2008 Babushina, Polyakov - Efficiency of Body Conduction of Underwater Sounds in The Bottlenose Dolphin

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ISSN 0006-3509, Biophysics, 2008, Vol. 53, No. 3, pp. 235–236. © Pleiades Publishing, Inc., 2008.

Original Russian Text © E.S. Babushina, M.A. Polyakov, 2008, published in Biofizika, 2008, Vol. 53, No. 3, pp. 495–498.


Efficiency of Body Conduction of Underwater Sounds

in the Bottlenose Dolphin
E. S. Babushina and M. A. Polyakov
Karadag Natural Reserve, National Academy of Sciences of Ukraine, Kurortnoe, Crimea, 98188 Ukraine
E-mail: poza@dolphin.crimea.com
Received December 1, 2006; in final form, November 12, 2007

Abstract—Hearing thresholds of the Black Sea bottlenose dolphin Tursiops truncatus for tonal and composite
underwater sounds within 50 kHz were ascertained in fully or partly submerged (head out of water) animals
(trained by operant conditioning with food reinforcement). Perception of sounds conducted through the body
deteriorated in all cases (thresholds for 75%-correct response rose typically by 6–24 dB); the least changes were
observed for 10 and 20 kHz tones. The aggregate data also suggested significant individual variations.

Key words: odontocetes, Tursiops truncatus, hearing threshold, sound transmission

DOI: 10.1134/S0006350908030111

INTRODUCTION 9.5 × 4.5 m, inside a hall 30 m long, 15 m wide, and 8 m

The acoustic orientation of marine mammals such
as dolphins and pinnipeds is determined by their anat- At the start, the animal was either in a horizontal
omy, morphology, and ecology, by the functional prop- position just below the water surface (complete sub-
erties of the conduction pathways as well as by the mergence) or in a vertical position, with the head above
parameters of the acoustic signals. We have previously the water surface (partial submergence). In the latter
assessed sound conduction in the bottlenose dolphin, position, the sound was conducted through body tis-
the Caspian seal, and the northern fur seal [1–3] by sues. Waiting for a signal, the animal kept its nose in
comparing the perception thresholds for underwater touch with a start manipulator suspended at a height (H)
sounds in animals submerged completely, with the head that we could vary. The waiting time was varied at ran-
under water; and partially, with the head out of water. dom from 1 to 7 s. Hearing a signal, the animal
This comparison provided an estimate for the fraction approached its source. Either a pause or a signal was
of the sound energy transmitted to the inner ear through presented. In the absence of a signal (that is, during the
body tissues. Dolphins and true seals were found to pause), the animal had to stay at the start. Its approach
hear underwater sounds well even when the animal’s to the generator in this case was recorded as a false
head was out of water. In the sea-bear, sound transmis- response. The signal intensity was varied discretely, in
sion through the body was substantially hampered in decrements of 3–6 dB, from a level several times
the main range of sound reception because of the muf- greater than the threshold to a subthreshold level; 10–
fling properties of its air-containing fur. Works on 20 trials were made at each intensity. Usually the dol-
sound conduction through dolphin’s head tissues [4–6] phin responded to sound within fraction of a second,
and our data on masking thresholds [3, 7] suggested not waiting for the signal to end. In doubtful cases, near
that the sound-transmitting channels of aquatic and the perception threshold, the dolphin preferred not to
semiaquatic mammals interact with the signal to alter go; sometimes the dolphin stopped halfway and
the spectral structure of the composite sound. Being returned to check whether there was any sound.
aware of the possible individual differences, here we The threshold was defined as the stimulus intensity
continue our studies on body conduction and percep- corresponding to 75% correct responses. The procedure
tion of various sounds by the bottlenose dolphin. of gradual attenuation continued until the stimulus elic-
ited only 5060% correct responses. We repeated this
procedure several times a day; therefore, the animal
EXPERIMENTAL was presented with a signal of a given intensity at least
20 times (up to several tens of times) throughout one
Main experiments were performed with an adult experiment, and tens or hundreds of times over all
male dolphin (Tursiops truncatus) using behavioral experiments. Presented below are the relative estimates
response techniques (operant conditioning with food for the thresholds, allowing their comparison in fully
reinforcement) in a concrete pool measuring 27.5 × and partially submerged animals at various frequencies.


Auditory sensitivity (decibels relative to 1 W/cm2) of a bottlenose dolphin (24-years-old male)

Broadband noise @@@ Frequency of signal, kHz

H, cm
(0–50 kHz) (37–50 kHz) 5 10 20 40
Tone, H = 0
–38 ± 1 –41 ± 1 –44 + 3, –4 –43 ± 1
0 –34 + 2, –3 –36 ± 0
Narrowband, H = 0
–22 ± 1 –40 + 2, –3 –46 ± 0 –39 ± 1
Tone, H = 50
0±1 –35 + 2 –30 + 2, –3 –16 ± 1
50 –10 ± 2 –18 + 1, –2
Narrowband, H = 50
1±1 –28 ± 1 –26 + 4, –9 –15 ± 2
Note: H is the height of suspension of the start manipulator (centimeters): H = 0 corresponds to full submergence of the animal (head in
water), and H = 50 cm corresponds to partial submergence (head out of water).

The hearing thresholds for underwater acoustic sig- on average accounted for 1.3% of all approaches, and
nals were determined in the 5–40 kHz range, using tone there were none at higher levels.
pulses (100-ms duration, repetition time 200 ms, 0.2– It is clear that the hearing thresholds appreciably
5.0 ms rise, 5–25 ms fall) of 5, 10, 20, and 40 kHz or increased for all signals throughout the frequency range
corresponding narrowband (10% of the central fre- tested if the animal raised its head out of water and the
quency) continuous noise-like signals. Also tested were sound was conducted through the body. The differences
broadband Gaussian signals encompassing this fre- were minimal for tone and narrowband signals at
quency range. 10 kHz and increased with frequency. Quite unex-
The generator was a cylindrical magnetostriction pected was the great drop of through-body perception
transducer 35 mm in diameter and 120 mm in height at 5 kHz, especially for the tone signal (38 dB); this was
with a working frequency range of 0.5100.0 kHz. The most probably associated with some individual alter-
signal amplitude was maximal at the center of the range ations, because another dolphin under the same condi-
and decreased to its edges by 28 and 13 dB. The emitter tions showed a difference of only 12 dB (working log
was placed 0.6 m below the water surface, 2.4 m from data). Note that in an earlier work [7] we found marked
the start position. differences in sensitivity only above 60 kHz. With the
5 kHz exception, tone and narrowband signals were
perceived quite similarly (figure). In the natural milieu
RESULTS AND DISCUSSION (fully under water) the dolphin was equally sensitive to
The results are shown in the table and figure. For all signals of any structure throughout the frequency range
kinds of signal, false responses at near-threshold levels examined, which is in accord with previous data [3, 7].
Clearly, further work should be both in-depth (regard-
P, dB re 1 µbar ing signal and noise parameters) and extensive (to take
account of individual peculiarities).

–40 * 1. G. L. Zaslavskii and E. S. Babushina, IX All-Union Con-
* * * ference on Study, Protection, and Rational Use of
–60 Marine Mammals (Arkhangel’sk, 1986), pp. 141142.
2. G. L. Zaslavskii and E. S. Babushina, X All-Union Con-
–80 ference on Study, Protection, and Rational Use of
Marine Mammals (Moscow, 1990), p. 108.
0 10 20 30 40 3. E. S. Babushina, Biofizika 45, 927 (2000).
Frequency, kHz 4. F. C. Fraser and P. E. Purves, Bull. Brit. Museum Nat.
History, Zool. 7, 1 (1960).
Graphical representation of the data on underwater sound
perception by the dolphin (table): lower two curves, head 5. P. E. Purves and W. L. Utrecht, Beaufortia 3 (9), 241
under water [direct reception of tone pulse (asterisks) or (1964).
continuous narrowband signal (triangles)]; upper two 6. P. E. Purves, in Whales, Dolphins and Porpoises, Ed.
curves, head above water [sound conduction through the K. S. Norris (Univ. California Press, 1966), pp. 320–380.
body, tone pulse (circles) or continuous narrowband signal
(squares)]. 7. E. S. Babushina, Biofizika 44, 1101 (1999).

SPELL OK BIOPHYSICS Vol. 53 No. 3 2008

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