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Post-Graduate Diploma in Management

Area: Business Communication (BC)


Term: VII

(Credit Value: 2 Credits)

Course Faculty

Name: Dr Bhavna Bhalla

Office: 0120-3004-370

Faculty Contact Hours: TBA

Course Description:
In contemporary times, self-branding is an essential tool for any organization or individual’s
success. Any lapses in managing the personal brand can mislead and spread negative impressions
about you or your company in the public domain. Hence, taking control of your public image is a
necessity. Knowing and aptly applying the tools that influence the self-brand creation will ensure
the right perception of you in the public eye. This is required for success.

The course Strategic Self Branding introduces you to the skills required to ensure a right self-
brand. It prepares you to project a positive self-brand in your chosen field/s.

Learning Objectives:

a. To plan the steps for success

b. To sharpen your personal brand

c. To understand your brand’s unique personality

d. To use social media to build your personal brand

e. To understand your personal and professional influencers

Video Cases, in-class presentations, lecture-demonstrations and individual projects.

Students will be evaluated on the basis of class assignments, individual projects, and class
participation. The weightage given to each of these units is listed below:
 Class Participation 20%
 Class Assignments 60%
 Final Presentation (Individual) 20%

Specific Assessment Methods / Tasks a b c d e
Class Participation 20*
Class Assignments 60
Final Presentation (Individual) 20
Total 100

*CP: Decorum: 10% + CP: 10%

Recommended Text Book


Course Outline: Session/Topic/Reading Material/Reference

Session Topic
1 Introduction: Understanding the Self Brand

2–3 Self-Brand: Assessment and Identification of the Existing Gaps

3–4 Influencers and Image Control

Connecting the Self Brand with Personal Reputation (PR): Designing, Building and
10 Understanding the Pitfalls in Self Branding and Personal Reputation
11 – 13 Social Media and Personal Brand Management
14 Rebranding the Self

15 – 16 Individual Presentations

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