Instructions:: To Install The Prerequisites Package Your User Must Have Administrative Rights On The Computer

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To install the prerequisites package your user must have administrative rights on the

1. Click on the link below to download and install the software package: RESOURCES.exe
Just run the setup and wait for the installation to complete (possibly confirming the proposed

2. Save the attached certificate (in .PFX file format) on your computer.

A. Unzip the .PFX File

B. Enter the 1st Key (Psw .zip) which is send by Check below
3. To install Certificate,

A. Simply open it with a double click and the installation with all its default settings.

(When a password code is required for installation, you need the “KeyCode” 2nd Key (Certificate Psw)
attached to this mail.
WARNING: the KeyCode is for use ONLY to install the certificate and MUST NOT BE USED as portal access
B. Enter the 2nd Key (Certificate Psw) which is send by Check

4. Click the link to connect to the Resources application portal:

Enter your USERNAME (SIP0*****) and PASSWORD (which should have already been
provided by an internal Saipem referent.

Note :- The password that must insert is the Network Password not THE CERTIFICATE

Once connected to the portal, the applications and shared folders that the user has been enabled
will be viewable. Just click on the specific icons to access them.

5. Use the page to login to the Saipem network. (Use Internet Explorer)

A. Click on the Citrix. Wait for the Citrix page to open

B. Click on the Desktop

C. Click on the SIP-VDS-SMTG

THIS SIP-VDS-SMTG is your virtual PC to work from home.
It will have all standard application loaded, with access to network share MAPPED drive.
SAIPEM portal/SIPSNET portal

Important Note – Do not save any files in virtual desktop, as it will get autodeleted. Save
all files in server.

 Important Intranet Site address – Open in Virtual Desktop:- SIP-VDS-SMTG

1. http://portal.saipem.pri/ (Saipem Corporate Intranet Portal)

2. http://sipsnet.saipemnet.saipem.intranet/ (Saipem Chennai Intranet Portal)
3. https://hcms.saipemnet.saipem.intranet/ (TimeSheet update)

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