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Assumption and Independence Day

Introduction for the Mass

Today, we celebrate two significant and related events.
These are the Assumption of our Blessed Mother Mary
and our 74th Independence Day.
The reason why these events are related is because they
are both about Freedom. Independence Day is celebrated
as freedom from foreign rule; and the Assumption is a
freedom from this limited and incomplete life to the bliss
of eternal life. Every Indian Christian has reason to be
proud of both Mother Mary and Mother India.
Let us remember with a sense of gratitude those
thousands of freedom fighters who sacrificed their lives to
liberate our country; and also, those brave soldiers even
now defending our borders and protecting our freedom.
So, while unfurling our National Flag in celebration of the
74th Independence Day, let us reflect on the true values
of freedom which begin with Mother Mary and her Son
Jesus, the models of true freedom.

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