Gate'21 PDF

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● Minimum hours/week commitment required from all the members in

the initial phase(starting from Monday onwards)- ​18
● Deadline to complete core EC syllabus with major focus on practicing
all the GATE exemplar problems with subject wise practice test
series(more on this later) and minor focus on the problems and
examples from the textbooks that we were used to solve during our
regular courses at college- ​10th November(tentative)
● Deadline to complete Engg. Mathematics with the ​only ​focus on
practicing all the GATE exemplar problems with subject wise practice
test series- ​30th November
● Deadline to complete General Apt. with taking its separate test series
as a whole- ​10th December
● Practicing and completing past 20 years GATE EC paper while
treating it like an actual examination(kindly don’t look into these
questions before 10th December or before the start of any test paper
after 10th)- ​25th December​( End-sems and the load towards the end
of the semester has been taken into account)
● Actual ​Mock-Tests ​will begin after 25th in the pure testing
environments(if possible, I request you all to kindly ditch your
scientific calculators in the beginning of December and get a good
practice of using online calc. beforehand). Also, we’ll make sure that
each one of us are able to get the actual feel of the exam while giving
the Mock-Tests :)
● Minimum number of Mock Tests that we have to practice- ​85
● Please note that we must have a good grasp on theory before
starting the Mock-Tests so that minimal attention is given
towards it and we are only focused on practicing problems.
● Duration of Mock Tests- ​25th December to 31st January
● First week of February- ​Only Revision ​of theory and all the questions
you have solved previously.
● If the exam is postponed due to COVID we will be utilising this time
for practicing more Mock-Tests.

● Kindly make four registers-one very thick,one medium and small for
the other two.
● Subject wise precise notes of EC will be made in thick one. Kindly put
only those relevant stuff that you will be using to solve particular
problems and to quickly remember a particular theory where you may
get stuck while solving a problem related to it. Revise your EC notes
regularly while progressing the syllabus​. Although, subject wise
Made-Easy Notes will also be provided but our own notes always
come in handy.
● In the medium one Engg. Mathematics notes will be made. Rest of
the thing is same.
● In one of the small register General Apt. notes will be made. Rest of
the thing is same.
● In the other small register, we’ll be making the notes of our weak
points ​only ​that we will be encountering during our preparation and
will keep a regular track on that. Before starting the Mock-Tests it is
our aim to finish the workout on all the weak points and other specific


● Our track of preparation will be EC, then Engg. Mathematics and then
Apt. in that serial order.
● For an excellent score it is ​mandatory ​to score 25+ marks in
(Maths+Apt.) combined no matter how much is scored in the EC part.
● Necessary resources would be provided regularly depending on what
one has to study/practice but kindly also revise your notes that you
have made previously while attending regular semesters.
● Since we are in a group, our one of the primary focus would be on
accessing and improving the weak points of our other friends which
they will be maintaining in their notes copy and keep them motivating
by pushing them up(more on this later).
● After completion of any subject in EC and Maths, one will have to
share his precise notes that he/she has made during the prep so that
other students can get help while they will be preparing their notes of
that particular subject in the future. ​Only ​challenging
problems/concepts will have to be discussed by him/her with the rest
of the members after completion of a particular subject.
● Please adhere to the deadlines that you will be promising to
complete a particular thing.


1. Look at the EC part of the syllabus.
2. Decide any section of your choice that you want to start with(note that
the section should interest you and you’ve always considered it that
you can do easily without any major problem).
3. Complete the theory,make precise notes, solve exemplar and subject
4. Promise a deadline to complete all the tasks of that particular section
in the chat(kindly make a wise choice by keeping all the constraints in
mind, you should be confident that you would be able to complete
your task before the deadline told by you).
5. You can make your schedule flexible as per your requirements and
time(everyone is dealing with some challenge during these times) but
make sure that-
● You are honestly putting 18hrs/week for now.
● Adhering to the deadlines you will be promising to complete a
particular section.
6. So, for now decide a particular section of EC that you want to start
with, take a look on your schedule for next few weeks from now and
type the section of your choice with the deadline in the particular
For example- Section X(Name of the section), Deadline- Y
Sept(please choose your deadline as per your requirements as you
will have to be strict and promising in that).

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