Exam ALS 2

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Unit 4: Energy Issues


Triggered (v) Abundant (adj.) abundante

Abandoned (v) Layers (n) capa o estrato

Released (v) liberado Shortages (n) Escazes o falta

Emerged (v) aparecer Disadvantage (n) Desventaja

Experts (n) pursuing (v) Perseguir

Contaminated (v) Renewable (adj.) renovable

Exposed (v) expuesto Principle (n) principio

Reacted (v) Enthusiasm (n) entusiasmo

Controversy (n) Incentives (n) incentivos

Compensate (v) Utilize (v) utilizar

Language Function

Emphasizing Important Information

Don’t forget that…. I would like to point out that….

Let me stress that…. You need to remember that….

I want to emphasize that … It is important to note/remember that ….

I would like to emphasize that……

Expressing Approval and Disapproval

Approval Disapproval

It is ok that …. It´s wrong to (verb) ….

I think it´s fine to (verb) … It´s not right that … no está bien que…

I (strongly) approve of (noun) …. I (strongly) disapprove of (noun) ….

It´s ok (for someone) to (verb) … It´s not right (for someone) to (verb) ….

The future perfect

By my 30th birthday, I will have graduated from college

Will you have graduated from college by your 30th birthday?

The future perfect progressive

In just two weeks, we will have been meeting for three months

Unit 5: Migration


Implications (n) insinuación o conclusion Dedicated dedicado

Subsequently (adj.) Posteriormente Approximately aproximadamente

Incredible (adj.) Increible Interfere interferer

Encountered (v) encontrarse Restricted restringido o limitado

Migrations (n) migraciones Overwhelming bastantes o arrollador

Immense (adj.) Inmenso Illegal ilegal

Declined (v) Disminuir o rechazar Displaced desplazar

Absorbed (v) Absorver Established iniciar o establecer

Linked (v) Unido o conectado Invested invertir

Assume (v) Suponer Ensure asegurar

Language Function

Expressing surprise

Surprised Very Surprised

No kidding Wow!

That´s (really) surprising That´s amazing/astonishing/incredible!

I´m (really) surprised to hear that imagine that! (Formal)

I find quite surprising. (Formal)

Expressing Hopes

I (really) hope (that) ….

I´m hoping (that) ….

It would be nice/great/wonderful/ideal if ….


Using Past Modals to Make Guesses about the Past

She could have forgotten to lock the door.

She might have forgotten to lock the door. negative

She may have forgotten to lock the door. negative

Use Past Modals to Make Inferences

It must have been incredibly difficult for them.

Unit 6: Tradition and Progress


Anticipate (v) Anticipation (n) Grant (v) dar o conceder

Agriculture (n) Agricultural (adj.) Found (v) fundado

Consequences (n) Consequently (adv.) Enable (v) posibiliar o habilitar

Contradiction (n) Contradict (v) Contradictory (adj.) Objective (n) objetivo

Displaying (v) Display (n) Perspective (n) perspectiva

Domestic (adj.) Domestic (adj.) Regain (v) recuperar

Isolated (adj.) Isolate (v) Isolation (n) Highlight (v) resaltar

Period (n) Periodic (adj.) Federal(adj.) federal

Reject (v) Rejection (n) rechazar Undertake (v) emprender o comenzar

Language Function

Using Fillers

Informal More Formal

….ummmm…. …. Let me think…

….oh, you know… …. Just a moment….

….hang on….. ….. how should I put it….

…….It´s on the tip of my tongue… …oh, what´s the word….

Expressing a Lack of Knowledge

I had no idea that…

I never knew that….

I didn’t realize that…

I wasn´t aware that …


Verb + Gerund

I prefer working

Admit appreciate defend enjoy quit avoid be used to deny look forward to risk

Verb + Object + Infinitive

She asked me to invite her brother to the party

Advise ask forbid invite permit remind warm allow encourage force order persuade
remind tell

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