Lab No 05mady

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Task 1: Consider the continuous time signal x(t) = Ceβt, 0 ≤ t ≤ 14. Plot this signal with
step size of 0.01 for the following values of C and β.
(Paste single Output figure use subplot command with proper title,xlabel,ylabel. Use the
“suptitle” for whole figure title)

i. C = 1, β = 1
ii. C = 0.5, β = 1
iii. C = 2, β = 1 iv. C = 1, β = 0.5
v. C = 1, β = 2
vi. C = 1, β = -1
vii. C = 0.5, β = -1
viii. C = 2, β = -1 ix. C = 1, β = -0.5
x. C = 1, β = -2
Write down your observations about the
Task 2: Consider the discrete time signal x(n) = Ceβn, 0 ≤ n ≤ 14. Plot this signal for the
following values of C and β.
(Paste single Output figure use subplot command with proper title,xlabel,ylabel. Use the
“suptitle” for whole figure title)

i. C = 1, β = 1
ii. C = 0.5, β = 1
iii. C = 2, β = 1 iv. C = 1, β = 0.5
v. C = 1, β = 2
vi. C = 1, β = -1
vii. C = 0.5, β = -1
viii. C = 2, β = -1 ix. C = 1, β = -0.5
x. C = 1, β = -2
Write down your observations about the
Task 3: Consider the continuous time signal x(t) = Cejβt, 0 ≤ t ≤ 14. Plot this signal with
step size of 0.01 for the following values of C and β.
(Paste single Output figure use subplot command with proper title,xlabel,ylabel. Use the
“suptitle” for whole figure title)

i. C = 1, β = 1
ii. C = 0.5, β = 1
iii. C = 2, β = 1 iv. C = 1, β = 0.5
v. C = 1, β = 2
vi. C = 1, β = -1
vii. C = 0.5, β = -1
viii. C = 2, β = -1 ix. C = 1, β = -0.5
x. C = 1, β = -2 Write down your
observations about the results?

Task 4: Consider the discrete time signal x(n) = Cejβn, 0 ≤ n ≤ 14. Plot this signal for the
following values of C and β.
(Paste single Output figure use subplot command with proper title,xlabel,ylabel. Use the
“suptitle” for whole figure title)

i. C = 1, β = 1
ii. C = 0.5, β = 1
iii. C = 2, β = 1 iv. C = 1, β = 0.5
v. C = 1, β = 2
vi. C = 1, β = -1
vii. C = 0.5, β = -1
viii. C = 2, β = -1 ix. C = 1, β = -0.5
x. C = 1, β = -2

Write down your observations about the results?

Task 5: Consider the continuous time signal x(t) = Ce (γ + jβ)t, 0 ≤ t ≤ 20. Plot this signal
with step size of 0.01 for the following values of C and β. (Take γ = 0.2)
(Paste single Output figure use subplot command with proper title,xlabel,ylabel. Use the
“suptitle” for whole figure title)

i. C = 1, β = 1
ii. C = 0.5, β = 1
iii. C = 2, β = 1 iv. C = 1, β = 0.5
v. C = 1, β = 2
vi. C = 1, β = -1
vii. C = 0.5, β = -1
viii. C = 2, β = -1 ix. C = 1, β = -0.5
x. C = 1, β = -2
Write down your observations about the results?

Task 6: Consider the discrete time signal x(n) = Ce (γ + jβ)n, 0 ≤ n ≤ 20. Plot this signal for
the following values of C and β. (Take γ = 0.2)
(Paste single Output figure use subplot command with proper title,xlabel,ylabel. Use the
“suptitle” for whole figure title)
i. C = 1, β = 1
ii. C = 0.5, β = 1
iii. C = 2, β = 1 iv. C = 1, β = 0.5
v. C = 1, β = 2
vi. C = 1, β = -1
vii. C = 0.5, β = -1
viii. C = 2, β = -1 ix. C = 1, β = -0.5
x. C = 1, β = -2 Write down your
observations about the results?
Task 7: Generate the following Continuous time signals in MATLAB using the built-in
“sawtooth” and “square”. (Mention Time period in each plot and keep in mind the amplitude
value of any signal should not be less than zero at any instant. Paste single Output figure use
subplot command with proper title,xlabel,ylabel)

i. Periodic Triangular
ii. Periodic Sawtooth
iii. Periodic Square
Task 8: Write a MATLAB code for this expression. Output should contain single figure
with three plots x1(n) in subplot(2,2,1) plots x2(n) in subplot(2,2,2) plots y(n) in subplot(2,2,[3
4]). Label the axis and title every subplot.(Use the command “suptitle” for whole figure title)
y(n) = x1(n) + x2(n), where x1(n) = 2δ(n-3) & x2(n) = -δ(n+1)
Task 9: Plot(2D & 3D both) the following signals in MATLAB. Determine whether or not
the following signals are periodic. If a signal is periodic, specify its fundamental period.
Explain the results accordingly. (Paste single Output figure for each part use subplot
command with proper title,xlabel,ylabel)
(Exercise Problem 1.9)

i. x1(t) = jej10t
ii. x2(t) = je(-1+j)t
iii. x3(n) = ej7лn
iv. x4(n)=3ej3л(n+1/2)
Task 10: Consider the discrete time signal x(n) = u(n), -6 ≤ n ≤ 7.
Write a MATLAB code and verify that a signal is composed of two parts Even & Odd .
Explains the steps involved in it. (Paste single Output figure use subplot command with
proper title,xlabel,ylabel)

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