Kuensel: Taking The Zoning System Beyond Lockdown

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W E D N E S D A Y, S E P T E M B E R 2 , 2 0 2 0  t  / V   

Phub Dem | Paro

Drukgyal dzong reconstruc-

tion resumed last Wednesday
after remaining shut for 16
days following the nationwide
lockdown declared on August
Today, construction is in
full swing. 
Although the lockdown
has hampered work, project
manager Namgay Dorji said
that the construction progress
was still two months ahead of
The reconstruction project
that began in 2016 had been
Currently, the dzong recon-
struction is in the fifth phase. 
Utse, which is the main

COV I D - 19
Taking the
part of the dzong, was inaugu-
rated in 2017 coinciding with
the first birthday of the HRH
The Gyalsey. BHUTAN - 225

zoning system
Out of five three-story
structure in the fifth phase,
one-story is already completed. 
While the lockdown did GLOBAL

beyond lockdown
not hamper the completion
date, he said that it incurred COVID-19
a substantial financial loss to
the government.
For 16 days, there was no
work done but the project had
to pay the wages. Approxi-
mately the shutdown bore
Zoning system to resolve the address problem 25,621,030
Yangchen C Rinzin especially in the delivery of the zoning task force, said CONFIRMED CASES

a financial burden of Nu 1.2
essential services. The task that His Majesty felt that if the
million (M). 
ividing the force member came up with lockdown continued for a long
Covid-19 protocol
The camp and construction
capital city and
the dzongkhags
43 zones and two super zones.
In two days about 31,000
time the lockdown associated
problem would be greater than
site falls in a self-containment
into zones, an cards were distributed to peo- the Covid-19 problems. RECOVERED
emergency ex- ple by almost 900 De-Suups, “With problems increas-
zone out of which moving in
ercise during the nationwide which allowed people to move ing, His Majesty felt we must

and out is restricted. 
lockdown would continue as a out for shopping and take a come up with a viable solu-
The workers, according to
proper planning tool hereafter. brisk walk during different tion. That was when His Maj-
the project manager, are under
strict surveillance, and they are
With the command from times of the day.  Head of the esty came up with the concept DEATHS
His Majesty The King, a task Office of Performance Man- of zoning system and move-
restricted to visit even the near-
force was formed to develop a agement under His Majesty’s ment pass to try and address
est shops. “They have no contact
zoning system to address the Secretariat (HMS), Karma the problems.”
with the locals and outsiders.”  Source: The Straits Times, ANN
issues during the lockdown, Yonten who is a member of Pg 2
Pg 3 As of September 1, 2020
PAGE 2 Wednesday, September 2, 2020| KUENSEL

Taking the zoning system

beyond lockdown
From Pg 1 would address similar issues in items where it took almost an the zone and supply would be a lockdown in future.”
The zoning system will the future.” hour to find the house.”  disturbed,” Karma Yonten said.  
apply and cards would be still Karma Yonten said that as Karma Yonten said that the “With this concept, we’re broad- Zoning system for
used as and when a lockdown a result of this zoning exercise, zoning team is already meeting ening it and see how we can dzongkhags
takes place. The government it was realised that there was a with Bhutan Post and Throm- make each zone independent.” The zoning system will be uni-
has partially lifted the lock- need for a proper addressing des on how they can use the Households in the zones form in all the 20 dzongkhags
down and people can now system in Thimphu where the details to address issues of the without essential facilities have although the focus was on the
move around their localities country still lacks postal codes addressing system. “As Covid- agreed to contribute place/ thromdes given the density of
without any timing or having or pin code systems even after 19 is here to stay, the zoning space to be used as shops while population, movement and the
to carry a movement pass. 60 years of development. system must act as responses the economic affairs ministry risk associated.
  The National Land Com- to a similar pandemic or any will take care of the license part. The zoning system will help
Beyond lockdown mission, De-Suung and the kind of disaster in the future.” If there is no space, the govern- target red zone areas so that if
Karma Yonten said that with zoning team are working on   ment will come up with tempo- there is one positive from one
His Majesty’s farsighted vi- digitizing the address system Independent zones rary plans during a crisis. zone, the rest of the zones need
sion, the task force was asked instead of postal address or pin A zoning system would also cre-   not go under the lockdown.
to go beyond and design a codes. The teams have already ate independent areas where Mass testing in future “We’re looking at a targeted
zoning system that would be geo-coded each house that will each zone will operate as an in- The zoning system in future approach, so that the whole
used as a planning tool for give details of each flat, build- dependent entity. Karma Yont- will help in mass testing if re- country doesn’t suffer because
future plans. ing numbers and accurate ad- en said an independent zone quired as it would have all the of an outbreak in one area.”
“Using the experiences dressing system of the location would mean zones that would details of people in each zone. The zoning team consists
gained from the pandemic, in each zone using the zoning have facilities like essential ser- The system will help the health of members from works and
the zoning system takes into system as a platform. vices, grocery shops, vegetable ministry come up with repre- human settlement ministry, the
consideration how to prepare “This was important be- shops and medical facilities. sentative sampling in a short agriculture ministry, economic
ourselves for a new normal or cause we still use landmarks “This is important because, dur- period and also know who to affairs, ECB, NSB, Thimphu
post Covid-19,” Karma Yonten to give someone the address,” ing pandemics, it would reduce call for the test. Thromde and HMS.
said. “The pandemic gave us Karma Yonten said. “One of the the threat, as people would not Karma Yonten said the cur- The zones were created
an opportunity to sit down, re- biggest issues during this lock- intermingle and remain in their rent zoning exercise has listed based on Thimphu thromde’s
flect and prepare a system that down was delivering essential respective zones.” all the details of shopkeepers, plan that had 13 urban villages.
The zoning system created taxi and bus drivers, De-Suups, The zones were defined based
recently also saw that some of police and the army. “This will on the boundary, number
the zones did not have essential help in testing frontline work- of shops within the zone, the
facilities. “If essential services ers immediately. We’ll be much proximity of shops from home
are not available, it would isolate better prepared should there be and population density.
TV Schedule
Sept 2, 2020
My Granddaughter (Short Film) 9am Four die of suspected
poisoning in Tsangkha
MB Subba tal (JDWNRH), where they are Blood samples from the
Travel Show 11:30am being treated.  deceased have been sent to the
The number of people who All four were members of Royal Centre for Disease Con-
Hardtalk 2:30pm
have died due to suspected the same family.  trol (RCDC) in Thimphu. Family
Witness History 5:25pm consumption of a toxin in Sala- According to reports, they members of the deceased are
mji village in Tsangkha gewog, showed similar symptoms in- awaiting the toxicology report.  
Dagana, reached four after a cluding diarrhoea, shortness of Husband of one of the de-
Expedition Unknown With Josh 4:20pm
Gates man died in Gelephu hospital breath, and organ failure.  ceased, Kedar Kumar Rai, said
(GCRRH) on August 31. Medical Superintendent of that family members were in-
Food Factory 7:20pm
Two women in their 40s had GCRRH, Dr Dorji Tshering, said formed that the patients in JD-
Man Vs. Wild 10:30pm died in the Gelephu hospital that they had died of acute liver WNRH were recovering. 
and Damphu general hospital failure. “What I could gather was He said that the delay in the
on August 28. The first victim, that the acute liver failure was toxicology report had created
Super Car 2020 HLs 6:30pm a 55-year-old man, who had probably due to some kind of fear in the village of an unknown
fallen sick on August 25 died in toxin,” he said.  communicable disease. 
UNL 2020/21 8:30pm
GCRRH the next day.  Such conditions, he said, “People hesitate to visit
Impact Wrestling 10:30pm The others started to fall occurs in wild mushroom poi- our house due to the fear of a
sick after the funeral gathering soning but added that they had communicable disease. This
of the 55-year-old man. The no history of consuming any problem would be solved if the
Crawl 1:10pm
patients are suspected to have mushroom. He said that there toxicology reports come soon,”
Blood Diamond 9:30pm consumed bangchang (locally were also suspicions of the toxin he said, adding that it has been
Rumble in Bronx 12:10pm brewed grain alcohol) although coming from the bangchang. a week since the blood sam-
the cause of the deaths is yet to “The bangchang is said ples from the deceased were
be ascertained.  to be locally brewed and I’m taken.  
Toy Story 5:30pm Six people altogether had sure that they have been brew- Kedar Kumar Rai said, “I’m
fallen sick and two of them have ing that for a long time. If it is also worried about contracting
Avengers: Infinity War 7pm been referred by Damphu hos- bangchang, then it has to be the disease if it at all is commu-
X-Men: Dark Phoenix 11:10pm pital to the Jigme Dorji Wang- found out how it happened,” nicable because my wife and I
chuck National Referral Hospi- Dr Dorji Tshering said.  were together.” 
Wednesday, September 2, 2020| KUENSEL PAGE 3

1010: The centre of information

in times of emergency
Jigme Wangchuk reports so far, and 11,434 calls—
816 per day. It is challenging to
Stranded. When can the shops attend to the many calls and to
open? How is one supposed to address all the problems but
get to the hospital? Why is veg- de-suups are coping all right.
etable order and supply such a Three nights they had to work
frustrating and futile affair? 24 hours. Now, they work from
Eight days after the govern- 8 a.m. to 10 p.m.
ment imposed the nationwide An eighty-year-old woman
lockdown, these were the ques- calls from Jungzhina. She has
tions.  Twenty-two days after run out of doma and can’t go
lockdown, these are still the out to stock up. She needs them
major questions. now. A man must take his baby
We knew a lockdown could to Changangkha Lhakhang.
happen, but it still came as a sur- The baby is sick. A tanker driver
prise. It happened overnight, so The information centre began functioning from August 18 is stranded at the vegetable
to speak. No one was prepared. market in Changzamtog and
Was there complacency on the to find most of them “unreach- skills. and irritating. I was taken aback must pay Nu 2,000 daily to the
part of the general public? Many able” or “switched off”. A dozen There are 50 parallel lines, by the voice from the other end of caretaker there. How does the
agree there was. August 11. With other hotline numbers were which means 50 call executives. the line. “Sir, where are you cur- centre solve such problems?
the discovery of a quarantined announced for different type of The hall is packed. Each table rently, exactly? Changzamtog. By the way, these are real prob-
individual who tested Covid-19 services. Almost all were most has a phone line. Besides, there OK, here is what you could do… lems. The centre has them all
positive six weeks after entering of the time jammed.  are eight data collectors and a You can walk around your house recorded.
Bhutan, the prime minister an- His Majesty’s Secretariat seven-member technical team but do not forget to wear your The centre’s rapid response
nounced a sudden lockdown. It walked in with an idea of a single that generates data and provide face mask. And, please avoid team comes in. Essentials and
was a sensible move, but there catch-all call centre. recommendations. crowds.” supplies are bought and deliv-
would be problems. Phenday Lam, Thimphu, The centre now does not From the far end of the room, ered as part of the Royal Kidu. 
When the lockdown was the office of Natural Resources get as many calls. Could it be I could see the man answering The team is buying sanitary
announced, many found Development Corporation Lim- because the centre is very effi- my call. He was most polite and items for a mother who has
themselves ill-prepared. As did ited, the home of the call centre, cient? “We have flaws, but we are professional. just given birth at Jigme Dorji
organisations, communication which started with 58 de-suup improving,” said a member who The centre produces daily Wangchuck National Referral
fell apart. Something had to be volunteers on August 18. They didn’t want to be named. reports that are submitted to His Hospital. 
done. Otherwise, the pandemic came in all raw. At nine in the I want to give it a try. Majesty’s Secretariat, prime min- This call centre is to be the
and the lockdown together morning on the first day, the vol- “Hello! Lockdown has been ister’s office and other relevant one information centre in the
could bring untold challenges unteers had to undergo a mock eased a little now but after 21 organisations and agencies. This entire country. Even the PMO’s
to the people. The first few session because no one had ever days indoors, I can’t figure out has helped overall coordination Grievance Helpdesk has now
days saw hundreds of mobile done this before. Call handling what to do. Where should I go?”  by getting all actors on the same been merged with the centre.
numbers being circulated, only and holding are professional I tried my best sound stupid page. There have been 14 such  Call 1010.

Drukgyal dzong construction resumes

From Pg 1 a month, I would have returned The skilled workers saw a 30 within the budget. expenditure.”
The project already stored ne- to my village, as it was suffocating percent increment on the zorig “As of today, more than 65 The project has spent Nu
cessities at the camp and distrib- without work.” chusum allowance. For instance, percent of the project is com- 238.2M.
utes it to the workers to minimize Considering this lockdown the daily wage of a grade one pleted within 40 percent of the
physical contact with outsiders. as an opportune time for work- worker rose from Nu 486 to Nu
As the work involves all kinds ers to either quit or reduce the 583. 
of workers, Namgay Dorji said consumption of tobacco and The cabinet approved a new
that it was impossible to main- alcohol, the project committee, 30 percent allowance for the un-
tain physical distancing and the in consultation with the workers skilled labourers. The revised pay
focus was on handwashing and decided not to distribute tobacco. for the unskilled labourers is Nu
other health protocols. “We are The project manager said 280 per day. 
considering ourselves as a big there was no major challenge Project Manager Namgay
family trying to mitigate possible as the project management had Dorji said that the increment was
transmission from outside.” stored enough materials for a essential to retain the experienced
The lockdown began to take month. “If the lockdown prolongs workers and to meet the increas-
its toll on the mental and physi- access to materials could have ing price of the commodities. 
cal health of the workers. Some been a problem.” He said that as the daily wage
labourers were of the view that it In the meantime, the daily increment has to be managed
was the right decision to resume wage of the workers was in- from the approved budget of Nu
the work, as they were restless, creased. Initially, the daily wage 500M, the project has to be com-
and it posed health risks.  of skilled workers ranges between pleted five months early. 
One of the workers at the site, Nu 576 and Nu 315, including 50 Initially, the project was
Dorji said that as a regular worker, percent zorig chusum allowance. scheduled to be completed by
it was as if something was missing The unskilled workers are paid Nu December 2022. However, Nam-
when he stayed home jobless. “If 215 according to the minimum gay Dorji said that the work might
the lockdown extends more than wage for the national workforce. prolong until the end of 2022 but
PAGE 4 Wednesday, September 2, 2020 | KUENSEL



few months ago, it was inappropriate, even
wrong to interpret a pandemic like the Covid-
19 as an opportunity or a fortunate occurrence.
Five months after we detected the first case and
went through a strict national lockdown, the
general agreement is that the pandemic has opened our eyes
and minds.
It is still sensitive to call it a blessing in disguise. But what
the pandemic taught us, if we are willing to learn from the
disruptions it caused and how we coped with it, It has to be
the most powerful transformative force. When we were caught
off-guard by a sudden lockdown, it exposed our shortcomings.
And when we rushed to ease the inconveniences and help
people with improved service delivery, it showed us endless
Officials and frontline workers were overwhelmed with
problems and complaints.  The lockdown came without a
warning and there were no plans. The immediate need was
essentials, basic items like rice, oil, sugar salt and baby food
to see through the lockdown. Despite immediate efforts to
ease the problem, it failed. It failed because we have had no
plans. It failed because we waited for a crisis or a disaster to
put plans in place. Rendered temporarily immobile : A cycle that’s been locked up during the
The capital city was divided into zones. It expanded, later, duration of the lockdown Photo: Phuntsho Gombu, Trashiyangtse
to the dzongkhags. It was not as easy as expected. Besides the
numerous hotlines created overnight, which created more
confusion, delivery of essentials was delayed because there Send in your pictures to: formcmt@gmail.com
was no zonation or exact address of the capital city’s residents.
The tall white building behind Changangkha Lhakhang,
which many could relate to a decade ago is no more relevant. 
There are several tall white buildings behind the lhakhang
now. The city doesn’t have a proper postal address. The need
was recognised years ago, but we are still looking for people
by landmark. Olakha and Babesa were villages not long ago. 
Landmarks like Dantak “wet canteen” or Dratshang building
Fortune favours the brave
will not work. Every building looks the same. Ever since kuensel and other and  cowardice in our My say is that a sense
A team looking at the zoning system of the capital city is news media broke the news society.  of composure and a
looking beyond the lockdown in zoning the city. This is a wel- about the rising covid-19 Although the public at little bravery would go a
comed decision. The Covid-19 pandemic may come to an end cases in the country,  there large have been cooperative long way in fighting the
one day, but we could see other crisis- natural or man-made. seems to be a growing and obedient during the invisible enemy. If there
Given our location in a fragile ecosystem, we are prone to bickering among some lockdown , their frustration are discrepancies in the
Bhutanese netizens against is building up and it’s often system tackling the virus,
natural disasters like floods, fire, landslides and earthquakes.
the Confirmed patients. We displayed on the internet our ( citizen’s) priority
Mapping the city is of paramount importance. know It’s not the first time for all to see. The voices in should be to ensure that they
However, this is not a new concept. Two decades ago, we during this crisis that we are social media is a reality we are instantly rectified and
realised the importance of proper town planning. The capital witnessing such antagonism cannot just ignore  as some prevented. Now, is clearly
city was undergoing rapid changes and we realised we need and stigmatization among bunch of “fake accounts” not the right time to review
a plan. A grand master plan that encompasses 25 years was our own people. anymore. The force is there, policies and hunt for the fall
readied based on a concept called intelligent urbanism. The From initially blaming visible and it’s functional at guy.  Remember that just like
idea was good. There was no implementation. the tourism industry  to times when confiding unjust you, everybody is praying
If we had, for instance, identified neighbourhood nodes, scrutinizing Bhutanese who incidents in our society for this plight to get over and
distinct residential and commercial areas or had proper postal were brought back from but, and that’s a big but, we just like you, Nobody wishes
codes and addresses, we would have not gone through a lot of abroad,  there have been ought to know when we are to get infected.
numerous instances when being irrational or making The uncontrollable
problems during the lockdown that we experienced. In fact, it
Online trolls have resorted insensitive remarks.  pandemic has gotten inside
would have helped manage the situation. to cyber shaming and The  Health minister our territory but now it’s on
Our strength is making plans, beautiful and convincing disparagement against both already had warned us to not let it  get into our
plans. Our weakness is not implementing them. And the big- corona infected patients and about the community heads. All of us.
ger problem is not fixing accountability. The question is how suspects. transmission being an . 
long will we need the command of the King to implement that While such behaviour inevitable scene and yet
was already agreed or approved. maybe representative of our there are few of us, loudly Kuenzang.
We look up to His Majesty The King for leadership and grave concern and anxiety and offensively displaying Chukha Dzongkhag. 
vision. We fail when we don't live up to the expectation. How , it also unveils shades of our worst reactions when the
long will we depend on commands and orders to find simple xenophobia, political dissent inevitable took place.
solutions to simple problems?


Wednesday, September 2, 2020| KUENSEL

FAO members discuss

hunger and Covid-19 issues
Choki Wangmo food security.” 
FAO Regional Representa-
The Covid-19 impact and tive for Asia and the Pacific,
consequent disruption in food Jong-Jin Kim said: “We must
supply chains and systems in come to terms with what is
the Asia-Pacific region since before us and recognise that
February has endangered the world and our region has
more than half of the world’s changed. We must find new
undernourished people in the ways to move forward and en-
region.  sure sustainable food security
The number of hungry in the face of these two pan-
people in Southern Asia is ex- demics, as well as prepare for
pected to rise by nearly a third threats that can and will evolve
to 330 million by 2030.  in the future.” 
To mitigate impacts of the The participants through The 35th APRC virtual meeting, chaired by the RGoB convened in Thimphu yesterday
pandemic on food, agricul- interventions and experience
ture, and livelihoods in the sharing discussed on the channels like e-commerce and policies are adapting to the and obesity continue to rise
region, 46 representatives FAO’s recently launched com- new technologies that will help emerging food systems in the among children and adults. 
from member countries par- prehensive Covid-19 response reduce food losses, as these are region.  To mitigate the pandem-
ticipated in the 35th session and recovery programme. The critical to ensure the flow of nu- A senior economist at the ic’s impact on food security,
of the Food and Agriculture programme is designed to pro- tritious foods and to generate FAO, Elbehri Aziz, said that the nutrition, and agriculture,
Organisation (FAO) Asian vide a flexible and coordinated improved incomes for those restrictions due to the pandem- Elbehri Aziz recommended
and Pacific Regional Confer- global response that aims to who work across the entire food ic had resulted in difficulties policy options such as con-
ence (APRC), virtually hosted ensure access to nutritious and agriculture sectors. for those involved in the food trolling the spread of the virus
by Bhutan in Thimphu yes- food for everyone.  The delegates examined the system to perform their tasks.  and implementing physical
terday.  It includes the mobilisa- present situation of the region’s “Farmers producing per- distancing and appropriate
The chair of the confer- tion of all forms of resources food security, with particular ishable products in labour- health protocols to reduce
ence and secretary of the agri- and partnerships at country, emphasis on implications intensive value chains are fear and risks. 
culture ministry, Rinzin Dorji, regional and global level with linked to the spread of the coro- in an especially vulnerable FAO has conducted rapid
said that despite impacts from the main aim to mitigate the navirus and its impact on food position.”  assessments of the pandemic’s
the pandemic, many countries immediate impacts of the systems region-wide.  The loss of income due to impact on food security and
in the region were making ef- pandemic while strength- Members from 22 coun- the economic downturn, there- nutrition in 20 countries of the
forts to reduce poverty and ening the longer-term resil- tries, representatives from fore, could lead to deterioration region, including the Pacific
hunger.  ience of food systems and the private and Civil Society of nutritional status, he said.  Islands. 
“Covid-19 has helped livelihoods. Organisations shared their ex- Asia-Pacific is home to 479 The conference attended
the government fast-forward The four-day conference periences about how farmers, million of the world’s under- by 400 delegates will end on
some of the national goals like will consider new marketing consumers and government nourished, while overweight September 4. 

At the service of the old and the underprivileged

Kidu mobile medical unit caters to 100 patients a day during lockdown
Chhimi Dema a temporary shelter for the plemented the needs of the department. medical officer and two drivers.
homeless at Rinchen Kuen- national referral hospital by The team of KMMU con- His Majesty’s Kidu Mobile
The country may have been phen Primary School. providing tele-consultations sists of gynaecologists, senior Medical Unit was initiated in
under a complete lockdown “We have the specific re- in the paediatric and the den- paediatrician, prosthodontics, 2009 upon Royal Command
for the last 21 days, but the sponsibility to give Her Maj- tal department, and to high- senior nurses with expertise to give access to specialised
medical needs of patients and esty The Gyaltsuen’s Soelra to risk pregnancy patients in the in pain management, senior healthcare to people who live
elderlies, the most vulnerable, mothers and newborns during gynaecology and obstetrics nurse anaesthetic, general duty far away from the capital.
were taken care with service the lockdown in the country,”
delivered at the doorsteps. Dr Phurb said. The team also
This was made possible caters to the needs of the 32
by His Majesty’s Kidu Mobile elderly people residing at
Medical Unit (KMMU). A team the Goensho Tshamkhang, a
consisting of seven members retreat for elderly people, in
monitored the health of about Wangsisina, Thimphu.
100 individuals in a day in Besides these, Dr Phurb
Thimphu during the lockdown. Dorji said that the KMMU team
The head of the KMMU, caters to 36 patients visiting the
Dr Phurb Dorji, said that the Kidu Medical Service Centre
team checks and monitors the (KMSC) for dialysis every day
health of 56 individuals, 28 and monitors patients from
patients and their attendants the cancer ward of the national
residing at the Kidu Patient referral hospital, which was
Guest House in Thimphu cur- shifted to the KMSC building.  
rently.  The team also attends Given the expertise with
to the health of individuals in the KMMU, it also sup-
PAGE 6 Wednesday, September 2, 2020| KUENSEL

Oxford COVID-19 vaccine

trial begins in India
INDIA: The much-awaited tibodies tests came the world’s largest vaccine Serum Institute of India’s
trial of COVID-19 vaccine out negative,” Dr manufacturer by volume, manufacturing of two prom-
developed by the University Sanjay Lalwani, selected 17 sites in India to ising vaccines by University of
of Oxford started in India on medical director conduct the Phase II trial of Oxford and Novavax.
Wednesday. Pune-based of Bharti Vidyap- Oxford COVID-19 vaccine.  A Under this agreement,
Serum Institute of India (SII) eeth’s Medical Col- total of 1,600 candidates will drugmaker SII can charge a
partnered with AstraZeneca lege, Hospital and take part in the study. maximum of $3 per dose for
to manufacture the COVID- Research Centre COVID-19 vaccine candi- the two COVID-19 vaccines.
19 vaccine candidate for India told PTI. date developed by the Jenner The vaccine maker will get the
and low-and-middle income A n o t h e r Institute, a part of the Nuffield funding from the Gates Foun-
countries. 48-year-old male Department of Medicine at the dation through international
Five volunteers enrolled volunteer was also University of Oxford, showed vaccine alliance GAVI.
to get for the Phase II trial of given the vaccine, a positive result in its initial Those who took Cov-
Covishield vaccine at Bharti he added. While the trial. According to a report ishield will remain under
Vidyapeeth’s Medical College 32-year-old volun- published in the British medi- medical observation for the
and Hospital in Pune. The teer works for a pri- cal journal  The Lancet, the next two months, said Maha-
administered the vaccine, PTI
doctors conducted COVID- vate company, the other one is COVID-19 vaccine produced rashtra Minister Dr Vishwajeet
19 and antibodies tests on all associated with the healthcare a dual immune response in Kadam. At least 25 candidates
“Doctors at the hospital
them. Three volunteers had sector, he said. “The two vol- people aged 18 to 55. will be given the vaccine in the
administered the first shot
tested positive for corona- unteers, who were adminis- The Bill & Melinda Gates next seven days, according to
of the Covishield vaccine to
virus antibodies test, hence tered the vaccines are being Foundation earlier said that sources.
a 32-year-old man after his
they became ineligible for monitored,” Lalwani said. they will provide at-risk fund- The Island
reports of COVID-19 and an-
the trial. Two of them were Serum Institute of India, ing of $150 million to support ANN

Globally 1 in 3 children missed out on remote

learning during school closures: Unicef
For at least 463 million children able to access remote learning. 
whose schools closed due to Age groups also had an
Covid-19, “there was no such impact, with the youngest stu-
thing as remote learning”, the dents most likely to miss out on
head of the UN Children’s Fund remote learning during their
(Unicef ) said today. most critical years of learning
Unicef launched a new re- and development.
port outlining the limitations of
remote learning and exposing Addressing The Chal-
the deep inequalities in access.  lenges
“The sheer number of To respond, the governments
children whose education should prioritise the safe re-
was completely disrupted for opening of schools when they
months on end is a global edu- begin easing lockdown restric-
cation emergency. The reper- tions, Unicef urged, along with
cussions could be felt in econo- urgent investment to bridge the
mies and societies for decades digital divide.
to come,” said Henrietta Fore, “When reopening is not pos-
Unicef Executive Director, in a sible, [we] urge governments
news release announcing the to incorporate compensatory
findings. levels -- also found that even access to television, radio and with remote learning. learning for lost instructional
At the height of nationwide when children had the neces- internet, and the availability Schoolchildren from the time into school continuity and
and local lockdowns, nearly 1.5 sary platforms, they may not be of curriculum delivered across poorest households and those reopening plans,” added the UN
billion schoolchildren were af- able to learn remotely due to these platforms during school living in rural areas are also at agency, explaining that school
fected by school closures. competing factors at home. closures. high risk of missing out during opening policies and practices
The competing factors, closures.  must include expanding access
‘Competing Factors’ Im- Unicef said, could include pres- Stark Inequality With- Globally, 72 percent of to education, including remote
pact Learning sure to do chores, being forced in Countries schoolchildren unable to access learning, especially for margin-
The report -- based on a glob- to work, a poor environment for The report highlighted stark remote learning live in their alised groups. 
ally representative analysis on learning, and lack of support in inequalities across regions countries’ poorest households. Alongside, education sys-
the availability of home-based using the online or broadcast and within countries. School- In upper middle-income coun- tems must be adapted and built
remote learning technology curriculum. children in sub-Saharan Africa tries, schoolchildren from the to withstand future crises.
and tools for children from pre- The report used data from were the worst affected, with poorest households account for The Daily Star
primary to upper-secondary 100 countries, which included half of all students not reached up to 86 percent of students un- ANN
Wednesday, September 2, 2020| KUENSEL PAGE 7

Facebook group for each Zone:

A Blessing in Disguise

part from the sole purpose location, the goods they sale, and about the local residents.
of disseminating informa- their new arrivals. The business picked up
tion to locals in specific as new consumers assembled in line to do The local residents, through this platform,
zones, Facebook group cre- their purchase. would be now able to instantly organise
ated for the benefit of community services like cleaning, blood
zones, if used extensively, would foster Prior to lock-down, residents were bother- donation, planting trees, donating essen-
even greater community vitality. less about the names of shopkeepers as tials to needy ones, take ownership of the
well as the shops from where they use to developmental activities and take good
The forum is helping local businesses at- purchase their monthly ration. If not face to care of the public properties they have
tract more customers by connecting to the face, the virtual interaction space created been enjoying in their own locality.
needs and preferences of the local resi- by Facebook group is helping local resi-
dents. On the other hand, the customers dents know their neighbours too and the If this lively communication and connec-
are also benefitted in terms of reduction fellow residents who live a few blocks apart. tion continues after lockdown relaxation
in travel cost incurred on shopping which While they meet, though faces are hidden with this existing yet heighten the sense
were mostly done from far-away shopping behind those masks but one can feel the of concern shown beyond one’s four walls
malls prior to National lock-down. Simi- warmth of brotherhood and see the smile and if this magic is true and is prevalent
larly, with instant messages on your mobile greeting each-other through their eyes. in all zones across the country, then we
phone informing you about the arrival of have succeeded to become stronger than
goods, it increases your probability of get- Looking at how quickly vital information is ever, collected and poise in our thoughts
ting to buy fresh vegetables, dairy products shared and genuine concern been shown and ever more united to fight our common
and any other essential goods. Which, in to random fellow residents, and how ben- enemy.
traditional market set-up, is non-existent. eficial it’s turning out to be for everyone at
the moment, I foresee many more positive Gayatri Bhandari (Mr)
Overnight the offline store also started to future implications of this virtual space Teacher, Druk School
function as a mini-online-retailer, inform- based on this newly discovered sense of Resident of Lower Changzamtok Zone
ing and directing shoppers about their brotherhood, trust, and awareness among

How to put on, use, take off and UNLOCKING THE LOCKDOWN
dispose of a mask Under the dynamic leadership of the King
Nation remained safe and healthy
Before putting on a mask, clean hands with Lockdown was a nice strategy and 
alcohol-based hand rub or soap and water. Opening was another wonderful tactics
Cornering the country to keep people safe
King was the hero of our country
Cover mouth and nose with mask and make sure
Ideas of locking down was a wonderful strategy
there are no gaps between your face and the mask.
Nothing is impossible if we Plan Do Check and Act
Government did the right thing at the right time and
Avoid touching the mask while using it; if you do, True nation displayed by the people
clean your hands with alcohol-based hand rub or Health sector did a great job and
soap and water. Everybody was happy at this moment
Looking at the scenario of COVID-19 rise
Opening of lockdown was a worrisome
Replace the mask with a new one as soon as it is Commonly, poor people were affected, however,
damp and do not re-use single-use masks.
King gave a kidu to a needy people
Dharma beings did a great ritual and our
To remove the mask: remove it from behind (do not Obstacles removed greatly
touch the front of mask); discard immediately in a Wear a mask and follow the Covid-19 protocols
closed bin; clean hands with alcohol-based hand Nothing is impossible
rub or soap and water.
Many thanks to everyone.  

Kinga Dorji
Samthang, Wangdue
PAGE 8 Wednesday, September 2, 2020 | KUENSEL

How to play
Fill in the grid so
that every row, every
column, and every 3
X 3 box contains the
numbers 1 through 9.


Sour grapes
Describing behavior that is demeaning
or insulting when someone realizes he/
she can't win or complete a task
"Insulting her was just sour grapes
because she didn't choose him on her
Speak of the devil Direction
An expression meaning that the person T1 E1 I1 A1 C3 P3 R1 Triple Rack 1 Make a 2 to 7 letters word from the
word score
about whom one was just speaking letters in each row. To total points of
arrives or makes their presence known your words use scoring directions to
right of each row. 7-letter words get
"Well, speak of the devil, we were just G2 S1 A1 I1 T1 R1 N1 Rack 2 50-point bonus. “Blanks” used as any
talking about you!" letter have no point value.

Rack 3 Solution
K5 A1 A1 E1 U1 S1 Q10 2nd letter
Rebus P3









L1 C3 T1 U1 O1 N1 S1 Rack 4 S1 Q10 U1 E1 A1 K5 29

C3 O1 N1 S1 U1 L1 T1 59

E1 N1 R1 O1 B3 E1 16
B3 O1 O1 E1 N1 R1 E1 Double Rack 5
Noon tea

word score 245

Four rack total
Par score 155-165
Four rack total
Wednesday, September 2, 2020| KUENSEL PAGE 9

Dagapela landlords offer

rental relief for a month
Yeshey Lhadon gar, an owner of a four-storey
building in town waived the
It’s the end of the month and rent for August.
tenants are wondering how “The return from my busi-
to pay their rent, especially ness is zero for this month
during lockdown. and I was worried about the
Cheten Norbu runs a rent payment. The waver
small tailoring shop in Da- means a lot,” one of the ten-
gapela town. However, his ants said.
shop has remained closed Landlord Choki Wangmo
for the last two months be- said her family decided to
cause of the Covid-19 pan- give the waiver considering
demic. He was going through the current difficult situation.
financial stress because he “Although I have been
still paid his rent and salary paying housing loan continu-
to one of his employees. ously, this is truly a difficult
A few days ago, Cheten situation that the tenants,
received a call from Dema who are mostly operating
Lhamo, his landlady. He businesses, are undergoing,”
learnt that he was exempted shed said.
from paying rent for the Au- She added that she would
gust month. He said: “It was decide whether or not to col-
a great relief. I didn’t know lect rent from the tenants in
what would happen if lock- the following months consid-
down extended. I don’t have ering the gravity of the situ-
savings.” ation.
Dema Lhamo said that Except for some identified
she understood her tenant’s grocers, who were allowed to
financial hardships during Dagana town operate to cater to residents
such an unprecedented situ- during the lockdown, almost
ation. “I’ll consider my ten- waived the rent. Subash Bis- huge loss. The hotel business Everyone is going through a all businesses and private
ants’ situation if lockdown was’ tenants didn’t have to is down after lockdown.” rough time.” sector employees were af-
extends,” she said. pay a single penny for three Baharat Tamang runs a Meanwhile, in Mon- fected in Mongar.
The Gup of Tsandagang months, for April, May, and snooker room. He too didn’t
gewog, Bal Bahadur Rana, June. have to pay rent for three
convinced 22 landlords of Subash lives in Thimphu months. He said: “I’m very
Dagapela town to completely and he too lost his business grateful that my landlord TOMORROW
waive the rent for a month. during lockdown. He pays Nu waived off 100 percent rent
He started by waiving off his 60,000 rent for his apartment for the fourth time by now.” Good Day r UPSPPGIPVTF
and shop in Thimphu. His landlord not only r UPQFSGPSNBOOVBMPGGFSJOHT r UPIPJTU-VOHEIBS
tenant’s rent to set an exam-
ple. “It wasn’t compulsory, He said: “I’m also finan- waived the rent for snooker Bad Day A good day for rituals (laza):
but I’m glad that house own- cially down but, being a busi- room and apartment. r UPIBOEBOEUBLFPWFSPGGJDF those born in the sheep, snake, monkey
nessman, I understand the Landlords who are de- r UPMFBSOBTUSPMPHZ and rooster years.
ers were willing to ease peo-
ple’s hardships.” challenges.” pendent on rent are facing Generally a good day (sogza):
He said: “It would be help- Ishore Biswa is a hotel- challenges too. Dhan Maya r UPTUBSUOFXCVTJOFTT
those born in the snake and horse years.
ful for the people even if it’s ier and one of Subash’s ten- Rai agreed to waive the rent r UPFOUFSJOUPOFXIPVTF A bad day (shedza):
just for a month because the ants.  He would have paid Nu for her tenant. She said, “We r UPNBSSZBOEDFMFCSBUF those born in the tiger and rabbit years.
businesses have stopped now.” 35,000   monthly rent if his also want to extend our help-
It is not the first time for landlord asked. ing hand just like the rest of
some landlords in Dagapela He said: “I have incurred a the landlords in Dagapela.
Time of issue: 3:59 PM,
SUNRISE : 5:40 am | SUNSET : 6:20 pm 1 September 2020

Expatriate labourer arrested Gasa Trongsa Bumthang Sarpang Phuentsholing

for attempt to rape 21

Staff reporter Hydropower Authority. curred when she was going
Trongsa court closed due to the tailor and the accused
Thimphu Trashigang
A non-Bhutanese labourer to lockdown conducted the touched her. The lady was
in Trongsa was arrested and
placed under police custody
hearing for remand order
virtually yesterday.
attending her duty at the tri-
junction near Dzongkhalum.
27 27
for attempting to rape a fe- The judge granted 21 The incident was re- 15 17
male De-Suup in Trongsa. days’ remand order for the ported by one of the fellow
Source: National Center for Hydrology and Meteorology.
He works for one of the accused. De-Suups posted at the site. For any weather information: Call hotline 335578
contractors of Mangdechhu The alleged incident oc-
Bhutan Telecom is pleased to announce an increase in data volume for both its prepaid and postpaid
users with effect from September 01, 2020.
Stay indoors, stay informed, stay connected! Call 1600 or visit www.bt.bt for details.

Note: For the Nu. 999 package, there was an error with the revised quota. The corrected and revised data volume for Nu. 999 is 37, 570 MB. The same
was corrected on our system and we have compensated with the revised data quota for those who had recharged for Nu.999 on 1st September.
We deeply regret and apologize for the error.

Kuensel supplement Wednesday, September 02, 2020

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