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3 GlobalServices November 2010

N o v e m b e r 2 0 1 0 Vo l u m e 2 , I s s u e 2

Extended Global

by Ed Nair
The new watchwords for
services organizations:
consolidate, standardize,
balance and manage

8 21
by Ed Nair by Sruthi Ramakrishnan
Even as the short-term business prospects are bleak, global banks IT reforms are an important and integral part of the reforms
will focus their technology services investments towards managing planned under the Patient Protection and Affordable Care Act
risk and compliance, creating platforms for growth, and improving
customer analytics.

17 23
by Sruthi Ramakrishnan OPPORTUNITY
There is more to the increase in MAT and expiry of STPI benefits by Pratibha Verma
than meets the eye and a deeper study shows that the situation is PO, which is still not mature in China, is growing at a slow pace.
not as dire as is being made out to be Due to this its capabilities are untapped by many companies

19 25
by Vijay Venugopalan by Sruthi Ramakrishnan
More and more organizations are buying/exploring On-demand solu- Restructuring of contracts heavily influenced the last three quar-
tions, the economic situation has fuelled the desire to go on-demand ters, and will continue to influence Q4

4 GlobalServices November 2010

Releasing November 16th
To advertise or to participate
contact: Satish Gupta at

Understanding the
Nature of Change
C hange is slow to be noticed. It is understood better, when things add
up over time or when a large shift happens.
This issue of the digital magazine is all about change; how micro-
trends will become waves of change or how systemic shocks like the reces-
sion can reset the economy and the market.
ED NAIR For instance, the story on how the OPD market is recovering from the
recession focuses on the impact of cloud computing on software product mod-
Editor els and the attractive mid-market opportunity. Mid-market software com- panies are treating their OPD vendors as extended R&D organizations, while
enterprise software vendors will use OPD vendors to handle entire families
of products. Globalization of R&D is a far-reaching trend.
Microtrends will Similarly, the cover story on M&As spells out the need for companies to
buy their way into market share and the increasing willingness of small com-
become waves of panies with service niches to sell out. These trends will endure for a few years
change; systemic to come. Reason: buying market share is the fastest way to accelerate growth
shocks like the and to get into new geographic market for services (India, China, Brazil, oth-
recession can reset the Another interesting example of change is brought out by the story on RPO
economy and the in Europe. Very strict data laws mandate that RPO work not be offshored
market. outside the European Union. The laws are not aimed at curbing offshoring;
they are aimed at strengthening data privacy. This is in stark contrast to the
US trying to enact laws that penalize offshoring with increased taxes, dis-
criminating against Indian companies by hiking visa fees, or any other pro-
tectionist measures.
Finally, the story about Cognizant drives home the point on how a com-
pany can synthesize various signals that combine to form large forces of change
and make it a way of life both inside and outside the organization. The Cog-
nizant way is a fantastic example of thought leadership. GS

6 GlobalServices November 2010

Releasing November 30th
Case Studies are invited from service providers. For more details
contact: Satish Gupta at or visit:
Industry Outlook

Global Banksto Invest in

Creating Flexible Platforms
Even as the short-term business prospects are bleak, global banks will focus
their technology services investments towards managing risk and compliance,
creating platforms for growth, and improving customer analytics.

By Ed Nair

BM announced a deal with ABN AMRO (see Box) in
October. The deal has been hailed as a mega-deal in
terms of its value at nearly $1.8 B. At a time when
such megadeals are on the decline, this deal embodies
many of the trends in the large financial services industry
segment globally.
In terms of market environment, the short to medium
term outlook for the industry is difficult for banks in the US
and Western Europe. There is also quite a bit of social back-
lash because of the financial crisis; customers believe that the
banking industry created the financial crisis that led to the
In terms of market regulation, the combination of in-
country regulations like Frank Dodds bill in US, similar oth-
ers in UK and Germany, as well as international regulations
like Basel III, and also the expectation that the IMF is going
to put together a fund to prevent systemic failures, are putting
new pressures on financial services companies. Both of these
present a real challenge to profitability.
Though the regulations have been watered down (Basel III
is much less draconian than what is was expected to be) and
the industry has been given a long time to create the capital
required for Basel III, the return on equity which used to be
14 percent to 18 percent will fall below 10 percent in the next
couple of years. When you compare this to the cost of capital,
it looks very unattractive.
Profit squeeze is being exacerbated in banks where invest- ty is enormous. Even conservatively looking at the next five to
ment banking was really driving the profitability in the past. ten years, the global economy would grow at 5.8 percent to 6
Banks are being forced to shed hedge funds, proprietary trad- percent annual compounded. Says Likhit Wagle, Global
ing activity and such other engines of growth. Profitability is Industry Leader: Banking & Financial Markets, IBM Global
going to be considerably low in the coming few quarters. So Business Services, “That is significant amount of wealth being
the short-term picture is challenging. created and this has to be disintermediated by the banking
So, is it all gloom and doom? Hardly. In emerging markets industry.”
like China, India, Brazil, Middle East, the scale of opportuni- The emerging market opportunity is based on economic

8 GlobalServices November 2010

Industry Outlook

ABN AMRO extends Infrastructure Services

Agreement with IBM
ABN AMRO signed a contract to extend its services agreement with IBM. IBM will build and provide a new
computing environment while integrating the existing infrastructure of ABN AMRO and the former Fortis
Bank is an extension to the original contract. Next to that the infrastructure services for the former Fortis
Bank Nederland will come in. Both banks legally merged on July 1, 2010. Systems development will con-
tinue to be undertaken by a number of suppliers including Accenture, Infosys, and TCS.
On 1 September 2005 IBM announced that it signed a global contract with Dutch global bank ABN
AMRO to implement an on-demand IT infrastructure that will enable the bank to more rapidly roll out
additional services while significantly reducing IT costs. The contract, worth about EURO 1.5 billion over
5 years, supports ABN AMRO operations worldwide and represents the most extensive rollout of IBM's
data center automation technology, called Universal Management Infrastructure.
Further information from Nelson-Hall reveals:

■ Data center management, with IBM managing the IT infrastructure on ABN AMRO premises in
Amsterdam. The existing data center infrastructure will be moved to a private cloud environment
■ Desktop services. These services will retain a conventional desktop approach rather than moving to a
virtualized environment, with a major emphasis on improving collaboration through use of common
email infrastructure and community based collaboration utilizing web chat technology
■ Service integration, with IBM taking overall responsibility for the roll-out of new systems on-time and
on-budget. A single set of KPIs are being shared by IBM and the applications development suppliers.
Andy Efstathiou and John Wilmott, analysts from Nelson Hall opine, “ABN AMRO is seeking to simplify
its operating model to achieve a reduced cost:income ratio while also improving its ability to comply with
the regulatory environment and improve its time-to-market. The service integration role being undertaken
by IBM is key to achieving these goals. The contract is also an early example of a major bank moving to a
private cloud-based server infrastructure.”
IBM’s clients include Russia's largest bank, VTB, as well as Danske Bank in Denmark and Nordea in
Sweden – meanwhile a number of financial services companies in Europe are currently in negotiations with
IBM for Services contracts. Worldwide, IBM’s clients inlcude Citi, VietinBank, one of the largest banking
institutions in Vietnam, the Agricultural Bank of China, Discover Financial Services, and the National Bank
of Canada.

growth in these geos as well as the proportion of population is a good example.”

that is underserved— conservative estimates put it at 750 mil- Organizations are sitting with expensive legacy systems
lion upwards and a third of which includes people with rising and want to take costs out, not incremental costs, but whole
incomes. This translates to growth rates of 25 percent or more areas of costs. This involves rationalizing systems, reengineer-
per year. So, the medium term view is very bullish. ing applications, and making the system more flexible. It
The IT services spend in the global financial services sec- requires creating a platform that is standard and flexible. For
tor is largely marked towards three areas: a)getting the orga- instance, in the ABN-AMRO deal, both ABN and Fortis will
nization ready in the area of risk and compliance b)creating migrate onto this platform that would in turn help them to
platforms that are standardized and flexible and c) getting become more customer-centric.
customer analytics in place. Many of these new services are From a strategic point of view, the traditional approach at
being provided using new technologies like cloud. Says banks has been to free up more budget to run the bank as
Wagle, “The approach is to avoid either doing a wholesale opposed to changing the bank. However, the balance is now
rip-and-replace or a band-aid kind of quick fix. The objective changing when banks are investing in application develop-
is to simplify the operating model and the ABN-AMRO deal ment, infrastructure refreshes, and process outsourcing. GS

9 GlobalServices November 2010

Extended Global
Extended Global Enterprise Special Report


10 GlobalServices November 2010

Extended Global Enterprise Special Report

■ Are You Being Served? 12

■ Q&A with Cliff Justice, KPMG 12

11 GlobalServices November 2010

Extended Global Enterprise Special Report

Are You Being


The new rules for the services organization: consolidate and standard-
ize delivery; balance internal, external, and virtual capabilities; and
manage services like a portfolio.
By Ed Nair

f you are in global sourcing of ser- CJ: In the last two years, clients have
vices, talking with Cliff Justice is been demanding more from their
great investment in time, espe- sourcing advisors in the area of value
cially if the consultant’s clock is not creation through optimization of sev-
ticking. Cliff Justice is the National eral functions or their own internal
Leader, Shared Services and services organization and seeking
Outsourcing Advisory, KPMG. He more value out of managing SG&A
has been advising companies on glob- areas.
alization, services delivery models, Whereas, ten years ago we were
outsourcing, global sourcing and brought in as advisors to help them
such for over 20 years. Cliff ’s work centralize shared services models or
with NeoIT, TPI, Equaterra- all advise them on the structuring of
reputed sourcing advisory compa- outsourcing contracts and helping
nies— where he either worked or make deals.
managed partnerships, puts him as a Today it is much more around
leader in the sourcing advisory space. enterprise services, enterprise trans-
His insights are thorough and amaz- formation, and aligning that transfor-
ing; his ideas are path-breaking and mation to drive competitive advan-
impactful. Excerpts from a conversa- tage to clients. More clients are ask-
tion with Cliff Justice on the new ing— how do I get competitive Cliff Justice,
rules and models of services delivery: advantage through handling SG&A, National Leader, Shared
through partners, through the way I Services and Outsourcing
GS: We are just out of the recession. move services up the value chain, Advisory, KPMG
What are your clients asking you to how do I access data and knowledge
do today? How’s it different from in a better way, how do I leverage the
yesterday? maturity of the services organization

12 GlobalServices November 2010

Extended Global Enterprise Special Report

that has been in place to really drive chain helping quantify value cre- Sourcing advisory has to include peo-
better business value. In the last two ation. ple and change; process transforma-
years, these were the dominant con- This requires going back to the tion in all functional areas like
versations. business and is a lot more challeng- finance, HR, IT, supply chain; and
The other important conversation ing; it requires lot more insight into enterprise risk management.
centered on managing risk. Back in the business— more than just doing Transactions services are fine; you
the day of pure outsourcing con- a base case analysis and measuring have to have those best-in-class. But
tracts, the risk question was a side savings of a transactional service. if clients really want the leverage, they
question. Now it is incorporated as They are table stakes that have to be have to think about service delivery
part of the value preservation discus- done. more organizationally, integrate with
sion. business partners, and drive value
GS: This is like more business con- back to businesses.
GS: Sourcing advisory as a business sulting work.
has been in turmoil. What is threat- CJ: We have always been doing that. GS: You mentioned about SG&A. Is
ening a change there? How has it There’s always a component of busi- it time to rewrite Porter’s value
evolved? chain? Are support functions
CJ: In the very early days, say getting to the core?
from 1997 to 2003, it was “The economy has caused CJ: What we are seeing is that
really about identifying the slowdown in major transfor- traditional support-oriented
right outsourcing vendors, functions contain lot of data
scoping out the outsourcing mation investment, but that’s and knowledge. There’s lot of
contract, structuring the deal, changing. Companies are look- cost and expense to those
putting in the governance functions and there’s lot of
mechanisms, and managing ing at creating sustainable value that comes out of those
the deal. From 2003 to 2007,
it was all about optimizing
services organization as functions. Organizations that
can think in terms of virtual-
those relationships. From opposed to chasing labor ization, in terms of harnessing
2008 onwards, we started hit-
ting the rocky shores, it was
arbitrage,” the capabilities that reside
within the company and har-
about how do we really opti- ness those well, as well as har-
mize and create value and nessing outsourcers and virtu-
competitive advantage out of
Cliff Justice al platforms, SaaS, and cloud
the investments that we made National Leader, Shared platforms, can create a much
into shared services and out- more dynamic model that can
sourcing partnerships.
Services and Outsourcing address new questions to the
Some industries are Advisory, KPMG business, changes to the busi-
approaching this for the first ness faster than before. It is all
time and wondering how to support, but it is the new
leapfrog. For example, the value that support can con-
pharma industry was late into the ness strategy that has to be aligned to tribute.
game, but they are now incorporating sourcing strategy. It was being done The core is still the core, it is real-
things like pharmacovigilance into a even ten years ago, but it is more vis- ly about how your SG&A functions
centralized shared services model, ible now. There were larger dollars are treated and addressed that they
some enabled by external parties, attached to sourcing deals and a lot of can become a competitive advan-
some not. The line between them is perceived external and internal value tage.
getting blurrier. We are structuring in traditional sourcing advisory. These are not necessarily revenue
them in a very similar way whether it We have a developed a platform generators; some industries may hive
is provisioned internally or externally, that is comprehensive and holistic. It them out and create a profit center. It
we are seeing lot more hybrids than helps a client look at a long-term is probably still not their core busi-
what we ever had, and more mature roadmap, not just a tower or two, on ness, but it enables their core business
companies are moving up the value how you provision the function. to become more competitive.

13 GlobalServices November 2010

Tools & Technologies

GS: So what rules are you rewriting? excellence for that service. For exam- is important. That’s what leading
CJ: The rewriting of the rule is— ple, research centers combine massive companies do. More importantly,
whether you can take these and man- knowledge and data or take shipping what we see is that services portfolio
age them to the lowest cost and oper- companies that carry lot of data on organization across the enterprise
ate them purely on efficiency; or do trends. should have a broad view across the
you put enterprise-wise strategic ini- organization, cross the enterprise,
tiatives in place to drive innovations GS: Going back, you mentioned helps the company realize the services
into those services. That’s what we are proper balance between internal and strategy. Drive and quantify the syn-
talking about. external capabilities. How does that ergies that are sometimes not obvious
Drive the innovation, add a rea- work? when you go to an end-to-end
sonable cost, create a flexible model. CJ: The desire for control over the process. That’s for a lot of companies
The cloud discussion is bigger than services, the ability to control risk, seeing true value. It is true for an end-
tech; it is really a way of thinking the specificity of the function, under- to-end process like say procure-to-
about flexibility in business. standing whether the service is some- pay.
Create an extended global enter- thing that third party providers have This is hard to do because you are
prise with internal, external and vir- the maturity in providing— these are breaking the traditional functional
tual capabilities, many of which can the questions to be asked. It is not structure; it requires a lot of change
be provisioned quickly, as and when about the price you are going to pay; in management. But there are some
new businesses are introduced into lot of things can be moved out for a good examples of companies out
the environment. lower price, but productivity could there doing this.
One of the key things that we get impacted. Hence, we are saying
talked about in the framework is how that companies should look at opti- GS: For many, shared services have
companies can take high value add mizing internal balance and external become unwieldy. Why make when
services that may be best in class balance by managing services as a you can buy? Are shared services on
within a business unit and create a portfolio. Looking at internal provi- the decline?
services organization that serves more sioning and comparing and bench- CJ: No. Not at all. It’s just the oppo-
business units. These are centers of marking against the external market site. More companies are looking at

15 GlobalServices November 2010

Extended Global Enterprise Special Report

4 Principles of Extended Global Enterprise Model

■ It’s blind to the organizational structure and therefore immune to any limitation that such a struc-
ture might impose. Driven by customer need and not organizational structure:
■ One-size-fits-all service offerings have been replaced with a balanced portfolio of retained, out-
sourced and centralized service offerings with tiered, tailored and bundled services across func-
■ The “set and forget” approach or simple vendor management has been replaced by a more sophis-
ticated Services Portfolio Management organization.
■ Business transformation is all about business simplification. It’s really a reduction in complexity
–consolidating and standardizing services delivery and then simplifying those service delivery stan-
dards. Instead of a siloed and redundant approach with fragmented planning – one services deliv-
ery strategy for IT, another for HR, and so on – you’ll have a single, common strategy within a com-
mon services delivery framework to achieve a common goal.

shared services, but the blend in pro- ever you call it; it’s a holistic view on they want. It gives them the enter-
visioning is changing. service delivery of enterprise ser- prise capability that goes across func-
In the past, shared services and out- vices. It addresses companies that are tions and creates a common way to
sourcing were two distinct service both very new to services as well as access services. There are different
delivery models. That distinction is those that are extremely mature in degrees to this like different levels in
going away; they are becoming highly services. It is a comprehensive set of a maturity model. At the top is a
blended. A company provisions its ser- principles that we as a firm use to completely integrated end-to-end ser-
vices in a very centralized way and enable our partners, advisors, vices organization with complete ser-
enables more or less through third employees, to work with clients that vice portfolio management (SPM).
party. Some companies don’t even call leverage the practices that we believe The SPM is a very simple interface to
it outsourcing. That is, provisioning of will drive value into their services request and manage services. The
services through partners within shared organization. It is a roadmap to cre- goal is to create an organizational
services unit is certainly on the rise. ating a long-term services strategy capability that can interface between
You can see this growth at the ser- and the framework helps clients a complex multi-tower service deliv-
vice provider’s end. Even in a down design and implement a comprehen- ery organization and the business and
market, they are growing, their sive services model that continues to its customers. SPM helps the adop-
pipelines are full. evolve over time. It is agnostic to tion of services without worrying
The economy has caused slow- both outsourcing and shared services about different contracts, different
down in major transformation invest- in that it doesn’t recommend one pricing, different SLAs— the SPM
ment, but that’s changing. over the other. handles all that and it constantly
Companies are looking at creating evolves and aligns all of the services to
sustainable services organization as GS: How do you compare this with the services strategy. GS
opposed to chasing labor arbitrage. the other frameworks?
CJ: I am not aware of any that is sim-
GS:What’s this Extended Global ilar. There are frameworks on how to
Enterprise model all about? Sounds build a shared services organization,
like yet another consulting method- how to build an outsourcing deal,
ology. how to manage shared services, how
CJ: Extended Global Enterprise is to manage outsourcing contracts, and
KPMG’s philosophy, framework, many others. EGE helps companies
methodology, point of view or what- approach their services in the way

16 GlobalServices November 2010

IT Market Dynamics

The Sky’s Not Falling on

the Indian IT Industry
There is more to the increase in MAT and expiry of STPI benefits
than meets the eye and a deeper study shows that the situation is
not as dire as is being made out to be
By Sruthi Ramakrishnan

wo things which have been making news Code) regime first. It is not the increase in the tax itself,
recently and are projected to have grave which actually comes to less than a percentage point,
implications for the Indian IT industry are which is worrying. Most IT companies, including those
the proposed extension of MAT to the hith- operating in Software Technology Parks, already pay this
erto tax- free Special Economic Zones tax. The real cause of worry is that firstly, it it is planned
(SEZs), and the expiry of the Software Technology Parks of to be extended to the SEZs, and secondly, tax benefits will
India (STPI) scheme in March 2011. change from being profit-linked to investment-linked.
The concern about both is that they will increase the tax "For SEZ, the tax benefit is for a period of 15 years,"
burden on the IT companies across the board, irrespective of says Raju Bhatnagar, VP, Government Relations and BPO,
size, location or turnover. The truth is that there is more to NASSCOM. "this is structured as a 100% tax benefit
these measures than meets the eye and a deeper study shows available only for the first five years, 50% tax benefit for
that the situation is not as dire as is being made out to be. the next five years, and the last five years has a tax benefit
Lets take the MAT increase under the DTC (Direct Tax of 50%, provided the profits are invested in certain pre-

17 GlobalServices November 2010

IT Market Dynamics

determined avenues. So after the tax holiday is there from industry. It was known from the inception of this scheme
lets say 2006-10, you get 50% tax holiday, on the remain- that this particular benefit has a ten-year horizon, which
ing 50% you have to pay full tax. was later extended to 12.
For an organisation that is halfway in the SEZ benefits, Calling for extension of benefits is not wrong. But
they are paying normal tax. So the normal tax paid versus believing that the Indian IT industry's USP is solely the
the computed MAT, whichever is higher is what would be tax sops and incentives offered by the government is.“Our
applied." Thus the MAT increase may not impact too tax liability will go up to 25% next fiscal from around 21%
much after the first 5 years of tax benefit is availed. in the present fiscal on account of this,” V Balakrishnan,
So the real challenge seems to be the change from prof- CFO, Infosys told Financial Express regarding the end of
it-linked to investment-linked approach to tax benefits, as the STPI tax benefit. But a company of Infosys' size and
the latter approach would benefit sectors with large capital spread- across services, industry verticals and geographies-
investments. "If there is a tax benefit that is being allowed, can surely absorb the increase in tax outflow. After all, it
let us say for the SEZ, and MAT is levied, upto two-thirds was none other than Infosys' Founder-Chairman Narayan
of the tax benefit gets nullified," says Bhatnagar. Murthy who said that “Asking for tax exemption for 10s
But this may not impact the big players like Infosys and of years in my opinion is not the smartest thing” and
TCS significantly, who have multiple units in various stages believes that IT and software sector should and are capable
of operation in SEZs, besides subsidiaries operating outside of paying taxes just like other industry sectors.
India. "There are several non-financial charges that they are Alternatively, they can shift operations to their delivery
able to take credit of which are centers outside India. That is
allowed as per the Income Tax one advantage the services sec-
law," he says. "Besides, they Believing that the Indian IT tor enjoys. "In services you
have subsidiaries operating in can, pretty much at the drop
foreign countries. So they pay
industry's USP is solely the tax of a hat, pick up your service
tax in those countries for sops and incentives offered by delivery center and shift it,"
which they are eligible to says Bhatnagar.
claim credit in India. So when
the government is wrong Admittedly, this can work
you talk of the effective rate of both ways, and drive away for-
tax for a company which is a eign companies with Indian
conglomerate, it is not simple, there are multiple aspects subsidiaries to countries offering more tax benefits. But
that come into play." what needs to be kept in mind is that the Indian IT indus-
Where does that leave smaller companies? "So far as try took the world by storm on the basis of its strong skill
those companies which are not in SEZs are concerned, sets, talent pool and innovativeness and not solely low
they will have to in any case pay under normal income tax, costs. The former, combined with India's rising status as an
and not get incentive deduction. So they will not be affect- IT market, continue to propel India's IT story.
ed by MAT," says Sunil Shah, a partner at Deloitte Haskins With the partial loss of their protective cocoon, com-
& Sells. panies will have to increase efficiency and become more
Thus the proposed extension of MAT to SEZs doesn't competitive to retain customers. Smaller companies today
imply an uniform increase in taxes at one go, but a phased already understand that going niche is the way forward.
increase according to the age of each unit of a company. Companies which are good at what they are doing, espe-
Regarding the other major concern about the expiry of cially if its specialized services, will always be in demand
the STPI exemptions in March 2011, firstly, it is the ben- even if they chose to marginally increase their prices.
efit provided by Section 10A of the income-tax law (100 In short, the industry need not hassle itself over mea-
per cent deduction for 10 years of export profits derived by sures which will, at best, cause a marginal increase in
units set up in any STPI, which is in accordance with the their tax outflow. While they will, in the short term, hit
scheme notified by the Central Government) alone that is the "Infosys' and TCSs of the future which are still in the
coming to an end. "Under the STPI scheme there are mul- process of growing", as Bhatnagar puts it, expecting
tiple benefits that are available, like the income tax benefit, extension of exemptions endlessly is unrealistic. In an
bonded delivery center, duty free imports from within industry where low cost is fast ceasing to be the deal
India, etc. Of these benefits, one which is the income tax clincher, all providers will eventually have to depend on
benefit will expire. The rest remain open-ended, they don't the efficiency and quality of their work to survive. The
have a sunset date," says Bhatnagar. sooner the Indian industry admits and adapts to this, the
Besides, its end does not come as a surprise for the better. GS

18 GlobalServices November 2010

BPO Market Dynamics

Are ‘On-Demand’ Contact

Centers in Demand?
More and more organizations are buying/exploring On-demand solutions,
the economic situation has fuelled the desire to go on-demand

By Vijay Venugopalan, CRM Capability Lead, APAC, BT Global Services

n 4th Sep 1882, the world’s first power sta-
tion started its operation in New York
City. 85 customers in lower Manhattan
received enough power to light up 5000
lamps and they paid US 5$ per Kilowatt-
hour in today’s dollar terms. Until then, people relied on
expensive battery powered ‘lighting bulb’. Power on-
demand took over battery based power rapidly in its devel-
opment cycle.
That’s the history of electricity. Let’s look at computing;
Growth of computers was slow until IBM released
Mainframe systems in the mid-80s. Due to the size, com-
plexity & cost of Mainframes, the ‘Digital Computing’ era
actually started as a hosted model - one centralized main-
frame with ‘dumb’ terminals deployed across the enter-
prise. Had we continued in this path, perhaps all of us
would be paying monthly PC usage bills like our power
bills – well, I wouldn’t have had the opportunity to write
this article!
The point is many of what we use today such as tele-
phone, power (even cars and real estate!) have changed
Vijay Venugopalan,
from ‘buy’ to ‘share’. CRM Capability Lead, APAC,
The ‘Microprocessor’ generation which made BT Global Services
PCs/servers possible, fundamentally changed the trajecto-
ry of ‘Digital Computing’. Long story short - mainstream of the single largest expenses and it makes their businesses
IT solutions moved to outright purchase as it made perfect less agile to change. What causes the shift in mindset?
business sense from a Cost/Benefit perspective. Unpredictable and escalating costs of IT operations, tech-
Organizations invested on technology infrastructure to nology obsolescence and changing customer demands!
empower their businesses. IT assets were depreciated over In the ‘credit crunched’ economy, a corporate executive
3 – 5 years. Happy days! wants to improve efficiency, productivity and to make
In my opinion this history sets the context for the their business agile to ‘change’. Hence executives tend to
future of IT services. invest the scarce resource ‘dollars’ on core business func-
In the last 10 years, many global organizations have tions such as R & D, product enhancements, emerging
realized that their IT assets are cumbersome and expensive markets.
to manage. Some CFOs even claim that technology is one On the other hand, consumers want to have personal-

19 GlobalServices November 2010

BPO Market Dynamics

ized, timely service anytime anywhere via multi-channel. been providing network based on-demand services for over
This trend has led to interesting survey results: a decade and have addressed these concerns already.
“80 per cent of businesses think they deliver a superior Optimized on-demand contact center services are available
experience, yet only eight percent of customers agree” at a global scale – these services have the unique ability to
[Source: Frost and Sullivan] collect the contact (not just calls!) from anywhere in the
This ‘paradigm shift’ in expectations has paved the way world and deliver it to an agent with the right skills work-
for ‘On-demand’ services. ing anywhere in the world – with secure platforms and
An on-demand contact centre meets these criteria, data privacy [It is mandatory for SPs who are registered
combining hosted IP telephony and automated, voice-acti- data controllers under the data protection act]
vated software-as-a-service to deliver a package that is Wondering how? The contact center services are hosted
deeply scalable and can be purchased in new and flexible on a very large voice and data network that spans across
ways, such as per concurrent agent and by the hour. This 170+ countries.
new level of cost granularity will allow chief operating offi- Just deciding a best on-demand platform alone is not
cers and heads of customer service to measure the efficien- adequate. Organizations adapting to on-demand models
cy and cost of operation, unlock service improvements and should be prepared for an internal transformation – to
additional cost savings in the make changes to their operat-
future and its needless to say ing model, process, gover-
these fully managed services Organizations adapting to on- nance and people. Such
will remove worries about risk changes will determine the
of technology obsolescence. demand models should be pre- success factor of the on-
Some of the early net- pared for an internal transfor- demand deployment. If an
worked IT services providers organization gets its internal
[SPs] like BT Global Services mation – to make changes to transformation right, on-
have invested quality time and their operating model, process, demand platform will fit in
effort (and dollars!) on market like a charm.
research, designed mar- governance and people In 2010, finding the right
ket/industry relevant packaged technology partner to move
on-demand applications and created business models & contact centres into the cloud, and the right commercial
return-on-investment tools around it and have acquired model to buy those services, will be vital.
The first agent logged into BT’s contact center On- Long term
demand platform back in 1999. If we take the long term view of the On-demand contact
Many global MNCs have changed their operating mod- centers, say 5- 10 years from now, many organizations
els to adapt to on-demand contact centers and have seen would have procured contact center applications as a
benefits. More and more organizations are buy- shared service. We are talking about hundreds of thou-
ing/exploring On-demand solutions, the economic situa- sands of agents using on-demand service which will invari-
tion has fuelled the desire to go on-demand. ably bring down the cost per agent.
Comments I hear in Asia are ‘Are these on-demand con- Business models will evolve to provide the service for
tact centers fit for purpose?’ or ‘On-demand contact cen- free as auxiliary revenue streams like network will make up
ters are only fit for short term deployments’. To get some for it. After all, free is better than cheap if it results in a
clarity around this, let’s analyze the future of On-demand win-win deal for customers and partners.
in 2 parts –Short & Long term. What's more, on-demand call centers will also be a
means to gain points on ‘Corporate Social Responsibility’
Short term as arguably, On-demand services will reduce carbon emis-
In Asia, we are in the transition stage from outright pur- sion compared to on-premise rivals. Hence, organizations
chase to On-demand services. While many organizations will evaluate which SP to choose rather than which tech-
see the benefits of On-demand contact centers, they have nology to choose and buy.
concerns around security, data privacy and some say – ‘In On a long term perspective, it’s obvious that on-
the long run hosted or cloud based contact center services demand contact center solutions are the way to go and it
are expensive’ will be very difficult to justify an outright purchase busi-
Global networked IT service providers like BT have ness case! GS

20 GlobalServices November 2010

IT Market Dynamics

The IT Opportunity in
Healthcare Legislation
IT reforms are an important and integral part of the reforms planned
under the Patient Protection and Affordable Care Act
By Sruthi Ramakrishnan

he US healthcare reform bill, even before solutions on insurance exchange because we believe there
being passed into law (the Patient Protection is a huge opportunity in trying to create an insurance
and Affordable Care Act) in March 2010, exchange. It constitutes essentially six buckets- product
was touted to bring a huge boom for 3rd configuration; quoting engine; payment gateway; applica-
party service providers. But while the BPO tion processing; reporting certain tools which will inter-
opportunity is quite visible- in the form of increased cus- face with individuals and their families, employers, agents,
tomer service, claims processing, etc- the IT aspect of it is payers, which will extend towards data migration; and
less obvious. Nevertheless, it is an even more important and automated enrollment processes. That can be extended to,
integral part of the planned reforms. from an infrastructure perspective, to solutions in cloud
"There is going to be a need to invest more in IT sys- computing."
tems to not only support a The federal plan to launch
larger user base for goods and a healthcare information
services, but also to support superhighway, the
the administrative side of
The federal plan to launch the Nationwide Health
delivering these services adher- Nationwide Health Information Information Network
ing to the additional regula- (NHIN) also requires expand-
tions coming on board. It is Network (NHIN) requires expand- ing and uphauling the existing
going to require more systems, ing and overhauling the existing IT infrastructure. Mark Boxer,
greater automation and inte- Senior Vice President and
gration of the existing systems IT infrastructure Group President of ACS
in order to be able to support Government Healthcare
these services on a practical Solutions, now part of ACS
basis, and also to achieve greater efficiency and effective- Xerox, says," For the EMR (Electrnic Medical Record) to
ness," Stan Lepeak, Managing Director of Research, be meaningful, it has to be aggregated and it has to be
EquaTerra had said in a March 2010 podcast (What Effect shared. We have got the data assets, the aggregation engine
Will Healthcare Legislation Have on IT Services and to aggregate EMRs into EHRs (Electronic Health records).
Outsourcing?) organised by EquaTerra. EHR cuts across hospital systems, And then EHRs can be
Service providers in the IT space are well aware of the shared on a Health Information Exchange, which would be
opportunities that the legislation has brought. "From an filled by states.
application development perspective, we believe that the In addition to all the stuff that build the infrastructure,
opportunity that lies for us is the requirement for new we also have critical rules engines that sit on top of the
claims administration application," says Pradeep Nair, Vice health exchanges that prospectively identify patients that
President & Head – Global Life. Sciences Practice, HCL. are at risk of getting diabetes, heart disease, etc. So this can
"From infrastructure, there is an increased storage require- help physicians take action before it becomes a critical issue.
ment." That is the promise of the healthcare reform."
He sees insurance as another segment with huge So there is a lot of potential for growth for the service
potential for IT expansion. "There is the framework of providers. For healthcare providers and payers, there is a

21 GlobalServices November 2010

IT Market Dynamics

Key Vendors in US IT Hospital Market

Top Enterprise Healthcare IT Vendors Top Consulting Firms for Hospitals

Cerner Corporation Healthland Accenture
CPSI Keane Healthcare Services ACS (acquired by Xerox)
Eclipsys Corporation McKesson Provider Technologies Beacon Partners
Epic Systems Corporation Medical Information Technology BearingPoint
GE Healthcare QuadraMed Corporation Cerner Corporation
Healthcare Management Siemens Healthcare Courtyard Group
Systems CSC
Niche Vendors Deloitte
Encore Health Resources
Vendor Specialty Environment Hayes Management
ADP payroll services IBM
Kronos time and attendance systems McKesson Provider Technologies
Lawson Software enterprise resource planning Perot Systems Corporation (acquired by Dell)
Mediware pharmacy, blood bank Siemens Healthcare
Oracle Corp./PeopleSoft enterprise resource planning
Philips Healthcare intensive care systems, cardiology information
Top Firms Providing Outsourcing
systems, PACS systems for both radiology and Services to Hospitals
cardiology, and obstetrical systems ACS
Picis/MSM operating room management, emergency CareTech Solutions, Inc.
department, and intensive care unit (ICU)
Cerner Corporation
SCC Soft Computer laboratory, radiology, pharmacy
Eclipsys Corporation
Sunquest Information Systems laboratory and radiology
Surgical Information Systems operating room management
McKesson Provider Technologies
3M Health Information encoding, dictation, transcription, and HIM
Systems management applications Perot Systems Corporation (acquired by Dell)
Unibased Systems Architecture enterprise scheduling Siemens Medical Solutions

Source: Executive summary of HIMSS Anaytics Report ‘Essentials of the U.S. Hospital IT Market’ 5th edition.

major incentive to increase outsourcing to them- cost ben- cies, and 43 percent vacancies for business software
efit. "For firms, particularly the smaller to mid-size organi- implementation and support personnel. These figures are
zations, the equation has changed as to what is the fully only set to grow as the country begins implementing the
loaded cost of an employee, and that's going to change the Health IT Workforce Development Program, leading
equation of whether it makes sense to add that next person more agencies to look at outsourcing as a way out.
or to invest in technology to automate that activity or rely "While in some cases firms may make the investments
on third parties," says Stan Lepeak. themselves and deploy management systems, in many
Besides IT systems, another resource which will be cases they are going to look outside to the IT experts, so
equally in demand are the IT personnel skilled to man that they can concentrate on their piece of healthcare and
and maintain the systems, for whom there is already a let third parties manage the back office IT systems," says
glaring shortage. According to a College of Healthcare Lepeak.
Information Management Executives survey of 182 Thus for the country's healthcare system to meet the
healthcare CIOs, there is already a 71 percent shortage of huge targets set by the Federal govt in the next few years, IT
clinical support implementation and support personnel. will have a big role to play, and in that third party providers
There are 44 percent vacancies for infrastructure vacan- will have a dominant say. GS

22 GlobalServices November 2010

Procurement Outsourcing

China's Missed
PO, which is still not mature in China, is growing at a slow pace. Due to
this its capabilities are untapped by many companies

By Pratibha Verma

espite being strongest in the manufacturing sector, base, China can be strong in direct spend but most of it is
China, which is also known for its outsourcing capa- done in-house.
bilities, has failed to attract a considerable amount of Michael Rehkopf, Analyst TPI, says, “In procurement out-
foreign direct investment in procurement outsourcing sector. sourcing, direct activities like buying raw material, are huge
The European Union has recently turned up the interna- and often it's done by and large in-house. When we look
tional pressure on China to give foreign companies access to around, we see a few number of firms doing one or two key
its national procurement deals. grand deals but nobody would do 20 or 50 in numbers.
EU Trade Commissioner Karel De Gucht said, “China Procurement outsourcing revenue in China is sort of going
needs to improve investment opportunities for foreign com- slowly because spend control is slowly being shifted to
panies, as European businesses are raising "serious questions" China.”
about China's procurement policies. As organizations become more com-
Many companies have expressed concern fortable to see where they want to locate
that recently drafted policies will discrimi- their control for their spend, they move to
nate against foreign companies in favour the region where they have got the manu-
of domestic suppliers with "indigenous facturing facilities.
innovation," according to The Wall Street Rehkopf says, “We have witnessed two
Journal. trends. The first one is the movement of
De Gucht also expressed concern on that activity from Europe and North
behalf of EU companies that are becoming America to the region where things are
increasingly agitated about the lack of pro- being procured and the second one is to
tection for intellectual property in China. decide whether they should be done in-
"There's so much discussion about house or need to be outsourced. We are
China's indigenous innovation policy, seeing both the things happening simulta-
because it forces European companies to neously.”
register as a Chinese company to get access One of the biggest differentiators in
to private procurement markets”, he says. China is language. China is being per-
Because of the huge manufacturing ceived as a very good destination only for

23 GlobalServices November 2010

Procurement Outsourcing

people who deal in Chinese, Japanese or Korean. world class goods unlike India whose philosophy is to provide
In the past, MNCs in China were focusing on their best services at low cost. The mindset is different. You get a lot
topline growth and their spend was relatively small. There has of benefit if you open a shop in India but you don't get them
been a rapid change in that area. For suppliers, PO base is in China. Lack of governement support and language also
slowly becoming strong. Organizations are starting to shift deter companies from investing in PO.”
their focus not only to increasing their spend but also to do When it comes Procure-to-Pay process, which is transac-
PO work more efficiently and effectively. tional in nature, China is not an attractive destination to do
Rehkopf says, “Local companies in China believe that they that. The value proposition comes in only when you deal with
can do everything themselves and at a cheaper rate. But what the country for low cost country sourcing. Apart from that, it
we see in the coming years is that they would no longer have is difficult to set up a center in China. People want to set up a
sufficient data and robust quality processes. Then they might shop in China and buy from local Chinese manufacturers but
start depending on outsourcing not only for cost benefits but only some top service providers have delivery centers in China.
also for overall benefits.” Over a period of time these western MNCs like
Some suppliers have set up their centers in China and are Accenture, IBM, Infosys, TCS, Wirpo, have gained confi-
dealing with a number of clients but none of them have huge dence in running their businesses in China. Companies like
clients. They are all getting themselves positioned for an Accenture have their centers in China.
upcoming wave of procurement Accenture started its pro-
outsourcing. curement delivery hub to serve
“A lot of MNCs have been “Local companies in China multi-national clients in 2002
controling their spends from in Dalian and established itself
other parts of the world. I antic- believe that they can do every- as a strong procurement service
ipate that there is significant thing themselves and at a cheap- provider over a period of 8
uptaking in this kind of out- years.
soursing in the next four-five er rate. But what we see in the David Conte, Senior
years. People have now started coming years is that they would Executive, Accenture
thinking that outsourcing Procurement BPO Solutions,
makes sense.” no longer have sufficient data says, “China not only provides
China is a complex place for
foreign businesses. Regulations
and robust quality processes.” access to a large, highly skilled
talent base of procurement pro-
are sometimes unclear, and Michael Rehkopf, Analyst TPI fessionals but, just as important-
often not helpful. Contract ly, it provides access to local sup-
enforcement can be tricky. Its pliers and low cost services.”
business culture differs from that of India. And most impor- He opines that China's cost competitiveness will remain a
tantly, language forms a critical barrier. key differentiator for multi-national clients.
Nearly 10 to 15% of all PO deals signed in the last 3 years Conte also says that with other markets, there will be new
have China as a delivery location. The key locations in China opportunities for growth in China as the supply base contin-
from a PO perspective are Dalian, Guangzhou, Shenzen, and ues to mature and expand into new segments. Additionally,
Shanghai. China will continue to be an important location for helping
Everest classifies 20+ PO suppliers into emerging suppli- clients manage and balance supplier risk. More generally, we
ers, leaders and major contenders based on a comprehensive also expect to see continued demand from clients to help
assessment of capabilities and market success. Nearly a third them add value and analytical insight from their BPO engage-
of all these PO suppliers have presence in China. However, it ments back into their business.
is interesting to note that while all PO leaders have a China- PO, which is still not mature in China, is growing at a
based presence, only 25% major contenders have delivery slow pace. Due to this its capabilities are untapped by many
capabilities in China and none of the emerging players is pre- companies.
sent in China. So it is pretty evident that China is an impor- Gupta says, “PO is growing in China but I haven't seen
tant cog in the overall delivery strategy for established PO too many suppliers from Chinese origin coming into play.
suppliers and is emerging as a differentiator. They are all global suppliers. There is this value proposition
Surabh Gupta, Analyst, Everest, says, “The biggest issue that a country operates on low cost country model. That is
with China is that there is a lack of service culture. Chinese distinctive and unique about China and no other geography
Government philosophy is based on producing cheapest and can support this.” GS

24 GlobalServices November 2010

Market analysis

Strong Contract Restructuring

Leads Weak Q3
Restructuring of contracts heavily influenced the last three quarters,
and will continue to influence Q4
By Sruthi Ramakrishnan

he TPI Q3 analysis shows that a pause in the market they initially took at the start of the recession. Projects involv-
recovery has dampened year-to-date momentum (see ing new scope and budget approval are once again being
Fig.1), but data and service provider feedback suggest delayed. Restructuring which bring quicker and potentially
that a more active 4Q10 is underway. easier returns to bottom lines tend to move forward unim-
Restructuring of contracts has heavily influenced how the peded,” said Keppel.
last quarter, and in fact the annual TCV (Total Contract In numbers, restructuring constituted 20% of the market
Value), have shaped up. “In the 1st quarter of this year there for both ITO and BPO and about 1/3rd of TCV. The relative
was an unprecedented 42% of global TCV which were strengthening of BPO contract restructuring shows the
restructuring related. At that maturing of the BPO market
time we anticipated more as some of the larger oppor-
renewals were on the way. In tunities awarded in the mid-
Q3 they make 48% of global “Some of the 7- 10 year dle of the decade come up for
TCV,” said John Keppel, contracts rewarded in the early renewal.
Partner & Managing On the other hand, new
Director, TPI Research, part of the decade are up for scope activities were down,
Analytics and Intelligence at renewal. At the same time, some not just in terms of global
The TPI Index webinar. market share but also by
“Restructuring TCV repre- of the recent 3-5 year contracts. absolute TCV numbers. New
sents about 34% of the global
market, compared to the 20%
As a result, there were more scope TCV was down signifi-
cantly, by about 50% QoQ
we’ve typically seen over the contracts being restructured and YoY. Clearly, new trans-
past 3 years.” actions are not entering the
The past quarter saw some
simultaneously,” market as quickly as they
large restructurings- General John Keppel, Partner & Managing used to in previous years.
Motors, Bank of Ireland, This is being attributed at
ABN Amro, etc. In fact, six of
Director, TPI Research least partly to the recession
this year’s nine mega-deals and delay in new projects.
were restructurings.
One of the reasons for this extent of restructuring activity Industry- wise
is the change in the timing of renewals. “Some of the 7- 10 For ITO, which has seen consistent performance since 2006,
year contracts rewarded in the early part of the decade are up a huge Q1 followed by two weaker quarters has resulted in a
for renewal. At the same time, some of the recent 3-5 year flat year. Most of the ITO mega-deals awarded have bundled
contracts. As a result, there were more contracts being restruc- Infrastructure and ADM together. Much of the activity in this
tured simultaneously,” said Keppel. space was restructuring related.
Another reason is that larger economic difficulties still While BPO TCV is typically comprised mostly of new
cover outsourcing adoption. “In North America especially, scope, an increasing amount is restructurings. The traditional
CIOs and CFOs are returning to a restraining posture that BPO strengths- contact centers, FSO, HRO, F&A generally

25 GlobalServices November 2010

Market analysis

3Q10 and YTD Headlines

Restructurings include renegotiations, renewals, extensions

Source: The TPI Index: An Informed View of the State of the Global Commercial Outsourcing Market
Third Quarter 2010

trended downwards and have been lower that their 2006 lev- ond largest outsourcing market in the world in 2010, and
els, while there was some pickup in HRO and FSO. More the Dutch market provided strength in Europe. The results
than half the activity in multi-process BPO was restructuring in both geographies have been heavily influenced by large
related. The emerging R&D KPO activity is picking up in restructurings signed during the first nine months of this
volume and contracts. year.
Geographically, APAC has shown the most fluctuation, at
Region-wise 49%, due to a few large deals.
The Americas experienced a decline in both the number and
TCV of contracts in the past quarter. This is important espe- Industry Segment- wise
cially since the Americas, and the US IT market in particular The Financial Services sector has grown the most this year,
have been leading the market recovery which began in 3Q last supported by large mega-deal restructurings. Driven mainly
year. Despite this, TCV for this year is high because of by EMEA region, the growth in this sector has been support-
extremely strong first half performance and this makes the ed by megadeal restructurings in the region, like that of ABN
Americas the largest buyer of outsourcing services so far this Amro. Manufacturing has not improved on the same lines,
year. “The US, which is traditionally the dominant force in though the Americas saw activity in this space.
the Americas region, has improved its share of the global mar- Retail, travel and transport, and hospitality sectors have
ket from 36% to 44& YoY to date. The Americas is expected adopted outsourcing at an increasing pace over the last year.
to end this year on the upside,” said Duncan Aitchison, Retailers, still experiencing top line pressure, are looking at
Partner & President, TPI EMEA. outsourcing to help reduce costs. Hospitality, travel and trans-
More contracts were granted in EMEA than Americas port have nearly doubled their contract values.
this quarter, but this region is still lagging behind Americas Looking at the number of deals coming up for renewal,
in both metrics. Within EMEA, there seems to be a lot of 2011 again looks like it will be very active on the restructur-
activity in less mature markets. The Nordic region, the sec- ing front, though not as much as 2010. GS

26 GlobalServices November 2010

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