Coca Cola

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A long time ago there were two people, Jhon and his little son Mike.

They were walking in the

park. Mike started asking questions to his father. Jhon didn´t like to answer all the questions that
Mike had. For that reason, Jhon started telling a story to his son. He started like this:

- Jhon: Once upon a time, there was a very famous drink. The drink was called Coca Cola. It was
invented by a very important man called Jhon Pemberton. The name of Coca Cola was given by
one of his best friends Frank Robinson.

- Mike: Tell me more daddy! I want to know what Coca Cola was made of.

- Jhon: Ok my dear son. Coca Cola was made of Cocaine in the beginning, for that reason it had
that name. After that, a lot of people worked to build a Factory. The things were not easy because
in the first year only 9 bottles of Coca Cola were sold a day. As you can see Mike, they needed to
work harder to continue with the enterprise.

- Mike: Yes, I see this daddy, but continue, what happened with the drink?

- Jhon: ok, after that, another drink was invented by the owners and its name was Diet Coke. It
was said that this drink was very delicious. Finally, it was said that the recipe was kept in secret
and nobody knew how to imitate the flavor of the drink. Did you like the story Mike?

- Mike: Yes, I did. It was very interesting.

- Jhon: I´m glad. Now, let´s go back home.

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