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foreknowledge Essential Resources for Intelligence Analysts

Issue Six

December 2012 ISSN 2225-5613

Intelligence planning:
finding your way
through a sea of
puzzle pieces

Intelligence analyst
recruitment woes

Intelligence A cool tool for your

analysis Xmas stocking
Necesidades informativas
2013 intelligence en la planeficación:
conferences KIT’s and PIR’s
From the editor 3
Dalene Duvenage

Intelligence planning: finding your way 4
through a sea of puzzles 4Knowledge Analysis Solutions

Know your client PO Box 40467

Getting started checklist

Moreleta Park

Customer checklist

Concept maps

Problem restatement and redefinition

South Africa

Necesidades informativas en la planeficación: KIT’s and PIR’s

Contributions and advertising enquiries:
Terms of reference

Role of analysis in criminal investigations: 10 All photo’s from Shutterstock

the preliminary information assessment
A cool tool for your Xmas stocking! 11
Views expressed in articles are not necessarily those of
Teaching intelligence analysts critical 12 4Knowledge Analysis Solutions cc or of any executive mem-
thinking skills with learning agents ber or director of the endorsing professional organizations
unless expressly so stated.
Meet Irene Bashabe from Uganda 13
Editorial submissions
Intelligence analyst recruitment woes 14 Authors contributing articles to Foreknowledge e-mag grant
a licence to the publisher and its contractors from time to
Psychology of intelligence analysis # 6 16 time to edit and publish the article electronically or by print or
any other media.
Recent published research in intelligence 18
By contributing to the e-mag authors grant the publisher and
its contractors from time to time an indemnity to the fullest
News 20 extent permitted by law from all liability arising from their
work. All authors are responsible for securing permission to
Upcoming events 22 use any copyrighted material, including graphics, quotations,
and photographs, within their contributions. The publisher
What does 2013 hold for Foreknowledge? 23 and its contractors from time to time disclaim any and all re-
sponsibility for copyright violations and any other form of lia-
Advertise in Foreknowledge 24 bility arising from the content of the e-magazine or from any
material linked to the e-magazine. Contributing authors will
be notified immediately of any discovered copyright viola-
tions so that such issues may be dealt with promptly.
Endorsing organisations: No responsibility or liability will be accepted by the publisher
and its contractors from time to time or any associated per-
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owner of all rights in terms of copyright related to any works
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Intelligence Units Analysts
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of Law Enforcement for Professional
© 4Knowledge Analysis Solutions CC 2011
Intelligence Analysts Intelligence Officers Cover: Shutterstock
All rights reserved

2 December 2012 • Foreknowledge

from the editor

Editor: Dalene Duvenage, Pretoria, South Africa

A wonderful and blessed Festive Season to all our readers! I hope that 2013 will be a prosperous and
healthy year for you and your family and that you will achieve many good and worthy things. In our last
edition of this year, we share some tools and best practice on how to frame our understanding of an intel-
ligence problem as part of the planning or direction phase of the intelligence process. We also have con-
tributions on the recruitment of intelligence analysts, some IT tools, recent research in intelligence analysis and a
section on news and upcoming events.
We have published 6 editions of Foreknowledge this year and are grateful for the many well wishes and positive
feedback we receive. We would like to continue providing you with an excellent magazine and other resources that
serve the needs of intelligence professionals worldwide. We have many more ideas to make this project the go-to
for practitioners and scholars alike. Although we would have liked to keep distributing the e-magazine for free,
this business model is just not sustainable anymore. We are investigating various possibilities of future funding in-
cluding subscriptions, donations and crowd funding. If you like what we are doing for the intelligence profes-
sion, and have an opinion about funding, please fill in this anonymous, 3 minute survey before 31 January
2013. You can access the survey at You are also welcome
to email me to make suggestions on how we can take Foreknowledge to new heights.
Our contributors in this edition include intelligence professionals writing under pseudonyms as well these experts:
Richards Heuer is a Mario Eybers is a Don McDowell (SCCA) Juan Pablo Somiedo is
veteran intelligence mortgage fraud received awards for his from Madrid, Spain
scholar and analyst. analyst at First Na- book Strategic Intelli- where he is a strategic
tional Bank, Johan- gence: a handbook for and competitive
He has written nu-
practitioners, managers intelligence specialist.
merous books and nesburg, South Africa.
and users, teaches intel- He runs a Spanish blog,
resides in Monterey, He has extensive ex-
ligence analysis through- on intelligence related issues, Intel Times
California, USA. He gave us permission perience as a crime intelligence analyst out the world, has a private intelligence
both in the private and public sector. here.
to summarise his book, Psychology of distance learning college and is a found-
Intelligence Analysis. ing member and fellow of AIPIO. He is
from Pambula, NSW, Australia.

December 2012 • Foreknowledge 3


Your Way
through a
Sea of
Dalene Duvenage

Foreknowledge Editor
Many intelligence professionals processes involved in identifying Pretoria, South Africa
will agree that we do not spend and solving an intelligence
enough time on the starting phase problem. of the final picture, you can still
of our intelligence task. The A simple problem: finding get most the pieces and get a
reasons for this are manifold: the missing puzzle piece pretty good idea of what
time pressures, an impatient You’re working on an intelligence happened and what the image
client, intellectual laziness or problem of when and how many might mean.
arrogance or too many conflicting calls your suspects made to each When planning with “puzzle”
priorities and pressures on our other prior and after the crime. intelligence problems, one should
limited resources etc. It’s like building a puzzle, either a be cautious not to fall in the
The essentials of the first phase of small and easy or a large and “more information is better” trap.
the intelligence “cycle” or difficult one. Due to time constraints, the
process, whether we call it You’re working with knowables: intelligence analyst should set a
“direction”, “planning” or planning and collecting strict timeframe to make a
“tasking”, remain the same: information that have discernible judgement call, even if all the
determining who the client/s are clues - you only need to know puzzle pieces are not yet collected
and their expectations, where to find the missing pieces and fitted.
understanding the intelligence and then fit them into each other Mysteries: a sea of puzzle
problem, knowing what we know until the image is complete. Even pieces
and don’t know, and frame all if you don’t cheat with a sampler
these in time, cost and output You’ve been tasked to analyse the
terms. impact of youth unemployment
on a fragile country’s political,
One step in the planning phase is
military, economic and social
to understand the nature and
stability in the next 20 years.
extent of the intelligence problem.
It’s like rowing in a sea of millions
The puzzle metaphor1 is useful to
of puzzle pieces in different sizes,
reflect on what intelligence
colours and shapes, much like the
analysts experience every day.
large ocean plastic pollution
I’ve tweaked and use it
patches. You have no idea where
extensively in training and
land is, how far the puzzles pieces
consulting to illustrate the
stretch, what lies beneath the
cognitive and organisational

4 December 2012 • Foreknowledge


obvious or whether anyone else is

also in the same boat as you. Planning for puzzle mysteries is complex -
Even worse, some of the “debris”
are not puzzle pieces at all, but
it requires a balance between structured planning,
some other form that you have intuitive prodding to sense patterns and
never seen before.
The easy way out is to say that
collaboration across boundaries
this is too difficult and capitulate
by not planning at all, hoping that
your client forgets this instruction
or that other more urgent or
operational needs overtake its
importance. Another way of
dealing with this type of problem
is to become fascinated with the
waves of data, often playing
around with fantastic big data uncertainties. Our work is to try collaboration between experts
software tools. You can become and identify those critical and other role players and stake
overwhelmed with the variables, explain the dynamic holders. We need to tap other
information overload, and never interactions and define future people’s lenses and approaches to
move beyond your paralysis to possibilities. work through the visible pieces,
proper analysis. Mysteries have In planning for mysteries, we and looking for those that are
no easy answers - if at all. There have to remember that we are beneath the surface.
are just too many unknowable working with ambiguity and In the following few pages, we
variables and contingent uncertainty. Collecting more offer a few tools and approaches
“unintended consequences”. information is not going to solve that might assist you in planning
Sometimes what is missing is not this problem but confound it! more effectively. •
even in the form of a puzzle piece Planning for puzzle mysteries is
but something totally different! complex. It requires a balance 1 Gregory Treverton coined the puzzle and
The intelligence analyst needs to between structured planning mystery metaphors in 2001 in Rethinking
sense and project into the future and intuitive prodding to sense Ntaional Intelligence for an Age of Information in
our bookstore here. Other articles on the topic
to frame the possibilities and patterns. It also requires are here and here.

December 2012 • Foreknowledge 5


Engaging your client in Planning is an ongoing

the intelligence
process because we
process makes sense.
adapt our frames as
we learn and
understand new
Know your Intelligence products
client are snapshots of our
understanding of the
problem at a specific
Be aware of his context
time. It is never the
What are the political and business whole truth.
1 pressures he has to manage
everyday? Which stakeholders and
role players demand his energy and
attention? Who are waiting in the
Getting started checklist
wings in case he fails to deliver on Richards Heuer and Randolph Pherson
his mandate? From Structured Analytical Techniques for Intelligence Analysis (2011)
Available here

What keeps your client

awake at night? ● What has prompted the need for the analysis? For example: was
it a news report, new intelligence report, or a customer re-
What are those issues and priorities

2 that worry him? Make that your

focus! Speak to those fears and
put it into forewarning context.

What is the key intelligence question that needs to be an-
Why is this issue important and how can analysis make a differ-
Everyone wants to look ● Has your organization ever answered this question or a similar
good question before, and what was said? To whom was this analysis
This does not mean that you should delivered, and what has changed since that time?
pamper your client and keep bad ● Who is the principal customer? Are this customer’s needs well

3 news away from him. Provide

explanations and options or
solutions. He would like to present
these to his client and look good.

understood? If not, try to gain a better understanding of the
customer’s needs and the style of reporting the customer likes.
Are there other stakeholders who would have an interest in the
answer to this question? Who might see the issue from a differ-
ent perspective and prefer that a different question be an-
swered? Consider meeting with others who see the question
Know his preferences from a different perspective.
Provide your products in the ● Based on first impressions, what are all the possible answers to
packaging and format that he this question? For example, what alternative explanations or

4 prefers. Regard every client

differently and market your products
accordingly. Yes, some of them
hate reading!

outcomes should be considered before making an analytic judg-
ment on the issue?
Based on responses to the previous questions, consider re-
wording the key intelligence question. Consider adding subordi-
nate or supplemental questions.
● Generate a list of potential sources or streams of reporting to
Educate your client be explored
Your client needs to know what the ● Reach out and tap the experience and expertise of analysts in
limitations of intelligence is and other offices or organizations – both within and outside the

5 what to expect. Don’t under or

overestimate his understanding of
the problem.
government – who are knowledgeable on this topic. For exam-
ple, call a meeting or conduct a virtual meeting to brainstorm
relevant evidence and to develop a list of alternative hypothe-
ses, driving forces, key indicators, or important players.

6 December 2012 • Foreknowledge


CUSTOMER CHECKLIST Richards Heuer and Randolph Pherson

From Structured Analytical Techniques for
Intelligence Analysis (2011)
This checklist helps an analyst tailor the analytic product to the needs of the principal
customer. When used appropriately, it ensures that the product is of maximum possible Available here

value to this customer.

● Who is the key person for whom the paper is being written? ● What is the customer’s level of tolerance for technical
● Will this paper answer the question the customer asked or the language? How much detail would the customer expect? Can
question the customer should be asking? If necessary, clarify the details be provided in appendices or backup papers?
this before proceeding. ● Has any structured analytic technique been used? If so, how
● What is the most important message to give this customer? has it been flagged in the paper? In a footnote? In an
● How is the customer expected to use this information?
● Would the customer expect the analyst to reach out to other
● How much time does the customer have to read this product? experts within or outside the Intelligence Community to tap
How long should the paper be? their expertise in drafting this paper? If this has been done,
● Is it possible to capture the essence of this paper in a few key how has their contribution been flagged in the paper? In a
graphics? footnote? In an appendix?
● What format would convey the information most effectively? ● To whom or to what source might the customer turn for alter-
native views on this topic? What data or analysis might others
● What classification is most appropriate for this paper? Is it
provide that could influence how the customer reacts to what
necessary to consider publishing the paper at more than one
is being prepared in this paper?
classification level?


Concept map of the question: “What is the nature and threat of the use of YouTube by jihad-
ists? and assess counter measures.” Mercyhurst University project here, here and here

Katherine Hibbs Pherson | Randolph H. Pherson

This user-friendly handbook outlines 20 key

questions that all analysts must ask themselves
as they prepare to conduct research, generate
hypotheses, evaluate information, draft papers,
and present analysis.

More info at:

Available now on:

Conceptual modelling, mindmaps, brainstorming, starbursting etc are all related

and share one goal: to externalise our thinking on all aspects, issues, factors that
relate to the intelligence problem. Once the concept map is drawn, it is easier to
BUY NOW! identify assumptions, connecting issues ,information gaps and to prioritise.

December 2012 • Foreknowledge 7


Problem restatement & redefinition

I don’t know what
Initial question Is China selling ballistic missiles to Iran?
intelligence I want,
Paraphrase without losing the origi-
but I’ll know when
nal meaning. It might provide a
I see it! better foundation for research and Is Iran buying ballistic missiles from China?
analysis to get the best answers to
the question.
Ask “Why”? Or “How?” Until the Why would China sell ballistic missiles to Iran? Because
All of us h a v e e x p e rie n c e o f real issue has surfaced. China seeks influence with Iran.
a c lie n t w h o h e a rd
s omet hing , s o m e w h e re a n d Why does China want influence with Iran? Because Chi-
is not s u re e x a c t ly w h a t na wants to reduce US influence in the Persian Gulf re-
int elligen c e h e w a n t s . A gion.
v ague req u ire m e n t is g iv e n ,
and t y pic a lly , y o u d o n o t Why does China want to reduce US influence in the
hav e ac c e s s t o c la rif y t h e Persian Gulf region? Because China wants to reduce the
int ellig e n c e n e e d .
Problem re s t a t e m e n t is a
US influence throughout the world?
us ef ul t o o l t o f o c u s t h e Final Question: Is China’s sale of military equipment to the
int elligen c e o p e ra t io n a n d Middle East as part of a worldwide strategy to reduce US
narrow do w n a ll is s u e s t o
t he c rux o f t h e m a t t e r - influence?
what t he c lie n t n e e d t o Broaden the focus: what other is-
know now. sues might be at play here? To Is there a partnership between China and Iran?
what is this connected?
Narrow the focus: break down the What kinds of ballistic missiles are being sold by China to
From Richards Heuer and Randolph
Pherson Structured Analytical Tech- issue further into component parts. Iran?
niques for Intelligence Analysis (2011) Redirect the focus: Shouldn’t we Why would Iran want Chinese missiles? How is Iran going
and Morgan D Jones The Thinker’s rather focus on something else ? to pay for any purchased missiles?
Toolkit (1998)
Turn 180 degrees: Turn the issue Is China buying ballistic missiles from Iran?
Available here and here
on its head and ask the opposite.

Misconception: The key part of the intelligence process is the analysis of a specific set of data.
Reality: The process of “constructing a frame” is more important.

Assess nee ds of th e
In te llig ence Commun ity

Id entify p rob le m are as

Steps in the problem Select ten ta tive top ics

definition phase De lin eate scop e-state:

Te rms of referen ce,
o peration al d efinitions,
a ssump tio ns, coord in ation

Defining the problem is the 1st phase in the req uired , etc.

Ye s

planning process. Throughout the conduct of

Can th e

the overall project, the original problem may No

prop osed effo rt
be completed in
the ti me
a vailable ?

be further refined and delineated. Problem

definition involves 2 major functions: defining Ye s

the problem and determining the feasibility No

Is th ere
a vailable ?

of the proposed approach for attackint the

Ye s

Are there
No resourc es
a vailable ?

Jerome Clauser : An Introduction to Intelligence Research

Ye s

and Analysis (2008)

Is the p ropo sed
Are sufficien t
e ffort within the Sch ed ule
funds Yes Y es
No capabi lit ies o f su bseq uen t eve nts
a vailable ?
the research er?

Download PDF here

8 December 2012 • Foreknowledge


Necesidades Informativas en la Planificación:

KIT’s and PIR’s
Juan Pablo Somiedo

La fase de dirección y pla- La definición de las necesidades de dades prioritarias de información o

neamiento es la más im- información es la parte más impor- PIR,s. Una vez seleccionadas las
portante del ciclo de tante del proceso y, a menudo, no PIR,s se procede a asignar personal
inteligencia, pues configu- es tan simple como pudiera parec- y recursos a cada una y a establecer
ra todas las demás fases. Las áreas er. Las KIT,s o necesidades críticas un calendario y un orden de priori-
estratégicas se fijan de modo con- de información suelen formularse dad con los plazos de entrega.
junto por los responsables del servi- en forma de pregunta y podrán Se elabora el ICP o Intelligence Col-
cio de inteligencia y de los órganos variar conforme el decidor va perfi- lection Plan, que es un plan para
políticos. Se asesora así a los deci- lando su plan. A partir de estas recopilar información de todas las
sores políticos a la hora de establec- necesidades críticas, el personal de fuentes disponibles para dar re-
er las áreas estratégicas inteligencia desarrolla las necesi- spuesta a las necesidades mediante
ayudándoles en las lagunas y las la transformación de dichas necesi-
incertidumbres que puedan tener. dades en peticiones a los órganos y
El secretario de defensa de los Es- medios de obtención de informa-
tados Unidos durante la adminis- ción adecuados.
tración de George W. Bush,
Finalmente, el documento que con-
Donald Rumsfeld, reflejó bien esta
tiene todos los aspectos menciona-
incertidumbre cuando dijo en una
dos relativos al planeamiento de
entrevista: “We don´t know what
inteligencia es el Plan de Inteligen-
we don´t know”. Por eso la inter-
cia o PLINT. En él vienen referidos
acción entre el usuario y el direc-
la evaluación de la situación, la lis-
tor de inteligencia es sumamente
ta de las PIR,s, su delimitación es-
importante pero igualmente difícil
pacial o temática y la estructura y
por razones de tiempo, distancia,
arquitectura de inteligencia.
dificultades burocráticas y dispari-
dad de rango y funciones. Juan Pablo Somiedo is from Madrid, Spain.
He is strategic and competitive intelligence
specialist. He runs a Spanish blog, Intel Times here

When embarking on a comprehensive intelligence operation, it

Terms of Reference is always useful to compile a Terms of Reference (ToR). It de-
fines the boundaries of the scope. Include the following:

● State the problem and aim

● State the assumptions/background relating to the subject matter
● State the hypotheses
● Formulate operational definitions where necessary
● Propose a title
● Describe briefly the methodology to be used in collection and analysis
● Describe sources of information
● Indicate time frames
● Indicate resource allocation
● Indicate stake holders and clients of the study
Mercyhurst University Wiki projects ToR samples here

December 2012 • Foreknowledge 9


The role of
analysis in
Part 3: the Preliminary
Information Assessment
Mario Eybers

The table below provides more

I n the previous two articles’ we
focused on the role of analysis
in criminal investigations. We
• afford everybody an opportuni-
ty to review available informa-
detail that can be considered for
each of these focus areas.
looked at some characteristics of • serve as a departure point for The initial assessment of informa-
criminal investigations and discussion and investigation tion needs to be documented,
projects that are not truly intelli- planning; and preferably in the form of a presen-
gence driven and also discussed tation by the analyst utilising sup-
• assist in structuring subsequent
those factors that contribute to a porting material such as the
intelligence and investigation
successful intelligence or analyti- criminal value chains and scenari-
cal driven investigation. There os.
was also some discussion around This initial assessment should fo-
cus on one or more of the follow- Note that this initial assessment of
score card measuring to evaluate information generally does not
the effectiveness of the informa- ing items: 1) Available
information, 2) overview of the include any form of analysis and
tion analysis approach during an provides only for a general over-
investigation. threat, 3) any information gaps
that might exist, 4) criminal cases view of the status quo. Specific an-
In this article we will be focusing alytical products for the project or
registered 5) applicable legislation
on Preliminary Information As- investigation will be developed
that can be considered by the in-
sessments and the importance of once the analytical and investiga-
vestigative team and 6) available
conducting an initial assessment tion plans are approved by the in-
of information before project kick- vestigating officer or project team.
Focus Areas for the Information Assessment
Prior to any formal investigation
Available information Overview of the threat Information gaps
or project meetings, the analyst
● A description of available infor- ● Extent of the problem or threat ● List of information gaps
should be given the opportunity mation at hand identified
to assess all available information. ● Sources and suppliers of informa- ● Probable risk and exposure to the ● Potential sources of
tion public and private sector information
Potential participants in the inves- ● Types of information such as inci- ● Reported and perceived modus
tigation should also be afforded dent type information, confes- operandi
sions, as well as the format in ● Geographical location of threat
the opportunity to supply availa- which this information was sup- ● List of potential targets and
ble information to the analyst. plied groups where applicable
● Information that is available but
Such an assessment would: not yet collected for assessment

Criminal cases Legislation Resources

• assist with the scope and de-
● Overview of criminal cases al- ● Applicable legislation available to ● List of units or investigating of-
marcation of the problem; ready opened prosecution ficers currently dealing with
the threat
• identify potential information ● Investigation and prosecution ● Criminal charges which may be
status of the criminal cases considered at a later stage ● List of prosecutors currently
gaps; ● Potential targets identified ● Potential jurisdictional issues. prosecuting on the threat
● Lists of individuals arrested ● List of private sector organisa-
tions and individuals

10 December 2012 • Foreknowledge

IT tools

A cool tool for

your Xmas
Visual Understanding Environment


I was staring out of my office

window yesterday in wonder
of the slopes of Table Mountain,
of the festive season…decidedly
open source! At first I was expect-
● RSS feeds may be imported
and visualized
ing a piece of software similar to ● CVS files can be imported
silently contemplating another most mind or concept mapping and joined allowing for
hot and sunny not-so-white software. As luck would have it, semi-automatic linking and
Christmas… Dean Martin melodi- I was pleasantly surprised – no clustering of data
ously blaring ”Rudolph the Red garden gnomes or trolls here! It
● Seasr content analysis with-
Nosed Reindeer” out of my was pure witchcraft and a good
in VUE
iPod…..wondering what old San- sprinkle of good old black mag-
ta has in store for my old stocking ● Search functionality allows
this year. My daydreaming was for querying nodes and
rudely interrupted by some of the links and results can be
analyst staff debating…or shall I highlighted, hidden or fil-
say partaking in heated analytical tered.
discourse regarding the benefits ● VUE allows dynamic addi-
of tools for mapping out one’s tion and searching of reposi-
thoughts or externalizing com- tories such as Fedora, Flickr,
plex questions. The discussion JStor, Museum of Fine Arts
reminded me of an eggnog pro- Boston, PubMed (NCBI),
cession deliberating the benefits Sakai, and Wikipedia to
of free range organic eggs togeth- name a few
er with bourbon, cognac or bran- Apart from obvious mapping So…When You're smiling….VUE
dy. functionality the following addi- in addition is OKI (Open Knowl-
In the spirit of the approaching tional tools are available within edge Initiative) compliant allow-
festive season, the editor, fully the software: ing for the above mentioned
aware of my propensity for day- ● VUE allows for the con- searching of digital repositories. It
dreaming to the tunes of Messrs struction of interactive pres- also utilizes the open Calais web
Davis Jnr, Martin and Sinatra entations with the ability to service for entity extraction of in-
(“The Lady is a Tramp” humming zoom any node to full formation in nodes….now Ain’t
in the background), sent me a screen mode That A Kick In The Head!
URL to an interesting ● Dynamic Content Mapping Well what do you know…before
website….check it out here! Visu- which facilitates adding the moon hits your eye like a big
al Understanding Environment or content to maps that aid pizza pie it’ll be 2013. Peace and
VUE for short. It is available for discovery and understand- joy to you all over the festive sea-
Windows, Linux and Mac operat- ing via annotation of infor- son. Volare! •
ing systems……and…in the spirit mation

December 2012 • Foreknowledge 11

IT tools

Teaching Intelligence Analysts Critical Thinking Skills

with learning agents Juan Pablo Somiedo

E l método LTA es un método

creado a propósito para el
análisis de inteligencia. Recoge y
El mismo nombre del método
(Disciple se traduce por Discípu-
lo) sugiere que el analista junior
cias con las hipótesis a través del
razonamiento abductivo, deduc-
tivo e inductivo y a establecer las
sintetiza aportaciones de la in- aprende sobre análisis a través de credenciales básicas de la eviden-
teligencia artificial, del jurista su interacción con la experiencia cia como son credibilidad y rele-
John Wigmore, el filosofo de la de otro analista. Y esto es, en efec- vancia.
ciencia Stephen Toulmin y el pro- to, lo que hace LTA. Trata de pon- El uso de TIACRITIS en los cursos
fesor David Schum. Se aproxima er a disposición del analista junior de análisis de inteligencia se hace
a la resolución de problemas me- la experiencia directa de los con el apoyo de un libro de texto
diante la doble díada Problema- analistas expertos. Disciple-LTA que incluye una amplia gama de
Reducción/ Solución-Síntesis, que es la base de un agente de soft- ejemplos de la utilización del soft-
es un aterrizaje de las representa- ware innovador para la enseñan- ware y ejercicios prácticos de
ciones de Inteligencia Artificial. za de los analistas de inteligencia. análisis. En la actualidad el profe-
Hasta ahora reemplazar la experi- Este agente, llamado TIACRITIS sor Mihai Boicu de la George Ma-
encia analítica acumulada por los (Teaching Intelligence Analysts son University es considerado
analistas senior una vez que éstos Critical Thinking Skills) contiene una autoridad en este método e
dejaban su puesto o se retiraban estudios de casos y una enorme imparte clases de Disciple LTA
era dificultoso, largo y muy cos- cantidad de conocimiento sobre dentro del Curso de "Aplicaciones
toso. El método LTA intenta ser evidencias, argumentos y sus Militares de Inteligencia Artifi-
una ayuda para que los analistas propiedades. Es un agente que cial". También lo es el profesor
Junior se adapten más deprisa. El ayuda a los analistas junior a ad- David Schum, que de igual forma
método se utilizó con éxito en la quirir los conocimientos, dest- imparte clases en la misma uni-
Escuela Superior de Guerra de los rezas y habilidades propias de su versidad y es un experto en lógica
EE.UU y en varios experimentos profesión. Los analistas practican y probabilidad aplicadas al análi-
con analistas. y aprenden a vincular las eviden- sis en inteligencia. •

George Mason University developed the

TIACRITIS web agent and textbook for
teaching intelligence analysts the critical
thinking skills needed to perform evi-
dence-based reasoning. They are based
on a computational theory which views
Intelligence Analysis as ceaseless dis-
covery of evidence, hypotheses, and ar-
guments, in a complex world that is
changing all the time. TIACRITIS helps
students learn about the properties, us-
es, and marshalling of evidence upon
which all analyses rest, through regular
practice involving analyses of evidence in
both hypothetical and real situations.
Read more here, here and here

12 December 2012 • Foreknowledge


Meet Irene Bashabe

Manager: Intelligence, Tax Investigations Department, Uganda Revenue Authority

What is the role and function of ● Prepare reports detailing intel- ● Holding stakeholder
intelligence analysts in the Ugan- ligence findings and dissemi- engagements/partnerships
da Revenue Authority (URA)? nate to clients appropriately. with organisations, bodies
The Intelligence division aims at Who are your clients and what and persons related to intelli-
proactively deterring tax crime type of products do you provide gence.
whilst supporting the internal as to them?
well as external stakeholders, fo- Our intelligence products are dis-
cusing on an intelligence led Tax seminated to either the customers
compliance approach. who initiated the intelligence re-
The role and function of the intel- quirement or any other stakehold-
ligence analyst in URA is; er for whom intelligence has been
● Develop an understanding of proactively generated. The clients
a problem or threat at hand; are both Internal (within the or-
ganisation) and external (Outside Cigarette smuggling is the URA’s main tax
● Select appropriate analytic
the organization) including Ugan- evasion problem.
techniques such as link analy-
sis, flow analysis, financial da Revenue Authority Manage- What are the greatest challenges
record analysis, telephone toll ment and staff, other government you face as an intelligence analyst
analysis among others; agencies as well as other tax and and how do you overcome them?
revenue agencies. We face several challenges as law
● Analyse (process; correlate,
select, evaluate and restruc- Our products are: enforcement Intelligence analysts
ture) information gathered ● Target Profiles; and among these are;
from multiple sources, includ- ● Strategic Briefs; ● Putting into place a proactive
ing tax criminal related infor- ● Current Intelligence; based intelligence collection
mation; and analysis functionality;
● Management Executive Com-
mittee Briefs; ● Integrity of the information
collected from both internal
● Commissioner’s Briefs;
and external sources;
● Manager’s briefs
● The application of intelligence
● Threat Analysis; analysis techniques in the
● Problem Profiles course of our work
What is your specialist area and ● Effectively managing required
what do you do to stay informed Intelligence tasks given limit-
Ivory confiscated by URA in June 2012
and abreast of new develop- ed human resources at hand.
ments? What can intelligence analysts do
● Derive insights and provide
estimates; ● Collection and analysis of tax to promote our profession?
related information with a ● Development of an Intelli-
● Identify intelligence gaps &
criminal bias gence Analyst Curriculum
● Training and subscribing to which we have commenced.
● Maintain analysis systems
professional bodies in the in- ● Keeping abreast of the best
necessary to review, store, col-
telligence field. practices and developments
late, retrieve and disseminate
revenue intelligence; in the intelligence field. •

December 2012 • Foreknowledge 13


Intelligence analyst
recruitment woes

Don McDowell

Managers should take ownership of Shutterstock

the recruitment process

T here was a time when, as the

senior manager of a large in-
telligence unit, I really looked for-
spite the plethora of new-age re-
cruitment guidelines, is a sight not
to enjoy.
Don McDowell has nearly 50 years
experience in military, national
security and law enforcement
intelligence. He is the author of the
ward to the recruitment exercises Recruitment is a serious business award-winning Strategic Intelligence:
we ran regularly, both for analysts with laudable goals. We can usu- a handbook for practitioners,
and intelligence officers/collectors. ally agree on why we need new managers and users, a Fellow of
I say this in the past tense simply AIPIO, former Presdient of AIPIO
people: for replacement or further and former International Director
because I don’t have much enthu- development of our resource pool of IAFIE. He runs a private intelli-
siasm or even optimism for intelli- of analysts and collectors. But it gence distance learning college and
gence staff recruitment activity training consultancy from Pambula,
has become increasingly more dif-
NSW, Australia.
these days. ficult to engage managers and su- See more here and here
Now, I am not a senior manager pervisors globally in meaningful
any more; I have become a global dialogue about exactly what
consultant who advises agencies they’re looking for. Identify what you expect of your
on several continents on every- Much is written in intelligence lit- analysts – not in vague, generic,
thing and anything to do with in- erature on the criteria, traits and comfort-zone terms, but in finite
telligence and risk analysis qualities, education and knowl- detail – based on an expert under-
practice. And to watch them – edge, that might or should be ap- standing of precisely what it is
sometimes – bumble around with plicable. No shortage there. that analysts and collectors actual-
a lack of clarity and purpose de- However, getting those in power- ly do.
ful positions to be able to articu- Then, and only then, determine
late the nexus between one or what qualities the new recruit
more such criteria and how they needs to bring to the job or, con-
impact on expected job perform- versely, what skills and tech-
ance, is far more difficult. niques could actually be taught to
The exercise should in fact be easy them once in the job.
and, in essence, it is: use the same The added cost of this latter ap-
suite of approaches applied in any proach is twofold: firstly, develop
“needs survey” activity. selection criteria that imply an

14 December 2012 • Foreknowledge


ability to learn new competencies;

secondly, accept your organisa- Very few HR recruitment personnel
tion’s responsibility to provide the
learning environment and oppor-
really understand the requirements of
tunities for the new recruits. intelligence analysis
Where we seem to start to go
wrong or, at least “under-achieve”
in the recruitment activity cycle, is
who know much, if anything, or even higher, with the expecta-
to increasingly rely on Human Re-
about the life and routines that tion that the short-list numbers
source specialists within or outside
face analysts and collectors. will drop to a manageable level,
of the organisation to cull appli-
It is increasingly commonplace in and that all applicants will quite
cants, pre-select those for further
a difficult world economic envi- possibly be of a high quality in
consideration, and even conduct
ronment for jobs in intelligence view of their qualifications.
the short-list interview.
and risk analysis to attract hun- All this, without any demonstra-
Having spent much of my life be-
dreds or even thousands of appli- bly rigorous examination of the
coming and then applying skills in
cants. various curricula, the quality of
interviewing and interrogation
This phenomenon is in part fed by the applicants’ awards, the real-
techniques, one lesson remains
the plethora of developing aca- ism of their assignment challeng-
dominant in my recollection. The
demic courses and technical pro- es, nor of their individual results
interviewer (whoever it is) cannot
grams available for career path when seen against the expecta-
rely solely on skills as an inter-
development in several continents, tions of a future job.
viewer … these must, without any
though not all. Good though this My advice? Return back to basics
doubt, be back up by solid knowl-
may be, it does regularly provide and conduct for yourself a proper
edge of the field for which one is
an increasing pool of people Needs Survey. Who do you need?
interviewing. Frankly, I have only
“trained” (though not necessarily To do what? Which skills, tech-
occasionally met HR specialists
tested or experienced) in intelli- niques and competencies rank as
gence-related functions, all even- essential, should-haves and could-
tually hoping to gain a paid haves? What can be taught in-
position. house as opposed to hoping to
Recognising this reality, many HR buy in everything you need?
and similar recruitment specialist Get this right first and, only then,
agencies find it easy to identify consider how to match your needs
possession of an academic qualifi- in finite detail against what the
cation in analysis, criminology, employment market can offer.
criminal justice or the like, as a Short-listing for the sake of having
convenient threshold for weeding a limited number to finally con-
out a large proportion of would-be sider for selection is understanda-
recruits. It is clearly shown by as- ble. But doing so using the artifice
sessing vacancy notices that many of pre-qualification – unless it is in
agencies prefer to set the bar high, and of itself absolutely essential –
Shutterstock perhaps at a Master’s Degree level is delusional.
You may well have cut out of the
mix people who have lots to offer.
Conversely, you may well include
A post graduate degree does not in the short-list mix those who are

equate intelligence analysis good students, perhaps excellent,

but who have not yet demonstrat-
proficiency. ed any ability to take their place in
your workforce.
Think it over carefully ! •

December 2012 • Foreknowledge 15


Richards Heuer
There are still thousands of intelligence analysts and their managers who have not yet read the seminal Psychology of In-
telligence Analysis by Richards Heuer. We will carry excerpts from the book’s chapters in each edition of Foreknowledge.
This is an excerpt of chapter 4 on Strategies for Analytical Judgment - comparing with historic situations. You can also
download the entire book here.

Comparison with Historical situation is likely to be similar to Reasoning by comparison is a

Situations the outcome of the historical situ- convenient shortcut, one chosen
A third approach for going be- ation, or that a certain policy is when neither data nor theory are
yond the available information is required in order to avoid the available for the other analytical
comparison. An analyst seeks un- same outcome as in the past. strategies, or simply because it is
derstanding of current events by Comparison differs from situa- easier and less time-consuming
comparing them with historical tional logic in that the present sit- than a more detailed analysis.
precedents in the same country, uation is interpreted in the light A careful comparative analy-
or with similar events in other of a more or less explicit concep- sis starts by specifying key
countries. elements of the present situa-
tual model that is created by
Analogy is one form of compari- looking at similar situations in
son. When an historical situation The analyst then seeks out one or
other times or places.
is deemed comparable to current more historical precedents that
It differs from theoretical analysis
circumstances, analysts use their may shed light on the present.
in that this conceptual model is
understanding of the historical Frequently, however, a historical
based on a single case or only a
precedent to fill gaps in their un- precedent may be so vivid and
few cases, rather than on many
derstanding of the current situa- powerful that it imposes itself
similar cases. Comparison may
tion. upon a person's thinking from
also be used to generate theory,
the outset, conditioning them to
Unknown elements of the present but this is a more narrow kind of
perceive the present primarily in
are assumed to be the same as theorizing that cannot be validat-
terms of its similarity to the past.
known elements of the historical ed nearly as well as generaliza-
This is reasoning by analogy. As
precedent. Thus, analysts reason tions inferred from many
Robert Jervis noted, "historical
that the same forces are at work, comparable cases.
analogies often precede, rather
that the outcome of the present

16 December 2012 • Foreknowledge


than follow, a careful analysis of a behind, determined to avoid the Intelligence analysts tend to be
situation." mistakes of the previous genera- good historians, with a large
The tendency to relate contempo- tion. They pursue the policies that number of historical precedents
rary events to earlier events as a would have been most appropri- available for recall. The greater
guide to understanding is a pow- ate in the historical situation but the number of potential analogues
erful one. Comparison helps are not necessarily well adapted an analyst has at his or her dis-
achieve understanding by reduc- to the current one. posal, the greater the likelihood of
ing the unfamiliar to the familiar. Policymakers in the 1930s, for in- selecting an appropriate one.
In the absence of data required for stance, viewed the international The greater the depth of an ana-
a full understanding of the cur- situation as analogous to that be- lyst's knowledge, the greater the
rent situation, reasoning by com- fore World War I. Consequently, chances the analyst will perceive
parison may be the only they followed a policy of isolation the differences as well as the simi-
alternative. that would have been appropriate larities between two situations.
Anyone taking this approach, for preventing American involve- Even under the best of circum-
however, should be aware of the ment in the first World War but stances, however, inferences
significant potential for error. This failed to prevent the second. based on comparison with a sin-
course is an implicit admission of Communist aggression after gle analogous situation probably
the lack of sufficient information World War II was seen as analo- are more prone to error than most
to understand the present situa- gous to Nazi aggression, leading other forms of inference.
tion in its own right, and lack of to a policy of containment that The most productive uses of com-
relevant theory to relate the could have prevented World War parative analysis are to suggest
More recently, the Vietnam analo- The most productive
gy has been used repeatedly over uses of comparative
helps achieve un-
many years to argue against an analysis are to
derstanding by activist US foreign policy. For ex- suggest hypotheses
reducing the un- ample, some used the Vietnam
and to highlight dif-
familiar to the analogy to argue against US par-
ferences, not to draw
familiar ticipation in the Gulf War - a
flawed analogy because the oper- conclusions.
ating terrain over which battles
present situation to many other were fought was completely dif- hypotheses and to highlight dif-
comparable situations ferent in Kuwait/Iraq and much ferences, not to draw conclusions.
The difficulty, of course, is in be- more in our favor there as com- Comparison can suggest the pres-
ing certain that two situations are pared with Vietnam. ence or the influence of variables
truly comparable. Because they that are not readily apparent in
May argues that policymakers of-
are equivalent in some respects, the current situation, or stimulate
ten perceive problems in terms of
there is a tendency to reason as the imagination to conceive expla-
analogies with the past, but that
though they were equivalent in all nations or possible outcomes that
they ordinarily use history badly:
respects, and to assume that the might not otherwise occur to the
“When resorting to an analogy,
current situation will have the analyst.
they tend to seize upon the first
same or similar outcome as the In short, comparison can generate
that comes to mind. They do not
historical situation. hypotheses that then guide the
research more widely. Nor do
This is a valid assumption only search for additional information
they pause to analyze the case,
when based on in-depth analysis to confirm or refute these hypoth-
test its fitness, or even ask in what
of both the current situation and eses. It should not, however, form
ways it might be misleading.”1
the historical precedent to ensure the basis for conclusions unless
As compared with policymakers, thorough analysis of both situa-
that they are actually comparable
intelligence analysts have more tions has confirmed they are in-
in all relevant respects.
time available to "analyze rather deed comparable.
Ernest May found that because of than analogize." 1 Ernest May, `Lessons' of the Past: The Use
reasoning by analogy, US policy- and Misuse of History in American Foreign Poli-
makers tend to be one generation cy (New York: Oxford University Press, 1973).

December 2012 • Foreknowledge 17




Organisational culture Structuring intelligence Extended participation in

and intelligence analysis organisations intelligence production
Nicolas Paul Hare and Paul Collinson, Andrew D. Brunatti, (2012), The archi- Kira Vrist Rønn (2012), Democratizing
(2012), Organisational culture and in- tecture of community: Intelligence Strategic Intelligence? On the feasibili-
telligence analysis: A perspective from community management in Australia, ty of an objective, decision-making
senior managers in the Defence Intelli- Canada and New Zealand in Public framework when assessing threats and
gence Assessments Staff in Public Poli- Policy and Administration 26 Novem- harms of organized crime in Policing
cy and Administration 31 October, ber 31, 2012 $ here 23 November 2012 $ here
2012 $ here The study of the interdepartmental ar- In this article, I focus on methodologies
We highlight some key elements of the chitecture that is meant to coordinate used for threat and harm assessments
organisational culture of structures en- intelligence communities has been pe- of organized crime. I present three gen-
gaged in all-source intelligence analysis ripheral at best. This is especially true eral and interrelated objections con-
and draw on a preliminary survey of a in the case of smaller states, such as cerning this endeavour: (1) conceptual
small cadre of senior managers in the Australia, Canada and New Zealand. vagueness, (2) inherent subjectivity,
Defence Intelligence Assessments Staff Examination of the development of in- and (3) incommensurability. I introduce
(DIAS). This suggests that DIAS has a telligence community management ar- two types of suggestions for how to
strong identity and value system, and chitecture in these countries reveals that overcome these objections: categorical
that it is introspective and somewhat actors in all three communities recog- and conditional suggestions. I argue
averse to change. Physical and demo- nise networks of interdependency be- that a participatory approach to the
graphic isolation, and intrinsic factors tween them. However the extent to methodology of threat and harm as-
such as the nature of the job and the which they are able to exploit these in- sessments, via inclusion of interests and
personalities attracted to it also play a terdependencies is dependent on larger values from an extended peer-commu-
part. The continued impetus towards a dynamics in government, supporting nity, e.g. when designing methodolo-
more customer-facing culture appears the idea that intelligence communities gies, may render strategic intelligence
to carry both costs and benefits in terms can only be as cohesive as the govern- more reliable. •
of the kinds of tasks at which the or- ments they serve allow them to be. •
ganisation is likely to excel. •

18 December 2012 • Foreknowledge


What is published in
Miron Varouhakis (2013), What is Being
Published in Intelligence? A Study of
Two Scholarly Journals in International Please assist
Journal of Intelligence and Counter
Intelligence Volume 26, Issue 1, 2013 with my
A total of 924 articles that were pub- research!
lished since 1992 in the CIA’s unclassi-
fied Studies in Intelligence and the Jean Perois, CPP, PSP writes:
International Journal of Intelligence and I am currently enrolled in a
Counter Intelligence were reviewed to PhD programme with the Uni-
map out a geography of knowledge versity of Leicester (UK) in Po-
litical Science/ International
gaps and identify underdeveloped re-
Assessing Uncertainty in Relations. The title of my thesis
is: What realism from which
search areas that are fertile for growth.
The study shows how slow and diffi- Intelligence future? A search for an interna-
tional security forecasting mod-
cult it has been to bring scholastic study el.
of intelligence into the public domain. Jeffrey A. Friedman and Richard Zeck- I test the capacity of Realism –
One finding was that the two journals hauser (2012), Assessing Uncertainty in the oldest and most prominent
Intelligence, HKS Faculty Research theoretical paradigm in interna-
only published 59 articles (6.4%) with tional relations – to provide the
Working Paper Series RWP12-027, best framework for internation-
an intelligence analysis focus. • John F. Kennedy School of Govern- al affairs forecasting.
ment, Harvard University here I would like Foreknowledge
readers to contribute to my the-
This article addresses the challenge of sis by completing the anony-
managing uncertainty when producing mous 20 minute survey here to
estimative intelligence. Much of the answer the following questions:

theory and practice of estimative intelli- ● How forecasting practition-

ers perceive the con-
gence aims to eliminate or reduce un- straints surrounding the
certainty, but this is often impossible or search for an international
security forecasting model,
infeasible. This article instead argues
● The nature of the forces
that the goal of estimative intelligence and variables acting on the
should be to assess uncertainty. model and how to weigh
By drawing on a body of nearly 400 de- ● The importance of person-
classified National Intelligence Esti- al biases and assumptions
in simulated interactions,
mates as well as prominent texts on
analytic tradecraft, this article argues
Supporting Analytical that current tradecraft methods attempt
● Whether analysts/ fore-
casters think that such a
Reasoning to eliminate uncertainty in ways that model is achievable or sim-
ply too complex to envi-
can impede the accuracy, clarity, and sion.
Phong H. Nguyen, Supporting Analyti-
utility of estimative intelligence. By The survey can be accessed
cal Reasoning and Presentation with on
contrast, a focus on assessing uncertain-
Analytic Provenance. Middlesex Uni-
versity. Paper here ty suggests solutions to these problems m/s/Forecasters.
and provides a promising analytic All participants will be entitled
Analytic provenance research tries to
framework for thinking about estima- to a copy of the results, so you
understand a user’s reasoning process might also benefit from it!
tive intelligence in general. • Thank you in advance for your
by examining their interactions with a
visual analytic system. Visual analytics
is the science of analytical reasoning
facilitated by interactive visual interfac-
es. Besides understanding the user’s
reasoning process, many benefits can
also be gained from analytic prove-
nance such as recalling the analysis
process, reusing performed analyses,
supporting evidence in constructing the
reasoning process, and facilitating
collaboration between colleagues in-
cluding dissemination, discussion and
presentation. •

December 2012 • Foreknowledge 19


Pentagon’s mobile
intel centre

The US Defense Department’s Mercyhurst’s Kris

Domestic Mobile Integrated Geospatial- Wheaton designs game to
Intelligence System (DMIGS), is a 44- mitigate cognitive biases
foot long vehicle shaped a bit like a fire
Kristan Wheaton, associate professor of
truck. It carries generators and a 2.4-
intelligence studies at Mercyhurst
meter wide satellite dish antenna and
University designed a tabletop game
has room for up to six analysts to work.
which identifies and mitigates the six
They can update the Homeland
biases that he considers the “worst” for
Security Infrastructure Program (HSIP),
intelligence analysts. In “The Mind’s Lie,”
a common operational baseline of
players examine a scenario and then
geospatial data, with the data coming in
participate in one or more rounds of
for people on-site. This information is
voting in order to determine the bias most
then sent out to the mobile devices of
clearly present in the scenario. We will
emergency response teams so they
keep you updated on the marketing of the
can have a clearer picture of what
game. More here.
challenges lie ahead of them. It was
used during the recent Hurricane

International award to
UK intelligence analyst
Amy Parsons, an
intelligence analyst
with the Major
The National Geospatial Investigation
Intelligence Agency’s intelligence
Department of
analysts and their technical
Staffordshire Read the US National
specialists provided most of the
support to civil authorities during Police, UK, received an award from the Intelligence Council’s
the recent Hurricane Sandy International Association of Women 2030 Global Trends
disaster. They took photos, Police (IAWP) this year for her Report here that provides
infrared and other data from excellent work in contributing to a conceptual framework
satellites and air planes and built securing guilty convictions. Her to look at the future and
them into remarkably detailed what this might mean for
comprehensive storybook that brought
and accurate maps. The maps the intelligence
together all the strands of evidence into
also mean that police and firemen community. They identify
a shooting case was lauded by High 4 megatrends, 6 game
know what they are likely to
Court Judge, Sir Timothy Holroyd as changers and 4 future
encounter when they arrive on
the scene, whether it's simple “the best that I have ever seen in my worlds or possible
flooding, damaged buildings and many years as a judge”. See more scenarios. Might assist
ruined or blocked roads. here and here. you with your strategic
Read more here analysis!

20 December 2012 • Foreknowledge


The 7 Habits of Highly

Successful Intelligence
Analysts From

Be Organized and Disciplined
Great analysts must have the discipline to
Today, we still live largely in approach each task in an orderly and
the world where intelligence scientific manner so they can reproduce the
is defined as “secrets;” tomorrow, results and show what led them to their
we will either embrace a new
understanding of intelligence and
knowledge, or risk marginalizing
analysts from this century’s
knowledge revolution and hence
Communicate with Confidence,
Clarity and Credibility
Present thoughts or ideas in a clear and
concise manner so that the untrained can
understand what is being presented.
fail to serve policy makers as
effectively as possible. Find Meaningful Patterns in
Intelligence and National Security Alliance
Rebalance Taskforce Report October 2012
Meaningless Noise
Project the patterns that emerge forward and
predict, within a reasonable accuracy, what
will happen next or at some time in the future.
Adopt a Patient, Methodical
Have the vision to see patterns develop early
in the process and wait until the pattern
becomes clear before announcing it.
See the Bigger Picture
They are not afraid to stick by their
Climate change as an
intelligence priority
Despite “climate change” being identified
convictions when the odd outlying data point
seems to throw the pattern off. They
recognize it for what it is and factor it into the
overall picture.
as one of the main future intelligence
threats in the next decade (here), the CIA Be Flexible and Responsive to
closed its Center on Climate Change and Change
National Security in November 2012.
The CIA stated that “work continues to be
performed by a dedicated team in a new
office that looks at economic and energy
matters affecting America’s national
They can recognize when they are headed
down the wrong path and have the foresight
to change direction when the pattern deviates
from what is expected due to unforeseen
forces or events.
security.” The CIA relies mainly on
scientists such as the Board on
Environmental Change and Society to Learn from Mistakes

assist in this task. See their report here They recognize when they have erred and are
free to admit they got it wrong. They learn
from experience and experience is what you
get when you don’t get it right the first time.

Intel analysis chief

accused of subversion

The Gambian National Intelligence Agen-

cy’s Analysis Director Ousman Bojang
has been detained for several months and
is accused of agreeing to provide a sketch
plan of pres Jammeh’s residences to Gam-
bian dissidents. Jammeh is accused of fab-
ricating coup stories against members of
the security forces to sow seeds of dis-
cord amongst service chiefs for his own
political survival. See more here

December 2012 • Foreknowledge 21


April 2013
January 2013
Brunel University Association Annual
Seminar: Convention
Intelligence and 2-6 April 2013
the cyber
San Francisco, US
Information here
25-26 January 2013
Uxbridge, England Annual Training
Information here Conference
8-12 April 2013
Chicago, US
Information here

share collabo

May 2013 Aberystwyth

University CIISS
July 2
Past, present and
future of
23-25 May 2013
Gregynog Hall,
Wales, UK Australian Institute
Information here for Professional
Deadline for submissions Intelligence Officers
International 15 February 2013 (AIPIO)
Association for
24-26 July 2013
Education Canberra, Australia
Conference Information here
20-23 May 2013
El Paso, Texas, US
Information here

22 December 2012 • Foreknowledge

WHAT DOES 2013 Do our survey!

Foreknowledge e-magazine has established itself the last year as the essential resource for intelligence analysts
over the world. However, we need an annual operating budget of at least US$30,000 to continue and embark
on new initiatives to make this truly the hub of all things related to intelligence analysis. Please take the time to
do our anonymous online survey by 31 January 2013. The results will assist us to strategise the way forward.

Do our
Any suggestions? here!
Contact editor here!

December 2012 • Foreknowledge 23

Advertise in Foreknowledge!
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24 December 2012 • Foreknowledge

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