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Systemic immunoglobulin light chain

Giampaolo Merlini1,2*, Angela Dispenzieri3, Vaishali Sanchorawala4,
Stefan O. Schönland5, Giovanni Palladini1,2, Philip N. Hawkins6 and Morie A. Gertz3
Abstract | Systemic immunoglobulin light chain amyloidosis is a protein misfolding disease
caused by the conversion of immunoglobulin light chains from their soluble functional states into
highly organized amyloid fibrillar aggregates that lead to organ dysfunction. The disease is
progressive and, accordingly , early diagnosis is vital to prevent irreversible organ damage,
of which cardiac damage and renal damage predominate. The development of novel sensitive
biomarkers and imaging technologies for the detection and quantification of organ involvement
and damage is facilitating earlier diagnosis and improved evaluation of the efficacy of new and
existing therapies. Treatment is guided by risk assessment, which is based on levels of cardiac
biomarkers; close monitoring of clonal and organ responses guides duration of therapy
and changes in regimen. Several new classes of drugs, such as proteasome inhibitors and
immunomodulatory drugs, along with high-​dose chemotherapy and autologous haematopoietic
stem cell transplantation, have led to rapid and deep suppression of amyloid light chain
production in the majority of patients. However, effective therapies for patients with advanced
cardiac involvement are an unmet need. Passive immunotherapies targeting clonal plasma cells
and directly accelerating removal of amyloid deposits promise to further improve the overall
outlook of this increasingly treatable disease.

Amyloidosis Research and Amyloidosis is a term referring to a group of complex amyloidosis — monoclonal immunoglobulin light chain
Treatment Center, Fondazione diseases that are caused by protein misfolding and aggre- amyloidosis (known as AL amyloidosis) and wild-​type
IRCCS Policlinico San Matteo,
gation into highly ordered amyloid fibrils that deposit transthyretin amyloidosis (known as ATTR amyloid­
Pavia, Italy.
in tissues, resulting in progressive organ damage. These osis) — are acquired. AL amyloidosis is typically found
Department of Molecular
Medicine, University of Pavia, amyloid fibrils are characterized by a cross-​β-sheet in individuals with monoclonal gammo­pathy, a dis­
Pavia, Italy. quaternary structure1. Over time, protein misfolding order that is characterized by the proliferation of clonal
Division of Hematology, and amyloid accumulation can result in severe organ plasma cells, and is caused by the increased production
Department of Internal dysfunction. Protein aggregates, or preceding inter- of immunoglobulin light chains; these light chains aggre-
Medicine, Mayo Clinic,
mediaries, may induce cell dysfunction and death, gate into amyloid fibrils, leading to organ damage. Wild-​
Rochester, MN, USA.
a process termed proteotoxicity. In addition, the distor- type ATTR amyloidosis is caused by the aggregation of
Section of Hematology-​
Oncology and Amyloidosis
tion of tissue architecture caused by amyloid deposits transthyretin, is age related and predominantly affects
Center, Boston University contributes to organ dysfunction 2; however, these men >70 years of age. Another form of non-​hereditary
School of Medicine, Boston, disease mechanisms are poorly characterized. systemic amyloidosis is caused by persistently high con-
MA, USA. To date, 36 proteins that can form extracellular centrations of serum amyloid A protein (an acute phase
Department of Internal amyloid fibrils in humans have been identified: some reactant), which is associated with chronic inflamma-
Medicine V (Haematology,
form localized deposits, such as β-​amyloid in Alzheimer tion caused by chronic inflammatory disorders such as
Oncology and Rheumatology),
Amyloidosis Center, University disease, leading to localized amyloidosis, and others rheumatoid arthritis, persistent infections or hereditary
Hospital Heidelberg, accumulate throughout the tissues of the body (known autoinflammatory diseases (familial Mediterranean
Heidelberg, Germany. as systemic amyloidosis)3. At least 17 proteins can cause fever, cryopyrin-​associated periodic syndrome and
National Amyloidosis Centre, systemic amyloidosis; immunoglobulin heavy or light many others)5. Systemic amyloidosis caused by leukocyte
University College London
chains are notable in being able to form both systemic chemotactic factor 2 mainly presents with nephropathy
(Royal Free Campus),
London, UK.
amyloid deposits and localized amyloid deposits, for and is gaining greater recognition in the United States6.
example, those restricted particularly to urothelial tissue Systemic amyloidosis can also be caused by genetic and the larynx4. Systemic amyloidosis can be hereditary mutations inherited in an autosomal dominant man-
s41572-018-0034-3 or acquired; the two most common forms of systemic ner. More than 120 point mutations in TTR (encoding

Nature Reviews | Disease Primers | Article citation ID: (2018) 4:38 1


Table 1 | Most common systemic amyloidoses

Designationa Parent protein Systemic Acquired or Organs involved
and/or hereditary
AL Immunoglobulin Systemic Acquired Heart, kidney , liver, soft tissues, peripheral nervous
light chainb or (hereditaryc) system (including the autonomic nervous system) and
localized gastrointestinal tract
ATTR Transthyretin Systemic Hereditary Peripheral nervous system (including the autonomic
nervous system), heart, eye, kidney and leptomeninges
Systemic Acquired Heart and ligaments
AA Serum amyloid Systemic Acquired Predominantly kidney , but may involve liver,
A protein gastrointestinal tract and occasionally heart, thyroid
and autonomic nervous system
ALECT2 Leukocyte Systemic Acquired Kidney , liver, spleen, adrenals and lungs
factor 2
AApoAI Apolipoprotein Systemic Hereditary Heart, liver, kidney , peripheral nervous system, testis,
AI larynx and skin
AFib Fibrinogen α Systemic Hereditary Kidney , primarily , with obliterative glomerular
chain involvement
Aβ2m β2-microglobulin, Systemic Acquired Musculoskeletal system
wild type (haemodialysis
β2-microglobulin Systemic Hereditary Autonomic nervous system
The amyloid fibril protein is designated protein A and followed by a suffix that is an abbreviated form of the precursor protein
name. For example, when amyloid (A) fibrils are derived from immunoglobulin light (L) chains, the amyloid fibril protein is AL.
Rare cases of amyloidosis formed by immunoglobulin heavy chains (AH) and by heavy and light chains (AHL) have been reported.
One family with mutation in the constant region of the κ light chain, with cysteine replacing serine at amino acid residue 131, has
been reported185.

trans­thyretin) can cause systemic amyloidosis that mainly This Primer focuses on systemic AL amyloidosis,
affects the peripheral nervous system and the heart. highlighting the disease mechanisms and basis for
Genetic variants of APOA1, APOA2, APOC2 and effective treatment, owing to advances in deciphering
APOC3 (encoding apolipoprotein AI, apolipoprotein the molecular mechanisms of this form of amyloidosis
AII, apolipoprotein CII and apolipoprotein CIII, respec- and in developing novel, effective therapies that have
tively), as well as FGA (encoding fibrinogen α chain), improved QOL and survival7,8.
GSN (encoding gelsolin), CST3 (encoding cystatin C)
and LYZ (encoding lysozyme), can also cause hereditary Epidemiology
systemic amyloidosis3 (Table 1). Limited data on the epidemiology of AL amyloid­
Despite the biochemical and aetiological hetero­ osis are available owing to the lack of large population
geneity of systemic amyloidosis, the clinical manifesta- databases to assess incidence. The prevalence of the
tions of the different forms largely overlap and essentially disease rises with increasing age; prevalence doubles in
depend upon the affected organs. Predominantly individuals aged >65 years compared with those aged
affected organs include the kidney and heart, followed 35–54 years, with a reported mean age at diagnosis of
by the peripheral nervous system (including the auto- 63 years, and 55% of patients are men9. There are two
nomic nervous system), liver, gastrointestinal tract and known risk factors for AL amyloidosis. The first is a pre-​
soft tissues. Cardiac damage is a major determinant of existing monoclonal gammopathy. Among patients with
survival, therefore, a major goal of therapy is to improve monoclonal gammopathy of undetermined significance
cardiac function. A rapid and profound decrease of the (MGUS), the relative risk of developing AL amyloidosis
amyloid precursor protein can reverse organ dysfunc- is 8.8 (ref.10) compared with individuals without MGUS.
tion and is the aim of therapy. In AL amyloidosis, ther- In one series of 1,384 patients with MGUS followed up
apy is aimed at targeting the B cell clone responsible for for up to 50 years, 14 developed AL amyloidosis (1%). As
producing the aberrant clonal immunoglobulin protein. many as 10–15% of patients with myeloma have overt,
The type and intensity of treatment targeting the B cell coexisting AL amyloidosis, and in another series, as
disease are based on risk assessment, which is based on many as 38% of patients with myeloma were found to
the characteristics of the patient and the biology of the have covert coexisting AL amyloid­osis11. Approximately
clone. Immunotherapies targeting the amyloid clone or 1% of patients with pre-existing myeloma, who are not
the amyloid deposits are now in development; hopefully, simultaneously diagnosed with AL amyloidosis, will
these new agents will enter clinical practice and will go on to develop AL amyloidosis12. Antecedent viral
be combined with therapies to suppress the amyloid ­infection does not seem to be a predisposing factor.
protein, which might improve quality of life (QOL) The other identified risk factor for AL amyloid­
and survival. osis is the existence of particular single nucleotide

2 | Article citation ID: (2018) 4:38


poly­morphisms (SNPs). Associations were found in a UK National Amyloidosis Centre, death certificates and
genome-​wide association study on a cohort of 1,229 the distribution of types of systemic amyloidosis cases
patients with AL amyloidosis. SNPs at ten loci showed seen at the centre15 and estimated an incidence of at
evidence of an association (P < 10−5). Within the splice least three affected individuals per million person-​years
site of CCND1 (encoding cyclin D1), the variant rs9344, in England in 2008. A study in Sweden used myeloma
which promotes a translocation between chromo- statistics and amyloid hospital discharge diagnoses to
somes 11 and 14 (t(11;14)), reached the highest signifi­ derive an annual incidence of three affected individuals
cance (P = 7.80 × 10−11). The SNP rs79419269, which per million person-​years between 2001 and 2018 (ref.16).
is close to the gene SMARCD3 that encodes a protein An incidence of 6.1 per million person-​years adjusted
involved in chromatin remodelling, was also significant for the population of Buenos Aires, Argentina, (2010
(P = 5.2 × 10−8). These data provide evidence for common census) was based on 12 persons with AL amyloidosis19.
genetic susceptibility to AL amyloidosis13. These investigators designed a prospective cohort of
all members of a prepaid health maintenance organiza­
Incidence of AL amyloidosis tion in Buenos Aires between 2006 and 2015. They
Six studies have evaluated the incidence of systemic calculated the number of incident cases of amyloidosis
AL amyloidosis, all of which were carried out in the per one million person-​years and adjusted it using the
Americas and Europe14–19 (Table  2) . The first study Buenos Aires Census of 2010. Lastly, another study esti-
was carried out using the Olmsted County Project in mated the incidence of AL amyloidosis using US claims
Minnesota, USA, and reported an overall sex-​adjusted data between 2007 and 2015 (ref.17) and reported an
and age-​adjusted rate of 8.9 affected individuals per age-​adjusted and sex-​adjusted incidence of 10.8–15.2
million person-​years between 1950 and 1989 and 10.5 affected individuals per million person-​years. However,
affected individuals with systemic AL amyloidosis per this estimate might be high, as this study differentiated
million person-​years between 1970 and 1989 (ref.14). patients with AL amyloidosis from other forms of amy-
A forthcoming update to this study that included loidosis on the basis of the receipt of ‘AL amyloidosis
patients from the same region between 1990 and 2015 defining therapies’, which included therapies that are not
demonstrated an incidence of 12 affected individuals specific for AL amyloidosis. For example, doxycycline
per million per year, which did not significantly differ was included in this category despite the fact that its use
from that reported in the earlier study. The only other is by no means specific for AL amyloidosis. The differ-
true population-​based study of the incidence of sys- ences between studies most likely relate to methodology
temic AL amyloidosis was carried out in the Limousin and the somewhat small numbers of events. The studies
region of France from 2012 to 2016 (ref.18). This study with the most ­epidemiologically sound designs yielded
demonstrated a crude yearly incidence of 12.5 affected very similar results14,18,19.
individuals per million inhabitants over the 5-year
period studied. The four other studies were not true Prevalence
population-​based studies and ascertained the incidence The prevalence of systemic AL amyloidosis has increased
on the basis of death certificate reports and hospital owing to improved therapies and improved overall sur-
discharges, among other methods15–17,19. One study vival of patients. Indeed, prevalence estimates were
extrapolated the incidence from referral rates to the between 8.8 and 15.5 affected individuals per million

Table 2 | Epidemiology studies in monoclonal AL amyloidosis

Annual Annual Location Study design Median Male Refs
incidence prevalence (time frame) age patients
(per million (per million (years) (%)
person-​years) person-​years)
8.9 (95% CI No data Olmsted county , Minnesota, Population-​based study with immunohistochemical 73.5 62 14

5.1–12.8)a USA (1950–1990) typing for case ascertainment

12 (95% CI No data Olmsted county , Population-​based study primarily using mass 76 54 b

8–16)a Minnesota, USA spectrometry typing for case ascertainment

(1990–2015) (see above)
12.5 (95% CI 58 (95% CI Limousin region, France Population-​based study with no mention of amyloid 72.5 70 18

5.6–19.4)c 43–73)c (2012–2016) typing methodology

3d • Year 2000: 8.8 England (2008) Case ascertainment was extrapolated from death Peaked No data 15

• Year 2008: 20.4 certificates and referral rates to and amyloidosis types at 60–69
at the National Amyloidosis Centre
3.2d No data Sweden (2001–2008) Case ascertainment was extrapolated from myeloma No data No data 16

statistics and amyloid hospital discharge diagnoses

6.2 (95% CI No data Buenos Aires, Argentina Case ascertainment was extrapolated from registrants No data No data 19

2.6–9.7)a,e (2006–2015) in the Medical Care Program in Buenos Aires

10.8–12.7a • Year 2007: 15.5 USA (2007–2015) US claims data 64f 54 17

• Year 2015: 40.5

AL , immunoglobulin light chain. aAge and sex adjusted. bReference is forthcoming. cCrude estimate. dAdjusted for age only. eAdjusted to the Buenos Aires 2010
Census. fMean age.

Nature Reviews | Disease Primers | Article citation ID: (2018) 4:38 3


person-​years before 2010 (refs 15,17) but have since which declines with age22. When intracellular proteosta-
increased to 40–58 affected individuals per million person- sis and/or extracellular proteostasis fail, protein aggrega-
years15,17,18 (Table 2). One study calculated an annual per- tion might occur. Proteins with diverse structures and
centage change of 12% between 2007 and 2015 in the functions can aggregate to form amyloid fibrils, which
United States17. This annual percentage change existed have highly ordered cross-​β-fibre structures and are
for both males (11.5%) and females (12.3%)17. characterized by antiparallel β-​strands that are arranged
perpendicular to the fibre, as demonstrated by X-​ray
Mechanisms/pathophysiology diffraction23. Amyloid fibrils have a distinct diameter of
Amyloid fibril formation 7.5–10.0 nm as determined using electron microscopy24.
As previously mentioned, the process underlying amy­
loidosis is the conversion of globular, soluble proteins AL amyloidosis fibril formation. AL amyloidosis is usu-
into insoluble amyloid fibrils that deposit in vital organs ally caused by the low-​level expansion of an indolent B cell
and damage their functions1. This complex process can clone25 that produces an immunoglobulin light chain λ
be favoured by several factors, such as mutations that (referred to as light chain in this Primer) in 75–80% of
destabilize the native protein structure and expose hydro- cases and κ light chains in the remaining cases (Fig. 1).
phobic and protease-​sensitive regions, increased protein A high frequency (~40–60%) of chromosomal t(11;14),
concentrations, owing to either greater protein synthesis which juxtaposes the immunoglobulin heavy chain (IGH)
or reduced clearance, or the intrinsic propensity of certain locus to the oncogene CCND1, characterizes this amyloid
proteins to form amyloid fibrils that becomes apparent B cell clone26. Somatic mutations in IGLV (encoding the
with ageing. Typically, protein aggregation is countered light chain variable region) reduce the fold stability of
by protein homeostasis (proteostasis) that functions to the native protein and increase protein dynamics, which
maintain the proteome, both intracellularly and extra- favours endoproteolysis and the prod­uction of variable
cellularly, in a native conformation, in the correct loca- light chain domains that can cause amyloidosis27. Indeed,
tion and at the right concentration20,21. Overall, ~1,600 amyloidogenic light chains have a low fold stability and
molecules have a role in proteostasis, the efficiency of high protein dynamics compared with the light chains

a b 100
small B cell 90

Kinetically or 70
Organ affected (%)

unstable light chains

Cellular and 60
extracellular Extracellular chaperones
matrix interactions 50

Oligomers 40
SAP and

fibrils 10



rv Au em l

te ic
t a


Mass action and toxicity Toxicity

ys er

ys m


s s no
s s ph

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ou ri

rv Pe

Organ dysfunction


Fig. 1 | Schematic pathways involved in AL amyloid fibril formation. a | In 70–80% of patients with amyloid light chain
(AL) amyloidosis, a usually small and indolent B cell clone produces immunoglobulin light chain λ. Somatic mutations in
the light chain variable region (IGLV) gene cause low folding stability and increased protein dynamics, which favour
protein misfolding and improper aggregation. In addition, interactions between the protein and the tissue micro­environment,
including extracellular matrix components, shear forces, endoproteases and metals, favour protein aggregation and
oligomer formation. Cells may promote the initial nucleation of the deposits through interaction of the amyloid protein
with cell membranes. Oligomers, and probably the misfolded protein, exert toxic effects by impairing cell function and
reducing cell viability in target organs and can develop into highly organized cross-​β-amyloid fibrils. Serum amyloid P
component (SAP) protects amyloid fibrils from degradation and is ubiquitously present in amyloid deposits.
Glycosaminoglycans serve as scaffolds and facilitate fibril formation. The accumulation of amyloid deposits in parenchymal
tissue leads to tissue damage, which causes dysfunction of vital organs; moreover, amyloid fibrils can cause cell damage and
catalyse oligomer formation. b | AL amyloid fibrils have a propensity to accumulate in specific organs. In particular, light
chains derived from certain genes show a propensity to target specific organs: light chain λ from IGLV1-44 preferentially
targets the heart, light chain λ from IGLV6-57 targets the kidney and light chain κ from IGKV1-33 targets the liver.

4 | Article citation ID: (2018) 4:38


organ damage through proteotoxicity and increased cel-

lular oxidative stress, resulting in mitochondrial damage
Elongation and reduced cell viability36–38 (Fig. 1).
The kinetics of fibril formation offer important clues
for clinical management (Fig. 2). The formation of amy-
loid fibrils begins from a solution of the monomeric
native protein, which might misfold and assume an
amyloidogenic, partially folded conformation. When
the amount of partially folded proteins reaches a specific

concentration, a critical fibrillar nucleus forms, which

catalyses protein aggregation and fibril development.
The critical concentration required for nucleation varies
and can be very low for very unstable light chains or high
Nucleation for more stable light chains. Initially, conditions do not
favour aggregation, which corresponds to the lag phase
Lag phase that precedes fibril formation. The kinetics of aggrega-
tion dramatically change after formation of the fibrillar
nuclei owing to their catalytic role. The concentration
of partially folded proteins that is necessary to elongate
the amyloid fibrils is 10-fold to 20-fold lower than the
Time concentration required for forming the first fibrillar
Native Partially folded Cross-β-sheet
nucleus, depending on the protein species39. Thus, early
Fibrils diagnosis of AL amyloidosis and administration of a
protein protein oligomers
rapidly acting therapy that produces a swift and deep
Fig. 2 | Kinetics of fibril formation in vitro. A specific local concentration of partially reduction of the amyloid precursor are critical to halt
folded proteins is necessary for the formation of a critical fibrillar nucleus. The critical fibril growth and disease progression. Amyloid depos-
concentration for nucleation varies depending on the stability of the light chains. its are in general persistent and unusually resistant to
During the lag phase, the conditions do not favour protein aggregation, and fibrils degradation. However, slow natural clearance of amyloid
are not formed. However, after the formation of the fibrillar nuclei, protein aggregation deposits, by endogenous immunological mechanisms
into cross-​β-sheet oligomers occurs, leading to fibril formation and elongation. The
in which macrophages play an important part, does
concentration of partially folded proteins necessary for fibril elongation is substantially
occur40. Clearance of amyloid deposits may contribute
lower than the concentration required for forming the first nuclei. Figure courtesy of
V. Bellotti, University of Pavia, Italy. ­considerably to recovery of organ function2.

Organ involvement
produced in multiple myeloma28,29. In proteostasis, extra- The heart and the kidneys are the two most frequently
cellular chaperones favour appropriate light chain fold- affected organs in systemic AL amyloidosis, although
ing and inhibit protein aggregation30. The aggregation of all organs can be involved, except the brain (Fig. 3). The
amyloidogenic light chains can occur owing to disrup- precise molecular mechanisms underlying amyloid
tion to, or overwhelming of, extracellular proteostasis organ targeting remain elusive. Several investigators
(Fig. 1). Other factors can facilitate protein aggregation have shown that certain structural features related to
and oligomer formation, such as the interactions of amy- the IGLV gene and gene family confer a higher risk of
loidogenic light chains with the tissue microenvironment, involvement of specific organs, possibly through inter­
including with extracellular matrix components (such as actions with resident cells. For example, the germline gene
glycosaminoglycans, collagen and lipids)31, shear forces, (that is, the unarranged gene inherited through the germ
proteases and metals (in particular, copper)32. In addi- line before modification by rearrangement and somatic
tion, cell membrane surfaces have been hypothesized hypermutation) IGLV6-57 is more common in patients
to facilitate fibril attachment by acting as anchors for a with AL systemic amyloidosis than in the normal B cell
cell-​mediated seeding mechanism33. Once formed, oli- repertoire and is associated with renal involvement41.
gomers of light chains are on the pathway to form highly Mesangial cells of the kidney have a propensity to form
organized amyloid fibrils. The pentraxin serum amyloid amyloid fibrils when incubated with light chain derived
P component (SAP) is a circulating plasma protein that from IGLV6-57 (ref.41). Cardiac tropism has been related
is universally present in amyloid deposits owing to its to the IGLV1-44 germline gene, which confers a five-
calcium-​dependent binding to amyloid fibrils34. SAP fold increase in the chance of dominant heart involve-
has been reported to protect amyloid fibrils from degra- ment42,43. Although λ light chains are responsible for most
dation35, making this protein an excellent candidate for cases of systemic AL amyloidosis, the κ light chain of the
amyloid scintigraphy and as a target for amyloid-​directed IGKV1-33 germline gene preferentially targets the liver43.
immunotherapy. The accumulation of amyloid deposits Cardiac involvement is a key determinant of patient
in parenchymal tissue leads to tissue damage, which survival; thus, several investigators have studied the
causes dysfunction of vital organs2. In addition, amyloid mechanisms of cardiac damage caused by misfolded
fibrils cause cytotoxicity and promote the misfolding of light chain36–38. Cardiac dysfunction can result from
light chains and further oligomer formation33. Soluble amyloid deposits that cause widespread disruption of
prefibrillar species, mainly oligomers, also contribute to tissue architecture, and from proteotoxicity of the light

Nature Reviews | Disease Primers | Article citation ID: (2018) 4:38 5


Heart Periorbital purpura

• Heart failure with preserved ejection fraction
• Thickened ventricular walls and low voltages
on electrocardiography
• Dysponea at rest or exertion, fatigue
• Hypotension or syncope
• Peripheral oedema Macroglossia

Gastrointestinal tract
• Malabsorption and weight loss
• Bleeding (factor X)

Nervous system • Increased alkaline
Peripheral phosphatase
• Symmetric lower extremity sensorimotor • Hepatomegaly
Carpal tunnel syndrome (bilateral) Kidney
Autonomic • Nephrotic range
• Postural hypotension proteinuria
• Erectile dysfunction (males) • Renal failure
• Gastrointestinal motility alterations • Peripheral oedema

Fig. 3 | Organ involvement in systemic AL amyloidosis. The symptoms of monoclonal immunoglobulin light chain (AL)
amyloidosis are variable and mimic symptoms observed in common conditions of elderly individuals, such as heart failure
(fatigue) and diabetes mellitus (proteinuria and peripheral neuropathy), therefore, contributing to late diagnosis. The
presence of heart failure with preserved ejection fraction and thickened ventricular walls with low voltages identified
using electrocardiography should raise the suspicion of cardiac amyloidosis. Kidney involvement is characterized by
proteinuria and progressive renal failure and manifests as peripheral oedema. The involvement of the gastrointestinal tract
results in malabsorption and weight loss that can be prominent in some patients, whereas involvement of the autonomic
nervous system can cause invalidating postural hypotension. The presence of prototypic signs such as macroglossia
(enlargement of the tongue) and periorbital purpura can immediately lead to the right diagnosis. However, such signs are
uncommon and, more importantly , appear late in the course of the disease, frequently appearing when the organ damage
caused by amyloid is already irreversible.

chains7. Other speculated mechanisms of organ dysfunc- involvement to risk classification and monitoring of
tion include the perturbation of cellular membranes by cardiac response to therapy45.
amyloid fibrils, cell toxicity owing to fibril growth and
the formation of soluble light chain oligomers by amyloid Diagnosis, screening and prevention
fibrils, although these mechanisms require further study. A diagnosis of amyloidosis should be considered in any
In addition, AL amyloid fibrils are cytotoxic at low con- patient presenting with heart failure with preserved
centrations, whereas soluble amyloid light chains induce ejection fraction, nephrotic range proteinuria, a mixed
apoptosis, suggesting that the mechanisms of cytotox­ axonal demyelinating peripheral neuropathy with auto-
icity differ between soluble protein and amyloid fibrils33. nomic features or carpal tunnel syndrome, hepatomegaly
Exposing cardiac cells to light chains purified from without imaging abnormalities, or in any patient with a
patients with cardiac AL amyloidosis led to the increased monoclonal gammopathy or atypical multiple myeloma.
production of reactive oxygen species (ROS) compared In addition, taste alterations are a common sign7,46 (Fig. 3).
with the levels produced from control light chain pro- In any patient with these clinical signs and symptoms, at a
teins isolated from patients without cardiac involve- minimum, immunofixation electrophor­esis of the serum
ment32,37. Amyloidogenic light chains from patients with and urine and an immunoglobulin free light chain assay
AL amyloid cardiomyopathy can induce p38 mitogen- (which assesses the concentration of κ and λ free light
activated protein kinase (MAPK) signalling, resulting in chains and their ratio in the serum) should be carried out
increased production of ROS, impaired calcium homeo- to assess for a precursor light chain protein. Where avail­
stasis, cell dysfunction and eventually cell death in isolated able, imaging with radio-​iodinated SAP can identify amy-
adult cardiomyocytes36. This p38 MAPK pathway also loid deposits in individuals with these syndromes47, but
mediates the transcription of type B natriuretic peptide this test has limited availability and is restricted to certain
(BNP), a serum biomarker of cardiac stretch and damage44, specialized amyloidosis treatment centres. Tissue biopsy
supporting a possible connection between cardiotoxic and histopathological analysis to confirm diagnosis are
effects of light chain with induced MAPK signalling warranted in patients with an immunoglobulin light
and BNP. This pathogenetic link is the basis of the use of chain abnormality (Fig. 4). The ordered ultrastructure of
the serum biomarker NT-​proBNP (the amino-​terminal amyloid fibres enables the regular intercalation of Congo
fragment of BNP) in the management of patients with red dye, which shows green birefringence under polar-
AL, and its use ranges from early detection of cardiac ized light microscopy; the diagnosis of AL amyloidosis

6 | Article citation ID: (2018) 4:38


requires this histologi­cal observation (Fig. 5). Although the amyloidosis53. Although not widely available, reference
direct biopsy of an affected organ will yield the diagnosis, laboratories exist that will unequivocally confirm the pro-
it is generally not necessary, as less invasive investigations tein subunit composing the amyloid fibril. This is par-
such as the aspiration of subcutaneous fat, a bone marrow ticularly important in individuals of black ethnicity, given
biopsy or a lip biopsy can lead to diagnosis in 50–85% that the prevalence of V122I-mutant ATTR is high in this
of patients48,49. When amyloid deposits are detected in population, and ATTR-​V122I amyloidosis can clinically
biopsy samples, accurate identification of the precur- resemble AL amyloidosis54.
sor protein is crucial to guide treatment. This is feasible
using immunohistochemistry, in highly specialized lab- Differential diagnosis
oratories50,51, and using immune-​electronmicroscopy52. Diagnosing AL amyloidosis on the basis of the presence
However, a mass spectrometry-​based analysis of the of a serum and/or urine light chain abnormality and a
amyloid-​containing tissues is now considered the best Congo red-​positive tissue biopsy is insufficient. As many
approach, with a reported sensitivity of 88% and speci­ as 23% of patients with wild-​type ATTR cardiac amyloid­
ficity of 96% higher than immunochemical techniques. osis have a clonal immunoglobulin abnormality, which
Furthermore, mass-spectrometry-based analysis does could result in misdiagnosis and inappropriate admin-
not require a large panel of antisera to identify non-​AL istration of chemotherapy55. Nuclear scintigraphy using

Suspected systemic amyloidosis

• Nephrotic range proteinuria
• Heart failure with preserved ejection fraction
• Nondiabetic neuropathy (50% have carpal tunnel syndrome)
• Hepatomegaly and/or non-infectious diarrhoea
• Atypical MGUS or smoldering myeloma
• MGUS with abnormal free light chain ratio and elevated NT-proBNP and/or proteinuria

Serum and urine immunofixation electrophoreses and measurement of immunoglobulin free light chains
Add cardiac PYP or DPD if heart symptoms

Immunoglobulin+ Immunoglobulin–

Fat aspirate, bone marrow biopsy and lip and/or minor salivary gland biopsy for Congo red PYP and/or DPD scan

– +

Amyloidosis excluded in 85% Typing of deposita Grade ≥2 Grade 0–1


Continued suspicion Staging and measurement of free

light chain, NT-proBNP and troponin Germline DNA testing for mutation
Cardiac Cardiac
symptoms + symptoms – + –
Cardiac MRI Genetic Wild-type ATTR
counselling very likely

Still high index of suspicion Organ biopsy

– +

Diagnosis excluded Proceed with amyloid typinga

Fig. 4 | Diagnostic algorithm for systemic AL amyloidosis. The presence of heart failure with preserved ejection fraction
and/or proteinuria with progressive renal failure in a patient with a monoclonal protein should raise the suspicion of
systemic monoclonal immunoglobulin light chain (AL) amyloidosis.  The involvement of the peripheral and autonomic
nervous systems as well as hepatomegaly associated with malabsorption and weight loss should also trigger the
diagnostic process. In patients with a monoclonal protein and abnormal free light chain ratio, an unexplained increase in
the amino-​terminal fragment of type B natriuretic peptide (NT-​proBNP) >332 ng per litre and/or the presence of
albuminuria >0.5 g per day are diagnostic red flags. In the presence of cardiac involvement, technetium-​labelled bone
scintigraphy tracers, such as 99mTc-​labelled 3,3-diphosphono-1,2-propanodicarboxylic acid (DPD) and 99mTc-​labelled
pyrophosphate (PYP), help in distinguishing AL amyloidosis from transthyretin (ATTR) amyloidosis. In patients without
serum and urinary monoclonal protein, a positive scan (grade 2 or greater) is indicative of ATTR amyloidosis. In patients
with a monoclonal protein, biopsy sampling of abdominal fat and lip salivary glands provides 85% sensitivity for the
diagnosis of AL amyloidosis. In patients with a negative biopsy sample who present with a high index of suspicion of
heart involvement, according to symptoms, echocardiography and cardiac MRI should be used promptly. If positive,
cardiac biopsy and possibly amyloid typing are recommended. aAmyloid should be typed with mass spectrometry or
­immunohistochemistry by an expert amyloid pathologist. MGUS, monoclonal gammopathy of undetermined significance.

Nature Reviews | Disease Primers | Article citation ID: (2018) 4:38 7


a b c

d e f

g h i

Fig. 5 | Histological evidence of amyloid fibrils in tissue. Amyloid deposits are identified in tissue samples using Congo
red staining and the detection of birefringence using polarized light microscopy. An abdominal fat aspirate from a patient
with cardiac transthyretin (ATTR) amyloid, who had both the TTR variant V122I and an immunoglobulin G (IgG) κ mono­clonal
gammopathy of undetermined significance (MGUS), shows uptake of Congo red (panel a) and birefringence under
polarized light (panel b) and appears bright red in fluorescent light (excitation 497 nm and emission 614 nm) (panel c).
Renal tissue from a patient with monoclonal immunoglobulin light chain (AL) amyloidosis shows amyloid deposits in the
glomeruli in bright light (panel d), polarized light (panel e) and fluorescent light (panel f). Cardiac tissue from a patient
with AL amyloidosis shows extensive amyloid deposition with vessel involvement in bright light (panel g), polarized light
(panel h) and fluorescent light (panel i).

Tc-​labelled pyrophosphate (PYP) or 99mTc-​labelled been made, this results in high mortality rates owing
3,3-diphosphono-1,2-propanodicarboxylic acid (DPD) to cardiac involvement and progression to end-​stage
can be useful in differentiating cardiac AL amyloidosis renal disease in the first few months after diagnosis8,59.
from the ATTR type56,57. The mechanism by which these The clinical manifestations of systemic AL amyloidosis
bone tracers bind to amyloid deposits is unclear, but resemble the symptoms of more common conditions
substantial cardiac uptake occurs in virtually all patients found in elderly individuals, therefore, appropriate
with ATTR amyloidosis and in only ~40% of those with diagnostic testing is usually initiated only several months
cardi­ac AL type; among the latter, ~10% demonstrate after the onset of symptoms. Indeed, AL amyloidosis
substantial ATTR-​like grade 2 or grade 3 uptake58. was diagnosed >1 year after the onset of symptoms in
When an amyloid deposit is detected as AL using 40% of patients in one study60. Delays in diagnosis of AL
mass spectroscopy, systemic amyloidosis should be dis- amyloidosis are also common in patients with diagnosed
tinguished from localized disease, as this determines MGUS despite the appearance of amyloid-​related symp-
management strategies. Localized deposits of AL that toms61. Indeed, a monoclonal component with increased
do not require systemic chemotherapy can be observed free light chain ratio can be consistently detected in the
in the bladder, larynx, stomach, colon, skin, eyelids, lung sera of patients with MGUS who eventually develop
and urinary tract. Only systemic amyloidosis requires AL amyloidosis at least 4 years before the diagnosis62.
systemic therapy, as localized disease usually has a very Thus, patients with asymptomatic monoclonal gammo­
good prognosis4. A thorough evaluation for other areas pathy, MGUS or smouldering multiple myeloma with an
of organ dysfunction can usually distinguish systemic abnormal free light chain ratio are at risk of developing
from localized AL amyloidosis. AL amyloidosis and should be the target of screening
programmes. The heart and/or the kidneys are involved
Screening and prevention in >95% of patients with systemic AL amyloidosis, and
A substantial delay to diagnosis until after advanced biomarkers with 100% sensitivity are available to detect
organ damage has already ensued is still common for the presence of cardiac and renal damage. For example,
AL amyloidosis, and although therapeutic advances have increased levels of NT-​proBNP in serum can detect

8 | Article citation ID: (2018) 4:38


cardiac involvement in systemic AL amyloidosis before been shown to predict outcomes in systemic AL amy­
symptoms manifest with 100% diagnostic sensitivity63,64. loidosis but have not been integrated into staging systems
When glomerular filtration rate (GFR; a marker of kid- so far. For instance, high levels of von Willebrand factor
ney function) is preserved, albuminuria can detect renal were found to be associated with early death79. More
involvement at earlier disease stages when progression recently, growth differentiation factor 15 emerged as a
to end-​stage renal disease can be almost invariably predictor of both survival and p ­ rogression to dialysis80.
prevented59. Accordingly, assessment of NT-​proBNP
levels and for albuminuria should be integrated into the Management
regular follow-​up panel of patients with MGUS and an The aims of therapy are rapid elimination of the amyloid
abnormal free light chain ratio65,66. More than 95% of precursor and improved reabsorption of amyloid deposits
patients with AL amyloidosis have elevated NT-​proBNP to rapidly ameliorate cardiac function to improve patients’
or albuminuria, and this approach can lead to the detec- QOL and survival. The suppression of amyloid light chain
tion of pre-​symptomatic systemic AL amyloidosis, which synthesis is effectively achieved using chemotherapy
can be effectively treated with very good outcomes67. (both conventional and high dose) in combination with
peripheral blood autologous haematopoietic stem cell
Patient risk stratification transplantation and, more recently, with immunotherapy
The survival of patients with systemic AL amyloidosis targeting the B cell clone. Immunotherapies promoting
is heterogeneous depending on the severity of cardiac the reabsorption of amyloid deposits are in clinical devel-
dysfunction at the time of diagnosis. Patients with opment7. Ultimately, the types of therapy used depend
diagnosis late in the clinical course (when heart dam- on the patient’s risk classification.
age is often irreversible) have a median survival of Changes in levels of dFLC, NT-​proBNP, proteinuria
3–6 months68, whereas patients without cardiac involve- or GFR are used to assess treatment efficacy; indeed, an
ment can survive for many years, even if they fail to international effort established and validated haema-
respond to first-​line therapy. Similarly, the early diagnosis tological and organ response criteria in AL amyloid­
and effective treatment of patients with renal involvement osis (Table 3). The aim of chemotherapy should be the
almost abolishes the risk of progression to end-​stage kid- rapid achievement of very low absolute values (rather
ney disease and dialysis, whereas late diagnosis during than percent reductions) of dFLC, which are associated
the advanced stages of disease is associated with a higher with improvements in organ dysfunction and prolonged
risk of progression despite treatment59. This heterogen­ survival81,82. Emerging data indicate that minimal resid-
eity requires accurate prognostic stratification to ual disease may be responsible for residual organ dis-
establish the best therapeutic approach, which needs ease despite what is generally considered good-​quality
to balance treatment intensity and speed of action haematological response. If the available preliminary
with patient frailty. Moreover, patient stratification is data are confirmed, the coexistence of persistent organ
necessary for comparing the results of clinical trials. dysfunction in the absence of other causes and minimal
The current staging systems for systemic AL amy- residual disease could prompt further chemotherapy
loidosis are based on the levels of circulating markers to obtain minimal residual disease negativity, improv-
of cardiac and renal damage, and B cell clonal disease. ing the likelihood of organ response83,84. Assessment of
One cardiac staging system is based on the levels of treatment response should be frequent and should be
NT-​proBNP and cardiac troponins and was devised by the carried out after at least every 2 cycles of chemotherapy
Mayo Clinic and modified by European investigators to or 3 months after stem cell transplantation and more
improve the discrimination of very-​high-risk patients68–71 frequently for patients with severe cardiac involvement.
(Fig. 6a). This cardiac staging system is the most widely Patients failing to achieve a good response should be rap-
used for clinical trial design and to determine patient idly shifted to alternate rescue regimens. Organ response
management. This staging system was modified to usually closely follows haematological response and
include clonal burden, as assessed by bone marrow can be assessed as early as 3 months after treatment
plasma cell infiltration and dFLC (difference between ­initiation, but may continue to improve afterwards.
disease-​associated and uninvolved circulating free light
chain) concentration, which have independent abilities Treatment of low-​risk patients
to predict survival. Patients with AL amyloidosis and a The goal of treatment for AL amyloidosis is targeting the
bone marrow plasma cell infiltrate of >10% have poorer underlying clonal plasma cell dyscrasia, aiming for rapid
survival that is comparable to patients with concomitant and deep haematological responses. High-​dose intra­
overt multiple myeloma72. Individuals with a very low venous melphalan conditioning followed by autologous
(<50 mg per litre) dFLC level have a significantly bet- peripheral blood stem cell transplantation (HDM–
ter outcome irrespective of cardiac stage73–75. The Mayo SCT) has been used as treatment for highly selected
Clinic group incorporated the dFLC level (with a cut-​off patients with AL amyloidosis since the first reports in
value of 180 mg per litre) in their revised staging sys- the mid-1990s85. The results of studies of HDM–SCT
tem76,77 (Fig. 6b). A renal staging system predicting the at single centres and multiple centres are reported in
progression to dialysis has also been proposed and valid­ Supplementary Table 1. The risk of major complica-
ated by European investigators59,78 (Fig. 6c). Although the tions, including death, during stem cell mobilization
severity of renal involvement does not directly affect and collection is ~15%86, and early treatment-​related
survival, it impacts kidney survival and QOL and might mortality is 2–15% after transplantation87; thus, appro-
reduce access to effective therapy. Other biomarkers have priate patient selection is key to reducing in morbidity

Nature Reviews | Disease Primers | Article citation ID: (2018) 4:38 9


a 100 Fig. 6 | Risk stratification of patients with AL

90 amyloidosis. The survival probabilities of 1,065 patients
80 with monoclonal immunoglobilin light chain (AL)
Survival probability (%)

70 amyloidosis diagnosed at the Pavia Amyloidosis Research

60 and Treatment Center according to staging systems
50 for survival and progression to dialysis are shown.
40 a | The cardiac staging system is based on levels of the
30 amino-terminal fragment of type B natriuretic peptide
44%; median 49 months (NT-proBNP) (with a cut-​off level of 332 ng per litre) and
20 20%; median 14 months
10 troponin I (cut-​off level of 0.1 ng per ml). Patients are
18%; median 5 months classified as stage I, stage II or stage III on the basis of the
0 12 24 36 48 60 72 84 96 108 120 presence of zero, one or two markers above the cut-​off
Time (months) values, respectively. Troponin T can be used in the system
instead of troponin I, with a cut-​off level of 0.06 ng per ml
Stage I Stage II Stage IIIa Stage IIIb for standard tests and of 54 ng per litre for high-​sensitivity
assays. Very high levels of NT-​proBNP (>8,500 ng per litre)
b 100 identify patients with advanced cardiac dysfunction
90 (stage IIIb), whereas stage III patients whose NT-​proBNP levels
80 are <8,500 ng per litre have a better outcome (stage IIIa).
Survival probability (%)

70 b | The Revised Mayo Clinic staging system is based on

60 NT-proBNP levels (cut-​off level of 1,800 ng per litre),
50 troponin I levels (cut-​off level of 0.07 ng per ml) and the
40 difference between involved and uninvolved circulating
30 free light chain (dFLC) (cut-​off level of 180 mg per litre).
20 24%; median 57 months Patients are classified as stage I, stage II, stage III or stage IV
27%; median 18 months on the basis of the presence of zero, one, two or three
10 26%; median 6 months
0 markers above the cut-​offs, respectively. Standard
0 12 24 36 48 60 72 84 96 108 120 troponin T can be used in the system, instead of troponin I,
Time (months) with a cut-​off at 0.035 ng per ml. c | The renal staging system
is based on proteinuria and estimated glomerular filtration
Stage I Stage II Stage III Stage IV rate (eGFR). The percentage and numbers for risk of dialysis
for renal stage I, stage II and stage III disease may be
c 100 different according to the treatment modality used. Stage I
90 disease is based on the presence of both proteinuria <5 g
Patients requiring dialysis (%)

80 per 24 hours and eGFR >50 ml/min/1.73 m2; stage II is based

70 15%; dialysis 48% on either proteinuria >5 g per 24 hours or eGFR <50 ml/
60 at 2 years min/1.73 m2; and stage III disease is based on both
50 proteinuria >5 g per 24 hours and eGFR <50 ml/min/1.73 m2.
40 In all three staging systems, higher disease stages convey a
42%; dialysis 12% higher risk of end-​stage renal disease.
at 2 years
10 43%; dialysis 1%
0 at 2 years clonal haematological responses and superior overall
0 12 24 36 48 60 72 84 96 108 120 survival with conventional chemotherapy using oral
Time (months) melphalan and dexamethasone compared with HDM–
SCT. However, this trial had major limitations including
Stage I Stage II Stage III
a treatment-​related mortality of 24% in the HDM–SCT
treatment arm and a small sample size; additionally, 20%
and mortality. Eligibility criteria for HDM–SCT vary of patients were excluded in the HDM–SCT arm, and
between centres but broadly require a confirmed tis- 13 patients were unable to proceed to transplant 89.
sue diagnosis of amyloidosis, clear evidence of a clonal However, a landmark analysis of surviving patients at
plasma or B cell dyscrasia and adequate measures 6 months failed to show superiority of overall survival in
of performance status (a grade of 0–2 at the Eastern this randomized trial. Another report from the Center for
Cooperative Oncology Group (ECOG) performance International Blood and Marrow Transplant Research
status), cardiac function (a left ventricular ejection frac- registry showed improvement in overall survival and a
tion of >40%, cardiac biomarkers below the thresholds reduction in early mortality with excellent 5-year sur-
and New York Heart Association (NYHA) class <3), vival after HDM–SCT90. A dose-​adapted melphalan
pulmonary function (O2 saturation >95% on room air), strategy, with dose reductions depending on renal and
hepatic function (total bilirubin level <2 mg per dl) and cardiac parameters and age, increases the potentially
haemodynamic stability (baseline systolic blood pres- suitable patient population for HDM–SCT and can lead
sure >90 mmHg). Patients on haemodialysis or perito- to prolonged survival, especially if a haematological
neal dialysis are not excluded at some centres if other complete response is achieved91,92. Lower doses of mel-
eligibility criteria are met88. phalan could reduce treatment-​related toxicity but also
Several studies have evaluated the efficacy and mor- lower haematological responses93.
bidity associated with HDM–SCT. One multi­centre The largest experience with HDM–SCT for AL amy-
randomized controlled trial demonstrated similar loidosis is from the Mayo Clinic and Boston University.

10 | Article citation ID: (2018) 4:38


In 421 patients treated with HDM–SCT at Boston The role of induction therapy for bone marrow plasma­
University, treatment-​related mortality was 11% overall cytosis of >10% remains controversial; however, it
and decreased to 6% in the last 5 years of the study94. is recommended by some clinicians72,106.
Median event-​free survival was 2.6 years, whereas overall Haematological relapses or progression after
survival was 6.3 years, and 1 year after treatment, 43% of HDM–SCT occurs in 36–38% of patients at a median of
evaluable patients achieved a complete haematological 2.0–4.3 years after treatment95. Late relapses >20 years
response and 78% experienced an organ response. For after HDM–SCT have also been reported95. Others have
patients who achieved complete response, the median reported an event-​free survival of ~4 years in patients
event-​free survival was 8.3 years and the median overall undergoing stem cell transplantation for AL amyloid­
survival was 13.2 years. 195 patients did not obtain com- osis, independent of haematological response, and
plete response, and of these patients, 52% had an organ superior event-​free survival in individuals achieving
response, the median event-​free survival was 2.0 years, complete response at 1 year after transplant107.
and median overall survival was 5.9 years. 26% of the
patients who did not achieve complete response remained Treatment of intermediate-​risk and high-​risk patients
clinically stable at 5 years of follow-​up. An expanded Patients at intermediate risk (that is, those with stage II
series of 647 patients from the same centre demon- or stage IIIa disease) or high risk (stage IIIb) (Fig. 6a)
strated haematological relapses in 38.5% of patients who have increasing treatment options; however, the bene­
achieved complete response at a median of 4.32 years95. fit of treatment for high-​risk patients is considerably
In a series of 422 patients from the Mayo Clinic, treatment-​ less than for other patients108. A small proportion of
related mortality was 12% in patients treated before patients with intermediate risk can safely undergo
2006 and 7% after 2006. Troponin T levels >0.06 ng per upfront HDM–SCT, as they have partially preserved
litre and NT-​proBNP levels >5,000 pg per ml were asso- organ, particularly cardiac, function. However, the
ciated with high treatment-​related mortality, whereas best-​suited therapy for those with intermediate-​risk
patients with both markers below the thresholds had a disease is unclear, and practice patterns vary between
treatment-​related mortality of 1%96. amyloidosis centres.
The first report of any organ improvement with A major breakthrough for patients with systemic
respect to renal response following HDM–SCT demon- AL amyloidosis was the introduction of oral chemo-
strated97 a renal response in 36% of patients 12 months therapy with melphalan and dexamethasone (MDex)109
after treatment97. This response was defined as a 50% (Supplementary Table 2); this treatment was the stand-
reduction in 24-hour urinary protein excretion in the ard for more than a decade for patients not undergoing
absence of a ≥25% reduction in creatinine clearance. HDM–SCT. MDex is very well tolerated in intermediate-​
Renal response rate was 71% in patients with a com- risk patients, and a haematological response is reached in
plete haematological response and 11% for those with up to 76% of patients, with very good partial response or
persistence of the plasma cell dyscrasia. Since this ini- complete response in 60% of cases when full-dose dexa­
tial report, improvements in QOL98, hepatic responses99 methasone can be given77. Regimens using bortezomib
and cardiac responses100,101 after HDM–SCT have been (a proteasome inhibitor) are now considered the upfront
reported. Similar to renal response, clinical responses standard of care in most patients with AL amyloidosis.
in other organ systems are more evident in patients In the largest retrospective study of first-​line treatment
with haematological responses and can take up to with cyclophosphamide, bortezomib and dexametha-
6–12 months or longer to occur. Given the association sone (CyBorD), the overall haematological response rate
between survival and organ responses with haemato­ was 66% in patients with stage II or stage IIIa disease,
logical response after stem cell transplantation, strate- with a very good partial response or complete response
gies to improve haematological complete response rates in 47% of patients108. In studies comparing bortezomib-
after this procedure have been an important focus. These based combinations with previous standards of care —
include induction therapy before HDM–SCT102,103, novel MDex and a combination of cyclophosphamide, thalido­
conditioning regimens104 and consolidation therapy105. mide and dexamethasone — response rates were higher

Table 3 | Validated treatment response criteria in monoclonal AL amyloidosis

Response Definition of measurable Criteria
Haematological73,74,81 dFLC >50 mg per litre • Complete response: negative serum and urine immunofixation
and normal free light chain ratio
• Very good partial response: dFLC <40 mg per litre
• Partial response: dFLC decrease >50% compared with baseline
dFLC 20–50 mg per litre Low-​dFLC response: dFLC <10 mg per litre
Cardiac81 NT-​proBNP >650 ng per litre NT-​proBNP decrease >30% and >300 ng per litre compared with
Renal59 Proteinuria >0.5 g per 24 hours Proteinuria decrease >30% compared with baseline (or is <0.5 g
(predominantly albumin) per 24 hours) in the absence of reduction in eGFR by >25%
AL , immunoglobulin light chain; dFLC, difference between disease-associated and uninvolved circulating free light chain; eGFR ,
estimated glomerular filtration rate; NT-​proBNP, amino-​terminal fragment of type B natriuretic peptide.

Nature Reviews | Disease Primers | Article citation ID: (2018) 4:38 11


with bortezomib treatment when combined with alkyl- Treatment of relapse

ating agents and dexamethasone, although this did not Patients with relapsed disease have a good prognosis,
translate into a survival advantage110,111. In an interna- with remarkably longer survival than patients with
tional phase III study, bortezomib plus MDex demon- refractory disease130,131. A few studies report the rate of
strated a higher haematological response rate than relapse after initial treatment. The Boston University
MDex alone (81% versus 57%, P = 0.005)112. group reported a 38.5% rate of relapse after complete
On the basis of these data, intermediate-​r isk response following stem cell transplant95. A study by
patients who are not eligible for HDM–SCT should the Mayo Clinic investigators revealed haematological
be treated with bortezomib-​based regimens, provided relapse or progression in 36% of patients who under-
they do not have contraindications, such as periph- went HDM–SCT130. The Pavia group reported that
eral neuropathy or fibrotic lung disease. B cell clonal 35% of patients who received non-​transplant upfront
characteristics and patient characteristics should be therapy needed second-​line therapy after a median
considered when choosing the most appropriate drug follow-​up of 41 months 131. No consensus has been
combinations. For example, treatment with bortezomib reached on the criteria to commence rescue therapy
plus MDex can overcome the effects of a gain of 1q21 in patients with relapsing disease132. Cardiac progres-
(which confers a poorer outcome with oral melphalan) sion as assessed by increase in NT-​proBNP should not
and t(11;14) (which confers a poorer outcome with be awaited because it is associated with shorter sur-
bortezomib) 113–116. Cyclophosphamide and higher vival131. Patients with relapsed disease can be treated
doses of dexamethasone do not significantly improve by repeating the upfront therapy, if possible, although
response rates and survival of patients with AL amy- this is associated with a decreased time to re-​treatment
loidosis receiving bortezomib117. Treatment with borte- without a reduction in overall survival compared with
zomib plus dexamethasone alone or in combination those seen in patients who are treated with a different
with cyclophosphamide is preferred in patients with regimen at relapse133. For patients who have relapsed
potentially reversible contraindications to autologous after autologous stem cell transplantation, treatment
stem cell transplantation, as these treatments will not using a proteasome inhibitor is indicated. If the patient
destroy the patient’s stem cells, and in patients with maintains eligibility and stem cells are available, a sec-
renal failure for whom melphalan dose adjustments are ond autologous stem cell transplant may also be con-
usually required. Intermediate-​risk patients in whom sidered130. Although immuno­modulatory drugs are less
bortezomib is contraindicated owing to pre-​existing often considered as the first choice for patients with
peripheral neuropathy can be treated with MDex newly diagnosed disease, they are often the backbone of
or immunomodulatory drug-​b ased combinations, treatment of refractory patients (Fig. 7; Supplementary
whereas patients without substantial peripheral neuro­ Table 3). Lenalidomide can overcome resistance to
pathy can receive a combination of cyclophosphamide, alkylating agents, proteasome inhibitors and thalido-
thalidomide and dexamethasone. The haematological mide, inducing a haematological response in patients
response rate to this combination is 68–79%, and at refractory to these agents124,125,134–137. However, lenalido­
least a very good partial response can be observed in mide can worsen renal failure in patients with sub­
45% of patients111,118. However, substantial toxicity has stantial proteinuria138. Pomalidomide is one of the most
been reported with thalidomide in patients with AL powerful agents in refractory AL amyloidosis, being
amyloidosis119,120. Combining lenalidomide and MDex able to rescue patients refractory to alkylators, first-​
for frontline therapy led to haematological response generation and second-​generation proteasome inhib-
rates between 38–68% and substantial myelosuppres- itors and lenalidomide139–141. Haematological response
sion121–123. Lenalidomide, cyclophosphamide and dexa- to pomalidomide is obtained rapidly, in a median time
methasone combinatorial therapy has also been used as of 1–2 months, and is observed in 48–68% of patients
frontline therapy and has haematological response rates (with a very good partial response or complete response
ranging from 46–60%, with at least a very good partial in 18–30%)139–141 and carries a manageable toxicity pro-
response in 40–43% of patients124–126. file. Newer agents have also been evaluated in patients
High-​risk patients represent ~20% of all individuals with relapsed or refractory disease. In a phase II trial,
with AL amyloidosis and represent a challenge owing to the oral proteasome inhibitor ixazomib induced
advanced cardiac stage (IIIb) dysfunction or severe heart haematological response in 56% of 21 previously
failure (NYHA class III or class IV). So far, no treatment treated patients, with all the 5 patients who had not
regimen can substantially alter the course of the disease been previously exposed to bortezomib achieving at
in these patients, with median survival not exceeding least a very good partial response, and is currently being
7 months127. Nevertheless, the few patients (~20%) who tested in a randomized phase III trial in patients with
survive long enough (1–3 months) to take advantage relapsed and/or refractory disease (NCT01659658)142.
of the response to chemotherapy can enjoy prolonged The humanized anti-​C D38 monoclonal antibody
survival128. High-​risk patients can be treated with low-​ daratumumab is one of the most promising new
dose combinations of the drugs used in intermediate-​ agents143,144 and is being moved to frontline therapy in
risk subjects, with weekly dose escalation on the basis of clinical trials. A recently published series of previ-
tolerability with close monitoring129. Although high-​risk ously treated individuals who received daratumumab
patients are typically excluded from clinical trials, there reported a rapid (median 1 month) haematological
is interest in whether therapies directed at the amyloid response in 76% of patients, with 36% of patients having
itself may offer better hope. complete responses145.

12 | Article citation ID: (2018) 4:38


Patient risk stratification

Low risk and transplant eligible Intermediate risk High risk

• ECOG performance status 0–2 • Ineligible for HDM–SCT • Stage IIIb
• Left ventricular ejection fraction >40% (stages I–IIIa) NYHA class
• NT-proBNP levels <5,000 ng per litre >III
• Cardiac troponin T <0.06 ng per ml
• NYHA class <III–IV
• O2 saturation >95% on room air
• Total bilirubin <2 mg per dl • BMDex – overcomes the effects
• Baseline systolic blood pressure >90 mmHg of both gain 1q21 and t(11;14) • Low-dose
• CyBorD – stem cell sparing combination
is preferred in patients with regimens
• HDM–SCT renal failure but has a poor • Standard
• Consider induction therapy with CyBorD outcome in patients with t(11;14) regimens with
if bone marrow plasma cells >10% or if • MDex – preferred in patients with intensive care
patient refuses upfront transplantation neuropathy or fibrotic lung disease support

Refractory or relapse
• Consider BDex if less than complete response after • Bortezomib-naive patients: bortezomib and ixazomib
HDM–SCT • IMiDs (lenalidomide and pomalidomide)
• Repeat frontline therapy in relapsing patients if possible • Bendamustine
(shorter time to third-line therapy) • Daratumumab

Fig. 7 | Risk-​adapted treatment of AL amyloidosis. Patients at low risk (representing 20–25% of patients with monoclonal
immunoglobulin light chain (AL) amyloidosis) should receive high-dose melphalan followed by autologous peripheral blood
stem cell transplantation (HDM–SCT). Induction therapy with cyclophosphamide, bortezomib and dexamethasone
(CyBorD) might be used in patients with bone marrow plasma cells >10% and in patients who refuse upfront HDM–SCT.
If less than a complete response is achieved 3 months after HDM–SCT, consolidation therapy with bortezomib and
dexamethasone (BDex) should be considered. Patients at intermediate risk (representing ~60% of patients with AL
amyloidosis) are those who are ineligible for HDM–SCT and without severe cardiac involvement. The combination of
bortezomib, melphalan and dexamethasone (BMDex) can be used to treat patients with the common translocation
between chromosomes 11 and 14 (t(11;14)), which confers a poor response to bortezomib (but these patients are sensitive
to standard-​dose melphalan), and can be used in patients with gain of 1q21, who are poorly responsive to standard-​dose
melphalan but who are sensitive to bortezomib. However, melphalan can impair stem cell collection in patients who are
potential candidates for HDM–SCT; CyBorD should be preferred in these patients. Patients presenting with peripheral
neuropathy or fibrotic lung disease should avoid bortezomib owing to its potential neurotoxicity and lung toxicity. Patients
with severe cardiac involvement (20–25% of patients with AL amyloidosis) with very high serum concentrations of the
amino-​terminal fragment of type B natriuretic peptide (NT-​proBNP) ( >8,500 ng per litre) and New York Heart Association
(NYHA) class of III or greater are considered high risk and represent an unmet need. Bortezomib-​based regimens, either
attenuated or full-dose under close observation in a critical care unit, can benefit 30–40% of these patients, although the
overall survival is poor (4–7 months). In these patients, cardiac transplantation should be considered, followed by HDM–SCT.
The treatment of relapsing and/or refractory patients is mostly based on immunomodulatory drugs (IMiDs), with
pomalidomide emerging as well-tolerated and fast-acting. Daratumumab is highly effective and, on the basis of the
outcome of an ongoing phase III trial, might be moved to upfront therapy in combination with bortezomib-​containing
regimes. ECOG, Eastern Cooperative Oncology Group; MDex, melphalan and dexamethasone.

Amyloid-​directed immunotherapy 8 responded and 6 were stable, whereas of the 15 patients

Although chemotherapy reduces the plasma cell bur- who could undergo renal evaluation, 9 responded and
den and ultimately the production of the amyloidogenic 6 were stable. However, despite these results, a phase III
light chain protein, this therapy does not degrade amy- trial and a phase IIb placebo-​controlled trial failed to
loid deposited in tissues, although amyloid does slowly confirm the positive effects of NEOD001 on cardiac
resorb from the body once the amyloid precursor has involvement, and the development of this antibody was
been suppressed. To this end, three monoclonal anti- discontinued. This emphasizes the need for controlled
bodies have been developed to target existing amyloid studies based on robust end points to introduce novel
deposits: NEOD001, 11-1F4 and an anti-​SAP antibody. therapies for AL amyloidosis.
In a phase I/II study, patients with AL amyloidosis The murine monoclonal antibody 11-1F4 recog-
who had completed at least one previous anti-​plasma nizes an amyloid-​associated conformational epitope
cell-​directed therapy and had a partial haematological in human light chain-​related fibrils147. In studies of
response or better, and with persistent organ dysfunction mice with human amyloidomas (soft tissue tumours
received NEOD001, which targets amyloid fibrils146. No of AL composition created in the hindquarters of mice),
drug-​related serious adverse events or discontinuations 11-1F4 induced a rapid reduction of the masses with-
were observed among the 27 treated patients, and of out toxicity148. In an open-​label, dose-​escalation, phase I
the 14 patients who could undergo cardiac evaluation, trial, 11-1F4 was well toler­ated by all treated patients

Nature Reviews | Disease Primers | Article citation ID: (2018) 4:38 13


without dose-​limited adverse events and showed autonomic dysfunction make the management of amy-
promising organ responses after completion of loid cardiomyopathy even more challenging because
phase Ia. Overall, 27 patients were treated with both hamper diuresis. In patients with atrial fibrillation
11-1F4 in this study (8 patients during phase Ia and or flutter, amiodarone is the best-​tolerated drug. Atrial
19 patients during phase Ib). Of the evaluable patients, ablation and atrioventricular nodal ablation can also be
63% demonstrated an organ response after infusion of of value152. Careful use of digoxin in patients with atrial
11-1F4 in phase Ia, and 61% demonstrated an organ fibrillation or flutter and low blood pressure should not
response in phase Ib, with a median time to response of be discounted153. Ventricular arrhythmias, especially
2 weeks after the start of treatment149. No grade 4 or grade premature ventricular contractions, are common, and
5 adverse events were reported, and further clinical trials the presence of couplets and complex arrhythmias are
of 11-1F4 are currently being planned. prognostic154; however, defibrillators are less effective
A third antibody approach that is potentially appli- in patients with AL amyloidosis in part because pulse-
cable to all types of amyloidosis targets SAP. Depletion less electrical activity is one of the more common pre-​
of circulating SAP using miridesap enables the subse- terminal events155–158. Patients on β-​blockers might have
quent administration of the humanized anti-​SAP anti- increased risk of bradycardia owing to complete atrio-
body, dezamizumab, which binds to residual SAP in ventricular block, and in one series, the pre-​cardiac arrest
amyloid deposits and induces a macrophage response rhythm was bradycardia in all eight patients, including
that triggers their rapid removal150. In an open-​label, a complete heart block in six patients159. Which patients
dose-​escalation, phase I clinical trial (NCT01777243), with AL amyloidosis might benefit from cardiac defibril-
16 patients with amyloid A amyloidosis (formerly lations is unclear. Pacemakers can be useful with patients
known as secondary amyloidosis), AL amyloidosis and with chronotropic incompetence.
apolipoprotein AI-​d erived (AApoAI) amyloidosis Doxycycline has demonstrated anti-​amyloid activi-
received a single dose of antibody. Mild infusion reac- ties in vitro and in vivo. Doxycycline interferes with amy-
tions and rashes were observed in some patients who loid formation in a mouse model of AL amyloi­dosis160
received larger doses, but no serious adverse events and abrogates light chain toxicity in vitro161. Indeed,
were reported. SAP scintigraphy confirmed amyloid the addition of doxycycline to standard chemotherapy
removal from the liver, spleen and kidneys, which reduced early mortality in cardiac AL amyloidosis in a
was associated with improvements in liver function151. retrospective case-​matched study162. An international
Further attempts to evaluate the safety, pharmacokinetics phase III trial is ongoing in newly diagnosed patients
and dose–response effects of up to three cycles of miri- with advanced cardiac involvement comparing stand-
desap including updating the accrual to dezamizumab ard of care (that is, bortezomib-​based therapies) versus
to 23 patients (NCT01777243) demonstrated good tol- standard of care plus doxycycline (NCT03474458).
erability and progressive dose-​related clearance of amy- Orthotopic heart transplantation might be used in
loid150. A phase II trial of monthly repeated treatments selected patients163,164. Key determinants for the best out-
in patients with cardiac AL and ATTR a­ myloidosis is comes following transplantation include limiting candi-
ongoing (NCT03044353). dates to those who have lower tumour burden, accepting
candidates who have clinical organ involvement limited
Supportive therapy to the heart and administering chemotherapy that is
Therapy for patients with AL amyloidosis is not limited effective against the clone. However, most patients do
to treating the underlying clone; it also includes support- not satisfy these criteria. Many patients awaiting trans-
ive therapy. These patients with AL amyloidosis typi- plant do not survive long enough to receive an ortho-
cally have a large symptom burden (Fig. 3) owing to their topic heart. For patients who do receive transplantation,
underlying amyloid-​induced organ dysfunction, produ­ 5-year overall survival ranges from 18% to 66%165. Some
cing poor functional status at baseline and making them of the best results have been in patients who have HDM–
more susceptible to chemotherapy-​induced toxicity. SCT after their cardiac transplant166,167, but with improv-
ing therapies directed at the plasma cell clone, one could
Cardiac disease. Patients with cardiac dysfunction consider other non-stem-cell-transplantation options.
owing to AL amyloidosis should be managed differ-
ently from those with cardiac dysfunction caused by Renal disease. For AL amyloidosis nephrotic syndrome,
other factors. Patients with AL cardiomyopathy do not nephrologists might recommend angiotensin-​
typically tolerate β-​blockers, calcium channel blockers, converting enzyme inhibitors on the basis of data from
angiotensin-​converting enzyme inhibitors or angio­ patients with diabetic nephropathy. Whether these drugs
tensin receptor blockers. The sinus tachycardia for provide benefit in some patients with AL amyloidosis
many of these patients is physiological and necessary is unknown, but it is clear that they might be harmful
to maintain adequate cardiac output. Careful diuresis, in patients with coexistent AL cardiomyopathy or auto-
avoiding over-​diuresis, and avoidance of drugs that nomic dysfunction. For patients with very low serum
may reduce cardiac output are the best strategies for the albumin levels, diuretics alone might be insufficient to
treatment of cardiac dysfunction owing to AL amyloid­ diurese them; albumin diuresis can be helpful to return
osis. Loop diuretics are most commonly used, of which patients closer to their dry weight. Peritoneal dialysis
torsemide has a better bioavailability than furosemide. and haemodialysis are options for patients who develop
Spironolactone and metolazone can be used as adjunc- renal failure, but for patients with either coexisting car-
tive diuretics. Superimposed nephrotic syndrome and diac or autonomic involvement, haemodialysis can be

14 | Article citation ID: (2018) 4:38


a challenge owing to hypotension168. Renal transplanta- such as the Haematology Patient Reported Symptom
tion is an option for some patients with AL amyloidosis. Screen, can predict survival and assess QOL in patients
However, amyloidosis can occur in a transplanted kid- with AL amyloidosis. This tool is composed of three
ney169,170 but should be less of an issue with highly effec- questions about fatigue, pain and QOL172.
tive anti-​plasma cell-​directed therapies. In one study, In one observational study173, significant improve-
among 22 patients receiving a kidney transplant in the ments in vitality, social functioning, role-​emotional and
United Kingdom, no renal graft failures were reported mental health were demonstrated after HDM–SCT in
at 4.8  years, 1-year overall survival was 95%, and patients with AL amyloidosis173. Lower pretreatment
5-year overall survival was 67%169. In a Mayo Clinic series, SF-36 physical component scores were associated with
overall survival was 84% at 1 year and 76% at 5 years in a greater risk of mortality in patients receiving HDM–
19 patients with AL amyloidosis who received kidney SCT or in those who received non-​stem cell transplant
­transplantation, and no graft failures were reported170. chemotherapy regimens and during follow-​up periods173.
An improvement in SF-36 scores after HDM–SCT was
Other symptoms. Autonomic neuropathy alone or also demonstrated in another observational study98;
with other organ involvement is very difficult to man- mental component summary scores reached the popu­
age. In patients with autonomic neuropathy without lation norm 1 year after stem cell transplantation, and
cardiomyopathy and nephrotic syndrome, a high-​salt physical component summary scores reached the popu­
diet and fludrocortisone administration are useful lation norm 2 years after stem cell transplantation. In
adjuncts to manage hypotension, as are 40 mmHg com- addition, certain domains of SF-36 scores could be used
pression stockings — either thigh high or waist high. to predict survival following HDM–SCT; a higher phys-
Even among patients with cardio­myopathy, midodrine, ical function score was associated with early post-​stem
pyridostigmine or droxidopa (not fludrocortisone) cell transplantation survival, and higher vitality scores
might be required to maintain adequate blood pressure. were associated with late post-​stem cell transplantation
Diarrhoea owing to either autonomic neuropathy or survival beyond 1 year98.
gastrointestinal amyloid deposits can be managed using The use of QOL assessments at every physician
anti-​motility agents, bile acid binders, octreotide and visit or treatment might provide valuable insights for
even central parenteral nutrition. treating rare conditions like AL amyloidosis. The effect
Clinical improvement in peripheral neuropathy is of systemic AL amyloidosis on the QOL of patients’
rare with traditional chemotherapy, and it is infrequent care­givers has not been studied. Similarly, the finan-
even with high-​dose chemotherapy. Several drugs might cial implications of this multiorgan disease on patients
be useful for painful neuropathy, such as gabapentin, and caregivers — although tremendous — are not well
pregabalin and duloxetine, and topical therapies con- documented.
taining lidocaine, amitriptyline and ketamine might
also be beneficial. Collaborative symptom management Outlook
with rehabilitation physicians and/or palliative medicine Great advances have been made during the past decade
teams might also be of value. in understanding the mechanisms of AL amyloid­osis and
in treatment, which have translated into better QOL and
Quality of life improved survival. However, less than one-​quarter of
QOL is deeply, strongly and broadly affected in patients patients achieve a complete and long-​lasting haemato­
with systemic AL amyloidosis owing to multiorgan logical remission and survive for >10 years7,46. Production
involvement and treatment. However, a consistent and of AL amyloid light chain precursors by clonal plasma
standardized measurement of QOL in AL amyloid­ cells still cannot be adequately suppressed in most cases,
osis is not available. QOL measures can predict several and the function of vital organs impaired by amyloid
outcomes such as job loss, work productivity, health improves in only one-​quarter of patients on an inten-
expenditures and even mortality, and many different tion to treat basis7. Furthermore, ~20% of patients are
tools are available to assess QOL. Commonly used tools diagnosed at a late stage, when cardiac damage is very
to evaluate QOL in the area of stem cell transplanta- advanced, and survival can be measured in weeks. At the
tion are the European Organization for Research and present time, therapy directed towards the underlying
Treatment of Cancer (EORTC) QOL-30 and Functional clonal disease improves the outcome in ~30% of these
Assessment of Cancer Therapy Bone Marrow Transplant patients, but anti-​amyloid therapies might increase sur-
(FACT-​BMT) scale instruments. The medical outcomes vival in additional patients. Improved awareness of AL
study 36-item short form general health survey (that is, amyloidosis and diagnostic methods to enable earlier
the SF-36) questionnaire is the most reliable, rigorously diagnosis before cardiac damage has become irreversible
validated and widely used patient-​reported outcome are some of the major aims of current research.
measure. The SF-36 health survey is currently the most In addition, the search for new drugs is ongoing. For
used generic patient-​reported outcome measure in stud- instance, the proteotoxicity exerted by amyloid, mis-
ies of patients with AL amyloidosis, and early qualita- folded, light chains could be harnessed for therapy. The
tive validation studies support its use in this population. distinctive perinuclear distribution of mitochondria in
Consistent evidence of the psychometric properties of plasma cells from patients with amyloidosis as compared
the SF-36 in both community-​based and clinic-​based with plasma cells from patients with multiple myeloma
samples of patients with AL amyloidosis has been and individuals with MGUS is indicative of oxidative
reported171. Aside from the SF-36, other outcomes scales, stress, which was further supported by the abundance

Nature Reviews | Disease Primers | Article citation ID: (2018) 4:38 15


of transcripts encoding organelle-​resident redox sen- patient and the mechanisms underlying the vital organ
sors174. Moreover, the expression of amyloidogenic light dysfunction caused by amyloidosis, particularly in the
chains in myeloma cells altered cell growth and proteo­ heart. Pathogenetic mechanisms being studied include
stasis through proteotoxicity and conferred sensitivity direct disruption by amyloid of the myocardial architec-
to bortezomib; accordingly, proteasome inhibitors are ture, coronary vasculature and autonomic nerves and
a targeted therapy in AL amyloidosis and might direct cytotoxicity of amyloid fibrils and their soluble precur-
future anti-​clone drug development174. Drugs targeting sors2,33,181. Although some ancestral models of amyloid­
the ubiquitin–proteasome system are under develop- osis (such as in Caenorhabditis elegans and zebrafish)161,182
ment for multiple myeloma to overcome resistance to have been used to investigate the mechanism of amyloid
proteasome inhibitors175, and preliminary data obtained cardiac damage, other animal models of AL amyloidosis
in primary amyloidogenic plasma cells indicate poten- are urgently needed. The development of novel sensitive
tial activity for AL amyloidosis. Researchers are focusing biomarkers and imaging technologies, notably includ-
their efforts on investigation of the biological character- ing tissue characterization with MRI, for the detection
istics of amyloidogenic B cell clones and on development and quantification of organ involvement and damage is
of novel agents and their optimal use in combinations already facilitating earlier diagnosis and improved evalu-
to provide high rates of eradication7,176. Sensitive tech- ation of the efficacy of new and existing therapies45,183,184.
nologies based on mass spectrometry are being devel- The outcomes of ongoing trials investigating passive
oped to detect trace amounts of the amyloid light chain, immunotherapy aimed at accelerating removal of amy-
along with next generation flow cytometry and sequenc- loid will shortly shed exciting new light on this field149,150
ing for the detection of minimal residual disease177–180. and inform further research aimed at improving recov-
Complete eradication of the clonal disease is expected ery of the function of hearts damaged by amyloid, which
to be associated with higher recovery of organ dysfunc- is a prerequisite to substantially improving the overall
tion and long-​lasting remission and might become the outlook of this increasingly treatable disease.
next therapeutic goal. Other open questions include
the heterogeneity of organ involvement in a single Published online xx xx xxxx

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the Mayo Clinic experience. World J. Transplant. 6, 178. Thoren, K. L. Mass spectrometry methods for Author contributions
380–388 (2016). detecting monoclonal immunoglobulins in multiple Introduction (G.M.); Epidemiology (A.D. and M.A.G.);
168. Gertz, M. A. et al. Clinical outcome of immunoglobulin myeloma minimal residual disease. Semin. Hematol. Mechanisms/pathophysiology (G.M.); Diagnosis, screening
light chain amyloidosis affecting the kidney. Nephrol. 55, 41–43 (2018). and prevention (A.D., G.P., P.N.H. and M.A.G.); Management
Dial Transplant. 24, 3132–3137 (2009). 179. Bai, Y., Orfao, A. & Chim, C. S. Molecular detection (G.M., A.D., V.S., S.O.S., G.P., P.N.H. and M.A.G.); Quality of life
169. Sattianayagam, P. T. et al. Solid organ transplantation of minimal residual disease in multiple myeloma. (V.S.); Outlook (G.M. and P.N.H.); Overview of the Primer (G.M.).
in AL amyloidosis. Am. J. Transplant. 10, 2124–2131 Br. J. Haematol. 181, 11–26 (2018).
(2010). 180. Flores-​Montero, J. et al. Next generation flow for Competing interests
170. Herrmann, S. M. et al. Long-​term outcomes of highly sensitive and standardized detection of minimal G.M. is on the advisory board for Caelum, Janssen and Pfizer
patients with light chain amyloidosis (AL) after renal residual disease in multiple myeloma. Leukemia 31, and has received travel support from Janssen and Prothena.
transplantation with or without stem cell 2094–2103 (2017). A.D. receives research support from Alnylam, Celgene, Glaxo­
transplantation. Nephrol. Dial Transplant. 26, 181. Lavatelli, F. et al. Novel mitochondrial protein SmithKline, Pfizer and Takeda and has received research sup-
2032–2036 (2011). interactors of immunoglobulin light chains causing port from Prothena. V.S. sits on the advisory boards of Caelum,
171. White, M. K., McCausland, K. L., Sanchorawala, V., heart amyloidosis. FASEB J. 29, 4614–4628 Janssen, receives research support from Celgene, Janssen and
Guthrie, S. D. & Bayliss, M. S. Psychometric validation (2015). Takeda and has received research support from Prothena.
of the SF-36 Health Survey in light chain amyloidosis: 182. Mishra, S. et al. Human amyloidogenic light S.O.S. has received honoraria and research support from
results from community-​based and clinic-​based chain proteins result in cardiac dysfunction, cell Prothena and receives honoraria from Janssen, travel support
samples. Patient Relat. Outcome Meas. 8, 157–167 death, and early mortality in zebrafish. Am. J. from Jazz and Takeda and research support from Janssen and
(2017). Physiol. Heart Circ. Physiol. 305, H95–H103 Sanofi. G.P. sits on the advisory board of Janssen, has received
172. Warsame, R. et al. Hematology patient reported (2013). honoraria from Prothena and receives honoraria from Sebia
symptom screen to assess quality of life for AL 183. Palladini, G. et al. Treatment of al amyloidosis guided and travel support from Celgene. P.N.H. receives honoraria
amyloidosis. Am. J. Hematol. 92, 435–440 (2017). by biomarkers [abstract PO-910]. Haematologica 92, from Alnylam and GlaxoSmithKline and is a director and stock-
173. Sanchorawala, V. et al. A longitudinal evaluation of (Suppl. 2), 199 (2007). holder of Pentraxin Therapeutics. M.A.G. receives honoraria
health-​related quality of life in patients with AL 184. Fontana, M., Chung, R., Hawkins, P. N. & Moon, J. C. from Abbvie, Alnylam, Amgen, Annexon, Appellis, Celgene,
amyloidosis: associations with health outcomes over Cardiovascular magnetic resonance for amyloidosis. Ionis, Janssen, Johnson and Johnson, Medscape, Physicians
time. Br. J. Haematol. 179, 461–470 (2017). Heart Fail. Rev. 20, 133–144 (2015). Education Resource, Prothena, Research to Practice, Spectrum
174. Oliva, L. et al. The amyloidogenic light chain is a 185. Benson, M. D., Liepnieks, J. J. & Kluve-​Beckerman, B. and Teva and receives research support from Spectrum.
stressor that sensitizes plasma cells to proteasome Hereditary systemic immunoglobulin light-​chain
inhibitor toxicity. Blood 129, 2132–2142 (2017). amyloidosis. Blood 125, 3281–3286 (2015). Publisher’s note
This paper shows that amyloidogenic light chain Springer Nature remains neutral with regard to jurisdictional
production is an intrinsic cellular stressor that Acknowledgements claims in published maps and institutional affiliations.
sensitizes to proteasome inhibitor toxicity. G.M. and G.P. are supported in part by grants from ‘Associa­
175. Song, Y. et al. Blockade of deubiquitylating enzyme zione Italiana per la Ricerca sul Cancro–Special Program Reviewer information
Rpn11 triggers apoptosis in multiple myeloma cells Molecular Clinical Oncology 5 per mille n. 9965’, from Nature Reviews Disease Primers thanks J. Blade, R. Comenzo,
and overcomes bortezomib resistance. Oncogene 36, CARIPLO ‘Structure-​function relation of amyloid: understanding B. Hazenberg, S. Ikeda, A. Jaccard, R. Linke and the other,
5631–5638 (2017). the molecular bases of protein misfolding diseases to design anonymous referee(s) for their contribution to the peer review
176. Kumar, S. K. et al. Multiple myeloma. Nat. Rev. Dis. new treatments n. 2013–0964’ and from CARIPLO ‘Molecular of this work.
Primers 3, 17046 (2017). mechanisms of immunoglobulin toxicity in age-related plasma
177. Mills, J. R., Barnidge, D. R. & Murray, D. L. Detecting cell dyscrasias n. 2015–0591’. G.P. is supported in part by the Supplementary information
monoclonal immunoglobulins in human serum using Bart Barlogie Young Investigator Award from the International Supplementary information is available for this paper at
mass spectrometry. Methods 81, 56–65 (2015). Myeloma Society.

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