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Listening: The top 10 most powerful orators in history.

Complete the chart with the characteristics that made

them unique

Orator Characteristic

10. Mahatma Gandhi He was a leader of the Indian independence and is known due to his soft spoken
demeanour. Gandhi caused significant social change by backin up his compelling
speeches with actions.

9. Marcus Tullius He was taught both in Latin and Greek, this fact allowed him to translate many
Cicero elements of Greek´s rhetoric into Latin, making him one of the greatest orators in the
ancient Roma.

8. Margaret Thatcher She was the British Prime Minister and held the title for 21 years. Thatcher had a
controversial and unyielding style of speech and leadership.

7. Ronald Reagan Known as "The Great Communicator" because of his ability to connect with the
audience during his speeches and also because he used terms that people could

6. Nelson Mandela He was an activist. Mandela used the power of the spoken word to resonate with his
supporters and challenge those who put him to trial.

5. Franklin D. His style of speech is perfectly encapsulated by the fireside chats, a radio show that
Roosevelt was used to discuss politics and economic with civilians. He comforted people in times
of uncertainty and danger.

4. Adolf Hitler Hitler is one of the best persuasive speakers in human history. He had two important
characteristics, charisma and presence that helped him convince people with his ideas.

3. Martin Luther He is a icon of the civil rights movement. Luther King reputation as a orator is due not
King Jr only to the passion of his words but also the manner with which they were spoken.

2. John F. Kennedy He was well known not only for his natural body language and youthful demeanour,
but also because his ability to use the tone and volume of his voice.

1. Winston Churchill He was the British Prime Minister during World War II. He used to carefully choose
each word for his speeches, meticulously editing and making sure to maximize his
impact on his audience.

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