Production of Bio-Ethylene: Nsights For Olicy Akers

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IEA-ETSAP and IRENA © Technology-Policy Brief I13 – January 2013 -,

Production of Bio-ethylene
Ethylene is one of the basic organic chemicals serving as feedstock for a number of downstream chemical
products. With a production exceeding 140 million tonnes per year, ethylene is by far the largest bulk
chemical (in volume) used for the production of around half of all plastics. The demand for ethylene is
expected to continue to rise, particularly in the emerging economies. Today, almost all ethylene is produced
from petroleum derivatives, but biomass can also be used as an alternative feedstock for the production of
bio-ethylene. Ethylene and bioethylene are chemically identical, so existing equipment and production
capacity can use both to produce plastics or other downstream products. At present, the first bio-ethylene
plants in Brazil and India account for approximately 0.3% of the global ethylene capacity, and the largest
plants produce around 200 kt of bio-ethylene per year. However, the global market for biopolymer production
is growing fast and several production plants are under construction or planned (e.g. China).
Bio-ethylene is produced from bio-ethanol, a liquid biofuel that is widely used in the transportation sector with
an annual production of around 100 billion liters. At present, the United States (using corn) and Brazil (using
sugarcane) are the largest producers of bio-ethanol, accounting for respectively 63% and 24% of the global
production. Ligno-cellulosic biomass from wood and straw can also be used to produce bio-ethanol, but
related production processes still need a full commercial demonstration. The advantage of using ligno-
cellulosic feedstock instead of sugar and starchy biomass (e.g. sugarcane and corn) is that it does not
compete with food production and requires less or no arable land and water to be produced.
The potential for bio-ethylene production is large, but its implementation will depend on the future availability
and price of the biomass feedstock, which are linked to developments in food demand and the use of
biomass for biofuels, heat and electricity production. The cost of bio-ethylene is highly dependent on the
local price of the biomass feedstock and is still higher than that of petrochemical ethylene in most situations.
At the same time, bio-based plastics can attract premium prices on the market, which could make them a
competitive business in regions with abundant and cheap biomass feedstock. In Brazil and India, due to the
availability of cheap biomass resources and Brazil’s long-standing tradition of using bio-ethanol for
transportation purposes, bio-ethylene costs are estimated to be almost equal to petrochemical ethylene.
The environmental performance of bio-ethylene depends largely on the regional conditions for the production
of bio-ethanol, the greenhouse gas (GHG) emissions eventually due to land use changes, and the conditions
of the incumbent energy systems. In general, bio-ethylene can signifi cantly reduce the environmental impact
of the chemical industry. Based on recent estimates, bio-ethylene can reduce GHG emissions byup to 40%
and save fossil energy by up to 60% compared to petrochemical ethylene. In addition, bio-ethylene and other
bio-based products made from local resources can reduce a country’s dependence on fossil energy imports
and stimulate local economies.
Biomass availability and the price gap with petrochemical ethylene are the two most important determinants
for the future of bio-ethylene, although bioethylene can also contribute to energy security in oil-importing
countries. While promoting the optimal use of biomass, including cascading use in various sectors of the
economy, policy measures can support the deployment of bio-ethylene production capacity by supporting the
use of bio-based materials via incentives, carbon tax schemes, eco-labeling or information campaigns, and
removing import tariffs on bio-ethanol. In any case, future fossil fuel prices will remain a key factor in
determining to what extent bio-ethylene can substitute for petrochemical ethylene.


Please send comments to Martijn Broeren (, Author, and to, Giancarlo Tosato ( and Dolf Gielen (, Project Co-ordinators
IEA-ETSAP and IRENA © Technology-Policy Brief I13 – January 2013 -,

Production of Bio-ethylene
 PROCESS AND TECHNOLOGY STATUS – Ethylene, which is produced from petrochemical feedstock, is one of
the most important platform chemicals in use today. Bio-ethylene made from bio-ethanol (from biomass) represents a
chemically identical alternative to ethylene. Compared to the petrochemical equivalent, the main advantages of bio-
ethylene are that it can reduce greenhouse gas (GHG) lifetime emissions (from both production and use) and the
dependence of the chemical industry on fossil fuels. Bio-ethanol can be obtained by fermentation of sucrose feedstock
(e.g. sugarcane) and from starchy biomass (e.g. corn) by hydrolysis followed by fermentation. These two production
routes are well-developed and used to produce bio-ethanol for the transport sector in countries and regions (e.g. Brazil,
the U.S., Europe and China). Besides sugarcane and corn, ligno-cellulosic biomass can also be used as a feedstock, but
the conversion into bio-ethanol is more challenging and costly due to the biomass chemical structure. If technology
advances overcome these issues, bio-ethanol and bio-ethylene production from ligno-cellulosic biomass could become
economically attractive. In Brazil, bio-ethylene production is already economically competitive due to the ample
availability of cheap sugarcane feedstock, extensive experience in ethanol production and increasing oil prices. This has
led to new sugarcane-based bio-ethylene capacity. A new plant producing 200 kt per year is already in operation

 PERFORMANCE AND COSTS – Bio-ethylene production based on sugarcane is estimated to save about 60% of
fossil energy compared to petrochemical production as the process can also produce electricity. Associated greenhouse
gas (GHG) emissions from cradle-to-factory gate are about 40% less than the petrochemical production. In comparison,
bio-ethylene from corn and ligno-cellulose save less energy and GHG emissions because related processes do not
export electricity. However, ligno-cellulosic bio-ethylene would be much less demanding in terms of land use. The
production costs of sugarcane bio-ethylene are very low in Brazil and India (i.e. around USD 1,200/t bio-ethylene).
Chinese production based on sweet sorghum is estimated at about USD 1,700/t. Higher costs are reported in the United
States (from corn) and in the European Union (from sugar beets) at about USD 2,000/t and USD 2,600/t, respectively. At
present, the cost of ligno-cellulose-based production is estimated at USD 1,900-2,000/t in the US. For comparison, the
cost of petrochemical ethylene is substantially lower (i.e. USD 600 to 1,300/t), depending on the region with a global
average of USD1,100/t. The current production cost of bio-ethylene is between 1.1 and 2.3 times higher than the global
average petrochemical ethylene, but ligno-cellulosic bio-ethylene is expected to reduce the gap in the near future.

 POTENTIAL AND BARRIERS – If all bio-ethanol currently produced for the transport sector (i.e. 61 million tonnes)
were to be converted into bio-ethylene, this bio-ethylene would meet about 25% of the current global demand.
Projections suggest that bio-ethylene could meet between 40% and 125% of the global demand in 2035, depending on
scenarios and taking into account co-products. However, several industrial sectors (e.g. transportation fuels, power
generation and the chemical industry) might compete for the availability of biomass feedstock, and starchy and sucrose
biomass alone cannot meet the total demand without competing with the food production industry. As a consequence,
the development of cheap and sustainable conversion processes of ligno-cellulosic biomass is crucial to increasing the
basic resources of sustainable biomass. Oil prices will also have a key impact on bio-ethylene market uptake. As far as
GHG emissions are concerned, to better reflect the environmental advantages of biomaterials, policy measures should
account for life cycle emissions of products, not only the chemical sector on-site emissions occurring during the
production process.

PROCESS AND TECHNOLOGY STATUS now based on various petroleum-based feedstock,

including naphtha (mostly in Europe and Asia), ethane
Ethylene is a platform petrochemical for direct or and, to a lesser extent, propane and butane in the
indirect production of most important synthetic Middle East and North America. The total production
polymers, including high- and low-density polyethylene capacity reached 138 million tonnes (Mt) per year in
(HDPE and LDPE), polyvinyl chloride (PVC), 2011 (OGJ, 2011). However, increasing fossil fuel
polystyrene (PS) and polyethylene terephthalate (PET) prices and concerns over greenhouse gas (GHG)
(Shen et al., 2010). emissions have now focused the attention on
Until the 1940s, ethylene was produced via ethanol renewable feedstock for bio-ethylene production. A a
dehydration, but with the advent of the economically consequence bio-ethanol obtained from various
attractive steam cracking process (Morschbacker, 2009; biomass has been considered as an attractive
Kochar et al., 1981), almost all ethylene production is

Please send comments to Martijn Broeren (, Author, and to, Giancarlo Tosato ( and Dolf Gielen (, Project Co-ordinators
IEA-ETSAP and IRENA © Technology-Policy Brief I13 – January 2013 -,

precursor of bio-ethylene due to its technical and Ligno-cellulosic biomass (e.g. wood, straw, grasses)
economic potential. consists mostly of three natural polymers: cellulose,
hemicelluloses and lignin. Ligno-cellulosic biomass
Bio-ethanol can be produced by the fermentation of a
forms the largest potential source of bio-ethanol
variety of plant biomass, which is then converted to bio-
1 because it is widespread and largely available at low
ethylene via catalytic dehydration . Compared to the
cost. It can also be grown as a perennial crop on low-
petrochemical route, this process can save GHG
2 quality land with attractive yields and costs and low
emissions in the product’s entire life cycle because the
environmental impact (Balat et al., 2008). However, the
plant feedstock absorbs CO2 from the atmosphere
conversion of ligno-cellulosic feedstock into bio-ethanol
during its growth. In Brazil, the availability of low-cost
is more difficult and costly. Lignin forms highly branched
sugarcane and bio-ethanol production, along with
structures that are bound to cellulose and are hard to
environmental advantages, has recently led to
break down by microbial systems. This makes the
investments in facilities for production of bio-ethylene
hydrolysis process and final bio-ethanol relatively
and its downstream products (e.g. bio-PE).
expensive though costs have come down significantly
Bio-ethylene is chemically identical to petroleum-based over the last decades, and large commercial production
ethylene. Therefore, no new technology is required for is about to start (e.g. POET, 2011).
conversion into downstream products. This technology
In addition to hydrolysis and fermentation (i.e. the
helps reduce Brazil’s oil dependence and stimulates the
biochemical route), ligno-cellulosic biomass can be
local economy and employment. However, a large
converted into ethanol by thermo-chemical processes
production of bio-ethylene can compete with food and
(Foust et al., 2009). These involve feedstock
feed production for the availability of arable land. In
gasification (i.e. production of syngas) and subsequent
addition, if pristine land is converted into arable land for
conversion into ethanol by fermentation or catalytic
biomass production, this causes large CO2 emissions,
conversion (Foust et al., 2009). A number of new
which can offset the environmental benefit (Bos et al.,
commercial-scale bio-ethanol production facilities based
on the thermochemical route have been announced
 Production process and feedstock – The first step (Coskata, 2011; Enerkem, 2011), but they are not yet
in bio-ethylene production is the production of bio- linked to the production of bio-ethylene.
ethanol from biomass feedstock. This is a well-known
Once bio-ethanol has been produced and purified to
process as bio-ethanol is now used as a transportation
chemical grade, it is converted to bio-ethylene by an
fuel. Three types of biomass can be used (Balat et al.,
alumina or silica-alumina catalyst. One tonne of bio-
2008): sucrose, starchy and ligno-cellulosic feedstock.
ethylene requires 1.74 tonnes of (hydrated) bio-ethanol
Sucrose biomass (e.g. sugarcane, sugar beets and (Kochar et al., 1981). Conversion yields of 99% with
sweet sorghum) is relatively easy to break down as 97% selectivity to ethylene have been achieved
sucrose is a disaccharide, which can be directly (Chematur, n.d.). The reaction is endothermic and
fermented into bio-ethanol by yeast. Currently, two requires a minimum theoretical energy use of 1.6
thirds of sucrose biomass consists of sugarcane grown gigajoules (GJ) per tonne of bio-ethylene. While the
in (sub)tropical regions, mostly in South America, with ethanol-to-ethylene (ETE) process is relatively simple, it
significant amounts in Asia, while one third consists has scarcely been used in the last decades. Table 1
mostly of sugar beets grown in temperate regions, provides an overview of the capacity of current and
mainly in Europe. Sugarcane offers a high sugar yield planned facilities where bio-ethylene or its downstream
plus ligno-cellulosic byproducts (e.g. bagasse, leaves), products are produced with ETE technology. The
which can be used for heat and power (Morschbacker, current production capacity is about 375 kilotonnes (kt)
2009). At present, Brazil is a leading country for the per year, of which 200 kt/y are used for producing
production of sugarcane bio-ethanol. polymers (bio-PE) and the remainder for producing bio-
based ethylene glycol (EG). Most of the capacity under
Starchy biomass (e.g. wheat, corn and barley) construction also focuses on production of non-polymer
contains cellulose polysaccharides (i.e. long chains of ethylene derivatives, such as EG and ethylene oxide
D-glucose monomers), which must first be converted (EO), which could later be used for producing polymers.
into a glucose syrup by either enzymatic or acidic
hydrolysis. Glucose is then fermented and distilled into
bio-ethanol. Currently, starch-based bio-ethanol is PERFORMANCE AND COSTS
mostly produced in the United States from corn.
 Environmental performance - Table 2 provides
environmental indicators for bio-ethylene production,
                                                             based on life cycle assessment (LCA) studies by Liptow
and Tillman (2009), Seabra et al. (2011) and the
See IEA-ETSAP and IRENA Technology Brief P10 “Production of
Liquid Biofuels” (September 2012) for more info on bio-ethanol.
Life cycle refers to all steps involved in a product’s manufacture, use
and waste management, e.g. raw materials extraction, processing,
production, transportation, use, repair, disposal. For a complete The Liptow and Tillman (2009) and Seabra et al. (2011) reports study
understanding of a product’s environmental impact, all stages of the life the production of bio-PE and bio-ethanol, respectively. Their results
cycle need to be assessed. have been adapted to reflect the production of bio-ethylene (Table 2).

Please send comments to Martijn Broeren (, Author, and to, Giancarlo Tosato ( and Dolf Gielen (, Project Co-ordinators
IEA-ETSAP and IRENA © Technology-Policy Brief I13 – January 2013 -,

BREW project (Patel et al., 2006). The studies serve  Production costs - Table 3 presents an overview of
different purposes and use different approaches with bio-ethanol and bio-ethylene production costs in
regard to geographical and temporal scope, methods different regions, including a discussion and cost
and system boundaries. Therefore, the information in comparison with other studies. Production from starchy
Table 2 is not intended for comparison but to provide an and sucrose feedstock is based on IRENA analysis,
up-to-date review of environmental indicators. whereas production from ligno-cellulosic biomass is
based on other literature.
According to the detailed LCA by Liptow and Tillman
(2009), if compared to petrochemical production, According to the IRENA analysis, the production cost
sugarcane-based bio-ethylene can save about 19 GJ of estimates of bio-ethylene from starchy and sucrose
non-renewable energy (60%) per tonne of output and feedstock show that Brazil and India are relatively
emit about 0.7t of CO2eq (40% less). Seabra et al. cheap compared to other countries at around 1,200
(2011) estimate 12 GJ/t and higher CO2eq emissions 1.4 USD/t (see Table 3). Chinese production based on
tCO2eq per tonne of bio-ethylene, excluding carbon sweet sorghum is estimated at around 1,650 USD/t.
sequestered in bio-ethylene. Patel et al., 2006 estimate The production in the US and EU are estimated to be
3.1 tCO2eq/t ethylene. the most expensive at 2,000 and 2,500 USD/t,
respectively. The biomass feedstock accounts for about
Using the same approach to analyse 21 diverse bio-
60% of the bio-ethanol production costs. In turn, the
materials, the BREW project includes production from
bio-ethanol cost accounts for about 60-75% of the bio-
sugarcane, corn starch and ligno-cellulosic feedstock
ethylene production cost, depending on the region (65%
(Patel et al., 2006). Results show that bio-ethylene from
on average).
corn starch and ligno-cellulose can save respectively
40% and 100% of non-renewable energy compared to Bio-ethanol production from ligno-cellulosic biomass via
petrochemical ethylene. Bio-ethylene from sugarcane biochemical processes is estimated to cost about 750
can save up to 150% of energy, accounting for USD/t in 2012, assuming mature technical and
sugarcane co-products, such as electricity and heat economic conditions . This leads to a bio-ethylene
from bagasse. The GHG emissions reductions are production cost of around 1,900 USD/t and is slightly
estimated at 120% from sugarcane , 45% from corn cheaper than the current thermochemical production
starch and 90% when using ligno-cellulosic biomass (all routes at about 2,000 USD/t. When compared to the US
taking sequestered carbon into account). Land use is target of reaching one USD/gallon bio-ethanol with
higher for sugar cane (0.48 ha/t) and corn (0.47 ha/t), ligno-cellulosic feedstock (i.e. 340 USD/t bio-ethanol),
whereas ligno-cellulosic biomass requires only 0.19 ha/t the present bio- and thermochemical production routes
because all biomass material can be converted to are still more than twice as expensive.
Compared to bio-ethylene, petrochemical ethylene is
The GHG emissions from biomass products could be cheaper: the global weighted average production cost is
influenced by the additional emissions due to possible about 1,100 USD/t, but in regions where cheap
land use change (LUC) for biomass growth. New feedstock is available, the production cost could be as
agricultural activity can lead to the removal of above- low as 600 USD/t (IRENA analysis). Therefore, the
and below-ground biomass, soil organic carbon, litter present market position of bio-ethylene is very
and dead wood from pristine lands (Hoefnagels et al., challenging, and it is expected that production will
2010), which involve additional release of GHG develop only in niche markets, such as Brazil.
emissions. These emissions are very significant but
To put the above discussion in the right perspective, it
difficult to estimate. In spite of developments in LUC
should be noted that publically available information on
modeling (Wang et al., 2011), no standard methodology
involved technologies is limited because of data
exists yet and calculation methods have a large impact
confidentiality regarding technologies that are still in the
on the results (Wicke et al., 2012). Liptow and Tillman
start-up phase. Various inputs used in the IRENA
(2009) show that the inclusion of the LUC emissions
analysis could differ significantly from the reference
more than doubles their estimated CO2eq emissions but
assumptions. For example, long-term contracts could
state that the uncertainty involved is very high. In
offer lower prices for fuels, electricity and feedstock
conclusion, the original land use prior to biomass 6
than those included in FAOstat . In addition, local
cultivation is a highly important determinant in
conditions can have a substantial impact on the
estimating the emissions associated with biomass-
production costs, particularly the feedstock prices,
based products.
These estimates are about 12% lower than the retail price estimates
provided in the IEA-ETSAP and IRENA Technology Brief P10 on liquid
Part of the reason why the GHG emission savings for sugarcane are biofuels.
so high is because this system exports electricity. The BREW study FAOstat product prices are assumed to include profits for the
uses the average emissions from power generation in the EU-15 as a feedstock producers. By using them, the IRENA analysis represents a
reference, meaning that renewable electricity can substantially reduce situation in which feedstock production and bio-ethanol production are
emissions. The other two studies take the Brazilian power sector as a not integrated. Back-integrating production could therefore yield lower
reference, which has lower emissions per unit of electricity generated production costs. Furthermore, it is assumed that bio-ethanol production
due to the large share of hydropower. and bio-ethylene production are completely integrated.

Please send comments to Martijn Broeren (, Author, and to, Giancarlo Tosato ( and Dolf Gielen (, Project Co-ordinators
IEA-ETSAP and IRENA © Technology-Policy Brief I13 – January 2013 -,

which account for about 65% of bio-ethylene production POTENTIAL AND BARRIERS
costs. Energy prices, discount rates and wages
 Potential - The current market for bio-based
determined by local economic conditions also play a
polymers is small. Braskem’s 200kt/yr bio-PE plant
role. Uncertainty ranges are therefore estimated for
already accounts for 28% of total current biopolymer
model inputs, and production costs are given within an
production capacity (European Bioplastics, 2011). By
indicative range based on sensitivity (Table 3).
2013, global biopolymer production is expected to grow
According to Table 3, Brazil is an exception compared to 2.4 Mt/yr, of which about 0.6 Mt/yr is bio-PE from bio-
to most regions because bio-ethylene production cost is ethylene (Shen et al., 2009). Although growth is fast,
lower than the petrochemical equivalent7. A number of the share of biopolymers will remain limited for at least
possible reasons can explain this difference. For some time as total production of plastics is over 250
instance, bio-ethanol production from Brazilian Mt/yr (Shen et al., 2009).
sugarcane is well-developed as bio-ethanol has been
The implementation of bio-ethylene also depends on
widely used in Brazil as a transportation fuel since 1975
the amount of bio-ethanol available. The International
(Mitchell, 2011). Inexpensive sugarcane and large scale
Energy Agency (IEA) estimated that in 2009 about 1.6
bio-ethanol production and experience (e.g. demand
EJ (or 61 Mt) of bio-ethanol was consumed for road
was estimated at 22.5 billion liters in 2009/2010;
transportation (IEA, 2010b). If all this bio-ethanol were
Mitchell, 2011) have made Brazilian bio-ethanol
to have been consumed for bio-ethylene, 35 Mt/yr of
relatively cheap compared to other regions. In contrast,
bio-ethylene would have been produced. This is
ethylene production from steam cracking is relatively
equivalent to about 25% of the current global ethylene
expensive in Brazil, due to the high prices of imported
production capacity (all based on fossil-fuel feedstock;
petroleum products (e.g. naphtha, accounting for 60-
OGJ, 2011). The bio-ethanol production is expected to
70% of the production costs).
increase to 5 to 12 EJ/yr in 2035 (a factor of 3 to 7.5
Apart from Brazil, bio-ethylene production is typically compared to current level), or 110 to 255 Mt/yr,
more expensive than petrochemical ethylene, and depending on the development scenario applied (IEA,
producers may be hesitant to invest in this novel 2010b) . If all of this were converted to bio-ethylene, it
production route. To overcome these barriers, would meet between 41% and 125% of the projected
producers may set a premium price on their products. In ethylene production volume (between 205 and 266
2007, Braskem determined a premium price for bio-PE Mt/yr in Baseline scenario; IEA, 2009).
of about 15-30% compared to petrochemical PE
 Barriers and policy needs – Various barriers
(Braskem, 2007). However, for widespread
currently exist to a wide use of bio-ethylene. The
implementation of bio-ethylene in the long term, its
current production of bio-ethylene from sugarcane in
prices need to be comparable and competitive to
Brazil provides a good platform to build on. In Brazil
petrochemical ethylene, particularly because there are
(and in the United States), costs have already come
no differences in chemical characteristics. Among bio-
down significantly (Van den Wall Bake, 2009 and
ethylene production routes, ligno-cellulosic bio-ethylene
Hettinga, 2009), and this trend is expected to continue
has the potential to become far cheaper than sugar- or
with increased yields (e.g. due to genetic crop
starch-based production because 100% of the biomass
modification) and improved process management.
material can be used. However, it could still take years
However, the Brazilian production conditions are
for ligno-cellulosic production to reach this stage.
difficult to replicate in other areas. For example,
 Capital costs - Based on the most recent investment production of sucrose or starchy feedstock large
information, the capital costs for bio-ethylene production enough to supply bio-ethanol for large-scale bio-
range between USD 1,100 and 1,400 per tonne. The ethylene production is difficult to obtain in other areas.
capital cost of Braskem’s 200-kt/yr facility was In addition, the conversion of food plantations to bio-
estimated to be around USD 278 million (i.e. USD ethanol production can increase food prices with a
1,390/t bio-ethylene; CT, n.d.;a). Mitsui and Dow have dramatic impact on developing countries (OECD, FAO,
spent approximately USD 400 million for their joint 2011). The only way to address this challenge is
venture to produce 350 kt/yr (i.e. USD 1,140/t bio- through biochemical or thermochemical conversion of
ethylene; Mitsui, 2011). It is unclear if more investment ligno-cellulosic biomass into ethanol (Balat, 2011),
will be required later on in this project. Finally, Solvay which, if it can be made cheap and competitive, can
Indupa has invested USD 135 million for a new PVC enlarge the basic feedstock availability with minor or no
plant with a capacity of 60 kt/yr bio-ethylene; that is impact on food production (Philippidis, 2008). Abundant
USD 2,250/t bio-ethylene, including related investments biomass resource is the key to scale-up production and
for the PVC plant (Conti, 2008). reduce bio-ethanol costs, and commercial projects
based on ligno-cellulosic biomass are currently

Although less information is available, India may have similar regional
advantages since it is the second largest sugar cane producer Estimated using the expected volumetric growth of biofuels and
worldwide and because a bio-EG production facility has been assuming an ethanol share of 75% in global biofuels consumption in
operational since 1989 (see Table 1). 2035, as is the case in the IEA’s New Policies scenario.

Please send comments to Martijn Broeren (, Author, and to, Giancarlo Tosato ( and Dolf Gielen (, Project Co-ordinators
IEA-ETSAP and IRENA © Technology-Policy Brief I13 – January 2013 -,

supported by policy incentives and government loans in routes, the IEA (IEA, 2010b) projects crude oil prices in
many countries. 2035 between USD (2009) 90 and 135 per barrel. This
difference could have a significant impact on the
From a technology perspective, there are two areas
economic attractiveness of bio-ethanol and bio-ethylene
where solutions are required: improving the conversion
production. Removing subsidies to fossil fuels, as
process of ligno-cellulosic material (Mabee and
recently recommended by the IEA and OECD (OECD,
Saddler, 2010) and reducing the costs of hydrolysis
2011), will help close the price gap between
(Morschbacker, 2009; Patel et al., 2006). Current
petrochemical and bio-based products.
research efforts focus on modifying microbes for both
hydrolysis and fermentation, thus decreasing the cost of Some kinds of ethanol import duties should also be
hydrolysis enzymes or looking for new, undiscovered removed. The European Union, for example, levies an
enzymes. Results are expected in the near future. import tariff on ethanol (Vermie et al., 2009) of up to
USD 310/t. This import duty represents an important
Future prices of biomass feedstock are subject to
policy barrier to bio-ethylene production based on
significant uncertainty and linked to developments in
imported ethanol in the EU.
food demand and biofuels for transportation. In this
competitive situation, policy should determine the In general, the policy to promote the use of bio-ethylene
optimum distribution of biomass feedstock to various needs to go beyond the current framework and look not
branches of the economy. Promotion policies for only at the direct emissions from production processes
blending bio-ethanol with gasoline are already in place but also at the life cycle of CO2 emissions reductions.
in the US and parts of the EU (Pires, Schechtman, n.d.) Credit should be granted to entire life cycle CO2
and could limit the amount of biomass available for benefits. This would also mean that carbon tax systems
chemicals. While sustainable alternatives exist for would more effectively motivate companies to produce
transportation (e.g. electric vehicles), the chemical bio-based products because they would offer a larger
sector will in any case require a source of carbon, which CO2 emission reductions. Policy measures could also
can only be provided by sustainable biomass or include eco-labeling of bio-based chemicals and
petroleum. polymers, information campaigns and subsidies to
producers (Hermann et al., 2011).
Future oil prices will also have a key role in determining
to what extent bio-ethylene can substitute for
petrochemical ethylene. Depending on assumed policy

Table 1 - Overview of current and planned plants for ethylene production from bio-ethanola
Start-up Bio-ethylene Biomass
Location Company Final product Source
year capacity, kt/yr feedstock type
India India Glycols Limited 1989 175 Bio-EG Molasses IGL, 2011
Brazil Braskem 2010 200 Bio-PE Sugarcane Braskem, 2007; CT, n.d.;a
Under construction
Brazil Solvay Indupa 2011 60 PVC Sugarcane Solvay, 2007
Greencol Taiwan Sugarcane (from
Taiwan 2011 100 Bio-EG Petron, 2010; CT, n.d.;b
Corporation Brazil)
Brazil Dow/Mitsui 2013 350 (expected) Bio-PE Sugarcane Dow, 2011; Mitsui, 2011
Status unknown
China Sinopec 1980s 9 Bio-ethylene Tan, 2008
China BBCA group 2004 17 Bio-ethylene Tan, 2008
Yongan b
China 2011 42 Bio-EO Rightler, 2011; SD, 2008
China Jilin Bohai 2012 63 Bio-EO Rightler, 2011; SD, 2008
Heyang Bio Ethanol b
China 2013 80 Bio-EO/EG Rightler, 2011; Jiaozou, 2010
Sinopec Sichuan
China 10 Bio-ethylene Cassava SVW, 2011
Vinylon Works
a) Data based on publically available information, not necessarily up-to-date. The list can miss small-scale pilot plants. b) Data refer to the capacities of bio-
EO or bio-EG only. Actual bio-ethylene capacity is unknown.


Please send comments to Martijn Broeren (, Author, and to, Giancarlo Tosato ( and Dolf Gielen (, Project Co-ordinators
IEA-ETSAP and IRENA © Technology-Policy Brief I13 – January 2013 -,

Summary Tables - Key Data and Figures on Bio-ethylene Production 

Table 2 - Environmental indicators of cradle-to-factory-gate bio-ethylene production (data given as per tonne of ethylene)
Feed- Net non- Renewable GHG
a Land use
Study and Methodology stock renewable energy energy use emissions
type use (GJ/t) (GJ/t) (t CO2eq/t)
Liptow and Tillman (2009)
- Consequential LCA of bio-PE production Sugar-
- Brazilian sugarcane conversion to bio-PE, transport to Sweden; 12 53 1.0 ( - 3.1) n.a.
and European crude oil to PE
- System expansion, except for the crude oil route
- Includes LUC GHG emissions
Crude oil 31 0 1.7 ( - 0) n.a.
- Excludes polymerisation and transportation Brazil to Sweden
Seabra et al. (2011)
- LCA of bio-ethanol production in 2008
- Brazilian sugarcane process to bio-ethanol Sugar-
12 n.a. 1.4 ( - 3.1) n.a.
- System expansion for electricity generation from bagasse cane
- Excludes LUC GHG emissions
- Includes conversion to bio-ethylene ( Liptow and Tillman, 2009)
BREW project - Patel et al. (2006)
- Analysis of 21 bio-chemicals, 3 feedstock and 95 processes Corn 40 64 2.5 ( - 3.1) 0.47
- Generic process with no specific location Sugar-
- Price-based approach accounting for co-products price ; -30 155 - 0.9 ( - 3.1) 0.48
system expansion for co-products and exported energy; mass-
based when no system expansion is possible Ligno-
1 108 0.5 ( - 3.1) 0.19
- Includes present and future technology cellulose
- Excludes LUC GHG emissions Naphtha
- GHG values exclude sequestered carbon 66 0 1.3 ( - 0) n.a.
a) Values between brackets refer to the renewable carbon sequestered in ethylene (i.e. the CO2 stored in biomass during plant growth). This amounts to 3.1
t CO2eq/t for bio-ethylene (Patel et al., 2006) and is 0 for petrochemical production.

Table 3 - Overview of estimated production cost for bio-ethanol and bio-ethylenea, all costs in USD2009/tonne
Feedstock type Ethanol production cost Ethylene production cost Source
Location a a
Mean Range Mean Range
IRENA estimates – Starch- and sucrose-containing feedstocks
US Corn 800 690 – 1,070 2,060 1,700 – 2,730 IRENA analysis
Brazil Sugarcane 420 360 – 560 1,190 970 – 1,630 IRENA analysis
India Sugarcane 440 370 – 580 1,220 1,000 – 1,670 IRENA analysis
EU Sugar beets 1,070 930 – 1,390 2,570 2,180 – 3,380 IRENA analysis
China Sweet sorghum 630 520 – 800 1,650 1,340 – 2,180 IRENA analysis
Other sources – Ligno-cellulosic feedstocks
2012 state-of-the-art estimate d b
US 750 1,910 1,820 – 2,080 NREL, 2011
Corn residue d b
US 790 2,000 1,900 – 2,170 Poet, 2011
IRENA estimates – Reference production routes
Target of 1 USD/gallon bio-
US 340 1,080 980 – 1,250 IRENA analysis
Steam cracking e e
Global n.a. 1,100 600 – 1,300 IRENA analysis
(petrochemical ethylene)
The IRENA bottom-up analysis refers to the 2009 situation; the bottom-up production cost methodology is based on Hermann and Patel, 2007 and
feedstock prices on FAOstat; energy prices originate from various sources (e.g. IEA, 2010a; EIA, 2011). Discount rates are between 7.5% and 15%.
Capital costs for bio-ethanol plants are taken from Tao and Aden (2009) and Maung and Gustafson (2011). Capital costs for bio-ethylene plants are taken
from CT (n.d.). Other process data of bio-ethanol and bio-ethylene are from Seabra et al., 2011; Perrin et al., 2009; Li, 2010; Xunmin, 2009; Li and Chan-
Halbrendt, 2009.
a) Range represents worst- and best-case scenarios, i.e. changing all inputs at the same time to the most optimistic or pessimistic values.
b) The production cost for bio-ethanol for corn do not include credits associated with selling the by-product distiller’s grain with solubles (DDGS) on the
market. If included, the 0.3 kg of DDGS produced per litre of bio-ethanol would provide a co-product credit of 55 USD/t Bio-EtOH, which is a 7% decrease
of the production costs. (using 2009 prices of DDGS from USDA of about 140 USD/t DDGS).
c) The best estimate of 420 USD/t for production costs is about 20% lower than the estimates for retail prices provided by Technology Brief P10 . The
estimate, however, does include the burning of the by-product bagasse to generate electricity, which is a common practice in Brazil.
d) Ethanol production costs are taken from original sources and the ethylene production cost is calculated by the IRENA model. Because original sources
provide a single value for bio-ethanol production cost , the bio-ethylene cost shows a smaller range compared to starchy and sucrose feedstock.
e) Calculations are for eight world regions varying from 600 (Middle East) to 1,300 (former USSR); average is 1,100 USD/t. All based on oil price of USD
75/bbl. Estimates based on publicly available energy prices, which are considered high compared to long-term contract prices for ethylene producers.

Please send comments to Martijn Broeren (, Author, and to, Giancarlo Tosato ( and Dolf Gielen (, Project Co-ordinators
IEA-ETSAP and IRENA © Technology-Policy Brief I13 – January 2013 -,

References and Further Information

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IEA-ETSAP and IRENA © Technology-Policy Brief I13 – January 2013 -,

101 (13), p. 4806–4813.

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Please send comments to Martijn Broeren (, Author, and to, Giancarlo Tosato ( and Dolf Gielen (, Project Co-ordinators

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