explicitly as finite elements but in the latter case we must model the floor as finite element mesh.
Without modelling the floor as finite element mesh its plate bending behaviour can’t be captured.
Generally in a beam and slab floor system a direct floor modelling with finite elements is avoided to
keep the problem size small.

Floor may behave as a Rigid Diaphragm:

Certain type of floors exhibit very high in-plane stiffness. Ordinary concrete floors and metal decks
with concrete topping can be treated as rigid in their own plane in most cases. By virtue of their high
in-plane stiffness, such floors behave as if these were a rigid body in their own plane when subjected to
lateral loads. Such floors during lateral motion will keep all frames and shear walls connected with them
together and in addition the floor shape during and after load application will remain essentially same.
Since such floors exhibit a negligible in-plane deformation, they are often called as “Rigid
Diaphragms”. This doesn’t mean that the floor diaphragm is rigid in bending. Rigidity of floor is related
only to its in-plane behaviour while for the out of plane bending the floor is considered as flexible. It
should be noted that for rigid floor diaphragms, beams will show zero axial forces, since in the primary
assumption the in-plane deformation has been neglected. However if the beam is connected to an
inclined member which gives a force component in the plane of diaphragm then for such a rigid
diaphragm, beam axial force will still appear as zero due to the fundamental assumption made in
modelling of rigid diaphragms. This point is often overlooked by engineers. Thus in cases where the
beams at floor level are expected to develop significant axial force components like in the case of
Virendeel frames, trusses etc., floor should NOT be modelled as rigid diaphragms.

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Floor may behave as a Flexible Diaphragm too:
If after application of loads in its own plane, the floor shows significant in-plane bending then the floor
can’t be considered as rigid in its own plane. This could be significant for buildings with plan aspect
ratio greater than 3. The problem is more pronounced for buildings with long and narrow floors
connected with stiff shear walls at ends along the shorter plan dimension. However in certain cases a
floor with a lower aspect ratio may also exhibit significant in-plane flexibility if it has discontinuous
shear walls at the floor level.

3. Q: Is rigid diaphragm modelling essential?

A: Assigning a floor as a rigid diaphragm simplifies modelling in most cases and it also results in a
smaller problem size. However it is not correct to say that every diaphragm should be modelled as rigid
because there are exceptions too. So the challenge is to find if the modelling as rigid diaphragm is a
correct assumption for the problem at hand. The best way of doing it is to study it separately. Floors
with large cut outs and connected with discontinuous shear walls, floors with larger plan aspect ratio of
about 3 and floors connected with stiff end walls on the periphery along shorter direction should be
examined in detail for their in-plane flexibility.

4. Q: I wish to apply torsional eccentricity to apply additional moments how can I do that?

A. This can be achieved by assigning a floor diaphragm to defined area objects. The diaphragm can be
rigid or semi-rigid. ETABS will apply additional moments due to torsional eccentricity for rigid
diaphragm at CM of the floor. For semi rigid diaphragm additional moment will be applied at each
joint. Please note that semi-rigid diaphragm is available only in ETABS and this feature is currently not
available in SAP2000.

5. Q: I have several buildings connected by corridors in one model. Should I consider assigning
rigid diaphragm to each building block separately?

A. Though you can do that but some care is needed. Suppose there are 2 buildings with a lift core and
a common corridor in centre connecting the two buildings. In that if only one rigid diaphragm is used
then lift core walls are most likely connected to a rather narrow corridor which is not very strong. Such
lift walls will still be receiving high seismic forces due to rigid diaphragm constraint. But in reality such
high forces may not get transferred to the wall as the corridor slab can’t possibly sustain a large shear.
So modelling it as a semi rigid diaphragm is perhaps a better choice. If you choose to assign three rigid
diaphragms say to the two building floors and one to corridor then nodes common to corridor and
building are connected to two diaphragms. Though program allows it but results should be checked
carefully. In general one node should be connected to only one diaphragm.

6. Q: Can additional seismic load cases with 5% eccentricity be avoided as required by IS code
for rigid diaphragm if we use semi-rigid diaphragm in ETABS?

A: IS-1893 has an explicit definition of semi rigid or flexible diaphragm. The concrete slab without
any rigid diaphragm option does not fall into category of flexible diaphragm. Therefore accidental
eccentricity still needs to be considered for design.
IS 1893 Clause
A floor diaphragm shall be considered flexible, if it deforms such that the maximum lateral
displacement measured from the chord of the deformed shape at any point of the diaphragm is more
than 1.5 times the average displacement of the entire diaphragm.
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IBC 2006 Clause 1601.1
Diaphragm flexible. A diaphragm is flexible for the purpose of distribution of story shear and torsional
moment where so indicated in Section 12.3.1 ofASCE7, as modified in Section 1613.6.1.
ASCE 7-05 Clause 12.3.1
12.3.1 Diaphragm Flexibility. The structural analysis shall consider the relative stiffnesses of
diaphragms and the vertical elements of the seismic force--resisting system. Unless a diaphragm can be
idealized as either flexible or rigid in accordance with Sections,, or, the
structural analysis shall explicitly include consideration of the stiffness of the diaphragm (i.e., semirigid
modeling assumption). Flexible Diaphragm Condition. Diaphragms constructed of untopped steel decking or wood
structural panels are permitted to be idealized as flexible in structures in which the vertical elements are
steel or composite steel and concrete braced frames, or concrete, masonry, steel, or composite shear
walls. Diaphragms of wood structural panels or untopped steel decks in one- and two-family residential
buildings of light-frame construction shall also be permitted to be idealized as flexible. Rigid Diaphragm Condition. Diaphragms of concrete slabs or concrete filled metal deck with
span-to-depth ratios of 3 or less in structures that have no horizontal irregularities are permitted to be
idealized as rigid. Calculated Flexible Diaphragm Condition. Diaphragms not satisfying the conditions of
Sections or are permitted to be idealized as flexible where the computed maximum in
plane deflection of the diaphragm under lateral load is more than two times the average story drift of
adjoining vertical elements of the seismic force--resisting system of the associated story under
equivalent tributary lateral load as shown in Fig. 12.3-1. The loadings used for this calculation shall be
those prescribed by Section 12.8.
7. Q: Should we model the floor as shell element or a plate element or a membrane element?
A: All these different element types are special cases of shell element. In case of the plate element, in-
plane deformation in the area object is neglected. This type of element could be used for modelling of
mat foundations as in most mat foundations in-plane deformations can be neglected. Thick plate option
is to be used for those mats which have a high thickness resulting in a span to depth ratio of about 6 or
less. This special formulation takes into account transverse shear deformations in the element which
could be important for thicker elements. Shell type property can be used when the area object is likely
to show in-plane as well as out of plane deformations. Shear walls, general shells like domes should be
modelled using this property. A membrane type property could be used when the area object exhibits
only in-plane deformation. For example planar walls and floors which directly rest on beams can be
modelled using membrane type property. For a beam slab system shell element could also be used for
floor modelling but in that case, such an area object must be meshed in smaller finite element mesh and
the relative stiffness of slab and beams will govern the load path. However, we suggest that for all walls,
whether planar or 3-D use shell type property. For slabs directly resting on beams use membrane type
property and for flat slabs or those slabs where you wish to capture the slab bending and compute the
forces in slabs from the program, use shell type property.

8. Q: When I use membrane type property I am getting grey or white meshing lines in the slab
panels. What is that?
A: When an area object is modelled as plate or shell and meshed properly then the plate bending
stiffness is used to predict its deflection and that automatically takes into account the load distribution
on beam /column supports. That is true for simpler slab panels as well as arbitrary shaped panels both.

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However when an area object is modelled as a membrane then the area object is not having any plate
bending stiffness but has only membrane (in-plane) stiffness. This could be used for diaphragm studies
for those floors which are having a beam slab system but such an area object can't transfer the loads
normal to the area to supporting beams by considering the stiffness formulation simply because the
required stiffness is being ignored. Since the load has to be considered to predict the building’s response
to gravity loads too, in ETABS, gravity load to supporting beam is transferred using simplified method
of load distribution for rectangular panels where the load could be taken as triangular or trapezoidal
load, directly applied to supporting beams existing on slab panel edges. In that the shape of object
becomes important and best results are obtained from those meshed panels which have maximum 3 or
4 nodes after meshing the larger area along beam lines and walls. Moreover the edges must be straight
but the angles at corners need not be 90 degrees. When we have an area object panel which has more
than 4 nodes then program does not have any simplified rule to transfer the load in the form of
distributed triangular/trapezoidal loads and in such a situation program will divide such an area object
into other smaller elements so that each element is having either 3 or 4 nodes and simplified load transfer
rule can be applied to such resulting area shapes. Since the new meshing lines generated by ETABS
have no beam or wall so program will insert a NULL type beam object just to collect loads from the
meshing line and such a load is transferred to end support points of such a NULL beam as point loads.
The resulting load transfer from membrane object to supporting beams must be examined by the user
independently. These meshing lines are in grey or white colour.

9. Q: How the meshing of area objects can be done correctly?

A: Area object can be used to model ramps, shear walls and floor slabs. For shear walls meshing is
normally not needed in most usual cases. See a discussion on shear wall meshing is given in another
Q/A in this document. Ramps and flat slabs should be modelled using shell object and should be meshed
into finite elements by the user. The meshing could be manual meshing or you can specify an auto
mesh. We suggest that avoid manual meshing as it may give rise to other issues related with display
when the model becomes large. The program by default will not mesh area objects with plate and shell
type property for older ETABS V-9.5 but in newer ETABS 2013 and 2015 versions ETABS will mesh
such objects too. However the user is expected to check and define the meshing options to meet his/her
requirements. An area object with membrane type property by default will be auto meshed at the
locations of beams and walls. In general a membrane type area object should be meshed at locations of
beams and walls only and avoid to mesh it like a finite element mesh simply because at meshed nodes
no bending stiffness exists and it will lead to numerical problems.

Please remember:

1. The simplest level is that the floor is modelled as one big polygon and is used only to define the
extent of the floor. It is assigned meshing type - "For Defining Rigid Diaphragm and Mass only
(No stiffness - No vertical load transfer)". It is assigned to a rigid diaphragm so it connects all elements
falling within laterally but is unable to transfer any vertical load. This model can be used for a quick
study of the lateral load resisting system. This is very useful when studying different layouts for lateral
load resisting system like shear walls etc. In most cases this model will be very small and will run very

2. The second level is a step higher in that the floor is meshed coarsely and given only membrane or
deck properties. One could assign a rigid diaphragm if needed, otherwise connectivity is still provided
through the coarse mesh. The vertical load is transferred to edges of coarse mesh and is either supported
directly by columns or by beams and walls on the edges. This is commonly used with composite floors

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and can be used for thinner concrete floors too where beams are designed for full gravity loads and slab
bending stiffness is not important to the lateral analysis.

3. The third level is to have a decent mesh of the floor either done externally or internally that connects
the major structural elements and also models the correct bending stiffness of the floor for frame action
with columns and walls. This obviously is the correct model and the reason to go to the previous two
levels is to avoid getting a huge model that takes too much time solving or cannot even be solved on
certain hardware

So which one will work best for you in a specific situation depends on your modelling objectives. Just
use the above guidelines.

10. Q: What is the importance of Line Constraints?

A: In most finite element models the user will create the finite element meshes which are connected at
only the finite element nodes. The resulting finite element mesh is often called a matching mesh. Most
programs will not analyse a finite element model correctly when the meshes are not connected at nodes
or in other words meshes are mismatched meshes. Mismatched meshes are helpful in the sense that the
modelling is not hindered by the requirement of creating matching nodes. For example a finite element
mesh of a flat slab can be laid out neatly along its column and drop lines. Suppose after generation of
this neat finite element mesh you need to add a shear wall whose element nodes are not connected with
flat slab element nodes rather they get connected only at the element sides. In such cases most ordinary
programs will involve a time consuming exercise of redefining the connectivity and geometry. In
SAP2000 and ETABS this is handled effortlessly by creating line constraints along the connecting edge
of elements with dissimilar meshes. See the figure below. For model on the left, deformations of a
mismatched finite element are not correct where line constraints are not activated, while with line
constraint the right hand model captures the deformations adequately. In such a case deformations of
nodes falling on side of another element are interpolated from the deformations of corner joint of the
area element. No additional stiffness is added and the effect of this is entirely local to the edge of the

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Figure 1: Line Constraint Option for modelling of mismatched area elements.
Connecting Meshes with the Edge Constraints: Left Model – No Line or Edge Constraints;
Right Model – Line or Edge Constraints Assigned to All Elements

In finite element analysis a matching mesh will always be superior to a mismatched mesh. But a
mismatched can be used with a good accuracy where the stiffness is uniform over the finite elements.
So in all such cases when there is a sudden change in the stiffness of element or there is an
opening around the element, mesh must be a matching mesh. In all other cases a mismatched mesh
can be used very well as it makes modelling simpler.

11. Q : Is it possible to provide a partial rotational stiffness to a beam end ?

A: Yes it is possible to specify it directly in ETABS/SAP model. Compute stiffness of partially rigid
end connection using the following formula and assign it by using Frame Release option. The formula
given below is valid for rotational DOF at beam ends.

𝐾𝑖 = 1−𝑅𝑖 ( 𝐿 ) ; 𝐾𝑗 = 1−𝑅 ( 𝐿 )
𝑖 𝑗

Where :

Ki = Rotational spring stiffness of partially restrained connection at end i.

Kj = Rotational spring stiffness of partially restrained connection at end j.

Ri and Rj = Fixity factors of connection at end i and j of the element. A fully restrained joint has a
value of 1.0 and a free joint has a value of 0.

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E, I and L = Young’s Modulus, Moment of inertia of section and length of element respectively.

12. Q : What is the utility of property modifier?

A: Property modifiers can be used to alter the stiffness of objects without the need of redefining the
section properties. Program by default assumes modifier value as 1.0. Suppose a property modifier is
taken as 0.5 for I33 for a beam then the flexural stiffness of the beam for rotation about local axis 3 will
be taken as half of full stiffness. These can be used conveniently to model the effect of cracking on
stiffness reduction. Please also see UBC code for recommended values for modifiers for stiffness
reduction to invoke the effect of cracking in the model.

13. Q : Should the shear walls be meshed?

A: Answer is Yes and No both. A more precise answer could be it all depends on what you are
modelling. We strongly recommend to use a matching mesh around openings. See the example below.
Figure 2 below shows two meshing options. Wall in Figure 2a, should be meshed horizontally at the
node location highlighted in the figure.

(a) Incorrect Meshing (b) Correct Meshing

Figure 2: Meshing of Wall Objects

Another issue is whether meshing of wall in horizontal and vertical directions is required? To answer
this query first try to recognise if the wall pier will show significant bending when subjected to lateral
loads? If the wall pier is stocky, means it is large in size then it is not likely to show significant bending
and meshing may not be required. But if the wall pier is slender it may undergo significant bending and
for that meshing is needed. See the following example.

Figure 3: Wall Meshing

In the wall in (a) individual piers are sufficiently large in size and don’t require any additional meshing.
In (b) left pier is very thin and may exhibit significant bending along its height which will not be

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captured if this pier is not meshed. So by meshing it at mid height results will improve. Similarly when
the spandrel beam reduces in size, its bending may become significant. In (c) spandrel beam is very
flexible and it is better modelled by meshing it in its span. For very shallow spandrel beam you can also
use beam element to connect them to wall piers.

Now see another instance of wall modelling. In the example below in Figure 4, a wall with sudden
change in stiffness is modelled.

(a) Inadequate Meshing (b) Mesh the wall along thick lines in lower floor

Figure 4: Wall Meshing in the zone of Stiffness Change

In (a) deformations of corner points of wall panel in second story will not be captured adequately even
if ETABS is running the model without any issue. The reason is that the deformations of corner nodes
for second floor wall panels will be computed only approximately as line constraints are used to solve
this problem which has mismatched mesh. In (b) results will be more accurate when the wall in lower
story is meshed along thick lines as the approximations associated with line constraints will not come
into play as the two elements of story above and below are connected with a matching mesh.

14. Q : Will it be OK if shear walls is always meshed?

A: It is acceptable if you mesh the wall always. However keep a few things in mind. One, have a
matching mesh around the opening. Two, have a matching mesh at the zone of sudden stiffness change.
And finally keep in mind that mesh need not be very fine. A very fine mesh will result in a large problem
size and it will take longer to run and hence adds to the cost of analysis. So try to have a balance in all
these requirements so that the model predicts the behaviour of the building with a reasonable accuracy
and at the same time doesn’t take too long a time to run.

15. Q: I have a column with double height should it be connected to the floor diaphragm?
A: If a column is of double height but is otherwise not connected with the floor then remove the
diaphragm connectivity of the node at floor level. Please take a note that usually program will
automatically evaluate its correct effective length even if the column is broken at floor level or is of
double height.

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16. Q: Is it required to mesh the beam and columns at intermediate locations where these are
connected with other element?

A: We suggest that keep one column element from one floor to the next floor above and keep only one
beam element from one column line to the next. There is no need to mesh it at any internal station where
it is connected with other elements. This is true even if you have a non-prismatic section. The only
instance when you are required to mesh the beam at intermediate stations is when a curved beam is
modelled. In new version of ETABS program you can model a curved beam object with only two end
nodes. If you wish to mesh the curved beam then mesh it at every 15 degrees angle in straight line
segments to capture its bending adequately.

17. Q: Our design is going for a “Peer Review” and the reviewer is asking us to mesh the whole
model manually. What to do in such a case?

A: A manual mesh and auto mesh are same. The only difference is that the auto mesh options can be
changed to refine the model effortlessly, but in a manually meshed model it would be time consuming.
We suggest that run two small models one with auto mesh features and the other with manual meshing
and compare the results and show these to the reviewer. In most cases the reviewers will accept it and
will not insist upon the requirement of a manually meshed model.

18. Q: Can’t we have a simple text based input file for ETABS and SAFE? Sometimes reviewers
insist upon these.

A: Earlier versions of ETABS were using text based input. But GUI improved editing considerably
and it is simpler too. For review purpose we believe that the input which has been interpreted by the
program provides a far better and efficient way to check the input. For doing that in ETABS use
File>Print Tables>Input command and print the tables of the data you want to submit for checking. This
is better than an input file of closely packed nondescript text. The errors in the input can be trapped
better in the input tables written by the program.

19. Q: While running a model in ETABS, it is reporting several numerical instability warnings.
What these warnings are telling us?

A: The program performs most arithmetic with 15 digits of accuracy. When elements with significantly
different stiffnesses are connected to a common joint, some digits of accuracy may be lost (for the
element with smaller stiffness) during the arithmetic operations. Another example would be using rigid
diaphragm assumption together with flexible elements, local or global instabilities, etc. The program
provides the following messages based on the number lost digits of accuracy:
 Less than 6 digits lost: When the program suspects that less than 6 digits of accuracy will be
lost during solution it does not give any messages.
 Between 6 to 11 digits lost is reported as a warning: The results of the analysis may still be
acceptable but the user should carefully check the results, especially the global sums of loads.
 Above 11 digits lost results in the analysis being terminated with an error message because the
results may not be sufficient accurate. The model should be checked and revised.

These warnings are telling us that the model is not properly done and hence these give us an opportunity
to correct the model. For example in a model the numerical issues may be developing due to multiple
releases at a joint which make a few DOF of the joint orphaned (means without a stiffness). This can
be checked easily by the user as ETABS will also be reporting location of such numerical issues noticed
in the model when standard solver is used.

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20. Q: ETABS, is reporting numerical instability warnings and its locations but at the indicated
location there is no joint defined by me or any joint created by ETABS. How this could be

A: The location reported depends on the order in which the equations are solved. It may not refer to a
single location, but rather to some location related to an assemblage of elements that differ in stiffness
from other assemblages. A perfect example is when all or part of the structure is unsupported. There is
no single location that can be identified as the missing support, so it could refer to any point on the
unsupported structure.

21. Q: I am getting a –ve Jacobian error and I don’t know how to locate it. What could be done
to solve such issues?

A: A negative Jacobian error indicates a severely distorted finite element which could be coming either
from user defined meshed element or may be from an auto meshed area object. Typically this happens
when the length of an element side is smaller than the auto merge tolerance. Since ETABS will not be
reporting such an error by indicating its actual location we need to use Whole to Part method for finding
that. In that keep on deleting the model incrementally till the problem areas are isolated. For example
in a 20 story building model copy it in two new names and in one keep top 10 floors and in the other
lower 10 floors and run these separately. Most likely you will have this issue in only one of the model
then copy it in new names and create two 5 story models for top and bottom stories and repeat the
process to arrive on the floor where you have this issue. Now see the meshed object model and see
closely severely distorted mesh. Select it and delete it. Most likely you will be able to run the model
and that means that the deleted object was the source of trouble. Improve its meshing to fix this issue.
However if you have this problem present on all floors then this could be a bit involving and you can
start by first seeing the meshed element patterns at each floor level to physically check if a severely
distorted mesh is present. Given that, it is recommended that this issue be resolved.
22. Q: What is difference in Replicate and Copy command?

A: Copy command will only copy the geometry of the object and replicate command will not only
copy the geometry but it will also copy all assignments made to the parent object to the replicated object.

23. Q: When we use area object as membrane we get higher moments in beam in comparison to
the model where area object is modelled as shell and meshed into finer elements? Please
comment why it is like that?

A: In membrane objects the load from floor is transferred directly to beams/walls as a distributed load,
like a triangular or a trapezoidal load and beam carries 100% of moment. When the floor is modelled
as shell object with finite element mesh then slab’s bending stiffness is also taken into account. Hence
as a result part of the moment goes to slab and remaining to the beam. This is the reason a smaller
moment develops in beams. However it should be noted that when a slab is modelled as a shell object
and its stiffness is taken into account then the design of slab should also be carried out based on the
finite element results so that the design and analysis are consistent with each other.

24. Q: We have a mixed type of modelling where part of the slab resting on beams is modelled as
membrane type object and a few non-rectangular slabs panels resting on beams have been
modelled as shell type with finite element mesh. But I receive a high torsion in beams which
receive load from the area modelled with shell type property and at the same time beam moments
appear smaller. How we could address this issue?

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A: Beam moments are smaller due to the reasons given in the last question. If your only concern is the
load transfer to beams from an irregular slab panel then you can use a small trick. Select the slab panel
and specify property modifiers for M11, M22 and M12 as 0.1 and rerun the analysis. This will cause a
reduction in slab’s bending stiffness and moment retained by beam will increase. Torsion in the beam
can be reduced by using a torsional stiffness modifier for beam less than 1. A value of 0.25 to 0.35 is
reasonable. However you the engineer has to determine in which cases torsion is to be included or
excluded in the model.

25. Q: ETABS always design beams for torsion. Is it possible to avoid design for torsion? I also
use another software XYZ which offers this facility. Can’t we have it in ETABS too?

A: This logic is incorrect even if it is available in the software XYZ. Either you have the force in a
component and design for that or you don’t have it and ignore it. In most building systems torsion in
beam develops due to compatibility of deformations. This can be handled conveniently by reducing the
torsional stiffness of beam as in most beams torsional stiffness is much smaller than that given by
torsional stiffness formula. However we don’t believe that a shortcut to avoid design for torsion should
be given in ETABS as this will be misused and often the errors it would cause would be un-conservative.
So to reduce torsional moment in beams best remedy is to reduce its torsional stiffness. It must be kept
in mind that torsion which develops due to equilibrium requirements must be included in design.

26. Q: Can we change the numbering of Beams and Columns?

A: Currently you can’t do that conveniently. Although we are not saying that it is not possible. An
option for auto relabeling is available which can change the labels automatically. You can change the
labels in .E2K file and then import it to ETABS. But it is not a convenient option.

27. Q: How I can select line/area objects based on their labels?

A: Currently this is available in ETABS V-2013 and 2015 as well as in SAP2000. It is not available in
older ETABS releases.

28. Q: How I can locate a specific element in the model?

A: There are two ways. One way is to select the element and view that only and you have located it.
For locating program generated elements first run the model and next use Objects and Element check
box as shown in the image below. In the displayed tables first locate the element no. and then in joints
table locate its coordinates. Now you can find where the element exists in the model.

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Figure 5: Display > Show Table Options

29. Q: How I can draw beams at mid landing level connected with two columns?

A: This can be done conveniently by seeing the two columns in elevation and use snap options to snap
at mid points and draw a line connecting the mid points of two columns. If you wish to move this
beam upwards or downwards within the story then select the beam and use Edit>Move command to
move it in vertical direction.

30. Q: I have columns which are not exactly coming on grid lines how I can view these in

A: First see the plan view where the required columns are shown correctly. Next use Draw>Draw
Developed elevation command and then program will ask you to name the elevation and program will
show a drawing mode cursor. Start with the first column and then keep on clicking along other column
lines which define the elevation. However start and end point should not be same. Once completed press
Esc key to exit. Now see the elevation which you just defined. It can be used for further editing of

31. Q: What are Global Force Balance errors and how ETABS computes the Global Force
Balance Relative Error which is reported in ETABS .LOG and .OUT files?

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A: For each Analysis Case, the sum of all joint forces and moments acting on the structure should be in
equilibrium. The program computes and prints a global force balance for the following types of Analysis
Cases: Loads, Modes, Specs, and Combos; no global force balance is computed for Histories, or
Combos that contain Histories. You should always review the global force balance as a check on the
validity of the structural model and the analysis.
For each Analysis Case, the program computes the resultants at the global origin for all joint forces and
moments acting on the structure. Separate resultants are computed for each type of joint force:
 Applied loads
 Inertial loads
 Spring forces
 Link forces
 Restraint Forces (Reactions)
 Constraint forces
 P-Delta forces
Each force resultant is computed as the sum of the forces acting on all joints in the structure. Each
moment resultant is computed as the sum of the moments acting on all joints in the structure, plus the
moments about the origin of the forces acting on all joints in the structure. This results in three force
and three moment components, all referred to the global coordinate system. The resultants are also
computed for the total of all these different forces and moments acting on the structure. These total
resultants should be zero if the structure is in exact equilibrium. Due to the approximate nature of
computer arithmetic, the totals may not be exactly zero. However, their values relative to the magnitude
of the contributing forces gives a measure of the accuracy and stability of the solution.
The resultant forces and moments are always printed in the output file for all Analysis Cases under the
In addition, relative equilibrium errors are printed in the log file under the heading:
Here the total force and moment components are expressed as a percentage of the maximum possible
equilibrium error. The maximum possible error is computed as follows:
 For each component (FX, FY, FZ, MX, MY, and MZ), the absolute values of the resultants for
applied loads, inertial loads, spring forces, link forces, reactions, constraint forces, and P-Delta
forces are summed.
 The maximum of the absolute sums for FX, FY, and FZ is determined.
 The maximum of the absolute sums for MX, MY, and MZ is determined.
 The maximum possible error for the force components is the maximum of the absolute force
sums, or the maximum of the absolute moment sums divided by the average moment arm for
the structure, whichever is larger.
 The maximum possible error for the moment components is the maximum of the absolute
moment sums, or the maximum of the absolute force sums multiplied by the average moment
arm for the structure, whichever is larger.
This definition, while complicated, assures that only numerically meaningful equilibrium errors are
indicated as such.
32. Q: How I can model a deep beam?

A: Since ETABS frame element formulation includes both bending and shear deformations, frame
elements can be used to model deep beams. This may be reasonable approach to evaluate global

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response, but localized response may need to be determined by a more refined model. For example, the
beam could be modeled by shell elements. Depending on the beam material, it may be also worthwhile
to use more specialized methods, such as the strut and tie method for the analysis and design of
reinforced concrete deep beams.
33. Q: ETABS 9.6 is giving me very high effective length factors for columns? What could be the
reason behind it?

A: In ETABS 9.6 and later versions effective length factors are computed based on Wood’s Charts as
required by IS:456. So the effective length computed by ETABS is same as required by IS:456. The
effective length of a column depends on how much rotational stiffness is available at column ends. If
the effective length is coming too high please check the flexural stiffness of beams connected to it. In
most cases program will be able to compute effective length factors correctly even for those columns
which are of double height or receive numerous beams in the story height. If you come across a case
when effective length factor doesn’t appear correct then you can use Design overwrites to assign it

34. Q: ETABS 9.6 is giving me effective length for a column connected with a flat slab only and
it doesn’t appear reasonable? What could be the reason behind it?

A: Current algorithm for effective length factor in ETABS works well for columns connected with
beams at its end. If a column is connected with floor only then ETABS can’t compute the effective
length factor using the Wood’s Charts as these were originally developed for frames connected with
beams only and further guidelines for evaluating the effective length factors for columns connected
with slab only are not available in code IS:456. Though we admit that for the case of flat slabs connected
with columns, the effective length of column could be worked out on the basis of the stiffness of slab
which is likely to participate with columns as a beam to produce the frame action, but it is currently not
available. It might be given in a future release. However you can still handle it on your own. Make a
copy of the flat slab model. Add beams connected to column lines in the flat slab but provide its stiffness
based on your judgement of its effective width. Now analyse the second model and check the effective
length of column. Use this effective length in your first model and do the design of column there. Now
the issue is how much effective width should be taken to estimate the stiffness of slab which works as
a beam. As a conservative estimate you can take approximately 0.15 to 0.25 times bay width on either
side of column as the width of slab-beam. Please also see concrete frame design manual for more details
on effective length computation method adopted in ETABS.

35. Q: Is it possible to avoid computation of effective length factors at all?

A: Yes it is possible but you should capture second order effects realistically. That is accomplished by
doing a P-Delta analysis. If that is done then effective length factors can be taken as 1.0. It should be
noted that original design algorithm of ETABS (upto ver 9.5) assumed that the user would be doing a
P-Delta analysis and program would always be assuming effective length factor as 1.0. However it was
found that only a few users in our country were actually doing it this way. So to safeguard against a
potential misuse we have given Wood’s Chart as default method and more advanced P-Delta method
as optional. If you wish to avoid it then conduct a good P-Delta analysis and assign effective length
factors as 1.0 by using design overwrites if you are using ver 9.6.0 or 9.7.0. However the program will
be checking whether a P-Delta analysis has been performed in ver 9.7.1 and the effective length factors
are assigned automatically as 1.0. In ETABS 013 and 2015 you have to tell the program that a P-Delta
analysis has been done in design preference. It is the responsibility of users to use available program
options correctly.
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36. Q: How we can do a “Good” P-Delta Analysis?

A: We will first develop the character of the problem to understand it clearly. Please see the following
Figure 6 which shows a column under compressive axial force as well as a horizontal shear.

(a) Undeformed Shape (b) Deformed Shape

Figure 6: Column under combined axial force and horizontal shear.

When strains and deformations both are small we can satisfy the equilibrium of forces for the un-
deformed geometry because horizontal displacement and vertical displacements both are small. This is
what is done in common linear analysis. In most cases the case of large deflections and large strains
need not be considered as the case of large deflections and small strains is sufficiently accurate.

With this background now see the above noted equation for moment for the case when strains are small
but deformations are large. The final moment is given as:


The additional moment Pu will cause additional sway in this cantilever column at its free end, which in
turn will further increase the lateral sway “u” and that additional sway will cause additional moment.
This will continue if structure has a stable stiffness and soon the system will be in equilibrium under
applied forces after a few cycles.

In a good P-Delta analysis the challenge is to compute the final deformed geometry accurately and
satisfy the equilibrium of forces for the deformed geometry. For doing that we can deduce from the
equation above that two things are important. One we must use a realistic value of “P” and must capture
an equally realistic value of “u”. This is done by estimating the value of “P” for the limit state under
consideration for the load combination being used in design, and at the same time the stiffness of the

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building should be representative of the stiffness when the structure is subjected to this limit state load.
In a severe ground shaking it is expected that the beams will be significantly cracked while columns
and walls will not be showing significant cracking. Cracking of beams and columns will reduce their
stiffness and if such a reduced stiffness is taken into account then the value of “u” for the equation
above will be computed realistically. So for a good P-Delta analysis you must modify the stiffness of
beams and column to reflect their reduced stiffness due to cracking and at the same time you must
choose a load combination which is representative of axial forces present in the structure when subjected
to a specific load combination. For reduction in beam and column stiffness use guidelines available in
UBC or in ACI-318 as IS:456 is silent on this important issue though it does give an oblique reference
to that in explanatory handbook on IS:456. For the axial load combination usually a most severe dead
and live load combination such as 1.2DL+1.2LL can be used. This is considered adequate for most
cases. But in such a case axial load component due an applied lateral load in a 3-D building frame is
neglected. In most cases it is acceptable. In ETABS P-Delta can be captured by using the following

1. Define stiffness modifiers for column and beams using the stiffness reduction factors
recommended in the UBC or in ACI-318 codes. Be very careful when specifying these.
Stiffness modifiers will be different for T-beam and rectangular beams. Choose the one which
is most appropriate. Run some sample problems and see if the results are acceptable.
2. If you want only one load combination which you feel, on an average describes axial loads
present in a building system for all load combinations then use Analyze>Set Analysis Option
and check P-Delta box and specify the load combination as 1.2DL+1.2LL or any other
combination which you feel is reasonable. In another query this is elaborated further.
3. However if you want to take into account P-Delta effects for the same load combination for
which you are doing the design then you must do non-linear static analysis with P-Delta option
ON and in that define the load combination you wish to use with appropriate scale factors. Use
the results of this analysis for design directly by using your own design combinations.
4. If you have columns which are expected to show significant bending between their heights then
you must specify meshing options for meshing the column along their mid height in two or
more segments. For doing that you need to use auto mesh options and avoid manual meshing.

The major advantage of P-Delta analysis is that we can afford the luxury of keeping effective length
factors as unity which simplifies the design greatly. Please also see ETABS design manual as well as
AISC 360-05 code chapter 7 on frame stability for further discussion and also see the chapter on
Geometric Non-linearity in CSI Analysis Reference Manual.

37. Q: In literature we often come across the term “Geometric Stiffness”. Kindly throw some
light on that.

A: Take a simple example of a cable when it is stretched by applying a tensile force in the cable
between two anchors, it can carry loads. In a similar manner a long rod carrying a large axial
compressive load on the verge of buckling will buckle by a very small lateral load. This kind of
behaviour is caused by change in geometric stiffness of the structure.

The basic equations can be derived as shown below for a cable segment of length “L” and carrying a
tensile force P.

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Figure 7: Forces on a Cable Element (from Wilson )

Consider the horizontal cable shown above of length L with an initial tension P. If the cable is subjected
to lateral displacements, vi and vj , at both ends, as shown, then additional forces, Fi and Fj, must be
developed for the cable element to be in equilibrium in its displaced position. Note that we have
assumed all forces and displacements are positive in the up direction. It is assumed that the
displacements are small and do not change the tension in the cable.

Taking moments about point j in the deformed position, the following equilibrium equation can be
written as:

𝐹𝑖 = (𝑣𝑖 − 𝑣𝑗 ) and Fj=-Fi

In matrix form these two equations can be written as:

 Fi  P  1  1  vi 
F     
 j  L   1 1  v j 
Or symbolically

In above equation kG is called geometric stiffness and it can be noticed that it is not a function of
mechanical properties of the cable and is a function of only its initial load and length. By using this
name “Geometric Stiffness” we can differentiate it from the mechanical stiffness matrix which is based
on physical properties of the element. This geometric stiffness exists in all structures but it becomes
important only if it is large compared to mechanical stiffness.

For a 2D frame element standard result of geometric stiffness is given below.

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and 2D frame element’s mechanical stiffness matrix without shearing deformation is given below

We can now recognise that if the large axial force present in the member remains constant, it is only
required to compute its total stiffness matrix kT, to account for the force induced stiffening or
softening effect.

38. Q: Could you please explain P-Delta analysis parameters?

A: There are two ways to specify the initial P-delta analysis in ETABS V7 to V9 as follows:

Non-iterative Based on Mass:

The load is computed automatically from the mass at each level as a story-by-story load upon the
structure. This approach is approximate, but does not require an iterative solution. This method is
identical to p-delta analysis in ETABS V6.
This method essentially treats the building as a simplified stick model to consider the P-Delta effect. It
is much faster than the iterative method. It does not capture local buckling as well as the iterative
method. This method works best if you have a single rigid diaphragm at each floor level though it also
works for other cases as well.
The reason we provide this method is to allow you to consider P-Delta in cases where you have not
specified gravity loads in your model. If you have specified gravity loads in your model, then in general,
we recommend that you use the Iterative Based on Load Cases option.
Iterative Based on Load Cases:
The load is computed from a specified combination of static load cases. This is called the P-Delta load
For example, the load may be the sum of a dead load case plus a fraction of a live load case. This
approach requires an iterative solution to determine the P-Delta effect upon the structure. This method
considers the P-Delta effect on an element- by-element basis. It captures local buckling effects better
than the non-iterative method. We recommend that you use this iterative method in all cases except
those where no gravity load is specified in your model.
 Iteration Controls: This area is active if you select the Iterative Based on Load Cases option
in the Method area of the dialog box. The Maximum Iterations item and the Relative Tolerance
-Displacements item are discussed in the subsection titled "Iterative Solution" in Chapter 33 of
ETABS V7 manual. Note that the maximum number of iterations specified is the maximum
number of additional analyses after the first analysis is run.

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 P-Delta Load Combination: This area is active if you select the Iterative Based on Load Cases
option in the Method area of the dialog box. Here you specify the single load combination to
be used for the initial P-Delta analysis of the structure.
As an example, suppose that the building code requires the following load combinations to be
considered for design:
(1) 1.5 dead load
(2) 1.5 dead load + 1.5 live load
(3) 1.2 dead load + 0.6 live load + 1.2 wind load (or EQ)
(4) 1.2 dead load + 0.6 live load - 1.2 wind load (or EQ)
(5) 0.9 dead load + 1.5 wind load (or EQ)
(6) 0.9 dead load - 1.5 wind load (or EQ)
For this case, the P-Delta effect due to the overall sway of the structure can usually be accounted for,
conservatively, by specifying the P-Delta load combination to be 1.2 times dead load plus 0.6 times live
load. This will accurately account for this effect in load combinations 3 and 4 above, and will
conservatively account for this effect in load combinations 5 and 6. This P-Delta effect is not generally
important in load combinations 1 and 2 since there is no lateral load.
It is also possible to accurately account for the P-Delta effect due to the deformation of the members
between their ends in the ETABS analysis, but we do not recommend that you do this. Instead we
recommend that you account for this effect using factors in your design.
The ETABS design postprocessors assume this is what you have done and includes these factors, where
appropriate, in the design. If you did want to try and account for the P-Delta effect due to the
deformation of the members between their ends in the ETABS analysis then you should first break up
all of your columns into at least two objects between story levels. Then you should run each of the six
load cases above separately with a different P-Delta load combination for each. Again, it is
recommended that this effect be accounted for instead by using factors in your design as is done in the
ETABS design postprocessors. There are exceptions too and you must refer to the manual for more
In older ETABS version, program uses only one combination which is specified in Analyze > Set
Analysis > Set P-Delta Parameters. In newer versions this is assigned using Define > P-Delta options.
In older versions of ETABS program uses the same stiffness for all static load cases, response
spectrum analysis and time history analysis. In SAP2000 and ETABS 2013/2015 you can specify
more than one P-delta combinations, and multiple P-Delta analysis can be performed. Please also see
Q/A no. 39 given below for additional details.
39. Q: What is P-δ analysis and its importance? How we can do that in ETABS?
A: Please see the image below which shows deformed column shape.

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Here Δ corresponds to story sway which is always computed and δ corresponds to lateral sway at a
location within the column length occurring in a story. Usually δ is not computed directly, primarily
due to the reason that columns and walls are not meshed within the story. Another reason for not
computing these is that most design codes have a moment magnifier approach to increase the design
moments and that indirectly includes P-δ effect in design. However if you want to compute P-Δ as well
as P-δ effects both within same analysis then ETABS/SAP2000 can be used easily by using a Non-
Linear Static analysis option.
To capture both P-Δ and P-δ effects you should run multiple nonlinear static analysis cases
each representing full load design combinations. So for example for a plane frame when considering
just dead (D), notional loads from dead (ND), live (L), notional from live (NL) and only one direction
of wind (W) you will end up with the following nonlinear analysis cases:

1. 1.5D + 1.5ND
2. 1.5D - 1.5ND
3. 1.2D + 1.2ND + 1.2L + 1.2NL
4. 1.2D - 1.2ND + 1.2L - 1.2NL
5. 1.2D + 0.6L + 1.2W
6. 1.2D + 0.6L - 1.2W
7. 0.9D + 1.5W
8. 0.9D - 1.5W
9. 1.5D + 1.5 W
10. 1.5D – 1.5W

However in such a case walls as well as columns must be meshed within the story height. Wall meshing
can be specified by specifying auto mesh options for wall objects. For column meshing insert nodes
within the story height but avoid dividing a column in two or more elements manually.

When multiple non-linear static analyses are performed you can do design based on such analyses
results directly. However spectrum analysis is not possible in such a setup because spectrum analysis
is linear.

On the other hand to capture P-Δ effect in an enveloping manner but not P-δ effect the following
Analysis cases are sufficient:

I. 1.2D + 1.2L as a nonlinear case

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II. D as a linear case using the stiffness from I
III L as a linear case using the stiffness from I
IV. ND as a linear case using the stiffness from I
V. NL as a linear case using the stiffness from I
VI. W as a linear case using the stiffness from I

In this option dynamic analysis can be performed with stiffness at the end of analysis I.

It is left to the discretion of the engineer to determine which analysis would be suitable and then these
can be specified quickly in ETABS as mentioned above.

Recommended reading: Please see IS:800 2007 and AISC 360-05 codes for more details. Please also
refer to Direct Analysis Method (DAM) specified in AISC 360-05.

40. Q: Indian code gives no guidelines on second order analysis but other codes like ACI-318
give detailed information and suggest that flexural stiffness of columns, beams and walls be
reduced to account for cracking. How we can do such a cracked section analysis for shear walls?
A: IS:456 does give an oblique reference to second order analysis. Some guidelines are available in
explanatory handbook on IS:456. In other codes like ACI, detailed information is available and the
suggested method is to reduce the flexural stiffness of walls, columns and beams and then perform a
second order P-Delta analysis. Flexural and axial behaviours for shell wall elements can be modified in
ETABS by using either f11 or f22 property modifiers, depending on the orientation of your local axes.
The shear behaviour is controlled by f12 property modifier. In column and code terms f11 or f22 would
correspond to modifications of EI or EA and f12 would correspond to modifications to GAshear. The
code recommendations in ACI318-05, Section 10.11 are related to slenderness effects where flexural
deformations govern so the code recommends modifying EI (corresponding to f11 or f22 for shear
walls). Furthermore, ACI318-08 Section 8.8 includes recommendations for member’s properties
modification factors to be used for lateral loads analysis. There is no recommendation for reducing the
GAshear. Modifiers for f12 can be used where deterioration of shear stiffness is expected.
The above discussion applies when the local axes 1 and 2 of the shear wall area object are either vertical
or horizontal. This is under user control. When drawing walls in ETABS, the default is to have the 1
axis horizontal and the 2 axis vertical. This means that the flexural modifier for EI should be applied to
f22 for wall piers and to f11 for spandrels. If you apply the modifier to both f11 and f22, it hardly affects
the results.
41. Q: Please explain the importance of Eigen and Ritz vectors and when we need to use these?

A: SAP2000 and ETABS offer both exact Eigen vectors and Load-dependent Ritz (LDR vectors). As
stated in the CSI Analysis Reference Manual following should be noted.
 Eigenvector analysis determines the undamped free-vibration modes shapes and frequencies of
the system. These natural modes provide an excellent insight into the behavior of the structure.
These are independent of loads and depend only on mass and stiffness properties of the structure
and are also referred to as natural modes.
 Ritz-vector analysis seeks to find modes that are excited by a particular loading. Ritz vectors
can provide a better basis that do eigenvectors when used for response-spectrum or time-history
analyses that are based on modal superposition.
We recommend performing an Eigen analysis of the structure, since it can help to check behavior and
find modeling problems. The natural frequency information can also be important for understanding
where resonance can be expected with different types of loads.

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For determining the response to horizontal ground acceleration, Eigen modes are generally quite
efficient, although it may be necessary to include a missing-mass (residual-mass) mode to account for
high-frequency effects that are missed by the Eigen modes. Most common structural analysis programs
have this capability, as do SAP2000 and ETABS. The only drawback with Eigen analysis is that it may
be time consuming and in many stiff structures you may have to include very large no. of modes to
achieve the required modal mass participation.
For vertical ground acceleration, or localized loading such as by machine vibration, Eigen modes may
be much less efficient, and determining whether or not you have enough modes can be difficult. Load-
dependent Ritz vectors are very effective for this purpose, and have the advantage of always including
the missing-mass modes automatically. Even for horizontal ground excitation, Ritz vectors are more
efficiently computed and now widely used.
Mass participation is a common measure for determining whether or not you have enough modes.
However, it is only useful for ground acceleration, and does not give information about localized
response. SAP2000 and ETABS provide static and dynamic participation measures for other types of
loading as well. When determining convergence of localized response with respect to the number of
modes, Ritz vectors converge much faster and more uniformly than do Eigen vectors.
Load dependent Ritz vectors are well documented in the open literature (e.g., Wilson et al), in standard
finite-element textbooks (e.g., Cook et al), and in standard structural dynamics textbooks (e.g., Chopra).
Please let us know if you need detailed citations.
SAP2000 and ETABS let you, the engineer, determine the type of modes you feel are most appropriate.
In fact, you can calculate both types of modes, in the same model, even in the same run while
using SAP2000 and ETABS and compare their behavior. SAP2000 and ETABS offer much
flexibility in the calculation of Eigen or Ritz modes, including the consideration of P-delta and other
nonlinear effects, modes at different stages of construction, and frequency shifts for specialized loading.
When using Eigen vectors, you control the convergence tolerance. Orthogonality is strictly maintained
to within the accuracy of the machine (15 decimal digits). Sturm sequence checks are performed and
reported to avoid missing any Eigen vectors when using shifts. Internal accuracy checks are performed
and used to control the solution automatically. SAP2000 will detect and report ill-conditioned systems,
but will still produce Eigen vectors that you can use to trace the source of the modeling problem. Ritz
vectors are not subject to convergence questions, but strict orthogonality of the vectors is maintained as
it is for Eigen vectors.
42. Q: When I check story shears for spectrum case then sum of reactions does not match with
story shears?

A: The manual verification of the base shear is not accurate and does not apply for MDOF systems.
You are simply obtaining response spectrum base shear for MDOF by superposition of SDOF systems
base shear.

The modal base reactions are combined to obtain the base reactions for a response spectrum load case.
The contribution for each mode is obtained by multiplying each modal base reaction by the response
spectrum modal amplitude value in the appropriate direction before modal combination. For a given
mode and direction of acceleration, the response spectrum modal amplitude is the product of modal
participation factor and response-spectrum acceleration, then divided by the Eigen value (ω^2) of the
mode. The modal participation factors are the dot products of the acceleration loads with the mode

So the base reactions comparison with SDOF systems you are performing can be valid if only one
mode is requested in your model.

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43. Q: What is Scale Factor given in Response Spectrum Cases definition dialog box?

A: It should be noted that the spectrum ordinates defined using in-built IS:1893 code option as well
as other code options are normalised values. It means that these are without any units. These are the
values of spectral accelerations divided by acceleration due to gravity. So the spectrum must be
converted to a specific set of units which are used in the model. This is done by using a scale factor
with a value of acceleration due to gravity in the current units of your model. At the same time it must
be noted that the design spectrum of IS:1893 is actually MCE level spectrum and it must be reduced
by dividing it by a factor of 2R where R is response reduction factor. So in the first run the value of
scale factor should be SF=I*g/(2R) where I is importance factor. After first run please check the base
shear developing in the model and if the computed value of base shear is less than code specified
minimum base shear than enhance the value of scale factor used in the first run so that resulting base
shear would match with the code specified minimum value.

44. Q: How I can be sure that program computed EQ lateral loads meet the code given
minimum lateral load requirement?

A: You must use user defined time period in static lateral load definition form. Use code
recommended period and program will compute the static lateral load which will be same as code
recommended minimum lateral loads. If you wish you can match base shears from spectrum analysis
to these forces by adjusting the scale factor.

45. Q: Does ETABS amplify accidental torsional eccentricity to 1.5 times as required by

A: Currently it is not implemented for static loads. For dynamic analysis accidental torsional
eccentricity need not be enhanced and hence no further work is required if you are doing only a spectrum
analysis. However if you are doing a static analysis where you need to enhance accidental torsion for
the inherent torsional eccentricity then first compute the eccentricity in a story by seeing the CM and
CR locations and next workout the coordinate of the point which will define enhanced eccentricity
correctly. Finally define another quake type lateral load but use only user load options and in the dialog
box use new coordinate of point of application of load and the value of story shear along with torsional
moment. You can also use eccentricity overrides and define desired eccentricity in length units.

46. Q: I am getting shear steel such 0.0812 and my units are KN-CM? What does it mean?

A: In current ETABS when a particular unit set is chosen then all subsequent information will be
displayed in the chosen units. In your case ETABS is displaying shear reinforcement area as cm2/cm.
So multiply it by 100 and you will get the corresponding value in cm2/m which in this case would be
8.12 cm2/m. You can now choose a suitable shear stirrup meeting this demand.

47. Q: How I can consider live load reduction in design of columns?

A: There are two things you need to do. First thing to be fixed is the type of load for live loads. It should
be of type “Reducible Live”. See the image below for details.

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Figure 9: Define Reducible Live type Live Load

The other thing to be fixed is the Live Load reduction method which you want to use in your ETABS
model. This is done by using Options>Preferences>Live Load reduction. See the image below.

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Figure 10: Choose Live Load Reduction Method and specify Reduction Factors

It is worth noting here that the live load analysis results will still be shown for full load but in design
of columns in all those combinations which have a live load component live load will be reduced in
accordance with the live load reduction factor assigned.

48. Q: There is an option for defining user defined lateral loads. What is the importance of this
and where it could be used?

A: User defined lateral loads is a convenient way to define lateral loads due wind or earthquake at a
diaphragm level, if the user has computed the lateral loads on his/her own separately. For example if
you are not satisfied with program computed torsional moment being applied due to eccentricity in CM
and CR then by studying CM and CR locations you can first work out the point where the applied load
would be causing the desired torsional moments and apply it as user defined load at that location. In the
same way user defined loads could be used to enhance story shear in case of soft story.

49. Q: Currently ETABS is not giving Story Stiffness. How it can be computed?

A: It is simple. Keep all points below the target story level as well as bottom node of the story level as
fixed and apply a horizontal load at CR location say 100 KN and check the lateral deflection at the story
level. Divide horizontal force by the lateral deflection computed and that is the story stiffness. It must
be emphasised here that for the purpose of identification of soft story you must model masonry infilled
frames by using a compression diagonal strut. Let us know if you want to have additional help on this
item. Newer versions of ETABS 2013/2015 compute story shears based on IBC 2005 code and it is
available in story response plot.

50. Q: I have done the analysis and I want to check how much horizontal shear is attracted by a
group of shear walls and columns? How we can do that conveniently in ETABS?

A: By using Display>Show Table>>Building Output Box checked, you can see the story shears for all
columns and walls etc. For any chosen load case or combination. However if you want to capture the
same but only for a group of walls and column then first make sure that One Story option is chosen and
then see the plan view of desired story and select such walls and columns as well as their top level nodes
and define a group for all these. Care should be taken that all points must be present at the same level.
Next using Define>Section Cut command define a section cut using the previously defined group.
Finally by using Display > Show Table option check the box for section cut forces and also select the
desired load case/combination and see the output table. The section cut forces will include the
summation of forces in the selected elements at the chosen node location.

51. Q: How I can have a circular and inclined grid system defined in ETABS?

A: ETABS by default defines an orthogonal grid system. This is based on the fact that all grids are
either parallel to Global X or Global Y directions. Editing of such an orthogonal grid system is very
convenient. However ETABS also gives an option of defining a sub-coordinate system and for doing
that use Edit>Edit Grid Data command and define a new coordinate system which could be a Cartesian
or Cylindrical coordinate system. There is an option in this command to locate the origin and inclination
of coordinate system with Global coordinate system.

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For defining an inclined grid system you must convert the sub-coordinate system to of type General.
See the image below.

Next use Draw Line command and click on the indicated Type of Line Box and choose Gridline and
draw it at desired location. See the image below.

In general it will be helpful if you have two points previously defined to locate the inclined grid when
you are using older ETABS releases version 9.5 or older.

In new versions of ETABS 2013 and 2015 you can use Edit > Grid Story and Grid System data and by
pressing add new grid system you will get a form where you can specify the type of grid you need. See
image below.

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Defining an inclined grid is much simpler in new ETABS 2013 and 2015. You can directly specify the
coordinates of grid start and end points in the Cartesian type grid definition form as shown below.

52. Q: I have several cantilever projections which I wish to model. How I can model these in

A: There are following modelling situations.

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1. A flat slab is being modelled and it may or may not have periphery beams. In such cases you need
to model slab as shell type to capture the bending of slab. In that any cantilever slab can be modelled
as shell type with appropriate meshing.

2. A beam slab system is being modelled and in that a cantilever exists. In such a case two situations
are possible:

a) Model the internal slab panels as well as cantilever both of type shell and specify meshing. In such
a case load transfer will be appropriate but slab and beam both will be participating in bending and if
you want to design the beam for the resulting moments then slab should be designed from finite
element results. Alternatively you can choose to reduce the bending stiffness of slab by specifying
property modifier of M11, M22, M12 as 0.1 and that will reduce the moment retained by slab.

b) Internal slab is being modelled as membrane and in such a case you have two options

(i) Model the cantilever load manually by applying such a load to beam as partial UDL or point
load. In general in such a case torsion due to cantilever is not applied on beam and is ignored. This
works well for small span cantilevers.

(ii) Model the cantilever as shell with meshing and internal slab as membrane. This is inappropriate
as the equilibrium of cantilever moment at its supported end is not properly simulated and this will be
resisted only by torsion in the beam as the bending of internal slab is being ignored in the model.

53. Q: How we can apply thermal loading in ETABS?

A: Thermal loads can be applied on line as well as area objects due to uniform temperature change in
these elements. However in such a case you should not have any rigid diaphragm defined at the floor
level because in rigid diaphragm in-plane strains are suppressed and these are required to capture the
effect of thermal loads on the building. In general you will have to mesh the slab and that should have
a shell type property.

54. Q: I have used Replicate command with option of Mirror but the results are not expected?
What could be the reason?

A: Please check the orientation of columns in the mirrored objects and modify these suitably. After that
you should not have a problem.

55. Q: We can’t determine Open Structure Wind loads as well as wind loads by using Gust factor
method in ETABS?

A: Both these items are in our wish list. Currently we suggest that evaluate these forces on your own
apply these as member loads or diaphragm level loads.

56. Q: How I can get the coordinates of Centre of Mass and Rigidity, Story shear, Mass
participation ratios etc.?

A: CM and CR values will be available if the diaphragm has been modelled as a rigid diaphragm.
Mass participation ratio will be computed if you are doing a dynamic analysis. Use Display>Show
Table option and in the next form use the options checked in the image below to get the desired
information from the program.

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Figure 11: Show Table Options

57. Q: Can we design an arbitrarily shaped concrete column in ETABS and SAP2000 ?

A: Yes you can do that easily in ETABS and SAP2000. As a rule all column shapes other than
rectangular and circular should be defined using SD section property. In the SD section property you
can define a column shape graphically and can provide your own chosen steel bar layout for
computation of PMM interaction.

58. Q: Is there any manual available for section designer?

A: Yes a manual is available and if you are not having it in the manuals folder of ETABS installation
directory then send us a mail and we will send you a PDF copy at no charge.

59. Q: I have a heavy column at the wall end like a dumbbell. I have defined it in the model but
in the wall design these end column are not coming.

A: You need to assign a pier name to the column as well. End columns located at wall end and wall
will be assigned same pier name and then program will include the columns also in wall design.

60. Q: Should we define multi legged walls as a single pier or as different wall piers?

A: It should be clearly understood that the wall forces don’t change by pier labelling scheme adopted
by the user. If you name the wall piers so that each wall segment is having a different label then you
get a conservative design as it will take care of localised higher axial forces which might be present in
the wall segment. When multi legged wall core is labelled as a single wall pier then the wall pier is
designed as a single section even if it is of a very complex shape. Program assumes that axial force is

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uniform over this section. This assumption may not be acceptable for those cases where one leg of wall
is heavily loaded due to gravity loads. We suggest that use both methods. Use the following steps:

1. Assign different pier names to all wall segments and work out approximate steel area required
for flexure.
2. Create sections with your chosen steel arrangement using the section designer keeping ease of
construction in mind.
3. Perform section check and make sure the section passes.
4. Assemble all different wall segment section and define a new 3-D wall section with your
chosen steel arrangement.
5. Rename all component wall segments of wall core as a single pier and do section check. It
should pass in flexure.

These steps will ensure that the shear wall possesses adequate capacity for local as well as global
behaviour. Design for shear is always done for individual legs and provide shear steel for each leg based
on computed values.

61. Q: How program is working out Boundary Element widths? Can we define our own chosen

A: Please see Shear Wall design manual for Indian code where it is neatly explained. Yes you can define
your own boundary element widths.

62. Q: How we can connect different beam elements resting on a large column element but centre
line of beams are not aligned in the same line?

A: If column is very large in size and beams are much less stiff and your judgement is that a good
rotational restraint exists to beam end then in such a case connect the end of beam with column centroid
using a rigid beam element. This will ensure that a fully continuous connection exists between all beams
and column. But even then some care is needed in that. We suggest before taking up any large scale
modelling that way, first make a single story model which simulates all different modelling situations
you want to model and run the analysis of smaller model and check if the resulting forces are reasonable.

At the other extreme there is the problem where column is relatively much thinner say a size of
230X1500 and here beams of usual size say 230X600 are provided aligned in the shorter column
direction but connected at extreme ends of column which are 1270 mm apart. In such a case column
centroid and beam centre lines are not aligned. Connecting the column and beams with a rigid beam to
unify the beam and column connection will be a serious mistake in this case. If it is done that way then
very significant –ve moments will develop at beam end resting on column for which the column can’t
be designed due to its shorter dimension. Such cases are better modelled by modelling the column using
a wall element and provide a moment release to beam resting on wall end.

63. Q: How we can do a moving load analysis in ETABS? I have a podium slab for which I need
to consider the moving load due a vehicle.

A: Though currently ETABS doesn’t have an automated moving load analysis but still you can do a
moving load analysis in ETABS. Please see a similar question in SAFE FAQs and use the same method
for ETABS too. In our other software SAP2000 a complete moving load analysis based on influence
lines and multi-step static loads is available. In more complex cases where multiple vehicles are moving

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on the building system floor, use of SAP2000 will be preferred. In simpler cases the method as given
in SAFE FAQs can be used.

64. Q: I have to terminate a wall on about a 2 m wide beam which is supported on thick walls.
How I can model such a situation?

A: Such an instance of a wide transfer girder can be modelled using shell object property. Specify
adequate meshing and try to have a matching mesh for the slab area representing the girder with walls
above as well as below. If you are attending a seminar in which these notes are given please ask your
instructor to show such a model to make this concept clear.

65. Q: I have defined an envelope type load combination for design and steel computed is coming
very high. What could be the reason behind that?

A: You need to understand that ETABS/SAP/SAFE will do the design for each design combination
separately and after that enveloping of max +ve and max –ve steel will be done. So there is no need to
define an envelope type combination by the user for doing the design and in fact it is incorrect to do
that. In envelope type combination it is possible that max moment, shear, axial forces and torsion may
not be from the same combination and in such a case the forces can’t develop concurrently and hence
design will not be consistent with actual response.

66. Q: I am confused about section cut forces. Should these be drawn using Draw Section cut
command or should these be defined using groups and section cuts?

A: In general there are two methods for the section cuts. In one method you can choose elements
(beam and area) as well as the nodes for which you need the section cut forces and define these as one
single group. Next define a section cut based on this group. The other option is to view any stress
diagram and draw the section cut line and program will give you the section cut forces along the
drawn line.

1) For a pre-defined group where you select the elements and points, program knows how to compute
the forces sum from the selected elements and where to compute it from the location of chosen nodes
therefore Define > Section Cut results will always be worked out for the node locations for the
elements present in the defined group.

2) For Draw > Draw Section Cut option, you are drawing a line on the elements you are interested in
to obtain the summation of forces. If you draw you section cut on elements then again this is very
obvious that you want to integrate the forces from few elements and the section Cut results should be
same as Item 1 above. However there is a tolerance issue which you should know. In the example
below a line is drawn on those elements only whose section cut forces are desired.

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However if the same line is drawn on the desired node location then a few possibility exist ass shown
and discussed below:

When a section cut line is drawn along thick black line in the image below then a few possibilities
exist. The node location is shown highlighted by X in the image below. When we mentioned that
there is a tolerance issue we meant that program can select elements shown with letter O and compute
section cut forces for selected nodes or program can do summation of forces for the elements shown
with letter Y. Program can also select element marked with letter G or B.

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What we want to emphasize here is that the choice is not unique because you have drawn it at
boundary of several elements. To address this issue draw a line at the element (not at joint as program
may be confused to decide which elements belong to the section cut when sections are drawn at
points. You should cut the elements whose forces are to be summed along a plane and then request the
section cut results at point centroids.

67. Q: How we can model a MIVAN system of walls in ETABS?

A: MIVAN system is in fact a kind of formwork for a rapid construction of multi-story building systems.
In such a system beams are not used at all in most cases and all slabs are simple flat plates. Such a
building system can be modelled in ETABS rather easily using wall and floor objects. However take a
note that slab and walls both participate in bending when subjected to loads. Hence for a realistic
modelling, floors and walls both should be modelled using shell type property. Floor as well as wall
objects should be meshed adequately. But the problem with these models lies elsewhere. In such
building systems almost always walls will be terminated on heavy beams and columns to create large
uninterrupted areas for parking purpose in lower stories. In such models, adequate modelling of walls,
transfer girders and supporting columns is a critical issue. In general such cases should be investigated
adequately at a more fundamental level by checking stresses developing in walls. You may often require
to model columns and transfer girders both using wall elements to achieve a proper connectivity with
walls above. Such models will actually reveal the flow of loads when principal stresses are plotted in
ETABS. In most such models staged analysis will also be needed. We have also noticed that sometimes

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in some deep girders which may have depth equal to the depth of story or even a higher depth, arching
action may be important which need be evaluated correctly to produce safe designs.

68. Q: Can we model deep columns using wall elements? What is the most appropriate way to
handle analysis and design of such elements?

A. Yes you can. Typically at some places like in Dubai building officials insist upon modelling a
column using wall elements if aspect ratio of column section is more than 3 or 4. We see this issue
primarily from analysis point of few. A user in Delhi did a very elaborate study of a building with
columns with aspect ratio less than 3 modelled as wall and in a separate analysis as columns. With
some corrections in the two models we found that both were giving very close time periods and
results. It may be hard to track the model now but that is not needed. However please note the

 Users model the columns as wall elements due to convenience in modelling as it

allows them to model eccentric beam connections easily. However there is a danger
here. Such columns modelled as walls with a small plan dimensions may be more
flexible in bending and many users ignore their meshing that and hence results are

 Beams connected to such columns modelled as walls are of shorter span and hence
their stiffness is higher. In columns modelled as line objects most users do not even
bother to model the correct stiffness of such beams by providing appropriate end
length offsets.

 Suppose a column of size 300X1000 is connected to a beam at its extreme end about
500 mm away from the wall centroid but parallel to shorter column dimension, then
the user has two choices viz. model it as a line element or as an area element. When
the user is modelling the column as line he/she will be modelling it in general, at the
beam and column junction and a huge rotational stiffness of column with width as
1000 and depth as 300 is available to such a beam parallel to shorter column
dimension and such a beam receives a very large moment in lateral loads leading to
so much of excessive steel that it is difficult to develop it in small size of column as
300 mm. This produces not only an incorrect design but the design is more expensive
as well. With wall type modelling of wall it is somewhat easier to model. The
problem of excessive moments in beams gets reduced and users like that as it is
giving them lesser steel.

 Please also note that for the column modelled as wall there is no clause in our codes
to consider slenderness effects. Even for columns IS:456 falls short of the desired
direction, as they keep talking about Woods Chart (which nobody uses) and second
order P-Delta analysis is still somewhat poorly defined in the Indian codes. So users
once again bypass all this.

 More difficult situation is that the users tend to give a smaller % of steel to such
columns modelled as wall applying wall design clauses of minimum steel as 0.25%.

So the users are doing the modelling of columns as walls as it is more convenient. However this is
dangerous if wall type design clauses are applied to such columns modelled as wall.

The right approach is to have the following cases considered.

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 If the column is to be modelled as wall element even then ensure that wall meshing is
 The user must do a second order P-Delta analysis to account for sway and additional
moment with cracked section properties for beams, columns and walls. This is not
defined in IS:456 currently.
 Such a column must be designed for full 3D PMM interaction.
 The user must understand the basic difference in column and shear wall. If a column
is modelled using wall elements then it should be used only for extraction for forces
from such a model. Design must be done using column type design clauses.

In passing please note that different elements can be used to model any building component. For
example a column can be modelled as a frame, shell, solid element, a floor can be modelled using
shell and even beam elements for the purpose of analysis. So model it the way you find more
appropriate but design laws of code should be followed correctly.

69. Q: I am unable to create .MDB Access file in ETABS 2013 and 2015 ?

A. You must have Microsoft Access installed in the same system where ETABS is installed with
match 32 or 64 bit version with ETABS. Once ETABS find Access you will get the options for
generating MDB files. This is due to the restrictions imposed by Microsoft in their developer studio
where enough tools are not available to export MDB file when Access is not installed.

70. Q: What are time dependent properties for materials and how these are defined ?

A. Please see form in SAP2000 and ETABS reproduced below.

Time Dependent Property Dialog box for Concrete material in SAP2000

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Time Dependent Property Dialog box for Concrete material in ETABS

a. Cement type coeff. will be 0.20 for rapid hardening high strength cement, 0.25 for
normal cement and 0.38 for slowly hardening cements. Please also see clause d 4.2.1
in appendix “d” of CEB-FIP 1990 code.

b. Relative Humidity is ambient relative humidity of concrete member. This is used in

equations 2.1-65 and 2.1-66 and equation 2.1-70 and 2.1-71 of CEB-FIP1990 code.
This information is used to compute creep coeff.

c. Shrinkage Coeff. Bsc is a coeff. that depends on the type of cement used. It is taken
as 4 for slowly hardening cement, 5 for normal and rapid hardening cements and 8 for
rapid hardening high strength cement. This is used in eq. 2.1-76 of CEB-FIP Code

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d. Shrinkage start days is basically Age of concrete when drying starts, usually taken as
the age at the end of moist curing (days);

e. Notional size if related with concrete member subjected to time dependent stresses
and is computed as 2Ac/u where Ac is sectional area and u is perimeter. For shell
objects this is the value of membrane thickness of shell element.
For SAP2000 notional size is controlled through property definition dialog box.

71. Q: What is Tower concept in new ETABS 2013 and 2015 ?

A. In some buildings it is noticed that several towers spring out of a common basement and in that it is
possible to have different towers of different story heights. Now the users have options to define
multiple towers with their own story heights. This makes model building easier. Draw the objects as
usual and select the objects which you wish to transfer to a specific tower and assign these to a new

72. Q: I want to define a material other than concrete and steel and how I can define it?

A. You can choose it of type other and define its own associated properties like Young’s modulus,
Poisson’s ratio etc. If material is non-linear then define its own stress strain properties and choose type
of hysteresis you want.

73. Q: I want to model confined brick masonry in ETABS and SAP. How can I do that?

A. We believe that you want to a non-linear analysis so as to predict its behaviour under extreme EQ
loads. In general frame hinge properties are not useful. So you can try an alternate approach. Model
brick masonry using 3D solid objects. Connections between two solids will be through a single joint
zero length link element. Such link elements are to be assigned bi-linear load and deformation curve in
the direction of desired DOF. Reinforced concrete bands can be modelled as line objects and assign
moment and shear hinges where solid objects meet the RC band. Apply gravity load first as a non-linear
static analysis and finally apply other non-linear static (pushover) or non-linear dynamic (time history)
load to complete the study. The properties for such links are to be obtained from a load test of confined

74. Q: I want to model brick infill in a frame, what is the procedure for that?

A. Such a brick infill frame can be modelled using a diagonal line element. Guidelines are available on
finding its sections properties and if you need that then send us a mail to

75. Q: What precautions I need to model a precast building?

A. Modelling of precast buildings will be done in the same manner as for a cast in-situ building. Only
a few precautions are required.

 Most precast buildings will have precast beams, columns and slabs and the assembly of these
components is not efficient in carrying lateral loads. So care should be taken in early stages of
design process to identify the locations where lateral load carrying elements could be provided.
 Since beams will be connected to columns at an eccentricity the eccentric connections should
be modelled using link objects.

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 Precast slabs should be modelled either as a shell element or as a membrane element. Such
precast slabs will also be performing the role of a floor diaphragm to carry inertial loads to
lateral load resisting elements. So the model should be so developed so as to extract forces
generated due to inertial effects under earthquake between two adjoining slabs, between slabs
and beams and finally between slabs/beams and lateral load resisting elements.
 Care should be taken to assign correct type of boundary conditions to base of columns. Typical
4 bolt columns should be modelled as pinned at the base.
 Precast buildings should have adequate lateral load resisting elements such as shear walls to
provide it stability and robustness under earthquake loads.
 Precast structures have limited ductility and hence a proper response reduction factor should be
taken in analysis.
 Precast building floor diaphragms should be modelled as semi-rigid.

76. Q: I am getting first mode as torsional and I am unable to remove it. How I can do that?

A. Such a behaviour with first two modes as torsional is not desirable due to various reasons.

 Ground motion is not uniform at the base at all points. This may give rise to torsional excitation.
 A building with lower torsional modes may show torsional movement in wind loads.
 Periphery beams in the building under torsional excitation lose their strength rather rapidly
rendering them ineffective in subsequent EQ aftershocks.
 The damage to non-structural elements like glass façade located in the periphery could be
enormous. Falling glass will endanger the lives of people close to such a building at the time of

So for above reasons lower torsional modes are to be avoided. Lower torsional mode in the building is
an indication that such a building is weak for torsional excitation. The only alternative is to make it stiff
against torsional motion. You can provide strong frames or shear walls away from the centre of building
and place these on outer periphery. Shear walls are generally very effective. But closely spaced columns
with stiff beams are often useful. We agree that you may not have many choices due to architectural
constraints but try to do that as discussed above.

77. Q: Can I model machine foundations in ETABS?

A. You can model only a few types of such foundations. Since in ETABS only line and area objects are
available you should use these to generate the model. Care should be taken to take the stiffening effect
of large column sizes in the model. Please note that steady state analysis is not available in ETABS and
so the only option is to do a time history analysis for a few cycles of loads and find the response.
However most users use SAP2000 for analysing the machine foundations using steady state analysis.
So we recommend try to use SAP2000 for that.

78. Q: I want to use tension or compression only bracing but in the analysis I am still getting
tension as well as compression in the line element despite the fact that I have assigned tension or
compression limits as zero.

A. We believe that you have already specified tension or compression limits as zero in the model.
However please note that tension or compression only behaviour is achieved only in a non-linear
analysis. Hence you must do only a non-linear static or a non-linear time history analysis. You will be
getting desired behaviour from your bracing element.

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79. Q: I have defined slabs and thickened area objects as drops but SAFE is not displaying
punching shear check. What could be wrong in my model?

A: SAFE 12 checks punching shear twice. Once for punching of column through the drop and the other
is punching of drop through the slab. As a general rule don’t mesh the slab type object on your own and
draw the drop type object above the slab type object. That way program will be able to trace punching
perimeters required for both kind of punching checks. The other issue is that the design algorithm
assumes that you have one drop element for each column. Hence if you have a drop type object
connected to several column then program can’t do drop to slab punching check and in such cases
thicker drop type object should be converted to slab type and program will only do a check for punching
of column through slab.

80. Q: What is moment integration in SAFE and which method is used?

A: Finite element analysis produces output in the form of distributed moments and in-plane stresses as
well as out of plane shears. This kind of output is not conductive for doing a quick design of slabs.
Hence a Moment Integration method is available in SAFE 12 which converts these distributed finite
element forces in strip forces. The design strips have to be defined by the user using his/her engineering
judgement and program will give total forces resisted by the design strip. This avoids otherwise time
consuming interpretation of finite element output. The additional advantage is that the effect of torsional
moment in finite elements is automatically included in design moments reported for the strips. Currently
Wood Armer moment integration scheme is available in SAFE.

81. Q: How we can analyse a slab for moving load in SAFE? I have a podium slab which is to be
designed for vehicular load.

A: This item is in our wish list and a completely automated moving load analysis option will be
available in a future release of SAFE. However in the meantime you can use the following method.

A SAFE model file can be requested from our end by sending us a mail. In this model for the purpose
of demonstration a moving load represented by 4 wheels is moved along the design strip CSA3. Two
rows of joints have been created at a suitable interval and at any given instant of time only two pairs of
joints placed next to each other are loaded by the vehicle load. It is tacitly assumed that 2 pairs of nodes
are enough for representing a vehicle load and vehicle is moving symmetrically on the grid and vehicle
wheels are maintaining identical distance from the central grid. If you need more points then you need
to keep a track of all the points and how these are to be loaded at any time instant. We have assumed
that speed of the vehicle is 1m/sec and hence for a time step of 1 sec we need 25 pairs of points for the
vehicle to move from one end to the other completely. At any one instant only 4 points representing the
wheel load are used for applying the load of vehicle. Next we have defined 24 different load patterns
and each pattern will have load for vehicle for a particular time step. See the image below. Here
highlighted dots show the vehicle load for a particular time step. See the instructions in the image below
and open the model and simulate same thing on your desktop to get a feeling of this.

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Figure 12: Define Nodes where vehicle response is to be computed

Next we have defined a load combination "move_comb" of Envelope Type having load patterns
LPAT1 to LPAT24 with a scale factor of 1.0. You can choose a scale factor higher than 1 to include
effect of impact. Next see strip forces for the load combination "move_comb" first for maximum.
This gives the max. positive moment for the strip for moving load.

Figure 13: See strip moments for Envelope type combination (+ve moment above)

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Next see strip forces for the load combination "move_comb" first for minimum. This gives the max.
negative moment for the strip for moving load. So at any section you need to design the strip for max.
-ve and max. +ve both.

Figure 14: See strip moments for Envelope type combination (-ve moment above)

Currently we can do moving load analysis using this simple method.

A word of caution:

You need to mesh the slab at your defined points. This can be done by selecting the points added by
you and select the option as given in the image below. This will ensure that slab is meshed at your
defined points. If you want to have more refined results then you need to define more points at a closer
spacing and apply the loads. You need not do manual meshing in such a case and when you want to
investigate some other area for same vehicle load simply select the points defined by you and do
replication for the new location and remove older defined points and then see the strip results for the
new location.

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Figure 15: Automesh the area object at defined nodes in SAFE

In Design there is a small issue and you should be aware of that. In envelope combinations program
will first do the enveloping and then moments and torsion are combined. This should be noted that
in moving load case as shown above max torsion and moments may come from different load
patterns in an envelope which may not be occurring concurrently. So envelope type design
combination should not be used in design rather define a separate design combination on your own
combining gravity and vehicle live load along with any other live load to which the slab system is
to be designed and perform design for each moving load position separately.

82. Q: How we can setup cracked section analysis in SAFE v12?

A: There are two types of cracked section analysis i.e., Immediate Cracked Deflection and Long-
Term Cracked deflection accounting the creep and shrinkage effects.
In SAFE v12, cracked section analysis can be setup using two different methods which are
described as follows:
1) Apply a single load pattern in load case and start another case continues From State at End of
Nonlinear Case.... For example, adding DEAD, SDEAD and LIVE load case for performing
cracked section analysis creates the following three cases:
a. Add DEAD Load case using Nonlinear (Cracked) started from Zero Initial Condition.
b. Add SDEAD Load case using Nonlinear (Cracked) started from using From State at End
of Nonlinear Case "DEAD".

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c. Add LIVE Load case using Nonlinear (Cracked) started from using From State at End of
Nonlinear Case "SDEAD".
DEAD load case predicts the cracking from zero initial condition when no load was present and
computes the cracking due to application of DEAD load pattern. Adding SDEAD in other case
staring From State at End of Nonlinear Case "DEAD" uses the stiffness at the end of DEAD load
case and computes the additional deflection due to SDEAD case. The reported deflection shows the
total deflection due to DEAD plus SDEAD case. However, this method is unable to recognize the
increase in DEAD load deflection due to increase in cracking when SDEAD load is added.
Therefore this method is not recommended.
2) The recommended method for computing cracked section analysis is to apply all load patterns in
a single load case and use the Crack analysis or Crack Long-Term Analysis Option as discussed
Immediate Cracked Deflection:
Apply all loads (i.e. DEAD + SDEAD + Live) in a single load and use the Crack Analysis option.
Long-Term Cracked Deflection:
The creep and shrinkage effects are only applicable for sustained type loading i.e., DEAD, SDEAD
and a portion of LIVE load (in case of Warehouse, Stadium etc.) if applicable. The analysis is
divided into two category cases i.e. a cracked section analysis which determines the incremental
deflection due to nonsustain portion of LIVE load and the long-term cracked analysis which
includes the sustained type of loading including creep and shrinkage effects.
A 25% Live load is assumed to be of sustained type in the example shown below:
Case 1: Short term load with short term concrete modulus (DEAD + SDEAD + ΨsLIVE) where Ψs
= 1.0 (i.e. Crack analysis)
Case 2: Permanent load with short term concrete modulus (DEAD + SDEAD + ΨLLIVE) where ΨL
= 0.25 (i.e. Crack analysis). Use ΨL = 0 if 100 percent of LIVE load is non sustained type of load.
Case 3: Permanent load with long-term concrete modulus plus creep and shrinkage (DEAD +
SDEAD + ΨLLIVE) where ΨL = 0.25 (i.e. Long-Term Cracked analysis with creep and shrinkage)
The long term deflection is the combination of Case 3 + (Case 1- Case 2)
The difference due to Case 1 and Case 2 represent the incremental deflection due to non-sustained
loading without accounting creep and shrinkage for fully cracked structure.

83. Q: How we can setup Nonlinear (Allow Uplift) analysis in SAFE 12?

A: When foundations are subjected to gravity as well as lateral loads and overturning moments are large
it is possible that in a particular load combination soil develops tension. In real life soil can’t sustain
any tension and it will simply separate from the foundation slab and hence the analysis results with soil
under tension are not suitable for design. In such an instance the problem must be solved by considering
nonlinear (allow uplift) analysis option available in SAFE 12. It must be clearly understood that every
single load pattern will not be acting alone and hence a nonlinear (allow uplift) analysis should not be
carried out for each load pattern separately rather all those load patterns which are acting together must
be specified in one single nonlinear (allow uplift) type load case. You can define as many such cases as
you need.

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84. Q: When I change units in new SAFE 2014, I get and error and program exits. How we
can rectify that?

A. This is due to an unregistered OCX file in SAFE. Please send us a mail and we will get it

85. Winkler’s spring concept used in SAFE gives no moment for a uniform plate but such
plates do undergo deformation in centre. How we can improve the analysis results to
reflect this kind of behaviour.

A. ACI code gives guidelines to handle this kind of situation. The procedure is to gradually
increase the stiffness of soil springs towards edges.

For example please see the above foundation area. In that divide it in 3 or more parts. The
innermost area should roughly have half of the width and length of overall dimension.
Intermediate areas can be proportioned with width and length varying linearly. In the figure
above assume that spring stiffness for area A, B and C is ka, kb and kc respectively. According
to ACI code for outermost area stiffness of soil should be twice of soil stiffness of innermost
area. For intermediate areas it can be varied linearly.

Thus we get

kb = 1.5*ka

kc = 2.0*ka
Use the following equation

(Area of A)* ka + (Area of B)* kb + (Area of C)* kc= (Total Area)*kaverage

The value of kaverage is available from geotechnical investigation or it can be suitable assumed.
Hence soil spring stiffness for all areas can be estimated quickly. Apply these values to
foundation base and do the analysis and design.

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If you have any doubt or if you have any other query then you can contact us by sending us a mail to However please don’t forget to include your company’s name and phone no.

CSI Engineering Software Pvt. Ltd.

H-31, Second Floor
NDSE Part-1
New Delhi 110049

Phone +91 11 41646528, +919811927135

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