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(CE 364)

Dr. Kwabena Biritwum Nyarko

 Definitions
 Estimating Design sewage discharge
 Estimating Drainage Discharge
 Hydraulic design of sewers
 Sewer appurtenances
 Sewer- Underground conduit used for the collection and
transport of sewage

 Sewage-Waste water from a community (kitchen, bath,


 Sewerage-The conveyance, treatment and safe disposal of

wastewater and stormwater

 Components of sewerage system include house

connection, pumping stations, street sewers, wastewater
treatment plants, effluent main etc
Types of sewer systems

 Separate System
 Sanitary sewer/Separate-Collects or remove
domestic wastes from residential areas
 Storm sewer-Solely for collection of stormwater.
Usually larger than sanitary sewers

 Combined-Domestic wastewater and stormwater

collected together
Sewer Appurtenances
May vary depending on local topography and
special features

 Manholes-Used to interconnect two or more sewers

 Drop Inlets to manholes-Used where there is difference

in elevation between the incoming and outgoing sewer
exceeds 0.5m

 Building connections-Sewers leading from individual

houses or buildings to municipal collection systems

 Junction chambers- Used when diameter of intersecting

sewers increases.
Basic considerations in the design of
 Estimation of wastewater design flow

 Selection of design parameters

 Hydraulic design equation
 Alternative sewer pipe materials
 Minimum sizes
 Minimum and maximum velocities

 Selection of appropriate sewer appurtenances

Estimation of wastewater design
 Sewage consist of 2 categories

1. DWF (Dry weather flow)

 Domestic or sanitary sewage
 Industrial waste

 Infiltration

2. Stormwater
Dry Weather flow

 domestic waste water also called municipal waste water)

 includes sewage from residential, commercial, institutional
and public buildings as well as from small industries scattered
through residential areas
 industrial waste water
 is waste water from industrial areas or from single industrial
heavy waste water producers
 infiltration of ground water
 when the ground-water table is above the sewer.
 The amount of infiltration water may even exceed the waste
water production when water leaking through broken pipes
and old caulked joints.
 There is usually no exfiltration (leakage) of waste water from
sewers, because of the little pressure that is available for
leakage and the clogging of cracks in joints by sewage sludge.
Estimation of wastewater design flow

 Quantity of DWF waste water production is

 Infiltration and exfiltration determined from the (paid for)
 Nature of industries water consumption (metered at
the house connections) and by
 Population
estimating the water losses.
 Rate of water supply
 Intensity of pressure
 Use of water/flow
Flow variation for sanitary sewers
Determination of the peak factors
 Max daily flow = 2 times the average daily flow
 Maxi hourly flow = 1.5 times the maximum daily
= 3 times the average daily.

Some investigators have come up with the following:

Q max = (18 + √P) * Qave

(4 + √P)

Where P= population in thousands

Industrial waste water
 Small scale industries located in the residential or
commercial areas are included in the domestic waste
water production, but special attention should be
given to the heavy sewage producers.
 It is rather difficult to determine the industrial waste
water production, because water may come from
different sources, partly for the production processes
or be evaporated. Possible water sources and losses
 Sources: Public water supply (drinking water), own
ground water extraction and own sea-water extraction
 Water-use: consumption for product, evaporation
losses and recirculation of water
Estimation of wastewater design flow

Domestic wastewater directly relates to water consumption

Specific rates
• High income areas=120l/c/d
• Middle income areas=90l/c/d
• Low income areas=60l/c/d

 Per capita waste water production = 60-80% of water

Required capacity of sanitary sewer
 Storm water may infiltrate into sanitary sewers
through illegal connections of storm water to the
sewers or through ventilation covers of inspection
 When designing sanitary sewers, sewer capacity must
be provided for unexpected and uncontrolled entrance
of storm water.
 Therefore sanitary sewers are designed for only 40% or
50% flowing full.
Design frequency of rainfalls
 Storm drains are designed on rainfalls of short duration (15-180 minutes).The
intensity of rainfall is determined by the occurrence of rainfalls. A design
occurrence will be selected in relation to the importance of the area concerned
(business, residential) and the amount of damage that will be caused by
flooding. Water on streets causes inconvenience to traffic. The amount of
damage to property will be considerable when rivers are overflowing and the
urban areas are inundated.
 The design occurrence related to the number of years is the inverse of the
design frequency which is the number of times per year:
 Once per year, occurrence: T= 1 year
 Frequency: n=1 (1 time per year)
 Once per 10 years: occurrence T=10 years
 Frequency n= 0.1(1 time per 10 years)
 The design occurrence for drains, watercourses and rivers in urban areas may
be taken at:
 Sewers in residential areas: T=1, T= 2 years
 Sewers in business areas: T=2, T=5 years
 Flooding caused by rivers: T=10, 25, 50, 100, 500 years
Design Flow Rates

 Hydraulic design equation-Use Manning equation

 Q=VA
 V=(1/n) R2/3S1/2

 R=A/P=(cross-sectional area of flow)/(wetted perimeter)

 V= velocity, m/s
 n=roughness coefficient, 0.014
 S=slope of energy grade line
Design Flow Rates contd.

 Minimum and Maximum Velocities

 Min=0.6m/s

 Max=3.0m/s

 Recommended design velocity is 0.75m/s

Estimation of wastewater design
 Quantity of Stormwater

 Intensity of rainfall

 Characteristics of catchment area

 Duration of storm

 Methods used to calculate storm water

 Rational

 Emperical methods
1. Calculate the velocity of flow in a sewer of diameter 1.2m
which is laid at a gradient of 1 in 400. What will be the
discharge through the sewer when running one-half full.
Assume n=0.012

2. Calculate the velocity and discharge for a sewer running

full. The diameter of sewer is 150mm and it is laid at a
gradient of 1 in 60. Assume n=0.013
Examples contd.
3. Design an outfall circular sewer of the separate system for
Ayeduase from the data:
• Population = 75000
• Rate of water supply = 250l/c/d
• Self-cleansing velocity = 0.75m/s
• Manning's coefficient = 0.012
• DWF = 1/3 of the maximum discharge
Design Procedure
 Formation of zones

 Arrangement of sewers

 Quantity of sewage

 Velocity of flow

 Sewer section

 Gradient
Design Exercise
1. A combined sewer of circular section is to be laid to serve
KNUST hospital. Calculate its size from the following
 Area to be served = 100 hectares
 Rainfall intensity = 25.4 mm/hr
 Rate of water supply = 240l/head/day
 Impermeability factor = 0.50

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