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Design Criteria

11. Parking management system

11-May-2018 | V1.1 
Electronic Safety & Security Design Criteria

Basic requirements
Provide a parking control system for parking facilities.

System shall be able to distinguish which vehicles seeking entry to the parkade are permitted to proceed, while turning away drivers
of vehicles not authorized to enter.  
System shall also direct drivers toward parking near their destination points, and will be able to provide assistance in locating
parked vehicles should drivers require upon their return. 

Detailed requirements
Provide an intelligent parking management system using licence plate recognition (LPR) technology to recognize and permit entry to
pre-registered vehicles, while turning away unregistered vehicles and alerting security staff to the potential for trespass. 

The system will also use LPR technology to record the speci c locations of vehicles parked within the facility, as well as to keep track
of locations where parking remains available. 
Upon entry recognized drivers will be welcomed by a message on a monitor display, which will also direct them toward a parking
area with available spaces near their intended destination. In the case of HMC executives, VIPs, or staff provided with reserved
parking, the user identity and destination will not be displayed so that this information will not become visible to third parties who
may be observing within the area.  
The system will also use LPR to con rm that those vehicles parked in reserved spots are the cars that are intended to be there. In the
event that an unauthorized driver parks in a spot reserved for others, the system will provide a means of annunciation (monitors, or
lights and sounders, etc.) suf cient to alert a driver to the fact that they have parked in a spot reserved for others. The system will
also alert Security to this type of event for their observation and follow up if necessary. 
The system will be networked to information kiosks distributed throughout the facility which drivers can use to be directed back to
their parking spaces. Drivers will be able to use a touch sensitive screen to enter their license plate number, or a portion of it, and
will be presented with live images from the LPR sensors associated with vehicles matching the information entered. If there are
multiple images presented, the user will be able to select the one image that matches their car and the system will offer directions
Contractor is to confer with HMC to determine what other potential features of the system may be required or desired, and to provide
and install the system accordingly. The parking management system will utilize cameras of at least 1MP resolution, and the system
will possess video management features such that it can also be used as a parkade surveillance system. The system will be provided
with the native ability to record and retain video at a length of time and frame rate acceptable to HMC for security purposes; or will
be able to stream the video to the main video surveillance system to achieve the same utility. 

© Copyright - Hamad Medical Corporation by Corporate Communications Dept.

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