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Dear self hehehe,

Its finally time. After years and years, we did it. I mean
you did it, right now I’m stuck in the day before my
first last day of senior high school. Anyway, I hope
victory looks sweet looking back on the
accomplishments of you last year. I know it’s been a bit
struggle these past few years with money being tight
and all the late-night work and studying have
certainly payed off I’m sure I mean we are here now a
successful beautiful minds chour hehehe. I hope you
have a blast with your friends at graduation, make
sure to take a lot of pictures. This is the day you’ll
never get back again, so make sure to cherish it and
don’t sweat the small things, if something happens to go
wrong just brush it off, its your day. It’s your moment.
shine like a star. Smile a little bigger and remember,
that this is only the beginning. This is only the
beginning of your journey and the greatness that is yet
to come. Enjoy your life now, because yesterday has
gone and tomorrow may never come.

Love always,

Chrisline Joselle Flores Lopezp

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