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Hansuyin Village, Talon IV, Las Piñas City
(Group 1-Emilio Aguinaldo: Sr. Jeanette F./ Chinky G./Angelica D.)
Test 1: IDENTIFICATION. Identify the correct answers from the following questions.

__________1. It is defined as broad preferences concerning appropriate courses of

action or outcomes. As such, it reflects a person's sense of right and wrong or what
"ought" to be. VALUES
__________2. It is a written instrument by which the fundamental powers of the
government established, limited, and defined. CONSTITUTION
__________3. We have the “Rights” as citizens as enumerated in the Bill of Rights,
therefore, what is it that we ought to do in corresponding our rights? OBLIGATION
__________4. As citizens of the Philippines, we are enjoying our freedom as we
considered as what kind of society? DEMOCRATIC
__________5. It is one among the duties of a citizen where with right judgment, we must
choose best person to manage government affairs. TO REGISTER AND VOTE

Test 2: MATCHING TYPE. Match the letter of the correct answer that describes the
expressions below.

1. Filipinos consider it a privilege to be

a. Respect for Elders
able to offer help and friendship. I
2. Filipinos are deeply spiritual and b.Personal Values
religiosity devoted. C
3. Filipinos are ever grateful to their c. Relegiosity
benefactors and their “utang na loob.” H d. Makabayan
4. Filipinos can integrate in any culture
and can cope in any climate. G e. Cultural Values
5. A character trait that has remained s f. Bahala-na Attitude
customary law. A
6. Arising from religious beliefs, and g. Adaptability and resiliency
customs and traditions. E
h. Loyalty and gratitude
7. Equevalent of the Spanish Que Sera
Sera. F i. Hospitable and Peaceful
8. Behavioural guidelines in professional
j. Social Values
contexts and relationship. K
9. Are brought by social norms that k. Work Ethics and Values
indicate how one can relate meaningfully
l. Maka-tao
to others in groups. J
10. Honesty, reliability, promptness and
trust. B

Test 2: ENUMERATION. Enumerate the missing basic values that enshrined and stipulated in
Preamble of the 1987 Philippine Constitution
We, the sovereign Filipino people, 1.______________________, in order to build a just
and humane society and establish a Government that shall embody our ideals and aspirations,
2.__________________, conserve and develop our 3.____________, and secure to ourselves and
our 4.____________the blessings of independence and democracy under the rule of law and a
regime of 5.________, 6._________, 7._________, 8.__________,9._________, and
10.__________, do ordain and promulgate this Constitution.

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