First Check-Up:: My Alp-Basic 8

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First Check-Up:
PATIENT: Good Afternoon Doctor Guzman.
DOCTOR: Good Afternoon Judith. How can I help you?
PATIENT: I don’t know. I don’t feel well. Well, I’ve been feeling sickness and weak and right now,
I have a stomachache.
DOCTOR: What did you eat the last night?
PATIENT: Chicken fried and Chauffer … Do you think the food did me wrong?
DOCTOR: Maybe, You shouldn’t eat such heavy things at night. Do you usually eat that, right?
PATIENT: Yes, you are right.
DOCTOR: Ok, I’ll explain to you. When you eat heavy food at night, your body doesn’t rest well
because it is working especially if you make it a habit.
PATIENT: You are right but I don’t have time working all day and I get very tired to cook
DOCTOR: I understand you but you need to correct your diet.
PATIENT: As you say.
DOCTOR: Do you have any other symptoms?
DOCTOR: Are you allergic to any medications?
PATIENT: No, I’m not.
DOCTOR: Meanwhile, I'm going to prescribe some painkillers. Take 1 tablet for 3 days. You also
need to have a blood test and eat a soft diet.
PATIENT: In other words, I forget all kinds of fried foods.
DOCTOR: Of course! Don't eat fried food! Eat lots of fruits, vegetables and boiled foods.
PATIENT: I promise I will.
DOCTOR: I'm sure you'll be fine. Come back with the results and I’ll give you a diagnosis and a
PATIENT: Thank you doctor. Have a good day.
Second Check-Up:
PATIENT: Good Afternoon Doctor Guzman.
DOCTOR: Good Afternoon Judith. What’s the matter? Tell me.
PATIENT: I have done everything you told me and I still feel bad. I don't know what's wrong with
my body. I've had a fever, general malaise, diarrhea and still nauseous.
DOCTOR: Ok. I'm going to check your temperature.
PATIENT: Your temperature is 39°, so you have a fever.
DOCTOR: Please stand up!
PATIENT: (the patient stands up)
DOCTOR: Do you feel pain here?
PATIENT: Yes, it hurts a lot!
DOCTOR: Okay, I think I understand what's going on. Did you take the blood test?
PATIENT: Yes, here are the results.
DOCTOR: You have the following symptoms general malaise, diarrhea, fever, stomach pain, and
especially severe pain in the lower right side of your abdomen, so you have appendicitis. And the
results confirm my suspicions. You need to stay in the hospital.
DOCTOR: Don’t worry! Let’s get you taken care of.

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