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1. According to the principle “uti possidetis juris”, West Papua was expected to be a legitimate
part of Indonesia. ….., the Dutch refused to give up on West Papua and claimed it as the part
of their colony.
A. Besides
B. In addition
C. Owing to
D. However

Kunci: D
Topik: Conjunction
Penyelesaian: Untuk menjawab soal seperti ini, kalimat dan pilihan jawaban harus
diterjemahkan. Perhatikan juga bahwa di pilihan jawaban ada 2 pilihan (Besides dan In
addition) yang bermakna sama, dan tentu ini tidak bisa dipilih sebagai jawaban yang benar.
Owing to = because of = due to (arti: karena), sementara however = nevertheless (arti: akan
tetapi / namun demikian). Pilihan jawaban yang benar adalah however.

2. Despite rapid development in Prailiu village in East Sumba, traditional tall houses with sharp
leaf roof are still ….. here.
A. apparent
B. apparently
C. apparentfull
D. apparentness

Kunci: A
Topik: Derivatives
Penyelesaian: Kata apparent adalah kata sifat (adjective) yang artinya adalah “nyata /
nampak”, dan di posisi titik-titik dalam soal membutuhkan kata sifat (adjective). Kata
apparentfull adalah bentuk imbuhan (derivative) yang salah. Apparently = kata keterangan
(adverb of manner), dan apparentness = kata benda.

3. Suppose she …… here right now. What would you say?

A. is
B. was
C. were
D. will be

Kunci: C
Materi: Conditional Sentence
Pembahasan: Kata suppose (andaikan) memiliki makna yang sama dengan if (jika) dan
merupakan conditional sentence. Kalimat dalam soal adalah conditional sentence type 2, dengan
pola: Suppose + S + verb-2 / were ….., S + would + verb-1 / be.
4. Because of the ongoing dispute, the politicians rest the president’s ….. for hearing the
session on a cabinet reshuffles.
A. to call
B. calling
C. calls
D. called

Kunci: B
Materi: Gerund
Pembahasan: Kata the president’s adalah possessive adjective (kepemilikan) karena ada
apostrophe ‘s. Dan setelahnya harus diikuti oleh kata benda / verb-Ing (gerund).

5. President Joko Widodo has the ministers ….. budget for public services in order to improve
A. to review
B. reviewing
C. review
D. reviewed

Kunci: C
Materi: Infinitive / Causative
Pembahasan: Pola kalimat causative dalam bentu passive adalah: Subject-1 + have/has/had +
Subject-2 + infinitive (Verb-1) + Object. Perhatikan kalimat dalam soal “The president Joko
Widodo has all ministers review budget for public service in order to improve efficiency.”


scholarship to study in Australia.
The capital letter of words mean …… of our school.
A. If he is an outstanding student
B. Although he is an outstanding student
C. When he is an outstanding student
D. As he is an outstanding student

Kunci: D
Materi: Participle
Pembahasan: Penggunaan participle (verb-3 / verb-ing) di awal kalimat bermakna because/ as/
since (karena) atau juga bermakna when/while (ketika). Hubungan antara klausa pertama dan
yang kedua menunjukkan hubungan sebab akibat; Being an outstanding student in our school, he
has been offered a scholarship to study in Australia. Sehingga untuk melengkapi soal diatas
klausa yang paling tepat adalah As he is an outstanding student of our school.

7. The accident …… a bus and two cars took the lives of four people and injured numerous
A. to involve
B. involving
C. involved
D. it involves

Kunci: B
Materi: Participle
Pembahasan: Kalimat dalam soal sudah memiliki predicate (took) sehingga yang dibutuhkan
hanya bentuk participle yang bukan sebagai predicate. Participle adalah verb-3 / verb-ing, dan
pilihan bisa involved (yang terlibat) atau involving (yang melibatkan). Dan pilihan yang sesuai
adalah involving.

8. Most folk songs are ballads ….. have simple words and tell simple stories.
A. although
B. when
C. that
D. because

Kunci: C
Topik: Adjective Clause / Relative Pronoun
Penyelesaian: Dari bentuk kalimat, maka pilihan yang benar hanya “that” yang difungsikan
sebagai relative pronoun dimana artinya adalah “yang”. Pilihan lain seperti because dan
although, seharusnya diikuti oleh kalimat (S + P). Jika diartikan, kalimat dalam soal akan
menjadi, “Kebanyakan lagu daerah berbentuk balada yang memiliki kata-kata sederhana dan
menceritakan kisah.”


9. Undoubtedly, it was he not I, who recommended that the trip was cancelled.
A. Undoubtedly
B. I
C. who
D. was

Kunci: D
Materi: Subjunctive “that clause”
Pembahasan: Kalimat dalam soal berbentuk subjunctive that clause dengan pola: S + recommend
+ that + S + infinitive / be + verb-3. Kata “was cancelled” seharusnya diganti menjadi “be

10. Most of us wish that he wasn’t so lazy; he would find learning a language easier and more
A. wasn’t
B. would
C. learning
D. easier

Kunci: A
Materi: Subjunctive
Pembahasan: Pola present subjunctive adalah: S + wish (that) + S + verb-2 / were. To be were
digunakan untuk semua jenis subjek, maka kata wasn’t diganti menjadi weren’t.

11. The debate among politicians on ILC TV One sounded interestedly when they talked about
Indonesian economy and the building of LRT.
A. among
B. interestedly
C. about
D. and

Kunci: B
Topik: Linking verb
Penyelesaian: Kata-kata seperti; sound, seem, appear, look, turn, stay, remain adalah kata
kerja linking verb yang setelahnya harus diikuti oleh kata sifat. Kama kata interestedly harus
diganti menjadi interesting (kata sifat).

12. Miocene and Pliocene time was marked by culmination of some of several groups and
continued approach toward moder characters.
A. marked
B. some of
C. continued
D. toward

Kunci: B
Topik: Redundancy
Penyelesaian: Kata some of bersinonim dengan several, sehingga terjadi pengulangan kata
(redundancy). Maka salah satu dari kata tersebut harus dihilangkan.

13. The first census of the American people in 1790 listed less than four million residents, most
of whom had come from England.
A. people
B. in
C. less
D. come from

Kunci: C
Topik: Degree of Comparison
Penyelesaian: Kata less yang artinya “lebih sedikit” digunakan untuk kata benda yang tidak
bisa dihitung (uncountable noun). Namun dalam soal, kata benda yang dijelaskan adalah four
million residents (countable noun). Oleh karena itu, kata less harus diganti menjadi fewer,
karena fewer digunakan untuk menjelaskan kata benda yang bisa dihitung (countable noun).

14. Before prior to the kotoklema hunt, a lefa, a ritual led by the village elder or a church priest,
is held to invite the anticipated whales.
A. Before
B. led by
C. elder
D. to invite

Kunci: A
Topik: Redundancy
Penyelesaian: Perhatikan pada kata Before dan prior to yang berdekatan. Kata tersebut
bersinonim dan menjadi mubazir (redundancy). Agar kalimat benar dan efektif, harus
dihilangkan salah satunya, maka kata Before harus dihapus.

15. In Lamera, villagers hunt large sea animals to provide food and a living for the entire village,
which we undertake on simple sailboat.
A. hunt
B. a living
C. we
D. simple sailboat

Kunci: C
Topik: Pronoun
Penyelesaian: Subject dalam kalimat adalah kata villagers (yang berbentuk jamak (plural).
Maka kata ganti (pronoun) berikutnya untuk menjelaskan villagers menjadi “they”. Oleh
karena itu, kata we harus diganti menjadi they.

16. Makassar as the capital city once was protecting by the fortress of Sombaopu, built in the
trace Italienne style in the 1630s, within which was also housed the royal palace.
A. was protecting
B. built
C. in the 1630s
D. which

Kunci: A
Topik: Passive Voice
Penyelesaian: Perhatikan preposition (kata depan) “by” dalam soal yang menandakan bahwa
kalimat tersebut seharusnya berbentuk pasif. Pola kalimat pasif adalah: S + to be + verb-3,
sementara dalam kalimat predikat adalah was protecting. Agar kalimat benar, maka kata
protecting harus diganti menjadi verb-3 (protected).

17. The UN Global Compact’s human rights principles, in Principles I and II, are derived with
the Universal Declaration of Human Rights.
A. Principles
B. Are
C. With
D. Human Rights

Kunci: C
Topik: Preposition
Penyelesaian: Kata derived memiliki preposition “from” dan tidak bisa menggunakan
preposition (kata depan) lain, dan kata derived from artinya “berasal dari”.

18. Antarctica, on average, is the coldest, driest, and windier continent, and has the highest
average elevation of all the continents.
A. on average
B. windier
C. has
D. of all

Kunci: B
Topik: Parallelism
Penyelesaian: Kata-kata yang berada di antara koma harus sejajar (parallel). Perhatikan tiga
buah kata sifat seharusnya semua dalam bentuk superlative degree yakni; coldest, driest, and
windiest, dan bukan windier.

For question number 19 – 20

When schools opened in Texas this fall, some favorites were missing from the cafeteria menus.
Sodas and candy bars had been banned for grade scholars, chips and cookies were mini-size.
And that perennial favorite, the French fry, was given just one more year before it too will be
banned. Howls of protest could be heard everywhere. Ana is not just from students. Principals
complained about being forced to act as "nutrition police." Parents and kids traded schoolyard
rumors about Twinkies being confiscated from lunch boxes. Nearly everyone, addicted to the
revenues that vending machines bring in, yelled that there wouldn't be enough money for
activities like band camp and choir trips. Angry e-mails poured in to the woman who had
imposed the new rules - Texas agriculture commissioner Susan Combs.

19. It is stated in the passage that both the students and the principals of the schools in Texas …..
A. have the most qualified teaching staff
B. are to commute between the campus and downtown
C. intend to devise new methods of dieting
D. seem to be displeased with the current food policy

20. One can infer from the passage that …..

A. Texas is the most populous state of the U.S. in terms of the number of obese people
B. students are no longer interested in what they consume as food
C. Susan Combs has the authority to determine what will be served at schools
D. all of the people living in Texas seem to be pleased with the food

Kunci: D
Materi: Reading Comprehension
Pembahasan: Bisa dinyatakan bahwa para siswa dan kepala sekolah merasa kecewa dengan
keputusan terbaru tersebut karena teks menjelaskan banyak protes yang disampaikan.

Kunci: C
Materi: Reading Comprehension
Pembahasan: Bisa disimpulkan bahwa Susa Combs memiliki wewenang untuk menentukan
apa makanan yang harus disediakan di sekolah-sekolah.

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