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Task 1
The video above provides the examples of notice. Answer the questions below!
1. What information is presented in the video?
The function of notice :
• to inform someone to do something or not to do something
• it is used to give a caution or warning to people
• it gives guidance to people to do something approproately
The language features:
• Using imperatives
• Declarative reference
Generic Structure of Notice:
• Attention gather: it must atrract the readers to read the notice
• Information as message that contain in the notice
• Closure (optional)
• It is written short and easy to be understood
• Using capital font
• Using picture to grab the reader’s attention to grab the notice
Classification of notice:
• Caution
• Information
• Prohibition
• Warning

2. What are the things described in the video?

The things that are described in the video are the notice and samples of public notice

3. What do you think about the aims of the video above?

The aim of the video is to give information to us about notice

4. When you see and read the video above, can you describe any important information
about what the pictures are telling about?
The important information are about the function of notice, the language features,
generic structure, characteristics and the classification of notice
Task 2
1. What similar elements do you find in the samples of notice above?
Some of the similar elements are: the characteristic, structure, information, language
2. What element do you only find in certain picture?
Picture, header, logo
3. Then, how can you conclude a notice?
Notice is a formal means of communication to announce or display information to a
specific group of people.

Task 3

Look at the following picture of Notice then analyze the language used in each notice. Describe
in the table below as the example done!

No Picture Kinds of Command Prohibition Imperative Information

number notice sentence sentence (for)
1 1 Notice -  No dogs - Dogs
2 2 Command  Keep this  Keep this
door door
closed closed
3 3 Information  Use trash  No  Play area
receptacles beverages is closed
allowed from dusk
 No dogs to dawn
allowed  Play area
is solely
for use by
4 4 Information  
5 5 Warning 
6 6 Prohibition  No loud
 No
 No
 No drugs,
7 7 Command   Keep
8 8 Information  Use of  All visitors
camera please
phones is report to
prohibited reception
 Smoking is  Please
strictly observe
prohibited all safety
 Dogs are signage
not  CCTV in
allowed operation
9 9 Caution  Do not
10 10 Caution

Task 4
You have learned all materials of notice, including all details about them. Now, your job is trying
to have the real try to produce your own notice. Firstly, you have to make a group of five. Then,
go to a school nearby. Do some interview to the headmaster, teachers, staffs or even the students
in the school about what problems they are facing regarding their bad habit in school which needs
a change. You may also find some good activities which need to be maintained. Then, it is a
challenge for you to produce the notice, either caution, prohibition, or notice. Remember, you
have to make your product based on the need of the users because in some schools in Indonesia,
there are no signs or notice written in English. That’s your challenge to make it to make new
habituation or habituation change to make them better.
This project can be summarized into some steps below:
a. Make a need analysis
I make an analysis based on my own school, the children still not aware about the
environment cleanliness. They still throw the garbage through the window, don’t want
to sweep the floor regularly.
b. Do some interview
No interview, because it is a real fact.
c. Design the needed notice

d. Plan the proper place to display the notice

We will put the notice in each class, at the front of wall near the entrance door, in the
corridor, in the park, in cafetaria.

Task 5
Look at the following video of teaching Notice and answer the following questions
1. From the video, do you think that the method used by the teacher is suitable in teaching
notice? Explain it
Yes, it is. Because she tries to attract students’ attention y asking what the pictures are. Then
she explains al about the notice provided with pictures shown by LCD projector (including
IT). Later, she ask students to create notice then present it in front of the class. Finally, she
gives evaluation of the work.
2. Tell some steps in teaching notice using the method deliver by the teacher in the video
A. She opens the learning by greeting, checking students attendance, telling what they
will discuss.
B. She attracts students’ attention by showing pictures of notice and give question to
know their understanding about it.
C. She explains further about notice including definition, function, generic structure,
types of it.
D. She divides students into some groups to create notice.
E. She asks students to present their wok in front of the class.
F. She gives encouragement for their learning.


Make learning notes of each Learning Activity in this module with a critical and creative
thinking approach.
Create a resume as a learning conclusion from this module.
In Learning Activity 1, I have learnt about how to analyse a number of notices in regard to the
social functions, text structures, and lexicogrammatical features by showing the expressions,
sentences, paragraphs, etc of them. Besides, I understand to obtain a number of notices and
state them in regard to social functions, text structures, and lexico-grammatical features.
As we know, the notice is an information or warning of something, especially for wide attention:
There are many functions of notice such as to give information to people to do something
appropriately, to give direction, to warn people, to give information about a certain place, and to
prohibit people from doing something.
Notices are structured by the clear information and easy to understable so notice has to have an
attention gather, information, closure (optional).
The language features are commonly found in notice are imperative sentence, command,
declarative sentence, information, prohibition sentence, spoken or written language features,
singular and plural nouns with or without articles a, the, this, those, my, their, etc, and
pronunciation, intonation, spellings, and punctuation marks.

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