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Dentomaxillofacial Radiology (2012) 41, 361–366

’ 2012 The British Institute of Radiology

Alternative X-ray filters for an intra-oral digital radiographic
J Stecke1, AD Cruz*,2, SM Almeida3 and FN Bóscolo3
Piracicaba Dental School of the State University of Campinas (UNICAMP), São Paulo, Brazil; 2Department of Specific
Formation, Area of Dental Radiology, Faculty of Dentistry of the Fluminense Federal University (UFF), University Center of Nova
Friburgo, Brazil; 3Department of Oral Diagnosis, Area of Dental Radiology, Piracicaba Dental School of the State University of
Campinas (UNICAMP), São Paulo, Brazil

Objective: The aim of this study was to evaluate the effect of the modulation of the
radiation spectrum with the use of alternative X-ray filters in the quality of intra-oral digital
images from storage phosphor plates.
Methods: The radiographic exposures were performed in a GE 1000 X-ray machine
(General Electric Co., Milwaukee, WI), operating at 65 kVp, 10 mA, 40 cm focus receptor
distance using three different exposure times: 0.05 s, 0.16 s and 0.35 s. The control filter (GC)
was 100% aluminium (Al) with a thickness of 1.5 mm. The tested filters were: G1, 97% Al and
3% copper (Cu) with 1.47 mm thickness; G2, 96% Al and 4% Cu with 1.53 mm thickness; G3,
95% Al and 5% zinc (Zn) with 1.56 mm thickness; G4, 98% Al and 2% Zn with 1.5 mm
thickness; and G5, 95% Cu and 5% Zn with 1.6 mm thickness. For formation of the image, a
12-step Al wedge (each step with increments of 1 mm in thickness) was radiographed 10
times. Pixel values measured in digital images were converted into optical density (OD).
Results: All replicates showed OD with high reproducibility (r . 0.95) for all exposure times
and tested filters. In comparison between filters, statistically significant differences in density
(p , 0.05) were observed. The OD curve of the G5 filter in all exposure times and G3 filter in
an exposure time of 0.05 s showed changes in shape (p , 0.05).
Conclusions: Excluding the G5 filter, all others tested filters can be used as a substitute for
GC without losses in image quality.
Dentomaxillofacial Radiology (2012) 41, 361–366. doi: 10.1259/dmfr/94751012

Keywords: X-rays; filtration; radiographic image enhancement; dental digital radiography


Digital imaging systems are gradually replacing conven- characteristics of the patients, independently of the
tional analogue film in dentistry. This is the result of control of operator.1
both innovations in image acquisition systems and in In accordance with the fundamental principle of
programs for image manipulation. However, there has radiation protection known as ALARA (as low as
been little investment in replacing the X-ray machine reasonably achievable), the desired amount of diag-
for use with intra-oral digital imaging systems, despite nostic information should be obtained with minimum
the current introduction of X-ray machines with auto- possible radiation exposure. As the dynamic range of
matic exposure control (AEC) systems in direct digital solid-state sensors is small, it requires careful selection
techniques. In these systems, the exposure time is of the exposure time. However, storage phosphor plates
automatically standardized according to individual (SPPs) have a much larger dynamic range, enabling the
selection of a broad scale of exposure times without
causing saturation of the final image.2
Other factors, such as current, voltage of the tube
*Correspondence to: Mrs Adriana Dibo da Cruz, Faculty of Dentistry of the and filtration of the X-ray beam, can also modify the
Fluminense Federal University, Polo of Nova Friburgo St Doutor Silvio
Henrique Braune, 22, Centro, Nova Friburgo, Rio de Janeiro, Brazil, 28625–
number of photons in the X-ray beam, causing a
650. E-mail: modulation of the radiation spectrum that affects
Received 9 December 2010; revised 5 March 2011; accepted 11 April 2011 exposure dose and image quality.3–7 The X-ray filters
Alternative X-ray filters
362 J Stecke et al

can decrease the exposure dose to radiation by depth and a resolution of 300 dpi. During the experi-
removing those low-energy photons from the X-ray ment, the SPPs were conditioned in the light-tight
beam. The low-energy photons would be absorbed by polymer envelopes of the system to avoid exposure to
the soft tissue of the patient without affecting useful the ambient light and to protect them from handling.
diagnostic information.7 Shibuya et al8 evaluated An EMBH (Electro Médica Brasileira, São Paulo,
alternative filters to be used with digital systems of Brazil) viewing box measuring 38648.5 cm, which
solid-state sensors, in this case a charge-coupled device gives off 1700 lux of fluorescent light, was used to
(CCD), and observed that the KEY filter, an alloy of erase the SPPs. Light intensity (from the viewing box
aluminum (Al), copper (Cu) and tin, reduced the and procedure room) was measured by a PhotometerH
exposure to radiation and enhanced the diagnostic 07–621 (Fluke Biomedical, Cleveland, OH). The SPPs
information. The aim of this study was to evaluate the were positioned with the active side facing down and in
effect of the modulation of the radiation spectrum with contact with the front surface of the viewing box for
the use of alternative X-ray filters on the quality of 130 s in order to completely erase them. All images were
intra-oral digital images from SPPs. saved and stored in TIFF format.

Objective assessment of the image

Materials and methods To quantitatively assess the image data the pixel
intensity analysis was performed using the histogram
The study was based on five alternative X-ray filters tool of the Adobe Photoshop CS3H program (Adobe
made of a combination of Al, Cu and zinc (Zn) in System Inc., San Jose, CA). Pixel intensity measure-
different proportions as listed in Table 1. ments were calculated from the mean grey value of
The tested filters were individually attached in a GE regions of interest (ROIs) on the image. 3 ROIs for each
1000 X-ray machine (General Electric Co., Milwaukee, step of the Al wedge (1 in the central portion and 2 in
WI), which operated at 65 kVp, 10 mA, 40 cm focus- lateral portions of the step) were selected, obtaining for
receptor distance, using three different exposure times: each image 36 ROIs in total. All steps were separately
0.05 s, 0.16 s and 0.35 s. The original Al filter from the X- measured and the average pixel intensity value was
ray machine was removed since it has a thickness calculated.
of 2.5 mm which is greater than required by the law The average pixel intensity value (I) for each step was
governing the sector9 that states an X-ray machine up to converted into optical density (OD), as proposed by
70 kVp requires an Al filter with a thickness of 1.5 mm. Parissis et al,10 using the following equation:
The digital images were acquired using bitewing
projection geometry. A customized acrylic device was 255
used to standardize the position of the set (radiographed OD~LN ð1Þ
object, cylindrical locator device of the X-ray tube and
image receptor) during radiographic exposure, so that it
could be easily reproduced. An aluminium wedge of 12 Data analysis
steps with increments of 1 mm in thickness in each step The intraclass correlation coefficient (r) in SPSS version
was used as an object. A 1.2 cm thick acrylic plate was 17.0 for Windows (IBM Corporation, formerly SPSS
placed between the object and the image receptor to Inc, Armonk, NY) software was used to statistically
replicate soft tissue. For each combination, filter and analyse the reproducibility of the OD for each filter
exposure time was repeated ten times. evaluated. ODs obtained in the same group at varying
exposure times and in different groups in the same
Image receptor system exposure time were analysed using analysis of variance
Five SPPs (DenOptixH; KaVo Dental Gendex Imaging, with Dunnett and Tukey tests. The data were tabulated
Milan, Italy) were exposed to X-rays and were subse- using OriginProH 7.5 software (Origin Lab Corpora-
quently scanned by the DenOptix scanner in a secluded tion, Northampton, MA), which generated the OD
room with a light intensity of 20 lux using an 8-bit curves for all filters in each exposure time. In the

Table 1 Characteristics of the X-ray filters used in modulation of the radiation beam
Group Composition of the alloy (content by weight %) Atomic number and scientific notation Thickness (mm)
Control (GC) Aluminum (100) 13Al 1.50
1 (G1) Aluminum (96) Copper (4) Al — 29Cu 1.47
2 (G2) Aluminum (97) Copper (3) Al — 29Cu 1.53
3 (G3) Aluminum (95) — Zinc (5) Al — 30Zn 1.50
4 (G4) Aluminum (98) — Zinc (2) Al — 30Zn 1.56
5 (G5) Copper (95) — Zinc (5) Cu — 30Zn 1.60
G1, 97% aluminium (Al) and 3% copper (Cu) with 1.47 mm thickness; G2, 96% Al and 4% Cu with 1.53 mm thickness; G3, 95% Al and 5% zinc
(Zn) with 1.56 mm thickness; G4, 98% Al and 2% Zn with 1.5 mm thickness; G5, 95% Cu and 5% Zn with 1.6 mm thickness.

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control filter (GC), curve regression analyses were made

using a polynomial function of the third degree
(r2 . 0.98) to define a prediction limit of 5%. The level
of significance for all analyses was set at 5% (a 5 0.05).


The comparison of results of OD values are shown in

Table 2. In the comparison between tested filters and
GC, a significant difference (p , 0.05) was only shown
in the G5 filter group (95% Cu and 5% Zn with 1.6 mm
thickness) in an exposure time of 0.32 s. Significant
differences (p , 0.05) were observed for smaller and
larger exposure times in filter groups G3 (95% Al and
5% Zn with 1.56 mm thickness) and G5. A signifi-
cant difference (p , 0.05) between exposure times was
observed in G5. Figure 1 Optical density curves of all filters in the exposure time of
0.05 s and regression analysis of the standard filter including a
Figure 1 shows the OD curves generated with an prediction limit of 5%. Al, aluminium; G1, 97% Al and 3% copper
exposure time of 0.05 s for different filters, and groups (Cu) with 1.47 mm thickness; G2, 96% Al and 4% Cu with 1.53 mm
G3 and G5 showed a curve conformation different thickness; G3, 95% Al and 5% zinc (Zn) with 1.56 mm thickness; G4,
from the GC, exceeding the prediction limit of 5%. In 98% Al and 2% Zn with 1.5 mm thickness; G5, 95% Cu and 5% Zn
with 1.6 mm thickness. GC, control filter
the exposure time of 0.16 s, only the G5 group exceeded
the prediction limit of 5%, showing curve conformation
different from the rest of the filters (Figure 2). This was from the radiation spectrum.11 Two parameters, the
also the case in an exposure time of 0.32 s (Figure 3). tube voltage and the X-ray filter, can influence the
In Figure 4, examples of images obtained with each radiation spectrum of an X-ray tube.4,12
tested filter in each exposure time are shown. The tube voltage is responsible for the maximum
energy of the radiation spectrum, whereas the filter
mainly controls the low-energy side of the spectrum.
The optimization of the radiation spectrum consists of
working with the X-ray tube voltage above or close to
the optimal energy required to diagnosis, with an X-ray
In this study, alternative filters made with different
alloys were evaluated as substitutes for the standard Al
filter in order to try and enhance the quality of intra-
oral digital images from SPPs using a smaller radiation
dose. The exposure dose is increased excessively by the
radiation photons with higher wavelength, i.e. low-
energy photons. These photons are absorbed by the
patient’s organism and must be preferentially removed

Table 2 Average (standard deviation) of optical density values from

tested filters and the standard filter
Exposure time
Group 0.05 s 0.16 s 0.32 s
GC 0.41(0.04) 0.53(0.02) 0.55(0.03)
G1 0.44(0.06) ABa 0.54(0.04) Aa 0.55(0.05) Ba
G2 0.46(0.03) ABa 0.53(0.04) Aa 0.57(0.03) Ba
G3 0.53(0.05) Aa 0.58(0.03) Aa 0.62(0.01) ABa
G4 0.48(0.04) ABa 0.54(0.02) Aa 0.59(0.04) Ba
G5 0.28(0.05) Bb 0.74(0.03) Aa 0.86(0.03) Aaa
ANOVA, analysis of variance; GC, control filter; G1, 97% aluminium
(Al) and 3% copper (Cu) with 1.47 mm thickness; G2, 96% Al and 4%
Cu with 1.53 mm thickness; G3, 95% Al and 5% Zinc (Zn) with Figure 2 Optical density curves of all filters in the exposure time of
1.56 mm thickness; G4, 98% Al and 2% Zn with 1.5 mm thickness; 0.16 s and regression analysis of the standard filter including a
G5, 95% Cu and 5% Zn with 1.6 mm thickness. prediction limit of 5%. Al, aluminium; G1, 97% Al and 3% copper
Group differed from GC by Dunnett test (p , 0.05). Dissimilar (Cu) with 1.47 mm thickness; G2, 96% Al and 4% Cu with 1.53 mm
letters (upper case in columns and lower case in rows) represent thickness; G3, 95% Al and 5% zinc (Zn) with 1.56 mm thickness; G4,
groups that differed statistically (ANOVA by the Tukey test, 98% Al and 2% Zn with 1.5 mm thickness; G5, 95% Cu and 5% Zn
p , 0.05). with 1.6 mm thickness. GC, control filter

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filter appropriate to restrict the spectrum. A limited

tube power can be compensated by increasing the
exposure time and/or decreasing the filter thickness, but
both methods can expand the spectrum which causes a
decrease in quality of the X-ray beam.4,12 However, in
ordinary dental X-ray machines, factors such as tube
current and tube voltage are unchanged and an
operator’s machine cannot manipulate them. It is
possible to remove the standard filter from the machine
and substitute it for other more adequate X-ray filters.
In the present study, although there was the
opportunity to alter factors in the X-ray machine, such
as current and voltage of the tube, these factors were
fixed to simulate a usual clinical practice. However, in
spite of the commonly used 2.5 mm thick Al dental
radiography filter,6 the original X-ray filter of the
machine was removed and then replaced by an Al filter
1.5 mm thick. This is because the governing law9 states
Figure 3 Optical density curves of all filters in the exposure time of that an X-ray machine up to 70 kVp only requires an Al
0.32 s and regression analysis of the standard filter including a filter with a thickness of 1.5 mm. Thus, the GC was Al
prediction limit of 5%. Al, aluminium; G1, 97% Al and 3% copper with 1.5 mm in thickness, which differs from other
(Cu) with 1.47 mm thickness; G2, 96% Al and 4% Cu with 1.53 mm
thickness; G3, 95% Al and 5% zinc (Zn) with 1.56 mm thickness; G4, studies.1,6,7,13,14 Mauriello et al6 evaluated the effects on
98% Al and 2% Zn with 1.5 mm thickness; G5, 95% Cu and 5% Zn image contrast and on exposure dose caused by the
with 1.6 mm thickness. GC, control filter increased thickness of the Al filter. In their results was

Figure 4 Example of images obtained during the study. (a) Control filter (GC)—0.05 s, (b) G1 [97% aluminium (Al) and 3% copper (Cu) with
1.47 mm thickness]—0.05 s, (c) G2 (96% Al and 4% Cu with 1.53 mm thickness)—0.05 s, (d) G3 [95% Al and 5% zinc (Zn) with 1.56 mm
thickness]—0.05 s, (e) G4 (98% Al and 2% Zn with 1.5 mm thickness)—0.05 s, (f) G5 (95% Cu and 5% Zn with 1.6 mm thickness)—0.05 s, (g)
GC—0.16 s, (h) G1—0.16 s, (i) G2—0.16 s, (j) G3—0.16 s, (k) G4—0.16 s, (l) G5—0.16 s, (m) GC—0.32 s, (n) G1—0.32 s, (o) G2—0.32 s, (p) G3—
0.32 s, (q) G4—0.32 s, (r) G5—0.32 s

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observed a decrease in exposure doses but with some loss elements with atomic numbers ranging from 2 to 30, the
on image contrast. The exposure dose was decreased from m/r decreases continuously in the diagnostic range until
25% to 40% over the voltage range of 65–90 kVp and the 150 keV. For low-energy photons, where attenuation is
contrast decreased from 4% to 12%. At 75 kVp, 2–3 mm almost entirely due to photo-absorption, this depen-
of added-in thickness to the conventional Al filtration dence is approximately proportional to E23. Depending
resulted in a lower contrast from 5% to 7%. However, it on the atomic number Z, scattering prevails at photon
was observed that with the incorporation of rare-earth, energies exceeding 47 keV for Al; however, for Cu photo-
samarium (Z 5 62) or gadolinium (Z 5 64) in the X-ray absorption prevails up to 120 keV.11
filter a decrease in the exposure dose of the thinner thick For single-material filters, the selected filtration
filters without a loss of contrast to intra-oral radiography should have a K absorption edge (K-edge) below
occurred.6 20 keV, because if the K-edge is greater than 20 keV the
The increase in thickness of the filter generates more ability to attenuate low-energy photons may be severely
secondary radiation which will be scattered, requiring compromised.12 In Gonçalves et al’s study,3 which also
higher tube currents or exposure times and causing a used an added filtration of Al Cu, a decrease in energy
decline in the lifespan of the X-ray tube.15 This can be spectrum between 30 keV and 41 keV without losses in
considered a problem for the DenOptix system as this quality of image or increase in exposure time was
system creates more noise than others and therefore observed. In other studies were added filters such as
needs a higher radiation dose.2,16,17 In the present study niobium, which changed the energy spectrum between
the noise was not evaluated; we evaluated the reprodu- 43.3 keV and 48 keV7 and the samarium filter between
cibility of the contrast which showed high values, even 25 keV and 45 keV.6 The KEY filter, an alloy pro-
with the addition of a tissue-equivalent that produces bably made with Al, Cu and tin, promoted a better
scattering similar to that caused by the soft tissue of a performance quality of digital images and exposure
patient. However, the DenOptix system uses a histo- dose.8 This filter does not have a typical K-edge but
gram equalization algorithm (automatic range control)
effectively eliminates the low-energy photons from the
during image acquisition that can correct the contrast
radiation spectrum.
from images so that high reproducibility of the contrast
In the present study the exposure dose was not
is observed.17 The tested filters in the present study had
evaluated; however, we used results found in previous
similar thickness to GC, although the process of casting
studies4,12,18–20 to affirm that filters of high Z-values are
alloy caused slight differences in thickness (maximum
variance 5 0.1 mm) between different alloy composi- able to decrease the exposure dose. Scarfe20 found that
tions. The modulation in composition caused no loss of filtration with niobium at the original filter may have
contrast, except in the G5 filter which differed from the distinct advantages for digital radiography, such as a
GC filter in an exposure time of 0.32 s. The G5 filter decrease in the radiation dose at superficial sites and
was made using an alloy with a high atomic number improved the image quality. Parks21 observed that
(Z 5 29/30) which probably altered the radiation filtration with gadolinium decreased the number of
spectrum and distorted the response of the histogram false-positives in the detection of caries using Radio-
equalization algorithm. The OD curves were used to VisioGraphy (TrophyRadiology, Vincennes, France), a
indirectly evaluate the radiation spectrum through the CCD system, but also appreciably decreased the image
attenuation caused by the object. Thus, conformational density. These findings could have occurred because the
changes in OD curves above of the prediction limit of gadolinium filter altered a small portion of the X-ray
5% may indicate a loss of contrast that would be spectrum propitiating an enhanced image (K-edge
clinically visible, as observed in images obtained with 50 keV). Parks21 also indicated that a filter material with
the use of G5 filters. a lower K-edge may produce comparable effects on
In relation to the filter composition, a previous study8 specificity and accuracy without detrimental effects on the
added other materials with higher atomic numbers to the sensitivity of an image. Therefore, future studies should
Al filter to obtain a desired absorption. However, we address clinical diagnosis with SPP digital systems using
prefer the use of alloys made with Al and other metals these evaluated alternative filters in order to seek an
because we believe that a union among foils is not perfect improvement on exposure dose to patients.
and creates a space between them that could cause In conclusion, the optimization of the X-ray machine
radiation scatter and increased image noise. The to produce smaller biological effects was achieved
absorbing and filtering properties of any material are through replacing the standard Al filter with the tested
determined by its mass attenuation coefficient (m/r) alternative filters, except for the G5 filter which altered
which strongly depends on the photon energy (E). For the quality of image.


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Dentomaxillofacial Radiology

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