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Plant Physiology and Biochemistry 43 (2005) 241–248

Effect of water and temperature stress on the content

of active constituents of Hypericum brasiliense Choisy
Ilka Nacif de Abreu, Paulo Mazzafera *
Departamento de Fisiologia Vegetal, Instituto de Biologia, CP 6109, Universidade Estadual de Campinas (UNICAMP), 13083-862 Campinas, SP, Brazil
Received 1 December 2004; accepted 31 January 2005

Available online 09 March 2005


Hypericum brasiliense is a medicinal herb containing several compounds with important pharmacological activity. In this study, we
investigated the effects of water stress (waterlogging and drought) and temperature (low and high, constant and alternate) on the content of
betulinic acid and phenolic compounds (quercetin, rutin, 1,5-dihydroxyxanthone, isouliginosin B) in this species. In general, the water stress
increased the levels of all of the compounds analyzed, particularly some of the phenolic compounds. On the other hand, the responses to
alternating temperatures varied according to the compound. The results for plants kept in growth chambers indicated that low light intensity
might have influenced the levels of the compounds. There was also a reallocation of carbon, with water-stressed plants showing a reduction in
growth while the levels of the compounds increased. In the temperature treatments, such an increase was evident only for the phenolic
© 2005 Elsevier SAS. All rights reserved.

Keywords: Hypericum brasiliense; Water stress; temperature; Betulinic acid; Phenolics

1. Introduction cies may eventually become a domesticated plant and serve

as an alternative to H. perforatum for medicinal use.
Hypericum brasiliense (Guttiferae), an herb found in south- In recent years, there has been a dramatic increase in the
ern and southeastern Brazil, contains substances, including sale of products based on or derived from naturally occurring
xanthones, acylfloroglucinols, quercetin, rutin, anthocyanins compounds. Cragg et al. [11] reported that of 520 drugs
and betulinic acid, that have important pharmacological approved by the Food and Drug Administration (FDA) in the
actions [1]. Studies in vitro have shown that 1,5- United States over a 12-year period (1983–1994), 30% were
dihydroxyxanthone, isolated from H. brasiliense, inhibits natural products or their derivatives. Concomitant with the
monoamine oxidases A and B [2], and more recent studies
exploration of plants to isolate and identify new molecules of
have shown that this species may also have analgesic proper-
pharmacological importance, there has been an increase in
ties [3]. Other biological actions have been attributed to sub-
the use of plant materials in the form of liquid extracts and
stances found in H. brasiliense extracts, including antioxi-
powders. Although these products are sold in various coun-
dant and anticancer activities and the inhibition of HIV-
tries under appropriate licenses from the relevant health insti-
1 replication [4–6]. H. brasiliense does not contain hypericin
tutions responsible for controlling such sales, most of these
[7] which, together with pseudohypericin, has been impli-
compounds lack a detailed chemical characterization [12],
cated in the anti-depressive action of H. perforatum [8]. How-
and few or no biological assays have been done to ensure that
ever, recent reports have questioned this role of hypericin [9].
the products are indeed active against the target for which
Hypericin may also cause photosensitivity and induce skin
they are sold.
allergies [10]. Because of the similarities in the chemical com-
positions of H. perforatum and H. brasiliense, the latter spe- Several factors may affect the levels of the active prin-
ciples of plant material during collection, processing and stor-
* Corresponding author. Fax: +55-19-3788-6210. age. Indeed, biotic and abiotic stresses exert a considerable
E-mail address: (P. Mazzafera). influence on the levels of secondary metabolites in plants [13].
0981-9428/$ - see front matter © 2005 Elsevier SAS. All rights reserved.
242 I. Nacif de Abreu, P. Mazzafera / Plant Physiology and Biochemistry 43 (2005) 241–248

Hypericum is a genus of about 400 species widespread 2.3. Experiment with water stress
throughout the world [14] and although it has been shown
that several of them contain compounds with important phar- Control plants were irrigated once a day. To produce
macological application most of the studies have been car- hypoxia, a set of pots containing plants were saturated with
ried out with H. perforatum [14–17]. Regarding studies on water and then placed in other pots (3 l) filled with water. The
the effect of biotic and abiotic stresses on plants of this genus, water was replenished whenever necessary. Drought stress
again the few ones carried out so far were focused on H. per- was applied gradually in other set of plants. After they had
foratum [18–20]. They showed that the composition of phy- been excessively watered, the excess water was drained and
tochemicals may be affected by such stresses. Other recent the pots were weighed. The next day, the plants were weighed
and important reports have been published on the phenolic and half of the weight loss was restored as water (1 g = 1 ml).
composition and antioxidant activity of extracts from plants After 15 days of drought stress, symptoms of wilting were
and in vitro cultures of Hypericum androsaemum and H. per- seen in some plants in late morning and the experiment was
foratum [21–24]. terminated. The hypoxia experiment was also terminated at
In a previous report we described the isolation of the trit- the same time.
erpene betulinic acid and of the phenolics isouliginosin B,
1,5-dihydroxyxanthone, quercetin and rutin from H. brasil- 2.4. Characterization of the stresses
iense and investigated their distribution during plant growth
[1]. The aim of this study was therefore to investigate the In the temperature experiment, stress was characterized
effect of water and temperature stresses on the levels of these by measuring the quantum efficiency of photosystem II-PSII
bioactive substances in H. brasiliense. [26] using a fluorometer (MINI-PAN, Heinz Walz GmabH).
The determinations were done on fully expanded leaves. In
the water stressed plants the water potential was determined
2. Materials and methods with a pressure chamber (model 1000, PMS instruments, Cor-
vallis, OR, USA). Since the leaves of H. brasiliense were too
2.1. Plant material small to attach to the chamber, a lateral branch was used.
Lipid peroxidation was determined in the water stressed plants
Two- and three-month-old plants (15 and 25 cm high, by measuring the production of malondialdehyde (MDA) [27].
respectively) obtained from seeds collected in the municipal-
ity of Ibiuna, in the State of São Paulo, Brazil were used in 2.5. Extraction of compounds
the temperature and water stress experiments, respectively.
The plants were grown in plastic pots (700 ml) containing Both experiments were terminated 15 days after initiating
soil and sand (2:1, v/v) and received a complete nutritive solu- the stresses. Biochemical analyses were done using shoots
tion twice a week [25]. After the treatments described below, and roots (water stress experiment) and shoots (temperature
the shoots were collected and immediately used for the extrac- stress experiment). At harvest the fresh weights were obtained
tions. The roots were also used for extraction but were first and the material subjected to extraction with petrol, dichlo-
washed in running tap water and then blotted dry. romethane or methanol (0.5 g/2 × 10 ml—72 h each extrac-
tion). The tissues were previously ground in mortar with a
2.2. Experiment with temperature stress pestle using a small volume of organic solvent and then trans-
ferred to sealed cap tubes for extraction. The tubes remained
Two sets of plants were used to study the effects of tem- under gentle agitation during the extraction period. The
perature. One set of plants was divided in three groups and extracts were dried under vacuum and solubilized with 2 ml
the first group maintained at ambient temperature (green- of solvent. The material extracted with petrol was used to
house), the second at ambient temperature during the day determine the isouliginosin B and betulinic acid, in dichlo-
(greenhouse) and 10 °C at night (growth chamber, in the dark; romethane to determine 1,5-dihydroxyxanthone, and in
TA10N), and the third at ambient temperature during the day methanol to determine rutin and quercetin.
(greenhouse) and 30 °C at night (growth chamber, in the dark;
TA30N). Control plants were maintained continuously in 2.6. Analysis of compounds by HPLC/DAD
greenhouse where the temperature varied from 20 to 32 °C.
During the day the greenhouse temperature varied from 25 to Isouliginosin B was determined in petrol extracts [1] and
32 °C. Another set of plants was also divided in three groups quantified by HPLC (Shimadzu) using a C 18 column
which were maintained constantly in growth chambers (16 h (microsorb-MVTM, 25 cm × 4 mm, 5 µm, Varian) equili-
of light) at 17, 25 or 36 °C (T17DN, T25DN and T36DN, brated with 0.5% acetic acid in water (solvent A) and a gra-
respectively). The photosynthetic active radiation inside the dient (0–20 min, 10% B; 20–40 min, 50% B; 40–50 min,
chambers was 60 µmol photons cm–2 s–1. For this set of plants, 60% B; 50–60 min, 100% B) of 0.5% acetic acid in acetoni-
control plants were maintained continuously in a growth trile (solvent B). The flow rate was 0.6 ml min–1 and the com-
chamber at 25 °C (T25DN). pounds eluted from the column were detected with a diode
I. Nacif de Abreu, P. Mazzafera / Plant Physiology and Biochemistry 43 (2005) 241–248 243

array detector at 284 nm. 1,5-Dihydroxyxanthone was deter- There was an increase in the levels of total soluble phe-
mined in dichloromethylene extracts and quercetin and rutin nols and of all the phenolic compounds analyzed in plants
were determined in methanolic extracts [1]. These three com- maintained at TA10N (Table 1). Although to a less extend,
pounds were analyzed by reversed-phase high performance 1,5-dihydroxyxanthone also increased in plants kept at 30 °C
liquid chromatography (RP-HPLC) using a Supelcosil—LC18 during the night (TA30N). In contrast, rutin and quercetin
column (25 cm × 4.6 mm, 5 µm, Supelco) and a diode array decreased with this treatment. Betunilic acid was reduced in
detector at 254 nm. Solvents A (0.5% acetic acid) and B TA30N. Plants that were kept in growth chambers at 17 °C
(methanol) were used to separate the compounds with a gra- (T17DN) and 36 °C (T36DN) had higher levels for all of the
dient: 0–5 min, 30% B; 5–20 min, 80% B; 20–30 min, 100% compounds analyzed, except for quercetin at 17 °C, indicat-
B. The flow rate was 1.0 ml min–1. Total soluble phenolic ing that, in addition to variations in temperature, a low light
compounds were measured [28] in the same methanolic intensity could also influence the levels of these compounds.
extracts used to quantify quercetin and rutin. Petrol was used Low (TA10N) or high (TA30N) temperatures during the
to extract betulinic acid [1] which was then quantified by night affected the accumulation of plant mass, as well as the
RP-HPLC. A C18 reversed-phase microsorb-MVTM column total content of phenolic compounds (sum of isouliginosin B,
(25 cm × 4 mm, 5 µm, Varian) was used to separate the com- 1,5-dihydroxyxanthone, rutin and quercetin) and betulinic
pounds isocratically (acetonitrile/water, pH 3.0, with phos- acid in the shoot (Fig. 1). While the total amount of betulinic
phoric acid, 9:1, v/v, flow rate 1 ml min–1). Detection was acid in the shoot followed the pattern of variation seen for the
done with a diode array detector at 210 nm. accumulation of fresh mass, the changes in the phenolic com-
Standards of 1,5-dihydroxyxanthone, betulinic acid and pounds showed the opposite pattern, i.e. a decrease in mass
isouliginosin B purified from H. brasiliense [1] were used in was accompanied by an increase in these compounds. Except
the HPLC analyses to determine the concentrations of the for betulinic acid in plants at T17DN, the same responses
different compounds. Pure quercetin and rutin purchased from were observed with constant temperatures.
Sigma were used as standards. Phenol was used as a standard
for the total phenolic content.
3.2. Water stress
2.7. Data analysis and experimental design
Water stress was monitored by measuring the MDA levels
and the water potential in the leaves (Table 2). Plants with a
In both experiments, each treatment consisted of three rep-
water deficit had a lower water potential, indicating that stress
licates in a random statistical design. The data were initially
compared by analysis of variance (ANOVA) and differences had developed at the time of the biochemical evaluations.
between means were detected using the Tukey test. Values of MDA did not increase significantly in the shoots and roots of
P < 0.05 indicated significance. these plants. The development of hypoxia stress was con-
firmed by membrane lipid peroxidation since the highest
MDA values were seen in the shoots and roots of these plants.
3. Results In this experiment, analysis of the roots also provided data
on the content of isouliginosin B (Table 2). This compound is
3.1. Temperature stress found only in the roots of H. brasiliense [1]. Compared to
control plants, there was generally an increase in the levels of
The photosynthetic quantum efficiency of PSII was deter- phenolic compounds in water-stressed plants, as demon-
mined in order to evaluate the onset of temperature stress. strated by the content of total soluble phenolic compounds.
Significant changes were seen only in plants maintained in An exception to this was the roots of plants under hypoxia,
the greenhouse during the day and transferred to 10 °C at which showed the same level observed in the control plants.
night (TA10N), which showed a decrease in photosynthetic This same pattern of accumulation was seen for 1,5-
efficiency (Table 1). dihydroxyxanthone. In contrast, isouliginosin B increased
Table 1
PSII quantum efficiency and contents of total soluble phenol, isouliginosin B, 1,5-dihydroxyxanthone, rutin, quercetin and betulinic acid either in the shoots of
H. brasiliense plants grown in a greenhouse and transferred or not (control) to 10 °C (TA10N) and 30 °C (TA30N) during the night, or in the shoots of plants
grown in a growth chamber at a constant temperature of 25 °C (control), 17 °C (T17DN) or 36 °C (T36DN)
Greenhouse/growth chamber Growth chamber
Control TA10N TA30N T36DN
PSII efficiency 0.8a 0.6b 0.73a 0.7a 0.7a 0.7a
Total soluble phenols (mg g–1) 41.1b 60.3a 31.8b 13.8b 41.1a 33.8a
1.5-Dihydroxyxanthone (µg g–1) 28.3c 629.7a 112.2b 0.5c 8b 38.4a
Rutin (µg g–1) 93b
184.4 a
73.1c 46.7c 163.2b 340.2a
Quercetin (µg g–1) 23.7 b
173.8 a
2.3c 23.3a 19.8b 25.3a
Betulinic acid (mg g–1) 6.2a 5.0a 3.7b 4.4b 8.2a 9.0a
Different letters indicate a significant difference (P ≤ 0.05, Tukey test) among the treatments of plants grown in a greenhouse or in a growth chamber.
244 I. Nacif de Abreu, P. Mazzafera / Plant Physiology and Biochemistry 43 (2005) 241–248

Fig. 1. Fresh mass (g shoot–1) and the levels of phenolic compounds (isouliginosin B, 1,5-dihydroxyxanthone, rutin, quercetin) and betulinic acid (all in
mg shoot–1) in the shoots of H. brasiliense plants grown in a greenhouse and transferred or not (control) to 10 °C (TA10 N) and 30 °C (TA30 N) during the night,
or in the shoots of plants grown in a growth chamber at a constant temperature of 25 °C (control), 17 °C (T17DN) or 36 °C (T36DN). Different letters indicate
a significant difference (P ≤ 0.05, Tukey test) among the treatments of plants grown in a greenhouse or growth chamber.

Table 2
Water potential and levels of MDA, total soluble phenol, isouliginosin B, 1,5-dihydroxyxanthone, rutin, quercetin and betulinic acid in the shoots and roots of
H. brasiliense plants under hypoxia and drought stress
Shoot Root
Control Hypoxia Drought Control Hypoxia Drought
Water potential (MPa) –1.19b –1.25b –2.97a
MDA (mmol g–1) 3.0b 8.6a 3.4b 0.2b 1.1a 0.8ab
Total soluble phenols (mg g–1) 31.5b 57.3a 56.9a 5.2b 4.5b 8.4a
Isouliginosin B (µg g–1) 11.4c 39.1b 478.2a
1,5-Dihydroxyxanthone (µg g–1) 82.5c 306.4a 260.8b 13.6b 11.9b 89.6a
Rutin (mg g–1) 0.3c 2.3a 1.5b
Quercetin (mg g–1) 1.4b 0.4c 2.2a
Betulinic acid (mg g–1) 2.3b 4.5a 3.7a 1.3b 2.7a 2.6a
Different letters indicate a significant difference (P ≤ 0.05, Tukey test) among the treatments for each plant organ.

both in the roots of drought-stressed plants and in the roots of 4. Discussion

plants under hypoxia. However, in drought-stressed plants,
Plants growing at low temperatures may show a loss of
the level of this acylfloroglucinol was 12-fold higher than
vigor and a reduction in growth, probably because of a
those in plants under hypoxia and 43-fold higher than control
decrease in photosynthesis [29]. Plants exposed to low tem-
plants. 1,5-Dihydroxyxanthone levels increased in the shoots
peratures usually experience oxidative stress caused by reac-
of stressed plants and in the roots of drought-stressed plants.
tive oxygen species (ROS) which are very reactive and can
Rutin and quercetin were not found in the roots of H. brasil- damage cells by oxidizing lipids, proteins and nucleic acids.
iense. Rutin increased in response to drought and hypoxia The simultaneous occurrence of low temperature stress and a
stress but quercetin increased only under a water deficit. Betu- high incidence of light apparently increases the tissue dam-
linic acid increased in the shoots and roots of plants in both age by causing long-term reductions in photosynthetic effi-
treatments. ciency [30].
Since the accumulation of fresh mass was reduced by water In H. brasiliense plants subjected to low and high tem-
stress, there was an increase in the content of the phenolic peratures, stress was monitored by determining the photosyn-
compounds analyzed (Fig. 2). However, contrary to the thetic efficiency, which decreased only in plants maintained
temperature experiment, in this case betulinic acid followed at TA10N. Although 17 °C was chosen as a low temperature,
the same pattern and increased with the reduction in plant the photosynthetic efficiency of plants at T17DN did not
mass. change. Such an apparent discrepancy can be explained by
I. Nacif de Abreu, P. Mazzafera / Plant Physiology and Biochemistry 43 (2005) 241–248 245

Fig. 2. Fresh mass (g shoot–1) and the levels of phenolic compounds (isouliginosin B, 1,5-dihydroxyxanthone, rutin, quercetin) and betulinic acid (all in
mg plant–1) in entire plants (shoot + root) of H. brasiliense under hypoxia and drought stress. Different letters indicate significant differences (P ≤ 0.05, Tukey

the fact that 17 °C may not be a chilling temperature for H. ROS. Plants grown at 12/18 °C generally had the lowest antho-
brasiliense. In addition, during the day, plants in the TA10N cyanin, flavonol (quercetin 3-glucoside and quercetin
group were exposed to natural day light and high tempera- 3-glucoronide) and phenolic acid contents. H. brasiliense
tures (28–32 °C) in the greenhouse, and this tended to aggra- responded differently with quercetin. A marked increase
vate the effects of the night temperature. (eightfold) was seen only in plants of the TA10N group
Several studies have shown that extracts from Hypericum (Table 1). In contrast, rutin (quercetin 3-rhamnoglucosyl)
species have antioxidant activity [16,31]. Recently a direct increased in the T17DN (~threefold) and T36DN (~seven-
relationship with this property was established with fla- fold) groups. As with quercetin, rutin decreased in the TA30N
vonoids and caffeoylquinic acids extracted from H. perfora- group, possibly because of the strong temperature stress to
tum [32]. which these plants were subjected. This decrease also applied
Although photosynthesis showed alterations only in the to the levels of total soluble phenolics.
TA10N treatment, increased levels of all of the analyzed sub- Although rutin is derived from quercetin, adequate discus-
stances were observed at all of the temperatures studied, indi- sion of our data are hampered by the lack of information on
cating that light intensity and quality may play a role in this rutin biosynthesis. A recent report showed that plants of Cra-
variation. In addition, control plants maintained under green- taegus laevigata and Crataegus monogyna subjected to
house conditions had higher contents of the compounds stud- drought, flooding and cold showed completely different
ied (except for quercetin) than did control plants in the growth responses in terms of the amount of quercetin and rutin pro-
chamber. Grace et al. [33] reported a higher chlorogenic acid duced [36]. Whereas drought decreased the levels of querce-
content in the leaves of Mahonia repens under high light con- tin in the first species, an increase was seen in the second. In
ditions during the winter than in the leaves of plants under contrast, in both species, rutin increased with drought. Hence,
high light during the summer. However, the content was simi- even among related species, variations in quercetin and rutin
lar in shaded leaves from both seasons. These authors also are not necessarily correlated.
observed a linear correlation between the phenolic content Benzophenones are intermediates in the biosynthesis of
and the antioxidant activity of leaf extracts. xanthones in plants and the basic structure of benzophenone
Although no parameter indicative of ROS production was is derived from benzoic acid and three malonyl-CoA mol-
measured in the temperature experiments, the variations seen ecules [37]. Therefore, it would be expected that any factor
in the content of phenolic compounds could be partly related capable of increasing the levels of phenolic compounds would
to the presence of these species. Indirect evidence that fla- also increase the amount of xanthone present in plants.
vonols (the flavonoid class to which quercetin and rutin Contrary to quercetin and rutin, the biosynthesis of 1,5-
belong) may confer protection against ROS has been obtained dihydroxyxanthone was less affected by the combination of
in experiments with A. thaliana mutants in which UV/blue high night (TA30N) and day (greenhouse) temperatures since
light-absorbing flavonols had a strong protective function only a fourfold increase was observed with this temperature
against excessive visible light [34]. combination. Among plants maintained at a constant tempera-
Wang and Zheng [35] cultivated strawberry plants under ture in growth chambers there was a marked increase at 36 °C,
different combinations of night and day temperatures from 0.5 µg g–1 (control) to 38.4 µg g–1 (T36DN). Despite
(12/18 °C, 12/25 °C, 22/25 °C, 22/30 °C) and examined the this increase, the concentration of 1,5-dihydroxyxanthone in
composition of phenolic compounds, as well as the antioxi- the T36DN plants was still markedly below the level reached
dant capacity of the juice. The highest night and day tempera- in plants maintained under natural light (TA10N, TA30N and
tures resulted in the highest production of phenolics and of respective control). These results indicated that variations in
246 I. Nacif de Abreu, P. Mazzafera / Plant Physiology and Biochemistry 43 (2005) 241–248

temperature and in the intensity and duration of light ac- The data reported here indicate that a water deficit may
counted for the changes in the levels of phenolic compounds. also be associated with an increase in secondary metabolites
The photosynthetic active radiation in the greenhouse on a through the reallocation of the assimilated carbon as plant
sunny day was approximately 1500 µmol photons m–2 s–1 growth is progressively reduced. The physiological rel-
whereas in the chamber it was as low as 60 µmol photons evance of this phenomenon in terms of the cost to fitness is
m–2 s–1. unclear, although for phenolics with an antioxidant capacity
Levya et al. [38] studied the regulation of the biosynthesis it may be related to a mechanism to counteract the deleteri-
of anthocyanins in A. thaliana plants exposed to low tem- ous effects of ROS. This relationship has been suggested for
perature and found that the process was light-dependent. The hypoxia [43].
expression of phenylalamine ammonia-lyase and chalcone The concentration of betulinic acid increased in drought
synthase, which are key enzymes of the phenylpropanoid and hypoxia stressed plants of H. brasiliense, as well as in
pathway, increased only when low temperature-stressed plants plants maintained at a constant temperature of 17 °C (T17DN)
were illuminated. or 36 °C (T36DN) in growth chambers with a low light inten-
The biosynthesis of phenolic compounds is under genetic sity. The effects of drought and waterlogging stress on the
control and is strongly influenced by biotic and abiotic stimuli levels of monoterpenes have been studied in needles of Picea
such as pathogens, light conditions (including ultraviolet abies [46]. Whereas an increase was observed in drought-
light), temperature and herbicides [13]. As shown here, stressed plants, there were no changes in waterlogged plants.
Drought stress induces the biosynthesis of isopentenyl pyro-
drought generally increased the levels of phenolic com-
phosphate, the primary precursor of terpenes in plants, with a
pounds in the shoots and roots of H. brasiliense. Increases
consequent increase in abscisic acid, carotenoids and xantho-
were also observed with hypoxia, except for 1,5-dihydroxy-
phylls [47,48].
xanthone in the roots and quercetin in the shoots, both of
Light intensity induces qualitative changes in the terpenes
which remained unchanged. Increases in the levels of pheno-
of Sitka spruce [49]. In addition to high and low tempera-
lics and of the enzymes involved in their biosynthesis in
tures, which may activate different mechanisms of terpene
response to drought and hypoxia have also been reported in accumulation, light also appears to be a key factor in control-
other plants [39,40]. ling the production of betulinic acid in H. brasiliense since
Similarly to our observation, plants of H. perforatum sub- an increase in the content of this acid was seen in growth
jected to a brief drought stress showed an increase of querce- chambers at low (17 °C) and high (36 °C) temperatures.
tin and rutin [19]. However, this increase was lower than we As with phenolics, the increase in betulinic acid content
observed for H. brasiliense, what might related with the stress may be a response to ROS generation. Several recent reports
intensity. have shown that isoprene is formed to protect plants against
Plants that were subjected to drought showed a lower water ROS produced by environmental stresses. Heat stress has been
potential when compared with control plants and with plants the most investigated [50], although photoxidative stress has
stressed by hypoxia (Table 1). However, the manner in which been also studied [51]. The levels of carotenoids, which are
water was withheld resulted in the gradual development of tetraterpenes, are increased to scavenge ROS induced by high
stress, with no accumulation of MDA in these plants. PSII is light [52]. In addition, high light intensity associated with
capable of reorganizing, depending on the way stress is low temperature (8 ± 2 °C) differentially induces two dis-
imposed [41], and rapid MDA formation has been observed tinct isopentenyl diphosphate isomerases [53]. This enzyme
in plants subjected to sudden withdrawal of water [42]. is responsible for the isomerization of isopentenyl diphos-
The plants under hypoxia showed a marked increase in the phate to dimethylallyl diphosphate to form the isoprene unit,
MDA content of their roots and shoots, suggesting lipid per- the basic compound for the synthesis of all terpenes.
oxidation. Similar results were observed with other plant spe- In conclusion, our results show that environmental fac-
cies under low oxygen availability [43]. Hence, the increase tors, particularly temperature, have a marked influence on the
in phenolic compounds seen in H. brasiliense plants stressed content of pharmacologically active secondary metabolites
by drought and hypoxia might also represent an antioxidant in H. brasiliense. However, there is a variation depending on
response to ROS production. the stress and the analyzed compound. The increase in the
In the temperature and water stress experiments, the accu- contents of the compounds analyzed agrees with data in the
mulation of phenolic compounds was negatively correlated literature indicating that this is probably a response to the
with the accumulation of plant mass (Figs. 1 and 2). The cost generation of ROS. A similar physiological response may also
of adaptation (fitness) in plant–insect interactions has been occur under field conditions and the final content of these
extensively discussed in terms of the reallocation of the car- and other compounds will probably reflect on the effective-
bon used for growth to the production of secondary metabo- ness of a natural product sold in the market. These results
lites that confer protection [44]. In relation to drought toler- also show that it is possible to increase the content of phar-
ance, the efficiency in the use of water has been suggested to macologically desirable compounds by manipulating agricul-
be a target of natural selection since a higher efficiency is tural techniques such as irrigation or using photobioreactor
expected to confer a fitness advantage in drought conditions systems [36]. Alternatively, hydroponic systems might also
[45]. be used [54].
I. Nacif de Abreu, P. Mazzafera / Plant Physiology and Biochemistry 43 (2005) 241–248 247

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supported by CNPq and FAPESP, Brazil. nation affects growth and secondary metabolite composition of St.
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[21] A.C.P. Dias, R.M. Seabra, P.B. Andrade, F. Ferreres, M. Fernandes-
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