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Duration: 3Hours
ENGLISH LANGUAGE 9093/22 Paper 2 Writing


Answer one question from Section A and one question from
Section B. You are reminded of the need for good English and clear
presentation in your answers.
Specify the section and the question you have chosen.
Any answer that is not clear will be given zero.
Type your answer and edit it before submitting. If your answer sheet
that is not typed is not clear you will be given zero.
Follow the due time the close time does not allow you to submit
All questions in this paper carry equal marks.
You should write between 400–600 words for each question

Section A: Imaginative writing

1 Write a story called At Last, about a person who has waited a very
long time for something important to happen. In your writing,
create a sense of this person’s mood and how it changes through
the story.

2 Write two contrasting pieces (300–450 words each) about a child’s

birthday party, the first from the perspective of the child, and the
second from the perspective of the child’s parent. In your writing,
create a sense of mood and place.

3 Write a descriptive piece called The Ruins, about the remains of

an ancient site. In your writing, create a sense of atmosphere and
Section B: Writing for an audience
4 In class, you have been discussing the future of education. Write
an article for your school magazine, focusing on whether children in
the future should learn in traditional classrooms, or whether they
should only learn online, from home.

5 A new science-fiction film was released recently. Write two

contrasting reviews (300–450 words each) of the film, which will be
published on a website called Your Movie News. One of the reviews
is positive about the film, and the other is critical of it.

6 The principal of an international college is going to give a speech

to final-year students on the last day of term. Write the text of the
speech. Focus on the principal’s good wishes, the school’s pride in
the students, and advice for the students as they set out on a new
phase of their lives.

Section: A

It all started on this day where Irving a 6 year old went with his dad
to an NBA game in California their hometown. Irving fell in love with
the game since then Irving has been aiming at the NBA at an early
age. 3 years later, Irving is now 9 years old and is deep in
basketball and his in the senior team of the school but the school
coach doesn’t seem to like him for some Irving Perseus
his dreams things get tougher, the coach is now determined to
eliminate the young talented Irving. The selections are in 2 weeks
and Irving has been working day and night but he can’t seem to
reach where he wants to .finally 2 days from the selection Irving is
now on point and is ready to surpass his limits. The game day has
come and Irving is ready for the show and finally Irving gets in the
court he starts off pretty well and impresses the electioneers ad
everything seems to go fine until the coach replaces him and put
someone else in the court for no reason and that’ make Irving get
mad. But eventually the crowd requires for Irving’s return when he
gets back to the court he was really excited and ready to destroy
anything that gets in his way. Irving gets an opportunity to show
his skills and turns out very bad cause he gets injured due to
excitement that lead him to do things he cannot control. The injury
turns out to be very dangerous and gets advised to do not get
involved in physical exercise for the next 7 years! Knowing the
information Irving is on the verge of killing himself but he does not
lose hope and still has faith in him.7 years later of no sports Irving
still believes he can make it at 16 years old Irving is very
At last after 4 years of hard work Irving makes it to the NBA and
guess who comes to felicitate him first ?his old coach who gave him
a hard time. Ironically everything ends well.

Section: B

Students should learn in the traditional way :

It has been scientifically proved that e-learning or studying online is much less
productive than the old traditional way where a student is face to face with a
teacher. E-learning has many advantages but its disadvantages over weighs its
advantages nevertheless some people think the opposite just because it is easier.
Learning the hard way is the right way:
Most of the people prefer to study online because it is easier meaning you can
easily find information when asked a question while learning the traditional way
someone first fails at learn but as they always say you learn through your
mistakes which the E-learner will never experience because he keeps
accumulating grades which are not his.
E-learning must be referred to only in extreme times:
According to our sources E-learning was conceived for extreme cases where
people are not expected to make a thing. E-learning has too much disadvantage
to be considered to be as a project for the future
The cons of E-learning:
Online student feedback is limited which makes hard to understand for the
student, E-Learning requires strong self-motivation and time management
skills which many students don’t have. Lack of communicational skill
development in online students, Online instructors tend to focus on theory
rather than practice, E-Learning lacks face-to-face communication and the
major one is Online learning is inaccessible to the computer illiterate
To sum up everything:
E-learning must be minimized at all cost because it is a burden to the society and
its people due to the reasons we have discussed above. I hope I have been
persuasive enough for us to take action when it is not too late for action to be

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