Sysadmin: Worth Sharing: Administration Hacks

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Worth Sharing:
SharePoint Online
Administration Hacks
Contents SysAdmin Magazine June 2020


Magazine Contents

03 SharePoint Online administration, step by step

61 June ‘20
10 Managing SharePoint Online using PowerShell

14 Easy and secure file sharing for business

SysAdmin Magazine is a free
source of knowledge for IT Pros
17 How to ensure secure guest access in Office 365
who are eager to keep a tight
grip on network security and do
the job faster. 21 How-to: Get a SharePoint Online permissions report

22 Tool of the month: Free Netwrix Auditor for SharePoint

The Sysadmin Magazine team

Contents SysAdmin Magazine June 2020

Understanding the Default Site In addition to those two tenant-wide site collections, you also

SharePoint Online Structure get individual “MySite” sites for each user in your tenant who
has a SharePoint Online license. MySite is essentially a front

end to the OneDrive for Business service; it’s where each
The basic unit of SharePoint content is the site collection — a
user’s one terabyte of storage space is found. This storage
group of sites with similar characteristics that can be man-
space can be synchronized to desktops and laptops so that a

Step by Step
aged as a whole. By default, your Office 365 subscription in-
person’s documents are always on whatever device they are
cludes two site collections:
using. We will talk more about OneDrive for Business later in
▪ A default team site collection, https://yourtenantname. this guide., which is a basic SharePoint site designed
for collaboration. You can create additional sites in this
site collection for individual teams, projects, meetings and
Jonathan Hassell
so on. Team sites provide a place for your teams to orga-
Exchange Expert, IT Consultant
nize and collaborate on content, data, reports and news.
Administering SharePoint Online
Creating a site in SharePoint Online is very similar to the
To get started with SharePoint Online administration, access
The SharePoint Online service is a cloud-based platform de- process in on-premises SharePoint; the main difference is
the Office 365 SharePoint admin center by heading to https://
signed to facilitate collaboration. Your users can share docu- that for SharePoint Online, you won’t be able to select a The administration
ments, calendars, lists, pictures, discussion boards and more web application.
user experience is designed to be simple but effective. Log in,
with users inside your network and, in some cases, with peo-
and then you will see a screen like this:
ple outside your network, such as partners or vendors. With ▪ A default public website collection, https://yourtenant-
this platform, even small companies are able to have their, which was originally de-
own corporate intranet, without spending their budget on in- signed to host the public-facing website for your company.
frastructure or staff. In addition, SharePoint Online provides This functionality is being deprecated, so I recommend ig-
web services for developers to access SharePoint data. noring this site collection.

You can also create your own site collections. Many organi-
This article will help you learn the critical details you need to
zations choose to use site collection templates because they
effectively administer your SharePoint Online environment.
make the process faster and easier than developing every-
thing from scratch.

Contents SysAdmin Magazine June 2020

Types of SharePoint Online Site

SharePoint Online has a defined list of content types that you
can create on a site. They include:

▪ Page. A page is exactly what it sounds like — a page that

is edited in the browser using the editor functionality in
SharePoint. Pages primarily contain text, but you can em-
bed images, links, lists and web parts (little bits of code)
in them.

▪ Document library. A document library is a set of Word and

other files. You can create folders to structure the docu-
ments logically within the library. To modify a file, a user
must check it out and back in; this ensures that only one
person edits a file at any given time and enables you to
Figure 1. The SharePoint administration center
keep previous versions so you can see the revision history
of a given document.

▪ Other kinds of libraries. There are form libraries that store

XML forms which your business can use to route informa-
tion through Microsoft InfoPath; picture libraries that store
image files; and wiki page libraries, which basically create
a quick way to edit text and have it remain on the web as
well as link that text to other pages — a poor man’s share-
able text editor, you might say.

Contents SysAdmin Magazine June 2020

▪ Site. Sites are basically collections of content, so you can will need. For example, you might want to have separate site collections for sales and marketing, customer support, research
create sites underneath your main SharePoint site to col- and development, and operations. Within each of those site collections, site collection administrators might give users permis-
lect related materials that deserve their own focus. Meet- sion to create subsites at will, so that teams can manage their own sites and IT isn’t a bottleneck.
ings, blogs, documents and teams might have their own
sites within a larger site.

▪ List. Lists are collections of like items, such as links, an- Understanding Groups and Permissions
nouncements, contacts or tasks. More complex lists in-
clude a calendar, an editable datasheet, a discussion Some of the most common administrative tasks are granting, modifying and removing permissions from Office 365 users. The easiest
board, an issue tracking list, a list of project tasks with a way to understand SharePoint permissions is to compare them to standard NTFS permissions like you have in Windows — groups of
Gantt-like chart, a survey, or an imported spreadsheet. SharePoint users can have read and write (and some other SharePoint-specific) permissions granted to them.

In addition to enabling you to administer SharePoint Online, You can see what permissions are available to grant on the ribbon of each SharePoint site, on the Permissions tab:
the Admin Center enables you to manage Office 365 groups
as well.

Best Practices for Structuring

SharePoint Online
When you are first starting with Office 365, it’s important
to give some thought to how you will structure your Share-
Point sites. To simplify site collection administration, most
SharePoint experts recommend creating site collections
based on the types of permissions that users and creators
Figure 2. Viewing permissions and groups for the default SharePoint team site in a tenant

Contents SysAdmin Magazine June 2020

On this page, you can create a new group; grant, edit or revoke permissions for the default groups (Team Site Members, Team Site 1. Go to the administrative portal at
Owners and Team Site Visitors); and check permissions on a specific user or object. com/AdminPortal/Home#/homepage.

If you click Permission Levels in the Manage section of the ribbon, you can see all of the permission levels available, as well as create 2. In the menu at the left, hover over the icon with multiple
or delete permission levels: people. From the pop-out menu, click Groups.

3. Click + Add a Group.

4. Fill out the form to create a new mail-enabled security

group. At this time, do not create an Office 365 group — that
is a different type of group that is irrelevant to our purpos-
es right now. A mail-enabled security group is a group of
users that can be assigned permissions in various sites
and services but that can also be addressed through a sin-
gle alias like an Exchange distribution group can.

Figure 3. Viewing and managing permission levels

If you want to create new groups of users so that you can assign them SharePoint permissions more granularly, the easiest option is
to use the regular Office 365 admin center. Since the entire service is based on Azure Active Directory, the groups you create in one ap-
plication are available for use in other applications, just as you would expect if you created security groups in your on-premises Active
Directory. Here is the process for creating a new group

Contents SysAdmin Magazine June 2020

Enabling Versioning
One of the neat features of SharePoint Online is the service’s
built-in support for versioning of documents. When versioning
is enabled, SharePoint will create a new version of a file each
time it is saved. This makes it easy to create an audit trail,
see recent activity, review who made which changes and back
out unwanted revisions. Most businesses that work on sets of
docs for long periods of time will find versioning helpful.

You enable versioning on document libraries. On a team site,

for example, click Documents, click the site settings wheel at
the top right of the window (within the black bar) and then
click Library Settings. On the resulting page, under General
Settings, click Versioning settings. You’ll see this page:

Figure 4. Creating a new group

Contents SysAdmin Magazine June 2020

SharePoint automatically tracks the different versions. Users can

access them from the web but not directly from Microsoft Word,
so instruct your users to head to the team site document library
when they need to see older versions. To see and edit different
versions, click … next to a file in a document library, and from the
pop-up menu, select Version history. You’ll see a screen like this

Figure 5. Versioning settings for a document library

Make sure one of the versioning options — either “create major versions” or “create major and minor (draft) versions — is enabled and
click Save. Then, when your users are creating, modifying and saving documents to that library, they’ll be able to see and use different
versions in the history of the documents. Figure 6: Accessing an older version of a file in a SharePoint Online
document library
I recommend against enabling minor versions because every small change will generate a new version of the file. While SharePoint is
relatively efficient at storing files, you can quickly find your storage allotment eaten up with files that add little value to the versioning
history. Unless you have a specific need, stay with the “Create major versions” option.

Contents SysAdmin Magazine June 2020

Using Recycle Bin ple, you can share a document, a document library or even
whole site with users external to your organization without
Set-SPOSite –Identity https://\ /
worrying (at least from the end user’s perspective) about
When you delete items (including OneDrive for Business files) thesiteyouwant -SharingCapability
federation, identity management, mapping credentials and
from a SharePoint site, they’re sent to the site’s Recycle Bin, ExternalUserAndGuestSharing\
all that jazz. External users typically only need to view and
and you can restore them from there if you need to. When
contribute information (i.e., read, add and update); they
you remove items from a site’s Recycle Bin, they’re sent to
do not need the rights to make structural changes to the To enable only authenticated external users (no guests) to
the site collection’s Recycle Bin. A SharePoint site collection
SharePoint site or create new elements like subsites. Note have content shared with them, use this command:
administrator can view items in the site collection’s Recycle
that you must have a global or SharePoint administrator
Bin and restore them to their original locations. If an item is
role in Office 365 to configure external sharing.
deleted from the site collection’s Recycle Bin, or its retention Set-SPOSite –Identity https://yoursite.
time elapses, it is permanently deleted.\ /thesiteyouwant
But some companies, especially those with more strin-
-SharingCapability ExternalUserSharingOnly
gent or sensitive regulatory and compliance requirements,
To remove site collections, you need to have the right permis-
want to completely disable the ability for external users
sions. If the feature is not available, you don’t have permis-
to access or even receive invitations to the content stored
sion to perform the operation. When you delete a site, you
in their tenant. Luckily, one command in PowerShell turns
also delete any subsites, content and information associated
this ability on and off. To completely disable external shar-
with the site. The site collection administrator can restore it
ing, use this command: GUIDE
from the site collection’s Recycle Bin.

Set-SPOSite –Identity https://yoursite. Office 365

Administrator’s Guide\ /thesiteyouwant

Configuring Sharing
-SharingCapability Disabled

One of the biggest draws of SharePoint Online is the abil- To enable both external user and guest (i.e., unauthenticated)
Learn More
ity to share content with people outside your organiza- access, use this command:
tion. With such a configuration, SharePoint Online gets
extranet-like functionality with a couple of clicks. For exam-

Contents SysAdmin Magazine June 2020

Managing How to Install the SharePoint

Online Management Shell
If you’re running Windows 8.1 or Windows 10 on your manage-
ment workstation, that’s all you need. But if you’re still running

SharePoint Online
Windows 7, you must also download and install the Windows
Before you can use the SharePoint Online Management Shell, Management Framework version 3.0 or later.
you need to download it from the Microsoft website and install

using PowerShell it. The SharePoint Online Management Shell is a Windows Pow-
erShell module that lets you run command-line operations and
efficiently perform batch operations.
How to Connect to SharePoint
Jeff Melnick Before getting started, check whether the SharePoint Online Online using PowerShell
Director, Global Solutions Engineering Management Shell is already installed by running the following
Before you connect, make sure you have:
command in administrative mode in PowerShell:
▪ An account with global administrator permissions
▪ The URL of your SharePoint Online Admin center
Get-Module -Name Microsoft.Online.SharePoint.
Most Office 365 applications can be managed using Pow-
PowerShell -ListAvailable | Select
erShell. PowerShell commands (cmdlets) can be combined To connect to SharePoint Online, run the SharePoint Online
to create scripts that perform complex administrative tasks. Management Shell and open a session to the admin site in your
Managing SharePoint Online using PowerShell makes it easy tenant using the following command:
to add, modify and remove user accounts and their permis- If your operating system is using PowerShell 5 or newer, you can
sions, as well as configure SharePoint site settings, such as install the SharePoint Online Management Shell by running the
Connect-SPOService -URL https://yourtenant-
sharing and access settings. To automate repetitive tasks following command in administrative mode:
in SharePoint, administrators can use the SharePoint Online
Management Shell.
Install-Module -Name Microsoft.Online.
SharePoint.PowerShell You’ll be prompted for your tenant administrator credentials, and
In this article, we will review how to install and connect the
then your session will be loaded, like this example:
SharePoint Online Management Shell to SharePoint Online.
You’ll also find the useful PowerShell commands for Share-
Point online.

Contents SysAdmin Magazine June 2020

Connecting Using an Account that

Has MFA Enabled
If your account is subject to multifactor authentication (MFA),
you will need to remove the -Credential parameter and its val-
ue from the Connect-SPOService cmdlet, as shown below, and
then enter your credentials on the web login page.

$orgname="enterprise"Connect-SPOService -Url

Microsoft explains how to troubleshoot issues with connecting

using MFA in the article “Cannot force Modern Authentication
when using Connect-SPOService cmdlet in SharePoint Online
Management Shell.”
Figure: Loading a new SharePoint Online Management Shell session

Connecting with a Username and Password The Most Useful PowerShell

To connect using a user name and password, run the following PowerShell script:
Commands for SharePoint Online
Windows PowerShell includes more than one hundred cmdlets
$admin=""$orgname="enterprise"$userCred = Get-Credential -UserName for performing day-to-day administrative tasks. With a solid
$admin -Message "Type the password."Connect-SPOService -Url https://$ knowledge of PowerShell scripting, you will spend less time
-Credential $userCred on administrative functions, without having to purchase and
implement third-party tools.

Contents SysAdmin Magazine June 2020

Here are some of the most useful SharePoint cmdlets: 4. The Test-SPOSite cmdlet runs all the site collection health
$Site.URL “ has “ $Site.SharingCapability “
checks on the specified site collection.
1. To get a list of all available SharePoint Online cmdlets, run the configured”Get-SPOExternalUser –SiteUrl $Site.
Get-Command cmdlet: URL | Select DisplayName, Email, InvitedBy,
Test-SPOSite https://enterprise.sharepoint.
WhenCreated | Format-Table –AutoSize}
Get-Command -Module "Microsoft.Online.
5. To see what groups are available on a site, use this command:

2. To list the settings for a particular tenant, including quota sta- Get-SPOSiteGroup https://yourtenant. Going Beyond Basic SharePoint
tus and sharing capabilities, use the following command after

connecting to your SharePoint Online:

Management Tasks
PowerShell can help you manage SharePoint more efficiently, but
6. You can add a user to a site, but when you do, you need to add the remember that it’s also critical to be aware of every change that
user to one of the existing site groups at the same time: happens in your environment. If there’s an inappropriate change
to the farm configuration or if mission-critical content is deleted,
3. To create a new SharePoint Online site collection using Pow- Add-SPOUser https://yourtenant.sharepoint. you need to know about it. With Netwrix Auditor for SharePoint,
com/sites/yoursitename –Loginname you@
erShell, use the New-SPOSite command, specifying a web ad- you can track changes to SharePoint documents and lists, -Group Visitors
dress for the SharePoint site, the user who will own the site and configuration, permissions, and more.
the storage quota in gigabytes:

7. You will likely want to periodically review the current state ▪ Monitoring changes — Netwrix Auditor provides detailed in-
New-SPOSite -Url https://yourtenant. of sharing on your tenant. The following script will spit out formation about every change across your SharePoint envi- -Owner you@ sharing status along with who has received invitations out- ronment: which user made each change, when and where it -StorageQuota 100 -Title "New
side your organization for each site in your tenant: happened, and exactly what was changed, with the before and
Site" after values. By tracking all changes in SharePoint, you can
spot modifications to farm configuration settings, groups, per-
$SitesToAudit = Get-SPOSite | Where-Object
missions and user content that could result in a data breach or
{$_.SharingCapability –ne “Disabled”}ForEach-
Object ($Site in $SitesToAudit){Write-Host bring down your SharePoint services.

Contents SysAdmin Magazine June 2020

▪ Monitoring data access events — If you don’t regularly audit

who accesses which documents and lists in your SharePoint
Online, someone might read a file that they are not supposed
to see and you won’t know about the violation. Netwrix Au-
ditor helps to regularly review data access events, such as
access to sites or libraries containing sensitive data, so you GUIDE
can reduce the risk of missing improper activity.

▪ Monitoring permissions — SharePoint’s complex system of

access permissions makes it a challenge to ensure that your
critical documents are secure. Netwrix Auditor enables you
to quickly find out exactly how permissions were granted and
Scripting Tutorial
for Beginners
identify broken inheritance across your SharePoint Online.
You’ll be able to clearly see the effective user permissions
for all objects in your site collections, how those permissions
were granted and whether inheritance is broken.
Free Download

Contents SysAdmin Magazine June 2020

Easy and Secure

▪ Account breaches — With many file-sharing platforms
Benefits and Risks of Uncontrolled and collaboration tools, users set their own passwords.
File Sharing If a user chooses a weak password or reuses passwords

File Sharing for Today, employees can upload even extremely large files to
cloud servers, and their colleagues across the world can view
from other sites, a malicious actor could easily break
into that user’s account to share or download propri-

etary content.
the content, make edits or add comments, and pass them
back without ever having to download them.
▪ Lack of accountability — When employees share files,
in some cases it may be challenging for system admin-
Sharing files through the cloud offers significant cost savings,
istrators to track who is sending which files to which
since companies no longer need to purchase and maintain
Adam Stetson third parties. That lack of accountability could land the
Systems Engineer, Security Expert their own servers to host the data. It also offers flexibility:
company in trouble if sensitive data is compromised.
Team members can share files wherever they are to collabo-
rate easily with both internal and external personnel, without
▪ Infected files — Not all data-sharing and collaboration
ever having to worry about whether a file is too big for email.
platforms have the same level of encryption, and many
File sharing — the transfer of digital items from one device to
let users accept files from third parties. If your teams
another — is a standard business practice in almost every in- Unfortunately, file sharing also involves multiple security risks,
are receiving and downloading files, your system could
dustry. Think of how many files get uploaded to Google Drive including the following:
be at risk.
or your company’s Slack channel every day. While businesses
benefit from the ease of contemporary file sharing, it comes
▪ Data leakage — Most sharing platforms let users send ▪ Shadow IT — When a company doesn’t have an of-
at a price. This article explores the benefits and risks of un-
files to people outside of the company network. That can ficial secure file sharing system that is approved and
controlled sharing and then reviews the top solutions for re-
be great for collaboration, but it can also be a security night- managed by the IT team, employees will find their own
ducing those risks.
mare. It’s too easy for an employee to send a document solutions. That’s how a company ends up with shadow
with intellectual property or regulated sensitive data to the IT — software and hardware that operates outside of
wrong person, whether by accident or design. It’s also easy the awareness of the IT department. When teams use
for users of many platforms to set their own share permis- shadow IT file sharing solutions, the entire corporate
sions. You can advise your people to restrict access, but data system is at risk.
you might not be able to lock down their settings.

Contents SysAdmin Magazine June 2020

Methods for Sharing Data BOX fewer advanced features, and users can more easily share
and select permissions, so IT departments have less con-
One of the most well-established file-sharing companies, Box
There are different ways to share data: trol over file security. Dropbox is most appropriate for
serves 97,000 organizations, including 68% of the Fortune
smaller companies with a less robust tech support system.
▪ File transfer protocol (FTP) — FTP transfers computer files over 500. Its primary focus is on meeting the needs of larger en-
the network, usually from a computer to a server. terprises. Available security and permissions options are ad-
vanced, making it appropriate for companies and firms with
▪ Peer-to-peer networks — Files can be shared directly be- valuable intellectual property. ▪ Users can share files with recipients who don’t use Dropbox.
tween machines connected through the same peer-to-peer ▪ File and version recovery is user-friendly.
technology. Pros ▪ Professional users can password-protect files and disable
▪ Security is compliant with HIPAA, FINRA and other regula-
▪ Removable storage media — Removable media, such as USB
tory systems.
drives, used to transfer files between different machines. Cons
▪ Encryption keys enable you to track who is accessing
which files. ▪ Centralized permission and sharing controls are limited.
▪ Online file sharing services — Online platforms like Box and
▪ Enterprise-level controls enable sharing and collaboration. ▪ Advanced security features are limited.
Dropbox enable users to easily share files online without hav-
▪ Dedicated “confidential” setting can be used for inter-
ing to install any specific software to connect the devices.
nal-only communications.
The following section explores the advantages and disad-
▪ Granular permission settings are included.
vantages of the top online file sharing services.
Google Drive powers Google Docs, one of the first and most
▪ Limited document preview can result in employees open- popular cloud-based document collaboration tools. Available

Top Online File Sharing Platforms ing unknown documents.

▪ Only limited tracking and content management are includ-
to the public in its standard form, it offers more functionality
to businesses in two ways:
for Business ed at lower price points.
▪ One option is Drive for G Suite, which has advanced infor-
There are different ways to share data: mation rights management functions and default admin
sharing controls. The Business and Enterprise editions in-
clude audit logs for usage analysis.
Dropbox is designed for more casual use than Box. It has

Contents SysAdmin Magazine June 2020

▪ Businesses also have the option of subscribing to Drive Pros Cons

Enterprise as a standalone service. It includes advanced
▪ Granular permission settings are provided. ▪ An Office 365 license is required,
administrative access management and a robust security
▪ Encryption for mobile devices is an option. ▪ Sharing with external users can be challenging to control.
center to keep intellectual property safe.
▪ Administrators can monitor activity.
▪ Advanced security features are included
for business users.
▪ It is easy to use and familiar. SHAREPOINT ONLINE
▪ Files can be shared with any email address. Cons Unlike Microsoft Teams, companies can purchase and use
▪ Users can limit sharing, downloading and copying of files. SharePoint Online as a standalone solution. It satisfies com-
▪ Integrations are limited for teams who don’t use
▪ Robust administrative controls are provided for file sharing. plex security and collaboration needs with functions like ad-
Office 365.
▪ Advanced data tracking and retrieval are possible with vanced guest access controls and confidentiality labels for
Google Vault. documents. SharePoint also allows administrators to man-
age sharing settings at the administrative level.
▪ Collaboration requires a Google account.
If OneDrive is Microsoft’s answer to Google Drive, Teams is
▪ Advanced security features are limited. ▪ Access controls are available for administrators.
its answer to Slack. It’s a fully-featured collaboration tool de-
▪ External sharing can be controlled.
signed for Office 365 users and has support at the enterprise
▪ Extensive content governance functionality is provided.
level — as long as your company uses Microsoft products.


OneDrive is Microsoft’s version of Google Drive. It’s de- ▪ It is pricier than comparable options.
▪ It offers more functions than a single-purpose file shar-
signed primarily to enable sharing of Office 365 files, which ▪ Employees will require training to use the platform
ing platform.
makes it useful for teams who use that software, but it’s effectively.
▪ It includes file editing capabilities.
less welcoming for non-Windows teams. On the plus side,
▪ It supports multiple identity models and multifactor
it offers in-depth permissions settings and security so that
user authentication.
IT teams can control the movement of data.

Contents SysAdmin Magazine June 2020

How to Enable or Restrict the Guest

How to
wrong users? What if users mishandle sensitive information?
How can you stay in control of your guest users?
Access Feature

Ensure Secure
To mitigate security concerns around sharing, it’s important By default, the guest access feature is enabled for a Micro-
to understand how to configure the two mechanisms of shar- soft 365 tenant, which means a Microsoft 365 group owner

Guest Access
ing in Microsoft 365: can invite anyone who has a business or consumer email ac-
count become guest members of the group.
▪ Guest access: Sharing content with guest members in Mi-

in Office 365
crosoft 365 groups or Microsoft Teams
As a Microsoft 365 administrator, you can set the level of external ac-
▪ External sharing: Sharing links to specific SharePoint and cess for the tenant by going to the Microsoft 365 Groups page in the
OneDrive assets with external parties Microsoft 365 admin center. Under Services and Add-ins, you can
control whether to turn off guest access entirely and whether group
This article explains how to manage guest users and external
owners are allowed to invite guest users.
access in Microsoft 365 to ensure business continuity with-
out compromising the security of your critical data. You can also use PowerShell to limit the policy on guest ac-
Jeff Melnick cess. For example, you can:
IT Security Expert, Blogger

▪ Prevent guest users from accessing a specific group.

With its flagship productivity suite Microsoft 365 (formerly Guest Access in Microsoft 365 ▪ Block external guests from a specific domain.

known as Office 365), Microsoft aims to break down the tra-

On the back end, Microsoft 365 groups are objects in Azure
ditional business silos that inhibit content sharing and col-
Active Directory (Azure AD). Each group object in Azure AD
laboration. The interwoven capabilities of SharePoint Online
and OneDrive for Business allow users to collaborate with a
contains unique identifying information such as: How to Add a Guest User to a Group
wide range of colleagues from both inside and outside their ▪ Information about the group owner Any group member can nominate an Office 365 group exter-
organization. ▪ URLs for associated resources nal user for guest access, but only the group owner can grant
▪ Group membership list, including any guest accounts guest access. The process of adding a guest user to a group
Despite its benefits, file sharing poses several risks. What proceeds as follows:
if your files are inadvertently or deliberately shared with the
1. The group owner or a group member uses the Groups >

Contents SysAdmin Magazine June 2020

Add Members command to nominate the external user for managed at two levels: dentials before they can access shared assets.
membership by entering the user's email address.
▪ Across the entire Microsoft 365 tenant, through either ▪ New and existing guests: Grant site owners and users full
2. The group owner reviews the access permissions the guest the SharePoint Admin Center, the Microsoft 365 admin control permission to share sites with external users. Site
would receive by joining and approves the nomination. center or Azure AD users can also share files and folders to collaborate with
external users.
3. The guest receives a welcome email and can begin partic- ▪ At the site level
ipating in group activities. ▪ Anyone: Allow anyone with the resource link to access the
resource and forward the link to others. This option is se-
How to Manage Tenant-Wide Sharing lected by default, but it's recommended that you change
the external sharing setting to Only people in your organi-
Using the SharePoint Admin Center
What Level of Access Does a Guest zation. Beware of leaving the Anyone option selected, as

User Have? To configure external sharing settings for the entire tenant, go
to the Sharing page of the SharePoint admin center. The Exter-
it opens the door to uncontrolled sharing with anonymous,
unauthenticated users and may put sensitive data at risk.
▪ Don't have direct access to any of the group's sites, such nal sharing section on this page contains options that let you
as a team site in SharePoint control the tenant-wide sharing level in SharePoint:

▪ Can participate in group activities through conversations ▪ Only people in your organization: Turn off external shar- If you elect to allow sharing with Anyone, you can improve
and group calendar invitations sent to their email inbox ing and limit sharing to internal users only. This is the de- document management and security by configuring these
fault setting for communication sites and classic sites in recommended advanced settings:
▪ Can access shared files included in email messages, such
SharePoint. As a security best practice, it's recommend-
as attachments or links, provided the administrator has ▪ Configure Anyone links to expire after a certain period of time.
ed that you turn off tenant-wide external sharing by se-
enabled the requisite file-sharing permissions
lecting this option. ▪ Restrict guest links to allow only view access to files & folders.

▪ Existing guests: Permit sharing with external users who ▪ Restrict default links to be accessible to Only people in
your organization.
External Sharing in Microsoft 365: have already been added to your Azure AD Existing guests
may have joined your Azure AD by accepting a share in-
SharePoint Online vitation in the past or by being added as guest users by
▪ Enable the ATP safe attachments feature.

an administrator in the Azure portal. This option requires ▪ Restrict external sharing with users from blocked domains.
The external sharing capabilities of SharePoint Online can be
guests to authenticate into Microsoft 365 with valid cre-

Contents SysAdmin Magazine June 2020

Using the Microsoft 365 Admin Center and external sharing will be turned off for your organization. to restrict external users in a certain network domain from ac-
cessing a specific site. For example, users from the Client A do-
You can also configure tenant-level sharing for SharePoint by
main should not be able to access a site specifically designed
going to the Microsoft 365 admin center and selecting Settings
How to Manage Site-Level Access in for collaborative sharing with Client B.
> Services & add-ins > Sites. This page lets you configure the
SharePoint Online by External Users
same external sharing options as the SharePoint admin center.
In addition to configuring tenant-wide sharing policies, you can fur-
How to Restrict Access to a Site based on the
ther restrict external sharing for a specific SharePoint site. To do
Using Azure AD User Domain
this, you must have global admin or SharePoint admin privileges.
For the highest level of control over external access to Share- Site owners cannot change the external sharing setting for sites.
1. In the SharePoint admin center, go to Sites > Active Sites.
Point, configure sharing settings in Azure AD. You can approach
1. How to Change the External Sharing Setting for a Site 2. Select the checkbox next to the site name.
the Azure AD sharing configuration in either of two ways:
3. Go to the Policies tab.
2. In the SharePoint admin center, go to Sites > Active Sites.
▪ Have SharePoint use its own external sharing list, inde- 4. Under External sharing, click Edit.
pendent from Azure B2B, and configure organizational re- 3. Select the checkbox next to the site name. 5. Under Advanced settings for external sharing, select the
lationships settings in Azure AD. Log in to the Azure Portal checkbox next to Limit external sharing by domain.
4. Click the 'i' icon at the top right corner of the page.
and select Azure Active Directory > Overview > Organiza- 6. Click Add domains.
tional relationships. Go to the Settings page and define 5. Select the desired sharing level from the list of sharing op- 7. Select Allow only specific domains.
the SharePoint online external sharing settings you want tions. These are the same four sharing options that are 8. Enter the fully qualified domain name (FQDN) of each do-
to use for your organization. available for tenant-wide configuration. main you want to add to the allow list. Only users from the
listed domains will be eligible for invitations to the site.
▪ Have SharePoint use the external sharing settings defined Tip: The external sharing setting for a specific site has to be
in Azure B2B and configure B2B collaboration in Azure AD. the same or more restrictive than the tenant-level setting. For
example, if tenant-wide sharing is limited to Existing guests,
How to Manage Tenant-Wide Sharing for OneDrive
TIP: The sharing settings configured in Azure AD override the the sharing setting for a specific site can be changed to Only
sharing settings configured in the Microsoft 365 admin center or people in your organization, but it cannot be changed to a Tenant-wide sharing settings apply to all the OneDrive in-
SharePoint admin center. For example, if you allow external shar- more permissive option such as Anyone. stances for users in your Microsoft 365 account. There are
ing via the Microsoft 365 admin center but disable external shar- two portals through which you can configure these sharing
ing through Azure AD, the Azure AD setting takes precedence In another typical use case, a global or SharePoint admin needs settings for OneDrive:

Contents SysAdmin Magazine June 2020

▪ The Sharing page in the SharePoint admin center (Micro- Here, you can set the level of external sharing for OneDrive and 5. Select Manage sharing under the Sharing section.
soft recommends using this page to configure your One- configure more fine-grained sharing controls such as: 6. Configure the external sharing level and save your changes.
Drive sharing settings)
▪ The type of link generated by default when a user shares TIP: The external sharing level for an individual OneDrive must
▪ The Sharing page in the OneDrive admin center a file be the same as or more restrictive than the sharing level config-
▪ The expiration period for links
▪ Whether to allow editing and uploading privileges for links
How to Configure OneDrive Sharing through the Share-
that share OneDrive files or folders externally
Point Admin Center How to Mitigate the Risk of Unauthorized
▪ Specific domains to allow or block users from receiving
External Sharing of Critical Data
Follow the instructions and guidelines described earlier in sharing invitations
''How to Manage Tenant-Wide Sharing Through SharePoint Ad- ▪ Whether external users must use the same account to re- Classifying your data will help you understand where your critical
min Center." OneDrive provides the same four sharing options ceive and accept sharing invitations data resides, including whether a particular SharePoint Online
as SharePoint. ▪ Whether external users can share content they don't own site or site collection or a OneDrive for Business folder shared
▪ Whether content owners can audit the list of users who with external users contains sensitive data. This insight will en-
TIP: The sharing level for OneDrive must be the same as or
have viewed their content able you to set up external sharing according to the sensitivity
more restrictive than the sharing level for SharePoint. For
and value of data stored there.
example, if tenant-wide sharing in SharePoint is set to Exist-
ing guests, you can only configure OneDrive to use the same
To ensure comprehensive and accurate data discovery and clas-
setting or the more restrictive Only people in your organiza- How to Manage External Sharing for an
sification, choose an advanced solution like Netwrix Data Classi-
tion setting. Individual OneDrive
fication. Its automated and highly accurate data tagging enables
To customize the sharing level for a specific user's OneDrive, use you to choose appropriate sharing settings and also enables us-
the Microsoft 365 admin center: ers to easily find the data they need. The tagging will also improve
How to Configure OneDrive Sharing through the 1. Log in to the Microsoft 365 admin center with global ad- the effectiveness of the data loss prevention (DLP), information
OneDrive Admin Center min or SharePoint admin privileges. rights management, records management and other data gov-
2. Go to Users > Active users. ernance solutions your organization already using or planning to
1. Log in to the OneDrive admin center. 3. Select the OneDrive user for which you want to change the implement. You can also set up workflows that will automatically
2. Navigate to the Sharing sharing level. move overexposed data from SharePoint Online and OneDrive for
4. Go to the OneDrive tab. Business repositories to a designated quarantine area.

Contents SysAdmin Magazine June 2020

How-to for IT Pro -Credential$Cred

#Generating Report
$GroupsData = @()
#get sharepoint online groups powershell
PERMISSIONS REPORT ForEach($Group in $SiteGroups) {
$GroupsData +=New-Object PSObject-Property @{
'Group Name' =$Group.Title
1. Download and install the SharePoint Online Client 'Permissions' =$Group.Roles -join ","
Components SDK. 'Users' = $Group.Users -join ","
2. Open the PowerShell ISE. }
#Export the data to CSV
$GroupsData |Export-Csv $Path-NoTypeInformation
3. Review the easy-to-understand report:

#SPO-specific cmdlets require sharepoint-

online module
Users Group Name Permisions
Install-Module -NameMicrosoft.Online.
SharePoint.PowerShell, Team Site Members Edit,,
$ServiceURL ="https://enterprise-admin. spo-grid-all-users/762525ca-eb79-412c-8c1d-ecc76c75b80a"
SHAREPOINT\system Team Site Owners Full Control, Limited Access
$URL = ""
$Path = "C:\Temp\GroupsReport.csv", Team Site Visitors

$Cred = Get-Credential, Team_OC Contribute, Read

#Connect to SharePoint Online, Team_Review Limited Access
Connect-SPOService -url$ServiceURL

Contents SysAdmin Magazine June 2020

Free SharePoint monitoring to stay aware of changes and data access events in your SharePoint Online and on-premises SharePoint

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sites/Management/2018/ com/sites enterprise. 3:02:44 AM
Release Plan.docx com:4755

Download Free Tool

Removed Folder http://sp.enterprise. http://sp. 4/17/2018
sites/Management/ com/sites enterprise. 3:04:56 AM
Contact Info com:4755

Modified Site http://sp.enterprise. http://sp. 4/17/2018

Collection sites/Management/ com/sites enterprise. 3:05:14 AM
Site Collection Administrators: Added: “”

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Contents SysAdmin Magazine June 2020

[On-Demand Webinar]

Managing SharePoint Online and Exchange Online can be a painful task. Luckily, you can accom-

Managing SharePoint plish many tasks with PowerShell. Learning a few basic commands and scripts will make your
life so much easier.

Online and Exchange In this webinar, a renowned SharePoint expert Liam Cleary will walk you through how to use

Online with PowerShell

PowerShell to:

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Jeff Melnick Liam Cleary
Solutions Engineer
• Modify permissions and retrieve log data when auditing permissions
Office Apps and Sirvices MVP

Watch Now

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