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Journal of Information System Geography ISSN 2442-6571

Vol. 4, No. 1, July 2020, pp. xx-xx 1

Covid-19 South Korea

Tuti Purwaningsih1, Putri Yuliyani Lukmani2
aTuti Purwaningsih, Indonesian Islamic unversity, Yogyakarta and postcode, Indonesia
b Putri Yuliyani Lukmani, Indonesian Islamic unversity, Yogyakarta 55584, Indonesia
1; 2


Covid 19/Corona Virus first appeared Wuhan city in China

Article history
country. Its spread is very fast until it has reached another country,
one of which is South Korea. South Korea has never
Accepted done lockdown OR PSBB like any other country, and South
Koreans believe in the handling of outbreaks conducted by the
Government, thus complying with what the Government has
encouraged. The purpose of this research is to analyze South
South Korea Korean Covid-19 distribution so that it can help people especially
lockdown South Korea to know the high/low percentage of positive cases
PSBB Covid-19, positive number Covid-19, and the amount that died
during the period does not perform lockdown or PSBB like other
countries. To perform the analysis, quantitative data retrieval at
the official website of Covid-19 South Korea then explored data
USING Quantum GIS in the form of thematic maps. And then it
can be known that, although South Korea does not
do lockdown and PSBB, there are only three cities/provinces with
a percentage of positive cases of Covid-19 largest in South Korea
and several cities/provinces that are widely recovered from the

1. Introduction
Covid 19/Corona Virus first appeared Wuhan city in China country. The spread is very fast and
deadly. Its spread through direct contact of human physical is transmitted through the mouth, nose
and eyes. Efforts to break the Covid-19 spread chain were carried out by governments and religious
institutions by publishing several rules to be adhered to by the public. The impact of the Covid-19
outbreak is seen in almost all sectors of community life. (Syafrida & Hartati, 2020)
Social activity is prohibited and temporarily postponed, the weakening of the economy, the
transportation service is reduced and regulated strictly, tourism is closed, the shopping center
deserted visitors and closed the informal sector such as; Ojek/Taxis Online, street vendors, travel
vendors, SMES and the rough kuli revenue decline. Centers – Trade centers, such as malls, markets
that are usually crowded by unexpectedly deserted society and currently closed temporarily. The
tourism sector has decreased, the government closes tourist attractions, entertainment venues. Work
and study is done at home online.
Republic of Korea/rok) or commonly known as South Korea or the South Korean is a country
in East Asia covering the southern part of the Korean peninsula. (Wikipedia, 2020) Although there
are increased cases of covid-19 in South Korea, but activities in South Korea are relatively
normal, meeting-meeting run, South Koreans remain calm to live his daily life amid the
threat because South Koreans have full trust in the government in the event of plague
handling. They always follow the government's recommendation responsibly. Since the beginning of
2 Jurnal Sistem Informasi Geografi ISSN 2442-6571
Vol. 4, No. 1, July 2020, pp. xx-xx

Covid 19 in South Korea, it has never been applied lockdown or PSBB, just a social restriction
campaign. (Hartono, 2020)
By knowing this, it is the thing that backs the authors to compile a journal about "South Korea's
Covid-19 distribution." The problem that the author adopted is how the distribution of Covid-19 to
any city/province in South Korea, so this junal can help the community especially the South Korean
society to know based on the large/small percentage of positive cases Covid-19, the positive number
of Covid-19, and the number that died due to Covid-19 as long as it does not
Meberlakukan lockdown OR psbb like Indonesia and other countries.

2. Literature Review
2.1 Covid-19
COVID-19 (Coronavirus disease 2019) is a type of new disease caused by the virus from
the coronavirus, Namely Sars-CoV-2, a new type of coronavirus (a virus group that infects the
respiratory system). Corona virus infections can cause mild to moderate respiratory infections,
such as flu, or infections of the respiratory and lung systems, such as pneumonia. COVID-19
was originally transmitted from animals to humans. Afterwards, it is known that this infection
can also be transmitted from human to human. The transmission can be through the following
• Accidentally inhale the splash (droplet) that exits when the sufferer COVID-19 sneezes or

• Holding the mouth, nose, or eyes without washing your hands first, after touching the
affected object droplet sufferers COVID-19

• Close-up contact (less than 2 meters) with a COVID-19 sufferer without wearing a mask.
CDC and WHO states COVID-19 can also be transmitted via aerosols (particle substances in
the air). Nevertheless, this means of transmission only occurs in certain medical procedures,
such as bronchoscopy, endotracheal intubation, suction of mucus, and administration of the
drug through nebulizer. (Pane, 2020)

3. Reaserch Method
3.1 Main ingredients/equipment
The main ingredients/equipment used in this research are:
A. Website, to download South Korea country map that will be in the analysis.
B. Website, to search data Covid-19 South Korea to be analyzed.
C. Quantum GIS applications, to explore the data to be analyzed.
3.2 the Data used
The data used is quantitative distribution of Covid-19 in the country of South Korea on 8 July
2020 which is taken from the website is a data specific website covid-19
Korean countries.
3.3 Data Collection
Data collection is done with the following steps:
1. Open the website as in the following image:

First Author (Title of paper shortly)

ISSN 2442-6571 International Journal of Advances in Intelligent Informatics 3
Vol. 4, No. 2, July 2018, pp. xx-xx

2. Change language with English (English).

3. click Lates Updates>>Cases in Korea by City/Province which are shown in the following image:

4. then it will pop up theupdated Data View in the table Form as shown in the following

5. Copy The data by retrieving the variables City/Province, Isolated,

Deceased, and which into Microsoft Excel.
6. done. The Data that is needed for the explorations has been successfully collected
3.4 Data processing
Data Covid-19 South Korean countries that have been taken/collected are processed using
Quantum GIS applications in the form of thematic maps that show incidence (the percentage of
Covid-19 cases) and therein added pie charts that Showed great/small Isolated (positive Covid-19)
and Deceased by district/provincial.

First Author (Title of paper shortly)

4 Jurnal Sistem Informasi Geografi ISSN 2442-6571
Vol. 4, No. 1, July 2020, pp. xx-xx

4. results and discussion

4.1. Results
The Covid-19 Data collected on the website can be seen in the following table:
Table 4.1.1 Data covid-19 South Korea

No City/Province Incidence (*) Isolated Deceased

16 Seoul 14.31 213 9
1 Busan 4.57 7 3
4 Daegu 284.26 28 189
11 Incheon 12.11 34 1
7 Gwangju 9.89 109 0
5 Daejeon 10.11 86 2
17 Ulsan 4.79 1 1
15 Sejong 14.61 1 0
8 Gyeonggi-do 9.98 227 25
6 Gangwon-do 4.35 8 3
2 Chungcheongbuk-do 4.13 3 0
3 Chungcheongnam-do 8.48 26 0
13 Jeollabuk-do 1.82 11 0
14 Jeollanam-do 1.56 10 0
9 Gyeongsangbuk-do 52.32 7 54
10 Gyeongsangnam-do 4.22 11 0
12 Jeju 2.98 2 0

Then after doing the exploration of data using Quantum GIS Then the result looks like in the
following image:

Figure 4.1.1 Thematic map of Covid-19 South Korea

Based on the Output in figure 4.1.1 It was seen that the map was a map of the Covid-19
distribution until July 8, 2020. The color of the thematic map shows the large/small percentage
of incidence Covid-19 in the South Korean country indicating that there are three
cities/provinces in South Korea that have the largest percentage of cases, Sejon, Seoul, and
Daegu that are in vulnerable 13,87-284,26 percent, marked in red.
For the city/province which has the smallest percentage of incidence there are three

First Author (Title of paper shortly)

ISSN 2442-6571 International Journal of Advances in Intelligent Informatics 5
Vol. 4, No. 2, July 2018, pp. xx-xx

cities/provinces namely Jeollabuk-do, Jeollanam-do, and Chungcheongbuk-do which are located

at a 24,15 percent vulnerable, characterized by a light yellow color.
Then there is a pie chart of every province in South Korea that shows the number of
Isolated (yellow) and deceased (green). Based on the entire pie chart of every province in sight,
there are eight cities/provinces that have isolated and do not have deceased that are Jeju,
Gyeongsangnam-do, Sejong, Jeollanam-do, Jeollabuk-do, Chungcheongnam-do,
Chungcheongbuk-do, and Gwangju. Then there is a city/province that the amount of isolated
and deceased balanced, namely Ulsan.
In the pie-charts every province there are two pie-charts that show that the city/province
has a lot of isolation but the number of deaths are few marked by the two pie-charts in the
district/city has a part of yellow color is very much in the appeal with a small green color,
namely Icheon and Daejeon. Also seen two cities/provinces that show the number of deaths are
many but the amount of isolation is slightly marked by the two pie charts in the district/city has
a green part is very much compared with very few yellow parts, namely Daegu and

4.2 The discussion

Based on the results of the exploration using Quantum GIS can be analysis that Daegun is a
city/province with the percentage of the largest case in South Korea as well as a city/province
that has a lot of deaths, which differ considerably by the amount of isolation in the district/city
Daegun itself until 8 July 2020.
The three cities/provinces which are the city/province with the percentage of the largest cases
in South Korea, Jeollabuk-do, Jeollanam-do, and Chungcheongbuk-do as well as the
city/province are cities/provinces that have the isolation but no death. So it can be interpreted
that during the Covid-19 until July 8, 2020 in South Korea, the three cities/provinces are no one
died of Covid-19. And most likely the city/province of Jeollabuk-do, Jeollanam-do, and
Chungcheongbuk-do is a city/province that has many inhabitants that have been free from
quarantine/have been free of Garry (cured).

5. Conclusion
Based on data Covid-19 South Korea country on 8 July 2020 can be concluded as follows:
1. the city/province which has the percentage of positive cases Covid-19 Terbersar in South Korea,
namely Sejon, Seoul, and Daegu.
2. Jeju, Gyeongsangnam-do, Sejong, Jeollanam-do, Jeollabuk-do, Chungcheongnam-do,
Chungcheongbuk-do, and Gwangju are cities/provinces that have many isolated/positively
covid-19 patients and do not have patients who died.
3. Ulsan is a city/province which amounts positive covid-19 and who died balanced,
4. Icheon and Daejeon is a city/province has many isolated/positive patients covid-19 but patients
who died a little
5. Daegu and Gyeongsangbuk-do is a city/province that has many patients dies but few patients are
isolated/positive covid-19.
6. Daegun is a city/province with the percentage of the largest case in South Korea as well as a
city/province that has a patient dies that many in the city/province itself.
7. Jeollabuk-do, Jeollanam-do, and Chungcheongbuk-do which is a city/province with a percentage
of the positive cases of Covid-19 are the largest in South Korea but is a city/province that has
many people who have recovered from Covid-19.

First Author (Title of paper shortly)

6 Jurnal Sistem Informasi Geografi ISSN 2442-6571
Vol. 4, No. 1, July 2020, pp. xx-xx

[1] Pane, D. M. (2020, June 8). Covid-19. Retrieved from
[2] syafrida, & Hartati, R. (2020). Together against Virus Covid 19 in Indonesia. Journal of Social Culture,
[3] wikipedia. (2020, July 2). Retrieved from South korea:
[4] Hartono, S. H. (2020, June 19). Retrieved from Good healt ispiring Better

First Author (Title of paper shortly)

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