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Kaleab Mebratu Gebreigziabher

Weep not child

Chapter 1


This book is a masterpiece of African literature basing itself in the kikuyu land region of
Kenya narrowing down between Mahua and Kipanga village. The novel deals with one big
family consisting of one husband, two wives and five male sons. The “Elder mother” is Ngeri
which is also Ngotho’s first spouse followed by Nykobi which is the second wife. With Njeri,
Ngoto has 3 alive children. Namely, they are Boro Kori and Kamau. Boro is the elder child
whom had to be conscripted for the Second World War and he went with his step brother
Mwangi. However he was the only one who managed to come back well and alive narrowly
skipping death. He went immature and a kid and came back fully grown. Ever since he
returned no sign of happiness is displayed on his face because he found out that his father is
working on a farmland that once his ancestors owned and he is wondering why his father is
not fighting for it and for this reason he almost earns no respect for him. The main character
of the novel is Nykobi last and living son Njoroge and surprisingly he happens to be the only
person who is about to enrol in a school and his parents are proud to have him as their son
because in the past if someone asks you if you have any child attending school you must be
able to say “ yes” which gives you dignity. In chapter 1, Njoroge learns that he is allowed to
be in the school and he was beyond rapturous to hear the pleasant news from his mother
and he was almost out of word to express his gratitude. Njorgoe loves his mother to the
moon and back. Another thing which must be accentuated is that the segregation taking
place between black and white people. White people are heavily feared by both Indians and
black people because of colonization. Black people also fought in the First World War. As an
example, we can take the well-known barber who can sing and tell stories for everyone to
listen with their mouths widely open. He mostly talks about how white women can be cheap
being lured by money to sleep with black men and the fact that they are not as fleshy and
hot as black women. Finally, despite Ngotho’s family being poor they are living a happy life
managing the little resources they can supply themselves with.

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